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Literacy Narrative: Draft Outline Possible topics: o Medical magazine and how I spelled and wrote words o Phoni!

ni! "pelling# typing# reading elates to my curiosity and interest in medical related things Nursing

o $ordly%$ise o $riting &ests: 'I( deal in school) *+,th grade# -th# .th/ $riting was so stressed Pass0fail Didn1t feel prepared 2inally test day and I got the pac3et $rote and got a -4

o Parents always spelling around you li3e you didn1t 3now what they were saying5 wanted in on the 6secrets7 o +,th grade 8nglish class: 9nimal 2arm New world of 8nglish and writing for me o Never 3new that ob:ects in a boo3# such as pigs on a farm# actually represent real people and real events that could be e!pressed in a way and during a time that things were not allowed and people still found a way around the 6law of the land7 o Means of e!pression# not :ust stories o ++th grade 8nglish class:

"carlet Letter Lots of symbolism that ties in to the story and is was e!tremely important to understanding aspects in the novel as well as a whole wor3 *and understanding characters/ o (raveyard# roses# scaffold# Pearl# color red# letter 9# etc) 9uthors intentions: changing moods# changing perspectives and opinions of characters in the boo3# shaping the characters in the boo3 *based on personal views0bias;/# creating ideals0morals0values to fit to that time period5creates a new level of understanding for that period and situation 2irst eye opener to different levels of thin3ing <igher vocabulary More difficult to understand5more abstract ealized that there was more to :ust reading words and that words together in a novel were gathered in a manner the author intended to ma3e the reader thin3 and interpret things differently= a reason to all the madness and seemingly meaningless paragraphs "mall groups opened my eyes to a multitude of perspectives and allowed me to realize that a person1s e!periences shape the way they thin3 and understand things in literature as well as life

(reat (atsby: "ymbolism at its finest Movie vs the boo3 o 'oo3 and class taught me to loo3 for symbols as I read and pay closer attention to the subliminal meanings rather than :ust literal o >aught symbols from the boo3 in the movie Made it more interesting

o Many literary devices used

o 8mphasized areas in movie li3e in the boo3 that I probably wouldn1t have consciously recognized otherwise o +?th grade: +@A >haracters represent ideals as well

>hanged0developed over time

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