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Comandos: sip reload .- se debe ejecutar en la consola de asterisk cada que se modifique el archivo sip.conf dialplan reload .

- cuando se hacen cambios en el dialplan

sip show peers .- permite verificar el estado de registros sip show peer 1000 .- mas detalle acerca de una conexin

archivos.extensions.conf configuracion basica

[globals] [general] autofallthrough=yes [default] [incoming_calls] exten => 1000,1,Verbose(1|Extension 1000) exten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,30) exten => 1000,n,Hangup() [internal] [phones] include => internal **le dice a asterisk ue continue cuando una exension ejecuta otras operaciones

[general] [1000] type=friend context=phones host=dynamic secret=guessthis -+---------------------------------------extensiones exten => 123,1,Answer()

In this example, the extension name is 123, the priority is 1, and the application is Answer(). Now, lets move ahead and explain priorities and applications. The following extension would answer the phone (in priority number 1), and then hang it up (in priority number 2):
exten => 123,1,Answer() exten => 123,2,Hangup()

para cuando tienes muchas prioridades

exten exten exten exten exten => => => => => 123,1,Answer() 123,n,do something 123,n,do something else 123,n,do one last thing 123,n,Hangup()

Internally, Asterisk will calculate the next priority number every time it encounters an n. You should note, however, that you must always specify priority number 1. If you accidentally put an n instead of 1 for the first priority, youll find that the extension will not be available.

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