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Tree Ship

House Box Infinity Relationships

Chains Flower House Cross



A family is a structure of A family dynamic does

elements that form together. They support each otherSome of moments of happiness, sadness, and even strength. (Jose Miguel)

not have to revolve around only those who are related to each other. It is a unit that you trust, love, and have faith in. (Katrina Anne)

When I hear the word I think about my parents

family, I think of financial needs and stability. I also think of children and their education. (Maybelle)

and my siblings and how love and/or concern become apparent in each and everyone. (Kay Blanca)

Family is the basic unit of A family is a group of

our society. It is an important pillar that binds a society together. (Noubert)

people who you know and feel comfortable with whether you have blood relations with them or not.- Carlo

Family consists of a A family does not

father and a mother, and a son or a daughter. Family usually helps and encourages each other whenever there is a crisis or a problem that occurs to any member of the family. (Wesley)

necessarily need to be composed of members who are related. A family is composed of a group of individuals who work and care for each other. (Pocholo)

People who are related A reliable system that is

by blood initially constitute a family. However, there are instances where even those not related by blood may consider each other as family. (Shermaine)

founded on love, understanding, and open communication (Nadia)

Why family journal? Why define the family?

It will help you understand

your history.
It will help others (esp.

your future spouse) about your family background.

Each family is unique,

therefore we have to understand individual context.

*A cultural and social construction. The meaning of the family is relative depending on the cultural context of the person being asked.
Social Construction Theory is concerned with the ways we think about and use categories to structure our experience and analysis of the world. (Jackson, Penrose)

Family could vary in terms: 1.Size 2.Membership (who are members of the family) 3.Values and Beliefs 4.Formation 5.Type (marriage types)
Family variation can be manifested through different cultural aspects like architecture, rituals, practices, material objects, and other behavioral manifestations.

Kadazan Duzun

A social institution.
Institution is a s_____l

st____ture or mechanism that creates s____l or____ and co_______n. (examples?) transformations historically, but has remained intact.

*Has undergone multiple

A social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction.

It includes adults of both sexes, at

least two of whom maintain (extended family) a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, owned or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults.
(Murdock, 1949 in Medina, 2001: 12-13)

How about some cultures in which

cohabiting couples do not live together or do not even consider marriage.

Mosuo (pronounced as Msu) People Walking Marriages (Mutual Affection)

How does that work?

The man usually asks the permission of the woman

for a home visit.


Visits are usually kept secret and are done after

Man spends the night with the woman and returns

to his home in the morning.

Man can have as many sexual partners as desired. Couples do not share property and man does not

have responsibility with his offspring.

Insert Video
Walking Marriages



*Common: two parents and their children

*Nuanced: two or more individuals affiliated by blood (parent and child), marriage (husband and wife), or adoption (adopted child)

*Based on consanguineous (genetic; kinship) and affinal relations (through marriage) *Myth: NF as isolated and detached from other kin

*Nuclear family + anyone who does not belong to the nuclear (at least three generations).

*Three interlocking nuclear families: family of origin, family of procreation, and family of affinal relations.

*Regulate sexual access and activity

*NO monkey business, ideally no extra marital affairs

No Other Woman A Secret Affair The Mistress

*Provide an orderly context for

procreation. Birth Spacing Number of children

Reproduction Function
It is important to know whether your

partner has the capacity to bear a child or not.

Thy Womb One More Try

Nurture and socialize children

Ensure economic stability

(values, knowledge, skills, etc.)

Provide security and emotional


1. Mate selection 2. Marriage 3. Residence 4. Sexual intercourse 5. Children

Mate Choice or Mate Selection

Free Choice of Spouse Free Choice with Parental

Arranged Marriages

Bride Price Love

Other reasons

1. Who to marry

Endogamy vs. Exogamy

Homogamy vs. Heterogamy Hypergamy vs. Hypogamy

How many to marry (monogamy vs. polygamy)


Nyinba people of Nepal (Fraternal Polyandry)

Question: What do you think is the reason behind polyandry among the Nyinba people of Nepal?


Chagga People

Attraction Attraction may vary depending on ones cultural standard

Eyes, ears
Nawa of Africa value elongated labia majora

Mursi of Ethiopia

Karen People

All Rights Reserved Stephen Woo


Lovestrong emotional attachment with sex desire and tenderness.

Romantic love complex in relationships (i.e., falling in love as a highly desirable basis of courtship and marriage) is rare.

Caveat: 1.Love is not necessarily the foundation of marriage. 2.Marriage or intimate relationship is not always like lying in the bed of roses. 3.Marriage is not a always like a fairy tale or a Romeo and Juliet Story as described in the song I CAN LOVE YOU LIKE THAT.

They read you Cinderella You hoped it would come true And one day a Prince Charming Would come rescue you You like romantic movies And you never will forget The way it felt When Romeo kissed Juliette And all this time that you've been waiting You don't have to wait no more I can love you like that I would make you my world Move Heaven and earth If you were my girl I would give you my heart Be all that you need Show you you're everything that's precious to me If you give me a chance I can love you like that I can love you like that

Isang Linggog Pagibig

Lunes Nang tayo'y magkakilala Martes Nang tayo'y muling nagkita Miyerkules Nagtapat ka ng yong pag-ibig Huwebes Ay inibig din kita Biyernes Ay puno ng pagmamahalan Mga puso natin ay sadyang nag-aawitan Sabado Tayo'y biglang nagkatampuhan At pagsapit ng linggo giliw ako'y iyong iniwan

Courtship and Mate Selection

The Love Relationship

Coupling of love and marriage not universal Many world cultures give priority to factors other than romantic feelings

Other forms
Sister Exchange Marriage- Among the Turkic and

the Yanomamo.
Levirate- if a womans husband dies, she should

marry one of her husbands brothers, brother-inlaw marriage.

Sororate- if a mans wife dies, he should marry

one of his wifes sister, sister-in-law marriage.

Attraction Companionship

Social Pressure Economic


Religion Propinquity

Marriage involving one wife and several husbands: P___________________

Marriage involving one husband and several wives: P___________________

A type of marriage in which the brother of a deceased man is obliged to marry his brother's widow: L_________ Marriage A type of marriage in which the sister of a deceased woman is obligated to marry her sisters widower: S______ Marriage This usually involves the simultaneous marriage of a brother-sister pair from two households: Si______ Ex____ Marriage

Traditional definition of family: A s____l g____p characterized by c______n r_____ce, e_____ic co_______n, and r______on.
Hypergamy Vs. Hypogamy

Endogamy Vs. Exogamy

Families can vary across societies

Insert Macionis, page 465

School Church Bars (Show Video Clipping of

Amnesia Girl)

Dating Website Family and Friends Work Social Gatherings Others


I don't care what Justin Timberlake was whining about....

I'm fun, outgoing, good looking, intelligent, adventurous-and seeking the same. I need someone who is confident in themselves enough to handle me :) I'm liberal and refuse to be closeted in any fashion, I do not want to pretend to be anyone else other than who I am. So if you consider yourself extremely opinionated and conservative on many of today's issues... college, I'm going for more education, I need to be able to converse with a balanced audience on things. If you are serious...reply with a picture (there's no excuse to not have one with today's tech in my opinion) Put the title of the last book you read in the subject line....don't forget the pic!

I'm just saying we may not get along too well lol. I went to

I'm Desiree, 31. I'm 5'6", curvy but well-proportioned, long brown hair and brown eyes. I'm a bit quiet and shy, but friendly. I enjoy walking/hiking be it exploring a city, a park, a mountain or a beach, biking, visiting zoos & aquariums, public gardens, museums, libraries/bookstores, watching movies and sometimes just doing silly things like mini golf, bowling or ice skating. I don't have any skill, but it's fun to laugh at yourself sometimes. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for at this point, but half the fun is figuring it out as we go. I do have a few requirements...single, Caucasian, 28-40, employed, no smoking, drugs or disease and honesty is a must. hope to hear from you, your pic gets mine. take care

Getting to know each other. But there is a danger, it can

lead to sexual advances.

See Video (Life as we know it)

When the relationship grows and matures, there comes the proposal.

Traditional (Harana or serenade and render labor )

Modern (Show video, Valentines Day)

Pamanhikan or the wedding entreat is a ritual

or an activity in which the groom asks the permission from the brides parents to get married.
In Korea, they have what they call the hahm

which is a festival before the wedding day.

Others would call it MEET THE PARENTS

(insert video)

The Wedding Day of Prince William And Duchess Catherine

Insert Video

1. When June Bride? The Lucky 8 and other interesting number combinations (12-12-2012, 11-12-2013, 12-08-2012) Other superstitious belief

2. How

Traditional Modern

3. Who should be invited 4. How much 5. Whos going to foot the billa potential source of conjugal conflict

Guidelines for couples planning their wedding (Around and Pauker, 1987) 1. Plan 1 year in advance 2. Try to consider the feelings of other family members 3. Consider what is important to you and what your budget is. 4. Use the preparation as a time to share and make decisions as a couple 5. Try to keep it simple so you can enjoy it.

1. Patrilocal 2. Matrilocal 3. Bilocal 4. Neo-local

*First night (to become one)


*Sexual frequency
Gaano kadalas ang minsan? Show Hall Pass 00:28:50

(US DATA) Married couples have sex about six to seven times per month (approx. at least twice per week) as compared to cohabiting couples an singles . Couples should agree when to have it, how many times (in a day, a month, or a week), and how to go about it. Some individuals may find their partners too scandalous. Positive sexual relationship in terms of quantity and quality is an indication of a happy married life.

Married people supposedly should have satisfying sexual relationship.

Top Five Sexual Issues for Married Couples

*Dissatisfied with amount of affection from partner *Difficulty keeping sexual relationship interesting *Sexual relationship not satisfying (related to sexual health issues like ED, PE, anorgasmia or the inability to have an orgasm ) *Dissatisfied with level of openness in discussing sexual topics *Reluctant to be affectionate because partner may interpret it as a sexual advance Source: Olson and Olson, 2000

There are also different sexual techniques

1.In some societies, one partner will inflict pain on the other partner during love making. 2.Apineyean (Apinaye) women of South America have been known to bite off bits of their partners eyebrows. 3.Trukese (Chuukese) women in the South Pacific (Micronesia) poke fingers in the mans ear when sexually excited.

Types of sexual dysfunction

Sexual interactions can be frustrating but in most cases a

source of happiness and joy.

Problems Premature ejaculation (man reaches orgasm quickly than woman) Retarded ejaculation Ejaculatory incompetence (unable to ejaculate in partners vagina despite firm erection and high level of arousal) Rapid orgasm in women Painful intercourse

Learn your anatomy

Learn what you truly feel about your body

Learn your partners attitudes toward sex Learn to relax with your partner Learn sexual techniques Explore your and your partners body

*The socially expected first born (China Case) *Timing *How many children (family planning methodscost, safety and efficacy) *Sex ratio in the family

A social group characterized by common residence (?), economic cooperation (?), and reproduction (?).
It includes adults of both sexes (?), at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship (?), and one or more children (?), owned or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults. (Murdock, 1949 in
Medina, 2001: 12-13)

Two or more persons who share resources and responsibility for decisions, values and goals, and have a commitment to each other over time.
(Davison and Moore, 1992)

Common residence is not necessary in defining a family

(Medina, 2001)

Show video American Family Defined

Factors Affecting Family Change

Demographic Factors
People are living longer therefore

increasing the likelihood that they will be widowed or divorced.

Increased life expectancy also reduces

the pressure to marry and have children early.

Factors Affecting Family Change

Lifestyle Factors
Gender equality and the empowerment of

women Longer life and lower fertility mean that women have more opportunities to pursue their goals Medical (family planning options) and legal developments enabled women to have more choices relative to marriage and children

Factors Affecting Family Change

Urbanization and new political regimes
Policy legitimizing same sex marriages and

divorce Greater freedom of choice and reduction of social stigma regarding divorce Increase in educational opportunities and financial independence resulted in women escaping violent and unhappy marriages and delaying birth

Changes in Marriage Patterns

Prevalence of Child Marriage (World Youth Report 2013)

*No singular definition *Family heterogeneity in terms of structure and composition, but not in functions*

Families can be different. Respect for families of what ever form they may be. Show video, family matters and family

Family Matters and

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