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Christian Suarez 9-20-12 Morality 6 Pg.

131-135 Conformity to the standards and actions of members of our age group or social group greatly affect our way of looking at life, our values, and our way of behaving. Some conformity can be good. Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. To do what is right takes fortitude. Fortitude is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good. All virtues moderate between two extremes. The virtue of fortitude steers us between fearful inaction and foolish rashness caused by misdirected anger or a false sense of bravery. Fortitude has an active dimension that prompts us to work for Gods Kingdom. It also has a passive side that involves patient suffering for Gods Kingdom. Prudence and justice help us exercise the virtue of fortitude. Prudence teaches us what is worth suffering for; justice points out situations contrary to the gospel and worth our efforts to correct. The ultimate act of fortitude is martyrdom. Readiness to die for Jesus is one of the essential traits of being a Christian. Martyr: witness; a witness ready to suffer and even die for truth and virtue. We are a martyr when we stand up to any evil and injustice. Sacrifice builds character. Fortitude can help you to resist negative peer pressure: Resolve to be your own person: If it doesnt feel like you, dont do it. Know your own standards: You have the right to do right. Use humor and grace to say no Stay away from situations that might tempt you Remember the power of prayer. Therefore put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. Oscar Romero was a man of fortitude who did the right thing and spoke out for the poor and oppressed of his native El Salvador and the world, even though he knew it would likely lead to his death.

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