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12 Steps to Loving the Self Group

There is always another way.walk the 12 steps Home to deep inner peace

Meetings held fortnightly on a Tuesday at Palm Beach Library Meeting Room 2 11th venue! P LM B" #$ %L& 1'am to 12noon The meetings are (R"" Phone "ileen ')2* 1+2 ,+- for group details or email. 12stepstolovingtheself/gmail0com

12 steps to loving yourself

1. We realise that we were giving our power away to the belief that love exists outside ourselves. 2. We came to believe that all the love we need exists within ourselves. 3. We made a decision to give our full & complete commitment to knowing the love within ourselves. 4. We took a searching & courageous inventory of all the ways we udge ourselves or others or allowed ourselves to feel like a victim! while loving & accepting ourselves. ". While loving ourselves! we shared with another human being the truth we had discovered about ourselves through this process. #. We made a list of all the parts of ourselves that did not feel worthy of love! and we made a decision to love them. $. %hrough our full commitment to loving ourselves! we confidently realised that we had restored ourselves to integrity. &. We made a list of all those we had disrespected! abused or manipulated for selfish purposes! and we looked at all the ways that through doing this! we were actually abusing ourselves. '. We forgave & made amends to ourselves and then extended the same spirit of forgiveness and restoration in all of our relationships. 1( We continue to take daily inventory of all the ways that we are not accepting and loving ourselves! and when we see these areas! promptly love ourselves. 11 We realise constant communication with the source of love within ourselves! through continued prayer and meditation. 12 )aving had a spiritual awakening as the result of following these steps! we automatically love others as we love ourselves and carry this message to those who still suffer*. and finally in walking these steps +We remember the truth of our ,neness and home in -ove+

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