6 Point Scale Reference Table

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6 POINT SCALE REFERENCE TABLE Only a few words are understandable Generally incoherent Linguistic features are underused or misused No use of components tying speech together or organization 50 % of speech is understandable Must be asked frequently to repeat themselves Their conversations are stunted and difficult to follow Generally inappropriate response for audience/situation Some use of components tying speech together or organization 60 % of speech is understandable You still need them to repeat and clarify many words Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Sentence structure are all problematic Generally inappropriate response for audience/situation Some use of components tying speech together or organization 80 % of their speech is understandable Conversations flow with few interruptions Some errors in Pronunciation, Vocabulary, and Sentence structure still interfere in communication Responds somewhat appropriately for audience/situation Use of components tying speech together of organization 90 % of their speech is understandable Accent is still noticeable but does not generally interfere with comprehension Generally responds appropriately for audience/situation Effective use of components tying speech together or organization Speech is fully understandable Correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary are used Communication is clear and effective, not affected by minor errors Accent is less noticeable and does not impede comprehension Responds appropriately for audience/situation Effective use of linguistic features Clear and effective use of components tying speech together or organization

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

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