California Psychological Inventory

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The primary purpose of The California Psychological Inventory is to predict future behavior and understand prior actions. The test is an excellent means of assessing work attitude and behaviors and how one might approach a work-related task. The test is easily administered and can be completed in approximately one hour. The CPI measures the individual on 1 different behaviors as well as levels of achievement! independence! intellect! and flexibility. "inally! in overall summary! the CPI indicates a level of feminine or masculine approach to work behaviors and tasks. The 1 behaviors and levels of achievement are then summari#ed in an assessment of Personality Types as indicated by $lpha! %eta! &amma or 'elta. "or example! a student pursuing a %.(. in $ccounting may score high on Independence! )esponsibility and (elf-Control. They may! however! score low on (ociability and Capacity for (tatus. In reviewing this profile! the individual would probably not function well in a social office setting but would prefer a work space that is somewhat isolated. $lso! they may not work well with groups of people but prefer one-on-one contact for problem solving issues. Their personality type would probably be identified as $lpha Type! which is indicative of an authoritarian! strong-willed and steadfast worker. %ehavior identified on the California Psychological Inventory include* 'ominance Capacity for (tatus (ociability (ocial Presence (elf-$cceptance Independence +mpathy )esponsibility (ociali#ation (elf-Control &ood Impression Communality ,ell-%eing Tolerance

%ehavioral avenue on the California Psychological Inventory include* $chievement via Conformance $chievement via Independence Intellectual +fficiency Psychological--indedness "lexibility "emininity.-asculinity Personality Types identified on the California Psychological Inventory include* $lpha Types %eta Types &amma Types 'elta Types

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