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Rain Alarm Project

Water is basic need in every ones life. Saving and proper usage of water is very important. Here is an easy project which will give the alarm when there is rain, so that we can make some actions and save the rain water. As a result, we can increase the water levels of underground water by using underwater recharge technique. Rain water detector will detect the rain and make an alert; rain water detector is used in the irrigation field, home automation, communication, automobiles etc. Here is the simple and reliable circuit of rain water detector which can be constructed at low cost.

Rain Alarm Project Block Diagram:

Rain water sensor is the main component in the circuit. For this rain sensor, no need to go and buy in the market or online. We can do it ourselves just by taking the piece of Bakelite or mica board and aluminum wire. Bakelite or mica board should be made completely flat and aluminum wire should be pasted on the flat board as shown in the figure below of rain water sensor. Care should be taken that there should be no spaces between the wire and board. When the rain water sensor is completed, it should get connected to the circuit and voltage should be passed through the wires. Rain water sensor diagram is shown below:

If there is no rain, the resistance between the wires will be very high and there will be no conduction between the wires in the sensor. If there is rain, the water drops will fall on the rain sensor which will also decrease the resistance

between the wires and wires on the sensor board will conduct and trigger the NE555 timer through the transistors circuitry. Once NE555 is triggered, it will make the output pin high and which will make the buzzer to make alarm.

Rain Alarm Project Circuit Diagram:

Rain water detector alarm circuit is shown below.

Circuit Explanation:

The points A and B of the circuit are connected to the points A and B of the rain sensor respectively. When rain is falling, the rain water will fall on the rain sensor which has aluminum wires on mica or Bakelite sheet. Due to the water on sensor, the aluminum wire w develops resistance and gets conducted because of battery connector, the sensor and also to the circuit. When the aluminum wires are connected, the transistor Q1will get turned on and make LED to glow and also Q2 will also be turned ON. When the Q2 is saturated, the capacitor C1 will be shorted and make the transistor Q3 to be turned ON. C1 will get charged by the resistor R4. The reset pin of 555timer which is connected to the emitter of Q3 will be made positive when Q3 reaches to the saturation mode. The 555 timer is configured in astable mode. When the reset pin of the 555 timer is made positive because of saturation mode of Q3, it will generate the pulse at the pin 3 and make speaker to ring alarm. Capacitor is connected in between the pin 3 of 555 timer and

speaker because to block the DC signal and allow only the variations in the signal which make the speaker to make sound. The diode D2 will not allow any reverse current from the timer.

Because of the resistor R4 and capacitor C1, Q3 will get in cut-off after sometime and make the reset pin of 555timer in negative and speaker will stops making sound. The time for 555timer to make speaker sound depends on the values of C1 and R4. When there is no rain, the aluminum wire of the sensor will not have any resistance or conduction cannot trigger the circuit.


Rain senor should be kept in the open place at 30 to 40 degrees from the ground. As a result, rain water will not present on the sensor for long time. This circuit will automatically switch of the alarm after sometime and LED will glow continuously until the rain stops.

Applications of Rain Alarm Project:

1. In the irrigation, it will detect the rain and immediately alert the farmer. 2. In automobiles, when the rain detector detects the rain it will immediately active the wipers and inform to the driver. 3. In communications, it will boost the power of the antenna and increase the signal strength to send or receive the signals. 4. In normal house hold, with the help of rain water detector we can automatically save the rain water. (This can be done only when home automation is done and equipment to save the rain water. In this, rain water detector will detect the rain and helps to switch ON the equipment which will automatically save rain water for different purposes). 5. This can also be used if there is a chemical rain also. This is very common in industrial areas.

Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer

How many times did your overhead water tank overflows due to your forgetfulness? It is a frequent problem in all homes where people turn ON the water pump and forget to turn it off when the water is filled. This project is made to solve this problem. Important Post: Water Level Indicator Project In this project, we are using a water level alarm using simple and low cost hardware using a 555 timer circuit. The aim of this project is to make a water level detecting alarm with simple and low cost hardware without compromising on the performance of the device.

Water Level Diagram:




Timer Circuit

The circuit uses a 555 timer in astable mode with R1=220 ohms, R2= 150 ohms and C1=1 uF. As we know, the frequency of operation of the IC 555 in astable mode depends on the values of R1, R2 and C1. By calculating the frequency of the given astable circuit, we get the frequency to be around 1.18KHz. The frequency at which it operates is in the audio frequency. The 1K Resistor R3 whose ends are connected to pin-4 and ground disables the circuit by default and it enables when the water reaches its full level when the probes get dipped in water.

The two probes which are shown in the circuit should be kept at the high level for the water. The astable multivibrator in the circuit is normally disabled and it gets enabled only when the probes touch the water. The distance between the probes should be less than a few centimeters to ensure that the conduction between the probes will take place when water is touched to these probes. When the water level rises to the height of the probes, then the 555 circuit will get enabled and the output of the 555 timer produces a square wave output with a frequency of about 1.18Khz. This output is given to the mini loudspeaker which then beeps at an audio frequency of 1.18KHz.

Intelligent Unambiguous Night Lamp Switcher

We usually turn ON the lights in our houses and offices manually. We need to turn ON the lights only when it is dark. So, how will that be if we make a circuit which turns ON the lights automatically when it is dark? In this circuit, we shall see how to make a circuit which turns ON our domestic lights automatically when it is dark. While making a Night Lamp Switcher, there are many aspects which needs to be taken into consideration without which there is a possibility of destroying the home appliances and lights. In this circuit, strict measures are taken to ensure that the lights to be operated are not damaged because of switching. In general, if we make a simple automatic night lamp switcher, it may turn ON the lights when it is dark. But here comes a problem. When the level of darkness is approaching, the circuit may get successive signals of dark and light with little time intervals. This may cause the circuit to repeatedly turn ON and OFF the lights at a high frequency which can possibly damage our lights within a few minutes or hours. This happens every time at evening as well as in the morning when the light intensity crosses a value for which our circuit is sensitive and toggles the switch. In this circuit, it is not only a simple automatic light switching circuit, but also that it avoids repeated frequent switching of the devices which is usually ignored in most similar circuits but may have a detrimental effect on our operating devices. In this case, the lights. This is why the circuit is named as intelligent unambiguous night lamp as it intelligently switches the lights by avoiding repeated switching caused by unambiguity. We usually turn ON the lights in our houses and offices manually. We need to turn ON the lights only when it is dark. So, how will that be if we make a circuit which turns ON the lights automatically when it is dark? In this circuit, we shall see how to make a circuit which turns ON our domestic lights automatically when it is dark.

Circuit Diagram Switcher:





The operation of the circuit is as follows: The circuit has two photo sensing devices which detect two levels of intensities. Light Dependant Resistors are used as photosensitive devices in this circuit. The light dependent resistor used with an op-amp as comparator detects the level of light intensity. The U1 IC 741 produces an output which is the first light intensity and the U2 IC741 detects the second light intensity. These two light intensities are used to calculate when the lights should be On and when they should be Off without producing unambiguous signals. The two light detecting modules are arranged in such a way that when the first light intensity (dark point 1) is detected, the circuit turns On the relay and hence the lights will turn On. The circuit will turn Off the relay back again when both the light detecting modules detect light. This makes it eliminate ambiguities. There may be simpler circuits which detect darkness and turn On the lights but most of them fail to eliminate undesired repetitive switching. This circuit does a wonderful job by eliminating undesired switching effects. The 555 IC U3 is in the bistable mode whereas the IC U4 acts as a buffer. The output of first IC 741 is given to the reset pin of the bistable IC whereas the output of second light detecting module with IC 741 is given to the set input of the bistable multivibrator.

Battery Powered Portable Light

Power cuts are quite common in developing countries. Power cut at night time is sometimes serious when you need a light for something and you cannot leave that work in the middle. For example, if you are taking bath or if you are reading for your exam which is only one day ahead or if you are in the middle of your cooking, whatever the situation is, many times it is quite disgusting to face power cuts at night. We will understand the importance of light when we have power cuts. In this article, we shall discuss a circuit which can handle unexpected and undesired darkness in our homes or offices. The instant solution to the problem described is to have a handy battery powered portable light which we can easily carry to the place it is needed. It provides considerable amount of brightness required to do our daily tasks.

Circuit Diagram for Battery Powered Portable Light:

The circuit makes use of an IC 555 timer in astable mode with a slightly different configuration which differs it from the standard model and also it makes use of a few passive storage elements like inductors in order to achieve high voltages than the supply voltage so that many LEDs can be powered with a low voltage battery. The LEDs are connected in series instead of parallel to make sure that the circuit runs on less power. The voltage is being multiplied in order to satisfy the hunger of all our series resistors. This kind of circuit requires less power compared to the conventional resistor in series with LEDs power supply taking equal intensities into consideration. The circuit makes use of IC 7555 instead of a conventional 555 IC. The reason behind that is the IC 7555 takes lesser power than the conventional type. IC 7555 is made using CMOS technology whereas the NE555 is made using TTL logic family. This means that 7555 is quite slower compared to TTL based 555 IC but at the same time, it consumes very little power comparatively. We are operating the circuit at a not so high frequency so that the 7555 IC is quite sufficient for our speed requirements. The circuit also uses a 2N7000 MOSFET which switches on and off in sync with the IC 555 timer. The inductor which is present in the circuit stores the energy in its magnetic fields and it helps us to operate the LEDs in series by providing a higher voltage than the source generates.

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