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List 0f
By Baylee Benueison

In case you dont
know, Minecraft
is a building
game. Its a little
like LEGO and a
little like Lincoln
Logs. You take
various textured
cubes and build
what you want.
So where does
the mining come
in? The word
mine is used
loosely here.
Gathering up
trees is, in a
sense, mining.
You turn them
into wood and
then make your
own structures.
Finding the
materials to make
your own tools to
build the wood
into, say, a
mansion, is
mining, too.
Its not just fun,
its also really
creative. Youre
limited only by
your own brain
and the time you
put in.
Ny thoughts
Nineciaft is a game wheie
anything is possible. You want
to live in a tiee then you can.
If you want to punch woou
you can.

The plot begins six
years after the events
of The Elder Scrolls III:
Morrowind in 3E 433.
Emperor Uriel Septim
VII is assassinated as
he attempts to flee from
the Imperial City after
learning that assassins
have killed his sons.
However, before his
death, he hands the
Amulet of Kings over to
the person who would
become the Hero of
Kvatch, a lowly prisoner
which Uriel had seen in
his dreams, with
instructions to 'close
shut the jaws of
Oblivion'. The
adventure begins after
a prison escape and
with a quest to find a
man named Jauffre -
and eventually the long
lost illegitimate son of
Uriel, the last surviving
heir to the Septim
throne, hidden away for
protection since his
birth. Ultimately, the
Hero must stop the
invasion from Oblivion
and stand between the
future of Tamriel and
the Prince of
Destruction himself.
Ny thoughts
0blivion is an open woilu game
wheie you can uo what evei
you want.

Biagon ages oiigins
The player character"the
Warden"is a new Grey Warden
recruit within the realm of
Ferelden, and begins his or her
journey to halt the inevitable
Blight as one of the six origin
stories. The origin chosen
determines who the Warden is
prior to the main events of the
game's story. By the same
measure, it also affects how
NPCs (party and non-party) will
react to the Warden. Elves, for
example, are often viewed as
second-class citizens. Facing
unexpected betrayal at the hands
of those who were supposed to
be Ferelden's greatest
defenders, the Warden must now
utilize the old Grey Warden
treaties to gather unlikely allies
and build an army to face the
Archdemon, an Old God
manifested in the form of a
powerful and terrifying dragon,
now tainted by the darkspawn
and risen from its prison beneath
the surface to unleash the fifth
Blight in the turbulent history of
Thedas. The Warden will also
gather companions along the
way who will support them on
this onerous task. As one of the
last Grey Wardens remaining
within Ferelden, their actions
over the course of one year
both indirectly and directlywill
decide which factions align with
the warden to halt the advance of
the Archdemon and its
darkspawn hordes, the fate of
the world, as well as the fate of
those met on your journey.
Ny thoughts
In the game you aie a giey waiuen
that has to save eveiyone fiom the
aichuemon while uoing all this you
pass thiough multiple places anu
you fight multiple enimies.

Developed by Ubisoft Reflections under
the direction of the creators of the original
title, DRIVER San Francisco marks the
return of the established video game series
that has sold 14 million copies worldwide.
Gamers will play as Detective John Tanner
on a relentless manhunt for crime lord
Charles Jericho through the hills of the City
by the Bay. Thanks to a groundbreaking
gameplay feature, players can now
seamlessly "shift" between well over a
hundred licensed vehicles, keeping them
constantly in the heart of the action. With
its timeless setting, unique car handling
and renewed playability, DRIVER San
Francisco will revitalize the classic free-
roaming, cinematic car chase experience
for the current generation of gaming

Ny thoughts
0n the game you have to take
uown a bau peison, }eiicho,
you aie john a unueicovei cop
tiying to put him in jail.

Biivei San Fiancisco

The Empire of Tamriel
is on the edge. The
High King of Skyrim
has been murdered.
Alliances form as
claims to the throne
are made. In the
midst of this conflict,
a far more dangerous,
ancient evil is
awakened. Dragons,
long lost to the
passages of the Elder
Scrolls, have returned
to Tamriel. The future
of Skyrim, even the
Empire itself, hangs in
the balance as they
wait for the
Dragonborn to come;
a hero born with the
power of The Voice,
and the only one who
can stand amongst
the dragons.
Bethesda game
Ny thoughts
I thought the game
was a completely
open woilu game
maue to let you be
you. Although theie
might be quests you
uon't have to uo
them you can just
iun aiounu anu
have fun.



Biagon Age 0iigins- Biowaie

Biivei San Fiancisco- 0bisoft

Nineciaft- Nojang

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