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4htz~xnr~g 3Utnde~r.









Conferred only In regular Lodges of Master Mason..
~• d$constituted by Grand IMJea
4 Secret Master • Master Elect of Nine
5 Perfect Master l0 Master Elect of Fifteen
6. Intimate Secretary 11’SublIme Master Elected SECOND VOLUME.
7’ Provost and Judge 11’Grand Master Architect
1’ Intendant of the building IV Master of the Ninth Arch
24’ Grand Elect Maqon This Second Volume is simply a continuatio~i of the
Conferred In a Lodge of Perfection, 14, duly con-
utituted under authority of the Supreme Council of First one. The magnitude of the work, (aggregating
the 88’. over One Thousand Pages,) rendered a division into
ANCIENT HISTORICAL AND TRADITIONAL GRADE two Volumes desirable. The Introduction, Historical
15’ Knight of the East or 16’ Prince of Jerusalem Sketch and Preface found in the First Volume are for
Conferred In a Council. Prince, of Jerusalem, 16’. the entire Work.
AP0C.~LTPTIC AND CHRISTIAN GRADES Attention is again called to the fact that the First
17’ KnIght of the East and West Three Masonic Degrees, termed the “Blue Lodge De-
18’ Knight of Rome Croix de H-R-D-M
Conferred In a Chapter of Rose Ctoh grees,” are not given in this work, because those degree’~
de H-R-D-M. 18’
are common to all the different Masonic Rites, and are
PHILOSOPHICAL GRADES very fully and accurately given in Freemasonry Illus-
16’ Grand Pontiff U 2?• Commander Of the Temple trated, as advertised in the back part of this Volume.
30’ Master ad Vltam 26’ KnIght of the Sun
2V Patriarch Noachite 33’ Knight of St. Andrew The reader will however find the “Secret Work” of
33’ PrInce of Libanus 30’ Grand Elect Kadosh or
32’ Cbtef of the Tabernacle Kni ht of the White and
34’ Prince of the Tabernacle UlaA Eagle those degrees given in the last Chapter of this Volume.
36’ KnIght of the Urasen 31’ Grand Inspector
Serpent Inguistor Commander THE PUBLISHEII.
36’ Prince of Mercy 33’Subllme Prince of the
Royal Secret
Conferred In a Conui.tory, Sublime Princes of
the Royal Secret. 82’
88’ SovereIgn Grand Inspector General
Comierred only by the SUPREME COUNCIL, 88
sad upon those who ma~ be elected to receive Itby
that high body w ch easemblee yearly.
F’trst Sign. Graud Master of All Sypahollo Iiadges.......’.. 50
Second sad Third Sigus................................... 51
Sign of Introduction and Token 52
Token of introduction, Grand Msater of sli Symbolic Lodges 52
Pass Word. Jeckson. Refers toPretei,der. Chas Edv~ard NotC 225 53
Masonic “Proficiency” in Charity Note 226 56
“Hypocrisy and Deceit s!e U~,kuonu among Us “ Note 227
“Tracing Board, the Same as Floor.eluth ‘ Note 228 58
rtoor.cloth. Coija .,oam, ,,lii, ii En,L,ietooar,’ loscribed N,’te229 5?
Symbolism of the Triangle Note 230 5?
The Square. “A S~ uitioi of Moislity.” N,’te 2’tt. 57
Intemperance. “a Sni,Ject of Moa,.i,tc Penalties .~ Note 2.32 sr

CONTENTS “‘The Right Hand the Ss mi,oi of Fidelity.” Note 233

Discourse, by Grond Orator
word vengeance “used S~ mbottcaiiy “ Note 2J4 .
Page Mssonie Obligations are Oath’, Note 235 59
Preface t, Second Volume . . . 3 Character of the Ilite of Misraim Note 2:16 60
The Ooneiave or CelestisI City 31 “The 11 ord Prior is not Aito,hed as a Title.” N. te 237 60
“To Denote the Ides of Seiiig Locked up Iu Seclusion.” Sovereign. “an Ep~Ihet ~A.ppii.d to Certain l)egreea “ N’ .ie238 61
Note 190 II “I’ontiff melos ltiidge Maker. Bridge Builder.” N.,te 240:
239 61
CHAPTER Xxxiii —Ninetsanth Degree, or Grand Pontiff .. 12 Cordon.
Rapid GronSlasoni,’tieez.,tio,,
th of tue Seotib InEngliab
Rite Note
241 N ,1e 62
“Founded on the Myaleries of the Apocalypse ‘ Note 107 12 “Connection B,’tneen Freemasoory sod Politics “ Note 242 63
111gb J.)cgrees Connected n Ith Temple of Zi’ruhh.ibel Note 1ii~ 12 Closing Ceremonies. Grand Master of All Symbolio Lodgas 64
Rob Morris, ‘Roy..l Solomon Mother Lodge ‘ Note 199 13 ileferato “Tenipi. sofs,’i.,n,on,Ze,ubL,.,beiaudM,rod “ N.’te243 64
Opening Ceremonies, Grand Pontiff .. . . 14 Form,’i ly C,,i,f, .ed ‘‘the Ilight to OrellIlLe I.. dg,’s ‘‘ N te 244 6l
Members Called “True and l”altbful Itrotbers ‘‘ Note 200 14 ZHAPTEIt XXXIII —Twenty.Firat Degree Noachiteor Pruseiso Knight 67
“Hoeehea. The word of Accismatios.” Note 201 . This Degree “Tc.,,ed to the Toner of Babel.” Note 245 6r
jiAI’TEII X~’.XiV —Initiation, Grand Pontiff ... 16 ‘1..egei,dof II,,’ l4,’gi,c li,.’sc, ib,’s the ‘1r.ivci’, ,.fl’.’ieg ‘ Note246 67
“Le’~e,ns sre lOran ii from tbe 15,ok of llrvelatioOo ‘ Note 2112 16 “Fred,’cick the Gicat nas Certainly a Mason ‘‘ Note 247 68
Allusions to tbe Tribes of Judab aud Beujamlo “ Note 203 17 “ArkofNoab. 0 ,,‘of theThreeSacr,’dStiuntures “ Note24S en
The S~nibolInm of Numbers Note 204 .. 211 3loach,tes. a n.,o,o Applied to Fre,.n,.,sooa. Note 249 69
“fla~iyIon. Tbe AncIent Capital of Cbsldea ‘ Note 205 22 “The Meetliags are C.ilk’d Grand Chaprers “ Note 250 69
Obilgation Degree ot Grand Pontiff . .. 24 SecrecyandS,,encs. “E’,ac,Iceof aliM..’,,ole Chara,.ter ‘‘ N te251
“1 sm Alpbs and Omega.’’ Not,’ 206 ~ 21 Opening Ciremonies, Noachite or Prussian Knight 72
Qusllficatlons of Members of (Jr.,nd Consistory Note 207 24 CHAPTER X ‘CXVIII —Initiations Noachite or Pruesian Knigkt 74
No I’rivate I’IIuea or Quarrels ‘ Note 21,8 ~...... 2h “The Rituals bpe.,k of the Lofty Toner of B.,bel ‘ N ti’ 252. 75
Mackey on MasonIc Penalties. Note 2~ ... 25 Obligation. I’.,triorh Noahiie . 75
Sign. Grand i’ontlff Degree . . . 26 Sign of Ordir. N,.,,hite or l’,uosian Knighi 76
Token Grand PontIff .......... 26 Sign of I,,iroduetton. Noachite or Prussian Isnight 7r
“The Serpent was a Ss mbol of tue Universe “ Note 210 28 Second Sign. No.i l,zte or 1’ruasian Isniglit 78
Lecture, or lOoctrine. Grand Pontiff Itiono,,, so by Orator 79
St. John. “One of the I’atrons of Our Lodges “ Note 211 30 ‘‘Ninirud as One of the Founders of Masoury “ Note 25.3 79
The Atscal.ypse Borrno’ed from,~be Anne,, 1 M’ SIcrice Note 212 31 Closing Cerericuies. Noachite or Prussian Knight 83
All tbat Is venerabie~Dates from .lerus4lem. Note 213 32 CHAPTER XXXIX —Twenty’Second Degree or Prince of Libanus 84
Closing Ceremonies, Grand Pontiff ....................... 33 Legend soil l’.,i as,’ of the Degree Note 254 114
Philosophical Analysis, Degree of Grand Pontiff ............ 31 lierodom. “Mca~,~~,g is App.ireotly t3uknoo,,.” Note 255 84
Idolatry tbe Parent of all Sin ............... 34 “Reference I,, the Mystical Asso, tattoo of the Dm505
The Lodge Master Personates ChrIst ............... 35 Note 2514 . ... 85
The Purpose to inspire Awe and Horror...... . ........ 36 Aholiab, “A Ds,,it,’ of Great Skill “ N.’te 257 86
Masonry the image of the itomish Beast 37 She Degree Di’die,,ted to the Lebanon Mountains. Note 258 86
Chsracter of Dr Daleho . . 38 Opening Ceremonies, Prince of Libanus . 87
CHAPTER XX Kv.—Twentisth Degree, Grand Master of All Sym’ “Li’, tures Itel.,te to the (‘,‘dara of Lebanon.” Note 250 87
bolic Lodges ...... ‘.‘.‘ ‘.‘‘ 39 CHAPTER XL —Initialion. Prinoe of Libanus 88
Reeembl4nce of Masonry to M~ ateri,s of Adonis Note 214 39 “Formed Colleges on Mount lebanon.” Note 260 88
Symbolism of tbe Number NIne Note 215 . . 44) Obligation. Knight of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanos 92
‘‘Let tbere be Light and tbcre was LIght ‘‘ Note 216 ... 40 Sign and A. sn.~’r. PrInce of Libanus 93
“Wisdom Was Represented by Yellow “ Not,’ 2l~ . 40 Token. I’r,i,ce of Lii,onus 94
Tetrags’aznmaton. “Title Given by the Talmodists to the Itistory of the Degree 94
Name of God.” Note 218. . ,., 41 Closing Ceremonies. Prince of Libanus 100
Opening Ceremonies. Grand Master of AU Symbolic Lodges .. 42 Historical Asal~sis. 20th. 21st and 22nd Degrees 101
t’hilusophhai ~i,rit of theSyatem of i’re,mas’,er% Note 21’i 42 Freemasoniy a Univers,,i Religion 301
CIIAPTEIt Xxxvi —Initiation. Grand Master of All symbolic Satan the Masonic God 102
Lodges ................. 45 Puerilites of the MaRs the Pagoda and Ledge 103
“In Scotch Mas,,nry ad vltam lbs its Brood,’st ~t ope “ N..t.’ 221, 45 Mum Drum Platitudes on Labor 304
S.,b,mon, ‘‘the T3 pe or Representotive ,,f ‘,‘, ,~,i.’n. ‘ N,.te 221 45 CHAPTER XLI —Twenty.Tbird Degree or Chief of the Tabernacle 105
‘‘Justice, tine of the Four Cardinal virtues.” Note 222 . . 47 Decorations of Lodge Itoom............................... 105
“Truth is a Divine Attribute.” No. 223 .. 48
Ramasy the Probable Inventor of the Degree. Note 224.... 48

Page Page.
105 ObligatIon. KnIghts of the Brasen Berpent................. 154
Members “are CaUed Levites.” Note 261 lOG Sign of Order and Itecognltlon. ~nigbts of the Brasen
Ci,,thiug and Decorations of the High Priest 106 Serpent 155
“The Presiding (tither Represents Asion. Note 262. 107 Token. Answer. Pass Word and Sacred Word 156
Opening Ceremonies. Chief of the Tabernacle ‘OS I.N.R. I. “JesuaofNazarethtbel~tugoftbe.tewa “ Note29.~.. 155
“PrimitIve Existciit’e Contained 10 the Letter Yod.” Note 26.1 100 Closing Ceremonies, Knights of the Brazen Senpent............. 151
CHAPTER XLII —InitiatiOO Chief of the Tabernacle...... ?hiloaophinal Analycis, Knights of the Brazen Serpent isa
“lIeu, ription of the Setting up of the Tabernacle.” Note 261 110 The Goodness and SeverIty of God ...............~.. 155
“Dathan. A Reul,enltC “ Note 265 1111 False Lights on the Coast of Christendom 158
“Abiram was a Reuheulte. the Son of Eliab ‘‘ Note 266 “Satap’s Ignes Satni, to Swamp Men Eterualtl”......... 164)
Prep.iratioh of Candidate. Chief of the Taherusele , ~ uotes the Bible as Satan DId to DeceIve Men ........~.. 161
Levites. “Represented in some of the High Degree.’’ Note 261 114 II RelIgion hut holiness and Justice ....... 162
Oi,ilgatlon. ChIef of the ~ 115 CHAPTER XLt’ti.—Twenty-Sizth Degree or Prinee of Mercy ... 163
Sign. Chief ot the Tabernacle 115 “It Is a ChrIstIan Degree In Its ConstructIon.” Note 290 . 163
T,,keo sad Pass Word. ChIef of the ~ 115 ‘rissera or Mark ....................... 164
Unel. “An Ar(bangel Mentioned only in 2 Eadras.” Note 2611 116 “Teaser., or Pledges ot FrIendshIp were Used at Rome.”
“Itctatc to the Estat’tIshment of the PrIesthood “ Note 269 117 Note 297 164
Closing Ceremonies. Chief of the Taberuacle.................... 118 Opening Ceremonies. Prince of Meroy ................... 165
?hiiosophinal Analysis. Chief of the Tabarnacle 118 “It Is a HIghI PhIlosophical Degree.” Nole 21111 165
Lands Mcii In Pagan WorshIp 119 CHAPTER xLviIi.—I~itiation Prince of Mercy 167
Finite Man sad the Infiulte God I30 PreparatIon of CandIdate. PrInce of Mercy.. .... ...... 167
Satan Both Imitates and Resists Christ 121 “Allusions are to the Three Covenasm of Meri’y.” Note 2’.tt) . 16?
ChAPTER XLIII —Twsnty’roui’th Degree or Prince of the Tabernacle 121 “Probation. The Interval Between, the ReceptIon of One
“The Lodge Is Called a hIerarchy “ Note 270 123 Degree and the SucceedIng.” Note 300............ 165
Opening Ceremonies Pnnce of the Tabernacle 12.3 “Los~ation~ A ReligIous RIte Practiced by the Anelints.”
“The PresIding Olficci Represents Moses “ Note 271 Note 803 .. 168
ChAPTER x~tv —Initiation, Prince of the rabernacie 126 “Doorof the Middle Chamber waaln tbe Right Side.” Note3Q2.. 170
“Refer to the Building of the T,ibernaete “ Note 272 127 OblIgatIon Prince of Mercy.. ......... .... ............... 172
“The Book of the Law is that Sacred Book “ Note 273 128 “Ught Is a Symbol of Knossledge.” Note 503............. 172
The TrIangle. Square and Compusses 128 Stgos of Entranee and Character. Prince of Mercy 173
“Square of the Ancient Chirges of Freemasonry “ Note 274 128 Signs of fbi and Order. Prince of Mer.y............. 174
“It Lleson the (ipen Word thit Surmnunts the Altor.” Note275. Teken. Pass ~Vord and Sacred words, Prince of Mercy.... 175
The Three LIghts. Too C,,tumns and Plumb
“Three was Deemed the Most Sacred of Numbers “ Note 276 120 Lecture. Prince of Mery ... irs
1211 “The Form In which Dr. Anderson Spells GiblIrn.” Note J41&... 176
“The Plumb Line is Emblematic of Regular Rule.” Note 277 “Ameth. Pro any Emeth.” Note 305..................... 115
The Level. Blaring Star and Rough Stone 130 Closing CeremonIes. ~rinoe of Mercy 179
“In Freemasonry the Livit isa Symbolof E,tu.iiity.” Note 2.78... ?hIieeopbicel Analysis. Prince of Mercy 180
“Like Ihe Religion It Embodies Is Universal.” Note 279. ito Usurp, the Prerogatives of Christ ISO
“Emblematic of Man in His Natural State ‘‘ Note 280.. 131 “Liars Have Need of Good Memories” ............ 181
The Perfect Cube. ..... RenewIng the Plagues of Egypt on American Soil ..... 182
“The Cube Is a Symbol of ‘I:nth. of Wisdom, of Moral 131 ChAPTER XLIX —Twenty.Seventh Degree or Commander of the
PerfectIon ‘‘ Note 28t......’.............’.’~’ 133 Temple ~ 163
“The Punts tog Poo erof Fire is Naturally Deduced.” Note 282 TItlee of Officers. Decorations of Rooni. Aproi.. Etc Note3ii6... 183
“l’c,ir Principles of Matter—F’lre. Air. Earth sad Water 135 Opening Ceremonios. Ocmmander of the Temple ............~... 185
Note 283 136 IIIAPTER L —InitiatIon Commander of the Templa ...~... 187
“This Seiret Wornbip,oas Termed the Mysteries “ Note 284 Styled “KnIght 4!~ommsnder of the Temple “ Note 307 ... 187
“The Ceremonies of Initiatb’n were all Funereal.” Note 285 138 “The French word Rio Means Electod.’ Note 308 ...... 189
Sign of R,’eognltio?i. Prince of the Tabelnacie............. Obligation. Commander of the Temple 190
turiod Sign. PCIeee of the Tab,’rnacle.................. 139
140 Sign of RecognitIon and Answers. In and Out of Court.... 191
Closing Ceremonies, Prince of the Tabernacle Slgnof Order. Token a,,d Answer. Cou,msnder of the Temple 192
Signs o,,,i Mter,,gtyt,bi, History, by Grand Commander............................ 194
?hilosophical Analysis, Prince of the Tabernacle 141
141 “Does Not Deserve lobe Classed lathe ScottIsh Rite.” Note 309. 194
Zoilisesi Signs a Heathen invention Origin of Teutonic Knights. “Humble but a PiotisOne.” Note3i0 196
Masonic Baptism a II,’othen Rite 1 42
143 “Teutonlo Order, A Religious Order of Knights.” Note 311 191
Freemasonry Sim le HeathenIsm
Onverned l.v the ~1’errors of a Secret Clan r44 Closing Osremonies. Commander of the Temple 100
145 Degree “Contains Neither Symbols or Allegories.” Note 312 399
CHAPTER XIV —Twenty’rifth or Knights of the Brazen Serpent ?hIleeephical Analysis. Commander of the Temple 200
“The Te.,, hing ojid Moral of the Degree Is FaIth “ Note 2116 1411
146 MasonIc Contempt for ThIs Degree 200
Moses. “A ~Ion of Marvelous Gifts “ Note 2R7~.... Napoleon and Romish Inquisition 201
“Joshua. The 111gb PrIest “ Note 288 1411
141’ vile Enough for the Scottish Rite . . 202
“A Mason Alo.,,a Travels from West to East “ Note 289 CHAPTER LI —Twenty-Seventh Degree, or KnIghts of the Sun.. 208
Tan Cross. “Intended to Typify the Sacied Name “ Note 200 147
1411 “Most Learned and Phltosophi.’st of the Scottish “ N ‘cc 313 . 205
Opening Coremon,eu. Knights of the Brazen Serpent
“‘rhe Ia,, I Sot Fory Serpents Among the People Note 2111 148 “The Presiding Officer is Styled Father Adam “ Note 334.. 206
“The Cber’ihim were Purely SymbolIc” Note 315....... 204
“Scottish ~i,,o,nO Make Mt. Sinai a Symbol of Truth Opening Ceremonies. Knights of the Sun 206
Note 2’t2 ......~.. “[a StrIctly Philosophical and ScientiSt’.” Note 116 206
CHAPTER XI.’, 1 —Initiation Knight of the Brazen Serpent 181
1111 Freemasonry a Perpetuation of San worshIp.” Note 517.. 306
‘‘I o”tro, ti,,,’q ore lb.’ Use” i,f thi’ Brazen Serpent ‘‘ Note 203
Serpent and Cross . 1113 OpenIng Prayer. Knights of the Sun...................... 391
“With the Cross it Is EvIdently a Symbol of Ct.niat.” Note 294
Page Page.
207 3’irst Oath and Candidate Stabbing the Skulls 260
Sign and Answer. Knights of the Sue 206 Second Oath, Kiiight Kadoab ............ 264
CHAPTER LII —Initiation. Knights of the Sun 208 “Aeopagua. The Third Apartment Ia a Coiint’ih of Kodosh.”
Preparation of Candidate. Knights of the Sun 208 Note 1152 268
Also Called “Key of Ma5~~nr3 •,r t’iiaos Disentangled “ Note ‘118 209 Third Oath Knight Kaulosh ~ 26’i
“Object of Freemasoiiry • Is Se.i rib for ‘i’iuth “ Note 3I~l 211 Frederick the Greal and His Freemasonry. Note 353 270
Gabriel, “The Name of One of the Archangels “ Note 320 215 Oheb Elosh and Oheb Karoho~ “Supports of the Ladder
Michael. “The Chief of the Seven Archangels “ Note 321
ln that Degree is Man Seeking alter Divine ‘l’ruth Note 354 . 272
216 Emuash, “A Signhltcant Word ‘‘In the High Degrees.”
Note ~22 217 Note ~ 272
ObligatIon Knights of the Son . . 218
Sign. Answer sod Token, l’.ittgbtO of the Sun Fourth Oath. i’.night Kadosh 284
219 Sign of Kadosh 287
History, by Mithact the Orator 219 Sign of Order and Token. Kiiight of Kadosh ~ 2)18
“I am Alpha aiid Omega ‘ Note 323
‘‘In All these SI) at’. i lea ‘it etl”liid a Sit loll’. ‘‘ 1.’ 224 219 “Pharaxal. A Significant Word in the 111gb Degrees
Cores, “The Goddess of Agri’.ulture “ Note 325 221 Dlscouise. by i~iiight of Eloquence....................... 261)
“The Entered Appreoti’.’c Is bitt a Rogh AshIer ‘‘ Not,’ 32(1 221
Profane. ‘‘Means Before or t)i,t~idc of hit’ ‘l’i’iititt,’ ‘‘ Note 327 Closing Ceramonies, Grand Elsot Knight Kadosh .... 303
221 “HumanIzes the Old Lesson itt vengeance.” Note 360 ..~. 303
Hoodwink. “Au Kmblcm’.’flbi’ I) tit.ooot’f hits S ul “ Note32S 222 Closing Prayer. Knight Kadosh 3114
“A Candidate in Setreb of )Ia’.’.tttie Ligilt ‘‘ Note 329 223
‘‘light isan Impoctaiit ‘i’iord iii the ‘11-nit 5’. stem ‘‘ Note J3t) Philosophical Analysis. Grand Elect Knight Kadosh 306
The Rite of Circoniambtilittioii Note 331 . 223 The “No plus ultra” of Masonic Falsehood 306
“Lodge 5IustbeSopp~rted b~ ‘I’tireeGr.itiiiSh ifla “ Note332 224 The RItual Tinkered. Added to. and Amended 107
224 “NothIng hut vengeance is spoken of 308
“A S.icred R.’gard for the Number Three.” Note 333 225
Slgaificatton of the Letter 0. Note 314 ChristIans Ferociously Condemned as Bigots 309
225 Sham Pretence of a UnIversal ReligIon 310
“The Sun is the Ssiitltoi of Sovereigiti’.’’ Note 335 226 CHAPTER Lvlh.—Thirty.nurst Degree, or Grand Inspector Inquisitor
“Lohos’s and Fate of the WIde’.’ ‘a Soii of l’hceniei.i ‘‘ Note 331’. 228
Closing Ceremonies. Knights of the Bun Commander 311
229 “ha SImply Administrative in Its Character.” Note 361 ~. 311
Philoasphie Analyais. Kn:ghts of the Sun
Invented by the Guerrilla Geiicral. Ailtcrt Pike...... 221) Tebsotys “Signifies Literally the Number Four.” Note 362. 312
23U Opening Ceremonias~ G rand Inspector Inq~aitor Commander 317
Sets AsIde the flibte us Obsolete 231 “Simply a JudIcial Power of ihe B Igher Degrees.” Note 863 317
lodges Have Superii’itural Po’.’.i r ............ .
2.12 OpenIng Prayer. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander.. . 320
‘‘But Rather D.trkiiess ‘ii’.ible 2 13 First Sign and AnswerIng Stgn ~ 321
CHAPTER LIII —Twenty.Ninth Degree, or Knights cf St. Andrew
‘‘Sometimes Knu,’.’.u by the Name of Grand Master of CHAPTER LvIli.—Initistion~ Grand Inspeotor Commander~....... 324
233 “The Members are Styled. Most Enlightened.” Note 364 .. 324
LIght ‘‘ Note 337 234
History of the Cbey~tier Ramaty Note 338 Moses “Was Initiated in All the Knowledge of the WIse
2311 Men.” Note 365 332
CHAPTER LI”.’ —Initiation. Knights of St. Andrew.. 236
First Sign sod Firet Token. Knights ‘.tf St. Andrew Sign and Answering SIgn 841
236 Token and Sacred Word, Grand Inspector InquisItor Com-
“Degree Citanects it with the Crus.idt’v “ Note 339 237 mander 342
.~erond Sign aiid Seeoitd Token. Kitielils of St Andrew
Third Sign, that of A’.tonlabment sitd Ilorror 237 Discourse by Advocate 148
238 TrIple Triangle as Lord of All, the Source of Golden Light.” 345
Fourth Siga. aitd Aitasser. KnIghts of St Aiidrew........ 23S Note 366 146
Third Token. Isitights of St ,~i.ndrew . 230 Mysteries “Annually CeleIrsted in Honor of Osiris.”
FIfth and Sixth Signs. Knights of St Andrew 240
Sevciith Sign and Gcii~ral Taken. Knights of St. Andrew Note 867 346
240 Del Is the Contracted Foum of Dash.” Note 368....... 340
Pass Words, Knights of St Andrew 240 Each Stone of the Temple Contained “Five Equilateral
“Ardarel. A W6’rd in the 111gb Degrees “ Note 340 240
“Casmaran. The Angel of Fire “ Note 341 TrIangles.” Note 869 346
240 Olcelng Caremoniss, Grand Inspeotor Inquisitor Oommsnder 363
‘‘Turlac, A Wttd in the 111gb Degrees “ Note 342
Pass Word Nekemali. “hebrew Sigttlfylng Vengeance.” Statutes for TrIbunals of the Thirty-first Degree 165
241 Philosophical Analysis Grand Inepeotor Inquisitor Oommandsr 371
Note 343 241
“The Assembly is Termed a Grand Ledge.” Note 344 Filled with vain RepetItions 871
243 Republicaq Appointment of a Masonic Rebel 172
Philosophical Analysis. Kaights of St. Andrew 243
Ramesy’s Fraud on the Freitch Claims to Rule JudicIally the Masonic Order 378
244 The Ways of the Lodge are Movable 874
Masonic Facts are Falsehoods.... ....‘‘
245 CHAPTER LiX.—Thirty.second Degras, or Sublime Prince of the
CHAPTER Lv.—Thir’tisth Degree. Grand Elstt Knight Kadosh 245
This Degree “First invented at Lyons In France ‘‘ Note 345 Royal Secret 875
247 “Was the HIghest or ne plus ultra of Masonry.” Note 370. 375
“Dieu 10 Veut. t’~od ‘i’1’tIls It. The War Cry “ Note 346 248
“Ordo ab Chan. Order Out of Chaos “ Note 347 Page.
249 Diagram of Consistory Lodge Room 877
Opening ~~eramonies, Grand Elect Knight Kadosh 249
The HIstory of the Destruction of the Templars “ Note 348 “Alioliab, A SkIllful Arilficer of the Tribe of Dan “ Note 371 . 878
249 Mah, “A Component Part of a Significant word.” Note 372 878
“Philip IV. Surnamed le Ret or the FaIr “ Note 349
Spes mes in Deo eat. “The Motto of the Tblrty~Secoud 251 Malachi, “A SignIficant Word In the ThIrty second Degree.”
Note 350 Note 373 379
257 “Ezra. The Celebrated Jewish Scribe.” Note 874....... 379
CHAPTER LVI —laitiattan. Grand Elect Knigit Kadosh......
“AllusIons are to the Ancient Order of Kni~ht5 Templars.” Thirty second Degree Csmp................................. 880
Note 351

“‘Ibe At k of the Covenoiil ‘‘ Note 375 ... ‘ 881
“Argent. I”rench for Silvtt.” Note 315 382
Opening Ceremonies. SublimS Prince of the Royal Secr5t 385
Instituted by Council of Emperors of Fast aitd ‘I’. est.
Note 377 - 385
CHAPTER LX —Initiation. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 391
“The Assembly is Called it S.ivecelgn Conoistoit ‘‘ N,iti’ i7’l 31)1
Hiram Abif, “The Celebrated Arihitect of King Solititi it
Teinpl’.e.” Note i79 399
Obligation. Sublime tritice of (tie Itoyal Sc’ ret 414.
I.aver, “Used
1 lit tory i’roit Ic.
Cr. Clesitoc
Tb ii t~ ‘sithe
I I tt’gi cc“ Note 380 410 5
lit Sublime Prittee ‘if the It’’. ti Si”. ret 417
‘‘55hz. A SignIficant 9 oril itt lii.’ high Degreis ‘‘ 1’.’’’ ‘ii
‘‘Tango. A Signifientit Wit I itt i.e Iligli h)i’Cri’i”. ‘‘ 7’ I.’ 422 OR
hititiotory Piasee. Sitbititi.’ t’t itt.’ itt liii’ llttyal St’ r’ I 422
‘‘T~tki’it Sobititie Prince it liii’ lt’i.iI 8 cut
‘‘VJatcbworda. Used iii itt” ‘riri’. .a.”.iinti ht’.’gr.’t’ ‘‘ ‘, ‘
Dove. ‘‘TbIs Itird ‘.‘. it’. itt’’ lit It’. it ,t t’.i.’,.’.eiigi’r ‘ Nile 426
‘‘I.A’gi’nii if the I’bte’ittv ii. .i I • hue ‘‘ Note Ol’~ ‘I’ll
‘‘Frcein.’.siinr3 md AlilieniS II tie Stigilt the Sonic It’ veti- 431
Nile 1116 Containing an epitome of the twelve degrees of the
‘‘Dove ‘iSo. Al’.’. .t ye (t,it—itii’ci’tt .i St red Itirti ‘‘ Note .tt’.7 4 ‘lit
The Dotibte iletided IXigli’ .m 1’’. ittiti Nt’Te .l~it 4 17
Philosophic Chamber of the Ancient and Accepted Rite.
‘‘Silembeci if the Per-ian Curt Iteittig to the Mystic lit ‘I’
Note ‘3)19 ‘ ‘ -‘
The twelve degrees preceding the Rose Croix are, as
Mystettes of the Per’.lan :.,d Slittirit Note 31)0
Kabb.ii’i I~nmbraee5 ‘‘513 alit al littel 4 i’m
we have shown, associated with the twelve signs of the
1ir,’Iitti.ioa of Scrilit itt” 442
Stile .1111 418 Zodiac.
Closing Ceremonies. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 441)
Philosophical Analysis. Sublime Prince of the Betel Secret
(HAPTEII. LXI .~Tbirty’third Leguec. or Sovereign Grand Inspector 459 From these fixed signs, the Rite passes to the Sun,
t.ilttntste Degree of tile Au’. lint atid A’.’.epti d Ii it.’ 459 Moon and the Planets,
Note 392 46
‘‘A (‘haste DispistI of 5’. niloilic Octt.tnti’ttl” Stile .3’i.i 461 From these the Rite looks to the four elements or
Opening Ceremonies. Sovereign Grand Inspector General 46 I
lipetti as Prti per. SoVereign 0 i i itd Iit’qt’ tue t.eOei I
464 four components of man, etc., and from these it con-
Sign of Order. S,vt’rCtgtt Gi.iitd in”i’i hr t-,’it’ 465
CHAPTER LXII, SovereIgn Grand inspector Geneesi 465 siders the spirit and matter, or infinite and finite of the
‘the Protector otid (‘iiiiser’. ..t.i’. of the Ordec ‘‘ Note I9C~ 466
First ObligallOn. S.ivcceigii Gr.tnd lutipedor General 467 Universe and of man.
Aitive Siemitera ‘i’i’e.t~5 t’ a Stab Not.’ AiiIi 46’l
In the Rose Croix Degree, we have seen the son of
Skelitun Selaing l’sitdtii.tti’ W but’ Tatlith’ Ottligotlon
I”tnai Iitttig;tli’.ii’. ‘l’hirty-tbtctl liegrie 474
Sign of Order and FIrst SIgn. Thin’. .third Degree masonry and heard the promise of universal peace and
Ring. “On the Inside a 13db Sarrottitdiitg the Figures 1.1 474
Note 397 475 joy. Now let us proceed to seek the methods of realiza-
Sci itud Sign and Sign of Entraut’ e. Thu ty-thied Degree 476
Lecture. Thirti .third Degree
Closing Ceremoniss. Sovereign Grand Inspector Ganeral
tion, and learn how to restore the lost Eden and re-
Philosophical Analysis, Soveraigo Grand Inspector Genecal 481’
CHAPTER LXIII —rnublsma and Seoreta of Thirty.three Degrees edify the Celestial City.

Note 196.—Conclave. Commanderies of KnIghts Templars in England

and Canada are called Conclaves. aiid the Grand Encampment the Grand
Conclave. The word is also applIed to the meetings in some other of tbe
high degrees. The word is derived front the Latin con. “.‘.ith.’ and davis.
‘a key.’ to denote Ihe Idea of beIng locked op In seilusion. and in this
sense was first applied to the apartment in which the cardinals are liter-
ally locked tip niben met to elect a pope.”—Mackey’s EncyclopaedIa ~
Freemasonry. Article Conol*ve.
1. ~afl 0 £‘L ‘~L i~ 1W ~ ~ )( ~E
On the base of each column is the initial in the same
order of the name of one of the Apostles of Christ, viz:
John, Peter, Andrew, James,
Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas, Matthew,
CHAPTER XXXIII James, Lebbeus, Simon, and Matthias,
NINETEHNTiI DEGREE OR GilAND PONTIFF. DRA7I :—The tracing board has a mountain in the
foreground. A four-square city appears descending from
the sky; below is a representation of Jerusalem,’” over-
DECORATiONS :—The hangings are blue sprinkled with turned and in ruins, There are twelve gates of pearl,
slais ofgold; tite whole Chapter is lighted by one large three on each side; a great glory in the center gives it
‘.4plierical Transparency behind the Master’s seat in the light. Beneath the ruins of the city lies a serpent with
East. three heads bound in chains; on one Side of the draft is
In the East is a throne, and o’ier it ts a blue canopy. a high mountain.
Around the room are t’i~-l”e columns as folloits: One TITLES :—The Master is Styled Thrice Puissant and
on each side of the Master, onc on each stde of the War. is seated on a throne in the East, and holds a sceptre in
den in the ~Vest, four in tile North and four tn th~ his hand, on his breast is the High Priest’s Breast Plate,
South of the Chapter; on the Capitals of these Columns There is but one Warden seated in the West witha
are thc initials of the names of the twcl”c trtbes, ins in golden staff in his hand.
the following order, beginning on the column on the There is also an Orator, two Deacons and a Master of
right hand of the Master, and going round by the North, Ceremonies, and Tyler. The brethren are styled Faith-
West and South, viz: ful and True Brethren,
Titu~achar, DRESS :—The brethren are clothed in white linen robes,
Epliraini, Benjamin, Dan,
Naphtnhi, Asher, each with a blue fillet of satin round his head with
Manassab, Zebulon, Reuben, twelve gold stars on it,
Simeon, and Gad ORDER :—A broad crimson ribbon, with twelve gold
Under thesc in the s~,ame order, are the zodiacal signs. stars in front, worn fsom right to left.
Note 197.—Grand Pontiff. The 19th degree of the Aitelent sad Ac-
cu’t’.t”’.t mile The diii .~‘ In fiunmuded cmi the moysicrit” itt the Apocalypse. JEWEL :——A gold medal or square plate, on one side
relating to the sew Jerusalem, as set forth in the Recitatittit of St lohit of which is engraved the word Alpha, and on the other
azi. aimmi xxii.. ‘.‘.‘Iiii ti ii ilio’itrstea and endetivors In e’.ploin The assem-
bly is ats led a chapter. too spartmeats are ret
1uireil The presiding Omega.
otlitir Is ets led Thrim’,’ l’olssttnt Grauid Poitliff The neember’. ore called BATTERY :—Ts twelve equal strokes.
FaIthful Itrithers “—Macny’s Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of rreema-
scary.. Article Grand Pontiff. Note iBS.—”The eastern portion of Jerusalem. known as Mt. Morish.
setth which as masons, we are particularly concerned, is fully de-
Note 198.—’.’Tribes of Israel, All the twelve tribes of Israel were en’ scribed tinder that head; as are the clefts of rocks. ihe hilt west of
gaged in the coimotructiOn of the first Temple But lummig before its Mt Moriab the valley of Jehoshaphat. the value of Shaveb end other
deatro’. thin tin of Ihem revolted, and formed the nalitun of whIle neighboring places under their respective titles. The history of this
the remaIning two, the tribes of Judab and Benjamin retained possession memorable city partakes In its mIsfortunes of the exaggerations of
of the Tenipli’ mind of .ter’.msolcm nuder the numnie of the kingduum of Jmmdsh romaOce. Levelled again and again to the ~round; pillaged. burned;
To these too tribes alone otter the mettirui from the captivity was in- spoil of every natIon of antiquity. t has yet resisted every
trusted the bumlimling of the secomiui Temple Iii’nu’e In tit’.’ high degrees attempt to blot it from existence and stands, at the present day, with
which, of course, are connected for the moat part soith the Temple mit a population of 125.000. insIgnificant in comparison with its former
Zerubbahel or a Ith events (bit otemurred amibseulOetit to the destriii’tIOV of grandeur, yet representing Ihe grandest and most important scenes
that of Solomoti. the tribe if .t’.’.’.lm’Iu anti Itetijutmln only are referred to recorded In the pages of history, human and divine. in ISIIS a lodge
But In the primary degrees whith arc
1 points tire explained
haseil tin by the a first Temimle.
reference the
to the was established here antler the title of the Royal Solomon Motbee
MasonIc references
twelve tribes ‘‘—Mackay’s ati’.um3s Encyclopaedia
inure to the t’.’.elve. trlbi’s
of ~reemaaonCy, lieu,Article
e ii’. the old
TribeS Lodge. “—MolTis’s Masonic DictIonary, Article lerumlem.
of Israel.the twelve origins
labor together for his glory and the improvement of
mankind. Together my brethren, (all give the sign.)
Thrice Puiasant—(Strikes one; 0.)
Warden—(Strikes one; 0, and so on alternately to
Aii—(Clap twelve with their hands, and cry three
DEGREE OF’ GRAND PONTIFF. Thrice Puissant—The Sun is up and this Chapter is
Thrice Puissant—Faithful and true brethren Grand open.
Pontiff, I propose to open this Chapter; aid me to do Thrice Pui.ssant—(Sti’ikes one; 0.) Be seated, faith-
so. Brother Junior Deacon, see that we are properly ful and true brethren.
Note 3OI.—”Xeeohe,. The word of acclamatIon used by the reench
Junior Deacon—(Knocks twelve on the door, opens Masons of the Scottish Rite in some of the Cahiers it Is spelled Sage.
It Is. I think, a corruplion of the word huam. which Is used by the
it and says:) Faithful and true brother, this Chapter of English and American .Mssoaa of the same Rite. “‘..MU*57•g Seepelo.
Grand Pontiffs is about to be opened, take due notiee —~ ef lreemaeeaxy Axtiele Eseehee.
and govern yourself accordingly. (Then shuts the
door.) Thrice Puissant, we are properly tyled.
Thrice Puissant—How?
Junior Deacon—By a faithful and true brother with-
out, armed and vigilant.
Thrice Puissant—Faithful and true brother Warden,
what is the hour?
Warden—The time is foretold to all nations, the Sun
of Truth has risen over the desert, the last struggle be-
tween good and evil, light and darkness commences, the
Cube Stone has become a mystic Rose and the lost word
is recovered.
Thrice Puissant—Be grateful to God, my brethren.
and let us proceed to open this Chapter, that we may
Note 300.—”Bmnud Pentiff. (Stand Pentife on Kunablime Zoemals.)
The nineteenth degree of the Ancient and Accepte4 Scottish Rite. The
degree is occupied In an examination of the Apocalyptic mystertee of
the New Jerusalem. It. officers are a Thrice Puissant and one warden
The Thrice Pulsiant is seated in the east on a throne canopied with
blue, and wears a white satin robe The warden Is in the west, and
holds a staff of gold The members are clothed In white, with bin.’
fillets embroidered with twelve stars of gold, and see called True and
Faithful Brothers. The decorations of the Lodge are blue spitokied
with mid stars “—Maskey’. Enerolopeedia at Preeznasourp Article Brand

Junior Deacon—Why doth lie now desire to attain

the degree of Grand Pontiff?
Master of Ceremonies—That he may be better quali-
lied to serve the cause of truth and light.
Junior Deacon—What other weapons does lie need
than Charity, hope and Faith?
CHAPTER XXXIV Junior Deacon—Then let him take his first le~soii
now, and wait with patience until the Thrice Puissant
NINETEENTH DEGREE on GRAND PONTIFF. is informed of his request, and his will ascertaint’d.
[Junior Deacon shuts the door, goes to the Thrice Puis-
INITIATiON. sant, and the same questions and answers are given,
[Master of Ceremony retires and prepares the can- e~tcept the last to be patient and wait.]
didate as a Knight Rose Croix, conducts him to the Thrice Puissant—Since his desires are commendable,
door, knocks six and one.] faithful and true brother Junior Deacon, let him enter.
Junior Deacon—(Knocks six and one, opens the door [Junior Deacon opens the door, the candidate enters
and says:) Who hails? with the Master of Ceremonies who conducts him twelve
Master of Ceremonies—A Knight Rose Croix, who times round the Chapter, halting at one of the columns
desires to attain the degree of Grand Pontiff. at each circuit. At the fourth column.]
Junior Deacon—How long hath he served? Master of Ceremonies—Judah55’ shall return again to
his first estate, when the empire of evil ends; Light and
Master of Ceremonies—Three years. not darkness is eternal ; Truth and not error is immortal.
Junior Deacon—Where? (At the third column.)
Master of Ceremonies—Tn Ihe ranks of Truth. Master of Ceremonies—Issachar shall once more be
Junior Deacon—How armed? free, when sin and suffering are known no longer; far
Master of Ceremonies—With Charity, Hope and in the future unto us, that day of light is now with God.
Faith. Time is a succession of points, each in the center of
Junior Deacon—Against i~hat enemies? eternity; evil lasts only during time. The reign of God
Master of Ceremonies—Intolerance and oppression. is measured by eternity. (At the ninth column.)
Mete 202.—’‘Grand Pontiff.” (Scotch Masonry. 1—The brat degree con-
ferred in the Cousiatory of Princes of the Royal Secret. Scoith Masonry Master of Cere,nonies—Zebulon, shall find peace, as
and the 111th upon the catalogue of that system its officers are a Thrice
Puissant Grand Pontiff and a Warden. The members sri’ termed True ships that come out of great storms, and furl their sails
and Faithful Brothers. The historical lessons are drewn from the SonIc
of ReyclatlOtiS The assembly is styled a Chapter The hangings are Mobs 203.—”Judah and flenjamin. Of the twelve tribes of Israel
blue, sprinkled with gold stars The members are clothed in white who acre at various limen. carried into capitivity. only two, those of
linen with blue fillets. embroidered with 12 golden stars Jewel. a Judab and Benjamin. returned under Zerubbahel In rebuild the second
square plate of gold having on one side the word Aiph,. on the other Temple. Hence. tn the high degrees, which are founded on events that
the word Omega Roars, from the hoar foretold to the hour accom occurned at and after the building of the second Ternp Ic the allusions
pushed. The draft of the lodge represents a square city’ with 12 gates. sre made only to the tribes of Juilab and P”njamln “—Mackey’s E
three on a side; in the midst a tree bearing twelve manner of fruits.” pedla of 2’resonasonry. Article Juda.h and Senjaman. ye
—Mania’s Masonic Dictionary. Article Grand ?ontuff.
and let drop their anchors in quiet harbors. For pesos. the seed, nor the towering oak enveloped in the acorn;
shall be the universal law to all the children of a com- nor the odors and colors in the tasteless, colorless, in-
mon father. (At the tenth column.) visible air and limpid water and rank dark earth, from
Master of Ceremonies—Reub en, like all mankind, has which the seed extracts them by its mysterious chem is-
wandered fart into the darkness, the steps of zthe ages, try. When the divine light eomelh we shall sce and
ring in their stately march dowr. nc~ ‘ong slopes of time, know. (At the second column)
and ever the dawn draws nearer. Men ~re God’s in- Master of Ceremonies—Benjamin, shall be redeemed
struments to accelerate it~ coining work, then my broth- and come back from exile and captivity, for they, like
er, be patient, wait. (At the eleventh column.) pain, poverty and sorrow are blessings. Without them
Master of Ceremonies—Sim eon, shall be reconciled to there would be scant excellence in human nature, neither
God, when intolerance no longer persecutes and bigotry forlitude nor self-denial, industry nor patience, charity
no longer hates; when man, brother of man shall no lon- nor tolerance, magnanimity nor generosity, heroism nor
ger be his torturer, his death, his fate. The waves of gratitude. (At the seventh column.)
elernity roll ever nearer to us, on the narrow sands of Master of Ceremonies—Dan, shall obey the new law;
life, that crumble under our weary feet. Those on whose the law of love. He prayeth best who hoveth best, all
ears the roar of the same surges smite, and whom the things both great and small; for the great God that
loveth us, he made and loveth all. (At the sixth col-
next wave will engulf together, should have in their
heerts a prayer to God, and not hatred for their brother. umn.)
Master of Ceremonies—Asher, shall pluck the fruit of
(At the twelfth column )
Master of Ceremonies—Gad, shall overcome at last, the tree of life, that towers above the golden spires and
though a troop of evils long overcame him, as they over- overlooks the Jasper walls of the New Jerusalem. (At
come us all. The serpent is still unchained. The giants the fifth column.)
still assail the battlements of Heaven and scarce recoil ifaster of Ceremonies—Napthaii, believes hopes,
before its hightnings. (At the first column.) waits and is patient; believes that all death is new life,
Master of Ceremonies—Ephraim has strayed from all destruction and dissolution re-combination and re-
home, he shall return in tears and penitence and find production, and all evil and affliction, but the modes of
eternal rest. From God all souls have emanated and to this great genesis that shall not be eternal. Hopes for
him all return. (At the eighth column.) the time when this incessant flux and change shall cease,
Master of Ceremonies—Manasseh. shall be restored to and the new law of love and light nile in all spheres
sight; We are all blind swimmers in the currents of a and over all existence, and waits with patience the ful-
mighty sea that hath no shore. We see as in a dream fillment of the inviolable promises of God. [At this
the effects and not the ea11~et. The simplest things arc moment a thick veil is thrown over the candidate
miracles to us We do not see the flower that is within and he is hurried into a small dark room, so he can take
the cloth off when he chooses. They make him sit on the mask on his forehead or in his hand, he shall drink the
wine of God’s indignation and be banished from the
floor in the middle, and then retire. This room should presence ofT the Holy Angels and of the World, that is
he black, with no furniture. Apertures must be made the Redeemer. Remorse shall torture them, and they
so that without admitting any one, the voice of one shall have no rest, who worship the beast and his image
speaking outside may be heard. It must also be ax.~ and receive ‘the marks of his name.
ranged so that flashes of lighting may be produced. The Third B,other—Have patience, Oh! thou, who though
candidate is left there for about five minutes, when a in darkness art still our brother; keep the command-
brother says in his hearing:] ments of God, and this faith in his justice and infinite
goodness. [There is sihence for a little while.]
First Brother—All who will not worship the Beast First Brother—The first Angel bath poured his vial
with seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten on the earth and a foul and horrid plague bath falhen
crowns, and the mysterious name upon his forehead on all who wear the mark of the Beast and have wor-
shall be slain, all men, the high and low, the rich and shipped his image. [Light flashes in the room.]
poor, freeman and slave shall receive upon their right Second Brother—The second Angel hath poured his
hand or on their forehead, his mark, his name, and the vial on the Sea, and it bath become like the blood of a
number’0’ of his name which is 666, or they shall neither dead man, and everything therein hath died. [Another
buy nor sell; for his is power, dominion and authority flash.]
of the Great Dragon. Man, helpless and in darkness, Third Brother—The third Angel bath poured his vial
wilt thou receive his mark that thou mayest emerge to upon the rivers and Ihe living springs, and they have
light. become blood. [Another flash.]
Thou art just and righteous Oh God; the infinite and
Second Brother—Fear God, and give glory to him, eternal in ahl thy judgments. For thou ha~t given them
for the hour of his judgment is come, and worship him blood to drink, who have persecuted their brethren for
that made Heaven and Earth, and the sea, and the their faith and usurped the power and prerogative of
springs of water, for he alone has the true sign. If any judgment, and shed the blood of the virtuous and good.
man worship the Beast and his image, and receive his First Brother—The fourth Angel hath poured his vial
Mote 204.—’ Kumbers. The symboii.m which i. deri,ed from numbers
upon the Sun, and the wicked are scorched with great
r.ns common to the Pythagoreans, the Kabbalists. the Ganstice. and all heat and yet will not repent. [Another flash ]
mystical associations. Of all auperstitions. It is the oldeat and the
moat generally dirused Ailnslon~ are to he found to It In all systemS Second Brother—The fifth Angel bath poured his vial
of religion; the Jewish Scriptures, for instance, abound in It. and the
Christian show a ahare of Its Influence. it is not, therefore, surprising upon those who worship the Beast, his kingdom is
that the mast predominant of all symboliam in Freemasonry is that at
jiumbers. shrouded in darkness and his followers howl from pain
The doctrine of numbers as. aymbola Is moat familiar to as because It
formed the tandamental idea of the philosophy of Pythagoras. Yet It and terror and blaspheme, and still do not repent.
was not original with bun, since he brought his theories from Egypt
and ibe East, where thia numerical symbolism had ilways prewoifed
[Another flash.]
Jsmbitchus tells us (Vit P7th., C. 28). that Pythagoras himself admitled Third Brother.—The sixth Angel bath poured out his
that he had received the doctalne of numbers from Orpheus. who taught
that numbers were the most provident beginning of all things In heoven, vial upon the great rivers of the Orient, and they are
earth. and the ieternedlste apace. and the root of the perijetalty of
dl~ine beings, of the gods and of demons.’ —Mackeys Eneyclopsadia of dried up and the spirits of falsehood, fraud and evil
Freemasonry. Article Miambera. marshall their armies for the great battle to be fought on

Tree of Life, and may enter through the gates into the
the great day of the Almighty God. Unexpectedly, be. city.”
fore men see it dawn, that day will come; see that ye be Brother who art in darkness, wilt thou obey that law
not found unprepared, but wear evermore the armor of and trust in that tnfinite goodness and be patient, though
Charity, Hope and Faith, lest it come suddenly and find the appointed time may seem to draw no nearer during
you naked and defenceless. [Another flash.] thy life, nor thy labors and exertions to produce any
First Brother—The seventh Angel hath poured his Candidate—i will.
vial into the Air. It is done. (Upon this thunder is Scuond Brother—Wilt thou bt~ neither weary nor dis-
heard without, and frequent flashes light the cell, then couraged; satisfied to sow the seed and that those who
there are loud noises, voices, ete., and a crash represent- come after thee may reap, if God so wills it?
4ng a city destroyed by an earthquake.) Candidate—I will.
First Brother—The Cities of the nations have fallen First Brother—Come then with us to the abode of
and intolerance, that great Babylon5~ is no more. The light. (The door is opened and the candidate received
chains imposed by fraud upon the human mind, the by several brethren and conducted into the Chapter.
manacles and fetters fastened by force upon free thought The draft is seen, displayed, and after he enters the
officers read as follows:)
have fahlen. The towers and battlements the bastions Orator—I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for
and the ramparts, that power and fraud, and falsehood the first Heaven and first Earth were passed away, and
fhough impregnable have fallen, and they DO longer there was no more Sea. I saw the Holy City, the new
shall be drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs Jcru~tilem coming down from God out of Heaven.
of the Trulh. Henceforth he will dwell with men and be their father,
Second Brother—Salvation, Glory, Honor and Power and they his obedient and loving children. He will
wipe the tears from all eyes, and there shall be no more
to the eternal God and Infinite Father. True and right-
dealh, nor fraud, nor falsehood; there shall be no more
eous are his judgments. Let all his creatures and the sin anti shame, no remorse and affliction, sickness nor
great voice of the ocean and his thunders cry rejoicing- death any more, for the ancient wrong and evil have
ly. “The Lord omnipotent reigneth, and sin and evil passed away forever.
are dethroned. Blessed are they that obey his law and Warden—He that sits upon the throne saith, “I make
trust in his goodness, that they may have right to the all things new, write, for these words ai~e true To him
that thirsteth I give freely the waters of tIme Spring of
Note 20S.—~3abylsn. The anclent capital of Cbaidea. situated on
both sides of the Euphrates. and ace the most magnificent city of the Life. He that overcometh shall inherit all Ihings, I will
andeni world. It was here that upon the destruction of Solomon’s
‘rem pIc by Nebuchadnezzar in the year of the world. 3~’94. the Jews
be his father and will love my child.”
of he tribe of Judah asS Benjamin. who were the inhabitants of
Jeruaslem. ware conveyed said detained in eaptivit for seventy.two
Thrice Puissant—In the Heavenly City there shall be
years, until Cyrus. king 3f rerala. issied a decree br restoring them. no temple, for the Lord God Almighty and the Redeem-
and permitting them to rebuild their temple, under the superintendence
of Zerubbabel. the Prince of the Captivily. and with the assistance of er are its temple; nor Sun, nor Moon shall be needed
Joshua the High Priest and ilsggai the Scribe.
Babylon the Great, as the prophet Daniel celia it. was situated four there, for the primitive light shall shine therein and
hundred and seveuty.flve miles in a nearly due east direction from Jerusa.
lsm’—Maeke7s Rno~olop.adIa of Preemaaoary, Article Ba~lon.
give it light. In that light shall all nations walk, and
IN Ill ATi ON. 25
Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, within whose
tFerc shall all the splendor of the universe have their jurisdiction I may reside, so far as the same max’ come
Apring and centre. Therein shall be no night, wick- to my knowledge.
cdncss nor falsehood; but the light and everlasting life I furthermore promise and swear that I will devote
~nd truth of God shall reign there forever. He is Alpha myself, my heart, my hand, my speech and my intellect
and Omcga25~ the beginning ang the end, the:first and to the cause of justice, truth and tolerationuas and will
the last, from whom all things come, and to ~vhomall endeavor to do something for the benefit of my country
return. My biother if you believe in these promises, go and the world that shall live after I am dead; and that
now to the holy altar and th&e assume the ohliga.tion I will henceforth consider only what is right and just,
of this degree. (Candidate kneels at the altar, places and noble, and generous for me to do, and not whether
his hands upon the Bible and takes the following obli- any benefit to myself or mine will result therefrom, or
gation) whether I shall receive therefor thanks or ingratitude.
All of which I do most solemnly and sincerely promise
OBLIGATION DEGREE OF GRAND PONTIFF. and swear, binding myself under no less a penalt~5
I in the presence of the Almighty God, and than that of being held false Knight and faithless sol-
dier by every true Knight and honest man in Christen-
believing in justice and mercy, do hereby and hereon dom. So help me God.
most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I Thrice PnisRant—Melchizedek, King of Salem, whose
will never reveal any of the secrets of this degree to any name signifies just and equitable King, was the Prie..t
person in the world, except to him or them to whom the of the Most High God; he met Abram returning from
sanie may lawfully belong, and then only when I am the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him, and Abram
duly authorized and empowered so to do. Notes 208.—The same old charges say. No private piquen or quarrels
must he brought within the door of the Lodge. f.,r lea’s as~, quarrels
I furthermore promise and swear that I will obey the about religion or nations, or state policy, we heing only a., Mason’.
of the t’sthoile religion above mentioned, we are also of ati natloan.
by-laws, rules and regulations of any Chapter of this de- tongues. kindreds. and languages, and are resoived against oil poiiti~~.
as ~hnt never yet conduced to the welfare of the Lodge. nor ever
gree to which I may ~belong; and the edicts, laws and ciii —Mackey’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Article Toleration.
Note 209.—The words So heip rae God • rerer exclusjvelv to the
man(lates 5’ of Sublime Princes a lthdrawai or divine aid and aasi’utance fr,,nx the jurator in the ease
hia proving false, and not to the human punishment which society would
0f the Grand
and Commanders Consistory’
of the Royal Secret, under whose inflict
In like manner, we may say of what are calied Masonic penalties.
jurisdiction it may be holden. as well as those of the ihat they refer in no case to any kind of humass punishment, that Is
to say, to any kind of punishment which is to he inflicted by human
Nate 206.—’ ‘Alpha and Omega. The first and lost letters of the hand or instrumentality The true punishments of Maaoniy affect neither
Gre~’h tancoege. referred to in the Royal ~l.,nte, and we of the higher lire nor limb They are eapulai~.u and suspension only ant chase
degrees They are explained by this pansoge In Revelations eb irli.. persoas are wrong, he they mistaken friends or malignant enemies, who
v 13 1 am Alpha and Omega, the begInning and the end the first suppose or assert that there is any other sort of penaity whirl’ a Mason
and the mat Alpha and Omega Is therefore. one of the appeilations reereant to his vows is subjected to by the laws of ihe Order or that
of Gad, equivalent to the beginning and the end of all things. and It is either the right or duty of any Mason to inflict such penalty on
so referred to In Isaiah xii 4. ‘1 am Jehovah, the first and the last an offending brother. The absecration of a Mason simply means ihat
if he violates his vows or betrays his trust he is worthy of such pensity
—Mackeys Encyticpaedia at Freernasanry, Article Alpha and Omega. and that if such penalty were inflicted on him it osonid he hut just
Note 2111.—’‘Grand Canasatary. The governing body over a State of and proper May I die.’ said the ancient. ‘if this he not true. or if
the Ancient and Accepted Sottieb 111cc. subject, however. to the I keep nit this von ‘ Not may any man put me to death, nor is any
superior jorisdictioo of the Supreme Council of the The man required to put me to dtsth. hut only, if I so act, then would
members of the Grand t’oonist~,rs are required to he in possession of I he worthy of diath The ritual pennities of Masonry suppoatog garb
the thlcty~secoiid iie~O ‘—Mackey’s Enayslapsodia of ~ to he are in the hands not of man, tint of God, and are to he inflicted
Article Grand Canasatory. by God, and not by man.’ ‘—Mackey’s Enayoiopmdi& of Freemasonry,
Article Penalty.
gave unto him the tenth of the spoils. (He anoints him BATTERY :—Twelve equ i-timed strokes.
with a little oil on the crown of his head and says:) TO OPEN —It is the predicted hour.
Be thou a Priest forever, after the order of Melehize-
TO CLOSE :—The hour is accomplished.
dek, virtuous, sincere, equitable, true; minister of jus-
PASS WORD :—Emanuel.
tice and priest tof toleration, be faithful to God, thy duty
and thyself, and thus deserve the title of Sublime Pon- SACRED WORD :—Alleluia. (Every brother now ad-
tiff or Scottish Mason, which you are henceforward en- vances in turn to the candidate and gives him the
titled to wear. Rise now my brother, and receive the token
sign, token and words of this degree. Thricc Put~ssant—(Invcsts him with Insignia, say-
810N. ing:)
Extend horizontally the right arm; This Robe of white linen, with which I now invest
the hand is also extended, bring you, is emblematical of that equality and purity which
down the three last fingers perpen- should characterize one who is consecrated to the service
I dicularly. of truth and remind us also of the vesture of the 144,-
000 who refused to wear the mark of the beast upon
their foreheads.
This Cordon of Crimson, bordered with white, teaches
you that the zeal and ardor Gf a Knight and Pontiff
ought to be set off by the greatest purity of morals and
perfect charity and beneficence. The twelve stars upon
it and upon the fillet allude to the twelve gates of the
new city, and the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve
fruits of the tree of life, the twelve tribes of Israel and
TOKEN. the twelve Apostles, the initials of whose names appear
Each places the palm of his ‘upon the gates and foundation of the new city, and on
right hand on the other’s fore- the twelve columns of the Chapter.
head; one says, Alleluia, the other This Fillet, is the peculiar emblem of your Pontifi-
answers Praise the Lord; the first cate, arid as the slightest contact with earth will soil its
then says, Emanuel, the other, spotless purity, remember that, so the least indiscretion
God speed you. Both say Amen. will soil the e’altcd character that you have now volun—
tarily assumed. Receive Ihis jewel, and let the letters
upon it and the Cordon, the first and last of the Hebrew LECTURE DEGREE OF GRAND PONTIFF OR DOCTRINE O~
and Greek alphabet, ever remind you of the love and GRAND PONTIFF.
veneration which you owe to that great being; the
source of all existence, the Alpha and Omega, the first Query—What are you?
and the last, on~whose promises we rely with p&fect Answer—I am a Sublime Grand Pontiff.
confidence, in whose mercy and goodness we implicitly Query—Where did you receive this degree?
trust, and for the fulfillment of whose wise purposes we Answer—In a place that wants neither sun nor moon
are content to wait. (Warden shows candidate the
to light it.
draft.) Query—Explain this to me?
Thrice Puissant—My brother, after the ceremonies of Answer—As the Grand Pontiffs never wanted any
this degree, this painting needs but little explanation.
The Serpent” writhing in chains has lo us a peculiar artificial lights to light them, in same manner thc
signification; it was promised that the offspring of the faithful and true trothers, the Sublimc Grand Pontiffs
woman should bruise the serpenfs head, fulfill thou the want neither riches nor titles to be adniittcd int~ this
prophecy. (The candidate is caused to step on the three sublime Chapter, as they prove themselves in their at-
heads of the serpent.) tachment to masonry, and raithfulness in thcir obli-
Thrice Putssant—So shall the foot of truth crush gations and true friendship to their brethren.
error! So honesty and honor tramples on falsehood, Query—What rcpresents the Draft of this Chapter?
so charity treads in the dust intolerance. Go now my Answer—A square city of four equal sides, with threc
brother, and listen to the lecture of this degree. (The
Master of Ceremonies presents him to the Orator who gates on each side, in the middle of which is a tree
delivers [assisted by Ihe Master of Ceremonies] the bearing twelve different kinds of fruit; said city is sus-
lecture. pcndcd as on clouds, below is a reprcsentatinn of Jerusa-
lem overturned and in ruins. There arc twelvc gates
Note 210.—’Ierp.nt. As a Bymboi, the fierpent obtained a prominent
place in all tbe ancient initiotions and religious AIn~,ug the Egyptians
it was the nynibol of Divine ~wisdom wben extended at length and the
of pcarl, tlir~e on each side; a grcat glory in the center
Serpent with bis tall lm his mouth ~ an eznhlem of eternity
winged globe and serpent symbolized their triune deity.
in the ritual
gives it light, bcneath thc ruins of the cit lies a scrpent
of Zoroaster. tbe seFpent ~as a symbol ot tbe universe. In China, the
ring hetween ti~o aerpenls ~as the SyiDhol of the world governed hv
with thrcc hcads, bound in chains, on one side of the
the power and wisdom of tbe Creator The ss~me device Ia several timri
repeated on tbe isiac t~bie. Higgins (Ansosi., i 521). says tbat. from draft is a high mountain.
tbe faeu~ty whieb the Se: pent pos*wssed of renewing its,lf. w~tbout the
process of generation as to nutw~rd appearance, by annually casting Query—Explain this to me?
its skin, it becauje. like tbe Pboenix. the cmhiem of eternity; but be
denies that it evr r’pr.’9enied. even i~, C,ene8is. tbe evil jrinelple A nswer—The square city represents ancient rna~onry,
Faber’s theory of tbe symboiism of the a~rpent. aa ~et forth In bin work
on tbe Origin of Pagan Idolatry. i~ inginious fle ~ that the under the title of Grand Pontiff, that comes down from
anclenta in part derived their idea of tbe serpent from tbe first tempter.
and hence it was a hieroglyphic of the evil principle But aa the deiug~ Heaven to replace the ancient dcstruction (say the tem-
w~s thought tn have emanated frnm the evil principle the serpent
hecatne a symbol of the d’iuge He also represented tbe good principle: ple) when the Grand Pontiffs make it appcar as ‘tis rep-
the d,a being horro~ed frnm.. the winged .‘r8phim whi’h ws~ blended
i~ th tile heriihim whn ~ the tree nt ilfe —the serapb1i~ and resenfrd by the ruins and the chained serpcnt ivith three
cberuhim h’ing sometimes eonsidered an identical. —Mackeys Enqolo.
peedia of Fr~maaonry, Article Serpent. heads
Query~Hoo.s~ comes masonry fallen to ruins, a~ we self?
Query—What signifies the twelve golden stars on the
are so bouDd together by our obligations?
Answer—It was so decreed in olden times, as we learii Fillet?
by St. John, who we understand was the first mason Answer—They represent the twelve angels who
that held a Perfect Chapter. watched the twelve gates of the celestial city of Jerusa-
Query—Where does St. John say this? lem, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve fruits of
Answer—In his revelation500 where he talks of Ba- the tree of life, the twelve tribes of Israel, and the
bylon, and the celestial Jerusalem. twelve apostles, the initials of whose names appear upon
Query—What signifies the tree with twelve differeDt the gates and foundation of the new city and on the
kinds of fruit in the center of the city? twelve columns of the Chapter.
Answer—It is the tree of life which is placed there Query—What signifies the blue hangings of the Chap-
to make us understand where the sweets of life are to be ter and the gold stars thereon?
found, and the twelve different kinds of fruit that we Answer—The blue is the symbol of Lenity, Fidelity,
meet every month to instruct ourselves aDd sustain one and Sweetness, which ought to be the character of all
another against our enemies. faithful and true brothers; and the stars represeDt those
Query—What signifies the fillet or veil that the ean•
Note IiR.—”’The whole machinery of the Apocalypae .sys Mr
didate is blinded wtth? Faber, ‘from beginning to end, seems to me very plainly to have been
borrowed from the machinery of the Ancient Mysteries, and this, if we
Answer—It procures him entrance into our Chapter consider the nature of the subject, was done with the very strictest
as it did procure entrance into the celestial Jerusalem to eatention to poetical decorum
‘St. John himself is made to personate an aspirant about to be
those that wore it; thus hath St. JohD5” explained him- Initiated; snd. accordingly, the images presented to his mind a eye
closely ‘resemble the pageants of the Myateries both in nalure and in
Note Ill.— ‘Aponalypse, Masonry of the.. The adopilon of St. John order of sssossa.ion.’
the Evangelist as one of the patrons of our Lodges, has given rise. ‘The prophet firut beholds a door opened in the magxoitcent temple
among the writers on Freemasonry, to a variety of theories as to the of heaven, and into this he Is invited to eater by the voice of one
who plays the hierophant. Here he witnesses the unsealing of a
original cause of his being thus ronnected with the Institution. Several sacred book, and forthwith be is appalled by a troop of ghastly appari.
traditions have been hinded down from remote periods. whieb elsim tions. which flit is horrid succenalon before hi. eyes. Among these are
him as a brother, among which the Masonic student will be familiar preeminently conspicuourn a vast morpent the well knows symbol ol the
with that whhh reprea~ats hIm as having assumed the government of
the Crsft, as Grand Master, after the demise of John the Baptist. I great father; and two portentous wild ~easte, which severaity come up
out sit the sea and nut of the earth Such hideous flgs.rea correspond
confesa thst I am not willing to place implicit confidence in the correct. with the canine phantom. of the Orgies, which soem in rise out uf the
ness of thIs legend. sad I candidly subscribe to the prudence of ground, and with the polymorphic images of the hero god who was
Daicho’s remsrk. that ‘It is unwise to sasert more than we can prove. universally deemed the olapring of the sea,
snd to argue against probablitty.’ There must have been however, in Passing these terrific monsters in safety, the prophet. conatantly
some way, a connection more or less direct between the Evangelist and attended by his angel hiea’ophant, who acts the part of en interpreter.
the institution of Freemasonry, or he would not from the earliest times is conducted into the presence of a female, who is deacribcd as closely
have been so universally claimed as one of its patrons. If it was simply resembling the great mother of Pagan theniugy Ltke Isis emergtng
o ChristIan feeling—a religious veneratton—which gave rise to thu from the sea and exhibittng hersetf to the aspirant Apuleins. this
general homage. I see no reason why St. Matthew. St. Mark. or Ut. feu..le divtnity, upborne upon the morine wild beast, appears to float
Luke might not ss readily and appropriately hare been selected as one upon the surface of many waters. She is said to be an open and
at the lines eaCallel ‘ But the fart Ia that there is something both in syatematinal harlot, just a. the great mother was the declared female
the life and in the wrttings of St. John the Evangelist, which closely principle of fecundity; and as she was always propitisted by litersi
ronnects him with our mystic institution. He may not have been a forolation reduced to a religious system. sod as the intliated were
Vacemason in the sense in which we new use the term: but it will made to drink a prepared liquor out of a sacred goblet so this harlot
he sufficient, if it can be shown that he was familiar with other mystical is represented as intoxicating the kings of the earth wilh the geiden
institutions, which sce themselves genersity admitted to have been more cup of her prostitution On her forehead the very name of Mystery is
ar less intimately connected soith Freemasonry by dyriving their exist.
sure from a common origin.’ ‘—Maskoy’s Enoyoiopaedia of Fresmsemsls inscribed, and the label teaches us that. in point of character, she is
Astiolo Apoeaij’pae, Masonry of the. the great universal mother of idolatry ‘ “—Ms.okey’s Enoyelopasdia of
Freemasonry, Artloic Apsoaiypse, Masonry of the.

masons who have given proof of their attachment to the

statutes and rules of the order, which in the end will
make them deserving of entering the celestial Jerusa-
Query—What is your name?
Answer—Faithful and True brother. CLOSING CEREMONIES
Note 313.—”AIi that is venerable, all that is nnivera5.. sal sjiat IA
preserving cry, dates from Jerusalem. the Golden City. DEGREE OF GRAND PONTIFF.
1he city of the Great King. There is no locality in the world so
worthy of a mason’s •tndy as this. and, thanks to the researches of
travelers, there Is no city of ancient renown that has been so thorongLi?
mplered and opened out to public view. ‘—Mereis’s Masonie Dlotionasl
Thrice Puissant—Brother Warden, what is the hour?
5 Warden—Thrice Puissant, the hour is aecomplithed.
Thrice Puissant—What then remains to be done?
Warden—To work, to wait and be patient.
Thrice Puissant—Work then my brethren while it is
yet day, for the night cometh in which no man can work.
For what do we wait, brother Warden?
Warden—For the light of noon-day.
Thrice Puissant—Let us then close this Chapter and
be patient brother Warden; inform the Knights and
Pontiffs that I am about to close this Chapter if they
consent in order that each may go forth into Ihe world
and do his duty as soldier and priest of Truth, Light
and Toleration.
Warden—Brothers Knights and Pontiffs, the Thrice
Puissant Master is about to close this Chapter if you
consent that we may each go forth into the world and
labor to elevate and enoble humanity as true soldier and
priest of Light, Truth and Toleration. If you eoDseut
give me the sign. (All give the sign.)
Thrice Puissant—Eaps as in opening.
Warden~—Raps as in opening.
All—Clap twelve and cry three times, Iloslies.
Thrice Puissant—The sun climbs toward the Zenith
and this Chapter is closed.

damning, is when sinners tmitate and copy the ap-

g~roaches of God to men. And this is what is doDe in
this 19th degree.
The lodge master is “Thrice Puusant;” personating
Christ, who has “all power.” The master is “seated on
a throne arid holds a Sceptre,” with the blue canopy of
PHiLOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS the heavens over him. This is Christ’s rival, the usurp-
ing “god of thi.s world.” The degree itself, says Mackey,
NINETEENTH DEGREE, OR GRAND PONTIFF. (Note 197,) “is founded on the mysteries of the Apoca-
lypse,” which is “the Revelation of Jesus Christ,” (Rev.
idoistry the I’jr, ni of all sin—The Lodge Master Personaten christ—The
Purpose to l,anl’iae An,, and l-inrrnr—MdsnIir~ thy image of the 1, 1.) And his lodge members are “clothed iD white
Itomish Bessi—Cbsrarter of Dr. Dairho. liDen robes,” like attending Angels; (Rev. 15:6.) ADd
“What is the matter with a little by-play of idola- on the jewel is engraved “Alpha and Omega,” which is
try?” Ans.—The matter is just this:—From kissing the title of Christ. And in opening, the WardeD says:
,‘~ne s hand to the moon, in the days of the Patriarell “the Sun of Truth has risen.” “Christ is the Sun of
ilighteousness.” And ‘The Truth and Life.” ADd,
Job. (c. 31, 27,) to Sun-worship by solemn cireurnam-
as in a preceding degree, the grim mockery of
bulation in a Masonic lodge; every act of idolatry, how- opening the seals and sounding the trumpets (p. 451,)
ever trisial or contemptible, is an expedient to un-God was gone through with, so here follow the vials
our globe, by getting rid of Christ. When the Eternal poured out, and the dwelling place of God, the New
Father brought forth his Son into the world, and said: Jerusalem, comes down to men. And after these superla-
“Let all the Angels of God worship him;” (Hcl. 1, 6,) tively impudent moekeries are gone through with, the
one angel refused, and became chief of the devils. And candidate is made to kneel down and swear to conceal
them from all but MasoDs of this degree; after which
all “Gentile” or Christless‘I wor~h ip is paid to that fallen the candidate is solemnly anointed into the priesthood of
aDgel, or to some o~ his legions, (1, Cor. 10:20.) To Christ, who is “a priest forever after the order of Mel-
dispense with Christ, is to leave our ruined race with no ehizedek.” There is nothing more revoltingly
means or mediator, by whom to reach God and Heaven. blasphemous in the Mormon Endowment House, where
And the lodge dispenses with Christ, by dropping his Brigam Young used, as El Shaddai, to personate Al-
name and person, to take in his enemics; Jews, pagans mighty God! And when this horrible fanfaronade is
and others; or, by insulting him with false, spurious gone through with, by men such as are found in ordina-
worships. When Aaron told Israel to worship Jehovah, ry Masonic lodges, the ~ereteheddupe is told that he is
by dancing naked around a calf, ( Ex. 32:18.) he at- ‘henceforward entitled to wear the sublime title of
tempted to add a heathen ritual to an orthodox creed: Scottish Mason.’ It is noticeahle that in this blasphe-
and three thousand men that day paid for their idolatry mous recitative, there are no aser~ptions of glory tr’
with their lives. The sins of men are numberless. Idola- Christ. The ritual runs; (p. 22.)
try is the one parent of them all ; and lodge worship is “salvation, Glory, 1-lonor and Power to the EterDal
idolatry. And, of all idolarty, the most daring and God and Infinite Father.”

The Bible ascription is ;—“Every creature which is in and Popery the religious harlot rider. In this, without
Heaven and on the Earth; and under the Earth, aDd exception Protestant commentators agree.
such as are in the Sea, and all that are in them, heard And the lodge net-work which now covers the Globe,
I saying; blessing and honor and glory and power be differs from Rome in two particulars: It has neither
unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the fixed government, church or nationality like Rome:
Lamb, forever and ever.”
While the book itself is “the Revelation of Jesus but lodges are made “by them that dwell on the Earth,”
Christ;” this Ette mutilates it by leaving him o(it of (Rev. 13, 14,) promiscuously; neither visible govern-
such p”assages as the above and compliments him only ment nationality or church, yet controls business anu
with a half contemptuous allusion to him as “the Mas- religion! 2nd.—It is flitting as a shadowy image;
ter of Nazareth ;“ and a wooden image of a lamb, lying changing its shapes endlessly, but keeping its diabolical
on a book with seven seals; with a further allusion to priest nature. And the beast and his image are one,
him as “Ihe Word.” murderous and false as their master and god Satan,
But the most extraordinary part of this 19th degree
is its bold allusion to “the Beast and His image.” who was “liar and murderer from the beginning and
The candidate is being led twelve times around the the father of it.” (Jno. 8, 44.) And the last we hear
lodge, he is jerked into a small dark room and seated on of them; Beast, False Prophet, Image and their wor-
the floor; sitting there he hears a brother say: “All shipers, they are cast into a lake of Are burning with
who will not worship the Beast with seven heads and brimstone, (Rev. 19, 20.) And whoever comforts him-
ten horns, shall be slain ;“ all men, the high and low, self in the fact that the fire and brimstone are not lit~.
the rich and the poor, freeman and slave shall receive eral, will doubtless find the reality as fearful as its sym-
upon their right hand, or on. their forehead his mark,
ete., or they shall neither buy nor sell.” And a second bols.
brother takes up the strain and adds :—“Remorse shall One would suppose that a scripture like this would be
torture them and they shajl ha’~e no rest who worship the last woven into a Masonic rite, by men supposed to
the beast and his image ;“ and here the matter is be educated and attentive to their own interests. The
dropped. The purpos~ would seem to be to inspire awe only explanation which can be suggested is that these
and horror in the candidate, and leave his mind in abso- degrees are the work of semi-apostate priests, like those
lute emptiness and confusion. swept into Ihe E’reneh Revolution of 1789, manufactured
Now the secret lodge system of which this Rite is at the Jesuits’ College of Clermont in 1754-8:—That
the ruling part, is the image of the Romish beast, which
they were 5eDt to this eouDtry in 1761 by an ex-Jew,
was, and is the secret despotism of the world. That
the seven-headed beast with his harlot rider is Rome, ~iforin, whose religion was money, as the Rite of Per-
the book itself teaches, (Rev. 17, 18.) “The woman fection :—that Morn appointed sixteen “Inspectors
which thou sawest is that great city which ruleth over General” with himself, of whom thirteeD were Jews
the Kings of the Earth.” There can be no mistaking also. Dr. Daleho, the son of a Prussian, born in Lon-
thi~ No other city on earth ever claimed and exercised don, a soldier, settled in Charleston, S. C.; a Physician,
jurisdiction over Kings. Pagan Rome was the B’~’.st,


afterwards a priest in Ihe Prot. Episcopal Church :—A

Sovereign Inspector of the Scottish Rite :—helped form
the first Supreme CouDeil :—A successful Masonic wri-
ter, became involved in Masonic disputes, and quit Ma-
~oDry in disgust snd died out of connection with the
Sueh.were the minds that formed the present BuhDg LODGES OR ASSOCIATE M’ASTER AD VITAM.
Rite of the world. They took the old Rite of Perfec-
tion and the swarms of side degrees which had over ru~ fPAST MASTER] ALSO CALLED GRAND MASTER OF Wis.-
Europe, combined, modified and revised :—added eight DON.
more to make the present Rite of 330, which fears not
vm~us oi ADONIS. g
God nor regards man. Such men could dabble with
“The beast and his image, as snake-fanciers play with DECORATIONS :—The hangings are blue and gold. In
snakes; conscious of no motive but to make an impres- the east is a throne which you ascend by nine steps, un-
dera canopy, before it is an altar on which are an open
sion, not knowing they were dabbling with their owD 214.—’ MeDIA, Mysteries of. An investigation of the mysteries
of Adonis pecniisri.y elsims the attention of the Masonic student: first.
doom! because. in their symbolism and in their esoteric doctrine, the religious
object for which they were instituted, and the mode in which that
In the closing lecture of this degree we have the key ohject is attained, they bear a nearer ansiogical resemblance to lb.
institution of Freemasonry than do any of the other mysteries or
to the motive of the eoDtrivers :—Query.—”What signi- systems of initiation of the ancient world: and. aecondly. because tbeir
ebief locality bringa them into a very ciose connection with the early
fies the tree with twelve different kinds of fruit in the history and repoled origin of Freemasonry. For they were principaily
celebrated at iiybios. a eity of Phoenicia. whoa. scripiural name was
centre of the City,” (p. 30.) Gebal. and uhoae inhahitjnts were the Giblites or Giblemites. who are
referred to in the lam Brok of Kings (chap V. iS) as being the stone-
“Answer—It is the tree of life which is placed there aquarers employed by King Solomon In building the Temple. Hence
there must have evidently been a very intimate ronnection. or at least
to make us understand where the sweets of life are, and certainly a very frequcut intercommunication, between the workmen
of the first Temple and ihe inhabitants of Byblos. the seat of the
the twelve diffe~eut kinds of fruit that we meet every Adonisiso mynteries. and the piace whence the worshipers of thot rite
were disseminated oycr otber regions of country.
month to instruct ourselves, and sustain one aDOther These historical circuniateflfes invite na to an examination of the
system of initiation ~hieh wns preetleed at Byhios. becau,e we may
agaiDst our enemies.” Thus from the creation until find in it something that was probably suggestive of the symbolie
system of InstructioB which was subsequently so prominent a feature
now, the Globe has stood and trees and fruits have grown in the system of Freemasonry..
Let us first examine the myih on which the Adonisiac initiation was
ripened and fallen for a Masonic lodge! It is difficult fonaded. The mytholo ical le end of Adonis is, that he was the son ef
Myrrha and cinyrus. ¶~immg o~ cyprus. Adonis was possessed o~ such
to determine whether stupidity, cunning, swindling or surpassing beauty, that venus becsnle enamored with him, and adopted
him as her favorile. Suhacquently Adonis. who was a great hunter.
superstitioD predominates in this vile compound. And died from 5 wound inflicted by a wild boar on Mount Lebanon. venus
flew to the succor of her fayerite. but she came too late. Adonis was
dead. On his descent to the Infernal regions. Proseruine became, like
though one can understand how sorcerers and jugglers veuns. so attracted by his beauty, that, notwithstanding the entreaties
of the goddess of love, she refused to restore him to earth. At length
can deal with such trash; the minister of Christ, who the prayers of the desponding venus were listened to with favor by
Jupiter, who reconciled the dispute between the two goddesses, and
has ever known the truth, and yet deals in it must sure- by whose decree Pioserpiuie was compelled to consent that Adonis should
anend six mouths of each year aiternately ‘viih herself and venus.”—
ly incur “wrath to the uttermost.” Maskays Enoyolopssdis of Jrsunaaoniy,hrtiois Adonis, Mysteries at.

Bible, square and compass, sword, mallet, etc., ete., as in right hand corner G.~.; at the left V...; middle tri-
8 lights angle, at the apex, H.~.; at the right P.~.; at the left
of Symbolic lodge. one
three triangles The lodge the
within is lighted
other, by
in nine’
a candlestick H.~.;i nner one, at the apex T.’.; at the right T.~.; at
with nine branches between the altar and the west on
the tracing board. Over the Venerable Master in the the left Z. In the centre of the inner one in the

East is a glory suitrounding a triangle, in the eentre of tetragramma.ton21’ and across it from below upwai’ds,
which are the words Fiat Lux.’” In the middie of the the words Fiat Lur.
room surrounding the altar, in the form of a triangle are TRACING BOARD :—The tracing board is an octagon
three columns on which are these words: On that in the with a square raised on each of five sides, and an equi-
East, Truth, on that in the West, Justice, on that in the lateral triangle on each of the three others, with the
South, Toleration. The lodge cannot be opened unless
nine members be present. Besides the nine lights men- initials of the twenty-nine virtues of a mason in the
tioned above, there may be others used in different partt c~nrners of the squares and triangles. In the centre or
of the lodge; but should be arranged in squares and the octagon are the nine great lights.
triangles. The nine great lights should be of yellow20’ JEW EL:—The jewel is gold. like the triangle on the
wax. apron, with the same words and letters, or like the
OFFICERS :—The officers are as in a Symbolic lodge; tracing board.
the Orator sits in the North and the Pursuivant guards BATTERY :—Is one and two; 0 00.
the door within. All wear their hats.
SASH :—The sash is yellow and sky blue, or two, one Note 218. “Tetragrammaton. to Greek It signifies a word of four
letters it is the title given by the Talmudiala to the name of God
of each color, crossing each other. Jehovi,,. ,vhici, in the original Hebrew ronsists of four letters. —
Mackey’s Enoyclopsedia of Freemasonry, Article Tatragrammaton.
APRON :—The apron is yellow, lined and bordered
with sky blue. Upon it in the centre are three equi-
lateral triangles one within the other, with the initial
letters of the nine great lights in ihe corners; thus in
the corners of the outer one at the apex, C.’.; at the
Note 21B,—”Yine. This is one the sacred Numbers it poaseases
remarkable powers of reproduction, and in the Pythagorean philosn~hy
was made the subject of much mysterious disoertation “—Morris’s
Masento Diotlonary, Arttnia Nina.
Note 216.—”Lux Fiat at Lux Fit. Latin. ‘Let there be light. anO
there was light. • A motto sometimes prefixed to Masonic documents.’
—Mackeys Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Arttole Lux Fiat at Lux Fit.
Note 211.—The natural sun was the symbol of the apiritosi sun,
~ Id represented the natural sun. and yellow warn the emblem of gold.
It is evldqnt that yellow derives all it, significance as a symbolic
color from its connection with the hue of the rays of the sun and the
metal gold.
Among the ancients, the divine light or wisdom was represented by
y ellow, as the divine heat or cl~’nt
was by red. And this appears to
he about the whole of the an of this color. ‘—Mackey’s
Enqoio’~ias4in of Freemasonry. Artlola Yellow.


Junior Deacon—Prudence, Temperance, Chastity

abd Sobriety.
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Deacon,
what compose the second masonic square?
Senior Deacon—Heroism, Firmness, Equanimily
Venerable Master—Brother Grand Secretary, what
compose the third masonic square?
Venerable Master—(Knocks one.) Grand Master Grand Secretary—Purity, Honor, Ft del ity and
and brethren, the hour has conte for this Grand Lodge Punctuality.
to convene, be pleased to clothe yourselves and repair Venerable Master—Brother Grand Treasurer, what
to your stations.
Venerable Master—Brother Junior Deacon, see that compose the fourth ,masonie square?
the doors are ~velltyled. (He obeys.) Grand Treasurer—Charity, Kindness, Generosity and
)untor Deacon—Venerable Grand Master, the dOOrb Liberality.
are duly tyled. Venerable Master—Brother Grand Orator, what com-
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden, pose the fifth masonic square?
ascertain whether all present ~re Grand Masters. (Sen-
Grand Orator—Disinterestedness, Mercy, Forgiveness
ior Warden goes around, receives the word from each
brother and returns to his station.) and Forbearance.
Senior Warden—Venerable Grand Master, all pres- Venerable Master—Brother Junior Grand Warden,
ent have proved themselves Grand Masters. what is the first great masonic triangle?
Venerable Master—Brother Junior Grand Deacon, Junior Warden—Veneration, Devotedness, and Pa-
what compose the first masonic square? triotism.
Note 21S.—~’Gnnd Mastsz~ of all Symbolic Lodges. The 20th degree Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
of the Ancient and Accepted rite This degree affords a thorough
exemplification of the philosophical spirit of the system of Freemasonry what is the second great masonic triangle?
Philosophy and Masonry, being one and the same principle, have the
same object and mission to attain—the worship of the Great Architeci Senior Warden—Gratitude to God, Love of mankind,
of the univeres. and the disenthralment of mankind, Here the candidate
is ebarged with the responsible duties of instructor of the great iruths and confidence in human nature.
of the universality of Masonry, inspired by an upright and enlightened
reason, a firm and rational judgment. aud an affectionate sod liberal
Venerable Master—And the third great masonic tri-
philanthropy Ibis degree besrs the same relation to Ineffable Masonry
that the Past Master’a degree does to the symbolic degrees veneration.
angle, composed of Truth which includes Frankness,
Charity. Generosity. Heroism, Honor, Patriotism. Justice. Toleration, Plain Dealing and Sincerity; Justice which includes
and Truth are inculcated. Tb. body is called a Lodge; the hanginga
are blue and gold. The presiding ofilcer ia styled Venerable Grand Equity and Impartiality; and Toleration.
Master, and is seated in the East A Lodge cannot he opened with
leas than nine members. In the Esat is a throne, ascended by nine steps. Venerable M~aster—(One rap,) Brethren in the
and surmounted by a canopy, the l.odge is lighted by nine lights of
yellow wax. The apron is yellow, bordered and lIned with blue: the South, what seek ye lo attain in masonry?
sash is of broad ye’o, and blue ribbon, Paasinr from the left shoulder
to the right hip; the jewel is a triangle, of go d. on which is eI~¶raved Junior Deacon—Light, the hi~ht of Knowledge, Sei-
the Initials of the sacred words. —Maoay’s Enoyslopsedia and Die osary
.1 Freemasonry. hztioie Granfi Mactar of ali Symbolie Lodge..
enee and Philosophy.
Venerable Master—Brethren in the North, what seek

ye to attain in masonry?
Grand Orator—Light, the light of liberty, free
thought, free speecul for all mankind, free conscience,
free action, within law, the same for all.
Venerable Master—Brethren in the West, what seek
ye to attain in niasonry?
Senior Warden—Light, the great light of God’s di- CHAPTER XXXVI
vine truth, eternal as himself; and of virtue, immortal
Venerable Master—Aid me then my brethren to open LODGES OR ASSOCIATE GRAND MASTER
this lodge, that we may seek the true masonic light. To-
gether brethren. AD vITAM.”

AlL—(Give the sign.) [PAST MasTul ALSO CALLED GRAND Miami op Vhs-
Venerable Master—My brethren, let the great lights DOMain
of the lodge shine.
Purs’uivant—(Advances, lights one of the great INITI &TION.
lights and returns.) Let veneration for the deity buis [The nine great lights having been extinguished, the
in this lodge as its first great light. Senior Deacon retires, invests the candidate with the
Senior Deacon—(Lighting another light.) Let the collar and jewel of a Grand Pontiff and the jewel of a
light of generosity be lifted up in this lodge Rose Croix and leads him to the door.1
Grand Orator—(Lighting another.) Let the light Senior Deacon—(Knocks one and two; 0 00.)
of heroism blaze like the day among us. Junior Deacon.—(From within knocks three, 000;
Grand Treasurer—(Lighting another.) Let the and opens the door.) Who seeks admission?
light of honor ever direct our footsteps. Senior Deacon—A mason, who having attained the
Grand Secretary— (Lighting another.) Let the light Note I2O..—~ Ad vutam. isontob Xasenry.1—The principle of life.
office (ad vitamn, for life) has been adopted to a limited extent In
of patriotism shine in our souls as in the lodge. American Grand Lodges by giving to Past Grand Masters Past Siasters
of Lodges, life-membership with restricted suffrage But in Sroteh
Junior Warden—(Lighting another.) Let the great Masonry ad yitann has its broadest scope, in some rountrie~ the hIghest
officer in the institution holding his office for life—Morris’s Masonic
light of justice burn steadily upon our alters. Dictionary, Article Ad vktam.
Senior Warden—(Lighting another.) Let the great Note 291.—”lCing Solomon has been adopted in Speculative Masonry
as the type or representative of wisdom, in accordance with the char.
light of toleration dim the fires of persecution. acter whIch has been given to him in the First Hook of Kings (iv 3032 1
•Solomon’s wisdom exceeded the ~lsdom of all the children of the east
Venerable Master—Let the great light of truth, rountry. and all the wisdom of Egypt For he was wiser thsn all men.
(lights it) illumine our souls and complete the great than Ethan the Ezrahite. and Heman and Chalcol and Darda. the sons
ef Mahol. and his fame was in all the natIons round about.’
triangles of perfection. in all the Oriental pluilosophies a conspicuous place has been gIves
to wisdom. In the book called the Wisdom of Solomon. (vIl 7, 8) hot
Venerable Master—Together brethren. supposed to be the production of a Ilelienistic Jew. it is said ‘I called
upon God. and ihe spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her before
All—(Clap one and two; 000.) Fiat Lux. sceptres and thrones. and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her.’
Venerable Master—Brethren the nine great lights And farther on in the same book. ivil 25-27.1 she is described as ‘the
breath of the power of God, and a pure influence (emanation] flowing
are burning in our lodge and it is duly open; be from Ihe glory of the Almighty . .. the brightness of the everlasting
light, the unspotted mirror of the power oE God, and the Image of his
seated. goodnesS.“‘—Mankey’s Enqolopeedia of Fraemaaonx~’. Artiole Wisdom.

nineteenth degree desires to be here qualified to preside

over all symbolic lodges that he may still further ad- altar and leaves him.)

Venerable Afaster—My brother you have often knelt


vance in masonry.
Junior Deacon—Is it not through mere idle curios- before the altar of masonry, and you now stand before
ily, or for the sake of distinction among his fellows that it again, enclosed in a great triangle formed by three
he makes this request? great columns which support this lodge. What name
Senior Deacon—It is not. do you read upon the column in the South?
Junior Deacon—Is he of that number of masons who,
having attained this degree, repose thereafter in con- Candidate—Toleration.
tented indolence, indifferent to the evils that demand Venerable Master—No man has the right to dictate
to be redressed? to another in matters of belief or faith; no ma’n can
Senior Deacon—He is not. ~y that he has possession of truth as he has of a chat-
Junior Deacon—Is he of that class of masons who
tel. ~~‘hen man persecutes for opinion’s sake, he
utter beautiful sentiments and press on others the per-
formance of masonic duty, and with that remain con- usurps the prerogative of God. tJo you admit the
tent? truth of these principics?
Senior Deacon—He is not. Candidaic—I do.
Junior Deacon—Is he of that class of masons who Venerable Mastcr—What name do you read upon the
spare their own purse and levy liberal contributions on column in the West?
those of others, for works of charity and the welfare of
the order? Candidatc—Justicc.”’
Senior Deacon—He is not. Venerable Master—Man should judge others as he
Junior Deacon—[f he be one of these let him speed- judges himself; believe others honest and sincere as he
ily withdraw; for such we have here no room, no need, believes himself; find for their actions the excuses that
no use; do you vouch for him that he is none of these? he readily finds for his own, and look always for a good
Senior Deacon-—I do. rather than a bad motive. God made them common to
Junior Deacon—Then let him wait with patience un-
all, and he who denies justice to his brother or wrongs
til the Venerable Grand Master is informed of his re-
quest, and his answer returned. (Junior Deacon closes him in any manner is unfit to live. Do you recognize
the door, goes to the Grand Master, knocks three; the truth of these principles?
0 00, and the same questions are asked and the like an- Candidate—I do.
swers returned as before, except the last.) Venerable Mastcr—What name do you read on the
Venerable Master—Let the candidate be admitted. Note 222.—”.Tust,oe. One of the four cardinal virties, the practIce
of nijuch is inculcated iii the first degree. The mason who remembers
Junior Deacon—(Having returned and opened the hey, emphatIcally he has been charged to preserve an upright position
in all his dealings with mankind, should never fail to act justly to
door.) It is the order of the Venerable Grand Master, himself, to his brethren, and to the world This is thc corner-stone
on isbich alone ho can expect to erect a superstructure alike honorable
that the candidate be admitted. (Senior Deacon en- to himself and to the Fraternity. In iconology. Justice Is usually rep.
resented as a matron with bandaged eyes, holding in one hand a sword
ters with him and places him in the centre of the tri- and In the other a puuir of scales at equipolse But in Masonry the true
angle formed by the three columns surrounding the symbol of Justice, as Illustrated in the drat degree. is the feet firmly
planted on the ground. and the body uprighi ‘—Maokey’a
at 2reemasoszy, Artiole Justine.


Grand Master here present, promise and vow that I will

column in the East? 5 never reveal any of the secrets of this degree to any
Candidate—Truth.” person or persons, except to one duly authorized to re-
Venerable Master—He who lies is a coward; no
falsehood can be other than evil. To lie expressly, or ceive them.
by implication, is base and dishonorable; without truth I do furthermore promise and swear that I will here-
there can be no tvirtue, and he who professes an dpinio~ after make these virtues, which compose the five masonic
he does not entertain, originates a falsehood and is & squares and three masonic triangles of this lodge, the
slanderer and deserves to be branded as such: Do you rule and guide of my life, conduct and conversation,
recognize the truth of these principles? and will endeavor to extend and increase the practice
Candidate—I do. of them among men; and particularly that my steps
Venerable Master—Will you make them hereafter shall ever be guided and directed by the nine great
the rule of your life, conduct and conversation, letting lights of a Grand Masler, as I shall hereafter be in-
no inducement however htringent persuade you to formed.
swerve from them? [furthermore promise and swear that I will not rule
Candidate—l will. and govern my lodge in a haughty manner, but will
Venerable ilfaster—Kneel then at the altar and as- use my best endeavors to preserve peace and order and
sume the obligation of this degree. (The candidate harmony among the membcrs. To all these and those,
kneels and contracts the following obligation.) [ do most soleni.nly and sincerely promise and swear
OBLIGATION GRAND MASTER OF ALL SYMBOLIC LODGES.”’ binding myself under no less a penalty than that of
I of my own free will and accord, in the pres- being dishonored and despised by all masons. So help
ence of the Great Architect of the Universe, do hereby me God.
and hereon solemnly and sincerely swear, and to each Venerable Master—Arise my brother and receive the
Mote 32S.—”Truth. Truth Is a divine attribute, and the foundation signs, grips and words of this degree. (Candidate
of every virlue. To be good and true. is the first lesson we are
taught in Masonry. On this theme we contemplate, and by its dictates rises and receives the following:)
endeavor to regulate our cooduct~ influenced by this principle, hypocrisy
and deceit are unknown iii,, the lodge, sincerity and plain dealing die.
tinguish us. while the hea I an ton ue join in promotia~ the general
welfare, and rejoicing in each others prosperity —Preston.”—Maoor’s FIRST SIGN.
Encyclopaedia and Diothonary 5 Freemasonry, Article Truth.
Note 4.—’ Grand Master of all symbolic Lodgas. (venerable Maitre
de teutes lea Logos, The twentieth degree in the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite The presiding olficer is styled venerable Grand Master,
Form four squares; first by placing
and is esaisted by two Wardens in the west The decorations of the
Lodge are blue and yellow. The old ritual contains some interesting right hand on the heart, the fingers
inatrudions respecting the first and second Temple
Among the traditions preserved by the possessors of this degree. is together, the thumb separate, which makes
one which states that after the third Temple was destroyed by Titus.
the son of vespesian. the Christian Freemasons who were then in the
Holy Land, being filled with sorrow, departed from home with the deter.
two squares; second by placing the left
mination of building a fourth, and that, dividing themselves into
several bodies, they dispersed over ibe various parts of Ruro . The hand on the lips, the thumb separate,
greater number went to Scotland, and repaired to the town of KiI~inning.
where they established a Lodge and built an abbey, and where the records which makes a third square; third by
of the Order were deposited. ThIs tradition preserved in the original
rituals, is a very strong presumptIve evidence that the degree owed bringing the heels together, the feet open
its existence to the Tempiar system of Ramasy. —Mackey’s Enoyclo.
psedia of lreemasonry. Article Grand Master of aU symbolic Ledges. on a square.


Kneel down, place

the elbows on the
floor, the head
downwards an4 it
little inclined to the
leconO Sign, 50th Dqree.

The sword elevated, or if no sword is worn, the right
TWTRD SIGN. arm raised before the head as if to ward off a stroke. [n
coming together, cross swords and form the arch of steeL
Cross the arms on the breast, the right
arm over the left, the fingers extended
and close together, the thumb forming a
square, heels touching, which makes five TOKEN.
Take one the other’s right
elbow, with the right hand;
press it four times; then slide
the hand along the forearm
Third Sign, 50th Degree.
down to the wrist; lastly, press
the wrist-joint with the firat
N. B.—In some rituals only one sign is given instead finger only.
of the first two, and this is to kneel on the right knee,
the left hand being raised, which forms two squares;
ihen place the left elbow on the leftknee,fingersextend.
..l and closed, the thumb forming the square, the hoa4
du w nwarda, somowha~ inclined to the left.
a lodge, it will be your duty to dispense light and
TOKEN OF INTRODUCTION. knowledge to the brethren. That duty is not performed,
nor is that which the old charges require, that at open-
[Given after the sign ing and closing the Master shall give a lecture or por-
of izitroduction.1 tion thereof for the instruction of the brethren. On the
Take each other’s right contrary that duty is far higher and more important,
and it behooves the Master to be prepared to perform
hand, the first finger on it;. nor should any one accept the oflice of Master, until
the wrist joint; then as by acquaintance and familiarity with the history, morals
you retire slide the hand and philosophy of masonry, he is fitted to enlighten and
instruct his brethren. That you may ever remember
along the other’s hand
that duty, you will now proceed symbolically to perform
down to the tip of the it by restoring to us the splendor of our nine great
fingers. lights in masonry.
Brother Senior Grand Warden, let the great light of
Token of Inttodttction.
N. B.—Some in the last token squeeze on the other’s veneration shine in our lodge. (The Master now goes
wrist, each drawing the other nine times alternately, to the East and the Senior Warden conducts the candi-
and repeating each time the word Cyrus. date once around the lodge, walking over the cross-
BATTERY :—The battery is three strokes, by one and
swords, which lay on the floor between the columns of
justice and the tracing board, and by the altar of incense
two; 000.
MARCH :—Nine steps, ~each forming a square.
up to the north-west light of the triangle, which the
PASS WORD :—Jekson. ass
candidate lights. He is then conducted up to and
ANSWER —Stolkih.
facing the altar of obligation.)
SACRED WORD :—Razah-belsijah.
Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud
Venerable ~I1’aster—(Tnvestinghim with the collar, my brethren.
jewel and apron.) My brother, as the presiding officer All—(Clap three; 000.) Lux Est.
?4o~e 225.—’‘3ekaon. Thin word is found in the French Ca.hiors of Venerable Master—(T’o candidate.) Say after me
the high degrees it is undoubtedly a corruption of 3aoqueaaon, and
this a mongrel word compounded of the French Jacques and the English
my brother: So let the light of Veneration shine in
son. sod means the san of 3ames. that is. James it it refers to Charles
Edward the Pretender, ~ho was the son, of that abdicated and exiled
monarch it is a significant relic of the system attempted to he intro. Candidate—(Repeats.)
duced by the adherents of the house of Stuart. and be which they
expected to enlist Masonry as an Instrument to effect the restoration Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
of the Pretender to the throne of England For this purpose they had
~sitered the legend of the third degree muking it applicahie to Charles let the great light of Charity” shine in our lodge
If.. who, being the son of Henrietta Maria, the widow of Charles I..
was designated as ‘the wldow~s son ‘ “—Mackey’s Encyolapaedaa of rree- Note 326.—’However freemasons may fall short of their professions
masonry, Ar-ticla Jokaon, in other things the most severe criticism cannot deny their orofielency
in charity. —Morris’s Masonic Diotisnary, Arttole Charity.

(Sonlor Warden conducts candidhte as before, and he

r Venerable Master—Say after me my brother; So
may the light of Honor shine in me.

lights that light and is conducted back.)

Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud Candidate—( Repeats.)
~ny brethren. Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
Alt—(Clap ‘three; 0 00.) let the gr~at light of Patriotism shine in our lodge.
Venerable Master—Say after me my brother: So (Senior Warden conducts and causes him to light the
let the light of Charity shine in me. sixth light.)
Candidate—(Uepeats.) Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden, my brethren.
let the great light of Generosity shine in our lodge. All—(Clap three~ 000.)
(Senior Warden conducts candidate as before and Venerable Master~Say after me my brother: So
causes him to light the third light.) may the light of Patriotism shine in me.
Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud Candidate— (Repeats.)
my brethren. Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
All—~(Clap three; 0 00.) let the great light of Justice shine in our lodge.
Venerable Master—Say after me my brother: So let (Senior Warden causes him to light the seventh light.)
the great light of Generosity shine in me. Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud
Candidate—( Repeats. ) my brethren.
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden, 411—(Clap three; 000.)
let the great light of Heroism shine in our lodge. Venerable Master—Say after me my brother: So
(Senior Warden conducts him and causes him to light may the fight of Justice shine in me.
the fourth light.) Candidate.—( Repeats.)
Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud Venerable Master.—Brotlier Senior Grand Warden,
my brethren. let the great light of Toleration shine in our lodge.
AlI—(Clap three; 000.) (Senior Warden conducts and causes him to light the
Venerable Master—Say after me my brother~ So eighth light.)
may the light of Heroism shine in me. Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud
Candidate—( Repeats.) my brethren.
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden, Ail—(Clap three; 000.)
let the great light of Honor shine in our lodge. Penerable Master—Say after me my brother: So
(Senior Warden causes him to light the 11fth light.)
may the light of Toleration shine in me.
Venerable Master—The- light shines, let us applai~d
my brethren. Candidate—( Repeats. )
All—(Clap three; 0 00.) Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
squares, and three great triangles’5 of masonry com-
let the great light or Truth5” shine in our lodge. (Se- posed as follows:
nior Warden causes him to light the ninth light.)
The Square”’ at the bottom of the Octagon that sur-
Venerable Master—The light shines, let us applaud rounds the Ineffable name, and the seven letters ~if the
my brethren, words with which he created light; of Prudence, Tem-
All—(Claptthree; 000.) perance,”’ Chastity and Sobriety.
First Square on the right; of Heroism, Firmness,
Venerable Master—Say after me my brother: So Equanimity and Patience.
may the Divine light of Truth shine in me. First Square on the left; of Probity, Honor, Fidel-
Candidatc—( Repeats.) ity”3 and Punctuality.
Venerable Master—Seal now, and perfect your obli- Net. 230.—”Tniangie, There Is no symbol more Important in its
signiflesoce. more vsrlous in its application, or more generally diffused
gation as Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges; repeat throughout the whom system of Freemasonry, than the triangle, Au
exsminatlon of It. therefore, cannot fsil to he interesting to the Masonic’
after me: (Candidate repeats as follows:) student.
The equilateral triangle appears to have been adopted by nearly all
tue nations of antiquity as a symbol of the Deity, in some of his iorms
Venerable Master—And when these great lights or emanations, and hence, probably, the prevailing influence of this
symbol wsa carried into the Jewish system, where the yod within the
cease to illumine my soul, direct my conduct and guide triangle was made to represent the ‘Jetragrammaton, or sacred nnme of
imy footsteps, may 1, false mason and faithless man, ‘The equilateral triangle,’ says Bro 0. W, Nash (Freem. Mag., iv,
294,) ‘viewed in the light of the doctrines of those who gave it currency
as a divine symbol, represents the Great First Cause, the creator and
cease to exist and be remembered only to be despised. container of all things, as one and indivisible manifesting himself in
an infinity of forms and attributes in this visible noiverse,’
So help mc God. Among the Egyptians, the darkness through which the csndidate for
initistion was made to pass was symbolized by the trowel, an important
Masonic implement, which in their system of hieroglyphics has the form
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden, of a triangle, The equilateral trlsngie they considered as the most
perfect of figures, sod a representative of the great principle of aol.
you will now give the candidate an explanation of the mated exiatence, each of its sides referring to one of the three depart-
ments of creation, the animal vegetable, and mineral. “—Mackey’s Ency.
tracing-board.”8 (Senior Warden conducts him to olopasitia of Freemasonry, Article Tri*ngle.

tracing-board.”’) lots 25L—”ln the very earliest catechism of the last century, of the
dste of i725, we find the answer to the question. How many make a
Lodge? is ~God and the 5quare, with five or seven right or perfect
Senior lVarden—-My brother, behold the five great Masons.’ God and the square, religion and morality, must he present
in every Lodge es governing principles ‘Signs at that early period were
Iota 227,—To he good and true is the first lesson we are taught In to he made by squares, and the furniture of the Lodge was declared to
Masonr~ On this theme we contemplate, and by its dictates endeavor he the Bible, Compass and square.
to regulute our conduct, Hence, while lofiticated by this princIple, In all rites and in sli languages where Mssonry has penetrated, ii.’.
hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among tis sitteerity and plain dealing nare has preserved its primitive significatIon as a symbol of morality.
distinguish us, and the heart and tongue jelt~ in promoting each other a —sq~ okay’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. Article Square.
welfare and rejoicing In each other’s prosperity.’ ‘—Morris’s Masonlo
Dictionary, Article Truth. lots 222.—”The worshipful Master is required publicly to decisre, In
the ceremony of his installatIOn, that he will ‘guard against Intemper-
Note 228,—”Trscing.Board, The same as a Floor-Cloth, which sea.” ance and excess,’ The Junior warden is charged to see that the brethren
—Mackey’s Encyolopasain of Freomasenry, Article Tracing -Board. ‘do not convert the purposes of refreshment into intempersuce and
excess. Finally, this vice is made e prominent subject of masonic pen-
Iota 229.—”Flsor.Clsth. A of board oi canvas, on which alties.“—Morris’s Masonic Dictionary, Article Tamperance.
the emblems of any particular degree are inscribed, for the assIstance
of the Master in giving a lecture, It is so called because formerly it lots 3S3.—”Noel (DIct. Feb.) says that there was an ancient marble
was the custom to Inscribe these designs on the floor of the Lodge at Rome coiisecrated to the god Fidius, on which was depicted two
room in chalk, which was wiped out when tti9 Lodge was closed. It is figures clasping each other’s hands as the representatives of Honor and
the same as the ‘Carpet,’ or ‘Tracing.tiosrd.’ ‘~Mackcy’s ~ncyolodasdia ~uth. without which there can he no fidelity nor truth among men
of Freemasenry, Artiole Flasr.Cloth. Masonry borrowing its ideas from the sucient poets, also makes the
right hand the s~,mbol of fidelity. “—Mackeys Enoyo’opiiedi& of Free-
masonry. Article ides.
68 GRAND MASTER OP iLL 5YMi301.tU r.3Dc.i:~, INITIATION. 59
‘Ufpper Square on the right; of Disinterestedness,
ier, absurd or hideous, usurped the place of masonic
Ilercy, Forgiveness and Forbearance.
truth. 0 the poniard and
Upper Square on the left; of Charity, Kindness. Gen- theThebloody
of aappeared
horrid vengeance,”
in the peaceful temple of
erosity and Liberality. masonry without sufficient explanation of their sym-
Triangle on1 the right; of Gratitude to Gods love of bolic meaning. Oathsu~i out of all proportion with
their object shocked the candidate and then became ri-
mankind, and confidence in human nature. diculous, and were wholly disregarded.
Triangle on the left; of Veneration, devotedness and The rituals, even of the respectable degrees, copied
patriotism; Veneration of God, Devotednesa to God, and mutilated by ignorant men, became nonsensical
family and friend and ardent love for our country. and trivial, and the words so corrupted that it has
Triangle at the top; of Truth, which includes Frank- hithCrtO becn found impossible to recover many of them
ness, Plain dealing and sincerity; Justice which in- at all. Candidates were made to degrade themselves
and to submit to insults not tolerable to a man of spirit
cludes Equity and Impartiality and Toleration. and honor. Hence it was that practically the largCst
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden portion of the degrees claimed by the Ancient and Ac-
you will now conduct the candidate to the post of cepted Rite, and the Rites of Perfcction and Nfisraim
Honor. (Senior Warden seats him on the right of the fell into disuse, were merely communicated, and their
master.) rituals became jejune and insignificant.
Venerable Master—Brother Grand Orator, you have Note 234.—”The word is used symbolically to express the universally
the floor. rec,,eiiizcd doctrine that crime y, iii iucvtiahiy hr followed by its penul
r’,u’,criuencea. It is the dogma of sit true roilgions, for if virtue and
vice retailed the sonic result, there would be no incentive to the one sod
DISCOURSE BY GRAND ORATOR. no restruint from the other ‘‘—Mackay’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry,
Articis vengeance.
My brother, as Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodgee, Note 235.—”The engagements of masonry commonly styled ohllgatlons
or vi we, arc of a eatiire scarcely to be distinguished froni the definition
it is your especial duty to aid in restoring masonry to of in oath, although the word oath does not occur in the Blue Lodge
ritual ‘‘—Morris’s Masonic Dictionary, Article Oath.
its primitive purity. You have become an instructor.
Note 236.—”M,israim, Rita of. This rite was introdoced into France
Masonry long wandered’ in error. Instead of improving near the commencement 01 the prc~.’nt ientiiey It mile con-iiderrihle
progress, and, In i8t7 appilcatlon 5505 mide on the part of it’s friends
it degenerated from its primitive simplicity and re- iii the Graiid Orient. to aicept it as a legitimute br,ii,i h of Maaonry
trograded toward a system, distorted by stupidity and The appiteallon was denied, pant.’ on the ground that the antiquity of
the rite had noi hero proved, and portly because of the itO degrees
ignorance, which, unable to construct a beautiful ma- sshiih its ritual comprised 68 were sirerdy irielirited in the Frineb sin.
tern The rite of Misruim is interesting and tirsiruetive, hut many of
chine made a complicated one. Less than two hundred its dcgrees sri’ too abstruse to be popirtar The initiatiOn is a reproelue-
tion of the ancient rite of Isis. sod represents the contests of 05mm
years ago its organization was simple and altogether aol Typhon, the death, resurrection, and triumph of the former soil
the destruction of the latter There are 90 degreca, divided into four
moral; its emblems, allegories and ceremonies easy to be series—symbolic, philosophical, mystical and cabalistic and again divided
understood, and their person and object readily to be into seventeen classes
The traditions .,f this system are frill of anachronisms, historteal
seen. It was then confined to a very small number of events and characters, separated by hundreds of ~esrs
figure on the same scene ot the ssme time
being niade t”
The isork entitled ‘Do
degrees. I’ Ordrs Macoonique do Miarsim,’ pobtished at Paris In 1835. by Moon
Marc Bedarride. purporting to dye the history of the Orrier is a mere
Innovators and inventors overturned that primitive romance, and full of prientitties Neverthetess mans of the degrees
•r.. i.,i,’hlv toterestiog sod iastruetive,”—Maooy’s EncycIo~aed.a ~nd £
simplicity. Ignorance engaged in the work of making Uonar~ of Fiesmasonry, Article Misraim. Rite of,
degrees and trifles and gewgaws; and pretended myster-
high office by the suffrage of their brethren, and all
Lofty titles, arbitrarily assumed, and to which the other titles and designations have an esoteric meaning,
inventors had not condescended to attach any explana- consistent with modesty and equality, and which those
tion that should acquit them of the folly of assuming who receive them should fully understand.
teniporal rank, power and titles of nobility, made the As Master of a lodge, it is your duty to instruct your
world laugh afid the initiates feel ashamed. Some of brethren that they are all so many constanL lessons,
the titles we still retain, but they have, with us, mean- touching the lofty qualifications which are required of
those who claim them, and noL merely idle gew-gaws
ings entirely consistent with that spirit of equality worn in ridiculous imitation of the times when the
which is the foundation and peremptory law of its be- Nobles and the Priests were masters and the people
ing; of all masonry. slaves, and that in all true masonry, the Knight, the
The Knight, with us, is he who devotes his hand, his Pontiff,” the Prince, and the Sovereign, are but the
heart, and his brain to the science of masonry, and pro- first among their equals, and the Cordon,’40 the cloth-
fesses himself the sworn soldier of truth. The Prince”’ ing and the jewel buL symbols and emblems of the vir-
is he who aims to be chief, first, leader, among his tues required of all good masons. The Mason kneels
equals, in virtue and good deeds. no longer to present his petition for admittance, or to
8 is he who, one of an order whose receive the answer; no longer to a man as his superior,
The Sovereign”
members are all Sovereigns, is ~uprexne.’only because who is but his brother, but to his God, to whom he ap-
the law and constitutions are so which he administers, peals for the rectitude of his intentions, and whose ~id
and by which he, like every brother, is governed. he asks to enable him to keep his vows. No one is de-
The titles Puissant, Potent, Wise and Venerable, in- Not. U9.—”Wbat is The meaning of ~poniJff? ‘Pontlfl means bridge
dicate that power of virtue, intelligence and wisdom, maker, bridge buIid~.r. Why are they c~,ih.d in thjt way? Here is
the ~xpIanation of tbe fact In tbe very first years of the exlRtt,nce of
which those ought to strive to attain who are placed in Rome. at a lime of Which we h8~e a ~‘ery fahulous hlqtorv and but
few existing monuments, the little town of Rome. not built on seven
hiiis, as is generally supposed—there are eleven of tbem now: then
Note 2S7.—”Prlnce. The word Prince is not attaeb~d as a title to there were within the t~ n leaR than sey.n, even—tbat little toun
any Masonic ottice. but is prefixed aa a pert of tbe name to several
degrees, as Prlnee of the RoyaI~ 8ecret. Prince of Rose Croix. and ~riDca bad a great deal to fear from mi enemy whieh sbouid take one of the
of Jerusalem. In all of these Instances it seelna to convey nome idea of bills that were out of town—the Janieulunj—beeause the Jnni~uiaim
sovereignty inherent in the character of the degree. Tbus We Prince ot is bigher than the otberR. and from tbat hill an enemy could very easily
the Royal Secret was the ultimate and, of course, controlling degree throw stones fire, or apy meana of destruction Into the town. The Janie..
of tbe Rite of Perfection. wbence. shorn, however, of it~ sovereignty, ului’i was sepah~ed from the town by the Tiher. Then the firRt neces-
sity for the defence of that little town of Rome was Ia have a bridge
it has been traneferr~d to the Ancient ~and Accepted Ecottiab Rite. The
Prince of Rose Cmlx, although holding in Home Rite, a subordinate They had built a wooden bridge over the Tiber. and a great point of
interest to the towu was, that this bridge should be kept alwaya in
po.ition. was originally an independent degree, and th~ repreuentntlye good order, ao that at any moment troops could pass over. Tben. witb
of flosierucian Masonry. It is still at the head of tbe Wrench Rite.”— the ~peclal genius of tbe Romans. of wbich we have other Instancee. Ibey
Mackey’3 Encyclopaedia of Jw.emaaonq, Aztislo Prince. ordained, curiously enougb. that the men who v.ere n corporation to
take care of that hridge ahould be sacred: that their functioD. necessary
Note 2S8.—”Snverelgn. An epithet applied to certain degrees which to the defence of tbe town. should be considered holy: that they Should
were invested witb supreme power over interior ones; aa Sovereign Prince
of Rose Crcui, which Is the highest degree of tbe ~‘renh Rite alid of be priests, and Ihe highest of them was called ‘tbe high bridge ma&er.~
So It hsppened that tbere waa in Rome a corporation of bridge makers
~me other Rites, and Sovarsugn hmpcotor.Gontral, wbkb ig the con. —pontifices——of whom the bead was the most sacred of all Romnans:
trolling degree ot the Ancient and Accepted Rite. Some degrees, orig- hepause in those days bis life and the life of big co
inally Sovereign in the Rites in which they wtre first ~itahli’hed. In ncccssary to the safets’ of the lown.’ mvanionu wss deemed
being transferred to other Rites, have lost tbeir sovereigu ebaracter, And th~,R it ig that thp title at Nntifei M~xiwus. ss8ulned hv the
but still improperiy retain tbe name. Tbua tbe Rose Croix degree of Pope of Rome. lltrraliv m~nns th~ Orand Bridge Builder. “—Machera
the Scottisb Rite. whih is there only the elghteentb. snd aubordinate Encyclopaedia of Frcemaaonq, Article Pontiff.
to the thirty-third or S~ipreme Couneii. stili retains eYers’wber~. except
in the Southern JurIsdIctIon of tbe United States, the title of Sovereign Note 240.—”Ooidon. The Masoule decoration. wbfch In English I. caned
Prince of Bose Croix.’ —Mackey’3 Encyclopaedia of Eremaaonq, Aitici. The ‘oii~ir. is styled by the French ?~fanonu th. aordon.”~Nackey’a Eaq.
—‘Un. elopaodia of Fr.cmasonq• Article Cordon.
graded by bending his knee to God at the altar, or to ren the masonic virtues and duties which are repre-
receive the honor of knighthood as Bayard and Du ~cntcd upon tlic tracing~board of this degree; that is an
Queselin knelt. To kneel fov oLher purposes, masonry illiperatlve duty.
does not require. Urge upon your brethren the teaching and the un-
As Master 91 a lodge, you will therefore be exceed- ostentatious practiee of the morality of the lodge with-
ingly careful that no candidat~ in any degre~ be re- out regard to times, places, religions, or peoples.
quired to submit to any degradation whatever, as has Urge them to love one another, to be devoted to one
been too -much the custom in some of the degrecs, and anothur, to be faitllful to the country, the government
take it as a certain and inflexible rule to which there is and the laws, to serve the country is to pay a dear and
no exception, that masonry requires of no man, any- sacred debt.
thing to which a Knight and gentleman cannot honor- To rcspcct all forms of worship, to tolerate all
ably and without feeling outraged or humiliated, sub- polatical’’ and rcligious opinions, not to blame, still
mit. lcss to condemn the rcligion of others, to fratcrnizc with
As Master, you will teach those who are under you, all mcn, to assist all who arc unfortunate; and to
and to whom you will owe your office, that the dccora- cheerfully postpone their own interests to that of the
tions of many of the degrees are to be dispensed with, odcr. To make iL ~he constant rule of thcir livcs, to
whenever the expense would interfere with the duties tllink wcll, to spcak wcll, and to act ~i~el]. To placc the
of Charity, Relief and Benevolence; and to be indulged sage above the soldier, thc noble or the Princc; and to
in only by wealthy bodies Ihat will thereby do no wrong takc the wise and good as their models. To sce thaL
to those entitled to their assistance. The essentials of their profcssion and practice, thcir teachings and con-
all the degrees may be procurcd at slight expenses, and duct do always agree. To make tllis also their motto,
iL is at Ihe option of every brother to procure or not to “Do that which thou ought to do, let the resull be what
procure, as he pleases, the dress, decorations and jcw- it will.”
els of any degree other than the 140, 180, 300 and Such, my brother, are some of the duties of that
320. office which you have sought to be qualified to exercise;
As Master of a lodge, Council or Chapter, it will be may you perform thcm well, and in so doing gain honor
your duty ~o imI~ess. upon the minds of your brethren for yourself and advance the great cause of masonry,
all views of the general plan and separate paris of the humanity and progress.
Ancient and Accepted Rite ;“‘ of its spirit and design, set. 34*.—.”Potjti~& There Ii~ no charge more frequently made againut
its harmony and regularity of the duties of the officers Fmeeziiusonry than that of its tendexicy to retoluti~,~, and eon~oiracy. and
to pviitI(ai ~rgnnhmaiioas wbh b may affect The peace of society or iI2tpr.
and members; and of the particular lessons intended to fere witb tbe rlghti of goverllmenta It wag the auhitanee of all
be taught by each degree; especially you are not to ai- Barruei’a a,~d Robijon’. accusations that the Jacohiniam of France and
Germany was nurtured in the L~dgr.s of those countriea: it was the
low any assembly of the body over which you may pre- tbclne of ail the denuaielatjons of the anti.Masona of ~ur owh iand.
that tbe Order was Seeking a poiltical ascendancy and an undue influpnce
side to 41.—”The
close without recalling to the mind of the breth- over tbe government; it ha. been tbe unjust accusation of every enemy
5cotcb Rite. dDring a few years past baa eiperieneed ot the institution in alIt times past, that ita object and aim ia Ihe
linta expansIon
a vAst 2 through thin country conalutortea of the 32d grade posaeuion of poser and control in the affairs ot et~te. It is in vain that
ba,e been establighed in ~yerai States. books of Conutitutions baY. biutory records no instance ot thi, unlawful connection hetween Free-
heen puhlished; Rituals have been prepared hy the l~sdlng mInds ot masonry and political It I. in ,Rin thnt the flbeifrr I, dIreet~d to the
the w,’I.~tv and m~n of high politi~l snd .neiai dlstincflnn pls~’ed in Ancient Consti tutiori. ot the Order, whIch PxprPssly forbid sa,eh con.
pvnmln.nt positIons ‘—MeTilsa Kasonic Z)iotion*zy, Article Scotob Na- nietiori; the libel ii still written, and Masonry is again and again
SW7. condemned as a politIcal club. ‘—Kaokey’3 Rnqolope.ila of Yrmemaaoai~.
Article Politics.
Venerable Master—Brother Senior Grand Warden,
what is the ~iour?
Senior Warden—The world waits for the light, Yen-
eranle Master.
CLOSING CEREMONIES Venerable Master—Then it is time to close, that the
great light of this lodge may be borne into and illumine
GRAND MA5TER OF ALL SYMBOLIC LODGES.” the world. Together brethren.
Venerable Master—Brother Senlol Grand Warden, All—(Give the first sign.)
have you anytlung in the West to offer before this lodge Venerable Master—(Knocks three; 0 00.)
cf Grand Masters? Senior Warden.—(Knocl~s three; 0 00.)
bett wr Warden~—.-Nothlng, Venerable Master. Junior Warden.—(Knocks three; 000.)
Venerable Master—Brother Junior Grand Warden,
have you anything in the South to offer before th,~ AlI—(Clap three; 0 00.) Lux Est.
lodge of Grand Masters? Venerable Mastcr—Whcrever the nine great lights
Junior IVarden—Notlilng, Venerable Master. are, there is this lodge. Let tlle great light of Venera-
Venerable Master—Brother Orator, have you any- tion go forth and slime in the lodge. (Pursuivant
thing in thc North to offer before this lodge of (~iaiitl takcs that light and retires.)
Mastcrs? Venerable Master’~-..LeL the great light of Charity go
Orator—Nothing, Venerable”’ Master. forth into and inspire the world. (Junior Deacon takes
Venerable Master—Has any Grantl Master anything
that light and retires.)
to offer to this degree for the benefit of a brother ma-
son? (No answer.) Venerable Master—Let the great light of Generosity
Nate 243.—’ Grand Master Ad-Vitam nr Grand Master of all Symbolic
go forth into and ennoble the world. (Senior Deacou
Lodges. L5cotch Maaonry.]-~The second degree conferred In the Con-
saitury of t’ of tue Ruuai Seiret. Scotch Masonry, and the 20th takes that light and retires.)
utiolt the catalogue of that system, The presiding officer is styled Grand
Mister and represents Cyrus Artaxerxes; there are t~vo Wardens The Venerable Master—Let the great light of Heroism go
hingings of the Lodge are Rfue and Yellow The historical instructions
rciate to the construction of the three templea of Solomon. Zeruhhahel forth into and burn in the spirits of men. (Secretary
and lztcrod. nith the establishment of a fourth, or spiritual structure.
sahich will outlast the ravages of time. The lights are nine Jewel. a takes tllat light and retires.)
triangular piate of gold showing the word Secret. ‘—Morris’s Masonic
Dictionary, Artitlo Grand Master Ad-Vitam or Grand Master of all Venerable Master—Let the great light of Honor go
Symbolic Lodgaa.
forth into the world and baseness skulk and hide from
Note 244.—”Vsnerabie Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges. The
twentieth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. See Grand its presence. (Treasurer takes that light and retires.)
Mastaa of all Symbolic Lodges. The Diotionnaira Maconniqus says that Venerable Master—Let the great light of Patriotism
this degree was formeriy conferred on those hrethrcn in France who, in
receiving it. obtained the right to organize Lodges, and to act as Masters
nr venerahies for life, an abuse that was subsequently abolished by the
go forth and shine in the world. (Orator takes that
Graud Orient. Ragon and vassal both make the same statement, It light and retires.)
may be true, but they furnish no documentary evidence of the fact.
And examination of an old 105. French ritual of the degree, when it Venerable Master—Let the great light of Justice go
brined part of the Rite of Perfection, which is in my possession. abows
nothing in the catechism that renders this theory of its origin improb- forth and blaze upon the altars of all men’s hearts.
able.’ —Mackey’s Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Artiols venerable GramS (Junior Warden takes that light and retires.)
Master af all Symbolic Lodges,


Venerab~e Mastt’r—Ikt the great light of Toleration CHAPTER XXXVII

go forth Slid dilil tint’ fires of peisecutiuli. (Senior ~~‘ar- TWENTY-F IilbT DEGIIEE; NOACHITh OR PRUSSIAN
den takes one of the liglit~t and ritires.) K NIGHT.
Venerable Mast”r—l hear the light of Truth into the
world to over~ome fab~ehtood nn~h error, aiid tbis lidge
is closi’d until the light riturns. (He retires with tIlt’ ORIGIN.

light anti the remaining brethren follow. whiCh closet The most ancient ordcr of Noachite5” known, are
Note 845.—’ Noachite, or Prussian Knight. (Noachite eu Chevalier
~lielodge.) ?ruseaen.) 1
tish Rite
The toritty-firat degree of the Ancient and accepted Scot
The history as well as the character of this degree is a
very singular one. It is totally unconnected with the series of liissoial,
degrees sahich are founded upon the Temple of Solomon, and is traced to
the tower of Bahei. Hence the Prussian Knights cull ibemasivis
Noechites. or DiscIples of Noah, sahile they designate all other Masons
as Hiramites. or Disciples of Hiram. The early French rituals state that
the degree was transiated in 1757 from the German by. M de Bersic
Knight of Eloqueiice in the Lodge of the Count 5t, Gelaire. lnspirti,r
General of Prussian Lodges in i’ranee Lenning gives no credli to this
statement. hat admits that the origin of the degree must he 5ttribnti.~i
to the year above named. The destruction of the tower of Babel consti-
tutes the legend of the degree, whose mythical founder Is said to havc
been Peleg, Ito chief builder of that edifice. A singular regulatIon is
that theic shail he no artificisi light In the Lodge room, and that lii
meetings shaii he held on the night of the full moon of each month.
The degree was adopted by the Council of Emperors of the East and
west. and in that way became autiacqucoily a part of the s3stem of tue
Scottish Rite. flut it is misplaced in any series of degrees supposed t”
emanate from ihe Solomonic Tcmpie It is. so an unditing link. aii
unsightly interruption of the chain of lcgcn,lary symbolism substituting
Noah for Solomon. and Peleg for Hiram Ahiff The Supreme Counell for
the Southcr,i JurisdIction has abondoned the original rItual and made
the degree a representation of the vebmgerieht or westphailan Franc
Judges But this by no means relieves the degree of the objeetion of
Masonic incompatibliity. That it a us ever adopted Into the Masonic
system is only to he attributed to the pusslos for high degrees a hi. h
prevalied in France in the middle of the isat century. “—Mackey’s Ency-
clopudia of Jesamasanry, Article Noachate, or Prussian I Ight.
Nate 240,—”The legend of the degree describes the travels of Peleg
from Bshi~l to the north of Europe, unit ends a ith the follosa log narra-
tive. In trenching the rubbish of the ~lt-mines of Prussia ,~ss found
in A D. 553, at a depth of fifteen cubits, the appearance of a trisiigiiiar
building in which was a column of white marble, on sshh h was o ritten
in Itibrew the a hole history of the Noachites. At the side of ihis
coinmo was a tomb of freestone on which was a piece of agate liia, rilid
with ihe follossing epitaph Hero rest the ashes of Peleg, our Grand
Architect of the tow-cr of Babel. The Almighty had pity on hIm because
be became humble.’
This legend. aithoiigh wholly untenable on historl~ grounds, is not
absolutely puerile The dispersion of the human race iii the time of
Peleg had aiways been a topic of discussion among the learned. Long
dissertations bad been written to show that all the nuil~ins of the
world. esen America. had been peopled by the three sons of Noah and
their descendants, The object of the legend seems, then, to have heeii
to impress the idea of the thorough dispersion. The fundamental Ides of
the degree is. under the symbol of Peleg. to teach the crime of assump.
tion and the virtue of humility.
2. The degree was also adopted into the Rite of hliarsim. where it
is the thirty-fifth.~ —Mackay’s Encyclopedia of Jreemaaansy. Article
Voachite, or Prussian Knight.

now called Prussian Knight Servants of the White and when all the rest of mankind were destroyed. The
Black Eagle, which we gather from the German trans- pagans called this degree by the name of Pilaus, the
lation by Berage, Knight of Eloquence and Lieutenant name of their Deity; but the Knights of our day ac-
Commander of the CouncIl of Noachite in France, and knowledge no other God but the Great Architect of the
Grand Mastei General Commander. The Most Ihlus~ Universe, and find It thcir chief happiness to worship
trious Frederick of Brunswick, King of Pr’i~sia ~~as him and keep his commandmcnts. In the timcs of Ihe
a patron of thc ordcr, as also his anccstors for 300 years. crusades the Knights of the different orders were initi-
This dcgree ~i’asestablished by the Prussians in order to ated into this dcgree by the Christian Princes in order
coutnicinorate the discovery of the ancient trophies to conquer the Holy Land which was invadcd by the
while digging for salt mines, and to perpctuatc the infidels. Those masons that were desccndcd 5t5 from Sol-
and were
buIlding of the tower of Babel by the desCendants of omon wereintomosttheir
attachcd to thc
INoah. The Arksis and Dove illustrate the mercy of initiated order andNoachites
admitted Prussian
the Lord in the preservation of Noah and his faluily, Knights, and according to the mysteries of masonry,
Nots 241.~”l’redericli the Great was certainly a Mason. But Carlyle,
sincc which time none are admitted to this degree un-
in lila usual sarcastic veiii adds The Cro~~ n Priii.e pruoei ated his less they have received all the degrees of Ancent Craft
ktaaoiiry at Reiiiaberg or (Isen here, occasionally, fur a ear or too, hut
was never ardent in it. and very soon after his accession left off alto- Masonry.
gether . A lto~ai Lodge was established at Berlin of which the new
kiiig consented to he patroil. hut he never once entered the p lace and DECORATIONS :—A Grand Chapter must be held in
naily his portrait ta weteomeiy good ole, still to be found there) presided
aver ihc uiysterie5 of that eat ililishment a retired place, on the night of the full moon. The
Now how much of truth o ith the sarcasm, and how much of sarcasm
n ithoot the tenth, there la iii this remark of t7arl3 Ic. is just n hat the
place is lighted by a large window or opening so ar-
I,i ‘sonic ~~,rld is ts,iiiid tii discover Until further tight ii thr o a np—it
itic sobjed by documelitiro evidence froni the Pruasiar Lodges, the
rangcd as to admit the rays of the moon, which i.~ the
Qileatinhi isonit be d.fiuiltely ansucred. But what is the now known only light allowed, at as early an hour of the night as
further Nitia’inie history of Frederick?
Builfeld tells us that the zeal of the Prince for the Fraternity iodiice’l practicable. The presiding officer sits facing the
him ii iiivili the Baron von tibcrg and himscif to Reinniiirg. o here iii
1739. they fi.oiiiied a Lodge iiil~, ~hi’h Ket ocrilite. Jordan. Moolcodorf. moonlight, and the Knights in front of him and on
Qucis. cud predersdorf tgrederlek’s valet) were admitted.
itleifeid is again oar aiitl~orilV for slating that cii the 20th of Jane. either hand, in no particular place or order.
17411. Klng Fredetlek—far he had then ascended the ibrone—heid a OFFICERS555—There are seven officers, viz:
Lodge at Chsriotteuibiirg, and, as Master in the chair, initiated l’rlnee
WIlliam of l’roosis his heother. the Siargrave Chines of Brandenburg. First—Knight Lieutenant Commander.
and Frederick William. l)iike of ji~.lstein. The Duke of Holstein wiis
seven ye.irs afterwards clc~ted Aiijiitant Grand Waster of the Grand Second—Knight Official or Grand Inspector.
Lodge of the Three Globes at Berlin
We hear no more of Fredirleks Siasonrv in the printed records uiiill Note 249.—This name is applied to freemasons as the successors, in
the 16th of July. 1774. when he granted his prol.etiin t” tue Nati”ii.ii piety and virtue, of that eminent preacher of righteousness, Noah.’—
Grand Lodge of Germany. and officially spp~oved of the treaty with iii, Moms a Masonic Dictionary, Article Noachidae,
Grond Lodge of England. by which the National Grand Lodge was eoleh
~ Note 858.—in the modern ritual the meetings aro called Grand
15hcd~MackOya £ntiytlopaedia of Freemasonry, Article Frederick the Chapters The officers are a Lieutenant Commander, two Wardens, an
Great. Orator, Treasurer, Secretary. Master of Ceremonies. Warder, and Stand-
ard Bearer The apron is yellow, inscribed with an arm holding a sword
348.—”Arlt of Noab. tine of the three Sacred Siructares, it wso and the Egyptian figure of silence. The order is hiack. and the jewel
made ~,f Cl ire—a or tIle wood The pi.iiiks ifler heing roil
tt.g.lher. 55cr, tirolecied hv s’.siting of pitt h. lald liside and outside a fail moon or a triangle traversed by an arrow. In the original ritual
~ mike it ssater tight. The Ark consisied of a number of small com there is a coat of arms belonging to the degree, which is thus embisa-
oned Party per fees, in chief. asure. seine of stars, or a full moon,
pariments arranged In three stories A window, iS inches bread usia argent: in base, sable, an equilateral triangle, having an arrow sos-

made in the roof. eziending. perhaps, its Whole length There nsa a
door in ihe aide The whole structure was 450 iong. 75 feel hraed end cuended from its upper point, barb downwards —Mackeys Eocyoiepaedia
45 high The Temple of Solomon was the same height a. ihe Ark hti’ ef Freemasonry, Article Noachite, on Prussian Knight,
only one-fifth as long —Morrias Masonie Dictionary, Articla Ark of
Third—Knight Introductor. DRAFT :—Represents the firmament wilh full moos
Fourth—Knight Orator. and stars, on which the c~e may rest. There are nine
Fifth—Knight of Chancery or Grand Secretary. wax candles, in three rows in front of the altar, but
Sixth—Knight of Finance or Graiid ‘I’reisurcr. not lighted. In the West is a representation of Noah’s
Seventh—Knight Captain of the Guards.
The members are called Prussian Knights. Ark, with~ a dove holding an olh’c leaf in his beak
on~ss :—Black, with u~words, hpurs and black masks. flying to the window whence it was let ouL. Jn one
All the officers wear the jewel of the order, fastened to part of the ChapLer is an Urn made of an agate stone,
the button hole of the waist coat. and in another part a representation of the Tower of
SASh :—Black, worn from right to left. Babel and near it a coffin with a human figure ir~ it.
JE~vEL ;—Silvcr moon, full, or a golden triangle BATTERY :—Three equi-timed strokes (0 0 0).
traversed by an arrow, point downwards, suspended AItMORIAL BEARINGS :—First—Blue, with silver moon
from a collar; on the jewel is an arm upraiscd holding
a nakcd sword and around it the motto, Fiat Just dia, surrounded with gold stars.
Ruat Coclum. Second—Black, with the triangle and the gold dart
APRON AND GLOVES :—Yellow: on the upper part of
the apron is a naked arm upraised, holding a naked
sword, and under it a human figure erect ~vithiwings,
with the forefinger of the right hand upon his hips, and
the other hand hanging by his cide holding a key, being
the Egyptian figure of sihenee.sii
Note 35l.~”Secreoy and silence, These virtues constitute the very
esauuuu e utf alt Niastutuit uharattu~r. they are the safegua~d tuf the itustito-
tion. giving to it all its security and perpetuity, and are enfutrueti hi
fru.iuuutt adnuonitiouts itt ail the uiegrees. from the luuwest it, ihe highust
The Entered Aprtru.uttice begins his Msmttuic career by learning the duty
of veerecy and silenuc iluoce it is apprtupriste that in that degree
~hith is the consumunstiuto of lutitlatioti. in which the whole cycie of
Mastunie science is ttuinttiuteti. the uhatrutne mauhitutry of symholiem
shutuuld he employed to impress the same important virtues on the mitud
of the neoph~ te.
The same principles of set recy and silence existed in all the ancient
tny,tteries situ sTatutes of worship. When Aristotle was asked what
thing appeared to him to he most difficult of perft’rmuuuucc. be replied.
~To be secret and sitetut
‘it we tutrus uttur eyus hatk to antiquity,’ says Caleott, ‘we shall find
that the old Egyptians ht,d so great a reguird fiur siiu’nce and secrecy itt
the mysteries of their iu’iigiutn. thuit they act tip the god Harpoerstes.
10 us huum they paid pecutiur h.’nor anti votration teho us as r.iuru.senteut
with right ittund piaced near the heart. a,juii hue icft down by his stilt
covered with a skin before, tutu of u.y’s
Apuicitus. who was so iniliste it, ihu~ int-sieuies or Isis says ‘By m
peril wiii I ever be compelied to diatiuse tut the uuninitiuuted the things
that I itane had iniriusted tut me out tondititut of siienu e
ljuheuk. in his Agianpbamus. lutus etuiluilud several crumples of the
teinetanec us ith which tite sut’ icois aruprusebtul a mvsiiu~uui euthicul and
the manner iuu whi’h they shrank from divulging any explanation or fable
Which haul been related to them at the nuysteries. under ihe seal of
sei’ri.ey suid silenee.’—Mackeye Encyclopaedia of Freemasenry, Article
Ieueci and Silence.
Knight Official—By the light of the full moon, like
Qur ancient brethren initiated in the temple of Betus.
Knight Commander—Do you kuow the names of the
sons of Noah?
Knight Official—I know three of them.
Lieutenant Commander—What are they?
OPENING CEREMONIES Knight Official—Shem, Ham and Japheth.
TWENTY-FIRST DEGREE; NOACItITE OR PRUSSIAN Lieu tanant Commander—Give me the sign?
K ~‘JIGlIT. Knight Official—(Gives it)
Lieutenant Commander—Give me the pass.word.
Lieutenant Commander—Knight Official, the full Knight Official—(Gives it)
moon is midway between the horizon and the zenith, Lieutenant Commander—(Three knocks; 000) All
and the hour for this Grand Chapter to convene has rise Together, Sir Knights
arrived, let the Knight Captain of the Guards post the AIl—( Raise their arms toward Heaven, sword in the
Sentinels that no spy may gain admission among us.
right hand turn towards the moon, then drop their
Knight Official—Knight Captain of the Guards, you arms and face the Lieutenant Commander.)
will see that the Sentinels are posted, that no spy may
Lieutenant Commander—I declare this Grand ChaD-
gain admission among us. (Captain of the Guards re- ~er open. Be seated, Sir Knight..
tires for a short time and returns.)
Captain of Guards—Sir Knight Official, the Sentinels
are posted, and we are in security.
Knight Official—Illustrious Lieutenant Coininander.
the Sentinels are postM, and we are in security.
Lieutenant Commander—Sir Knight Official, you
will now examine every Knight present and receive
from each the pass-word, that we may know that all
present are Prussian Knights. (Knight Official re-
ceives the pass-word from each Knight.)
Knight Official—Illustrious Lieutenant Commander,
all have the pass-word. None but true Knights are
Lieutenant Com~mander—Sir Knight Official, are you
a Prussian Knight?
Knight Official—I am.
Lieutenant Commander—How were you received a
Puissant Knight?
Lieutenant Commander—What does lie desire Sir
Knight Captain of the Guards?
Captain of Guard—To be advanced to I lie degree of
Noaeliite or Prussian Knight.
Lieutenant Commander—Sir Knights, a Perfect Ma-
son of 1-lirain is desirous of becoming a 1~riissian
CHAPTER XXXVIII Knight; do you consent that lie shall be received among
TwENTY-FntST DEGREE; NOACHITE OR PRUSSIAN All—(Rise, draw their swords and come to a present.)
KNIGHT. Lieutenant Commander—Sir Kiiight, Captain of the
Guards, let this Perfect Mason of Hiram be admitted.
(Captain of the Guards opens the door, the Introduetor
The Knight of Introduction after preparing the enters with candidate and conducts him up to the tower
candidate with a white apron and white gloves leads him of Babel in the North.)
to the door and knocks three equal strokes.] Lieutenant Commander—My brother, behold the re-
Captain of Guards—(From within knocks one and mains of Peleg the Projector of the tower of Babel?’
opens the door.) Who desires to enter this Grand He forgot that he was mortal and therefore also forgot
Chapter? what was due to future generations. He built to gratify
Introductor—The Knight Introductor, with a Master his own vanity and vain glory, without regard to the
Mason of Hiram; and who has received the degree of common welfare and popular will, and therefore his
Grand Master of all Symbolic lodges. work remained unfinished, for the confusion of opinions
Captain of Guard—Give me the sign, grip and pass-
word of that degree. arose.
Peleg was overpowered, fled to the desert, and died
Candjdate—(GIves the sign, pass grip and pass-word,
Tubal Cain.) repenting, while his divided people were scattered over
Captain of Guard—The sign, grip and word are cor- the face of the earth to form dissimilar nations of various
rect. You will wait a time with patience and I will tongues; may his example profit you. Sir Knight of
inform the Illustrious Lieutenant Commander of your Introduction, you will now conduct the candidate to the
altar. (Introduetor condueLs him to the altar, where he
request. (Shuts the door, goes to the Knight Official
and knocks three.) Note 2&2.—’Ii is the name of that celebrated tower attempted to be
tluit( on the talaina of Shinar. A H 1775. about oue hundred said forty
Captain of Guard—sir Knight official, there is in the esra after the deluge, sod w hh h, Scripture informs us. was da.airaayed
by the special lnterpoaitioaa of the Almighty The Noachite Masons date
ante-room the Knight Introduetor with a Master Maison. the commencement of their order from this destruction. aaad mach iradi.
tionory Information on this subject is preserved in the dcc rca. of ‘Patri-
descendant from Hiram, and Grand Master of all Sym- arch Nosihite. At iSnl.a•i. Oliver says that what has bean anilad Spurloaa.
Freemseuaar3 took Its anglo That Is to say the raeopie tiore aiauaadaaoed
bolic lodges, clothed in white apron and white gloves the worship of the true (Jod. sod by their dispersion inst nit knowiedga
who desires to enter. of bin a’\anta.ala a
no.1 the prinelpies of truth upon which Masonry is
llaaacs- it is that ihe rituals speak of the Iaafic tower of Babel
Kniqht Official—(Annoiinces the same to the Lieu- as the pine where language was confounded and kasonry lost.’—
Maek*a Encytlopaedaa of Fresmabonry, Artacie label.
tenant Commander. Order is obeyed.)
.tkutenantCommander—..Ariac ray brother and receive
makes three genufleetions and kneels upon his left knee,
the sign, token and words of this degree.
when the Lieutenant Commander leaves the throne, ap-
proaches the candidate and extends to him the hilt of
his sword which he takes in his right hand, the Lieu-
tenant Commander holding the blade.)
Lieutenant Commander—Do you promise and agree
that you will be just and righteous, and in all things
strive to emulate and equal that Patriarch from whom SIGN OF ORDER.

we take the name of Noachite? Raise the arms to heaven, the face
Candidate—I do. toward the East, where the moon
Lie~utenant Commander—Do you promise to avoid
idleness, to live honestly, to deal fairly by all men, and
discourage strife and contention?
Candidate—I do.
Lieutenant Commander—Do you promise that you
will be neither haughty nor vain-glorious, nor obsequi-
ous to the great, nor insolent to your inferiors?
Candidate—I do.
Lieutenant Commander—Do you promise that you
will be humble and contrite before the Deity, and ever
bear in mind the fate of Peleg and his followers, who
endeavored to build a tower, whereby they might elinib
beyond the reach of another deluge and defy the oinnipo- SIGN OP INTRODUCTION
tence of God? ~
Candidate—I do. One raises three fingers of the
Lieutenant Commander—Repeat after me then the right hand, the other seizes those
solemn obligation of a Patriarch Noachite or Prussian fingers with his right hand, a n d
Knight. says, Frederick the Second. lie
then presents his three fingers,
which the first, one seizes in the
I upon the sacred word of a MasLer Mason and lame manner, saying Noah.
Knight of Rose Croix, do most solemnly promise and
vow, that I will faithfully keep the secrets of this de-
pee, and will reveal them to no person in the world,
unless to one who shall be legally authorized to receive
them. So help me God.

the duties of a true Knight. (Knight Official seats him

and the Lieutenant Commander takes his station.)
Lieutenant Commander—Sir Knight Orator, you have
SECOND SIGN. the floor.
Seize one thu first finger DISCOURSE BY ORATOR.

of the other s right hand and My brother, we read that the descendants of Noah
press it with the thumb and resolved to build a tower so high as to prevent the
first finger, saying Shem. Almighty from again destroying the world by a flood
and to get themselves a name in the world. They chose
The other gives the same
for their purpose the plains of Shinar, in Asia. Ten
token, ra~iig 11am, then the years after the foundation was laid, the Lord looking
first gives the same token, down upon earth and beholding the pride and audacious
saying Japhieth. attempt of the people, He descended to confound their
Second 5ign of intruductlufl. project by causing a confusion of languages among the
workmen so that they could not understand one another;
—‘l’hirte slow stroke-; 0 0 0.
:—Th roe steps of a Master.
whence it was called Babel. Sometime after, Niznrod’”
PASS WORD :—Peleg, Poleg, Peleg.
established a distinction among men, and founded a
51.CRED ~vORD—Shem,11am, Japheth.
city, and called it Babylon. Tradition says, the dedica-
Lieutenant Conirnander—( lii’ ests him with the tion was at the full of the moon so the festivals of this
degree are held in the month of March, at the full of the
apron, collar and jewel, cau~es him to kneel on both moon. Tradition further informs us that after the lan-
knees when lie strikes him on the right and left shoulder, guages were confounded at the building of the tower of
and on the head withythe flat of his sword, saying:) Babel, the workmen separated and dispersed into differ-
By virtue of tbe authority vested in me, by this grand ent countries. The architect of the tower traveled into
Chapter, I do constitute and create you a Mason Noa- Germany where he arrived after a long and tedious
chite, and Prussian Knight, antl devote you hence-for- journey, living upon roots and other vegetables. He
~~ardto the cause of every one who bath been wronged Note 358.—”Nimrod. The legend or the Craft in the Old Constltntlons
eaters to Nimrod as one of the founders of Masonry. Thus in the York
by the great, or oppressed by the powerful; of the widow, ManuscrIpt we read: ‘At ye making of ye Toure of Bahell then was
Ussonrie first much esteemed of. and the King of Dahilon yt was called
the orphan, the poor, the distressed and the destitute. Nlmrod was A mason himielfe and loved well Masons. • And the Cooke
Manuscript th.’a repeats the story ‘And this same Nembroth began the
Arise Sir Knight, and soldier of suffering humanity and tower of bablian and he taught to his werkemen the craft of Masonele.
and he had with him many Masons more than forty thousand And he
be armed for the combats thi;it await you. (Raises him loved and cherished them well.’ The idea no douht sprang out of the
ficriplural teaching that Nimrod was the srchitect of many cltiea a
up, the Knight Official biiekle~ on his spurs, and the statement not so well expressed In the authorized versIon. as It is In the
Improved one of Bochart. which says: Trom that land Nlmnod went
Lieutenant Commander hands liini a waord.) forth to Asahur. and huilded Nineech. and itehoboth city, and Caish.
and Ibsen between Niheich and Gush. thai Is the great city?”—
Lieutenant Commander—You are now prepared to do aekats Zneyoipsadla of 2raemsaoaa7, Artiela Nisored.

fixed his residence in that part now called Prussia, where seem most inhuman and diabolical.
he erected a dwelling to shclter himself from the in- Even the man who does wrong and commits errors,
clemency of the weather, and where he also erccted many often has a quiet home, a fireside of his own, a gentle
monuments. loving wife, and innocent children who, perhaps do not
In Lhe ycaf 1553, in digging for salt mines, ~thework~ know of hi8 past errors and lapses, past and long repented
men found thc ruins of a triangular edifice 15 cubit.s of, or if they do, do love him the better, because being
deep. In the ccntrc of this edifice they found many mortal, he bath erred, and being in the image of God, he
trophies of antiquity: An urn of agate, and many mar- hath repcntcd.
ble columns ~vxthhierogi) phicb engraven thereon. That every blow at this husband and father, strikes
The origin of this ordcr, my brother, wa~ long before full upon the pure and tender bosoms of the wife and
the era of Hiram or Solomonian Masonry; as every one those daughLers is a consideration that doth not concern
knows that the to~’er of Babel ~va~built long before the ~r stay the hand of the base and brutal informer.
temple of Solomon, and in former txmcs it was not My brother, if men weighed the imperfections of
necessary that a candidate should be a MasLer Mason to humanity, they would breathe less condemnation. Ig-
be qualified to reccive this; for in the times of the e’u- flora nce gives disparagemcnt a louder tongue than knowl-
sade~ the Knights of the different ordcrs in Europe were edge does; wise men had rather know than tc]1. If WE.
initiatcd into this degree by the Christian Priiiecs to even do know viecs in men we can scarce show our~eivc~
conquer the Holy Land which was invaded by the Infi- in a nobler virtue than in the charity of conecaling thorn.
dels, as were also the masons descendant from Hiram. if that be not a flattery, persuading to continuance and
You are especially charged in this degree, to be mod- it is the basest office man can fall into, to make his
est and humble, and not ~vain-g1orious nor fihlcd with tongue the defamer of the worthy man.
~e1f-conceit. Be not ~viserin your own opinion than the There iB but one rule for a mason in this matter: If
Deity, nor find ~fau1t with his works, nor ~udeavor to there bc virtues, and he is called upon to speak of him
improve upon ~~‘liathe iia~ done. who knows them, let him tell them forth impartially,
Be modest ail~o in ~‘ourintcreourse ~~‘it1iyour fellows, and if there be vices mixed with them let him be content
and slow to entertain ev~1 thoughts of them, and rehic— the world ~haII know them by some othcr tongue than
tant to a~(ribe to them evil intentions. his; for if the evil doer deserves no pity, his wife, his
~Vhena mason hears of any man who hath fallcn into parents or his children, or other innocent persons who
public disgrace, he should have a mind to commiserate love him, may.
Where we want experience, charity bids us think the
his mishap and not to iiiake him more disconsolate. To
envenom a name by lihels that aircady is openly tainted best and leave what we know not to the searcher of
is to add stripes with an iron rod to one that is flayed hearts. For mistakes, ~uspicion~ and envy often injure
with whipping, and to every well tempered mind will a clear fame; and there is leaRt danger in a charitable


And finally the mason should be humble and honest
and modest toward the Great Architect of the Universe,
and not impt~gn his wisdom nor set up his own imper-
fect sense of right against His providence and ‘dispensa±
tions, nor attempt too rashly to explore the mysteries
of God’s infinite essence and inscrutable plans and of
that great nature which we are not made capable to
Let him not spend his time in building a new tower
of Babel; in attempting to change that which is fixed by
an inflexible law of God’s enactment, but let him, yield-
ing to the Superior Wisdom of Providence, be content
to believe that the march of events is rightly ordered by CLOSING CEREMONIES
an infinite wisdom, and leads, though we cannot see it,
to a great and perfect result.
Let him my brother be satisfied to follow the path Lieutenant Commander~(Three knocks; 000.) Sir
pointed out by that providence, and to labor for the Knight Official, the moon is passing from us, the hour
good of the human race in that mode in which God has for this Grand Chapter to close has arrived, give notice
chosen to enact that that good shall be effected. And to the Sir Knights that our labors are about to end.
Knight OfliciaI—(One knock; 0.) Brethren and
above all, let him build no tower of Babel under the Knights, prepare to close this Grand Chapter; the light
belief that, by ascend~ng he will mount so high that God by which we work is about to be obscured. Let us go
will disappear, or be superseded by a great monstrous forth to imitate in our conduct and conversation the
aggregation of material forces, or a mere glittering logi- righteous Patriarch, and thus become true Noachites.
cal formula; but evermore standing humbly and rever- Lieutenant Cornmander—True brethren, let us go
ently upon the Earth, and looking with awe and confi- forth and perform these duties. Sir Knight Official
give notice to the Knights that this Grand Chapter is
dence toward Heaven, let him be satisfied that there is a darkened.
real God, a person and not a formula, a father and a Knight Official—Knights and Brethren, this Grand
proteclor, who loves and sympathizes and compassion- Chapter is darkened and its labors ended.
~ites; and that the eternal ways by which lie rules the Lieutenant Commander~Together, Sir Knights.
world are infinitely wise no matter how far they may be ALl—(Give the sign.) Peleg, Peleg, Peleg.
ahove the feeble comprehension and limited vision of Lieutenant Corn mander—.’The light has departed,
man. farewell.
of cedar at Lebanon, whither he used to repair yearly to
visit Prince Herodim. The descendants of the zealous
craftsmen furnished timber from the same mountains
for the construction of the second temple; by order of
Cyrus, Darius and Xe~xes under the guidance of Zerub-
CHAPTER XXXIX This celebrated nation formed in the earliest days a
TWENTY-SECOND DEGREE; KNiGHT OF TIlE ROYAL Axi college for instructing the people and worshipped the
OR PRINCE OF LIBANUS.”’ Great Architect of the Universe. We are indebted to
these patriarchs for much knowledge we possess of the
mysteries of this degree.
ORIGIN :—This degree was established, and added DECORATIONS :—Bodies of this degree are styled col-
thereto, on differeiit occasions. When the cedars of leges.255 There are two apartments. The first is a plain
Lebanon were cut down for holy purposes, the Sidonians room without any fixed number of lights and represents
were zealous for all holy enterprises. The descendants a carpenter’s workshop on Mount Lebanon. The second
of Japhet cut the ccdar~ for all the holy purposes of the is hung with red and lighted by 36 lights, arranged by
temple of Solomon. They 5” wereThe
furnished under the sixes, and each six by twos. It represents the Council
same nation floated
direction of Prince Hcrodim.
the timbers by sea to Joppa, for the temple and other room of the round table. In the center of the room is a
buildings at Jerusalem. Solomon was so pleased with round table around which the brcthrcn sit. On the altar
the fidelity of the Sidonians that he built him a house is an open Bible, square and compass and an axe.
Note 9t4.—”Knight of the Royal Ais. or Prince of Libanus. The OFFICER :—Are a Chief Prince, stylcd Thrice Puis-
22d degree of the Ancient and Ac.~epted rite. The legend of thin degree
lufoems us that it nas tilatilutid to record the memorable services
.endered to Masonry by the mighty cedars of Lebanon, as the Sidonlan sant, a Senior and J~inior Warden, and a Senior and
architects cut doon the cedars for the conatruction of Noaha ark.
Our ancient brethren. do not tell us how the Israelites had the wood Junior Deacon.
conveyed to them from the land of promise to the mountains in the
wilderness. They say, however, that the desceodanta of the Sidonlane ORDER :—Broad, rainbow colored ribbon, worn as a
were employed to the some place. in obtaining materIals for the con.
etruction of tbe ark of the covenant: and also, in later years. for building collar; it may be worn as a sash from right to left, and
Solomon’s Temple; and, lastly, that Zerubbahel empinyed laborers of the
same people in cutting cedars of Lebanon for the use of the second
lined with purple.
temple. The tradit ion adds that the Sidontans formed colleges on bloillit JEWEL :—A goldcn hatchet, on the top of it a golden
Lihanus. and always adored the 0. A 0 T. I-’. ‘—Macoja Encyclopaedia
sad Dictionary of Freemasonry, Article Knight of the Royal Are. crown. On the top or end of the handle are the letters
Note 856.—”Haredosn. in is bat sre called the ‘high degrees of the N’.’. and S.’. initials of Noah and Solomon. On one side
continental Rites there is nothing more puzzling than the etymology of
this word. We have the Royal Order of ileredom. given as the ne plus of the handle the letter L. initial of Lebanon; and on
iii~s. of Masonry in Scotland. and in aimost nil the Rites the Rose
Crot: of ileredom. hot lb.’ true meaning of the word is apparently Iota 3k.—.”The places of meeting in this degree are called ‘Colleges
unknown. Rsgon, in bi~ Orthodozie Maconnique, (p 91.) asserts that it Tbla degree is especially interesting to the Masonic scholar in conse.
has a political signitication. and that it was invented between the years quence of its e,idemt reference to the mystical sesoclatlos of the Druses.
1740 and 1745. hr the adherents of charles Edward the Pretender. at whose connection with the Templars at the time of the Crusades fross
the Court of St. (.ermsln. which was the residence, during that penal. a yet to be investigated e;isosie in the history of Freemason
of the unfortunate prince. and that in their letters to Engisial ilsited Mackay’s Enoyoiopaadia of ream onry, Article Knight of the r~y;
from Boredom, they mean to denote St. Germain. “—Maqkey’s Encyolo.
pdla of lraemaaovy. Article Boredom.

that side of the blade, the letters A. ‘.C. ‘.D. ‘.Z. ‘.N. and -.

E.’. initials of Adonirain, Cyrus, Darius, Zerubbabel,

Neliemiah and Ezra. OPENING CEREMONIES
On the other side of the handle the letter S.’. initial KNIGHTS OF THE ROYAL Axx OR PRINCE OF LIBANUS.3
of Sidonias, and on that side of the blade the ~ctters S.’.
Chief Prince—(Knocks one; 0.) My brethren the day
fl~ ~ .M. ~.A.’.and B.’. initials of Shem, Ham, Japhet, star is risen in the East. It is time to arouse the work-
Moses, Aholiab’5’ and Bezalech. mcii that they may prcpare for their labors. Brother
APRON :—White, lined and bordered with purple, on Senior Grand Warden, are all the Princes present?
the middle a round table is embroidered on which are &nior Warden—Th rIce Puissant, they are.
mathematical instruments and plans enrolled; on the Chief Prince—Announce to them by brother,
through the Junior Grand Warden, that I am about to
flap is a serpent with thrce heads. open this College, that directions may be given to the
TRACING BOARD :—View of the mountains and forests workmen.
of Lebanon ;“‘ the summit of the mountains covered Senior Warden—Brother Junior Grand Warden, the
Thrice Puissant is about to open this College that direc-
with snow and of the temple erected of its cedars and tions may be given to the workmen.
pines. Junior Warden—Brethren, you will please take notice
WORKSHOP :—The Senior Warden presides and is that the Thrice Puissant is about to open this College
styled Master Carpenter, he and all the brethren wear that direction may be given to the workmen.
frocks or blouses and aprons. Chief Prince—Brother hi nior Grand Warden, arouse
the workmen by the ii~ual alarm.
BATTEiIY:—Is two; OO~, No particular one in the Junior Warden—(Motinds thc bell twice; 00.)
workshop. 9 Senior lVarden—(Sounds the bell twice; 00.)
Note £17.—”Ahoiiab was associated with Moses and flenaleel in the Chief Prince—(Sotinds the bell twice; 00.) To-
ronstru~ lion of the T..bernacie in the wilderness While Sexaleel
designed and executed the isorks of art requird Abolish att~ndcd to gether brethren.
the textile fabrics lie vsav a Danite of great skill as a v.eaver and
emlir’i.lerer Exodus xxv. it l’i a canons c,,isi Idence that both Abollab All—(Give the sign.)
and hiram AhIf isere of the tribe of Dan “—Morris’s Masonjo Dotiona,z’y, Chief Prince—The cedars upon Mount Lebanon wait
&rticie Ahoisab.
Note 256.—The forest’, of the Lebanon mountains only could supply to be fitted and this College in open.
the timber for the Temple Suib of these forests as lay oear,’st the Note 259.—’ ‘Princa of Lehanus, or Knight of the Royal Axe. iSootch
sea were in the possession of the Phoeiiielaoa. amolig whom timber was Masonry, ]—Ths, fourth degree conferred in the Cnnsist,,r, of Princes of
in so, h conatant demand, that ~ bad acquired great a,id acknosiedgi’il the itc.ysi Seeret. Scotch Masonry. and thi twenty-second opon the eats.
skill in the felling an,1 trai,sport,,ti,n thereof, and benie it was of logne of that system, its historical lectures relate ii’ the cedars of
such importailie that hiram consented to employ large ts,dics of men lebanon, ahich formed so importaut a part of the materials for con.
in L.’i,4in,n to hen Ilinlar is weil as otbira to io.rform the service •.f stroeting the temples of Solomon and Zerubbahel (See Cedars,) The
bringing it don ii to lb’ seaside. is hence it is ira to be taken along tin. presidine omeer is styled Stoat Wise. The apron is while it displays
coast to Soats to the port of Joppo. from which place it could he easily a round-table, on which appears various architectural it~strnments and
taken across Ihe country to Jerosai,’iii dranbngs The j.n..i is a gold axe. sarmoontad by a Roil crown On
The ancient and Aetepted S,,ttisi, Rite baa dedicated to this moon. one stile of the hanilie an’ lb.’ letters A it I) I’. D X Z A and on the
iSin its tisent3 .aeoond degree. ir Prinie of l.ehani,n The Drasi’s now blade L. N. Eta the ther side of the handle are the letters N N N C.
inhabit ~io,iat Lebanon. and still preserve there a sicrit iirgau,iaatioo I. M. S £.. and on the blade S —Morris’s Masonic Dictionary Article
—Mackeys Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Article Lehanon, Irinee of Lahanus, or Knight of the Royal Axe.
Junior Deacon—What further claims has he to this
Senior Deacon—The claim of birth and rank in Ma-
Junior Deacon—Let him wait a time with patience
until the College is informed of his request. (Junior
TwENTY-SECOND DEGREE; kMOiIT OF TIlE ROYAL Am Deacon shuts the door.)
Chief Prince—Brother Junior Deacon, who seeks ad-
mission to the College?
INITIATION. Junior Deacou—A Worthy Prussian Knight and
Knight of the Rose Croix, who desires to obtain the
[Thc candidate is prepared by the Senior Deacon as a degree of Prince of Libanus.
Prwsian Knight or Ro~ e Croix, ‘it ith sword, etc., and Chief Prince—Has he received all the preceding de-
bi-oughit to the door of the second apartment in which grees?
the officers anil hrethren are seated round the table, on Junior Deacon—He has.
tthn Ii art hilan~ .ind inathematie~il instruments and Chief Prince—Has lie approved himself a true
knoL bt”; Oil] Knight?
Junior J)cut tiit~—}Opvfling the door.) Who comes Junior Deacon—He has.
hcrc? Chief Prince—Wllat further claims has he to this
.‘,(Iiil)r I)cwon—A \\‘orth~ Prtissi~in Knight and privilege?
Knight of the Ro~c (‘roix, ~~hiodcsires to obtain the de- Junior Deacon—The claim of birth and rank in Ma-
gree of Prince of Lihanus. sonry.
Junior Deacon—has he received all the preceding
Chief Prince—The claim is not sufficient, but let him
degrees? be admitted. (Junior Deacon opens the door and the
Scnwr Deacon—lie has. Senior Deacon conducts candidate to the table.)
Junior Dt’aco,i—~Ias lie proved himself a true
Chief Prince—Is it your desire my brother, to obtain
Knight? the degree of Prince of Libanus?
Scnitir Deacon—lie hia~.
Candidate—It is.
Note 260 —Knight of lbs Royal Axe, (ChaYaliar de Ia royale Kaehe
‘ihe tarily-ircond degree of ihe Ailent and Accepted Scottish Rite Chief Prince—We know the ground on which you
called aim Priiite of Lilisisa or telianon it was instituted to record
the memorable servies ri-odered to Masonry by the ‘mighty cedars of claim it, but birth is not regarded here, and rank in Ma-
lebanon The legend of Cli’ degrie inloima us that the Sidonlaits
were employed in oiling cedars on Mount Lihanus or Lebanos for the
sonry does not of itself suffice. We are all workmen in
construction of Noah’s ark Their desceadatits aubseiioeiitiy cut cedars ~ur several vocations. You see us now engaged in pre-
from the same place br the ark of the covenailt, and the descendants of
these were a gal a employed in the same offices, and in the same Dlace. paring plans for the laborers and studying the calcula-
in obtaining materials for boilding Solomon’s Temple. Lastly. Zerub-
babel employed them in cutting the cedars of Lebanon for the use of tions of astronomy, None can by our constitutions, be
the second Temple This celebrated nation formed colleges on Mount
Lebanon. and in their labors always adored the Great Architect of the admitted to the high privileges of this degree nnless he
Universe. I have no doubt that this last sentence refers lo the DruseS.
that seciet ‘teet of Theists who still reside upon Mount Lebanon and in
hath first wrought one year in the workshop, and ob-
lb ailisecit parts 01 Syria and Palestine. and whose mysterIous eere~ tained the unanimous suifrages of the workmen.
monies have atirseted ‘to mitch of the curiosIty of Eastern traveliers.”
Mackeys Enoyolopaedia of Yraamaaois57. hztiola Knight of the 30.1 Is your desire for this degree sufficient to induce you
to lay aside your insignia, your sword and jewels for a
time and join the sons of labor? penters apron and proceeds, as directed, to saw a long
Candidate—It is. plank in two, lengthwise.)
Chief Prince—Go then my brother, obtain their suf- Master Carpenter—My brother, the saw, the plane and
frages and return to a.’,~ (C~iiididiite ~~‘itlidrao with
.~ the hewing age, (showing them) are the working tools
the Senior Deacon and goes to the thoorof the first apart- of a Prince of Libanus.
ment and giv~s three or four knock~, the door ~s opened TilE SAAv symbolizes that steady patience and perse-
and they enter. The workineli are hewing, sawing, vering determination by which the resolute man makes
planing, etc., and the master worknicn copying designs, his way to the object of his endeavors, through all ob-
from a tracing board. As the candidate enters he gives stacles and teaches us that Masons laboring for the mi-
one loud rap and the workmen all stop.) provement of the world and the great cause of human
Master Carpenter—Whom have you there brother progress, must be content to advance, certainly, though
Senior Deacon? never so painfully and slowly, toward success and as
Senior Deacon—A Knight of Rose Croix and Prussian TIlE PLANE cuts down the inequalities of surface, it
Knight, who desires your su ifrages that he may obtain is symbolical of Masonry which cuts off the prejudices
the ilegree of Prince of Libanus. of ignorance and the absurdities of superstition, and
AIa8ter Carpenter—Our suffiages are given to those aids to polish and civilize mankind.
who work. liath he vet learned to work? THE AXE is a great agent of civilization and improve-
Senior Deacon—He has not, but desires to do so, and ment. It is the troops armed with that weapon that
for that came hither. have conquered barbarism. Under its blows the prime-
Alaster Carpenter—Doth he acknowkdge the dignity val forests disappear and the husbandman displaces the
of labor; and that it is no curse but a privilege for man hunter. Settled society and laws, and all the arts that
to be alloued to earn his sustenance by the exercise of refine and elevate mankind, succeed the rude barbarism
his strong arms and sttirdy muscles? of early ages. The axe is nobler than the sword my
Senior Deacon—He does. brother. (lie is then made to use the plane, and a
Master Carpenter—Does~ he admit that the honest brother brings him a piece of dry bread and a cup of
laboring man, uprighi and independent is in nature’s water.)
heraldry the peer~of l~ings, and that no labor, but idle- Master Carpcntcr—Eat my brother of the laborer’s
ness, is disgraceful? food, it is thine own, for thou hast earned it and no one
Senior Deacon—He does, suffers because thou dost cat. (He is then made to use
Master Carpenter—Art thou willing to eat only what the axe.)
thou earnest, patiently to receive instructions and to Master Carpenter—Brethren, this Knight by his ready
recognize and treat these bumble workmen as your acquiescence to our customs, has shown a true apprecia-
brethren and equals? tion of the dignity of labor and has cheerfully conformed
Candidate—I am to our customs.
Master Carpenter—Then as you were divested of your We may require him to toil with us a veiir, or, at our
outer apparel upon your first entry into a Masonic lodge, option, we may at once give him our suffrages. If no
divest yourself now of your insignia and jewels, and one wishes otherwise, we will proceed to vote upon his
put on the apron of a workman. (Candidate nuts off request to be admitted among the Princes of Libanus.
his regalia, rolls up his shirt sieeves, puts on a cat. (The vote is taken by ballot and declared clear.)
Master Carpenter—My brother, you hate been duly ing obligation.)
elected to receive this degree. Brother Senior Deacon,
you will now invest the brother with him insignia ~nd OBLIGATION KNIGHT OF ~ItE ROYAL AXE.
jewels and conduct him to the second apartment. (Sen- I.... of my own frcc will an(1 accord, in the presence
ior Deacon invests him and conducts him to the door of of thc Grand Architect of the Universe, and this illus-
the second apartment. Meanwhile the brethren~~retire trious Collcgc of Princes of Libainus, do hereby and here-
and dress themselves with the insignia and jewels of on most ~oleiunIy and ~xncercly proiiiise and swear that
this degree.) 1 will ncvcr coxnmunicatc the sccrcts of this (legree to
Senior Deacon—(Two knocks; 00.) any perbon or pcrsons unlcss it be to one lawfully cnti-
Junior Deacon—(Opening the door.) Who comca tlcd to rcccivc tlic sainc.
here? I furthcrinorc prolllisc and ~wcar that I will ever
Scn~or Deacon—A Knight of the Rose Croix and hcreaftcr usc my bcst cndeavors to elevatc tlic character
Prussian Knight who, having wrought chcerfully in the of the laboring cIasse~ and improve their condition, to
workshop and learned the use of the saw, the plane and disseminatc thc bIc~ings of cducation arliong thcir chil-
Lhe axe, has received the suff rages of the workmen and drcn and to givc to tlwms(’Ivc~ their due and propcr
demands to be received a Prince of Libanus. (Junior social and political wcight. All of which I promiEc aIl(I
Deacon shuts the door and says:) ~weiIr under the penalty of exposurc on the highicst
Junior Deacon—Thrice Puissant, it is a Knight of pinnacle of Mount Ubanii~, there mi~erab1y to pcrish in
Rose Croix and Prussian Knight, who, having wrought its pcrpctiial snows. So liclp mc Cod.
cheerfully in the workshop and learned the u~e of the (Chicf Princc raises him and invests him with thc
saw, the plane and axe, has received the suifrages of the iollowing signs:)
workmen and demands to ‘ne received a Prince of Li- SIGN.
Chief Prince—Let him be admitted. (The ~hrce MakQ thc motion nt
principal officers now take their stations; the Ju.ior
lifting an a’~e with
Deacon opens the door and the Senior Deacon ent~is
with the candidate and conducts him to the ~1tar.) both hand~, anr~ ~trik-
Senior Deacon.—Tbrice Puissai,t I present to you a ing as it to fell a trcc.
Knight Rose Croix, who has toiled in the workshop and
received the unanimous suifrages of his brethren. ANSWI U.
Chief Prince—My brother do you still persist in your Rai~c both hands to
desire to enter this association of laborers? the hcight o1 thc fore-
Candidate—I do.
lICa(1, thc fiiigvrs cx—
Chief Prince—Are you not deterred by the hazard of
such toil and fare as you experienced in the workshop? tendcd, and I hen Ict
Candidate—I am not. the hands f,~1l, thus
Chief Prfncc—Kneel then at this altar and contract in(lIcating thc fall of Answer to Sigo.
your oh1i~ation. (Candidate kneels on both knees with a trcc. lilac, of X4bmaa.
his hands upon the axe and Bible and takes the follow-
Masonry has made a working man and his associates
the heroes of her principal legend and herself the com-
panion of Kings. The idea is as simple and true as it
is sublime; from first and last masonry is work. It
TOKEN. venerates the Great Architect of the Universe. It com-
memorates the building of a temple. Its principal em-
Seize each other’s hands and blems are the working tools of masons and artisans.
cross the fingers as a sign of good It preserves the name of the first worker in brass and
faith. iron as one of its pass-words. The master is the over-
seer who sets the craft to work and gives them proper
Masonry is the apotheosis of work. It is the bands
of brave, forgotten men that have made this great popu-
SATTEIIY :—Two equi-timed strokes; 00. Ions, cultivated world a world for us. It is all work and
MARCH :—Three cross steps. forgotten work.
PASS woans :—Japhet, Ahohiab, Lebanon. The real conquerers, creators and eternal proprietors
SACRED wORDS :—Noah, Bezaleel, Sadonias. of every great and civilized land are all the heroic souls
Chief Prince— (Invests him with the collar, apron and that ever were in it, each in his degree. All men that
jewel; explains the initials upon the jewel, and says:) ever felled a forest tree or drained a marsh, or contrived
The serpent with three heads upon the flap of the apron a wise scheme, or did or said a true or valiant tIling
is Idleness, the body from w,~hieh issue the three vices therein. Genuine work alone, done faithfully, that is
symbolized by the heads; Dri.snkeness, impurity and eternal, even as the Almighty founder and world-builder
Gaming, by which5~,s so many youths
intohave beenimbecility
lost and himself.
have sunk ignoble
so many great nati
and shameful bondage. All work is noble. A life of ease is not for any man,
Chief Prince—Brother Senior Deacon, you will now nor for any God. The Almighty Maker is not like one
conduct the candidate to the post of honor. (Senior who in old, immemorial ages, having made his machine
Deacon seats him on the right of the Thrice Puissant of a universe, sits ever since and sees it go.
who delivers the history.) Man’s highest destiny is not to be happy, to love
hISTORY. pleasant things and find them.
His only true unhappiness should be that he cannot
My brother, sympathy for the great laboring classes, work and get his destiny as a man fulfilled. The day
respect for labor it~clf and resolution to some good work passes swiftly over and the night cometh wherein no
in our day and generation, these are the lessons of this man can work. That night once come, our happiness
degree, and they are purely masonic. and unhappiness are vanished and become as things that

never were. But our work is not abolished and has not force, the sacred celestial life-essence breathed into him
vanished. It remains, or the want of it remains for by Almighty God and awakens him to all nobleness as
endless times and eternities. It is in our influences soon as work fitly begins.
after death that we are immortal. Labor is the truest By it, man learns patience, courage, perseverance,
emblem of God, the Architect and Eternal. Maker; openness to light, readiness to own himself mistaken,
noble labor which is yet to be the King of this Earth, resolution to do better and improve. Only by labor
and sit on the highest throne. Men without duties to do will man continually learn the virtues.
arc like trees planted on precipices from the roots of Let him who toils complain not, nor feel humiliated.
which all thc earth has crumbled. Let him look up and see his fellow workmen there in
Nature owns no man who is not also a martyr. She God’s Eternity; they alone surviving there. Even in the
scorns the man who sits screcned from all work, from weak human memory they long survive, as saints, as
want, danger, hardship, the victory over which is work, heroes, and as gods they alone survive, and people the
and has all this work and bottling done by other men. unmeasured solitudes of time. It was well to give the
And yet there are men ~~lio pride themselves that earth to man as a dark mass, whereon to labor. It was
they and theirs have done no work, tinic out of mind. well to provide rude and unsightly materials in tIme ore
The chief of men is he who stands in the van of men, bed and the forests for him to fashion into splendor and
fronting the peril which frightens back all others, and beauty.
if not vanqnishmcd would devour them. It was well, not because of that splendor and beauty,
hercules was worshipped for twelve labors. The but because the act creating them is better than the
Czar of Russia became a toiling slmipwright and worked things themselves. Because exertion is nobler than en-
with his a~e in the docks of Snard~m, and something joyment, because the laborer is greater and more worthy
caine of that. Cromwell i~orked, and Napoleon and of honor than the idler, masonry stands up for the
effected somewhat., There is perennial nobleness and nobility of labor. It is Heaven’s great ordinance for
even sacredness in work. Be he never so benighted human improvement. It has been broken down for ages
and forgetful of his high calling, there is always hope and masonry desires to build it up again. It has been
in a man that actually and earnestly works. In idleness broken down because men toiled only because they must,
alone is their perpetual despair. ~fan perfects himself submitting to it as in some sort, a degrading necessity
by working. Jungles are cleared away, fair seed-fleld~ and desiring nothing so much on earth as to escape from
rise instead, and stately cities, and withal, the man him- it. They fulfill the great law of labor in the letter; but
self first ceases to be a foul unwholesome jungle and break it in the spirit, they fulfill it with the muscles, but
desert thereby. Even in the meanest sort of labor the break it with the mind.
whole soul of man is composed into a kind of real har- Masonry teaches that every idler ought to hasten to
mony the moment he begins In work. Labor is life; some field of labor, manual or mental, as a chosen and
from the inmost heart of the worker rises his God-given coveted theater of improvement, but he is not impelled
to do so under the teachings of an imperfect civilization. Even utter indolence reposes on treasures that labor at
On the contrary he sits down, folds his hands, and some time gained and gathered.
blesses and glorifies himself in his idleness. It is time
He who does nothing, and yet does not starve, has
that this opprobrium of toil were done awaly. To be still his significance, for he is a standing proof that
ashamed of tbil, of the dingy wbrkshop and ilusty labors
somebody has at same time worked. But not to such
field, of the hard hand, stained with service more honor-
does masonry do honor. It honors the worker, the toil-
able than that of war; of the soiled and weather-stained
er, him who produces and not alone consumes, him who
garments on which mother nature has stamped, midst
puts forth his hand to add to the treasury of human
sun and rain, midst fire and steam, her own heraldic
honors; to be ashamed of these tokens and titles, and comforts and not alone to take away. It honors him
who goes forth amid the struggling elements to fight his
envious of the flaunting robes of imbecile idleness and
battle and who shrinks not, with cowardly effeminacy,
vanity is treason to nature, impiety to Heaven, a breach
behind pillows of ease. It honors the strong muscle
of heaven’s great ordinance. Toil of brain, heart or
and the manly nerve, and the resolute and brave heart,
hand is the only true manhood and genuine nobility.
Labor is man’s great function, his peculiar distinction the sweating brow, and toiling brain.
and his privilege. From being an animal that ears and It honors the great and beautiful offices of humanity,
drinks only, to become a worker, and with the hand of manhood’s toil and woman’s task, fraternal industry and
ingenuity to pour his own thoughts into the moulds of maternal watching and weariness, wisdom teaching and
nature, fashioning them into forms of grace and fabrics patience learning; the brow of care that prc~dcs over
of convenience and converting them to purposes of im- the state and many handed labor that toils in workshop,
provement and happiness, i~ the greatest possible step field and study, beneath its mild and beneficent sway.
in privilege. & To aid in securing to all laior, permanent employ-
What is there glorious in the world that is not the ment and its just reward; to help to hasten the coming
product of labor? What is history but its record? of that time when no one shall suffer from hunger or
What are the treasuries of genius and art but its work? destitution, because, though willing and able to work,
What are cultivated fields but its toils? The busy marts, he can find no employment, or because lie has been over-
the rising cities, the enriched empires of the world are taken by sickness in the midst of his labor is one part of
but the great treasure-houses of labour. The pyramids your duties as a Knight of the Royal Axe, and if we can
of Egypt, the castles, and towers and temples of Europe, succeed in making some small nook of God’s creation
the buried cities of Italy and Mexico, the canals and more fruitful and cheerful, a. little better and more
railroads of Christendom arc but tracks all round the
~vorthv of him, or in making some one or two human
world of the mighty footsteps of labor. Without it
antiquity would not have been; without it there would heirts a little ~vi~er,more manly, hopeful and happy,
be no memory of the past and no hope for the future. we shall have done work worthy of masons, and accepta-
ble to our Father in Ileaven.
Freemasonry a Uni~craai Religion—Satan the Masonic God
Puerilities of the Mass, the Pagoda and Lodge—Hum Drum
Platitudes on Labor
Is another of the Philosophical (legrees.
“Philosophy and Ma~onry being one and ‘lie same
CLOSING CEREMONIES principle, have the same object and ilii--ion to attain--
the worship of the Great Archite t of the Univer~e, and
KNIGHT OF THE ROYAL AXE OR PUNcE or LIDANU&. the disenthrallment of mankind.” Mackey. (See Note
Chief Prince—(Knocks one.) Brother Senior Grand Dr. Mackey has no superior, if equal, in the tbou-
Warden, what is the hour? sands of Ma~~onic writers, And no one can read bin’
Senior Warden—Thrice Puissant, the sun has set. without believing him sincere, in Ins article “Pucrility
Chief Prince—It is time then to call the workmen of Freemasonry” (Encyc. p. 618,) lie e~inees candor,
from their labors that they may rest; announ~ to the strength and learning, lie sass :—“ls it possible that
Princes that this College is about to be closed. scholars of un(luestioned ~trcngth of intellect and depth
Senior Warden—Brother Junior Grand Warden, the of science, who have de~ Ote(l thicinsel’ es to the study of
Masonry and given the result of their learning in
Thrice Puissant is about to close this College of Princes thousands of volunws, ha~e been altogether iiii~t~iken
of Libanus. You will communicate the same to the (Encyc. p. 618.)
brethren. Let every reader who wishes to know aceuratelv ~
Junior Warden—Br~thren, the Thrice Puissant is Masonry is memorize and ponder Dr. .lbo keys wor(ls
about to close this~ College of Princes of Libanus. above given. Its object and mi--ion are “‘the a
Chief Prince—Brother Junior Grand Warden, you of the Grcat Architei t of the U,iirersc.” Maaoiiiv i~,
will call the workmen from their labors by the usual and claims to be recci’ed as a Uniuer~o1 J?iligwrt, iiiiil in
this all Masonic writers ~~ortli quoting. agree. .\nd
alarm. Mackey, and the rest, scout “Oliver’s theory” that
Junior Warden—( Sounds the bell twice.) “Christ is that Great Architect.” as “the Uarf6W(.St
Senior lVarden—GSounds the bell t~viee.) Sectarian. new,” (Encyc. p. 5-fl’.)
Chief Prince— (Sounds the bell twice.) Together The proofs afforded by thk degree that it belongs to
brethren. the Satanic and not to the Chri~tian religion are:
tat. It is throughout, like a Shaker”. dance. ~.lormOn
AII—(Give the sign and answer.) Enclo~sment or Pophh Ma~-; a ‘mple human invention
Chief Prince—The cedars of Mount Lebanon are or contrivance.
2nd. The long catalogue of rum al u toe’ are simple
felled and this College is closed. sham pretences. Bcncduct A,’nold and Aaron Burr were
not only Masons, but Masons who were never censured
by the craft in any lodge. Yet they were profligate in substance from the tower of Babel, ages later. It was
morals, and “concerning every good work, reprobate.” said to be dug up out of salt mines, A. U. 1553; and the
3nd. This twentieth degree is one compact mass of false’ early French writers admit that it originated in I Th7.
hood and false pretences. Its password, “Jeckeon,” or “Jaq- (Note £45.) Ca.rlyle, whose great popularity rested
iAC8SOfl, (Frenc~i for the “Son of James”) Mackgy admits
(Note 225,) to be proof that Ramaay invented it, to over- largely on his known and wonderful fidelity to fact, says
turn the Protestant throne of William and Mary, and re~ that Frederick the Great of Prussia, from ithoin the
store the Stuarts who were Papists who held that Kings degree is called “Prussian Knight,” while Crown Prince
~s’cre not bound to keep their word (“Patriotism and was in a lodge a year or two, and “soen left off alto-
Truth,”) and that killing Protestant rulers by assassina-
tion was a sirtue. This was attempted by intelligent and gether,” and that his picture alone ever presided in a
capable Papists in the Gunpowder Plot and vindicated by the lodge. (Note £47.) But Frederick, and Voltaire, who
doctrine of the Douay. lived at his court, hated the Bible, and the only con-
4th. This degree was modified by Afitchell, Daicho, and ceivable motive for writing such a degree, was to make
others, as the (Jrator’8 speech show., to explain away and
actually declare previous degrees, which still stand in the the Bible history contemptible, by its twaddling legend
33 0 Rqe, to be “trifles, gew gaws and absurd or hideous of the Tower of Babel and the travels of Peley. which so
mysteries.” (read page 58,) to accommodate them to a Dearly resemble the travels of Nephi in the Book of
democratic country and taste. Mormon.
But remember and ‘read over and again, (Note 21(1 But if we constantly recur to the authentic utterance
Mnekev’s authoritetive declaration that the “object and ?n,s-
.sion” of the whole thing is the worship of the Grand Archttcef of Dr. Mackey, that “the mission aiid objeeL of Masonry
of the U’urcrse: a religion whose God is the devil, “the God of is the worship of the Great Architect of the Universe,”
this isorld.” t~ho is pronounced by Christ “tz liar from the be’ or “God of this world,” and then consider for a moment
ginnulg, and thc father of it.” the nature of the worships now paid to him around our
Tu’ENTY-FIRST DEGREE; NOACISITE OR PRuSsIAN globe; we shall see that the endleris “puerilities” of
KXI GIlT. those worships, so far from being an objection, are a
“The history as well as eh~aracter of this degree i~ a double advantage and help to the end sought. The
very singular one.” (Mackey in Note 245.) Languagc frivolity of Masonry keeps sensible but uninformed men
needs stronger ~t’ords than “Puerile” and “contenipti- from fearing it, and brings thousands under its devilish
bl&’ to cliaracteriz~ It. Masons themselves despise it. magnetism, who think it must be a harmless thing, and
Mackey says, in the above note, “that it was ever admit- so venture into it for worldly advantage; while others
teil into the Masonic s’stem is only attn biit~ible to the believe in its mysterious power because its legends and
passion for high degrees which prevailed in Franee.” forms are contemptible! The mightiest powers on earth
* * “This degree was adopted into ihe Rite of Mis- to manage mind, are in the contemptible “puerilities” of
raim, where it is the thirty-fifth.” Which Rite of the mass, the pagoda and the lodge. How insane then
Misraim Bedarride (Note 236,) quoted approvingly by the talk of the little secrecy of temperance lodges. Poi-
Mccoy, says :—“is full of puerili’tice,” and even Mackey, son enough can be injected through the capillary tube
with every earthly motive to praise it, says: “It is not of a rattlesnake’s tooth, to break down the blood of a
absolutely puerile.” (Note 246.) giant. Who can analyze or measure the invisible,
Whoever runs his etc over its ritual and the notes intangible essence, by which contagious disease is
w’ill see that its name is derived from Noah, and its transmitted, or by which the eye of a snake charms

birds, and even men? And yet does anyone doubt their
reality or power? The man who enters a secret oi’gani-
zation, where the foot of Christ never trod, enters on
ground which devils inhabit, and which angels of light
shrink from, and from that instant his moral sight
grows dim, add his conscience grows weak, and~he wor-~
ships he knows not what. CHAPTER XLI
The notes show that the Masonic writers are stumped NACLE.’
and puzzled by this degree. It has no iiiark of French
or European origin, and is probably one of the eight JUI’rrER. 21
which the Jew, Morin and his Inspectors adileil to the DECORATIONS —Lodges in this degree arc ~ led Ific-
twenty-five of the Uite of Perfection, ii liich .dorin rarchies. The hangings are white, supported hy red and
brought over to Charleston ; and, as Anierie.iin-i were black columns, by twos, placed here and there aeeordiug
generally laborers at that day, this degree ~i as fashioned to taste. In the eastern part of the room, a sanctuary lb
to flatter them, and increase the sale of the 33~ Hilt. separated from the rest of the room by a balustrade and
Indeed, the bulk of the degree consists of aii ii~erage a crimson curtain in front of the balustrade looped on
piece of stump-oratory, made up of the limo druiii phiiti- each side. In the East of the Sanctuary is a throne, to
tudes on labor, written by men who knew ouh~ the which you ascend by seven steps. Before the throne is
theory of toil. a table covered with a crimson cloth; on it is a roll of
But the degree is steady to the one “mission and ob- the book of the law, and by that a poniard. Above the
je t” (Mackey) of Manonry, “the u oi’shiip of the god tif throne is a representation of the ark of the covenant,
this ‘~orhd.” No iioitter what subject is handled, oi’ crowned with a glory, in the center whereof is the
r(iiflanc’e invented, thii~ is ne~er forgotten or oniitted. Tetragramniaton in Hebrew characters, and on either
hence we are told (p. 8~,) that the Sidonians “worship- side of the ark are the sun and the moon. To the right
ed the Great Architect of the Uui~ ei’se “ And the of the first table, and more to the West, is the horned
candidate, who at last is allowed a short oath, is made altar of sacrifices. To the left, and more to the Webt,
to swear, “in the presence of the Great Architect of thu’ the altar of perfumes. In the West are two chandeliers,
Universe,” that “lie ‘a ill never eoiiiinunicate the secrets each with five branches, and in the East, one with two
of this degree,” which consist maiiilv1 ofTliii~an hiinding
a~erage Note 2SI,—”Chtef of the ThbernaCis. The twenty-third degree in the
stump-speech on labor, So lie/p him God Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. it commemorates the institution of
tiinisel f by the oath of God to conceal tli is ‘a (ir~liih) (~l’ the order of ibe priesthood in Aaron and his sons Eieazar and ithamar.
its principal officers are three, a Sovereign Sacridrer and two High
the devil. The onl~’ possible explanation, ‘a liv the eyes Priest,. now called by the supreme Counciia of America the Moat Eacci-
of Americans are not opened b~’ such palteriug, i~, that ient High Priest and Excellent priests, and the memhe,a of the ‘Hier-
archy’ or ‘Court’ as the Lodge is now styied. are called Levites The
the go(l of thi is world blinds the ni iiid of I lio~e who apron is svhite. iined with deep scariet and bordered with red, hine. and
purpie ribhon. A golden chandelier of seven branches is painted or
practo e his ~vomliip as the serpezit blinds the eyes of embroidered on the centre of the apron. The jewel. which is a thurihie.
is worn from a broad yeiiow. purple. hine. and scarlet sash from the
charmed animals to all objects but itself. (2 Car. 3; 14 ieft shoulder to the ri
and 4, 4’) 4~t hip.’ ‘—XSOkC7’5 Efloyciopaedia ot Freemasonry
Article Chiet of the barnacle.

branches. During an initiation, there is a dark apart-

ment with an altar in the centre of it, near which are
placed a light and three skulls. In front of the altar is
a human skeleton.
OECICERS :—~-The presiding officer sits upon the throne..
lie represents Aaron”’ the High Priest or Sovereign
Grand Sacrificator. The ~Vardens sit in front of thio
altar anti represent his two sons, Eleazar and Ithamar.
rl~hey sire styled Excellent Priests and all the other inem- CHIEF OF THE TABERNACLE.
ber~, Worthy Levites. There are also two Deacons and
a (‘ahitlin of the Guards. High Priest—(Knocks two and says:) Eleazar, mi
CHi’i’iIING:—Thie 1-ugh Priest wears a large red tunic, son, what is the hour?
over which is placed a shorter one of white L’leazar—My father, it is the hour to replenish the
~i ithout sleeves; on his head is a close mitrp fire that burns continually upon the altar of burnt offer-
of cloth of gold, on the front of which is ing, and to prepare for the morning sacrifices.
hillinted or embroidered a Delta enclosing High Priest—Brother Junior Deacon, what is the
the Jneffabhe name in hebrew characters. first care of the Chiefs of the Tabernacle when about
Over the dress he wears a black sash with to convene?
silver fringe from which hangs by a red Junior Deacon—To see that the Tabernacle is duly
rosette a dagger; the sash is worn from left guarded, that none may approach thereto, save those to
to right. Suspended on his breast is the whom its care and services are entrusted.
Breast Plate. Ifigh Priest—Attend to that duty and inform the
The Wardens have the same dress exoept Captain of the Guards that we are about to open this
the Delta, on the mitre, and the Breast Plate. assembly, to carry forth the ashes from the altar, and to
The Deacons, Captain of the Guards and the prepare for the morning sacrifice, and instruct him to
Levites.~wear a white Tunic, cinetured with see that none approach save those appointed for that
a belt
rosette,with gold. Froma this belt, service lest they die. (Junior Deacon attends to order.)
~ ~ is suspended censer of
,a~’ie iYO. which Junior Deacon—Most Excellent High Priest, the Tab-
gree. silver, is the jewel of this degree. ernacle is duly guarded and none can approach but
ANION —White, lined with deep scarlet and bordered those who have the proper pass-word.
with red, blue and purple ribbon. In the middle is the High Priest—Eleazar, my son, are all present Chiefs
seven-branch candlestick, and on the flap a myrtle tree of the Tabernacle?
of violet color. Eieazar—My father, all present have been initiated
BATTERY :—Seven, by 00 00 00 0. in the first degree, and know the sacred name of the
Nets NB.—”tn the degree of ‘Chief of the lahernacie.’ which is the God of Israel of which the letters only can be pro-
28d of the Ancient and Accepted Site the presiding officer represents nounced.
Aaroa. and is styied ‘Moat Rarellest High Priest ‘ is the 24th degree
of the ssme Rite. or ‘Prince of the Tabernacie ‘ the second cheer cc
Senioc Warden also peesneates Aaron “‘—Meekey’s KneTelepeejia ef ieee- High Priest—What is that name?
meanazy. Artinie Amiga. Eleazar—The ineffable, at which the fallen angels

High Priest—Will you give it to me?
Eleazar—I cannot, it is forbidden to pronounce it,
except once e~ch year by the High Priests, and in con-
formity to the ancient usage.
If igh Priest—Pronounce the letters then with Itha-
Ithamar—He. [The candidate represents Ehiasaph, the son of Lael.
High Priest—Great is Adonai. Ithamar, my son, the son of Levi. The Senior Deacon, who represents
give notice to the Levites that I am about to open Ihtis Moses, prepares him, by bandaging his eyes, and leads
assembly, that they may prepare to discharge the duties him to the door and knocks seven; 00 00 00 0.]
for which they have been set apart. Junior Deacon—[Representing Joshua, opens the
door and says:] who comes there?
Ithamar—(As Junior Warden.) My brethren, the Senior Deacon—Ehiasaph, the son of Lael, the son of
Most Excellent High Priesi is about to open this assem- Levi, who desires to be prepared to the service of the
bly of Chiefs of the Tabernacle. You will take due people of the Lord in the Tabernacle of the congrega-
notice and prepare to discharge your appropriate duties. tion and to make an atonement for the children of
High Priest—Together brethren. Israel.
AU—(Give the signs) Junior Deacon—Is this an act of his own free will
and accord?
High Prie’st—(Two knocks; 0 0.) Senior Deacon—It is.
Eleazar—(Two knocks; 0 0.) Junior Deacon—Is he duly pr.~pared and worthy to
Ithamar—(Two knocks; 0 0.) receive so great an honor?
High Piiesi—(One knock; 0.) I declare this assem- Senior Deacon—He is.
bly open. Junior Deacon—By what further right does he ex-
Xote 268.—’Baanare. (lib.. iii.. e. 13.) while treating of the nyu- Note 264.—’‘Chief of the Taluernanie. The 23d degree of the An-
tens-s of the nam’ Jehovah among me 1ev-s says of this letter. Ancient and Accepied rite. This is the first of a series of three degrees
“‘I’be yod in Jehovah in one of those things which eye bath hot seen. giving a foil description of the setting up of the Tabernacle in the
but which has been concealed from nil mankind, its essence and matter wilderness. its form, materials, furniture. etc . the sacredotat and sacri-
are incounprehensihie; it in not lawful so much as to meditate upon it. SemI ceremonies performed by the Priests in their worship of the Deity.
Man may iawfuiiy reroive his thoughts from one s-nd of the heavens to sa described in the instniuctions deilvered to Moses in Exodus xxix and xi.
the other, hut he cannot approach that inacceasihie tight, that primitive The Ceremonies of this degree commemorate the institution of the order of
existence, contained in the ietter yod; sod indeed the masters ciii the the High-Priesthood in Aaron and his sons Eleanar and ithamar.’
letter thonght or idea, and prescribe no bounds to its efficacy, it was Maeeg~sEn~iopaedim sad Dictionary of Nreemaaonry, Ayttole Chief at
thia is-tter which, flowing from the primitive light, zaee being to
enuanatiuna. “—Kankey’s Encyolopeedia ef Fveemaaonry. Article Yad.

peet to obtain so great a privilege? incense thereon and stood in the door of the Tabernacle,
Senior Deacon—Because the Lord has given him and before the Lord, and the Lord bath done a new thing,
for the earth hath opened her mouth and hathi bwal-
those numbered with him, as a gift lo Aaron aiid his lowed them up, for their presumption, with all that ap-
sons from among the children of Israel; and he and his pertained to them and they have gone down alive into
brethren have keen taken by the Lord instead o~ all the the chasm and the earth has closed upon them and they
first-born among the children of Israel. have perished froni among the e6ngregatioa. (Another
Junior Deacon—Let him wait a time with patience crash of thunder.)
until the Most-Excellent High Priest is informed of his Second Voice—Flee children of Israel, for there bath
request and his answer returned. (Junior Deacon closes come a fire from the Lord and consumed the two hun-
the door, goes to the East, knocks six and one, the High dred and fifty men who offered incense. (Another
Priest answers them and the same questions are asked, crash of thunder.)
and the like answers returned as before.) Third Voice—The children of Israel have murninryd
High Priest—Since he comes endowed with these against the Lord, and against Moses and Aaron for the
necessary qualifications, let him be conducted to the death of Korali and his company, and lie hiath sent the
cell of probation and purification. (Junior Deacon goes plague upon them and many thousands have died there-
to the door, opens it and repeats this order and the Sc-n- of; and the whole people is abtiut to be destroyed.
ior Deacon conducts him to the darkeliamlier and seats (After a profound silence, a light is silenlly introduced
him on the floor in front of the altar and skeleton. into the room, at the bottom of the door, and closed
Senior Deacon—My brother, I leave you for a while, again, and a gong is sounded loudly by the door, then
and after I retire remove the bandage from your eyes another crash of thunder, when chains are rattled to-
and await with patience and fortitude whatever shall gether and dashed on the floor, and groans and enes
befall you. (He then retires anti the candidate removes are heard as of persons in great agony; then the wicket
the bandage. After a little while a loud crash of titun- is opened.)
der is heard near the door of the apartment followed by First Voice—Hast thou repented of thy sins?
a profound silence and’ then in the profound stillness, Candidate—I have.
one cries with a loud voice:) Second Voice—Pray then to the God of Israel for
5 and Abiramn555 and mercy and forgiveness, lest he consume thee with fire
First Voice—Korah,
their company have put Dathan”
fires in their censers and laid as he hath consumed Nadab and Abihu, the sons of
Note 265.—Dathtn.. A Reuhenite who, with i{orah awl Ahiram.
revolted agatast Moats and us-lawfully sought the priesthood in the
Aaron the High Priest.
Srst chapter of the Book of Numbers. wis--re tire whole accuant is given. Third Voice—(After a few minutes.) Hast thou
it is said that as a punishment the earth opened arid awsiio~~r-d fbi-ru
‘ip The’ is-i ides-I is rs-is-rrr-d to is- the Order of High Priesthood, an bowed thee to the earth and prayed? (If not answered
hirirorary d’gree of the American Rite, which is conferred ups-s the
instailid High Priests of Royri trrh Chapters ‘—Mackey’s Encysioptedia in the affirmative, he is ordered to do so. Then the
at Frasmasonry. Article Dathan. Senior Deacon enters.)
Nuts 256.—t&htram.. The names of iCorab. flathan said Ahiram are
introduced is-to High Priest Masonry. Ahiraxo s-as a it’urherritt-. ihc son Senior Deacon~—My brother, hast thou heard of the
if Elish. who. o ith Dathan as-S On. mt-n of the same tribe and Korab.
ci trslte. “rg iriin-d a c’rnspirrrcy against Moses arid Aaron. terminating
awful punishment with which God has visited those
in their swift ruin Numbers xv and xxvs.”—Morria’s Masonic Dictionary, who not being duly qualified have presumptuously
Astrcie Aharam.
intermeddled with holy things? Take heed that thou

do not so likewise, f or as God has said that no stranger bol of thc Universe of which God is the sou[, and it
not of the seed of Aaron shall approach to offer incense teaches ~ou how insignificant is man, and how contin-
before the Lord that he be not dealt with as Korah and ually he should humble himsclf in the presence of that
his companion, even so, if thou approach our mysteries, grcat being who knows his inmost thoughts. (The Sen-
excepL with a~pure heart, thy sins repented oftand the, ior Deacon now conducts him three times around the
sincere desire to serve God and thy fellow man, will room, kecping the altar on his right, while the High
their fate or a worse overtake thee. Doet thou now dare Pricst reads:)
to proceed? If igh P,4cst—O mighty and inscrutable being, wc
Canzd~’d~de—I do. (Senior Deacon sprinkles him bow down before Thce as the primitive creator, th~t
with water and cuta off a lock of his hair.) with a tho~ight didst from thyself utter all the worlds!
Senior Deacon—I sprinkle thee with pure water in Eternal Father, of whose thoughts the Universe is but
tokcn of that purity of heart and blarneles8ness of life a mode; infinitc in attributes, of which cach is infinite,
which must hereafter characterize thee as a Levite~’
without guile, and as I sever from thy head this Jock incorruptible, coeval with time and co-extensive with
of hair, even so must thou divest thyself of every selfish space, the anelent, absolute and sole original existence;
and sordid feeling and devote thyself hereafter to the whose laws of harmony guide the motions of the sun
scrvice of God and the welfare, happiness and stars. Thou art the all, and in Thee all things ex-
and improvement of mankind. (He then ist. (At the end of the third circuit, the Senior Dea-
clothes him in a white tunic and white con ha[ts with him in the East)
drawers, puts sandals on his feet and a.
white cloth over his head, covering his eyes High Fries f—Whom do you bring hither, brother
so as to prevent him from seeing, and leads Senior Deacon?
him to the door of the assembly and Senior Deacon—Eliasaph, the son of Lael, whom God
knocks seven; 00 00 00 0. The door is has given as a gift to thee, and to thy sons from among
opened, he is admitted, the Junior War- the children of Israel to do the service of the children
den meets him, op~ns his tunic and makes of Israel in the Tabernacle of the congregaLon and to
the sign of the cross upon his breast.) make atonement for the children of Israel.
Junior Warden—Upon thy entrance in- High Priest—Hath he prayed in the silence and
to this holy place, thou art marked with
the sign of the cross, which, pointing to darkness of the cell of probation and purificaLion?
the four quarters of the compass, is a sym—Preparation of Can. Se~ior Deacon—He has.
didate, Chief
~aber,iacIe of tbe Iliqh Priest —Hath he heard the thunder of thc Lord;
the roar of the earthquake, and repented of his sin8?
Note 361.—~L.YIteL Thoec descendant. ot IaYt who were .mpIoy~
Senior Deacon—He has.
Eu the lowest ministerialduties of the Temple. and were thus subcrdtn- If igh Priest—Hath he been sprinkled with the water
ate to the priests who were the lineal descendants of Aaron. Tbe7
w,te reprpuented In some of tbe bigb degreea.’—Nacke7’. ~no~o1opad4a of purification, and passed through the other necessary
Of lr..maaowy. Article Lovites. ceremonies to prepare him to receive the niysteriea?
Senior Deacon—lIe has.
High Priest—Hast thou been warned that thou must
enter here and seek to know our mysteries with a pure
heart and a sincere desire to serve God and thy fellow- SIGN.
Candidate—I have. Advance the left foot; make with the
High Priest—Art thou willing henceforward to de- right hand the motion of taking the
vote thyself to that service?
Candidate—I am. Censer, which is supposed to be in the
High Priest—Brother Senior Deacon, you will now left hand.
conduct the candidate to the West and cause him to
approach the altar by seven steps, where he wilh knech
with his wrists crossed upon the bible, square and com-
pass. (Senior Deacon does so and the members sur-
round him with their arms crossed on their breasts,
when he contracts the following obligation:
Seize each other by the left elbow
I.... promise and swear never to reveal the secrets
of this degree to any person or persons except he ha~ with the right hand, bending the
received all the preceding degrees, and not unto him arm so as to form a kind of circle.
or them unless lawfuJly eAtitled to receive the same.
To all of whic.{m I do most solemnly swear, binding
myself under no less a penalty than that of having the
earth open under my feet and being swallowed up alive,
like Korah, Dathan and Abiram. So help me God.
High Prieste—My brother, what now dost thou de- Token. ChIef of Tabernacle.
sire? EiTTERY :—Seven strokes, by six and one, or thus;
Candidate—Light. 0000000.
high Priest—Light is the gift of God, and common PASS wo~w :—Uriel.’”
to all men. Brother Senior Deacon, bring this Note SOS.—” An archangel, mentioned only in 2 Esdrs.. Michael
Glycas, the Dysantine historian, says that his post is in the son. Snd
brother to light. (Senior Deacon removes the cloth.) that he came down to Seth and Enoch. and instructed them in the
High Priest—Be thou henceforth a son of light. length of the years and the variations of the seasons. The ‘icok of
loch describes him as the angel of thunder and lightning. In some
Arise my brother and receive the signs, tokens and at the Hermetic degrees of Masonry the name, as representing the angel
at Ore heeomea a ii nifleant word. ‘—Mackeys Encycle~~ia of Vr.
words. mins~ Astlela vaiL

ANSWER :—The Tabeinacle of revealed truth.

SACIiED WORD :-Jehota/t; never pronounced but spelled.
High Priest—I accept and receive you my brother, as
a Le~ite and Chief of the Tabernael&’ and consecrate
and devote you liencetoith to the service of the children
of light, andd now invest ~ou iuth the tunie~ and belt~
the jewel and apron of this degree.
Thie je~tel or censer of silver is ever to remind you to CLOSING CEREMONIES
offer up unceasingly to God, the incense of good deeds
and chiat-itable actions, dictated by a pure and upright CHIEF OF THE TABERNACLE.
heart. The three colors, crimson, blue and purple, with
~~liichthe uhite apron is bordered are symbols: High Priest—Eleazar, my son, what is the hour?
Red, of the sh)lendor and glory of God, Blue of his Eleazar—The sacrifices are concluded, and the fire
infinite perfection, and the Purple of his infinite niRi- burns brightly upon the altar of burnt offering.
esi y and power. If igh Priest—What now remains to be done?
‘l’hic seven branch eandlcstick, upon the apron, repre- Eleazar—To mediate in silence and prepare for the
setits ~t hat ~vereancielithv l~nowa a~ the se~-en planets duties of the morrow.
or pri:icipal hcavenl~ bodies, viz : Saturn, Jupiter, Mars.
the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and the Seven Angels, High Priest—That we may retire and do so, let this
that the Hebrews assigned to their government, viz: Hierarchy be now closed. Together brethren.
To Saturn i\l ichael. AlL—(Give the Sign and Battery as at opening
To Mars X~vriel. High Priest—I declare this Hierarchy closed.
To Moon Saphiel.
To Jupiter ich.
To Sun Zeraclijel.
To Venus Ilainahiel.
The myrtle trqe of violet eclor. embroidered on the
flap of the apron is a symbol of the immortality of the
Tliqh Priest—Brother Senior Deacon, you will now
seat the brother among the Levites.
Note 269.—”Chrsf of the Tabernacle. EScotch MLaonry.1—The fifth
degree cirrifirri ii In the consi-,tora- if I’rioces of the Royal Secrr-t. 5~atcb
liasonry. arid thi- twenty-third upon thc catalogue of that system The
heii~ings ire while The irl-tirri-at I-i inns relate to the establishment
of the priesthad in thi- fimily of Airrinir The officers are thrr-e in
ririnnirer. a Sa~ r-rr-lcn Sairiltir is-ri twi 111gb Priests Ihe inemhers are
styli-i LAvites The assembly is termed a hicr,rchs. The apron 15
in hue, lined with seariet and trlmnrcd with a rlhbon of crimson. his-c
lid pirrinic it dispirrys a coidi-ir 5.-Yes- hranched candlestick, on the
[ikYalile irirt is 5 vi.,iet-i-oiori-ii myntir- The jewet is a pot of iri~-n5i-
truing hiur. the instunt of e.~mlng to the sacrifice, closing, the c”nsutn-
irrail-nir or the sacrifice —Mortise Masonic Dictionary. Articie Chief of
tho Tabernacle.
usbie man, or father, came to be the man who was a
day’s man or intercessor between the family or tribe
and God. When our race had run down so that “the
earth was filled with violence,” like the South beLor.~
our slavery war, and had become so corrupt that a
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS Universal Deluge did not cleanse it; then God in8ti-
tuted a pictorial and pantomime worship suited to the
ignorance of grown-up babes, with the strength and
NACLE. passions of men.
lands Men In Pagan worship—Finite Man and the Influsite God—Satan
Both lmitstee and Resists Christ. But sin and corruption was not all that kept men
In this and the two following degrees, we are taken from God. God was infinite and men infinitesimal.
back to the Old Testament, where Ramsay, Jesuits, and The blind worm beneath the sod knows as much of the
Jews were at home; and the stupendous realities and solar system, and the infinity beyond as a finite sinner
truth of God redeemed the Rite from contempt and dis- knows of the Infinite God. “Touching the Almighty
gust, even though used as Simon the sorcerer wished we cannot find him out,” (Job, 37, 23,) is literal verity.
to use the Holy Ghost, for gain. For there is sublimity But Christ was and is “God manifest” to man, or “more
in the name and works of God, even when used in blas- humano.” He “spake,” and the worlds came. He
phoiny and sacrilege. Nadab and Abihu fall dead by “spake” to Adam and Eve. Without ceasing to be
the fiery eye flash of God, while using God’s instituted God, he became man, our Prophet, Priest, and King:
worship, as these Masons use his word for worldly ad- and we know, and can know of God, only what we are
vantage, and we see here acted over what impressed us taught by Christ. And as sin is certain ruin and law
so solemnly in our childhood when we read and saw has no mercy in itself, however “holy, and just and
pictured in the old “New England Primer” good ;“ Christ, being the same yesterday, to-day and
“Proud Itoraha troop”
forever ;“ “Eternity, past, present and to come,” he
“was swallowed up.”
could and did become our Wisdam, Righteousness,
And we can endure the home made earth-quakes and Sandi~cat ion and Redemption. Hew itin came we
manufactured thunder of this degree, for the sake of know not; God if He will may explain that to us in
some glintings of Bible history, which show the fearful Eternity. But we very well know there is sin. And
doom which awaits all impudent cozeners with the the Bible being true, (and if it is not, Masons insult us
word and worship of God. The reader need only glance by quoting it,) we know there are devils, and their
at the Ritual and Notes to get the whole drift of the chief is Christ’s adversary, rival and antagonist. And
degree, which, on page 116, lands us in the pagan he is as Christ called him the usurping “Prince of this
worship of the heavenly bodies by the “branch candle- world”: and the God of its false worships. And God
stick which is God’s symbol of a church of Christ.
(Rev. 1, £0.) gave by Moses, a law which any one can see is per-
fect; because that supreme love to God and equal love
But let us glance at the philosophy of this degree.
A priest, which word first meant an aged and yen- to man would and will perfect our globe, is just as

plain as that two halves of an apple make the whole of

it. And He gave by Moses, not only a peFfect law, but
~t pertect Gospel in every lamb on their altars. And
ho gave a human priesthood to apply that law, and ex-
plain that Gospel. And every one of those priests was
a fingerpost pbmnting to Christ. And when they be-
came corrupt, Christ Himself came in pcrson. And
when we crucified him, He sent “another Comforter,” TWENTY-POURTH DEGREE; OR PRINCE OP THE
a s’vect an(l Holy Presence or Spirit, whom we could TABERNACLE.”’
not, can not kill; and the chart of the world shows ~hat
that holy Spirit has done, and is doing among the,
nations. SATURN.
N’~w this devil has followed, copied, imitated and re- DECORATIONS ?—Tbis lodge is styled a Hierarchy,
sisted Christ, from Eden until now ! He tvas a 5cr— and consists of two apartments.
FIRsT APARTMENT :—Proeeeds directly into the second
pent in Eden and he has crawled after Christ ever
since, aping and imitating his methods. He turned and is called the vestibule, where the brethren clothe
rods to serpents in Egypt. He has inspired prophets, themselves; it is furnished at all points like a Masters
sometimes hundreds to Christ’s one! And since He is lodge, but instead of a Bible a roll of parchment repre-
now come, and “hath an unchanging priesthood,” we senting the book of the law lies on the altar. The
need no priest but Him, since He is ready to come at Elebi’ow letter ~ in the cast instead of the G.
call, and the holy Spirit will show him to us. So SECOND APARTMENT :—Is circular, made so by hang-
since Christ there are no priests but usurpers. Every ings. The decorations of this vary as will be stated
Masonic priest is a devil’s eoanterfcit. When Christ hereafter, aceording to the three points of reception. In
began to exercise divine power here, thie devil met the centre is a eandlestiek with seven branches, each
him and claimed through ibm the ~iorld’s worship. holding seven lights.
rrhat lie has been at ever since, and Freemasonry and DRESS :—Blue si)k tunic, the collar of which is deco-
its spav.n are the last hope of the devil. He shifts his rated with rays of gold representing a glory, and the
forms, he hides under aliases and changes the fashions Pate 37O.—”P~inoe of the Tabernacle. (Prince du Tabernacle).....
1’be t~ACnty.fuurth degree of the Anci,’nt and Accepted ScottIsh Rite In
o~ his worships. And as Mackey says: “The mission the old ritnais the degree was intended to illustrate the directions given
for the huii”lng of the tabernacle, the particulars ot whieb are recorded
and object of Masonry is “worship,” and it is not the in th, twenty.Sfth chapter of Exodus The Lodge is taii,d a l1ieraceh~
worship of Christ. The “Gentiles” (nations without nnd its ofiteera are a Moat Poweefot chief Prin(e. representing Mosen
and three wardens, whose style is Powerful, and who respectively repre-
Christ) all worship devils. (1 Car. 10, 20.) The is- sent Aaron. Besaleel. and Aholiab in the modern rituals of the Unii,’,i
States, the three prinelpat officer, are called the Leader, the High Priest
~iie is now joined, and when Christianity throws off the and the Priest, and respectively represent Moses. Aaron. and itbamar.
~~‘orshipof Satan the Gospel will subdue the world, his son The ritual is greatly enlarged, and while the main idea of the
degree is retained, the ceremonies represent the initiation into the mis.
teries of the Mosaic tabernacle
The jewel I, the letter A. In gold, Suspended from a broad crimson
ribbon. The apron %s white, lined with scarlet and bordered nith green
“~ttending Angels abnnt for joy: The flap is sky-blue. On the apron Is depIcted a representation of the
tud the bright nrrn,,’, niog tabernacle.
‘‘Mortals. heboid the sn,eod seal This degree appears to he peculiar to the Scottish Rile and its modifi-
•‘~)f your desccndli~g iOng. rations I have nut met with it in any of the other Rites —Mackey.
Glory to God! Ezscyciopudla of Freemasonry, A,ztiole Prince of the Tabornacla.

body of it is sprinkled with stars of gold. Upon the

head is a close crown, encircled with stars and sur-
mounted by a Delta.
SASH :—Watered scarlet, worn as a collar; if a sash,
from left to right.
APRON :—White, lined with deep scarlet and bor-
dered with green, the flap sky blue. In the middle of
the apron is a representation of the first tabernacle PRINCE OF THE TABERNACLE.”’
built by Moses. Thrice Puissant—Puissant Warden in the North, I
JEwKL:—fs the letter or the letter A.. in gold, am about to open this Hierarchy of Princes of the
worn from a collar of crimson ribbon.~ Tabernacle, that we may take council for the welfare of
TITLES —The Master is styled Thrice Puissant and the order. Are we well quartered so that none save
represents Moses. There are three Wardens styled those who are entitled to do so can approach the Tab-
Puissant. First Warden represents Aaron, the High ernacle?
Priest, and sil s in the West; the Second Warden repre- Aholiab—Thriee Puissant, the Tabernacle is guarded
sents Bezaleel, and sits in the South; the Third War- on all sides, and we are in security.
den represents Aholiab, and sits in the North; the can- Thrice Puissant—Puissant Warden in the ~Vest,are
didate represents Eleazar, son of Aaron. There are all present Princes of the Tabernacle?
Aaron—All are Princes of the Tabernacle, Thrice
besdes these two Deacons. Puissant, and have seen the perfeelion of the holy
mysteries of Ihe Hebrews.
Thrice Putsstznt—What are the duties of a Prince of
the Tabernacle?
Aaron—To labor incessantly for the glory of God,
the honour of his country and the happiness of his
Thrice Puissant—Puissant Warden in the North,
whom do you represent?
Wote 27i.—’The presiding officer represents Moses. and is called Most
Puissant Leader The second officer repreaents Eleazar. the High-Priset.
the son of Aaron The candidate repfe,entaPhlnebas. the son of Eleazar the
High-Priest. Two apartments are required when conferring the degree.
Thc hangings are reti and black. The jewel le the lefier suspended fi’o.
a ‘luiet colored watered ribbon This degrec is moat Intimately connected
nub, and should be considered s continuation of. that of the chief of the
Tabernacle Tlc enpeclal dittIes of a Prince of the Tabernacle are to
labor incessantly for the gi..ry of God, the honor of hi, country. and the
happiness of his brethren, to offer up thanka and prayera to the Deity in
lieu of sacriSces of Scab and blood.’ —Macoy’s Encyclopaedia and Dic-
tionary of Freemasonry. Article Prince of tha Tabernacle.

Aholisb—I represent Ahohiab, who aided in the


ALl—(Give the second sign.)

Thrice Puissant—( Seven knocks; 00 00 00 0.)

building of the first Tabernacle.

Thrice Puissant—How did he labor upon the Taber- Aaron—(Seven knocks; 0000000.)
nacle of the Lord? Bezaled—(Seven knocks; 00 00 00 0.)
Aholiab—As an engraver, beautifying the vessels Aholiab—(Seven knocks; 00 0000 0.)
thereof, and as an embroiderer in blue and purple, and Thrice Puissant—I declare this Hierarchy opened.
scarlet and fine linen.
Thrice Puissa~nt—What does his occupation teach you
in morals?
Aholiab—To engrave upon my heart and ever recol.
lect the laws of God and the statutes of rightcousnes~,
virtue and truth, and to make my life beautiful with
the embroidery of good actions.
Thrice Puissant—Puissant Warden in the South,
whom do you represent?
Bezaleel—I represent Bezaheel, who aided in the
building or the first Tabernacle.
Thrice Puissant—How did he labor upon the Tabe;-
nacle of the Lord?
Bczalcel—In gold, silver and brass, in the cutting of
stones and in carving wood.
Tit rice Puissant—What does his occupation teach
you in morals?
Bezaleel—Ever to strive to attain perfection, and to
be patient and persevering in every good work.
Thrice Puissant—Puissant Warden in the West,
Most Excellent High Priest, what is your duty in thc
Aaron—To offer up prayers and thanks to the Deity,
in lieu of sacrifices, and to aid you with my counsel
and advice.
Thrice Puissant—It is time to proceed to discharge
our duties; aid me Princes to open this Hierarchy. To-
Pirat—Dost thou now, representing Eheazar, the son
of Aaron, solemnly declare that in seeking to know the
hidden ancient mysteries, thou art not actuated by any
spirit of idle curiosity or the pride of knowledge, but
by a sincere desire thereby to be the better able to serve
God, your country and your brethren, and more effect-
CHAPThR XLIV ually to labor for the reformation of mankind?
Candidate—I do.
T~ ~NTY-FOURTH DEGREE; OR PRINCE OF THE TABER- Second—In the character of a Chief of the Taber-
nacle, hast thou earnestly striven to discharge all the
INITIATION. duties required of thee, and to live worthily, act justly
and fear God?
liThe candidate is prepared by the Senior Deacon in
a white tunic without ornaments or insignia, and con- (Jandida.te—I have.
Third—Hast thou, while a Chief of the Tabernacle,
ducted into the vestibule and up to ~~healtar, without
ceremony.] done wrong to any one without making reparation as
Senior Deacon—Brother Eleazar, thou hast been far as in thy power?
chosen to be anointed, consecrated and sanctified to Candidate—I have not.
minister unto the Lord in the Priest’s office. But be- Fourth—Dost thou solemnly swear, upon the holy
fore thou canst enter upon the mysteries of consecra- book of the law,”8 and with thy heart open before God,
and all its thoughts legible to him, that these answers
tion, thou must in the most solemn manner give as- are true and sincere, without equivocation or mental
surances that no unworthy motive prompts thee to seek reservation? If thou dost; say, I swear and kiss the
to know those ancient mysteries which were instituted book of the law.
among the Patriarchs and the knowledge of which is Candidate—(Kissing the book.) I swear. (Senior
indispensable to 1dm who would become a Priest in Deacon raises him and orders him to wash himself in
Israel. Kneel therefore and place thy hand on the book the brazen sea, after which he gives him an explanation
of the law, and make true answers to such questions a* of the furniture of the lodge.)
shall be asked thee. (Candidate obeys.) Senior Deacon—I am charged my brother, to explain
Note 373.—”Prlncs of the Tahoroacla. (Scctch Xaacnyy.J—ane sIxth to you the meaning of the several symbols with which
degree conferred in the Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret. Scotch
Masonry, and the twenty-fourth npon the catalogue of that system. The you are now surrounded.
historical instructions refer to the b~ildlng of the tabernacle. The
assembly is termed a hierarchy. The office’s are, a Most Powerful Chief Mote 373.—”hiasonieslly. the Book of the Law Is that sacred hook
Prince, representing Moses. and three wardens, entitled Powerful. repre. which is believed by the Mason of siiv purtlenlar religion to contain thi.
seating Aaron. Abolish and Bezaleel. The apron is white, lined with revealed will of God; although, technically, among the Jews the Torah.
crimson—the mo~ahle part sky-blue It displays. In red, a vIew of the or Book of the l.ns. means only the Pentateuch, or lye hooks of Moses.
tabernacle The jewel is the letter A. of gold. anapended from a crim- Thus, to the (briattan Mason. the Book of the Law ii the Old and New
son ribbon. Roars of work, from the first hour of the organhsstion of the Testaments; to the Jew. the Old Testament; to the Muaselman. the
hIerarchy to the last hour of Ufe. ‘—Msrsia’s Mascots Dieticnsq, Artisle Korsn- to the Itrabman. the vedas; and to the Parsee. the Zendaveata.
?rince of the Tabernacle. —iack.ya E~cyelcpadla of ~cniy, A,ticla Bock .1 the Law,
TI-SE THREE LIGHTS:”—On the Eaht, West and
TIlE TRIANGLE :—With the letter ~uutlI of the ahlar, represent the summer solstice, and
Yod in the center, suspended in the tIt(’ vernal and autumnal equinoxes.
East, is an emblem of the DeIty and TIlE TWO COLUMNS :—Represent those erected by
of equity, because its sides are equal Enoch to perpetuate the history of the times before the
and it is the first perfect figure that fitiod.
can be formed with straight lines.



Upon the altar is an emblem of Is a symbol of decision, firmness and inde-

rectitude of intention anti action, pendence; of truth and straight forward
and obedIence to constituted author-
Squarq. Plumb.

THE’ Note IYS.—”Zhree. Everywhere among the ancients the number
three was deemed the most sacred of numbers. A reverence for its mysti-
cal virtues is to he found even among the Chinese, who say that num-
Of command of the motion of the hers begin at one and are made perfect at three, and hence they de-
heavenly bodies, of harmony and of note the multiplicIty of any object by repeating the character which
stands for it three times. In the phIlosophy of Plato. it was the Image
eternity. ef Ihe Supreme Being, because It includes in Itself the properties of the
The CouIaaafi. Owo first numbers, and because, 55 Aristotle says, it contains within
Itself a beginnIng, a middle, and an end. The Pythagoreana called It
perfect harmony, So sacred was this number deemed by the ancients
that we Sod it designating some of the attributes of almost all the
gods. The thunder-bolt of Jove was three-forked; Ibe sceptre of Neptune
Note 374.——with great propriety, therefore. is the square put into the was a Indent, Cerberbus. the dog of Pluto. was three-headed; there
bands of the worshipf~il Master. In order that he may keep the brethren were three Fates and three Furies; the sun had three names. Apollo. Sol,
within the square of the ancient charges of Freemasonry This symbol and Liber: and the moon three also, Ditini. Luna, and Hecate. In all
must at all times. and in all places. be regarded as a great light, and ti~
genuine Freemasun Is nut oniy reminded by this light to do his duty to Incantations Ibree was a favorite number, for, as virgil says, ‘numero
his brethren, but to all mankind.—Gadicks. ‘ ‘—Maeoys Encyclopudia and Deus impari gsudet.~ God delights in an odd number. ‘—Mackey’s Eney.
Dictionary of Freemasonry, Article Square. olopadia of Freemasonry, Article Three,
Mote 375.—”One of the most prominent objects used as emhlems In Note 37v—’In the scriptures the Plumb-Line is emblematic of regular
Masonry It lies on the Open word that surmotiata the altar in the rule; hence, to destroy by line and plummet, as In Amos vIl., Is under-
center of the lodge. Its ~lute being towards the west. Its position Is
made to represent a gradation. Its lesson is limiting or clrcumaerIhIng stood, a regular and systematic desiruction. Such had nearly been the
the passions—s sublime inculcation. In ihe third degree It ploys a still fate of the Masonic institution in the UnIted States, consequent upon
more prominent part It teaches to the worshipful Master at his In- political antI-Masonry. 1526-1536. —MolTise Masonic Dictionary, Article
atsliatlun flhst he should limit his desires to his station. ihst rising to Plumb-Line.
eminence by merit, he may Wee respected and dIe regretted ‘—Mania’s
Maaeaic Dictionary, Article Compass.
Is a symbol of the enlightened, to
Is a symbol o~ equality and equa. whom they are known. (Senior Dea-
nimity and teaches us that all men The Pcrfe, t’ube, con now blinds him and leads him to
are equal in the sight of Godand in the door of the second apartment, which is now hung
titi mysteries. with scarlet; and. around in front of the hangings are
Level. twelve columns, each having painted on it in brilliant
THE BLAZING STAR.”’ letters, one of the signs of the zodiac, which follow each

0 Represents Sirius, the dog star, other in regular order as follows:)

Thrice Puissant—As Moses in the East, clothed with
all the insignia, between the eo]umns, on which are the
inundation of
announcing the the
Nile, to
of the signs Taurits3 anti Aries.~
The Blazing ~ttar.
fore-fathers of the Hebrews when Aaron—In the West, between the Columns on which
are the signs Libra~ and Scorpio. iii
TIlE ROUGH STONE. Bazaieel—In tile South, between the eolllinns on which
ar~ the signs Capricorniis~ and Aquaritis~
Represents the profane, who Akoliab—In the North, between the CoitImlis on which
are ignorant o~ its m~ster;es. Tbc Rough Stone. are Uie signs Cancer~ and Leo-a In tile centre of the
Note 275.—Level. In Freemasorry the level is a symbol of equality:
not of that social equality, which would destroy all dIstinctions of rank
room, by the chandelier, is a triangular altar, to which
and position and beget confusion. losubordiostlon and anarchy, hut .4
that fraternal equality ehi b rc.ognlriiig tIre fatherhood of God, admits candidate is now lcd when the Senior Deacon knocks
as a necessary corollary, the brotherhood of man It, therefore, teaches
us that, in the sight of the Grand Architeat of the Universe, his seven; 00 00 00 0.
creatures, who are at an lormesaurable distance from him move upon
the same plane, as the fir-moving stara. which though millions of Junior Deacom—(Opening the door.) Who seeks
miles apart. Vet seem to abbe upon the same canopy of the sky In
this view, the level teaches is that all men are equal subject to tue same admission to this inner chamber of the mysteries?
infirmities, hastening to the same goal. and
1repsrlng to be judged hr Senior Deacon—Eleazar, the son of Aaron, who hav-
the same Inimutiabie law —Mackeys Encyc op3dla of Freemasonry.
Article Level, ing been appointed to minister unto God in the Priest’s

Mats 2~Ie,—”nlastng Star, The blacing star must not be considered office, desires first to know tile mysteries and receive
merely as the creature heralded the appearance of T C A. 0
T U - but the expresoive symbol of that Crest Being himself, who is the Indispensable degree of Prince of tile Tabernacle.
described by the magnificent appellationa of the Day Spring. or Rising Junior Deacon—Has he attained the degree of Chef
Sue, the Day Star, the Morning Star, and the Bright, or Blazing Star
This, then, is the supernal reference of the Biasing Star of Masonry. of the Tabernacle?
attached to a a’ lenee wbli b like the religion it embodies is universal
and applicable to all times and seasons, sad to every people Ihat e,er Senior Deacom—He has.
did or eser will ealat on oar ephemeral globe of earth —Macny’s Ency-
clopedia and Dictionary of Freemasunry, Article alasing Star. Junior Deacon—In that diaracter has he earnestly
Note 250.—” In Speculative Masonry we adopt the ashier in two dif- Mats flI,—”Oiabe. The cube is a symbol of truth, of wisdom, of
ferent states, as a~ muds is the Apprentice’s degree The Rough Ashier. boral perfection. The New Jerassiem promised by the Apocalypse is
or stone, in its rode sod unpolished condition is emblematic of man in equal in length. hreadth, and height.“—Maceye Encyolofladia and Dics
his natural state—ignorant, uncultivated, and vicious “—Mackey’s Enc7. tima~ of 1reemaaonr~’, Article Cube.
clopmdsa of Freemasonry, Article Ashlar.

btriven to discharge all the duties required of him, and Thrice Puissant—Brother Junior Deacon, has the
to live worthily, act justly, and fear God? candidate the sacred word?
Senior Deacon—He has. Junior Deacon—He has, Thrice Puissant.
Junior Deacon—Has he, while such, done wrong to Thrice Puissant—You will retire and let him enter
any one, wit5hout afterwards making reparation as far and be re~eived in due form. (Junior Deacon goes to
as has been in his power? and opens the door,)
Senior Deacon—He has not. Junior Deacon—It is the order of the Thrice Puis-
Junior Deacon—.Eleazar, art thou actuated in seek- sant, that he enter and be received in due form.
ing to know the mysteries by a sincere desire to be (Senior Deacon enters with him and conducts him
thereby better able to serve God, your country and your within the circle, then the Junior Deacon stops him,
brethren, and more efficiently to labor for the great bares his right arm, holds a lighted candle near enough
good of man? to it to cause him to feel the heat, and says:)
Candidate—I am. Junior Deacon~—1 test thee by firema and let this
Juntor Deacon—Art thou not induced to come hither present pain ever remind you that he who rashly as-
through idle curiosity, or the pride of knowledge and a sumes to perform office for which he is unfit, deserves
desire to become superior to thy brethren and fellows? the fate of Nadab and Abihu, who were consumed by
Candidate—I am not. fire from heaven when they offered strange fire before
Jun tor Deacon—Brother Senior Deacon, by what the Lord in the wilderness of Sinai, (Senior Deacon
further right does he expect to gain admission here? then conducts him slowly three times around the
Senior Deacon—By the sacred word, room.)
Junior Deacon—Has he the sacred word? Thrice Puissant—And the Lord spake unto Moses,
Senior Deacon—He has. saying: Bring the tribe of Levi near and present them
Junior Deacon.—Let him give it. before Aaron the Priest, that they may minister unto
Senior Deacon—He cannot, except with our assist- him, and they shall keep his charge and the charge of
ance. the whole congregation before the Tabernacle of the
Junior Deacon—Let him begin then. congregation, to do the service of the Tabernacle. And
Can didate—Yod.
licte 363.—”The purifying power of fire is naturally dednced from this
Senior Deacon—Re. symbol of the holiness of the element And In the high degrees of Masonry.
Junior Deacon—V’au, as In the ancient Institutions, there is a purification by fire, coming
down to us insensibly and unconsciously from the old Magian cultus. In
Candidate—He. the Medbovai ages there was a sect of ‘fire phiiosophers—ishilcaophi per
ignens—who were a branch or offshoot of Rosicrucianlam. with whIch Free.
Junior Deacon—The word is right, let him wait un- masonry has so much in common. These fire philosophers kepi up the
veneration for fire, and cultivated the ‘fire-secret,’ aol as an idolatrous
til the Thrice Puissant is informed of his request. belief. but modified by their hermetic notions They were also called
‘theosophists.’ and through them, or in reference to them, we find the
(Junior Deacon closes the door, goes to the center of theosophic degrees of Masonry, which sprang up in the eighteenth cen-
tury. As fire and light are identical, so the fire. which was to the
the circle and gives the battery. The Thrice Puissant Zoroastrians the symbol of the Divine Being, is to the Mason. under the
answers it and the same (jilestions are asked and the equivalent idea of light, the symbol of Divine Truth, or of the Grand
Architect. ‘—Macks7s Eacyclopadia of Freemasonry, Article Fise-wog-
like answers returned, as at the door.) ahi~

they shall keep all the instruments of the Tabernacle of ~BezaIeel—Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judg-
the congregation, and the charge of the chi]dren of ment, Thou shalt not respect the person of the poor,
Israel, to do the service of the Tabernacle. And thou nor honor the person of the mighty. In righteousness
shalt give the Levites unto Aaron, and to his sons; they
shalt thou judge thy neighbor. Thou shalt not hate
are wholly given unto him, out of the chi]dr~n of Is~
rael. And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons; and thy brother in thy heart. Thou shalt not seek revenge,
they shall wait on their Priest’s office, and the stranger nor beer ill-will against the children of thy people, but
that cometh nigh shall be put to death. (Candidate thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Candidate
baits in the South in front of Bezaleel, who pours a halts in the East at the station of the Thrice Puissant.
small quantity of water on his head,) The members with fans make a wind about him while
Bezaleel—Thou hast reached the South, I teat thee he is thus addressed:)
with water, the second test. Let it ever remind thee
Thrice Puissant—Thou hast reached the East; I test
that none but the pure of heart can be admitted to the
Holy Tabernacle in the heavens. (Senior Deacon con- thee with air,” the life of all men; the free inestimable
ducts him slowly three times around the room.) gift of God. Like him, it is mighty, but invisible; like
Aaron—At the door of the Tabernacle of the con- him it blesses us ever. Be thou liberal and generous as
gregation, I will meet with the children of Israel and I the air, for it God freely gives thee light and air, and
will sanctify the Tabernacle of the congregation and asks in return nothing but gratitude and whispered
the altar; I will sanctify also both Aaron and his sons thanks, thou mayest well afford to share thy plenty with
to minister to me in the Priest’s office, and I will dwell
thy destitute, afflicted and unfortunate brethren.
among the children of Israel and I will be their God,
and they shall know that I am the Lord their God that Thrice Puissant—Brother Senior Deacon, whence
brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I come you?
might dwell among them, I the Lord their God. (Can- Senior Deacon—Out of darkness.
didate halts in the West in front of Aaron, who causes
him to kneel on some sand and gravel.) Thrice Puissant—And whither go you?
Aaron—Thou hast reached the West, I test thee with Note 3S3.—”Eiementa. It was the doctrine of tbe old philosophies,
sustained by the authority of Aristotle. that there were four principles of
earth. It is the common mother, and to it, our frail matter—fire, sir, earth. and water—which they called elements. Modern
science has shown the fallacy of the theory. But it was also taught hy
bodies return. It is well to kneel upon its bosom when the Kabbalista. and afterwards by the Rosicruclans, who, according to
the Abbe de viliars (Le Conste Se Gabalis), peopled them with loper.
we implore the mercy and forgiveness of God, Let the miatural beings called. In the fire. fislamandera; in the air. firiphs: In the
beneficence of the earth, which produceth liberally and earth. Gnomes: and in the water. Undines. From the Itosicruclans and
the Kabbalists, the doctrine passed over Into some of the high degrees
generously, even for the unworthy, teach thee generos- of Masonry, and is especially referred to it the Ecoassis or Scottish
Knight of St. Andrew, originally invented by the Chevalier Ramsey.
ity and that the open hand is a fit companion of the In this degree we find the four angels of the four elements described as
Ardarel. the angel of fire; casmarn, of air; Tallisad, of water; sod
pure heart. (Senior Deacon then conducts him slowly I’uriac, of earth: end the signs refer to the same elements. ‘—M*obsy’a
tllree times around the room.) Zmo~olopwdia of f,eemsaoaiy, Laticle Ilsuenta.

Senior Deacon—To the East, the place of light and Hicrarclly of Princes of the Tabernacle, also the stat-
cradle of the mysteries.”~ utes and regulations of the Supreme Council and Sov-
Thrice Puissant—Thou art already there, what is ereign Grand Consistory of the United States of Ainer-
thy desire? ic;I, their terrltories and dependencies and of the Grand
Senior Deacon—That this candidate may go the way Consistory of the State of so long as I remain
that we have ¶gone before him. within its jurisdiction.
Thrice Puissant—The soul is immortal, but for the
body, life comes only out of death”’ If he would see To all of which I do most solemnly swear, binding
the light, conduct him to the holy altar and let him m~self under no less a penalty that to be consumed witll
there assume the obligation. Senior Deacon conducts fire from heaven, like Kadab and Abihu and that my
him to the ~Vestand causes him to advance by six (6) ashes should be flung into the air and blown to the four
equal and one (1) long step, when he kneels and with corners of the earth by the wind, So help me God.
his hantis upon the book of the law, contracts the fol- (After the obligation he is brought to light and the
lowing obligation.
Thrlee Puissant takes in his left hand a small vesse] of
1. ..... solemnly promise and swear, never to reveal Thrice Puissant—i will sanctify the Tabernacle of
the secrets of this degree to any person or persons, ex- the congregation and the altar, I will sanctIfy also both
cept he has received all the preceding degrees, and not Aaron and hls sons to minister to me in the Priest’s
unto him or them unless lawfully entitled to receive the office. In the Tabernacle of the congregation, without
same. the i-eu, which is before the testimony, Aaron and his
I furthermore promise and swear that I will stand to sons shall order it from evening to morning before the
and abide by the laws, statutes and regulations of this Lord. It shall be a statute forever unto their genera-
tions on behalf of the children of Israel, and thou
Note 254.—’ ‘Mysteries, Ancient. Each of the Pagan gods, says war.
burton (Dv. Leg., I., n. 4). had, besides the public and open, a secret shalt anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them
worship paid to him, to which none were admitted but those who had been
selected by preparatory ceremonies called Intatsn. This secret worship that they may minister unto me in the Priest’s office.
was termed the Mysteries. And this is supported by Ittrabu (lib. a..
cap 3). who says that It was common, both to the Greeks and the (He then pours oil on his head, saying:)
Barbarians, to perform their religious ceremonies with the observance of
a festival, and that they are sometlmcs celebrated publicly and some-
Thrice Puissant—Eleazar, son of Aaron, I do anoint
times in mysterious privacy. Noel (Dict. de Ia fable) thus defines them: thee and consecrate thee to the service of truth and vir-
Secret ceremonies which were prscttced in honor of certain gods, end
whose secret was known to the initiates alone, who were admitted only tIle, which is the service of the Lord, to minister unto
after long and painful trials which It was more than their life was
worth to reveal. —Mackey’s Encyciopwdsa of freemasonry, Artiele My.- him and unto thy fellow men in thus world, which is
tories, Anolent. his truest tabernacle and temple. (He then takes a
Note 3SS.—”The ceremonies of Initiation were all funereal in their
character. They celebrated the death and the reaurretion of some cher-
small vessel filled with red liquid, and with a small
ished being, either the object of esteem as a hero, or of devotion as a
god. Subordination of degrees was Instituted, and the candidate was
brush saying:)
subjected to probations. varying In their character and severity; the Thrice Puissant—With the blood of a ram slain for
rita were practiced in the darkness of night, and often amid the gloom
of impenetrable forests or subterranean caverns; and the full fruition a burnt offering, I touch the tip of thy right ear,
of knowledge, for which so much labor was endured. and so mneh danger (totiching it) the thumh of thy right hand, (touching
incurred. was not attained until the aspirant, well tried and thoroughly
purified. had reached the place of wisdom and of light, “—Mackey’s En. it) and the great toe of thy right foot, (touching it)
easiopadla of Fresmasoary, Artiste Mb’aterles, Anotent,
and with the same blood I sprinkle thy garmente,
(sprinkling them) and do sanctify thee and them,
Thine ear is hereafter to be ever op~n to the cry of GRAND SIGN.
distress, the prayer of want, the mo’~n of suffering, the
supplication pf the penitent and the call of duty. Th~c Place both hands open upon the
hand is henceforth to be opened wide in charity and head, join the two thumbs and the
ready to labor in every good work. And thy feet are to two forefingers by their extremities
stand firmly wherever duty places thee, howevcr dan- so as to form a triangle.
gerous the post; nor ever to slide upon the slippery N. B,—The token, battery and
paths of temptation. Arise my brother Eleazar. (Can-
word, are the same as in the preced-
clidate rises and the Thrice Puissant invests him with
the following signs, grip and words, and with the in- ing degree.
signia and jewel.) Grand 51r~, Prince
of the Tabernacle.

MARCH —Sii equal steps and one longer, total seven

Thrice Puissant—Brethren, behola a new Prince of
the Tabernacle, to be instructed and prepared to fulfill
all his duties as a Prince of well doers in this Taber-
Place the right hand open over the eyes, nacle of clay, that he may be raised on the great day of
as If to protect them from a strong light, account, a shining monument of God’s glory in the
the left hand on the breast, then raise the tabernacle, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens,
(Thrice Puissant resumes his station and if there is
right hand to the left shoulder, and bring
flO business, closes the Hieraehy)
it down diagonally to the right side. This
is called the sign of the scarf,

Sign of Itecognitlon,
~rlncc 01 the ‘fabernaclA
Thrice Puissant—Puissant Warden in the West, what Zodiacal Signs a Heathen Invention—Masonic Baptaim a Heathen Rite—
is the hour? Freemasonry Simple Heathenlam—governed by the Terrors of a Secret

Aaron—Thrice Puissant, it is time for the evening Proofs afforded by this degree that Freemasonry u
sacrifices. vulgar, debased heathenism:
Thrice Puissant—If sO, it 15 time to close this her- Proof First. Its oath (which makes the Mason) is
sworn on the “Holy Book of the Law,~ which, Mackey
archy Together Princes. says, “Masonically,” means the Sacred Book of any and
All—(Give the Grand Sign.) every religion on earth. (See Note 273.) This .jn-
Thrice Puissant—Knocks seven; (00 00 00 0.) eludes not only the Books of Curious Arts (Acts 19, 19)
Aaron—(Knocks seven; 0000000.) and the “Book of Mormon,” which sanctions polygamy
Beza.leel—(Knocks seven; 00 00 00 0.) and despotism, but the Gree Gree-Ritual, sworn upon
Akoliab—(Knocks seven; 00 00 00 0 in African lodges, which practice whoredom, human
sacrifice and cannibalism.
Thrice Puissant—I declare this Hierarchy of Princes
of the Tabernacle closed. Proof Second. The second apartment of the lodge-
room of this degree is surrounded with twelve pillars, on
SIGNS fIJEROGLYPHIQUES, PRINCES DU TABERNACLE which are painted the twelve signs of the Zodiac, with
an officer stationed between two signs; as Moses bc-
4 b e d e I U A i k
tween Taurus and Aries; the Bull and the Ralli, and
so on. And these signs, used in consecrating a priect
of all the religions of the world, have a religious, nct
an astronomical, significance. These signs were in-
vented by Egyptian priests who practiced brute-worship
earn , 4’ 5’ q r e I
and brutalized Egypt till it became, as the Bible pre-
dicted: “the basest of the kingdoms” (Ezek. 29, 15),
as it is at this day. The Egyptians worshiped the ani-
mals whose names they gave to the twelve signs of the is “vulgar, debased heathenism,” then Egyptian brute-
Zodiac, and transferred them to the heavens, and wor- worship, sun and moon-worship, fire-worship and all the
~.liippedthem still. McClenachan’s book of the Ancient rest, are not heathenism. To call it “philosophy” is to
and Accepted Scottish Rite, page 558, says: “This insult civilization, reason and religion.
rite (Baptism) has come to us by legitimate itransinis- The uniform, universal declaration of Masonic writ-
sion * * * in the simple sense in which it was ers that “Masonry is t~&e religion in which all mankind
used in the land watered by the Nile, before the build- agree,” and that dictum of Dr. Mackey, that “The mss-
ing of the Pyramids.” And “The Ceremony of Bap- awn and object of Masonry i. the worship of the Great
tism” occupies twenty-one pages in this “Book of the Architect etc., who is neither FATHER, SON nor HOLY

Rite.” If this does not identify Masonic baptism with GHOST, settles it: if authority can settle anything; that
the religion of Egyptian brute-worship, language has no Freemasonry is simple heathenism. And “A heathen
meaning. man,” by Christ’s word, was to be an outcast from the
Proof Third. Commenting on The Three Lights, church (Matt. 18, 17), and reason, observation and
(Ritual, p. 129, Note 276) Mackey says: “The sun e~omnuon sense affirm the same.
has three names, and the moon three also. And in all ~ence this twenty-fourth degree employs the names
incantations, three was a favorite number.” Incanta- of the men of God, and the terms of the Bible, to conse-
tion was raising devils by magic. And seeking knowl-
edge and power from’ devils is worshiping them. If crate priests for the devil! And as there are no human
Dr. Mackey intended to identify Masonry with sun, priests since Christ, “who hath an unchangeable priest.
moon and demon worship, the above is the language he hood” (Heb. 7, £4), to make a priest of any one religion,
would use. is to make a counterfeit. But this degree makes a
Proof Fourth. Macoy (Note 279) .gives Christ’s universal priest! A priest of all the religions on earth
appellations: “Morning Star,” “Rising Sun,” “Day And if this degree has done its full work in him, his
Star,” etc., to Satan, the God of all Gentile or heathen
worships: under the title of the G. A. 0. T. U., who is heart contains all the priestly depravity from Cain in
neither Father, Son, nor Holy Ghost, but the “prince,” Eden to the Mormon at Salt Lake. And history as
and “god of this world.” well as theory proves it. And when Aaron Burr brow-
Proof Fifth. And Mackey, the lexicographer, and beat into a duel and shot the friend of Washington;
jurisconsult of Masonry, eicpressly declares it to be mag- and Benedict Arnold burnt and pillaged towns and
ical or heathen worship, thus: “In the high degrees villages which, as an American officer, he had sworn to
of Masonry, as in the ancient institutions, there is a protect with his own life, they both showed what moral
purification by fire coming down to us insensibly and
monsters Masonry can make of men. And the sole
unconsciously from the old Magian eultus.” (Note
282.) “Oultus” is the Latin for worship. These reason why the Episcopalian, Baptist and Methodist
proofs might be extended indefinitely. And if they do clergymen of Chicago who are high Masons, sworn full
not establish, by Masonic authorities, that Freemasonry of oaths~ are not Burrs and A molds in religion, is, that
they do not understand the system to which they belong,


and are held back by the influence of surrounding

Christianity. In our mills and workshops there are
plenty of honest, sworn dupes, like the assassins of
Morgat&, who believe it right to murder when they are
ordered to doc so!
This “Prince of the Tabernacle,” who and what is CHAPTER XLV
he 1’ He is a man whose conscience is so full of oaths, TwENTY-FIFrH Dion~.u; OR KNIGHTS oi THE BRAZEN
that, like the liver of a calomel patient, which no medi- SERPENT’’
cine can affect, no sacred obligation can bind him; and
so leaves him to be lured by the interest, or governed NORTH OR WINTER.
by the terrors of his secret clan! If we would know DECORATIONS :—This lodge is styled the Court of Sinai.
the true nature of priestism, we must look in Africa, The hangings are red and blue.Over the throne in the east
where the lodges reduce their theory to practice. is a transparency, on which is painted a burning bush,
But our high priest is in the heavens, at the right and in the cents-c Lh~ ivord rThT. The lodge is illuminat’
hand of God, “wherefore he is able to save them to ~he (‘4 I)y scven lights cxwJld*blg from East toWest, the centre
uttermost u’ho come unto God by Him, seeing He ever a burning bush, one being a large globular light repre-
senting the Sun. Over these lights are suspended the
liveth to make intercession for them.” (Heb. 7, £5.) signs of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mer-
“Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.” (B Cor. cury, the Moon.. Around the lodge are twelve columns,
9, 15.) each having on its capital one of the zodiacal signs,
commencing in the East with Taurus and going round
by the North, West and South in regular order. In
the North is a painting representing Mount Sinai, with
Q the tents of the Israelites in the foreground. Over the
Note 366.—”Knight of the Brazen Serpent. Tb. ~tb degree of the
Ancient and Accepted Rite. The history of ibis degree is founded upon
the events described in the Hook of Numbers xii. 6-9. The body I.
styled the Council. and represents ihe camp of lb. Israelites in tbe
wilderness, after tbe deaib of Aaron. The camp, standards, and taber-
nacle. wiib its rourt. are arranged as in the 23d and 24th degrees.
in the East is a tranapareney on which is painted a crosa. with a serpent
eoiied round it and over the arms. The leaching and moral of the de~¶ree
is Faith. The presiding omcer repreaenis Moses. and ii shied • oat
Puiaaant Leader. The candidate Is called A Tra~eier. The hangings
of ihe council are red and blue. The jewel is a tsu cross, of gold, sur-
mounted by a circle—the Crux Ansata—round which a serpent is en-
twIned, suspended by a red ribbon. The legend states that this degree
was founded during the time of the crusades in the Holy Lend, as a
military and monastic order, and gave it ihe name it bears, in allusion
to the healing and saving virtues of the brazen serpent among the
Israelites in the wilderness—it being part of the obligailon of tIm.
Knights to receive and gratuitously nurse sick tra,elera. j,rotect them
against the sitacks of the infidels, and esoort them as el~throu~iI
u’slsatine.—Maco~s Rnoyelo india sad Diottonavy ci Erseuss
Usle Kaight et t a Brazen Jerpant


seat of the presiding officer is a winged globe, encircled .SASH :—Crimson ribbon, worn from right to left with
by a serpent. On each side of him is a short column the words virtue and valor painted or embroidered there-
on which is a serpent, his body coiled in folds and his on where it crosses the breast.
JEWEL :—A tau cross”’ of gold surmounted by a circle
head and neck erect above the folds. round which is a serpent entwined, with the ineffable
TITLES :—The presiding officer represents Moses”’ and name engraved on it. Worn suspended from a white
is styled Most Powerful Grand Master. He sits in the ribbon,
East. The Senior Warden represents Joshua”5 and sits APRON :—White, bordered with black and sprinkled
on his right and is styled Commander of the Host. The
Junior Warden represents Aaron, and sits in the West with black tears; on the flap,a triangle an aglory,in the
and is styled Lieutenant Commander, The Orator rep- entrc the Hebrow letter ~
resents Eleazar, sits in the North and is styled Higll BATTERY :—Is nine, five (5) slow, three (3) quick
Priest. The Secretary is styled Registrar; sits on the and one (1) by itself.
right of Joshua, The Treasurer sits on the left of the Note UO—”Being placed in the denier of a triangle and circle, both
emblems of the Deity, it would appear that it was originally latended
presiding officer. There are also a Senior and Junior to typify the sacred name, as the authoc probabi of eternal lIfe. beliig
tripled in the Christian system, because the irfe to come. according
Deacon. The brethren are styled Knights. The can- to the light of revelation, is superior to the elyslum of the heathen, or
perhaps in allusion to the three heavens mentioned by Si. Paul. It baa
didate represents a Traveller.”’ been referred to the three great lights of Masonry expressIve of tb,.
restive. preserylag, and destroying power of Ood.1—Masoys Eacyola.
Note 267.—He proved himself therein a man of marvelous gifts. adhs aini Bistionary of Fresmasosry, Article Tau Cream.
raIsed up by Divine Providence for a special purpose, and receIved i~,w
a closer communion with the invisible world than was vouchsafed to
any other In the Old Testament He confronted Pharaoh, and by a
series of ten plagues finaily conquered bin obdurate heart. Then he ied
f.,rth Israel as a flock, two millions strong. passing through the Red
Sea and on to Mouni Sinai. Remaining there for a year. he received
the Commandments, constructed the Ark, the Tahernacie and the sacred
furniture and established order and~ method amongst the mighty host
under his charge Oppressed with two prime difficulties the reluctance
of the people to submit to bli guidance and the impracticable character
of the country to he traversed, he bore their murmurs patientiy, only In
Aiding penalties when ~ahsoiuteiyneeded, and througb torts years of
journeylogs brought them at last to the dividing river In full view of
the Promised Lend. There, upon the top of Mount Nebo. he satiated
his gane with a lingering view of the country he should never tread
and then. B C 1451, was taken to his reward at the age of 120 years, —
Morris’s Masonic Dictionary. Article Moses.
Note 2S8.—”boahua. The high priest who, with Zerubbabel. the Prince
of Judab. superlutended the rebutiding of the Temple after the Babylon-
ian captivity, tie was the high priest by Pocal descent from the ponti-
Acal family, for he was the son of .losadek. who was the son of Seralab.
who was the hIgh priest when the Temple was destroyed by the Chal-
deans. He was distinguished for the zeal with which he prosecuted the
work of rebuilding, end opposed the interference of tbe Samaritans.’
Mackeys Encyciopadta ef Freemasonry. Article Jcsbua.
licte 288.—Travel. In the symbolIc language of Masonry, a Mason
sue aye travels from west to east in each of light—he travels from lii,-
loft) tower of Babel. vehere language was confounded and Masonry lost.
to the threshing-flour of Omen, the lebuelte. where language was re-
stored and Masonry found.’—Mackay’s Encyclcpudia of Faeemasoeys
Article Travel.

intrusion. See that the Guards are set, and inform

them that we are about t,o open this Court, and allow
none who are not entitled to approach. (Junior Dea-
con retires, enters again, gives the alarm, which is
answered from without, and says:)
Junior Deacon—Most Powerful Grand Master, the
OP1~NING CEREMONI1~S Guards are posted and duly instructed; we are secure
KNIGHTS OF THE BRAZEN SERPENT,”’ against intrusion.
Grand Master—Brother Lieutenant Commander, are
Most Powerful Grand Master—Brother Princes of all present Knights of the Brazen Serpent?
the Tabernacle and Knights of the Brazen Serpent, if Lieutenant Comm4nder—All present are Knights of
the day and the hour have arrived, I propose to open the Brazen Serpent, Most Powerful.
here a Court of Sinai.”’ Be elothed and await, each
in his station, the customary order. (The brethren are Grand Master—Brother Commander of the Host,
clothed and the officers take their stations.) ‘what is the hour?
Most Powerful Grand Master—Brother Junior Dea- Commander of Host—Most Powerful Grand Ilaster,
con, it is our first duty to see that we are secure from it is the break of day.
Ncta 291.—Knight of the Brazen Serpent, (Ohenlier flu Serpent C Grand Master—If that be the hour it is time to open
Airain.) ¶he twenty-fifth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite The history of this degree is founded upon the circumstances re- this Court. You will please inform the Lieutenant
lated in Numbers eb. xii . ver. 6-9: And the Lord sent fiery serpents
smug the people and they hit the people, and much people of Israel Commander and he the Knights, that all may have due
dIed ~lii, ictoec the peopie mine to H uses, and said we have sinned;
for v,e hove spoken against the Lord, and against thee prey unto iii.. notice thereof.
Lo,rd that he take a~ay the serpents from us And Moeca prayed for the
pei,ple. And the Lord said unto Moses, blake thee a fiery serpent. ciii Comsnander of Host—Lieutenant Commander, it is
act it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that evety one that iv
bitten. iv heal he looketh upon it~ shall live. And Moses made a serpent of
brase. aed put It upon a polk. and It came to pass, that if s serpent
the pleasure of the Most Powerful Grand Master that
had hitten ally man, when he beheld the serpent of brass. he lived • to this Court of Sinai be now opened. You will please
the old rituvii~ tbc Lodge~wns called the Court of Sinai. the presiding om-
cer OJS styled Most Puissant Grand Master, and represented Moses;
~hili. ihe two Wardens, or Miniaters. represented Airon and Joshua.
inform the Knights, that, having due notice thereof,
The Ogator ~as called Pontiff, the Secretary. Grand Graver, and the
candIdate a Traveler, in the miidcrn ritual, adopted in this country.
they may assist in opening the same.
the Ci,ancil represents the camp of tbe Israelites The firat three olScen
ripren-at Moses. Joshua, and Caleb. and are respectively styled Mist Lieutenant Commawder—(Three knoekL) Knights
l’uiea.iet IA’ndcr. valiant Captain of the Host. md illuatrious Chief of
the Ti-i Tribes The Orator represents Eleavar; tbe Secretary. itbamar, and Masons, you will please take notice that the Most
the Ti’ aslirir. Phinebis, and ihe candIdate an interceasor for the peopli-
‘rue J.-wel is a crux ansata. with a serpent entwined around it Powerful Grand Master is about to open this Court of
Mackeys Encyclopadia of rreeniasontr, Article Knight of the Brazen
Sinai. You will please take due notice thereof and aid
Note 292.—”Sinal. A mountain of Arahis between the horns of the him in so doing.
lt~ ii ~.,i it is the plaic as hi-re )iosi-a rei elved the Low from Jebovub. Grand Master—Let the seven mystic lights dispel the
aid si-re he was diret tid to eonstriu t the tabernacle. Hence, sites
Linniuc the Scottish miike Mt Sisal a symbol of truth. ~f darkness of this Court.
thi laitli degrees the twenty-third enil tv,isty.f.iiirth of the AncIent sod
A’ -ri--i liii, if the Chief and ihe Princi- of the Tabernacli-. refer in Lieutenant Commander—( Lighting the first light
thi ir rum lv to thIs mnuiitain and the Tahernacle there ronstructed.”—
Macka~a Fucyclopadia af reesmasonry. Article Sinai. nearest him.) The Moon shines in our Court and over



it presides the arch-angel Saphael, the messenger of

God. (Lights the next one.)
Alercury shines in our Court and over it presides thie
arehi-angel Raphael, the healing influence of God.
(Lights the iiext one.)
Venus shines in our Court and over it presides the
arch-angel llamuliel, the merciful kindness of God.
(He then takes his station and the Commander of the TWENTY-FIFrH DEGREE; OR KNIGHT OF THE BRAZEN
Host lights the light nearest the East, saying:) SERPENT.’’
Commander of (lost—Saturn shines in our Court INITIATION.
and over it presides the arch-angel Michael, the sem-
blance and image of God. (Lights the next one.) [The candidate represents a traveller and is dressed in
plain clothes without insignia. He is loaded with
Jupiter shines in our Court and over it presides the chains by the Senior Deacon, who conducts him to the
arch-angel Gabriel, the strength and mightiness of God. door, knocks five slow, three quick and one.]
‘-(Lights the next one.) Junior De.aoon—(Opening the door.) Who comes
Mars sllines in our Court and over it presides the here?
arch-angel Auriel, the light and fire of God. (The Senior Deacon—One of the people of Israel, to an-
Grand Master advances and lights the center one, say- nounce to the Most Powerful Grand Muter a great
ing:) misfortune that has befallen the people and to implore
at his hands relief and assistance.
The Sun, type of the principle of good, and light, and Junior Deacon—Who is this applicant, and by what
feeble, and imperfect image of the Deity shines in our right does he claim admission here?
Court and over it presi4es th~e arch-angel Zerachiel, the Senior Deacon—He is one of the tribe of Reuben,
rising of God, the sun’ of righteousness. (Then takes loaded with chains in token of the penitence of the
his station.) people who flee in terror before the venomous serpent.
Grand Master—Together, brethren. Nets 3SS,—’~Kaight of the Urns.. Serpent, [Seotob Nasonry,l—Tbe
eighth degree conferred in the Consistoty of Princes of the Royal Secret.
All—(Give the sign.) Scotch Masonry, and the twenty-sixth npon the catalogue of that sys.
GrandMaster—(Knocks five (5), three (3) and one; tern. The historical instructions are, the use of the Bi-asen Serpent
erected by Moses in the camp of Israel, that whoever had been bitten and
looked thereon might live—Numbers zul, The assembly is termed the
00000 000 0.) Court of Sinai. The hangings see red and blue. There ii one light.
The officers are Moat Powerful Grand Master, representing Moses; two
Commander of Hosf~—(Knocks five (5), three (3) wardens entitled Ministers, represent Aaron and Joehus; an Orator.
termed i’ontii; the Secretary, called Grand Graver: and an ExamIner.
and one; 00000 000 0) A transparency, representing the Burning Bush, and the Sacred Ham
of four letters, is in the east; a conical mount, representing Sinai. in the
Lieutenant Commander—(Knoeks five (5), three (3) center, Jewel, a golden serpent twined about a triple tan cross, stand-
ing upon a triangle, with the sacred name; it is suspended from a white
and one; 00000 000 0,) rihbon. Apron, white, strewed with black tears~ on the movable part.
Grand Mastdr—I declare this Court of Sinai duly a triangle in a glory; within it. the Hebrew letier H. Hours of wort.
~en at one. close at seven. —Morris’s Masoute kUe.sq. Artlol. Kaight
opened. Serpent.
that Adonai hath sent to punish them. put heavy chains upon thy neck in token of our peni-
Junior Deacon—Wait a time with patience until the tence, and go for us unto Moses our leader, and be-
Most Powerful Grand Master is informed of his request seech him to pray unto Adonai that he take away the
and his answer returned. (Junior Deacon closes the serpents from us, and I have done as they desired.
door, goes tot the altar, knoek~ five, three a~id one; Grand Mast er—Hast thou (to candidate) also mur-
Grand Master answers it and the same questions are inured and called upon the false gods.
asked and like answers returned as at the door. Senior Deacon—( For candidate.) I have not, but
Grand Master—Let him be admitted. (Junior Dea- because I refused and withistood the people, and rebuked
con opens the door, Senior Deacon enters with him, them in the name of Adonai, thiey sought to slay me,
conducts him in front of the Grand Master and causes but repenting they sent me hither because I had not
him to kneel.) sinned like them.
Grand Master—Brother Senior Deacon, whom do you Grand Master—Thou has done well. Arise! Relieve
bring hither thus loaded with chains? him of his chains and give him a seat of honor, for that
Senior Deacon—One of the tribe of Reuben, sent in he hath not forgotten his duty to his
behalf of the people, who dare not come before you, God. I will now retire and pray unto
Adonai being angered with them. the God of Israel again to forgive and
Grand Master—Disobedient race; have they again
tempted his anger? save his people that he hath chosen. (He
Senior Deacon—Most Powerful Grand Master, the retires and the Senior Deacon relieves
soul of the people was much discouraged because of the candidate of his chains and gives
their journeying in the wilderness, and they spake him a seat. After a while the Grand
against Adonai, callIng him the power of evil and against Master enters, bringing with him a ser-
you, saying, why hat1~ Moses brought us up out of and Coas, pent of brass entwined round a tau cross
Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread nor
any water, and dur souls loathe this unsubstantial with his head elevated above it, and after taking his seat
manna. We go to and fro, lo now almost these forty says:)
years, and as Aaron hath died in the desert, so also Grand Master—I have prayed for the people, and
shall we all die here. Let us trust in Adonai no longer. Adonai hath said unto me; make thee an image of a
Let us call on the great gods to deliver us from this venomous serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall
bondage of misery, and as they cried aloud unto these come to pass that every one that is bitten, when he look-
eth upon it shall live. Take 4thou,
gods, lo Adonai sent venomous serpents among them, and therefore,
cross and Eleazar
place it
who darted among Ihe people, curling round and biting Priest, thisit serpent”
a pole and set in the middle of the camp; and
them, and by their venom many of the people of isratil
Bote 34.—1n the Tempiar and in the Phttoa~phtc degrees—such as
hath already died, and those that remain have repented the Knight of the Brazen Serpent, where the serpent is combined with
and say we have sinned, for we have spoken against the cross—it is evidently a symbol of Christ: and thus the symbolism of
these degreeC is closely connected with that of the Rose Croix.”—
Adoriai and his servant Moses. And they said unto me, 3aokey’s EnOFoiOitUdiL of Frssmonly, Artiole Serpent.

make proclamation that those who look upon it, confess- To all of which I do most solemnly swear, binding
ing their sins and having faith in the Most High God, myself under no less a penalty than that of having my
though they have been bitten by the venomous serpents, heart eaten by the most venomous of serpents and left
shall not die, but live, for Adonai is the God of mercy. thus to perish most miserably, from which may the
(Eleazar takes the serpent and retires, and after: a time Almighty Greator of thie Universe guide and defend me.
returns and says:) Amen. (All rise and are seated.)
Orator—(As Eleazar.) Most Powerful Grand Mas- Grand Master—My brother, approach and receive the
ter, great is Adonai, the God of mercy, for he hath had signs, tokens and words of this degree.
mercy on his people, Israel and every one that. hath be-
held the serpent, owning his sin and doing homage to
the Most High is healed and liveth, and the plague of
the serpent is stayed. SIGN OF ORDER.

Grand Master—Praise ye the Lord, Adonai, my cliii- Incline the head downwards, and point
dren, the supporter of the heavens and the earth, for
he is great and his mercy endureth forever, and he hath ground with the forefinger of right
forgiven his people Israel.
Lieutenant Commander—Most Powerful Grand Mas-
ter, what shall be done with the brazen image of the
serpent and the cross which thou didst cause to be set
up before the people?
Grand Master—I give it you, my brother, that it may
be evermore a symbol of faith, repentance and mercy,
which are the great mysteries of man’s destiny, and lest
the knowledge of its tr~e symbolic meaning should be
lost, let us kneel and swear, in the presence of the Most
High God, faithfully to keep the secrets of this degree.
(All kneel, including the candidate, and take the fohlow-
ing obligation:)

I do solemnly promise and swear, before the

Most High God, that I wihl never reveal the secrets of Form a cross upon yourself.
this degree of Knights of the Brazen Serpent to any
person or persons, unless he shall have taken all the
preceding degrees in a regular and constitutional man-


Place yourself on the right

of the brother, and take his
left wrist with your left hand.

He then takes your right Grand Master—Brother Lieutenant Commander,

wrist with his right hand. what is the hour 1’
Token Knights of ibe Lieutenant Commander—Most Powerful Grand Mas-
Heozeit tirielt
BATTERY :—Nine strokes, five slow, three hurried, and ter, the twilight, after sunset.
one by itself; 00000 000 0. Grand Master—Then it is time to close this Court,
MARCH :—Nine serpentine steps. Brother Commander of the Host, give notice that this
HOURS OF LABOR :—The Court is opened at one o’clock
Court of Sinai is about to be closed, in order that the
and closed at four o’clock.
PAS5 WORD :—1. .N. .R. ‘.1. 2~ lettered only.
brethren may rest front their labors.
COVERED WORD :—Johannes Rahp. Commander of Host — Brother Lieutenant Com-
SACRED WORD :—Moses; this word must be spelled. mander, inform the brethren that the Most Powerful
(Moses died 1451 B. :.C.:.) (Grand Master now invests Grand Master is about to close this Court of Sinai, that
him with the apron, collar and jewel of the degree.) the brethren may rest from their labors.
Grand Alaster—I now:aeeept and receive you a Knight Lieutenant Commander—Brethren, the Most Power-
of the Brazen Serpent, and invest you with the apron, ful Grand Master is about to close this Court of Sinai,
coihar and jewel of the degree. You will now be con-
ducted to our brother orator, who wihl deliver the history. that you may rest from your labors.
(Grand Ilaster takes his station and the Senior Deacon Grand Master—Knocks five, three and one; 00000
conducts the candidate to the Orator, who may eithier 000 0.)
read the twenty-first chapter of Numbers, from which Commander of Host—(Knoeks five, three and one;
the degree is taken, or make such comments thereon as 00000 000 0.)
he thinks proper.) Lieutenant Commander—(Knocks five, three and
Note 205.—i. N. B. I.. I e • Jesus Nazarenus Rex ludasorum. Jesun
of Nttziireth. King of the Jeno. the Inoertption nht,’h was placed upon ane; 00000 000 0.)
the , of thi’ tttnl.e in the lhil.~ophle.I tidge they represent Pire.
Selt. Sntphitr. end Mer’ urn lii the an,tem of the Roslertietan. thet h~vt’ Grand Master—Together, brethren.
a ~ImlI,r tin’ •lgfle Natura Renovatur Integra—hy fire nature is per-
f•. tlv tea. ned ‘[hi’ Iden a sin’ f’titad in the degree of Knights All—(Give the sign.)
Adept- .‘f the Kigle or Ihe ~un ‘‘—Macoys Encyclopedia and Dictionss7
of rreemMcnry. Article I. N. 3. 1. Grand if aster—I declare this Court of Sinai eloseri.
~jg~ 330 degree rite, for money and worldly advantage.
A high Masonic authority says: “If history speaks cor-
rectly, Morin and his coadjutors found the manufactur-
ing of Masonic degrees and the sale of Masonic dignities
a very profifable and lucrative undertaking. They pur-
sued it diligently, making all the money they could
PHILOSOPH ICAL ANALYSIS from the traffic.” (Folger’s Ancie’nt and Accepted
TWENTY-FIrTH fluoaza, OR KNIGHTS OF THE Rite, p. 88.) This is high Masonic testimony
BRAZEN SERPENT. concerning the founding of this Rite, which now rules
The Goodneas and Severity of God—False Ugbla on ibe Coaat of Christen-
the Masonic world. And there is nothing like it in
—~~Satan~a Ignes ratul, to Swamp Men Kternall’—Quotea the
Bibie as Satan Did to Deceive Men—MI Eeilgion but Holinema and
the catalogue of human crimes and sins. The guilt of
Justice. wreckers and sea-thieves who hold out false lights to
In discussing these degrees, why use harshness and lure ships on rocks, to drown passengers in order to get
severity? The wisdom from above is “pure,” “peace- their goods, is slight, compared with that of the invent-
able,” “gentle,” “full of mercy.” Paul himself was ors and sellers of these Masonic degrees. Christ is
“genthe,” as a nurse among children. And Moses, but come a light into the world. And here are thirty-three
especially Christ, was “meek.” Ans.: In dealing with
teachiers of false religion, and corrupters of the true, false lights hung out along the whole coast of Christen-
the severity of Christ, the prophets and apostles knew dom, by men whose fathers sold Christ for thirty pieces
no bounds but the limits of language. Thus Peter: of silver, to lure men on the “slippery rocks” of perdi-
“Thy money perish with thee I” Paul: “Thou ehihd tion. Let none say this is exaggeration. Dr. Mackey,
of the devil !“ John: “Serpents, and the seed of ser- in his “Ritualist,” the authoritative liturgy of the lodges,
pents !“ Christ uttered~ the ~same words. And Moses, says that the Entered Apprentice is “seeking the new
who was ruler and law-giver, as well as teacher, said of
a dealer in “wond~rs” and false mysteries: Thiough birth, and asking that light which restores fallen man
thine own brother, son, daughter or “wife of thy to his Maker ;“ which light, he says, “the lodge alone
bosom,” whoever should entice into msn-made religious can give I” And he refers to the same thing in Note
rites, like this Scottish Rite: “thou shalt surely k11 £89 of this degree. “A Mason always travels from west
him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to to east in search of light.” “The shock of entrance is
death; and, afterwards, the hand of all the peophe.” the symbol of ‘The New Birth,’” which, he says, the
(Deut. 13, 1-9.) And though in warring against Apprentice “appears before our portals seeking.” Every
demon-worships, the Christians’ weapons are “not car- time the blinder falls, which is thirty-three times in
nal, but spiritual,” the treatment of sorcerers by Paul these degrees, this same thing i3 repeated. The blinded
and Peter, and the fate of Ananias and Sapphira, show
what estimate God puts on Ramsay and his Jesuits, and bewildered candidate is brought to the “light,”
Morin and his Jews. and their abettors, who framed discovers the “word,” etc., both which are Satan, as an

angel of light, personifying or symbolizing Christ, who of Nazareth, King of the Jews, and this, ages before
only is the true “Light” and the true “Word,” who “was there was any Latin tongue. And he who cannot see
with God and who was God.” (John 1, 1.) And we do in this conjuring, every mark and feature of devil-
worship, has already been blinded by idolatry.
not slander the framers of these 33 degrees in saying
But why do these degree-makers, grade after grade,
they made thbrn for money. Folger is good Masonic’
follow and employ the Sacred Scriptures? The answer
authority, and he says tt. See his book of this rite, p. is: for the same purpose for which the Book of Mormon
38, already cited. Were these Jews framing degrees to does the same thing. That foul imposition contains
bring men to Christ? No! A thousand times No! whiohe chapters of the Bible; sometimes quoted literally
Then these degrees are Satan’s ignes fatui, to swamp and sometimes as in these degrees, mixed with Mormon
men eternally in hell. And it is of such false worship- gibberish. They quote the Bible as Satan did to Christ,
ers of whom the Psalmist says: “Surely thou didst set to deceive men. They quote it while they hate it, and
them in slippery places.” (Ps. 73, 18.) And these de- would destroy it if they could. Did Aaron Burr and the
grees are those places into which these false coast lights traitor Arnold love the Bible? Does Albert Pike love
are drawing life’s voyagers. The only escape from this it? Some ten years ago the Grand Orient lodge of
dire conclusion is to suppose that the Holy Ghost goes France, as is well known, erased from their ritual the
into the lodges, as Dr. Oliver supposed, and takes the name of God and the immortality of m~zn, and though
names of Christ which the ritual uses, and converts men some of the lodges went through the farce of e,~commu-
to Christ. But whoever heard of a Christian revival in nicating that lodge and its adherents, others did not.
a lodge? Or of village lodges joining in a village And Masonic prints now declare the standing of those
revival? No: Voltaire, who was a Mason, did not lead atheist Masons good!
prayer-meetings, nor do lodge-masters love and worship And why should they not? The standard Masonic
Christ. authorities, cited in the notes of the preceding degrees,
This very twent~r-fifth degree, which makes “Knights boast their origin from the heathen mysteries; from
of the Brazen Serpent,” the lodge uses for purposes of astrology; from “incantations,” and all that the Bible
idolatry, as the children of Israel did, who burnt in- calls demon-worship. The lower degrees drop the name
cense to it (£ Kings 18, 4), and which Hezekiab de- of Christ from Scriptures used in their lodge lectures,
stroyed. Read on page 157 the finishing touches, when to invite and draw in the Jews and Christ-hating
this “Knight of the Brazen Serpent” is made. Nine classes. And the higher degrees only admit Him when
strokes; five slow, three hurried, and one by itself, are the lodge-dupes have become hardened by their idola-
struck with mallets. Nine steps are taken like the tries and mockeries; and then only admit Him on a
waving motions of a snake, and the pass-word given him level with heathen teachers; and worship, or rather
is I. N. R. 1.. which are the initials in Latin of: Jesus insult him, by the use of human skulls, cross-bones, and

erossed swords, hoodwinks oaths, blasphemies and sworn

secrecy, and concealed ceremonies which His Word and
example forbid ! And then, l~aving established and
set abroad a system of known antagonism and contempt
towards Christ and the Christian religion, they then
follow the holy solemnities and sublimities of the Bible,
as wolves follow lambs to destroy them and eat them:
to save their “cunningly devised fables” and “doctrines TWENTY-SIXTH DEGREE; OR PRINCE or MERCY.’
of de~ ils” from the world’s loathing and contempt.
Let tlic authoritalive teaching of Dr. Mackey be con-
tinually borne in mind, that: “Ike mission and object of DECORATIONS :—Lodges of this degree are called Chap-
Masonry is the worship of the areat Architect of the ters. The hangings are green, supported by nine col-
Univcrsc.” It follows Iliat the lodges must have some- umns, alternately white and red, upon each of which is
thing for their dupes to do, called worship. And what a chandelier holding nine lights. The canopy over the
could wicked inca and de~ ils invent craftier or bcltcr throne is green, white and red. Before the throne is a
suited to deceive the simple, than this very scheme of table covered with cloth of the same color. Instead of
“the Ancient Scottish Rite,” which now rules the rites a gavel, the presiding officer uses an arrow, the plume
of the world. It seizes and appropriates all of rcligion of which is red on one side and green on the other.
but its holiness and justice; and all of Christ but his The spear is white; the point gilded. Before the altar
truth and his atonemcnt. It mixes things sacred with is a statue representing Truth, clad in the same colors.
things profane, till the ~~holecompound is profanity; It is the palladium of the order. The altar in the center
is of a triangular shape, the top being a gilded plate in
and quoting the Bible as if~’it believed it true, which
Rote 3N.—”Princ. of Mercy. (Prince flu Mercl.)—Tlae twenty-sixth
notoriou hy i~ does not, it has furnished a dark s~stcm, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, called also Seottiah
~eof or F,cosaaia Trinitairs. It is one of the eight degrees Which
which angels flee from and which devils inhabit. It were added on the organization of the Scottish Rite to the original
twenty.Sve of the Rite of Perfection.
keeps its initiates under the power and mesmerism of It is a christian degree in its construction, and treats of the triple
covenant of mercy which God made with man; first with Abraham by
Satan, and by nightly worships and military drills, it is by circumcision; next with the Israelites in the wilderness, by the in-
termediatian of Moses; ant iastiy. with sit mankind, by the death and
preparing them for the war and bloodshed which are yet sufferings of Jesus Christ. It ia in allusion io these three acia of
mercy that the degree derives its two namee of Scottish Trinitarian and
to precede the binding of Satan for the prophetic thou- PrInce of Mercy, and not, as Ragon supposes, from any reference to the
Faihers of Mercy, a religious society formeriy engaged in the ransoming
sand years. But let it be remembered: “Our help of Christian captives at Aigiers. Chemin Dupontes (Kern. Sur I’ Room.
¶~ . 373). says that the Scottish rituals of the degree are too fuil of the
is in the name of the Lord which made heaven and ermetic philosophy. an error from which the French Cahiers are
exempt; and he condemns much of its doctrines as hyperboiique pisis.
earth” (Ps. 124, 8) and that He is mightier than anterie.’ But the modern ritnais as now practiced are obnoxious to no
such objection. The symhoiic development of the number three of
Satan, stronger than “the strong man armed.” (Luke coarse constitutes a larus part of its lecture, hut the real dogma of th.’
degree is the impoxtanos of Truth, and io this sil its ceremonies
11, 21, 2g.) ala dl~eted. —Naobs~s 330701o,e4la of Frsamaonq. Axtiols Princ, of

the ‘iliape of a Delta on which’in glittering stoncs is the

ine~T.ibIc name ~fl~’m.
OFFICERS :—The officers are a Chief Prince, styled
Most Excellent. Two Wardens, styled Excellent. Two
Deacons, a Saca’ificer and Guard of the Palladium. The
other members are styled Princes.
DRESS :—The Chief Prince wears a tri -colored tunic,
green, white and red, and a crown surmounted with nine
points. The other members wear a white tunic. PRINCE OF MERCY.’”
ORDER :—AII wear the order, which is a broad tri- Most Excellent—Excellent Senior Warden, I am
colored collar, green, white and red. about to open a Chapter of Princes of Mercy. Are all
APRON :—IIed, with a white border. In the middle of
present entitled to remain?
it is an equilateral triangle, embroidered with gold, in
Senior Warden—Most Excellent, all present are of
the center of which is the jewel: the flap sky blue.
JEWEL :—An equilateral triangle of gold, in the center
the faithful.
of which is a heart of gold, on the heart are engraved Most Excellent—Brother Junior Deacon, the first duty
the Y~tters rV’. of a Chapter of Princes of Mercy, when assembled?
EATTERY :—Fifteen, by three, five and seven; 000 Junior Deacow—To see that the Chapter is duly
00000 0000000. guarded, Most Excellent.
MARCh :—Threc equal steps, commencing with the
Most Excellent—Attend to that part of your duty and
inform the Sentinel that we are about to open this
left foot. Chapter of Princes of Mercy and direct him to tyhe ac-
AGE :—Eighty-one years. cordingly. (Junior Deacon retires, returns again,
TESSERA OR MARK :“‘—Giyen to the candidate, is a closes the door, gives the alarm, which is answered from
.mall fish of silver or ivcry, on one side of which is tho without, then takes his station.)
word ~fl~j’and on~ the other, in the Rose Croix cipher, Junior Deacon—Most Excellent, the Sentinel is at
the pass-word 6f the degree his post and duly instructed.
Most Excellent—Brother Senior Warden, yo~ will
please inform our brother Junior Warden and he the
lots •8.—’?riaoe of Meroi, or So@toh Trinitarian. The 25th degree
of the Ancient sad Accepted Rite. it is a highly philosophical degree
and its ritual very Impressive; its titie clearly desi nate, its character
Hots 997.—ii was the custom sass 11w Schoiinst. when a guest hod sod intention. The Oody is styled a Chapter. The !iaogings are gre n.
been eniertaloed, to break a die in two parts, one of which Parts Was supported by 9 coinmus. alternateiy white and red, upon each of which
retained by the guest, so that if at any future period he ecquired is a chaudeiier. holding 9 iights. Near the altar is a statute of while
asslstsece on exhibiting the broken pieces of the die to escb other marble. iSo Sgsare of a virgin, covered with thin gauze. This represents
the friendship was renewed Piattis, in one of his comedies, gives us at, ?luth, and the paliadium of the Order of the Princes of Mercy. The
exemplification of the manner in which these teaseras or pledges of presiding officer is styled Most Excellent Chief Prince. The jewel is an
friendship were used at Rome. whence it appears that ihe privileges eqailatersl triangle of hars of gold, with a flaming heart, of gold, in
of ibis friendship were extended to the descendants of the cnntraciing the eenter. On the heart are the letters I. H. 5.. and on the respective
parties. Pqenuiiia is introduced. inquiring for Agorastocies. with whose sides of the irlangie. w. on the ri ht. F. on the left, and H. on the
family he bad formeriy exchanged the tesaera.—Macbeiy’a Enoynlo. bottom. “—Meow’s Eaoyoipudia tnt Dictionary ef Frssmaaoar3, Articlo
p.dia of Frsomasonrv, Article Mark, Prism of Mar07.

Princes, that this Chapter is about to be opened, that

they may take due notice thereof and govern themselves
Senior Warden—Brother Junior Warden, you will
please take notice and inform the Princes that this.
Chapter is about to be opened, that they may take due
notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly. CHAPTER XLVIII
Junior Warden—Princes, this Chapter is about to be TwENTY-SIXTII DEGREE; OR PRINCE OF Mucy.’”
opened; you will take due notice thA~eof and govern
yourselves accordingly. INITIATION.
Most Excellent—Together, Princes. (The candidate is prepared by the Sen-
AIZ—(Give the sign.) ior Deacon in a plain white robe, reaching
Junior Warden— (Knocks three; 000.) from the neck to the feet, barefooted,
Senior Warden— (Knocks five; 00000.) hoodwinked so as to prevent his seeing,
Most Excellent—(Knocks seven; 0000000.) with a rope passed three times around
AlI—(Clap hands three, five and seven.) his body. He then leads him to the door
Most Excellent—I declare this Chapter duly opened of the Chapter and knocks three.)
Guard of Palladiu.,n—(From within,
knocks five.)
Senior Deacon—(From without, knocks
a Guard of Palladitsm—(Opening the
1door.) Who comes here?
Mercy Degree. Senior Deacon—A brother who wishes
to receive the degree of Prince of Mercy.
Guard of Palladium—Has he passed the regular
lot. 3U.—’The seventh degree conferred in the Onnaistory of Princes
of the Royal Secret. Scotch Masonry, and the twenty-fifth upon the cata-
logue of that system. its historical ailusions are to the three covenants
of merry, made hy God with man. via.: those with Aheaham. Moses and
Jesus Christ; hence the name. The assembly is termed a Chapter. Tb.
hangings are green. The officers are, a Chief Priace, whose titie Is Most
txceiient. represent!.g Moses; the Senior Warden, representing Aaron;
the Junior Warden, liessar; the Sacrificer and Guard of the Pailadiem.
The apron is red, trimmed with white fringe; it displays two crossed
arrows. Jewel. an equilateral triangle of gold a widen hasrt in Se
center. inscribed with the Hebrew letter H. tour of work. eventime.
Me. SiB. The lights are eighty~one. —MWn4a’s Mass.!. Distiousay, hat!.
@1. huInes .f Msxq, or Ssetsh Trialtauisa.
his hands in pure water. (Senior Deacon causes him
terms of probation555 and underg~one the necessary tests to wash his hands in pure water, leads him in and con-
and trials?
ducts him nine times around the Chapter while the
Senior Deacon—He has.
Most Excellent reads:)
Guard of Palladium—Let him wait a time with
First Round—Thus saith the holy book, there is but
patience, untilt his request is made known to the Most
Excellent Chapter of Princes of Mercy. (Guard of tile ~ne Supreme God, the single, imperishable, infinite,
Palladium closes the door, goes to the East, where the omnipotent, excellent, perfect, invisible God; omunipres-
same questions are asked and like answers received as ent the universal substance and soul of the world.
at the door.) Second Round—Jesus of Nazareth, born of a Virgin
Most Excellent—Is he duly and truly prepared to without sin, was chaste and liohy. He descended into
receive this degree? Hclh, he arose again and ascended to Heaven, he
Guard of Palladium—lie is, charged his disciples to teach his pure doctrines and
Most Excellent—You will retire and let hi~n be ad- gave them the gift of miracles. lie will appear again
mitted after he shall have washed”’ his hands in pure at the end of the world and a new creation and a new
water. (Guard retires to preparation room.) age of innocence shall commence.
Guard of Palladium—It is the order of the Most Third Round—The stars shall salute him at his nativ-
Excellent that he be admitted, after he shall have washed ity, the running waters shall become clear as erystah,
lint. SOO.~?rObattOU. “The interval hetween the reception of one the winds breathe softly and the sky be pure and serene,
degree and the succeeding i,ne is called the probation of ihe caudbiate.
because It is durIng this period that be is to prove his qusiificatiofl for
advancement in England and in this country the time of probstiOO be. the tortures of the wicked shall be suspended, ahl ven-
tween the reception of degrees is four weeks, to which is generally addid
the further safeguard of so Open examination in the preceding degree. omous reptiles and beasts of prey disappear, the sick
in France and Germany the probation Ia extended to one year. The lime
is gresiiy extended in the Ancient and Accepted Scotiivh Rite. The and infirm shall become well and strong, and All man-
statutes of the Southern Supreme Councli require an interval of two
years to he passed between ihe reception of the fourteenth and the kind unite in orisons of glory.
thirty-second degrees An extraordinary rule prevailed in the cooshito-
ticus of 1762. by which the Rile of perfection was governed According
to this rule, a candidaie was requlr’d to pass a probation from the time of
Fourth Round—The miuntains shall melt and tor-
his application as an Entered Apprentice until his reception of the twentY-
lifib or ultimate degree of the Rite, of ito less than eli years and nine
rents of metal flow from their bosoms, through which
months. But as all the separate times of probation depended on symbolic
numbers, it is not to he presumed that this regulation was ever practi- all souls shall pass, that thus parting with the defilement
cally enforcad....Msokry’a EneyCIOPfldi& of Freetnasoiiiy, Article Praba.
of their sins, they may be fitted for the bliss that awaits
Mote SOI.~”Luatratiefl. A religious rite practiced hy the ancients them. A new earth, more beautiful, more fertile, more
and which was performed before any act of devotion it consisted in delicious than the first, shall become the home ‘f
usahing the hands, and sometimes the whoic body, in lustral or conse-
rested water. it was intended as a symbol of the interosi purification of
the heart. it was a ceremony preparatory to initiation in all the Ancient restored mankind.
Mysteries. The ceremony is practised with the same symbolic import in
some of the high degrees of Masonry. So strong was the idea of a con- Fifth. Round—He is love. King of the living and
nection between lustrition and initiatiOn, that in the law Latin of the
Middle Ages lustrars meant to initIate. Thus Do cange (Glnasartem)
cites the expression ‘lustrare reilgione ChristlsnOrum~ as signifying ‘to
dead; the supremely pure, holy and wise, he is three and
initiate into the Christian religlon. ‘.~~MLskey’a Kuoyeiopfldi& of Fees-
mahoney. Artiela Lustration.
one, for his essence illuminates, warms and makes fruit-
things were made by him. In him was life, and that
ful at once. Seated in the middle chamber,5” between life was the light of mankind; the true light, which
light and darkness he presides over initiates, crowned lighteth every man that cometh into the world. And
with the sun of truth and justice, and bearing the gavel the Word became incarnate and dttelt among men, and
of gold, eternal, living, victoriot~s and intelligent. they beheld his glory; and the glory of the first born
Sixth Round—The fields shall produce bountifully of the father, full of benevolence and truth” (After
without labor; calamity be unknown and a vast golden this round he halts in front of the Junior \Varden)
palace more brilliant than the sun receive and be tho Junior Warden—Brother Senior Deacon, whom have
home of the just forever. Then the Supreme Being you here?
shall come from his dwelling on high, administer divine Senior Deacon—A brother, who, having passed
justice, pronounce his decrees and establish his immor- through the necessary terms of probation and undergone
tal laws. the tests and trials, now anxiously desires to see the
Seventh Round—The actions of each shall be weighed great light and to be received amang the Princes of
in the unerring scales and final sentence pronounced on Mercy.
each, according to his deserts. The irreclaimable depart Junior Warden—Brother Senior Deacon, dost thou
to the lower hemisphere of darkness, remorse and pain. vouch for him, that he will devote himself to the teach-
The just return to the bosom of the Deity to enjoy ings of this degree?
eternal happiness in the realm of light and love. Senior Deacon—I do.
Eighth Round—Thus was it promised unto Judah: Junior Warden—Since thou art his security, let him
“The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law see to it that he bring no shame upon thee by making
giver from between his feet until Shiloh come, and unto false thy pledge in his behalf. You will now conduct
him shall the gatheringgof tl~ie people be. him to our brother Senior Warden. (Ordur is obeyed
“Unto us a child is born, unlo us a son is given, and and same questions are asked by Senior Warden, who,
the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his
name shall be Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, after same answers had been given, orders him con-
the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” ducted to Most Excellent, who asks the same questions
Ninth Round—”In the beginning was the Word, and and receives the same answers when he continues:)
the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All Afost Excellent—Brother Senior Deacon, you will now
conduct the candidate to our Senior Warden, who will
Note UOS.—’The door for the middle ohamber was in the right aid.
of the house, and they went up with winding stain into the middle place him near the great light by the proper steps.
chamber, and out of the middle into the third,
Those chambers, after the Temple was completed. seeved fnr the
accommodation of the priests when upon duty, in them they deposited
(He conducts him to the Senior Warden, who causes
their vestments and the sacred vessels. Sut the knowledge of the
purpose to which the middle chamber was appropriated whuile the Temple
him to advance to the altar by three steps, commencing
was in the course of construction, is only preserved in Masonic tradi-
tIon. This tradition is. howeser. altogether mythical and symbolical in
with the left foot, where he kneels and contracts the
its character. and belongs to the symbolism of the Winding Stairs,’—
Maeka~’s Ens~’olopudia of Frsemaaonz7, &rtieio Middle Chamber. following obligation:)
the Worshipful Master, with the aid of the brethren,
first made you a mason, and your attention was directed
I do promise and swear, in the presence of the to the three great lights upon the altar. On being
Great Architect of the Universe, that I will never reveal brought to light in this degree, you see before you the
the secrets of this degree to any person or persons what- luminous Delta. with three equal sides, in all ages the
ever, unless the shall have taken all the jYrecediiig representative of Deity, the trinity of wisdom, power
degrees in a regular and constitutional manner.
I do furthermore promise and swear that I will never and harmony. You will now approach the East and be
confer or assist in conferring this degree upon any per- invested with the signs, token and words of this degree.
son unless by virtue of a Patent or warrant of consti- (All are now seated; the Senior Deacon conducts him
tution emanating from a Sovereign or Deputy Grand to the East and he is invested with the following signs.)
Inspector General or a regular constituted consistory of
Princes of the Royal Secret, 32nd degree, to whose SIGN OF ENTRANCE.
constitutions and regulations I now swear fealty and
allegiance, and then only after I shall have been in- Place the right hand open, so as to form
formed of the pure life and irreproachable manner and a triangle above the eyes as if to be pro-
morals of the candidate. tected against a strong light.
And should I violate this, my obligation, I consent to
be condemned, cast out and despised by the whole uni-
vecse, and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe
guide, guard and protect me to fulfil the same. Amen.
Moat Excellent—My brother, what now dost thou
desire? U
Most Excellent—My brother, Senior Deacon, bring qgn ofEntruice,
frince ofNeny.
this new brother to light. (Senior Deacon removes the
Moat Excellent—My brother, behold the darkness is
passed and the true light now shineth. You have SIGN OF CHARACTER.
before this been brought to light in masonry. When
Form a triangle with the two thumbs,
Note SOS.—”Llglat. Light Is a symbol of knowledge. May every
Masou strive incessantly for light. and especially fur the light eternali and the two forefingers; join them by the
when a society is assembled anywhere to do good, they require an
tofleential person to communicate the light of experience, instruct them.
and point out the way they should go. or bring light to them This moy extremities, place the hands in front of,
he done, symbolically, by suddenly lighting up a dark room with torches.
He wha thus introduces the light into the lodge must be a worthy man
and experienced in the craft.’ ‘—Mackey’s Enoyciopudia and Diotionary ni
and touching the body.
lreemssoaq, AUoI Light.

Place both hands, each on the
Cross both arms above the head, the other’s shoulders, press them slight-
hands open, palms outwards and say: To ly thrice and say, Gomel.
me, the children of Truth.

BATTERY :—Fiftet~ti ~.trokcs, by three, five and seven.

MARCh :—Tlirec i.qu.ih steps, commencing with the
left foot.
AGE :—Eighity-one years.
PASS WOOl) —Gomcl.
0 and Gabaon.
COMMON WORDS :—Ghiiblim’
SACRED wonDs:—Jehovah, Jachiin.
SUBLIME WoRD:—Ednh-pen-cagu, that is, do as you
would be done by. (After he is invested with the abovc
he is seated in front of the table facing the East, and
SIGN OF ORDER. listens to the following lecture:)
Stand up, the right hand resting on the,
Moat Excellent—Brother Senior Warden, are you a
hip. Prince of Mercy?
Senior Warden—I have seen the Delta, and the holy
name upon it, and an Ameth55 like yourself, in the
triple covenant of which we bear the mark.
Note 304.—”Ghiblim. The form in which Dr AnderSon spells Giblim.
In the 5.e,k of Constitution. ed. 1718. psg.~ 70. it is stated that in
Sign of o-iler. iSSO. ‘John de Spoulee. caild Master ef the Ohiblim.’ rebuilt St.
Prince of Mercy. George’s Chapel. “—Mackay’s Enciop&edia of Freemasonry, Aztiole
Note 3O5.—’Amsth, Properly. Emath, which see ‘ CUes Note Wi—
Neoheys Encyciepadia of Freemasonry, Article Ameth.

Most Excellent—What is the first of the three cov- sun shall no more shine b3 day, nor the moon by night,
enants of which we bear the mark? but the Lord shall be an everlasting light and splendor.
Senior Warden—That which God made with Noah, His spirit and his word shall remain with men forever.
when. he said, I will not again curse the earth any more Most Excellent—What is the symbol of the triple
for man’s sak~e, neither will [ smite any more every- covenant?’
thing living, as I have done. While the earth remain- Senior Warden—The triple triangk.
eth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, winter Most Excellent—What are the symbols of th~ purifica-
and summer, and day and night shall not cease. I tion necessary to make us perfect masons?
will establish my covenant with you, and with your seed Senior Warden—La ~‘ation, with pure water, because
after you, and with every living creature. All mankind to cleanse the body is emblematical of purifying the
shall no more be cut off by the waters of a flood, nor soul. Unction, or anointing with oil, because thereby
shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. ~~~~are set apart and dedicated to the service and priest-
This is the token of x~y covenant; I do set my bow in hood of the beautiful, the true and the good. And
the clouds and it shall be for a token of a covenant robes of white, emblems of candor, purity and truth.
between me and every living creature on the earth. Aloat Excellent—My brethren and Princes, let us
Most Excellent—What is the second of the three purify this our newly adopted brother and devote him
covenants? to the service of God and virtue. (Most Excellent
Senior Warden—That which God made with Abraham knocks three, all rise and form a circle round the can-
when he said, I am the absolute, uncreated God. I will didate at the altar, and the Senior Deacon brings a cup
make my covenant between me and thee, and thou shalt of pure water, ~~‘henthe Mont E~cehlent pours a small
be the father of many, natibns, and kings shall come quantity upon the head of the candidate.)
from thy loins. I wilV establish my covenant between Most Excellent—I pour this water upon thy head as
me and thee, and thy descendants after thee, to the a symbol of the purification of the soul by suffering and
remotest generations for an everlasting covenant, and sorrow, by which parting with the stains of sin and the
I will be thy God and their God, and will give thee the sordidness of vice it becomes fit to return to its eternal
land of Canaan for an everlasting possession. home in the bosom of the Father who loveth all the
Moat Excellent—What is the third covenant? children he hath made. (Senior Deacon brings per-
Senior Warden—That which God made with all men fumed oil in a cup, and the Most Excellent, dipping his
by his prophets, when he said, I will gather all nations finger in it, makes with it a tau~cross upon the forehead
and tongues, and they shall come and see my glory. I of the candidate.)
will create a new heavens and a new earth, and the for- Moat Excellent—By this sign I do devote thee hence-
mer shall not be remembered nor come into mind. The forward to the cause of Truth. (Senior Deacon unveils

the statue of Truth.)

Moat Excellent—Behold the Palladium of this order,
an emblem of purity and truth. Truth which here we
worship, truth, the antagonist of error, fraud and false-
hood, and of which you are now the servant. (Senior
Deacon now clothes him in a white tunic and invests CLOSING CEREMONIES
him with the apron, collar and jewel.)
Most Excellent—( Continuing.) My brother, the
colors of this degree are green, white and red; the gn.en Moat Excellent—Brother Senior Warden, what is the
is an emblem of the immortality of God, the soul and hour?
Senior Warden—Past midnight, Most Excellent.
virtue; the white of sincerity, candor and purity; the
Moat Excellent—Since it is past midnight, the hour
red of zeal, fervour and courage. of rest has arrived. Brother Junior Warden, what of
By the holy name upon the Delta, I charge thee to the night?
be true, sincere, iiierc’iful and tolerant; and as 1 presa Junior Warden—M’ost Excellent, the clouds have
the point of this arrow against thy heart, so may eter- broken, and the stars begin to appear.
nal truth there penetrate and enter and abide forever: Most Excellent—Brother Senior Warden, what re-
and as the arrow flies straight to its mark, so be thou mains for us to do?
Senior Warden—To watch and pray, Most Excellent.
ever frank, honest and straightforward in all thou sayest Most Excellent—Since that alone remains, it is my
and doest, remembering that in this world thou art pleasure that this Chapter be now closed. This you will
being prepared for that which is to come. And so I please communicate to the Junior Warden, and he to
receive thee as one of the faithful and a Prince of Mercy, the brethren, that they may have due notice thereof and
and I present thee with this te~sera or mark, which thou govern themselves accordingly.
wilt hereafter wear in evidence that thou art entitled to Senior Warden~—Brother Junior Warden, it is the
the privileges and honors of this degree. (Most Excel- pleasure of the Most Excellent that this Chapter be now
lent returns to his station and all are seated.) closed. You will please communicate the same to the
brethren, that they may have due notice thereof and
govern themselves accordingly.
Junior Warden—Brethren, it is the pleasure of the
Most Excellent that this Chapter be now closed. You
will please take due notice thercof and govern yourselves
Moat Excellent—(Knocks seven; 0000000.)
Senior Warden.—(Knocks five; 00000.)
Junior Warden—(Knocks three: 000.)
Moat Excellent—I declare this Chapter closed.
“i.IARS UAVI~ XF.1~D 01’ 000!) I1I~MORIES.” 181

as~iult upon Christ; doubtless stimulated and se~ on by

the devil, who asked Jesus to worship him, as HiB
superior or equal! We can well believe Dr. Mackey,
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS who says (Note £96) “It is one of the eight degrees
which were added, on the organization of the Scottish
TWENTY-SI~TH DEGREE; OR PRINCE OF MERCY. Rite, to the original twenty-five of the Rite of Per-
Uaurps the Prerogatl,es of Christ—Uara Have Need of Good Memories” fection.” Not, like the Knight of the Axe, which is an
—Renei~iog the Plagues of Egypt on American Soil, American stump speech, injected into the body of the
To be able to comprehend the nature and power of rite, to please laborers and get their money; but se-
these degrees, we should keep steadily in mind their lecLed from several thousands invented by Jesuit8 in
“object and mission,” which is to break down the wor- France to proteet Romish priest-power, and called “a.
ship of Christ, and establish that of Satan. The very Christian degree.” (See Note £66, by Mackey.)
title of the degree does this. The word “Prince” But as if absurdity and eontradiction were to prove
(Latin: prrnceps) means: chief, supreme, the first, or bottomless, look at the following: In the above Note,
highest one. Christ is the only one who ever exercised Mackey says: “This degree treats of the triple cov-
divine poi~er on earth. Therefore He only is First, or enant of mercy made by Cod with Abraham, Moses and
Prince. Christ gave His life a ransom for sinners, and Jesus Christ.” Now turn forward to page 176, and
“G-reater love hath no man than this.” (John 15, 1.3.) read the answers of the Senior Warden to the Most
Therefore He is “Pnnce of Mercy,” and the only one. Excellent, which declare the three covenants of thi8
There eannot be many firsts. An earthly prince is first degree to be made by God with Noah, Abraham and “all
in his rea]m~ So our chief magistrate is the highest, men by His prophets.” “Liars have need of good
or first officer. Christ told Pilate that He eame into memories,” but these writers’ memories are bad and
this world to be its lung, not an earthly sovereign, yet their morals worse.
a born king. (Jno. 18, 37.) And as Savior, or pro- Now turn back to page 167, and look at the candidate
curer of pardon, He is “Princ’e of Mereij,” “that in all in this 26th degree, hoodwinked and still searching for
things He might have the pre-e~minence.” (Col. 1, 18.) “Light,” into whieh he has been brought over and
Now the Senior Warden says: “I am about to open again, and then say, with our Bible in hand, thaL “the
a Chapter of Princes of Mercy.” (P. 166.) This is god of this world blinds minds.” Is it irrational to
solecism, absurdity and blasphemy, and eaeh in the suppose that, while that man’s eyes were being blind-
highest degree. It is gross impropriety of language; folded, the devil was blinding his mind, so that Masons
inconsistent with obvious truth; and indignity offered to do not, cannot see the contradietions and absurdities of
God. As night-meeting societies, which should, in these degrees? When, in all time, and where, iu all
sober earnest, elect and inaugurate Presidents of the the world, is this blinding done, whieh the Bible im-
United States, and attempt to clothe them with presi- putes to Satan, unless iI~ is done then and there? It
dential power and prerogative, would be guilty of will not do for them to meet us with denials of the
ribald nonsense, moekery towards the President, and truth of the Bibler If the Bible is composed of lies,
swindling imposition on taxed candidates. why do they quote it from beginning to end of thi8
This 26th degree therefore is a direct insult to and Scottish Bite? And if the Bible tells the truth when

it says that Satan blinds minds; what minds, if not

those of his worshipers? And do we not see in this
how it can be that Masons of apparent candor can say,
and say truly, they can. see nothing in lodgery which
conflicts with the Christian religion?
Isaiah (9, 26), predicting Christ’s coming, Bays:
“The people ShaS walked in darkness have seen a great
lighL” Who were those people “walking in darkness” CHAPTER XLIX
but those very men whose hill-top worships Maaons
truly call “lodges,” and the worshipers themselves, “our TWENTY-SEVENTH DEGREE, OR COMMANDER OF THU
ancient brethren,” and who, as Masons have today, had TEMPLE.’
counterfeit “Princes of Mercy” of their own make?
Read on page 169 the lying promises of this dark SOUTH OR sUMMER.
degree. “A new earth, more beautiful and more fertile, DECORATIONs :—This lodge is styled a Court. The
shall become the home of mankind I” These blind hangings are red, ornamented here and there with black
guides, not looking, as Paul did, at “the things not columns, upon each of which is placed a branch hold-
seen,” promise none but a heavwi on earth with good ing a light. The canopy and throne are red, sprinkled
crops, etc., etc.; while the Word of God, and the his- with black tears. In the centre of the lodge, which is
tory of Palestine, nay, our own history also, show that circular in its shape, is a chandelier with three rows
lust in proportion as lodge-worshipe supplant the of lights one above the other; in the lower circle tivelve,
worship of Christ; drought, grasshoppers, potato-rot in the next nine, and in the upper one six; making
and bugs, with swarms of invisible pests, such u deso- twenty-seven in all. Twenty-seven other lights are
lated Egypt and sunk the inhabitants to cattle-worship- placed upon a round table, around which the Knights
big slaves, whose country i8 mortgaged to a handful of are seated when the Court is open.
London merchants, are slowly~ renewing the “plagues of OFFICER5 :—The presiding officer is styled Most Po-
Egypt” on our own soil; while Charleston, the city tent Grand Commander, and sits in the East. The
where this Seottish ~Rite was planted, and from which Wardens are styled Most Sovereign Commanders, and
it has spread over America. and Europe, hM plucked the Knights Sovereign Commanders. There is a
down wrath on our Continent in the shape of treason, Senior and Junior Deacon.
secession and bloodshed. DRESS :—The Grand Commander wears a white tunkc
Instead of the heaven or fine soil and good crops
Note SW.—”Oommsndsi of the Temple. (Scotch Kmaoar~. I—The ninth
prom ised to the “Princes of Mercy,” we seem to be in deg?ee conferred in the Comalitory of Princes of the Royal Secret. 5cotcb
great danger of renewing on our prairies the sterility of Mamn~,, and tbe, in Ibe catalogue of that system. Tb.
aseemby Is termed a Court. Tb. banging. are red. The light. awe
once fertile, but now impoverished, monk-worshiping tweDty4e~eD. The preaMing officer ii styled Moat Potent, and the two
Wardena. Moat 5oyeftigo CommanderE. The title of the memberE Is
Palestine; until earthquakes rend the earth under us, foyer.ign CommanderE. Tbe apron ii flesh-colored, limed and edgc~d with
hlack; on it Is £ key: the moyable part dispia~m a Teutonic doff en
and cyclones lay bare its surface; and in the vigorous circled by a wrath of laurel. The scarf Is red, edged with black and
mustaifh a Teutonic cross in enameled gold. JewFl. a golden triangle.
words of t1~e old hymn dimolaying tbe gac?ed tpur-frttei~d name; it I. mnspended from a white
“3ayth tr.mbI beneath till her mountAinS 31W WQ. collar, edged with red and embroidered with tour Teutonic Eyoeau. Houts
of woph. open at 10, doe, at 4.’—Konhs’s Masonic Diotlouaq. hztid
“And hell ahakec her fetter. with teak! Cammads? .f t~e

and over it a knight mantle of red, lined with ermine;

on his head he a ducal-coronet.
APRON :—Flesh colored, lined and edged with black,
on the flap is a Teutonic cross, (which is also the jewel
of the order) 1encircled by a laurel wreath, and be-
neath it, on the apron a key. The cross, wreath and
key are all black.
GLOVES :—White, lined and bordered with black. The COMMANDER OF THE TEMPLE.
scabbard and belt of the sword are black. Grand Commander—(Three knocks; 000.) Atten-
5A5H :—White, edged with red, worn as a collar, and tion Commanders. I pray you to assist me to open
the jewel suspcnded from it. On each side of the col- this Sublime Court of Grand Commna.nders of the Ma-
lar are two black Teutonic crosses, there is also a sonic Temple. (All rise in their stations, draw sMords,
sash, red, bordered with black; worn from right to salute the Grand Commander and stand at a carry.)
left, from which hangs a gold enameled tau cross. Grand Commander—Brother Junior Deacon, see that
JEWEL:—The principal jewel is a triangle of gold, on the doors of this Court are duly guarded and inform the
which is engraved the sacred name Sentinel that we are about to open this Court, that none
may enter without the words and signs.
Junior Deacon—(Having obeyed orders and re-
turned.) Most Potent Grand Commander, the Senti-
nels are posted and we are in seeurity.
Grand Commander—Most Sovereign Commander in
the West. What are the duties of a Commander of the
Senior Warden—To guard the temple and city of
Jerusalem, to succor and assist the helpless and feeble
and to defend the innocent.
Grand Commander—Assemble round the altar Sover-
eign Commanders, that we may Open this Court of Com-
manders of the temple of Jerusalem. (All form a circle
round the altar, hold the horizontal point of the sword

and repeat after the Grand Commander:)

All—As these swords point to one common centre, so
we here, renewing our vows, do devote our swords to
the cause of God and the cross; our hearts to the glory
of God and the welfare of man and our hands toKassist
the sick, the suffering and the destitute. So help us God. CHAPTER L
Grand Commander—Let us pray. (All recover and
return swords, and kneel on the left knee and the Grand TWENTY-SEvENTH DEGREE, OR
Commander repeats the following prayer:) TEMPLE.


Father and creator of the Universe, we implore thy Senior Deaeon, prepares the candidate in a white
beneficenee, deign to receive our prayers, and diffuse on mantle with a large black ‘reutonie cross upon the left
the members of this order thy precious gifts. We who breast, he then hoodwinks him and conducts him to a
do not cease in our prayers to ask of thee that celestial small room, seats him on a chair in front of a table on
mark that thou didst bestow upon thy people, and which wInch are a light, and a skull and cross-bones, bible
thou dost still eontinue to diffuse daily on those who square and compasses; lie then says:
follow thy precepts. We are assembled here in thy Senior Deacon—My brother, you desire to receive the
name to offer thee our hearts and our vows, and thank degree of Commander of the Temple. Before you ean do
thee for thy favors, praying for a continuation of the 50, you are required to answer certain questions which
same goodness until the last generation. Amen. (All you will find in writing on the table before you. I shall
rise and take their stations.) leave you alone, and ~~lienyou hear three distinct knocks,
Junior Warden—(Three knocks; 000.) you will remove the bandage from your eyes and annex
Senior Warde’n—(Twelve knocks; 000000000000.) your answers to those questions in writing, and sign
Grand Commander— (Twelve knocks; 000000000000.) your name at the bottom. Consider the questions well;
Sovereign Conunanders, I declare this Covirt of Com- Note 301.— Sovereign Commander of the Temple. (Sovereign Corn.
mandeur du Temple.) ~tyied to the mote recent rituals of tbe Southern
manders of the Temple duly opened. Supreme Council •Kttight tommot,der of the Temple This I. the twenty-
seventh degree of the Ancient and Accepted 5cottiah Rite The presid-
ing oacer is styled ~Most iltootrious and Moot ~~aiiant. the warden., are
called ‘bloat Sovereign Comtnandero. and the Knights Sovereign Coin.
mandera The piaoe of mectiitg is called a Court The apron is flesh.
colored, lined and edeed with ht~i~ k. with n Teutonic cro,ao encircled hv
a wreath of laurel and a key beneath, cii inscribed in black upon the
Sap. The scarf is red hordcred with black. boncing from the right
shoulder to the left hip, and auspending a Teutonic cr00, In enameled
gold The Jewel is a triangle of gold. on wht*u Is engraved the met-
table Name In iiehrew Ii is soapeoded from a white collar, bound with
red and emhrohlered with tour Tutitunic rovses —Mackey~s Encyclopedia
of freemasonry, Article Sovereign Commander of the Temple.

let what you will see upon thc table before you, remind Senior Deacon—He has. (Presenting him the paper.)
you that you will answer them in the hearing of the Junior Deacon—You will wait a time with patience
Deity who knows your thoughts. When you shall have until the pleasure of thc Most Potent Grand Comman-
answered the questions you will give three distinct der be made known. (Junior Deacon then shuts the
knoeks upon the ttable and I will return. (lie then re- door, goes to the Most Potent Grand Commander and
tires and closes the door and gives three knocks. The hands him the paper which he reads.)
candidate removes the bandage and reads the following Grand Commander—Let this brother be admitted.
questions which he answers in writing:) (Junior Deaeon goes to the door and opens it, when the
First—have you ever violated any masonic obligation Senior Deacon enters with candidate and advanees to
without atoning for it by repentance and reformation? the East, in front of, and facing the Grand Comman-
Second—Are you willing to aid, assist and comfort der.)
the sick, the needy and the destitute, to watch with
them and minister to their wants, and to help to feed, Grand Commander—My brother, are these your an-
to clothe and to protect the widow and the orphan? swers?
Third—Have you any enmity toward any one that Candidate—They are.
you would not readily abandon if you found him sincere- Grand Commander—Are you an Elu”~ and Grand
ly willing to be reeonciled to you? Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason?
Fourth—Would you, if called upon, draw your sword Candidate—I am.
in defence of truth, of human freedom and the rights of Grand Commander—Dost thou desire to obtain the
con~-cience; against falsehood, tyranny and usurped degree of Knight Commander of the Temple?
power and can you rather choose to die than desert your Candidate—I do.
[)o~tof duty? (Candidate writes answers as he thinks Grand Commander—Knowest thou that thou wouldst
proper, signs his name and gives three knocks on the thus embrace a life of toil and hardship, of self-denial
tal)le. Senior Deacon enters, takes the paper, conducts and of danger?
him to the door and kno~ks twelve.) Candidate—I do.
Junior Deacon—(From within knocks twelve; 00000 Grand Commander—And dost thou not hesitate i,,~id
0000000.) falter at the prospect?
Senior Deacon.—(From without knocks three; 000.) Fete S5S.—~E1ua. The French word ole means elected; ant the
Junior Deacon—(Opening the door.) What do you degrees. whose object Is to detail the detection and punishment .,f the
actors in the crim, tradItIonally related in the third degree, are called
wish my brother? Ems, or the degrees of the Elected, because they referred to those of
the Craft who were chosen or elected to make the discovery and to InSict
Senior Deacon—To participate in your deliberations. the punishment. The, form a particular system of Msaonry. and ate to
be found in every Rite. if not in name, at least in principle. in the
Junior Deacon—Are your words agreeable to your york and American Rites, the Em Is incorporated in the Maater~s de-
thoug1it~? gree; in the French Rite It constitutes an independent degrei.: and In
the Scottish Rite It consists of three degrees, the ninth, tenth and elev-
Sr’nior Deacon—The request of an Elect Mason is enth. Ragon counts the five preceding degrees among the Elus. hut they
more properly belong to the Order of Masters. The symbolism of these
nio~t sincere. Em degrees has been greatly mistaken and perverted by antI-MasoniC
v. ritera. who have thus attributed to Masonry a spirit of vengeance, which
Junior JThacon—Brcttlier Scni’tr Deacon, has he sub- is net Its characterIstic They must be looked upon as conveying only
a arubolie meanIng.’ —Xaokey’a Enoyciepadia of freemasonry. Artisle
scribed to thc necessary questions? Ems.


Candidate—I do not.
to the altar and then,
there with
our the obligation
of this degree. (Senior Deacon conducts him to the
Sen- I f be an object of horror to all men and to myself. So
help me God. (Grand Commander raises him and in-
vests him with the following signs:)
altar, causes him to kneel on both knees, with his hands
l2pon the blades of the swords of three of the Knights
who hold them crossed before him upon the bible, in
which position he contraets the following obligation:)

Form on your forehead a cross, with

the thumb of your right hand, the
fingers clinehed.

Sign ot Recognition
Commander of Lbe

AN 5 wER.

Kiss the plaee where the cross

was made. (This sign is used in
Candidat, taking Obligation, Commander ofthe Temple Degree.
the Court only.)
I on my word of honor, in quality of a Grand ANS~ i:it.
Elect, Perfeet and Sublime Mason, do promise and swear
in the presenee of the Great Architect of the Universe (Out of Court.) Place first
and of this respectable Court, to keep the secrets of this
degree whieh are about to be communicated to me, and two fingers of the right hand on
that I will never be present and assist in eonferring of the mouth, the other fingers closed
this degree on any person except it be in a regular Court the palm of the hand turned out-
of Commanders of the Temple, or by virtue of a Patent
from a Supreme Council or fiom a Sovereign or Deputy ward. Amww.
U rand Inspeetor General. And in case of perjury, may

his sword gives him twelve strokes on the right shout-

der, twelve on the left and three on the right~ saying )
Grand Commander—By authority and power in me
SIGN OF ORDER. vested, I hereby constitute, create and dub thee a

Sign of Oeder
(In the Court.) Extend your right
hand on the round table, thumb separate
so as to form a square. When standing,
place the right hand on the body below
the breast, forming also a square.
I Knight Commander of the Temple of Jerusalem, be
true, be devout, be brave. (Grand Commander takes
his station, the members are seated and the Senior Dea-
con eonducts the candidate up to the East.)
Grand Commander—My brother, these trophies which
the Court yields to you, and particularly this one (show-
ing Crown of Laurel) is to crown the acts and benefits
you have made to the order, to the Court, and to the
Commanders. We entreat your perserverance, (puts it
mander of the ~ernple.
on his head.)
Grand Commander—This trophy, (showing a palm
ornamented with five crosses) announces to you the an-
tiquity of the order, and the faith you must have in the
Great Architeet of the Universe and toward the decrees
TOKEN. of masonry. (Invests him with it.)
Grand Commander—This trophy, (showing the
Give threelight blows with right apron) denotes to you the beneficenee and union of the
hand on the other’s left shoulder. members of this Court; to suecor the unfortunate found
among them. This day my brother, you are to enjoy
ANSwE*. the delights of stopping the tears of the wretched.
(Invests him with apron.)
Re takes your right hand and
Grand Commander-This trophy, (showing gloves
gives it three light shakes. Tokeii.Cornmander of etc.,) gives you the foree to sustain the rights of mason-
ry and of men. (Invests him with the gloves, etc.)
BATTERY :—Twenty-seven strokes with the flat of the Grand Commander—This expressive trophy, (show-
sword, by twelve, twelve and by three. ing triangular jewel and collar) of the Court merits your
PASS WORD :—Solomon.
attention and will direct you in the course of your life,
your movements, your words and actions. It is an
SACRED WORD :—I. ~.N.~.R I. ~.lettered. (Grand Corn-
ocular witness of every thing you promised us, and
inander now eauses him to kneel, and with the blade of that the remembrance of your vows will be the consola-
tion of your last days, is thesincere wish of the mem-
bers of this Court. (Invests him with them.) with a vast army from every portion of his dominions,
Grand Commander—Attention Commanders! Join and all the Great Emirs of Islarnisni harassed them with
me in applauding our newly admitted Commander constant attacks. Sickness also, eaused by the rains and
among us. (All give the battery when Grand Command- the intense heat, decimated the Christian forces. The
er takes his seat.) wounded G~rman soldiers, whom none of the others
Grand Commander—Brother Senior Deacon, you will understood, could not make known their sickness nor
now conduct the Commander to the post of honor. their necessities.
(Senior Deacon seats him on the right of the Grand Certain German Nobles from the cities of Bremen
Commander who delivers the following:) and Lubec, who had arrived at Acre by sea, moved by
miseries of their countrymen, took the sails of their ships
HISTORY.’ and made of them a large tent, in which for a time they
When the St. Jean D’Acre, the ancient Ptohem.ais, on placed the wounded Germans and tended them with
the south side of whieb was Mount Carmel, was besieged great kindness. Forty nobles of the same nation united
with them and established a kind of hospital in the
by the Christian forces for nearly two years under Guy
of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem, Conrad, Marquis of midst of the camp, and this noble and charitable institu-
Mont Ferrat, and other princes and leaders from every tion and association, like the Knighta of the Temple and
country in Europe, and especially by Uenr~r Sixth of of St. John of Jerusalem, soon and incessably, became a
Germany, son of Frederic Barbarossa, joine , near the new hospitaller and military order. This was in tbe
end of the siege, by Philip Augustus of Franee, and year 1191.
Richard Coeur de Leon of England, they were hong In 1 192 Pope Celestin Third, at the request of the
afflicted with famine until they ate the flesh of horses
with joy. Men of high rank and the sons of great men Emperor Henry Sixth, solemnly approved of the order
greedily devoured the gras~’; the starving fought together by his Bull of the 23rd of February. He prescribed as
hike dogs for the little bread baked at the ovens; they regulations for the new Knights, those of St. Augustine,
gnawed the bones that had already been gnawed by the and for special statutes, in all that regarded the poor and
dogs, and noblemen, ashamed to beg, were known to the siek, those of the hospitallers of St. John; in regard
steal bread. Constant rains added to their miseries and to military discipline the regulations of the Templars.
Saladin, Sultan of the Saraeens, encamped near them This noble order, exclusively composed of Germans, was
Tote 209.—’vasssi, Ragon, and Clavel are all wrong in connecting thu
degree with the Knights Tempisra. with which Order its own ritual
styled the order of Teutonic Knights of the House of
declares that it is not to be confounded, It is without a lecture. vami St. Mary of Jerusalem.
azpreases the following opinion of thia deg,~e
‘The twenty.seventh degree does not deserve to be riameed in the After the destruction of the Templars, they were also
Scottish Rite as a degree, since It contains neither symbols nor sliegoruis
that connect It with inItiation. Ii demerves still less to be ranked among known as Commanders of the Temple.
the philosophic degrees. I Imagine that it has been intercalated only in
anppiy an hiatus, and sa a tnen,orlal of an Order once Justly eeiehra:ed The first name was given them beeause while the city
Xackeya Encyclopedia of fwcemaaony, Article loveweiga Ocinmaagsr of of Jerusalem was under the government of the Latin
the Temple.
Christians, a German had erected there, at his own ex-
Priests at the foot of the altar and employing the sacred
pense, a Hospital and Oratory for the sick of that nation, vessels for profane use.
tinder the protection of, and dedicated to the Holy Conrad, Duke of Masovia, called in the Teutonic
Virgin. Knights to his assistance and gave them, as a commence-
Their dress was a white mantle with a black cross, ment for their establishment there, the whole Territory
and they, like th~ Elospitallers, were required to take of Culm, with all lands they should conquer from the
three solemn vows. Before assuming the habit, they Infidels. De Daltza, the Grand Master, sent thither a
Knight called Conrad de Lansburg, who concluded the
were required to swear that they were Germans of noble treaty which was signed by three Bishops of that coun-
eztraction and birth, and to bind themselves for a whole try. The Knights then entered these northern countries
life to serve the poor and sick and defend the holy and by continued wars acquired in time the entire
places. Ever to adhere to truth, to attend and nurse the sovereignty of Royal and Ducal Prussia, Livonia and
sick and wounded, and never to recede before the enemy the Duchies of Cowrland and Semigal; all vast Provin-
ivere their three solemn vows. ces and capable of forming a great kingdom. And when
Truth is the first masonic duty, To leave the path of in 1291, the Sultan stormed and took St. Jean D’Acre,
duty is to recede before the enemy, and therefore you the Teutonic Knights’” that survived returned to Eu-
rope and joined their brethren in Prussia and Livonia.
have taken the three vows of the Teutonic Knights5t and Times change and circumstances, but virtue and duty
Hospitallers in a still more noble and enlarged spirit.
The Teutonic Knights soon became one of the Most remain the same. The evils to be warred against but
take another shape and are developed in a different form.
Illustrious of the military and religious orders. The
There is the same need now of truth and loyalty as in
three were the chief strength of the army befo~3 Acre, the days of Frederic Barbarossa. The characters relig-
but the siege advanced slowly where there were neither ious and military, attention to the siek and wounded in
absolute chiefs nor discipline. the Hospital and war against the Infidel in the field, are
On the 13th of July, 119~I, it surrendered. In the year no longer blended, but the same duties to be performed
1226, most of the Teutpnic Knights went from the Holy in another shape, conti’nue to exist and to environ us all.
Land to Prussia, the people of which ivere still Idolaters, The innocent virgin is no longer at the merey of the
waging war against their Christian neighbors, murdering brutal Baron or lieentious man-at-arms, but purity and
Note 810.—”Teutenic Knights. ‘The origin of this Order was an bum. Note Shl.—”Tcutonic Order. A religious order of Knights. rounded
bie hut a pious one. During the crusades. a wealthy gentleman of Oer. in lit)fl. by Vrcderick Duke of Suahia. during a crusade in the Holy
many, who resided at Jerusalem. commiserating the condition of his Laud, at the time of the siegc of Acre, and intended to he confined to
countrymen who came there as pilgrims, made his house their receptacle. Germans of noble rank, hence its name The rule of the order was
and afterwards hulit a hospital, to which, by the permission of the similar to that of the Tempiars The original object of the associstien
Patriarch of Jerusalem, he added an oratory dedicated to the Virgin Mary. was to defend the Christian religion againat the infidels. and to take
tither Germans comIng frum Lubeck and Bremen contributed to the eaten. care of the sick in the Holy Land As the Order was dedicated to the
sion of his charity. and erected at Acre, during the third Crusade, a virgin Mary the Knighta called themselves also Brethren of the German
sumptuous hospital and assumed the title of Teutonic Knights. or Hov.e of Our Lady of Jerusalem The dress of the members was
Brethren of the Hospital of Our Lady of the Germans of Jerusalem block. utib a white cloak, upon uhich was worn a black cros, with a
They elected Henry wsipott their first Master, and adopted for their sUrer edging The Ornod Maater lived first at Jerusalem. hut afterward.
government a Rule closely approsimating to that both of the Teniplars wt.en the holy Land fell again under the power of the Turks, at venice.
and the Itospitailers. with an additional one that none but Germens and, from 1207. at Marhurg. The order was abolished by Napoleon.
should be admitted into the Order Their dress consisted of a white April 24 ltiO’i The Teutonic ecosa forms a part of the decorations of the
mantle, with a hiack cross, embroidered in gold.’ —Mackeys Encyolo. 27th degree of the Ancient iteotch Rite.’~—MaOc7’s Encyclopedia arni
podia of Ireemasonzv, Article Teutonic Enight& Dictionary of Irasmasonry. Article Teutonic Order.

innocence still need protectors. To purity and inno-

cence evcr~ where, the Knights Commanders owe pro-
tection as of old, against bold violence or thohe more
guIlty, the murderers who by art and treachery beck to
slay the soul; and against that grim want and~ gaunt,
and haggard destitution that drive too many to sell their CLOSING CEREMONIES
honor and their innocence for food. In no age of the COMMANDER OF THE TEMPLE. sas
world has man had better opportunity than now, to dis-
play those lofty virtues and that noble heroism that so Grand Commander—( Knocks three; 000.) All rise,
distinguished the three great military and religious or- draw swords and bring them to a carry.)
ders in their youth, before they became corrupt and Grand Commander—Most Sovereign Commander in
vitiated by prosperity and power. When a fearful the West, what is the hour?
epidemic ravages a city, and death is inhaled with the Senior Warden—It is four in the afternoon, Most
air men breathe; when the living scarcely suffice to bury Potent Grand Commander.
the dead, most men flee in abject terror, to return and Grand Commander—Since the sun is declining in the
live respeetable and influential when the danger has West, it is time that we should close this Court; that we
passed away. may not omit, even for one day, our duties in the world.
But the old Knightly spirit of devotion and disinter- Sovereign Commanders, let us assemble around the altar
estedness and eontempt of death, still lives, and is not that we may close this Court. (All form as in opening
extinct in the hnman heart. Everywhere a few arc found ceremonies.)
to stand firmly and inflinchingly at their posts, to front Grand Commander—Let us be one, Sovereign Com-
and (lefy the danger, not for money, or to be honored manders, now and hence forward, and let our swords,
for it, or to proteet their own household, but from mere our arms, our hearts, be devoted to the great cause of
humanity ~nd to obey the unerring dictates of duty. truth, humanity and duty. Let us pray. (All kneel and
They nurse the siek, breathing the pestilential atmos- the same prayer is said as at opening, after which all
phere of the hospital. They explore the abodes of want rise and take their stations.)
and mi~erv. They perform the last sad offices to the Grand Commander—(Knocks three; 000.)
dead, and they seek no other reward than the ajproval Senior Warden—(Knocks twelve; 000000000000.)
of their own eonscience. These are the true Knights of Junior Warden—(Knoeks twelve; 000000000000.)
the present age. To the performanee of acts of heroism Grand Commander—Attention Commanders! As this
like these, you Ilave devoted yourself, my brother, by is the honr in which we terminate our operations, I de-
becoming a Knigllt Commander of the Temple. dare this Court of Grand Commanders of the Temple of
Soldier of the truth and of loyalty, protector of pur- Jerusalem elosed.
ity and innocenee, defier of plague and pestilence, nurser Note 312.—”Vsmal expresses the following opinion of the degree:
‘The 27th degree does not deserve to be classed in the 5coteh Rite as a
of the sick and burier of the dead; Knight preferrin~.c degree, since it contains neither symbols nor allegories that connect it
with initiation. It deserves stIll less to be ranked among the philosophIcal
death to the abandonment of the post of duty, weleome degrees. I imagine that it has been intercalated only to anpply an
hiatus, and as a memorial of an Order once justly celebrated ‘— Masoy’s
to the bosom of this order. Eneyciopadia and Dictionary of Freemasonry, Article Sovereign Con,.
sander of the Temple.

“Commanders of the Temple,” here in the United

States, as you read on page 198, profess to protect
American girls from seduction, and destitution, and
“selling their honor for food.” They are, in short~ if we
take their professions for genuine, a secret lodge, or-
ganized to purify society and abate the social evil;
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS whereas, military monks have ever been vampires of
lust to the purity of the sex.
TWENTY-SEVENTH DEGREE: OR, COMMANDxR OF Col. Lemanowski, who followed Napoleon from a
TEE TEMPLE. captain of a private company to the fall of the Kremlin
Masonic Contempt for This Degree— Napoleon and the Roman Inquiattioo. and the retreat from Russia, was detailed by him to
—vile Enough for the Scottish Bite.
blow up the Inquisition at Madrid, during the Penin-
“This degree does not deserve to be classed, in the
Scottish Rite, as a degree. ~ * * I imagine that it stilar campaign. The priests met the Colonel with
has been interpolated only to supply a hiatus ;“ i. e., fill sanctity and suavity and opened the doors for their ad-
a gap. (Mackey,,, in Note 809.) The same contempt for mission, where they found nothing amiss, till soldiers
this 27th degree is expressed in stronger terms by Ma- poured buckets of water on the mosaic marble floor of
cog, (Note 8192.) Its origin is this. the Teuton.s were the main hall, when it ran down the crevices in the
aboriginal Germans. When Europe was swept into the tessellated pavement. Their bayonetd opened a pa~-
craze of the Crusades, Germans, in the siege of Acre, sage below, where they found men and women, old and
A. D. 1190, formed a German-speaking, Teutonic order young, prisoners in the Inquisit]on. They brought them
of military monks, or priests. They were mendieante, out to the crowd of their friends outside. “And,” said
and like those orders everywhere gained wealth and the Colonel, “old mustaches, whom I had seen sit down
power, as Popish orders still do~by the gifts of the ig- on the corpse of a comrade, after a battle, and drink
norant and superstitious, ~ho are fascinated by their from the dead man’s canteen, wept like little children at
dazzling uniform and ~anctimonious pretensions. The the scene there presented: parents clasping to their
military spirit is not the spirit of Christ, and mona.steriei. bosoms sons and daughters, whom they had given up for
of monks have ever been remarkable for cunning, idle- dead; and old prisoners looking for husbands and wives
ness, gluttony, and the most loathsome and del estable in vain among the crowd, who had died or left the
vices. Napoleon abolished this Teutonic order, or country, during the long years of their incarceration in
lodge, when he overran Germany in 1809; and gave the prison of a secret order!
their lands to the princes of the German territories, Such experiences of Napoleon prepared him to abolish
which they had so overspread that its annual revenue the secret Teutonic order of Knighted Priests in 1809;
had become 800,000 marks; as the secret orders of this which is now renewed as an armed secret order of Free-
country, now, as a spiritual empire, draw more money masons, consisting of men, sworn, with their hands on
from the people than the government. Thu 927th degree sword-blades, to conceal the proceedings of their order,
ta that old Teutonic, aecret order revived! And these So help them God! (See page 190.)

But we shall be told, and it is true, that both Mackey

and Macoy, leading Masonic authorities, dislike and
scout this 27th degree, ati un-Masonic. Well, what is
the reason of their dislike? They themselves tell us, in
Notes 309 and 3 12; because it lacks “symbols,” “al-
legones,” and “p~Ai1osophy.” Now the next, or 28th de-
gree, both these authorities hail as the “most important, CHAPTER LI
interesting,” and “by far the most philosophical.”
(Note 314.) Turn forward and read the Analysis of the TWENTY-EIGHTH DEGREE, OR KNIGHTS OF THE SUN.’
28th degree, and you will see what they mean by al- EAST OR AUTUMN.
legory, symbol, and philosophy: they mean the symbols DECOR.&TIONS :‘“—No particular hangings are pre-
and allegories of Masonry, which alone give the true scribed. There may be painted on the walls of the
“knowledge of God! !“ (Note 319.) Philosophy which lodge, landscapes of mountains and forests, designated
to represent nature both in the rude and natural, and
worships God not in His church on earth, but “in deep
the refined and cultivated state. The lodge is illumi-
solitudes and sequestered forests,” (page 210) along nated by a Sun placed above the head of the Master, in
with Goths and Druids. (Note 325.) And that
Note 818..—”Of all the high degrees it is, perhaps, the most important
Masonry is “the purest philosophy,” and “the basis of and the moet interesting to the scholar who desires to investigate the
true secret of the Order, its old catechiams, now unfortunately too
all religions,” Christianity of course included! much neglected, are full of suggestive thoughts, and in its modern
ritual, for which we are indebted to the inventive genius of Brother
And because this 27th degree does not put Christ on Albert Pike. it is by far the most learned and philosophical of the
Scotlish degrees. “—Mackey’s Encycippada of rreemamonq. Article
a level with Joseph Smith, and Christianity with Mar- E~lght of the Sun.
inonism; because, in short, it does not, as the 28th de- Note 814.—”The wails should be painted to represent the open coon.
try, mountains, plains, forests and fields. The chamber is lighted by a
single light, a great globe of ground glass, in the Sooth, this represents
gree does, throughout, put the rabble of pagan gods the Sun. The only additional light is from the transparencies. In the
Kast is sospended a transparency, displaying the sign of the ~iacrocosm.
above the God of heavefi, and the worship of devils or of the seal of King Solomon—the interlaced triangles; one white and
the other black. In the West is suspended a transparency displaying the
above the worship of Christ, Mackey and Macoy deem sign of microcosm, or the pentagram traced on a pure white ground with
lines of vermilion and a single point upward. ~isny other trans.
it unworthy to belong to Masonry. parencies, symh~llsing objects of ~rest importance, are appropriately
arranged around the chamber. partico arlr the accompanying figures, which
But surely, surely, this Teutonic degree, with its sre placed in the North. On the right hand of the prearding officer, in
the zast, on a gilt pedestal, Is a Caduosus, gilded, the upper part of
secret signs, tokens, and impudent traffic in the name it a cross, surmounted by a globe, and with two serpents twining around
it. their heads rising above the cross. The ceiling should represent the
Jehovah on its jewels (page 184) and its prayers, from heavens, with the creaccot moon In the west, the principal planets, and
the stars, In the constellations Taurus and Orion and those near the
lips used to blasphemy; surely this grand swindle of the polar star. The presiding officer Is styled Father Adam. The warden
sits in the west. and Is called Brother Truth; there are seven other
young men of America, dubbing them Knights for officers, who are styled Brothers Gabriel. Auriel, Idichaei. Camallel.
Raphael, zaphiel and zarabbiel The collar is a broad white watered
money is vile enough to belong to the Ancient and Ac- ribbon: on the right side is painted or embroidered an eye. In gold. The
apron is of pore white lambskin, with no edging or ornament, except the
cepted Scottish Rite; which was manufactured by ~ otagram, which is traced on the middle of it with vormilion. The
wel is a medal of gold, on one side a full sun. om the other a globe.
hen the degree is conferred no jewel or apron Is worn. —Meocy’s Knog-
Jesuits, remodeled and sold by Jews. elopadia end Dictionary of Fzsemaaonry, Aztlols Knight of the Sum.

the centre of a triangle inscribed in a circle. In each number of angels who governed the number of planets
angle of the triangle is the letter S. abbreviations of known to the ancients, viz: Michael, Gabriel, A urtel,
Stella, Sedet, Science; Wisdom, Morality. Hasnaliel, Raphael, Zarachiel and Saphael, which were
DRESS :—Adam wears a yellow covered robe. His supposed to preside over and govern the planets Saturn,
head is covered. In his right hand is a sceptre, on the Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury; the Sun and Moon.
top of which is a golden globe. The handle or extrem- 3A~RY —Six equi-timed strokes; 000000.
ity of the sceptre is gilt. He wears a Sun suspended by
a chain of gold. No jewel or apron is worn when candi-
date is being initiated. Brother Truth holds a sceptre
with a golden eye on the end of it in his hand. The
cherubim wear the order.
ORDER :—White watered ribbon, worn across the body,
at the bottom of which is painted or embroidered an
JEWEL :—A golden triangle with rays, and in the
centre an eye. It is suspended from The bottom of the
sash. No aprons are worn. The Sylphs wear a short
habit or tunic, a brown apron and a blue cap, tied with
a yellow ribbon.
TITLES :—The Master i~ styled Father Adam. There
is but one Warden. He acts as Introducer and preparer
when there is a reception 4initiation] and is called
brother Truth. The other members of the Council are
named Cherubim’~ and there can be only seven cheru-
bim in a Council. If more than that number are present,
the additional brethren, to the number of five, are called
The fixed number of cherubim correspond ‘with the
Note 811.—’Josephns says that they resemble no known creature hut
that ~ioses made them in the form in which he saw them about the
throne of God: others, deriving their ideas from what is said of them
by Snekiel. Isaiah. and St John, descrIbe them as having the face and
breast of a man, the wings of an eagle, the belly of a lion. and the legs
and feet of an ox. which three animals, with man. are the symbols of
strength and wisdom. But all agree in this, that they had wings, and
that these wings were extended. The cherubim were pureiy symbolic.
But although there Is great dIversity of opinion as to their exact signil-
cellos, yet there is a very general agreement that the allude to and
symbolise ihe protietlng sod overshadowing power ~1 ihe Deity
Mackay’s Enayelopadia of Fisemasonry, £ztiole Chexubim.
which will conduct us in the path of virtue and to follow
.that law which is eternally to be engraved on our hearts,
and the only law by which we cannot fail to come to
the knowledge of pure truth. My children, let us pray.
(All kneel on the right knee, raise the right hand, and
Father Adam repeata the following prayer:)
KN’IGHTS OF THE SUN.” Bless, 0 our Father, those of us who are now here
assembled, by giving us those most inestimable of all
Father Adam—Brother Truth, what time is it on blessings, far above himors and dignities, the priceless
earth? jewels of charity, friendship, love, justice and truth.
Rrother Truth—Father Adam, it3t’is ismidnight among Aid us in the keeping a perfect observance of all the
in its meridian
in lodge.or cowans, but the Sun duties which we have in any wise assumed to perform.
Enable us to abide by the promises which we have made
Father Adam—My children, profit by the favor of to one another, and to thee Eternal, omnipotent and
this austere, luminary at present showing its light to us, to thy ineffable name be all praise
merciful Deity, and
Rots filO.—”Knigbt of the finn. or Prinee Adapt. Sometimes known
by the names Tbs Philosephinel Lodga.’ •Prtnos of tha Inn.’ Kay te for ever more. Amen. (All rise.)
Masonry. It is the 25th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and is Fatlit’r Adam—(aives the sign:)
strictly philosophical and scientific. The ceremonIes and lecture, which
are of great length, furnish a history of all the preceding degrees end
explain in the fullest manner the vnrloua kiasonic emblems. The great
object of the degree is to inspire men with the knowledge of Heavenly
Truib. which is the pure source of all perfection, end as ibis virtue is
one of the three great teneis of kiasonry it deserves commendation. The SIGN.
body is styled a Council, and consists of fbi less than ten membefa.
Meoojs Enoyclopadie end Diotlonary ef 5re.masonry, datlole KnIght af
Place the right hand fiat up-
Note 317.—The Master, tberefore’ in the East is a symbol of the
rising sun; the Junior warden Lb the South. of the Ideridlan Sun: end
the Senior Warden In the West, of the 5etting 5un. So in the mysteries on the heart, the thumb separ-
of India. the chief officers were placed In the east, the west. end the
south, respectively, to represent Brahms. or the risIng; vishnu. or the ate, so as to form a square.
setting, and Siva. or the meridan sun And In the Druidical rites, the
Archdrnld. seated in the east. was assisted by two other officers—the one
in the west renre..enting the moon, and the other. In the south. repre- All—(Give the answer:)
sentina the meridian sun.
This triple division of the government of a Lodge by three officers, rep.
resentatlycs of the sun in his ibree manifesistions in the east, sooth.
and weal will remind us sif almilar ideas in the symbolism of antiquity ANSwER.
tn the OrDilic mysteelsa. it was taught ibat the sun generated from an
era, burst forth with power to triplicate himself by his own unassisted
energy Snurelue Power seems always to have been associated in the
ancient mind with a threefold division. Thus the sign of authorIty was
Raise the right hand, and
lndicatd hr the ihree•forked lightning of Jove, the trident of !leptunc..
and tiwee-headed Cerberus of l5iuto. The oyerument of the (7nlverae with the index, point to heaven.
was divided hetaeen these three acne of Isturn. The chaste goddess
ruled the earth as Diana. the heavens as Lone. and the infernal regions
es Hecite. whenco her rlt,s were only performed In a place where three Answer.
roads met Fatker Adam—I declare this Council of Knight. of
The so;. s then presented to us In Mascury first as a symbol of it~ht.
but then more empbati~’sliy as n symbol s.f .sovereign authority. the Sun opened.
Macksy’s Encyolop.sita af Freemasonry, Article Eu..
I 209

- Father A dam—What more dost thou desire?

Brother Truth—(For candidate.) To divest myself
of original sin and renounce the juvenile prejudices of
error which all men are liable to; namely the desire of
CHAPTER LII all worldly attachments and pride.
Father Adam—Are you prepared to receive instruc-
tions with humility?
Brother Truth—(For candidate.) I am.
INITIATION. Father Adam—My son, you now desire to be instruct-
ed in the knowledge of pure and holy truth” and to be
(Brother Truth retires and prepares the
brought from darkness to light, and to know the pure
candidate as follows. A bandage over his light in all its purity, but before we comply with your
eyes, a sword in his right hand; invests wishes consult your own heart and mind, and see if you
him with a ragged and bloody robe, puts feel satisfied to obey her (holy truth) in all things which
a mask on his face, fetters binding his she commands. If you, in your heart, feel disposed to
arms, a crown on his head, a purse in his do so, I am sure she is ready to comply with your wishes
left hand, etc. He then knocks six: 000- and impart those instructions to you. Mankind are so
full of error and falsehood that though they search for
000, is admitted and stands at the door happiness, few have knocked at the door of true light,
of the lodge.) which conducts us to felicity.
The Knights of the Sun are instructed to go among
men and to use their best efforts to inspire them with a
knowledge of truth, which is the pure source of all
Father AdvJen~..BrOther Truth, whom do you conduct? perfection. Again, do you feel satisfied to obey her in
Brother Truth.—~A Commander of the Temple, who all things which she commands?
desires to go out of darkness and to see the true light., Note 815.—”I’ruth. The real object of Freemasonry. in a philosophi-
and to know the true light in all its purity, and to ask cal and religious sense. is the search for truth. This troth is. there-
fore. symboilsed by the word. l’rom the first entrance of the Apprentice
tidings of the times that are promised to man. into the Lodge. until his reception of the highest degree ibis search is
continued. It is not always found, and a substitute must sometimes be
Nets SU. Knightef the Sun. [UootohMaaonx7z]Tbe tenth degree provided. Yet whatever be the labors he may perform. whalever the
• ceremonies through which he may pass, whatever the symbols in which
0~ferred in the Cousistory of prj0cesofthettoysl Secret. scotcb he may be instructed, whatever the reward he may obtain, the true end
~so~ry, and the ~wenty.eighth upon the caisiolue of that system. It of all is the attainment of truth. This Ides of truth is not the same
is otherwise hnown as Prince Adrpt. Prince of the Sun. and Key of as that expressed in the lecture of the first degree, where Brotherly Love.
Masonry, or Chaoe Dlsentengled. TM historIcal instruCtions embrace the Relief, and Truth are there mid t. be the ‘three great tenets of a
hetures emS emhlems of alt the preceding dv rae.; Its grand morel is the Masons profession. • In that connection, truth, which is called a
InculcatIOn of truth. The assembly Is terme~ a CounciL Its officers are ‘divine attribute, the frn:ndntion of every vtrti,e. is synonymous with
Thrice Ferfect Father Adam and Brother Truth; the inferior officers are sincerity, honesty of expression, and plain dealing. The higher Idea of
mamed after the seven chief angels. The brethren are termed 5ylphs. truth, whIch pervades the whole Masonic system. and which Is symboileed
thrungh a globe of water. The jewel Is by the Weed, is that which is properly expressed to a knowledge et
~• ~
God. “—Meokey’s Enoyolopadla of Fr.smesoms~, Article Truth.
en Uoux3~OjSO~ mid’


Brother Truth—( For candidate.) 1 do. fast to the good. (Brother Truth conduct. him once
Father Adam—Brother Truth, conduct this Com- around the room.)
mander around our temple of Wisdom to the seven Gabriel—Light and darkness are the world’s eternal
Cherubim, and let them in due succession examine and ways. God is the principal of everything that exists,
try him, that we may know and be satisfied thRt he is and the father of all beings. He is the eternal, immov-
fit to dwell among us. (Brother Truth conducts’ him able and self-existent. There are no bounds to lt.’t
once around the temple while Raphiel says:) powers. At one glance he is the past, the present and
Raphiel—God is the author of every thing that ex- the future. (Halts in front of Gabriel.”)
isteth, the eternal, the supreme, the living and awful Gabriel—Brother Truth, whom do you conduct?
being, from wnom notliiug in the univcr~e is hidden. Brother Truth—A Commander of the Temple who
Make of him no id’As 1111(1 visible. ‘Itiages, but rather desires to go out of darkness and to see the true light,
worship him in t~te deep solitudes of sequestered fir- and to know the t.rue light in all its purity, and to ask
ests, for he is invisible and fills the universe as his soul, tidings of the times that are promised to man.
and liveth not in any temple. (Brother Tiuth now halts Gabriel—This brother comes with a sword in his
in front of Raphiel.) hand. He cannot pass till he breaks his weapofi under
Raphiel—Brother Truth, whom do you conduct? his feet. (Candidate breaks his sword and Gabriel holds
Brother Truth—A Commander of the Temple who de- up a caduceus.)
sires to go out of darkness and to see the true light, and Gabriel—In lieu of that sword, in lieu of offensive
to know the true light in all its purity, and to ask ~ war bring with you among men
tidings of the times that are promised to man. the caduceus of peace, and ex-
Raphiel—He cannot pass here! behold! he has the ert yourselves to avert anger
bandage of ignorance and prejudice upon his brow. and bloodshed; blessed are the
Brother Truth~Enlightened Raphiel, he is ready to peace-makers, for they are the
cast it off with your assistance. children of God. (Brother
Raphiel—(B.emoVeS the bandage and exhibits the
three lights.) Henceforth, my brother, follow these Truth, again conducts him
Csduce. once around the room.)

three lights, indicative of Analysis, Auriel—In the beginning man had the word, and that
word was from God, and out of the living power which
Synthesis, Analogy; the instruments in and by that word was communicated to man came the
light of his existence. Let no man speak the word, for
of thought
with a on and
clear andlook for knowledge
fearless eye, her,
and by it the Father made light and darkness; the world and
whethertruth awheresover
throne or you
in a meet
dungeon, Three Lighis. living creatures. (Halts in front of Auriel.)
triumphant or proscribed. Prove all things and hold Note 320.— “The name of one ~f the archangels, referred to In some
of the high degrees. “—Maoks)”s gasyolopadia ef lr.emaso.ry, h,tlsl.
A uriel—Brother Truth, whom do you conduct? -Zarad&iel—Brother Truth, whom do you conduct?
Brother Truth-”--A Commander of the Temple, who Brother Truth—A Commander of the Temple who
desires to go out of darkness and to see the true light, desires to go out of dark’ness and to see the true light,
and to know the true light in all its purity, and to ask and to know the true light in all its purity, and to ask
tidings of the ‘times that are promised to man; tidings of the times that are promised to man.
Auriel—What do I see? This Commander you con- Zarachiel—-’I cannot permit him to pass, for he wears
duct dares to present himself as a fellow laborer and the mask of hypocrisy. (Brother Truth removes the
stands clothed in the tattered and impure garb of indo- mask.)
lence and vice. Divest him of that garb. (Brother Brother Truth—Shining Zarachiel, his mask has fal-
Truth takes off the robe.) len and he stands before you, in honesty and innocence.
Brother Truth—Glorious Auriel, the aspirant has cast Zaraehiel—’Tis well! He doth stand approved, and
off the disgraceful garb of idleness. may drink of the pure contents of this transparent gob-
Auriel—’Tis well! His body being relieved from ig- let. Let the perfect purity of its contents be a token of
nominy, his mind may now discover and fulfill the moral the resolution of this hour, blessed are the pure in heart.
meaning of the cone or pyramid; that form of matter (Candidate drinks, when Brother Truth again conducts

from which all other figures may be de- him once around the room.)
rived, and which is an emblem of produc- Hamaliel—Before the world grew old, the primitive
tive truth, varied order and economic truth faded out from men’s souls. Then man asked him.
utility. It represents the true mason who self, what am I and how and whence am I and whither
raises himself by degrees till he reaches do I go? and the soul looking inward upon itself strove
heaven, to adore the sacred and unuttera- to learn whether that “I” were mere matter; its thought
ble name of the Great Architect of the
von~o~ytusId. Universe. ~ If any will not work, neither and reason, its passions and affections mere results of
material combination or, a material being enveloping an
should they eat. (~Brother Truth again conducts him
immaterial spirit. (Halts in front of Hamaliel.)
once around the room.)
Hamaliel—B rother Truth, whom do you conduct?
Zarachiel—Man was created pure, and God gave him Brother Truth—A Commander of the Temple who de-
truth as he gave him light. He has lost the truth and sires to go out of darkness and to see the true light~ and
found error. He has wandered far into darkness and to know the true light in all its purity, and to ask tidings
round him sin and shame hover evermore. The soul
o~ the times that are promised to man.
that is impure and sinful and defiled with earthly stains Hamaliel—None but the free can enter into the gate.
cannot again unite with God, until by long trials and of the Eden, for it is the land of liberty. (Brother
many purifications it is finally delivered from the old
calamity, and light overcomes darkness and dethrones Truth takes off the chains of the candidate.)
it in the SOul. (Halts in front of Zarachiel.) Brother Trutl&—Hanualiel, he is free.

sign of the sacred dogma of equality,
Hama.liel—Thereafter, my brother, let this globe be and with it for a monitor we may yet
an emblem to remind hope for the reign of God on earth.
you of true liberty, for The meek shall inherit the earth.
,ugh perfectly regu- (Brother Truth again conducts him
lar in form, though it once around the room.)
measures equally in
every direction it has
no boundaries or lines Michael—In the beginning, the universe was one soul.
of limitation; where He was the all; alone with time and space, and infinite
the spirit of the Lord as they. He had his thoughts: “I create worlds” and lo!
is, there is liberty. the universe and the laws of harmony and motion that
(Brother Truth again rule it; the first of a thought of God, and the bird and
conducts him once around the room.)
Saphael—God is the first; indestructable, eternal, un- beast, and every living thing but man, and light and air,
created, indivisible. Wisdom, justice, truth, mercy, with and the mysterious currents, and the dominion of
harmony and love are of his essence, and eternity and mysterious numbers. (Halts in front of MichaEl.)
infinitude of extension. He is silent, and consents with Michael—Brother Truth, whom do you conduct?
mind, and is known to soul through mind alone. In him Brother Truth—A Commander of the Temple, who
were all things originally contained and from him all desires to go out of darkness and to see the true light,
things were evolved. (Halts in front of Saphael.) and to know the true light in all its purity, and to ask
Saphael—Brother Truth, ~whomdo you conduct? tidings of the times that are promised to man.
Brother Truth—A Co~nmander of the Temple who
desires to go out of darkness and to see the true light, Michael—In vain does this man seek to enjoy the
and to know the true light in all its purity, aiid to ask happiness of Eden on earth; for he clutches in his hand
tidings of the times that are promised to man. the treasure of human avarice. (Brother Truth takes
Saphael—With the haughty crown of vanity and pride the purse from the candidate and hands it to Michael.)
upon his forehead, how can he hope to inhabit Eden, Brother Truth—Miehael,”’ he casts it before you to
where all are equal sons of the Great Architect of the be put into the common treasury.
Universe. This arrogant Commander must east his Note gi.—~Who is lik, unto God, The chief of the seven seek.
crown to his feet if he wishes to proceed. (Brother angela. B. Is the leader ot the celestial host, as Lucifer I. of the in•
ferusi spIrits. and the especial protector of Israel. lie is prominently
Truth divests him of his crown.) refened to in the twentyel~b depee of the Ancient and Acee
Brother Truth—Sapheel, it is done. Scottish Bite, or Knight of
—. ~ MtehaeL
Sun. —Ma.okq’a Eaoyol.padla of
&~phael—Then let him look to this cross. It is the
conducts him to the altar, and causes him to kneel on
both knees.)
Mid&ael—Then let him wear the sign OBLIGATION KNIORTS OP THE SUN.

of the ardent dove, to indicate that his I promise and swear, in the presence of the
soul will ever cherish affeetiofi for his Great Architect of the Universe, and of all the brethren
fellow-man. (Invests him with it.) here present, never to take arms against my country,
directly or indirectly, in any conspiracy whatever.
I furthermore promise and swear never to reveal any
Ardent Dove.
Michael—Brother Truth, you will now conduct the of the secrets of the degree of Knights of the Sun, to
candidate to Father Adam.”’ (Order is obeyed.) any person or persons unless duly qualified to receive
Father Adam—My son, dost thou desire to be further the same, and never give my consent to the admission
instructed in these great primitive truths, which are the of any one into our mysteries, until after the most
treasures of the archives of masonry? scrupulous circumspection and full knowledge of his
Candidate—I do. life and conversation, and who has given at all times full
Father Adam—Art thou prepared to give us thy most proof of his zeal and fervent attachment for the order,
solemn pledge and promise that thou wilt strenuously and a submission at all times to the consistory of Prin-
endeavor faithfully to practice that pure morality that ces of the Royal Secret.
flows as a result from the great truths that thou hast I furthermore promise and swear never to confer the
heard; to repent of, and regret thy short-comings, and degree of Knights of the Sun, without having a permis-
thy errors, and to submit patiently to gentle and brother- sion in writing from the Grand Consistory or from a
ly rebuke and reprimand if dthou shouldest offend? Grand Inspector or Deputy.
(Ja,ulidate—I am. I furthermore promise and swear to redouble my zeal
for’ all my brethren, Knights and Princes, and should I
Father Adam—Go, then, and upon thy bended knees, willfully violate this my obligation, may my brethren
before the altar of truth and the great light, emblem of Peize me and thrust my tongue through with a red ho~
the God of the Patriarchs, prepare to receive the solemn iron, to pluck out my eyes and deprive me of smelling
obligation of a Knight of the Sun. (Brother Truth and seeing, to cut off my hands and expose me in that
condition in the field to be devoured by the voracious
Not. 322.—”it is moat probably in this collective sense, as the rep. animals, and if none can be found, may the lightning of
resentative of ihe whole human race, and, therefore, the type of hu.
inanity. that the presiding omcer in a council of Knights of the 5un.
the 28th dcgree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, is called
heaven execute on me the same vengeance. So may
Faiher Adam, and ~e occupied in the investigation of the great truths God, maintain me in righteousness and equity. Amen.
which so inoch concern the interests of the race. Adam. in that degree.
is man seekii,g after divine truth. The Kabbalista and Talmudiata have (Father Adam then raises him and kisses him on the
invenled many things concerning the first Adam. none of which ace.
however. w,,rthv of ireaervat Ion, see Knight .1 ti’s Snm.”—Kt.oftsys forehead, invests him with the collar and jewel, and
Uuqolopasdia ot rr.emasonry, ArtiCle Main. gives him the following:)
SIGN. ANSWRR :—Abra or Abrag. That is, a king without
•blot. (After the candidate is invested with the signs,
Place the right hand fiat
token and words, he is seated in front of Michael (the
on the heart, the thumb separ- Orator) Who delivers the following history:)
a%e, so as to form a square.
ANSW BR. My brother, in the ancient mysteries,”4 wherever they
Raise the right hand, and were practiced, was taught that truth of the prinutive
revelation, the existence of one great being, infinite and
with the index, point to heaven.
pervading the universe, who was there worshiped with-
out superstition and his marvelous nature, essence and
Answer. attributes taught to the initiates, while the vulgar at-
tributed his words to secondary gods, personified and
isolated from him in fabulous independence. These
truths were covered from the common people as with a
veil, and the mysteries were carried into every country,
that without disturbing the popular beliefs, truth, the
TOICEN. arts, and the sciences might be known to those who
were capable of understanding them, and maintaining
Take in your hand, those of the the true doctrine incorruptible, which the people, prone
to superi’tition and idolatry, have in no agc been able to
brother and press them gently; kiss do, nor, as many strange aberrations and superstitions of
him on tbe forehead and say Alpha.
the present day prove, any more now than heretofore.
lIe returns the kiss and says, For we need but point to the doctrines of so many sects
that degrade the Creator to the rank, and assign to him
Omega. But this is not much used. the passions of humanity, to prove that now as always,
the old truths must be committed to a few or they will
)b~ta 834,—Aa to their origin. Warburton is probably not wrong in
hia atatement that the drat of whkh ~ have any account are thoae of
Isis and Oniris in Egypt: for although those of Mithras came into Europe
from l’ersia. they were, it is bopponed. carried from Egypt hy Zoroaster.
Token Knighta ot Tue moat important of tbese myateries wcre the Osiric in Egypt, the
the Bus. Uithraic in Persia. the Cabiric in Thrace, the Adoolaiso in Syria. the
BATrEEr :—Six equi.timed strokes; 000000. ilioiayatac and Elosinian in Greece. the Seandinavian among the Gothic
nations, and the Druidicai among the Ceita.
In alt these mysteries we find a singular unity of design. clearly indi-
PASS woan:—Stibium. cating a common origin. and a purity of doctrine a, evidently p roving
Vats 398.—” i am Alpha and Omega• the heganning and the end. ~s that this common ori~in was not to he sought for in the popotar theology
of the Pagan wend. ‘—Mathoy’s Encyolopadia of 3reamasonry, Artknio
bat snd the Isat. • These are respectiveiy the first and the last Iette?5 Nystertes. Aaoient.
in the Greek siphahet, corresponding with the English form •A to 3• g
the Heheew Aieph to Ta..’ —Keeuia’s Masosi. Di.tiin.ay. Aititia Ai&a
sad O~
be overlaid with fiction and error, and irretrievably lost.
tive revelation, that form the basis of all religions. In
Though masonry is identical with the ancient mys- the modern degrees, three things are to be recognized:
teries, it is so in this qualified sense, that it presents but The image of primeval times, the tableau of the
an imperfect image of their brilliancy, the ruins only of
efficient causes of the universe, and the book in which
their grandeur and a system that has experienced, are written, the morality of all peoples, and the code by
progressive alterations, the fruits of social events and which they must govern themselves if they would be
political circumstances. Upon leaving Egypt, the mys- prosperous.545 degree represents man, when he had
teries were modified by the habits of the different na-
The first
sunken from his original lofty estate, into what is most
tions among whom they were introduced. Though improperly styled a state of nature. He represents in
originally more moral and political than religious, they that degree the rough ashler, unfit to form a part of the
soon became the heritage as it were of the priests, and spiritual temple, the pagan who had lost all the great
essentially religious, though in reality limiting the primitive truths of the original revelation. He main-
sacerdotal power by teaching the intelligent laity the tained the same character in the ancient mysteries. He
folly of the countries into which they were transplanted. is emphatically a profane,”’ enveloped in darkness, poor
In Greece they were the mysteries of Ceres,” in Rome, and destitute of spiritual knowledge, and emblematically
the good goddess, in Gaul, the school of Mars, in Sicily, The material darkni~ss”’ which is produced by the
the academy of the sciences. Among the Hebrews, they
Nets 386.—”Although the gotered Apprentice is hut a rough ashier.
partook of the rights and ceremonies of a religion which yet be is of good substance and sound at the c,,re The statue is in the
block, a figure more graceful the,, human gelilus can create ‘the En.
tered Apprentice has been J,,dged. by me,, expert in the ael,’ctiom, of
1)lilCed all the powers of a government and all the knowl- material, to be prepared in heart’; in theory he was a Mason even before
he entered at the northwest corner of the Lodge There ia nothing In
edge in the hands of the priests and Levites. Masonic science that can do the work of heart-preparation, a,,d those
master builders who have attempted, not of inferior materiala. to con-
‘Phe Pagodas of India, the retreats of the Magi of stroct the Freemasons’ wall, have ever and egregiously erred Therefore
is the gniered Apprentice one siready prepared in heart. Nor i~ this tyro
Persia and Chaldca, and the pyramids of Egypt were in Masonry altogether ignorant of the principies of the society into
which he desires to penetrate; some exoteric knowledge of Masonry
no longer the sources at which men drank in knowledge. he must hsve had, for, in his petition, he declares that ‘he has long en.
Each people, at alb informed, had its mysteries. After a tertained a favorahie opinIon of the ancient and honorable Institution.’
—Morris’s Kasonlo Dintin~, Aztiols Entered Apprentios.
tinie the temples of Grecce and the school of Pythagoras Note 317.— ‘Profane. There is no word whose technical and proper
lost thcir reputation and freemasonry took their place. meaning differs me,re than this, in its ordinary use profane signifies
one who is irreligious and irreverent. hut in its technical adaptation it
IN1ai~onrv, when properly expounded, is at once the in- is spplied to one who is igs,orant of ss,’red rites. The word is coin-
of the two Latin wor(ls pro and faannnn, and literally means
terpretation of the great book of nature, the recital of ~fcreor
cients wasoutside of the
one who was temple; and hence
not allowed a profanne
to enter among
the temple and the an-
physical and astronomical phenomenon, the purcst the mysteries. ‘Those. says yeast,,,. ‘were catted profane who were not
initiated in the sacred rites. h,,t to whom it was showed only to stand
philosophy and the place of deposit, where, as in a treas- before th~ temole—pro fano—not t., enter it and take part in the
urv, are kept in safety all the great truths of the primi- solemnities ‘—haokeys Encynlopadia of Freemason,~., Article Profane.
Note 3U.—’The material darkness which ii preduced hi rtho hood-
irate SBE—”Ceres. Among the Romans the goddess of agricuittire. winkj is an emblem of the dark,,csa of his so,,i He is deprived of eyen~.
I.,,t amo,,g the more poetic Crocks she was worshiped utider the namc of thing that has a vaine, and wherewith be could p,,rchasp food, to indi-
Deneter. as tue symbol of the prolific earth. To her is attributed the t,t~ cate his utter desiitntton of the mental wealth of primitive truth.”
stitati ii of the ~ieueinian Mysteries in Greece the most popular of iii Pierson’s Traditions, lubject Entered Apprentice, page N.
the anitent initiationa.”—3IAskei’5 Encyciopadla of Fr.emasonq. Axti-
ole Cores.
snergetic, because being yet in darkness, he is on the
bandage over his eyes, is an emblem of the darkness of point of passing from barbarism into civilization. t is
his soul. He is deprived of everything that has a value, like those of the ancient mysteries, for violating which,
and wherewith he could purchase food to indicate his Alcibrades was exiled and devoted to the furies.
utter destitution of the mental wealth of primitive truth. When h~ is brought to light’” the allegory is com-
In this degree he undergoes only physical tests~, and re- plete. He sees around him a bend of brothers bound to
ceives elementary moral instructions. As yet he takes protect and defend him.
upon himself no duty but secrecy. He still remains in The obligation h~ has assumed, they and every mason
the dark quarter of the lodge though not in the North,85• in the world have assumed toward him. He is one of
but half way towards the East, the place of light He is
not exposed to the fearful trials which await the candi- the brotherhood, bound by its laws and enlisted as a
date for initiation into the mysteries. He passes through soldier against ignorance and vice. The Master, for the
no gloomy forests or long labyrinthine eaves; he meets time entitled to respect and veneration, is still but the
no hidecus spectres; he is stunned and alarmed by no first among his brethren, who are all his equals. Such
fearful noises, he incurs no danger is masonic law and usage, and such it has ,been from the
A few solitary moments in reflection and prayer, a earliest ages. In his journey, imitating that of life, the
short time passed in darkness, a few uncertain steps, a candidate goes but three times around~si the lodge
few obstacles to overcome are all; and he enters the although life has four seasons. This is because his
temple of truth and virtue. The journeys and trials of journey also represents the annual revolution of the Sun.
the candidate are an emblem of human life. Man en- Had the mysteries originated in the North or West, in
Rome or Greece, the seasons of the year and of life
ters, feeble and naked, upon a road full of dangers and
Note 830.—”Light. Light is an important word in the Masonic sys-
pitfalls The ignorance of the fancy, the fiery passions tem. it conveys a far more recondite meaning than It is believed to
possess by the generality of readers. It ii in fact the first of all the
of youth, the troubles a~nd a~itations of mature age, the symbols presented to the neophyte, and continues to be presented to him
tn various modifloations throughout all his foture progress In his Ma-
infirmities of old ~age are so many evils which assail sonic career. it does not simply mean, as might be supposed. truth or
wisdom, hut it contains within itself a tar more ahstruse allusion to
him, and which philosophy alone can aid him against. the very essence of Speculative Masonry, and embraces within its capa-
cious signification all the other symbols of the Order. Freemasons are
Defenceless in a world of trouble, what would become emphatically called the ‘sons of light.’ because they are, or at least
are entitled to be. in possession of the true meaning of the symbol; while
of him without the assistance of his brethren? the profane or unitiated who has not received this knowledge are. hy a
His obligation is no vulgar oath, such as is adminis- rity of expression, said to be in darkness. ‘—Mackey’s Encyclopedia of
~e nry. Afticle Light.
tered in the profane world. It is antique and sacred. Note 831.—”Circumambulation is the name given by sacred archeolo-
He repeats it without compulsion. The expressions are gists to that religious rite in the ancient initiations which consisted in
a formal pao&esion aconod the altar, or other boty and consecrated object.
Note 339.—”A candidate in search of Masonic light comes from the Ibe same aite exists in Freemasonry.
west and presses forward to the haat. the place of tight by way of the in ancient Greece. when the priests were engaged in the rite of mac-
North. ‘the place of darkness ‘ This sac of the word North is said, in riSc.. they and the people always walked three times mood the altar
the teetures of the Bini’ Lodge. to be derived from the situation of Jeri,- while singing a sacred hymn. In making this procession, great care
salem. It was so far north of the Summer Soistice tiatitude 31 degrees. was taken to move in imitation of the course of the sun. For thIs pur-
46 winnie, 45 seconds. North. that Is more than nine degrees North of pose, they commenced at the east, and passing on by the way of the
the Summer &ulstiuu’). that the rays of the meridian sun could never dart south to the west and thence hy .—e north, they arrived at the east
into the northern windows of it. “—Morris’s Masonic Dictionary. Article g~,n”—Meohey’a Zacyolopedie of lweemaaouxy, Article Otroumambula.
would have agreed, and four have been the number In- to- three. In this degree the letter 0.’.”’ represents
stead of three. But in the East, in ancient times there fleometry alone, Its deeper meaning is properly re-
were but three seasons. The three pillars “ that sup- served for the third. Here the young Fellow Craft is
port the lodge are Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. the representative of the student of the seiences in the
The Egyptians and the Hebrews based their civil pol’- school of Pythagoras; and it was there known that
icy upon the wisdom of the priests, and the power, aiuioiig the Brahmins, Gannes was the God of numbers
and the patrons of schools and learned societies. With
strength or valor of their civil chiefs who were also
us, too, the letter is the substitute for the Hebraic Yod,
military conunanders, and the harmony between these
tIle initial letter of the Divine name and a monogram
(synonymous with beauty among the Egyptians) com-
that expressed the uncreated being, principal of all
pleted the prosperity of the State. The age of an Ap-
prentice is said to be three years, because in the ancient things, and enclosed in a triangle, the unity of God.
mysteries three years preparation was required before The word of a Fellow Craft has an astronomical
initiation could commence. meaning that connectsmasonry with the primitive times.
The number three’” belongs in a peculiar manner to Setting the celestial globe for the place where the temple
this degree. The alarm is three raps. There are three was built, and the season of the year when it was com-
movable and three immovable jewels; three principal menced, the master’s station corresponds with the solar
officers, three lights, greater and lesser; three journeys rising. The sun’” has just shown himself above the
are made around the lodge. horizon, The candidate entering by the west door faces
the day star and is consequently near that star of the
In the Fellow Craft degree, the number five succeeds
sodiac which sets as the sun rises, It is the star which
Note 358.—”Pilisrs. Every lodge must be supported by three grand
shafts, or pillars—wisdom 5~ength~ and Beauty wisdom constructs blesses the husbandm an; that brilliant star which the
the huildlng, Beauty adorns, and Strength supports it, also, wisdom Is
ordained to discover. Beauty~ to oraament. and Strength to bear. He Hebrews called Shibboleth, meaning an ear of wheat,
wbo is wise as a perfect Master wili not be easily injured by his own
actions “—Macny’s and Dictionary of Freemasonry, Article In the Fellow Craft degree, one point of the compatut
is raised above the square. The latter is an emblem of
Note 335.—’in all the mysteries, from Egypt to ficandinavla. we find the mechanical world and of obedience. The former
a sacred regard for the number three, in the rites of Mlthras. the Empy-
rean was said to be auptuorted by three Intelligences, Ormuad. Mlthra, and
Mlthras. in the rites of Hlnduetan, there was the trinity of Brahms, lint, 384,—’G. The situation of this letter when alone, Is well
vishnu, and five. It was. In short, a general charactfr of the my steri55 knowuu to ali Freemasons, it cannot sliud’e to the name of God alone
to have three prIncipal officers and three grades of lot tattoo. in the German lodges, or it could not be found in the situation itt
In Freemasonry the ternary is the moat sacred of all the mystical foreign lodg. Ii has a closer affinity to Geometry, which is so nec-es-
numbers. BeginnIng with the old axiom of the Roman Artificers. that anry to an Architect. and geometrical certainty and truth is everywbure
tree faciunt collegium, or it requires three to make a college, they have necessary —Gadloks. ‘—Macny’s Encyslop.dua and Ductionary of Free
established the rule that not less than three shall couugrcgnte to form 5 masonry, Article 0.
Lodge ‘Then in all the Rites, whatever may be the number of superim- Note 855,—’ ‘The heraldic definition of the sun as a bearing fit mcat
posed grades, there lie at the hasis the three symbolic degrees. There
are in all the degrees three princIpal, officers, three supports, three greater appuusltely to the symboilam of the sovereignty of the Master. Thuus
and three lesser tights, three movable and three immovable jewels, ibred Gwiilim says ‘The sun i, the symbol of sovereignty, the hieroglyphic
of royalty; it doth signifi absolute authority This representation of
principal tenets, three working-tools of a Fellow Craft, three principal the auto as a symbol of authority, while it explains the reference to the
orders of architecture, three chief human senses, three .Auucient Grand
Masters. In fact, everywhere In the system the number three Is presented Master, enables us to amptify Ii, mesnluug. and apply It to the three
as a prominent symbol.”—Mackey’s Encyclop.dia of Freemasonry, Aztieie sources of authority in the Lodge. and accounts for the respective posi-
Three, tions of the officers wielding this authority. “—Mackey’s Ensyclopudia of
Freemasanry, Article Sun.

describes those curves and circles which are figures or bolic Masonry, or the first three degrees, sole heir of
the celestial movements and is an emblem of authority, the mysteries, does not tell us the true master’s word, We
Thus the meaning is that the candidate has taken one are left to discover it in that rite, in other and modern
step towards celestial knowledge, and from obedience degrees. It is too evident that the degree is corrupted,
to command. mutilated ~nd but a poor substitute for the last degree
The Fellow Craft passes from the perpendicular to of the great mysteries.
the square, from the column Jachin to the column Boaz;
the perpendicular being a straight line the square two,
forming a right angle.
The third line comes in the Masters degree, to coin-
plete the right angled triangle and exhibit the 47th
problem of Euclid and Pythagoras.
The third degree commemorates the murder of
Hiram”’ Abiff (whom it styles the Chief Architect of
the Temple and one of our three Ancient Grand Mas-
ters) by three perfidious workmen to whom he refused to
give the master’s word; the less of that word and the
substitution of another, and hints at the resurrection to
life of the murdered man, though in fact, in the York
rite it relates that he was merely raised to be buried
again. These were events of ordinary occurrence, so far
as the mere murder and the discovery of the body, and
the punishment of thea assa~sins are concerned. Sylil-
Noto 8S6~—”Masonic ttradittons are full of the life, labor, sod fate
of the ‘wIdow’s son’ of Phmnlela. That he was an aged man, devoted
through a long life to architecture and Its kindred arts, that he was
a worahiper of the true God in distinctIon from his countrymen, who
were Idolaters; that he entered heartIly Into the preparations of a moral
system of Masonry, of whIch the rules, tools and language of practical
building should be the types, the honor of God, and the good of msn.
kind the elm; that as the end of the Temple buIlding drew nigh he
became more endeared to the hearts of his royal patrons and the multi-
tude of builders of oil degrees; that he fell a victim to his fidelity a
short time before the completion of that renowned structure, and thuit
his death, the discovery of his remains and their final dispositIon were
introduced into SymbolIcal Masonry, to become constituent portions of Its
legends, are admitted as facts by all Masonic historians. The theory
of the learned Dr. Oliver that these facts were adopted by King Solomon
and his royal companion as auhatituin for the mythological legends then
In use In the Freemasonry of Phmnicis. Hiram taking the lace of Osiris
a’id his death. disappearsoce and recovery those of ~ traditions in
the Egyptian mysteries will be examined under other heads. The theory
that they are to be considered only as myths i, too ill-founded to need
examination at our hands. “—Morris’s Masonic Dictionary, Article Nbain
tbe Architect,
Father Adam—Brother Truth, what progress have
men made on earth to come to true happiness?
Brother Truth—Mcn have always fallcn. Very few
have struggled and lcss have knocked at the door of PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS
this holy place to attain the full light of real truth, which
we all ought to acquire. TWENTY-EIGHTH DEGREE: OR, XNZGHTS oF
Father Adam—My dear children, depart and go TI-hE SUN.
among men. Endeavor to inspire them with the dc~irc lnventcd by the Gucrrllla General. Albert Pike—Sets Asldc the BIble as
of knowing holy truth; the pure source of all perfec- Obsoiete—Lodgcn hove 5i’pcrnaiurai Pooer—”But Rather Darkucas
Father Adam—(Puts his right hand on his left This degree, as here given, was invented by AlberL
Pike, (See Note 313.) Pike was the son of a poor shoe-
maker, born in Boston, 1809; brought up in Newbury-
AlI—(Raise the index finger of the right hand to
port; studied a while in Cambridge College; afterwards
lieavcn and clap six; 000000.)
Father Adam—This Council k closed. obtained the honorary A. M. from that institution;
went to Mexico, was an editor in Arkansas, and Mern-
phis, Tenn.; became an ultra Southerner, and Mason;
obtained, by fraud, from the U. S. Treasury, money
appropriated to Indians, for annuItIes, schools, etc; in-
itiated some fifty Cherokee and Choctaws in Federal
Lodge No. 1, in Washington, D. C.; became a Con-
federate General, and fought his Indian brigade against
Gen. Curtis, at Pea Ridge, where he was defeated by
the Union troops. His Indians were said to have
scalped and tomahawked Union soldiers. He sold out
the Memphis Appeal, left civil occupations, and devoted
himself to Freemasonry; has translated two volumes of
Asiatic pagan religion, one of eight, the other of twelve
hundred pages, from which he has taken the doctrines
of this 28th degree, which Mackey declares to be
“perhaps, the most important of all the- high degrees.”
He has long been the head of the “Ancient and lo. Note 319: “The higher idea of truth, which per.
cepted Rite.” And though his Supreme Council re- is properly expressed by a knowlsdge of God ;“ that is to
mains in Charleston, whose records and papers for say, salvation truth. And on page 212: “The true
fifty-nine years before the war, were all burnt up, Mason, who raises himself by degrees, till he reaches
doubtless to conceal treason arid crimes committed heaven I I” Again on page 213: The candidate seeks,
against the country, and the laws of war, he himself and this degree is bringing him to “the true light.”
has bought, and resides in the old Blair and Rives Now, Christ is “that true light.” (John, 1, 9.) He
building, near the Capitol. If such a man has invented appeared in ineffable brightness in the transfiguration;
“the most important of the high degrees,” what must in “light above the sun’s brightness” to Paul at his con-
the others have been I version; so to John throughout the Apocalypse; and in
Of this degree, whose present ritual emanated from multitudes of instances, at the death-beds of saints, this
such a mind, Macoy says: “It is strictly philosophical, same supernatural light appears.
and scientific;” whose object is “to inspire men with Now, this degree recapitulates the substsnce, and ob-
the knowledge of heavenly truth, which is the pure ject of Masonry, up from the Apprentice degree, which
source of all perfection.” (See Note 316.) The Right is seeking and gaining light in the lodge. But CRUST
Rev. Episcopal Bishop Fallows, and a Universalist is not in a secret lodge. He entered no lodge. He
Minister, named Rounseville, during Mr. Moody’s first joined none; but abjures, prohibits, denounces them.
meetings, in Farwell Block in Chicago, spoke at a (Isaiah 48, 16.) And we know that the devil hatcd Him;
meeting, called to form a “Lodge of Intelligence,” in tempted Him; shrank from Him; fled from Him. We
Oriental Hall in that city. The Bishop delivered an know, too, by simple inspection, that the lodge-god is
address, and Rounseville a~ poem on the “Mission of not Christ. Looking at a lodge-procession is enough.
MasonFry.” The speec’h and poem were published in And yet we know that Masons profess to get, and
the Voice of Mas~,nr-y; and their doctrine is identical lodges to give: “light I” “light I I” “light I I U’ And,
with that of this degree, as stated by Macoy, above, whatever Masons are, they are not fools. Where do
viz., that Masonry is the only perfect revelation of they get their light, and what is it? We know that
“heavenly truth,” and “source of all perfection!” i. e., “the spirits of devils work miracles” (Rev. 16, 14.)
the only rule of faith and life; thus completely setting We see, too, that lodges have supernatural power.
aside the Bible as obsolete. To see that this is not Nothing else perpetuates them through centuries. We
misstated, or exaggerated, glance through the degree. see, too, that believing Masons have light in their
Thus we find on page 207: “The only law, by which countenances. Not that light with which Moses’ face
we cannot fail to come to the knowledge of pure truth.” beamed, from intercourse with God; or Stephen’s, from
Page 208: “To know the true light in all its purity.” a vision of Chrisf; but the baleful beaming light seen


in the faces of Mormons, conjurers, spirit-worshipers,

and sleight-of-hand men. As the little child’s face
draws and reflects the light of the countenance of a
godly mother; every Mason, who believingly, worships
Satan, transformed into an angel of light, reflects the
light that devils see by!
• ‘Yet from those flame,, no light CHAPTER LIII
“But rather darkness vialble.
Such is Masonry, and such are Masons. May the
God of light save us from “fellowship with devils.”
(1. Cor. 10, 20.)


It is the twenty-ninth grade of the Ancient and Ac-

cepted Rite, and the eleventh con ferred in a Grand
INTRODUCTION —This is supposed to be the first grade

Note 337.—’ Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew. The 29th degree
of the Ancient and Accepted rite. It is also called ‘Patriarch of the
crusades.’ in allusion to Its suppoaed orIgin—during those wars, and it is
also suanetimes known by the name of ‘Grand Master of Light.’ This
degree is devoted to toleration and freedom of man in the great moral
attributes. It inculcates equality—representing the poor Knight equsl
to the monarch, and exhibits the requisites of Knighthood; protection
to the defenseless and innocent: the posseasica of virtue. pstience, and
firmness—and lepresents the Knight as the exponent of truth, and one
alike without fear and wilbout reproach. The asaemhly is called a
chapter. Two apsrtments are required. In the first apartment the hang-
ings are crimson, supported hy white columns. DurIng the reception this
room represents the court of Sniadin. the great Sultan of Egypt and
Syria. The second apartment should be a well-furnished room, deco-
rated in the eastern style. The presiding officer is styled venerable
Grand Master. The Knights are all dressed in crimson robes, with a
large white cross of St. Andrew on the breast. The Jewcl is two inter-
laced triangles, formed by arcs of large cIrcles, with the conca,e out-
ward, of gold, and enclosing a pair of compasses optn to twenty-five
degrees. At the bottom, and to one of the points ii suspended a St.
Andrew’s Gross, of gold, surmounted by a Knight’s hemlet; on the
centre of the croas Is the letter ‘I. Inclosed in a,, equilateral triangle,
and this again in a ring formed by a winged serpent; between the two
lower arma of the cross may he anapended a key. “—Macor’s Esoyclo.
•udia and Dietionaq of Freemasonry Article Grand Scottish Knight of

of Ramsay’s’” Rite which was introduced about the year
1728, and was called Eccossais, or Scotch Masonry. it DECORATIONS :—In this degree, the lodge is Ilung with
is founded on Chivalric Masonry or the Masonry of t~ic red tapestry, supported by white columns. The seats of
Crusades, and gives a history of the events that led to the Master and of the two Wardens are of red cloth
the union of1 the Chivalric orders with Freemasonry. with gold fringe; those of the Knights are blue. At
each angle of the hall is a Cross of St. Andrew. In front
The ceremony of reception [initiation ~ is brief; the of each cross are four lights in a linc, making sixteen
instruction full. This grade is preparatory to the lights. The total number of lights in this lodge is
liadosh and was introduced into the Ancient and Ac- eighty-one, viz.: Two on the altar, seven groups of nine
cepted rite by Frederick the Great in 1786.
In this degree my brother, you are admitted into the and the first sixteen in front of the crosses.
TITLES :—This lodge is styled Grand Lodge. The
true Eden or dominion of everlasting truth and fraterni-
ty. There you learn what perseverance can do, and in Mastcr is called Patriarch and the Knights, Respectable
the repose of your heart and mind you find the ultimate Masters.
result of our Master’s doctrine, which for so many, is the CLOTHING :—A red robe. Order a scarf of crimson.
text cif a thousand vain and false theories. It is for that At the bottom of the scarf is the jewel, fastened by a
very same result that Freemasonry has been assailed, rosette of dark green, edged with red. When a collar
both by kingly and priestly usurpers, by Atheists and is worn it must be of green, edged with red. The
narrow-minded sectarians. This degree my brother, is
usually conferred by communication. Knights wear a sash of white silk with gold fringe.
JEWEL :—Ts a compass within three triangles, and
Nets 8SS.—’Ramaay, Andrew, Michael. Commonly called the Chev-
alier itamasy. He was burn at Ayr, in Scotland. Jnne 9. 1668. HIs these within a single triangle. Beneath the grand
father was a baker, hut being a possessor of considerable property was
enabled to give his sun a ilbersi education. He was accordingly sent
to school in his native burgh, and afterwards to the University of
triangle is a reversed square, a poniard in the angle of
itdinhurg, where he was diatingulahed for his abilities and diligence.
In iWO he was intrusted with the education of the two sons of the Sari
the square. When a collar is worn, the jewel is a cross
of wenayss. Subsequently, becoming unsettled in his reilgions opinions. of St. Andrew, surmounled by a closed crown. In thc
he resigned that employment and went to Holland, residing for some
time at Leydon. There he became acquainted with Pierre Poiret. one
of the most celebratedtteachera of the mystic theology which then pre-
centre and on the crosslet is a pin&apple or a J.:. within
vailed on the continenL From him Ramasy learned the principal tenets
of that system, and It is not unreasonahis to suppose that ha was thus
a triangle in the middle of a ring. To this ring is su-
indoctrinated wIth that love of mystical speculation which he auhsq-
quently developed as the Inventor ol Nasonic degrees, and as the founder
pended a key which hangs between the two inferior
of a Masonic aite. In 1710 he visited the celebrated Pension. Arch- hranches of the cross. At the extremity of the arms
hiahop of Cambray, of whose mystical tendenciea he had heard, and met
with a cordIal receptIon. The archbishop invited Ranasay to become his of the cross are the initials B. .,T. .M. .N..
guest, and in six months he was converted to the Catholic faith. Pension
procured for hIm the preceptorship of the Duc de Chatean-Thierry and
the Prince do Turenne. As a reward for his services in that’ capacity he
was made a knight of the Order of St. lasarus. whence he receIved
the title of ‘chevalier,’ by which he was usually known. He was sub-
sequently selected by James Ill., the Pretender, as the lutor of his two
sons, Charles Edward and Henry tha former of whom beosme afterwarde
the Toung Pretender, and the latter the cardinal York. Fur this pur-
pose be repaired, in 1724, to Rome. Dut the political and religious
intrigue, of that court becams distasteful to him, and in a short tims
he obtained permission to return to France. In 1125 he visited England,
and became an inmate of the fami~~ of the Duke of Ar9j~.’—Maeksv’s
aa~siopadia ef Freemasonry, Arti 3amsa~, Andrew

KNIGHTS 015?. Azflhzw. 237


Place the right hand upon the heart;

oa PATRIARCH OP THE CRUSADES.’ extend it horizontally at the height of
the breast; let it fall on the right side,
INITIATION. as if to salute with the hand.


Wipe your forehead with the back of Sod sign, water.

the right hand, the head somewhat in-
dined forward.
Seize each successively the first, then the second, and
\~ lastly the third joint of the other’s middle finger, as
indicated for the index in the first token, each spelling
the sacred word of the second degree, (Shibboleth.) For
FirstSign. Knighi
mode of giving it see page 184, Freemasonry Illustrated.

Of SL Andrew.

Seize each successively the first, THIRD SIGN, THAT OP ASTONISHMENT AND
then the second, and lastly th~
third joint of the other’s ind
finger of the right hand, eat Turn the head to the left, looking down-
spelling alternately the word wards; raise both hands clasped to heaven, a
the first degree. (Boaz.) little towards the right.
First Token. Knichi of St Andrew

Note 839.— Patrtsesh ef the Crusades. One of the .amps rormerly

given to the degree of Grand ScottIsh Knight of St. Andrew. the twenty.
ninth of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The legend of that
degree connects It with the crusades and hence the name; which, how’
eyer. is never used officially, and is retained by regular Supreme Cuing’,-
rils only as s synonym ‘—Maskey’s Encyclopedia ef Freemasonry, Article Sign of Horror.
Patriarch of the Crusades.


FOURTH SIGN, THAT 01 lIRE. Raise the eyes and hands to heaven,
Join both hands, the fingers inter. the left arm somewhat lower than
laced and cover the eyes therewith, the right, the heel of the left foot
the palms outwards. slightly raised, so that the left knee
forms a square with the right log.

Sign of .ue. Sign of hnmirauon.


Give the sign of Air. Extend for-

ward the right arm and hand at the
height of the shoulder.


Place the thumb of the right hand upon

the right eye; raise the index finger so as
Answer to Sign of Firs. to form a square, then bring it on a line,
THIRD TOKEN. as if to indicate an object ii1 view, saying~
“I measure the sun itseLf.”
beize each successively the index finger of the other’s
right hand by the first joint. Each pronounce alternately
one of the three syllables of the sacred wordof the third

degree. (Mah-hah.bone.)
Sign.: ~su~
0~O •q~ 30 q0JUU~i~ •1~’~’V LIUU0j~OIgx l.)juNhgtj.wW
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04 4150 041
041 0~ 101104
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Philip the Fair, King of France, and the crown of all 1”~rice Puissant Grand Master—(Striking the shoul-
those, who under the name of kings and monarchs have ders of the candidate three times with the flat of his
sword.) To the glory of the Grand Arehitect of the
usurped the power, exelusively belonging to the people Universe, in the name and under the auspices of the
and for that reason we trample it under foot, and we Urand Consistory of ublime Prinees of the ltoyal
invite you to do the same. (Thrice Puissant ~.Grand Xecret, 32~id tlcgree of the , Ancient and Aceepted

Master then throws the crown on the floor and tramples ~c~ttish Rite, in and for the Sovereign and Indvpend-
upon it. The candidate and all the Knights also ent Slatc of , under the jurisdietion of the Su-

trample on it, when all the Knights brandish their Jr~II1C Couiu ii for thc northern jurisdietion of the
poniards and exclaim:) United St~itc~ of Amcrica, siUing at the eity of New
York, State (31 Ncw York, and by virtue of the author-
AU—Down with tyrants. May thus roll in the dusty ity vested in me by Couneil of Kadosh, No
the crown of every king and potentate. I receive and constitute you a Knight Kadosh, or
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—(Passing over to the Knight of the Black and ~Vhite Eagle, and an aetive
Tiara.) This represents the Tiara of the cruel and iiieniber of this Council of Kadosh. (Thrice Puissant
cowardly Pontiff, who sacrifleed to his ambition the (~nind Master rcturnstG thetlirone and takes hisseat.)
illustrious order of those Knighis Templars of whom we Thrice Puissant Grand Master—(One knock with
pommel of sword.) Be seated Sir Knights.
are the true successors. A erown of gold and precious d B —Prvious to .eitti.ig the KiiIgbt~ tbe TbrIce Puissant Grand
~i.~,.I.r l,uts un th~ loot of the candidate the ~I’ir of Knighthood. All
stones ill befits the humble head of one who pretends to i,~IfIN iheir siut8 ~ Ith the exception of tbe caqidId~ite and Master uf
be suecessor, the Vicar, of Jesus of Nazareth. It is Thrice Puissant Grand Master—(To candidate.)
thereforc the crown of an imposter, and it is in the We will now niy brother, proceed to give you thc signs,
name of him who said “neither be ye called Masters,” tokens and words of the degree of Knights Kadosh.
that we trample it under our feet. (As the Thrice Puissant Grand Niaster explains the
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—(To candidate.) Are signs, the Master or Ceremonies causes the candidate to
you disposed to do ~he same? execute the motions.)
Candidate—I am. (Thrice Puissant Grand Master SIGN OF KADOSH.
then throws the Tiara on the floor and tramples upon it,
thc candidate and all the Knights also trample on it, Place the right hand on the heart,
when all the Knights brandishing their poniards ex- the fingers separated. Let the right
claim:) hand fall on the right knee. Bend
A il—Down with imposture! and grasp the knce; then seize the
Thrice Puissant (kand Master—(To candidate.) poniard which is suspended from the
You have made good the hopes we entertained of you. ribbon, raise it to the height of the
You have disearded all stupid and vulgar prejudicea. shoulder, as if to strike and say, .N’elcars
You now fully deserve to be Knighted Kadosh. Sign ot Iadada. Adonai.
AGE :—The Knights Kadosh have no age; they have a
century or more.
PASS WORD :—To enter, Nekam. Answer Menahhem,
that is Consolator. To retire, Phaal-Kol. Answer
SACRED WORD ;—Nekamah-bealim. Answer P1? ~zrash-
5IG~( OW ORDER. Kok. But more generally Nekam-Adonai. Answer
Hold the eword in the left hand and Pharash-Kol.
place the right hand extended over the MARCH :—Make three hurried steps, the hands crossed
b’~arL on the head. Kneel on one knee. Present the poniard,
by the handle, to the President, who leaves his seat.
raises the Knight and conducts him to the East. The
word Mish tar, which expresses the rights of a Knight
Kadosh, means that it is the duty of one who is com-
5Igu of Order.
Knight Kadoab. missioned to execute the deeree of the Judge.
Place right foot to
right foot, and knee to [Thrice Puissant Grand N~aster leaves his seat and
knee; present the right introduces the candidate to all the Knights, who shake
firet, the thumb elevat- hands with him, and a moment after the music stops
ed, seize the thumb al- when Thrice Puissant Grand Master returns to his
ternately, let it slip and seat.]
step back a pace, then Thrice Pui~sani Grand Master—Sir Knight Master
raise the arm as if to of Ceremonies, eonduct the candidate to the seat of
strike with the poniard. honor in the East. (Order i~ obeyed.)
In doing this the firsL Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Be seated, Sir
says, Nekamakbealim, Knights. Sir Knight~ of Eloquence, the floor is yours.
and the other answer., (Knight of Eloquence rises, bows and delivers the fol-
Pharag lowing discourse:)
Taken. Knight Kadosh. Second Position.
BATTERY :—Seven strokes, by three, two and one; 000 DISCOURSE.
00 0.
HOURS OF MEETINGS—The Council opens at’ the Sir Knights, newly initiated. You have just passed
beginning of night and closes at daybreak. —
through a most solemn, instructive and impressive cere-
Note SIS.—”Pbarz*l. A stgnlficant word In tbe h~gb degweeS. and mony. You rise from an intellectual repast, which will
tbere iatd. tn tbe old rituals, to s1gn~ry we aball all be unlted. Delan-
u.vgIvi~stt a. sham. kol, and Nay. it mean. all in explaIned.’ “—Ka*. no doubt, furnish rich material for future reflection,
of. ‘Encyolopudia of fte.maaonr7 Article Phamial. and I feel confident that you will make a profitable ap-
plication of the lessons you have received. By virtue of
I .-~-- I-—.


the office which I have the honor to hold in this ton’s dawn.
Council, it is my duty as well as my privilege to address To our forefathers it was a dread inspiring mysteri-
you on this interesting occasion. Were the task self ous agent of destruetion, and to this day it is compara-
imposed, I should consider that I was rendering myself tively little understood. Your own peat philosopher,
liable to the charge of temerity; #s it is, I appro,ach the the immortal Franklin, in the eighteenth century, first
performance of it with diffidence, surrounded as I am disarmed it of its terrors, reduced it to subjection to thc
by so many bright and honored lights of our Hierarchy; will of man, and opened a way for further investigation.
brothers who by their zeal, energy, intelligence and But it was reserved for our day to improve upon the
well-directed researches, have shed additional lustre work that he inaugurated, when; Oh wondrous achieve-
upon our annals. ment of science; it is become the medium of instant
We will not now occupy your attention in the dis- communication between the most distant parts of the
cussions of when or where Masonry first beca~;e a globe. A simple wire, wrought out of the bowels of the
distinct organization, neither will we pause to answer earth, carries with the velocity of imagination, invisible
the cavil of those who insist that all of Masonry is con- messengers. The pulse beats of London, Paris and St.
tained in the first three degrees; nor of those who are Petersburg can be felt and counted on the shores of the
pleased to call the higher degrees of Scotch Masonry Atlantic.
side degrees; ornamental degrees. Their argument is And is the principle of eleetrieity changed? No, it is
the old one; that Masonry is unchangeable, and that not changed, but the arts and seiences have combined
these degrees, not having been originally a part of the to make it subservient to the wants of man.
system, cannot belong to it. They mistake progress for What is Masonry? Is it not the pursuit of science;
change. When the spirit of God moved upon the faee of the practice of virtue, and the teaching of those sublime
the waters; when the Great Jehovah ordained the crea- doctrines whieh tend to bind the whole family of men
tion o (the world; iyhen the first sun rose to greet with in fraternal union?
its beams, the new morning and the august command If this definition is correct, if remains for us only to
was uttered: “Let there be light,” the lips of deity proceed to make the applieation and to trace the means
breathed Masonry into existence and it must live for- we shall employ in aceomplishing its objeet. It is a
ever more; for truth is eternal, and the principles of task that we should aH zealously undertake, as we shall
truth are the foundation of Masonry. all be sharers in the glory and prosperity of our united
Masonry is unehangeable, but it must of necessity in
labors, if success attend our laudable efforts. I ask your
the fulfillment of its mission keep paee with the advance
of civilization, the arts and sciences. It must lead and indulgence therefore, whilst I address myself to the
not be lead by them. This is progress; it is not change. subject, which I shall briefly discuss under three heads.
Electricity is co-existent with matter. It is the same The first, presenting general considerations of the
now, and will be to the end of time, as it was at crea- objects of our institution, will conduct our minds to a
I — -— -- Y. ~P—5


proper point, whence our work may go hand in hand The degree of Knight Kadosh; that is to say, Sacred or
Holy Knight, which is one of the most elevated in our
with our principles.
order, presents peat facilities for the accomplishment
The second will treat of the instructions to be given
we have in view.
to candidates concerning our doctrines and precepts.
And the thikd, of the encouragement and recompense Va explain this end, we must direct our attention
which await those, who, by their zeal and labors, shall rather to the eansideration of what Masonry should be
prove themselves worthy. in our day, than to what it has been heretofore. We
Truth, Light and Liberty are the nahiral heritage of must, in a manner, draw a veil over the past that our
man. But many who admit the correctness of this glimpse of the future may not be prejudiced.
axiom, in a general sense, exclaim that all cannot un- We will not diseuss further the origin or the history
derstand the truth, appreciate the light, or make a of Masonry. Each one has liberty to adopt the opinions
proper use of the liberty which we assert is their birth- that seem to him most reasonable. To suppose that its
right. A large portion of mankind arrogate to them- source was in Egypt or India; that it sprang from such
selves the right to maintain in ignorance and slavish de- a war; or such a sect; that it was the offspring of such a
pendence, millions of their rellow creatures, the children revolution, or such a system of astronomy or religion.
of the same great parent, created in his own image the The Knights Kadosh will abandon for the present
masterpiece of his handiwork. If those who possessed the charms of erudition, for considerations of more im-
the capaeity and power had employed as much talent mediate importance. I mean the application of the
and ingenuity, and expended as much treasure in the principles of Masonry to the accomplishment of our de-
cultivation of the minds and faculties or their species signs, 8nd it is precisely for this purpose that they
as they have in blinding, deceiving and debasing them, established such bodies as that whieh is now convened.
the noble family of man could at this day present a Already we have decreed our laws and regulations,
spectaele of so mueh happiness, peace and contentment and we are now about to commence our labors. We
as to be worthy the regard of their creator, who being feel the neeessity of putting into operation our lofty
good and just, certainly never intended that they should conceptions, but at the outset the fear that our zeal may
exist in a state of ignorance and misery. The truth of overrun our prudenee calls up in our minds the question
this you eannot but acknowledge, since it is the princi- how are we to take part effectively in these labors?
ple whieh gave birth to Masonry. No, we are not born ‘Who will be our guide, our teaeher? Strange position
which reveals in an instant, and notwithstanding our
to remain in ignorance and misery. Masonry then is
destined to repair the injuries which society has sus- willingness, the obstacles and embarrassments which we
tained from the machinations of its enemies and to must eneoLinter. What shall we teach our disciples?
make out the means whereby man may be restored to What dogmas, what principles? In one word, how shall
his natural rights and dignity, as an intelligent being. we most judieiously co-operate with each other for the


welfare of humanity? For you must be aware that this superstition?

Ah, my brethren, the heart sickens and pales at the
is the aim of all our teachings, of all that you have
mention of those words; the mind recoils with horror at
obligated yourselves to perform.
the reflection, they give rise to. To endeavor to paint
These questions, my bretheren, however important them, is to expose ones self to their fury. Merciful
and however embarrassing they may be, happily admit
God; in thy holy name their blasphemous atrocities have
of an easy and simple solution. Your only difficulty been perpetrated. In the sacred name of religion they
will be in the selection, out of the different means which
have polluted thy footstool. When they are mentioned
may present themselves; and in order to enable you we should drape our temples in mourning, and draw a
more speedily to arrive at that choice, I have only to re- i’eil over the name of the eternal. Ah! my brethren,
mind you of one thing, and that is, the solemn obliga-
vain would be the attempt to calculate the evils which
tion which you have just taken, and which we tacitly re-
they have engendered; to count the tears or measure the
new every time that we reassemble. You have sworn to
blood with which they have deluged this fair earth. Who
combat isnaticism and superstition. Well, Sir Knights, can reckon the number of their victims? That which
in this obligation you will find the source of all your astonishes, while it consoles, is the admirable courage
duties, and the possibility of performing them. It con- ivhich you still display in entering the lists against those
tains the dogmas and morality which you will present to uncompromising foes of human rights, whom no
those who are worthy of being employed in the noble earthly power has ever yet been able to subdue. Having
works for which we are associated. To wage war against conceived Ihat there is some hope of success, you are re-
fanaticism and superstition, seems to me to be one of solved to make the attempt, and you query with your-
the most glorious human efforts of virtue, for it is an self where are the weapons that you are to employ?
enterprise fraught with difficulty and encompassed with
These weapons exist my brethren; they are within your
dangers, offering no other recompense than the approval
reach. It remains only for you to seise them and to use
of your own conscience, or that of those true brothers them with the force of resolution, strengthencd only by
who find their sweetest enjoyments in the promotion of
the consciousness that your cause is just. These weapons
the welfare of their fellows, and for those who can ap-
are science, truth and humanity. Fanaticism is the off-
preciate such recompense, it is the greatest that can be spring of ignorance. To ignorance, oppose knowledge,
given or enjoyed. which springs from enlightened education. Instruct
But what is fanaticism and what is superstition? will the masses; teach them truth. To knowledge add
perhaps be the question of the newly initiated, and how virtue, and the universe is saved.
can we combat them without causing disorders in the There are no weapons more sure or more terrible than
body politic which they infect, without drawing on our
those which I propose. The veriest despots and tyrants
own heads the direful vengeance of those whose prosper- tremble before them. Heaven has ordained no others.
ity depends upon them? What then are fanaticism and

P _____ —

But the monster is also begotteli of ambition and fraud. living thing, and butcher the men, the women and the
Well, even against these, your weapons are the same. helpless infants clinging to the breasts of their mothers?
Your only resources are science and truth. Present un- Ask of the ancient Gauls for what reason they also
ceasingly to the eyes and ears of all the world the burned their women and children as sacriflees to their
melancholy re~ults of deceit and ambition. The history god Teutates, and consulted the dcstinieb of the future
of the past, spread as a map before them, will be your in thcir cntrails?
faithful ally in the contest. Select there examples and Come down to iiiore modern ages. Ask what caused
facts the most striking. the division and fall of the Roman Empire? Who mur-
dered the Saxons, the Waldenses, the Albigenses? Who
History speaks trumpet tongued of the many centu-
ries o~f the degradation and misery of our race. History mnssaered the Aborigines of America, and half the
will speak for you. Its simple but affecting truths will people of Europe?
touch the hardest hearts, and confound those of the Listen to that bell; the peals say St. Bartholomew.
most perverse. Show them countries invaded, devas- Who eaused the best and purest blood of France to rain
tated, desolated. Point them out valleys strewn with the like water over the land? Pass through the streets of
whitening bones of God’s children and mountains the city of Paris and ask who has strewed them with
streaming with human gore. Show them that everlast- corpses and gore? Do you see the head of the most
ing servitude; the tortures, the scaffold, the fagot or the virtuous of men; of Admiral Coligny? Tell us who
lingering death in the dungeon. There exists still the struck it off? Who sent as a present the most accepta-
wreeks of nations which bear faithful testimony to these ble to the High Priest of Rome, as a trophy in whose
frightful episodes, in their history, and whose ehildren, infamous revelries celebrated in token of a still more
even at this day, weep over the ruins of their cities and infamous ‘aietory? Who then perpetrated these crimcs;
the blsekened records of their countries. these atrocious deeds? Answer I say! Is it not ambi-
Ask the unfortunate descendents of Idumea of whom tion? Is it not fanaticism, superstition and ignorance?
Israelites is the ancient name. They can, better than But my brethren, heaven has not put entirely out
any others, tell you the cost of ignoranee and ambition, of our reach a remedy for evils so grave. He who
and to what deplorable exeesses they lead. created the sun to give light to the universe, has also
Ask them how many millions of lives have been created reason, the sun of our human system, and fur-
saerificed to them, and at whose orders? Ask them why nished science to guide us through the labyrinth of un-
they burned their infants alive in saerifice to Moloch, speakable diffeulties and ealamities. To contend against
the very god of the people whom they had exterminated? this fanatieism Heaven created men of talent, virtue
Ask them why their priests dethroned at will and and genius, and each age has given birth to a benefactor
murdered their own Mona.rchs, and why their Kings as- of his race contemporary with the most accursed of its
sassinated each other? enemies.
Demand of them under what circumstances the Heroes, sages, friends of humanity have appeared
brother was obliged to slay his brother, the father, his successivcly through all descending time, to enlighten,
son, his daughter, his wife, his friend, the most tender? to comfort the earth.
Unt1~’r what circumstances they were compelled to Hail their august names, contemplate their divine
give whole citie. to the Dame. and exterminate every precepts, their virtues, their sublime actions, and keep

them unceasingly present to your recollection. The re- become the victim of his own generous confidence. He
inembrance of them is sufficient to reanimate hope in should not expect to be exempt from the persecutions
despairing hearts, and you will prove that the good done which are in rcserve for those who are the zealous advo-
by them can also be accomplished in our days. cates of justice; the sworn enemies of falsehood. Is he
Quote often the precepts of Zoroaster’5’ and Con- not, if true and faithful, entitled to the gratitude,
fucius. Remind them of the devotion of Codrus and l.omage, friendship and consolation of his brethren? It
Leonidas, the virtues and maxims of Pythagoras~ becomes then, for them to prescribe the means they will
Sociates, of Plato’~’ of Epietetus and of Marcus adopt to do honor to his efforts; to crown his successes:
Aurelius. Say with Zoroaster: “Love your fellow men
and suceor them; pardon those who have offended to proclaim his virtues; to console him in disgrace and
Knights who would be faithful to your obliga- comfort him in misfortune; to visit him in sickness and
tions, and who feel the importanee of their vows to God relieve him in distress. And when he shall be no more,
and to virtue, have painful and arduous duties to per- to strew with flowers and bedew with tears his last
form; they hate obstacles to surmount, errors to con- resting plaee, retaining a lively recollection of his vir-
tend with, subtle adversaries to overthrow; a war eternal tues, and burying all his imperfections beneath the sod
to wage against ignorance and fanatieism. A worthy
Knight may fall into the snare of a traitor, under the that rests upon his bosom.
accusation of an informer; of a hpyoerite, or perhaps In conclusion my brethren, Masonry is the love of
Note 857.—’~Tbe doctrine of pure Zoroastrianlam was monotheistIc. Iruth and of humanity. The sun of truth will dissipate
The Supreme Being warn called Abummeada. and Hang sa~a that Zorosa.
lers conce lion of him was perfectly identical with the Jewish notion of the clouds of error, that hang like a pall over our fellow-
Jehovah. ~e I. called ‘the Creator of the earthly and spiritual life, the
Lord of the whole universe. at whose hands are all the crestures.~ He men. Live in hope and let your progress be onward.
ia wiabom and intellect; the light itself, and the aource of iight~ the
rcwarder of the virtuoua und the punisher of the wicked Our strength will be found in union. Be frequent in
‘~Tbe dualistic doctrine of Ormuad aed Ahrlmanea. which has falsely
been attributed to Zoroaster. was in reality the development of a later your attendance on your lodges. Visit your brethren.
corruption of the Zoroasteric teaebing~’ ‘—Mackq’a Encyclopwdia of Free.
maaonhy. Article Zoroaster. Be missionaries of virtue and truth. Hide not your
Note OIS.—~Be toug~it the myatical power of numbers, sod much of
the symbolism on that ~ubject which we now possess is derived from
light under a bushel. Demand, as the price of advance-
what has been left to us hy his disciple., for of bis own writings there ment, talents and good works. In your Councils be
is nothing extant, lie was also a geometrician, and is regarded as ha,.
log been the inventor of se,eral problems, the most importnnt of which
is that now known as the forty•aeventh problem of Euclid He was also
orderly, respectful and attentive so that the newly
a proScient in musIc, and is said to ha,e demonstrated the mathematical
relations of mnsicsi Intervals. and to have invented a number of musical initiated may exclaim; “that whieh I have sought, I
instruments. Disdaining the vanity and dogmatism of the ancient sages. have found Science, Order and Light. I am proud to
he contented himself with proclaiming that he was simply a seeker afier
knowledge, not its possessor. and to him is attributed the introductina of
the word phiioeopher, or lover of wisdom, as the only title which he
have been received into sueh a society.”
would assume ‘—Machays Enoyciopudla of Freemasonry. Article Wy. His heart will be elevated, his mind will be enlight-
ened. The sphere of his affection will be cnlarged;
Note 8U.—’Aoademy. Platoulo. Founded in 1480 by ‘starsilius Fl.
cmos. at Fioreace. under the patronage of Lorenso do ?.iedicls. it Is said our institutions will have for him a lasting eharm. He
by the Masons of Tuscany to have been a secret society, end is aupposed
to have had a Masonic charActer, because in the hail ~~bere its mcm~ere will celebrate our good works, and Masonry, vietorious
held their meetings and which still remains, many Masonic symbols are
to be found. “—Macireys Enq’olop.dia of Freemasonry, Arl.loie AcademF. over all adversc eircumstances, will become the honored
liatonie. medium of uniting all mankind in one vast brotherhood.


Now my brethren, I must close. I thank you for your Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Be seated Sir
attention. I have endeavored to touch upon each sub- Knights! Sir Knights, First and Second Lieutenant
ject of importance to the order. To impress upon your Grand Masters, inform the Knights on your respective
minds the chief aim of Scotch Rite Masonry. I desire valleys that they are permitted to address this Council,
to witness its tri~umph. I have endeavored to vindicate if they have anything to offer for the good of the order
the means. I have reminded you of your obligatioa and of this body.
traced your duties, pointed out the enemies against First Lieutenant Grand Master—Sir Knights on my
whom you have to contend. I have feebly pictured the valley, the Thrice Puissant Grand Master informs you
evils caused by ignorance, fanaticism and superstition. that you are permitted to address this Council if you
These evils are great. If they touch your hearts; if you have anything to offer for the good of the order and of
partake of the honor which they inspire, it will be for this body.
you to work out the means to diminish them. The Second Lieutenant Grand Master—Sir Knights on
remedy is in your power. Practice in the world the my valley, the Thrice Puissant Grand Master informs
precepts you have learned here. The world will recom- you that are you are permitted to address this meeting
pense you with its applause, and what is better still, you if you have anything to offer for the good of this order
will have the applause of your own consciences. and of this body. (Any Knights who wish make re-
Among your brethren beware of jealousy and strife. marks.)
Be charitable in your conduct towards them. Be char- Second Lieutenant Grand Master.—Sir Knight, First
itable in speaking of them. Forgive their errors and Lieutenant Grand Master, silence prevails on my valley.
pardon their iniquities. If they wrong you, intercede First Lieutenant Grand Ivfaster—Thrice Puissant
kindly with them, remembering that to err is human, to Grand Master, silence prevails.
forgive divine. And lirally keep aloof from uniting Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Sir Knights, First
yourselves with any sectional, political or sectarian and Second Lieutenant Grand Masters, inform the
religious organization whose principles can ii! any way Knights on your respective valleys that the box of
bias your mind or judgment, or in the slightest degree fraternal assistance is about to be presented to them.
trammel with obligations, the vows which you have just
made. Remember that now and henceforth you are the First Lieutenant Grand Master—Sir Knights on my
champions of justice and human rights. Your battle- valley, the Thrice Puissant Grand Master informs you
field is the world at large. that the box of fraternal assistance is about to be pre-
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—(Strikes one with sented to you.
pommel of sword.) Order, Sir Knights! (All riae and Second Lieutenant Grand Master—Sir Knights on
place themselves under the sign of order, when the my valley, the Thrice Puissant Grand Master informs
Thrice Puissant Grand Master in the name of the Coun- you that the box of fraternal assistance is about to he
cil compliments the Knight of Eloquence on his dis-
course and sits down.) presented to you. (The Master of Ceremonies then pro.

sents the box to each Knight, beginning with the Thrice

Puissant Grand Master, the First and Second Lieuten-
ant Grand Masters, Knight of Eloquence and other of-
ficers. When the collection has been taken, the box is
returned to thec Thrice Puissant Grand Master, who
sums up the contents which he hands to the Treasurer CLOSING CEREMONIES
Through the Master of Ceremonies.) GRAND ELECT KNIGHT KODASH.
Thrice Puissant Grand Alaster—(Strike~ one with
the pommel of his sword.) Sir Knight, First Lieuten-
ant Grand Ma~~ter, at what hour are the labors of the
Knights K~dosh adjourned?
First Lieutenant Grand Master—(Striking one with
the pommel of sword.) At day break, Thrice Puissant
Grand Master.
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Why do we adjourn
our labors at day light?
First Lieutenant Grand Master—The better to con-
ceal our schemes from the profane, Thrice Puissant
Grand Master.
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—What are those
First Lieutenant Grand Master—Thrice Puissant
Grand Master, to punish crime and to protect inno-
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—What do you under-
stand by punishing crime?
First Lieutenant Grand Master—Thrice Puissant
Note 360.—”Knight Kadosh, toroierl~ called Grand Elect KnIght Ka-
dosh (Orsad !Ju du Chaysilar Eadoach). The KnIght l(aduah 1, the
thirtieth degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish P.~le. called also
KnIght of the whIte and Slack Eagle. while retalninar tbe general
Templar doctrIne of the Kadosh aystem. it symbolIzes and humanIzes the
old lesson of vengeance It Is the moat popular of all the J(adoshes.
“In the Knight K adosh of the AncIent and Accept(’d Scottl4h RIte
the incetleiga are callcd Connclls The prIncIpal offi,er~ are accordlm,g
t.~ the recent rltuala. a Commander, two LIeutenant com,r,,uders called
uko Prior and Precepter: a Chancellor. Ovator. Almoner Recorder and
‘rrcuanrer The jenel es deacrll,ed in the ritual of the Southern Supreme

l’,ninell. Is a double-headed eagle. displayed restIng on a teutonIc cross.
the eagle silver, the cross gold enamelled red The Northern Council
miacs Instead of the eagle the letters .1 5. M. —ikokey’s Enqolop.dla
of lvsmnaaonry. Axtiols Knight Ladosh.

Grand Master, it is by resisting oppression and impos- man should enjoy all the benefits wIliclI Thy niunifi-
ture by all available means, by calling down the hatred cence holds out to him, may thy kindness llelp us in re-
of the people on the head of tyrants and impostors, by moving the obstacles which tyranny and imposture have
undermining and overthrowing their power, even by set up against thy holy and ever just providence. Oh!
force of arms, th~t we fulfill the obligation of punishing help us in setting our brethren free. In punishing the
crime. oppressors df humanity, may we never pronounce in vain
Three Puissant Grand Master—What do you mean
our terrible motto, Nckam Adonai. Amen, so mote
by protecting innocence?
First Lieutenant Grand Master—Thrice Puissant it ue.
Graud Master, it is by raising mankind from the degra- (Led by the Thrice Puissant Grand 1~laster, all make
dation in which they are sunken; by diffusing abroad the eign and say, Nekam Adonai. Then all, led by the
the blessings of education; by bringing our fellow beings Thrice Puissant Grand Master strike seven, 0000000;
to the highest degree of civilization to which humanity iiit~ the hands.)
can pretend that we obey the command of our Thrice
Puissant Grand Master, and that we attain the objects Thrice Puissant Grand Master—To the glory of the
which the Knights Kadosh have in view to protect inno- Grand Arcllitect of the Universe, in tIme name anti un-
cence. der the auspices of the Grand Consistory of the Ancient
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Such indeed are our and Accepted Scotch Rite, in and for the Sovereign
duties. Let us never forget them, either within or with-
out this temple. Sir Knights, First and Second Lieu- and Independent State of under the Jurisdic-
tenant Grand Masters, request the members of this tion of the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdic-
Council to assist me in adjourning the Senate. tion of the United States of America, sitting at the City
First Lieutenant Grand Masster—Sir Knights on my of New York and State of New York, and by virtue of
valley, the Thrice Puissant Grand Master requests you the power in me vested by... Council of Kadosh, No.

to assist him in adjourning this Senate. I declare its labors adjourned. Sir Knights, you may
Second Lieutenant Grand Master—Sir Knights on
my valley, the Thrice Puissant Grand Master requests retire in pence. Be ever guided by prudence and swear
you to assist him in adjourning this Senate. upon this sword not to reveal any of the transactions of
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Order Sir Knights! this day. (Thrice Puissant Grand Master leaves the
(All rise and place themselves under the sign #f order.) throne, proceeds to the West and presents the hilt of
Thrice Puissant Grand Master—Let us pray Sir his sword which he holds by the blade. All the Knights
Knights. pass successively before the Thrice Puissant Grand Mas-
CLOSING PRAYER, KNIGHT KADOSH. ter, extend the right hand over the hilt of the sword and
say: “I swear,” after which all retire in peace and sil-
Our Father, who art in Heaven, in whom we live,
move and have our being. Oh I Thou who wiliest that
Now, the ritual is the degree, and this ritual, (page
291.) contains the telephone, which is of yesterday;
which proves, that this ancient degree has been tinkered,
added to, and amended, from Ramsay to Albert Pike!
This falsehood is a century and a half long.
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS 2. The candidate is made to trample on the Pope’s
THIRTIETH DEGREE: GRAND-ELECT KNIGHT KADOsI! tiara, which bauble is worn in some fashion by every
on, KNIGHT OF THE WHITE AND BLACK EAGLE. Grand Officer of lodges. This is hypocrisy.
The “N. plus ultra” of Maaonle Falsehood —The RItual TInkered. Adde.’
to. sod Amended—”Nolhlng but vengeance Is Spoken of.~—Chrlsttsnt 8. Christ is complimented, and His prohibition:
I,eroclously Condemned as Bigots—Sham Pretence et a UnIversal
RelIgIon. “Call no man master,” is quoted. Yet Masons all have
Kadosh is a Chaldee and Hebrew word, meaning “Masters.” This is hypocrisy.
“Holy,” used in Isaiah, 6, 3, applied to God. This is,
4. This degree, and almost every other, professes to
therefore, the degree of the Holy Knight. It is com-
mon to receive men into this degree, who have not war on despotism. Yet Masonry is the completest
taken all the preceding degrees. Thus, in the degree despotism on earth; the edicts of a Grand Lodge must
before this, the Grand Master, by mere authority, re- be “obeyed without examination.” (Mackey Lex.)
ceives candidates into eleven degrees, which they have Taxation at discretion, without reason given, has been
not taken, to enable them to receive the 30th, and be- decided lawful by lodge-law. (See Chase’s Digest, art,
come Knights Kadosh. This explains, how men of Taxation.) Why this very ritual gives the Master
ordinary memories, and busin~ss occupations, can take power to stop and adjourn any debate, by three raps
33 such degrees, i. e.~they don’t take them.
with the pommel of his sword! No slaves on a South-
This degree is called, in its ritual, the “Ne plus
ern plantation were ever bound by the laws of property
ultra” (no more beyond) of Masonic knowledge; (page
£76.) “though but the Thirtieth degree.” A careful to a more abject, cringing obedience to their master,
reading of the ritual though, will convince thoughtful than these Masons are to theirs.
persons, that this statement is true; and that this degree 5. The candidate allows the Master, to put his (the
is also the ‘~Ne plus tjltra” of Masonic falsehood, candidate’s) hand, on a human skull, as a “terrible
fraud, hypocrisy, treason, and general scoundrelism.
The proofs of this extraordinary indictment are Ihese: symbol of human equality;” and they all drink with
1. “It is said to have been invented at Lyons in told: “This is the apex of the Masonic edifice.” (Page
1743,” that is, 144 years ago. This makes it “ancient.”~ him “the cup of devils” out of that skull; and they are
(Note 345.)


285.) And it is. For it is simple, absolute devil- that is, the pretended constitutions of Frederick, 1786,
worship. (See 1. Cor. 10, 20.) are pronounced, by one Masonic historian, “the Grand
6. This degree quotes Christ’s law of equal “love to Lie of the order ;“ which is endorsed by Folger, and as
our neighbor,” and yet tells the candidate, after he is good as endorsed by Mackey himself; (See note 353.)
received: “They slightest indiscretion will cost you who says: “the question is not yet settled, whether
your life ;“ that is, they will kill him, if he lets out
there were any such constitutions signed by Frederick,
their secrets; tells the truth, by error, “indiscretion,” or
or whether Morin forged them,
mistake. If this is not Masonic scoundrelism, what is
scoundrelism? (See this on page 275.) 9. The Grand Pontiff (page 263.) tells the candidate
7. Yet the candidate is told: “In almost all the that Scotch Masonry *** admits to her bosom, on
rituals of this degree, (and there were seven Kadosll terms of the strictest equality, the members of all
rituals, see note 348.) nothing but vengeance is spoken religions, of all creeds, and of all countries, without
of.” But this degree is nothing but philosophy, and any distinction whatever. This is bad enough. To put
philosophy discou ntena.nces vengeance. (Page 276.) beast-worship, child-murder, at the Ganges, and relig-
Now return to page 260, of this degree, and sce the ious cannibalism, on a level, is to deny and exclude the
candidate and his Master, stabbing the dead enemies of religion which condemns false worships. The prophet
the lodge! Is not this the meanest kind of vengeance, Daniel would have been excluded, as a “sectarian
such as was practiced on Cromwell, by his enemies? bigot,,” for violating the broad charity of image-wor-
Why, this degree swears this same candidate, to ship. But even this pretence is false. This degree
“punish crime,” “which I promise to do under penalty was made and practiced in France, and now in the
of death.” And this, forsooth, is no vengeance, but United States. None of the Asiatic, and other heathen-
“philosophy.” Is it wonderful, that the Bible through- isms, so praised by this degree, on page 298, prevailed
out, calls these false worships, “whoredom ?“ There in France, or now exist here. Hence the bigots so
never was a drab, at East Cheap, in the days of Falstaff, lerociously condemned are Christians; those who cor-
or in the Five Points, New York, before Jerry McCau- rupt and enslave the minds of their little children by
ley, who could hold up her brazen front, and lie with teaching them the Lord’s prayer, and “Now I lay me
such impudent coolness, as is practiced in this “Apex down to sleep.” This degree, framed in 1748, was in
of Masonic knowledge.” its full glory when the street cry in Paris was: ‘Tout
8. Why, the very basis of the whole Scottish Rite, L’Eveque a la lanterne!” (Every bishop to the lamp-

post!) Those were Christian bishops, and their crime

waa Christianity. And the fierce and savage denuncia-
tions of “sectarians,” who teach men religion to enslave
them, mean Christians. If not, whom do they mean?
Even their sha~n pretence of a universal religion is
violated by their hatred of Christ CHAPTER LVII

DECORATIONS :—Hangings are white; as also the can-

opy under which is the throne of the President. There
are ten gilded columns; one on each side of the Presi-
dent in the East; one on each side of the Councilors or
Inspectors in the West; three on the south side of the
room and three on the north, equi-distmnt from each
On the column on the right of the President is in-
scribed in large letters the word “Justitia” and the at-
tributes of the first and third degrees. On that upon
his left the word “Equitas” and the attributes of the
eighteenth and thirtieth degrees, from the two columns
springs a Gothic Arch, from the apex thereof is sus-
Not. ~6l.—”Gmnd Inquhaito? Commander. The 31st degree of the
Ancient and Accepted rite. it is not an historical degree, but is simply
administrative in its character; the duties of the members being to
examine and regulate the proceedings of the subordioute lodges and chap-
t’rs. The meeting is dealgsated a Sovereign Tribunal.’ and is composed
of nine officers vii,’ A Most Perfect President. a Chancellor. a Tress-
nrer. and six inqulaitors—oue being eiected to perform the functions of
inspecting Inquisitor The decoration of the Lodge is white. wiih eight
oiden columns 6ere
on is
altar the presidio
covered wlt~ ofiiter’s throne are
white drapery. In the
etters on
I aK ~ow
t seat, is placed a case containing the sr.hives of the
order, covered with blue drapery, having on us front a large red cross;
,.n the right of the sitar is the table of the Chancellor. on ibe left that
of the Treasurer. The door of the Sovereign Tribunal is covered by a
~,einiing. the
attributes centre of There
of Masonry. which isrepresents
no apron:a the
wear aallwhite
collar, on which is embroidered a triangle with rays, having in its center
the figures 31. to Which is suspended the jewel—a silver Teutonic cross.
In France the regulations direct a white a~u. with aura,. (yeliow) flap,
embroidered with the attributes of the degree.“—Macoy’s Xaoyelopin4~
and Diotianaxy of 1reemasoiu~’. Litiel. Ovand I.guhsltev Oammaaier.
pended over the head of the President, the Tetractys’” room are ten lights; in the East ten, and in the west
of Pythagoras, thus: and under it a naked sword
•. ten; each ten being arranged by 1, 2, 3, 4, in the form
and a balance, or •. the scales of justice. On
. of the Tetractys.
the column on the right of the Counsellors is inscribed The altar is cov&red with a white cloth and on the
the word “Lenitas” and the attributes of the second and front part thereof, towards the West, is painted or em-
fourteenth degrees, and on the column on their left, the broidered a pair of golden scales resting on the point of
word “Misericordta,” and the attributes of the fourth a naked sword.
and fifteenth degrees. From these two columns springs TITLES, OFTICERS AND THEIR STATIONS :—The assem-
a Gothic Arch, from the apex whereof is suspended in bly is styled Supreme Tribunal and is composed of nine
letters of gold the sacred word of the eighteenth degree. members and never more. If any more members are
On the three columns in the South, going from East to present they may be consulted but they cannot vote.
West, are the busts of Moses, Zoroaster and Minos, with The presiding officer is styled Most Perfect President
the names of each inscribed on his column, and the and sits in the East.
attributes of the ninth, thirteenth and twenty-second The Wardens are styled Councilors or Inspectors,
degrees. On the columns on the North, also going from and sit together in the West.
East to West are the busts of Confucius, Socrates and The Secretary, Keeper of the Seals and Archives i~
Alfred the Great, with the names of each inscribed on styled Chancellor and sits on the right of the President.
his column and the attributes of the twenty-fifth, The Treasurer sits on the left of the President.
twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth degrees. The Advocate is stationed in the South.
In front of the President is an altar, on which are the The Defender is stationed in the North.
square and compasses, the pl~imb and level, a small pair The Master of Ceremonies is stationed in front of the
of scales, a naked swor~¶, two poniards and the book of Counsellor.
constitutions. ~ The Pursuivant or Usher, at the door of the Tribunal.
Between the throne of the President and Ihe altar is The Tyler is not included among the nine members,
a stand upon which is placed the coffer containing the composing the Supreme Tribunal and is styled Inquisi-
record of the Supreme Tribunal. In the centre of the tor, he is stationed outside. All the members of the
Note 552.—’sigitifiea lIterally, the nutDber four, and is therefore syn. Supreme Tribunal except the President, are styled
onymous with ihe quaternioE hut it bus been peculIarly aipplied to a Most Enlightened.
symbol of the Pythagoreuiils. which is ompoaed of ten dots arranged in
a triangular form of four rows.
This figure was in itself. as a whole. emhlemstic of the Tetragram- CLOTHING, JEWELS, ETC :—N’o apron is worn in the
maton. or sscred name of four letters (for tetractys. in Greek. means Supreme Tribunal. In the inferior bodies, the Grand
four), and was undoubtedly learned byl Pythagoras during his visit to
Eabylon. Rut the parts of which it is composed were also pregnant
suimbols. Thus the one point was a symbol of the active principle or Inspectors Inquisitors wear one of entirely white sheep-
creator, the two points of the passive principle or mutter, the three of
the world proceeding from theIr union, and the four of the liberal arts skin, with a Teutonic Cross embroidered in silver on the
afid sciences, which may be said to complete and perfect that world.”—
Mackay’s Enoyoloasdia of lrmmasou7. hz’tiala T.trao~s. flap. The collar is white. On the breast at the point is

.i triangle emitting rays, embroidered in gold in the generally prevailed in this country that the Supreme
centre of which is the number 31 in Arabic figures. Council or Grand Consistory, according to circum-
In the inferior bodies, instead of a collar, a Grana stances, should be opened as a Supreme Tribunal to con-
Inspector Inquisitor Commander may wear around his fer the 31. When the Supreme Council is to confer said
neck a golden chain from which hangs the cross ~ofthe degree, it is open in its Consistorial Chamber.
order. The links of the chain are formed of the inter- Illu.strous Commander in Chief—( Still in the Consis-
laced attributes of the eight fundamental degrees of tory, business having been disposed of.) Sublime
.~1asonry, viz: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 14th, 15th, 18th aM Princes, let us proceed to the Supreme Tribunal for the
30th. purpose of disposing of the business of the day. Illus-
rphe jewel of the degree is a Teutonic Cross of silver. trious Brother First Lieutenant Commander, give orders
The members are all clothed in black and wear that the procession be formed.
swords. During a reception [initiation] they wear black First Lieutenant—Illustrious Brother Second Lieu-
masks or veils. “This degree shall be conferred in the tenant Commander, it is the order of the [Ilustrioub
presence of three Sovereign Grand Inspectors General Commander in Chief that we repair to the Supreme
335•~~ Tribunal of Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders.
Constitutions of 1786, A it. XI. Cause the procession to be formed.
PREROGATI~E5 :—When a Grand Inspector Inquisitor
Second Lieutenant—Sublime Prince Grand Master of
Commander, wearing the proper insignia, visits a lodge
of an inferior degree, he announces himself as a Grand Ceremonies, it is the order of the Illustrious Commander
Inspector inquisitor Commander. He is proved in the in Chief, that we repair to the Supreme Tribunal of
ordinary manner and the report is made in the ear of the Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders. Cause the
Master who causes all the members to be placed arouna procession to be formed.
the altar. He then sends the two Wardens to receive Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Brethren, Sub-
said Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander who is con- lime Princes, by order of the Illustrious Commander in
ducted by them to the altar. The Master then leaves
his seat and placing the three gavels upon the altar, he Chief, we are now to repair to the Supreme Tribunal
presents them to the visiting Grand Inspector Inquisitor of Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders. Arrange
Commander, who accepts and returns them to the Mas- yourselves in procession. (The procession is accordingly
ter and to each of the Wardens, after which he is con- formed. The Grand Master of Ceremonies goes in front.
ducted by the Master to the seat of honor. Then the Grand Standard Bearer who is followed by the
The Supreme Council, or Grand Consistory, as the, illustrious Coinniander in Chief, with the Deputy Illus-
case may be, have alone the right to establish Supre~aie trious Commander in Chief on his left. Then the Grand
Tribunals in their jurisdiction. Each Supreme Tribunal Chancellor and Minister of State, carrying the coffer
is a distinct body, as a Chapter of RoQe Croix or a containing the records of the Supreme Tribunal. Next
Council of Kadosh, and it should have the exclusive the two Lieutenant Commanders, and then the other
privilege of conferring the 3j0~ But the custom has officers and members. On entering the Supreme Tribu-

nal, the Illustrious Commander in Chief, proceeds to the

east of a place midway between the throne and the altar,
‘where is a stand or small table on which to place the
coffer containing the records lie faces to the West,
the Grand Chancellor and Minister of State place the
coffer on the stand and take the right and left respec- OPENING CEREMONIES
tively of the Illustrious Commander in Chief and Dep-
uty, also facing the West. The two Lieutenant Com-
manders stand opposite the Illustrious Commander in Most Perfect President —(Ascending the throne.)
Chief, facing the East. The Grand Master of Cere- Most Enlightened Brethren, the obligations of duty are
monies is on the North side facing the South. The eternal to the good Mason. See Brother Pursuivant,
Standard Bearer is on the South side facing the North. that the doors of this Supreme Tribunal are safely
The Deputy Illustrious Commander in Chief, if present, guarded and give orders that none be allowed to enter
stands between the Illustrious Commander in Chief and without our permission, that we may tranquilly perform
the Minister of State. The other officers and members our duty. Be seated my brethren. (All the officers now
complete the circle, the Coffer being in its centre. The take their respective stations and the members occupy
]llustrious Commander in Chief is now the Most Perfect the seats on the North and South. Meanwhile the
President. The Lieutenant Commanders are the Chan- Pursuivant goes out, returns, gives the battery which is
cellors or Inspectors. The Minister of State, the Advo- answered without and reports as follows:)
Pur.vuivant—Most Perfect President, the doors of the
cate. The Captain of the Guards, the Pursuivant or Supreme Tribunal are safely guarded.
Usher.) Most Perfect President—Then we may safely pro-
ceed. Most Enlightened Brother Pursuivant what is
your duty?
Pursuivant—To execute your orders, coming to me by
the West and see the judgments of the Tribvnal duly
executed; to serve and return all processes, and to com-
pel order, when the Supreme Tribunal is in session.
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother,
Master of Ceremonies. What is your duty?
Net. 86S.—Geand Inspector. Inquisitor Commanler. The tblrty4rgt
degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite It is not an historical
ti~gree. hut simply a judicial q~we? of the higher de reel. The place of
meeting is called a Supreme TtlhUnSi. The decors~¶r~~
5ire white, and
the presidIng officer is styled Most Perfect P?esldent. The lewd of the
decree ii s Teutonic cross of gliver attached to white watered ribbon.”
aohqs Enoyolopu6ia of lu.emaaonl7. Axtiels Grand Inapeotor. Inquisitor

Master of Ceremonies—(Rising.) Most Perfect Pres- violations of Masonic law, to give my advice on all
ident~ to carry your orders within and without the ‘)roper occasions, to the Most Perfect President and to
Supreme Tribunal; in case of trial to introduce the ac- pronounce just and righteous judgments.
cused and witnesses, and in case of reception to accom- Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother
pany the candidate during the ceremony of recept,ion. Senior Councilor, what is your duty?
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother Senior Councilor—(Rising.) That of my Junior,
Defender, what is your duty in the Supreme Tribunal? tempering justice with equity and ever remembering
Defender—(Rising.) To defend all persons charged the dictates of mercy.
with offences and tried before this Tribunal, to see that Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother
no incompetent evidence is admitted against them, nor Senior Councilor, what is your duty of the Most Per-
any that is competent in their favor rejected. To pre- fect President?
sent the truth in their defence and to urge all circum- Senior C’ouncilor—To preside in judgment and de-
stances of extenuation or of justification in their behalf. cide the law, to judge justly and to punish sternly, but
Mast Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother ever remembering the frailty and imperfection of hu-
Advocate, what is your duty here? man nature, to pardon and forgive while there yet re-
Advocate—(Rising.) To prefer charges against those mains hope of reformation.
who, under the jurisdiction of this Tribunal, have been Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother
guilty of offences against Masonic law and duty; to Senior Councilor, what is the duty of all the members
draft the acts of accusation, prepare the testimony, of this Supreme Tribunal when sitting in judgment?
elicit the truth and present the whole case fairly, with- Senior Coun~cilor—Careful investigation of all mate-
out misrepresentation or exaggeration to the Supreme rial facts, natural and charitable construction of acts
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother and motives, calm and deliberate consideration, just
Chancellor, what is your duty? judgment and utter disregard of persons, influence,
Chance flor—(Rising.) To record the proceedings and rank and power.
judgments of the Supreme Tribunal. Most Perfect President—I recognize my duty. My
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother brethren see that you neither forget nor neglect those
Treasurer, what is your duty here? that devolve on you. You are now in the Holy Sanctu-
Treasurer—(Rising.) To receive all moneys belong- ary of eternal Masonic justice and equity. Le~ us
ing to the Supreme Tribunal, to keep the same faith- promise and most solemnly pledge ourselves to per-
fully, and to pay out all warrants duly signed by the form, so far as human frailty will permit the high
proper officers. duties that we have agreed to devolve upon us; to be
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother ever faithful to the constitution, statutes and regula-
Junior Councilor, what is your duty? tions of the order, and to be always and everywhere
Junior Coun.cilor—(Rising.) To guard against all guided by justice and equity.
All—(Extending the right hand towards the coffer Most Perfect President—(Rising.) Rise niy brethren.
~ontaining. the records.) We do solemnly promise and .(AII rise under the sign of order.)
swear. Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brethren
Most Perfect President—And now my brel hren, let Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders. Let us pro-
us implore the ajd, the mercy and the protection pf him ceed to our 1abors, that through our exertions our be-
who can alone give-us strength to perform our promises. loved order may prosper and our solemn obligations be
Order my brethren. On your knees! (All rise under complied with. Aid me my brethren and enlighten me
the sign of order as given on page 192. and then kneel.) with your counsel. To order, Most Enlightened Breth-
ren I
Hear us with indulgence, 0 infinite Deity, whose at-
tributes are infinite yet infinitely harmonious! Thou of FIRST SIGN.
whose essence are justice, equity and mercy, intermin- Most Perfect President—(Making the
gled into one infinite excellence. Thou of whom all first sign.) By crossing both hands, bring
thoughts and all actions of men are known, and visible
as thine own! To whom the infinite past and infinite fu- them to the navel, thumbs crossing each
ture are one now, and the infinitudes of space in all other and says Justice.
directions are here. Give us the wisdom and the will
to judge justly, accurately and mercifully. Keep our feet
from going astray; lead us by the hand of truth, close
up to us all the paths and avenues of temptation.
Strengthen our good resolves and free us from the em-
pire of prejudice, partialfty, error and passion. Help us
to perform all our Masonic duties, to ourselves, to other
men, and to Thee. Let the great flood of Masonic light
flow in a perpetual current over the whole world and ANSWERING SIGN.
make Masonry the creed of all mankind. Pardon us
when we offend. When we go astray, lead us back to All—(Make the answering sign.) Cross
the true path and help our feeble efforts to advance th.~ both arms above your head, right outside,
cause of liberty and toleration; and when we come to palms outward, and say Equity.
be finally judged by Thee, do not thou judge us as in
our feebleness and passion we may have judged others,
but forgive us, and take us home to Thee. Amen. Aaweziag Eg..
All—So mote it be.
All—So mote it be. lightened Brethren, listen to the reading of the record
Most Perfect President—(Gives the battery by one, of the last session of the Supreme Tribunal. Brother
three, four and one; 0 000 0000 0.) Chancellor, read the record l (Chancellor reads.)
All—(Give the battery.) Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brethren,
Most Perfect~ Preside~nt—Most. Enlightened Brother if there be anything in the record to be added to or
Senior Councilor, this Supreme Tribunal is now open. diminished, be pleascd to make it known. (If any error
Let due proclamation thereof be made or omission is pointed out, it is corrected and the record
Senfor Coun-cilor—Most Enlightened Brother Junior is then signed by the Most Perfeci President and
Councilor, this Supreme Tribunal is now open. Let due Chancellor. Then, if there be any papers to be acted
proclamation thereof be made. on, they are read and considered.)
Junior Councilor—Most Enlightened Brother Fur- Most Perfect President—The record of our last ses-
su~vant, make proclamation that this Supreme Tribunal sion is approved and duly signed, all communications
is now open, and that all who demand its judgment are disposed of and we may now proceed to other busi-
may now draw near. ness.
Pursuivant—(Opening the door ) Hear ye, this
Supreme Tribunal of Grand Inspectors Inquisitors
Commanders is now open Whosoever hath been cited
to appear or hath complaints or appeal to make or an-
swer, let him draw near and he shall be heard. (Closes
tii~ door.)
Most Perfect President—(Stril~es one.) Most En-
lightened Brethren, be ~eatea.
Most Perfect Prfsident—Most Enlightened Brother
Chancellor, arise and let us proceed to open the coffer
containing the records of the Supreme Tribunal, and to
take therefrom such as may be needed for our present
labors. (The Most Perfect President and Chancellor
leave their seats and proceed to the coffer, each holding
a key thereof, it having two locks. They open it and
take out the record book of the Sovereign ‘Pr ibunal and
any other books or papers needed and return to their
seats; the Chancellor carrying the book or books and
papers )

Most Perfect President—(Strikes one.) Most En-

sign is made by stretching the right arm to the front,

the hand open and raised upwards as if repelling a per-
son. If there be no objection, or if any objection be
nia(le and overritleil tlic Master l)rOcccds.)
Most 1’qrfect 1’re.’~ident—Most Enlightened ]3rotlier
Master of ( ~t’reinoil ic., rtj Idi r to tlie a ii ft—el iiiiii her of [I te
Supreitie ‘I’ribtinal and if the Griiiid f~lcct Knight
CHAPTER LVIII K iitlosli wlioiii we have dettriii med to receivc here, be in
attt.iitfiiiiee a ad ytni mire Satisfied of his itlintity, and of
his jirofieieuity ~lI all the degrees from the first to the
th ii to tli in elmisi ye, prepare Ii liii iii sildi 11111 n her as our
INITIATION. ilisigi ‘s ret~ii ire, bring lii in with you to the dtior of this
Most Perfect President—(Strikes one.) Most En- S ii t’llIQ ‘1’ r ihim nil I a ml 111111 ly for Ii is ad in ission litre by
lightened Brethren, Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Com- thit• p ii ipt ‘r a Ia nh. ( ‘l’l ic Master of Cereimio ii ies witli—
manders, the Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes of dr.lw8 aiid meets the caiithitlate who is clothed iii the
the Royal Secret, has been pleased to designate the inMgiiia iiud jewel of a Knight K h1tltl~th. lie exanmi imes
111111 ~ll all the preceding d’grees fntirii the first up ho the
Grand Elect Knight Kadosh, A... .B, as worthy to re-
ceive the important degree of Grand Inspector Inquisi- tli ii titIIi int’l naive. I Fe then bIintl foltis lion and con—
tor Commander, and to become a member of this Su- duets 111111 to the ti titir arid gives t lie iilii r~rii of flit’ 3( ~th
preme Tribunal of the 31st degree of the Ancient and dtger.e, 00 00 00 0.)
Accepted Rite of Masonry. But yet his initiation can- I’,irsui,’eut———M tist h’~ii I ighit(ii(’d Brother .1 un itir Court—
not proceed, if any lawful objection be made. If you cilor, [lie alarmii of a Knight l(iitloith resoimmids at the
consent to confer upon h~m the said degree and to admit d tint ii..
him as a member here, inform me by giving the sign of Junior (‘ouncilor—Most Ejil ighitirietl Brother St-n sor
affirmation. (All who favor it raise the right hand (Xiiiiitiltnr, the aliirtn of a K night Katlosli resoundit at
above their head.) the tlnar.
ilfost Perfect President—If any do not consent, let Seitttir (‘oun(tlor—Mte.t Pirfiet I‘rt’sidemit, thc iilarm
them inform me by giving the negative sign. (This of •iK miiglit Katliatli rti.,toiiiths at. f lie door.
Nato 364.—The thirteenth degree conferred in the consistor, of Alost I’e,rfe,ct J’re.’~ideut—M tn~t l’ iii ighitened Brtnthier
Princes of the Royal Secret, Scotch Masonry, and the tt~irtv.first upon
the catalogue of that n~stem it iv otherwise termed Grnnd inquiring Senior ( ~ouhit-i for, o r ft-r the .11111 inr ( ~oiumi br to see
commauder it has no historical aiiuaionq. being simply sd,ninistrati,e
in its eharneter The assembly is entitled a Sovereign ‘iribunsi The frorri whom I lie iihii rin Ilrot.tttlH.
hangings are s~bite The oflicers are the Mont Perte t President the
wardens, who are termed inspectors, the Secretary, who is coiled Chan-
Senior eount’iloi~.—.—N oat Eal ighil cried Brother ~Innior
veiior The members are aty led Moat Enilghiened. There i’~ no a~,Ion Couneilor, order I lie Pu rail ivarit ha i 111111 re from whom
worn in the Tribunal, hut when visiting interior bodies the mem era
wear a white apron, with the Teutonic cross Jewel. a sliver Teuton~ the ill ii r iii jiriteetilH.
cross. A white collar is worn, showing a triangle, with the Sgures 31 in
the center “—MorrisS Masonic Dictlonar7 Article Ora.nd Inspector, In. Junior (]ouncitor—M oat F~nl igli tetied Brother Purauj—
qulaltor CommaMer, or Oit•: of TIYO Iretiareli,

vant, open and inquire from whom the alarm proceeds.


(The Senior and Junior Councilors and Pursuivant


Pursuivant—(Opening the door.) Who approaches repeat, each in his turn.)

the Supreme Tribunal, and what is his desire? Master of Ceremonies—That of [liquor dealer] useful
Master of Ceremonies—It is the Master of Ceremonies and honorable, as all work is in this world. (The
having in charge a Knight Kadosh, who seeks to obtain Pursuivaut, Junior and Senior Councilors repeat the
the 31st degree, and whom having examined and finding answers successively.)
him duly qualified, virtuous, upright, eminent, he asks Most Perfect President—Hath he, by sufficient service
permission to introduce into this Supreme Tribunal. and patient obedience as a Mason learned the first lesson
I’ursuivant—(Closing the door.) Most Enlightened in the art of governing? (The Senior and Junior
Brother Junior Councilor, it is the Master of Ceremo- Councilors and Pursuivant repeat the question.)
nies having in charge a Knight Kadosh, who seeks to ob- Master of Ceremonies—He hath. He has learned to
tain the 31st degree, and whom having examined and govern himself. (The Pursuivant, Junior and Senior
hndirg him duly qualified, virtuous, upright, eminent, Councilors repeat the answer.)
he asks permission to introduce into this Supreme Tri- Most Perfect President—Is he true and trustworthy?
bunal. Is he honest, temperate, of equal temper, charitable of
Junior Councilor—Most Enlightened Brother Senior judgment and of merciful impulses? (The Senior and
Coiineilor, it is the Master of Ceremonies having in Junior Councilors and Pursuivant repeat the question.)
charge a Knight Kadosh, who seeks to obtain the 31st Master of Ceremonies—He i5 a Knight Kadosh, and
degree, and whom having examined and finding him his brethren have thought him not unworthy to be ad-
duly qualified, virtuous, upright, eminent, he asks per- mitted here. (The Pursuivant, Junior and Senior
mission to introduce into this Supreme Tribunal.
Senior Councilor—Most Perfect President, it is the Councilors repeat the answer.)
Master of Ceremonies h&ving in charge a Knight Ka- Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother
dosh, who seeks to-~obtain the 31st degree, and whom Senior Councilor give orders that the Most Enlightened
having examined and finding him duly qualified, virtu. Brother Master of Ceremonies and the Knight Kadosh,
ons, upright, eminent, he asks permission to introduce so vouched for be allowed to enter.
into this Supreme Tribunal. Senior Counc-ilor—Most Enlightened Brother Junior
Most Perfect President—What is hi, name? Councilor, give orders that the Most Enlightened Broth-
Senior Councilor—What is his name? er Master of Ceremonies and the Knight Kadosh, so
Junior Councilor—What is his name? vouched for be allowed to enter.
Pursuivant—(Opening the door.) What is his name? Junior Councilor—Most Enlightened Brother Pursui-
Master of Ceremonies—[t is the Knight Brother, vant, allow the Most Enlightened Brother Master of
A... B. (The Pursuivant, Junior and Senior Coun-
Ceremonies and the Knight Kadosh, so vouched for to
cilors repeat the same.) enter.
Most Perfect Presiden.t—What is his occupation? Pursuivant—It is the order of the Most Perfect
people; and caused just and speedy judgment to be
President that you be allowed to enter. (The candidate given.
enlers, conducted by the Master of Ceremonies ~ho lead~ In all my realm, justice and right were sold to none,
him toward the East, and halts in front of the Presi- denied to none, delayed to none.
dent. The door is then closed I slept ljttle, I wrote much, I studied more, I reigned
Most Perfect President—My brother, you desire to only to bless those over whom I had dominion. I have
take upon yourself an arduous and most responsibk vanished into the past and many ages have marched in
office. There is but one infallible, unerring judge. All solemn procession by my grave. Yet I still live in the
human judgment is at best uncertain. The errors of the memory of men. They call me “Great King,” “wise law
judge have consequences as serious as those of the giver,” “just judge.” Follow then my example, or fear
crimes of other men, and they must often, however inno- to sit in judgment on thy fellows.
cent and unintentional, produce when they are made AT THE COLUMN OF SOCRATES :—I was Socrates the
lnown by that unrelenting censor, Time, regret and Athenian. I knew the holy mysteries and rcvcrenced
sorrow and sometimes remorse. It is not wise to seek God in nature. In the sacred groves of Athens, 1
to judge our fellow men. It is a stern duty and an un- taught that God was one and the soul of man immortal.
welcome task, to be performed when it cannot in any I taught obedience to the laws and decrees of the peoplt~
wise be honorably avoided, and never a privilege to be of Athens and the Council of five hundred.
desired and coveted. When I sat in the Court of the Areopagus, I swore
Woe unto that man who assumes the power or judg- by the paternal Apollo, by Ceres and by Jupiter the
ment, and so to some extent usurps the prerogative of King, that I would give sentence uprightly and accord-
C,od, if he be not himself dispassionate, upright, impar- ing to law, or when the law was silent, to the best of
tial, just. Does your heart tell you that only proper my judgment, and that I would not receive gifts, nor
should any other for me, nor receive bribes from my
motives lead you to se~k that power and that you may own passion, prejudice or affection, nor allow ani’ other
with safet.y to you.yself, take it into your hands? person to do the like by any means, whether direct or
Candidate—It does. indirect, to prevent justice in the court.
Most Perfect President—It is well my brother, if in- And when by an unjust judgment the same court
deed you be not deceived. Go with your guide; heed condemned, I refused to flee away and escape, lest I
well the lessons and the warnings you will receive and should bring the laws into disrepute, holding the gord
return again to me. (The Master of Ceremonies con- citizen bound to submit to even the nnjuvt judoineut
ducts him six times around the room halting in turn be- of the State. If thou wouldst fain become a judge of
fore each of the six columns in the North and South. others, first prepare thyself by learnir~~ to obey the laws.
and addressed by a brother at each as follows: AT THE COLUMN OF CONFUCIUS :—I was Confucius,
AT THE COLUMN OP ALFRED :—I was the just King who read and interpreted to the people of Ancient
Alfred, of Saxon England. I framed wise laws, made China, the great laws engraved by the finger of God, in
upright judges, independent of my will and that of the

everlasting letters upon the pages of the many leaved severe. Woe unto thee, if being thyself vicious or crimi-
book of nature. I said to them, desire not for your coun- nal, thou dost assume to judge others and still more if
try any other benefit than justice. The great law of duty thou givest corrupt judgment. For then will thy mem-
is to be looked for in humanity. Justice in equity; ory be execrated, and in all time, it shall be the bitterest
to render to e~ery man that to which he is entitled. He reproach to an unjust judge to call him by thy name.
who would stand above the ordinary 1~vel of men, must AT THE COLUMN OF ZOROASTER :—I was Zoroaster,
be exempt from prejudice, self-conceit and obstinacy,
whose words became law to the Persians. I said, “He
and be governed by the mandates of justice alone.
Cultivate justice and piety, which great toward yoijr is the best servant of God, whose heart is upright, who
parents and relations, should be greater toward your is liberal, with due regard to what is just to all men;
country. who turns not his eyes towards riches and whose heart
Hear much, reflect much and say nothing superfluous. wishes well to every thing that lives.” So act towards
Let doubt of guilt be acquitted and presumption of in- all men that when they die, thou shalt not have to re-
nocence solid proof. So I taught, and my influence gret their death, because thou hast done them wrong and
lived after me and was good and gave good fortune to
can no longer make reparation. He alone is just who is
my country, and yet controlled its destinies. That is
the noblest recompense of human virtue. Do lhou charitable and merciful in his judgments and he alone
strive so to live and act, to obey and govern, and thou is wise who thinks well and not evil of other men.
too mayst live in the good opinion of men after thou Attempt not to break through the laws of providence,
art dead and thy influences may make thee too a King nor impiously presume to correct the ways of God. Nor
over the minds of men. measure the ocean of his wisdom with the tape-line of
AT THE COLUMN OF~MINOS :—I was Minos, the law thy little conceptions.
giver of Crete, I t~.ught the Cretans that the laws which Neither cringe nor fawn, nor d~pend meanly; but
I enacted were dictated by Zeus the father, for all true find thy happiness within thyself. Satisfy thine own
and righteous laws and all human justice are but the de- conscience and fear neither the outrages of fort une, nor
velopments of that eternal and infinite justice, that is of the injuries of enemies. Crime is not to be measured
the essence of the Deity, he who assumes to judge his by the issue of events, but by the bad intentions of the
brethren, clothes himself with a power like that of God. doer. Study therefore the dominion of thyself and
To usurp a jurisdiction is to invade the territory of his quiet thine own commotions, and hold it the noblest
prerogative. Act so that men may praise thy moderation, ovation, to triumph over thy passions. Let the long
thy inflexibility, thy equity and thy integrity. And yet train of thy trophies be within thee, and not without,
regard not alone the opinion and the judgment of the
living, but seek the approval of those who shall live and when thou sittest in judgment on others, let malice
hereafter, whose verdict will be more just, even if more be manacled and envy fettered behind thy judgment seat.

AT TIlE COLUMN OF MOSES—I was Moses,”~ the lead- thee, thou hast gained thy brother. Judge not according
er and lawgiver of the Israelites. I was initiated into to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
the mysterics and wisdom of ancient Egypt, and that “If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and
wisdom dictated .thc statutes by which Israel was gov- if he repent, forgive him, and if he trespass against
erned. I said u¶nto the people, “Thou shalt not wrest the thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day
judgment of thy poor in his cause. turn again to thee saying ‘I repent’ thou shalt forgive
“Thou shalt lake no gift, for the gift blindeth the him.
wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain
“Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment. Thou mercy.”
shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the Go now my brother, to the East, the seat of that jus-
person of the mighty. tice which also is a ray of the great light separated from
“Ye shall hear the small as well as the great. Ye the others by the prism of Masonry. (Candidate is con-
shall not fear the face of man, for the judgment is ducted to the East.)
God’s.” (Candidate halts before the Councilors.) Most Perfect President—Be seated my brother. You
Senior Councilor—Thou hast heard the words of the have heard the lesson of immortal wisdom., once uttered
great sages, lawgivers and philosophers of antiquity. by mortal lips that have long since mouldered into dust.
Remember now the sacred word of the 18th degree. Through those lips God spake unto men, for from him
Hear the voice of one whom all Christendom regards alone cometh all wisdom. You desire to become a mem-
as the greatest lawgiver that has ever come among men; ber of this Tribunal and a Supreme judge in Masonry.
and listen reverentially to his teachings. The Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal
“If ye forgive not men tl~eir trespasses, neither will Secret, satisfied of your capacity and qualifications; of
your Heavenly Fatheruforgive your trespasses. But if your impartiality and justice has, in its wisdom, granted
ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father your ‘request. When you shall have been reeeived
among us it will devolve on you to administer the high
will also forgive you. With what judgment ye judge, justice of the order, and in that the purest equity must
ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it be your guide. In every case submitted to your judg-
shall be measured to you again. ment, and whether the matters and the parties be Ma-
“If thy brother trespass against thee, go and tell him sonic or profane, you must hear affably, deliberate calm-
his fault between thee and him alone. If he shall hear ly and yield to no other influence, than those of Justice
Note 365.—”lloaes. Moses was leacoed In ail the wisdom of the and Equity, of Lenity and Mercy; the four sacred
Egyptians; be was initiated in aii the knowiedge of the wise men of tflgt
nation, by whom the learning of antiunity bad been retained and held words that with their splendor light every Supreme
sacred wrapped up from the eye of the wicked and ~uLgnr In syinbois Tribunal of Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders.
and tderogiypblce. and communicated to men of their own order qDiy,
with care. secrecy, and circumspection. This secrecy Is not in any wise
to be wondered at, when we consider the persecution which would ha,e
You will not suspect, we trust, that to your title of
foflowed a faith unacceptable to the Ijnorance of the nations who were Inquisitor will be attached that odious meaning which
enveloped in superstition and bigotry.~ —Nanny. Eneyeiop.dia sad Die.
Umar~ of Freemasonsy, Astlole Moaw. baa made the name so fearful and detestable in all the

countries in which toleration has found a domicile. In If in his progress upward to this degree, the Mason
the name we bear, it means one who seeks and searches has not learned wisdom, he has already advanced too far.
for, inquires after and investigates the ~.ruth, and the And it is the doctrine of Masonry that no man is truly
truth alone. wise who is not kind and courteous; charitable in his
The punishment must ever be proportionate, to the construction of men’s motives, lenient and merciful,
offence, and some must not be punished for doing things and distrustful of his own ability to resist the allure-
for which others are not so much as called to account. ment of temptation and the mighty influences of preju-
In punishing also, we must guard against passion and dice and passion. Remember that you represent the or-
remember that there is no such thing in Masonry as der; that you must maintain its dignity and glory, pre-
vindietive justice. serve its constitutions and act by its laws. And that all
When you maintain a eanse in argument, in any form those things are committed to your fidelity. You are
whatever; in the court, the market, or the fireside, you neither to be subordinate nor subservient, nor haughty,
are never to forget, or offend against, the rules of cour- nor domineering, and ever to bear in mind that “quod
tesy and charity, or overpass the boundaries of modera- non vetat lex, hoc veta.t lien pudor.” What laws letter
tion. There must be in your argument neither heat nor does not prohibit is often forbidden by propriety and fit-.
bitter words. If you have maturely reflected and are sat- ness of things.
isfied that the grounds you take are wholly right, main- My brother, no one should assume a Masonic obliga-
tain with firmness and express with frankness your own tion unless he is convinced that he possesses sufficient
Opinion, but not too positively or scornfully towards resolution and moral strength to enable him faithfully
your antagonist, nor with the use of any words that can to keep and perform it. It is unfortunately too true,
justly wound his feelings or startle his self respect. Sug- that no cause of insincerity, prevarication and falsehood
gestion often convince~ more than assertion. And a has been more powerful than the practice of administer-
modest and courteous demonstration will succeed when ing oaths; and that attempts to strengthen the obliga-
rude and positive logic will always fail. tions of morality and duty, by oaths with exaggerated
Ever remember that being human, you must of penalties, are generally found to have no tendency but
necessity often err. That those who hold different to relax them.
opinions entertain them as honestly as you do your own. You may judge by what you have heard, what are the
duties which you will assume as a Grand Inspector
And that you have no right to deny or doubt their Inquisitor Commander, and in what spirit and manner
sincerity. Especially never harshly denounce an opinion you must discharge them. Do you feel that it is in your
that more experience and a more thorough investiga- power so to perform those duties?
tion may some day compel you to adopt. And therefore
always treat your opponents as if it were certainly at Candida4e—(Rising.) I do.
some time to happen, that their opinions eoiild become Moat Perfect Pres,;der&t—Are you ready to endeavor
your own. to renounce all passions and overcome all weaknesses

that could lead you to do acts of injustice and give and swear that you will scrupulously observe and cause
hasty and inconsiderate judgment? to be observed, the constitutions, statutes and regula-
tions of this Supreme Tribunal so long as you remain a
Candidate—I am. member thereof; that you will with zeal and energy
Most Perfect President—Do you believe that you can propagate the doctrines of the Ancient and Accepted
sacrifice your pride of opinion a~d love of self respect, Rite of l~Thsonry, and labor for its diffusion and pros-
to maintain the holy cause of justice and equity? perity, and that you will not consent to the admission of
Candidate—I do. any person to the high degrees of the Rite who is not an
Most Perfect President—.Go then to our holy altar, in intelligent man, of respectable acquirements and infor-
charge of our Most Enlightened Brother, the Master of mation, and of virtue and honor?
Ceremonies and there kneel with sincerity and reverence, Candidate and All—I do.
with no thought in your heart and no word on your lips Most Perfect President—Raise your right hand to-
wards heaven. Do you most solemnly and sincerely
but those of soberness and truth. (Master of Ceremon- swear, that you will carefully examine all cases in which
ies conducts him to the altar, causes him to kneel on the von
right knee, and places in his left hand the scales of jus- that may
iiiay be urged
judge; therein
listen attentively
and faithfully
to every
and impartial-
tice, laying his right hand on the book of constitu- ly weigh both evidence and argument, being ,ieither
tions.) careless nor indifferent, partial nor prejudiced; nor
Most Perfect President—(Stri king one and rising.) wearying of investigation, with no other purpose tl~an
Order my brethren! Form the circle around the candi- that of giving a true, just, equitable and merciful judg-
date. (All rise and suround the eandidate, extending
Candidate and All—I do.
their left hands over him while they hold their swords Most Perfect President—Do you solemnly and sin-
in the right, and all repeat with him the responses; cerely swear that you will never sit in judgment in any
after which the Most Perfect President leaves his seat case where you may entertain feelings of enmity or ill-
and meets the candidat~.) will toward a party therein, or any feelings of prejudice
Most Perfect Pre~ident—Kneeling at this altar of Ma- or dislike; nor in any case where from any cause what-
sonry in token of humility and reverential awe of Deity; ever you doubt whether you can hear patiently, consider
do you, upon these emblems of justice, equity, up- calmly, and decide impartially?
rightness and the law’s dread vengeance, most solemnly Candidate and All—I do.
and sincerely swear that you will never reveal any of Most Perfect President—Do you solemnly and sin-
the secrets of Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander to and swear that you will never allow rank and power. in-
any person and under any circumstances in the world,
unless duly permitted to do so by a Consistory of Sub- fluence or money to sway yoor judgment, and that be-
lime Princes of the Royal Secret. fore you as a judge, all men shall stand on one common
Candidate and All—I do. level, to be condemned if guilty; to be acquitted if
Moat Perfect President—Do you furthermore promise innocent?
Most Perfect President—(Taking the candidate by
Candidate and All—I do.
the hand. (Rise my brother.) (Candidate rises and all
Most Perfect President—Do you solemnly and sincere-
the brethren sheath their swords.)
ly swear that you will as a judge lay aside all pride of Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother
opinion, obstinacy and self will, and be governed Master of Ceremonies, do 3’our duty. (Master of Cere-
absolutely by the dictates of law, justice equity and monies divests the candidate of all his decorations and
your own conscience, so far as the frailty of your na- lays.them on the altar.)
ture will permit? Most Perfect President—Sir Knight, we divest you of
Candidate and All—I do. all your decorations, because the degree which you are
Most Perfcct President—DO you solemnly and sin- now entering is above those you have already received,
cerely swear that you will usurp no doubtful power; that and in it you enter the judicial branch and leave the
you will strain no law so as to make it cover cas~s to military branch of the order. Most Enlightened Broth-
which it does not plainly apply; that you will presume
er Master of Ceremonies, teach the candidate the march
e~ery man innocent until he is proven guilty, and that of the Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders and
you will give to every one accused the benefit of all reas- then bring him to me.
onable doubt, and of a charitable and natural construc- Most Perfect President—To your places Grand In-
tion of his actions; and remember that the Masonic law spectors Inquisitors Commanders! (The Most Perfect
seeks punishment as a means only, and not as an end? President, officers and members, return to their places.
Candidate and All—I do. The Master of Ceremonies places the candidate under
Most Pcrfecl President—Repeat then with me. (Can- the sign of order. Then he causes him to step off one
didate and all repeat the following:)
step to the front with the right foot, and then bring his
All this I do swear, expecting that God will so judge feet together so as to form a square, at the same time
me, as I judge others, and eon’~igning myself to the con- uncrossing and crossing his arms. Then he steps off
tempt of my brethren ai~i’d to their just and terrible an- with the left foot one step and forms the square again,
ger, to be visited up~n my unprotected head, if I should uncrossing and crossing his arms, and so on by alterna-
willfully or through indifference violate this my solemn tion until he reaches the foot of the throne.)
Most Perfect President—(Invests him with the collar
oath and obligation. So help me God.
and jewel of the order.) I invest you with the white
A fl—Forgive us our tresspasses, 0! Father, as we collar and jewel of this degree. See that the purity of
forgive those that trespass against us. the former and the lustre of the latter be never sullied
Most Perfect President—Witness the solemn oath or dimmed by your injustice, inhumanity or impurity.
my brethren, and let it be recorded. Return to the altar my brother, and kneel.
All—We witness it. Most Perfect President—Order Most Enlightened
Chancellor—And I record it. (As the last words are Brethren! (All rise under the sign of order. Candidate
uttered, light is given to the candidate, the scale, of goes to the altar and kneels.)
justice are taken from him and placed on the altar.)

Most Perfect President—(Laying both hands on the his- seat. All the members seat themselves and the
candidate’s head.) To the glory of the Grand Architect Master of Ceremonies gives the candidate the signs,
of the Universe, in the name and under the auspices of words and tokens of the degree, as the same are ex-
the Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal plained by the Most Perfect President.)
Secret, 32nd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite
of Masonry, for the State of—, under the jurisdic-
tion of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand In-
spectors General, 33rd degree for the Northern Juris- SIGN.
diction of the United States of America, sitting at New
York, and by virtue of the powers conferred on me by Cross both hands over the navel, the
this Supreme Tribunal of Grand Inspectors Inquisitors left over the right.
Commanders, I do receive and constitute, create and
acknowledge you a Grand Inspector Inquisitor Comman-
der of the 31st degree of that rite, and a member of this
Supreme Tribunal.
Arise Most Enlightened Brother. Take for a moment
the two poniards which lie before you. They are
weapons that you have carried before in Masonry, and
we yet retain them because they were anciently given
to the candidate that with one he might punish perjury
and with the other protect innocence.
Put them down my I~rother! They do not belong to
a Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander, who is a
judge and not a solc~ier. The moral force of the law and INSWUL
the Tribunal is more potent than a thousand daggers.
Perjury like any other crime, is punished by law, or by Cross them over the head, the fingers
the general contempt and execration, and innocence is and the palms up-
extended and separate,
not now protected by the poniard. ward.
Most Enlightened Brother Master of Ceremonies, this
newly received Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
has laid aside forever the steel which is symbolic of
violence. Give him therefore, the signs, words and
tokens of the degree. Be seated my brethren. (The AaawezSngllgu.
Most Perfect President returns to the throne and takes

Most Perfect President—Be seated my brethren. (Or.~

der is obeyed.)
TOKEN. Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brothei
Advocate, be pleased further to instruct this our newly
Place right foot to right foot, and received brother, in regard to the principles of this de.
right knee to right knee, take each gree. (Advocate rises and delivers the discourse.)
other by the left hand, and with the DISCOURSE BY ADVOCATE.
right hand strike a gentle blow on the My brother, this degree was instituted when anarchy
other’s right shoulder. reigned among the rites of Masonry. It was evidently
indispensible to establish a special body that should see
to the maintenance of principles and the regularity of
Token. Masonic forms.
The Tribunal of Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Com-
SACRED WORD :—One says justice the other answers manders was thus created, and invested with the power,
equity. Both together say: So mote it be. as it was charged with the duty of visiting the different
BATTERY :—Nine. By one, three, four and one. bodies and inspecting their work; of taking care that
Master of Ceremonies—Most Perfect President, the caution should be observed in the selection of candi-
signs, words and tokens are made known to our newly dates; of compelling a strict observance of the ritual in
initiated brother. the higher degrees. To these powers were added by
Most Perfect Presiden.t—Order Most Enlightened degrees, that of judging differences between the breth-
Brethren Grand Inspectors ~nquisitors Commanders? ren and of trying those guilty of offences against Ma-
(All rise under the sign(of order.) sonic law.
Most Perfect President—I do hereby proclaim the These powers and this jurisdiction are now defined,
and the mode of proceeding regulated by the supreme
Most Enlightened Brother A... B, a Grand Inspector
Inquisitor Commander 31st degree of the Ancient and To hear patiently, to weigh deliberately and dis-
Accepted Rite of Masonry, regularly made and created, passionately, and to decide impartially; these are the
and I do commend him as such to all Freemasons of chief duties of a judge. After the lessons you have re-
that Rite over the surface of the globe and require them ceived, I need not further enlarge upon them. You will
to receive and acknowledge him as such. Most Enlight- be ever eloquently reminded of them by the furniture
ened Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct our newly upon our altar, and the decorations of our Tribunal.
proclaimed brother to the seat of honor. (Master of The book of constitutions will remind you of your
Ceremonies conducts him to the right hand of the obligations, and that he alone who faithfully observes
President.) the law has a right to enforce it upon others.

In the scales of justice you are to weigh the facts and the chief symbol in Masonry, with many of the
the law alone, nor place in neither scale personal friend- meanings of which you are familiar.
ship, or personal dislike, neither fear nor favor, and To us its three sides represent the three principal
when reformation is no longer to be hoped for, you are attributes of the Deity, which created, and now as ever
to smite relentl~essly with the sword of justice, ever rc- support, uphold and guide the Universe in its eternal
membering that as you judge here below, so you will be movement; the three supports of the Masonic temple,
yourself judged hereafter by one who has not to submit itself an emblem of the Universe. Wisdom, or the
like an earthly judge, to the sad necessity of inferring infinite divine intelligence; strength or power, the
the motives, intentions and purposes of men, (of which infinite divine will; and beauty, or the infinite divine
all crime essentially consists) for the uncertain and harmony; the eternal law, by virtue of which the
often unsafe testimony of their acts and words, as iiwn myriads of suns and worlds flash ever onward in their
in thick darkness grope their way, with hands out- ceaseless revolutions, without clash or conflict in the
stretched before them, but before whom every thought, infinite space, and change and movement, are the law
feeling, impulse and intention of every soul that now is, of all created existence.
or ever was, or ever will be on earth, is, and ever will be To us, as Masonic judges, the triangle figures for the
through the whole infinite duration of eternity, present pyramids, which planted firmly as the everlasting hills
and visible. and accurately adjusted to the four cardinal points,
The square and compasses the plumb and level are defiant of all assaults of men and time teach us to stand
well known to you as a Mason. Upon you as a judge, firm and unshaken as they, when our feet are planted
they peculiarly inculcate uprightness, impartiality, care- upon the solid truth.
ful consideration of facts and circumstances, accuracy It includes a multitude of gcometrical figures, all
in judgment, and uniformity~,in decision. having a deep significance to Masons. The triple tr~an-
As a judge, too, you 7are to bring up square work, gle is peculiarly sacred, having
and square work only. Likc a temple erected by the
plumb, you are to lean neitlwm to one side nor to the
other. Like a building well squared and levelled, you are
to be firm and steadfast in your convictions of right and
ever been among all nations, a
symbol of the Deity. Prolong-
ing all the external lines of the
777 777
Like the circle swept by the compasses, you are to be hexagon, which also it includes,
true. The peculiar and principal symbol of this degree we have six smaller triangles, ~ Tdaa~Ie
is the Tetractys of Pythagoras, suspcnded in the East.
Where ordinarily the sacred word or letter whose bases cut each other in
.. glitters, and like it, representing the Deity. the central point of the Tetractys, itself always the sym-
• ••• Its nine external points from the Triaqie, bol of the generative power of the universe, the Sun.

Brabama”’ Osiris,”’ Apollo, Bel”’ and the Deity him- blood, and of that deposited by Enoch, it teaches justice,
self. accuracy and consistency.
Thus too, we form twelve still smaller triangles, The infinite divisibility of the triangle, tcachcs the
three times three of which compose the Tetractys itself. infinity of the universe, of time, of space and of the
I refrain from enumerating all the figures that you
may trace within it; but one may not be passed~unnot- Deity, as do the lines that diverging from the common
iced. The Hexagon itself faintly images to use a cube, centre ever increase their distance from each other, as
not visible at the first glance, and therefore the fit em- they are infinitcly prolonged.
blem of that faith in things, which, though invisible are As they may be infinite in number, so are the at-
nevertheless real, and the existence of which may be tributes of Deity, infinite and as they emanate from one
proved by reason and logic. The first perfect solid and centre and are projected into space, so the whole uni-
reminding you of the Cubical Stone”’ that sweated verse has emanated from God.
Note 868.—”In the vedic hymns all the powers of natnre are per.
sonifled, and become the objecta of worship thus leading to an ap~ar•
eat polytheism. But. as Mr. J. Ic. clarke (t’On Great Relicuons, ii ).
Remember also, my brother, that you have other du-
remarks, ‘behind this incipient polytheism lurks the original monotheism; ties to perform than those of a judge. You are to in-
for each of these gods, in turn, becomes the Supreme Being. And Max
Moiler says (Chaps. I. I), Ihat ~ wouid be easy to find in the numerous quire into and scrutintze carefully the work of the
hymns of the veda passages in which almost every imporiant deity is
represented as supreme and ahsolute.~ This moat ancient retiglon—
hetieved in by one-se,enth of the worid’s population, that fountain from subordinate bodies in Masonry.
which has flowed so much of Ihe stream of modern reilgious thought.
abounding in mystical ceremonies and ritual preacriptions. worahipping.
You are to see that recipients of the higher degrees
as the Lord of ail ‘the sonice of golden light,~ having its ineffabie name.
its sotemo methods of initiation, sad its symbolic rites—is weti worth are not unnecessarily multiplied; that improper persons
the aerions study of the Masonic scholar, because in it he will find much
that will be snggestive to him in the investigations of the dogmas of his are carefully excluded from mcmbership, and that in
Order. —Mackeys Enoyclopadia of Ereemasonry. Article Brahman,sm.
lots 867.—”The Osirian mysteries consisted in a scenic representa- their life and conversation, Masons bcar testimony to
tion of the murder of Osiris by Typhon. the subsequent r~eovery of his the excellence of our doctrines, and the incalculable
mutilated body by Isis. and his deification, or restoration to immortal
itfe. Julius Firmicue. in his treaties On the Eataity of the Pagan Re- value of the institution itself.
ligions, thus describes the object of the Osirian mysteries ‘But in those
funerals and lamentations which are cannusily celebrated in honor of
Osiris. the defender. of the Pagan rites pretend a pbyalcai reason They You are to inquire also into your own heart and con-
cail the seeds of fruit. Osiris; the earth. Isis; the natural heat. Typhon:
and because the fruits are ripened by the natural heat and collected for duct, and keep careful watch over yourself that you go
the life of man, and are separated from their natural tie to the earib.
and are sown again when winter a ppioschea. ibis they consider is the not astray. If you harbor ill-will and jealousy; if you
death of Osiris. but when the fruits, by the genial fostering of the
earth, begin again to be generated by a new pr~reation. this is the are hospitable to intolerance and bigotry, and churlish
finding of Osiris.~ This eipisnation does rot essentially differ from that
already given in the article Egyptian Mysteries. The symbolism is in- to gentlcness and kind affections, opening wide your
deed precisely the same—that of a restoration or resurrection from death
to life. “—Meokey’s Ea~oiopadl5. of Ereemasonry. Artiste Osiris. Mys- heart to one, and closing its portals to the other, it is
teries of.
Note 861.—”Rel, is the contracted form of Deal, and was worshiped time for you to set in order your own temple, or else
by the Babylonians as their chief deity. The Greeks and Romans so con-
sidered and translated the word by Zeus and Jupiter. it has. with lab you wear in vain the name and insignia of a Mason,
and On, been introduced into the Royal Arch system as a representative while yet uninvested with the Masonic naturc.
of the Tetragrammaton, which it and the accompanying words have
s..,metimes ignorantly been made to displsce “—Maoks~’a Encyololiadia of Everywhere in the world there is a natural law, that
Wreems.sonry. Article DeL
Note 86S.—”Every stone of the temple was formed into a equan. con- is, a constant model of action, which seems to belong to
taining five equilateral triangles, each equilateral triangle being equal to
a cube, and each aide and hams of the triangles being equsi to a p lomb the nature of things; to the constitution of the universe.
line. ‘—Maceye Esayelop die aM Dictionary of Ereemasonry, Article This fact is universal. In different departments we call
OuMeal Stabs.


this mode of action by different names, as the law of various modes. The variety of effect of this law, at first
mattcr, the law of mind, the law of morals, and the surprises the senses, but in the end, the unity of cause
like. We mean by this, a certain mode of action, which utonishes the cultivated mind. Looked at in reference
belongs to the material, mental or moral forces; the to this globe, an earthquake is no more than a chink that
niode in which eomrrionly they are found to act and opens in a. garden walk in a dry day in summer.
which it is their ideal to always act. The ideal laws of A sponge is porous, having small spaces between the
matter, we only know from the fact that they are always solid parts. The solar system is only more porous, hav-
obeyed. To us the actual obedience is the only evidence ing larger room between the several orbs. The universe
of the ideal rule; for in respect to the conduct of the yet more so, with spaces between the systems, as small
material world, the ideal and the actual are the same. compared to infinite space, as those between the atoms
The laws of matter we learn only by observation and that compose the bulk of the smallest invisible animal-
expcrience. Before experience of the fact, no man could cule, of which millions swim in a drop of salt water.
foretell that a body falling towards the earth would The same attraction holds together the animalcule, the
descend sixteen feet the first second, twice that the next, sponge, the system and the universe. Every particle of
four times the third, and sixteen times the fourth. No matter in that universe is related to each and all the
mode of action in our consciousness anticipates this other particles, and attraction is their common bond.
rule of action in the outer world. The same is true of all In the spiritual world; the world of human conscious-
the laws of matter. The ideal law is known because it ness, there is also a law and ideal mode of action, for the
is a fact. The law is imperative. It must be obeyed spiritual forces of man. The law of justice is as univer-
without hesitation. Laws of crystallization, laws of sal an one as the law of attraction though we are very
proportion in chemical combination; neither in these far from being able to reconcile all the phenomena of
nor in aiiy other law of n~turedis there any margin left, nature with it. The lark has the same right, in our
for oscillation or di.~obedience. Only the primal will view, to live, to sing, to dart at pleasure through the
of God works in the material world, and no secondary, ambient atmosphere, as the hawk has to ply his strong
finite will. wings in the summer sunshine, and yet the hawk
There are no exceptions to the great general law of pounces on and devours the harmless lark, as it devours
abstraction, which binds atom to atom in the body of a the worm, and as the worm devours the animalcule. And
ratifier, visible only by aid of a microscope; orb to orb, so tar as we know, there is nowhere, in any future state
hystem to system; gives unity to the world of things, of animal existence, any compensation for this apparent
and rounds these systems of worlds to a universe. injustice. Among the bees, one rules while the others
At first there seem to be exceptions to this law, as obey; some work while others are idle. With the small
in growth and decomposition and in the repulsions of ants, the soldiers feed on the proceeds of the workmen’s
electricity, but at length all these are found to be espec- labor. The lion lies in wait for and devours the ante-
ial cases of the one great law of attraction, acting in lupe, that has apparently as good a right to life as he.

Among men, some govern, some serve. Capital coin- agrees therewith and stands, while what is wrong con-
mands and labor obeys. And one race superior in intel- flicts with it and falls. The difficulty is what we evev
lect, avails itself of the strong muscles of another that erect our notions of what is right and just, into the las
is inferior. And yet, for all this, no one impeaches the of justice, and insist that God shall adopt that as his
justice of God. No doubt all these varied phemomena law; instead of striving to learn by observation and re-
are consistent with one great law of justice, and the flection what his law is, and then believe that law to be
only difficulty is that we do not, and no doubt we can- eonsistent with his infinite justice, whether it corre-
not, understand that law. It is very easy for some sponds with our limited notion of justice, or does not so
dreaming and visionary theorist to say that it is niost correspond. We are too wise in our own conceit, and
evidently unjust for the lion to devour the deer, and ever strive to enact our own little notions into the uni-
for the eagle to tear and eat the wren, but the trouble is versal laws of God. It might be difficult for man to
that we know of no other way, according lo the frame, prove, even to his own satisfaction, how it is right or
the constitution and the organs which God has given just for him to subjugate the horse and ox to his ser-
them, in which the lion and the eagle could manage to vice, giving them in return only their daily food, which
live at all. Our little measure of justice is not God’s God has spread out for them on all the green meadows
measure. His justice does not require us to relieve the and savannahs of the world. Or how it is just that we
should slay and eat the harmless deer, that only crop
hard-working millions of all labor; to emancipate the the green herbage, the buds and the young leaves and
serf or slave, unfitted to be free, from all control. No drink the free running water that God made common
doubt underneath the little bubbles which are the lives, to all; or the gentle dove, the innocent kid, the many
the wishes, the wills and the plans of ten hundred in il- other living things that so confidently trust to our pmo-
lions or more of human beings on this earth, (for bub- tection. Quite as difficult perhaps, as to prove it just
bles they are, judging by ,~he space and time they occupy for one man’s intellect, or even his wealth, to make an-
in this great and age-outlasting sea of human-kind). other’s strong arms his servants, for daily wages or for
No doubt, undernedth them all resides one and the a bare subsistence.
same eternal force, which they shape into this or the To find out this universal law of justice is one thing;
other special form. And over all the same paternal pro- to undertake to measure off something, w~thi our own
vidence presides, keeping eternal watch over the little little tape.line, and call that God’s law of justice, is an-
and the great, and producing variety of effect, from other.
unity of force. The great, general plan and system, and the great
It is entirely true to say that justice is the constitu- general laws enacted by God, continually produce what,
tion, or fundamental law of the moral universe; the law to our limited notions, is wrong and injustice, which
of right, a rule of conduct for man, (as it is for every hitherto men have been able to explain to their own
other living creature). In all his moral relations, io satisfaction, only by the hypothesis of anothei’ existence,
doubt all human affairs, (hike all other affairs) must he in which all inequalities and injustices in this life will

subject to that, as the law paramount. And what is sight be remedied and compensated for. To our ideas of jus-

th~e, it is very unjust that the child is made miserable with a view to the general as well as to the individual
for life by deformity or organic disease, in consequence interest. It is not a theoretical principle by which the
of the vices of its father, and yet that is part of the very relations that God has created and imposed on us,
universal law. are to be tried, and approved or condemned.
The aneients’said that the child was punished for the God has, made this great system of the universe and
sins of its father. We say that its deformity, or disease, enacted general laws for its government. Those laws
is the consequence of its father’s vices, but so far a~ environ everything that lives, with a mighty net-work
concerns the question of justice, or injustice, that is of necessity. He chose to create the tiger, with such
merely the change of a word. organs that he cannot crop the grass, but must eat
It is very easy to lay down a broad general principle, other food or starve.
embodying our own idea of what is absolute justice, and He has made man carniverous also, and the smallest
insist that everything shall conform to that. To say. singing bird is as much so as the tiger. In every step
all human affairs must be subject to that, as the law that we take, in every breath we draw, is involved the
paramount, and what is right agrees therewith and destruction of a multitude of animated existence, each,
stands; ~vhat is wrong conflicts and falls. Private no matter how minute, as much a living creature as our-
cohesions of self-love, of friendship or of patriotism. selves. He has made necessary among mankind, a divi-
must all be subordinate to this universal gravitation ts- sion of labor, intellectual and moral. He has made
ward the eternal right. necessary the varied relations of society and dependence;
The difficulty is that in this universe of necessities, of obedience and control. What is thus made necessary
God created; of sequences; of cause and effect, and of cannot be unjust, for if it be, then God, the great law-
life evolved from death; this interminable succession giver, is himself unjust.
and aggregate of crueltie~, will not conform to any such. The evil to be avoided, is the legalization of injustice
absolute principle or~arbitrary theory, no matter in what and wrong, under the false plea of necessity.
sounding words and glittering phrases it may be embod- Out of all the relations of life grow duties, as natur-
ied. ally and as undeniably, as the leaves grow upon the
Impracticable rules in morals are always injurious, trees. If we have the right, created by God’s law of neces-
for, as all men fall short of compliance with them, they sity, to slay the lamb that we may eat and live, we have
turn real virtues into imaginary offences against a no right to torture it in so doing, because that is in no
forged law. wise necessary. We have the right to live, if we fairly
Justice as between man and man, and as between man can, by the legitimate exercise of our intellect, and hire
and the animals below him, is that which, under, and or buy the labor of the strong arms of others, lo till our
according to the God created relations existing between ground, to toil in our manufactories; but we have no
them, and the whole aggregate of circumstances sur- right to over-work or under-pay them.
rounding them, is fit and right, and proper to be done,

1 It is not only true that we may learn the moral law

___ -- —t —


of juslice; the law of right, by experience and observa-
stances, limited and qualified by them, arise and become
tion, but that God has given us a moral faculty, our obligalory upon us, then we learn justice; the law of
conscience, which is able to perceive this law directly right; the divine rule of conduct for human life. But
and immediately, by intuitive perception of it. And it is if we undertake to define and settle the mode of action,
true that mant has, in his nature, a rule of conduct that belongs to the indefinitely perfect nature of God
higher than he has ever yet come up to; an ideal of na- and to set up an ideal rule beyond all humaui reach, we
ture that shames his actual history, because man has soon come to judge and condemn his work, and relations
ever been prone to make necessity; his own necessity, which it has pleased him in his infinite wisdom to create.
the necessities of society, a plea for injustice. But this A sense of justice belongs to human nature and is a
notion must not be pushed too far. For if we substi- part of it. Man can find a deep, permanent and instinct-
tute this ideality for actuality, then it i5 equally true, ive delight in justice, not only in the outward effects,
that we have within us an ideal rule of right and wrong, but in the inward cause, and by his nature love this law
to which God himself, in his government of the world, of right; this reasonable rule of conduct, this justice,
has never come and against which he (we say it reven- ‘with a deep and abiding love. Justice is the object of
entially) every day offends. We detest the tiger and the conscience, and fits it as light fits the eye and truth the
wolf, for their rapacity and love of blood, which are mind. Justice keeps just relations between men. It
their nature. holds the balance between nation and nation; between
We revcilt against the law, by which the crooked a man and his family, Iribe, nation and race; so that
limbs and diseased organism of the child, are the fruits his absolute rights and theirs do not interfere, nor their
of the father’s vices. We even think that a God, omnip- ultimate interests ever clash, nor the internal interests
otent and omniscient, ought to have permitted no pain, of Ihe one prove antagonistic to those of all, or of any
no poverty, no servitude. Our ideal of justice is snore other one. This we must believe, if we believe that God
lofty than the actuahitie~ of God. It is wehl as all else is just. We must do justice to all, and demand of all.
is wehh. It is a univeysal human debt; a universal human claim.
He has given us that moral sense, for wise and benifi-
cent purposes. We accept it, as a significant proof of But we may err greatly in defining what that justice is.
The temporary interests, and what to human views are
the inherent loftiness of human nature, that it can ascer- the rights of many, do often interfere and clash. The
tain an ideal so exalted, and we should strive to attain life interests of the individual, often conflict with the
it, so far as we can do so consistently with the relations permanent interests and welfare of society; and what
which he has created, and the circumstances which sur- may seem to be the natural rights of one class or race,
round us and hold us captive. with those of another.
If we faithfully use this faculty of conscience; if ap-
plying it to the existing relations and circumstances we It is not true to say that one man, however little, must
not be sacrificed to another, however great; to a major-
develop it and all its kindred powers, and deduce the
duties that out of these relations and those circum- ity, or to all men. That is not only a fallacy, but a moat
Dances, but that practical justice, which may be attained
dangerous one. Often one man, and many men, must be in the actual organization of the world. The minute
sacrificed, in the ordinary sense of the term, to the in- and wide-extending civil machinery, which makes up the
terest of the many. It is a comfortable fallacy to the law and the courts, with all their officers and imple-
scifish; for if they cannot, by the law of justice, be sac- ments, on the part of mankind, is chiefly an effort to re-
rificcd for the ~omnion good, then their country has n~ duce to practice the theory of right.
Constitutions are made to establish justice. The
right to demand of them self-sacrifice; and he is a fool
decisions of Courts are reported, to help us judge more
who lays down his life, or sacrifices his estate, or even
wisely in time to come. The nation aims to get to-
his luxuries, to ensure the safety or prosperity of his
gether the most just men in the State, that they may in-
country. According to that doctrine, Curtius was a
corporate into statutes, their aggregate sense of what is
fool, and Leanidas an idiot, and to die for one’s country
is no longer beautiful and glorious, but a mere absurd-
The people wish law to be embodied in justice, ad-
ity. Then it is no longer to be asked that the common
ministered without passion. Even in the wildest ages,
soldier shall receive, in his bosom, the sword or bayonet
there has been a wild, popular justice. But always mixed
thrust, which otherwise would let out the life of the
with passion and administered with hate; for justice
great commander, on whose fate hang the liberties of
his country, and the welfare of millions yet unborn. takes a rude form with rude men, and becomes less
mixed with hate and passion in more civilized coin-
On the contrary, it is certain that necessity rules in
munities. Every progressive state revises its statutes and
all the affairs of men, and that the interest, and even
revolutionizes its constitution from time to time, seck-
the life of one man, must often be sacrificed to the in- ing to come closer to the utmost, possible, practical jus-
terest and wclfare of his country. Some must ever lead
tice and right, and sometimes, following theorists and
the forlorn hope. The missionary must go among sav- dreamers, in their adoration of the ideal, by erecting
ages, bearing his life ~ his hand. The physician must into law positive principles of theoretical right, works
expose himself to pestilence, for the sake of others. The
practical injustice and then has to retrace its steps.
sailor, in the frail boat upon the wide o~an, escaped
Litcr~ry men, always look for practical justice, and
from the foundering and burning ship, must step calm-
ly into the hungry waters, if the lives of the passen ers desire that virtue should have its own reward, and vice
can be saved, only by the sacrifice of his own. 4110 its appropriate punishment. They are ever on the side
pilot must stand firm at the wheel, and let ~he flames of justice and humanity, and the majority of them have
scorch away his own life, to ensure thc common safety an ideal justice better than the things about them.
of those whom the doomed vessel bears. The mass of men Juster than the law, for the law is ever imperfect,
are always looking for what is just. All the vast ma- not attaining even to the utmost practicable degree of
chinery which makes up a State—a world of State6— perfection. And no man is as just as his own idea of
is, on the part of the people, an attempt to organize, possible and practicable justice. His passions and his
not that ideal justice which finds fault with God’s ordi-

necessities ever cause him to sink below his own ideal. We intuitively understand what justice is better than
The ideal justice, which men ever look up to and strive we can depict it. What it is in a given case depends so
to rise toward, is true, but it will not be realized in this much on circumstances, that definitions of it are
world. Yet we must approach as near to it as practica- wholly deceitful. Often it would be unjust to society
ble, as we should do toward that ideal democracy that to do what’ would, in the absence of that consideration,
now floats before the eyes of earnest and religious men; be pronounced just to the individual. General proposi-
fairer than the Republic of Plato or Moore’s Utopia, or tions of man’s right to do this or that are ever fallacious,
the golden age, or fabled memory; only taking care that and not unfrequently it would be most unjust to the
we do not, in striving to reach and ascend to the im- individual himself, to do for him what the theorist, as a
possible ideal, neglect to seize upon and hold fast to the general proposition, would say was right and his due.
possible actual. To aim at the best, but be content with We should ever do unto others what, under the same
the best possible, is the only true wisdom. To insist on circumstances, we ought to wish, and have the right to
the absolute right, and throw out of the calculation the wish, they should do unto us.
important and all-controlling element of necessity, is There are many cases, cases constantly occurring,
the folly of a mere dreammier. ‘where one man must take care of himself, in preference
In a world inhabited by men with bodies, and to another, as where two struggle for the possession of
necessarily with bodily wants and animal passions, the a plank that will save one but cannot uphold both. Or
time will never come when there will be no want, no ‘where assailed he can save his own life, only by slaying
oppression, no servitude, no fear of man, but only love. his adversary. So one must prefer the safety of his
That can never be, while there are inferior intellects, country to the lives of her enemies, and sometimes to
indulgence in low vice, improvidence, indolence, awful insure it to those of her own innocent citizens.
visitations of pestilence and war and famine, earth- The retreating general may cut away a bridge behind
quake and volcano, that must of necessity cause men to him to delay pursuit, and save the main body of the
army, though he thereby surrenders a detachment, a
want, serve, suffer ~nd fear. battalion, or even a corps of his own force, to certain
But still, the plowshare of justice is ever drawn destruction.
through and through the field of the world, uprooting These are not departures from justice, though like
the savage plants. Ever we see a continual and progres- other instances where the injury or death of the individ-
sive triumph of the right. The injustice of England, ual is the safety of the many, where the interest of one
lost her America, the fairest jewel of her crown. individual class or race, is postponed to that of the pub-
The injustice of the French aristocracy and clergy, lic, or of the superior race. They may infringe some
bore them to the ground more than the revolution of dreamers ideal rule of justice.
1789 did, and exiled them to foreign lands, there to pine But every departure from real, practical justice, is no
away and die; their fale a warning to bid mankind be doubt attended with loss to the unjust. man, though the
just. loss is not reported to the public. Injustice, public or
flhITL&TTOW. 361
men look at all of them; many only at one. But we all
private, like every other sin and wrong, is inevitably
readily recognize cruelty, unfairness, inhumanity, par-
followed by its consequences. The Relfish, the grasping, tiality, over-reaching, hard-dealing, by their ugly and
the inhuman, the fraudulently unjust; the ungenerous familiar lineaments.
employer and the cruel master, are detested by the great Wc do n9t nced to sit as a court of errors and appeai~
popular heart, ‘~rhile the kind master, and liberal ~xnploy- to revisc and rcversc God’s providence, in order to know
er, the generous, the humane and the just, have the and to hate and dcspise thcin. There are certainly great
good opinion of all men, and even envy is a tribute to evi]s of civilization at this day, and many questions of
their virtues. Men honor all who stand up for truth humanity long adjourned and put~ off. The hideous
and right, and never shrink. The wor]d builds monu- aspect of pauperism; the debasement and vice in our
ments to its patriots. Four great statesmen, organizers cities sell us, by thcir cloquent silence, or in inarticulate
of the right, embalmed in stone, ]ook down upon the law- mutterings, that the rich and the poii’erful and Uw
givers of France, as they pass to their hail of Iegi~la- intelIectii~il, do not their duty by thc poor, the feeble
tion; silent orators to tell how nations ]ove the just. How and thc ignorant. And every wretched woman that
we revere the marble lineamcnts of those just judges, lii’e~, heavcn scarce knows how, by making shirts at
Jay and Marshall that look so calmly towards the living ~i1cpeneeeach, attc~ts thc injustice and inhumanity of
bench of the Supreme Court of the United States! What man.
a monument Washington has built in the heart of Therc arc criiclties to slaves, aud worse cruelties to
America and all the world, not because he dreamed of animals, cach disgraccful to thcir perpetrators, and
an impracticable, ideal justice, but by his constant efforts equally unwarranted by the lawful relation of control
to be practically lust. But necessity alone, and the and dependence which it has pleased God to create.
greatest good of the greatest number, can legitimately In human affiiirs, the justicc of God must work b~
interfere with the domiifion of absolute and ideal justice. human rncans. Men are thc instruments of God
Government should not foster the strong at the ex- principics. Our iiior~iIity i~ the instrument of his justice.
pense of the weak, or protect the capitalist and tax the which, incomprehensible to us, seems to our short vision.
laborer. The powerful should not seek a monopoly of often to work injustice, but will at some time still the
development and enjoyment. Not prudence only and oppresRor’s brutal laughtcr. All the justice we maturc
the expedient for to-day should be appealed to by states- will bless us here and hercafter, and at our death we
men, but conscience and the right. Justice should not shall leave it, added to the common store of human kind-
be forgotten in looking at interest, nor political morality ness. And every Mason, who, content to do that which
neglected for politic~ economy. We should not have is po~ihle and practicable, does and enforces justice.
national housekeeping instead of national organization may help deepen thc channel of human mortality in
for the basis of right. which God’s justicc runs And so the wrecks of evil
We may well differ as to the abstract right of many that now cheek and ob~triict the stream, may be the
things; br every such question has many sides, and few

sooner swept out and borne away by the restless tide

of omnipotent right. Let us my brother, in this as in
all else, endeavor always to perform the duties of a good
Mason and a good man.
Most Perfcc~ President—(Striking onc.) Gr~ nd In-
Tectors Inquisitors Comnandcrs, mcmbcrs of this Su- CLOSING CI~REMONIES
premc Tribunal, if any one hn~ ~inv rcmarks to offcr, to GRAr~D INsPECTOR INQUISITOR COMUANDER.
enforcc the obligations of ju~ticc and cquit~’, or for the
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brother
good of Ma~onr’, the Suprenic Tribunal ii’ill be pleased
Scnior Councilor, what is the hour for rcst for true
to hear him. (If therc i~ no answer.) Masons?
Senior Councflor—Most Perfect President, silence Scn~or Councilor—Most Perfcct Presidcnt, thc hour
prevail~. ‘whcn all thcir duties are performcd.
Most Perfect President—Grand 1nspcct or~ Inqui~ tore Most Perfect President—Has that hour arrivcd my
Commandcr~, thc box of fraternal a~istance will now brother?
bc presentcd to you. (Collcction is Liken Senior Councilor—As nearly as in this life it ever
Most I’crfcct President—Most Eni igh tcncd Bros hcr comes to mortals, since none perform all their duties,
Chancellor, rcad the minutes of this day’s proceedings and our Masonic labors end only at the grave.
(Chancellor reads the minutes.) Most Perfect President—Most truc, my brother. Re-
Most Perfect President.—Grand Inspectors Inquisitors mains there yet any complaint unheard, wrong unrc-
Commanders, if any one has ‘any observation to make in dressed or known offcnce unpunished, that requires
regard to the minutes n~~v read, he ha~ pvrmission to do action from this Tribunal?
so. Senior Councilor—Nonc, Most Pci fcct President.
Seiaor Councilor—Most Pcrfcct President, silence Most Perfect President—It is permitted tlicn that this
prevails. Supreme Tribunal shall be closed, thai. we may return
Most Perfect President—The minutes of this day’s to thc Saered As~luin of Sublinic Princes of the Royal
labor, as recorded during our present sitting, are adopt- Secret. Join me my brethrcn in the cunchiding cere-
mony. Ordcr Grand In~pcctors Inquisitors Command-
ed. (Chancellor puts record with other books and papers ers I (All rise under thc sign of ~he order.)
in the coffer.) Advocate—(Striking onc.) From all errors and mis.
Chancellor—Most Perfect Pre~ident, I await your takcs in opinion and conelu~ion:
pleasure. (The Perfect President goes to th~ coffer, Senior Councilor—(Striking three.) From all impa-
and with the Chancellor locks it.) tience and inattention to evidence an(1 argurricnt; from
all petulance and peevishness, all carelessness and in-


difference; from all harsh ana uncharitable construc-

tions of act or motive:
Senior Councilor—(Striking four.) From all partial-
ity and prejudice, from all obstinacy and pride of opin-
ion, and all wilful adherence to error; from all ~isurpa-
tions of power and unwarrantable assumptions of juris- 8TATUTEI~ FOR THE OOYEV~MENT OF ALL TRXBUNAL8
diction; from all improper influences that prevent man’s
Mo8t Perfect President—(Striking one.) From all ARTICLE I.
false judgment and intentional injustice, keep us free, 1. Every Tribunal of the 31st degree, when sitting
our Father, who art to judge us at the end of our earthly in judgment, shall be composed of ten members, and no
pilgrimage. more, not including the Advocate and Defender.
All—And as we judge others, so do thou in mercy 2. When trying a case, in which a Sovereign Prince
judge us. Amen. of the Royal Secret is a party, all the members must
Most Perfect President—(Making the first sign.) have attained the 32nd degree, and in all other cases, at
least five must have attained it viz: President, Council-
“Justice.” ors, Secretary and Treasurer, and the others must have
All—(Making the answering sign.) “Equity.” attained the 31st degree.
All—So mote it be.
All—(Led by Most Perfect President, give the bat- ARTICLE I [.
tery.) 1. Tribunals of the 31st degree have exclusive juris-
Most Perfect President—Most Enlightened Brethren, diction to hear, try and determine all offences against
Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders, let us now Masonic law, or the statutes, constitutional provisions,
form the procession, and proceed to the Sacred Asylum rules and regulations of the Supreme Council of the 33rd
of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret (The Most degree, committed by brothers who have attained any
Perfect President then leaves the throne and the pro- degree above the 18th, and of appeals from all judg-
ments of all Chapters of Rose Croix within their juris-
cession is formed as in opening, and the brethren pro- diction. But as to offenees committed by Knights of the
ceed to the Granc1 Consistory. If the newly admitted Rose Croix, attached to regular Chapters, and for the
brother is at once to receive the 320, he remains in the
hai.l with a brother until the consistory is prepared to punishment thereof, the statutes of such Chapters have
made provision, their jurisdiction shall be concurrent;
receive him. Otherwise be is allowed to retire.) and in such cases, the body first having possession of
the case shall proceed and the other desist.
2. The Tribunals of the 31st degree, shall also have
~urisdietion in all cases ordered by the Chapters to be

transmitted to them for trial, and to decide all questions lodge room, if he was a member of none, or if there be
certified to them by the Chaptiirs and by Councils of rio such Ioom, then in any public place, and t~e facts
Princes of Jerusalcm and Lodges of Perfection, their rcturucd upon tlic citation.
decision being in all cases final and conclusive. 5. The d~xy fi~cd for appearance shall be at least ten
da~s alter the Actual or const’ructive service.
ARTICLE III. (. Ipon the day lixed, if the accused appear, he shall
1. Any ~Masonknowing of the commission, by a bro- nial~o fall answer to thc (‘hargc, stating, if lic pleases,
ther of rank above the 18th degree, of any offence against ajiv v~ tiiuat ing circum4nnecs, and detailing the facts
a~ part ciilarlv a~ he ple;wvs.
Masonic law, may make known the fact to any Grand ‘lb’ I hCenuler is charged with the (hilt\’ of preparing
Inspector Inquisitor Commander, by communication in hi.’ deferu e.
writing, stating the offence, its nature and circumstances ~. And if he docs not appear, or when he has an-
and the time of its commission, which shall be delivered si~erirl, a day shall he fl~ed for trial, and wri~teu
by such Commander to the Illustrious Advocate, who e’~ i(lpnrr~ max’ in the meantime he taken on both sides.
shall prepare and prefer the act of accusation. ~. ‘liw te,stimonv of persons not Masons uiiust be
given on onth, an’1 that. of Masons upon their highest
2. Each Commander shall also in like manner make ~l;isonir.obligations, and either may be taken in writing
known to the Illustrious Advocate every violation of or orally.
Masonic law within his knowledge, and the Advocate
shall prepare and prefer acts of accusation in all such ARTICLE IV.
cases, and in every case where the facts come otherwise I. At the time fixed for trial, unless the Tribunal
to his knowledge. grants further delay, as it may do at its discretion, the
3. ~Uponthe act of accusation being preferred, the testimony taken in writing shall be read, and the wit-
Chancellor shall issue ~ citaction under the seal of the nesses heard, the accused having the right to be present,
Tribunal, which shall be served by copy in writing by fully to examine and cross-examine the witnesses, and
the Pursuivant, or ~byany other Mason at a distance, to to he heard by himself or the kfcnder, or both. He
whom the Chancellor may direct and transmit it, by or his defender shall also have the right to conclude the
which the accused shall be cited to appear before the argument.
Tribunal, at a certain time and place, and answer the 2. After the case is heard, argued and submitted,
charge. The nature o~ suc’n charge shall not be specified, the accused and witnesses shall withdraw, and the
but a copy of the act of accusation shall be delivered to Tribunal shall deliberate.
the accused in person, whenever he applies for it. 3. After deliberation the members shall vote upon
4. If it is known that the accused is not to be found the different specifications in the act of accusation, each
or when the citation is returned that he is not found, a member voting in turn, beginning with the youngest
copy thereof shall be put up in the place where he last member, and the officers following according to rank,
resided, in the lodge room of the Council, or other Ma- from lowest to highest. The Advocate and Defender
sonic body of which he was last a member, or in any uhalt vote.

4. Two-thirds of those present shall concur, to find jority shall stand as the decision of the whole, aiid no
the accused guilty of any specification. dissent be niade known; but any Commander who dis-
5. The punishment shall be fixed by a like vote, a sents may present his opinion in writing, with the rea-
majority determining its nature and extent. sons for it, and have it filed for reference.
6. The accu~cd shall then be called in, and informed 6. A record of all such decisions, and of the decisions
of the result. If he be found guilly, the sentence shall on points of Masonic law, shall be kept by the Cliancel-
be communicated by the Chancellor, to all i’dasonic br in a book for that purpose, under appropriate head-
bodies of which he is a member, and the punishment ings.
shall be imposed according to the sentence, and the
laws, statutes and regulations governing the case.
7. If the trial proceeds in the absence of the accused, 1. No trial whatever for offences shall be had in any
the DefeDder shall represent him, and perform all the corisistory of Sublime Princes of the Ro3 al Secret.
duties of Council for him to the best of his ability. 2. The Tribunals of the 31st degree shall also have
ARTICLE V. a jurisdiction to issue mandates, to require Subordinate
bodic~ to proceed to judgment or other’vise, to do what-
1. Appeals from judgment of Chapters of Rose
e~er acts they ought to do in order to give to a brother
Croix, shall be sent up in writing, with all the papers,
a simpL=notice of appeal being alone necessary to give his Masonic rights, as also mandates requiring them to
the Tribunal jurisdiction. desist from proceeding in proper cases, and mandates to
2. Every appeal shall be suspensive. bring up their proceedings, x~hen alleged to be against
3. If the appeal be on the facts, the Tribunal shall law, to be examined and, or quashed, as law
try it de novo. If it involve only a question of law, and right may require.
they shall decide it, and ~ffirm, reverse, demand or grant 6. They shall also have jurisdiction to issue man-
a new trial, or altogether quash and annul, as may be dates, to bring before them questions of right to office
proper and in accordance with Masonic law.
4. In case the Tribunal tries the case de novo, the in Subordinate lodges and bodies, and to hear and deter-
proceedings at the trial shall be the same as in cases of mine the same.
original jurisdiction. ]. And mandates to suspend, or supersede any judg-
5. Any Subordinate body may submit a question or iimcnt or action of such inferior body.
questions to the Tribunal for its decision, upon order to 5. The said Tribunal shall usurp and assume to
that effect, and the Tribunal shall take jurisdiction, up- themselves no powers not granted by these statutes, or
on a certificate of the Recorder or Secretary of such not following as necessary incidents or corollaries from
inferior body, stating the question and its reference,
shall decide, and transmit a certificate of’ its decision, the powers hereby granted.
and upon the decision of such questions, that of the ma- 6. They may act as Tribunals of conciliation or de-
cision, in all matters of difference, dispute or dissension

between Mason3 of the some or different degrees, when

such matters are either referred to them by subordinate
bodies, or by the parties themselves, or one of them, or
by other Masons, and shall examine into and weigh the
facts, merits, arid give and enforce such judgment and
decision as shall in their ~‘icwbe jiist~ right and equita-
ARTICLE Vii. Filled With Vain RepetitIons—Republican Appointment of a Vaunnic
1. All mandates and piocess of the Tribdnal shall Rebei—Ciain,a to Rule Judicially the Masonic Order—The ways of
the Lodge Are Movable.
be signed by the Chancellor and sealed with the seal of
This degree covers sixty pages, so dull, prolix, and
the Tribunal.
humdrum, that they remind one of the “vain repeti-
2. A record shall be faithfully kept of all the pro- tions” of the heathen, which Christ forbade. Nineteen
ceedings and judgments of the Tribunal, and all depnsi- pages are filled by the “Illustrious Advocate,” with a
tions and other papers shall be filed and carefully pre- tedious compound dessertation on the metaphysics of
served “justice,” “ideal,” and “actual,” leading nowhere, and
teaching nothing. Indeed, knowing that Masons who
run lodges are neither fools, nor blockheads, but sly, keen
men; one would be at a loss for the motive which has
produced such solemn humbuggery, but for the fact that
pickpockets practice similar arts to amuse the crowd,
while feelirg for their purses; and Mormons and other
fi religious impostors teach wonderful things, to awe the
ignorant, and keep them still, while devils mesmerize
In this thirty-first degree, for which the writers give
neither date nor origin, nine men erect themselves into
a “Sovereign Tribunal,” or Supreme Court, to rule
Masons! Their “Advocate” (page 343) speaks of it as
“created,” but says not when, where, or by whom.
Who could “create” them into a tribunal, when there
was no higher power to create them; and in Masonry,
no appeals to the people are ever made. Mackey and
2lfacoy simply remark: “It is not a historical degree.”
Unless the nine got together, and initiated themselves
into this degree, they must have been flph)oiiited by the and the State Legislatures, can be withdrawn, the laws
Jew Inspector Morin, who was appointed by the “CoLln- will treat the lodges as they are now handling the in-
cil of Emperors,” at Paris, in 17G1, to inspect lodges in stitutions of Mormonism. The two institutions axe
the New World, confer their degrees, aiid report to morally and legally the same.
them. Morin set up for himself, and his cmzployers The jewel of this thirty-first degree is a “Teutonic
denounced him as an “audacious juggler;” recalled his cross;” the jewel of an order, or degree, which both
patent, and appointed a weak Brother Martin in his Mackey and Macoy say was unfit to be put into the
place. Little cared Mori’n for that. lie appointed six- Ancient and Accepted Soottish Rite; and that it was
teen other Inspectors, thirteen of whom were Jews. only admitted to fill up a gap. And the members who
These created a degree of Inspectors, which is this 31st are judges, wear no aprons, which are badges of labor.
degree! And when Morin had made money enough by They are above it. (Note 361.)
the sale of Masonic degrees and dignities, he disap- But these are trifles. Here in this thirty-first degree
peared from history, and Masonic writers say they know we have a “Sovereign Tribunal,” or Supreme Court;
not where he lived, or when he died! But his work meeting in magnificent court-rooms, with court oflicers,
lived after him. his “Inspectors,” in 1801, becariie “Advocate,” and “Defender ;“ claiming to rule, judi-
the present Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, cially, the Masonic order; and aspiring to rule all secret
Charleston, S. C.; added eight degrees to the twenty- orders; which draw more, far more money from the
five commItted by “the Emperors” to Mann; altered, people of the United States, than the Civil Govern-
stretched, and modified the twenty-five, and made “The ment. It administers its own oaths; issuing its own
Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite” of thirty-three de- decrees; and swearing its subjects to obey them, on pain.
grees, which now rules the Masonic world ; of which of death; and that in the preceding degree, (Knight of
Albert Pike, of Washington is now (1887) Sovereign Kadosh) which claims to be softened and modified
Grand Inspector General, with a salary of $1,000 a from the seven old Kadoshes which breathed, says the
month, “ad vitam.;” (for life) with access to ~dasons ritual: “Nothing but vengeance;” and our own Court,
of both parties in Congress, who gave his son a clerk- and Legislative records show, not only “breathed
vengeance,” but executed it. And so powerful have
ship under Hayes’ (Republican) administration; with
these secret lodges become, at times, and so dire their
a salary of $2,000 a year. Gen. Pike was a rebel se- secret “vengeance,” that every nation in Europe has, at
If these facts, taken wholly from the highest Masonic times, suppressed them in self-defense. And now,
England and Sweden, and Denmark live by sufferance
authorities, are true, the “Ancient, Accepted Scottish of the lodges; adopting the compliance which the devil
Rite” is as liable to indictment for swindling, getting demanded of Christ, viz., practicing their secret wor-
money under false pretenses, and gambling practices, as
ships I
mock auctions, lotteries, Faro Banks, and rrhree Monte This is sufficiently horrible. But if this were all, the
men. And if the Masonic charters granted by Congress

National Christian Association never would have ~,x-

isted. This very degree, as indeed do all the others~
pretends to honor Christ, by quoting His words, and
lauding Him as a human law-giver, (see page 88k) and
yet fills its pages with the teachings of Brahma, Osiris.
Apollo, and Bel, (see Page 346, and the degrees gen- THIRTX-SECOND DEGREE, OR SUBLIME PRINcE 0, THE
erally) as equally authoritative with Christ’s. It lauds ROYAL SECRET.’
Moses, on the same page with Christ, (332) and, in
a degree or two back, assails Moses’ teachings with DECORATIONS —Bodies of ihis degree axe styled Con-
sistories. The lodge is held in a high place, the second
a savage bitterness equal to that of the coarsest infidel
story of a building at least. The hangings are black,
the United States ever produced. The Bible says of strewed with tears of silver, skeletons, etc., death’s heads
the harlot: “Her ways are movable, that thou canst and cross bones.
not know them.” (Prov. 5, 6.) And false religion is In the East is a throne, to which you ascend by seven
the “Great whore that sitteth on many waters.” And Note I7O.—fiuhimme rrznoe of the Royal fleeret. The 32nd degree of
the Ancient and Accepted rite, nod for many years. or until the lnatltu.
Masonry, or the secret lodge system, is the “image” of tiun of tbe 33d degree, this was the highest degree, or no pius ultra of
Masonry. The hody is styled a Conaistory. and shonid be held In a
that beast. And the ways of the lodge are “movable,” buildIng of two storIes. The omcers are, a Thrice lilusirlous Commander.
lint and Second Ueutenants, a Minister of State a Grand Chancellor. a
like those of the “mother of harlots !“ This is what calls Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary, and a Grand Captain of tha Guard.
in the East a throne, elevated on secen steps. Which Is the seat of the
on every child of God, on every patriot, every philan- Thrice liluatrious Commander, who wears a robe of royal purple, and
he and the IJenteasanta. wear swords The collar of this d ree a hiack.
thropist, who does not wish to see the religion of Egypt lined with scarlet, and in the center, at the point, a donbie-neaded eagle.
of allver or gold, on a red Teutonic cross a ron Ia of white satIn.
transferred from the Nile to the Mississippi, to rise, wIth a border of gold lace one Inch wide, lined with scarlet; on the
flap Ia a double.headed eagie. on each aide of which is the flag of the
and call on God for deliverance from this “Ancient and country in which the hody ii located, the flag of Proasia and the Deause.
ant of the Kadoab degree; on the apron Is the camp of the Crusaders.
Accepted Rite;” which, in this thirty-first degree, and in which Is thua explained; it is composed of an enneagon. within which is
InscrIbed a heptagon, wIthin that a pentagon, and in the center an
all its degrees, puts~ the mysteries of Osiris on a level equilateral triangle, wIthIn which Is a circle. Between the heptagon and
pentagon are placed fiwe standards, in the designs of whicj are five let.
term, which form a particular word. The first standard is purple, on
with the revelations of Jesus Christ!! which is emblamned the ark of the cosenant. wIth a palm tree on each
aide; the ark has the motto Laus Dec. The second is bloc, on which is a
lion, of gold. couchant. holding in his mouth a golden key, with a coliat
of the same metal on his neck, and on it Is the devIce, Ad majoram Del
gles’Iaan. The third 15 white, and dis lays a heart in flemee, with two
wings; it is surmounted by a crown ~/‘laurels. The fourth is green. and
bears a double-headed black eagle, crowned, holding a sword in his right
claw, and a bleeding heart in his left. The fifth bears a black ox, on a
field of gold. On the aides of the enneagon are nine tents, with flags
representing the dIvisions of the Masonic army; on the angles are nine
pinlons, of the same color as the flag of the tent that precedes It. The
hail of the Consiatory is hung with black, strewed with tears of sliver.
The Jewel is a double-headed white and bigck eagle, resting on a Teu.
tonic cross, of gold, worn attached to the collar or ribbon. The mem-
bers are called sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. The moral of the
degree teaches oppoeltion to bigotry. superstititlon, and all the nasslons
and vicee which dlerrace human nature. —Xaoc~a Emyolordla sad
Diotionary of Preamasonry, Article Sublima Prizes ef the oya Eseret.
steps. It is a chair of state, lined with black satin like
the hangings, but strewed with flames, not tears. Ia the Consistory tbe Omoers are seated as follows
Before tt-~e throne is an altar covered with black satin, EAST.
strewed with tears. In front of the altar, the black coy-
tr falls to the floor and on it are painted or embroidered
a dcath’s head and two cross bones. Over the death’s
llcad is the letter J:. and under the cross bones the let-
ter M.
On this altar are the books of constitution and stat-
tites of thc ordcr, a naked sword, a sceptrc and a balancv.
In the ~Vest are the two ~Vardcns. In front of each is
a table covered with crimson cloth, lined and edged
with black and strewed with tears. The cover of each
table hangs to the floor in front, and on cach cover, in
front, the four letters N. -.K. .—M. -.K. , each two if
in Hchrew, being read from right to left. On each ta-
ble are two nakcd swords, crossed. The hall is dIvided
into two parts, by a raIlIng or balustrade. The East 15
in the rear of this, and thIc West in front of It. In the
~Vestis a representation of the camp of the Princes.
OFFICERS AND TITLES :—The Mastcr is styled Soy-
creign of Sovereigns, Great Prince, or which is more
usual and far better, Illustrious Commander in Chief.
He is said to represent Frederick the Second, King of
Prussia. The two Wardens are styled Lieutenant Com-
manders. The Orator, Minister of State.
Besidcs these officers, there are a Grand Chancellor, a
Grand Secretary, a Grand Keeper of the Seals, and Ar-
chives, a Grand T~’easurer, a Grand Architect, or En-
gineer, a Grand Hospitaller, and Surgeon, a Grand
Standard Bearer, a Grand Master of Ceremonies, a
Grand Captain of the Guards, and a Grand Tyler. In
some localities, there are also an Illustrious Deputy
Commander in Chicf and an Assistant Grand Tyler.
The Grand Secretary, Grand Chancellor and Grand
Keeper of the Seals and Archives, are sometimes sepa-
1;lte officers, and sometimes the three offices are combined
in one, that of Grand Chancellor.

• 1st. Malachi,51’ for the tent, “S.”

And on the outside of the door is the Grand Tyler, or
in his absence, the Assistant Grand Tyler, thus the 2nd. Zerubbabel, for the tent, “A.”
number of officers in that body would be sixteen, but 3rd. Nehemiah, for the tent,
the Secretary and Keeper of the Seals and Archives be- 4th. Johaben, for the tent, “I.”
ing generally replaced by the Grand Chancellor and the 5th. Phaleg, for the tent,
Assistant Grand Tyler, being appointed only to supply 6th. Jehoiada, for the tent, “N.”
the Grand Tyler when absent, are not counted among 7th. Aholiab, for the tent, “0.”
the officers, whose number is not to exceed thirteen, as 8th. Joshua, for the tent, “N.”
will be seen hereafter.
9th. Ezra,”’ for the tent, “I.”
There are also in the hall, west of the officers, on the
right and left, fourteen members clothed in red, with- These fourteen names must certainly appear arbitrary
out aprons, and each having on his breast, suspended and without meaning. The rituals and other Masonic
from a black ribbon, worn as a collar, the jewel of one works say nothing of the meaning and reason why these
of the degrees, to wit, numbering these members from names were selected. All that is to be done is to study
one to fourteen, they wear respectively the jewels of and perhaps that reason will be found.
the 30th, 28th, 25th, 21st, 19th, 18th, 16th, 14th, 13th, But we have no right to leave out these or other names
10th, 8th, 7th, 5th and 3rd degrees.
or words, because these, as a slender thread, may lead
The first five are the Standard Bearers of the corps,
that encamp around the Pentagon; and the last nine are us to the discovery of what we are now igrt~rant of.
the Commanders of the corps, that encamp around ,the Otherwise the names and words, being left out, the real
Nonagon, in the camp hereafter described meaning would never be discovered. However, for a
The names of the first fiy.e are as follows: reception, in ample form, there should be present twen-
1st. Bezaleel, for tbe standard, ty-seven officers and members, including the fourteen
2nd. Aholiab,”’ for the standard, Standard Bearers and Commanders above mentioned.
3rd. MaY” Shim, for the standard, “N.”
IHE CAMP :—Is a nonagon enclosing a heptagon, that
4th. Garimont, for the standard,
5th. Aniariah, for the standard, “U.” Ifote 373.—’Malachi or Malashlas. The last of the prophets. A sip-
nificent word in the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite.’ ‘—Mackey a
1a’olopudia of rrsemasonry. hatlois Maisehi or Majanhias.
The names of the others are:
Note 374.—Ezra.. There are two persons named Ezra who sri.
Note 871. • ‘Ahoitab. A aklifoi ertificer of the tribe of Dan who was recorded in Scripture. i. Ezra. a leading priest among the first colonists
appointed, together with aezaleei. to conatruct the tabernacle in the who came up to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. and who is mentioned by
wilderness and the ark of the covenant —Mackey’s Enoyciopadla of Nebemiab; and 2. Ezra. the celebraled Jewish scribe and restorer of thg
rrsemaaonry. Article Ahollab. law, who yislted Jerusalem forty-two years after the second Temple
Note 372.—It Ia a compotient part of a signIficant word In Masonry- had been completed. Caimet. however, says that this second Ears had
yislted Jerusalem previously in company with Zerubbabel. “—Mackey’s
The comhinatiofl mahhah. literally what! the,’ Is equlvaient accordIng aeyelop.dta of Frs.msaouzy, Artiste Em.
to the Hebre”. method of elilpala, to the queatton, what’ Ia this the
— ‘ —Mackey’s EncyclopEdia of rreemaaonz7, Article Mab.
enclosing a pentagon, N. Flag and pennon red and black in lozenges. That
t h a t an equilateral tent indicates the camp of the Intendants of the Build-
triangle, and that a ing, 8th degree. Commander Jehoiada.
circle. On the side of 0. Flag and pennon, red and green. That tent in-
dicates the’ camp of the Provost and Judges, and Inti-
the nonagon arc :nine
tents with a flag, pen- mate Secretaries 7th and 6th degrees. Commander
non, and letter to each. Aholiab.
Each tent represents N. Flag and pennon green. That tent indicates the
an entire camp, and camp of the Perfect Masters and Secret Masters, 5th
the several sides of and 4th degrees. Commander Joshua.
the nonagon are thus I. Flag and pennon blue. That tent indicates the
assigned by our pres-
ent rituals, to the Ma- camp of the Masters, the Fellow Crafts and Apprentices
sons of the several degrees, from the first to the eight- of Symbolic Masonry and Volunteers, 3rd, 2nd and 1st
eenth as follows: degrees. Commander Ezra.
S. Flag and pennon white, sprinkled lightly with On each of the external angles of the pentagon, is a
crimson. That tent indicates the camp of the Knights great standard, each designated by a letter, and each
Rose Croix, Knights of the East and West, and Princes supposed to indicate the camp of a corps of Masons,
of Jerusalem, 18th, 17th and 16th degrees. The Com- occupying a side of the pentagon. The standards are
mander Malachi. described as follows, in the language of Heraldry, and
A. Flag and pennon light green. That tent indi- Indicate the following degrees:
cates the camp of the Knights~ of the East or Sword, T. Purple. On it is the Ark”’ of the Covenant, in
gold, between two palm trees, vert, and two lighted
15th degree. The Comma%der Zerubbabel. torches or candlesticks, gold motto at the base, “Laus
L. Flag and pennon red. That tent indicates the Deo.” Around this standard are stationed the Knights
camp of the Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons, Kadosh, and the Grand Scottish Knights of St. Andrew,
14th degree. Commander Nehemiab. 30th and 29th degrees. Standard Bearer is Bezaleel.
I. Flag and pennon black and red. That tent indi- E. Azure. On it is a lion couchant in gold, holding
in his mouth a key in gold, and a gold collar around his
cates the camp of the Knights of the Royal Arch and
neck, with the figures 525 on the collar. Motto at the
Grand Master Architects, 13th and 12th degrees. Com-
mander Joabert or Johaben. Not. 378.—~The Ark of the Covenant or of the Testimony was a chest
originally coiiatructed by Moses at God’s command. (Ezod zay, iS.) in
X. Flag and pennon black. That tent indicates the which were kept the two tables of stone, on which were engraved the
ten t,ommandnienta it contains, iIke~iac. a golden pot filled uith
camp of the Sublime Knights Elected, Illustrious Elect manna. Aaron’s rod, and the tables of the covenant, it was at first
deposited in the most sacred place of the tabernacle, and afterwards
of Fifteen and Elected Knights of Nine~ 11th, 10th and placed by Solomon in the Sanctum Sanctiurom of the Temple. and was
lost upon the deatroction of that hoilding hy the Chaldeatis The later
9th degrees. Commander Phaleg. history of this ark is buried in obscurity.’ ‘—Mackey’s Enoyclopedla ef
treemasonr7 Article Ark of the Coysneat.

in Chief is clothed in the modern costume of Royalty, of

base, Custo8 Arcani, and in some rituals, Ad Majorera ‘~rimson stuff. He is armed with a sword and shield.
Dei Gloriam. The latter is the motto of the Jesuits. On the table, in front of him, lie his sceptre and a bal-
Around this standard are stationed the Knights of the
Sun, the Commanders of the Temple and the Princes of ance. The Lieutenant Commanders are also armed with
Mercy, 28th, 27th and 26th degrees. Standard Bearer sword and shield, and wear their hats. The other of-
is Aholiab. ficers, and at least six members, should be clothed in
N. Argent aSs On it is a flaming heart, gules, wings criluson, and remain in the eastern portion of the Con-
sable, crowned with laurel, vert. Motto at the base sistory. Neither the officers nor members, when in cos-
Ardens Gloria Surgit. Around this standard are sta- tume, wear any apron, but only the collar, to which is
tioned the Knights of the Brazen Serpent, tht Princes suspended the jewel of the order. The collar is bladk,
of the Tabernacle and the Chiefs of the Tabernacle,
25, 24th and 23rd degrees. Standard Bearer is Mah- edged with silver; on the point is embroidered in red a
Shim. teutonic cross, and in the centre of the cross an eagle,
G. Vert. On it is an eagle, with two heads displayed, with two heads of silver. The collar is lined with
sable armed, gold; ensigned with an imperial crown of scarlet silk, and on the lining is embroidered a teutonic
gold, resting on both heads; holding in his dexter claw cross, in black. The girdle is black, with silver fringe,
a sword, point in base; in his sinister claw a bloody and on the front of it is embroidered a red cross. The
heart. Motto at the base, Corde, Glad~o Potens. Around jewel is a teutonic cross of gold. The apron is white,
this standard are stationed the Princes of Libanus and lined and edged with red. On the flap is embroidered
the Knights Noachite or Prussian Knights, 22nd and a red cross, relieved with silver around the edges. In
21st degrees. Standard Bearer Garimont. the middle of the apron is embroidered the plan of the
U. Or.t On it is an ox statant, sable. Motto at camp of tlle Princes.
base, Omnia Ternpus Alit. Around this stardard are 4ceordi’ig to ftc constitationa of 178fi, Art Xi, the 32nd degree is not
stationed the Masters ad vitam~ and the Grand Pontiffs, to he ,onferred. unless three Seulor Graud Inspectors Geoerji Ire present.
20th and 19th degrees. Standard Bearer Am ‘riah. The diploma of a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
At the angles of, apd inside the triangle are supposed is styled Patent; and the charter of the Consistory, The
to be encamped the Princes of the Royal Secret and the Constitutions.
Grand Inspectors Inquisitors Commanders, with such STATED MEETING5 —The stated meetings of a Consis-
Knights of Malta as, having proved themselves true and tory shall be held on the 21st of March, 25th June, 21st
faithful, may have been received among us. At each September and 27th December in each year.
corner of the triangle is one of the following birds: OFFICERS OF A CONSISTORY.
A raven, a dove and a phoenix. 1.Illustrious Commander in Chief.
CLOTIIINO, JEWEL, ETC :—The Illustrious Commander 2.Illustrious Deputy Commander in Chief.
Note S76—”Argent. lt’rench fnr silver. An heraldic teem used in 3.First and Second Lieutenant Commanders.
describing costs of arms, thus’ The arm nf the Company of
sons in the reign nf hing Henry IV. Aznre. on a chevron,
4.Grand Minister of State.
tb’ee castles. Argent.”—Macoy’a Encyclopaedia sad Diotionary ef free. &. Grand Chancellor.
inssonly, Artiels Argent.
4n In
5e,r. Heraldry a green
Heraldrg. mesapcolor.
gold or gold color. 6. Grand Treasuyer.

7. Grand Secretary.
8. Grand Keeper of Seals and Archives.
9. Grand Hospitaller and Surgeon.
10. Grand Architeect and Engineer.
11. Grand Master of Ceremonies.
12. Grand Standard Bearer. OPENING CEREMONIES
13. Grand Captain of the Guards.
15. Assistant Grand Tyler. Illustrious Commander in Chief—(Strikes one with
When the Illustrious Commander in Chief aJdressea pommel of his sword.)
a subordinate officer, or a member, and when such offeur
First Lieutenant Coimmander—(Strikes one with
or member addresses the Illustrious Commander in pommel of his sword.)
Chief, the officer or member will rise and salute with his Second Lieutenant Commander—(Strikes one with
sword; bring it to the carry, then to the present and
Note 37’7.—”Tbia is thc thirty.soeond degree of the Ancient and Ar-
then, dropping the point to the ground, to the right and cepted Rite. There is abundant inteinsi evidence. derivcd from the rltusl
and from some bislori. at facts, that the degree of ~ublino’ Prine of the
a little in front of himself, the arm fully extended down- Royal Secret was instituted by. the founders of the Council of Emperors
of the East and ~Vest whkh beojy was established ii. the year 1758. it
wards; in which position he remains until the colloquy is certain list hofor” that reriod wc h,’a, nothing of such a degree in
any of the Rites The RU, of 14cr. don, or of Perfection, which was that
is concluded, and then comes again to the present anti institutcd by the Council of Emperors, consisted ci t~e,,ty-tive degrees
Of these the twonty-llfOj, and highest. ~sp ihe i’,ir,cc of the iloyal Sc’
then to the carry. cret. it was brought to 4in.~ric, b, Niorin, an t~.e -ciomit of the tllgi,
Mc’..,.ry “hich b” intr’)duc-.d, and f-v tin’ p,”p gos’on of v,hich ‘~e had
received hi’. P~ ty at, In tb~ subsujucat eat”o or, of the Scottish ltire
abo it tIre trsgt.,,.iL~ of the present century, ..s tire alditiun of eIght new
d-’g,.’ea to th.’ original t~enty-tive the $uhii.oe Prince of the Itojal Be- be2ame the ihirty-aecood
itoclics ,.f II,, thu tv-second degree nrc aslie.’ C~ nu’.ori”s. und where
U there Is a aup’rlntending body err, ted by the Supreme Council for the
government of the inferIor dcgrecs In a State or Province, it is called a
Grand Conatatory.
The clothing of a SublIme Prince consIsts of a collar, jewel, and spins.
The collar is black edged with white.
The jewel is a Teutonic cross of gold
The apron Ia white edged ~sith black, Go the flap ere embroidered sli
flags, three on each ~lde the staffs Ia. saltier, and the flags blue, red, and
yellow. On the centre of the lisp, over these, is a Teutonic cross sue.
mounted iry an All-seeing eye, and on the rro,s a double-beaded eagle not
crowned On the body of the apron Is the tracing-hoard of the degree.
‘t’he most important part of the symbolism of the degree is the tracing-
board. which is technically called ‘The Camp - This is a symbol of deep
Import, and in Its true interpretatIon is found that ‘royal secret’ from
which the degree derives Its name This Camp constitutes en essential
part of the furniture of a Crosistory during an initistlon, hut its expia.
nations are altogether esotexic It is a singular fact, that notwithstand-
ing the Changes which the degree must hove undergone in being trans.
leered from the tnenty-fifth of one Rite to the thirty-second of another,
no slteration was ever made in the Camp, which retains at the present
day the same form and sigolitestion that were originally given to it
The motto of the degree is ‘Spec mes in Dro eat,’ I e - My hope is in
God - —Mackeys Encyclopaeda& of Freensasonry, Article Sublime lrlfloe
of the Royal Secret.

point-nd of his sword.) First Lieutenant Commander—At the fifth hour after
Illustrious Commander in Chief—Valiant Captain of sunset, Illustrious Commander in Chief.
the Guards, see that the Sentinels are stationed, and ad- Commander in Chief—And for what reason, SublIme
vise them that we are about to open this Grand Consis- Prince, can we not act before?
tory, that they may allow no one to. approach, who hath First Liantenant Commander—Illustrious Command-
not the words and signs of a Prince of the Royal Secret. er in Chief, because if our actions were premature, our
(The Captain of Guards goes out, executes the orders of enemies might learn and defeat the plans we have
the Illustrious Commander in Chief, returns and salutes formed for the regeneration of humanity. (At this mo-
on entering.) ment, a brother in the ante-room strikes five blows on a
Captain of Guards—Illustrious Commander in Chief, drum; one by itself, and four at equal distances, and in
the Sentinels are stationed and duly instructed; we are quick succession, imitating the report of a cannon.)
secure against intrusion. Illustrious Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince,
Commander in Chief—Sublime Princes, First and Second Lieutenant Commander, what’s the hour?
Second Lieutenant Commanders, it is not enough for us Second Lieutenant Commander—Illustrious Com-
to be protected, we must also be certain that none but mander in Chief, the gun has just fired, and tells us that
friends are gathered under our colors. Visit the several five hours have elapsed since sunset.
camps, inspect the several corps of the army, and satisfy Commander in Chief—Then the hour for action has
yourselves that no spy or enemy has intruded himself come, and as all is ready in both your camps, Sublime
.imong us. Order Sublime Princes! (All rise under the Princes, Valiant First and Second Lieutenant Com-
sign of order. The two Lieutenant Commanders leave manders, inform your brave companions, that I shall
their stations and proceed from West to East, one on the proceed to perform my duty.
right the other on the left, to receive the pass-word from First Lieutenant Commandt’r—Val iant Companions
each member present, including the Illustrious Com- of my camp, the Illustrious Commander in Chief in-
mander in Chief, after wi?iich they return to their sta- forms you that he is about to proceed to perform his
tions.) duty.
Second Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Prince, ,Second Lieu tenant Commander—Valiant Compan-
First Lieutenant Commander, there is no spy or enemy ions of my camp, the Illustrious Commander in Chief,
in my camp. informs you that he is about to proceed to perform his
First Lieutenant Commander—Illustrious Command- duty.
er in Chief, there is no spy or enemy among us. We Commander in Chief—(Rising) Order Sublime
have met none but friends and brethren, ready to act as Princes! (All rise under the sign of order.)
poon as the signal is given. Commander in Chief—(Striking one with the pom-
Commander in Chief—Be seated my brethren. (All mel of his sword.) Salix.
resume their seats.) First Lieutenant Commander— (Strikes une.) Noni.
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince, Valiant First Second Lieutenant Commander—(Strikes one.)
Lieutenant Commander, at what hour are we to act? Ten qu.
AlI—(Led by Coinniander in Chief give sign, and - Cornmander in Chief— (If answered aflirin at ively.)
say three times:) Laus Deo. - Valiant Princes, First and Second Lieutenant Com-
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince, Captain of manders, request the Sublime Princes in your respective
the Guards, advance and receive the watch-word of the camps, to listen attentively to the reading of the baluster
day. (The Captain of Guard advances to the throne of the last session of this Grand Consistory.
and receives from the Illustrious Commander in Chief First Lieutenant Corn mander—Subhimc Princes of
the ~vatch-~~oi-dof the day, and the response. He then my eanip, the Illustrious Commander in Chief requests
goes round and gives the watch-word to each member, you to listen attentively, to tIme reading of the baluster
each returning him the answer.) of the last session of this Grand Consistory.
Captain of Guard—Illustrious Commander in Chief, Second Lieuteni-um t Cornma n(ler—Subliinc Princes of
all the menibers present have the watch-word. my camp, the Illustrious Commander in Chief requests
Commander in Chief—Attention Sublime Princes! you to hi~ten attentively, to the rcading of the bahuster
Present swords! (All bring their swords to a present of time last session of this Grand Consistory.
with the Commander in Chief.) Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince, Grand Chan-
Commander in Chief—To the glory of time Grand cellor, read the baluster of the last session of this Grand
Architect of the Uni~’erse, in the name and under time Consistorv. (Baluster is read.)
auspices of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degrcc, for (‘ommander in Cit tef—Subhmme Pi-inces, First and
the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of Second Lieutenant Commanders, in form the Sublime
America, sitting in the valley of New York, and by vir- Prmnecs of your respective camps, that this Grand (‘on-
tue of the powers in mc vested, as Commander in Chief sistorv will listcn to, and act upon aiiy remarks they
of this Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes of the may have to offcr, in rclation to the balustcr which has
Royal Secret, 32nd dcgre~ of the Ancient and Accepted now been read.
Rite, for the State of , I do hereby declare this First Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Princes of
body to be in session, for the advancement of the in- my camp, the Illustrious Commander in Chief informs
terests of humanity and the cause of virtue,
Commander in Chief—Carry swords! Together my you that this Grand Consistory will listen to and act
brethren ! (Lcd by the Commander in Chief, all bring upon, any remarks ~ou may have to offer, in relation to
their swords to a carry and pass them under left arm, the baluster which has now been read.
point to the rear. an(l gi~e the battery Mith their hands Second Lieutenant Corn man der—Sublime Priimces of
after which they again bring their swords to a carry, my camp, the Illustrious Commander in Chief informs
then to a present and sheath them.) you that this Grand Consmstorv will listen to, and act
Commander ia Chief—Be seated Sublime Princes. upon, any remarks you may have to offer, in relation to
Sublime Grand Chancellor, are you prepared to read the the bahister which has just been rend.
baluster of the last session of this Grand Consistory? Second Lieutenant Cominander—(If there are no re-

marks.) Sublime Prince, First Lieutenant Command-

er, silence prevails prevails in my camp.
Fir8t Lieutenant Commander—Illustrious Command-
er in Chief, silence prevails in both camps.
Commander in Chief—Such being the case, the. balus-
ter of your last session is adopted. (The Grand Chan- CHAPTER LX
cellor signs the records and the Grand Master of Cere-
monies presents it to the Illustrious Commander in THIRTY-SECOND DEGREE, OR SUBLIME PRINCE OF THU
Chief for his signature, after which the Illustrious Com- ROYAL SECRET.”
mander in Chief orders the Grand Master of Ceremonies INITIATION.
to visit the avenues and ascertain whether there be any When the Grand Consistory is prepared to proceed with the reception,
brethren visitors; if any, they are introduced with the a message to that effect Is sent by a brother to the Grand htaater of Cer-
emonies, who Ia with the candidate. The Grand Ranter of Ceremonica
usual forms and ceremonies. Then the Grand Chancel- then Sites the alarm of a Grand inapector mnqulaitor Commander at th
lor lays before the Illustrious Commander in Chief the door. 0 000 0000 0.
“Order of the Day,” which is disposed of as in other Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince, First Lieu-
tenant Commander, ascertain the cause of that alarm.
degrees.) First Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Prince, Cap-
tain of the Guards, ascertain the cause of that alarm.
Captain of Guard—Opening the door. What is the
cause of that alarm?
Master of Ceremonies—The Grand Master of Cere-
monies desires to gain admission, to present to the Illus-
U trious Commander in Chief a worthy Grand Inspector
Note 375.—”Subiiine Prince of the Royal Secret. [Scotch Easonay.]
—The fourteenth degree confeired in the Consiatory of Princes of the
Royal Secret. 5cotch Masonry, and the thirty-second npon the catalogue
of that system. The asaemhiy is cailed a Sovereign Cunslstory. The
historical allusions are to ibe origin of masonry in general, and embrace
an explanation of the preceding degrees The officers are a Sovereign
Grand Commander, representing Frederick ii . of Prussia: two Illustrious
Liutenant Grand Commanders. Minister of State. Grand Chancellor. Grand
Treasurer. Grand Secretary. Grand Architect. Grand Standard Rearer.
Grand Captain of the Guarde, Grand Maater of Ceremonies. Erpert Brother.
Sentinel and two Guards. The hangings are black, strewed with tears.
The apron is white, lined and triwmed with red, displaying the tracing-
board of this degree: the movable part has a dojble-headed eagle. Jewel.
a TeutonIc Cross. The tracing.board is complicated. The Outer figure
is a nonagon: within this a heptagon: within this a pentagon, Within
this an equilateral triangle, and within the last a circle. On the lines
of the pentagon are five standards. U. G N, E T.. being respectively
gol’ien yellow, green, white, azure, and purple, The sides of the ronagol’
represent the divisions of the masonic army, with the letters I. N 0 1,
X. I. L. A 5 Hour of departure, fifth hour after snoset. “—Morrmns
Masonic Dictionary, h,tlele Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

Inquisitor Commander, who desires to receive the last


Master of Ceremonies—He does, and he is; I vouch


secrets of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Masonry. br him.

Captain of Guard—Sublime Prince, First Lieuten- Captain of Guard—(Closing the door.) He does
ant Commander, the alarm is caused by the Grand Mas- and lie is. The Sublime Prince, Grand ~Iaster of Cere-
ter of Ceremon~ies, who desires to gain admission, to monies vouches for him.
preseni to the Illustrious Commander in Chief a worthy First Lieutenant Corn mander—Jllustrious Command-
Grand Inspeetor Inquisitor, who desires to receive the er in Chief, the alarm is caused by the Sublime Prince,
last secrets of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Ma- Grand Master of Ceremonies, who desires to gain ad-
sonry. mission, to present to you a worthy Grand Inspector
First Lieutenant Commander—Has he well consid- Inquisitor Commander, who desires to receive the last
ered and understood the fessons which he has received Secrets of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freema-
in the preceding degrees, Valiant Captain of the Guard? sonrv; one who has well considered and understood the
Captain of Guard—Illustrious Grand Master of Cere- lessons he has received in the preceding degrees; who
monies, has he well considered and understood the les- is willing to unite with all his heart in thic great cause
sons which he has received in the preceding degrees?
Master of Ceremonies—He has. in which we are engaged; who l~nows that ~ want none
Captain of Guard—Sublime Prince, First Lieutenant but earnest and sincere men, who are not selfish, and
Commander, he has. whose philanthropy is not a mere name, but a practical
First Lieutenant Commander—Is he willing to unile, reality, and for whom the Sublime Prince, Grand Mas-
with all his heart, in the great cause in which we are ter of Ceremonies vouches, that hc is such a man.
now engaged? Commander in Chief—We relx with great confidence
Captain of Guard—Illustrious Grand Master of Cere- upon the assurances of the Sublime Prince, our Grand
monies, is he willing to unite with all his heart, in the
great cause in which we are now engaged? Master of Ceremonies, in regard to the qualifications
Master of Ceremonies—He is. and merits of the brother whom he brings with him.
Captain of Guard—Sublime Prince, First Lieuten- Sublime Princes, Grand Hospitaller and Engineer,you
ant Commander, he is. will now retire and prepare this Grand Inspector In-
First Lieutenant Comtmander—Does he know that quisitor Commander, to receive the last secrets of the
none are wanted here, except earnest and sincere men, Ancient and Accepted Rite of Masonry. (They go out
who are not selfish, and whose philanthropy is not a and invest the candidate with the decorations and jewel
mere name but a practical reality, and is he such an one? of the 31st degree, and place a poniard in each of his
Captain of Guard—Illustrious Grand Master of Cere- hands. They also tie a cord around his body, and con-
monies, does he know that none are wanted here, duct him to the door, one holding the end of the cord,
except earnest and sincere men, whc are not selfish, and the other having a hand upon his shoulder.)
whose philanthropy is not a mere name, but a practical Master of Ceremonies—(Knocks 0 000 0000 0; and
reality, and is he such an one? then retires behind the candidate and two brothers.)

Commander in Chief—Who knocks, Sublime Prince, all, his merits and his good works have obtained him
First Lieutenant Commander? the approbation and good opinion of his brethren.
First Lieutenant Commander—Who knocks, Valiant Cornnwnder in Chief—By what principles, above all
Captain of the Guard? others, does he now profess to be governed?
Captain of Guard— (Opening the door.) Wbo knocks? Master of Ceremonies—By those of justice and equity.
Master of Ceremonies—We conduct the Granik In- Commander in Chief—What is it he now desires?
spector Inquisitor Commander, whom the Illustrious Master of Ceremonies—To be admitted a Prince of
Commander in Chief has promised to enter. (Grand this Grand Consistory, that he may the more effectually
Captain of the Guards then shuts the door.) ~id in the great struggle for which Masonry is prepar-
Commander in Chief—Sublime Princes, I am will- ing, the second war against the giants, in which the lib-
ing to see this brother introduced among us, because we erty and happiness of humanity are at stake.
cannot enlist too many champions of our sacred cause. Commander in Chief—What means does he possess,
The Sublime Prince, our Grand Master of Ceremonies and with what arms is he supplied, that can render him
has vouched for him in such terms as our usages re- an efficient soldier in our ranks?
quire, and we are therefore authorized to believe that he Master of Ceremonies—He has courage and pure in-
will do Masonry good service, in the war which she is ten tion S.
waging against the ancient enemies of the human race. Commander in Chief—Are they enough?
Captain of Guard—Remove the barrier, and let the Master of Ceremonies—No! He needs further instruc-
Grand Master of Ceremonies enter with the brother. tions to have the veil finally removed, that has so long
(The door is opened, the candidate is introduced and interposed between him and the true Masonic light; to
made to halt in front of the Illustrious Commander in attain the summit of the mounlain up whose slopes he
Chief, between the camp] and the two Lieutenant Com- commenced to toil as an Entered Apprentice, and above
manders.) all, the aid of him in the hollow of whose hand are
Commander in Chief—Who is this that comes as if victory and disaster, and who alone can give us strength
reluctantly, or as a criminal, into this holy sanctuary? to overcome.
Master of Ceremonies—It is a lover of wisdom, and Commander in Chief—We rejoice to receive the an-
an apostle of liberty, equality and fraternity, as under- swers. My brother your motives are worthy of all praise.
stood by true Masons. He seeks to unite with those and if you are sincere; if you adopt as your own what
who labor for the emancipation of msnkind. the Grand Master of Ceremonies answered in your name.
Commander in Chief—What has he done hitherto to- your claim to be admitted among us is legitimate and
ward that mighty work? valid. Have you heard and understood all that he ha’~
Master of Oeremonies—He has advanced in regular answered for you, before and since your entrance here?
gradation, from the degree of Entered Apprentice to Candidate—I have.
that of Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander1 and in Commander in Chief—And do you adopt and now

reiterate the same in all its parts, in the spirit as well as you fitted yourself to command, by first learning how to
in the letter, as fully as if dictated by your heart and obey? Are you ready now, and always hereafter, to
every sentence had been uttered by your own lips? obey the lawful orders of this Grand Consistory and its
Candidate—I do. Illustrious Commander in Chief for.the time being; and
Commander i~n Chief—Then your hopes of admission to peril yopr life in the great battle that is to be fought
here, and of ultimate victory in the great contest that against the enemies of God, and the foes of human
approaches are well founded. We are satisfied as to the liberty and human progress? Do you dare to do and
purity of your motives and that you possess the requisite suffer, and have you a hand to burn, like Scaevola, for
resolution and courage; but you are aware that more is your country or your friend? Can you, and do you an-
needed, in him who would be invested with the highest
swer these questions in the affirmative?
rank, and take upon himself the responsibilities of Com- Candidate—I can and I do.
mand. To wear that honor worthily and perform Commander in Chief—Then let your vows be sacred,
efficiently the duties it imposes, you must possess in- and your promises made upon the altar of your heart.
tellect, the talent to command and ample information. Go now and study the symbolism of this degree, and
We demand of you that proof. My brethren, free learn its meaning, that you may be prepared to do what
this aspiring brother from his bonds, and bid him lay further we shall require of you. Sublime Prince Grand
his poniard on the altar. (The candidate places his two
Master of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the camp
poniards on the altar, the cord is taken off and the two of the Masonic army, and halt first at the quarters occu-
brothers retire to their places, the Grand Master of pied by the Masons of the symbolic degrees. (The Grand
Ceremonies remaining alone with the candidate.) Master of Ceremonies conducts the candidate to the
Commander in Chief—My brother, the cause to which
tent numb”red nine.)
you desire to devote yourself -is a noble one. Their de- Master of Ce’remonies—My brother, the 32nd degree
votion to it, has ~ all the great patriots and of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, which we are now
philanthropists, of all ages of the world illustrious, and conferring on you, is the military organization, as the
their names and memories the richest inheritance of the 31st degree is the judicial organization, of the order.
human race. It is most honorable in you to seek to follow The camp which you are entering and its several
their example, and so to be the benefactor of your kind. parts are all symbols, the meaning of which we will
His is a poor ambition who does not long to do some hereafter endeavor to explain to you.
good, that shall last beyond the limits of his own brief As you pass around and through this symbolic camp,
life. we will give you the necessary, explanations as to its
If you have learned all that the Ancient and Accepted external features, and recall briefly to your mind the
Rite has offered you the means of learning, you are pre- characteristics of the several degrees, whose standards
pared. We must know that you have at least endeavor- float over the camp, to aid you in hereafter understand-
ed to do so. Have you learned the first lesson? Have ing the esoteric meaning of the whole. You will then

perhaps see that whatever in Masonry seems arbitrary -THE FIRST DEGREE :—ShOwS you man, such as nature
incongruous; mere empty words, and idle images and has made him, with no other resources than his physical
pictures, has in reality a profound meaning; that a great strength. But each symbol and ceremony of Masonry,
idea is embodied in this degree, of which its organiza- has more than one meaning; one enveloped as it were,
tion, and the d~isposition and details of the camp are the within the other, and all not developed or made known
utterances, scientifically and skillfully arranged, and• at once. The inmost meaning of the first degree is man
that in every thing it proceeds with precision and order subjugated and struggling toward freedom, blinded by
to develop the idea, and insure the success of the noble superstition, destitute of knowledge, defenceless, and
and holy cause for which it is armed and organized. with the chains of despotism round him.
The external lines of the camp form a nonagon, or a He knocks timidly at the door of Masonry, is received,
figure o f geometry sworn to secrecy and made to stand upright in the mid-
‘with nine equal sides. die of the lodge, as a man; as a man!
You perceive that on It is his first lesson. Before then he was half naked,
each side of the nona- and half clad, neither barefoot nor shod, half free-
gon is a tent, with a man and half serf.
flag and pennon that THE SECOND DEGREE :—.Shows the necessity and holi-
each flag and its pen- ness of labor, and consequently of knowledge. Man
non are of a different perceives here that to supply his physical wants, his
color from the others, orgar~s are but the instruments of intellect, the expan-
and that each tent is sion of which, or knowledge can alone constitute him a
designated by a letter. freeman and a king over creation.
E a c h represents a THE THIRD DEGREE :—Teaches us that our inviolable
x 8 -‘ camp, and the several destiny is death, but at the same time, in the ceremony
sides of the nonagon are thus assigned by our rituals, to and in the very name of Hiram it shadows forth the great
the Masons of the different degrees, from the first to the doctrine of another life, and the immortality of the soul.
eighteenth, of which each Commander in turn will give The word Hiram’” in Hebrew, means, “He who was, or
you an explanation. shall be raised alive or lifted up,” and it also symbolizes
Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander Ezra, Not. 875.—”Ehrsm Abif. ‘There is no character in the annals of
be pleased to communicate to our brother, the esoteric Freemasonry whose life is so dependent on tradition as the celebrated
architect of King Solomon’s Temple. Profane history is entirely silent
explanation of the tent No. 9. in respect to hi. career, and the sacred records supply us with only very
unimportant items. To Oil up the apace between his life and hIs death.
Ezra.—You are now at the ninth tent, the letter of we are necessarily compelled to resort to those oral legends which have
been handed down trom the ancient Masons to their successors, Yet.
which is I.~. Its flag and pennon are blue, and here are looking to their character. I should he unwilling to vouch for the suthen.
ticity of all; most of them were prohably at first symbolical In their
said to be encamped the Apprentices, Fellows Crafts and character; the symbol In the lapse of time haying been converted into
a myth, and the myth, by constant repetition, havIng assumed the formal
Masters of the Blue or Symbolic degrees, and the volun- rance of a trnthful narraiive. Such has been ibe ease in the history
nations. —Msok.ra Ennyolopasdia of Yre.rnsomy, Mticle Xlxm
teem. The commanding officer represents Ezra. ~a

the people, rising from the death of vassalage and ig- - THE SEVENTH DEGREE :—Teaches justice as the neces-
norance, to the life of freedom and inteLligence. sary consequence of the relations between God and man
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince, Grand Master
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tenth of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent.
(Order is obey~d:) (Order is ‘obeyed.)
Master of Ceremonies—IllustriouS Commander Master of Ceremontes—Illustrious Commander Je-
Joshua, be pleased to communicate to our brother the hoiada, be pleased lo communicate to our brother the
esoteric meaning of the tent No. 8. esoteric meaning of the tent No. 6.
Joshua—The tent which you have now reached i5 the Jehoiada—The tent which you have now reached is
eighth, the letter of which is N.. Its flag and pennon the sixth, the letter of which is N.:. Its flag and pen-
are green, and here are supposed to be encamped the non are red and black, in lozenges. Here is supposed
Secret Masters and Perfect Masters, or the Masons of to be encamped the Intendants of the Building, or the
the 4th and 5th degreeL The commanding officer rep- Masons of the 8th degree. The commanding officer
resents Joshua. represents Jehoiada.
THE FOURT H DEGREE :—Teaches truth and consequent- THE EIGHTH DEGREE :—Teaches the necessity of order,
ly the existence of one God, and the relations existing without which, society cannot exist.
between man and his Iteavenly Father. Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
THE P17TH DEGREE :—Teaches us the love of God for of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent.
the human race, and the magnitude of divine attributes. (Order is obeyed.)
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Mast~r Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander Paleg,
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent. be pleased to communicate to our brother the esoteric
(Order is obeyed.) ~ meaning of the tent No. 5.
Paleg—The tent which you have now reached is the
Master of Cerem9nies—IllUstriOus Commander Aho-
ltab, be pleased to communicate to our brother the fifth, the letter of which is X.:. Its flag and pennon are
black. Here are supposed to be encamped the Knights
esoteric meaning of the tent No. 7. Elect of Nine, the Illustrious Elect of Fifteen, and the
Aholiab—The tent which you have now reached is
the seventh, the letter of which is O.~. Its flag and pen- Sublime Knights Elected. The commanding officer
represents Paleg.
non are red and green. IHere are supposed to be en-
camped the Intimate Secretaries and Provosts and TI-fE NINTH DEGREE :—Teaches us that no one has the
Judges, or the Masons of the 6th and 7th degrees. The right to take the law into his own hands. That the
commanding officer represents Aholiab. interests of society require that the adminisiration of
THE SIXTH DEGREE :—Develops. and fully proves the justice should be entrusted to a certain number of pure
sublime and consoling doctrine of the immortality of and upright men, for the benefit of all, and that true
the soul. Masonry discountenances all acts of violence.

sad unbounded munificence of God, and thereby to be-

TILE TENTH DEGREE :—Teaches that it does not consist
wtli Ihe good of society, that all should pretend to com- come more and more perfect, by imitating his kindness
mand, and that the administration of order, or the in our relations with our brethren.
executive power, like that of justice, or the judicial Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
power, must b~ confided to a few of the wisest and most of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent.
experienced of the citizens. (Order is obeyed.)
THE ELEVENTH DEGREE :—Teaches us that the laws Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander Nehe-
which are to govern a community must be elaborated, miah, be pleased to communicate to our brother the
or the legislative power exercised, by the most able and esoteric meaning of the tent No. 3.
Nehemiah—The tent you have now reached is the
honest citizens, and that to such men only it belongs, to
represent the people in the legislative assemblies, there third, the letter of which is L.. Its flag and pennon are
red. Here are supposed to be encamped the Grand
to maintain the rights and freedom of the people.
Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons of the 14th degree.
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent. The Commanding officer represents Nehemiah.
(Order is obeyed.) TI-LE FOURTEENTH DEGREE :—You receive the reward
of your labors. You were admitted to the sacred vault
Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander Joa-
where you saw the end of all mystic forms, which Ihe
bert, be pleased to communicate to our brother the
esoteric meaning of the tent No. 4. ignorance of mankind has made necessary. You then
Joabert—The tent which you have now reached is the saw the future destiny of Freemasonry, that is of man,
fourth, the letter of which is I.:. Its flag and pennon who enters upon the inheritance given him by his
are black and red. Here are supposed to be encamped Heavenly Father. God is no longer to be feared, but to
the Grand Master Architects and the Knights of the be loved with all the heart, mind and strength.
Royal Arch, or the Masons of the 12th and 13th degrees. Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
The commanding officer represents Johaben. of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent.
TIlE TWELFTH DEGREE :—Teaches that by labor alone (Order is obeyed.)
we can obtain happiness, for our fellow beings and our- Master of Ceremonies—IllustrioUS Commander Zerub-
selves, and that to whatever degree of civilization man- babel, be pleased to communicate to our brother the
kind may attain, a true Mason will never cease to labor, esoteric meaning of the tent No. 2.
that he may thereby make more complete the condition Zerubbabel—The tent which you have now reached is
of his brethren. the second, the letter of which is A. Its flag and pen-
THE THIRTEENTH DEGREE :—Teaches the utility of non are light green. Here are supposed to be encamped
study, as the only means of drawing nearer to our the Knigbts of the East, or of the Sword, or the Masons
Heavenly Father, and practicing true religion, the ob- of the 15th degree. The cor~imanaing officer represents
ject of which is to attain a knowledge of the perfections Zerubbabe!.
TI[E FIFTEENTH DEGREE :—Teaches hope and faith and do his duty, whether the results of his labor are
iii the new Era which dawns upon mankind, when men manifest and visible during his life, or not; to sow
will be emancipated from dead forms and ceremonies,
no matter who reaps. Soldier of truth, he must always
and when the whole power of man’s intellect will be ex- march straight onward, following the route which she
erted to obtain~a perfect knowledge of truth, and of the
indicates, to every loyal man. Death alone must make
laws that flow from it. him pause.
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
Age gives no discharge from her service, and every
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the next tent.
true Mason may be certain, that if he manfully toils and
(Order is obeyed.)
fights in her cause, he will, whether the effect of his
Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander Ma-
lachi, be pleased to communicate to our brother the labors be seen by his mental eyes or not, leave to others
who come after him, a noble heritage, ever to increase,
esoteric meaning of the tent No. 1.
as Mason follows Mason, in uninterrupted succession un-
Malachi—The tent which you have now reached is
til men shall succeed each other in this world no longer.
the first, the letter of which is 5.’. Its flag and pennon
THE EIGHTEENTH DEGREE :—Illustrates, by example,
are white, sprinkled lightly with crimson. Here are
the truth of this doctrine of accumulation of intellectual
supposed to be encamped the Princes of Jerusalem, the wealth by inheritance, for in it are exhibited all the
Knights of the East and West, and the Knights Rose truths, the axioms of ethics and philosophy, dis-
Croix de Herodem, or the Masons of the 16th, l7fh and covered and uttered by all former intellects, ~~hose
18th degrees. The commanding officer represents Ma-
names, shining in the past, are so many resplendent
THE SIXTEENTH DEGREE :—Teaches that every re-
proofs of the perfectibility of mankind, gathered and
ligion, of mere forms and ceremonies and external prac- combined, in the sublime teachings of the Master from
Nazareth, who was the possibility of the race made real.
tices, must eventually crumble to pieces, for it is a
dead body without 4 soul, and that the Masonry of the He passed away in doing good, and we are rich with
Ancient snd Accepted Rite, founded on the simple and the splendid inheritance he left us. His death teaches
pure doctrine of love, toleration and reason, must be us civil and religious toleration, and that, short as is cur
eternal, because it is true and a reality, and being posi- mental vision, and limited as our knowledge of the
tively that which the Master from Nazareth taught, and great mysteries of God and nature musi ever be, we
every true child of our Heavenly Father may well adopt must never persecute, or ever become a stranger, to our
and profess it. brethren, because the opinions which they enunciate,
THE SEVENTEENTH DEGREE :—Teaches that every good conflict with those that we entertain, or are accustomed
and intelligent Mason must look upon himself as a to hear. For in this degree the new law of love is
pioneer, preparing the way for greater and better men taught, and the chief pillar among Ihe three, with which
to come after him, and that he must be content to work are here replaced the ancient pillars of the temple, is
charity, which not only relieves the wants, but is tolerant

of the errors and mistaken opinions of other men. The TEE NINTEENTH DEGREE :—Teachcs us that, as true
degree is open to men of all creeds, who believe in the apostles of the doctrine of civil and religious toleration,
fundamental doctrines of the Ancient and Accepted we must, as it were, bridge the abyss that divides us
Rite of Masonry. Every man who endeavors to teach from our brethren, who adhere to the old law and
at all, has a mission to perform. God tolerates him and ceremonial observances of the past, and win them over
allows him to teach, and we may well do the same. to us by kindness and reason. When man is no longer
For after all, the will of God governs, and the doc- a slave, we must appeal to his heart and intellect, if we
trine that is true will prevail, while what is false will would bring about the reign of peace, harmony and
not. What is persecuted grows, but if error be com- science. There are no other meanh by which an iiitelli-
batted, with no other weapons than those of Masonry, gent man can be convinced, however he may be com-
the total regeneration of humanity will come in God’s pelled.
good time. THE TWENTIETH DEGREE :—Teaches us the necessity
Master of Ceremonies—You have now passed around of caution, in addition to energy and daring, that those
the nonagon, and a full explanatien has been given you who tread upon and live by the propagation of false
of each tent by its commander. Within this you per- creeds, may not defeat our plans for the emancipation
ceive is traced a heptagon, or a figure of geometry with of human intellect.
seven equal sides, and within that a pentagon, or one Commander in Chief-Sublime Prince Grand Master
with five equal sides. On each of the external angles of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the 4th stand-
of the pentagon is a great standard, designated by a ard. (Order is obeyed.)
letter and supposed to indicate the camp of a corps of Master of Ceremontes—Garimont, be pleased to com-
Masons, occupying externally a side of the pentagon. I municate to the candidate the esoteric meaning of the
will now conduct you to the fifth standard.
Master of Ceremonies—Amariah, be pleased to com- fourth standard.
Garimont—The standard which you have now reached
municate to the candidate the esoteric meaning of the is the fourth, the letter is G.~. Its armorial bearings:
fifth standard of the pentagon. vert; an eagle, with two heads displayed, sable, armed
Anuzriah—My brother, the fifth standard, before or ensigned with an imperial crown, or resting on both
which you now stand, has for its letter, U. . Its armorial heads, holding in his dexter claw a sword, point in base;
bearings are thus described in the language of Her- in his sinister claw a bloody heart. Motto at the base
aldry: Or,* An ox-statant. Sable. Motto at the base.
Omnia Ternpus Alit. Time gives growth and strength Corde Gladio Potens. Mighty of heart and with the
sword. Here are supposed to be encamped the Noachites
to all things. Here are supposed to be encamped the or Prussian Knights, and the Knights of the Royal Axe,
Grand Pontiffs and Masters, ad vitam, or the Masons of or Princes of Libanus, or the Masons of the 21st and
the 19th and 20th degrees. The commanding officer 22nd degrees. The commanding officer represents
represents Amariah.
lOw. In fliraldry, means gold or gold color. Garimont.

TI[E TWENTY-FIRST DEGREE :—Teachcs you to strive THE TWENTY-FOURTH DEGREE :—Teaches how arduous
carne~tly to learn the means necessary to vindicate the is the task of a true Mason, who endeavors to oppose
power of truth, in bringing together all God’s children, sectarianism, for the sectarian will always obstinately
whatever their religious and political opinions. That maintain his own, narrow and exclusive creed, as the
means to raise ~nan to the consciousness of what he is, absolute apd only truth, and such creeds will long con-
and will soon become; what he ought to be. tinue to hold a large portion of mankind in bondage.
TIlE TWENTY-SECOND DEGREE :—Teaches you that even THE TWENTY-FIFTH DEGREE :—Teaches us to maintain
after succeeding in that object, you would still need to the doctrine of liberty, equality and fraternity, as the
be ever watchful and always on the alert, to bar the way only means of gathering around us the intelligent and
of entrance against sectarianism. good men of every lineage, creed and opinion, to repel
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master and defeat the encroachments of idle theorists and
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the third stand- kingly and priestly usurpers.
ard. (Order is obeyed.) Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
Master of Ceremonies—Mah Shim, be pleased to com- of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the second
municate to the candidate the esoteric meaning of the standard. (Order is obeyed.)
third standard. Master of Ceremonies—Aholiab, be pleased to com-
Mak-Shim—My brother, the standard which you have municate to the candidate the esoteric meaning of the
now reached is the third, its letter is N.~. Its armorial second standard.
bearings: Argent. A flaming heart, gules, winged, Aholiab—My brother, the standard which you have
sable, crowned with laurel, vert. Motto at the base: now reached is the second. Its letter is E.~. Its armo-
Ardens Gloria Surgit. Inflamed with glory, it ascends. rial bearings: Azure. A lion couchant, or holding in his
Here are supposed to be encamped the Chiefs of the mouth a key, or and collared, or with the figure 525 on
Tabernacle, the Princes of the Tabernacle, and the the collar. Motto at the base, Custos Arcani. Keeper
of the secret. Here are supposed to be encamped the
Knights of the Brazen Serpent, or the Masons of the Princes of Mercy, or Scottish Trinitarians, the Grand
23rd, 24th and 25th degrees. The commanding officer Commanders of the Temple and the Princes Adept, or
represents Mah-Shim. Knights of the Sun, or the Masons of the 26th, 27th and
THE TWENTY-THIRD DEGREE :—Teaches that after firm- 28th degrees. The commanding officer represents
ly establishing the institution of the Ancient and Ac- Alloliab.
cepted Rite, we should profoundly study the doctrine of THE TWENTY-SIXTH DEGREE :—Teaches us how a sin-
the master from Nazareth, and expound to our brethren cere and lasting alliance may be effected between the
of the old law its practical and sublime lessons. The three intelleclual classes of men: The disciples of the
old law has not effected the happiness of mankind, nor natural law and of philosophy; those of the law of Moses,
have the old philosophies. and the other ancient faiths, and those who follow the
doctrine of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, or the law

taught by the Grand Master from Nazareth. However the Masons of the 29th and 30th degrees. The com-
crude, defective and erroneous men’s opinions may be, manding officer represents Bezaleel.
they will always listen to the voice of mercy, benevo- THE TWENTY-NINTH DEGREE :—Teaches you how much

lence and affection. can be effected in a righteous cause by perseverance.

THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DEGREE :—Teaches that. the When the, Ancient and Accepted Rite of Masonry shall
noblest reward, of him who has proved hiin~elf the have accomplished its mission, men will rest in the true
apostle and champion of universal peace and toleratc’n; Edeno in a realm where peace and fraternity will reign.
who has aided fraternity to overcome and annihilatc all THE THIRTIETH DEGREE —Teaches us to organize that

formulas that stood in his way, will be to enjoy the army of tried and veteran Masons, that is to defend the
fruits of his toil, among those who were once divided, rights of mankind against unlimited regal despotism,
but by his exertions have been brought to remember sacerdotal usurpation and intolerance, and the monopo-
that they are brethren. Knowing this, the Mason’s lies of rank, caste and privilege, and cause these usurpers
thirst for knowledge increases, and he learns that only to tremble, like the Babylonian king, when (according
by profound study, can he solve the great problem of the to the legend) an awful hand wrote the word of judg-
ultimate destiny in store for humanity. ment on the wall of his banquet chamber.
The twenty-eighth degree solves that problem and Master of Ceremonies—My brother, you have now
shows the ultimate result of the doctrine of our Master; passed around the pentagon, and a full explanation has
of that doctrine which is the way, the truth and the life. been given you of each Standard Bearer.
It is, that mankind are at last to become one single Enclosed in this pentagon you observe an equilateral
peaceful family, whose faiher and head is the eternal triangle. At its angles, it is said, are encamped the
God, infinite in love. Princes of the Royal Secret, the Grand Tnspectors In-
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master quisitors Commanders and such Knights of Malta, as
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the first stand- having proved themselves true and faithful, have been
ard. (Order is obeyed.) accepted and received among us. Within the triangle
Master of Ceremonies—Bezaleel, be pleased to coin- is a circle, in which are said to be the quarters of the
municate to the candidate the esoteric meaning of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, of the 33rd degree,
first standard. who serve as Lieutenant Commanders, under the Most
Bezaleel—My brother, you have now reached the first Puissant Sovereign, Grand Commander. It is said in
standard. Its letter is T.:. Its armorial bearings; pur- some rituals, and appears in most of the engraved trac-
ple, the ark of the covenant, or between two palm trees, ing boards, that within the circle is a cross, sometimes
vert, and two lighted candlesticks. Motto at the base, with five arms of equal length, on which were to be the
Laus Deo; praise be to God. Here are supposed to be quarters of the five Princes, who, as Lieutenant Com-
encamped the Grand Scottish Knights of St. Andrew, or manders, were in turn to be second in command, and
Patriarchs of the Crusades and the Knights Kadosh, or whose standards fioat at the five angles of the pentagon.
Candidate—I have not, they were placed in my hands?
Com.mander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
Comman&r in Chief—It is well. Give them to our
of Ceremonies, let the candidate advance in front of the
brother, the Grand Master of Ceremonies. They suit
camp and face the East. (Order is obeyed.)
a Prince of the Royal secret no better than they unit a
Commander in Chief—My brother, if yon have as- judge. (Candidate takes them from the altar and gives
sumed in good faith the obligations of the preceding them to the Grand Master of Ceremonies.)
degrees, the general features of which have now been Commander in Chief—What was placed in your left
summarily recited to yon, and if you have studied and hand when you assumed the obligation of the 31st de-
understood the doctrines which they teach, and the prin- gree?
ciples which they inculcate, you are entitled to our re-
Candidate—A pair of scales.
gard and esteem, and are fitted to do the duties of a
Commander in Chief—What lesson was it meant to
good Mason, for you have bound yourself to do all that
virtue, honor and manhood can require, and you have teach you?
Candidate-That in all my judgments and Opinions of
learned all that ancient and modern philosophy can men, I should be guided solely by justice and equity.
teach in regard to the great mysteries of God and the Com~maiider in Chief—What is the pass-word of the
universe. 31st degree?
Remember what you have been told in regard to the
Candidate-There is none.
tracing-board or camp of this degree, that you may the
bctter understand the explanation to be hereafter given. Commander in Chief—What are the sacred words.
if in the test which you are to undergo, you prove your- Candidate—Justice and equity.
self worthy to receive it. Commander in Chief—What words follow these two?
First, however, as some evidence that you have not Candidate—So mote it be.
forgotten the teachings of 7 the previous degrees, in you
the Commander in Chief—Give the token of that degree
examine all candidates,
work of which we should to the Sublime Prince Grand Master of Ceremonies?
must show that you remember that of the one through
which you have so recently passed. (It is given.)
Commander in Chief—Why come you hither with Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander in
weapons unfit for a judge, emblems of rude violence? Chief, the token is correct.
For what purpose do you bring hither two poniards? Commander in Chief—Receive from our brother the
Candidate—I was told that one was intended to pun- Grand Master of Ceremonies, in lieu of the weapons
ish perjury and the other to protect innocence. which you have given up, that of a Knight and Prince
Commander in Chief—And you were also told that of Masonry, especially appropriate for one who is to
perjury was no longer punished by the dagger, but by command. (Grand Master of Ceremonies hands the
the law and general contempt, and that innocence was candidate a sword.)
now protected otherwise than by the poniard. Rave Commander in Chief— (Rising.) Order my brethren I
you again assumed them of your own accord? Sublime Prince Grand Master of Ceremonies, conduct

the candidate to the altar. (All rise under the sign of I furthermore vow and swear, never to visit or recog-
order. The Illustrious Commander in Chief, leaves his nize any spurious, irregular, illegitimate or clandestine
seat and meets the candidate at the altar.) body pretending to be Masonic, if I know it to be such,
Commander in- Chief—My brother, if you would ad- but will always denounce and discountenance all such,
vance further, you must assume the obligation of this and to hold no Masonic intercourse with any member or
degree. That you may be certain that we are all bound members of any such bodies, and may God keep me just,
to you, by ties as strong as those that will bind you to equitable and charitable. A men I Amen! Amen I Amen!
us, kneel at our altar, lay your hands and sword upon Commander in Chief—Rise my brother, you have
the book of constitutions and repeat after me: still a solemn duty to perform, by certain journeys,
symbolical of the warfare you are ever hereafter to
wage, against the ehief foes of human progress. You will
I of my own free will and accord, in the pres- thus give us the most solemn pledge of your sincerity
ence of the Grand Architect of the Universe and of this and resolution, and prove to us that you recognize God
Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Se- as our com.mon father, and all men his ehildren.
cret, and faithful guardians of the sacred treasure, do Commander in Chief—(After returning to his sta-
hereby and hereon, most solemnly and sincerely swear, tion.) Be seated Sublime Princes. (All are seated ex-
under all the penalties of my former obligations in Ma- cept the candidate and Master of Ceremonies.)
sonry, that I will never, directly or indirectly, reveal or Commander in Chief—My brother, be prepared. Re-
make known, to any person or persons whomsoever, any; member that we shall accept each journey as your most
even the least, of the secrets of this degree, unless to solemn pledge, given to us in the sight of God, that the
one duly qualified and entitled to receive them, and to enemy of humanity, against whom you symbolically
march, you will ever hereafter actively and energetically
such persons only, as I shall find to be after due and
strict trial. war against, with all lawful weapons and by all legiti-
I furthermore vow~ and swear, that I will punctually mate means. (At this moment five guns are heard fir-
obey all due signs and summonses, handed or forwarded ing.)
to me, by the regular officer or officers of this Grand Commander in Chief—My brother, you have heard
Consistory, so long as I remain within its jurisdiction, the signal. The hour has come when you must mareh
sickness, great distance, my duty to my family, or other upon the first of those campaigns, which every true Ma-
over-ruling cause alone excusing me. son and Prince must ever be ready to make, for the re-
I furthermore vow and swear, always to conform to, lief of his suffering brethren. You are inexperienced,
and obey the statutes and regulations of the order, and and will need a guide, and we entrust you to our tried
to demean and behave myself, as one should who has brother, the Grand Master of Ceremonies, who has been
been deemed worthy lo be honored, with so high a de- with you from the beginning. (Illustrious Commander
gree, that no part of my conduct may in the least reflect in Chief, now leaves his seat and goes to the candidate.)
discredit on the Grand Consistory, or disgrace myself. Commander in Chief—Give your sword to the Grand


Master of Ceremonies my brother. A sword is a com- Illustrious Commander in Chief resumes his seat, and at
mon weapon, worn alike by oppressors and their victims. this moment a gun is fired.)
Before we return yours, it and yourself must be purified, Commander in Chidf—Order, Sublime Princes! (All
for a Prince and Commander in Masonry must have rise.) Draw swords! Carry swords I Present swords!
none but pure ihotives, nor ever use his weapon, except Salute I Proceed on your journey my brother with the
to protect the weak and the oppressed, and to keep with- kind brother whose experience will guide you. During
in the bounds of law, if not of justice and equity, those your journey we will pray for yuu. (Candidate com-
who still retain usurped powers. Do you swear and mences his journey.)
swear so only to use it? PRAYER.
Candidate—I do. (In the meantime a laversee is set
on a table in front of the nonagon, and filled with pure Kind and indulgent Father of the great family of
water, and a napkin of white linen is laid near the layer. man. Supreme Intelligence; author of light and life,
The Illustrious Commander in Chief takes the right aid us in our efforts to make this world more wortby of
hand of the candidate and dips it in the water and then Thee, and bless with thy favor our brother who mitrehes
wipes it with the napkin, after which he also dips the to restore to light those who have forgotten Thee, and
hilt of the sword in the water, wipes it, and returns it thy truth. For thy infinite love Thou bearest to thy
to the eandidate.) suffering ehildren, aid him and us in our warfare against
Comm4nder in Chief—(To candidate.) My brother, ignorance; against those who mislead, impose upon and
you are now purified, by your oath and by this water, deceive thy people, and make the light of knowledge
which, with all our Ancient and Oriental Masters, was shine in all the corners of the earth. Amen! Amen I
an emblem of purity, both of I’ody and soul. Your sword Amen! Amen!
is also without spot or stain, because the arm that wields Comm4znder in Chief—Attention, Sublime Princes I
it will heneeforward be guided by justice and true honor Recover swords! Return swords! Be seated I
alone. Remember that ~f you, at any time hereafter, ~1faster of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander in
act unworthily, as a Mason and a Knight, by striking a Chief, the candidate has returned in safety from his first
blow in an unjust cause, or failing when it is your duty campaign.
to strike a blow in a just one, you will be guilty of Commander i~n Chief—My brother, we have already
violating your solemn oath. informed you that these journeys are the symbols of the
And we now warn you, that many eyes will hereafter several struggles to be made by Masonry, in the accom-
be upon you, and will watch jealously, to see how you plishment of its holy mission, and by you as one of her
keep and perform that and your other obligations. (The soldiery. The first enemy that we have to contend
Note 8~5.—”In the ancient mystertee the la,er with Its pore watag against is ignorance. It is the child of despotism and
wia usia to cleanse the neophyle of the impurities of the outer world.
and to free him from the imperfections of his past or ituful Ufe. At the eapital of the demagogue.
is a jecesasry article in many of the higher degrees, for the ablotica
of the candidate in his progress to a h~L~ purer system of It has, in most countries, degraded the masses ot
kfowledg~’—NaoeVa Raoyoiqe.edl& sad of lreemaaem7. mankind to a level with the beasts of burden; has made
vigorous everywhere. It seems almost to be an essential
them bow their necks to wear the yoke, and hng the element of human nature.
chains and manacles that dishonor them. It is the po- Against those ancient enemies of the light, we make
tent auxiliary of tyrants and hypocrites, by which they
•mvar, panoplied with the armour of the doctrine of the
keep in bondage lh.e souls and bodies of the children of great teacher of Nazareth, which is the doctriie of Ma-
God, who need ~buteducation to inform them that they
are not of an inferior stock, nor born to toil, that power sonry.
These doctrines must ultimately conquer, all intelli-
and craft may live in luxury, and rank and privilege be gences, and Masonry will eventually rule the world,
paid and pensioned by the public.
because its only arms are charity and persuasion and
Let us then labor to eradicate ignorance, and to ex-
that intelligent logic, of which your sword is the sym-
pose those who deceive and delude the people, and our bol, and because it rebukes and disallows intolerance
Father in Heaven will smile upon our efforts. (At this and persecution. (At this moment a third gun is fired.)
moment a second gun is fired.) Commander in Chief—The signal is again given. De
Commander in Chief—The signal is again given. part my brother, on your third campaign, while we
Courage, my brother, and march upon your second
again pray in silence for your success. (The candidate
campaign. We will in silence offer up our prayers for
your success. (The candidate is again conducted, by the is again conducted three times around the camp, and
halted again facing the Illustrious Commander in
Grand Master of Ceremonies, three times round the Chief.)
camp, and again halts, facing the Illustrious Com- Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander in
mander in Chief.) Chief, the candidate has returned in safety from his
Master of Ceremonies—IlluStriOuS Commander in third campaign.
Chief, the candidate has returned in safety from his Commander in Chief—My brother, if you had actual-
second campaign. ~ ly, instead of symbolically, undertaken this third cam-
Commander in Chief—The second formidable enemy, L paign, for the purpose of measuring your strength
against which Masonry has to contend, is superstitiOfl, against despotism and ambition, you would not have re-
side by side with which ever marches its twin-brother turned to us in safety. For while despotism, upon its
fanaticism. Superstition is the offspring of ignorance, ancient thrones, guarded by ignorance, superstition,
and nothing has more contributed to the degradation of fanaticism, privilege and rank, is too formidable to be
our race. By its influence alone, nations once resplend- so overthrown, it is, at the same time, timid and coward-
ent with civilization, and from which, as centres, science ly, and therefore merciless. lIt forgives no attempt
and arts, and all that enlightens and elevates man, flowed against itself. The influence that will ultimately over-
abroad into all the countries of the world, are now throw it must gain ground by slow and imperceptible
sunken in stupid somnolence and asphyxia, or have degrees. The tree of liberty grows everywhere, watered
become almost idiotic. by the blood of patriots. Alone you can do little, nor is
The spirit of fanaticism still lives, and is active and it now in the power of Masonry to lead revolutions, and

by arms establish free institutions. When we widen too after wealth is an enemy against which Masonry has to
much the circle of our exertions, we simply invite our contend. (At this momenL a fifth gun is fired.)
iaitiates to do nothing, because what we tell them they Commander in Chief—The last signal is now given,
you must make your fifth and last campaign against the
are to do is impracticable. Our object on the contrary most obstinate enemy of all, after which, your struggles
is to effect some practical good, within the limits ~f that being over, and victory having crowned you with its
circle in which our influences may be felt. When men laurels, their purity unstained by a single drop of
and nations are fitted to be free, they will be so, and blood, you will take possession of your patrimony, re-
a great living example of freedom, based on law and conquered for yourself and your brethren, and God will
order, is, in its calm, silent dignity of strength and bless your labors, and through them advance the cause
peace, the mightiest antagonist of despotism, and arbi- of true Masonry.
We shall soon meet again, but before you set forth, I
trary power. We must take care that we do not make will give you certain signs and words whereby we may
the object of our order unreal and chimerical. (At this recognize each other, and whereby you will be enabled
moment a fourth gun is fired.) to detect such traitors as, after their defeat, may attempt
Commander in Chief—The signal is given again. De- to introduce themselves to you; and among your breth-
part my brother, on your fourth campaign, while we ren you must be cautious and prudent.
again pray in silence for your success over the enemy, Commander i~ Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master
of Ceremonies, give to the candidate the sign, pass-word
even baser than the former, against which you are now
and sacred word of the 32nd degree. (It is done as
to march. (The candidate is again conducted three follows:)
times around the camp, and halted, facing the Illus-
trious Commander in Chief.)
Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander in
Chief, the candidate has7 retu~ned in safety from his
fourth campaign.
Commander in Chief—My brother, among the ene- SIGN.
mies of true fraternity, one of the most potent is the
love of wealth and greediness for gain. Place the right hand open on the
The desire for a competency and even for wealth, to heart; extend it forwara, the palm
be liberally and generously used, is laudable and the
parent of many virtues, but carried ~oexcess and made downwards and then let it fall by the
the sole object of a man’s life, it is hostile to the best right side.
interest of humanity; closes the hand and heart and
sets self-interests in opposition to the large and benevo- 5Ign Sublime
lent plans of Ma3onry, which it regards as visionary Prince of the
U’y11 SECWt.
exvensive and absurd; wherefore this inordinate longing

PASS WORDS :—One says Phaal-Kol, which means overcome. To succeed in that contest, you need to be
separated. The other answers Pharash Kol, which ~.til1further purified, by fire and incense. Do you con-
means reunited. Then the first says Nekam Makah 3ent to submit to this trial?
which means blow or calamity or revenge. Both then Candidate—I do. (In the meantime the table and
pronounce together the word Shaddai, which means the layer will, have been removed, and replaced by a pan
strong, the mighty, a name of deity. containing burning coals and a censer containig incense.
SACRED WORDS—The first is Salir”’ the answer to The Illustrious Commander in Chief then leaves his
which is Noni, and then both together say, Tengu.’’ seat and goes to the pan containing burning coals.)
The first two words are formed by the letters designat- Commander in Chief—(At altar of incense.) Ad-
ing the tents on the sides of the nonagon, and the third vance my brother I (Candidate and Grand Master of
by those of the standard of the pentagon. Ceremonies advance to the altar wilen Illustrious Com-
Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander in mander in Chief throws on the burning coals a few
Chief, the candidate has the sign, pass-word and sacred- grains of incense, and while it burns he passes the right
words, of the 32nd degree. hand of the candidate five times over the fire; candi-
Commander in Chief—My brother, before you set date holding his sword in his left hand.)
forth on your first campaign, we purified your heart by Commander in Chief—This arm is purified and de-
voted to justice and equity for ever. Give me your
the solemn oath which you took between our hands and sword I (Takes sword from candidate and passes it five
we also purified your hand and sword by water, the em- times over the fire.)
blem of purity. Our object then was to bind you to act Comma~.i~der in Chief—This weapon is also purified
upon the principles of justice and equity, and not upon and devoted like its master. May God bless them, if
those of revenge and cruel reprisals against unrighteous they are guided by justice and honor. May both be
enemies. You were to vindicate the rights of man and disgraced if their deeds are unholy.)
you have done so. God h~s smiled upon your exertions Commander in Chief—Order; Sublime Princes! (All
for he has so far given you the victory, and the holy rise.) Draw swords! Carry swords! Present swords I
land of our inheritance is in sight. You are now to take Salute! Depart now my brother on your last campaign,
posession of it, but full in your way stands a three-fold and we will offer up our prayers for your success.
enemy that cannot be avoided, but must be met and
Not. SS1.—”Ializ. A a~gnIfleent word ~n the high degrcew. ~flveDtq4. PRAYER.
most probably, at first for Ihe syatem ot the Council ot Kmpero!u ot
the East and weat. aDd transterred to tbe Ancient and Acet~ted cottlah Our Father, who are in Heaven, have mercy on our
Rite. It ii derived. .ai tbe old French rituals, from the filtiall of a
part ot a aentetice. and ha.. tIietetor~. no other meaning. —KaokQa
Zahyclopa.diA of Freousacary. Article k~Iz.
weakness. If it be thy will that we should direct and
guide our brethren, preserve us from anger, vanity,
Note ZU.—”Tengia. A ~ignIfl~’antword In tbe bigb depe., ot the
Beottlnb Rite. The original old French rituals expialo it. afid is, that temerity and error. Let us not fall into temptation,
~t and the two otber words tbmt accompany are tornw4 out ot the
initials ot the words ot a particui.r •emtence wbicb baa retwcnce to tb. and seek to usurp those powers that belong in common
•flacr~ treamure ot Maeonr~. —Uaokqs 3ao~oIoe..d~ gi 1r..aaue~. to all thy children, and which we have so long struggled
Atlal. T@wu.

tc1 restore to their hands. Let no criminal action; no ter of Ceremonies, invest the candidate with the token,
b.tse word, evil thought, or unholy feeling ever defile battery, etc., of this degree.
the temple which we have builded to Thee in our hearts. TOKEN.
Enable us, with the aid of this candidate, to prevail Seize the sword with the
against the selfi~hness, the apathy and the indifference right hand; unsheath it ai~d
of the world around us, and to overcome the same in carry it up to the rIght side,
our own natures, and so remove the last and greatest the hIlt resting on the right
obstacle to the final triumph of the new land of love, hip, the point upwards.
and the universal dominion of the true principles of Place the right foot behind
Masonry. Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen I the left, so as to form a
Commander in Chief—Be seated my brethren! (The square, leaving a small tlis-
three circuits being completed, the Grand Master of tance between the feet thus
Ceremonies halts with the candidate facing the throne. arranged. Raise the left
Master of Ceremonies—Illustrious Commander in
Token snbiime Prince of the•~~~ arm, the hand open and ex-
Chief, the candidate has returned in safety from his fifth Secret. 14 Position Roy. tended, as if to repulse an
and last campaign. attack. Seize each other’s left hand, the fingers inter-
Commander in Chief—My brother, we congratulate laced. Then draw close to each other and embrace.
you upon your safe return among us. The three-fold One says Hochmah, (that is wisdom or philosophy) and
enemy against whom you last marched, is found in Ma- the other answers Tsedakah, that is, truth, justice and
sonry, in our own bosoms as well as in the world. We equity. (In some rituals these-two words are said to be
incur no personal hazard in encountering this triune the sacred and pass of the degree.)
evil spirit, but it is the more~obstinate and almost un-
conquerable, because it i~ passive, stationary find inert.
It is the spirit of selfishness, apathy and indifference.
Could we but overcome it, and substitute in its place
zeal, ardour and disinterestedness, the victory over the
giant wrongs and injustices, would be certain and BATTERY.
It is difficult to louse even Masons to energetic action. Is five strokes, by one and four:
It is difficult to convince them that there is anything o oooo.
in Masonry beyond the mere work of the lodge. If,
remembering your pledge now given us, you do not fall
into this apathy—indifference, but are faithful to your
obligations, Masonry will profit by your labors and the
- ‘It of your experience. Sublime Prince Grand lisa-
HOURS OF LABOR :—The hour for the marching of the
-lip to 1762 the great number of Scottish degrees had
army is the fifth after the setting of the Sun.
MARCH :—The march is five steps, starting alternately
created much confusion, hence the necessity of settling
with the right and left foot, and bringing the feet to- the regulations of the “Masonry of Perfection.” Such
gether at each step. was then the name borne by our Rite, and of classify-
~vATCH-wORD~ :~—Thcre are seven watch worlds, one ing the degrees of the system adopted by the Council of
for each day in the week, and seven other words are Emperors of the East and West. Those regulations,
given in answer to each watch-word, and are as fol- consisting of thirty-five articles, and the list of de-
Monday, watch-word, Darius, answer, Daniel. grees, twenty-five in number; the last of which was the
Tuesday, watch-word, Xerxes, answer, Habakkuk. Sublime Commander of the Royal Secret, were promul-
Wednesday, watch-word, Alexander, ans. Zephaniab. gated on the 21st of September, 1762.
Thursday, watch-word, Phi ladel phus, answer, Hag- The camp before you was evidently made for that
gai. system. Adapted to our present one, it is arbitrary. Now
Friday, watch-word, Herod, answer Zachariah. in 1786, Frederick Second, King of Prussia, who ac
Saturday, watch-word, Hezekiah, answer, Malachi. cording to many was at the head of the order in Eu-
Sunday, watch-word, Cyrus, answer Ezekiel. rope, framed, or rather approved it is said, a new con-
(The manner In which the watch-words are to be stitution of our rite in eighteen articles, changing the
given and the answers received, has already been stated name of Rite of Perfection into that of Ancient and
at the opening. During the explanations given by the Accepted Scottish Rite, and adding eight new degrees
Illustrious Commander in Chief, the Grand Master of to the old system thus extending the number of degrees
Ceremonies causes the candidate to execute the move- to thirty-three, the last of which is Sovereign Grand
ments.) Inspector General. My brother, we here give you a
Commander in Chief—Be seated my brother, while
we endeavor to explain to you the esoteric meaning of full list of the degrees of each system:
the camp, or tracing-bo~rd of this degree. However, In 1762. In 1786.
before we proceed fo give you those explanations, we 1. Entered Apprentice. Entered Apprentice.
2. Fellow Craft. Fellow Craft.
deem it necessary to call your attention to the two most 3. Master Mason. Master Mason.
prominent systems in the Ancient and Accepted Rite. 4. Secret Master. Secret Master.
The first was promulgated in 1762, by nine commission- 5. Perfect Master. Perfect Master.
ers appointed by the Council of Emperors of the East
6. Intimate Secretary. Intimate Secretary.
and West, and by the Council of the Princes of the 7. Intendant of the Building. Provost and Judge.
Royal Secret. The first named body was created at 8. Provost and Judge. Intendants of the Building.
Paris in 1758, the latter instituted in 1759, at Bor- 9. Elected Knight of Nine. Elected Knight of Nine.
deaux, by said Council of Emperors. 10. Elected Knight of Fifteen.Elected Knight of Pifteen.
Not. 888.— watuhwueda. Used in the thirty-second degree f the 11. Chief of the Twelve Tribes.Sublime Knight Elected.
Ancient and Accepted 5eottLah Rite because that degree has a mititary 12. Grand Master Architect. Grand Master Architect.
form but not found in other de reca of MasOnry. —M~ckoya ~qs1o-
aadiA at Astiole #atohworda. 13. Royal Arch. ~iyil Arch.


14. Antient Grand Elect. Ancient Grand Elect. philosopher to have thought of so chimerical a project.
15. Knights of the Sword. Knights of the East. Nor had he any control whatever over the Maaonic fra-
16. Prince of Jerusalem. Prince of Jerusalem. ternity, elsewhere than in Prussia, nor even was he
17. Knights of the E. and W.Knights of the East and West.
18. Knights of Rose Croix. Knights of Rose Croix. Grand Master of Masons thcre, and if he had intended
19. Grand Pontif. Grand. Pontiff. a crusade, he was too accomplished a general ever to
20. Grand Patriarch. Gr. Mas. of all Symbolic. have fixed upon such a plan, for a real encampment. It
21. Grand Master of tue Key.Noachite or Prussian Kni’ts. is contrary to all nile. It would be wholly impracti-
22. Knight of the Royal Axe.Kt. of B. A. or Pr. of Lihanus. cable in the field, and it is entirely evident that it is
23. Prince Adept. Chief ol the Tabernacle.
24. Corn, of the W. & B. Eagle.Prince of the Tabernacle. ~nerely an imaginary plan, never meant to be put to
25. Coin, of the Royal Secret. Knight of the Brazen Serpent. actual use.
26. Prince of Mercy. It is equally evident that if Prederic had expected to
27. Soy. Corn, of the Temple. gather any army of Masons, which he could not se-
28. Knights of the Sun.
riously have done, the number of Masons of the dif-
29. Gr. Scotch Kt. of St. Andrew.
30. Gr. Elect Knight Kadosh. ferent degrees would not have been so proportioned as
31. Gr. Ins. Inq. Commander. to admit of their encamping by the plan proposed. Of
32. Sub. Pr. of Royal becret. some of the degrees there would have been but a hand-
33. Soy. Gr. Inspectors General. ful, and the Apprentices, Fellow Crafts and Masters,
EXPLANATION OF CAMP :—We read in almost all the to whom only one of the nine sides of the nonagon is
rituals of this degree, that Frederic the Second, or the assigned, would have outnumbered all the rest.
Great King of Prussia, being at the head of the Ma- The camp being therefore, impracticable, and even
sonic fraternity on the continent of Europe, projccted absurd as an actuality, we must either conclude that
a league of the union of the brethren, Companions, the inventor was a man of no sense, or that it is an alle-
Knights, Princes and ~ of Masonry, for gory and a symbol. We are certain of the latter.
The camp, which is so prominent a feature in this
the purpose of rescuing Jerusalem and the Sepulchre degree, must originally have had a meaning, for it can-
of Jesus of Nazareth from the hands of the Turks, by not be supposed that a man of intellect ever seriously
a ncw crusade, in which it was his intention to com- occupied himself with making a beautiful figure on pa-
mand in person. It is said that he prepared a plan, by per, arranging it as a camp and adopting arbitrary let-
which the army was to encamp, which is the sairie now ters and names without any deeper meaning than that
represented to you, and which is also perpctuatcd on which you have thus far discovered. It is an elaborate,
the tracing-board and apron of this degree. complicated and intricate symbol. Its meaning was
But it is not at all probable that Frederic thc Great no doubt originally explained, only orally, and that
ever thought seriously of invading Palestine, and wag- alone would be reason and cause sufficient why that
ing a new crusade. He was far too busily engaged in meaning should in time be lost. For that cause alone
the affairs of his own kingdom, and too much of a has cost Masonry the true meaning of many, even
of its simpler symbols and substituted, strained, un- one in each corner of the triangle; L. Raven, a Dove”’
natural and common place interpretations in their arid a Phenix.”’ No one vouchsafes to tell us where
place. they came from; or the palm-trees on each side of the
The figure is a five-armed cross, enclosed by a circle, ark; or the meaning of the inflamed or winged heart;
that by a triangle, that by a pentagon, that by a ~hepta- or of the five armed cross in the circle. And if any at-
gon, and that by a nonagon. On the lines of the nona- tempt to explain these things has been madc, it is pain-
gon, are the camps of those from the 19th to the 30th ful to a man of intellect to read the miserable and triv-
degrees inclusive. On the triangle, those of the 31st ial stuff to which sensible men are expected respectful-
and 32nd degrees. It is evident that the distribution of ly to listen. The reason for selecting georiietrical fig-
these degrees is now nearly arbitrary. While eighteen ures is obvious. The circle is unity, and it with others
degrees occupy the nonagon, being double the number represent the five sacred Masonic numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7,
of its sides, twelve occupy the pentagon and two the and 9.
We have deeply studied these emblems, reflected up-
triangle. It is true that Knights of Malta are added on them, and made many researches in the hope of
to make three bodies for the triangle, but this is evi- fathoming their meaning. What we have discovered
dently a mere make-shift, for they are not Masons, we propose to communicate to you. It is our own dis-
and to introduce them destroys the whole idea at once. covery. We have not received it by tradition. Besides
The seventeen sides of these three figures in no way the cause already mentioned, there is we believe, an-
suit the present number of the degrees. Then again, other that has lead to the intentional denatu-realiza-
there are no camps at all on the heptagon, and so It be- hon of this symbol, and that has probably destroyed
comes a perfectly useless part of the figure. The dis- the possibility of ever receiving the whole meaning.
crepancies in the rituals, as to the distribution of the Whether the partial explanation we shall give you is
first eighteen degrees, show that the arrangement. is Note 5S4.—’~Thls bird was the diluvian messenger of peace. Slid
hovered over the retreating waters like a ceiestiai harbinger of safety.
arbitrary, and there is n6 attempt made to connect the Thus a innette floating on the surface of the ocean, attended by a dove
with an olive branch in Its mouth, and encIrcled by a rainbow. form
letters of the camp,~ or of the standards, in any way, a atrlking and expressive symbol which needs no expianation If Free-
masonry has allowed this bird to occupy a high altuatlun amnugat Its
with the degrees to which they are assigned. They hallowed symbois. the reasons for such an appropriation are fuily cam
would seem to have been taken at random, like the petent to justify tbe proceeding The dove was an agent at the
creation, at the deluge, and at tbe baptism of Christ —Maccia Racy-
names of the Commanding officers, which offer the olopiodia and Dictionary of rre.maaonx’y, Artici. Dove.
most singular and incongruous mixture. Note 555.—’~Phosnix. The oid mythologicai iegend of the i’hoeuix is
a famlilar one The bird was described as of the size of an eagle, with a
As if further to increase the difficulty, the rituals dif- head finely created. a body covered with beautiful plumage, and eyes
sparkilng ilke stars. She was said to lire six hundred years in the
fer as to the standards to which the respective letters wliderness. when she bout for herself a funeral pIle of aromatle woods,
which she ignited wIth the fanning of her wings, and emerged from the
Y. -.E. .N. -.G. ~.IJ.~.are to be assigned. These devices flames wIth a new life. Hence the phmnlx has been adopted universally
as a symbol of Immortality. higgins (Anacaiypaie, it. 44i,) says that
of these standards are not apparently connected with the phmnix is the symbol of an ever-revolving solar circle of sIx hun-
dred and eight years, and refers to the Phenician word phen, whIch
the degrees in either arrangement, nor is any attempt signIfies a cyele. Aumont. the first Grand Master of the Templars after
made to explain their meaning, or show from whence the martyrdom of tie Molny. and called lbs ~Restorer of the Order.’
took. It is said, for his seal, a Phienlx broodIng on the flames. wiih the
part of them came. Then we are told of three birds, motto. ‘Ardet ot vlvat~—She burns that she may itve.”—Maok.ys Zany.
da,aeiia of Freemasonry, Article Phoenli.

right or not, you must yourself judge. It is not given 30Th or a degree like it, was then the 24th; our 32nd
you as sacramental. was then the 25th, and there was no degree above that;
Prior to 1786 at least, the Ancient and Accepted Rite and our 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th, as well as the 33rd
consistcd of only twenty-five degrces. The first eighteen were not tlicn known. The 27th was a dctached degree,
were the same as at prcserit. That you may fully ~undcr- and the 29th ~va~part of another system. The rcgula-
stand i~hat is to be said hereafter, we subjoin, the de- tions and constitutions, said to have been n;ade at Bor-
grees above the eighteenth, as they then existed. deaux, by tile Princes of the Royal Secret in 1762, give
the list of the degrees and require 81 months;-that is
9 times 9, by 1, 3, 5, 7, to be occupied in obtaining
19. Grand Pontiff, Master ad vitain. them. They arc di~ idcd into sex-en classes of 3, 5, 3,
20. Grand Patriarch, Noachite. 3, 5, 3, 3, degrees icspecti~cly ; the time required for
21. Grand Mastcr of the Key of Masonry. obtaining the degrces, in each class rchpectively 9 and
22. Prlncc of Libanus, or Knight of Royal Axe. 15, or three tinics five months. The regulations term
23. Prince Adept. thesc the Illystcrious numbcrs, and there is in article
24. Commander of the Whitc find Black Eagle. two a paragraph in regard which is translated as fol-
25. Commander of the Royal Secret. lows:
“All these degrces, in which one must bc initiated in
1786. a mysterious number of months, to arrive in succesbion
at each degree, form the numher of 81 months;
19. Grand Pontiff. 8+1=9; as 8 and 9 express 89, and as 9 times 9=81;
20. Grand Master ad vitam. all of which are perfect numhers and very different
21. Noachite or Prussian Knights. from 1 and 8 which make 9 and 1 and 8 compose 18,
22. Prince of Libanus. for these are imperfect numhers, and this combination
23. Chief of the Tabe*~nacle. is imperfect.” But a true Mason, who has completed
24. Prince of the,Tabernacle. his time, gathers at last the Masonic rose.
25. Knight of the Brazen Serpent. Now taking the numhers of the different figures of
26. Prince of Mercy. the camp: Of the circle, or unity, the triangle, pent-
2?. Grand Commander of the Temple. agon, heptagon and nonagon, we have 1+3+5+7
28. Knight of the Sun. +9, which added together make ~5, the number of de-
29. Grand Scotch Knight of St. Andrew. grees in 1762, and placing the Commanders of the
30. Knight Kadosh. Royal Secret in the circle, it leaves one degree for each
31. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander. side of all the right hand figures. Thus the number of
32. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. degrees corresponds with the figures; the heptagon
In other words, our 19th and 20th degrees were then ceases to be useless, arid the arrangement of the de-
in one, the 19th. Our 21st was the 20th; our 22nd was grees ceases to be arbitrary.
then the 22nd; and our 28th was then the 23rd; our We conclude, at once, that this tracing-board ws.~

settled when there were but tventy-five degrees, prior nine sides, accommodates the first nine degrees, begin-
to 1786, and we see at once that cause, ~.dditionah to ning with the Apprentice and ending with the Elect of
time and the treachery of memory which has lost us Nine, and thflt the heptagon, completing with its seven
the full explanation of this collection of symbols. It is sides the number 16, accommodates those from the
that aftcr thlc degrccs had been increased to the 33rd, tenth to th~ sixteenth, or Prince of Jerusalem inclusive,
the figures had too fcw sides, and it became necessary and thus, as the regulations do, puts these Princes at
to rearrange the dcgrees, and distribute them ancw the head of the Masons of those sixteen degrees, and
among the camps. This displaced the letters; assigned this agrees with the regulations of 1762, which de-
one letter to more than one degree; displaced the stand- clares them to be the Most Valiant Chiefs of the Reno-
ards and caused the disuse of the heptagon, and made vated Masonry, and gives them control over all lodges
the whole arrangement arbitrary and inexplicable. This of the Royal Perfection and Council of Knights of the
is the key to the mystery; or if it be not, we do not East. See constitutions of 1762, Art. 31. Above the 16
believe there is any key, and with this key we proceed degrees then, by the system of 1762, are the following
to unlock that mystery as far as we can; knowing that which we number as they stand in both scales:
we can only partially do so, and only hoping to put 17. Knights of the East and West. 17
others and more learned investigators on the right 18. Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix. 18
track and so be instrumental in the ultimate entire de- 19. Grand Pontiff and Master ad vitam 19 and 20
velopment of these interesting symbols. We again ob- 20. Grand Patriarch, Noachite. 21
serve that the degrees of the two scales are identical up 21. Grand Master of the Key of Masonry.
to the 18th degree assuming as a reasonable supposition, 22. Prince of Libanus, or Knight of Royal Axe. 22
that the lower degrees 23. Sovereign Prince Adept or Knight of the Sun.28
were originally assign- 24. Grand Commander of the Black Eagle. 30
ed to the lines of the 25. Sovereign Prince of Royal Secret. 32
camp furthest from Now it is obvious that the five sides of the pentagon
the centre, because that accommodate the five degrees from the 17th to the 21st
inclusive, and if we assign the Princes of the Royal
is natural, because the Secret to the circle, as we must do to make the number
general feature would correspond, we have for the triangle the three following
in all probability not degrees.
be changed in the re- 22. Prince of Libanus or Knight of Royal Axe.
arrangement w h i c h 23. Sovereign Prince Adept or Knight of the Sun.
the increased number 24. Grand Commander of the Black Eagle.
of the degrees made To have placed an inferior degree on the triangle and
one of these three on the pentagon, and thus further
necessary, we at once find that the nonagon, offering us
from the centre, would have been to disarrange and in- “Stibiums or Antimony,” supposed to be the universal
terrupt the regular order and succession of the degrees. solvent show and as appears also by its old ritual and
From circumference to centre and this we do not think lecture.
the inventors of the symbol would have done, even if The Dove’’ was a sacred bird in Syria, and the only
it required a little forcing to make the emblems. corres-
one employed for religious purposes, among the He-
brews. One was, according to the legend, sent out three
pond; because one irregularity of that kind would have different times with intervals of seven days between
destroyed the harmony and symmetry of the ~hole each mission by Noah from the Ark, as well as by
systcm, and the idea on which it was framed. Now to Deucalion, and Noah is the first sacred word of the
the triangle three birds are assigned, apparently in the 22nd degree or Prince of Libanus.
present s~tem without any meaning. We do not say that these explanations are correct,
We have seen an attempt to explain them, or give but they are at least reasonable and probable.
them a symbolical meaning, the succcss of which, if it To each angle and s’de of the pentagon, as we have
seen, is assigned a standard, designated by a letter and
aimed at being common place and trivial, was most a particular device. The rituals differ however as to
encouraging. The Raven is the Black Eagle of the the letters belonging to the particular standards. They
24th dcgree; that is the Kadosh or Knight of the White give them in these two ways.
and Black, of which degree the old je~vel was a Black T.-. The Ark and Palm Tree. The Lion and Key.
Eagle. E.~. The Lion and Key. The Inflamed Heart.
That fabulous bird, the Phcpnix, of which only one, N. The Inflamed Heart. The Eagle with 2 Heads.

it is said, existed at a timc, was in Arabia, sacred to 0.’. The Eagle with 2 heads.~ The Black Ox.
Note 887.—”in ‘the Arklte rItes, which arose after the dispersion or
the Sun, and an emblem of that Orb. It was said to Babel. the dose was always conaldcred as a sacred bird. in cummemura-
lion of its having been the first discoverer of land. its name, which in
burn itself upon a funeral pile when it grew old, and to Hebrew is ionah. was given to one of the earileat nations of the
earth, and, as the emblem of peace ~ud good fortune it became the
bird of venus. Modern Masons have commemorated the messenger of
spring in renewed youtl~ from its own aslics, and hence Noah in the honorary degree of ‘Ark and Dove, • which is sometimes
conferr,d on Royal Arch Masons —Mackeys Encyclopaedia or rye,.
it figurcd in Alchemy~ that search after the Elixer maaonry, Article Noa~i.
that was to give iibniortality. Of course it was pecul- Note 8S8,—”The double-headed eagle was prohshly first introduced
as a symbol into Masonry in the year 1758 In that year the body call.
iarly appropriated to the degree of Knight of the Sun, ing it~eif ihe Council of Emperors of the List and west was estab-
lished in Paris. The double-headed eagle was likely to have been
or Prince Adept, which originally was an Alcliemical assumed by this Council in refercnce to the douhie jurisdiction which
it claimed, sud which is represented so distinctly in its title its rituni
degree, as the very word “Adept” and its pass-word, which consisted of twenty-five degrees all of which are now contained
in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, was suheequently established
Note 3S6.~”I’reemasonry and alchemy have aougbt tbe same results. in the city of Berlin. and adoptcd by the Orand Lodge of the Three
(the lesson of Divine Truth and the doctrine of immortal iife,l aad they Globes. Frederick II . king of Prussia. who was the head of the
have both sought It by the same method of a~mboiism it is not, there. Ancient and Accepled Scoiilsh Bite, is said io have merged this body
fore, strange that in the eighteenth century. and perhaps before. oe into his own Rite, adding to its twenty.five degrees eight more, so as
find an incorporatiOn of much of the science of alchemy into that of to make the thirty-three degrees of which that Rite is now composed
Freemaaoflry Hermetie rites and Hermetic degrees were colnm(,n. and The double-headed eagle was then adopted as the symbol of the thIn,-
their reilca are still to be found existing in degrees whIch do not ban. third and ultimate degree. The whole Rite being considered as a repre-
lutely trace their origin to alchemy, but wbicb show some of Its traces seniative of the Holy Empire. as is indicated hy the titles of ts’o if
In their ritnais. The 28th degree of tbe Scottish Rite, or the Knight its officers, who are still called the Secretary and the Treasurer of the
of the Sun. Ia entirely a hea~etic degree. and claIms Its parentage t~ Holy Empire. the double-headed eagle. Which was the ensign, as it has
the title of ‘Adept of Masonry,’ by which it is sometImes known been seen, of that empire, was approprIately adop ted as the symbol of
Xs.ckee”s Eneyolopasdi& of lrsemasonxy, Artiol. Alchemy. the gover,,lng degree of the Rite ‘—Mackey’s Encyclopaedia of Fr..-
masonry, Article Eale. Double.EeaAed.
U.~. The Black Ox. The Ark and Palm Trees, God, Mithrasm “Deo Soli Invtc~o Mttkrao” to the sun
Applying these devices to the five degrees, 1 7th, 18th, god Mithras the Invincible, also called the Mediator,
19th, 20th and 21st degrees, the Lion and Key would the fertilizer of deserts, the slayer of the dragon, and
seem to be appropriate enough to the 21st degree, or of evil spirits. He was worshipped among the Ethiopi-
the Grand Master of the Key of Masonry. ans and Egyptians in Greece, after the time of Pompey
The crowned double-headed Eagle, which is the arms at Rome. He is represented in the sculptures as a
of Prussia, to the 20th degree, or the Noachites or young man mounted on the Equinoctial Bull, and
Prussian Knights. plunging into its flank a sword, whose hilt terminated
The Ark of the Covenant, of which the High Priest at the upper end in two heads of an Eagle or a Hawk.
had the especial charge, to the 19th degree or Grand He is represented as at the mouth of a cavern, with a
Pontiff and Master ad Vitam. figure on each side bearing a lighted torch. He is ac-
The inflamed winged heart, emblematical of the suf- companied by Eorosch, the Celestial Raren, and the dy-
ferings and glory of the Master from Nazareth, to the ing bull is consoled by Taschtar, the dog-star, the har-
18th degree, or Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix, and the binger of his resurrection. The bull was regarded as a
an Egyptian and Jewish symbol, displayed on one
of the Standards of the four principal tribes to the symbol of the power that produces vegetation and life.
17th degree, or Jewish Knights of the East and West. He makes, the Zendavesta said, “the grass to grow abun-
It is likely that these devices have a still deeper dantly and gives all fruitfulness to the earth.” Hence
meaning and a mysterious reference to an ancient re- the motto of the standard on which he figures “Omnta
ligion and its mysteries, but we have, as to this, our- Ternpus Altt.” So in Egypt, Mnevis, the black Ox of
selves succeeded in obtaining but a few hints, and we Heliopolis, was dedicated to Osiris and they wor-
can therefore communicate no more to you. They will shipped a black Bull, which they called Onuphis.
perhaps, give you the key to the esoteric meaning of
these symbols and you cannot do better than to occupy The lion, the sign of the Summer Solstice, and
your time and eiercise your intellect in discover,n~ domicile of the Sun was the symbol of that orb. The
that meaning. figures in the mithriac monuments, and the second de-
The Ancient Persian~’ mysteries were sacred to the gree of the Prussian mysteries was called the degree of
the Lion. The initiates were called Eagles, Hawks and
Note 2SS,—”From the statement of this Persian Mason it appear.
that nearly all the members of the Persian Court belong to Ihe mystic Ravens. In a very curious Roman marble, the drawing
Order, even as German Masonry enjoys the honor of counting the emperor
and crown prince among its adherents The appearance of this Mo ham- Note 8S.—”Mithzsa, Mysteries of. There are untie at the Ancient
medan Mason in Berlin seems to have excited a little surprise among Mysteries which afford a more interesting subject of Investigation to
some of the brethren there, and the surprise would he natural enough the Masonic scholar than those of the Persian god Mithras. Instituted,
to persona not aware of the extent to which Masonry has been diffused as it is supposed, by Zeradushi or Zoroaster. as an initiation Into the
o,er the earth. Account for It as one may. the truth is certain that th” principles ~f ihe religion which he had founded among the ancient
mysterious Order was established in ihe Orient many ages ago. Neatly Persia na. they In lime extended into Europe, and iasted so long that
sil of the old Mohammedan buildings in India. anch as tomhs. mosques.
etc., are marked with the Masonic symbols, and many of these structures, traces of them have heen found in the fourth century. ‘with their
atlil perferct, were huilt in the time of the Mogul Km ror Akhar. who penances,’ says Mr. King (Onoetics, p. 47.). ‘and tests of the courage
of the candidate for admission, they have been maintained by a con.
died in 1605. Thus Masonry must have been intrc,duceA”into india freEs stant tradition through the secret societies of the Middle Ages and the
Middle,. Asia by the Mohammedans hundreds at years ago.’‘—Maskay’s Bosicrucians down to the modern faint reflex of the latter—the Free.
Zaoyoiopaedi& of Freemasonry, Article Pexela. masons.’ ‘—Mackeys Rnq’clopaedia of lreemaaonry. Article Mlthzae.
V~’stagIse of.
trary and perhaps unmeaning explanations, without
of which was published by Gronovius in his Latin edi-
any warrant but that of our own inlagination. There has
tiDn of Agostini, representing Mithras, with one foot
been too much of that in Masonry, and we prefer to be
on the body and the other between the horns of a Bull,
satislied with the little that we know, and to leave the
are seen a Lion’s head and two palm trees just putting
rest for future investigation.
out their Icaves, a Raven and an Eagle on a palm tree It will be noticed that the seven watch-words for the
holding a thundcrbolt in his claws. It is this thunder-
different days of the week, all of them names of per-
bolt which has been, in our symbol, corrupted into a sons, correspond with the number of sides of the hepta-
sword, with a crooked and wavy blade. gon, and that if they were assigned to command there,
Mithras himself was often represented with the head they would make the number of commanders complete.
of a lion. These seven names are curiously enough, those of three
The palm tree was not only an emblem of virtue and
Persian kings, Darius, Xerxes and Cyrus. The Mace-
truth, but it was also consecrated to the celestial move-
ments, and abovc all, the annual revolutions of the donia n conqueror Alexander, Ptolemy Philadelphus,
Sun. one of his successors, Herod, the tributary Roman king
Among the Hebrews, it will be remembered, the lion in Judea, and Jewish king, Hezekiah, while all the an-
~vas borne on the crimson standard of the tribe of swers are the names of Jewish prophets. The name of
Judah. The Ox, on the green standard of Ephraim. Ilerod and those of Xerxes and Ptolemy Philadelphus
The Eagle on the green standard of Dan, and the ship seem wholly out of place in Masonry.
on the purple standard of Zebulon. Perhaps the Ark The names of the Commanders of the nonagon; one
of the Covenant is really the Ark of the Deluge, or the Phaleg goes back to the building of the tower of Babel;
ship of Zebulon. one Aholiab, to the building of the first tabernacle, one
The inflamed winged heart is probably the winged JoRhua, is the name of the successor of Moses, one
globe or sun, a common symbol in Egyptian temples Johaben, is fictitious, one Jehoiada, is that of the Jew-
andThean figure
emblem525of on
imn~ ish High Priest, in the time of Jehoash and Athaliah,
the golden collar of the lion had
originally, no doubt, a meaning connected with the and three, Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiab, refer to the
number of degrees or perhaps with an Epoch in the rebuilding of the temple, while the one remaining is
annals of Masonry, but for the present at least, that the name of the last prophet.
meaning is lost. Of the names of the five Chiefs of the standards,
Nor have we been able to discover the origin of the two Bezaleel and Aholiab, were those of the Architects
several letters which designate the tents of the nonagon of the tabernacle of the desert, Mahuzen or Masshin,
and the standards of the pentagon. Others possessed of which means in Latin, “Haesintantes” that is, hesitat-
more extensive learning may hereafter succeed in do- ing, it is not the name of a person. Amariah was a
ing so, and also in unveiling the hidden meanings of common Jewish name, or if it be Emerk, the meaning
the names of the commanding officers. We might pre- is not known, and Garimont or Guarimond, was the
tend to do so, and give you, as others have done, arbi- Patriarch of Jerusalem, between whose hands the first

Templars took their oaths. have made one people haters of another, and kept the
We may also observe, without any attempt to explain, .world miserable with wars. Separated as men have been
that the name of Aholiab appears twice, once as a Com- from truth and knowledge, by the arts and crafts of a
mander of the nonagon and once as a Standard Bearer scheming and selfish priesthood. Separated as man has
of the pentagons The words of the degree offer: quite been from. his God by his passions and his vices, as well
as singular a mixture and among them is one that may as his ignorance.
perhaps be found to have a peculiar significance. It is And Pharash-Kol, it is said, means reunited. That
a Hebrew word, “Hochmah.” The word means “Wis- union of Masons, of all rites and degrees, of which the
dom” and particularly the wisdom of the Deity, or in camp is the apt and fitting symbol, to accomplish the
the Kabbala,’’ the second “Dephirah’ or Emanation great ends of Masonry, to heal all dissensions within,
from the Deity, the same as the mind, wisdom and word and produce peace and harmony without, to reconcile
of Plato. This is perhaps an indication that the camp all rites and make toleration and charitable judgment
is altogether a Kabbalistie or Gnostic symbol, and if universal; to elevate the masses of mankind and to
so, its meaning is to be found in the Kabbalistie writ- teach them their true interests, to substitute equality
ings, in which, so far, we have sought for it in vain, but and brotherhood in the place of despotic power and
we know the general meaning of the symbol, and one of usurped privilege; to dethrone anarchy and license and
the lessons, at least, which it was intended to teach us canonize law and order, and in the place of smoking
and to all Masons. The key to that is found in two altars of fanaticism and superstition, of bigotry and
words of the degreee, which we have already given you. sectarianism, to set up those of true Masonry, garland-
Phaal-Kol, it is said, means “separated.” Separated ed with flowers and sending up toward Heaven, mingled
as Masons have been for many years, by intestine dis- with the pcrfumes of their incense, the thanks and
sensions, the jealousies of.a.rival’ rites, and the efforts of gratitude of the human race to a beneficent father, who
illegitimate bodies to exercise usurped powcrs. Separat- loveth all the children he has made.
ed as mankind has l~een for ages by differences of re- That my brother is the Jerusalem of which the army
ligious belief, by the ambition and interests of kings
by natural lines or mere imaginary boundaries that of Masonry hopes to take possession; the heritage
which our father intended his children to enjoy. No
Nate SSi.—’The Rabhsls may be defined to be a system of phil-
osophy nhih embraces certain m~athai interpretations of Scripture and particular spot on this earth, but the blessings of free
metaphysical speculations concerning the Deity. man, and spiritual beings.
in these interpretations and speculations, according to the Jewlab doctors. thought, free conscience and free speech, everywhere
were enveloped the most profound truths of religion, which, to he com-
prehended by finite beings, are obliged to he revealed through the
medium of symbols and allegories Buxtorf (LSI. Taim.) defines the
common as the light and air, and everywhere good gov-
Kabbala to be a secret science, which treats in a mystical and enig- ernment, education and order.
matical manner of things divine, angelical, theological. celeatial. and
metaphysical: the subjects being enveloped in striking symbols and The place of rendezvous of the army, you will find in
secret modes of teaching. Much use is made of it in the high degrees.
and entire Rites have been constructed on its ~rincipies Hence it all the rituals of this degree to be at Naples, Rhodes,
demends a place in any genersi work on Masonry. ‘—Mackey’s Racycie. Cyprus, Malta and Joppa. BuL they are merely sym-
psedia of Freemasonry, Article Kabbela.
member.. draw their swords, pass them to their left
bolical of the different periods of the world’s progress hands and direct the points towards the heart of the
towards that fortunate and happy state. The revolt of
•candidate, replacing the right hand in its former posi-
intellect against forms, under the lead of Luther, was tion.
the firing of the first gun, the assertion of America, of Commander in. Chief—In the name of God, and un-
the principle proclaimed by the French philosophers of der the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign
the 18th century, that all human government derives Grand Inspectors General, 33rd and last degree of the
its authority from the will of the people, was the sec- Ancient and Accepted Rite for the jurisdiction of the
ond and the proclamation in France of the doctrines United States of America, sitting at New York, State
of liberty, equality and fraternity was the third. The of New York, with the consent and sanction of the
roar of the others will be heard in God’s good time, Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret here present, and
and every man may do something to accelerate the by virtue of the powers with which I am vested as Il-
coming of the day of final victory and triumph. For lustrious Commander in Chief of this Grand Consis-
nothing that is done in this world is without its re- tory, I do receive and constitute you a Sublime Prince
sults, and every man may effect something in his own of the Royal Secret and faithful guardian of the Sacred
sphere and immediate circle. The whole globe is the Yreasure, to the end that you may have and enjoy all
field of our labors, but each runs his furrow and sows the rights, franchises and privileges and prerogatives
the good seed in his own little corner of it, and every appertaining to the degree and dignity now conferred
one who does a brave deed, or says a wise thing, helps on you. (Illustrious Commander in Chief then strikes
the coming of the great day and final enfranchisement with the blade of his sword five light blows on the
of humanity. Wherever Masonry is practiced and hon- shoulder of the candidate.)
ored, there let Masons organize for the relief of their Commander in Chief—Rise my brother.!
less fortunate brethren. Commander in. Chief—Sublime Princes, Carry
The doctrines of Mas6’nry are on the lips of many, Swords! Return Swords!
but in the hearts of~few. He who would teach it, must Commander in Chief—Receive the collar or sash. Its
first practice it, and let his example, his generosity, his oolor is an emblem of sorrow and mourning for the
charity and his toleration commend it to the considera- miseries and sufferings of humanity. You have worn
tion of others. the same color in other degrees and are familiar with it.
Commander in Chief—( Striking one.) Sublime We yet wear it becanse our efforts have not yet se-
Prince Grand Master of Ceremonies, conduct our bro- cured the happiness of our brethren, and the higher
ther to the throne, there to be received and constituted we aseend in Masonry, the more we feel and deplore the
and to be invested with the regalia of this degrce. miseries of the people.
Commander in Chief—Order my brethren! (All rise Receive also and wear this Teutonic cross of gold,
under the sign of order and form themselves in a circle the jewel of the order. Deserve it by your services,
around the candidate, who has been conducted by five which you shall hereafter render to the good cause in
steps to the foot of the throne, where he kneels. The
which you now claim to be a chief and leader. Sublime companions that this Grand Consistory will listen to,
Prince Grand Master of Ceremonies, conduct this the and act upon any remarks they may have to offer for the
youngest of the Princes under the banner of the order, interest of this body, or of the order in general.
and let his brethren look upon him and he upon them. First Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Princes and
(Candidate is conducted by the Grand Master of Cere- companions of my camp, the Illusirious Commander in
monies under the banner and placed fronting the Chief informs you that this Grand Consistory will listen
brethren.) to, and act upon any remarks you hay have to offer for
Commander in Chief—Subliine Princes of this Royal the interest of this body or of the order in general.
Grand Consistory, I proclaim our Illustrious brother Second Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Princes and
A. .B. ~.a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 32nd companions of my camp, the Illustrious Commander in
degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and an hon- Chief informs you that this Grand Consistory will hsten
orary member of the Grand Consistory for the State of to and act upon any remarks you may have to offer for
.and I require you and all Sublime Princes of the the interest of this body or of the order in general.
Royal Secret everywhere to acknowledge and recognize Second Lieutenant Commander—( lf no one re-
him as such. sponds.) Sublime Prince First Lieutenant Commander,
83—Second Masonic RASSMAN silence prevails in my camp.
Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Grand Master First Lieutenant Commander—(If no one rises to
of Ceremonies, conduct the candidate to the seat of speak.) Illustrious Commander in Chief, silence pre.
honor. (Grand Master of Ceremonies conducts candi- vails in both camps.
date to left hand of Illustrious Commander in Chief.) Commander in Chief—Sublime Princes, Valiant
Commander in Chief—I congratulate you my bro- First and Second Lieutenant Commanders inform your
ther, for myself and in the name of this Grand Con- brave companions that the box of fraternal assistance is
sistory on your reception as a Sublime Prince of the about to be presented to them.
Royal Secret, and on your admission as a member of our First Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Princes and
body, and I beg you to &ccept our sincere assurances of companions of my camp, the Illustrious Commander in
brotherly affection a.nd esteem. Chief informs you that the box of fraternal assistance is
Commander in Chief—Sublime Princes, return about to be presented to you.
swords I Be seated! Second Lieutenant Commander—Sublime Princes
Commander in Chief-Sublime Prince Grand Minis- and companions of my camp, the Illustrious Commander
ter of State, you have the floor. (Grand Minister of in Chief informs you that the box of fraternal assistance
State delivers an address.) is about to be presented to you. (The Hospitalier then
Commander in Chief—( Strikes one with the Pommel takes the box of fraternal assistance to each member,
of his sword.) beginning with the Illustrious Commander in Chief,
First Lieutenant Commander—(Strikes one.) First and Second Lieutenant Commanders, etc.)
Second Lieutenant Commander— (Strikes one.) Commander in Chief—Sublime Prince Hospitaller.
Commander in Chief—Sublime Princes Valiant First you will hand the contents of the box to the Grand
and Second Lieutenant Commanders, inform your brave Treasurer.
Commander in Chief—(Strikes one with pommel of
She French ReYolution—Jacoblns Like Chicago Anarchists—Lodge and
his sword.) Romish Despotism—Denials that Masonry La a Religion—Proof that
First Lieutenant Commander—( Strikes one with Masonry Is p Religion—Made Twofold More tbe Chlid of Hell—Free-
masonry Confessedly Deistle—Deism Is Practical Atheism—Adopts the
pommel of his sword.) Motto of the Jeaolts—’They Shall Be Rooted Up.
Second Lieutenant Coininander—(Strikes one with ‘I’his degree originated thirty years before the French
pommel of his sword.) Revolution of 1789, and was active in producing it.
Commander in Chief—Sublime Princes, let us not The lodge-theory was that of the anarchists of today,
like ungrateful children be thankless to our lleaveiily that, if institutions or religion, and government wore
Father, for the many blessings which, in his loving kind- abolished, human passions. like fluids, would find their
ness, he has bestowed upon us. The poorest of us enjoy level in universal peace and happiness. Communists
a thousand blessings, and is quit of a thousand ealaiiii- guillotined their king, and hung their bishops to lamp-
ties, the former of which God could have denied him posts; proclaimed “liberty and equality ;“ and put their
and the ‘atter cast upon him. He has enabled us to d~ religious creed over the gate of their cemetery: “There
some goot’. and by his aid we may hope to do still more ts no God! J)eath is an eternal sleep.” The last de-
and we appear nearest to hini when we confer benefits gree of their s stern required the candidate to stab his
on all meix. Let love, gratitude and adoration ever brother, or nearest friend, as a traitor to the lodge, and
burn brightly towaikls our Father in Heaven, on the amid the brother’s groans, and pleadings for his life.
altar of our heartn, and as ‘lords are powerless to ex- they laid the candidate’s gloved hand on the beating
press all that we ought to feel toward him, let us adopt heart of a lamb. And, if he stabbed, they removed the
the expressive symbol of our ancient brethren and offer blinder, and swore him to vengeance against Church
him the perfumes of the purest incense. and State. This was “The Royal Secret.” This ex-
Commander in Chief—Order Sublime Princes, and plains the vengeance sworn in this and other degrees of
under arms! (All cisc, draw their swords and come to that day. (See Robtson’s Conspiracy. p. 299.) But, in
a carry, the Illustri. us Commander in Chief then passes this country, and at this day, this degree is senseless,
his sword under his left arm, the point to the rear, and and worthless. Its bluster about freeing the people, is
downwards, leaves us seat and proceeds towards the meaningless, and itself not worth reading.
altar of perfumes which must always be prepared for But how happens this once “Ne plus ultra” degree to
the occasion.) be so prolix and stupid as to be scarce worth reading?

The answer is this: when formed by Jacobin Jesuits, But the one “mission and object” (Mackey) of Ma-
in 1754, in the Jesuits’ College of Clermont, Paris, it sonry is kept steadily in view; which is the worship of
was “the Military Organization,” as the candidate was the god of this world, who is Satan, as the “Grand
told. (See page 897.) It then crowned the Rite of Architect of the Universe;” and to accomplish this by
Perfection of c25 degrees, which was adopted .by “the, inventing “a religion in which all mankind agree ;“ and
Council of Emperors,” four years later; that is, in 1758. this, by putting all earth’s religions upon a level, and
(See note 877.) The Jacobins, like the Chicago anar- uniting them together in Masonic worship, which is
dusts lately hung were then secretly swearing to do what boldly avowed in rituals, lexicons, and philosophical
they afterwards did, v&z., wage war on the government. degrees. This is, (in Revelation, 18, 14,) called: the
Hence this 32nd grade was not called a degree, but an image of the beast, made by “them, that dwell on the
“organization,” as it was. But when adopte~l by Mormn’s earth;” that is, everybody; every creed, and no creed,
Sovereign Inspectors, at Charleston, S. C., in 1801, no all who join secret lodges. But this world-religion
war was then contemplated, but by Aaron Burr, and must have some form and shape, to hold together; and
he was soon tried by Jefferson, for his life. The coun- be taxed; hence, it takes the form, or image, of the
try was then peaceful, and satisfied and pleased with beast. Lodge despotism is as absolute as Romish
their free constitution, adopted in 1789, only twelve despotism, and is the image of it; and it is made, as we
years before. Of course, no fighting was contemplated. have seen, by the lamb-dragon beast, which is Popery;
True French sympathizers elected Jefferson that year; “that great city, (Rome) which reigneth over the kings
but the French revolution had reacted, and the Monroe of the earth.” (Rev, 17, 18.)
doctrine was soon adopted, to keep the United States Note now the profound craft, by which this is to be ac-
free from foreign cntangleme~ts. Masonry now did not complished, viz., Masonry promises men salvation by
mean fight, but money, and false worship. ceremonies invented by men, administered by priests,
What then were idaicho, Mitchell and Provost to do? and inhabited by devils. This is the sum and substance
They had resolved on an “Ancient and Accepted Scot- of all the false religions on earth, and will ultimately
tish Rite,” to rule the false worships of Masonry units them against Christ. (See Rev. ~2O,9.) But the
throughout the world. They adopted a scale of thirty- only opponents Masonry dreads, is Christ, ~vhorefused
to worship Satan, and his followers. If there were no
two degrees; and placed this Military degree at the Christians in lodges, Masonry would not live an hour.
head: because, it had been, as the notes and ritual say: Hence, though Christ is wholly omitted, in the lower
“the Ne Plus Ultra degrec,” and it would not do to
leave it out. They therefore stretched it, and stuffed it degrees, He is taken into the lodges, made by ,Jesuits
and Jews, as a tool of incantation, but He is not pcr-
into its present shape, prolix enough. Hence the hotch-
potch fiummery of a camp of nine sides, with stupid mitted to be worshiped there, except by worships ~vhich
are paid to devils. In the next and last degree, of the
Masonic explanations for every corner. world’s ruling rite, the 33rd, Christ is twice called “our

Sovereign;” (See pp. 476-7.) but none are baptized in fies, and saves men. To begin with the Entered Ap-
his name, nor do they celebrate His death. The bread prentice:
is eaten and the ‘vine drunk from human skulls, in “There he stands without our portals, on the threshold
honor of devils, not Christ; and though Christ is called
of this new Masonic life, in darkness, helplessness and
sovereign, they trample on His law. Why, then, do
ignorance. Having been ~vandering amid the errors,
they pay him these empty compliments? Plainly, to
and covered over with the pollutions of the outer and
draw in ignorant, weak, and worldly Christians, and
profane world, he comes inquiringly to our doors, seek-
this is what they achieve.
ing the new birth, and asking a withdrawal of the veil
Nothing is more common, than the denial that Free.
which conceals divine truth from his uninitiated sight.
masonry is a religion. This denial is made by many
* * * There is to be not simply a change for the
Masons, and by all Jack-Masons, who bear the burdens
future, but also an extinction or the past; for initiation
of the lodge, while claiming merit for not joining it.
is, as it were, a death to the world, and a resurrection
But the many distinct avowals, that “Masonry is a re-
to a new life.” Mackey’s Ritualist, pp. £~-8.
ligious institution,” made by the highest Masonic au-
This is Satan’s travesty and burlesque of Bible con-
thorities, have been given in their own words. The
viction of sin, and seeking religion. The Fellow Craft
diabolical craft of the system appears in this; that
is still compassing Mt. Sinai. Then follows the new
while “traditions,” which are man-made religions, cru-
birth, or regeneration, not “by the Holy Ghost,” but
cified “the Son of God,” they worship the cross, the
by the third, or Master’s degree:
tool by which they tortured Him, to make believe they
“This has very properly been called the sublime degree
were opposed to His crucifixion and torture, as if the of a Master Mason, as well for the solemnity of the
assassin should kneel before t~he dagger, with which lie
ceremonies which accompany it, as for the profound
stabbed his victim. Njor is this all, or the worst:
lessons of wisdom which it inculcates. The important
claiming that they ~unite all religions in one, they re- design of the degree is to symbolize the great doctrine
nounce and e’cclude the God and religion of the Bible,
of the resurrection of the body, and the immortality
as “bigoted” and narrow. They work only in Christian
of the soul; and hence it has been remarked by a learned
hands, not in barbarous and savage ernintries; and they
writer of our Order, that the Master Mason represents a
denounce as “bigoted” the religion of the lands where
man saved from Ihe grave of iniquity, and raised to the
they work. And to crown their falsehood with felony,
they and falsely appropriate the principles aiid faith of salvation.”—Mackey’s Ritualist, p. 109.
fruits of the Gospel of Christ. The quotations which Then follows the Masonic lying-in, in which the
we give below, not only prove that Masonry claims to be devil acts as midwife. The hoodwink falls, the lodge
a religion, but the true religion, and that its thistles pro. claps and stamps, and the weary, badgered and be-
duce figs, that its heathen ritual regenerates, sancti- fooled candidate experiences such a ‘change of heart,”

as Saul and Judas Iscariot did after Satan entered dwelling place of Hini who is the author of purity.”—
them. (See 1 Sam. 16, 14; and Jno. 18, 27.) Mackey’s Ritualist, p. 89.
“THE SHOCK OF ENTRANCE is then the Symbol of the What is professing religion, if this is not? Then
disruption of the candidate from the ties of the world, also the same writer says of the Shock of Enlighten-
and his introdi~ction into the life of Masonry. lit is the ment, or Rite of Illumination:
symbol of the agonies of the first death, and of the “This mental illumination,—this spiritual light,
throes of the new birth.”—Mackey’e Ritualist, p. 24. which, after his new birth, is the first demand of the
This change is not imaginary, but real. The testi- new candidate, is but another name for Divine Truth,—
mony of Christ, concerning such priest-made proselytes the truth of God and the soul,—the nature and essence
is: “They become twofold more the child of hell, than of both,—which constitute the chief design of all Ma-
before.” (Math. 28, 15.) Witness Saul’s attempt to sonic teaching.”—Mackey’s Ritualist, p. 88.
murder David and Jonathan, and Arensdorf’s murder We add the following, not because needed to prove
of Haddock, of Sioux City. But not all Masons ex- Masonry a religion, but to show that it is organized
perience this fearful change of heart. The average deism:
of Masons who attend lodge-meetings regularly, is only “Every important undertaking in Masonry is both
one in five. Only those, who believe in and practice begun and completed with prayer. The prayers given
lodge-worship, become “possessed” by the god of the in the hand-books of the Blue Lodge, are such, as all
lodge. After Morgan’s murder, three-fourths of the Masons, whatever their religious faith, may unite in.
lodges of the United States gave up their charters. In the orders of knighthood the prayers are, as a matter
The remaining one-fourth, deliberately became acces- of course, strictly and intensely Christian. In the third
sories to the horrible inhuman murder of Morgan, be- degree a sublime prayer, adapted from the 14th chapter
fore or after the fact. ~The? relished, and adhered to of Job, is made in American lodges an essential part
Masonic “work,” or~ worship; and “their foolish hearts of the ritual of Raising.”—Morris’ Dictionary Art.
were blinded.” Prayer.
Of the fact that Masons who are thus bewitched with It is evident from the above quotations that Free-
sorcery, regard and believe it to be a religion, the proof masonry claims to be a religion..
Now let Masonic authorities tell us what kind of a
is abundant. Thus their ablest writer says:
religion it is.
“Speculative Masonry is the application and sancti- “The truth is, that Masonry is undoubtedly a re-
fication of the working tools and implements, the rules ligious institution,—its religion being of that universal
and principles of operative Masonry, to the veneration kind in which all men agree, and which, handed down
of God and the purification of the heart. The specula- through the long succession of ages, from that ancient
tive Mason is engaged in the construction of a spirit- priesthood who first taught it, embraces the great tenets
ual temple in his heart, pure and spotless, lit for the of the existence of God, and of the immortality of the

soul; tenets, which by its peculiar symbolic languagvs, But the key to the importance of this 32nd degree, is
it has preserved from its foundation, and still continues its MOTTO: “Ad majorem Dei gloria.m.” Note 370.
in the same beautiful way to teach. Beyond this for This is the motto of the Jesuits; who, with the apostate
its religious faith, we niu~t not and cannot go.”— Ramsay, made these French degrees, falsely called Scot-
Ma key’s .1Iaso~iic JurisprudenCe, page 95. tish. This, motto was adopted by their founder, Igna-
“The religion then, of Ma~onrv, is pure theism, ~n tiu.s Loyola; and is still the motto of the order which he
which its different members engraft their own peculiar founded, in an underground chapel of the Holy Martyrs
opinions, hut they are not permitted to introduce them in 1534, seventeen years after Luther nailed his Theses
into the lodge, or to connect their truth or falsehood to the church door at Wittenberg, in 1517. The reforma-
with the truth of Masonry.~’—Mackey’s Lexicon, An. tion had only fairly begun, and this underground,
Rebg ion. sceret order of Jesuits met the Reformation, and has
“All the ceremonies of our order are prefaced and turned it back. Some principalities in Germany, once
terflhinate(l with praxer, because Masonry is a religious Protestant, are now undcr Popish princes! That order
in~titutsoru and beeaii~e we thereby show our depend- now rules Popedom, though once prohibited by it, as
ence on, and our faith and trust in (Jod.”—Mackey’s Masonry is now. The reader will find the above motto
Lezu,on, A rI. Prayer. on page 14, of the introduction, and the founding of the
“Thui~ is the scope and airil of its ritual. The Master order on page 9 of the “I!i.story of the Society of Jesus.”
Mason represents man when youth, manhood, old age, Baltimore, 1878. And on pages 12 and 13 he says, that
and life itself have passed away as fleeting shado~~s, in the village of Lasorta, near Rome, while praying, he
yet raised from the grave of iniquity, and quick~’ned
was ‘dazzled by a brilliant light ;“ and “the entire
info another and better e\istence. By its legend and all
I k ritual it is implied that we have been redeemed froiii history of the order,” says the historian, “is but a de-
the death of ~iii and sepi~chr&of pollution !“—Mackey’s velopment of that vision.”
h’sfualist, p. 109. Now, if that light had been from God, as was that
These and the I ik’c quotations might be continued to which shone around Paul, at his conversion, Loyola’s
any extent and from different authors. But these will life would have borne the same fruit which Paul’s did,
suffice to settle the question with all rational and in- instead of the ignorance, superstition, and persecution
telligent readers. And if once the ministry and churches
of this country can be possessed of these facts, there which has tracked Papacy ever since; and now fur-
will be raised to God one general cry; as when Pre~ident nishes saloon-keepers for our cities, and carries their
Lincoln called the American people to unite in prayer votes to license pauperism, crime, blasphemy, and woe.
for deliverance frGm the curse of the slavery war. Deism But if that light was from Satan, who is Christ~s rival
is praetieal atheism. For Ihe infinite God cannot be and counterfeit, then we should expect the fruits, which
reached by finite minds, but only through a merciful we see follow the Papacy everywhere. Then that super-
Mediator. natural light was Masonic light, whose fruits are the

same. And our Savior has told us: “By their fruits
~,.‘eshall know them.” These lodges are not of God’s
planting, and we have the word of Christ, that “thei~
shall be tooted up.” (Math. 15, 18.) L~t us look to
Him for the fi~lfillment of that glorious uromise.



1st. The Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Command-

2nd. The Puissant Lieutenant Grand Commander.
3rd. The Illustrious Grand Orator and Minister of
4th. The Illustrious Grand Chancellor, Grand Secre-
tary General of the H.. E.~. and Keeper of the Seals
and Archives.
5th. The Illustrious Grand Treasurer General of the
6th. The Illustrious Grand Master General of Cere-
7th. The Illustrious Grand Marshal General.
8th. The Illustrious Grand Standard Bearer.
ff,~ 3g3~ 5y•yjg~ G~aad Inspector General. ‘The 33rd and niti.
mate degree of the Ancient and Accepted rite It is not certainly knowg
when or where this grade originated. The theory which ascribes It to
the King of Prussia has long since been discarded by inteiligent Masons.
The number of inspectors in a kingdom or republic must not exceed
nine. These organized In a body, constitute the Supreme Council. which
claims jurisdIction over sil the ineffable and Sublime degrees. The pre-
siding omcer is styled Sovereign Grand Commander. The sash Is white.
edged with gold. snd suspended from the right shoulder to the left hip.
At the bottom is a red and white rose, and on tbe psrt crossing the
breast Is a delta, with rays transversed by a poniard. snd in the ceat~
the number 33. The jewel is a black. double.headed eagle, crowned, sod
holding a sword in his claws. The beak, claws, crown and sword are
of gold~, The motto of the degree ii ‘Dens maumaus ins,’ God and my
right. K~s Enoyclepaedia and Diettoasry of 1—em-amy Aztiale
Inspeotox Geausal.

9th. The Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guards.

There shall be appointed a Grand Seneschal who must
be a Deputy Inspector General but not a Constituent
of this Supreme Couneil.
DECORATIONS: “‘—Hangings purple with skeletons,,
death’s heads, cross &nes, etc., painted or embroidered
thereon. In the East a magnificent throne; over it a
purple canopy trimmed with gold. Beneath the canopy SOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTOR GENERAL.”’
is a transpareney representing a delta, in the centre of Most Puissant Sovereign Gi’and Com.—(Drawing his
which are seen the ineffable characters, near the centre sword.) Puissant Lieutenant Grand Commander, are
of the room is a quadrangular pedestal covered with you satisfied that all within this sacred asylum are
scarlet cloth, on which rests a naked sword. On the
north side of the council chamber is a skeleton erect, Grand Inspectors General?
Puissant Lieutenant Grand Com.—Most Puissant
holding the white banner of the order, opposite which,
in the South is a flag of the country. Over the inter- Sovereign Grand Commander, I will assure myself.
ior portion of the entrance is a blue scarf bearing the Puissant Lieut. Grand Com.—Illustrious Grand Mas-
device “Deus Mcumque Jus.” On the East is a candela- ter General of Ceremonies, satisfy yourself that all pres-
bra with five branches, in the West one with three ent have been exalted to the last degree of Sublime
branches, in the North one with a single branch, and in Masonry. (The Grand Master General of Ceremonies
the South another with two branches 5+3+1+2 (11) passes around the Council Chamber and being satisfied
lights. that all present are Grand Inspectors General, causes
The sword above mentioned rests on an open Bible the Grand Senesehal to secure the door.
the point of the sword pointing towards the southeast. Grand Master General of Ceremonies—Puissant Lieu-
The members are all ~eated on the south side ~f the tenant General Commander, none but Chiefs of Exalted
room. The Council’Chamber is shaped thus’ .....L.. Masonry are present. This Sacred Asylum is secure
.~w4‘o’~— 4~z. Note 894.—”rhe oniy degree conferred in the Supreme Conucti. Scotch
The candidate does not wear any regalia Masonry, and ihe thirty-third arid tart upon the catalogue of that sys-
or jewel tunics or gowns. The Master of Ceremonies tem. It has no historicat silusiona. being purety administrative There
Is no apron The jewel Is the black. doubte-headed eagie of Prussia. with
carries a burning torch in his right hand during the first golden beaks, crowned with an imperial crown of gold, and holding a
naked sword in its claws. The badge is a white sash, four inches broad.
section of the ceremonies. edged with gold fringe, having at the bottom a red and white rose, and
on the hreast, a golden triangle, surrounded by the sun. and dispisyirig
Note 8~3.—’Dsoozatlous. A lodge room ought. besides its necemsll within, the dgurea ‘33.’ On each aide of the triangie. at the distance of
furniture, to be ornamented with decorations which, while thc.v a~ two inches. is a naked dagger. The motto of the degree i
and beautify it. ~iii not be unsuitable to its sacred character. On tbb
auhject Dr Ohivcr. ii, hi, Book of the Lodga (ch. , . p tO~. makes tb. 5 Daus msumque
following judicious remarks The expert 3ioson will be convinced tbst ins—God and my right. The assemhiy is termed a Supreme Council.
the ivails of a Lodge cram ought ncithcr ti ire abaniutety naked nor to. The tights are eleven The hangings are purpie. The oBcers are Most
much decorated A chasie disposal of syrr~i,oilcai ornaments in the riehi Putasant Sovereign Grand Commander, representing FrederIck II., of
pisres. and zirrording to pr•.pri.•ty. relieves the dullness rind vacuity Prussia; Puissant Lieutenant Grand Commander, Secretary Genersi.
a hiank spilce. t ned. though tobat
rontriliote ihesparingly ,,ard, will
general beauty snd produce s striki~
solemnity of Treasurer Generat, Grand Minister of State. Grand Master of Cere.
imprei.alomi, an,
seems.’ “—Mankey’s Inoyclopandia of Fresmasoaey, Article Dseusathm. monies. Grand Captain of the Guard. Grand Marshal and Grand Standard
Bearer. Hours of work, from the time when the word of the order is
given until the morning sun begins to illume the Couneli.”—MouriWa
MasonioDiotiomry, Article Iovsreign Grand Inspector General.
ang the Grand Senesehal is carefully guarding our por- Most Puissant Soc. Grand (Yom.—Peers and Illus-
tals. trious Brethren to order! (All rise under sign of order.)
Puissant Licut. Grand Com.—Most Puissant Sover- Most Puis,r~ant Soy. 0-rand Com.—Let us pray. (All
eign Grand Commander, all present are Supreme Chiefs kneel facing East.)
of Exalted Masonry and we are well secured by the
Grand Seneshal.
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—’Tis well. From Almighty God; Father of light and life and love,
whenec eame you? who from thy throne above bestowest thine innumerable
Puissant Licut. Grand Com.—From the cradle, pass- blessings upon the human raee, we implore thy bounte-
ing through life towards our common lot—the grave. ous mercy upon this assemblage. Impart to us the
Most Puissant Soc. Grand Com.—Your duly? knowledge of thy word. Protect this Council and its
P,,tissant Licut. Grand Com.—To aid the suffering of work. Grant us. strength to eantinue our journey through
humanity upon the road of life. life in the propagation of truth and jusliee, that we may
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—What is the hour? be enabled to hene6t those oppressed by the workers of
Puissant Lieut. Grand Com.—It is the hour for this iniquity, enhighteR the ignorant, strengthen the weak,
Supreme Council to devote to its duties. and comfort the suffenng, And to Thee the most
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Covn.—And those duties powerful, the most holy the everlasting Adonai, be the
are to God, our country and the order. Illustrious honor and glory forever and forever. Amen.
Grand Master General of Ceremonies receive the watch- Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Order, Peers and
word. (The Grand Master Gener~tl receives the watch- Illustrious Brethren! (All rise under sign of order.)
word.) “Dens Alcumque Jus,” and the ans~~ or, My God
and my Right from each meijiber, and standing at the
altar pronounecs it aloudj
5oy. Grand Com.—”My God and Mv
Most Puissant
light.” The watch-word being correct and our Saered
asylum secure, I proclaim by the mystie numbers, that SIGN OF ORDER.
this Supreme Council of the thirty-third and last degree
of the Ancient and Aecepted Seottish Rite for the Left hand over the heart, fingers ex-
United States of America, its territories and dependcn-
cies, will open for the glory of God. Let us implore his tended and elose together.
assistance in our struggle for justice and right. (Strikes
00000 000 0 00; with the hilt of his sword, which he
then sheaths.) slgTl C.
Puissant Licut. Grand Com.—(Strikes 00000 000 0 Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—( With pommel of
00; in the sanie manner.)
sword; 00000 000 0 00.)

Puissant Lieut. Grand (7om.—(In same manner,

00000 OCO 0 00.)
Most Puissant Sue. Giand Com.—Peers and Illus- THIRTY-THIRD DEGREE, OR SOVEREIGN GRAND INsPEc-
trious Brethren, this Supreme Council of the thirty- TOR GENERAL.
third and last 4egrce for the United States of A:meriea, INITIATION.
its territories and dependencies is now open in the name
of God. Be seated. (Business is transacted and minutes The candidate is prepared by
are here read.) being divested of his shoes and
hat; elothed in a black robe with-
out sword or regalia; a lighted
taper in his right and a blaek
cable tow around his neck, the

ends of which are held by the
Illustrious Grand Master General
of Ceremonies, at the proper time.
The Illustrious Grand Marshal
retires to the Chamber of Reflee-
tion, and all being ready he strikes
on the door of the Council Chain-
Preparation of Candidate, ber.
33rd Degree.
Note 835.—”Soveraigu Grand 7nejiector General. The thirty-third and
lest degree of the Ancient and Ac~pled Scottish Rile. The Lalin Con-
stitutlons of 1786 call it Tertiu. Ct trigesimus et suhilmissimus gredus.’
I e.. the thirty-third end moat sui~iime degres’; and It is styled ‘the
Protector and Conservator of the Order. • The name ConBtltutlona. in
Article I. and ii . say.
‘The thirty-third degree confers on those Masons who are legitimately
invested with it. the quality, title, privilege and authority of Sovereign
[Supremorumi Grand Inspectora General of the Order.
‘The peculiar duty of their mission is to teach and enlighten the
brethren; to prenerve charity, union, and fraternal love among them:
to maintain regularity in the works of each degree, and to take care
that it is preserved by others; to cause the dogmas, doctrines, institutes,
constitution., statutes, and regulations of the Order to be reverently
regarded, and to preserve and defend tbem on every occasion; and,
Snail?, everywhere to occupy themseivea in works of peace and mercy.
“The body in which the members of this degree assemble is called
a Supreme Council.
“The symbolic color of the degree I. white, denoting purity.
“The distinctive insignia are a aesh. collar, jewel, Teutonic cross,
deeora~ion. and ring.
“The sash is a broad, white-watered ribbon, bordered with gold.
bearing on the front a triangle of gold glittering with rays of gold
winich haa In the ceuter the numerals 33. with a sword of silver. directeat
from shove, on each aide of the triangle, pointing to its center. The
saab. worn from the right shoulder to the left hip, ends in a point, and
Is hinged with gold, having at the junction a circular hand of scarlet
and grean containing the jewel of the Order.‘—M.ackoy’a lacyolopasIb
g lsmmv. hrttele SeyageAga Ganad Inspeeteg GemegaL
ng for the sufferings of humanity, he humbly solicits
Ill. Grand Marshal—OOOOO 000 0 00.) admission into this Supreme Council, where lie hopes
Ill. Grand Capt. of G-uard—Puissant Lieutenant with the assistance of divine wisdom, to accomplish his
Grand Commander, there is an alarm at the door of the duty to God and his brethren.
Council. Most Pttissant Soy. Grand Com.—Admit him.
Puissant Liettit. Grand Com.—Most Puissant Sover- Grand Master Gen. of Cer.—(Opening door.) It is
eign Grand Commander, there is an alarm at the door the order of the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Com-
of the Council. mander that the Illustrious Prinee of the Royal Secret
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Illustrious Grand be admitted into the presence of this Supreme Council
Master General of Ceremonies, ascertain who dares to of Exalted Masonry. (Music plays, and the eandidate
interrupt our labors. is led into the Supreme Council by the Grand Master
Grand Master Gen. of Cer,—(Opening door.) Who General of Ceremonies and the Grand Marshal General
dares to interrupt our labors? who holds the cable tow in his left hand. The candidate
Grand Marshat—(Outside.) Brother. .. a holding taper in right hand with head bowed is under
Sublime Prince of the Royal Seeret, who is sincerely the sign of the Good Shepherd and placed in the ~Vest.
devoted to God, his eountry, and our holy order; griev- Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—My brother your
ing for the sufferings of humanity, he humbly solThita devotion to God, your eountry and our holy order, your
admission into this Supreme Council, where he hopes, grief for the sufferings of humanity, are your titles of
with the assistance of Divine Wir’dom, to accomplish his admittanee to this Council. Illustrious Grand Master
duty to God and his brethren. General of Ceremonies, conduct the brother by five,
Grand Master Gen. of Cer.~(Closing the door.) three, one and two journeys, that he may travel and re-
Puissant Lieutenant Sove reign~Grand Commander, the flect upon his duties to God and his brethren. (The
alarm was made by our Illustrious Grand Marshal, on Grand Master General of Ceremonies conducts him in
behalf of brother , a Sublime Prince of the silenee five times around the Chamber and stops in the
Royal Secret, who is sincerely devoted to God, his West.)
country and our holy order; grieving for the sufferings Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Sublime Prince,
of humanity, he humbly solicits admission into this this your first journey in this degree is to remind iou
Supreme Couneil, where he hopes with the aswistanee of of your first step in the Masonic eareer. Then you were
divine wisdom, to accomplish his duty to God and his weak, helpless and in darkness. Ever remember that,
brethren. when called upon to conduet those whom you have left
Puissant Lieut. Giand Com.—Most Puissant Stsver- behind; that you were onee like them, weak and helpless.
eign Grand Commander, the alarm was made by our Reflect that from God we eame and to him we must re-
Illustrious Grand Marshal on behalf of brother , a turn. All our thoughts, all our actions must have but
Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, who is sincerely one object; the glory of our heavenly Father. He is
devoted to God, his country and our holy order; griev-

the first of all. The great uncreated creator; origin of ~vhich was only a’~ tirded tat tho~..c who had saved tl,~
nature. Be not proud of thy exaltation, for misfortune life of a fellow creature. B~ beeoiii~ng a Mason, yatti
can most easily attack the great. Brother, being assured have al~o become a benefactor of mankind.
that you are devoted to your country, behold its flag. host Piti~.t~ni Sot. Grand (Jont.—(To Grand Master
Are you prepared to take an obligation to proteet and General of, Cercnioiiie~.. ) tIle seeoiid joiirnc~ be
ilefend this embiem of your nation?
Candidate—( Answers.) made. (The Grand Master General of Cerernonie~ coli-
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Then, with your duets him thrice around, while the Most Puissant Sover-
right hand upon this sword and your left holding this tiga Grand Commander repeats:)
flag, repeat after me your Most Puissant Soy. Grand (oii.—Let us worship, iii
.111 hum I ity .1 od enerat mu the divine wisdom, of lii iii
who so bountifully regulates the universe. We iiiii4
ever glorify labor; for by its means only can you obtain
In the name of God our Heavenly Father; in his pres- that true light which you foresaw in the doctrine of him
ence and that of these Illustrious Princes of Exalted u ho gave his life for the glory of his father and the
Masonry, I do solemnly promise and vow to be true and
emancipation of his brethren.
faithful to my country and its flag, and that I will de-
fend both with my purse, my sword and with my life! Behold the banner of our beloved order! Are you
So help me God. Amen. prepared to swear fidelity to this banner and our order?
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Comb—As a token of your Candidate—I am. (Musie plays. The Grand Master
fidelity, salute with a kiss this emblem of knightly of Ceremonies leads him to the North, where a skeleton
honour. (Candidate kisses sword.) with a u reatli of cypress in one hand and the banner of
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Co’m.—Kneel my brother. the order in the other and a skull with wine in are now
You have proved your right to the crown I now place unveiled and the taper is taken from candidate.
upon your brow, True %tis but a wreath of oak leaves, Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Then take in one
but it is to a Mason~more priceless than the diadems of hand this skull, from this emblem of mortality, while
kings. It is the civic crown of the Roman Republie, with the other you support the flag of our beloved order
and repeat after me. (Candidate obeys).
Note 8B6.—’The feller is of white-watered ribbon fringed with gold.
baying the rayed triangle at its point and the aworde at the aidee By
a regulation of the Southern Supreme Council of tbe United States the
collar is worn by the active. and the sash by the hoaorary members of SECOND OBLIGATION.
the Council.
‘~The Jewel is a black double-heeded eagle, with golden beaks and In presence of the Supreme Architect of the World
taiona. holding in the latter a sword of gold, and crowned with the
golden crown of Prusala. and calling on these Illustrious brethren present as
‘The red Teutonic cross is affixed to the left aide of the breast.
‘~The decoration rests Upon a Teutonic cross it is a nine pointed witnesses, I—do solemnly and sincerely swear.
,tar, namely, one formed by three triangles of gold one upon the other.
and lateriaced from the lower part of the left side 10 the ,Ipper part without prcvarieation or mental reservation, that I will
of the right a s~sord extends snd in the opposite direction Ia a hand
of isa it is called) Justice. in th~ center is the shield of T’,e Ordar. be for ever faithful to the hairner of the order, will
azure charged with an eagle like that on the banner, having ott the
dealer side a Balance or. and on the sinister aide a Compass of ihe
follow it wherever it leads and will always defend it;
second, united with a Sq,,are of the second. —Mackay’s Enoyciopandia allowing no (hanger to deter me therefrom.
of Freemmacary. Article So~ereigui Grand Inspector General.

in need, and free them from the yoke of oppression,

I furthermore solemnly swear that I will hold true which is symbolized by the black cabletow around your
allegiance to the Supreme Council of the United States neck.
of America, its territories and dependencies. And that Most Puissaid Soy. Grand Com.—Kneel! Once again
I will never aeknowledge any body or bodies of men as I crown you; now with this wreath of cypress, emblem
belonging to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, of death and or immortality.
claiming to be s~ich, except such as hold allegiance to Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com..—Conduct the broth-
this Supreme Council, or
er upon his third journey. (Candidate is led once
those who recognize this
Council. To all these I
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—The object of all
do most solemnly swear,
the degrees of the Ancient and Aecepted Scottish Rite,
calling upon the Most
is light, wisdom, tolerance, freedom, courage. As a
High God to ratify my
proof that you possess that courage which you may be
oath. And should I called upon to exert against your enemies; and that you
knowingly or willfully hold danger and even death in contempt, we now call
violate the same, may
upon you, as a proof that you will never hesitate to
¶ this wine I now drink, obey the orders of those who have sworn that “Justice”
~, 1~fl become a deadly poison shall rule the world, to plunge your hand into this vase
~ to me, as the hemlock of molten lead and pluck forth this golden ring. (The
juice drank by Socrates.
Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander drops the
(Drinks wine out of
ring into the vase of mercury and the candidate snatches
skull.) And may these
it out.)
‘cold arms forever encir-
V Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—~Tis well! No harm
dc me. Amen. (Skeleton’s arms enfold him.) awaited you. You knew it. But remember, all the
Most Puissant Say. Grand Com.—Your third journey
ceremonies of Masonry are but faithful representations
reminds you, that in the high office you are now about of the realities of life; and that you may be ever ready
to fulfill, you must never fail to fulfill your duty to God, to lay down your life for the triumph of the principles
your brethren and our order. Even now, though you of our Rite. Illustrious Grand Master General of
know it not, you need the aid of your brethren, as others Ceremonies, let the brother make the last journey.
in time will require your assistanee. (Candidate is led twice around the room.)
That toreb which a brother holds before you, you will Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—The object of this
be called upon to bear for the benefit of others who last trial was to teach you that no consideration; no
seek light. danger must stop you, when justice and the rights of
Your head is uncovered—your feet bare, to remind your brethren require your assistance. Your Masonic
you that you must ever be prepared to assist brethren

labors; the liberal ideas you entertain; your devoted- to reveal the secrets and mysteries of the 33rd and last
ness and zeal for the propagation of our doctrines, en- degree of the Aneicat and Aecepted Scottish Rite to
title you to the high dignity with which we are about to any but a brother, legally and lawfully possessed of this
invest you. (Candidate stops in the West.) (lignity; and to obey and cause to be obeyed, the con-
Most Puissan/ Soy. Grand Com.—Sublime Prince, the stitution, statutes and regulations of the order.
Ancient and Aceepted Rite recognizes and adopts none I furthermore soleninlv promise and swear to be true
of the religions of the world. We respect the creeds of and faithful to God, our common parent; to the holy
all men, because God alone is the Supreme Judge of his order of which I have the honor of being a member, and
children. Each of our brethren has full right to main- to my beloved country.
tain his own faith and worship our Heavenly Father, I furthermore ~.oheinnlypromise and swear, faithfully
according to the dictates of his own conscience. What and punctually to fulfill ,ilh the obligations which I have
is your religion? tatken in each of the degrees I have received, and strict-
Candidate—( Answers.) ly to comply with the duties imposed upon me as a
Most Puissant ~Sov. Grand Com.—Sovereign Grand Sovereign (hand Inspector General of the .33rd degree.
Inspector Grand Orator, place upon the altar of Ma- Unceasingly to protect and defend the rights of my
sonry the sacred book of our brother’s religion. (This fellow beings, even at the peril of my life, and to use
is done.) the authority in me vested with charity and equity, and
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—And now, if of for the glory of God and our order.
your own free will you voluntarily assume the last and I furthermore solemnly promise and swear, faithfully
most serious obligation of our order, advanee and kneel to comply with my present obligation, waiving all
at the sacred altar of Masonry, resting your hands upon
the book of your religion. (This is done equivoeation or mental reservation, and the hope of be-
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Corn.—To order Sovereign ing at any time relieved of the same, by any power
Grand Inspectors! Draw Swords! whatsoever, under the penalties which I , of
Lieutenant Grand Com.—(Repeats order All form my own free will and accord impose upon myself; name-
around altar pointing swords at candidate~s breast.) ly that of being disgraced among my fellow beings, to
Most Pu-issant Soy. Grand Corn—Sublime Prince, suffer the most cruel remorse of the soul. And may
repeat after me and the brethren. God heap upon my head the punishment in store for
OBLIGATIOIa sOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTOR GENERAL. perjurers and all such as may violate their sacred obli-
In the pre.ienee of Almighty God and of the Illus- gations toward him. So help mc God. Amen. Amen I
trious members of this Supreme Council 33rd degree for Amen!
the United States of Ameriea, its territories and de- Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Now my brother,
pendencies I , a Sublime Prince of the Royal salute with a kiss the sacred book of your religion. (He
Secret, do hsweby solemnly promise and swear, on the obeys.) Take this sword and remember to use it only
holy book of any religion, never directly, or indirectly against the enemies of our order and your country, and
whenever you may be called upon to defend the rights First Pass lVord—”Dc Mohy.”
of humanity. An.swcr—”Hirani Ahiff.”
Receive this ring”’ (hands it to him) which is a sign Second Pass lVord—”Frcdcrick.”
of the Alliance you have this day made with us. You
are forever bound to God, our order, and your country. Answer—”Of Prussia.”
Let your motto b~ “Deus Mcumque Jus.” “My God and
my Right.” 5ECOND SIGN.
I will now communicate to you the secrets of this the Disengage swords, retain point in left
last hand, fall on both knees, kiss blade three
times and give the
Sacred Words—”Micha, Macka, Bea-
Jim, Adonai.”
“Who is like unto Thee, oh God.”
Place the left hand over the heart.
Second Sign.
Cross the arms on the breast, the head
Sign of Order. bowed down.
Ballcry. 00000 000 0 00.
This is the decoration of the Sovereign
Kneel on left Grand Inspector General, the insignia of the
knee, cross the arms high office conferred on you by your breth-
over the breast, then ren.
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Corn.—Puissant
draw the sword, Sovereign Lieutenant Commander, pro-
hold the point in ,f Entr&flC&
the left hand and claim our beloved brother to be a Sovereign Grand In-
cross it with that of Firat Sign S C I G spector General, 33rd and last degree and honorary
the oppo~ite Inspec- member of this Supreme Council.
br and gi~e the Puissant Licut. Grand Co,n.—I proclaim our beloved
Note 397.—”The ring is of pirin gold one•eighth of an inch wide. and brother and Sublime I’rince to be a Sovereign
having on the lirairle a delta aurr.~undlng the figures 33 and inscribed
vith lb. l~ea!era urine. the irtirra S ‘~ I 0 arid the motto of the Grand Inspector General 33rd and last degree and an
Order. Dens mr.rmriue Jr,a it i~ worir on the fourth finger of the left
hand ‘—Mackey. EnCyclopaedIa of rreemaaonr,. Artacie Sovereign Grand honorary member of this Supreme Council of the ITnited
Inspector General.
States of America, its territories and dependencies.

Most Puissant Soc. Grand Com.—Illustrious Grand We have not to avenge the murder of Jacques de
Master General of Ceremonies, conduct to the seat of Molay and the Templars, but we must never allow, if
honor the Sovereign Grand Inspector General. (Candi- in our power to prevent it any living man to possess
date is seated on the right of the Most Puissant Sover- sufficient power to accomplish another such a crime.
eign Grand Commander.) No man has a right to usurp a power which belongs
Most Puis.sant Soy. Grand Com.—Peers and Illus- to God alone. No man is above his brother, except by
trious brethren, let us award the honors of this exalted intellect, charity, good deeds and education.
dignity to our latest created Grand Inspector General. To no man has God given authority to replace and
(All salute candidate by 00000 000 0 00.) represent him on earth, and all those who pretend to be
Moat Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Be seated and his ministers and representatives must not be believed.
Our ignorance and selfishness alone give these usurp-
listen to the lecture of the last degree.
ers the pow&, which they wield for the gratification of
LECTURE. their impious schemes.
ILlustrious Grand Minister of State—Illustrious Our order is instituted to stop such encroachment and
brethren, by this time you will have learned that our ob- to prevent the renewal of the tragedy which ended in
ject is not to rebuild the material temple of Solomon, but the murder of those Knight Templars, whose virtues
a moral temple, wherein truth and love shall dwell, and and moral power caused such terror to the political and
wherein must live as one brotherhood all those, who, religious usurpers of that age, which is ever presented
having but one common parent, will abide by the laws to our minds by the battery of this degree: five, three,
of eternal equity and justice. We have not to avenge one and two; significant to Sovereign Grand Inspectors
the murder of Hiram Abiff, for he represents that eternal of the year of the murder of those victims of intolerance
wisdom, which ignorance and lust of power and false- kingeraft and prlescraft, 5312.
hood had concealed from u~, but we must go on, in search We abhor the doctrine which teaches the murder of
of those laws by which the moral world is regulated. kings and priests, but as long as the weakness of man-
We have not persecuted the unfortunate nation of
Judah, for having sentenced to death our beloved kind renders their usurpation unavoIdable, we must pre-
vent their exercising their power to oppress uiankind
Sovereign, Jesus of Nazareth, the Apostle of the duties and endeavor by degrees to enlighten our brother melt
and rights of man, but we must crush forever supersti- and prepare their minds for the enjoyment of those
tion, fanaticism and intolerance. They, and not the rights and privileges which our Heavenly Father has
children of Israel were guilty. Let us show them no guaranteed to his heloved children.
mercy, and thereby secure the blessings of liberty of We have not to reconquer, by nturdcr arid bloodshed.
conscience. Each child of God must worship his father, that land, which the life and death of our Puissant
according to his own conscience and enjoy those Sovereign, Jesus of Nazareth made holy, hut we have to
prerogatives of the heart and mind of which God alone reconquer our rights, and to suhatitute truth for error;
is the Supreme Judge.

liberty and justice for despotism and iniquity. Then,

and then only, shall we have reconquered the “Holy
Land,” the only true Holy Land that is the patrimony
of love, intelligence and charity, which our father has
given us.
Most Puissa4t Soy. Grand Com~.—The Illustrious
brethren can now offer any observations they wish for
the benefit of this Supreme Council and our beloved
order. (The business is now transacted.)
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Illustrious Grand
Master of Ceremonies present to the Sovereign Grand
Inspectors General Ihe box of fraternal assistance.
Most Puissant Soy. Grand 6’o,n.—Puissant Sovereign
Lieutenant Grand Commander, your duty?
Lieutenant Grand Com..—To combat for God, for my
country and for the sacred principles of our holy order!
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Corn.—What is the hour?
Lieutenant Grand Com..—The morning sun lights our
Most Pttissant Soy. Grand Com.—Since the morning
sun has risen and shines over our Council, let usarise
also Illustrious Brethren, and diffuse the light of knowl-
edge over those minds darkened by ignorance. (Strikt~
000. All rise under the sign of order,)
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Corn.—Puissant Sovereign
Lieutenant Grand Commander, inform the Illustrious
brethren that I am about to close this Supreme Council
by the mystic numbers.
Lieutenant Grand Com.—Peers and Illustrious breth-
ren, take notice that the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand
Commander is about to close this Supreme Council by
the mystic i~umbers.
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—(Strikes with sword
00000 000 0 00.)
Lietstenant Grand Com.—(Rcpcats the same.)
Moat Puissant Soy. Grand Com.—Let us pray.

Oh thou whose power oer moving worlds presides.

whose voice (rented nnd whose uisdom guideal
On darkling man, in pure effulgence shine.
And cheer the clouded mind with light divine.
‘Tis thine alone to cslm the pii~is breast
With silent cooddence sud holy rest
Father, from thee we spring to thee we tend
Path. Motive, Guide. Original and End.
Response—Amen. Amen. Amen.
Most Puissant Soy. Grand Co,n.—Illustrious brothers
retire again to the busy haunts of life, do your duty and ThIRTY-THIRD DEGREE, OR SOVEREIGN GRAND INSPEC-
prove to the world that we are worthy of our missions. TOR GENERAL.
This Supreme Council is closed. God be with us ~ Apex to Falsehood. Fraud and Ambition—Denies the inspiratIon of the
Ilibie—Fought i.ike It oh es tivrr a Caredas—Southern Loilgis Worked
and forever. up the htebeiliun—Cunciusion.

The origin of this degree is hidden: concealed,

doubtless, lost its motive should appear u itl its birth,
and its antiquity prove a burlesque. The thirty-first
degree gave us a ~‘SovereignTribunal;” and this second
degree be3 oiid, gives us another, a “Supreme Vonncd,”
whose jurIsdiction is to be fiumal and Universal in the
world of Masonry. it is based (Note 395.) on Con-
stitutions of 1786, which a Masonic French historian,
Kioss, who knew, pronounces “the Grand Lie of the
order!” (Folger’s Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
page 60, Doc.) But whether invented to furnish an-
other degree, to sell; or to keep the supreme control in
Charleston, S. C., it is all one. It is a brief apex to
falsehood, fraud, and imposition. In previou.. degrees
the Savior Is given no more exalted title than “the
Master from Nazareth.” But in this degree, He is
once called “our bclovcd Sovereign,” (page 476.) and
once “our Puissant Sovereign. Jesus of Nazareth;”
(page 477.) which phrases used in an ordinary lodge,
would make the speaker liable to be rapped down. No
Jew would use such words of Christ, unless moved by
what caused that Jew to hail Him as his Master, and
kiss Him in the warden, yiz., money.
Those who glance through the ritual of the present

ruling rite, falsely called “Scottish,” will see that thia This is not enough. He exeuses the Jews for murder.
thirty-third degree has been preceded by a degree, Ing our Savior, Christ; who is nothing but a Freneh
called, and intended to be, the last, or “ultimate” of “Apostle of the rights of man ;“ (page 477) and, on the
Masonry; from the Master Mason’s or Ihird degree, up. next page, he declares: “To no man has God given the
This 33rd degree may continue to be “ultiinate~” till right to represent Him on earth ;“ not even the man
its framer, Albert Pike, dies; who is now, in 1888, Christ Jesus. And, on the same page: “We have not
seventy-nine years old. And it niay, indeed, prove to to reconquer, by murder and bloodshed, that land made
be “the last.” For the deluge of dark orders from tile holy by our Puissant Sovereign, Jesus of Nazareth.”
niouth of the dragon, is a sign that the return of Chri~l Here he not only insults Christ by making Him a Ma-
is near. (Rev. 12, 12.) But if the accursed s~stelti sonie “Puissant Sovereign,” but he justly brands the
etintinucs to vex the earth, and destroy souls, this rite eonquest of Palestine, by the Crusaders, as “murder and
of :l3rd degrees will fade out, and give way to other in
ventions These degrees have been altered and added bloodshed;” while this whole fabrie of the 33rd rite is
to, by Pike, who has translated the Zendavesta (page professedly based on those very Crusades, and derives
439) as seen in the 32nd degree, of ~hieh this 33rd is a from them its honors, titles, and eclat! Surely, “whom
mere elongation, and filling out. No other Mason has the gods will destroy, they first make mad.”
ever translated the Zend, but Pike. But the force of this 33rd degree by no means lies in
In these last degrees of the rite, the drag-net. of the stupid quackery of its learning. In it
antiquity is drawn over all the old, lost nations; and “More is meant, than meets the eye.”
alt liemy, suii-worship, the worship of beasts and birds. Note 392 explains the object of this otherwise weak
trees, etc., arc given on pages 435-42, as the souree~ of
the invstero s of Masonry. And the mysterics and svm- degree. It was made to reduce the governors of the
hols of the Bible, are drawn from these, instead of The Masonic world to ‘~nine” men, meeting in the little
holy Ghost, by ~vhom inspifed men “spaicc as they slave-holding city of Charleston, S. C., with Albert
were moved.” (2 Pet. 1, ‘21.) And having thus denied Pike for their “Sovereign Commander.” This was the
the source of the Bible as coming from God, Pike pro- world’s first Supreme Council, opened by Mitchell and
deeds to put the worship of ‘the black ox,” “ph~nix,” Daleho, in 1801. But this 33rd degree, with Pike at its
etc, etc., which has sunk Egypt from the list of nations;
head, did not then exist; and it was weak and wavering.
on a level with the worship of our Savior, Christ; in Twelve years later, i. e., in 1813, a “Supreme Council,”
Europe and America! There arc his words: p. 443 “The
great ends of N’Iasonry” arc, “to reconcile all rites, and Northern Jurisdiction, was located in New York, and
make charitable judgrtient and toleration univcr~al ;“ wolves never fought over a carcass more savagely, than
these secret swindlers of the people quarreled over the
* * * and in Ihe place of the smoking altar of fan-
spoils of lodgery. If the reader consults Folger’s
aticism and superstition, of bigotry and sectarianism, to
set up those of true Masonry.” Etc., etc. ! This is ex- Histor) of the Scottish Rite, from page 15 onward, he
phicit: to thestroy Christianity, and make Masonry the ~uhisee, and say, that the wolves, not the Masons, suf-
religion of the Globe! fer by the comparison. While this fight between rival


bodies in New York and Boston was raging, the slave. did his wife, by seating a harlot by her side; that its
holders sprung this 33rd degree upon them. Its motto: [uglier degrees were invented by Jesuits and Jews;
“Deus ci Meumque Jus,” was Albert Pike’s, on hia its oaths arc sinking our Court-houses into popular
sign at Washington, D. C., on hia Southern Jurisdiction coilteinhit and that by holdl V avowin g respect for, and
building, near the Avenue; and as Note £93 atiys: “It citing with equal reverence, the gods of idolatry, and
claims jurisdiction over all the ineffable and sublime the (lod of the Bible, it denies all that Christ and His
degrees.” And though made within the memory of apo’tles taught coneerning heathenisiii : and pours a
men now living, we read, in the same Note by Macoy: ~.h’~nlystream of vilhifleation on Christianity, and on
“It is not certainly known, when or there this degree Chiri~.t, its author as “bigoted,” and “sectarian,” be-
originated ;“ that is to say, ita origin is concealed. cause they teach that men must “be born again,” or
This is the most infamous Masonic act, next to burning they cannot see the kingilom of heaven; that, while it
their records of fifty-nine years before the war, to hide lauds liberty, it establishes absolute subjugation of man
treason. But slavery then ruled the country, and this to man; treading on crowns and tiaras, of kings and
33rd Charleston degree ruled the lodge. And the South- priests, it seats its rulers on “thrones,” elothes them
ern lodge-rooms worked up the most unjustifiable and with “royal purple,” and puts candidates on their knees
infamous war on record. The Southern people were before them; and makes swarms of priests, who arc
dragooned into it, by leaders secretly sworn to obey ootinterfeit, contemners, and rivals of Christ. And
Masonic leaders, or have their throats cut. by teaching salvation hy its priests; and superseding,
But that red sea of blood is crossed. And if the and setting aside the l,uws of God, and the laws of the
Amcriean ministry and churches can be rescued from land, in favor of its own, it shields all vice : destroys all
the lodge-worships of Satan, the god of war; we shall virtue; and by honoring the gods of heathienisni, and
take a long stride towards the~ Milleninm of “Peace on estnhli’liiug their secret worsliip~. they are putting in
earth, and good wiII~ to men.” operation enu~es in the Pu ted ~tatee. and in Europe,
which have ruined the 01(1 uatioiis of .\sia,
CONCLUSION. —and their do. :.v
Has dried up rc.,in.s to deserts.
AMERICANS! We have spoken in faithfulness. Let But we know that ,lesuis Christ will ~ct reign on this
us part in peace. No candid person can look, though earth ; and that to 11 im c~ er~’ knee sli~ll bow, and every
slightly, over these pages, and not see: tongue confess to the glory of God, the Father. AMEN.
1. That the notes, all taken from the highest Ma-
sonic authorities, prove the truth of the ritual.
2. That “the Ancient, Accepted Scottish Rite” ~sa
tissue of fearful falsehood; that it is French, not Scotch:
modern, not ancient; that it insults Christ. as Byron


The candidate having satisfactorily answered the

quettions given on pages 96-0 and paid th. initiation
fee, ii prepared for initiation 88 follows.
The Deacons or Stewards strip him to his shirt and
drawers, and his drawers must be ex-
changed for a pair furnished by the lodge
which f88ten with strings. The left
leg of these is rolled up above the knee.
If his shirt does not open in front it is
turned around, and if there are metal caaaida&. taking i~Z&Iaftd Appg.nzlcg OhligaUnn. ~a pge 10?.

buttons or studs on it they are removed.

The t~ft sleeve of his shirt is rolled up
above the elbow, and the left aide of hiin
shirt is tucked in; so that the left leg, left
foot, left arm sad left breast are bare. A “F~very Mason is under an obligation to obey the
slipperisput on hiB right foot, ahoodwink laws of the lodge and the Grand Lodge. * * *
Candidate du!i~ ~I over his cyes, and a small rope calle~1 a It is the obligation which make.9 the NIason, and the
t.ri~d~fpprenUc. cable tow is put once arowid hiu ngok. difference between one Mason and another, consists
ii ,~t three Masonic degrets termed Blue Lodge or An- simply in the fact that one keep8 hi8 ubligation8 better
cleuit ti;1t Mns.rnry. are common to all the various Masonic Rites.
and are fully arid accurate l~ given in FREEMASU~43T ILLUBTRATE. than another.
which Is also puhllahed bs .zra A. Conk, at 40cr.. for paper covered “An obligation is an essential part of a de~gree.”—
and Thrta. for cloth hound volume of three degrees (876 page.)
onI~ the emblems and secrets of the first three degrees are gtve~n JiOrrls’8 Dwt.onar~j, Art. Obligation.
48S ~iro’~ or f\T~1 T12~MF~T, FTfl~~T DEflRrF~.


Made from due-guard by dropping left
hand to side, and at Same time raise right
arm, with hand still open, and draw hand
quickly across the throat, the thumb be-
ing next to the throat, then hand drops to
side. ISee cut. I


Draw open right hand across tho throat, thumb next
to throat.
Grasp bands as in ordi-
nary hand shaking, a n d

press ball of thumb hard

Rntered Apprentice Grip. against the knuckle -joint
of each other’s fore-finger.
bock of BnhlghtsnmeDt o: Rit nt IllumIrailon, 3ntoreC Apprentice DegW
~oaz, which i~ the name of the grip. For mode of
giving this “word” see page 113.
Hold out left hand, with palm up, a lit.-
lie in front of the body, height of hips; Are the Twenty-four Inch Gauge and Common Gavel.
next place right hand horizontally over TWENTY-FOUR INCH GAUGE
the left, two or three inche5 above it.
[See cut.]
Is an instrument used by operativemasons to measure
and lay out their work; but~ we, as Free and Acc~pt.d
Due.Onud Entczed
Maaons, are taugbt to make use of it for the more noM
and glorious purpose of dividing our time. It being divi- “Twu Square inculcates morality; the Lerel equal-
ded into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematical of the ity; and the Plum6, rectitude of conduct.
twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to “They are called immovable jewels, beca’~se they are
divide into three equal parts; whereby are found eight always to be found in the East, West and South parts
hours for the service of God and a distressed worthy
of the Lodge, being worn by the officers in those respev-
brother, eight fc$r our usual vocations, and eight for tive stations.”—Mackey’s Ritualist, page 57.
refreshment and sleep.”—Mackey’s 1?dualist, page 38.
“THE COMMON GAVEL Are the Rough Ashlar, the Perfect Ashlar and thb
Is an instrument made use of by operative ma-
sons to break off the corners of rough stones, the better Rough Aahlai k’erfect Ashlar. Trestle-Board.
to fit them for the builder’s use; but we,as Free and Ac- “The rough ashlar is a stone as taken from the quarry
ceI)ted Masons, are taught to make use of’ it for the in its rude and natural State.
more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts “The perfect ashlar is a stone made ready by the hands
and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life; of the workmen, to be adjusted by the working tools of
thereby fitting our minds as living stones for that the fellow craft.
sI)iritual building, that house not made with hands, “The trestle-board is for the master workman to draw
eternal in the heavens.”—Mackey’8 Ritualist, page 38. his designs upon.
“By the rough ashlar we are reminded of our rude
and imperfect state by nature; by the perfect ashlar,
“A Lodge has ~ixJewels;~ three of these are iinmova- that state of perfection at winch we hope to arrive by
ble and three movable. a virtuous education, our own endeavors, and the bless-
“The immovable jewels are the Square, Level and ing of God ;and by the trestle-board we are also remind-
ed that, as the operative workman erets his teniporai

building agreeably to the rules and designs laid down
by the master ou his trestle-board, so should we, both
Plumb. operative and speculative, endeavor to erect our Spirit-
ual building agreeably to the rules and designs laid
down by the Supreme Architect of the Universe, in
the great books of nature and revelation, which are o’ir
spiritual, moral, and Masonic trestle-board.”—Mack.if.
bjuare. La~eL Ritualist, page 58.
492 THE POINT WITHIN A CIRCLE. “Increased pr1v~egem
“Lodges were anciently dedicated to King Solomon, and honors thus encfr.
(who was said to beour first Most ExcellentGrand Masteij cling the professioh ofFel•
but Masons professing Christianity dedicate theirs to St. low Craft, weightier and
John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, who more numerous responsi-
were two eminent patrons of Masonry; and since their
bilities are superadded.
I time, there is represented, in every
Powerful obligations,
regular and well-governed lodge a impellinghimtobesecret
certain point within a circle, the obedient, honest and
point representing an individual charitable, guide and re-
brother, the circle the boundary strainhim. S
line of his conduct to God and “He is subject to the
man, beyond which he is never to discipline of his mother-
suffer his passions, prejudices, or in- lodge, and to all the
POtWW~IDS terest to betray him, on any occa- Candidatetaking Peliow Craft
penalties of Maitonry.”
sion. This circle is embordered by Obligation. Morris’s DictionarN, Art.
two perpendicular parallel lines, representing those Fellow Craft.
saints,who were perfect parallels in Christianity, as well
as in Maonry; and upon the vertex rests the Holy Scrip- DUU.OTTARD OR A FELLOW E~RAW?.
tures, which point out the whole dutyof man. In going Hold out right hand, palm down,
around this circle we necessarily touch upon these two height of hips, and raise left hand to
lines, as well as upon the Holy Scriptures; and while a point perpendicularly upward, fore-
Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed, it is impossi- arm forming a fight anglo vith arm.
ble that be should errY—Sickels’8 Monitor, page 50. [See cut.]
Candidate is prepared much the same
as in the first degree. The right leg, right
- ann, right breast, and right foot being Made from due-guard by dropping left
oare, a slipper on left foot and the cable hand carelessly to side while raising righ;
~~owtwice around his naked right arm hand to left breast, fingers a little
near shoulder. crooked; then draw hand quickly across
A small white apron with bib turned the breast; then drophand to side. [See
up and he is ‘~duly and truly prepan41’ to
be made a Fellow Craft. sign of a
~~mtlm F.I.Iuw CaaADmpu.. Craft.
Grasp right hands as n ordi-
nary hand shaking and press
Faaa Gulp of Fellow Craft ball of thumb hard between MASON’S DEGREF
knuckles of first £nd second fingers. The candidate is stripped. ‘, .~i previous
PASS OF A FELLOW cRAFT—Shibl~oleth; the name of the degrees, but in this “Subi’ Degree,”

grip. b3th breasts, both arms both feet and

GRIP OP A FELLOW CRAFT. legs are bare. He is hood-winked md
the cable-tow is put three times around
Grasp right hands in the
his body.
usual way and press thumb
on knuckle joint of second

L1 Square

Are the Plumb, the Squar~, and the Level.

“The Plumb is an instrument made use of by operative
masons to raise perpendiculars; the Square, to square

Candidate taking Maator Maaon’a Obligation. S.. page

their work; and the Level, to lay horizontals;but we, as

Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of DUE-GUARD OF A MASTER MASON.
them for more noble and glorious purposes; the plumb
admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations Extend both hands, in front of ‘to body.
before God and men, squaring our actions by the square height of hips, palms down, thumbs i earl7
of ;irtue, and remembering that we are traveling upon touching each oilier. [See cut.]
the level of time to that undiscovered country from
who.. ‘hourne no traveler ‘-eturna.”-Mackey’s Bit.p. 78.
hSO~ Ua~
~S Muon.
496 MAITEB X*30E’B , ~ AJD REAL GRIP. TIlE Wouxlxu loftS or .4 MA~TI:u MASON. 49~
~ Are all the implements of ma-.
sonry indiscriminately but more
SIGN 01 A MAE?ER MASON. ~ especially the Trowel.
“The Toowel is an in’drurnent made use of by Opera~
Made from due-guard, by dropping left tive Masons to spread the cement which unites a build
aand and drawing right hand across the ing into one common noass;but we, as Free and Accep-
~owe1sto the rig1ht, thumb toward the body, ted Mas3ns, are taught to make use or it for the more
,ight of hips. [See cut. ] noble and glorious purpose of spreading the cement of
brotherly love and affection; that cement which unites
51gm of aMaatez
Mason. us into one sacred band, or society of friends and broth-
ers, amolig whom no contention, should ever exist,
but that uol)Ie contention or rather emulation; of who
MASON. can best work and best agree.”—ifackcg’s Rd. y. 111.
Grasp hands naturnily and T~r TRAGEDY OF THE THIRD DEGREE.
rmGripof a Master Mason. press thumb between PLAYING MCflI’o R AND RESURRECTION IN TEN SCENES.
buckles of second and third fingers.

~iandsjoined as shown in cut, thumb and flngeu

r issing hard on hand and wrist of each other.
PASS OP A MASTER ~!ASON Tubal Cain; name of grip.

Are peculiarly consecrated to this de-
gree, because within their extreme
points, when properly extended, are
emblematically said to be inclosed the
principal tenets of our profession, and
hence t~’e moral application of the Compasses, in the
third dearee, is to those precious jewels of a Master SCENE l.—PLAYING Mtrjwzn Assault by “J’uCcicz” on tho Csndldgg,
YLason, Triendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love.”— aflaa Grand Iliasler Hiram AblE.”
Mackey’. Ritualist, page 110.
n the dark, when in distress, the words are “0 Lord,
my God is there no help for the widows sonP”
In the ceremony of “raising” after the second at-
tempt and failure to raise the body, first by the
Entered Apprentice’s Grip and then by the Fellow
Craft’s wben this sign is given the words are, “0 Lord
my God! 0 Lord my Clod! 0 Lord my Godi I fear the
Master’s word is forever lost.”

MUKDZL-”JuaaWM” kIll. Mm wlIb lbs Setllr Maul end Oinmbl~ hm


SOZiu VTIT: PLAYING DIsranas.-Pgocesaion 5tllglllg Dirge for “our Graiid

Muter Hiram Abiff.’~

Firsi Po.iiiou. 8.ooud Po.itIou. Third Po,Itlon.

ScaNa VII: PLATINGDzsmmsa.—Mouznlngfor “oar Grand Master Hiram
Raise hands and arms as shown in first cut, and if in
the ceremony of “raising” or in the dark, the words in
brackets may be used, otherwise not. [0 Lord.] Bring
arms from first to second position, [My God,] bring
arms to third position (is thereno helpfor the widow’. Uauau IX: PLATING RusimauoTxwt—Praytng at Mock R.sunecaaa
hmi]brizig armato aid.. g Can,I~dato alias “our Grand Master Hiram AblE.”
is an emblem’” of a pure heart, which is
always an acceptable sacrifice to the Deity;
FIVE POINTS OP FELLOwSHIP. and as this glows with fervent heat, so
Foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to should our hearts continually glow with
breast,hand to back and cheek to cheek, gratitude to the great and beneficent An
or mouth to ear, when they Whispcr~ thor of our existence, for the manifold -~

Malt-huh-bone, which is the Master’s blessings and comforts we enjoy.

Is an emblem of industry, and
Sczmu X: Pz.arwo EaaoaaboTIou—Candlda±eRained on the FivePointy recommends the practice of that
•f Fellowship virtue to all created beings, from
EMBLEMS the highest seraph in heaven to
Usually delineated uj,- the lowest reptile of the dust [etc.
on the Master’s carpet,
are emblematical of
the three principal
stages of human life, ~ Reminds us that we should be ever
viz: youth, manhood, watchful and guardedinour
and age,. In youth as thoughts, words and actions, partic-
ularly when before the enemies of
Entered Apprentices,
Masonry; ever bearing in remeni-
we ought industrious..
br.tnce those truly Masonic virtues, silence and circuin—
lv to occupy ourminda
useful knowledge; in
Demonstrates that i u s tic e ~vihl
manhood, as Fellow Crafta, we should apply our knowl- sooner or later overtake us; and al-
edge to the discharge of our respective duties to God, though our thoughts, words and
our neighbor, and ourselves; that so in age, as Master actions may be hidden from
Masons, we may enjoy the happy reflection consequent the eyes of man, yet that
on a well—spent life, and die in the hope of a glorious
immortality. NoY3884—”Everyiblog in tl,eeaeEerv of the society IswrItten down, or
e~gutYed upon durable objects by symbols. Each of three baa a publIc
Nm 3113.—”Under the term Emblems, writers include those coiweitflg and~rjyate meaning, thelatter communicatedonly by suitable restuictioni
both tbe e~otery andeiotary of ).lanonlo knowledge.”—.Wewia’aDtc*leaerp~ opn~yerj~~.Theae symbols form a large part of the unlveraa.l Ian.
irE. ~b&.& .DEcEIon’wv. 4i~E. SymboL.
Whom thc Sun
Moon and Stars “The second class
obey, and under
whose wa~cliful of emblems are not~
care even comets monitorial, and
perform their therefore their truQ
stupendous revo-
lutions, pervades — interpretation can
the inmost re- q,nly be obtained within the tyled recesses of the lodge.
cesses of the hu- 1’hey consist of the Setting Maul, the Spade, the
man heart, and Eoflln, and the Sprig of Acacia. They afford subjects
will reward us according to our merits. of serious and solemn reflection to the rational and
“THE ANCHOR AND ARK contemplative mind.”—Mackey’8 Ritualis±,
)~uge 131.
~ Are emblems of a well-grounded
hope, and a well-spent life. They PREPARATION OF CANDIDATE.
are emblematical of that divine p The candid;ite is prcparcd a~ a Mas-
ark, etc. ter Mason with an ;lpion tied ovcr his
“THE FORTY-SEVENTH PROBLEM OF EUCLID. eyes, and a square on his torthicad,
This was an invention of our ancient Mastcr of Cere,nonic~ tin n h 1(15 Imu
friend and brother, the great Pythagoras. to the door of the lodge and knock
who, in his travels through Asia, Africa sevCn timcs; 000-000-0.
and Europe, was initiated into the several TOKEN OF A SECRi:’r
orders of priesthood, etc. MASTER.
“TRE ?iouIi~ GLA5S
Thrst give the Mas-
I~s an emblem of human life. Be- tcr’s Grip, and then
hold! how swiftly the sands run,
slip the hand to
and how rapidly our lives are draw-
cach other’s elbow,
ing to a close! etc. and balance sc’~en
“THE SCYTHE Preparation of times; at the same
Is an emblem of time, which cuts the Vandldate. time bring the foot
brittle thread of life, and launches
us into eternity. Behold what and knee in contact
havoc the scythe of time makes Pass lVord—Zi-
among the human race If by chance Za. (resplendent.)
we should escape,” [etc. See p. 311.] Sacred Word— Teken
—Beckels’8 Monitors page. .LL&’1A A donai.


Sign—Is that of silence, which is

made by placing the first two fingers
of the right hand on the lips, which i~
an~wered by the first two fingers of th. SIGN OF ADMIRATION.
FIFTH OR PERFECT MASTER’S DEOI1E1~ Raise the hunb and e~es to
heaven, then let the arnis fall
PREPARATION OF CANDIDATE. across the abdomen and look
Zerbal proceeds to the
Ante-chamber, and having downwards.
prepared the candidate as a
Secret Master, leads him by
Signor Saet~ce. the green cord, which he
puts around his neck, to the door of the
jodge, and there knocks four.
~IgiI of Admiration.


Place one the left hand ott the
others right shoulder, seize eaO
Caudidate. other’s right hand, thc thumb
Advance each the toes of V separate.
right foot until they niec
bring the right knees togethe
place one hand on the othez
heart, then bring the lidnd I
wards the right side and font
a square.



Interlace the
forefingers of Raise the right hand, then draw it
the right hands, from the left shouldel to the light hip,
thumbs upright, thus indicating the fall of a scarf.
l)re~sing against Cross the arms horizontall~’, laise
eecond Token.
each other, form- them to the height of the breast and
ing a triangle. then let them fall towards the hilt of
the sword, while laising the eyes to

Sign Intlniat.Secret.q.

Clinch each other as in Mas-
Join light hands; the fllst
ter’s grip, carry left hand be-
tween each other’s shoulders, afid one turns the other’s hand and
press four times hard with the says, Berith, the othel revers-
fingers i~n the back, and give the ing the hand again says, Neder,
M~steI’s Word [mah-hah-bonel. then the first one lesuming the
first position, says, Sheleinoth.
These three words might be
interpreted: Promise of a
COOl p/eU alliance.
BATTERY :—FOuI equi-timed strokes; 0000 Token Intimate 5ecre.....~.
MARCh :—Make a square by walking four steps and PASS WORI):—JOabert (the iianie of the candidate).
bring Ihe fect together at each step. A n~wer—Zerbal (the fl;i iiie of the (~al)t~iin of the
PASS WORD :—J t12( ja. Gunrd~).
SACRED WORD :—~Jc1&oval&. SACRED woIiD:—J. .E. .H. .O. .V. .A. .H..
p 510



Gill P.


Place the thumbs on the temples, the

Lock the two little fin-

gers of the right ~iands hands open so as to forni a ~quarc. ~iep
backwards two paces, step forward 1w
Gripot Pto~oet and Judge. with the forefinger’, one paces, then place the hands over the eye~
of the other, and give and say, Ben Korirn
Seveli light blows with the thumb of the right band
on the pahii of the same. SIGN OF ADMIRATION,
Interlace the lingers of
SIGN, PROVOST AND JUDGE. both hands, turn the
palms upwards, let the
Place the two first fingers of the right hands fall on the waist,
hand on the nose. 4 look upwards and say,
Sign of tpttu. A Icar.
intendant of Building.


Place the first finger of

the right hand on the top of
the nose, sand the thumb of
the .~ame under the chin, Sign d Admiration.
forming a square.
Sign. rrgvo.; anG Judge.

PASS WORD :—Tito, Civc, Ky. Place the right hand on the heart,
SACRED WORD :—Jackinai, which is the the left on the hip, balance thrice with
the knees; one says Jai.. the other says
plural of the word Je~hin.
GRA ND WOflD5 :—kreh-Jah, Jv’licvali,
Hiram, Stolkin, Geornetrass and Architect. ~



Strike one with the right



Clinch the fingers of

hand over the other’s heart; your right hand, an]
pass the right band under the at the same time ele-

left arm, then seize the right vate your thumb. The
shoulder with the left hand; second ~~eizes your
one says ,Jacliinai, the other, thumb with the r~ghi~
JudaA. hand, at the same tune
NINTh DEGREE, OR MASTER elevating his Ihunib;
ELECT oi’ NINE. signifying the nine
elected, eio’ht close together and one by ih.elf.
v.~s “o;w :—Jleqoal-Kohl.
First one raises the poniard SACRED Woiw :—XeAa,n; answ er, Nekah.
and makes the motion of strik-
ing the other on the forehead
Place tlit poi ut of the hiiiii aid nmoler Ilie clii ii, and
token, latondiatof BnIIdIng. the other places his hand on his draw ii do~~ 110 a i-h to tIme ~;mi~t, as if in the act of rip-
forehead as if to examine the
supposed wound. ping op inen the abdomen.
Second raises the arm, strikes at the other’s breast as
if w,lh a poniard, and says, Nekam.

Give the sign of an
Pla~ your right Entered Apprentice, with
hand on ~‘ourheart
the fingers clinched and
and say Nekah.
the thumb extended.


Second—Take o n b
the right hand of the
other, and with the
Interlace each other’s fine p thumb strike thrice ou
gers of the right halid. Sscoiid Token. the first jcint of the
PASS WORD~ —Ehgna:a middle finger.
or Eliam. PASS WORD :—Stollcin; (running of Water.)
SACRED WORD: — Zerbal; MACRED WORD :—Adonai.
answer, Benjak.


LIME KNiGIITS EI~ECTED. Slide the right hand into palm of the
left as if holding a pencil in one hand,
SIGN, SUBLIME KNIGI-l AX and in the other a tracing board; niake
ELECTED. the motion of tracing a plan on the
‘rokeu. palm of the left hand, every now and
tros~ the arms on the breast, the fn~er~ hinclieti. then directing the eyes toward the
and the thumbs elevated. Grand Master as if drawing by dicta.

isNiOliTS I:i.EcTiU)
First Present to

~auh other the thumb Sigu Or-i’d Muater.

A r~’)’.iirct.
of the right hand, the
fingers clinched. One
seizes the thumb ol Join right hand to the other’s
the other and reverse left, interlacing the fingers;
thrice his wrist. One place the left hand on the hip,
says Berith, the other the brother will do the same
one says Neder; the with his right hand.
first then says Shele- PASS WORD :—Rab-banaim
Sign, Sublime
Knight Nioceed. moth. 6AOEED WORD :—Ado,aai.

Admiration; raise the hands to

heaven, the head leaning on the left
shoulder; fall on the right kra~e.
Place the right hand on the left side of
the abdomen and draw it quickly and
horizontally across the body to the right

l?irat Sign. acyal Arch.

of Obligation
-- 9. and 5. Mama.

Adoration; fall on both knees. Second sign. Royal Arch.


Join the right hands, re-

ROYAL ARCH TOKENS. verse them thrice. The first
Place your hands beneath the other’s br’nher says~ “Berith” the
arms, as if to help him to rise, saying second says, “Neder,” the
at the same time, Be of Good Cheer. first then says,”Shelemo~h.”
The other returns the token, saying

Token. woans.
First Pa.. WGrd—Shibboleth.
First Covered Word—Jabulum.

Second Covered Word—Makobim, Interpreted,”That’s
SIGN OF FIRE. ~eI Heisdead.”
Second Pass Word—EI-F{hanan.
~Raise the right hand open to the left
cheek the palms outward, at the lame time
grasping the elbow with the left hand. SIGN OF ADMIRATION.

Raise both hands opened to heaven,

the head inclined, the eyes directed up-
~vards, afterward place the first two
fingers of the right hand on the lips.

Give the Master’s Grip,

one says, can you go fur- XIgi, of Admlraiion.

Seize each other’s right hand, grasp each

other’s right shoulder with the left hand
and then pass left hands behind each
other’s back as if to bring one another
Second Token.

The other slips his hand along the

other’s forearm up to the elbow. woiw.
Each then places his left hand on
the other’s right shoulder and bal- Third Covered Word—Adonai.
ance thrice, the legs crossed from Third Pass Word—Bea Makeh, Bamearab, interpre-
the right. ted, “Thank God we have found.”
Iiitvrlace all your fin- Defiance, Resistance and Re-
gers, hands rai~cd over membrance. Advance reciprocally,
the head, palms outward the hands as in the fourth degree,
(tIlls ~igii ~erx e~ to C: drawing them to each other three
a brother.) times; then place the left hand on
sixcir SiGN. the brother’s back, then on his neck,

\ .ld,ui,atioo (—ee p 51U

AXI Lii.
Look over ~aur shoni-
ilers alternate!’
as if to raise him.
PASS WO ens.
There are three principal ones:
the first is Shibboleth, three times
Cl~p > our hands
with an aspiration. The second is —
sour thighs.

~‘our hands, shut,
El-Hanan. The third is most
essential to be known, and is Bca-
Make/i, Bamearah, which is inter-
preted, “thank God we have found
to your nirnith, as if to pull out your Token of Re.i,Za,,ce and.
it.” Rezoembranre.
tongue, I hen l)la( on your heart.
Raise right hand as if von had a The first is Guiblim or Jabulum. The second is
poniard in it to strike a hiotlier’s Makobim, which, interpreted: “That’s he! He is dead “‘
The third is Adonai, Supreme Lord of all.

forehead, to Thow that engeance Is
CO liii)!Ct( ii.



Raise the right hand to the left shoul-
advance der and move it downward to the right
hands recipro- hip, with a serpentine motion as if to rep-
That of Intimate eallxfirst to the
Secretary, B. ~.N. resent the motion of the waters of a river;
master t o k e n,
:.S.~. which sig-, then to the then draw the sword and bring it to the
nifies promises of wrist, then to guard as if to fight.
a complete alli- the elbow, and
ance (see p.348.) theword is
the East or SworE.
Circtsmspectian: Token of Circumspection. Gabaori~.

Seize niutnallv
left luiiids, fbi ANSwER
arms lifted and e.~-
tended as it to r’- Extend the arm at the height of
pulse an attack; at the shoulder, as if to begin the com-
the same time make bat, the right foot forming a square
with the right hand
with the toe of the left..
the motion of clear-
ing the way; then
~‘ point the swords to

L41 \~ each other’s heart.

Token. TOKEN.
QNE SAYS Judak, THE OTHRR ANSWERS Benjamin. ,~ ~
rASS ~VORD:—IaabOroU ham mu in, OR LIDERTY 01 Join right hands, placing the
PASSAGE. thumb on the joint of little finger;
with the thumb strike on that joint
5 times, by 1, by 2 and by 2, at same
time join right feet by the toes so
GRAND WORD :-.--Shalal, Shalom, Abi,
as to form a straight line, touch the
in Latin 1?cstoravit pa~em 7Yatri. He
restored peace to hi~ country. knee. Lastly place the left hand

SACRED WORD :— open on the shoulder, one of tha
other. One asys twenty, the othei
SIGN, PRINCES 01’ JERUSALEM. BA~RY .—Fzve, in some Councils five times five.
T’rcocnt yourself boldly with your MARCH :—One slow step on the tip of the toes, some-
left hand resting on your hip, as if times five are made under the sign thus: Slide the left
ready for a combat. foot forward, bring up the right foot to the toe of the
Sign Princes left, make a short pause and so on until the five steps
of Jerusalem. are made.
WEST. A touches B’s left
hand and B, sue’
der with 1eft~and.
Touch Tyler’s fore-
head,when he answers
byputtiiig his hand on
your forehead.
PASS woun :—.Tubu-
5152 on Entertug Council.


Master of Ceremonies prepares candidate in an ante- CRoIX.
room hung with red and lighted by seven lights by
clothing him with a long white robe, and bringa him
barefooted to the door of the Council.
Cross the arms on breast~
SIGN, KNIGHTS OF THE with hands extended and
flAST AND WEST. eyes raised to heaven.
~Look at your right
shoulder and say, SIGN OF RECONCILIATION.
addon. Raise right hand and
ANSWER. with index finger point up-
Look at left shoul- ward.
d6r and say, Jubulum. ANswu.
FIRST TOKEN. Point downward with in-
Place hit hand in dex finger of right hand.
each other’s right
hand, closing the fin-
gers. .1 Reconciliaties
Extend horizontally the right arm;
the hand is also extended bring
down the three last fingers perpen-
Each places the palm of his right
SIGN OF HE!.?, SOVEREIGN PRINCE OF hand on the other’s forehead; one
ROSE CROIX. says, Allcluia, the other answers,
Praise the Lc rd; the first then says,
Cress the legs, the right behind the left Immanuel, the other, God speed you.
Both say, Amen.

lip, GrandPontltDegree




Same, except left leg b~ehind the right.


Token, Grand
Give the sign of the Good Shepherd; Form foursq’tares; first by placing the
face each other; bow; place reciprocal- right band c,ri she heart, the fingers
ly crossed hands on breast and give the close together, the thumb separate,
fraternal kiss and pronounce the pass- which makes two squares; second by
word placing the left band on the lips, the
thumb separate, which makes a third
PASS WOU~ IVRIAG?W4L square; third, by bringing the heels
together, the feet open on a square.
lkint Sip, draadMaatexs D.pu~
Kneel down, place
the cibows on the
floor, the head
downwards and a
little inclined f.o the
5eco~ Sign. SOtlI Degzee.


TWIRD SIGN. The sword elevated, or if no sword is worn, the right

arm raised before the head as if to ward off a stroke. In
Cross the arms on the breast, the right coming together, Crossswords and form the arch of steel.
arm over thc lcft, the fingers extended
and close together, tlic thumb forming a
square, heels touching, which makes five
squares. TOKE~.
Take one the other’s right
elbow, with the right hand;
press it four times; then slide
the hand along the forearm
Third Sign, ~tb Degree. down to the wrist; lastly, press
thic wrist-joint with the first
N. B.—In some rituals only one sign is given instead finger only.
of the first two, and this is to kneel on the right knee,
the left hand being raised, which forms two squares;
then place the left elbow on tbeleftknee,fiugersextend.
ed and closed, the thumb forming the hquare, the head
4ownwardii, somewhat inclined to the left~. Token, SOLh Degree.
.FAeutenant Commander—Arise my brother and receive
the sign, token and words of this degree.


[Given after the sign

01 introduction.]
Take each other’s right Raise the arms to heaven, the face
hand, the first finger on toward the Eaat~ where the moon
the wrist joint; then as tim.
you retire slide the band
along the other’s hand
down to the tip of the


One raises three fingers of the

N B.—Some in~the last token squeeze on the other’s right hand, the other seizes those
wrist, each drawing the other nine times alternately, fingers with his right hand, a n d
and repeating each time the word Cyrus. says, Frederick the Second. He
then presents his three fingers,
BATTERY:—The battery is three strokes, by one and
two; 0 00.
which the first one seizes in the
ammo manner, saying Noah.
MARCH :—Nine steps, each forming a square.
PASS WORD :—Jekaon.
ANSWER —Stolkin.
5A~RED woRD:—Bazah-belsijah


Twl:N’TY-~4EcON-I) ANi) TWENTY-Ti I I liii I)EflitF:i:~. S~

Seize one the first finger TOKEN.

of the other’s right hand and Seize each other’s hands aid
~ress it with the thuiiib and
rst finger, saying Shem. cross the fingers as a sign of good
The other gives the same faith.
token, saying Hani; thenthe PASS wOItns:—Japhet, Aboliab,
first gives the same tuken,
saying Japheth. Lebanon.
SACRED WORDS :—lJoah, Beza-
PASS woan:—Peleg, Pe-
leg, Peleg. leel, Sadonias.
Ham, Japheth.
Second Sign of Introdnction.
Make the motion of lifting an axe with both hands. The High Priest wears a large red tunic, over which
and striking as if to fell a tree. is j)laced a shorter one of white without sleeves; on his
head is a close mitre of cloth of gold, on the front of
which is painted or embroider.
ed a Delta, enclosing the Ineffa-
ble name in llubrew characters.
ANSWER. Over the dress he weaisa black
sash with silver fringe from,
Raise l~oth hands to which hangs, by a ied rosette, a
the h~eight of the fore. dagger; the sash is worn from
head, the fingers extend- left to right. Suspended on his
ed, and then let the bands breast is the Breast Plate.
fall, thus indicating the DRESS OF CANDIDATE.
fall of a tree.
A white tunic and white
drawers, sandals 011 his feet and
a white cloth over his head,
covering his eyes, so as to pre-
vent him from seeing.
Answer to Sign. Nigh Priest. Preparation of Can-
Prince of Llban~ Chief of Taber- didate, Cb,ti(,t the
neck. Degree. Tabernacle Degree.


open over thu ) is, .t~
SIGN, CRIEF OF THE TABERNACLE. it tA) protect theni I 10111
a strong light, the left
Advance the left foot; make ~withthe, hand On tlic breast,
right hand the motion of taking the then raise ~ic right
Censer, which is supposed to be in the hand to the luft shioiil.
left hand. der, and bring it down
diagonally to the right
side. This is called
thc sign of the scarf.
.4 ~
Sign of Recognition, Grand Sign, Prince
Sip, Chief of Tabernacle. Prince of the Tabernacle. of the Tabernacle.
Place both hands open upon the head, join the two
thumbs and the twu forefingers by their extremities so
as to form a triangle.
N. B.—The token, battery and word are the same as
in the preceding degree.

Seize each other by the jeft elbow
with the right hand, bending the
arm so as to form a kind of circle.

Incline the head downwards, and point

to the ground with the forefinger of right
3ATTERY:—Seven strokes, by six and one, or thus:
00 00 00 0.
PASS wonn:—UrieL
536 KNiGhTS 0? TIlE Bit AZEN SEitPi’\T. PRINCE OP MERCY. ~37

SIGN OF ERCOGNITION. The candidate isprepared by the Senior
Form a crops upon yourself. Deacon in a plain white robe, reachiiiig
from the neck to the feet, barefooted,
hoodwinked, so as to prevent his seeing,
with a rope passed three times around his

Sign of Recognition. Preparation of Can-

Knight. of Brazen didate. Prince of
Serpent. Merry Degree.


Place the right hand open, so as to form
a trianghe above the eyes, as if to be pro-
Place ~oursehf on the right tected against a strong light.
of thc brother, aiid take his
left wrist with your h4t hand.


He then takes your right Sign of Entrance,

wrist with his right hand. Prince of Mercy.


Token. Knights of Urazen Nerpen Form a triangle with the two thumbs,
and the two forefingers; join them by the
extremities, Ilace the hands in front of, and
PASS WoRD:—-I..N..R. I.’., lettered only. touching the body.
COVERED WORD :—Joltcimwa R(I1/).
SACKKI) woan.—Moaez; this word must, be spelled. Sign ofCharacter,
Prince of Mercy.

Cross both arms above the head, the

hands open, l)~lms outwards and say:
To me, the children of Truth.

Sign of help.
Prince of Mercy,

Stand up, the right hand resting on Candidate taking Ohilgation, Commander of the Temple Degree
Form on your forehead a cross, with
the thiumb of your right hand, the
fingers clinched.
Sign of Order. A N SW ER.
Prince of Mercy.
Kiss the place
TOKEN. whut c the cross
Place both hands, each on the was made (This
other’s shoulders, press them sIight~ sign is used in the
ly thrice and say, Gomel. Court old) .)


COMMON wORbS: Ghiblim and

— (Out of Court )

Gabaon. Phace first two fin-

‘WORDS:—Jehovah, Jachin. Sign of Jteeo~nition, gers of tlic right
5ACRED Comm tnd,’r of the handon the tnonth,
SUBLIME WORD~ Ednl-pen-cagu’

Temt)lc the other fingers
that is, do as you would be done by. closed, thie palm of the
Token. turned outward.
(In the Court.) Extend your right hand
Phace the righit haini flat up-
6n the round table,. thi~imb separate so as
to form a square. When standing, place
on the heart, tile thumb sepa-
the right hand on the body below the rate, so as to form a square.
breast, forming also a square.
Raise the right hand, and
with the index, point to heaven.
Sign.Knights of Anu’~er.
the Sun.
mander of the Tcunple.
Brother Truth prepares the cndidate as follows: A
bandage over his eyes, a sword iii his right hand; in-
vests him with a ragged and bhoody robe, puts a mask
on his face, fetters binding his arms, a crowii on his
TOKEN. head) a purse in his heft hand, etc
Give threc hight bhows with
right hand on the other’s heft TOKEN, KNI(;IITS OF TilE
Take in your hand thIose
ANsw~R. the brother and pre
Hc takes your right hand and ?nI genti) ; kis.t him on
givcs it threc light shakes. the forchead and say Al-
pha. lic returns the kiss
and says Omega But
this is not much used.
Token. Cornrnandet @1
the Temple. PA85 won~:—Stibium.

SACRED WOED—I..N.-.R.-.I.-., hettered.


V -
SECOND SIGN, ThAT oi~ ~:AT~i~.

Place the right hand upon the heart;

extend it horizontally at the height of
Wipe your forehead withi the back
the breast; let it fall on the right side,
of the righit hand, the head somewhM
as if to salute with the hand.
inclined forward.

3nd Sign, w~ter.

First Sign, Knight SECOND TOKEN.

of St. Andrew.
Seize each successivehy the first, then the second, and
lastly the third joint of the other’s middhe finger, as
indicated for the index in the first token, eachi spellIng
the sacred word of the second degree, (Shibbohethi.) Fur
mode of giving it see page 184, Freemasonry Illustrated.


Seize each successively the

~rst, then the second, and last- THIRD SIGN, ThAT OF ASTONIShMENT AND
~ythe third joint of the other’s IIORROR.
index finger of the right hand, Turn the head to the hcft, hooking down.
each spelling alternately the wards; raise both hands clasped to heaven, a
word of the first degree. little towat-da the right.

luSt Token. Kniuht @1St. hndmy,

Sign of Burro,.


FOURTH SIGN, THAT OF FIRE. Raise the eyes and hands to heaven,
Join both hands, the fingers inter. the left arm somewhat lower than
laced and cover the eyes therewith, the right, thc heel of the left foot
the palms outwards. slightly raised, so that the left knee
forms a square with the right leg.

Give the sign of Air. Extend for.
ward the right arm and hand at the .K~ j~;;
height of the shoulder.


Place the thumb of thc right hand upon

the right eye; raisc the index finger so as
A~awer to Sign of Fire.
to form a square, then bring ito
11 a line,
TRIED TOKEN. an if to indicate an object in view, saying:
each successively the index finger of the other’s
£61 measure the sun itacif.”
right hand by the first joint. Each pronounce alternately
on~ of the three syhhables of the sacred word of the third
degree. (Mah-hah-bone.)
5~gn of S.. dun.


Form, on the breast, a CIOSS of St. Andrew
with the two arms, the hands upwards.

Oeiwral Sign. Knight

of St. Andrew.


Seize one the last joint of the

index finger of the other’s zight
hand; the first one says Ne, tlzc
other Ka. Then seize the last Candidate Stabbing the SkuiI8.

finger; thc first

joint of the little
one says .Mak, thc othie~, giving
the whole word, says Nekamcds. SIGN OF KADOSH.

Place the right hand on the heart,

the fingers separated. Let the right
hand fall on the right knee. Bend and
grasp the knee; then seize the poniard,
which is suspended from the ribbon,
raise it to the height of the shoulder,
Ardare2, or A!rdviei, The Angel of Fire. as if to strike, and say Ne/cam Adonai.
~I “ “ Air.
Casmaren, or
(6 (6 ~
Talliud, or Sign of Kadoeb.
F~.erlac, or La “ “ Ecsrgk.



Cross lioth hands, bring them to the

SIGN OF OEDEE. navel, Lhnmbs crossing each other, and
Hold the sword in thc left hand and say Justice.
jlace the right hand extended over the

Sign of Order.
Knight Kadosh. Firat Sign,

Place right foot to
right foot, and knee to Cross both arms above your head, right
knee; present the right outside, palms outward, and say Equity.
first, the thumb clevat-
ed,seize the thumb al-
ternately, letit slip and
step back a pace, thezi
raise the arm as f to
strike with the poniard. Answering Sign.
In doing this the first
and the other answers, COMMAN i)Eil.
Token, Knight Kadosh, Second Postuon. Place right foot to right foot, azid
right knee to right knee, take each
enter, Nekam.
other by the left hand, and with the
ANswEN:—Menakkem, that is ConsolaAor. To retire,
Pkaal-kot right hand strike a gentle blow on the
ANSWER:— Pharash-kok. other’s right shoulder.
SACRED wORD:—Nekamak bealim. SACRED WORD —Onc says Justice,
ANSwER:— P.4arak-kok; but more generally, .N~kom- the other answers Equity. Both to.
Adonai. gether say, So mote it be.

Seize the sword with the

right hand; unsheath it and
carry it up to the right side,
the hilt resting cii the i’igiit
hip, the point upwards
Place the right foot behind
the left, so as to form a
square, leaving a small dis-
tance between the feet thus
arranged. Raise the left
arm, the hand opin and ex-
tended, as if to repulse an
Token, Snbime Prince of the Roys
Secrel. 14 Position attack. Seize each other’s
left hand, the fingers inter-
laced. Then draw close to
each other and embrace.
One says Hocknzah, (that is
wisdom or philosophy,) and
the other answers Tsedakab,
that is, truth, justice and
SIGN. equity. (In some ritual-
U these two words are said to
Place the right hand open on the be the sacred and pass of
heart; extend it forward, the palm the degree.)
downwards and then let it fall by the
Is five strokes, by one and
four; 00000.
n Subiam
ee of
ia~ 3.u,~
The candidate is prepared by be- ove.i~he breast, then
ing divested of his shoes and hat; draw the sword,
clothed in a black robe without hold the intin the
sword or regalia; a ligh±edtaper in left han and cross
his righthand and a black cable tow it with that of the
around his neck, the ends of which osite Inspector
are held by the Illustrious Grand op~ give the First Sign. S. G. L 0.
Master General of Ceremonies at First Pass •Word—”De Molay.’Z
the proper time. The Illu~tri us Anateer—”Hiram Abiff.”
Grand Marshal retires to the Cham-
ber of Reflection, and Second Pass Word—“Frederiok.”
all being ready he An.swer—”Of Prussia.”
strikes on the door of
the Council Chamber.
Disengage swords, retain point in left
Lcft hand hand, fall on both knees, kiss blade three
over the
heart, fingers times and give the
C extend’dand Sacred Word.—”M,cha, Macha, Bets.
close togeth- Li,n, Adonai.”
er. “Who is like unto Thee, oh God.”
And should I knowingly
or willfully violate the Second Sign.
same, maythis wine I nrw 0

drink, become a deadly SIGN OF ENTEANON.

poison to me, as the hem.
lock juice drank by Soc. Cross the arms on the breaat~ dia bead
rates. (Drinks wine out of bowed down.
skull.) And may these
cold arms forever encircle B.U.y. 00000 000 0 00.
me. Amen. (Si~e1eton’s
Skeleton Sei2ing Candidate i~ hen arms enfold him~)
Takw~ OatS 83ud. Sign of Bntmans.

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