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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Robby Reece
Is about



Main idea Main idea

Set of teaching models that uses problems as the focus for developing problem-solving skills, content, and self-regulation
Main idea Main idea





Identify Topic Topic is more complex and abstract than teaching a concept Topics do not have specific characteristics, so planning is less concrete Specify Learning Objectives Problem-solving ability and self-directed learning are long-term objectives and students need ongoing experiences to reach them Persevering when students struggle is important Identify Problems Problems are most effective if they are clear, concrete, and personalized Must determine if the students have enough prior knowledge to effectively design a strategy for solving it Access Materials

Must have access to the materials needed Materials will influence group size Groups should be mixed: ability, gender and ethnicity

Review and Present Problem Begins with the review of prior knowledge Most effective if you specify the problem Problem-solving ability is personal and depends on experience Form groups in this phase Devise a Strategy Provide enough guidance, but not too much Must decide whether intervening with struggling groups is needed Which instructional decision is likely to result in the most long-term learning? Implement the Strategy Must provide scaffolding by asking questions that provide guidance for the students If you choose to intervene, it is hard to allocate adequate time to each group Discuss and Evaluate Results Ask students to assess the validity of their solutions Eliminate misconceptions Students tend to accept answers whether or not they make sense.

Alternative Assessments- Direct examination of student performance on significant tasks that are relevant to life outside of school Performance Assessments- Tasks in which students demonstrate their level of competence or knowledge or skill by carrying out an activity or creating a product Systematic Observation- Form of assessment that requires teachers to specify criteria for the processes they are assessing and take notes based on the criteria Checklists- Written descriptions that must be present in an acceptable performance Checklists are limited by requiring a yes or no response from the evaluator Rating Scales- Written descriptions of an acceptable performance together with scales of values on which each dimension is rated Assessing group performance may provide a distorted picture of individual performance

Capitalizes on motivating effects of curiosity, challenge, authentic tasks, involvement, and autonomy Intrinsically motivating by arousing curiosity and presenting a sense of challenge Arouse students innate desire to understand how the world works Authentic Tasks- learning activities that require understanding that can be used in the world outside the classroom Motivating because they help students see how abstract concepts and processes relate to the real world Student autonomy increases when students have choices in deciding what to do and how to do it\ Involvement is high when students conduct their investigations Students choice is motivating

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The Problem-Based Model is good because it teaches problem-solving skills. Student motivation is a large part of success with this model. Students want to learn because of the challenge and involvement.

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