Prashant Kumar: Mobile No: +91-8439292881

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Prashant Kumar

C-19,Gali no-12, Natthu Colony, Main Mandoli Road, Delhi-93 Mobile No: +91-8439292881 E-mail: prashantku ar!!"1#$ ail%&o

'o (ork in a &hallen$in$ en)iron ent (hi&h pro)ides e the s&ope inno)ation and utili*e y potential and addin$ )alue to the or$ani*ation that + represent %

Testing Skills:
Manual Testing ,ro-i&ient in .un&tional 'estin$ /0 oke, +nte$ration, 0yste 'estin$12Re$ression 'estin$% +n)ol)ed in (ritin$, re)ie( and e3e&ution o- test &ases% 4no(led$e o- 'est plan, ,reparation o- tra&ea5ility atri3% 'est 63e&ution as per the 'est 63e&ution Che&k list% Dis&o)er De-e&ts 7 -ind resolution in &o-ordination (ith De)elop ent tea s% 8nderstandin$ o- ,riority and 0e)erity o- a De-e&t% Good understandin$ o- 'est ,lan% +ntera&tion (ith 9usiness :nalyst -or re;uire ent $atherin$ 8nderstandin$ o- ,ro<e&t =i-e Cy&le and 0'=C% ,reparation o- 'est Results as per the 'est 63e&ution 0tatus%

Automation Testing

:uto ation 'estin$ 'ool: QTP ,ara eteri*ation /Data 'a5le26n)iron ent1% Desi$nin$ o- 5asi& .un&tions% 8nderstandin$ o- 'est :uto ation .ra e(ork%
evelo!ing QTP Scri!t "sing:

>y5rid .ra e(ork% Create 8ser De-ined .un&tions usin$ .un&tion Generator% 63ternal Data 0heet -or i portin$ 'est Data into ?',% Maintain =o$ -ile -or storin$ the 'est Results% >andlin$ Run 'i e 6rrors% Re$ular 63pression to handle dyna i& o5<e&ts%

De)elopin$ ?', s&ript usin$ &odin$ &on)ention%

Pro#essional $uali#ication:
+ ha)e done y 9C: -ro @8A arks% + ha)e done y MC: -ro M'8 (ith "8A arks% >=M Colle$e Gha*ia5ad a--iliated 5y CC0 8ni)ersity (ith Radha Go)ind 6n$ineerin$ Colle$e Meerut a--iliated 5y

Aca%emic $uali#ications:
+ ha)e done + ha)e done y >i$h s&hool -ro y +nter ediate -ro 8, 9oard 8, 9oard

So#t&are !ro#icienc':
Programming (anguages O!erating s'stems Tool B C ,C++, C9 0&ript B Ms-Dos, Dindo(s /2!!!2E,2!F1 B ?',, ?C, 9u$Gilla

A%%itional )ourses: 1 year &erti-i&ate in A%vance )erti#icate )om!uter A!!lication *A+ ,ra%e- -ro .ori/on )om!uter E%ucation0 ,ha/iaba% a--iliated 5y "1P1 ,overnment1

Strengths: Dis&iplined ?ui&k =earner 0 art (orkin$

Personal etails: Na e Gender Date o- 9irth .atherHs na e B ,rashant 4u ar

B Male B !F .e5 199!

B Mr% De)endra 4u ar

.atherHs o&&upation MotherHs na e Nationality


B Mrs% Nir ala De)i B +ndian


*Prashant Kumar-

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