Development of Pavement Management System For Indian National Highway Network

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CONTENTS Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction Research Survey Identification of National Highway Network Data Acquisition and Database Calibration and Validation of HDM-4 Pavement Performance Prediction Models Pavement Management at Project Level Pavement Management at Network Level Applications of the Study Conclusions SYNOPSIS The objective of the study is to develop a Pavement Management System (PMS) for an identified National Highway Network to assist the highway engineers responsible for maintaining the highway network as well as the authorities responsible for allocating funds, in making consistent and cost effective decisions, related to maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements. This requires development of a systematic procedure that would predict the most economical maintenance strategy for a particular pavement section and prioritization of such maintenance activities in the event of a constrained budget. The HDM-4 is a new international standard assisting pavement managers to predict future economic, technical, social and environmental outcome of possible investment Written comments an this Paper are invited and will be received upto 31st December 2004. * Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, GZS College of Engineering, Bhatinda 151001 (Punjab) ** Professor & Coordinator, Centre of Transportation Engineering, Transportation Engineering Section, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667 (Uttaranchal) *** Associate Professor, Transportation Engineering Section, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667 (Uttaranchal)

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decisions concerning maintenance management of pavements. The pavement deterioration models incorporated in HDM-4 have been calibrated to adapt to local conditions and suitable calibration factors have been determined. These calibrated models have also been validated by comparing the values of distresses predicted by the HDM-4 model with those actually observed in the field. In the present study, different aspects of project level PMS have been demonstrated through four different case studies by making use of Project Analysis application of HDM-4. Since the size of the highway network is not very large and the analysis period is of medium duration, the Programme Analysis application of HDM-4 has been used for the network level pavement management analysis. 1. INTRODUCTION

1.1. Background Road Transportation occupies a very dominant position in the overall transportation system of India. The growth of road traffic in the post independence era has been quite unprecedented both in terms of goods and passenger traffic. The vehicular traffic has increased from 3 lakh to 430 lakh during the period 1951-2001. But unfortunately, the corresponding growth in the road network has not been commensurate with the huge growth in vehicular population, which has increased from 4-lakh km to 33-lakh km during the same period. The traffic loadings have also been much heavier than the specified limit of 10.2 tonnes. Without adequate and timely maintenance, roads deteriorate excessively, leading to higher vehicle operating costs, increased number of accidents and reduced reliability of transport services. Thus, there is a need of developing a scientific approach towards determining the maintenance and rehabilitation requirements of pavements. Efforts are also needed to develop road management and planning tools to improve upon the existing highway network. These tools are essential for assessing the financial needs, evaluating the alternative maintenance strategies and prioritizing the work programs. In such a situation, development and practice of an efficient Pavement Management System (PMS) would provide objective information and useful analysis to ensure consistent, and cost-effective decisions related to preservation of the highway networks. 1.2. Objectives and Scope of Study The objective of the study is to develop a PMS for an identified national highway network. The scope of work encompasses the following:

Comprehensive review of research literature on development of pavement management system in India and different parts of the world.







Study and use of World Banks highway project appraisal model HDM-4. Development of a time series database consisting of pavement condition data, traffic data and other necessary data on the selected highway network to provide necessary inputs for executing the HDM-4 model. Collection of other data such as road user cost data and costs of different types of maintenance activities and defining the intervention levels for maintenance activities. To calibrate the pavement deterioration models of HDM-4 using the collected data from the identified highway network. To validate the models using the data collected from the field. To develop the PMS methodology at Project/Network level.

2.1. Pavement Management System PMS is a coordinated and systematic process for carrying out all activities related to providing and maintaining pavements. The primary goal of the PMS is to predict the pavement condition and the cost associated with its maintenance and rehabilitation over a given time frame, and aid in the planning and programming of works. With a properly developed and implemented PMS, it is possible to make good, well informed, and consistent decisions on maintenance, rehabilitation or reconstruction of pavements. Pavement management systems can assist the engineer in identifying the most appropriate treatment on selected sections of the road network through the use of economic analysis, predictive models and time-series information. The pavement management can be taken up at two levels: network level and project level. 2.2. Pavement Management Levels Pavement management must be capable of being used in whole or in part by various technical and administrative levels of management in making decisions regarding both individual projects and an entire highway network. All functions are essential, but not all functions need to be active at same time. Mostly a PMS works at two separate levels, network and project level, though a hard dividing line between the two is difficult to draw. For the most part, the same type of data is needed for both types of activities but more detail is beneficial for project analysis. The pavement management at the project level deals with detailed design decisions, for an individual project. Project level work comes on stream at



the appropriate time in the schedule and incorporates detailed engineering applications to address individual pavement sections and their specific problems. Network level pavement management has its primary purpose of using engineering applications to develop a priority program and schedule of rehabilitation, maintenance or new pavement construction work, within overall budget constraints. The network level of pavement management, as commonly used, incorporates the project selection and program levels. The project selection level involves prioritization to identify which projects should be carried out in each year of the program period. At the program level, budgets are established and general allocations made over an entire network. 2.3. Highway Development and Management System (HDM-4) The Highway Development and Management system (HDM-4) is a new international standard assisting pavement managers to predict future economic, technical, social and environmental outcome of possible investment decisions concerning maintenance management of pavements. The HDM-4 system assists pavement managers in making effective investment choice at all management levels. The possibilities range from policy or strategic planning studies, through programmed allocation of funds to maintenance or improvement works on a network, to the detailed economic assessment of investment options at the project level. The project level pavement management analysis for a highway network can be accomplished by using the Project Analysis application module of HDM-4, whereas the network level pavement management analysis can be done using the Programme Analysis and Strategy Analysis application modules of HDM-4, depending upon the size of the highway network involved in the analysis and the length of analysis period. For a smaller highway network and shorter duration of analysis, Programme Analysis is usually preferred, whereas for a larger highway network and for a long term strategic planning, Strategy Analysis is more useful. In the present study, since the size of the highway network is not very large and the analysis period is of medium duration, Programme Analysis application has been used for the network level pavement management.

3.1. General The first step in establishing a PMS is to identify the highway network for which the pavement management system needs to be developed. In the






present study, a sub-network of the 65,000 km strong National Highway Network of India has been identified for the purpose of development of Pavement Management System for the same. The selected highway network, consisting of total road length of 310 km, comprises of a number of segments of the five National Highways, as shown in Table 1. The selected segments are confined within the administrative boundaries of Dehradun and Haridwar districts of Uttaranchal State, and Saharanpur and Muzzafarnagar districts of the State of Uttar Pradesh. The layout of this national highway network is shown in Fig. 1.
TABLE 1. SELECTED N ATIONAL HIGHWAYS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. National Highway No. NH-58 NH-72 NH-72A NH-73 NH-74 Description

Delhi Meerut Roorkee - Haridwar Badrinath Marg Ambala - Paonta Sahib Dehradun - Rishikesh Marg Chutmalpur Biharigarh Mohand - Dehradun Marg Roorkee Saharanpur Yamunanagar - Panchkula Marg Haridwar Najibabad Bareilly Marg

Himachal Pradesh



Uttar Pradesh

Fig. 1. Layout of the Selected National Highway Network



3.2. Division of Highway Network into Pavement Sections The above highway network has been divided into 22 manageable pavement sections on the basis of various characteristics associated with them. Division of highway network into sections has been done on the basis of homogeneity with respect to: traffic volume, pavement type & thickness, and pavement condition characteristics. The selected pavement sections are quite homogonous within themselves but vary considerably from each other in traffic, pavement, geometric and climatic characteristics. All pavement sections vary widely in terms of traffic and pavement characteristics. Although the geometric characteristics are almost similar for most of the pavement sections but these vary considerably for some of the sections situated in the hilly areas. The climatic conditions also vary in respect of the pavement sections situated in the plains and the hilly regions. All the selected pavement sections have been assigned a unique Section ID and a Section Name for their easy identification on the highway network, as shown in Table 2.

4.1. General It is extremely important to collect all the pavement-related information for their effective management. Because of the sheer size of the highway network, the study has generated a huge amount of data. While collecting data it was aimed that the collected data, directly or in its derived form should meet the requirements of HDM-4 system. The process of data collection was classified under following four categories: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Road Network Data Vehicle Fleet Data Maintenance and Rehabilitation Works Data Cost Data

4.2. Road Network Data The road network data collection was carried out based upon the data requirements of HDM-4, and it consisted of obtaining secondary data from the past records and relevant government publications, and collecting current data from the selected pavement sections by carrying out field studies. The road network data includes the locational data that describes the position and geometry of the pavement section, and the attribute data, which describes the road characteristics or inventory associated with it.






The road network data collection in the field was divided under the following heads: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Inventory data Structural evaluation (Structural capacity) Functional evaluation (Pavement condition and riding quality) Evaluation of pavement material
TABLE 2. SELECTED PAVEMENT SECTIONS Sl. Section ID no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. NH-5801 NH-5802 NH-5803 NH-5804 NH-5805 NH-5806 NH-5807 NH-7201 NH-7202 NH-7203 NH-7204 NH-7205 NH-72A1 NH-72A2 NH-72A3 NH-72A4 NH-7301 NH-7302 NH-7303 NH-7304 NH-7401 NH-7402 Section Name Section Description

NH-58 [km 130-141] NH-58 [km 141-153] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-58 [km 173-192] NH-58 [km 192-204] NH-58 [km 204-218] NH-58 [km 218-228] NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-72 [km 118-132] NH-72 [km 132-148] NH-72 [km 162-180] NH-72 [km 180-197] NH-72A [km 0-11] NH-72A [km 11-22] NH-72A [km 22-33] NH-72A [km 33-43] NH-73 [km 0-11] NH-73 [km 11-25] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-74 [km 0-13] NH-74 [km 13-30]

Muzzafarnagar - Chhapaar Chhapaar Burahedi Burahedi - Roorkee Roorkee Bahadrabad Bahadrabad - Haridwar Haridwar - Satyanarayan Satyanarayan - Rishikesh Paontasahib - Herbertpur Herbertpur - Selaqui Selaqui IMA Dehradun Rispan Bridge Dehradun Bhaniyawala Bhaniyawala - Satyanarayan Chutmalpur - Biharigarh Biharigarh - Mohand Mohand - Datkali Datkali - Dehradun Roorkee - Karaundi Karaundi - Chutmalpur Chutmalpur - Gagalheri Gagalheri - Saharanpur Haridwar - Shyampur Shyampur Chiriapur



4.2.1. Road network elements: In order to customize HDM-4 for use in the study area, the following road network elements were defined:

Road class All the pavement sections included in the selected highway network belong to the National Highway class of road as per functional hierarchy. Referencing system - The Kilometre-Node referencing system has been used for the locational positioning of data pertaining to pavement sections. Kilometre stones have been used as nodes for signaling the beginning and end of a pavement section. Section identification - Each pavement section has been assigned a unique name and ID, as shown in the Table 2 above, either of which may be used to identify the section on the highway network. The section description includes names of places at the beginning and end of each section. The section ID also includes the reference to the road class (NH) and road designation number (58, 72, 73 etc.), for easy identification of the sections. Basis of sectioning Fixed-length Sectioning has been used as the basis for road network representation in HDM-4 so as to obtain homogeneous pavement sections. This sectioning has been done on the basis of uniformity of pavement condition characteristics and traffic characteristics with in a particular pavement section. Speed flow type The speed flow type on various pavement sections varies from Single Lane Standard to Two Lane Standard, depending upon the capacity and the width of the carriageway. Traffic flow pattern - The traffic flow pattern in case of each pavement section is defined as of the type Inter City, as per the temporal distribution of traffic. Climate zone Two climate zones namely North India Plains and North India Hills have been defined depending upon the temperature (mean annual temperature) and moisture (mean monthly precipitation) characteristics of the areas in which the respective pavement sections are situated. Geometry class The geometry class of each pavement section has been defined in terms of the various parameters reflecting the horizontal and vertical curvature. Most of the sections are straight and gently undulating except for a few, which are bendy and gently undulating.






4.2.2. Inventory Data : The inventory data includes the following details about the selected pavement sections: Name of road, category of road, carriageway and shoulder width, drainage conditions, surface type and thickness, pavement layer details etc. The same was collected from visual inspection of the pavement sections, as well as from the construction and maintenance records of the highway divisions in-charge of the maintenance of the respective pavement sections. 4.2.3. Structural Evaluation: The magnitude of pavement rebound deflection is an indicator of the ability of the pavement to withstand traffic loading. Higher the rebound deflection, poor is the structural capacity and performance. The practice hitherto is to use the Benkelman Beam deflection method for evaluating the structural condition of the flexible pavement. The deflection measurements were taken with Benkelman Beam as per the procedure laid down in IRC:81 [19979]. 4.2.4. Functional Evaluation: Functional evaluation of pavements consists of collection of road data pertinent to surface distress (crack area, raveled area, pothole area), rut depth, surface roughness etc. The type and extent of distress developed at the surface i.e. cracking, raveling, patch work, potholes, rut depth, edge break, etc. were observed, based on the visual condition survey. The extent and type of distress developed in quantitative terms were also measured, in addition to the visual recording of the pavement surface condition. The information on shoulder type, width, and condition, and drainage etc. was also recorded.

Measurement of crack area - A number of representative test sections of length 50 m were chosen for cracking and raveling measurements for each pavement section. The effected area was marked in the form of rectangular figures. In case of single longitudinal and transverse cracks, the crack length was measured and the effective width of the crack was taken as 5 mm. Thus crack area was expressed as percentage of total pavement area. Separate measurements were taken for cracks of width up to 3 mm and width more than 3 mm (wide cracks). It was observed that in majority of cases the percentage of wide crack area was found to be approximately one-third of the total crack area. Measurement of ravelled area - Ravelling is the loss of material from wearing surface. This distress type is associated with thin surfacing, such as, surface dressing, seal coat and premix carpet. The affected area was measured by taking into account area enclosed in regular geometric shapes such as, rectangle, triangle etc. and then it was expressed as percentage of total pavement area.



Measurement of pothole area - Potholes are bowl shaped holes of varying sizes in a surface layer or extending into base/sub base course. The pothole area is measured in terms of square metres and the depth of each pothole is also measured to convert into volume of potholes. The volume is then converted into number of standard pothole units of one litre volume each. The pothole measurements are finally expressed as number of pothole units per km length of the pavement section, as stipulated in HDM-4 data requirements. Rut depth measurements - The transverse deformation across the wheel path is defined as the rut. The rut depth measurements were taken with a 2 m straight edge, at all deflection points under the wheel path i.e. at a distance of 0.9 m/0.6 m from the pavement edge in case of double lane/single lane carriageway, and maximum value of rut depth was noted down at each observation point.

4.2.5. Roughness measurements: The pavement roughness was measured on each section with Fifth Wheel Bump Integrator, towed by the mobile van, as per the standard procedure. The instrument was run at a constant speed of 32 km/h. The observations were taken on the outer wheel paths in both direction, at a distance of 0.9 m and 0.6 m from the edges in case of two lane and single lane pavements respectively. The instrument was calibrated with standard calibration equipment called Dipstick, before and after its use in the field. The roughness values were obtained in terms of Unevenness Index, using Equation 1. UI = B/W * 460 * 25.4 mm/km Where UI = Unevenness Index in mm/km B = Bump Integrator reading W = No. of wheel revolutions The relationship given in Equation 2 has been used to convert the UI into the universally acceptable International Roughness Index (IRI - measured in m/ km) [Odoki and Kerali, 200016]. UI = 630 x IRI1.12 (... Eqn. 2) (... Eqn. 1)

4.2.6. Skid resistance measurements: The skid resistance measurements were taken using a Portable Skid Resistance Tester developed at TRRL. This instrument is also known by the name British Pendulum Tester . The






characteristics of the instrument are such as to simulate the sliding conditions between vehicles with patterned tyres, braking with locked wheels on wet pavement surface at a speed of 50 km/h. The quantity measured with the portable tester is termed as Skid Resistance Value (SRV). The SRV is converted to Sideways Force Coefficient (SFC, measured with Sideways Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine - SCRIM), using relationship given in Equation 3 [Kennedy et al, 199015]. SFC = 0.01 SRV (... Eqn. 3)

4.2.7. Evaluation of Pavement Materials: The evaluation of pavement materials of the existing pavement section was carried out in the field as well as in the laboratory.

Field evaluation - Test pits of size approx. 0.5 m x 0.5 m were dug up at suitable locations with in all pavement sections. The following tests were conducted and observations taken in the pits: Thickness of the most recent surfacing course and old surfacing courses, Thickness of granular base and sub-base courses, Qualitative assessment of the level of compaction of all layers, Field dry density and field moisture content of sub grade. For characterization of materials in the laboratory, representative subgrade soil samples were collected from the test pits. Laboratory evaluation - The detailed evaluation in the laboratory was done on the soil samples in accordance with the Indian Standard specifications. The following tests were carried out for each soil sample: Atterbergs limits (Liquid limit and Plastic limit), Proctor density and optimum moisture content, CBR (unsoaked and soaked at field conditions)

4.3. Road Network Database All road network data items, which are required to be specified for each pavement section, are given in the Tables 3(a) to 3(d). All these data items reside in the road network database created in HDM-4. This road network database has been named as National Highway Network, for all future references and uses.


TABLE 3(a). H IGHWAY N ETWORK - BASIC D ATA Speed Flow Type Traffic Flow Pattern Climate Zone Section Length (km) Carriage- Motorized AADT way AADT Year Width (m) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 3.7 14 16 18 17 11 11 North India - Hills North India - Hills North India - Plains North India - Plains North India - Plains Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city North India - Plains North India - Plains North India - Plains 11 10 11 14 10 12 13 17 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.1 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 7.0 6.1 6.1 11,370 12,290 13,980 13,860 11,260 8,540 3,650 5,720 5,870 7,280 6,840 6,550 6,310 6,250 6,040 7,840 7,750 7,670 7,650 5,480 5,520 11,450 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002

Section ID

Section Name

Link Name

NH-5801 Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Single Lane Standard Inter-city Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Narrow Two Lane Narrow Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Standard Two Lane Narrow Two Lane Standard Two Lane Narrow Two Lane Narrow Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city Inter-city North India - Plains North India - Plains North India - Plains North India - Plains North India - Plains Inter-city North India - Plains North India - Plains 13 Inter-city North India - Plains 10 Inter-city North India - Plains 14 Inter-city North India - Plains 12 Inter-city North India - Plains 19 Inter-city North India - Plains 20 Inter-city North India - Plains 12

NH-58 [km 130-141]

Muzzafarnagar - Roorkee

Two Lane Standard


North India - Plains



NH-58 [km 141-153]

Muzzafarnagar - Roorkee


NH-58 [km 153-173]

Muzzafarnagar - Roorkee


NH-58 [km 173-192]

Roorkee - Rishikesh


NH-58 [km 192-204]

Roorkee - Rishikesh


NH-58 [km 204-218]

Roorkee - Rishikesh


NH-58 [km 218-228]

Roorkee - Rishikesh


NH-72 [km 105-118]

Paonta Sahib - Dehradun


NH-72 [km 118-132]

Paonta Sahib - Dehradun


NH-72 [km 132-148]

Paonta Sahib - Dehradun


NH-72 [km 162-180]

Dehradun - Haridwar


NH-72 [km 180-197]

Dehradun - Haridwar


NH-72A [km 0-11]

Chutmalpur - Dehradun


NH-72A [km 11-22]

Chutmalpur - Dehradun


NH-72A [km 22-33]

Chutmalpur - Dehradun



NH-72A [km 33-43]

Chutmalpur - Dehradun


NH-73 [km 0-11]

Roorkee - Saharanpur


NH-73 [km 11-25]

Roorkee - Saharanpur


NH-73 [km 25-35]

Roorkee - Saharanpur


NH-73 [km 35-47]

Roorkee - Saharanpur


NH-74 [km 0-13]

Haridwar - Najibabad


NH-74 [km 13-30]

Haridwar - Najibabad


Edge Rut Break Depth (m 2/km) (mm) Texture Skid Depth Resistance (mm) (SCRIM) Benkel- Adjusted man structural Beam Number of deflec- pavements tion mm (SNP)

Section Name

Condition Year

Rough- Cracking Ravelled Potholes ness Area Area (no./km) IRI (%) (%) (m/km)




NH-58 [km 130-141] NH-58 [km 141-153] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-58 [km 173-192] NH-58 [km 192-204] NH-58 [km 204-218] NH-58 [km 218-228] NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-72 [km 118-132] NH-72 [km 132-148] NH-72 [km 162-180] NH-72 [km 180-197] NH-72A [km 0-11] NH-72A [km 11-22] NH-72A [km 22-33] NH-72A [km 33-43] NH-73 [km 0-11] NH-73 [km 11-25] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-74 [km 0-13] NH-74 [km 13-30]

2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001

2.6 3.8 4.6 3.4 4.1 4.4 5.1 5.9 5.1 5.7 5.2 6.2 6.7 6.6 6.7 3.0 3.6 2.4 6.9 6.3 4.5 4.7

2 4 8 4 7 8 6 7 10 12 10 12 10 14 15 2 4 1 15 10 6 5

1 2 4 1 4 4 4 10 5 5 8 9 12 10 10 1 5 1 10 7 5 4

0 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 3 10 10 0 1 0 10 3 1 3

0 0 2 0 2 1 2 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 2 2 4 4 5 3

1 3 5 3 3 6 6 5 8 6 10 9 20 20 5 3 7 2 8 7 7 6

0.7 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0.50 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.45

0.45 0.49 0.66 0.45 0.62 0.62 0.70 0.85 0.70 0.75 0.90 0.68 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.75 0.65 0.80 1.02 0.95 0.95 1.10

5.29 5.02 4.16 5.29 4.32 4.32 4.01 3.54 4.01 3.84 3.42 4.08 3.31 3.37 3.47 3.84 4.20 3.68 3.16 3.31 3.31 3.01




Section Name

Surfacing Material Type

Current Previous Last Last Last Last Surface Surface Construc- Rehabili- Surfac- Preventive Thickness Thickness tion tation ing Treatment (mm) (mm) Year Year Year Year


NH-58 [km 130-141] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-58 [km 141-153] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-58 [km 153-173] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-58 [km 173-192] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-58 [km 192-204] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-58 [km 204-218] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-58 [km 218-228] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-72 [km 105-118] Single Bituminous Surface Dressing (SBSD) NH-72 [km 118-132] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-72 [km 132-148] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-72 [km 162-180] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-72 [km 180-197] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-72A [km 0-11] Single Bituminous Surface Dressing (SBSD) NH-72A [km 11-22] Single Bituminous Surface Dressing (SBSD) NH-72A [km 22-33] Single Bituminous Surface Dressing (SBSD) NH-72A [km 33-43] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-73 [km 0-11] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-73 [km 11-25] Asphaltic Concrete (AC) NH-73 [km 25-35] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-73 [km 35-47] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-74 [km 0-13] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD) NH-74 [km 13-30] Double Bituminous Surface Dressing (DBSD)

40 40 40 25 25 25 25 15 25 25 25 25 15 15 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

1994 1992 1992 1992 1992 1990 1990 1990 1992 1992 1990 1990 1992 1993 1992 1996 1992 1994 1992 1992 1992 1992

2000 1998 1998 1997 1997 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1995 1995 1992 1993 1992 1996 2000 2001 1992 1992 1992 1992

2000 1998 1998 2000 2000 1999 1998 1999 1997 1997 1999 1998 1997 1998 1997 2001 2000 2001 1997 1997 1999 1999

2000 1998 1998 2000 2000 1999 1998 1999 1997 1997 1999 1998 1997 1998 1997 2001 2000 2001 1997 1997 1999 1999







TABLE 3(d). LABORATORY T EST RESULTS Section Name Optimum Moisture Content (%) 8.30 8.55 7.90 9.10 7.40 8.45 9.50 7.70 9.30 8.50 7.90 8.70 9.60 8.50 10.40 9.30 8.40 8.60 7.70 7.30 9.40 9.80

SUBGRADE SOIL SAMPLES CBR (%) UnSoaked soaked 10.4 9.8 9.8 9.6 10.2 8.7 8.6 9.5 10.3 10.6 8.9 9.6 8.5 8.3 10.4 9.7 9.8 11.3 10.9 8.8 9.7 9.5 7.3 6.9 6.8 6.8 7.0 6.3 6.5 6.8 6.9 7.2 6.3 6.9 5.8 5.9 6.8 6.3 5.9 7.4 7.2 5.8 6.3 6.2

Atterberg Limits (%) LL PL PI

NH-58 [km 130-141] NH-58 [km 141-153] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-58 [km 173-192] NH-58 [km 192-204] NH-58 [km 204-218] NH-58 [km 218-228] NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-72 [km 118-132] NH-72 [km 132-148] NH-72 [km 162-180] NH-72 [km 180-197] NH-72A [km 0-11] NH-72A [km 11-22] NH-72A [km 22-33] NH-72A [km 33-43] NH-73 [km 0-11] NH-73 [km 11-25] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-74 [km 0-13] NH-74 [km 13-30]

24 21 28 20 27 22 18 20 24 20 28 22 18 17 21 18 19 17 20 19 21 20

20 15 18 15 19 15 12 16 17 15 19 15 15 12 16 14 13 11 15 14 17 16

4 6 10 5 8 7 6 4 7 5 9 7 3 5 5 4 6 6 5 5 4 4

4.4. Vehicle Fleet Data 4.4.1. Categories of Vehicles: A typical traffic stream on all categories of roads in India, including National Highways comprise of both Motorized (MT) as well Non-Motorized (NMT) vehicles. However, only MT vehicles have been considered in this study, and NMT vehicles excluded, taking into account the fact that NMT vehicles do not have appreciable effect on pavement deterioration because of not carrying heavy loads. 4.4.2. Representative Vehicles: The choice of number of representative vehicles is influenced by factors such as the composition of traffic, functional



differences between different type of vehicles, the objectives of the study, and the availability and quality of data. A typical vehicle fleet in India may be considered to be comprised of the following vehicles for the purpose of economic analysis to be conducted in PMS. The same set of vehicles has also been identified as representative vehicle fleet for Indian conditions, in the latest Road User Cost Study [MORT&H 2001c19]:

Two Wheeler (TW) Passenger Car (PC) Bus (BUS) Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) Medium Commercial Vehicles (MCV) Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV)

4.4.3. Traffic Volume Counts: Traffic Counts were conducted manually, for three consecutive days, round the clock, by engaging adequate number of enumerators. A separate count station was established for each pavement section, but if there were no traffic diversions in-between, one count station was considered adequate for all such sections. The traffic volume survey included classified traffic volume count. The vehicles were classified as per the representative vehicles, identified in the previous section. The vehicles not covered under the representative vehicles defined above were suitably clubbed with the vehicles similar to them in composition and speed. 4.4.4. Composition of Traffic and Vehicle Growth Rate: Although traffic volumes vary considerably on all pavement sections, but the composition of the traffic in terms of the representative vehicles was found to be nearly the same. The traffic volume composition adopted for this study is given in Table 4. The average annual growth rate of vehicles in India has been taken as per the latest Road Development Plan [MORT&H, 2001b 18], and the same has also been shown in Table 4. These traffic compositions and annual growth rates have been assumed to be applicable to all pavement sections included in the highway network under study.
TABLE 4. COMPOSITION Vehicle Type Two Wheelers Passenger Cars Light Commercial Vehicles Medium Commercial Vehicles Heavy Commercial Vehicles Bus




Composition of Traffic Flow (%) 22.0 30.0 13.0 17.0 10.0 8.0

Annual Average Growth Rate (%) 7.5 8.7 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.4






4.5. Vehicle Fleet Database The basic vehicle fleet data items, which are required to be specified for each vehicle type. All these data items reside in the vehicle fleet database created in HDM-4. This vehicle fleet database has been named as National Vehicle Fleet, for all future references and uses. 4.6. Maintenance and Rehabilitation Works Data 4.6.1. Serviceability Levels for Maintenance: It is also notable that all sections of the National Highways cannot be maintained to the highest level of serviceability due to constraints of funds and may not be required to that level if the traffic requirements of the highway do not justify it. Maintenance serviceability level is a qualitative rating of the effectiveness of a highway in terms of operating conditions such as traffic volume, speed, comfort and safety. Accordingly, for maintenance purposes, it is proposed to divide the maintenance programme into three maintenance levels, which are identified as level 1, 2, and 3. Level 1 is the desired level that provides for highest level of comfort, convenience and safety. Level 2 is the level to which the road deteriorates from Level 1 after two-three years of use before fresh maintenance is implemented. Level 3 represents the minimum level necessary to protect the investment and provide reasonable levels of safety. The suggested serviceability levels and the limiting levels of surface defects based on measurement of roughness, cracking, rutting etc., are given in Table 5 [MORT&H, 2001a17].


Serviceability Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 2000 mm/km 3000 mm/km 2.8 m/km Nil 5 per cent 1.0 per cent 50 SN 4.0 m/km 2-3 10 per cent 1.5 per cent 40 SN 4000 mm/km 5.2 m/km 4-8 10-15 per cent 2.5 per cent 35 SN

Roughness by Bump Integrator (max. permissible) Equivalent IRI Potholes per km (max. number) Cracking and patching area (max. permissible) Rutting 20 mm (maximum permissible) Skid number (minimum desirable)

2. 3. 4. 5.



4.6.2. Division of Pavement Sections into Maintenance Serviceability Levels: In the present study, standards of Level 2 have been selected for carrying out the network level PMS analysis. However, for the purpose of project level PMS analysis, it is proposed to divide all pavement sections included in the selected highway network into three serviceability levels; High, Medium, and Low on the basis of volume of traffic carried by them at present, as shown in Table 6. The heavily trafficked pavement sections shall be maintained as per Level 1 standards, medium trafficked as per Level 2 standards, and lesser trafficked as per Level 3 standards.
TABLE 6. DIVISION Serviceability Level High (Level 1) Medium (Level 2)

PAVEMENT SECTIONS Traffic Volume (AADT) More than 10000 5000 10000



NH-5801, NH-5802, NH-5803, NH-5804, NH-5805, NH-5806, NH-5807, NH-7202, NH-7203, NH-7204, NH-7205, NH-7301, NH-7302, NH-7303, NH-7304 NH-72A1, NH-72A2, NH-72A3, NH-72A4, NH-7401, NH-7402 NH-7201

Low (Level 3)

Less than 5000

4.6.3. Maintenance & Rehabilitation Activities: Maintenance & Rehabilitation (M&R) treatments are actions an agency take on a given section to either reduce the pavement deterioration rate (prevention) or to repair the effects of deterioration (reaction). An M&R strategy is a course of action to be taken over the analysis period in order to keep the road section in a good condition. A strategy consists of one or more treatments applied on the section at a specific point in time during the treatment application period. There is a diversity of maintenance activities depending upon the class and type of the road, the cross section to be maintained, the defects recognized, and the resources available. Maintenance operations are usually grouped according to planning organizational and funding arrangements. These have been categorized as Ordinary Repairs (Routine Maintenance) and Periodic Renewals (Periodic Maintenance) as per the Report of the Committee on Norms for Maintenance of Roads in India [MoRT&H 2001a17]. 4.7. Cost Data of M&R Works The Committee for Maintenance Norms for Roads in India, has recommended the total costs for carrying out various types of maintenance and






rehabilitation (M&R) works on bituminous pavements situated in various price zones of the country. This zoning has been done on the basis of cost of stone metal (stone chips) in that particular region. For this study, the costs specified for Zone-IV have been taken because all pavement sections in the selected highway network are situated in this zone. Moreover, Zone-IV has also been considered as the average representative zone for the whole country [MoRT&H, 2001a]. 4.8. Road User Cost Data One of the most important ingredients in the life-cycle cost analysis of pavements, either at network level or project level, is the determination of road user cost (RUC) during maintenance and rehabilitation operations. RUC models are also important in contracting strategies, which take into account time for a project to be completed for award and payment. Methods used to date to determine RUC are exclusively analytical in nature as have been shown in various road user cost studies carried out in India so far. The road user cost is composed of three main components:(i) Vehicle Operating Cost (ii)Time Cost (iii) Accident Cost Amongst the above components of the road user costs, Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) is the largest component and also susceptible for quantification with relative ease. VOC is defined as the price the user has to spend to move the vehicle per unit distance. Time cost involves monetary value of the time of passengers spent on traveling and the time taken by cargo in transit. The accident costs involves costs of human life and property, which is very difficult to quantify in monetary terms. Hence this cost is not included in the analysis. The road user cost data, in respect of all representative vehicles have been taken as per the recommendations made in the Updated Road User Cost Study [MORT&H 2001c 19].

5.1. Pavement Performance Prediction Models Pavement performance prediction models are imperative for a complete pavement management system. The purpose of the performance model is to predict the future condition of a given pavement. Such a prediction is necessary to estimate, when major maintenance would be required, and also predict performance after some maintenance & rehabilitation activity has been undertaken. These models have been used to analyze the future pavement



conditions and establish the maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) strategies accordingly. 5.2. Model Calibration In order to calibrate the HDM-4 deterioration models for local conditions, the predictions made by the Indian deterioration models as developed under the PPS-EPS and the corresponding HDM-4 road deterioration models have been equated using 5 sets of data conditions and the respective calibration factors have been determined, as shown in Table 7. Calibration factors, in respect of Cracking, Ravelling, Potholing and Roughness models have been used as determined above. However default calibration factors (value = 1.00) have been used for other models such as Edge-break, Rutting, Skid resistance, and Texture depth models, because no corresponding Indian pavement deterioration models are available to facilitate their calibration. 5.3. Validation of Models The validity of the calibrated pavement deterioration models has been checked to test the efficacy of these models, by comparing the distress predictions made by the calibrated deterioration models with those actually observed on the selected pavement sections. The pavement condition data on all sections of the highway network was collected in Dec. 2001, using various types of equipments and methods discussed earlier. On those pavement sections, where no M&R treatments are provided, various kinds of distresses progressed under the combined action of traffic loadings and environmental characteristics. The pavement condition data on these sections were collected once again by the end of the year 2002, using the same type of equipments and methods, so as to ascertain the annual progression of distresses during the year 2001-2002. The observed values of cracking area, ravelling area and roughness at the end of year 2002 for eight untreated pavement sections have been compared with those predicted by the HDM-4 cracking area, ravelling area and roughness models respectively. Table 8 shows the percentage variability of cracking area, ravelling area and roughness between observed and predicted values.

6.1. Project Level Pavement Management The project level pavement management analysis may be done using the Project Analysis application of the HDM-4. Project analysis is concerned with the evaluation of one or more road projects or investment options. In the present study, the following four types of case studies have been undertaken for the project level pavement management.


Calibration Factors Set1

Sl. No. Set2 0.44 1.11 0.34 0.61 0.53 0.42 0.42 0.41 0.46 0.39 0.35 0.36 0.39 0.41 Kvi = 0.37 Kvp = 0.52 Kpi = 0.45 1.25 1.51 1.64 Kcpa = 1.25 0.39 0.48 0.45 Kcia = 0.43 Set3 Set4 Set5 0.37 0.77 0.34 0.79 0.48

Model Description

HDM-4 Pavement Deterioration Models

Average Calibration Factor

0.45 1/0.45

Cracking Initiation ) - SCA]

ICA = Kcia [CDS * 4.21 EXP{0.14 SNP 17.1(YE4/SNP )} + CRT]


dACA = Kcpa (CRP/CDS) [(1.84 * 0.45 * @tA+ SCA


Cracking Progression Ravelling Initiation


(1 + 0.05 * HS)

Ravelling Progression

IRV = Kvi CDS * 10 * RRF * EXP[-0.156 * YAX] 2 dARV = Kvp(1/RRF) (1/CDS ) [(0.6 + 3.0 * YAX) * 0.352 * @tv+ 0.35 1/0.35 SRV] SRV )



Potholing Initiation

IPT =Kpi 2.0 * (1 + 1* CDB)(1 + 0.5 * YAX)(1 + 0.01* MMP)


Potholing Progression

dNPTi = Kpp* ADISi 0.88 0.94 0.82

(1 + 1* CDB)(1 + 10 * YAX)(1 + 0.005 * MMP) (1 + 0.08 * HS)



Kpp = 0.95


Roughness Progression 0.85 0.82 0.88

,RI = Kgp [134 * EXP(m Kgm AGE3) * (1+SNPKb) YE4] + [0.0066 * ,ACRA] + [0.088 * ,RDS] + [0.00019 (2 FM) 1.5 1.5 {((NPTa * TLF) + (,NPT * TLF/2)) (NPTa) }] + [m Kgm RIa ]



Kgp = 0.85








Pavement Section


NH-58 [km 130-141] NH-58 [km 141-153] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-58 [km 218-228] NH-72 [km 118-132] NH-73 [km 11-25] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-74 [km 13-30] Correlation 2 R value

Cracking (% Area) Observed Predicted % Variability 1.6 1.85 15.1 5.7 5.08 10.8 10.2 11.78 15.5 13.8 17.08 23.7 15.3 17.11 11.8 2.1 1.70 19.0 16.2 20.77 28.2 11.8 14.17 20.0 y = 1.2731x 1.0131 0.98

Ravelling (% Area) Observed Predicted % Variability 3.8 2.30 39.4 5.8 4.63 20.1 6.5 8.61 32.4 10.4 7.88 24.2 13.5 15.58 15.4 4.5 6.04 34.2 10.3 13.00 27.0 10.2 14.26 39.8 y = 1.2403x 1.0396 0.79

Roughness (m/km IRI) Observed Predicted % Variability 2.3 2.05 10.8 4.2 3.90 7.1 5.6 4.75 15.1 5.7 5.29 7.2 6.1 5.26 13.8 2.6 2.49 4.2 7.3 6.58 9.8 4.8 4.91 2.1 y = 0.8651x +0.2294 0.97





PROJ1 Determination of optimum maintenance and rehabilitation strategy for a pavement section (ii) PROJ2 - Determination of optimum improvement strategy for a pavement section (iii) PROJ3 Determination of remaining life of pavement sections (iv) PROJ4 Comparative study of scheduled and condition responsive maintenance strategies 6.2. PROJ1 Determination of Optimum Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategy for a Pavement Section This case study presents the economic analysis of alternative maintenance and rehabilitation standards for a pavement section. 6.2.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases as defined earlier. The analysis period is defined by a start year (i.e. current year 2003) and the duration of 10 years (i.e. 2003-2012). All these project details are specified in the opening screen of the Project Analysis application of HDM-4. 6.2.2. Selected section : The pavement section NH-58 [km 173-192], of the NH-58 has been selected for this study. This section is situated on the Roorkee Haridwar segment of the highway. This is a very heavily trafficked section as the traffic from NH-73 also joins the already moving traffic on the NH-58, at the beginning of this section i.e. at km-173 of NH-58. This pavement section forms the part of National Highway Network and the vehicles using this road are included in the National Vehicle Fleet as defined earlier. 6.2.3. Pavement characteristics : It is very important that to enable pavement condition to be modelled through the analysis period, condition data must be specified for a date prior to the start of the analysis period. In this case study, the pavement condition data refers to the end of year 2001, which is prior to the start year of the analysis, i.e. 2003. 6.2.4. Pavement history : For the pavement section under study, the last reconstruction was in 1992, setting the pavement type to AMGB (Asphaltic Mix on Granular Base). After the application of overlay in 1997, the pavement type resets to AMAP (Asphaltic Mix on Asphaltic Pavement), and after the application of surface dressing in 2000, the pavement type has got reset to STAP (Surface Treatment on Asphaltic Pavement). 6.2.5. Traffic characteristics: The total traffic in terms of AADT, initial composition of various vehicles and the annual growth rate of each type of vehicles for the selected pavement section have been specified.






6.2.6. Proposed M&R alternatives: The five M&R alternatives considered for this case study are defined in the Table 9. The first alternative, Base alternative represents minimum routine maintenance in terms of crack sealing and pothole patching only, till such time when the reconstruction of the pavement section becomes inevitable. Several other maintenance and rehabilitation alternatives including resealing, overlay, and mill and replace, have been evaluated in this case study. Since the selected pavement section belongs to the highest serviceability level (Level1) group of pavement sections, therefore the applicable maintenance standards and the appropriate intervention criteria based on the serviceability indicators have been defined. All the maintenance standards defined here are applicable from the first year of the analysis period, i.e. year 2003.
Alternative Works Standard

Intervention Level Scheduled annually

Description of Work Crack Sealing

Base Alternative

Routine + Reconstruction

Pothole Patching Scheduled annually Reconstruction with Roughness > 6IRI and 200 mm WMM+ Total damage area > 20% 50 mm BM+40 mm BC Provide 25 mm DBSD Provide 25 mm DBSD Provide 40 mm BC Provide 40 mm BC Total damage area > 5% Total damage area > 5% Roughness > 2.8 IRI Roughness > 2.8 IRI

Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3 Alternative4

Resealing Resealing + Overlay Overlay Mill and Replace

Remove 90 mm Roughness > 5 IRI and surfacing and Provide Total carriageway 50 mm BM+40 mm BC cracked > 10%

6.2.7. Project analysis: In set up to the analysis, the Base Alternative is confirmed and a discount rate of 10 per cent is specified. While running the project analysis, Alternatives 1 to 4 are compared against the Base Alternative, and the pavement deterioration, and M&R works reports are generated. 6.2.8. Pavement deterioration: Various pavement distresses such as roughness, cracking, ravelling, and potholing etc. progress over the analysis period as per the respective deterioration models incorporated in HDM-4, have been calibrated for local conditions. The deterioration summary of the pavement section under various M&R Alternatives over the analysis period of 10 years is shown in Table 10. The effect of M&R intervention on different deterioration parameters is also shown in this Table.





Alternative 2

Alternative 1 All Structural Cracks (%) 7.40 0.00 2.54 5.98 0.00 2.54 5.98 0.00 2.54 5.98 1.84 0.00 1.86 3.53 0.00 3.74 5.57 0.50 3.99 5.81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.20 3.38 3.57 3.76 3.94 4.12 4.31 4.49 4.67 4.85 5.22 5.93 5.93 5.92 6.17 6.17 6.16 6.41 6.41 6.40 3.47 2.05 2.10 2.17 2.23 2.29 2.38 2.47 2.54 2.64 7.40 0.00 1.11 0.94 0.00 1.82 4.90 0.00 2.54 5.98 1.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.74 5.64 0.50 3.99 5.81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ravelled Area (%) No. of Potholes Mean Rut Depth (mm) Adjusted Structural Number (SNP) RoughAll ness Structural IRI Cracks (m/km) (%) Ravelled Area (%) No. of. Potholes Mean Rut Depth (mm) 1.84 0.65 0.82 0.57 0.32 0.48 0.38 0.26 0.43 0.34



ESAL per lane

Adjusted Strctural Number (SNP)

Roughness IRI (m/km)

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

15134 16383 17736 19200 20787 22505 24365 26380 28562 30925

1.64 1.78 1.93 2.09 2.26 2.45 2.66 2.88 3.12 3.38

5.22 5.47 5.47 5.46 5.71 5.71 5.70 5.95 5.95 5.94

3.47 3.59 3.68 3.81 3.93 4.03 4.16 4.29 4.40 4.54


Alternative 3
7.40 0.00 1.11 1.88 4.48 9.53 17.81 30.41 24.25 0.60 1.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.87 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.84 0.65 0.82 0.99 1.17 1.35 1.53 1.72 1.11 0.45 5.22 5.15 4.90 4.66 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.52 4.51 4.48 3.47 3.66 4.06 5.57 2.05 2.15 2.26 2.38 2.52 2.69

Alternative 4
14.80 37.04 71.82 40.49 0.50 0.00 1.27 3.51 7.82 15.08 3.67 7.85 9.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0 0 18 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.20 3.40 3.64 1.97 0.24 0.47 0.72 0.96 1.21 1.46

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

15134 16383 17736 19200 20787 22505 24365 26380 28562 30925

1.64 1.78 1.93 2.09 2.26 2.45 2.66 2.88 3.12 3.38

5.22 5.93 5.93 5.92 5.92 5.91 5.89 5.86 5.70 6.46

3.47 2.05 2.10 2.17 2.24 2.32 2.43 2.56 2.72 1.75






6.2.9. Description of works: The timing of works report indicates the works that would be implemented in each analysis year for each project alternative along with the costs involved in the same. The various works items resulting from all the M&R alternatives specified, as triggered by the respective intervention parameters and timings of their application are shown in Table 11. The total cost to be incurred by the highway agency on maintenance management of the pavement section under each M&R alternatives, over the whole analysis period of 10 years is also shown in Table 11. 6.2.10. Roughness progression: Roughness is the most useful indicator of the pavement deterioration or average condition of the pavement section at any given point of time. The effect of the works to be carried out under each alternative, on average roughness of the pavement section is shown in Fig. 2. The progression of roughness can be tracked to check that the works are correctly triggered according to the specified intervention criteria.
6.0 5.5

Average Roughness Value (m/km IRI)

5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Base Alternative Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3 Alternative4


Fig. 2. Progression of Roughness Under Various Alternatives

6.2.11. Economic analysis summary: The economic analysis summary as shown in Table 12 gives a comparison of the present value of total agency costs and reduction in the road user costs for each M&R alternative when compared against the Base Alternative. The economic indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are also provided for comparison purposes. 6.2.12. Selection of optimum M&R strategy : On the basis of the economic analysis summary the Alternative 3 has been selected as the optimum M&R strategy, having the maximum NPV/Cost of 6.123. This choice is further substantiated by the fact that this alternative also has the highest IRR of 96.3.


TABLE 11. DESCRIPTION OF M&R WORKS AND ASSOCIATED COSTS Cost of Works Alt3 BC 40 mm ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** BC 40 mm ***** ***** ***** 0.217 0.219 1.978 ***** 0.215 ***** 0.213 13.499 ***** ***** 13.499 53.998 ***** 0.207 ***** ***** 0.204 ***** ***** ***** 13.499 ***** ***** 13.499 71.314 Mill & Rep 80 mm 0.204 13.499 13.499 ***** 0.182 ***** ***** ***** 0.000 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 30.816 ***** 61.632 ***** 0.313 13.499 30.816 30.816 Alt4 Base Alt Alt1 Alt2 Alt3 Alt4 ***** ***** ***** 59.850 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 59.850

M&R Works


Base Alt




DBSD 25 mm

BC 40 mm








DBSD 25 mm

DBSD 25 mm








DBSD 25 mm

DBSD 25 mm









Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal

DBSD 25 mm

DBSD 25 mm

Total Capital Cost in Million Indian Rupees






TABLE 12. E CONOMIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY Alternative Total Agency Costs 1.312 36.987 54.304 45.192 44.966 Increase Decrease Net in Agency in Road Present Costs User Costs Value 0.000 35.675 52.992 43.880 43.654 0.000 51.739 324.866 320.569 194.492 0.000 16.064 271.875 276.689 150.838 NPV/Cost Internal Ratio Rate of Return 0.000 0.434 5.007 6.123 3.354 0.0 21.9 92.1 96.3 43.3

Base Alt. Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3 Alternative4

6.3. PROJ2- Determination of an Optimum Improvement Strategy for a Pavement Section This case study presents the economic analysis of alternative maintenance and improvement standards for a single lane pavement section. Applicable maintenance and improvement works and the corresponding application years are defined and the optimum Improvement strategy is selected on the basis of economic indicators. 6.3.1. Selected section : The pavement section NH-72 [km 105-118], of the NH-72 has been selected for this study. This is a single-lane section situated on the Paontasahib Dehradun segment of the highway. Some general details and pavement characteristics of the selected section are given in Table 13.

SELECTED PAVEMENT SECTION Pavement Characteristics Material Type Surface Thickness Roughness Cracked Area Ravelled Area No. of Potholes Mean Rut Depth Texture Depth Skid Resistance SBSD 15 mm 5.90 m/km IRI 7% 10% 0 5 mm 2.0 mm 0.50

General Details Section Name Section ID Section Length Cway Width Number of Lanes Flow Direction Motorised AADT Climate Zone Altitude NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-7201 13.00 m 3.70 m 1 Two-way 3650 N. India Plains 285 m



6.3.2. Pavement history: For the pavement section under study, the last reconstruction was done in 1990, setting the pavement type to AMGB (Asphaltic Mix on Granular Base). After the application of overlay in 1995, the pavement type resets to AMAP (Asphaltic Mix on Asphaltic Pavement), and after the application of surface dressing in 1999, the pavement type has got reset to STAP (Surface Treatment on Asphaltic Pavement). 6.3.3. Proposed improvement alternatives: The three improvement alternatives of lane addition considered for this case study are defined in the Table 14. Each improvement alternative is defined in terms of width of new lane, type of new surfacing, resurfacing of existing pavement, costs involved and effects of improvement works on overall pavement condition. All these improvement standards will be applicable only in the respective years. A base alternative of carrying out scheduled routine maintenance is also defined.
TABLE 14. P ROPOSED MAINTENANCE Alternative Base Alternative Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3 Works Standard Routine Maintenance Widening Widening Widening

I MPROVEMENT ALTERNATIVES Application Year Scheduled annually 2007 2005 2003

Description of Work Crack Sealing and Pothole Patching Lane Addition after 4 years Lane Addition after 2 years Lane Addition immediately

6.3.4. Project analysis: In set up to the analysis, discount rate of 10 per cent is specified as it was done in the previous case study. While running the project analysis, the three Improvement Alternatives are compared against the Base Alternative of carrying out the annual routine maintenance only. 6.3.5. Description of works and costs: The various works items resulting from the improvement alternatives specified, as applicable in the pre-defined application years are shown in Table 15. The total cost to be incurred by the highway agency on improvement of the pavement section under each improvement alternatives, over the whole analysis period of 10 years is also shown in Table 15. 6.3.6. Roughness progression: The progression of roughness over the analysis period of 10 years, under the base alternative and the three improvement alternatives is shown in Figure 3. It clearly shows that roughness shoots up to a very high value, in case improvement works are delayed by four years.



Cost of Works Alt 3 Lane Addition + Resurfacing of Existing Pavement 0.172 0.098 0.107 0.105 0.103 0.104 0.105 0.106 0.107 0.108 1.120 ***** 39.783 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 39.783 ***** ***** ***** 39.783 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 39.783 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Base Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 39.783 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 39.783


Improvement Works Alt 2 ***** ***** Lane Addition + Resurfacing of Existing Pavement ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****


Base Alt

Alt 1


Patch & Crack Seal




Patch & Crack Seal




Patch & Crack Seal



Patch & Crack Seal



Patch & Crack Seal

Lane Addition + Resurfacing of Existing Pavement












Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal Patch & Crack Seal


Total Capital Cost in Million Indian Rupees




6.3.7. Economic analysis summary: The economic analysis summary as shown in Table 16 gives a comparison of the present value of total agency costs and reduction in the road user costs for each improvement alternative when compared against the Base Alternative. The economic indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are also provided for comparison purposes.
TABLE 16. E CONOMIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY Alternative Total Increase Decrease Agency in Agency in Road Costs Costs User Costs 0.777 25.745 31.451 38.356 0.000 24.968 30.674 37.579 0.000 338.236 491.905 499.265 Net Present Value NPV/ Cost Ratio Internal Rate of Return 0.0 68.7 152.1 120.0

Base Alt. Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3

0.000 313.268 461.231 461.686

0.000 12.168 14.665 12.037

6.3.8. Selection of the optimum improvement strategy: On the basis of the economic analysis summary, the Alternative2 may be selected as the optimum improvement strategy having the maximum NPV/Cost ratio of 14.665. This choice is further substantiated by the fact that this strategy also gives the highest IRR of 152.1. Therefore, it may be recommended on the basis of the above economic analysis that there is no immediate need of addition of an extra lane to the existing pavement section. This improvement work may be deferred at least for two years to save road agency costs. But this work should not be postponed further for another two years, as it will result in high road user costs. 6.4. PROJ3 - Determination of Remaining Service Life of Pavement Sections This case study presents the methodology of determining Remaining Service Life (RSL) of some selected pavement sections of the highway network. RSL of a pavement section is defined as the time left in years, till it will become imperative to reconstruct the pavement, provided no amount of maintenance or rehabilitation works are carried out in the intervening period. 6.4.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases as defined earlier. An optimum analysis period of 10 years is chosen considering the fact that almost all pavement sections will become candidates for reconstruction in the next ten years in the absence of any other maintenance or rehabilitation






work. Analysis by Project method is chosen for this case study. All these project details are specified in the opening screen of the Project Analysis application of HDM-4. 6.4.2. Selected sections: Five pavement sections, one each on five National Highways included in the highway network have been selected for this case study. 6.4.3. Specify alternatives: Since the purpose of this case study is to determine the time period before reconstruction of the pavement is due, only one M&R alternative is defined for each of the selected pavement section. The condition responsive M&R alternative named as Do Nothing Upto Reconstruction is defined along with intervention criteria. 6.4.4. Analyse project: The application is run for simulating the pavement condition of the five pavement sections under the defined M&R alternative. No economic analysis is required to be conducted in this case as there is no other alternative defined for comparison purposes. 6.4.5. Roughness progression: Since limiting value of roughness has been selected as the deciding intervention criterion, the progression of roughness upto the intervention level of IRI>8 shall trigger the reconstruction of the various pavement sections in a particular year as shown in Fig. 3. The reconstruction of the pavement is indicated by a sharp fall in the roughness values.
9.0 8.0

Average Roughness Value (m/km IRI)

7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 NH-5807 NH-7205 NH-72A2 NH-7303 NH-7402


Fig. 3. Roughness progression for all pavement sections



6.4.6. Determination of RSL: The RSL in respect of all five pavement sections is determined as the time period left in years before the reconstruction of pavement is necessitated on the basis of progression of roughness upto the intervention level. Thus the RSL values for the various pavement sections have been determined from Figures 16 above and the same have been shown in Table 17.
TABLE 17. REMAINING SERVICE LIFE Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pavement Section NH-5807 NH-7205 NH-72A2 NH-7303 NH-7402

PAVEMENT S ECTIONS Remaining Service Life (Years) 4 2 2 1 3

Reconstruction Year 2007 2005 2005 2004 2006

It can be concluded from the RSL values shown in the above table that in the absence of any other maintenance activity, all the pavement sections included in this case study will become candidate sections for reconstruction with in 1 to 4 years, which is a very costly affair. Hence it may be suggested that these pavement sections should be provided with suitable maintenance and rehabilitation works as they become due. 6.5. PROJ4 Comparative Study of Scheduled and Condition Responsive Maintenance Strategies This case study presents the comparison of adopting a scheduled type of M&R strategy against a condition responsive M&R strategy for a pavement section, over a fixed time period. The scheduled M&R strategy has been selected as per the current maintenance norms provided in MORT&H [2001b], whereas the condition responsive M&R strategy has been selected as per the serviceability levels up to which the respective pavement section is to be maintained. 6.5.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is also included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases as defined earlier. An optimum analysis period of 20 years is chosen to trigger a number of M&R cycles. Analysis by Project method is chosen for this case study. 6.5.2. Selected section: The pavement section NH-73 [km 11-25], of






the NH-73 has been selected for this study. This pavement section is situated on the Roorkee Saharanpur segment of the highway. This is an important section of the highway network as node km-25 of this section is a junction point of NH-73 and NH-72A. In fact NH-72A originates from this section node. Some general details and pavement characteristics of this section are given in Table 18.
TABLE 18. DETAILS General Details Section Name Section ID Section Length Cway Width Number of Lanes Flow Direction Climate Zone Altitude NH-73 [km 11-25] NH-7302 14.00 km 7.00 m 2 Two-way N. India Plains 275 m

SELECTED PAVEMENT SECTION Pavement Characteristics Material Type Surface Thickness Roughness Cracked Area Ravelled Area No. of Potholes Mean Rut Depth Texture Depth Skid Resistance Asphaltic Concrete 25 mm 2.40 m/km IRI 1% 1% 0 5 mm 2.0 mm 0.50

Motorised AADT 7750

6.5.3. Specify M&R alternatives: Two types of M&R alternatives are defined, one is Scheduled Overlay, and the other one is Condition Responsive Overlay. These two M&R alternatives shall be compared against each other as well against the third alternative of Routine Maintenance. The details of these three alternatives are given in Table 19.
TABLE 19. DETAILS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. M&R Alternative Scheduled Overlay Condition Responsive Overlay Routine Maintenance

DEFINED A LTERNATIVES Intervention Criteria Scheduled every Five years Roughness > 4.0 mm/km IRI Scheduled annually

M&R Work Bituminous Concrete 25 mm Bituminous Concrete 25 mm Patching and Crack Sealing

6.5.4. Analyse project: The application is run for simulating the pavement condition of the pavement sections under the three defined M&R alternatives over the analysis period of 20 years. An economic analysis is also conducted with a discount rate of 10 per cent.



6.5.5. Roughness progression: The progression of roughness over the analysis period of 20 years, under the three alternatives is shown in Fig. 4. In case of Condition Responsive Overlay alternative, overlay is triggered as soon as the roughness progresses to IRI = 4 m/km, but in case of Scheduled Overlay alternative the overlay is triggered every five years, but at roughness value of IRI = 3 m/km or even less, which is well below the limiting value of IRI = 4 m/ km. It clearly shows that under scheduled maintenance strategy, overlay is being applied at an earlier stage in comparison to as warranted by the serviceability requirements, thus causing more expenditure for the road agency.
Average Roughness Value (m/km IRI)
5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021
Condition Responsive Overlay Scheduled Overlay


Fig. 4. Progression of roughness under three alternatives

6.5.6. Description of works: The various work items resulting from the two M&R alternatives specified, as triggered by the respective intervention parameters and timings of their application are shown in Table 20. The total cost to be incurred by the highway agency on maintenance management of the pavement section under two M&R alternatives, over the whole analysis period of 20 years is also shown in Table 20.
TABLE 20. DESCRIPTION M&R Strategy Scheduled Condition Responsive M&R Work



ASSOCIATED COSTS Total Costs Agency in Million Rupees 58.447 43.835

Applicable Years

Frequency of Application 4 3

Bituminous 2006, 2011, Concrete 25 mm 2016, 2021 Bituminous Concrete 25 mm 2007, 2015, 2022






6.5.7. Comparison of M&R strategies: The cost comparison of the two strategies clearly indicate that the highway agency shall have to dispense with Rs. 58.447 million over a period of 20 years on overlaying the pavement section four times, in case they adopt the scheduled maintenance strategy as provided in the current maintenance norms [MORT&H, 2001b]. However, the agency may have to spend only Rs. 43.835 million on overlaying the pavement section three times over the same period, in case they adopt the condition responsive maintenance strategy. Thus there will be a net saving in cost of about 33 per cent over the analysis period of 20 years if a condition responsive M&R strategy is adopted by the highway agency. 6.5.8. Economic analysis summary: The economic analysis summary as shown in Table 21 gives a comparison of the present value of the total highway agency costs and reduction in the road user costs for the two M&R strategies when compared against the base strategy of routine maintenance. A comparison of the NPV/Cost values indicates that the condition responsive maintenance strategy gives a higher NPV/Cost ratio of 18.535 as against 15.613 obtained in case of the scheduled maintenance strategy.
TABLE 21. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY M&R Strategy Present Value of Total Agency Costs 0.883 24.655 17.025 Increase in Agency Costs Decrease in Road User Costs Net Present Value (NPV) NPV/Cost Ratio

Routine Scheduled Condition Responsive

0.000 23.772 16.142

0.000 408.709 331.698

0.000 384.937 315.556

0.000 15.613 18.535

Therefore, it may be concluded on the basis of above case study that condition responsive M&R strategies should be adopted for maintenance management of pavement sections for an optimum utilization of maintenance funds.

7.1. Network Level Pavement Management The network level pavement management analysis has been done using the Programme Analysis application of the HDM-4. This application deals primarily with the prioritisation of a defined long list of candidate pavement



section into a multi-year work programme under defined budget constraints. The selection criteria will normally depend on the maintenance or improvement standards defined by the road administration. This application is then used to compare the life cycle costs predicted under the existing regimen of pavement management that is without project case against with project case. In the present study, the following four types of case studies have been undertaken for the network level pavement management, using the Programme Analysis application of HDM-4. (i) (ii) PROG1 Life-cycle cost analysis of highway network PROG2 - Determination of requirements of funds for maintaining the highway network as per three serviceability levels

(iii) PROG3 Determination of effect of budget reduction on highway network condition (iv) PROG4 Determination of effect of deferred maintenance on highway network condition

7.2. PROG1 - Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Highway Network This case study demonstrates the development of a maintenance and rehabilitation programme for the selected highway network and the use of HDM4 in budget forecasting for an analysis period of 10 years. The main objectives of this study are to prepare an unconstrained works programme, to determine the required funding levels for defined network performance standards, to demonstrate the effect of budgetary constraints on the long-term performance trends, and to prepare a prioritized works programme in the event of constrained budgets. 7.2.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases as defined earlier. All 22 pavement sections included in the National Highway Network have been selected for this study. All six types of vehicles included in the National Vehicle Fleet have been selected for this study. The composition of traffic and the annual growth rates as applicable to all pavement sections have been selected appropriately. 7.2.2. Selection of alternative M&R strategies: The life cycle cost analysis requires a comparison to be made between a base case (do minimum) alternative against one or more project case (do something) alternatives. For this case study, two alternatives have been defined for each road section; a Base Alternative and an M&R Alternative. The Base Alternative comprise of routine pavement maintenance activities in terms of crack sealing and pothole






patching only. The M&R Alternative includes resealing, overlays and reconstruction work activities. The maintenance works included in the Base Alternative are the same for all pavement sections but in case of M&R Alternative, the maintenance and rehabilitation works will vary depending upon the serviceability level, i.e., high, medium or low, as defined earlier, as per the current traffic volume level of the pavement section. The respective pavement sections will be entitled to receive the M&R works as per the higher serviceability level, as and when the traffic volume on them exceed the limiting value, and goes into the next higher category of serviceability. The selected alternative M&R strategies, maintenance and rehabilitation works and the corresponding intervention criteria are shown in Table 22. 7.2.3. Life-cycle cost analysis: After selection of the alternative M&R strategies, the programme analysis application has been used to compare the total life-cycle costs including the highway agency costs and road user costs, predicted under the base alternative of scheduled routine maintenance against those predicted for the condition responsive M&R alternative. The programme application is run, for doing the life cycle cost analysis of the whole pavement network. After this analysis, the options with the highest NPV are assigned for each pavement section. A summary of the life-cycle cost analysis, showing the increase in highway agency costs and decrease in road user costs as a result of selecting the M&R Alternative in comparison to the Base Alternative, is given in Table 23. All these costs have been discounted to the base year 2003, with a discount rate of 10 per cent. 7.2.4. Unconstrained works programme: The result of this process is a tentative unconstrained programme determined by the specified M&R standards. The unconstrained works programme list as shown in Table 24, gives details of the optimum M&R work activities for selected pavement sections, year of their application, corresponding financial costs involved, and the cumulative budget requirements. The total agency cost required for maintenance management of the whole highway network for the analysis period of 10 years comes out to be 1,475.87 million Indian Rupees. If sufficient budget is available, this unconstrained works programme can be taken up for final application on the highway network. 7.2.5. Section-wise budget requirements: The section-wise budget requirements under each alternative for the maintenance management of the highway network throughout the analysis period of 10 years are shown in Table 25. These budget requirements have also been depicted graphically as shown in Fig. 5. The budget requirements for maintaining the highway network at an optimum serviceability level are almost 45 times more than those required for maintaining it with only routine maintenance type of activities.





M&R Works Intervention Criteria

Alternative Strategies All Crack Sealing and Pothole Patching Scheduled Annually

Works Standard

Base Alternative Double Bituminous Surface Dressing > 10,000 Wet Mix Macadam 200 mm + Base Course 50 mm Bituminous Macadam + Surface Course 40 mm Bituminous Concrete Double Bituminous Surface Dressing 5,000 to 10,000 Overlay 25 mm Bituminous Concrete Wet Mix Macadam 200 mm + Base Course 50 mm Bituminous Macadam + Surface Course 25 mm Bituminous Concrete Single Bituminous Surface Dressing Overlay 40 mm Bituminous Concrete Total Damage Area > 5% Roughness > 2.8 m/km IRI Roughness > 6 m/km IRI and Total Damage Area >10% Total Damage Area > 10% Roughness > 4 m/km IRI Roughness > 8 m/km IRI and Total Damage Area > 20% Total Damage Area > 15% Roughness > 5.2 m/km IRI Roughness > 10 m/km IRI and Total Damage Area > 30%

Routine Maintenance

Serviceability Level High Medium

Traffic Level (AADT)



M&R Alternative

Resealing + Overlay + Reconstruction




< 5,000

Overlay 25 mm Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete Wet Mix Macadam 200 mm + Base Course 50 mm Bituminous Macadam + Surface Course 25 mm Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete






Fig. 5. Section-wise Budget Requirements for the Highway Network

TABLE 23. S UMMARY Pavement Section ID Increase in Road Agency Costs Capital Recurrent

L IFE C YCLE COST A NALYSIS Economic Indicators Net Economic Benefit (NPV) 11.72 171.28 566.70 271.24 320.65 332.61 217.18 128.52 164.49 257.70 383.78 1213.78 255.86 641.91 656.30 24.66 71.32 33.30 99.21 355.01 139.10 239.81

Savings in Road User Costs Vehicle Travel Operating Time Costs Costs 39.38 194.04 562.88 304.77 329.93 341.52 208.86 138.38 159.30 244.70 336.96 743.56 246.11 451.63 476.32 46.64 90.71 63.45 575.74 300.59 150.25 222.67 3.17 15.75 75.39 19.46 30.24 38.82 38.00 6.55 36.63 58.13 90.50 512.70 40.38 222.83 208.31 2.08 9.12 5.25 359.62 98.99 19.39 52.04

NPV/ Cost Ratio 0.377 4.399 7.810 4.995 7.923 6.799 7.121 7.479 5.070 5.597 8.474 28.377 8.083 19.629 22.327 1.000 2.464 0.927 25.468 7.772 4.368 6.559

EIRR (%) 18.1 102.0 180.8 92.0 163.5 157.1 199.0 208.1 139.1 161.2 185.8 258.5 205.1 265.3 255.7 35.5 49.5 31.5 366.2 233.2 133.7 146.3

NH-5801 NH-5802 NH-5803 NH-5804 NH-5805 NH-5806 NH-5807 NH-7201 NH-7202 NH-7203 NH-7204 NH-7205 NH-72A1 NH-72A2 NH-72A3 NH-72A4 NH-7301 NH-7302 NH-7303 NH-7304 NH-7401 NH-7402

31.06 38.94 72.56 54.30 40.47 48.92 30.50 17.19 32.44 46.04 45.29 42.77 31.66 32.70 29.39 24.67 28.95 35.94 35.35 45.68 31.84 36.56

-0.24 -0.43 -0.98 -1.31 -0.96 -1.19 -0.82 -0.78 -0.99 -0.91 -1.61 -0.29 -1.03 -0.15 -0.17 -0.61 -0.44 -0.54 -0.20 -1.11 -1.30 -1.66




Pavement Section NH-58 [km 130-141]

Traffic Application (AADT) Year 12394 14525 18431 23392 2003 2005 2008 2011 2003 2006 2007 2010 2003 2007 2010 2011 2003 2006 2009 2012 2003 2006 2009 2010

M&R Work DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD DBSD SDBC 25 mm DBSD BC 25 mm DBSD BC 25 mm BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD DBSD BC 25 mm DBSD DBSD BC 40 mm

Financial Cumulative Cost Cost 9.771 22.299 9.771 9.771 7.638 6.104 8.966 6.104 14.353 14.353 9.771 22.299 9.771 22.299 9.771 9.771 14.782 10.063 10.063 22.965 9.771 32.071 41.842 51.613 537.685 543.789 552.755 558.859 868.408 882.761 892.532 914.831 1,093.60 1,115.90 1,125.67 1,135.44 1,367.80 1,377.87 1,387.93 1,410.90

NH-72 [km 105-118]

3951 5012 5427 6887

NH-72A [km 0-11]

7090 9739 12359 13381

NH-73 [km 0-11]

8486 10767 13663 17342

NH-74 [km 0-13]

5932 7526 9550 10340

TABLE 25. S ECTION -WISE BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FOR M AINTENANCE M ANAGEMENT HIGHWAY NETWORK Section Name Budget Requirements (Million Rupees) Base Alternative NH-58 NH-58 NH-58 NH-58 NH-58 NH-58 NH-58 NH-72 NH-72 NH-72 [km [km [km [km [km [km [km [km [km [km 130-141] 141-153] 153-173] 173-192] 192-204] 204-218] 218-228] 105-118] 118-132] 132-148] 0.500 0.829 1.745 2.472 1.732 2.113 1.472 1.400 1.741 1.556

M&R Alternative 51.613 69.972 116.620 89.149 69.972 81.634 51.086 28.812 59.084 88.402 (Contd.)

TABLE 25 (Contd.) Section Name





Budget Requirements (Million Rupees) Base Alternative M&R Alternative 75.965 71.745 60.776 61.477 56.432 51.090 51.610 65.690 66.260 85.630 57.880 64.970 Rs. 1475.870 million

NH-72 [km 162-180] NH-72 [km 180-197] NH-72A [km 0-11] NH-72A [km 11-22] NH-72A [km 22-33] NH-72A [km 33-43] NH-73 [km 0-11] NH-73 [km 11-25] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-74 [km 0-13] NH-74 [km 13-30] Total Budget Requirements

2.801 0.610 1.793 0.319 0.357 1.167 0.813 1.108 0.400 1.948 2.339 3.022 Rs. 32.240 million

7.2.6. Year-wise budget requirements: The year-wise budget requirements for the highway network under the M&R alternative are shown in Fig. 6. It is quite clear from this figure that more than one-fourth (26 per cent) of the total budget requirements need to be met with in the very first year (2003) of the analysis period itself, as majority of the pavement sections (20 sections) become candidate sections for M&R works to be undertaken in that year. The remaining 2 sections become candidates in the second year (2004) of the analysis period. Thereafter, there will be no immediate budget requirements for carrying out M&R works on all but one pavement section in the year 2005. However, the need for M&R works on most of the sections appears again in the following years 2006 and 2007 as indicated by almost 30 per cent of the total fund requirements during these two years. Some leftover pavement sections become candidates for M&R in the next year 2008. Thereafter, from year 2009 onwards, the yearly fund requirements show a variable trend till the end of the analysis period, depending upon the number of pavement sections becoming candidate sections for maintenance and rehabilitation. 7.2.7. Condition of the highway network: As a result of the above analysis, the predicted average roughness progression of the highway network as a whole, under the Base Alternative and the M&R Alternative is shown in Fig. 7. The average roughness keep on increasing in case of Base Alternative because the routine maintenance operations do not help in reducing roughness, though it retards the rate of progression of roughness somewhat. In case of M&R alternative, the average roughness value for the highway network remains at an optimum level because of timely application of M&R works.




Budget Requirements (Million Rupees)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0

Fig. 6. Year-wise budget requirements


Average Roughness Value (m/km IRI)

9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Base Alternative M&R Alternative

Fig. 7. Average roughness value for the highway network






7.2.8. Budget optimisation: In the unconstrained works programme, if the budget required for each budget period is below the given budget constraints, no further economic analysis is necessary and the unconstrained works programme can be adopted as such. However, if the budget needs are higher than the available budgets, two options are available: (i) Revise maintenance and improvement standards and run the lifecycle analysis again. This will essentially include lowering the intervention criteria for each M&R works to be applicable. Execute budget optimisation since the maintenance/improvement standards have already been fixed, keeping in view the minimum requirements of the candidate pavement sections, very little scope exists for their revision. Hence, under most of the circumstances, the second option of budget optimisation would usually be selected. The budget optimisation provides a facility to select road sections that can be included within a specified budget in order to maximize the economic benefits. After performing the budget optimisation, a revised work programme is produced. This works programme has a total cost that is within the specified budget.


7.2.9. Optimized works programme: The budget optimisation provides a facility to select pavement sections that can be included with in a specified budget in order to maximize the economic benefits. In case, sufficient funds are not available to carry out all the M&R activities as shown in the unconstrained works programme list, the works programme need to be optimized depending upon the available budget. Since the usual level of fund allocations for the maintenance management of National Highways in India is of the order of 60 per cent only [MORT&H, 2001a], therefore the budget optimisation process is also run with 60 per cent (885.5 million Rupees) budget availability as against the requirement of 1,475.87 million Rupees over the analysis period of 10 years. The optimisation process is set up by specifying the minimum incremental value for NPV and the budget optimisation is performed using the Incremental Analysis Method. This process results in an optimized works programme list as shown in Table 26. This optimized works programme has total budget requirements of 885.49 million Rupees that is with in the specified budget. 7.2.10. Prioritization: As a result of the budget optimisation process, the yearly M&R works have also been prioritized on the basis of decreasing NPV/cost ratio. A list of prioritized M&R works for the year 2007 is shown in Table 27. The works shall be taken up for execution as per the indicated priority ranking.




Pavement Section NH-58 [km 153-173]

Traffic Application (AADT) Year 13304 16879 18273 23190 2003 2006 2007 2010 2003 2006 2009 2012 2003 2006 2008 2011 2003 2006 2007 2010 2003 2006 2007 2010 2003 2008 2010 2003 2007 2010 2003 2007 2010 2003 2007 2010 2011

M&R Work BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD SDBC DBSD BC 25 mm DBSD BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm DBSD BC 25 mm BC 40 mm DBSD BC 25 mm BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm

Financial Cumulative Cost Cost 40,544 17,766 40,544 17,766 24,326 10,66 24,326 10,66 28,381 12,436 28,381 12,436 13,048 8,883 20,272 8,883 7,638 6,104 8,966 6,104 18,267 12,436 28,381 23,486 36,49 15,989 22,182 34,462 15,101 14,353 14,353 9,771 22,299 40,544 58,31 98,854 116,62 140,946 151,606 175,932 186,592 214,973 227,409 255,79 268,226 281,274 290,157 310,429 319,312 326,95 333,054 342,02 348,124 366,391 378,827 406,308 430,695 467,184 483,174 505,355 539,818 554,919 569,271 583,624 593,396 615,695 (Contd.)

NH-58 [km 192-204]

15003 19035 24155 30659

NH-58 [km 204-218]

12189 15464 18125 23004

NH-58 [km 218-228]

9244 11729 12698 16114

NH-72 [km 105-118]

3951 5012 5427 6887

NH-72 [km 118-132]

6192 9207 10793

NH-72 [km 162-180]

7880 10824 13737

NH-72 [km 180-197]

7404 10170 12906

NH-72A [km 0-11]

7090 9739 12359 13381




M&R Work BC 25 mm DBSD BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm BC 25 mm DBSD BC 40 mm DBSD BC 40 mm



Pavement Section NH-72A [km 11-22]

Traffic Application (AADT) Year 6830 8666 9382 11906 12891 2003 2006 2007 2010 2011 2003 2007 2010 2011 2003 2006 2007 2010 2011 2003 2006 2007 2010 2011

Financial Cumulative Cost Cost 12,507 8,515 12,507 8,515 19,432 13,328 13,328 9,073 20,706 12,116 8,249 18,824 8,249 18,824 15,658 10,66 24,326 10,66 24,326 628,202 636,717 649,225 657,74 677,172 690,499 703,827 712,9 733,607 745,723 753,971 772,795 781,044 799,868 815,525 826,185 850,511 861,171 885,497

NH-72A [km 22-33]

6765 9293 11793 12769

NH-73 [km 25-35]

8302 10534 11404 14472 15670

NH-73 [km 35-47]

8281 10506 11374 14435 15629

TABLE 27. PRIORITIZED LIST Year Pavement Section

M&R W ORKS Traffic (AADT) 10170 11404 9293 9382 10824 9739 18273 11374 5427 12698

YEARS 2003-2012 NPV/CAP Priority Ranking I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

M&R Work BC 40 mm BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm

NH-72 [km 180-197] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-72A [km 22-33] NH-72A [km 11-22] 2007 NH-72 [km 162-180] NH-72A [km 0-11] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-58 [km 218-228]

28.377 25.468 22.327 19.629 8.474 8.083 7.81 7.772 7.479 7.121



7.2.11. Inclusion of Must Do works in the optimized programme: One of the key aspects of pavement management is the ability to intervene and select projects that should be carried out for reasons other than the economic priority alone (committed road works). But such projects should meet the minimum criterion of a positive economic return in order to qualify for selection. When the budget allocations are very low, it may be possible to take up only a few M&R works included in the unconstrained works programme. Most of the other M&R works may have to be excluded because of budgetary limitations. In such a scenario, necessity may arise for including some Must Do M&R works in the optimized works programme, which are scheduled to be carried out on some very prominent sections of the highway network, but they might have been otherwise excluded from the optimized works programme because of low values of NPV/Cost ratio. One such kind of pavement sections is NH-58[km 173-192] situated on the RoorkeeHaridwar segment of the highway network. This is the most important segment of the highway network, because of its proximity to the holy city of Haridwar. Moreover, this section carries the maximum amount of traffic volume on whole of the highway network. Therefore, it is quite imperative that all M&R works scheduled for this pavement section, as per the unconstrained works programme, are taken up despite the budgetary constraints. This pavement section does not figure in the optimized works programme as is apparent from the section-wise optimized works programme list shown in Table 26. In order to include this section in the optimized works programme, this section is selected with Manual Assignment in the unconstrained works programme. The optimization process is run again with the same budget level of 885.5 million Rupees, to obtain a revised optimized works programme. All the M&R works scheduled on this pavement section, as per the unconstrained works programme, throughout the analysis period of 10 years, now appear in the revised optimized works programme list. A portion of this list is shown highlighted in Table 28. Since the limiting budget remains the same, this section has to be accommodated in the optimized works programme only by excluding some other sections having marginally higher NPV/Cost ratio. 7.3. PROG2 - Determination of Requirements of Funds for Maintaining the Highway Network as per Three Serviceability Levels This case study demonstrates the determination of funds requirements for maintaining the whole of the highway network as per the three levels of serviceability as defined earlier. The main objective of this analysis is to show






TABLE 28. YEAR -WISE OPTIMIZED WORKS P ROGRAMME L IST W ITH MANUAL ASSIGNMENTS Year 2004 2006 Pavement Section NH-72A [km 33-43] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-72A [km 11-22] NH-58 [km 192-204] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-58 [km 218-228] NH-58 [km 173-192] 2007 NH-72 [km 180-197] NH-73 [km 25-35] NH-72A [km 22-33] NH-72A [km 11-22] NH-72 [km 162-180] NH-72A [km 0-11] NH-58 [km 153-173] NH-73 [km 35-47] NH-72 [km 105-118] NH-58 [km 218-228] NH-72A [km 33-43] 2008 2009 NH-72A [km 33-43] NH-58 [km 192-204] NH-58 [km 173-192] M&R Work DBSD DBSD DBSD DBSD DBSD DBSD DBSD DBSD DBSD BC 40 mm BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm BC 40 mm BC 25 mm BC 40 mm DBSD BC 25 mm BC 40 mm DBSD NPV/CAP Financial Cost 1 25.468 19.629 7.923 7.81 7.772 7.479 7.121 4.995 28.377 25.468 22.327 19.629 8.474 8.083 7.81 7.772 7.479 7.121 1 1 7.923 4.995 8.883 8.249 8.515 10.66 17.766 10.66 6.104 8.883 16.878 34.462 18.824 13.328 12.507 36.49 14.353 40.544 24.326 8.966 20.272 8.883 13.048 24.326 16.878

how the funds requirements vary with changing the serviceability level from High to Medium, and to Low. How these fund requirements compare with the requirements, when the highway network is maintained as per an optimum level of serviceability, is also shown in this case study. 7.3.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is also included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases. All 22 pavement sections included in the national highway network have been selected for this study. 7.3.2. Selection of alternative M&R strategies: For this case study,



four alternative M&R strategies have been defined for each road section on the basis of desired level of serviceability to which the road network is to be maintained. All these M&R strategies are effective from the start year of the analysis period i.e. 2003. The selected alternative strategies, maintenance and rehabilitation works involved and the corresponding intervention criteria are shown in Table 29.
TABLE 29. D ETAILS Alternative Strategies M&R Optimum Serviceability M&R Works

SELECTED M&R S TRATEGIES Intervention Criteria

Applicable to pavement sections as per their respective serviceability levels Resealing with DBSD Overlay with 40 mm BC Reconstruction with 200 mm WMM + 50 mm BM + 40 mm BC Resealing with DBSD Overlay with 25 mm BC Reconstruction with 200 mm WMM + 50 mm BM + 25 mm BC Resealing with SBSD Overlay with 25 mm SDBC Reconstruction with 200 mm WMM + 50 mm BM + 25 mm SDBC

Applicable to respective M&R works

M&R High Serviceability

Total Damage Area > 5 per cent Roughness > 2.8 m/km IRI Roughness > 6 m/km IRI and Total Damage Area >10 per cent

M&R Medium Serviceability

Total Damage Area > 10 per cent Roughness > 4 m/km IRI Roughness > 8 m/km IRI and Total Damage Area > 20 per cent

M&R Low Serviceability

Total Damage Area > 15 per cent Roughness > 5.2 m/km IRI Roughness > 10 m/km IRI and Total Damage Area > 30 per cent

7.3.3. Fund requirements: After selection of the alternative M&R strategies, the programme application is run and the road works summary, as applicable under each M&R strategy, is obtained along with the costs for the same. The total year-wise fund requirements as obtained from this analysis are shown in Table 30. A graphical representation of total fund requirements, under each M&R strategy, over the analysis period of 10 years is shown in Fig. 8. 7.3.4. Comparison of fund requirements : The above results indicate that the funds requirements for maintaining whole of the highway network at the highest level of serviceability is about 27 per cent more than those required for maintaining it at the optimum level of serviceability. It would be possible to maintain the same highway network at a medium level of serviceability at about









Fund Requirements in Million Rupees Year M&R Optimum Serviceability 383.193 21.310 22.300 184.688 253.835 63.632 103.451 175.648 160.237 107.494 1475.870 M&R - High Serviceability M&R - Medium Serviceability M&R - Low Serviceability

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total

831.747 34.734 22.301 211.425 244.885 38.152 128.292 151.999 114.631 93.639 1871.809

315.953 36.970 0.000 127.929 184.306 50.267 93.057 99.425 107.102 74.055 1089.068

207.803 34.513 0.000 83.154 52.581 60.854 71.734 56.326 38.285 74.890 681.042

Budget Requirements (Million Rupees)

2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Optimum Serviceability High Serviceability Medium Serviceability Low Serviceability Optimum Fund Requirements

Level of Serviceability
Fig. 8. Fund requirements for each serviceability level



74 per cent of funds required for obtaining optimum serviceability. The funds requirement for maintaining the whole highway network at the lowest level of serviceability would only be of the order of about 46 per cent. But as per the prevalent practice of allocation of funds in India, only 50-60 per cent funds are available for maintenance management of National Highways [MORT&H, 2001a]. With such kind of fund allocation, it would not be possible to maintain whole of the highway network either at high or even at medium level of serviceability. However, the available funds would be sufficient enough to maintain the highway network at the lowest level of serviceability. 7.3.5. Highway network condition: The average condition of the highway network has been represented by the average roughness value (in terms of IRI m/km) under the different M&R strategies as shown in Fig. 9. The roughness progression is showing quite an expected trend with the various maintenance strategies.

Average Roughness Value (m/km IRI)

6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

High Serviceability Medium Serviceability Low Serviceability Optimum Serviceability


Fig. 9. Highway network condition under each M&R serviceability level

7.4. PROG3 - Determination of Effect of Budget Reduction on Highway Network Condition This case study demonstrates the effect of reduction in budget allocations on the condition of highway network as a whole. The main objective of this analysis is to compare the average condition of the highway network in terms of pavement roughness under various levels of budget allocations.






7.4.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is also included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases. All 22 pavement sections included in the national highway network have been selected for this study. 7.4.2. Selection of alternative M&R strategies: The alternative M&R strategies in this case have been selected to be the same as those selected for the life cycle cost analysis of highway network in PROG1. 7.4.3. Budget optimisation : To do the budget optimisation, the optimisation process is run with various budget allocations. The total budget requirement is of 1475.9 million Rupees for undertaking the unconstrained works programme, as determined in case of life cycle cost analysis of highway network. The various levels of budget allocation for which optimisation process has been done are shown in the Table 31.
TABLE 31. BUDGET ALLOCATION LEVELS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Budget Allocation (%) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Budget Allocation (Million Rupees) 1475.9 1328.3 1180.7 1033.1 885.5 738.9

7.4.4. Effect on highway network condition: The effect of various budget levels on average condition of the highway network can be expressed by the average roughness value in terms of IRI (m/km), as shown in Fig. 10. It is quite clear from the above figure that the average roughness value of the highway network keep on increasing with gradual reduction in budget levels, which in turn may lead to very high road user cost values. Thus reduced budget levels have a very detrimental impact on the condition of the highway network. 7.5. PROG4 - Determination of Effect of Deferred Maintenance on Highway Network Condition This case study demonstrates the effect of not taking up the maintenance when it is due, may be because of unavailability of funds altogether and thereby deferring the maintenance to subsequent years. The main objective of this

6 5.5


Roughness (m/km IRI)

5 100% Budget 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 90% Budget 80% Budget 70% Budget 60% Budget 50% Budget


Fig. 10. Average Roughness Value Under Varying Levels of Budget Allocations

analysis is to show how the condition of the highway network will get affected because of this postponement in taking up the requisite maintenance and rehabilitation activities. 7.5.1. Input data: The input data for this case study is also included in the National Highway Network and National Vehicle Fleet databases. All 22 pavement sections included in the national highway network have been selected for this study. 7.5.2. Selection of alternative M&R strategies: For this case study, four alternatives M&R strategies have been defined for each road section on the basis of their start year of application. In each alternative, the M&R works and the intervention criteria is such as to maintain the various pavement sections included in the highway network at their respective levels of serviceability, but the start year of application in each case is different. 7.5.3. Highway network condition: The average condition of the highway network has been represented by the average roughness value (in terms of IRI m/km) under the different alternative strategies as shown in Fig. 11. It is quite evident from the above figure that the average roughness value of the highway network will not change much if the maintenance is delayed by one year, but this value will rise very sharply, in case the application of maintenance activities is deferred by two years or more, resulting in very high road user costs. Thus, it may be concluded that the M&R activities should not be delayed much from the time they have been triggered by the respective intervention levels.






Average Roughness Value (m/km IRI)

8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 M&R-2003 M&R-2004 M&R-2005 M&R-2006


Fig. 11. Highway network condition under each M&R strategy 8. APPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY

The work carried out under this study may find numerous applications for the purpose of maintenance management of various highway networks. Some of the potential applications are outlined below:

The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is contemplating the development of a Road Information Management System (RIMS) for the National Highway (NH) network in the country using HDM-4. The methodology adopted in this study may be extended to include whole of the NH network to achieve this objective. The highway agencies, in-charge of maintenance management of various highway networks under their jurisdiction may develop and implement a pavement management system for their respective highway network as per the methodology presented in this study. The concerned field engineers may be suitably trained to understand and put into practice the various aspects of PMS, such as pavement sectioning, data collection, database management, and economic analysis for optimization and prioritization of pavement maintenance activities under constrained budget. The highway agencies should collaborate with the specialist research institutions to calibrate and further refine the pavement performance models incorporated into HDM-4, to suit to their local climatic and pavement conditions. The condition responsive maintenance strategies may be adopted for



the prestigious projects such as the National Highway Development Project (NHDP), instead of scheduled maintenance strategies for rational utilization of limited maintenance funds.

The following conclusions have been drawn on the basis of this study:

The practice of pavement management is absolutely essential on the part of highway agencies, especially in developing country like India, because of paucity of available maintenance funds. But the process of development of PMS need to made simpler so that the field engineers may be able to understand and utilize it effectively. Internationally recognised HDM-4 system has been used for the development of pavement management programmes for the National Highway network in the country. The pavement deterioration models incorporated into HDM-4 have been calibrated using the pavement condition data collected on the pavement sections and calibration factors for various deterioration models such as cracking, ravelling, potholing and roughness models have been obtained. The validity of these models has been checked to test the efficacy of these models, by comparing the distress predictions made by the calibrated deterioration models with those actually observed on the selected pavement sections. The R 2 values obtained for cracking progression (0.98), ravelling progression (0.79), and roughness progression (0.97) model show very good agreement between observed and predicted values. Therefore, these models have been used for prediction of distresses and the development maintenance management strategies for the highway network Under project level PMS analysis, the optimum M&R strategy for a pavement section has been determined on the basis of highest NPV/ Cost ratio, amongst a number of pre-defined M&R strategies. Similarly, an optimum improvement strategy for another pavement section has been determined. The remaining service life for a number of pavement sections has been determined which varies from 1 to 3 years, indicating that reconstruction on most of the pavement sections would be inevitable in the near future, in the absence of any sound maintenance management policy.






The adoption of condition responsive maintenance strategies in comparison with the scheduled type of maintenance strategies indicate a saving of more than 33 per cent in highway agency costs over an analysis period of 20 years. Under network level PMS analysis, an unconstrained works programme has been prepared for a period of 10 years and the total budget requirements for maintenance management of the whole highway network at a pre-defined optimum serviceability level have been determined, which comes out to be 1475.87 million Indian Rupees. The budget requirements for maintaining the highway network at an optimum serviceability level are almost 40 times more than those required for maintaining it with only routine maintenance type of activities. Since the usual level of fund allocations for the maintenance management of National Highways in India is of the order of 60 per cent of the requirements only, therefore an optimized and prioritized works programme has been prepared for 60 per cent budget availability. The funds requirements for maintaining whole of the highway network at the highest level of serviceability (Rs. 1871.8 million) is about 27 per cent more than those required for maintaining it at the optimum level of serviceability. However, it would be possible to maintain the same highway network at a medium level of serviceability at about 74 per cent of funds (Rs. 1089.1 million). But since the budget availability is normally 60 per cent, it would just be possible to maintain this highway network at the lowest level of serviceability. The average roughness value of the highway network keep on increasing with gradual reduction in budget levels, which in turn may lead to very high road user cost values. The same is also true when the maintenance activities are increasingly deferred beyond the year in which they become due. Both these scenarios have a very detrimental impact on the overall health of the highway network.


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