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Miguel Angel Llovera Da Corte REMS 5953 Online Fall 2012 Homework #4: Between-groups ANOVA ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE

Step 1: Identify the populations, distribution, and assumptions Population 1: All individuals that participated in counseling practice (behavior modification) on how to reduce their fear of heights, and were asked to walk to the edge of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Population 2: All individuals that participated in counseling practice (client-centered) on how to reduce their fear of heights, and were asked to walk to the edge of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Population 3: All individuals that participated in counseling practice (control) on how to reduce their fear of heights, and were asked to walk to the edge of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The comparison distribution will be an F distribution. The hypothesis test will be a one-way between groups ANOVA. Assumptions: 1) The data are not selected randomly, so we must generalize with caution. 2) We do not know if the underlying population distributions are normal, but the sample does not indicate severe skew. 3) To see if we meet the homoscedasticity assumption, we will check to see if the largest variance is no greater than twice the smallest variance.

Step # 2: State the null and research hypothesis Null Hypothesis: All individuals attending different counseling practices based on behavior modification, client-center, and control exhibit the same fear when exposed to heights, on average. Ho: 1= 2= 3 Research Hypothesis: All Individuals attending different counseling practices based on behavior modification, client-center, and control do not exhibit the same fear when exposed to heights, on average.

Step # 3: Determine the characteristics of the comparison distribution

We would use the F distribution with 2 and 6 degrees of freedom

Step # 4: Determine the critical value, or cutoff The critical F statistic based on a p level of 0.05 is 5.14

Step # 5: Calculate the test statistic please see attached spreadsheet. = 7.3333 + 29.5556 = 36.8889


Step # 6: Make a decision The F statistic, 12.0911, is beyond the cutoff of 5.14. We can reject the null hypothesis. On average, all individuals attending different counseling practices do not exhibit the same level of fear when exposed to heights. However, the results from this ANOVA do not specify where differences lie.


This is the formula that needs to be used to calculate the standard error given that the sample sizes are equal.

HSD Calculation for each pair of means Behavior Modification (2) versus Client-Centered (3.3333) HSD = = = -2.10

Behavior Modification (2) versus Control (6.3333) HSD = = = - 6.80

Client-Centered (3.3333) versus Control (6.3333) HSD = = -4.70

Number of means being compared = 3 p level = 0.05 cutoff q = 4.34

Since this is a two-tailed test, any HSD above 4.34 or below -4.34 would be considered statistically significant. By comparing the HSDs that were calculated above to the critical values of 4.34 and -4.34, it is evident that there are two significant differences between means in this ANOVA, particularly those with the HSD values of - 6.80 and - 4.70. It appears that those subjects in client-centered or behavior modification therapy were less scared of heights than those subjects in the control group.

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