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Victoria A Gilmartin

2631 Irving St Muskogee, OK 74403 9188695694 gilmartv nsuok!e"u

Objective #u$li% &elations ma'or (o)ing to use m* e"u%ation to meet a %om)an*+s or in"iviuals e,)e%tations in t(e -ork .or%e!

Education Bachelor of Media Studies in Public Relations Ma* 2014 2ort(eastern State 3niversit*

/nti%i)ate" 0ra"uation 1ate 4a(le5ua(, OK

Employment istory !aitress 6armon* 6ouse 7ustomer Servi%e 8aiting 4a$les 9aking 7ookies 8orking t(e &egister

Ma* 2013 to #resent Muskogee, OK

!aitress M* #la%e 8est 7ustomer Servi%e8aiting 4a$les 8orking t(e &egister 7leaning 6an"ling t(e )(one

:ul* 2010 to Ma* 2013 Muskogee, Ok

"OMM#$%&' VO(#$&EER SERV%"ES Se5uo*a( ;lementar* servi%e learning< 30 (ours 7(erokee ;lementar* servi%e learning<30 (ours 0ol"en &ule Still-ater 6uman So%iet* =/ 6os)ital St! :ose)( ;lementar*7reek ;lementar*

S)ills 7ustomer Servi%e! >amiliar -it( so%ial netorking sites su%( as 4-itter an" >a%e$ook 7an -ork 1ream-eaver, #(otos(o), Mi%roso.t 8or" an" ;,%el! #re)are" a Marketing #lan .or ;"ie+s $oti5ue #re)are" a Management #lan .or a 4<s(irt %om)an*

References Melanie 7are* #u$li% &elations 1ire%tor Muskogee #u$li% S%(ools 202 8! 9roa"-a* St! Muskogee, OK 74401 918<684<3700 Karen 8ilson 1;7/ Muskogee #u$li% S%(ool 3200 ; S(a-nee &" Muskogee, OK 74403 918<684<3750 1r! 1ana ;versole 1e)artment o. Me"ia Stu"ies 600 2ort( 0ran" /venue 4a(le5ua(, OK 74464 918<456<5511 ;?4! 2891 9ru%e S(ro)s(ire M* #la%e 8est 4322 8 Okmulgee Muskogee, OK 74401 918<683<5202

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