Freshman English College Prep

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Freshman English College Prep Course Guidelines and Expectations Ms.

McElroy Yellow English Office Mailbox in Yellow 508-580-7459 Mrs. Pudvah Office B347 Mailbox in Green 508-580-7623

Welcome to Freshman English!!

Course Overview: Freshman English focuses on close analysis of character. We will focus on generating precise observations about characters motivation, values, actions, conflicts, and thoughts. You will apply your thinking, speaking, writing, and reading skills learned in the classroom and in previous years to create thoughtful responses to all forms of literature. Types of Assignments: Writing assignments will include long compositions, open responses, reflections, journal entries, responses to Openers and Closers, responses to reading comprehension questions. Reading assignments will include short stories, nonfiction, poetry, novels, and plays. Course Materials: -Notebook (either one subject or a binder with loose leaf paper) -pens/pencils -reading materials -folder ***Notebook/binder and folder may ONLY be used for English*** Grading Policy: Each assignment will fall into one of the following categories and will be weighed accordingly: Formative (Coursework/Quizzes): 40% Summative(Essays/Projects/Tests): 50% Homework: 10% Make-Up Work/Late Assignments: If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up all of the work that you missed. This means that on the day of your return you must meet with us and discuss what you need to do to be successful on all of your assignments in this class. Please make arrangements to meet with one of us--not during class time. Late assignments will lose credit each day after the date it is due. If you turn in an assignment after class, this is still considered late.

Passes: Whenever you leave the classroom you MUST sign out first! Sign out log is located on shelf near sink. Be sure to sign back in when you return. Bathroom Passes: -Will not be given in the first ten, or in the last ten minutes of class -Class time is important. -Class time is important. Passes will not be given in the first ten minutes of class so you are present when we review the days Agenda and discuss our class objectives. It is important for you to be here. Other passes: -Locker passes will not be given out during class time. -If you need to be somewhere else during our class time, we need a signed pass (Guidance, school adjustment counselor, etc). IRC: -In order to leave DA to go to the IRC, you need to obtain a pass from a teacher. If you are going to be working on an English assignment that requires the use of the IRC, we will give you a pass. Plagiarism/Cheating: As discussed in your student handbook, cheating on tests, assignments, and/or homework, or engaging in plagiarism will not be tolerated. It will result in zero credit for the assignment, and will be reported to the headmaster for disciplinary action, as well as notifying your parent/guardian. Extra Help: If you need extra help, we are always available. If you want to stay after school you need to set up an appointment to ensure that we are able to take care of your needs. Disclaimer***All school policies will be enforced in this classroom*** One last thing, a final note to a document filled with expectations of the year to come (if you remember one thing about this syllabus, remember this): There is absolutely no research correlation between success and family background, race, national origin, financial statue, or even educational accomplishments. There is but one correlation with success, and that is ATTITUDE.Harry Wong

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