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Rich Old People

I have a thing for listening to people who have been through a lot in life, and triumphed in the midst of it. I understand that people can triumph in many ways, including emotionally and spiritually. In this case, I am referring to the type of people who have overcome obstacles in the area of business, and in the finances. I listen to old rich people simply because they have experience. I am especially intrigued by those who have been through the Great Depression and managed to prosper financially. I think if you fail to learn from history, you set yourself up to repeat it, and certain principles are universal. They also stand the test of time.

I have noticed that there is so much to learn from them, and I have rarely come across a foolish, rich, old man. Why? Because most of them give common sense advice and are very principled. They live their life on simple principles, many of them are not obsessed with material things. I have never heard any of them say they wished they worked more or made more cash. Many of them will tell you that if they could change anything, they would have loved more. They would have also lived more, and spent more time with those they love. Principles rule the world and the best advice you will ever get in life and concerning your business are usually simple and profound. For me, old rich people have a way of giving simple, yet profound instruction. Irrevocable, irrefutable laws. This kind of advice is timeless, those same principles practiced during the rise of the Great Depression, will work during any condition. Time works in seasons and cycles, circumstances come full circle and repeat in a different time or context. Rather than difficult, complex concepts, simple, wise ideas can really help us build a strong foundation for our lives, career and business. I could speak about a million technical ideas, theories and systems, but basic principles govern the universe. Principles make the world go round, and simple advice is timeless. By Leslie Poku, Author and Marketing Consultant Follow him on Twitter: @LesliePoku

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