Table 5: Data Services Kpis

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Table 5: Data Services KPIs 1 Circuit Switched Data Upstream data rate Services (CDS) 95% of the data

a rate agreed with consumer, at BH Downstream data rate 95% of the data rate agreed with consumer, at BH !ac"et Switched Data #$stream data rate Services (!DS) 95% of the data rate agreed with consumer, at BH Downstream data rate 95% of the data rate agreed with consumer, at BH % &!'S (ttach Success 9)% 'ate !D! Conte*t (ctivation 9)% Success 'ate Data Service +ogin 9)% success,(vai-a.i-it/ +atenc/ &!'S 0 511ms, 2D&2 0 111ms #$-in",Down-in" 5ust meet the 3hrough$ut 5inimum s$eed for 4arious evo-ution of s$ecified in the %&!! 5o.i-e 3echno-og/ Standards Standards 6 5eeting (dvertisement 3here sha-- .e no Commitments dis$arit/ .etween advertised rates and that eventua--/ received ./ the Consumer 5 Com$ensation for hours (t -east 111% of -oss of in su$$-/ time data services not rendered 7 Contention Committe 5ust .e s$ecified in 'atio d the contract 'ate 5a*imum 5ust .e s$ecified in Data 'ate the contract

8 )

2nd9to92nd 3hrough$ut Data 'ate of each -in" from end9to9end

9 11

11 1

1% 16 15 17 18 1) 19 1

Data rate of s-owest -in" (.ott-enec") !ermissi.-e Down-oad datasi:e $er .i--ing $eriod without additionacharge on the $-an 'es$onse time in case of 5ust .e s$ecified in 5a;or <au-ts the contract Customer detai-s 5ust .e avai-a.-e for inc-uding =CC verification if address and -og fi-es re>uired Additional Thresholds for 3G Network ''C?CSS' @9)% '(B?S' @9)% '3A! @9111dBm 'SC! 9)5dBm 2c,Bo 99dBm Bu. Congestion @ % CS?B'(3 HHC <ai-ure @ % !S?B'(3 HHC <ai-ure @ %

5ust .e s$ecified in the contract 5ust .e s$ecified in the contract, and shou-d ma"e $rovision to ena.-e measurement 5ust .e s$ecified in the contract 5ust .e s$ecified in the contract

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