Career Research Planb

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Name: _Carly Smith_

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): i!esiolo"ist #ob o$er$ie%&What they do ('ro$ide a para"raph descriptio! of the job( What %ould a typical day o! the job look like)): *hey study the mo$eme!t of the huma! body( *here are three mai! cate"ories that you ca! pursue( +f you %ere a sports i!esiolo"ist you %ould be focusi!" o! a specific athletes a!d helpi!" them %ith e,ercises to e!ha!ce their athletic performa!ce( - typical day %ould possibly be %atchi!" your clie!t.s "ames preppi!" them before a!d bei!" ready to help if he&she "ets i!jured/ "uide them to properly cool do%!/ a!d the! "o o$er %hat they did %ell a!d could %ork o!( *he other t%o areas you could focus i! are biomecha!ical a!d psychomotor beha$iour e,perts( 0iomecha!ical ki!esiolo"ist.s help those %ith disabilities do e,ercises that %ill stre!"the! their muscles a!d try a!d pre$e!t further deterioratio!( 'sychomotor beha$iour e,perts help those %ith problems arou!d perceptio!/ reactio! time a!d poor motor lear!i!" skills( Worki!" co!ditio!s (1ours you ca! e,pect to %ork) Risk of i!juries) *ime of day&time of year) +!doors&outdoors) Clothi!" re2uired) 3tc4): Your hours %ould differ depe!di!" o! your area of %ork a!d your clie!ts/ could be short hours i! the middle of the day or a fe% i! the mor!i!" a fe% i! the e$e!i!" or perhaps all day( *here is little risk of i!jury( 3ach day %ould be differe!t i! terms of bei!" i!doors or out/ it %ould depe!d o! if you %ere doi!" tests o! your patie!t/ maki!" them do e,ercises or bei!" their support at a! e$e!t( Your clothi!" %ould ha$e to be appropriate a!d fle,ible e!ou"h that you could demo!strate the e,ercises(

Salary (%hat %a"e ca! you e,pect to ear!)): *he a$era"e %a"e for a Sports a!d 5it!ess 'ro"ram Super$isor ra!"es from 677869: a! hour( *he a$era"e salary for a ki!esiolo"ist is 69;/<<< but they ca! ra!"e bet%ee! 6=</<<< to 6></<<</ possibly hi"her depe!di!" o! your patie!ts a!d their dema!d for your atte!tio!( 5uture outlook (%ill this job be i! dema!d i! the future) Why&%hy !ot)): *he predictio!s say that there %ill be more people applyi!" for these jobs the! there %ill be job ope!i!"s( So there may !ot be a hu"e dema!d for this job i! the future but depe!di!" o! the field you speciali?e i! there could be more jobs a$ailable(
Post-Secondary Institute !rainin" Pro"ram #$

0achelor of i!esiolo"y
%ocation and name of pro"ram& (Where the school is located( What is the !ame of the pro"ram) -lso tell us %hy this school appeals to you)

@0C is i! Aa!cou$er( *he pro"ram is the bachelor of ki!esiolo"y( + like this school because it is i! 0C a!d is !ot too far from home(
'ost& (first year -NB total cost of pro"ram/ i!cludi!" tuitio!/ books/ a!d supplies) +f pla!!i!" o! atte!di!" a major u!i$ersity: %%%(you(ubc(ca to calculate a! appro,imate cost 69/:C9 for tuitio!/ books appro,imately 67/<<< Pre-re(uisites of pro"ram& (courses you !eed to be taki!" i! hi"h school i! order to "et i!/ re2uired G'-)

G'- is based o! 3!"lish 7= a!d three additio!al appro$ed e,ami!able "rade 7= courses/ such as math/ scie!ces/ a!d social studies( What are D related occupatio!s you could take if this o!e did!.t %ork out for you (%hat %ould you do if you do!.t e!d up doi!" this career a!d %hy)): + could try a!d become a! -thletic *herapist/ Chiropractor or Erthotist( +f + did!.t e!d up bei!" a ki!esiolo"ist + %ould look at other occupatio!s that my schooli!" could be used i! a!d cha!"e my career path( *his %ould make it so that all my past schooli!" %as!.t useless a!d that hopefully + could fi!d a !e% job that meets my i!terests( -!d most importa!tly4 Why are you i!terested i! this career) (1o% lo!" ha$e you bee! i!terested i! it) What led you to %a!ti!" this job) 1o% does it suit&fit your perso!ality/ i!terests/ characteristics/ stre!"ths/ etc4)): + rece!tly became i!terested i! this career from liste!i!" to my cousi!.s talk about it because they are studyi!" it( + thi!k this job %ould suit me because + like to help people if + ca!( + also thi!k + %ould be "ood at maki!" a frie!dly e!$iro!me!t for people a!d ha$e a comforti!" relatio!ship %ith them( + feel that this %ould be a job that +.d lo$e "oi!" to each day/ a!d that is really importa!t to me(

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