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HTML Page setup

Open Notepad, and type out this:






Save as filename.html you can view it in the browser if you open.

Setting up Windows to save as .html

You have to set your windows so that files display their file extension. Like file.txt,
will be a notepad TXT file. File.jpg will be a jpg file.

To do that
Press CTRL + E (it will open My Computer) -> Go to -> Tools -> Folder Options
-> View -> Uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types”

Creating an HTML Table

<td> Content</td>

Tag Attributes

<table class=”classname”></table>
<table border=”0”></table>
<table cellpadding=”0”></table>
<table cellspacing=”0”></table>

Or <table class=”classname” border=”0” cellpading=”0” cellspacing=”0”></table>

Attributes are optional parameters to customize how the output looks.

<!-- HTML Comments -->

To make Web server recognize that the file is the front page of the site

You have to name your file index.html in that folder, that would be the first page
the user sees when he enters that folder.


<b>This is bold text</b> <br />

<i>This is italic text</i> <br />
<u>This is underlined text</u> <br />

<br /> is a line break, if you don’t put it the text will continue on the same line.

<p>This is a paragraph</p> Paragraph tag this will make a paragraph

<div>This text is in container</div> Container tag, you won’t see anything

different only that

<span>This text is just regular text</span>


To make HTML pretty you need to know Cascading Style Sheets or CSS.

References to learn from XHTML = HTML modern is a very nice reference Making HTML tables

Nice HTML beginner tutorial – very good one

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