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monthly newsletter

,eekly -6ents
Mindful Mondays:
,omen -mpowerin! ,omen .roup /030pm


"oniq ue #oul e t $ %& $ ' & ($ Holistic practitioner ') *

518 312 6309 facebook/moniqueboulet
www or!aniquebymonique com

TWEEN/TEEN ESTEEM CLASSES START 11/19 1or those seekin! !ui+ance from issues with bo+y ima!e$ self esteem an+ +aily stressors 7-8pm

Bridging the Gap Wednesdays:
2f you are askin! yourself 3,hy +oes it take so lon! to !et to 1ri+ay45 then you are missin! out on li6in! in the moment an+ ha6in! !ratitu+e for the !ift of to+ay

ha6e been so floo+e+ with inquiries lately on some really !reat health topics an+ so 2 ha6e create+ a new set of classes$ workshops$ an+ support !roups specifically !eare+ towar+s the thin!s you want to know more about "on+ay0 Women mpo!ering Women 7:"# $aratoga $prings
2f you ha6e felt 3stuck5 an+ your not li6in! life to your full potential$ this class will !i6e you the boost you nee+

Thirsty Thursdays:
2n a #len+er$ a++ 7pinach$ cucumber$ pear$ !in!er$ water an+ a pinch of cayenne sip an+ sa6or the lo6e you are !i6in! your bo+y

This is For You Friday:
8sk me any burnin! questions you want to know more about an+ 2 will respon+ to you with my take on any of your ,ellness 'oncerns 3Hol+in! onto the unknown +oes not make it !o away it only !i6es it more stren!th5 moniqueboulet9hotmail com

%&F T'()$F*'M(T&*) W*'+$,*-...'reatin! #alance for 7ymptom 1ree ;i6in! B G&)$ /0/80/1...&)23&' )*W ($ $-(4 &$ F&%%&)G555 W &GT %*$$ 4,(%% )G B G&)$ /070/1....)repare to shre+ the a++e+ wei!ht like ne6er before it will be the easiest$ an+ best e<perience you can e6er !i6e yourself because once an+ for all it will be a lifelon! !ift

www sarato!ato+ayonline com/blo!s/healthy:li6in

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