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Jenni Kotlar

4520 Porter Rd. Ravenna, OH 44266 330 2!1 1356 OBJECTIVE: "eekin# a pro$essional %areer in %o&&uni%ations, pu'li% relations, p(oto#rap() and video#rap(). EDUCATION: *(e +niversit) o$ ,kron- .all 2010 "u&&er 2013 Pu'li% Relations &ajor, "panis( &inor /P,- 3.504.0 ACADEMIC HONORS/ACHIEVEMENTS: 1u& 2aude P(i "i#&a ,lp(a 3ndu%ted "prin# 2013 *(e 4ational Honor "o%iet) o$ 2eaders(ip and "u%%ess 3ndu%ted "prin# 2012 WORK EXPERIENCE: Vi eo!ra"#er/"#oto!ra"#er $S"rin! %&'($ )*rrent 3ntervie5 sta$$ &e&'ers $or pro&otional videos at *(e Hudson 1it) "%(ool 6istri%t. "et a produ%tion s%(edule and 5orked 5it( s(ort deadlines to %reate a do%u&entar) videos. 1reated do%u&entar) oriented videos $or ot(er %lients, su%( as *(e +niversit) o$ ,kron, +niversidad de 7alladolid in 7alladolid, "pain and *(e 1(apel in ,kron. Porta!e Co++*nit, C#a"el$C*rrent 8e' desi#n and i&ple&entation 3nterns(ip 1reatin# $lo5 %(art dia#ra&s $or ne5 5e'site stru%ture. 9:e%utin# deliver) $ro& %(art to desi#n sa&ples to a%tive site. P(otos(op e:perien%e ;no5led#e o$ (t&l5 and 1"" %o&puter lan#ua#es. Porta!e Co++*nit, C#a"el: Jan*ar, '-. %&'($Ma, %/. %&'( 3ntern 8ors(ip leader and <usi% 1oordinator. 3n %(ar#e o$ tea& s%(edulin# and %o&&uni%ated e$$e%tivel) 5it( &e&'ers dail). <entored tea& &e&'ers spirituall), &usi%all) and pra%ti%ed e:%ellent interpersonal %o&&uni%ation skills.

Ca+" Carl: S*++er %&&0$S*++er %&'( 1a&p 1ounselor and "teppin# 3t +p Pro#ra& 6ire%tor. <ana#ed and evaluated sta$$. Prepared reports, (elped pro%ess e&plo)ee paper5ork $or pa)roll and provided $rontline responses to %usto&er servi%e re=uests. Re%ruited sta$$. .a%ilitated ropes, tea& 'uildin# and #eneral pro#ra&&in#.

RE1EVANT SKI11S AND EXPERIENCES: Pro$i%ient in P(otos(op and (ave a%%ess to entire ,do'e Pre&iere "uite 1"5. Relevant 1lasses- <edia 1op)5ritin#, PR Pu'li%ations, >asi% ,udio and 7ideo 9ditin#, <edia Produ%tion *e%(ni=ues. /rap(i% 6esi#n and lar#e attention to detail. *(ree point li#(tin# e:perien%e $or video#rap(). 1a&era e:perien%e- 1anon 606, 1anon *3i and 1anon *3, Panasoni% ,.100 Pro$i%ient in ,do'e Pre&iere Pro editin# 1"6 and $a&iliar 5it( ,vid video so$t5are.

P(oto#rap(er $or *(e 1(apel in ,kron

.irst ,id0,96 1erti$ied. Parti%ipated in $ive 5eek stud) a'road pro#ra& in 7alladolid, "pain t(rou#( *(e +niversit) o$ ,kron.

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