List of Irregular Verbs: Infinitive Simple Past Meaning

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INFINITIVE Be Begin Break Bring Build Buy Catch Come Cut Do Drink Dri e !at Fall Feel Find Fly Forget &et &i e &o 'a e (now )earn )ose "ake +ead +un Say See Sell Sing Sit Sleep Smell Speak Swim Tell Write SIMPLE PAST Was/were Began Broke Brought Built Bought Caught Came Cut Did Drank Dro e Ate Fell Felt Found Flew Forgot &ot &a e Went 'ad (new )earnt )ost "ade +ead +an Said Saw Sold Sang Sat Slept Smelt Spoke Swam Told Wrote MEANING Ser o estar Comenar Trencar Duur Construir Comprar Atrapar Vindre Tallar Fer Beure Conduir "en#ar Caure Sentir Tro$ar Volar %$lidar %$tindre Donar Anar Tindre Sa$er Aprendre *erdre Fa$ricar )legir Correr Dir Veure Vendre Cantar Seure Dormir %lorar *arlar ,adar Dir !scriure

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