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Will Goltra Creative Writing September 24, 2013 Free Writing Project Product Smiley

The Begging

Come on Brit! Im getting board! Jimmy screams as he keeps his impatient stare on Brittany. Come here. I need to show you something. At this point in time they are best friends. Standing at 62, Jimmy can just see over a bolder like wall thats top had been broken off a while ago. Brittany was one year older then Jimmy but that didnt bother them. They are really close. In fact they both made an oath, right before graduating high school that stated that there would be no separating them. Right now they are in an old abandoned shack like building. Theyre other two friends, Tim and Jonah had already made there way down the long windy road, heading back into town. They lived in a normal sized town called Bloomer. Its populated with dropout students and gangs. Most people are living on Skid Row and dont know how to continue their lives. Any way, when he heard what she said he had a feeling that she was curious. He could sense in her voice that she was inquisitive. He started pacing through the

old abandoned shed to an open room. He saw Brittany squatting in the corner of the room. It looked like she was staring down on something. Whats wrong? he said with confusion in his voice, I do not like this place. Same with Tim and Jonah. Jimmy felt that she was the only one who actually enjoyed this shed. When Jimmy slowly approached what she was looking at it seemed to be a big ditch. Do you see what I see? It looks like a hole. Yeah, something along those lines. Why would it be here? His voice cracked in anxiety and he started to shiver. Come on Brit! He is now getting angry. Before he could say anything else she asked for a penny. Jimmy shrugged but handed her the spare penny he found in his pocket that was left over from lunch. She dropped it down the hole but didnt hear it hit any bottom. After waiting for a few seconds she finally agreed with Jimmy and started to walk back to the open door in confusion. Right before reaching the door to get out of the shed Jimmy looked back to where the hole was. He saw something rise above it. He shook his head and looked again. When he looked back he saw a head rise from the bottomless hole. The first thing he saw was red, puffy hair that looked like it had not been brushed for a long while. Jimmy yelled and pointed at the sight. Then (after Brittany turned around) what they saw next had their jaw practically drop off there face. There was a white, pale face with black, beady eyes that almost looked like crystals. Lines of slow blood dripped down the front of the creatures face. Before they knew it, this creature had climbed out of the puddle and onto the ground. Jimmy was in practical shock while Brittany was on her feet, getting ready

to run. The thing quickly got to its feet and smiled wide. Its teeth were sharp like but were also stained and moldy. Before they could react it said, Its Smiley! Before the so-called Smiley could finish its sentence Jimmy and Brittany bolted back to the front door. The thing called Smiley just stood there with his head tilted one way with a big wide smile spreading over his pale, look. Jimmy ran ahead while Brittany was trailing behind. They both wanted to cry but there breath was taken. They ran down the hill within minutes with all their might, trying not to trip over them selves. When they finally reached the bottom of the hill, they both took time to regain their breath. When they finally recovered from there all out sprint, they stared at each other in total shock. The first thing Jimmy said was, Should we tell them. No, well yes, well I dont know! You cant just expect me to know things. Why are you so annoying! Get a hold of your self! He screamed as he grabbed her shoulder, I didnt do anything. They both calmed down but they were still in total disbelief. After a while of thinking they then decided to walk back to where they lived. A few minutes later they reached their apartments. They lived in these old slum apartments where drunkards usually lived. When they walked into the building and up the stairs into the long hallway where most people lived, Jimmy noticed Brittany trembling. Their apartments were so close to each other and their walls were practically paper. Their walls were so crappy that they could practically here each other think. As they both said good night Brittany said something that made Jimmys peach fuzz rise off his face, Can I stay at your place tonight? I am kind

of freaked out about the whole thing and I really dont want to be alone. Jimmy responded quickly, maybe a bit too quick, Of course. I would love I mean ahh to have a partn I mean friend stay at my place for the night. She smiled as her cheeks turned red and then decided she should grab her clothes for the night. He agreed and walked to his place to clean up. In fact he ran into his place to clean up all of the mountainous piles of cloths that he had left on his apartment floor. Ten minutes later she knocked on his front door in sweat pants and Uggs.

Morning Time

The next morning they both woke up and could tell amity, well a lot of amity was in the air. I know. From last night it felt like murder and horror was in the air. As the morning went on they decided to call up their friends, Tim and Jonah, to see if they wanted to hang out. When they reached their friends on there mobile devices and finally determined where they were going to meet they remember the happening from last night. They thought it would be best that they would tell their friends in person because it would be too hard to explain over the phone. Later in the morning they met up with their friends down by the lake where they usually swam. When they met their friends they almost immediately, actually more like simultaneously, said, We need to tell you something. It was quiet until Tim was the first one to speak up and say,

What do you mean? If its about your tooth brush I am sorry, my dog had really bad breath and I didnt want you complaining. With almost full disgust Jimmy shacked that comment off and said, We saw this creature I mean clown I mean it said it was Smiley. It had this gross, unattractive hair with these disgusting teeth. It had a buttoned down onesie with a red and black platted design on it. His shoes looked to be huge and his height was enormous. He was now panting from all of this talk. Then Brittany pitched in and said, We found or it found us in the shed we were walking around in. Tim then pitched in and told them, I told you that place wasnt any good. He made an annoying smirk on his face, which made Jimmy wont to throw a punch at him. Jonah piped in and asked, Do you want to go back? He almost wanted to take the comment back because he knew Brittany wanted to and he also knew that Brittany always got what she wanted with them. As you guest it she rapidly said yes. After talking for a while they started to head back up the hill to the abandoned shed. They were walking in one big group. They got kind of bored and tired before they reached the shed and started playing head or tails. Brittany was the first to go. She won the toss so she flipped the coin. As it landed on her soft skin it bounced off her and onto the ground, rolling back about ten feet. Tim reacted to it and went to go get it. He noticed that after the coin finished rolling on the loose gravel, the coin had rolled into a bush of some sort. When he found the coin it was sticking to a branch that had fallen to the ground. It was covered in red paint so he

slowly rubbed it against his thumb. After he wiped it down he looked up to a disturbing sight. He saw dozens of bloody birds hanging from a tree. There blood was tracing out of their mouth, down their frail body, onto their foot, and drip to the forest floor. In complete revulsion he nearly fell to the ground. Before he could complete his fall he regained control of his body and looked down to his thumb. Without another seconds thought he ran back to the group. As he approached the group he noticed that they were all frozen in there tracks. He quickly said with out any breath, You guys you wont believe what I just saw. These birds they were all bloody and- Before he complete his sentence he saw what they were staring at. He now, at least thought that what he was staring at was the thing Brittany and Jimmy encountered yesterday. The thing called Smiley was waving at them with his big wide grin. He could make out the white, poufy gloves he was wearing and noticed blood smears on them. Before Tim could think any more he heard Jonah say in total scare, Is that what you guys saw ye- yes- ter- ter day? Yeah. Jimmy said, This is the thing called Smiley. Smiley then moved his hand to his side and turned his grin into a mad, frown. His hands moved into an awkward position that no one else in this almost cowboy movie like scene could do. Brittany was about to open her trap again however Smiley closed it for her. Come on. I need some fwends. Come here, wanna see some tricks? He slowly tapped his feet and started waving his hands. Brittany looked up and saw red drops of blood fall from above them. She was about to cry. Then she noticed that her feet werent on the ground. In fact she was getting lifted off the ground. She had no

control over her body. She was trying to flare her body like a newly lit fire on the wick of a candle. Eventually, after about ten seconds of trying to flare her body back and forth she then gained control of her neck and focused her sights on Smiley. She was levitating towards Smiley and started to scream. Smileys hands were making a motion that signaled for her to come here. He then, after she was within arms reach, wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her down. Jimmy, without hesitation ran towards her to save her. Smiley put his hand up and without touching him, shoved him backwards onto the ground, scraping up his elbows, making them bloody. Smiley made a hardy but at the same time weak laugh and backed up. He screamed and said, Follow me you die, retreat and tell the police you die, and if you dare try to save this hot babe I will capture you and torture you until you want to die. He grinned and pulled out a steak knife. They all thought that he was going to gut her right there and then. But instead of doing this he flung the knife at Jonah. The knife pierced his skin, making him fall back. He now cried in agony. What the hell man! Jonah said behind is helpless eye. He now saw Tim get down to where Jonah was. Jonah noticed he was on the ground covered in his own blood. Tim turned him over to see a relieving sight. Thankfully the steak knife missed his chest and hit his shoulder. While this was happening, Jimmy could only sit on his butt and stare as Brittany was getting pulled into the abandoned shack. Smiley unnecessarily flipped him off and stepped back into the door. He closed the door behind him and heard Brittany scream. This scream woke Jimmy from his shock. His own mind started to throb but his only reaction to this sound was to bolt

without thinking at the door. He got up and scrammed, no sprinted off his feet, towards the door. He ran so hard that he felt his feet turn into Jell-O. He was running in anger and also in fear. It felt like a decade before he finally nailed the door with his shoulder. He then hit the door with all his force, knocking the door off its hinges. He fell right on his face. After awhile of refocusing his eyes, he looked up to see horrifying blood marks all around the walls. The frightening part was that these marks were not here yesterday. Jimmy got to his knees and looked behind himself where an old wooden door used to stand. He was looking at Jonah who was on the ground, screaming in anguish. He saw Tim down by his side screaming at him to breath and to calm down. He then looked to see the horror in front of him. Before doing so he then stands up and looked deep into the darkness. He could smell something rotting. He wasnt sure what this smell came from but he took one more step in. Before he could do so Tim pulled him back. What are you thinking? Were you honestly about to walk in there without any back up or some kind of weapon? Damn it dude, shut up. Our friend was just abducted by some freak. Jimmy knew Tim was right, however his first instinct was to go after Brittany. He had been a best friend with Brittany forever. He didnt want to just have their friend ship come to a close like that. Jimmy started to turn light headed. He was seeing four of everything. Ah Jimmy said in pain, I dont feel so great. Before Jimmy could keep his balance to say another word he fell flat on his face.

Four Days Later

It has been four days I tell you, four days! he said to the Police Department, Are you just going to sit on your lazy donkey asses all your damn life, sitting and eating donuts when someones friend best friend has been abducted by a mass murder who you have no clue exists?! He was getting mad and frustrated but knew he was doing nothing for Brittanys sake. With all honesty I just want my friend back. He started to tear up. He could feel his throat turn dry and could feel his newly repaired shoulder start to ache. He was preparing to fall back to the exit way until he heard a big black man from behind his desk say, Where did you loose your friend again? he said with actual curiosity. She was kid-napped or more like adult-napped at the old shack on top of the biggest hill in Bloomer. I forgot what the hill was called but I can lead you there if youd like. A sense of hope started to run through his veins. Was the shack on Paramesta? The officer asked. Jimmy could tell he was onto something. Yeah but I dont- Do you want me to help you and your friend or not. He said in almost complete madness. The officers looked at this big black man in shock almost saying Are you kidding me?! Did you have a bit too much to drink or something? Ignoring their expressions he looked at him with a serious face. Really? Jimmy said in dis-belief.

No I just want to mess with your head and get your hopes up but then destroy them. Now does that sound like some thing someone would do? Well I do know- Damn it kid do you want my help or not! Oh, please. His voice sounded like he needed help. The officer got out of his seat brushing the crumbs off his shirt. Jimmy examined the shirt and noticed that there were some words sewed into the shirt saying The Best Man for the Job, The Bloomer Police Department Man. Before we get going come to my office. the officer said, Before we leave on this voyage we need some materials for the search. Before they reached his office one of the police officers said, You know if you go help this kid you probably aint coming back man. This police officer was actually a well-read man with book and street smarts. However a bit of his accent has still not left his voice. He was a big, tall man whos name was George. F off George. Are you guys just going to sit on your lazy ass all day and practically watch a girl get tortured? This girl needs our help and we arent doing anything about it. Why wont any of you guys stand up and help us? In complete silence, no one stands up. In fact some just adjusted their eyes back on their laptops. We dont even know if she is still alive damn it. George speaks up to break the silence. His left temple vein is know pumping out of his head. Jimmys jaw dropped open. His mind never processed the thought of her actually not living. Jimmys thoughts start to speak to him saying things like Shes a fighter. She can last

for a few days right? Before he has the ability to freak himself out anymore the police officer that is begging to help him in this investigation pulled him inside his a door, into his office. His voice now went down to a whisper. He couldnt hear his voice too clearly but what he could hear was, Do you want to play with some guns? I am not supposed to do this but I am really mad with the City of Bloomer and this whole incident with your friend. I am planning on quieting so I might as well help you. The only real thing I can help you with since no one else has the gut to join in with us is to give you my help and to hand you some tools that will help you take down this man. By the way my names Snyder. Jimmy started to smile but he didnt want to, he was still upset. Thank you sir- Call my Snyder, I prefer it. Alright then. After he said this he found his cold bare hands holding a fully loaded shotgun. Man was it heavy and man did he not know how to use it. He then looked up to Snyder and noticed he was holding an AK-47. Well for Jimmy this was one of the greatest experiences for him since he was totally into guns and he always wanted one for the shooting ranges. However a dull thought was in the back of his head. This time their guns would be used for a human, a creature, a Smiley


Snyder now had gathered a few flashlights that would attach to the top of their guns, giving them the ability to see in the darkness. Jimmys thought of killing

someone started to haunt him down. The thought of taking ones life for anothers didnt seem morally correct. However this was not a life for a life. This was a life for another hundred lives. Jimmy and Snyder were still in his office. Snyder wanted to wait for his crew to leave for the evening so they wouldnt get spotted. The Departments clock read ten to eleven after a while of waiting. The department was silent so they figured that it was safe. Jimmy grabbed his sweaty palm around the door handle. It looked like to Snyder that Jimmy was about to breach the door out of anger and curiosity. Jimmy slowly cracked the door open and peered into the open space. No one was there. He turned his head clock wise and told Snyder, The place is clear. No ones out there. They both tip toed out into the open and out the front door. Snyder remember that the alarm was probably rigged up already so he decided to disarm the alarm. He stepped over to the machine like thing and deactivated it. He was keying in the code as usual. He dialed a twenty eight-digit code. When he was done he had one more process to do. Simply touch the bright green button that would help them escape freely into the cold, winter night. As his handed shook he pressed down on the button, making the door open. Jimmy pushed the doors open a bit farther so they could both get through. When they approached the police car that had looked like it had been sitting there for years they noticed that it might need gas. When they hopped inside the car to look at the gas take sure enough it did need gas. They pulled out of the drive and started down the street to the near by station.

As Snyders grip on the wheel loosens as he poles up to the # 4 gas refill station he notices terror in Jimmys eyes. He was thinking that his fear is for his friend. While part of it is, another part is about his other friends. Ever since the incident Jonah has been in mental rehab. Then he remembers Tim, his old buddy who goes almost as far back as him and Brittany do. Tim has now left Bloomer. He was in too much shock and needed a break. Snyder interrupts his thoughts and states, I am going to fill the tank and then I am going to grab us some waters. Jimmy shakes his head and turns toward his side window where he can see nothing beyond the streetlights of Palmer and Yarnish. He paints an image on the window of Smileys dull face. He makes out all of his features. His puffy clowns outfit with the big round ball like things that goes on a straight line on his costume. However this time he pictured Smiley with a whole bunch of balloons that matched the color of the rainbow. Jimmy couldnt take it anymore. He slammed his fist against the window making a sliver of a crack. With more fright rising in his body, he turns back towards the gas stations mart and saw Snyder heading out. When Snyder got into the car he looked at Jimmy and said, Paramesta? With out any response he pulled out of the station and onto the road.


As Jimmy and Snyder arrive at the shack with there eyes focused in on the entranceway, Jimmy calls out to night in a quiet voice and said, Please please tell me Brittany is alright. Please tell me that she didnt get hurt. Oh- The more you moan the less of a chance your going to get in succeeding. Snyder is looking into the deep, shadowed face of Jimmy. He could tell that Jimmy was not in the right state of mind anymore. His hands are now sweatier then ever and his belief in himself is having a negative correlation to his anxiety. He needs to focus, Snyder thought to himself. There silence was then surpassed when a loud noise came from the door of the shack. There was no noticeable body standing in the entrance way but that door did not open because of the wind and it sure as hell did not open due to one of them opening it. They stared at each other blankly and began to un-buckle their seat belts. They clinched the door handles and opened the doors. When they got out the gravel was loose and the slight wind was now turning into a brisker wind. They reminded themselves to get the guns. When they reached back into the car to grab the guns Snyder could now feel the same fear Jimmy was feeling. As they both grabbed the cold, soulless guns they slammed there door shut and started walking forward towards the door. The trees were now swaying back and forth. Before they knew it, they had reached the door and stepped inside. It was dark and stale. The scent of flesh was hanging in the air and the aroma of scented candles were surprisingly in the air too. However the smell of flesh over powered it. They

flickered on their lights and began to walk. Jimmy called out to Snyder in a low voice. Where are we headed? I dont know. Dont you remember your way around? Kind of. I think- Jimmy then remember the big hole on the top of the wall that peered into another room where they found the empty ditch. He turned his gun high into the air a searched the ceiling for it. It took a while but he then spotted it and noticed that a dim light was coming from the other room. You think what? Snyder said impatiently. Just follow me. With out another word Snyder slowly trailed behind him. After walking for about ten seconds Jimmy could see a door that was lit by the same lighting Jimmy saw from the ceiling. He looked back around to see Snyder. When Snyder shook his head almost knowing what Jimmy had said they got on both sides of the door. They looked again at each other in fear and bravery. Before Jimmy knew it, Snyder kicked down the door. The scent of flesh then knocked them like Mike Tyson giving his finishing blow to his opponent. They stepped into to see a horrify sight. Flesh was strung onto every wall, covering it like the night of one of Picassos works. Ignoring the thought, Jimmy frantically looked around to see if he could see Brittany. He couldnt quite see but when he looked in the corner of the room what he made out was a cage and a body in it, a living breathing body. He could hear a faint crying. He called out this time in full voice. Brittany?

What do you want?! Youve tortured me enough and you have lashed me as many times as you like. What the hell do you want you crazy bastard! Brittany its- Then from the other side of the room where the cage was a door swung open to see the same horrifying sight Jimmy saw just a few days ago. He looked back on Snyder. Snyder was now traumatized from the sight. No. Snyder said in an angry voice. This cant be right. This cant be real! Oh its real alright. Smiley said it a happy voice. Its all fun and games. I capture the girl and you dis-obey what I say and you try to save her. Remember my warning you idiot? Yes I do and I thought about it and I decided that youre a golden flush of craziness. Jimmy cocked his gun and shot. The aim was surprisingly right on target but Smiley grabbed it out of the air. How? This is a bullet. You cant just catch one like that. Shut your useless trap. There are many impossible things in this world. Just like me. Never in a million years would you have thought to see me, this ugly sight of a human. Youd never think to see such a messed up man like me. Got that right. Snyder said in a quiet voice. What was that? Hey big though guy, say that to my face. Without hesitation Snyder gripped his gun and said, My pleasure. But there must be a reason for your madness. There has to be some kind of metal break down you had a while back that made you cause all this mayhem. What, did you drink a bit too much at the age of ten? Snyder without needing a response fired at random. He hit Smiley in the neck and hit a bunch of

dead carcasses off the wall. Smiley fell to the ground in pain. He looked up at Snyder and had his sights set on him. The great part about this was Smiley completely forgot about Jimmy. Jimmy had slowly crept around the wall, getting closer and closer towards Brittany. Smiley had now gotten off the ground and pulled out a steak knife from his back pocket. He gripped it and threw it. After this, Smiley fell back down to the ground without watching to see if he caught his prey. Right their Smiley was no no longer a clown; he was now the Sorry Clown of Bloomer. Without looking at Snyder, Jimmy ran towards the cage a grabbed Brittany by the arm that was still sitting with her back towards him. She screamed and turned. She could see the soft, comforting face of Jimmy, her true love. He bashed the cage door open that was surprisingly easy to open. He grabbed her by his side and turned around. His mind went from Brittany to now Snyder. He could see him sitting on the ground with his gun no longer clutched to his hands. The knife went from Smileys hand to Snyders collarbone. Jimmy knelt to the ground and sat down and looked and Snyder. He could tell that he was loosing too much blood. He helped him up with one arm around his neck and the other arm was used to help Brittany. They all limped out the room and into the other room where they could see the entrance. They eventually reached the car. Jimmy threw Snyder into the back seat and landed Brittany on the passengers side. Brittany tried to say something but Jimmy hushed her. Where to next? Jimmy said in total sarcasm. A slight chuckle came from the back seat. The last resort now was to leave for the hospital where Snyder would hopefully be helped.

The Kiss

Jimmy pulled into the round about where people were outside preparing to grab the injured. He pulled up and before Jimmy could get out the people who were standing on the curb opened the door to grab Snyder. He looked over to where Brittany was and whispered something to her ear. When he finished he pulled her in close and kissed her gently upon the lips. They let go and smiled at each other. Before another he could climb in for more she was pulled gently out of the car and helped into the emergency room. Jimmy moved his hands to where he had been kissed and noticed that after all of this the thing he received in return was a kiss. A kiss that would last a life time, a kiss that would be the best reward for anything, and a kiss that would begin his relationship with the love of his life Brittany.

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