Sample Letter Notifying Contractor of Expiring Insurance

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Sample Letter Notifying Contractor of Expiring Insurance


XYZ Construction Company Address City, State, Zip RE: Contract Number: E!pirin" #nsurance:

Dear $ent%emen: &ur 'i%es indicate t(at your ,i%% be e!pirin" on insurance co)era"e* +o%icy number: -

+ursuant to t(e "enera% conditions o' our contract 'orm ./D01234 Section 25627c: If any insurance is due to expire during the construction period the contractor including subcontractors if applicable shall not permit the coverage to lapse and shall furnish evidence of coverage to the contracting officer. #' ,e do not recei)e e)idence o' rene,ed co)era"e be'ore t(e date t(e current po%icy e!pires, t(e (ousin" aut(ority ,i%% (a)e no ot(er option but to dec%are a de'au%t under t(is contract- 8e re9uest t(at you immediate%y secure rene,a% co)era"e under t(e e!pirin" po%icy and:or anot(er po%icy consistent ,it( t(e speci'ications %isted in our bid pac;a"e- &t(er,ise, 'edera% re"u%ations re9uire t(e (ousin" aut(ority to stop a%% ,or; and dec%are t(is contract breac(ed8e re9uire t(at rene,a% co)era"e documents be de%i)ered to t(is o''ice be'ore t(e e!piration o' t(e current insurance so t(at ,or; ,i%% not be interrupted8e t(an; you 'or your prompt attention to t(is matter-

Sincere%y, E!ecuti)e Director

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