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A Declaration of War

A declaration of war has been made. There hasn't been any formal announcement. There hasn't been any press coverage about it. There hasn't been any panic in the streets. No one is shouting to man the defenses yet. The odds are that you've heard about it, you just don't recognize it for what it is. onsider these actions of the abomination called the !bama administration" #$ the refusal of the %epartment of &'ustice( to enforce e)isting laws regarding voting and immigration* +$ the appropriation by the %epartment of ,omeland -ecurity of over #.. billion rounds of ammunition, weapons, and armored vehicles /all of which are items of war, which this &department( is not authorized to conduct$* 0$ the militarization of state and local law enforcement agencies* 1$ the mass release of illegal aliens* .$ the refusal to enforce immigration laws* 2$ the reduction of capabilities of the armed forces through se3uestration measures /which this administration demanded as part of its budget &agreement($* 4$ the unconstitutional and illegal authorization of this president for the dispensing of private information on citizens throughout the intelligence community* 5$ the authorization and willingness 6 of this president to circumvent the legislative process* 7$ the absolute refusal of administration officials to abide by legal process issued by ongress or to respond to 3uestions under legitimate authority of oversight e)ercised by ongress* #8$ the unmitigated assault on civil liberties, in general* ##$ the unprecedented assault on the + nd Amendment through illegal and unconstitutional directives, orders, and &legislation(* #+$ the creation of internment camps throughout the 9nited -tates* #0$ the continuation of the so6called &:atriot Act(* #1$ the nationalization of the medical industry through &!bamacare(* #.$ the destruction of the energy industry* and, #2$ passage of the National %efense Authorization Act in which the 9nited -tates is declared a battlefield and American citizens are subject to indefinite detention without rights. The Nazi party did much the same in pre6;;<< =ermany. >or the most part, the citizens of =ermany did nothing but ac3uiesce to the demands of the government a government that was &democratically( elected. They refused to stand against the &legal( usurpations of ,itler and his henchmen. And loo? what it got them. ;hen they most needed to put a stop to that madman's insanity and the atrocities of his followers they were powerless. ;e won't be. Those who argue that there is a difference between the two political parties are arguing from a flawed perspective they still believe the hype. There is no longer any &two6party( system in the 9nited -tates. As evidence, consider 'ohn @c ain and Aindsey =raham, just two of those who ran for office and were elected on the false premise that they were Bepublicans. This was supposed to place them in opposition to most, if not all, of the %emocrat agenda to grow government at the e)pense of personal rights and liberty. Bepeatedly, the Bepublican party has demonstrated, as a whole and through these two, in particular /as well as the Bove's throughout the political world$ that it is no more opposed to the %emocrat party than is necessary for electionCre6election. !ther than that, the Bepublicans and %emocrats are rightfully referred to as Bepublicrats. All of this points to the fact /it is no longer a belief$ that these enemies of the 9nited -tates are wor?ing toward the destruction of our Bepublic for their own, personal interests as well as for the ban?ers. This war has already been declared. <t is already in operation. The bloodshed is coming. ,ow you respond will determine whether you survive or die at their hands and whether that happens on your ?nees or standing on your own two feet. The choice, for patriots, is simple. The cowards, on the other hand, will sit on the fence watching and waiting until the tidal wave hits their doorstep. They are too afraid to say anything against this administration and its traitorous companions li?e @c ain and =raham. <f you are one of the many who ridicule those of us learning to survive such a situation and becoming self6reliant /if we aren't already$, you are the very people who will suffer the most under the war against Americans /!bama and his cronies are not Americans$. To those of you who support this abomination of an administration, it won't go easy for you, not during and especially not after this war is over. De forewarned, those of us who are willing to fight your criminal actions will not go easily and will not tolerate your attempts to destroy us piecemeal. =entlemen, prepare to defend yourselves /than? you, -@ :lumley$. De a patriot. -tand up and be counted. Besist. Bemember, you ARE the resistance.

The Swamp Fox

+.@ar#0 americanpatriotleague.com

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