MCS 138J09232

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$$$ Reward $$$

Tip, m0,t .e recei-e? .1 !etro Crime (topper,>

!"5E !ET'O C'$!E (TOPPE'( YO ' &$'(T C"##

Toll &ree2 1-833-4#OC5 P


Baltimore Police Department CC# 13-8J09232

IF YOUR TIP TO THE HOTLINE LEADS TO AN ARREST AND INDICTMENT IN THIS CASE, THEN YO !"Y BE E#$%$B#E &O' " C"(H 'E)"'D O& P TO *2+000 If you have information on the above crime/victim please call, text, or e-mail

!etro Crime (topper, Hotline "-aila.le 2/-Ho0r, a Da1 Toll &ree2 1-833-4 #OC5 P 61-833-473-27848 or , .1 te9tin: ;!C( pl0, 1o0r me,,a:e< to C'$!E( 624/3348 or , .1 =e. at ===>metrocrime,topper,>or:

Homicide Detectives need your help locating the individual(s) responsible for the murder of Natafre Green, ( pictured above ) On Saturday, October 1 , !"1# Natafre Green $as shot and %illed in the #"" &loc% of S' (ran%linto$n )d' *nyone $ith information about this case is as%ed to please contact the Metro Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-866-7- OC!"#$
Created on 11%&'%1(

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