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Laurent And Benon Group Hospitality Business Client Relationship Manager- Job Description

Designation: Client Relationship Reports !o: COO Region " Business #nit: Laurent And Benon Group $nternal %ey Liaisons& - Sales Team - Operations Team


ber : 1

Location :Gurgaon '(ternal %ey Liaisons& - Corporate clients.

Laurent and Benon Group

Laurent & Benon Group is idel! di"ersi#ied$ ith acti"ities ranging #rom %uman Resource$ %ospitalit!$ Outsourcing Solutions$ Ship Repairs&Ship Building$ Retail and A"iation. At Laurent & Benon$ e understand the "alue o# an idea and completel! 'elie"e that it is onl! ideas and inno"ati"e Business (odels that 'reed Success. The group has 'een constantl! attaining ne heights 'ac)ed '! an Onl! *ualit! and Customer +irst attitude. Laurent & Benon Ltd$ a pu'lic limited compan! ith its registered and head o##ice at ,e -elhi$ Chandigarh$ (um'ai$ Bangalore$ .une$ Chennai$ %!dera'ad & /ol)ata. The compan! is managed along pro#essional lines ith an emphasis on 'usiness planning&gro th through goal directed actions dri"en '! the most prudent #orecasting$ the right people$ s!stems and 0ualit!$ ith a clear emphasis on achie"ing the highest le"els o# customer satis#action$ hich goes along ith our motto o# 1Ser"ice a#ter Customer -elight1. Laurent and Benon Hospitality Business pro)ides Acco odation *Hotels" +er)ice Apart ents, at top ost locations li-e Delhi"NCR. Mu bai. Bangalore. Chennai. Ra/asthan *Jaisal er 0 Alsisar Heritage Hotel, 0 1une2 3e ha)e 4566 ser)ice apart ents across $ndia2 Laurent & Benon Corporate Sta! Solutions pro"ides !ou the 'est in Guest %ouses$ Ser"iced Apartments and +urnished Ser"iced Apartments Accommodation at top most locations across 2ndia. Be it Gurgaon and (um'ai. Our accommodation #acilities o##er com#ort$ a##orda'ilit! and sa#et! to discerning tra"elers. ,o. 1 listed compan! in (um'ai in Ser"ice Apartments. (a3imum re"enue Generated #rom Corporate Sta! Solutions Group. .an 2ndia .ermit

To honor our commitments e##ecti"el! and earnestl! pro"ide a gro ing$ caring en"ironment here e #ind pride in consistentl! surpassing the e3pectations o# our guests and oursel"es.

Laurent and Benon Group

Plot No. 824, Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Gurgaon 122 016, Haryana, ndia. !el" #$1 124 4%1 0&00 ' &&&,(((.laurentand)enongrou*.+o, 1

%ey Accountabilities
To maintain the relationship ith the e3isting corporate clients to ensure that the ser"ice deli"er! o# e3cellent 0ualit! and achie"es o"erall contract o'4ecti"es. To coordinate ith corporate clients and understand their re0uirements$ 0ueries$ complaints$ suggestions$ re0uests related to our ser"ices & to retain the e3isting clientel. To o"ersee the de"elopment o# relationships 'et een the Sales -epartment and clients and ensure that #ollo up schedules and deadlines are met. To achie"e the targets '! generating the sales and retaining the clients at ma3imum le"el.

Job Re7uire


Graduation&.ost Graduate.

3or- '(perience&
At least 5 !ear o# e3perience into 6oice process&2nternational B.O& Client Ser"icing.

1ro8essional +-ills&
Strong "er'al and ritten communication. .ro acti"e and #le3i'le attitude to ena'le s i#t change management. 7##ecti"e relationship management s)ills. A'ilit! to manage multiple pro4ects$ set o'4ecti"es ith strict deadlines. Strong negotiation s)ills. Go get attitude

1ersonal s-ills
Sel# starter .ro-acti"e 8inner mentalit! Am'itious +le3i'le attitude 73cellent man management s)ills Creati"e and energetic 73cellent communication Team pla!er 73cellent personalit!


ith other added 'ene#its.

As per industr! terms

Laurent and Benon Group

Plot No. 824, Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Gurgaon 122 016, Haryana, ndia. !el" #$1 124 4%1 0&00 ' &&&,(((.laurentand)enongrou*.+o, 2

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