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Muhammad islam

, Karachi , PAKISTAN / E-mail: Sky e I! Muhammed.islam007

To apply my skills in a challenging and vibrant environment that fastens and rewards positive attitude, proactive work style and shared goals through initiatives. Wishing to capitalize on past achievements and ideally seeking senior position in a highly professional.

Professional Mannerism
"ard #orker, res o$si%le, &as' lear$er a$d e(ually e&&ec'i)e #orki$* i$de e$de$'ly or colla%ora'i)ely i$ a 'eam e&&or'.

Professional Experien e
A! RAJ"I BA#$ %$&A' (AMMAM All Issua$ce o& Ty e o& +emi''a$ces , !!, P-. +eco$cilia'io$ o& SAMA Accou$'s o$ daily %asis. Pre ara'io$ o& I$#ard -u'#ard /leari$*, I's os'i$* record kee i$* a$d %ala$ci$*. E$'ire /om u'er a$d ma$ual os'i$* o& a%o)e me$'io$ed assi*$me$'s. 0oucher /hecki$*. To e$sure smoo'h ru$$i$* o& cash ro)ide o$e #i$do# o era'io$

Ma) *+,*007 -o (a-e

IBB.As/ari Ban/ !imi-ed ,$ara hi O0.III1

All Issua$ce o& Ty e o& +emi''a$ces , !!, P-. +eco$cilia'io$ o& S1P Accou$'s o$ daily %asis. Pre ara'io$ o& I$#ard -u'#ard /leari$*, I's os'i$* record kee i$* a$d %ala$ci$*. E$'ire /om u'er a$d ma$ual os'i$* o& a%o)e me$'io$ed assi*$me$'s. 0oucher /hecki$*. S'ar' o& !ay E$d o& !ay I$ char*e /ash !e ar'me$' To e$sure smoo'h ru$$i$* o& cash ro)ide o$e #i$do# o era'io$ Mo$i'ors 'he cash ma$a*eme$' i$ adhere$ce 'o 'he S1P re*ula'io$. 0aul' ha$dli$* 2ocal a$d &orei*$ curre$cy cash recei)i$* a$d ayme$' ATM re le$ishme$' ATM ro%lem resolu'io$

&ep- *002 -o (EC *002 PICIC

-$li$e 1a$ki$* E$sure smoo'h #orki$* o& all *e$eral %a$ki$* de ar'me$'

T#o mo$'hs #orki$* e3 erie$ce i$ PICIC 1a$k duri$* I$'er$shi eriod.

A ademi s (u-ies and Responsi4ili-ies

Sys'em Mai$'e$a$ce ,"ard#are4So&'#are. Tra$sac'io$ Pos'i$*s ,Au'o-1a$ker. /leari$* ,I$#ard a$d -u'#ard. I1/ 5 -1/ I$'er$al +e or's ,-$li$e e'c. Remittance

Trainin5 and (e6elopmenA''e$d 'he &ollo#i$* 'rai$i$* courses &rom Askari 'rai$i$* Academy Karachi a$d +a#al i$di 6. /ash ma$a*eme$' 2. /leari$* a$d +emi''a$ces 7. Ma$a*i$* /us'omers com lai$s A''e$d 'he &ollo#i$* 'rai$i$* courses &rom Al Ra7hi Ban/ %A! M8JA9 E(8CATIO# :TRAI#I#0' 6 2 7 4 /om lia$ce 5 A$'i Mo$ey lau$deri$* 5 'he Pri$ci le o& &i$a$ci$* 'errorism o& 'errorism o& k$o# your /us'omer /ourse. I$'roduc'io$ 'o !e'ec' &or*ery a$d /ou$'er&ei' %a$k$o'es a$d !ocume$' &or 1a$kers. +e*ula'io$s a$d I$s'ruc'io$s o& &audia Ara4ian mone-ar) A5en ) Course Cus-omer Care Ex ellen e

A hie6emen-; Cash a<ard

To secured 7'd osi'io$ i$ 'he o$e #eak 'eller 'rai$i$* course a$d recei)ed 28994: cash a#ard ;rom Trai$i$* Academy < askari %a$k 2imi'ed

1achelor i$ commerce I$'ermedia'e /ommerce S/ Me'ric Koha' =$i)ersi'y o& scie$ce a$d Tech$olo*y. Tech$ical 1oard Pesha#ar Pesha#ar 1oard Sessio$ 299> Sessio$ 2994 Sessio$ 2992

Compu-er &/ills
? Mo$'h !i loma o& com u'er scie$ce &rom Koha' /olle*e o& /ommerce a$d Ma$a*eme$'

Communi a-ion
6. E$*lish 2. =rdu

7. Pash'o

;a'her@s Name: !a'e o& 1ir'h: Place o& 1ir'h: +eli*io$: /NI/ N-. PASSP-+T N-. Muhammad Aslam >+,#OV >?@A. $ara hi, Pa/is-an. Islam.

1ro#si$* $e', +eadi$* %ooks, 2is'e$i$* Music a$d /ricke'.

A)aila%le o$ re(ues'.

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