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Digestion - structure and function

What do you already know about digestive structures?

Complete the digestive system worksheet.

Use the scanned resources to help you.


Mechanical vs. Chemical Mechanical digestion: The physical process of preparing the food for chemical digestion by breaking it down into smaller pieces. It involves!chewing! (mouth),!mixing,!churning! (in the stomach and intestine) and! segmentation!(intestine).


Mechanical vs. Chemical Chemical digestion: Involves breaking down large, insoluble molecules into small, soluble ones. Enzymes speed up the process. The main places where chemical digestion happens are the mouth, stomach and small intestine.

Digestion - structure and function

Chemical digestion
Chemical digestion breaks down food into very small molecules. Enzymes assist in chemical digestion. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions such as breaking down food.

Digestion - structure and function

Enzymes can be used repeatedly to speed up chemical reactions.

Each enzyme has its own special shape like a lock. Different food molecules have different shapes and act like a key. If the food (key) ts into the enzyme (lock), then the enzyme will break down the food into smaller pieces.

Digestion - structure and function


The Digestive System

Digestion - structure and function


Complete this table.

Digestion - structure and function


Digestion - structure and function


Use plasticine to demonstrate the characteristics of enzymes using one of these examples.

Digestion - structure and function


Use plasticine to demonstrate the characteristics of enzymes using one of these examples.

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