Early Jamestown

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Early Jamestown: why did so many colonists die?

Caption john smith made a voyage to the cost of north America in 1607.he wanted to start the first permit English settlement in the new world. Aboard 3 ships he brought 104 settlers to an island on the James River in Virginia. There they faced many ships such as envirmental issues, lack of skilled settler, and relatives with the natives who lived there. All these lead to my opinion about why did so many colonists died in early James town during the period 1607-1611. Since the colonist choose a swampy location to build the first settlement. Envirmental issues became a problem. According to document a brackish water was too salty to drink and was a perfect place for a disease to grow. The mosquitos that lived in this enverminet carried a dizzies called malaria. Auditioning to the malaria a Bactria that caused dysentery to grow in the filthy water making it unhealthy to drink or bathe in. the evince from document a showed that problems from envrmintel issues come up high death rates at early Jamestown. In document B it said that the drought caused a shortage of corn making the natives unwilling to trade.fran

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