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Chapter 5

Plan Contents
The initial plan of action must address the following subjects:

- Viability of sponsor's cost and schedule objectives. If required,

recommend realistic ones.

- Preparation of the process package: engineering hours, duration, and

proposed execution method.

Project funding philosophy and schedule.

- Responsibility for the execution, anticipated CED involvement. - Projectexecutionapproach:smallkonventional. - Approximate engineering and construction staff requirements: average
and peak.

- Preliminary schedule.

Contracting strategy.

- Contractorselectiontimetable.
Planning Rules of Thumb
The following is a brief summary of the tools, discussed early in this chapter, that will enable project managers to prepare sensible plans of action very early in the project with minimal information: Construction Hours

- TIC X 0.38 + $45/hr.


1,700 hr perequipmentitem.

Engineering Hours (After Phase1 Design)

- TIC X 0.16 + $75/hr. - 650 hr per equipment item.

Equipment Count "Growth"

- Conceptualtofinal - Phase 0 to final

1.30 - 1S O .

1.20 - 1.30.

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