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Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Author

First & Last Name of Author Authors E-mail Address College Name College Address College Phone Course
Lesson Overview Lesson Plan Title Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Question Lesson Question s Content Question s


Lesson Summary

Subject Area(s

(List all subjects that apply

Class Level !Click box(es o" all class level(s that your #nit targets$

%unior &indergarten '() ''('* +i"ted and Talented

,enior &indergarten -(. 1esource 2ther:


School !"amination #oar$ %ui$elines

3NT4L5 T46C7 T2 T74 8#T#14 9*00) 3ntel Corporation. 6ll 1ights 1eserved


Stu$ent Objectives&Learning Outcomes


A''ro"imate Time (ee$e$

Prere)uisite S*ills

+aterials an$ ,esources

Technology !ard"are #Click boxes o" all e:uip;ent needed Ca;era =ideo Ca;era Co;puter(s >rinter <igital Ca;era >rojection ,yste; Tape 1ecorder ,canner 3nternet Connection Television Technology $oft"are #Click boxes o" all so"tware needed. <atabase?,preadsheet 3;age >rocessing <esktop >ublishing 3nternet Aeb Browser 4(;ail ,o"tware @ulti;edia 4ncyclopedia on C<(12@ Printed %aterials $u&&lies 'ther (esources 'thers

=C1 =ideo Con"erencing 4:uip 2ther:

Aeb >age <evelop;ent Aord >rocessing 2ther:

Accommo$ations to su''ort $i--erent levels o- learners in your classroom

3NT4L5 T46C7 T2 T74 8#T#14 9*00) 3ntel Corporation. 6ll 1ights 1eserved

(esource $tudent

)ifted $tudent
Stu$ent Assessment

.ey /or$ Search

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