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The objectives of this laborator are! 1" 2" 3" ," To i#vesti$ate the seriall e#co%e% P&M si$#al" To 'a(e si$#al)to)#oise 'eas*re'e#ts of the P&M s ste'" To i#vesti$ate s #chro#o*s a#% as #chro#o*s P&M tech#i+*es" To i#vesti$ate -ro-erties of the T.M)P&M co''*#icatio# s ste'"


1" P& /ith Matlab a#% 0i'*li#(

Laboratory Procedure I . PCM Fa !"!ar!#at!o$ 1" The a#alo$ to %i$ital co#versio# -ro-erties of the P&M 2as i#vesti$ate% i# the last e3-eri'e#t" The 4start5 bit a#% the 6 %ata bits a#% t2o 4sto-5 bits 2ere i%e#tifie%" It 2as also fo*#% that if the -arit s2itch is o#7 the# the 1st sto- bit is cha#$e% to a# eve# -arit bit" That is7 the 6 %ata bits -l*s the -arit bit 2ill al2a s be a# eve# #*'ber (refer to figure 8 B) 8" 0et *- 9i$*re 81" the M08):08 +*a#ti;atio# s2itches are to be i'-le'e#te% *si#$ the 0a'-le a#% hol% a#% <*a#ti;er bloc(s" The o*t-*ts is to be fe% via a M=X a#% the i#-*t co'-are% 2ith the o*t-*t a#% the error i# traci#$ the si$#al is observe% *si#$ a ver lo2 fre+*e#c si#e 2ave" The effect of cha#$es i# a'-lit*%e sho*l% also be st*%ie%" 1ll the res*lts sho*l% 'atch the o#es s*''ari;e% belo2"

figure 8A (a) PCM timing

The o*t-*t of the above circ*it i'-le'e#tatio# is sho2# belo2 i# the follo2i#$ &R>?s"

figure 8A (b) Input to PCM timing The o*t-*t '*3e% 2ith the i#-*t is sho2# i# fi$*re belo2

figure 8A (c) Output Muxed with Input for PCM timing The bloc( -ara'eters of the +*a#ti;er is sho2# belo2

figure 8A (d) Quantizer b oc! parameter"

The 2hole P&M ti'i#$ bloc( i'-le'e#tatio# is sho2# belo2

figure 8A (e) PCM timing# $u imp ementation @ere are the bloc( -ara'ters of the +*a#ti;er e#co%e a#% the %eco%e bloc(s" The tri$er si$#al is -rovi%e% *si#$ a -*lse $e#erator"

figure 8A (f) B oc! Parameter" %nab ed &uantizer encode

0i'ilarl the bloc( -ara'eters for the +*a#ti;atio# %eco%e is sho2# belo2"

figure 8A (g) B oc! Parameter" %nab ed &uantizer decode The %i$ital o*t-*t si$#al is as sho2# belo2"

figure 8A (h) B oc! Parameter" %nab ed &uantizer decode The +*a#ti;atio# val*es are sho2# belo2

figure 8A (i) Quantization 'a ue"

The %istortio# is sho2# belo2

figure 8A (() )i"tortion of the "igna The fi#al o*t-*t of the %eco%er is sho2# belo2

figure 8A (!) Output in compari"ion with the input &" The s2itches i# the P&M)1#alo$ 'o%*le 2as set to 0AN& / 10AN& ))) 0AN& 1%j*st the a#alo$ i#-*t si$#al for a 1 (@; si#ce 2ave" The o*t-*t of the P&M %eco%er 2as observe%" The o*t-*t 2as also fe% to a :P9 to reco#str*ct the si$#al" The effect of the :P9 to si$#al reco#str*ctio# is i'-orta#t si#ce it cha#$es the a'-lit*%e of the fre+*e#c %o'ai# si$#al"

II 1"

PCM SNR MEASURMENT 1s sho2# i# figure 8c a co''*#icatio# cha##el has bee# a%%e% to the P&M s ste'" 1 co#sta#t #*'ber of +*a#ti;atio# levels B26C7 the error si$#al 2ill be a f*#ctio# of the co''*#icatio# cha##el 0NR" Therefore7 2e 'eas*re% the 0NR at the o*t-*t of the s ste' a#% co'-are% it to the 0NR i# the co''*#icatio# cha##el" The o*t-*t 0NR 2as -lotte% as a f*#ctio# of the cha##el 0NR" B 1 20 @; si#ce 2ave B3v -)-C sho*l% be *se% as the a#alo$ i#-*t"C

/e co*l% have also %ecrease% the si$#al level i# the cha##el to $et a 2i%e variatio# of 0/N ratio b i#serti#$ the D0 fee%thr*" 8" 1 sche'e as bee# i#cor-orate% i#to the P&M s ste' for the co'-e#satio# of errors $e#erate% b #oise" /ith the -arit s2itch >N7 o#e of the sto- bits is cha#$e% to a -arit bit" No2 the ei$ht)bit %ata 2or% Bs*rro*#%e% b the start a#% sto- bitsC 2ill al2a s have a# eve# #*'ber of bits" The error co'-e#satio# sche'e 2or(s as follo2s!

figure 8B (a) PCM channe in *oi"e

The o*t-*t bloc( loo(s li(e this

figure 8B (b) Output of PCM channe in *oi"e

The bloc( -ara'eters of the 8a#% li'ite% /hite #oise loo(s li(e this

figure 8B (c) B oc! Parameter" of Band imited +hite *oi"e

The other 'o%*le o*t-*ts are sho2# belo2

The %i$ital si$#al $e#erate% loo(s li(e this

figure 8B (d) Output of the digita "igna generator The +*a#ti;atio# val*es a#% the error is sho2# belo2

figure 8B (e) Quantization 'a ue"

figure 8B (f) )i"tortion

1" Receive% -arit is eve#! It 2ill be ass*'e% that #o error 2as 'a%e i# the cha##el" 2" Receive% -arit is o%%! 1# error has bee# 'a%e" a" &o'-e#satio# >#! The 'ost rece#t eve# -arit sa'-le 2ill be retai#e% at the o*t-*t" B No2 this is al2a s *se%"C The abilit to co'-e#sate to i#crease the o*t-*t 0NR of the P&M s ste' 2as observe% a#% a -lot si'ilar to the -revio*s ti'e 2as %o#e" &" The -arit s2itch 2as t*r#e% off a#% the s ste' has bee# o-erati#$ i# a 4s #chro#o*s5 'o%e" That is7 the ti'i#$ s ste' is co''o# to both e#co%er a#% %eco%er" 1s #chro#o*s 'o%e 2ill *tili;e the start a#% sto- bits of the P&M 2or% for obtai#i#$ 2or% ti'i#$" The loss of the start bit %*e to cha##el #oise 2ill #ot o#l ca*ses a 2or% error7 b*t also ca*ses loss of s #chro#i;atio#" It this ha--e#s7 it 'a ta(e several P&M 2or%s to reestablish s #chro#i;atio# res*lti#$ i# a lo2er o*t-*t 0NR" This 2as verifie%" III AS%NCRONOUS PCM TRANSMISSION T2o lab $ro*-s coor%i#ate% this -ortio# of the e3-eri'e#t" T2o se-arate co)a3ial cables 2ere -re-are% lo#$ e#o*$h to reach the t2o &M.0 'ai#fra'es" The o*t-*t of o*t 1#alo$)P&M 'o%*le 2as co##ecte% tot he i#-*t of their P&M)1#alo$ 'o%*le" 0a'-li#$ fre+*e#cies 2as close to the sa'e fre+*e#c of D(@; for as #chro#o*s o-eratio#" 1 t2o)2a co''*#icatio# 2as establishe% bet2ee# the t2o -arties" It 2as observe% that the s ste's %o#?t 2or( i# 0AN& 'o%e" I& T'O C(ANNEL TDM PCM S%STEM

1 cha##el T.M P&M s ste' b*ilt *si#$ &M.0 as sho2# i# fi$*re 8. 2as *se%" The overall s ste' -ara'eters7 s*ch as 0NR -ro-erties a#% the cross cha##el se-aratio# thro*$ho*t the s ste' a#% s ste' -erfor'a#ce as a f*#ctio# of the s ste' sa'-li#$ fre+*e#c 2ere i#vesti$ate%"

figure 8) (f),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem The 2ave for's are as sho2# belo2 at %iffere#t sta$es

figure 8) (b),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem 0 )igita .igna

figure 8) (c),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem 0 &uantization 'a ue"

figure 8) (d),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem 0 b oc! parameter"

figure 8) (e),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem 0 Output "igna 1

figure 8) (f),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem 0 Output "igna 2

figure 8) (g),wo channe ,)M- PCM ./"tem 0.igna before demuxing & Report The re-ort 2ith all the +*estio#s i# the lab -roce%*re 2ere a#s2ere% a#% the -lot of the 0NR c*rves a#% the eval*atio#s of the vario*s s ste's 2ere %o#e"

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