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Thiran 2012 Executive project summary

Project Title / ID Project Leader Project Mentor Details of Project Project Aim and Purpose Usage of solar power for control of home appliances as well as extend the lifetime of the ordinary battery which is used as a secondary source. Project Objectives Scope : Initial cost is somewhat high,but maintenance cost is better for all kind of peoples. Outcomes: people will feel comfortably,when they use this product with this new idea,because we use RF rather than IR, in order to avoid the short range communication and also this product has another important theme i.e it is pollution free due to using the solar power. SOLAR BASED REMOTE CONTROL/ID NUMBER 100 K.T.GANESH RAJAN B.E,EEE THIRD YEAR Mr.S.P.MOORTHY

Out of Scope:. There is no out of scope theme in our project.Every thing is perfect for our project.

Cost / Benefits Identification RS.3500/...Here Renewable energy is used at small level,it can be used at higher levels.Long life of ordinary battery,cost effective,usage of natural source are some of the benefits of this new idea

Research of Previous/Existing Projects

A)Initially We have our own idea,but for reference only,we search into some electrical and electronics books and also using internet for getting more information. B) No,It is not a complete existing project C).Here we are not reuse the output,we try to give the project output in a new way D).The differentiation factors are usage of solar panel to get power supply. Milestones : As agreed with our mentor,we have some specific deadlines for our project to complete. 6/9/2012--------Prepare the circuit for transmitter by soldering with necessary components. 9/9/2012-------Preparation of receiver circuit by soldering with necessary components. 14/9/2012-----preparation of circuit to get solar power.

22/9/2012 & 23/9/2012----Integration and test the working of the Entire project 29/9/2012--------------------Create project Report in a good manner.

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