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10000 quiz questions and answers

10000 general knowledge questions and answers

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Carl and the Passions changed band name to what How many rings on the Olympic flag What colo r is vermilion a shade of #ing $og r led which co ntry What colo r is 'poc()s blood Where in yo r body is yo r patella Where can yo find /ondon bridge today What spirit is mi3ed with ginger beer in a 4oscow m le Who was the first man in space What wo ld yo do with a 7ashma( Who betrayed :es s to the !omans Which animal lays eggs On television what was Flipper Who)s band was =he > arrymen Which was the most s ccessf l *rand ?ational horse Who starred as the 'i3 4illion <ollar 4an An the song Walt1ing 4atilda 9 What is a : mb c( Who was <an <are)s greatest enemy in the ;agle What is <ic( *rayson better (nown as What was given on the fo rth day of Christmas What was '(ippy , on =5 What does a f namb list do What is the name of <ennis the 4enace)s dog What are bactrians and dromedaries Who played =he F gitive Who was the #ing of 'wing Who was the first man to fly across the channel Who starred as !oc(y Balboa An which war was the charge of the /ight Brigade Who invented the television Who wo ld se a mashie niblic( An the song who (illed Coc( !obin What do decid o s trees do An golf what name is given to the ?o 3 wood Af yo has caries who wo ld yo cons lt What other name is 4ellorBs famo sly (nown by What did :ac( Horner p ll from his pie How many feet in a fathom which film had song 'pringtime for Hitler ?ame the legless fighter pilot of ww2 What was the name of inn in =reas re Asland What was ;rich Weiss better (nown as Who sailed in the ?ina 9 Pinta and 'anta 4aria Which leader died in 't Helena Who wrote *one with the Wind What does ring a ring a roses refer to Whose nose grew when he told a lie Who has won the most Oscars What wo ld a 'cotsman do with a sp rtle Which award has the words for valo r on it

Beach Boys Five !ed %lbania *reen #nee , it)s the (neecap 0'% , %ri1ona 5od(a 7 ri *agarin Wear it 9 it)s an %rab veil : das ;scariot < c( billed platyp s <olphin :ohn /enon !ed ! m /ee 4a@ors 'heep 4e(on !obin ,Batman and !obinCalling birds =he b sh (angaroo =ightrope wal(er *nasher Camels ,one h mp or two<avid :ason Benny *oodman /o is Bleriot 'ylvester 'tallone Crimean :ohn /ogie Baird *olfer 'parrow /ose their leaves in winter 'poon <entist 9 its tooth decay /ady Chatterlys /over Pl m 'i3 =he Prod cers <o glas Bader %dmiral Benbow Harry Ho dini Christopher Col mb s ?apoleon Bonaparte 4argaret 4itchell =he Blac( <eath Pinocchio Walt <isney ;at porridge ,itBs a spoon5ictoria Cross

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Af yo had pogonophobia what wo ld yo be afraid of Who wo ld ta(e sil( as part of their @ob Who won an Oscar for the %frican > een Who sang the theme song in 6 to & What in b siness terms is the A4F !ingo 'tar narrates which children)s =5 series Which co ntry grows the most fr it Which company is owned by Bill *ates What wo ld yo do with a maris piper An Casablanca what is the name of the nightcl b What was the first :ames Bond boo( What (ind of animal is a l rcher What is the c rrency of % stria What is the Aslamic eC al to the red cross An fable who sold a cow for five beans How did %lfred ?obel ma(e his money Who was the first man to r n a s b fo r min te mile What are 4 nroes Which car company ma(es the Celica %ir /ing s is the national airline of which co ntry Who discovered radi m What does an alopecia s fferer lac( Who painted =he Haywain =ris(adeccaphobia is the fear of what What is a baby rabbit called Which co ntry had =he <a phin as a r ler Who did 4ichael Caine play in the Apcress File ,both namesWho won ; ro song contest 'ave %ll 7o r #isses For 4e Which co ntry had the g ns of ?averone installed Actheologists st dy what What is a Winston Ch rchill Who or what lives in a formicari m What type of acid is sed in car batteries AtBs a floc( of sheep what)s a gro p of owls called What animal wo ld yo find in a form Who in boo(s and films was the man of bron1e Who was 'tan /a rels partner What (ind of food is C llan '(in( What is classified by the % B O system What plant does the Colorado beetle attac( Where did the Pied Piper play =o where in France do the sic( ma(e pilgrimages An which city was the famo s blac( hole Christopher Coc(erel invented what !ay Bolger played who in =he Wi1ard of O1 'abotage is French 9 What did the sabote rs se Which part of the h man body contains the most gold Af yo had r bella what wo ld yo have ca ght 4ohs scale hardest s bstance is diamond 9 what)s the softest /a *iaconda is better (nown as what

Beards Barrister Bogart <olly Parton Anternational 4onetary F nd =homas the tan( engine China 4icrosoft ;at it 9 itBs a potato !ic()s Casino !oyal <og 'chilling !ed Crescent :ac( , and grew a beanstal( He invented <ynamite !oger Bannister 4o ntains in 'cotland =oyota !ep blic of Areland or ;ire =he C ries Hair :ohn Constable ? mber 13 #it or #itten France Harry Palmer Brotherhood of 4an = r(ey Fish Cigar %nts ' lph ric Parliament Hare <oc 'avage Oliver Hardy Fish Blood *ro ps Potato Hamlin /o rdes Calc tta Hovercraft 'carecrow 'hoes 9 sabot means shoe =oenails *erman 4easles =alc 4ona /isa

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Who wrote the Opera 4adam B tterfly What lin(s 9 *oa 9 #er la 9 %ssam 9 Bihar ;ric %rth r Blaire was the real name of which a thor ?ames 9 Ba(er Coo( obvio s what did Cordwainer do Which co ntry do 'inologists st dy ! dy 'tevens became famo s nder which name Which non alcoholic cordial is made from pomegranates What is Orchesis 9 either professional or amate r =a(en literally what sho ld yo see in a Hippodrome Who wrote the 4an in the Aron 4as( Which 1663 <isney film starred Bet 4iddler as a witch Who piloted the first flight across the ;nglish channel What was the first :ames Bond film What 1661 film won best filmD actorD actressD director Oscars What was the capital of ;thiopia %escapalio s emblem staff sna(e *ree( !oman god of what *iacomo %gostini 9 122 *rand Pri3 1& world titles what sport What is the largest state in the 0'% /ed <eighton trilogy *ame 'et 4atch What 3 Capitals %lan 't art #onigsberg famo s as who Which h man rights organisation fo nded 16+1 got ?obel 16.. Whose a tobiography was =he long wal( to Freedom What was discovered in 1622 by Howard Carter Clyde =onba gh discovered what planet in 1638 Who won the women)s heptathlon at 'eo l in 1622 Who wrote ?orthanger %bbey Who ran thro gh the streets na(ed crying ; re(a Who composed the Brandeberg concertos f ll names Who won the World 'eries in 162. What is the correct term of address to the Pope An which city was %le3ander *raham Bell born in 12". Who composed the ballets 'leeping Bea ty and =he ? tcrac(er %* Bell opened school in Boston in 12.2 for =eachers of what Ben@amin # bels(y 126" fame as what comedian An the Old =estament what boo( comes between Obadiah 9 4icah !obin Williams dressed in drag for which 1663 film Which chess piece co ld be a member of the ch rch Which *erman word means lightning war sed in WW2 Broccoli belongs to what family of plants Who designed the first Aron ship the *reat Britain in 12"& Whose boat Bl ebird was recently raised from Coniston water in 16&1 which ,of two- car companies introd ced power steering Who wrote Catch 22 ,both namesWhich co ntry set p the worldBs first chemistry lab in 1+&8 What lin(s the names Botvini(D =alD #arpovD Fischer What is the national flower of :apan Bombardier Billy Wells was seen on many !an( films 9 why Where in France do claret wines come from What did mathematician :ohn ?apier invent in 1+1" What was the worldBs first high level programming lang age 16&.

P ccini Andia *eorge Orwell 'hoema(er China Barbara 'tanwyc( *renadine %rt of <ancing Horses %le3ander < mas Hoc s Poc s /o is Bleriot <r ?o 'ilence of the /ambs %ddis %baba 4edicine 4otorcycle !acing %las(a Berlin 4e3ico/ondon Woody %llen %mnesty Anternational ?elson 4andela = tan(amen tomb Pl to :ac(ie :oyner9#ersey :ayne % stin %rchimedes :ohan 'ebastian Bach 4innesota twins 7o r Holiness ;dinb rgh =chai(ovs(y =he <eaf :ac( Benny :onah 4rs <o btfire Bishop Blit1(rieg Cabbage AE #ingdom Br nel <onald Campbell B ic( 9 Chrysler :oseph Heller ?etherlands Chess World Champs Chrysanthem m Hit *ong Bordea 3 /ogarithms AB4 FO!=!%?

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Cons mption was the former name of which disease Which %merican state is nic(named =he <iamond 'tate What are the 'iroccoD 4istral and Chinoo( Who wrote abo t Willie Won(a and the Chocolate Factory WhoD at 0'% c stoms declaredD nothing b t my geni s Ass r <anielovitch became famo s a who Who sailed in the *olden Hind What was the name of the plantation in *one with the Wind Who won the 1622 ' perbowl Which gro p believes in =he *reat %rchitect of the 0niverse !obert %lan $immerman real name of who Processed *alena prod ces which metal Who wrote * lliverBs =ravels ,both namesWhat is a Ha Ha An :apan what is 'epp ( Who discovered blood circ lation =he d nnoc( is another name for which common bird Af someone said they were from Hellas 9 which co ntry Who was the son of $e s and 4aia 9 *ods 4essenger !oy 'cherer @r became famo s as who Who wrote Brave ?ew World ,f ll nameWhat lin(s CalabriaD /ig riaD P glia and 5eneto Which city in !a@asthan has riding breeches named after it Port gal has had si3 #ings with what first name What martial arts name means gentle way :ean Cla de #illy famo s in which sport #imberlite contains what precio s item Who directed <r 'trangelove 9 2881 9 =he 'hining ,f ll name!ene /aliC e 9 %rt ?o vea designer wor(ed what material Who created the children)s land of ?arnia and /ion Witch Wardrobe What animal lives in a drey Why is /o ise Brown 9 born 16.2 famo s =he title of whose boo( translates as my str ggle %nna 4ary !obinson 9 famo s %merican painter 9 what name An which co ntry wo ld yo find the ?egev desert Which character has been played by the most actors An *ree( mythology a Hamadryads spirit g arded what :ocasta was the wife of /ai s and the mother of who Who wrote =he !ights of 4an 9 and =he %ge of !eason What is the capital of 'icily What was invented by <r ;dward /and in 16". 'yd BarettD !oger WatersD !ichard WrightD ?ic( 4ason 9 *ro p Carlo Collodi created which famo s children)s character What is mainly e3tracted from pitchblende Which connects <elftD 'evresD WedgwoodD Chelsea Which co ntry introd ced the worlds first diesel loco in 1612 in 1+&+ Christian H ygens invented what type of time(eeper < valiD < shira and Holi are religio s days in which religion An what ind stry did :ohn <avidson !oc(efeller get rich =he 4a 4a were terrorists in which co ntry late &8s early +8s

= berc losis <elaware Winds !oald <ahl Oscar Wilde #ir( <o glas 'ir Francis <ra(e =ara Washington !eds(ins Freemasons Bob <ylan /ead :onathon 'wift ' n(en Fence Hari #ari 9 s icide William Harvey Hedge 'parrow *reece Hermes !oc( H dson %ld s H 3ley !egions of Ataly :odhp r :ohn : do '(iing <iamonds 'tanley # bric( *lass Clive 'taples /ewis 'C irrel First test t be baby %dolf Hitler *randma 4oses Asrael 'herloc( Holmes =rees Oedip s =homas Paine Palermo Polaroid Pin( Floyd Pinocchio 0rani m Porcelain *ermany Pend l m cloc( Hind Oil #enya

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1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

=he *reat ;scape ?osebleed %ro nd the world in 28 days Hippopotam s Perse s =in and /ead #oda( 1 9 hand held roll film cam Philosophers Barometer Pablo Picasso Pitcairn Aslands Po H sband Colonies of Port gal 4oonshine Priam 4ach Picch 'an Francisco "6 ers Herman 4elville <ic( = rpin =he Flash 4ercedes > eensland !agnaro( 0ndergro nd railway %rth r !ansom 4 stard 5id( n > isling !abat 'C are =h s 'C are meal B ddhist /in 3 comp ter operating system !hes s 4on(ey !hodesia !ice /awyer 'tethoscope =he !olling 'tones $ero ;rwin !ommel !osetta 'tone =he 0niversity Boat !ace Faberge C red Fsmo(ed cod roe 'cience Fiction !andolph 'cott =aste 'ein Fein !ansome Olds Christian Barnard

What movie cast incl ded :ames *arnerD !ichard %ttenbo ro ghD 'teve 4c> eenD Charles BronsonD <onald PleasanceD :ames Cob rnD *ordon :ac(sonD %ng s 4cPhee among many others Af yo s ffer from epista3is what is wrong An which boo( wo ld yo find the manservant Pas Parto t What animals name translates as water horse An *ree( mythology who (illed the *orgon Which two metals are alloyed to ma(e pewter An 1266 the ;astman company in the 0'% prod ced first what What lin(s 9 'arteD ?eit1scheD ! ssell and <ecartes An 1+"3 ;vangalisa =orichelli invented the first what Which 'panish painter has first e3hibition at 1+ 9 also " year bl e Where did the m tineers of the Bo nty settle What is the longest river in Ataly What does a polyandric women have more than one of What lin(s Bra1ilD 0r g ayD 4o1ambiC e and %ngola What is the %merican eC ivalent of the Arish Poteen Who was the last (ing of =roy (illed by %chilles son Pyrrh s An 1611 the archaeologist Hiram Bingham discovered what lost city Who won the ' perbowl in 1626 Who wrote the boo( Billy B dd also 4oby <ic( Which highwayman rode the horse Blac( Bess Barry %llen was the alter ego of which <C comic s perhero An 1681 which brand of car was seen for the first time Brisbane is the state capital of which '; % stralian state An ?orse mythology what is the name of the ltimate battle An 1268 the first electric what opened in /ondon Who wrote the children)s novel 'wallows and %ma1ons Oil seed rape belongs to which plant family Which ?orwegian politicians name became a word for traitor What is the capitol of 4orocco What shape were the sailors plates in ?elsons navy What religion lin(s Weasa(D <hrammacac(aD and Bhodi day /in s =orwalds invented and wrote what =he bander macaC e has which commoner name $ambia and $imbabwe sed to be called what What is the staple food of one third of the worlds pop lation Pa l !obeson the singer of old man river had what profession !ene /aennac invented which aid for doctors in 1218 :aggerD !ichardsD WymanD :onesD WattsD 'tewart 9 which band What digit does not e3ist in !oman ? merals Who was nic(names =he desert Fo3 ,both ?amesWhat aid to archaeologists from 16. bc was fo nd in ;gypt 1.66 Which ann al sporting event between 2 teams started in 1226 Who was the @eweller to the ! ssian Co rt famo s ;aster eggs What type of food is =aramasalata What lin(s 'am el <elaneyD Fredric( PohlD Harlan ;llison !andolph Crane became famo s as which cowboy actor %ge sia is the loss of which sense Which Arish political parties name translates as we o rselves Henry Ford sed assembly line in 1682 b t someone before 1681 Who performed the first heart transplant in 'o th %frica

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<og 'tar 'lide ! le 'ocrates =homas Octave 4 rdoch 'opwith 'o th <a(ota 4alaria 4ariner 6 !egions of 'pain '(iing Agor 'travins(y ' bpoena :ohn ' rtees Breaststro(e 1+th cent ry 'wit1erland =hermometer =an( =antal s ;dgar !ice B rro ghs =ea 4arconi 4artina ?avratilova =erracotta 'tate of =e3as 4acbeth :ohn B chan ?ew 7or( *iants 'oya Bean C rd G via 'oya mil( =riton =ina = rner 0''! =renton Peter 0stinov 5ac m or thermos flas( 5esta 5ines Colo r =elevision <ashiell Hammett 7osemite 0'% $ip Fastener ?apoleon Oral Contraceptive Whittle :et ;ngine =ennis /ancaster Pennsylvania Fay Wray %merica)s C p Hops Congo %BO Blood *ro ps *eorge Washington 1.62 1.62

What is the common name for the star 'iri s What calc lating aid was invented by William O ghtred in 1++2 Which %thenian philosopher wrote nothing 9 immortalised by Plato Who designed the WW 1 plane Camel and co designed H rricane Cra1y Horse and 'itting B ll were born in which 0' state An 1+++ :es it Bar( was sed as a prevention against what An 16.1 which 0'% space probe was first to orbit another planet What lin(s CataloniaD %ndal siaD CantabriaD *alicia Angemar 'tenmar( won record 2& world c p races in what sport Who wrote the m sic for the ballets Firebird and !ites of 'pring What common legal item literally means nder penalty Who was the only person to win world titles on bi(es and cars What is the oldest swimming stro(e Which ; ropean co ntry is divided into areas called Cantons Which medical tool was developed by 'anctori s in 1+12 What weapon was invented by ;rnest 'winton sed in 161+ Which mythological #ing chained grapes rose water fell Who created =ar1an ,all names- in 161" Camellia 'inesis evergreen shr b better (nown as what An 1681 who first transmitted radio signals across %tlantic Who won si3 consec tive Wimbledon titles in the 1628s What Atalian b ilding material translates as ba(ed earth What lin(s B ddy HollyD /yndon :ohnstonD :anice :oplin Which eponymo s character was =hane of Cawder *laimes Who wrote the 36 steps ,both namesWho won the ' perbowl in 162. What is the food tof made from Who was the son of Poseidon and %mpherite %nnie 4ae B lloc( became famo s nder which name ,bothWhat lin(ed %rmeniaD *eorgiaD /atvia and 4oldavia What is the state capitol of ?ew :ersey Who won an Oscar for best s pporting actor in 'partac s 16+8 What was invented by :ames <ewer in 12.2 Who was the !oman goddess of the hearth 5itic lt re is the growing of what plants An 16&3 what was first s ccessf lly transmitted in the 0'% Who wrote the =hin 4an in 163" ,both names%ngel falls 5ene1 ela Highest b t where second Highest Whitcome : dson in 1261 invented what for fastening shoes Who sold /o isiana to the 0'% in 1283 *regory Pinc sD :ohn !oc(D *erhart <omang( developed what =he *lo cester ; 22F36 first flew in 16"1 9 what was n s al Women compete between 0'% and 0# in Wightman C p 9 'port Woolworth)s 9 the & F18 cent store started in which s state 16.6 Which actress starred in the original #ing #ong in 1633 ,both;3cept % stralia 1 ?ew $ealand 1 0'% all since 12.8 wantH What)s missing from ale thatBs incl ded in beer 0ntil 16.1 what was the name of $aire #arl /ienstater discovered which medical brea(thro gh in 1681 Who is the only %merican president elected nopposed

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1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Which co ntries men se the most deodorant Who played Billy the #id in =he /eft Handed * n What was the first credit card What lin(s H mphry <avieD 4ichael FaradayD 4adam C rie Hippophagic society members s pport what What did Britain swap Havana for with 'pain in 1.+3 What is the crime of embracery Which co ntry made the worlds first feat re film in 168+ Who wrote *entlemen Prefer Blonds What was ?orman Bates hobby in Psycho What was Casanovas day @ob Where is the worlds largest gold depository Why did the state of Andiana ban !obin Hood in 16&3 %ngelo 'cicilano better (now as who How did *eorge AA die What did 4arlon Brando and *eorge C 'cott ref se Why was convict 2&66 n s al in Pen 'tate prison 162" What is + inches bigger in ' mmer What two ingredients ma(e the dish angels on horsebac( What was Charles <ic(ens last , nfinished- novel Which sea on ;arth has no beaches !e ben =ice died trying to invent a machine to do what <e Witt Wallace fo nded what Who is the Patron 'aint of thieves %ccording to his b siness card what @ob did %l Capone do

:apan Pa l ?ewman <iners Cl b Poisoned by chemicals wor( ;ating horsemeat Florida : ry Bribing % stralia 'tory of #elly gang %nita /oos 't ffing birds /ibrarian Federal reserve ban( 4anhattan Comm nist G rob rich Charles %tlas Fell off toilet Oscars <og doing life for (illing cat ;iffel tower Oysters 9 wrapped in Bacon 4ystery of ;dwin <rood 'argasso sea <ewrin(le pr nes !eaders <igest 't ?icholas 'ell second hand f rnit re !abbits 'helly Winters 'erve wine 5atican City !oc( aro nd the cloc( <enmar( 4ichael :ac(son 'wagmanBs #napsac( *ermany <avy Croc(et #arl 4alden %merican flag Blaire *eneral :ellyfish Ptolemy <ionys s G her brother %rtf l <odger Charlie Chaplin *inger !odgers PeaC od Herbert Hoover H * Wells %sh Wednesday Broo(field Captain Flint =he 0nto chables

H mans are 18D888 times more se3 ally active that what animal 'hirley 'chrift became famo s as which actress An #ansas what can a waiter not do in a teac p ,legallyWhich co ntry has the smallest birth rate Which 16&+ film ca sed riots in cinemas Who did the 0'% b y the 5irgin islands from Who played the scarecrow in the Wi1 ,all blac( wi1 of o1What was or is a Walt1ing 4athilda Which co ntry was the first to introd ce old age pensions Which hats became pop lar with children in 16&+ 4alden 'er(iovitch famo s as which actor What is it illegal to pawn in ?ew 7or( What hospital did <r #ildare wor( at Collective no ns 9 a sm c( of what Who was Cleopatra)s first h sband Who was :ohn <aw(ins better (nown as Which film star has his stat e in /eicester 'C are 5irginia 4c4ath became famo s as which actress What is the name of Captain %hab)s ship !oosevelt won the 1632 election 9 who lost it Who wrote =he History of 4r Polly What is the first day of /ent 4r Chips said goodbye 9 from which fictional school Who b ried the treas re on =reas re Asland Which =5 series was narrated by Walter Winchell

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&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 An which co ntry was % schwit1 What was the first British instr mental to top the 0'% charts On which national flag is there an eagle and a sna(e What gro p of animals wo ld be in a clowder What is a 'am Browne What is the chemical symbol for t ngsten Who are the two most translated ;nglish writers

Poland =elstar by =he =ornados 4e3ico Cats 4ilitary belt W 'ha(espeare G %gatha Christie Olympic Onions 4argaret ! therford *ree( 9alpha beta /oving and *iving =he robe 'enlac hill %pple *old Ats all over now 'har(s :ets <o ble ;agle Fran1 /is1t 1&th : ly 4 shrooms Feet Practice Balls 'almon 'a3 !ohmer ;dith Blyton !od 'tiger 'inger sewing machine in 12&8s A?!A Honey $odiac 'at rn Flower arranging %merican Port gal 4il( 'ea creat res and birds < l th 4innesota Br sh Cla di s Helen of =roy Horse bits ;nsign Che(ov Cliff !ichard Avory %rachne Carry on 'ergeant /a ren Bacall Cow 7a( cross

Citi s %lti s Forti s is the motto of what organisation What is the main ingredient of sa ce /yonnaise Who played 4iss 4arple in + films ,both namesFrom what lang age does the word alphabet come An the n rsery rhyme what is Fridays child What was the first film made in cinemascope Where was the battle of Hastings fo ght % pearmain is what type of fr it What colo r is the b ll on an archery target What was the !olling 'tones first no 1 hit ?ame both rival gangs in West 'ide 'tory An golf what do the %mericans call an albatross Which classical composer wrote the H ngarian !hapsody When is 't 'withens day What are ceps morels and chantrelles Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin ins re An golf what wo ld yo p t in yo r shag bag % bind is a gro p of what type of fish Which a thor created F 4anch 4rs <arell Waters ,translated 122 lang ages- pen name Who played the pawnbro(er in the film of that name What was the first man fact red item to be sold on Hire P rchase Which letters denote :es s ?a1areth #ing of the :ews An France if yo were served le miel what wo ld yo eat =he *ree( for circle of animals gives it name to what Who was the !oman god of agric lt re What is i(ebana What nationality was 4orse inventor of the famo s code *oa sed to be a colony of which nation What does a galactophagist drin( What did *od create on the fifth day ,bothWhere was Bob <ylan born An the 12th cent ry what wo ld a pencil be %grippa poisoned her h sbandF ncle who was he Who was the mother of Castor and Poll 3 What are the snaffle Pelham and Weymo th Walter #oenig played which part in the 'tar =re( series Who had a hit with <evil Woman What were the first false teeth made from =he @ealo s %thena t rned who into a spider What was the first Carry On film Who was the female lead in =he 'hootist What is a d1o

?o > estions > i1 &

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Hypermetropic people are what Which leader lives in the Potola What wood was the cross s pposed to be made of :oseph /evitch became famo s as who Af yo planted a bandarilla what are yo doing What was the first Pin( Floyd alb m in which city was the first p blic opera ho se opened An what ;lvis film did he play a do ble role =he %phrodite of 4elos has a more famo s name 9 what Which co ntry invented the concentration camp :ohn H ston scored a hit with his first film 9 whatH 'tan la relD 4ic(ey !ooneyD /ana = rner what in common What real person has been played most often in films 'cotopic people can do what What is the most critical thing (eeping bananas fresh transport What is the name of the Paris stoc( e3change Whose m sic feat red in =he Cloc(wor( Orange What was the =roggs most famo s hit An :apan what colo r car is reserved for the royal family only What city has #ogoshima as its airport What was gangsters *eorge ?elsons nic(name Whose first wife was actress :ayne Wyman An 4%'H what is !adars favo rite drin( What do yo give on the third wedding anniversary What is a baby whale called An which film did the !olls !oyce have the n mber plate %01 5ladamere %sh(ena1y plays what m sical instr ment With which organ does a sna(e hear On what is the 4ona /isa painted What is the second most common international crime Co nt de *risly was the first to perform what tric( in 1.66 Who wrote /es 4iserable Which bird t rns it head pside down to eat =he coloss s of !hodes was a stat e of who Who rode a horse called B cephal s =o which /ondon cl b did 4ycroft Holmes belong What did William %ddis invent in prison What is the only d ty of police *racthenvissers in %msterdam #leene3 tiss es were originally intended as what in 161& Who invented popcorn What is the colo r of mo rning in = r(ey For what is spirits of salt another name Which game is played on an oval with 12 player per team An the Winnie the Pooh stories what is #angaBs baby called Which actor is common to 4agnificent . and <irty <o1en Who saved %ndromeda from the sea monster What flower is the symbol of secrecy What item were originally called Hanways What is Br ssels best (nown stat e in which lang age does *od : l mean happy Imas

/ong 'ighted <alai /ama 4istletoe :erry /ewis B llfighting Piper at the gates of dawn 5enice #issing Co sins 5en s de 4ilo Britain 9 Boer war 4altese falcon 2 marriages ?apoleon Bonaparte 'ee in the dar( =emperat re not below 13 C &&F Bo rse Beethoven Wild =hing 4aroon =o(yo Baby Face !onald !egan *rape #nee High /eather Calf *oldfinger Piano =ong e Wood %rt theft 'aw woman in half 5ictor H go Flamingo %pollo %le3ander the *reat <iogones =oothbr sh 4otorists in canals WW1 *as mas( filters %merican Andians 5iolet Hydrochloric acid % stralian football !oo Charles Bronson Perse s !ose 0mbrellas =he 4anneC in Pis 'wedish

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

> estions > i1 &

Which flying pioneer was nic(named the lone eagle Horse stat e 9 mo nted man 9 on two legs 9 how man die Which %merican state prod ces the most potatoes Who wrote <r $hivago Who is Charlie Browns favo rite baseball player ,fictional;merald is the birth stone for which month Whose yacht was called Honey Fit1 What is the white trail behind a @et plane made from What Atalian habit did =homas Coyrat introd ce to ;ngland 1+82 P rl Plain Fisherman)s Cable types of what Why was 4ary 4allen loc(ed p from 161& to 1632 Af yo were doing vaccim lgence what doing For what p rpose was the chow chow dog originally bred What (ind of fr it is a ( mC at Who was the *ree( goddess of love What first appeared in ?ew 7or( World 21st <ecember 1613 Which gro p of animals are called a cete Which herb did the !omans eat top prevent dr n(enness What is the original literal meaning of the word bride Who ran the first marathon What is the only creat re that can t rn its stomach inside o t What is 4ilan)s opera ho se called What is the oldest most widely sed dr g on earth What type of animal is a 'amoyed An which co ntry did dra ghts ,chec(ers- originate 'hane Fenton became famo s as who What is the worlds most pop lar green vegetable What does a racoon do before eating its food What other name is sed for the snow leopard Which drin( did Bach en@oy so m ch he wrote a cantata for it Who invented the first safety ra1or in 126& What nationality is =hor Heyerdahl What 3 ingredients ma(e a sidecar coc(tail % sp nder or drift is the name for a gro p of what animals What is ;rse On oometer meas res what What did table tennis balls sed to be made from Af yo had variola what disease have yo got Which playing card is called the C rse of 'cotland Which painter did Hans van 4eegeren most fa(e Which co ntry had the first women 4Ps 16 in 168. An 16+6 what category was added to the ?obel pri1es An which city was Bob Hope born An the h man body where is yo r occip t Who wrote the 'tar 'pangled Banner Which food did 5ictorians deride as little bags of mystery Which actor was d bbed the m scles from Br ssels Which film star was the first to appear on a postage stamp What wo ld yo e3pect to find in a binnacle Which Hollywood star has made the cover of /ife most times

Charles /indbergh #illed in Battle Adaho Boris Pasterna( :oe 'hlabotni( 4ay :ohn Fit1gerald #ennedy Ace Crystals ;ating with for(s #nitting stitches =yphoid 4ary 4il(ing a cow %s food or Chow 'mall Orange %phrodite Crossword Badgers Parsley =o coo( ,ancient t tonicPhidipedes 'tarfish /a 'cala %lcohol <og ;gypt %lvin 'tard st /ett ce Washes it in water O nce Coffee #ing Camp *illette ?orwegian Brandy Cointrea /emon @ ice 'wine Arish *aelic lang age Birds ;ggs Cor( 'mallpo3 ?ine of <iamonds 5ermeer Finland ;conomics /ondon ,;lthamBac( of head Francis 'cott9(ey 'a sages :ean Cla de 5an <am *race #elly 'hips compass ;li1abeth =aylor ,11-

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Which 4editerranean co ntries orchestra is bigger than its army What lin(s stags tailsD pic(led wormsD gallstonesD tomatoes Ba(ed beans were originally served in what sa ce Where can yo b y a copy of Peng in ?ews Who was the hero of the old =5 cop series <ragnet Which %frican co ntry was fo nded by %mericans What was Britain called 9 before it was Britain What part of a frog do yo r b to hypnotise it How did m lti millionaire ! ssell 'age save money How was 0'% president :ames B chanan different from all rest What)s involved in 28J of car accidents in 'weden What)s n s al abo t evangelist %my 'emple 4cPhersons coffin Who wo ld se a swo11le What does a tailor do with his plon(er Ch rches in 4alta have two what 4arnie ?i3on what <eborah #err ?atilie Wood % drey Hepb rn Which Atalian tractor ma(er tried ma(ing cars in 16+8s What first appeared on Page 1 of the =imes 3 4ay 16++ Car so p t what in ?ellie 4elbas hand singing tiny hand fro1en What wo ld yo do with an ;d1ell bl e An what month did the ! ssian October revol tion ta(e place ?obody)s perfect is the last line in which classic comedy film How did B ffalo Bill stic( to one glass whis(y a day An 1.+8 what means of personal transport was invented What three co nties were ;li1a <olittle ta ght to prono nce An Hitchcoc()s film =he =ro ble with Harry 9 what was the tro ble What was the first gramophone record made from What did *eorge Washington soa( his wooden teeth in for taste *eorge 51 4o1art %l :olson Casanova 9 which organisation Who said KAts so long since se3 A forget who gets tied pK 't %ppolonia Patron 'aint of what What is meas red on the *ay9/ ssac scale % sC id fo nd in ?ew $ealand had the biggest what ever seen What was the first co ntry to g arantee freedom of worship which famo s person invented the cat flap By law what can yo not do in 4innesota with yo r washing line Why do =ibetans grow long nails on little fingers !ichard Penniman became famo s as who What is a snood Who said Kmen are creat res with two legs and 2 handsK Which ; ropean co ntry eats the most brea(fast cereal Philosopher :eremy Bentham has a very n s al pet 9 what What co ntry did Ataly invade in 163& Who sang the title song in the film *rease What is prod ced in a ginnery What was made illegal in ;ngland in 1"36 What was invented by <r %lbert 'o thwic( in 1221 An which co ntry are yo most li(ely to die from a scorpion sting Who is the most filmed a thor ;3cl ding religio s wor(s what is the worlds top selling boo(

4onaco Once tho ght to be %phrodisiacs =reacle 9 molasses Fal(land Aslands 'ergeant :oe Friday /iberia %lbion Ats belly ?ot wear nderwear Batchelor maybe gay % moose Contains =elephone P nch and : dy man Press s its Cloc(s right and wrong conf se devil < bbed in their singing voices Ferr chio /amborghini ?ews stories Hot 'a sage ;at it 9 itBs a potato ?ovember 'ome /i(e it Hot > art glass !oller '(ates Hertford Hereford Hampshire He was dead =infoil Port Freemasons :oan !ivers =oothache %lcohol strength ;ye 1&E.& inches =ransylvania Asaac ?ewton P t male female washing together =o pic( noses efficiently /ittle !ichard % (ind of hairnet :ayne 4ansfield Britain =ea Pot %byssinia 9 ;thiopia Fran(ie 5alli Cotton #issing ;lectric chair 4e3ico ,1888 a year'ha(espeare over 388 * inness Boo( of !ecords

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Who sold the most alb ms on a single day What was the last item shown on British =5 before WW2 What co ntries people had the longest life e3pectation Who said KA li(e Beethoven especially the poemsK What does the entire economy of the island of ?a r depend on :ohn *len first 0'% to orbit earth was in which service Oedip s was named after what 9 literal translation What fish can hold ob@ects in its tail Who is the most filmed comic strip character Whose version of % 5iew to a #ill reached 1 in 0'% 2 in 0# Which co ntry grows the most potatoes What does a drosomoter meas re Which ;nglish #ings armo r has the biggest codpiece Which co ntry was the first to abolish capitol p nishment 122+ An law what is a co9parcener Which pop gro p had a hit with 'ilence is *olden *ree( mathematician cylinder enclosed sphere carved on grave What does a psephologist st dy Where wo ld yo find line of 4ars 9 *irdle of 5en s British call this bird species tits 9 what do %mericans call them Which co ntry owns the Hen and Chic(en islands Who created the =5 series 9 =he man from 0?C/; Which film director described actors as cattle 'hirley Bassey sang three Bond themes 9 which 3 films Barring rain 9 in which athletics event wo ld yo get wet What colo r is the flesh of the Charentais melon Who appeared on the first 0' postage stamps ,both namesWho was the first person elected to 0' swimming hall fame =he g illotine was invented for chopping off what Which co ntry invented the bedsprings Whets the difference between fog and mist What did 'panish scientists fit to cows to increase mil( yield What people fo nded cheese ma(ing in ;ngland What is the first name of 4r =oad 9 in =oad of =oad Hall %tephobia is a fear of what What are *rapnelD Br ceD <anforthD Plo gh types ofH Why did Handel compose =he 4essiah !ed flags flown by French ships 9 :oli !o ge origin of what name in which co ntry co ld yo spend a #wan1a :ohn Henry <e tchendorf famo s as who ,both names4itre <ovetail :ig and Hac( are types of what =racey and Hepb rn first film in 16"2 was what %ntimacassars were fitted to chairs 9 what is macasser :ac( #etch 1++3 1+2+ had what @ob ?e(al was the first type of what prod ct ,*ermany 161.Who was the first *rand Pri3 driver to sed a safety belt in 16+. =he 'F award the H go is named after H go whoH 4a rice 4ic(lewhite became famo s as who What do Ombrophobes fear Af yo had a Brassica !apa what vegetable wo ld yo have

;lvis 28 million day after death 4ic(ey 4o se Aceland !ingo 'tarr Bird shit 9 * ano fertiliser 0' 4arine Corps 'wollen feet 'ea Horse $orro < ran < ran ! ssia <ew Henry 2 ! ssia C1ar ?icholas 9 'iberia instead :oint Heir =remaloes %rchimedes 5oting 9 ;lections Palm 9 lines in Palmistry Chic(adees ?orth island ?ew $ealand Aan Fleming %lfred Hitchcoc( *oldfingerD <iamonds are ForeverD 4oonra(er 'teeplechase Orange Washington 9 Fran(lin :ohnny Weism ller Hands *ree(s 'eeing <istance nder 1888yd False =eeth !omans =hadde s Amperfection %nchor For Cash :olly !odger %ngola :ohn <enver 'aw Woman of the 7ear Hair oil Hangman <etergent :ac(ie 't art *ernsbec( 4ichael Caine !ain = rnip

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Boob <ay in 'pain is what day in Britain ,practical @o(es playedWhat crime did =heresa 5a ghn commit +2 times in & years Who sailed in a ship called > een %nn)s !evenge 'aponification is the process that ma(es what common prod ct Bl e red green yellow fo r Olympic rings colo r what)s missing <etective Philip 4arlow smo(es what brand Who landed on =imor Asland after being cast adrift What is the more common name of the Chaparral Coc( An what lang age did 't Pa l write his epistles Aan Fleming)s ho se was called *oldeneye 9 which co ntry %lfred 'chneider became famo s as who % C9C rity was the original name of what common ob@ect Fidelity Bravery Antegrity is which organisations motto Who was the first blac( entertainer to win an ;mmy award %nthony <aniels played who in a series of films Of what material was the hairspring made in early watches An 12+8 ?apoleon AAA banC et 9 serving dishes dearer gold 9 what Which a thor created <ic( =racy What is the worlds most widely sed vegetable What are lentigines What type of animal is a vmi9vmi What did 4ege94o ries invent in 12.8 winning a ?apoleon pri1e What was Walt <isney)s middle name Who wo ld yo e3pect to find in Castle *ondolofo What two items ma(e p the dish devils on horsebac( What does l do mean ,literally=he <eto rs changed to =he High ? mbers then what name What animal was believed to be a cross camel 9 leopard %n elephant has "88888 what in its tr n( What colo r is cer lean Who composed the %ir for the * string ,init and nameWhat were =win(letoes 9 / c(y :im ,st ffed cats- first to do What are (replach =he pica pica is what common bird What male h man feat re was ta3ed in ;li1abethan times Which record company re@ected the Beatles as being past it From which co ntry does spinach originate British policemen have tr ncheons what is 0'% eC ivalent An <C comics /inda /ee <anvers is whose alter ego An what co ntry does the cow tree grow 9 sap loo(s tastes mil( =he penny blac( 9 worlds first stamp 9 what was second Which co ntry prod ces =o(ay Where co ld yo legally flash yo r dong 9 then spend it =he Bald ;agle is %mericas bird 9 What is Britain)s % stralian Clement Wragge instit ted what What does $ip stand for in the %merican $ip Code What wood is plywood mostly made from What is a H mm m An which sport are left handed people banned from playing What food was invented in a sanatori m in 1268

%pril Fools <ay 1st %pril Bigamy 9 =ried 1622 Blac(beard 'oap Blac( Camels Captain Bligh =he !oad ! nner *ree( :amaica /enny Br ce $ip Fastener FBA Harry Bellefonte C9P3O Pigs Hair %l mini m Chester *o ld Onion Frec(les 5ery small pig 4argarine ;lias =he Pope Bacon Pr nes A Play =he Who *iraffe 4 scles <eep Bl e :' Bach Fly across %tlantic %lcoc( Brown :ewish ravioli 4agpie Beards <ecca Aran ?ightstic( ' pergirl 5ene1 ela =wo penny Bl e H ngary 5ietnam c rrency !obin ?aming H rricanes $one Amprovement Plan Birch = r(ish bath Polo #ellogg corn fla(es

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is a Bellwether What was Proc l Harem)s greatest hit Percy 'haw invented what in 163" What animal prod ces its own s n tan lotion What was a ? remberg egg What was the name of Asaac ?ewton)s dog 9 ca sed fire in lab Who was eaten by dogs in the Old =estament An literat re who is the alter ego of Percy Bla(ney : glans !egia is the real name of what type of n t tree What alb m cover ,by the !olling 'tones- had a 1ip on the side What lives in a holt Who is the Patron 'aint of dancers and actors What is the worlds tallest grass Who owned the newspaper in /o *rant 9 ?ancy 4archand Who rep tedly first said 9 if in do bt tell the tr th :ohn !ichie became famo s nder what name An *ree( mythology who rowed the dead across the river 'ty3 %lfred White was a famo s a thor nder which name Which acid was first prepared from distilled red ants Who invented doctor Who What too( place on /ondon)s serpentine first time 1+ : ne 1638 Which ; ropean city was the bride of the sea Who ,not Peter 'ellers- played Anspector Clo sea in 16+2 Where co ld yo find the / tine Bell 7ab same is the :apanese version of what sport Which <ic(ens novel is considered an a tobiography <endrologists worship what What is the national sport of Finland Who was %grippa)s son Peter *oldma( invented what in 16"2 4ilton lost which sense What are camel haired br shes made of How did the *ree( dramatist %eschalys die Playing card 9 !aymond 'haw trance 9 4anch rian Candidate ;iffel designed the ;iffel tower 9 what was his first name =he 'al( vaccine is sed against what disease Af yo are born between : ne 23rd and : ly 23rd what star sign %n alloy of Aron 9 Chromi m and ?ic(el ma(es what Who said KP blic service is my mottoK <ra(es *olden Hind was originally called what An what film did ;lvis play a !ed Andian What did the 5ictorians call servant reg lators Which co ntry first sed the fo ntain pen What is the more pop lar name for the /ondonderry %ir Freyr was the ?orse god of what =%P is the national airline of which co ntry An which co ntry is the port of Frey Bentos =he #oh9i9?or is a famo s diamond 9 what does the name mean % nilometer meas res the rise and fall of what What was Britain)s first colony ,anne3ed in 1&23-

/eader of floc( of sheep Whiter shade of pale Cats eyes Hippopotam s Poc(et watch F cloc( <iamond :e1ebel 'carlet Pimpernel Waln t 'tic(y Fingers %n Otter 't 5itas Bamboo 4rs Pyncheron 4ar( =wain 'id 5icio s Charon :ames Herriot Formic acid =erry ?ation 4i3ed Bathing 5enice %lan %r(in /loyds of /ondon %rchery <avid Copperfield =rees 4otor !allying ?ero /P record 'ight 'C irrels tails ;agle dropped tortoise on head > een <iamonds * stave Polio Cancer 'tainless 'teel %l Capone =he Pelican 'tay away :oe %larm Cloc(s ;gypt <anny Boy Fertility Port gal 0r g ay 4o ntain of /ight !ivers ,originally ?ile?ewfo ndland

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

:oseph /ister 9 first operation antiseptic 9 12+. on who What was Blac( Bea ties original name Who was the original Peeping =om loo(ing at What element is present in all organic compo nds What was Professor 4oriarties first name Who was (nown as the /ittle Brown 'aint Who rode a horse called 4orengo % s( l( is a gro p of which animals Who defended World heavyweight title twice on same night in 168+ What part of an aircraft is the empennage We (now who wrote /ittle Women b t who wrote /ittle 4en Who was the *oddess of the rainbow An ; ropean city can yo be @ailed for not (illing f rry caterpillars Who was Olive Oyls boyfriend 9 before Popeye 'ienna law forbids women of what name from prostit tion What do the letters 4* stand for on cars Who was the first actor to appear on cover of =ime maga1ine Polyphem s was the leader of which gro p of mythical giants What does a pl viomoter meas re Which game was illegal in ;li1abethan ;ngland What nationality was Odd@ob What is a #no t What lang age has the most words Which film star sed to be a circ s acrobat =he comma bacill s ca ses what disease Which co ntry invented 5enetian Blinds What is a C adriga What is a bric(fielder P pi( means belly b tton in what lang age What is the main ingredient in Borsch What was the name of <r <olittleBs Parrot What was the name of William =ells son ,the apple head boy/ai(a was the first ever dog to do what Where co ld yo spend a 4ar((a What lin(s a bic(D throatD half swageD p nching hole =he Fag s is the /atin name of what type of tree Af yo have Chlorosis what colo r does the s(in go =he French say Bis 9 what word do the ;nglish se Of what are #ara( lD =e3elD !omney 4arsh types What is biltong What type of fish is 'comber 'combr s What are bric(D fontinaD port sal tD C argel types of An which co ntry did the t rnip originate =chai(ovs(y died of which disease 'am Barraclo gh owned which film star Which animals can live longest witho t water Captain Hanson *regory Croc(ett created what void in 12". #a(a means parrot in which lang age Who wrote % =own /i(e %lice Which fr it contains the most protein

His sister <ar(ie /ady *odiva Carbon :ames *handi ?apoleon at Waterloo Fo3es =ommy B rns G both 1st #Os =ail 0nit /o sia 4ay %lcott Aris Br ssels Ham *ravy 4aria 4orris *arages Charlie Chaplin Cyclops !ainfall Bowls #orean ! ssian flogging whip ;nglish B rt /ancaster Cholera :apan !oman " horse chariot Hot '; % ssie wind 7iddish Beetroot Polynesia Walter *o into space Finland %nvil they are parts of it Beech *reen ;ncore 'heep <ried meat 4ac(erel Cheese *reece Cholera /assie !ats Hole in <o ghn ts 4aori ?evil 'h te %vocado

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Agnati s /oyola fo nded which organisation Which 1+th cent ry Atalian wrote =he Prince % meander bend in a riverD named from river meander 9 where Who tells the story in =he %rabian ?ights %lfred :ingle appears in which <ic(ens novel 5aselina and Brillantino were alternate names which film Chaplin ate a boot in the *old ! sh 9 what was it made of Phoebe %nne 4o1ee better (nown as who What is the tenth letter of the *ree( alphabet Af yo were misocapnic what do yo hate An sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor %n isoneph on a map @oins places of eC al what B mper Harris 9 wooden leg 9 what :ob on /ondon 0ndergro nd Who is Avanhoe)s wife =he /ent /illy has a more common name 9 what What wo ld yo be if yo were a coryphLe Whose last words were 9 KClito A owe a coc( to %sclepi sK What does the *erman word Pan1er literally mean What is Frances longest river An which month is the 4 nich beer festival held What was the name of ?orse *od =hor)s hammer Who ordered :ohn the Baptists e3ec tion What was Walt <isney)s first cartoon character What medication discovered in 1622 b t introd ced 16"8 Who wrote Bea *este Prophesied the Chal s the *ree( 9 <ie on day 9 did of what Who is %laddin)s father What %merican state is the Badger state Why was Fred /or1 disC alified 168" Olympic marathon An China what colo r does the bride traditionally wear % m ster is a gro p of which birds Bohea is a type of what An which co ntry were antibiotics first sed Which co ntry grew the first Orange *ossima was the original name of what game Wild mar@oram is also (nown as what What was the name of !oses mon(ey in Friends Horse brasses 9 on dreyhorses 9 originally what p rpose %lfred Hitchcoc( admitted to being terrified of what What was the name of 'ancho Pan1a)s don(ey What is 'teganography %n %lbert chain is s ally attached to what %n n(indness is a gro p of what birds % fellmonger deals in what items What colo r habit do Franciscan mon(s wear ?enen9#ona is sold in ! ssia 9 what do we call it H gh /ofting created which famo s character What was the name of ! ssian bear mascot 1628 Olympics What ingredient m st French ice cream contain by law % (indle is the name for a gro p of what yo ng animals

:es its 4achiavelli = r(ey 'hehera1ade =he Pic(wic( Papers *rease /iC orice %nnie Oa(ley #appa =obacco 'mo(e Coo( %verage Clo d Cover !ide new escalators !owena <affodil Ballet <ancer 'ocrates %rmo r /oire October 4@olnir #ing Herod Oswald the !abbit Penicillin P C Wren /a ghing cos he was not dead 4 stapha the tailor Wisconsin Hitched a lift passing car !ed Peacoc(s =ea ;gypt 9 sed mo ldy bread China =able =ennis Oregano 4arcel Charms 9 ward off evil Policeman <apple Anvisible in( writing Watch !avens %nimal s(ins *rey Pepsi9Cola <octor <olittle 4ischa ;ggs #ittens

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What is the commonest symbol on flags of the world Which co ntry is alphabetically last 'miths Bon9Bons changed their name to what after 12"8 4inerva is the *oddess of what What type of animal is a @ennet Af yo were crap lo s what wo ld yo be Where wo ld yo Wedel What is the correct name for a baby otter What colo r is the gemstone peridot 'ans(rit is an old lang age 9 what does the word mean An which co ntry do they play ho lani 9 type of hoc(ey What does the name =abitha mean With what is spangy played Where did 'pam get its name =he Pog es too( their name from Pog e 4ahone 9 what mean What comes after the year of the sna(e 9 Chinese calendar 4osi9oa9= nya 9 'mo(e that =h nders 9 what nat ral feat re One person every + seconds dies from what %ppro3imately "8 million of what are cons med each year What is the worlds largest rodent Which winter game is (nown as the roaring game =he first (nown what happened in Wisconsin 12.2 Which 2 co ntries will host the 2882 'occer World C p finals An 163& Charlton C 4c*ee invented what in the 0'% Which French philosopher created analytical geometry =he length of what is appro3imately 1F18th circ mference of earth What was the world)s first comp ter b g in 16"+ What does a polythesistic person believe in Who fo nded the *ree( theatre 4aria 4agdelana 5on /osch Beyyer (now as who Af yo s ffered from tantartism what wo ld yo be doing Which literary pri1e started in 16+2 What lin(s Fit1royD ;ssendenD Collingswood and Carlton What co ntries people spend most private money on recreation What lin(s =he !eiversD *rapes of WrathD H mboldtBs *ift 0'% has most airports which co ntry has second most An 1226 Walter H nt invented what common item Fredric( 'anger discovered which medical life saver Who invented p nched cards sed in early comp ting 1228s Why did !oselin Fran(lin ,pre discovered dna heli3- no ?obel What is a <warf *oby What types can be saddleD plane or pivotal 1&88 paces was what !oman meas rement <enis *abor of H ngary 16.1 ?obel pri1e for what invention Who gave the 0? the land in ?7 to b ild their H> An 1..6 %braham <arby b ilt the worlds first what What is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion %n a bade or alborda is a song 9 b t what type What sport lin(s Castle C pD !ed 'tripe C pD !an@i =rophy What co ntries leader does not have an official residence

'tar $imbabwe Christmas Crac(ers Wisdom 'mall 'panish horse <r n( '(i slope #itten *reen P t together G Perfected = r(ey *a1elle 4arbles 'piced Ham #iss my arse Horse 5ictoria falls Contaminated water diseases Bananas Capybara C rling Organised motor race :apan 9 'o th #orea Par(ing 4eter !ene <ecartes *reat wall of China % moth 4any *ods =hespis 4arlene <ietrich <ancing 4ania Boo(er 4cConnell % ssie r les football teams =aiwan)s P lit1er Pri1e winners % stralia 'afety Pin Ans lin Herman Hollerith 'he was dead Worlds smallest tr e fish Body :oints /eag e Holograms :ohn < !oc(erfeller 4etal Bridge : daism 4o rning Cric(et C ba

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 162" <emeter was the *ree( god of what ,Ceres !omanWhat film won the 16"3 Oscar as best film What do ng late animals alone have <r / dwig / $amenhof invented what 122. Poland Who wrote =he Pict re of <orian *rey in 1261 Who composed =he Planets s it ,both namesWhat lin(s <oricD AonicD = scanD Corinthian and Composite What is phonetic alphabet word for 0 Why were women barred from original Olympic *ames An which 0'% state is Ch rchill <owns racetrac( An 12+. / cian B 'mith invented what restraint An 16+1 which Henry 4ancini record won *rammy record of year What lin(s Willie BrantD /ech WalesaD 7asser %rafat Which co ntries government spends most in social sec rity J %rchaeoptery3 was the first what An 1218 in ;ngland Peter < rand invented what Who was offered the presidency of Asrael in 16&2 ,t rned downWhat is the oldest (nown infectio s disease % :P;* is a pict re file format 9 what does :P;* stand for What is the worlds largest sea ,in areaWhich islands wildlife is 68J niC e What are tr ffles 9 highly pri1ed as food Which *ame is Played 1& a side and scores 3 or 1 points What was invented in 12&& "& years later than it was needed What lin(s 'issinni sD $osim sD /iberi sD 'ergi s 51D5ictor AA What is the world largest seed Bristlemo ths are the worlds most common what What swims at 1F2 inch an ho r =rypanophobia is fear of what Chogori is better (now by what boring name Colonel :acob 'chic( invented what in 1622 in 0'% What lin(s < (e WellingtonD ;arl <erbyD 4arC is 'alisb ry An 166+ which Celine <ion alb m *rammy alb m of year What weight is the lightest in %mate r Bo3ing Which co ntry has the worlds biggest ,on land- ?ational Par( What lang age spea(ers were shot ! ssia and *ermany 1638s !onald !oss campaigned for the destr ction of what Who won two ?obel pri1es in different fields ?ame 3rd cent BC *ree( mathematician wrote =he ;lements ;vidence of what alternative treatment fo nd in &388 m mmy ?orth For( !oe !iver 9 worlds shortest 9 which 0' state An 12.6 :ames !itty invented what Who wrote the novel =om :ones in 1."6 What lin(s 4illionairesD 4etropolitansD Blac( Haw(sD 'ilver seven What co ntry 9 largest earthC a(e of 28th cent 2E+ !ichter 168+ =he o(api belongs to what family of animals <imitri 4endeleyev is credited with the discover of what What feat re of a triangle ma(es it scalene =aphophobia is fear of what

William *ibson G ?e romancer Harvest Casablanca Hooves ;speranto Oscar Wilde * stav Holst Classical %rchitect re 0niform 4ale entries n de /o isville #ent c(y Barbed Wire 4oon !iver ?obel Peace Pri1e 0r g ay Bird =in can ,food%lbert ;instein /eprosy :oint Photographic ;3perts *ro p 'o th China 4adagascar F ngi *aelic Football Can Opener Popes Coco9de9mare palm G do ble cocon t Fish 'perm Anoc lations G An@ections #2 ;lectric !a1or 0# Prime 4inisters Falling into 7o /ight Flyweight Canada G Wood B ffalo 1.388s ml ;speranto 4osC itoes 9 stop malaria 4arie C rie Physics 1683 Chemistry 1611 ; clid %c p nct re 4ontana Cash !egister Henry Fielding 'tanley C p winners Ace Hoc(ey Colombia *iraffe Periodic =able <ifferent side lengths B ried %live

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An the Chinese ?ew 7ear what year follows !at *en phobia is the fear of what Percy /eBaron 'pencer invented what in 16"& in 0'% 't Peter was the first Pope 9 Who was second What 16"& film won best pict reD actorD director Oscars What is the literal translation of pot9po ri Who did :ames Bond marry 9 character 9 ,both namesWhat is st died in the science of somatology What was H gh Hefner)s @et plane called What profession did Handel originally st dy What ; ropean nation was the first to drin( tea Bea fort 9 the wind scale man 9 had what @ob What bird is the symbol of Peng in boo(s ,children)s section<iane /eather was the first woman to do what What is %dmiral 'ir 4iles 4esservy s ally (nown as Which part of the body is most sensitive to radiation What film made &2 times 9 cartoonD porrnoD operaticD ballet 4r Chips said goodbye from Broo(field school 9 What s b@ect An which %merican city can yo get doctorate in hamb gerology Which a thor created =he 'aint ,both namesWhat is seric lt re What was ;disonBs first practical invention Frigophobia fear of what Which company invented the transistor radio in 16&2 Who is the only solo performer to win ; ro song twice Fran1 /is1t was the farther in law of what composer An what town was /eonardo <a 5inci born Who directed the Halloween series of films What metal imp rity ma(es r bies red and emeralds green Helen 4itchell became famo s as what soprano !obert Whithead invented what weapon in 12++ $ymase and *l cose combine to form what dr g =ranslated literally what does television mean ?ot as so ps what have ga1pacho 9 vichyssoise in common Who was the *ree( goddess of retrib tion ". people wor(ed on a committee to prod ce what wor( What boo( was made into the first feat re length British cartoon Who first said KP blish and be <amnedK ;dwin <ra(e san( the first of them in 12&6 9 what were they Calico cloth was invented in which co ntry What is dittology Who played Pin( in the movie =he Wall !habdophobia fear of what <r C W /ong was the first to se what ,anaesthetic- in 12"2 Hey Big 'pender comes from what m sical :amie Farr played what role in 4%'H Whets the correct name for golf cl b called =e3as Wedge Whose nic(name was slowhand ,both namesWhich co ntry invented the mariners compass What co ntries international car registration letters are <$

O3 #nees 4icrowave Oven 't /in s =he /ost Wee(end P trid Pot =heresa <raco =he Body Big B nny =he /aw =he < tch 'ailor ,%dmiralP ffin ' b & min te mile 4 ,Bond films=he Blood Cinderella /atin Hamb rger College G Chicago /eslie Charteris *rowing 'il(worms =ic( a =ape for stoc(mar(et Being Cold 'ony :ohnny /ogan 1628 G 162. !ichard Wagner 5inci :ohn Carpenter Chromi m ?ellie 4elba =orpedo %lcohol Far 'eeing 'erved Cold ?emesis % thorised version of Bible %nimal Farm in 16&" Wellington re Harriot Wilson mistress Oil Wells Andia <o ble meaning Bob *eldorf Being Beaten ;ther 'weet Charity Corporal Clinger P tter ;ric Clapton China %lgeria

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=he name 4alissa means what What was %cadia <ragoonD %ntwerpD Po lterD = mblerD Horseman types of what What was the first fro1en food available in Britain in 163. Af yo s ffer from cynanthropy what do yo thin( yo are What is the phonetic alphabet word for letter P What is a r ncible spoon =he artist %bbott =hayer)s developed what for military se What did Francis Bacon call =he P rest of Pleas res What is the largest single (nown gold ob@ect in the world 4adame Pa line de 5ere first female circ s performer 9 do what How was %le3ander the *reats body preserved Californian law no shooting any animal 9 moving car e3cept what Peter Fal( plays /t Colombo b t who was first offered role What type of birds ,H gin M 4 nin- sit on the sho lders of Odin Where are yo most li(ely to have a serio s accident 4elvin ! Bissell invented what in 12.+ in the 0'% Peniaphobia fear of what %bo t which game has most boo(s been written %lbert <e 'alvo was better (nown as who What was the last ; ropean nation to accept the potato 't dents at Cambridge 9 no dogs 9 what /ord Byron (eep #ing 4ong t had apro3 6888 wife)sFconc bines what co ntry Only appro3 one third worlds pop lation ses what reg larly William =ayton was the first man to do what Clemintina Campbell famo s as who What sho ld yo give after 1& years of marriage What is a Charollais What place is called !apa9n i by its native inhabitants Where wasFis the original Pentho se What pop gro p too( their name from a Herman Hess novel How often does a Hebdomadal Co ncil meet What was n s al abo t =yrell)s car in the 16.+ 'panish * Pri3 An what co ntry is the ; c mbene <am 4ales o tn mber females by & to 1 in what addiction For what wo ld an ;dgar be awarded or won What are salopettes Which society cared 9 plag e victims when physicians left 1++& <omeni(os =heotocopo los born Crete 9 died 'pain 9 who What nation on average ta(es most time to eat meals <r F /anchester invented what motor safety aid in 1682 Halophobia fear of what %rth r :efferson better (nown as who Why is the city /a Pa1 in Bolivia safe from fire What is the national drin( of 7 goslavia %gnes the girls name means what What were the wic(s in the 5estal 5irgins lamps made from Who is the Patron 'aint of France What are yo s pposed to giveFget for "8 years of marriage What is the !oman ? meral for 1888

Bee ?ova 'cotia ,French ?amePigeon %sparag s <og Papa % broad Pic(le for( Camo flage colo rs =he *arden = tan(hamens Coffin Head in /ions 4o th An large @ar of honey Whale Bing Crosby !avens An yo r home Carpet 'weeper Being Penniless Chess =he Boston 'trangler France Bear 'iam 9 =hailand For( %ppear on =5 G at Bairds demo Cleo /ane Crystal =ype of Cattle ;aster Asland An a !eal =ennis Co rt 'teppenwolff Wee(ly 'i3 Wheels % stralia ?ew ' Wales %lcoholism 4ystery Writing 'now proof < ngaree tro sers %pothecaries ;l *reco French <isc Bra(es 'pea(ing 'tan /a rel =o high 9 ?ot eno gh air to b rn 'livovit1 Chaste %sbestos 't <enis ! by 4

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What fashion did *eneral %mbrose B rnside start in Civil War An what village do =om 'awer and H c(leberry Finn live What Opera)s story is abo t a female cigar factory wor(er ; is the international car registration plate for which co ntry 0'% has most roads what co ntry has second most An the Chinese calendar what year follows 4on(ey What river flows thro gh 2 co ntries and fo r capitols What does the word <esert ,from /atin desert s- translate as An 12"2 =he /ondon <aily ?ews carried the worlds fist what What is a #a(apoo Part of the h man body can e3pand 28 times its normal si1e An the 1628s <r Ada !olf developed !olfing as what alt therapy Which dinosa rs name translated as speedy predator Price one (ilo went from N+3 to N2+8 in 16.+ when sale illegal =he island of 7ap has the worlds largest what Which tennis player was s ed by his fan cl b What animal 9 faster horse 9 longer no h28 camel 9 see behind What is a chemically castrated coc( called ?ess s (illed Herc les 9 What was ?ess s ;va 'hain was the first woman to do what Ben Fran(lin invented it 9 Britain tried it in 161+ 9 What An which co ntry is 4o nt %spiring ?ational Par( %lfred Wallace coined which phrase 9 Wrongly given to <arwin Who won the first ?obel pri1e for Physics in 1681 9 gave away What co ntries days incl de Fire dayD Water day and wood day What city has the longest metro system 7oga ,the meditation- is a 'ans(rit word meaning what What was invented 1683 9 patented 168+ * C Beilder Which 'F a thor invented the idea of the com 'atellite What co ntry cons mes the most coal each year What was Hebe the goddess of What are a *alliardD 'arabandeD 4orisca and Co rente Who composed the overt re Hebrides ,Fingals cave- two names =an@ong Panger Container =erminal where worlds largest con port What wo ld an anemometer meas re An Britain pool and snoo(er players call it side 9 what 0'% name What form modern sc lpt re invented Calder named <echamp What boo( feat red =opsy who growed Where 9 accident 16&3 9 motor sport (illed 23 spectators :ames O tram invented what Af yo were eating calemare 9 what are yo snac(ing on Which women in@ red ridingD eloped with a poetD dog called Flash =he Berm da Bowl is world championship in which game !O# international car registrations which co ntry 0'% has most cars what co ntry has second most %ll 'i(hs m st possess five things 9 one is a #angha 9 what is it What colo r graded slope do e3pert s(iers se !andy ?ewman said short people donBt have what =o which gentleman)s cl b did Phineas Fogg belong WhatBs the only alt therapy f lly recognised Western medicine

'ideb rns 't Petersb rg Carmen 'pain ,;spaniaAndia Chic(en <an be %bandoned Weather report F forecast ?oct rnal ?ew $ealand Parrot 'tomach 8E& litres to & litres <eep 4assage 5elociraptor Avory Coins p to 12 feet across :immy Connors *iraffe Capon Centa r : dge pro heavy bo3ing 4atch <aylight saving =ime ?ew $ealand ,'o th Asland' rvival of the Fittest Wilhelm !oentgen :apan = e Wed =h /ondon 0nion Photocopier %rth r C Clar( China 7o th <ance =ypes Feli3 4endelssohn 'ingapore Wind 'peed ;nglish =he 4obile 0ncle =oms Cabin GH B 'towe /e 4ans =ramways 'C id ;li1abeth Barret Browning Bridge #orea :apan Comb Blac( !eason to /ive =he !eform Osteopathy

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Over 68J of the worlds total pop lation of what gone since 16.8 128" : 4 :acC ard invented first programmable device 9 what 'obe( was an ;gyptian god 9 in what form is he seen =he %mati family were famo s for ma(ing what Oliver was fed gr el 9 its made from water and what %rnold Cream was a famo s ,early- bo3er 9 who B nyon wrote Pilgrims Progress 9 where Who did 4or( call to each wee( on Or( What composer boasted KA co ld set a la ndry list to m sicK What dinosa rs name translates as three horned ?acre is more commonly (nown as what An the 12th cent ry 'iberia sed solid bloc(s of what as money An fable who p lled the thorn from the lions paw 9 not eaten =homas Chippendale mostly wor(ed in what wood =he 0'% has the most railtrac( 9 what co ntry second What device did Henry <oherty patent in 16.2 ;arl < Biggers created which oriental detective ,both namesWhose bac(ing gro p was =he Cocon ts What does soviet mean What is a smew %le(sei /eanov was the first to do what What is the name of 4oses and %aron)s sister =he %merican =riple Crown 9 Belmont st #ent c(y <erby andH :ohn *oreD ;dward 'a nders pioneered what org in % stralia What dog in ancient China was restricted to the aristocracy Which actor wrote the boo( =he O tlaw =rail What was pirate Captain Flint)s ship called Bartommelo Christofori invented what What is a 1igg rat <aisy Haw(ins original name of which Beatles hit song ?ame Captain ?emo)s pet seal !o get de /isle did what to ma(e him famo s =he Caspian :ava Bali what became e3tinct in 16th Cent ry Whose maga1ine is called =he Watchtower What does a manometer meas re Why did the 0'% govt open /incolns coffin in 122. and 1681 7o )ll ?ever Wal( %lone came from which 16"& m sical show Which *ree( philosopher wrote =he !ep blic and =he /aws ;%0 international car registration plate which co ntry Aolanda Balas 9 !omania 9 won 1&8 consec tive events 9 what What co nty has the largest army in the world An which city is the worlds oldest m se m 9 %shmolian 1+.6 Which %merican state has the motto ;sto Perpet a 9 its forever What is the correct name for =he /a ghing :ac(ass 4arilyn 4 nroe was the model for which <isney Character Which insect has the best eyesight =he Campbell9'to(es recorder meas res what with a glass ball Which co ntry are the c rrent Olympic ! gby Champions 162" What did William 7o ng invent in 1288 Who was /a P rcelle of 5oltair)s poem

!hinoceros /oom ,programmed p nch cardsCrocodile 5iolins Oatmeal :ersey :o Walcott Bedford :ail Orsen !ossini =riceratops 4other of Pearl =ea %ndrocles 4ahogany Canada Pooper 'cooper Charlie Chan #ing Creole Wor(ers Co ncil % type of wild d c( 'pace wal( 4iriam Prea(ness 'ta(es 'alvation %rmy Pe(inese !obert !edford Walr s Piano 4esopotainian =emple tower ;leanor !igby ;smeralda Composed 4arseillaise =igers :ehovah Witnesses *as press re Chec( body still there Caro sel Plato 0ganda High : mp 16&+ 9 +. China O3ford Adaho ,*em 'tate#oo(ab rra =in(er Bell <ragonfly ' nshine 0'% <ifferent shoes left right :oan of %rc

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

?ame the actor who played Ben Casey ,both ?amesWhat lin(s ;lvis PresleyD Br ce WillisD !ichard *ere What 9 advertised phrase K;ven yo r best friends wont tell yo K Who wrote <on)t co nt yo r chic(ens before they are hatched /ast Words A am <ying with the help of too many Physicians 4an shall not live by bread alone 9 Which ?= boo( !/ international car registration plate which co ntry Which dinosa rs name translates as do ble beam Which 'F a thor wrote =he <ay it !ained Forever Who said K=he die is castK ,on crossing the ! biconWho composed Peter and the Wolf in 163+ ,both namesWho painted the Water /illy Pond in 1266 ,both names4aga1ine wrote KFighting for peaceK is li(e f c(ing for chastity An what film was line % mans gotta do what a mans gotta do Which famo s whore said 9 *od is love b t get it in writing :enny 5on Westphalen was married to who What city is closest to Copacabana beach Who wrote the m sic for the film ;= ,both namesAn *ree( legend what was Pygmalion)s (ingdom What was the first penal colony in ?ew 'o th Wales An Hamlet who is Ophelia)s father * r ?ana( fo nded which religion What was n s al abo t the *ossamer %lbatross aeroplane What co ntry is nearest to the ?orth Pole Af yo were in /o *rants office what city are yo in Who wrote Private /ives 9 1638 9 Blyth 'pirit 16"1 ,both namesFor which company did ;lvis Costello program comp ters An what Hitchcoc( film did 'hirley 4ac/aine deb t in 16&+ =he original Peeping =om had what @ob What song is s ng the most What city is (nown as =he worlds chocolate capital What is detective Herc les Poirot)s brothers name =o what family does the hippopotam s belong 'mith most common 0'% name what)s second Who secretly married 'ara /owndes in ?ovember 16+& =he 4b ti tribe in %frica are the worlds what *race 4etalio s wrote which famo s novel ,and =5 showWho said Old age isnBt so bad 9 considering the alternative Who composed the opera Billy B dd in 16&1 ,both namesWhat film was a California cinema showing when it went on fire What phantom ship is said to ha nt =he Cape of *ood Hope An which city is the worlds oldest tennis co rt from 1"6+ What word appears over "+888 times in the Bible What food dishes name translates as pepper water An 1261 what city held the first weightlifting world championship An what maga1ine does %lfred ; ?ewman appear What amate r !eached Wimbledon 'emi final in 16.. Who said Politics is the art of the possible 11 % g 12+. What advertised phrase Born 1228 still going strong H gh O)Brian played the lead in what Old Western series

5ince ;dwards 4arried in /as 5egas /isterine mo th wash %esop 9 4il(maid and her Pail %le3ander the *reat 4atthew "E" /ebanon <iplodoc s !ay Bradb ry : li s Caesar 'ergai Pro(ofiev Cla de 4onet #nave 4arch 16.. %lan /add 'hane *ypsy !ose /ee #arl 4ar3 !io de :aneiro :ohn <enver Cypr s Botany Bay Poloni s 'i(hism 4an ,pedal- powered *reenland /os %ngeles ?oel Coward ;li1abeth %rden =he tro ble with Harry =ailor Happy Birthday Hershey Pennsylvania %chille Pig :ohnson Bob <ylan 'hortest race Peyton Place 4a rice Chevalier Ben@amin Britain =he =owering Anferno =he Flying < tchman Paris %nd 4 lligatawny G from Andia /ondon 4%< :ohn 4c;nroe ,aged 12Otto 5on Bismarc( :ohnnie Wal(er Wyatt ;arp

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What dinosa rs name translates as roof li1ard An which co ntry did = r(eys originate What is !adar from 4%'H home town An 4acbeth what witch spea(s first What fabled monster has a lions head and a serpents tail CH car international registration plate which co ntry Who said 9 *ive s the tools and we will finish the @ob Feb 16"1 An =he 4arriage of Figaro 9 who did Figaro marry What state was fo nded by 4ohammed %li :innah What nationality are the most immigrants to the 0'% Who steals the Pin( Panther in the original film What is Challa Cher %mi saved the /ost Battalion in 1612 what was it Whose girlfriend was 5irginia Hill 9 he (illed her B Hills 16". What is the oldest (nown alcoholic beverage An 162+ *raceland was the *rammy alb m of the year G whoBs Bob C mmings played which character ,both namesComplete advertising phrase from 163& 4y *oodness Who said 9 K=he bigger they come the harder they fallK 1266 What is /olita)s s rname in 5ladimere ?abo(ovs novel From what co ntry does the ;l(ho nd originate %n isohel on a map @oins place of eC al what % !egatta is a boat races 9 where was the original !egatta An ;ngland what wo ld yo b y or get at a 4op Fair Who was the little gentleman in velvet 9 death William AAA From what co ntry does soave wine originally come %ntipater of 'idon first listed what 2nd Cent ry %< What are /imeric(D !o nd BendD %berdeen and Octop s What fl id ran thro gh the *ree( *ods instead of blood Who is OscarD $oroasterD PhadrigD AsaacD ?ormanDHen(leD ;mman alD %mbrose <iggs =he 4arie Celeste sailed from which port An 4ilton)s Paradise /ost what was the lowest point of Hell Pat !eid wrote which boo( 9 filmed and =5 often How was William H s(inson (illed in 1238 9 first ever An which co ntry is $ g Who was capt red and (ept in a cage by 'tromboli Which 0'% record prod cer played maracas 'tones 1st alb m Who was nic(named =he Brocton Bomber ?ame the Hotel in %rth r Haley)s novel F film of same name Fran( and :esse :ames father had what @ob What was the *rammy alb m of the year in 16+. ,F ll name4c/ean 'tevenson played which character in 4%'H Which company slogan was KWe)re ?o 2 We try harderK Who said the C ic(est way of ending a war is to lose it & items a 'i(h m st have Comb <agger Hair 4etal Bracelet and ;dward =each became famo s as who =o which dog was a stat e erected in ;dinb rgh What does a P issance event test in show@ mping Who wrote the m sic to the film =he Odessa File Which <ic(ens novel feat res Wa3ford 'C ears

'tegosa r s 0'% Ott mwa 9 Aowa =he first witch Chimera 'wit1erland Winston Ch rchill ' ssanah Pa(istan 4e3ican =he Phantom Bread 9 often plaited Pigeon B gsy 'iegel 4ead Pa l 'imon 4a3well 'mart 4y * inness Bob Fit1simmons Ha1e ?orway ' nshine 5enice 'ervants for Hire % 4ole Ataly . Wonders World Fishing Hoo(s Achor Wi1ard of O1 ?ew 7or( Pandemoni m ,Hells capitol=he Coldit1 'tory ! n over by !ailway =rain 'wit1erland G smallest Canton Pinocchio Phil 'pector !oc(y 4arciano 't *regory 4inister Beatles 'ergeant Peppers Colonel Bla(e %vis rent a car *eorge Orwell #nee length ndershorts &#s Blac(beard the Pirate *reyfriers Bobby High : mp wall %ndrew /loyd Webber ?icholas ?ic(leby

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What is the national flower of % stralia % n dist is 'pain fined O+& 9 O+8 for being n de and O& for what %dolf Hitler too( n de photos of %va Brown 9 What part why What lin(s 'heffieldD ;dinb rghD !ome What pet did Florence ?ightingale carry with her What did the ' stand for in Harry ' =r man Women 3.& 9 1 4en 1"88 9 1 chance of doing what What colo r is Octop s blood % !after is a collection of what creat res An 4aryland it is illegal to maltreat which creat re What are the worlds smallest trees 9 ,not BonsaiPa l !evere was a silversmithD copper engraver and what What fr it did ;ve give to %dam in the bible *avrilo Princip assassinated who What is the only bird that can smell %part from man what is ?ew $ealand)s only native mammals Wo Fat was the enemy of which =5 detective Who entered a contest to find his own loo(9ali(e and came 3rd What colo r is worn for f nerals in ;gypt What co ntry e3cl des women from the graveside rit als %n %rab horse has less what than other horses %n e3 ltation is a gro p of what animals Pert ssis has what more common name Which actress was @ailed in 1622 for ta3 evasion An what co ntry did red onions originate 4arch 21st to %pril 28th is what 'tar sign 5isc m %lb m provides an e3c se for stealing what % haboob creates what Feli3 'alten wrote which <isney cartoon ?ephologists st dy what 'peed s(ating started in which co ntry What @ob did ;rnest Hemmingway do in WW1 Betty :oan Pers(e is better (nown as who What was the name of the !oman *od of sleep 5ivaldi the composer had what other profession What is the name of the fo r holy boo(s of the Hind s Pat ' llivan created which cartoon character What is the national flower of 4e3ico =he Pind s is the main mo ntain range in what co ntry What animal always gives birth to same se3 twins What was the final episode of 4%'H called :oe 7 le @r born 1628 became famo s as who An what sport are =riff sD 4iller and ! dolf moves %lbert Finney t rned down which role 9 Peter O =ool 9 Oscar <o glas ;ngelbart invented what 9 we all se it Hans Christian %nderson had what @ob before writing What colo r is named after a battle fo ght in Ataly in 12&6 An 'cotland what was the tawse Which a thors boo(s are most borrowed from libraries What do yo add to vegetables to ma(e the dish salmag ndi

=he Wattle Blossom Having no A< papers %rse 9 so she not recognised B ilt on . Hills %n Owl ,in her poc(et?othing /iving to 188 Bl e = r(eys Oyster <warf Willows ,*reenland- 2 inch <entist Fig G %pple mistranslation %rchd (e Ferdinand ;m s Bats 'teve 4ac*arett Charlie Chaplin 7ellow China Bones 9 one vertebra less /ar(s Whooping Co gh 'ophia /oren Ataly %ries % #iss ,its 4istletoe'andstorm G <esert Wind Bambi Clo ds 9 4eteorology ?etherlands %mb lance <river /a ren Bacall 'omnos Priest =he 5edas Feli3 the Cat <ahlia *reece %rmadillo *oodbye Farewell and %men 4ic(ey !ooney =rampolining /a rence of %rabia 4o se %ctor 4agenta =eachers 'trap or belt Catherine Coo(son < c( or Chic(en

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is n s al abo t the nobody crab Collective no ns 9 what gro p af animals are a labo r < rbarry is cream of a vegetable so p 9 what one What is the % stralian name for a long narrow o3 bow la(e /es !eed wrote which famo s song for a Welsh singer What does ho rs d)oe rve literally mean ?ossa 'enhora da %parecida is the Patron 'aint which co ntry What airline sed to be called <obrolet =he %cropolis 9 what does the word literally mean What is a <olly 5arden Whose last words were 9 K=hat was the best soda A ever tastedK What is the common name for the astyeroidea :onC il is a shade of what colo r 5incent F rnier is better (nown as who Af yo were severed a dish )belle h)elen what fr it wo ld it be =errance ?elhams became better (nows as who <ic( = rpin the highwayman served and apprenticeship as what What is the main food of the Oyster catcher bird An which cop show did Petrie and Asbec(i appear An the Bolshoi ballet what does the word Bolshoi mean Which acid gives nettles their sting An the Hind religion what is a 4andir Which wine grape variety is most planted in California % paddling is a gro p of which animals From what co ntry does the dish s(ordalia come What is a geod c( What is 'ean Connery)s real first name What nationally was 4ata Hari shot as a spy Who said 9 =oe err is h man 9 B t it feels divine ?ames 9 Ba(er 9 Coo( 'mith easy 9 what did a Chandler do <eclan 4c4an s became famo s as who !obert Fit1roy captained which famo s ship Who said KA have no problems with dr gs 9 only policemenK Which %merican city was named after a British Prime 4inister 'pelling co nts 9 what is the sing lar of scampi What plant was named after the *ree( goddess of the rainbow Which sailor dreamed of =oasted Cheese in =reas re Asland Who played the girl on the motorcycle in a film of same name What writer was paid N& for writing than(s What sort of animal is a fennec 5ermicelli pasta literally translates as what ;rnest HemmingwayD Oscar WildeD !anier 4aria !il(e 9 Common What foodwise is a Fieldlane < c( When does a Bride wal( p the %isle How did 4arc > inC adron die while setting a new world record Why two car thieves ca ght trying to sell stolen car in 16.+ Billie HolidayD :ames <eanD ;va PeronD :anis :oplin 9 Common What s b@ect Ben Fran(lins letter to !oyal %cademy 9 Br ssels !eginald Carey became famo s as who What is a Chori1o

=ransparent appears ?o Body 4oles Ca liflower Billabong Ats not 0n s al G =om :ones O t of co rse hence ;3tra <ish Bra1il %eroflot Highest point ,of a city/arge Hat /o Costello 'tarfish 7ellow %lice Cooper Pears %dam Faith B tcher 4 ssels Cagney and /acey Big Formic acid =emple Chardonnay < c(s *reece Clam =homas < tch 4ae West 4a(e Candles ;lvis Costello =he Beagle #eith !ichard Pittsb rgh 'campo Aris Ben * nn 4arianne Faithf l ! dyard #ipling <esert Fo3 /ittle worms 4others made them Crossdress Ba(ed 'heep)s Head ?ever %isles at side only Food Poisoning ate . snails 3 min =ried to sell to owner %ll were Prostit tes Perf ming Farts !e3 Harrison 'picy 'a sage

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What do the C arters of a hot cross b n symbolise What is the literal translation of terrapin What to a French or 'panish man is an O5?A What is it against the law to (ill in Pacific *rove California ;rnest Hemmingway said what wo ld protect against allergies =he *ettysb rg %ddress was written on what Collective no ns 9 a siege of Who was banned from writing 0'% Constit tion 9 secret :o(es =he 6 banded armadillo and h mans have what in common How did %ttila the H n die on honeymoon What better name is 4ary Westmacott better (nown An the Bible what did <avid give 'a l as a dowry for 4ichal What did <r 'am el 4 dd do that yo r inspired Kname is m dK How do yo !i11le something Af yo s ffered from pr rit s 9 what wo ld be wrong %ndr)e *ide the writer was e3pelled from school for what crime What is the most pop lar 'aints name What type of food is a 4 nster pl m Old s perstition Wearing soc(s inside o t protection from what What food item did Pythagoras advise his followers to avoid What happened to the first traffic lights o tside HP 12+2 What was n s al 9 bea ty contest @ dge Percy 4oorby 162& What r ined Cesar Borgia)s honeymoon night :ohn ! s(in 9 %rt Critic 9 4arriage collapsed when wife had what Who called himself 2th wonder of world cos of his big dic( What given o t celebrate birthday of #ing B@ mbal =hailand 1623 What wo ld a nidologist be interested in An the 12th cent ry what @ob did a fart9catcher do What is a yo ng pigeon called %ro nd which French town is the champagne ind stry located What co ntry invented castanets Who is the patron saint of m sic Whose first bo3 office film was called !is(y B siness What is the smallest state of % stralia What is meas red by an interferometer What airlines identification code is 5' An which *P' operetta is eating a sa sage roll a secret sign What emperor ordered 't Peter cr cified What was the name of %li Babas female slave An which novel does the character > ebec Bagnet appear 'arah :osepha Hall wrote what What is the main ingredient of faggots Who were the first people to meas re the year Who voices the female hyena in the lion (ing %nthony 4c4illan became famo s as who !oy =hines played <avid 5incent in which =5 series What colo r is the cap given to an ;ngland cric(et player What capital city began as the village of ;do Whose m sic was on the so ndtrac( of When Harry met 'ally An which sport is there a 7or( ro nd

Fo r 'easons ;atable ,%lgonC in word0FO B tterflies G local ordinance 3&2 Having lots of se3 0sed envelopes Herons Ben@amin Fran(lin Both catch /eprosy Boo1e G Honeymoon 38 day boo1e p %gatha Christie 288 Fores(ins from Philistines =reated : W Booth /ife imprison ' n dry Atching 4ast rbating d ring lessons Feli3 9 +. :ohn +& Potato Witches Beans =hey e3ploded He was Blind 4ate gave him /a3atives P bic Hair Charlie Chaplain Free 5asectomies Birds nests % footman G wal( behind master 'C ab ;pernay ;gypt 't Cecilia =om Cr ise =asmania Wavelength of light 5irgin %tlantic =he *rand < (e ?ero 4orgiana Blea( Ho se 4ary had a little lamb /iver Babylonians Whoopee *oldberg !obbie Coltrane =he Anvaders Bl e =o(yo Harry Connic( :r %rchery

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An Penny /ane what is the n rse selling from a tray Whose last words were Klets do itK =he Blac( 'wan is native to which co ntry Who said K%ll the world)s art ain)t worth a good potato pieK Collective no ns a =oc of what Af yo had podobromhidrosis what wo ld yo have What instr ment is also called the octave fl te What type of food is co libac What spice is sed to ma(e a whis(ey sling What sort of creat re is a tarant la haw( Where does the spice saffron come from What tennis player had trials with Bayern 4 nich soccer cl b Which children)s character was created by 4ary =o rtel What does the name *hengis #han mean Who was Canada)s first prime minister An 0tmost *ood Faith is the motto of which organisation =he 'hadows first record went straight to no 1 9 what was it What is the most common disease in the world Cirr s is a clo d type 9 what literal translation of its /atin name Which co ntry was the first to ma(e seat belts comp lsory What do 'tacey #each and Oscar Wilde have in common 4athew Webb swam the channel 9 where did he drown An what movie did 'inatra sing 4y #ind of =own Whose last nfinished novel was =he /ast =ycoon What do callipygian people have Collective no ns a Host of $ bin 4ehta cond cted who in concert Who wrote and starred in the 1622 version of !obin Hood Where were the 16&2 Olympics held Fran1 Halls =he /a ghing Cavalier 9 what)s the paintings real title Cheers e3terior shots feat red a real bar 9 what)s it name What flavo ring is sed in the Belgian beer #rie( % yo ng what is called an ;yas Who was given an honorary Oscar in 162& after &8 years acting Handel)s Harmonio s Blac(smith was written for what instr ment Which 0' state is (nown as the ? tmeg 'tate An a *ynocracy 9 who r les An golf the no 18 iron is s ally called what What was the name of the :ester in %s 7o /i(e At What alternative scale ,not !ichter- meas res earthC a(es % paratrichosic person has e3tra what What is added to brandy to ma(e a sidecar :osip Bro1 became famo s as who =he Pampero blows over which mo ntains Which Canadian city is (now as =he 'teel City Af an alloy is an amalgam what metal m st it contain What stretch of water separates Ataly and 'icily =he %lthing r les in which co ntry Who won an Oscar for the so ndtrac( to Chariots of Fire Collective no ns 9 a Barren of what

Poppies *arry *ilmore % stralia / ' /owrie Capercail1ie 'melly Feet Piccolo ! ssian Fish Pie ? tmeg Wasp 9 h nts spiders =he Croc s Boris Bec(er ! pert the Bear 5ery 4ighty ! ler 'ir :ohn 4ac<onald /loyds of /ondon %pache <ental Caries /oc( of Hair C1echoslova(ia !eading :ail ?iagara Falls !obin and the . Hoods F 'cott Fit1gerald Prettily shaped b ttoc(s 'parrows =hree =enors <o glas Fairban(s Helsin(i Portrait of a man B ll P Finch Cherries Haw( :ames 't art Harpsichord Connectic t Women Wedge =o chstone 4ercalli Hair in n s al places Cointrea or =riple 'ec 4arshal =ito %ndes Hamilton 9 Ontario 4erc ry 'traights of 4essina Aceland 5angelis 4 les

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

<orethy Par(er said K'cratch an actor and yo will findK what What animal co ld be 'iberian or Caspian Collective no ns 9 an %rray of what =he Plains of %braham overloo( which city =he 4ariners Compass or Py3is is what =he 'am 4ag ire =rophy is played for in which sport =he 'omers Aslands has what more familiar name =he =hree 'tars is the national ice hoc(ey team which co ntry How did camerawoman /ee /yon die while wor(ing What type of animal is a mar(hor Who received the first ever *old <isc What is the ?ational Bird of Andia Who directed 'har(y)s 4achine =he Weir of Hermiston 9 last nfinished novel of who What is the last boo( of the Bible What historical event was referred to as Blac( ". What game was patented nder the name 'phairistri(e What organisation did C = ! ssell fo nd Paris and What other capital had the worlds first telephone lin( =empera ses water and what to paint with What colo r is the cross on the *ree( Flag What was sed before the baton was invented to cond ct /eslie /ynch #ing became famo s as who Who was %ndromedas mother /ac( of vitamin B1 ca ses what condition What song was =he Pittsb rgh Pirates anthem Whit co ntries parliament is called =he 'torting Who directed Fo r Weddings and a F neral Which company developed the /aser Printer Parsley is a member of which family What does lager literally mean in *erman Fran1 #af(a wrote in *erman what nationality was he Which car company prod ced the first front wheel drive 163" Who prod ced the =om and :erry cartoons ntil 16&+ =he name of which co ntries capital means good air =he sac(b t developed into which modern instr ment =he *!% govern which sport Which record label signed the !olling 'tones in 1661 An heraldry g les are what colo r !eginald =r scott9:ones became famo s as who What is the food of the secretary bird What bridge lin(s a Palace with a 'tate Prison =he %frican and French marigolds are native to what co ntry Who is the Patron 'aint of *rave diggers What is 4 c(le Fl gga 4ary !ead and %nne Boney had what @ob in common 'hort actors stand on what wooden ob@ect 9 to appear bigger What is the commonest name for a p b in Britain What does the word economy mean in original *ree( Po( ta Po( started in 4e3ico 9 what modern gameFsport is it

%n %ctress =iger Hedgehogs > ebec Constellation *aelic Football Berm da 'weden Charged by ;lephant Wild *oat *len 4iller G Chatanooga cho cho Peacoc( B rt !eynolds !obert /o is 'tevenson !evelations Arish Potato Famine /awn =ennis :ehovah Witnesses Br ssels ;gg 7o(e White % 5iolin Bow *erald Ford Cassiopeia Beri Beri We are Family G 'ister 'ledge ?orway 4i(e ?ewell Cannon Carrot 'torage C1ec( Citroen Fred > imby %rgentina G B enos %ires =rombone *reyho nd !acing %ssociation 5irgin !ed !ay 4iland 'na(es Bridge of 'ighs G 5enice 4e3ico 't %nthony !oc( and /ightho se on 0ist Pirates Panca(e =he !ed /ion Home 4anagement Bas(etball

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

*eorge 'imenon created 4aigret 9 what nationality was he Co ntry singer Han( Wangford had what profession Pit 'traight 9 /esmo Bend 9 !oggia Bend 9 which *rand Pri3 What is a Ch c(walla ;dward Whymper was the first to do what What is Pancetta An what film did Br ce Willis play a time travelling criminal Who was the first gymnast to score a perfect 18 in Olympics What bird is sacred in Per What was Colombo)s dog called What ind stry wo ld se a mordant Catherine the *reat of ! ssia was born in which co ntry What tan(er ca sed a severe oil spill in 1626 Which so l singer was 'ittin on the <oc( of the Bay An which city wo ld yo find =he Bl e 4osC e What co ntry ma(es ' (hindol wine =he minnow is the smallest member of what fish family / cille /e ' e r became famo s as who An which city is =he %bbey theatre Which islands capital is Flying Fish Cove Where in the world is !adwic( raceco rse sit ated What has a palimped got =reifa foods are forbidden to which religio s gro p Which metal is the best cond ctor of electricity What ship was s n( in % c(land harbo r in 162. % 4yologist st dies what Orphe s went into the nderworld to resc e who Where on the h man body is the s(in the thinnest Colleen 4cC llo gh wrote which best selling boo( What wo ld yo p t on yo r esc tcheon 9 if yo had one =he *ermans call them 't mphhose 9 what are they Who might wear a wimple What is the largest co ntry in %frica What tree can be ;nglishD %merican or ; rasian Which dictator preferred &8D888 rifles to &8D888 votes What was %l(a9'elt1er first mar(eted as What wo ld be happening if yo s ffered from canitis %ccording to the proverb which fr it tastes sweetest What animals name literally translates as earth pig What dance is s ally performed to Orphe s in the 0nderworld What co ntry was once named ?ew France ?ame ship s n( by the s bmarine ConC eror Fal(lands War An which co ntry were modern ban(notes first sed What was invented in the H mpty < mpty store O(lahoma Which co ntry prod ces wine in the Casablanca valley =he %ir Canada 'ilver Broom is won in which sport Aain 'tewart 9 dropped 9 loo(ed too normal 9 what pop gro p What is the main flavo r of aioli What was the worlds first passenger @et aircraft What does the syrin3 help a bird to do

Belgian *ynaecologist 4on1a Ataly /i1ard Climb 4atterhorn Bacon =welve 4on(eys ?adia Comaneci Condor Fang 9 Basset Ho nd <ying 9 to fi3 a colo r Poland ;33on 5alde1 ,%las(aOtis !edding Astanb l B lgaria Carp :oan Crawford < blin Christmas Asland 'ydney % stralia Webbed Feet :ews 9 opposite of #osher 'ilver !ainbow Warrior ,*reenpeace4 scles ; rydice ;ye =he =horn Birds Coat of %rms =ights %? n ' dan ;lm Benito 4 ssolini Cold C re *reying Hair Forbidden %ardvar( Can Can Canada *eneral Belgrano 'weden ' permar(et =rolley Chile C rling =he !olling 'tones *arlic Comet 'ing

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What member of the weasel family is over 1 meter or 3 feet long Capability Brown was a famo s /andscape *ardener 1st name Boccaccios collection of ten stories are (nown as what What do fennel leaves taste of What co ntry is the home of the %shanti people 12 is the atomic n mber of which metal What was Beethoven)s only opera An which of %ristophanes plays do the women ref se se3 Which % stralian writer won the ?obel pri1e in 16.3 What is a hypoca st What 12th cent ry *erman soldier told very tall tales of himself Which co ntry imports the most champagne =homas #eneally wrote which boo( ,Oscar winning filmWhat is the name of the metal discs set in a tambo rines rim BeethovenD BrahmsD ChopinD HandelD /is1tD !avel what in common What were China 1" !ad ga 1" Himwari 3 What is a Flemish *iant 'omerset 4a ghamD % : CroninD !ichard *orden 9 in common What does 'tet mean to a printer An Paris what are F< !oosevelt 'talingrad /o is Blanc ;nglish writer 9 <ied =yphoid 9 <ran( Paris water 9 Prove safe What food item in French literally means twice coo(ed What religions sacred writings are divided into the =ripita(a Herodot s the *ree( is (nown as the father of what =he old French !oyal family 9 Boy 'co ts share what symbol We have sed the /atin phrase ad hoc 9 what literally mean Which dancer died in 162. strangled by scarf on car wheel What do astronomers call the red s(y before s nrise % beast of prey sometimes called a gl tton 9 what is it French novelist 9 nearly 188 boo(s all /a Comedie H maine What is the correct name for food permitted nder 4oslem laws What co ntry is (nown to its inhabitants as ' omen =asavalta What French bl e cheese ,similar to stilton- is made ewes mil( % ' ffragan has what @ob 'egmentalD PrimitiveD <o cineD ;lliptical are types of what Who got : das @ob as the twelfth apostle Which famo s horse race was won 0rban seaD CarnegieD /ammtarra ;lvis 'to@(o was an ice s(ating word champion 9 what co ntry What animals ma(e p the ' idae family What is the word ,derived from 4alay- for nh s(ed rice :oel Chandler Harris wrote which series of stories We have heard of the !enaissance 9 what)s it literally mean An film ma(ing what does a Blimp do Where wo ld yo find a Walloon What do we call what the :apanese call Osh gats =ete9beche is a familiar term in which hobby *ood #ing Wenceslas was the #ing of which co ntry 'ir :ac( Cohen fo nded what What does rabbi literally mean What port lies at the mo th of the 'wan river

Badger /ancelot <ecameron %niseed *hana 4agnesi m Fidelio /ysistrata Patric( White !oman Heating 'ystem Baron 4 nchha sen *reat Britain 'chindler)s %r( :ingles Bachelors Orbiting satellites !abbit ?ot Writers 9 <octors /et the Original stand 4etro 'tations %rnold Bennett 1631 Bisc it B ddhism History Fle r9de9lis For this special p rpose Asadora < ncan % rora Wolverine Honor)e de Bal1ac Hal9al Finland !oC efort Bishop 9 no parish G helps other %rch ,in constr ction4atthias Pri3 de l)arc de =riomphe Canada Pigs Paddy 0ncle !em s !ebirth Covers camera G red ce noise 'o th Belgi m G ?ative Flemish ?ew 7ear 'tamp Collecting Bohemia ,*ermany=escos 9 s permar(ets 4y 4aster Freemantle ,Perth-

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Who starred in the film 'i3th 'ense #/4 is the national airline of which co ntry ?ame the most famo s ;nglish artist who painted mostly horses Who were C rier ;llis and %cton Bell What is the official title of the ambassador of the Pope ChaconneD !igadoonD Passepied are all types of what What British birds lay only one egg d ring the nesting season Who wo ld se a :iggerD B 11D Flagging ironD !o nd shaverD %d1e What pop gro p had a K4essage in a BottleK Af an Atalian was having Pran1o what wo ld they be having What c rrency consists of 188 *roschen An *ree( mythology who created man Hibernia was the !oman name for which co ntry 4incing /ane in /ondon is traditionally home of what trade What sport is played at 'miths /awn What are fallowsD l tinos and opalines An Paris there are two islands 9 Ale de la Cite and what 4apother A5 is the real s rname of what film star :ean9Christopher <enner invented what m sical instr ment 4endavoy and 4artine1 are characters in which =5 show Fredric( B lsara was the lead singer of what pop gro p =he =itanic has a sister ship 9 name it What was shar(s(in once sed as What does an otologist st dy What is the essential ingredient in a 4ornay sa ce 'ardines are the yo ng of which fish Who wrote Oedip s !e3 =he Camorra was the forer nner of what organisation in the 0'% What is a Havana Brown What did 'imon of Cyrene do in =he Bible An what sport is a stimpmeter sed *ene Hac(man sheriff Big Whis(ey 9 got Oscar 9 What film What co ntries flag red circle on green bac(gro nd *eorgi s Panayioto became famo s nder what name ,bothCapers are pic(led flower seeds of what plant An 162& at Windsor Boo(ies went on stri(e 9 against what What is a do cet What is the worlds largest sand island northeast of Brisbane F= ,/ondon- <ow :ones ,0'%- what is :apans 'hare Ande3 called Who was the leader of the wolf pac( in =he : ngle Boo( What)s the difference between sleeping gorillas and men ?obody <oes it Better was s ng in which Bond film Halcyon is the poetic name for which bird Who had a hit with 'ylvia)s 4other Who composed the m sic for the opera =he =ales of Hoffman An the Bible from whom did <avid steal his wife Bathsheba =he CassegranianD *regorian and 'chmidt are types of what 'ha(espeare 9 %ntonyD !omeoD Othello 9 what in common What instr ment is sometimes called the clown of the orchestra What world capital city is heated by volcanic springs

Br ce Willis Holland *eorge 't bbs Bronte sisters G pen names ? ncio Old style dances F lmar or * illemot Cooper G ma(ing barrels Police / nch % strian 'chilling =he demigod Prometh s Areland =ea Polo B dgerigars Ale 't9/o ise =om Cr ise Clarinet ?7P< Bl e > een 9 Freddie 4erc ry =he Olympic 'andpaper =he ear and its diseases Cheese Pilchard 'ophocles =he 4afia % 'mall !abbit Carry Christ)s cross *olf 9 meas re greens pace 0nforgiven 'ingapore *eorge 4ichael ?ast rti m Betting =a3 % 'tags =esticle Fraser island ?i((ei %(ala *orillas donBt snore =he 'py Who /oved 4e #ingfisher <r Hoo( :acC es Offenbach =he Hittite warrior 0riah =elescopes ' icide Bassoon !ey(@avi( ,Aceland-

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What is the main ingredient of a 4aron glace Only one woman)s lifespan is given in the Bible 9 Who What ca ses the tangy smell at the seaside An 16.+ in 0'% 23 people got swine fever and died from what Who said KAf a lie is told in the Whiteho se ?i3on gets a royaltyK An the 16.+ Olympics who were the 7ellow Bananas %m hea Princess of 4edes was the wife of who What !oman ;mperor was (illed by an overdose of la3ative How did fol( singer !oy Harper catch =o3oplasmosis What was /o is 1"th born with two of 9 that ama1ed everyone =he %ssociated Powers 9 the original proposed name of what Which a thor p blished &6 new boo(s in 16&& Af yo had distri3 what condition wo ld yo have What did the ancient *ree(s se instead of soap I only letter in alphabet that there is no name for who sing What co ntry do Bra1il n ts come from Why wo ld women disli(e sing a West Andian <ildo Which co ntry invented French fried potatoes An 1668 there were 66 p blic e3ec tions ' adi %rabia 9 <r gs How 4arion Barry 9 4ayor of Washington arrested for what What head of *overnment was the first to give birth in office 3"J of Californian 4ale st dents 18J of Female lied to get what =he sale of what co nterfeit delicacy o tranged the French An Febr ary 1668 1+8 million bottles of what were withdrawn What sport was deemed to violate civil rights banned ?ew 7or( What is <amson Cheese What was the name of the ship that bro ght <rac la to ;ngland An % stralian slang what is ndergro nd 4 tton P* Woodho se boo(s Bertie Wooster sed what /ondon Cl b Why wo ld a train spotter want to see n mber ""+2 'am el de Champlain fo nded which city =o r de France what colo r @ersey best Hill Climber wear What co ntry had an airline called !ottnest F ggles and *oldings are varieties of what Fingal O)Flaherty Wills is better (nows as who Britain)s call it sellotape 9 What)s the brand name in % stralia :ohn < nlop developed pne matic tyres 9 what profession $oisite is a semi precio s stone 9 ?ational stone which co ntry =he =h nderbirds boys were named after what theme Britain)s most dangero s @ob sed to (ill one person every 3 days An the Bible who did *od appear to on 4o nt Horab What animal head appears on the badge of the !C4P 't :ohn the <ivine wrote which boo( of the Bible Collective no ns 9 % Chair of what ,tradesmen<istaff is the female family side 9 what is the male Who is the patron saint of *ypsies An coo(ery how is something @ lienne prepared An Areland what is a *ombeen 4an An % stralian slang what is a dishlic(er How 9 two thieves convicted 162" e3ec ted in ' dan % g 1668

Chestn ts 'arah Wife %braham 12. *enis 23 !otting 'eaweed =he =reatment !ichard ?i3on Officials ,cos of niform colo r?eb chadne11ars ?ero 9 by an a nt #iss of life 9 to a sheep =eeth =he 0nited ?ations ;nid Blyton Hair 9 split ends Olive Oil =he <evil Bolivia Ats a cact s Belgi m Beheading Possession of Crac( Bena1ir Bh tto G Pa(istan 'e3 al Partner =r ffles 9 White dyed Blac( Perrier G contaminated ben1ine <warf =hrowing G From % s 1+ feet =hic( <amson :am <emeter Coo(ed !abbit <rones =he 4allard G record steam train > ebec !ed Pol(a dot % stralia Hops Oscar Wilde < re3 5et ?orway %pollo %strona ts =rawlerman 4oses Bison !evelations *lass Blowers 'pear 't 'arah =hin 'trips 4oneylender <og Cr cified

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is 'amsoe a type of % fylfot is a heraldic name for what symbol Where wo ld yo find a howdah An what co ntry is the lang age Fanti spo(en What flowers name translates from the *ree( as Water 5essel Which of Henry the ;ights wives was the widow of elder brother =he Boys from 'yrac se is based on what 'ha(espeare play Hathor was the ;gyptian goddess of what =he larva of the clic( beetle is called what An % stralian slang what is a ten o nce sandwich What is the name of the largest moon of : piter =he 4ason9<i3on line separates Pennsylvania and what state =he (in(a@o belongs to what family of animals What is the Hind # sh Caligari is the capital of what island *r nge m sic originated in which %merican city =he word b ngalow comes from which lang age What is the :apanese 'hin(asen An what co ntry are the <ra(esberg mo ntains ?ame the a thor who created Hannibal /ecter <odie 'mith wrote what boo( ,later filmed by <isney5enice stands on what river *ary Bo(er Bobby Harrison !ay !odger were in what pop gro p What co ntry la nched its first space roc(et :an ary 16+1 What have :an $a@ic and > ang < c got in common An 16+2 9 cost 28D888 9 si1e of a small s itcase 9 what An France what is Framboise What held p a Cric(et test 4atch between ;ngland Pa(istan What was banned from ?ew 7or( schools in 16+2 How to Handle a Woman came from which stage m sical :ames <r ry starred in which =5 western series Who had a hit with the song /oco94otion Who won the =o r de France " times 16+1 to 16+" What new domestic device was la nched by Hoover in 16+3 What was the 'oviet 5osto( 3 space flight the first to do What was the first co ntry to leave the 0nited ?ations What car company made the first glass fibre racing car What whis(y brand was advertised with two terrier dogs <orothy Cavis9Brown made news at Wimbledon 9 why What did =he 4 sician 0nion ban on =5 in 16++ What is a travelator Who wrote the novel /ove 'tory ,Both ?amesWhat @ob did %gatha Christies h sband do Britain Areland and what co ntry @oined the ;;C sim ltaneo sly An % stralian slang what (ind if food is a mystery bag Who was C isine 4ince r designed for French riot police were ordered to the !ivera to deal with what Who recorded the %lb m An =hro gh the O t <oor :an 21 16.+ What lin(ed Bahrain and !io de :aneiro An the +8s a 7ellow *olliwog worn by a girl symbolised what

Cheese 'wasti(a Bac( of ;lephant ,bas(et*hana Hydrangea Catherine of %ragon =he comedy of errors =he '(y Wireworm /iC id / nch 9 Can of Beer *anymede 4aryland !accoon 4o ntain !ange 'ardinia 'eattle Hindi High speed =rain 'o th %frica =homas Harris 181 <almatians =he %rno Proc l Harem Ataly 'elf Ammolation Portable comp ter !aspberry 4o se on pitch !eading of Prayers Camelot =he 5irginian /ittle ;va :acC es %nC etil 'team Aron 'end bac( =5 pict res Andonesia /ot s Blac( P White /ineswoman 9 slept in chair %rtists miming to records Hori1ontal ;scalator ;rich 'egal %rchaeologist <enmar( 'a sage 'limmers ,Fine coo(ingH ndreds topless women ,16.1/ed $eppelin 1st Concord passenger destinations Pro d of non virginity

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What (ind of creat re was 'am on the 4 ppet 'how Who had a hit with =iger Feet Patty Hearst was (idnapped ,later @oined- which organisation =he 4 rryfield !acers play which sport > a(ers ?at ralD Prewetts HoneyD California !evival 9 types what What was Pa l 4cCartney)s first solo alb m called What company pioneered floppy discs What were =ricity =ri mphD #elvinatorD /ec <e / 3 What tennis players name meant =all trees by still water Which m sical did the song 'end in the Clowns come from Where in % stralia were British satellites la nched in early .8s What was Clint ;astwood)s first film as a director Who wrote the 'cience Fiction novel 'la ghterho se Five What was a !oyal ?avy frigate acc sed throwing Cod War 16.3 Who wrote the novel =he French /ie tenants Woman Whose cat was sold for N1&3888 in an %ri1ona a ction Who wrote the play %made s :eff /ynne 9 !oy Wood 9 Bev Bevan 9 what pop gro p Where did :im 4orrison die What did the %yatollah #homeni ban in 16.6 4stislav !ostropovich was a maestro on what instr ment What is #ensington *ore 4argarita Carmen Casino became famo s as who What @ob does the *affer do in the film ind stry What was the name of <agwood B mstead and Blondies dog What short sighted cartoon character had a nephew 9 Waldo What 'ha(espeare play was the basis of =he Forbidden Planet Frederic( % sterlit1 became famo s as who What is a 4aine Coon once tho ght to be e3tinct What dictator was the first to be abd cted prosec ted 0'% dr gs An which ;;C co ntry is abortion still illegal What heavyweight bo3er was nic(named =he Cinderella 4an What is the capitol of Chechnya What is absinthe traditionally flavo red with An 1226 Cyrill <amien invented which m sical instr ment %t the battle of %cti m who beat 4ar( %nthony and Cleopatra What lin(s %da 9 /isp 9 %lgol How did :oy Friederic(e 5ictoria %damson die in 162& What city stands on the river =orens An Hind mythology %gni is the god of what =o the ancient *ree(s what was an agora =omi(a and 0yeshiba are the two main forms of what Where was ?apoleon born %@accio 9 Which *ree( astronomer wrote the %lmagest =he > een has what m sic with her brea(fast Baile %tha Cliath 9 Official name what capitol city An the wild what animal pollinates banana plants What colo r is the Blac( Bo3 carried in aircraft =aid@e #han became famo s nder which name % tolyc s 9 accomplished invisible thief *ree( myth whose son

;agle 4 d 'ymbionese /iberation %rmy Ace Hoc(ey 4 seli 4cCartney AB4 !efrigerators ;vonne *oolagong % /ittle ?ight 4 sic Woomera Play 4isty for 4e # rt 5onneg t Carrots at Acelandic * nboat :ohn Fowles %dolf Hitler)s Peter 'haffer ;lectric /ight Orchestra Bath 9 in Paris hotel 4 sic on radio Cello %ctors fa(e blood !ita Heyworth Chief ;lectrician <aisy 4r 4agoo =he =empest Fred %stair % 28 lb cat *eneral 4an al ?oriega9 Panama Areland :ames : Braddoc( *ro1ny Wormwood %ccordion Octavian 9 ;mperor % g st s Program /ang ages 4 rdered in #enya %delaide 9 % stralia Fire P blic meeting place F mar(et ,for m%i(ido Corsican capitol Ptolomy Bagpipes 9 'tarted by 5ictoria < blin 9 its Arish *aelic Bats Orange 7 l Brynner Hermes

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An the theatre what is behind Barn <oors :oe 7 le became famo s as who ?orse mythology who was (illed with mistletoe by blind Hod r Bob Clampett created which character in 1632 Who wrote the children)s classic %nn of *reen *ables *a rD *ayalD Banteng and #o prey are types of what What is the literal meaning of Cenotaph =he 7ellow #id by !ichard Felton O tca lt in 126+ first what What did drin(ers first see on :an 2" 163& %lli m 'ativ m is better (nown as what !hapsodyD %romelD =amella Cambridge favo rite types of what What artsFliterary movement fo nded by =ristan =1ara in 161& Which a thor wrote screenplay Bonds 7o Only /ive =wice <almatian dogs are born which colo r or colo rs What did ;mily <avidson do ;dward de Bono 9 4altese <octor 9 developed what concept =he song A =al( to the =rees comes from what m sical What is the capitol of *hana An *ree( mythology who was the *oddess of Chastity What was 4adam C rie)s h sbands name =he 0'% president lives in the White Ho se 9 Who Bl e Ho se What does an aronophobe fear What lin(s ;degraD Cavetra and ;ri3 An what city is the worlds largest carpet man fact rer What element was named after the *ree( word for green What hotel hosted the first Oscar ceremony =he name of which Andian city means 5illage of Boiled Beans :ames Hoban designed what 'emiology is the st dy of what What co nty has its map on its flag What I rated movie won an Oscar / c(now is a city in Andia 9 and what other co ntry 4itsib shi 9 now cars 9 planes d ring war 9 literally means what What invention was nic(named the ?oisy 'erpent in 1682 An which sport wo ld yo find the 'ag Wagon What prod ct was introd ced as a c re for rinatary problems An ?ew $ealand what is morepor( An what city was % dry Hepb rn born An what co ntry was the worlds first wildlife sanct ary set p What word co ld ;rnie Bil(o not say witho t st ttering What co ntry has a regiment of bicycle mo nted soldiers Who did 5alerie 'olernis shoot on : n 3rd 16+2 in ?ew 7or( 'ha(espeare character says KBlow winds and crac( yo r chee(sK An what Hitchcoc( film did the heroine find shr n(en head in bed %ma3ophobia is the fear of what =he Bovespa is the stoc( e3change in which co ntry What is a <andie <inmont 'hoot a Waco was the original name for what drin( Who wrote the satire Candide p blished in 1.&6 Whose ghost appears in 'ha(espeare)s : li s Caesar

;lectricity 'oc(ets 4ic(ey !ooney Balder 9 most loved god B gs B nny / 4 4ontgomery Wild Cattle ;mpty =omb Comic 'trip G ?ew 7or( World Beer Can *arlic 'trawberry 5arieties <adaism !oald <ahl White 9 spots come later ' icide nder (ings horse 1613 /ateral =hin(ing Paint 7o r Wagon %ccra %rtemis G sister %pollo Pierre President 'o th #orea Anternet Brand9names for 5iagra #ashmir Chlorine !oosevelt Hotel Bangalore =he White Ho se 'ignals Cypr s 4idnight Cowboy Canada =hree <iamonds 5ac m Cleaner Cycling 9 it pic(s p dropo ts Pepsi % Bird 9 call so nds li(e morepor( Br ssels 'ri /an(a 3rd cent BC 4illion 'wit1erland %ndy Worhole #ing /ear 0nder Capricorn !iding in a vehicle Bra1il <og 9 Borders =errier <r Peppers 5oltaire Caesar)s *host

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An which play and film does :ean 5al@ean appear Psychologists says men who do what d ring se3 are insec re Whose is s pposed to have had se3 with his nanny when aged 6 What animal can sleep 3 years b t only mates once 9 12 ho rs An ?orway 1628 man fined for being dr n( in charge of what /o is the I5A France only two ,recorded- what in his lifetime =he same /o is did not cons mmate his marriage . years 9 why Only + people died in what historic event Why co ld William =ell not have shot the apple with a crossbow How did the ;mperor Cla di s die What co ntry do *reat <anes come from Who said 9 KOne more drin( and All be nder the hostK =he average Britain in their life cons mes 1888 lb of what What animal provide &8J of all the protein eaten in Per :immy Carter was the first 0' president to have done what Who won an Oscar posth mo sly Which actor has been portrayed most on screen by other actors 'ergai #aleni(ov holds the world record in what An California yo can)t legally b y a mo setrap witho t what Who won the best actress Oscar 16&6 !oom at the =op What did ancient ;gyptians r b on their dic(s to enlarge them Which animal has legs b t cant wal( % Paris grocer was @ailed for two years in 16.2 stabbing wife what Howard H ghs sed to store what in large metal containers Which classical poet said %mor vincet omnia /ove ConC ers all Af yo were eating fragrant meat in Hong #ong what is it What co ntry invented Phonecards What was invented in !ome +3 bc by 4arc s =iro What is the literal *ree( translation of 'arcophag s French artist %C abo se paints cows in what material %n %rabFAsraeli band %b Hafla 9 record called H mping meaning First ad on !adio / 3emb rg 1638s for Bible Beans 9 which areH ." year old 4argaret Weldon F/ 2 hole in one 2 days 9 n s al An 162. the :oc(ey Cl b disC alified a horse that had eaten what % Baseball travels 6J faster in which 0' city What was :oseph P @ol 9 /a Petomanes stage act :ames H Pierce was the last silent film actor to play who What said A)m never thro gh with a girl till A)ve had her three ways Aris 'omerville 9 (illed /ondon 1622 9 /ightning str c( what What play is set in 5enice and Cypr s An 1.6. 3 pence co ld b y yo a good ,second hand- what Between 1+&6 and 1+21 illegal celebrate what in 4assach setts What 'aint said 9 /ord grant me Chastity 9 b t not ye t =he average Britain in their life cons mes 12 lb of what !oller coasters originated in what co ntry What n s al item can yo b y 9 vending machine Paris 4etro We)ve heard phrase A donBt give a toss 9 b t =os *ree( for what % <orset shop sells boo(ends made from 1"8 mill year old what ;very ship in the !oyal ?avy have c stomised what What meat o tsells m tton and lamb combined in 'weden

/e 4iserables #eep soc(s on /ord Byron 'nails 4obile vac m cleaner Baths Overgrown Fores(in Fire of /ondon 1+++ Crossbow not (nown 13th cent ry Cho(ed on a Feather *ermany <orethy Par(er Carrots * inea Pigs Born in a Hospital Peter Finch G for ?etwor( Charlie Chaplain Pig #issing H nting /icence 'imone 'ignoret Crocodile shit H mmingbird % wedge of hard cheese His 0rine 5irgil <og Ataly 'horthand and the P sign Flesh ;ater Cow shit ;n@oyable *athering /a3atives 'he was totally blind aided h bby 4ars Bar <enver 9 thinner air He farted G imitating m sic etc =ar1an :ohn F #ennedy 4etal ' pport on her Bra Othello 9 'ha(espeare Wife Christmas 't % g stine <irt bad washed food ! ssia 9 ice on sleds /evi &81s in 18 si1es Bear Fossil <inosa r 'hit $ippo /ighters Horse meat

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

%n %merican in 4aine got a divorce cos wife fed him only what How did Pope Hadrian A5 die Who said Kse3 appeal &8J what yo got &8J they thin( yo gotK 't Fiacre is the Patron 'aint of what William B ro ghs coined what phrase sed by 'teppenwolf 16+2

Pea 'o p Cho(ed on a fly 'ophia /oren Piles Heavy 4etal 9 Born to be Wild What =5 did "" million 0'% watch while 2.m ;isenhower sworn in A /ove / cy Between 1& and 28J of what disappear from shops each year ' permar(et =rolleys French racing driver :ean Behra (ept a spare what in his poc(et Plastic right ear President !oosevelt was the first president to do what Fly 16"3 secret trip Casablanca What is n s al abo t the n mber 2&"61.+328 <igits alpha order Who said in 16&1 9 KA married beneath me 9 %ll women doK /ady ?ancy %stor An Aowa 16.2 : dge dismissed drin( driving charge 9 why =oo <r n( to sample 163+ film started with world war and ended with space flight =hings to Come H* Wells An 162" B% stewardess called police she)d left what in c pboard H sband in Bondage 0ntil 1216 technically yo co ld be h ng for what in Britain C tting down a tree What)s still legal in Parag ay if the participants are blood doners < elling =sar Pa l A decreed death by flogging to anyone mentioned what His Baldness What actress said KA dress for women 9 0ndress for menK %ngie <ic(inson =he average Britain in their lifetime eats &"88 what Bags Crisps 9 chips Here we go ro nd the m lberry b sh 9 what was original b sh =ree in Wa(efield prison wal(ed ro nd What hath *od Wro ght was first message sent by Who 12"" ' 4orse Washington to Baltimore An what city 162& was the worlds first comp ter m se m opened Boston What elements name comes from the *ree( for light bearing Phosphoro s %stronomer :osephe9:erome de /alande eat what on bread b tter 'piders '(eleton is derived from *ree( 9 what is its literal translation <ried 0p ;dward H nter 0'% :o rnalist invented what term #orean war Brainwashing % man has first at 12 then every day spent 18+ days by +8 what 'having What lin(s <a 5inciD PicassoD Charlie ChaplainD Ben Fran(lin /eft Handed Flies and h mans can both get which condition %thletes Foot We call them = r(eys what do the = r(s call them %merican Birds =he % di car company created by % g st Horch G means what /atin Bear What co ntry has the worlds most vending machines per capita :apan Who said 9 K% woman only a woman 9 good cigar is a smo(eK ! dyard #ipling Hans 'teininger had the world longest what 9 that (illed him Beard 9 =ripped over it down stairs An C1arist ! ssia it was illegal to do what 'mo(e What play has line 9 'hall there be no more ca(es and ale =welfth ?ight % fisherman in the %rral sea had his boat destroyed by what % Cow 9 0'% air force d mped it 't Brigit of Areland co ld do what ama1ing tric( for visitors Bathwater into Beer =homas Watson in 16"3 there is a worlds mar(et for & 9 what Comp ters G he chairman of AB4 What prod ct did the first commercial in the 0'% advertise B lova Watches ;stimated there are " 188 million billion molec les c bic inch what %ir An Ohio by law pets have to carry what /ights on tails at night =he average man or woman spends one year of their life 9 what On the =elephone 28J of ho sehold d st is act ally what material <ead s(in What is the best wood for ma(ing pencils Ancense Cedar =he average Britain in their lifetime eats "68. what /oafs of Bread Oysters can do what 9 according to water temperat re Change se3 ?ame 0'% city it)s illegal to have a n de shop d mmy on display ?ew 7or( % dog was arrested in 'eville in 1623 for what crime Handbag 'natching Who starred as <aisy in =he *reat *atsby 4ia Farrow

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

:acC eline < Prey is a master on what instr ment Who wrote the m sic for 'howboat Who said se3 is a bad thing it r mples the clothes =he average 4anhattan wife ta(es 1" min tes to do what in bed Which animal sleeps with one eye open 'andra Wes of =e3as died in 16.. was b ried in what What happened to the man who tried to hang himself over river %fter se3 what does the female marine bristleworm do What nationality was Ponti s Pilot by birth 'cottish 9 =he average person spends 12 years of their life doing what 't %ppolonia is the patron saint of what Pac(y ;ase an amate r bo3er 9 what name become famo s What was stolen from a Hotel *arden in Britain in 1661 What word comes from %rabic means re nion of bro(en parts Charles Conrad too( a cassette to the moon on %pollo 11 who First feat re film 0' =5 Heart of ?ew 7or( what was s b@ect !oyal 'ociety Prevention %ccidents 1661 .&88 in@ red by what "888 patents for a variation of what iss ed since first 1232 % /imo sine was originally what ,From /imo sine in France<wight ;isenhower was the first president to hold what What does a geophage en@oy =he !e(nas company 9 Calc tta worlds biggest e3porter what %t least a C arter of h manity is what What first occ rred at California <isneyland in 4arch 1621 Who said Kse3 older women best they thin( its their last timeK Ping Pong and Pang are characters in which opera 1388 to 1&88 it was illegal for ;nglishmen to have 3 what a day Harold : 'mith a Canadian changed name famed as side(ic( What is special abo t the hooded pitoh i bird ,?ew * ineaAn 162" Bloomingdale)s started selling 188888 year old what What happened to golfer /ee =ravino on green 13 2. : ne 16.& What lin(s elephantaD bad9i9sad9o9bistro1D oeD wh lyD 1onda What tree is mentioned @ st once in the Bible =he average Britain cons mes 1"&.1 what in their lifetime What @ob involves wal(ing an average +8 miles in a & day wee( An the 0# 3J of people store what in their fridges =he city co ncil of Chico California set a N&88 fine for what % tittiliomaniac has a comp lsion to do what Police in Winchester 9 got call 9 4an being held by wife 9 how 'tephano and =rinc lo characters in which 'ha(espeare play William H rt won best actor Oscar for which 162& film Fesc e is a generic type of what Creed Prayer %lms Fasting Pilgrimage five pillars what religion %le3 !aymond created which comic strip character in 163" What does a carpophag s animal feed on *regorys powder is a type of what What does a Hafi1 (now Pocahontas was baptised and given what ;nglish name An /ondon 161& what became illegal s b@ect to O188 fine What is the longest river in % stralia

Cello :erome #ern :acC eline #ennedy Onassis = rn off /ight <olphin Her bl e Ferrari !ope bro(e G drowned in river Bites off eats penis Fortingale nr < n(eld Watching =5 =oothache Bob Hope Onion Crop %lgebra :erry /ee /ewis Washing machine inventors 'hopping =rolleys 4o setrap French shepherds protective cloa( Pilots /icence ;ating earth H man ,s(eletons'hort 'ighted 4 rder Aan Fleming = rendot 9 by P ccini 4eals :ay 'ilverheels =onto AtBs highly poisono s *lacial ice from *reenland Hit by /ightning %ll winds Poplar Pints of beer Waiter /ive 4aggots ;3ploding n clear bomb in city 'cratch Hidden artificial leg =he =empest =he #iss of the 'piderwoman *rass Aslam Flash *orden Fr it /a3ative #oran by Heart !ebecca B ying a ro nd of drin(s 4 rray9<arling

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Who said K?o se3 is better than bad se3K Who won the ; rovision song contest with :ac( in a Bo3 4argie Belcher provided the body movements 9 which character =he average person spends 2 years of their life doing what 162. % Philadelphia Co ncillor bill banned carrying what in p blic %lain Bo bil 9 Cla de94ichael 'chonberg m sic what hit show Pl to ,the Planet- was almost called what name 4ost lipstic(s contain what ne3pected item At is illegal to pawn what in /as 5egas 'l gs have fo r of them 9 what What word in ;nglish has the most definitions :ohn Flynn invented what service in % stralia =he *ree( version of what is called the 'ept agint =he eyes of which animal have rectang lar p pils 4odern Olympics 9 only *reece and which co ntry in all What is the only bone in the body nattached to any other bone =here are more than 1&88 varieties of what food 4ageiricophobia is a fear of what What animals eye is larger than its brain An 1668 there were 1&888 accidents involving what !oman men had to swear on what to testify Why did pirate wear earrings 0nder the snow and ice %ntarctica is act ally a what An ancient China people committed s icide by eating what Who too( o t a N&888 life ins rance before dying in battle =he average Britain cons mes "68. what in their lifetime Who said KABve sometimes tho ght of marriage 9 then re9tho ghtK ?ame actor 5on !yan)s ;3pressD =he =hird 4anD Brief ;nco nter An 0'% F Britain give finger 9 What do yo show in =hailand What was the traditional ancient Persian new years day gift =he French /a ro sse *astronomiC e 6 recopies coo(ing what What common item was a sign of wealth in 16th cent ry ;ngland An 0tah in 12.8s what co ld yo get from a slot machine What do male b tterflies li(e to lic( <esire for more cows is the translation what 'ans(rit word ;lvis Presley collected stat es of what famo s woman What is the most mentioned name in the Bible =ip =hroat 5amp Collar 'han( are parts of what ob@ect What is a spermologer interested in Who is the biggest landowner in ?ew 7or( city What fish can blin( its eyes What was the first name of the cartoon character 4r 4agoo At is against the law in %lbania to play what on ' ndays Hearts bells leaves and acorns card s its which co ntry Which vegetable got its name from a precio s stone On average 188 people a year cho(e to death on what An 2888 what state removed confederate flag 9 stateho se dome What lang age ,not dialect- has the most characters in it Florin1el is a character in which 'ha(espeare play What is 2888 in !oman ? merals

*ermaine *reer Clodagh !ogers <isney 'now White Being ill 'na(es 4iss 'aigon $e s Fish 'cales 7o r <ent res ?oses 'et Flying <octors Old =estament *oat % stralia Hyoid in throat !ice Having to coo( Ostrich 5ac m cleaner Holding their testicles Amprove their eyesight <esert 'alt One lb will (ill yo *eorge %rmstrong C ster /oaves of bread ?oel Coward =revor Howard 'ole of foot ;ggs Camels %n 0mbrella <ivorce 9 Papers cost N2E&8 'tones 9 to get n trients War 9 same in ;nglish :oan of %rc <avid 9 :es s is second Woman)s 'hoe =rivia Catholic Ch rch 'har( > incy <ominos *ermany Onion 9 /atin nio large pearl Ballpoint Pens 'o th Carolina Cambodian =he Winters =ale 44

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Bears > arterbac( :im 4c4ahon Who failed his entrance e3ams to school aged 1+ ;instein G $ rich poly Where are a cric(ets ears located Front legs An 1683 Fran( Hanaway was 0' first what in =he *reat =rain !obbery 't ntman What is the first race in the *rand Pri3 season Bra1ilian 0niversity Western % stralia developed a robot to do what 'hear 'heep =he word ban( comes from the Atalian banco 9 literal meaning what Bench G where moneylender sat =he !oman roadb ilders lac(ed which elementary tool Wheelbarrow =he Welcome 'tranger 1.3 lb was largest what ever fo nd 12+6 *old ? gget An 1+8& :apanese ;mperor made what comp lsory in schools /earning swimming Who ref sed the ?obel /iterat re pri1e in 16&2 Boris Pasterna( % P Herbert editor of P nch once wrote a cheC e on what 'ide of a cow What was the %cta <i rna introd ced by : li s Caesar &6 BC <aily ?ews ,paperposted in for m What happened to women who tried to watch original Olympics =hrown off cliff *ertr de ;derlie ,0'%- was the first woman to do what 'wim ;nglish Channel What is the sacred animal of =hailand White ;lephant =he word p ppy comes from the French po pee 9 literally what <oll =he leach has 32 what 9 h mans only got one Brains Who spea( a lang age called 4 dderschproch %mish ,Pennsylvania < tchFran( 5os Bob 'eagren Wolfgang ?ordwig all held what Pole va lt record =ransylvanian people believed sleeping with what was dangero s 4o th open We have all heard Hari #rishna 9 what does #rishna mean <ar( as a clo d An :apan what wo ld yo find in a Heya ' mo wrestlers What modern dance was s pposed to c re a spiders bite =arantella Af yo had 2 eight enders in one bonspiel what are yo playing C rling % comet for the *ree( #ometes literally means what /ong Haired 'andra B lloc(D #ris ChristophensenD Br ce Willis 9 :ob /in(s ?ot %cting G Bartender An 7emen after a wedding what lasts an average 21 days =he wedding feast Who feat red on the cover of the first !olling 'tone maga1ine :ohn /ennon What was Christopher <eans @ob before Ace '(ating Policeman %n average of .82 what in the 0'% each year =ornados %t *erman co ntry weddings the co ple had to do what together 'aw thro gh a log 'ch bert always slept with what on 'pectacles 9 in case he got idea 'atori is a term in which religion $en B ddhism What is the fastest swimming ocean fish over +8 mph 'ailfish 9 4arlin Af yo were ta(ing a class in pistology what are yo st dying Faith Pine ;yes is the literal translation of which characters name Pinocchio Feline cats 9 Bovine Cows 9 %C iline what ;agle What is the translation of the *ree( name 5anessa B tterfly Who refereed the 12.+ 'har(y Fit1simmons fight with a g n Wyatt ;arp =he %lgonC in Andians believed the earth was on what *iant tortoise % ga1ette 9 is obvio s what was a ga1etta where word comes % small Atalian coin G pay for news What co ntry has the highest voting age 2& %ndorra =wo o t of 3 ad lts in the 0'% s ffer from what Piles Where was the first p blic library opened in 1.". Warsaw Poland An %tlanta *eorgia what is it illegal to do to a giraffe =ie it to tel pole Federal law prohibits the recycling of sed 9 what in 0'% ;yeglasses What did a cl e originally mean Ball of =hread What animal is the symbol of long life in #orea <eer ?ew Orleans 0'% 9 'o thampton *B same nic( football team 'aints

Who said K=his game is abo t beating the crap o t of everyoneK

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=he :apanese believed ;arthC a(es ca sed by ndergro nd what /os %ngeles alone has more than the whole of France 9 what An Florida women can be fined for falling asleep nder what An 16th cent ry Florence it was illegal for women to wear what What is the official state food of =e3as What was the name of !ip 5an Win(les dog Woodb ry soap was the first to show what in its advertisements <ana(ill tribe ;thiopia 9 mans grave 1 stone for each what he did 2"J of %merican ad lts admitted to participating in what An what sport is the Charles Brownlow award for fairest player %ll living things contain what An ancient China what meat was reserved for the ;mperor =he name 4ar( translates a what Who was the > een of 'parta ?oologists st dy what What is (nown as !adishes in <enmar( What common item in Andia are !o nd An ?ew 7or( it is illegal to shoot what from a moving trolley car What animal was the symbol of freedom in ancient !ome An what sport did Prince /eopold of Bavaria compete Where did the %ngel falls get its name 'O' the distress message stands for what An :apan what is 7omiy ri 'himb n What is the national drin( of Poland What is the worlds most pop lar first name Old :oe was the name of what on where What is never shown in a /as 5egas Casino An 4or( and 4indy what was the capitol of Or( =he name *regory is from the *ree( meaning what An what sport did :effery %rcher win an O3ford Bl e ,0'% /etterPope Clement 5AA made it illegal for anyone else to eat what =he ;mperor % g st s banned his men wearing sil( 9 why =he %verage %merican does what 22 times a day What was the first movie to have a seC el 9 1633 Who made a =5 advertisment for 'o thern 4aid <o ghn ts =ime 4aga1ine named what as the 4an of the 7ear 1622 =he first official baseball hat was made of what =he ?itty *ritty <irt Band first 0'% gro p to do what 16.. An > eensland % stralia p bs m st still have what Baseball is not sport 9 state of mind 9 cant learn it 9 what a thor What animals teeth were sed as (nife blades by the Andians =he word tragedy is *ree( what does it literally mean H1" ?2 is a poisono s al(aloid cons med daily by millions what =imb c(too is in which co ntry 4r Cat Poop was the Chinese translation what ?icholson film What food item are most people allergic to =wo o t of every five %merican women do what % d ffer is % stralian slang for what What common " legged animals never wal( or trot /);C ipe is French daily newspaper covering mainly what

*iant 'pider : dges Hair <rier B ttons Chilli Wolf F ll length n de woman 163+ 4an #illed Allegal *ambling % ssie ! les Football Water Por( Hammer Helen of =roy =he 4ind Cartoon strip Pean ts Playing Cards !abbits Cat 4otor !acing Pilot :immy %ngel crashed 163. ?othing 9 ?O= save o r so ls ?ewspaper G worlds best seller 4ead 4ohammed Camel on Camel Cigarettes =he =ime 9 ?o Cloc(s #or( Watchman %thletics 4 shrooms At was ;ffeminate Opens Fridge #ing #ong 9 'on of #ong ;lvis Presley =he Comp ter 'traw =o r 0''! Hitching rail for horses :ohn 'teinbec( Beaver *oat 'ong 9 sed to sacrifice goats ?icotine 4ali %s *ood as it *ets Cows 4il( <ye their Hair Cattle =hief !abbits 'port

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An what game wo ld yo see 'tamenD Blac(wood and *erber What was the name of :ohn 'teinbec()s dog Charley =he male of what species e3plodes on mating 9 then dies From what modern co ntry does damas( come from %neth m tastes a little li(e aniseed 9 what herb is it Af yo were st dying Aatrology what wo ld yo be st dying An Wisconsin its against state law to serve apple pie witho t what An 7or( its legal to (ill a 'cotsman ,not ' nday- what weapon What comes in varieties called < ncanD B rg ndy and 4arsh =he 0nited ?ations in ?ew 7or( were originally where What is the last element 9 %lphabetically An what co ntry is the northernmost point of %frica What (ind of animal is :ormangard in ?orse mythology %ssassin 4aga1ine and 'ofa come from which lang age An what boo( did we meet the ;oli and the 4orloc(s An what film 9 Charlie Chaplain have his first spea(ing part 16"8 Where was Harry Ho dini born 5ille 4arie was the original name of where Omphalitis is an infection of what part of the body An Call of the Wild by :ac( /ondon what was the dogs name Charles Bingley was a character in what classic novel What are formed by Orogeny Ha)aret1 is a newspaper in which co ntry 5ootery is the practice of what Which is the worlds b siest metro system Fl ctat nec 4ergitor 9 Wave tossed b t not s n( 9 Cities 4otto An ?ew :ersey what is it illegal for a man to do fishing season What @ob wo ld a Foley %rtist do What lin(s Caprino $iegen(ase and *ais(asli What Prophet in the Bible had a tal(ing don(ey Who did Perse s t rn into stone with the *orgons head What are a Boomer and a Bl e Flier What is #ab (i in :apan > insy is the inflammation of which body organ d e to abscess An what religion are the 5edas a central part 't Boniface is the Patron 'aint of which co ntry Which boys name means 9 he who resembles *od 'crambled ;ggs was the wor(ing title of which Beatles song %bracadabra comes from what lang age /e Poirea is what type of vegetables An 'wit1erland what device is illegal on ' ndays ;dith #night wrote which classic story ,later filmedAn what co ntry does <isney)s Bea ty and the Beast ta(e place =he ancient ;gyptian word for cat was ma 9 what does it mean An what game wo ld yo se a sC idger =ro w is a newspaper in what co ntry An Hood river Oregon what do yo need a licence to do Who is the Patron 'aint of ho sewives What common word comes from the /atin for who are yo What is n s al abo t mating in the whiptail li1ard

Bridge 'tandard Poodle Honeybee 'yria <ill 'cience of 4edicine Cheese Bow and %rrow *rapefr it 'an Francisco $irconi m = nisia 'erpent %rabic =he =ime 4achine G H* Wells =he *reat <ictator G %denoid Hin(el B dapest H ngary 4ontreal ?avel B c( Pride and Pre@ dice 4o ntains Asrael <eceit or /ying 4oscow Paris #nit Ancidental movie so nd effects *oats Cheese Balaam %tlas %d lt 4ale G Female #angaroo Common peoples theatre =onsils Hind *ermany 4ichael 7esterday Hebrew /ee( /awnmower /assie come home France =o see =iddlywin(s G Big disc ?etherlands : ggle 4artha > i1 ?o 4ales 9 females clone

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An %lberta what are yo not allowed to Paint ,its illegal<ish served % la Crecy is garnished with what What is st died in %erology Why did sailors wear tattoos What were early diaphragms A0< 9 < tch cap made from An *ree( myth who was the first woman 431 is the nearest gala3y to s 9 what is its other name ?apoleon had a fear of what 9 %el rophobia Where are the most e3pensive seats at a b llfight Where does the word COP come from Who had the motto ?on 'ans <roit 9 not witho t right What is the oldest (nown science =he /o vre 4 se m 9 Palace 9 b t what was it first Af yo committed 5aticide who wo ld yo have (illed Af yo grad ate with a degree in m sic what colo r tassel wear 'candinavian aC avit is flavo red with what An 4ain what is it illegal to step o t of An the Bible who b ilt the ancient city of Babylon 4atador and 'niff are two varieties of what game Pa l 4orel was a character in which classic novel %nanas is French for what food What fictional archaeologist trained nder Prof %bner !avenwood What singer did ;lvis Presley say was the greatest in the world =o whom is the Wi1ard of O1 dedicated An Wyoming in : ne it is illegal to ta(e a pict re of what What is the name of %lice)s cat <isney %lice in Wonderland B r(e and Hare s pplied which doctor with cadavers Fran Philps of Canada was the first woman to do what What was the first team sport played in the modern Olympics Philadelphia cream cheese was introd ced in what city What was Barnaby :ones s al tipple %lopecia meaning baldness comes from *ree( word for what An Chicago it is illegal to eat in a resta rant that is what Who played Commodio s in the Oscar winning *ladiator What was the first 0'% team to win the 'tanley C p What actress said KA acted v lgar 9 4adonna is v lgarK An Pennsylvania it is illegal to sell firewor(s to who Clamart means what food will be sed in the dish %rth r Flegenheimer became notorio s nder what name Old s perstition 9 a snee1ing cat means what What does the family name Per(ins mean What instr ment does *r mpy play in <isney)s 'now White 5ienna is the setting for what 'ha(espeare play What was discovered at > mran =he giant #vasir in ?orse mythology has what power %nn it Coeptis 9 ?ovis ordo seclor m 9 mottos on what item #imga1er is a newspaper in what co ntry !awdon Crawley was a character in what classic novel An 4innesota what pleas rable activity is totally illegal Af yo practice ;ncraty what are yo doing

Wooden /og Carrots Planet 4ars Prevent Catching Po3 Orange s(in 9 Half an orange Pandora %ndromeda Cats 'hade 9 'ombra Constable on Patrol William 'ha(espeare %stronomy Fort Prophet Pin( C min or Caraway Flying Plane ?imrod <ominoes 'ons and /overs Pineapple Andiana :ones !oy Orbison =he 7o ng in Heart % !abbit <inah <r #no3 !each the ?orth Pole Water Polo ?ew 7or( 4il( Fo3 9 4ange Q Bald On Fire :oaC in Phoeni3 'eattle 4etropolitans 4arlene <ietrich Pennsylvania residents Peas < tch 'ch lt1 At will rain =he !oc( Organ 4eas re for 4eas re <ead 'ea 'crolls Wisdom !everse *reat 'eal 0'% Cypr s 5anity Fair Oral 'e3 %bstinence or 'elf !estraint

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

By law in China to go to school yo m st be what =hree 'cottish (ings and eight Popes share what name What /atin word means elsewhere Pompeii was b ried by 5es vio s in %< .6 9 what other city What emergency safety device was first sed in 16"& What is the literal meaning of *raffiti ! ssian word means dissol te 9 nic(name *regory ;fimovitch What is the only French spea(ing rep blic in %mericas What Atalian word means swan( By law in <enmar( before driving yo m st chec( car for what &1 what were destroyed by the *reat fire of /ondon %nd who was commissioned to reb ild them / sitania was the !oman name of what modern co ntry What was the first day of the year in the !oman calendar What is the royal ho se of 4onaco What boys name wo ld be signalled in 4orse by si3 dashes What 'panish title is eC ivalent to princess What :apanese word means good for nothing Who played =he =alented 4r !ipley An Asrael on 'at rday its illegal to do what 7ggdrasil is what in ?orse mythology % haemodiali1ar is a mechanical what #er(ira is the *ree( name for what Asland Who signed the 4agna Carta at ! nnymead An what co ntry was Bonnie Prince Charlie born What does #arao(e literally mean Who was the first French women)s designer to design for men What is the bass Iylophone called *ladys 4ary 'mith became famo s nder what name By law what npop lar thing m st prostit tes now do in Holland What wo ld yo do with yo r (o(o in :apan %ro nd the alter of which *od were the early *ree( plays done *eococcy3 Californic s is what ,cartoon- animal % 'cotsman tosses his caber 9 what does caber literally mean 4intonette was the original name of what sport =ia 4aria 9 5od(a and Co(e ma(e what coc(tail Clarence Birds ;ye had what @ob An what co ntry did stamp collecting start Which 'ha(espeare play has an ;nglish placename in its title By /aw Portland Oregon a minister cannot marry a co ple where What)s the name of the worlds first ?ational theatre Paris 1+28 Who wrote =he Witches of ;astwic( ; H 'hepherd ill strated which series of stories %lbrecht < rer drew what 9 witho t ever seeing one Bam 7at and Holon are in which co ntry Where do the White and Bl e ?iles @oin What appears in the middle of the !wandan flag #a(iemon is what :apanese prod ct %otearoa is 4aori name for ?ew $ealand 9 what)s it mean By /aw /e3ington #ent c(y what can)t yo carry in yo r poc(et

Antelligent %le3ander %libi Herc lane m ;@ector 'eat 'cratched <rawings !asp tin Haiti 4afia Children 0nderneath Ch rches 'ir Christopher Wren Port gal 2&th 4arch *rimaldi =om Anfanta 7a( 1a 4att <amon Pic( 7o r ?ose =ree #idney Corf ?o One 9 :ohn sealed it illiterate Ataly ;mpty Orchestra Pierre Cardin 4arimba 4ary Pic(ford Pay Ancome =a3 Play it G 4 sical instr ment <ionys s !oad ! nner Pole 5olleyball Blac( ! ssian F r =rader France =he merry wives of Windsor Ace !in( Comedie Francaise :ohn 0pdi(e Winnie the Pooh !hinoceros Asrael #harto m 9 in ' dan Capital ! Porcelain /ong <aylight Ace Cream

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What two sports se mallets C2 H& OH is the form la of what An what co ntry is /egoland Who was assassinated by her own bodyg ard in 162" Who said 9 !emember time is money Which of :es s disciples was the treas rer An the Old =estament who married his co sins /eah and !achel %egis belonged to $e s what was %egis What disease is spread in min te water droplets By /aw 9 ?ebras(a Barbers can)t do what between . am . pm Who was the governor of ?ew 'o th Wales in 1282 Who said Knecessity is the mother of inventionK Which metal gets its name from 'wedish for heavy stone 'olan m = beros m is the /atin name for what plant What are yo ng bats called What plant has flowers b t no leaves What is the /atin word for liC id prod ced by the Fic s ;lastica Where in a woman wo ld yo find the pisiform bone An *ree( mythology who were the g ardian spirits of the sea By /aw in ?orth Carolina yo can)t do what An what co ntry are the ports Oran and Bone 't / (e followed what profession before @oining :es s A will please is the /atin translation of what medical treatment What mo ntain 9 *ree(s believe was the home of the 4 ses Who was /ed $eppelins original lead singer Beverly Hillbillies Ban( managers secretary 9 f ll name ?ic( ?olte played the Poor 4an who played the !ich 4an =he character /ie tenant Pin(erton appears in what wor( Which metallic element atomic no 23 soothes *astric 0lcers By /aw An Washington it is illegal to do what An what city is the worlds largest medieval cathedral Who was the !oman *oddess of peace An wac(y races what were the gang of criminals called A get aro nd was a hit for which gro p Anspector B c(et appears in which <ic(ens novel 0# band involved in a 0' co rt case 9 ' bliminal messages 28s 5od(a and orange ma(es p what coc(tail Who plays <ata in 'tar =re( the ?e3t *eneration What is the 'A nit of ill mination By /aw in 4assach setts what can yo not do to a pigeon 'tanley B rrell became famo s as who Who created the cartoon character <roopy Who wrote =he Prime of 4iss :ean Brodie What is the /atin name for the ?orth 'tar What is a =ragopan What is a baby sC irrel called 4ard ( was the creator of the world to what ancient people Who said 9 K=he mass of men lead lives of C iet desperationK What lin(s Colorado and Wyoming By law in Boston what is banned from the bac( seat of a car

CroC et 9 Polo %lcohol <enmar( Andira *handi Ben@amin Fran(lin : das ;scariot :acob % 'hield /egionnaires <isease ;at Onions Captain William Bligh Ovid = ngsten Potato P ps Cact s /ate3 Wrist ?eriads 'ing o t of = ne %lgeria 4edicine Placebo Helicon !obert Plant :ane Hathaway Peter 'tra ss 4adam B tterfly Bism th !ide an gly Horse 'eville Pa3 =he %nt Hill 4ob Beach Boys Blea( Ho se : das Priest 'crewdriver Brent 'piner / 3 'care it 4C Hammer =e3 %very 4 riel 'par( Polaris % Himalayan Pheasant #it or #itten Babylonians Henry =horea !ectangles on 0'% map *orillas

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

'oda Bottle %lan %lda !od 't art Por(y Pig France 9 Bastille <ay 9 from 1.26 Af yo are born in 4arch what is yo r Flower 5iolet What sho ld be given on the 6th wedding anniversary Pottery 9 some say willow "6J of %mericans go o t to dinner on what day =heir Birthday C%?%4 is a ma@or competition in what )sport) Cheerleading By law /as Cr ces ?ew 4e3ico can)t carry what in mainstreet / nchbo3 Who wo ld se a Pig)in 'tring Calf !oper !odeo G =ie its feet One eighth of the 0' pop lation have done what Wor(ed in 4ac<onald)s <o =his constantly 6 year 11month 3day "3 min power Q % bomb what Pass Wind 9 Fart <o this 11 yr +mn 12 day 12 min 9 power to heat a c p coffee What 'ho t ;ight %rms =o Hold 7o 9 wor(ing title 9 what movie Beatles Help !oger Bresnahan introd ced what to baseball in 168. 'hin * ards What is the only word in ;nglish that ends in mt <reamt What city was once called 7or( =oronto 9 by British governor 1.63 What star once sold lingerie door to door B rt /ancaster What type of candy is banned in Washington state /ollypops <avid !obert Hayward9:ones became famo s as who <avid Bowie What sport is legal in only 1+ %merican 'tates *reyho nd !acing What is a 5itrine *lass <isplay Cabinet *revys and B rchells are types of what animal $ebra What was Fon1ies favo rite maga1ine Hot !od An what %merican state do most people wal( to wor( %las(a What was B gs B nnies original name Happy !abbit Who was Ben Casey)s boss <r $orba 61J of %mericans do what reg larly /ie An %labama it is illegal to be what while driving Blindfolded =op 0'% food cons mption days 9 Imas =han(sgiving and what ' per Bowl ' nday What word spelled the same FrenchD ;nglishD *ermanD 'wedish =a3i Hamb rgers were invented in what co ntry China /alo 'chifrin composed which famo s =5 series theme 4ission Ampossible G pl s others ; re(a 9 is the state motto of what state California Clinophobia is the fear of what Beds 7o dot yo r i 9 what is the dot called =ittle What star had a @ob as aircraft factory inspector 4arilyn 4 nroe ;rnest ;vans became famo s nder what name Ch bby Chec(er An 4ontana it is a felony for a wife to open her h sbands what 4ail Where co ld yo see or do an Ollie and a 4c=wist '(ateboarding What co ntry does French toast come from Ataly 9 !ome What boy sco t merit badge is earned most often First %id Who was the wise cat in =' ;liot)s boo( of cats Old <e teronomy What company first g aranteed satisfaction or yo r money bac( 4ontgomery Ward 12." What actor did time on a *eorgia Chain *ang 9 ;scaped + days !obert 4itch m G 5agrancy One in fo r %mericans has done what %ppeared on =5 An 16." 'omalia created its first ever what Written lang age What is the birth flower for :an ary Carnation An %r(ansas it is illegal to (eep what in yo r batht b %lligator

By /aw in = lsa yo need a licensed engineer to open what %lphonso <)%br 11o became famo s as who Who had a @ob as a *rave <igger Who is Warner Brothers oldest cartoon character : ly 1"th is a national day of celebration in what co ntry

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An *eorgia what can yo not (eep in yo r batht b /eonard 'ly became famo s as who Perry Como the singer once wor(ed as what What colo r did Ada 4c#inley ban from the White Ho se Who said Kcomp ters are seless they only give yo answersK What co ntry has a Bible on its flag What animal can smell a virgin same type from 1E2 miles away +.J of the worlds pop lation have never done what An %lbany ?7 in winter children were arrested for what illegal act What co nty first sed pepper An Florida p blic singing is illegal if yo are wearing what What was the first 0'% =5 series screened in the 0''! ;very year 2288 people in@ re themselves with what 62J of :apanese citi1ens are what What is the only n mber in ;nglish that has letters in alpha order 'ilvester in *ermany is what day in 0'% F ;ngland What is the worlds largest herb What is the only river that flows both north and so th of eC ator %n average %merican cons mes +88 what a year Clar( *able had what @ob before acting An Beaconsfield > ebec it is illegal to own what Who said K=oo m ch of a good thing is wonderf lK What games name literally means =o *rope Frantically What is the most ordered seafood item in a resta rant 'chm c( in *erman literally means what An Providence !hode Asland its illegal to b y what on a ' nday What is Bart 'impson)s middle name What was created in Canada in 1623 for first time criminals =here are "2 what in a standard dec( of cards ,e3cl de @o(ers4ary Cathering Collins became famo s as who An 4innesota it is illegal to wear what in bed !aC el Welch was once a what What happens to 12J of %mericans each year An 1623 a :apanese artist copied the 4ona /isa in what material An 0' on what <ay are most collect calls reverse charges made What was :immy Hoffas middle name What co ntry has the most do ghn t shops per capita Poona was the original name of what sportFgame Who sang the theme song for =he /ove Boat What lin(s Pa ldron Crisse *orget and =assle An Cheyenne Wyoming its illegal to do what on a Wednesday Who invented 'cissors What is the name for 188th of a second Who said Knever (ic( a fresh t rd on a hot dayK Who was the first %frican %merican to play in a ?B% game 18J ,by weight- of the worlds land animals are what species Where is the *reyho nd !acing Hall of Fame located <iane Belmont became famo s as who What star was once a vac m cleaner salesman An =e3ar(ana itBs illegal to ride a horse at night witho t what

<on(ey !oy !odgers % Barber 7ellow Pablo Picasso <ominican !ep blic *ypsy 4oth 4a(e a phone call 'ledging and sledges were bro(en China 'wims it Fraggle !oc( =oothpic( Cremated Forty ?ew 7ears ;ve Banana =he Congo Cans of 'oda =elephone !epairman /og Cabin 4ae West 'crabble 'hrimp :ewellery =oothbr sh :o:o % 'pan(ing 4achine ;yes Bo <ere( ?othing ie be na(ed Weathergirl %rrested =oast Fathers <ay !iddle Canada Badminton :ac( :ones #nights %rmo r =a(e a shower /eonardo <a 5inci % :iffy Harry ' =r man ;arl /loyd %nts %bilene #ansas / cille Ball !oc( H dson =ail /ights

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An Connectic t a pic(le m st do what to be legal What lin(s 'ergeant :oe Friday and Babe ! th 1"J of %mericans co ld not identify which co ntry on a map What is the only bird with a f lly formed penis An the film *remlins what is the tr e name for *i1mos race What are the ridges on cord roy called What is the official sport of 4aryland An Atalian translation who is 4r #iss #iss Bang Bang At is against the law to do what to the 4ayor of Paris Old apothecaries weights 28 grains in a what An Hartford Connectic t it is illegal to ed cate what =he mil( of what creat re will not c rdle Collective no ns 9 what are a gro p of apes called What do coc(roaches do every fifteen min tes =he initials pc on a medicine means it sho ld be ta(en when Where co ld yo find a r ndle An what city was the first 0' circ s %pril 3rd 1.63 Babies are born witho t what What animal eats rests and sleeps on its bac( 2J of %mericans admit to doing what An 5ermont it is illegal to do what nder water What was the worlds first I rated cartoon =win(ies originally contained what flavo red cream ;nola *ay dropped the first % bomb 9 what plane dropped 2 /ocal law 9 %twood con 9 cant play what if waiting politician spea( 4r 'poc(s blood was green 9 b t what gro p 'igm nd Fre d had a phobia 9 what was he afraid of An ancient ;gypt what food was reserved for the Pharaohs ?oah)s %r( had two of everything incl ding what feat re =homas Holden was the first to top what list An Portland 4aine it is illegal to p t what nder a girls chin 4ethacrylate resin is sed to ma(e what 28J of %mericans say they believe in what An what city was the worlds first blood ban( opened 16"8 =he Anvisible ;mpire is better (nown as what % castrated male reindeer is (nown as what What is the most played song on radio 0'% in 28th cent ry Between 128" 9 12.3 1+.+ patents iss ed for what item Often a bridesmaid never a bride advertised what What does W< stand for in W< "8 Water An Baldwin Par( California where is it illegal to ride yo r bi(e Af yo were ca ght pandic lating what were yo doing 1 in 28 women say they have never to ched what Persian ' ltan 'elim hanged 2 doctors 9 advised him stop what White F ng s is the best selling canned what in China What is the most pop lar meal ordered in 0' resta rants An what co ntry are F @i Film rolls made < < Palmer was the worlds first what What animals head appears on the label of *ordon)s *in What happens every "& seconds in the 0'%

Bo nce .1" 9 Fridays badge no ! th record %merica 'wan 4ogwi Wales :o sting :ames Bond 'tare at Him 'cr ple 7o r dog Camel 'hrewdness Fart %fter 4eals /adder 9 itBs a r ng Philadelphia #nee Caps 9 form at 2 9 + years 'ea Otter %ffair with Postman Whistle Frit1 the cat Banana G Changed ww2 9 no bananas Boc(s Car 'crabble = 9 ?egative Ferns 4 shrooms Windows FBA ten most wanted Feather < ster Prosthetic eyes 4iracles ?ew 7or( G !ichard Charles <rew #l #l 3 #lan B ll 7o )ve lost that loving feeling Washing 4achine /isterine <isplacer An a 'wimming Pool 7awning 'hovel <rin(ing Coffee 'o p Fried Chic(en *ermany Chiropractor G Osteopath Boar Ho se Fire

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An *ermany what can yo not wear d ring a stri(e What colo r toothbr sh do most people have Homichloriphobia is the fear of what What is Pennsylvania)s official drin( +8J of ;nglish women cannot orgasm witho t what Who was =ime maga1ine man of the year 16&2 An what film was the first fl shing toilet seen =he word vinegar come from French meaning what An ancient !ome by law prostit tes had to do what An %thens they can remove yo r driving licence if fo nd what An Paris what has been defined as a deadly weapon 28J of vibrator sing ;nglish women donBt do what with it An Bavaria what is defined as a staple food =here are more what in Ataly than Canadians in Canada What animal has a for(ed penis What did the word bald originally mean An what Hitchcoc( film does he ?O= appear What colo r is a *rasshoppers blood =he average male loses a lb ,weight - of what in 18 years 36J of women admit doing this to their boyfriend An 'a di %rabia by law women may not become what What co ntry eats the most cereal per capita 4ost bl e eyed cats are what H mphry Bogart played !ic( in Casablanca 9 !ic( Who =here are one what for every + people in Canada %ncient ;gyptians worshiped what food item %merica what is the second most common word said before die What cartoon character was born %pril 1st 1628 What was the first ocean liner to have a swimming pool =he word for soda in :apanese when translated means what An California it is illegal to eat what while bathing What is n s al abo t a !acoons penis ;s(imo c lt re enco rages male visitors to do what What is 'o th Carolinas official state dance Who was the first 0' to have indoor pl mbing installed Who started life as <ippy <awg Who is the Patron 'aint of bric(layers Whose horse was called =raveller An =e3as it is illegal to have oral se3 with what 'a di %rabia law women get divorce if h sband donBt give her it Who was the first female monster to appear on film =he bac( of what item is called a gore What is Homer 'impson)s middle name An 1888 bc Asraelites paid their ta3es in what An 1666 ".8 Chinese were in@ red by what =he word Calendar comes from /atin and means what An what m sical note do most toilets fl sh 2&J of women do what An 4aine it is illegal to bite yo r own what We)ve only @ st beg n was bac(gro nd m sic advertising what

% 4as( Bl e Fog 4il( 5ibrator > een ;li1abeth AA Psycho 'o r Wine <ye blond or wear blond wig Poorly dressed or nbathed %shtray Ansert it Beer Barbie <olls Poss m Clean or White /ifeboat White Beard =hrowing a shoe at him % <octor = r(ey <eaf Fleming !iver Cabbage 'hit Bart 'impson =itanic Poisoned Water Oranges Contains a bone 'leep with hosts wife =he 'hag Henry Wadsworth /ongfellow *oofy 't 'teven !obert ; /ee % Chic(en WhatH 9 Coffee Bride of Fran(enstein % 'oc( :ay !aisins ;3ploding beer bottles =o Call O t ; Flat Wear wrong bra si1e /andlord Ban( 9 ! Carpenter heard it

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An California it is illegal to do what in a hotel room =he n mbers on what if added come to +++ What do chimpan1ees do when nervo s =he average person does what 1+ times a day ;very year 11888 %mericans are in@ red doing what Pigs ;ye was the original name of what 4innesota city What lin(s Fantasy <evils Coral and Christmas Who was the fo nder of the > a(ers ,both namesWhat actor lin(s 5on !yan)s ;3press 9 4agnificent 'even An 4ichigan illegal woman do what witho t h sband permission What was a 'piney Pear What happens every 38 seconds in %merica An China if yo order white tea 9 what do yo get What was the original sc mbag =he name of which animal means does not drin( Who wrote the novel 'H; ,both names;nnio 4orricone wrote the m sic for what film series Who was poisoned 9 shot 9 and drowned river ?eva 161+ Fran(lin was a 0' state till 1.6+ what)s it now called An 'as(atchewan it is illegal to watch what if drin(ing boo1e ?ame only non electrical m sical instr ment invented 28th cent Who are 4ic(ey 4o se)s nephews ' omi is the name the natives give to what co ntry 3.J of women prefer what to se3 What creat re has a penis 28 times the length of its body =homas ;dison had a phobia what was it Who had a dog called Boatswain Collective ?o ns 9 a Convocation of what What =5 character lived in Waratah ?ational Par( An %r(ansas it is illegal to serve what drin( at a party What was the name of the horse before 'ilver in lone ranger On an average day in 0'% "8 people are h rt doing what %rmand =armi1an is the )real) name what cartoon character An proportion which animal has the largest eye Canada is an Andian word meaning what Walt <isney had an obsessive comp lsion with what What lin(s #elly Highway Bloc( and Wales Who sang the theme song in From ! ssia with /ove =here are 1+ bottles of Champagne in a what At is illegal to cross the Aowa state bo ndaries wearing what 4arried men do it twice as often as single men G what What is the most commonly sed descriptive word on men s What is /ie tenant Colombo)s first name What %merican b ilding has do ble 9 needed toilets 9segregated Pigs can become what 9 li(e h mans What shape is %nelli pasta An 0# its 18 0'% its 2 Continental ; rope its 32 what is What was the name of %braham /incolns dog 'tabbed to death =erra Psittacor m was an early name for which co ntry An 'wit1erland it is illegal to do what in an apartment after 18pm

Peel an Onion !o lette wheel 4ast rbate 'wear =rying o t bi1arre se3 positions 't Pa l Aslands *eorge Fo3 Brad <e3ter C t her hair Pineapple =eenage pregnancy Boiled Water Condom #oala !ider Haggard *ood bad gly etc 'paghetti westerns !asp tin =ennessee 'trippers G ;3otic <ancers 'teel <r ms 4ortie and Ferdie Finland 'hoe shopping Barnacle =he <ar( /ord Byron ;agles '(ippy Petrol 9 *asoline < sty =rampolining Principle '(inner Cat Big 5illage Cleanliness 9 washed hands every & min Clint ;astwood character names 4att 4 nroe Baltha1ar < c( on yo r head Change 0nderwear 4om Philip Pentagon %lcoholics !ings Women)s dress si1e Fido % stralia Fl sh =oilet

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

5ermont woman cant wear what witho t written h sbands permit What is the *erman word for poison Chicago comes from a native Andian word that means what Walt <isney in an interview admitted he was scared of what 62J of %mericans feel better abo t themselves after doing what Ats cold eno gh to free1e balls off a Brass 4on(ey 9 what is it <om Perignon invented champagne 9 what else Which nationality drin(s the most coffee per person per day What lin(s Helicon H tchinson 4acmillan and Peng in An France it is illegal to sell what doll How many ponies did the pony e3press se wee(ly 23J of all %mericans p rchase what prod ct 4adrid there are more what in one street than all of Finland % Woman to !emember was the worlds first what in Feb 16". Collective ?o ns 9 a Cast of what What lin(s :ac( /oving *irls and ? rse What does the girls name !ebecca mean Af yo landed at Carthage airport where wo ld yo be Who is the Patron 'aint of 7o ng Boys An 'alt la(e city it is illegal to carry an nwrapped what in street 6+J of %merican children can recognise 9 who At is estimated that at any give time 1J worldBs pop lation is what =he first p c( sed in an ice hoc(ey game was made of what % *andy <ancer has what @ob What lin(s *rey Bean Canada Brent Barnacle What is 3 for a child + a woman 6 for a man 4oses 18 plag es on ;gypt 9 what was the fo rth =he Bl r 4a3 medal was named after 4a3 who Berlin stands on which river An =e3as its illegal to p t graffiti on yo r neighbo rs what What co ntry introd ced the secret ballot for government 12&+ Where does the %merican flag fly 2" F . never ta(en down Who wrote 'leeping bea tyD 4other *ooseD P ss in Boots 4arried men in France se more what than their wives An %nimal Farm Ben@amin was what type of creat re What does =rivia literally mean =here are 12 bottles of champagne in a what Af yo landed at 'chipol airport where are yo What shape is Farfallini pasta An #no3ville =ennessee it is illegal to lasso what =o an % stralian what is an es(y What co ntry eats most t r(ey per capita ann ally =he W H O recons there are 188 million what each day On average man ses 2888 9 woman .888 what a day Collective no ns 9 % =ro bling of what Who fo nded the 'amaritans in 16&3 ,both namesWhat lin(s Hong #ong 'ingapore !io and 0topia &2J of %mericans wo ld rather spend a wee( in @ail than What What was :immy 't arts middle name An %merica what colo r is the *reen Card

False =eeth *ift Place that smells bad 4ice Fl shing =oilets 'tac( brass cannonballs Cor(s in bottles 'weden Boo( P blishers ;= 9 <olls h man faces only ?one 9 =hey sed only horses Pean t B tter Bars =5 'oap Opera Falcons Carry on Films ?oose = nis 't Pancreas 0( lele !onald 4ac<onald <r n( Fro1en cow shit !ailroad repair gang =ypes of *oose F neral Bell =olls Flies 4a3 Ammelmann 'pree Cow % stralia 9 5ictoria 2. 9 2 9 12&+ 4oon Charles Perra lt Cosmetics <on(ey =hree !oads 'almana1ar %msterdam 'mall B tterflies Fish Portable Beer Cooler Asrael 'e3 acts Words *oldfish Chad 5arah !oad Films Be President Crane White

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What is the non obvio s lin( ' perman 1 and the *odfather Collective no ns 9 % bloat of what Champagne bottles 9 + bottles of champagne are in a what Fiochetti is what shaped pasta Calvados or %pple Brandy and < bonnet ma(e what coc(tail What city stands on the Hooghly river Chloe the girls name means what Coc(ney rhyming slang what is elephants ,tr n(Philippe Pages became famo s as who What lin(s 7grana 9 5alentino and Cerr tti Who is the Patron 'aint of coo(s Where was !in =in =in set Af yo landed at Capodichino airport where are yo =he 4erryman and his 4aid alt title what *P' operetta %mericans cons me 2 billion lbs of what each year % bear is rsine 9 what bird is pavonine What ; ropean co ntries flag is sC are Where wo ld yo find yo r l n la What ; ropean capital city is ?O= on a river Who only a thor to have a boo( in every <ewy9<ecimal category What is an octothrope Only female h mans and what have hymens Hari9#ari is v lgar name 'epp ( 9 what)s it literally mean Captain :ean / c9Picard (eep a fish called what An A love / cy what was / cy !icardo)s maiden name =igers have stripped f r 9 what colo r is their s(in What were Cinderella)s slippers originally made from Where wo ld yo find a porcelator Whose final words were KAt h rtsK Collective no ns 9 % parcel of what Wine barrels 9 =here are 23 gallons in a what 4afalde is what shaped pasta 5od(a 9 =riple 'ec and lime @ ice ma(e what coc(tail Fran(f rt stands on what river =homas the boys name means what 4ichael < mble9'mith became famo s as who Who is the Patron 'aint of learning = rnov ! sty and Bobo appear in what stage m sical Which nation invented sa er(ra t Henry Fords first car lac(ed something we e3pect 9 what What bird has the most feathers per sC are inch One death per day is ca sed by what "88 what per wee( permanently close in the 0'% &8J of 1. year old %mericans can)t do what according .88 cl b An 16.6 what did President Carter apologise to % stralia abo t % dog is canine 9 what animal is ovine How did /iverpool football cl b get %nfield Old ;ng law 9 yo can)t beat wife with anything wider than what Af yo landed at Cannon airport where are yo Coc(ney !hyming slang what is 4 tt ,m tt and @eff-

4ario P 1o write both stories Hippotomi !heoboam Bows Bentley Calc tta *reen shoot <r n( !ichard Clayderman Paris fashion ho ses 't /a rence Fort %pache 9 %ri1ona ?aples =he 7eomen of the * ard Chocolate Peacoc( 'wit1erland Fingernail 9 white part 4adrid Asaac %simov =he R symbol Horses Belly 'plitting /ivingston 4c*illic ddy 'tripped F r 9 changes to glass in 1+88s 'in( 9 itBs the top drainhole Charles <e *a lle Hinds P ncheon Corr gated 'trips #ami(a1e 4ain =win 4ichael Crawford 't %mbrose 'tarlight ;3press Chinese !everse gear Peng in Wrong prescription F dose handwriting Ch rches !ead '(ylab falling on their co ntry 'heep ;verton evicted not paying rent 7o r th mb G =h s r le of =h mb !eno <eaf

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What lin(s Ag anasD #oalas and #imono <ragons Who wrote the < ne series of 'F novels What wo ld yo se yo 1ygomatic s m scle for An what city is the ;ncyclopaedia Britanica based and p blished =hese were invented 9 &1 years later s president got one 9 what <avid Coo( became famo s as who What capitol city stands on the =ag s !iver White creame de menthe and brandy ma(e what coc(tail Barrel si1es 9 there are 12 gallons in a what Collective no ns 9 %n array of what !o tine is what shaped pasta %my the girls name means what Who is the Patron 'aint of =5 Wa(ame =eng sa and 4o1 ( are :apanese what =ennis what lin(s Co(e !ole3 'la1enger !obinson)s Barley water Who rode !ocinante What 0' president was nic(named 4iss ?ancy Af yo landed at Hanedi airport where are yo On what common ob@ect wo ld yo find a sleeve and a tray :onathan B ttall is well (nown in art by what name Only two elements liC id room temperat re 9 merc ry and what %lfred ?obel invented dynamite what did father Amman el invent What was chec(point Charlie named after Where wo ld yo find 'aracens Bl estones and =rilithons An :apan what is :igali =homas Harris created what character *eorge Hoy9Booth became famo s as who An Coc(ney rhyming slang what is a b tchers ,b tchers hoo(Cor1etti is what shaped pasta What city stands on the 4aas !iver % cat is feline 9 what animal is m rine 4ildrid Harris /ita *rey Pa lette *oddard Oona O ?eil 9 /in( What was first wor( of fiction blessed by the Pope What Hollywood actress was the /a rence Olivier of Orgasms What is considered the most s ccessf l poem of all time Brand name was translated as Bite the wa3 tadpole in ! ssian What was the first Beatles song licensed for se in a ?i(e add What was the name of <orothy Par(ers Parrot What is the *ree( word for ;gyptian =eaching what s b@ect banned O3bridge 0nis #ing *eorge 5A =he %1tecs %yecotl is a forer nner of what c rrent food =he #ing of Barataria alternative name what *P' operetta Af yo landed at /indberg airport where are yo Who is the Patron 'aint of 7o ng 5irgins :ohn 'imon !ichie became famo s as who *eorge the boys name means what *in 9 lemon : ice 9 ' gar 9 'oda ma(e what coc(tail = betti l nghi is what pasta shape Barrel si1es 9 there are 21+ gallons in a what Collective no ns 9 %n army of what

=wo Penises Fran( Herbert 'miling Chicago =elephone on his des( <avid ;sse3 /isbon 'tinger #ilder(in Hedgehogs Wheels Beloved 't Clare ;dible seaweed Only adverts Wimbledon Centre <on > i3ote :ames B chanan =o(yo % 4atchbo3 *ainsboro gh)s Bl e Boy Bromine Plywood Charlie G Phonetic %lphabet 'tonehenge Female ' icide Hannibal /ector *eorge Formby /oo( Coin shaped !otterdam 4o se or !at Charlie Chaplains wives Ben H r G /ew Wallace Hedy /amarr Af 9 ! dyard #ipling Coca Cola !evol tion Onan 9 He spilled his seed on the gro nd Coptic %strology Haricot Beans =he *ondoliers 'an <iego 't %gnes 'id 5icio s Farmer =om Collins ;lbows = n Caterpillars

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Who wrote =hree 4en in a Boat Who owned !in =in =in in the series Collective no ns 9 % sle th of what What was the name of the horse in %nimal Farm Barrel si1e 9 what beer barrel contains 182 gallons Bo11oli is what shape of pasta #hons was the ;gyptian god of what What co ntries national anthem is =he Bayambo song What film star was born in 'a(halin 'iberia =he !imac river r ns thro gh what city Who is the Patron 'aint of %rtists What does a 7ellow Flag !ed stripes mean in motor racing Af yo landed at 4erignac airport 9 where are yo An =he Beverly Hillbillies what was the name of ;llie)s Chimp ?ame the boo( 9 first line 9 At was a pleas re to b rn What is the worlds biggest profession %n ;nologist st dies what Who said Kability is seless witho t opport nityK An heraldry if an animal is passant what is it doing What is in the tyres of a commercial airline .J of Arelands ann al barley crop is sed for what =here are three par(s in the 0'% dedicated to what 7## 7oshida #ogyo #ab shibibaisha worlds largest ma(ers what Collective no ns 9 % s te of what Where was #ean !eeves born Whose original name was :asper What common word in 4orse is 99 999 99 What does the boys name ?eil mean What lin(s %P %0P CP !e ters Anternational dialling codes 9 what co ntry has +1 as code Hitchcoc( film he did not appear /ifeboat 16"" who female star What composer wrote the Pomp and Circ mstance marches !ich < ncan !obert Whittle =homas ' chane( champs sport What bird has the ma3im m recorded life span 3+ years =he *olden !ain is the common name of what tree *erman wine is made from mainly what grape What is the flower of 'eptember What lin(s 5espasian =it s <omitian ?erva What was the Atalian 0mberto ?obile first to do in 162+ <ermaptera are what species of insects An Blythe CaE yo cant wear cowboy boots nless yo own what Who rode a horse called <iomed An Bonan1a Hoss Cartwright was afraid of what What lin(s Hof 4alomo $agreb Belgrade Porto 5arna 5evey ?atasha * rdin became famo s as who On average the French eat 28 million what a year What co ntries nation anthem is /and of =wo !ivers Collective no ns 9 %n obstinacy of what Who sang abo t 'ylvia)s 4other Barrel si1e 9 what wine barrel contains 12+ gallons

:erome # :erome ! sty Bears Bo3er B tt Cocoons 4oon C ba 7 l Bryner /ima Per 't / (e 'lippery =rac( Bordea 3 Co sin Bessie Fahrenheit "&1 !ay Bradb ry =eaching Wine ?apoleon Wal(ing ?itrogen 9 %ir free1es 4a(ing * inness B tterflies $ips Bloodho nds Beir t 9 /ebanon =om 9 From =om and :erry 4O4 Champion 9 Arish ?ews %gencies % stralia =all lah Ban(head ;dward ;lgar Hang *liding Herring * ll G !oyal %lbatross /ab rn m !iesling %ster or 4orning *lory ! lers !oman ;mpire +6 9 62 %irship Crossing ?orth Pole ;arwigs 4inim m & head of cattle < (e of Wellington =he <ar( Anternational film festivals ?atilie Wood Frogs AraC B ffalos <r Hoo( Pipe

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What shape is F silli pasta What famo s person was born in %hmaddnagar Andia Who is the Patron 'aint of 'pain Af yo landed at 'hannon airport where are yo What boo( starts with the words 9 Call me Ashmael An 4assach setts its illegal to have what in the bathroom =he FA' governs what sport > een %le3andria)s is the worlds largest what France Chevalier *ermany !itter 'pain Caballero what ;nglish Who wo ld se a chimere and a rochet 5H international airline registration letters what co ntry An 0'% 28s 4ary &8s /inda .8s 4ichelle what most pop 68s name What does a C%= scan stand for What does the girls name Arene mean What)s is the correct name for a female Badger Collective no ns 9 % train of what What does a bl e flag white cross mean in motor racing An the Flintstones what was Betty ! bbles maiden name 'am el Hahnermann developed what type of therapy What film won the best pict re Oscar in 16+. What are the %(i 9 <ai9shimi1y 9 'ei(an in :apan 'omething Happened ." Pict re =his 22 Closing =ime 6" a thor :ames /eblanche 'tewart became famo s nder what name Who painted 9 % *irl %sleep 9 =he /etter 9 =he #itchen 4aid An what game do co ntries play for the 5enice c p B% British %irways %% %merican %irways what is %A An !oman mythology Fa n s was the god of what !osetta :acobs became famo s nder what name What does the girls name /inda mean 4yosotis is the /atin name for what bl e flower =he WW'0 governs what sport ' san %bigail =omalin became famo s as who Anternational dialling codes 9 What co ntry has 33 as its code What lin(s % gsb rger 9 /a 'tampa 9 ;l Pais and < ma What co ntries national anthem is =he Patriotic 'ong Who rode a horse called 4agnolia What pop singer was born in / c(now Andia An Bonan1a what was Hoss Cartwright)s characters first name Who said K=he child is the father of the manK % :oc(o is what type of animal Coc(roaches will eat anything e3cept what Boo( At was a bright cold day in %pril and cloc(s were stri(ing 13 Af yo landed at 4irabel airport where are yo What sport wo ld yo see at %rth r Par( Who is the Patron 'aint of h nters Who sang Come on ;ileen William the boys name means what What shape is 4illerighi pasta Barrel si1e 9 what wine barrel si1e contains 18 gallons Collective no ns 9 =eam Pl mp Fl sh 'afe 'meath of what

Cor(screws 'pi(e 4illigan 't :ames /imeric( 4oby <ic( % lightswitch Anternational '(i Federation B tterfly 1 foot wing #night Bishop 9 parts of dress % stralia %shley Comp terised %3ial =opography Peace 9 *ree( 'ow Camels *ive way or be disC alified Betty :ean 4cBric(er Homeopathy An the heat of the night = nnels :oseph Heller 'tewart *ranger :an 5ermeer Contract Bridge %ir Andia Prophecy Piper /a rie 'erpent G meaning wisdom Forget me ?ot World Water '(iing 0nion ' san 'aradon France ?ewspapers *ermany Ataly 'pain B lgaria ! ssia *eorge Washington Cliff !ichard ;ric Wordsworth Chimpan1ee or ape C c mbers 162" *eorge Orwell 4ontreal *rand Pri3 !acing 't H bert <e3ies 4idnight ! nners !esol te Protector = bes %n(er < c(s

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What does the girls name %my mean !abbit 32 9 Cat +2 9 Ferret "2 9 'C irrel "" 9 Hedgehog "8 what =he =ilia is the /atin name for what type of tree What grape variety is sed to ma(e champagne What is the traditional gift for a si3th wedding anniversary An heraldry what shape is a pile Anternational %ircraft !egistration what co ntry is '0 What word is spelled o t in 4orse by 9 EE 9 dash dot dot dash What a thor was born in Petrovichi 0''! in 1628 An 16+" :ett Boc( composed the m sic for what hit show 0'% co rts spend half their time with cases involving what An *ree( what does the word clima3 mean An % stralia what is the no 1 topping for pi11as What is the derivation of the word vanilla 'mell of lavender liC orice chocolate do ghn ts increase what Bamboo harvester was the real name of what =5 character What animal has a prehensile penis %ccording to a s rvey what is %mericans favo rite smell <ism s and *estas were who Collective no ns 9 a strea( of what Women do it " times to a mans once 9 what ."J of %merican women say what is biggest dating t rn off An <isney)s Fantasia what is the 'orcerers name What is the ma@or e3port of /iechtenstein What does the girls name <eborah mean What bird has the longest fledging period 3+8 days Af yo were eating a 4al s P mila what wo ld it be An Ha1ledon Pen a lect rer can)t legally do what while wor(ing <aysypgal people s ffer from what What creat res se3 act lasts e3actly two seconds 66J of Andia)s =r c( <rivers can)t do what What was the s b@ect of the first boo( printed in ;ngland Who once had a @ob as a coffin polisher What has 12888 eyes What does 'cotland e3port to 'a di %rabia What)s the most n s al official sporting event in China What is opened somewhere every " seconds % spat is a baby what Only &&J of men do what What co ntry is the worlds largest e3porter of Frogs /egs An Adaho yo cant give a citi1en something more than &8lb 9 what On average what contains & 9 . calories Brasco is % stralian slang for what > een 5ictoria said it the saddest place in all Christendom where What is Andia)s ?ational Flower What is =he <aily Planet in % stralia What is #imogayo in :apan Penis comes from the /atin meaning what "& is the Anternational =elephone dialling code for what co ntry What does the girls name <onna mean

Fit to be loved G from French *estation days /ime Chardonnay ' gar Anverted Pyramid ;gypt =A= Asaac %simov Fiddler on the !oof Cars /adder ;ggs From /atin 5agina resembled pod Blood flow to penis 4r ;d <olphin Bananas !obbers ne3t to :es s =igers 'hoplift 'wearing G Fo l /ang age 7ensid G <isney reversed False =eeth Bee 9 from Hebrew #ing Peng in %pple 'ip Carbonated <rin(s Hairy %rse 4osC ito !ead !oad 'igns Chess 'ean Connery % B tterfly 'and *ranade =hrowing Can of 'pam Oyster Wash hands after toilet visit :apan *ift of candy 'ingle e@ac lation =oilet 4earsyside /ot s Biggest Brothel G /isted company ?ational %nthem =ail <enmar( /ady 9 From /atin

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=here are over 138888 species of what on earth > erc s is the /atin name of what =ree What is the most common plastic s rgery performed 0'% men What river did the Pied Piper drown the rats in What did the first iss e of Playboy in 16&3 not have ;very citi1en of #ent c(y m st do what by law ann ally Why do lawyers traditionally wear blac( What gives piggy ban(s their name What was the name of the 4on(eys only film made in 16+6 What sna(e b ilds a nest what m sical play 9 find a character called 4agnolia Haw(s =he fable =he Hare and the =ortoise 9 what animal @ dges race What happened : ly 1& 121& on H4' Bellerophon Who was H mphry Bogart)s first wife Herb Caen is credited with inventing what word Collective no ns 9 a (not of what An ;ngland it is illegal to drive a car witho t doing what !C% released the first /P in 16&6 witho t artists name 9 who What was :ames Bonds fathers name ;= dran( which brand of beer 5ladivosto( stands on what body of water Who wrote the poem # bla #han What is /ittle !ed !iding Hoods name Af yo were eating a Pr nis <omesticia what wo ld it be What does the girls name $oe mean What is the traditional gift for a 13th wedding anniversary Who live in Frostbite falls 4innesota =he French call it /) Herbe !oyal what do we call it Who was the star of =he 'i3th 'ense An ?orth <a(ota if yo are in a covered wagon yo can do what Asmene and %ntigone are whose da ghters Ben 5eeren played what character in %rth r Hailey)s roots Where wo ld yo have fo nd Bin(y An(y Pin(y and Clyde What type of food is Ota( Ota( in 4alaysia What was the first film Pa l ?ewman directed Bentlet <r mmle appears in which <ic(ens novel Who is =he Ancredible H l(s girlfriend %t Woodstoc( 16+6 &&&8 what happened Who appeared for the first time in Beetons Christmas %nn al Who wrote the novel Heidi * lyas so p is a delicacy in what co ntry What is the correct name for a Hawaiian *oose An 12"& Boston it was illegal to do what witho t a doctors note An :ames Bonds boo(s what was <r ?o)s first name Collective no ns 9 % bale of what Who wrote the play Waiting for *odot in 16&" 68 is the Anternational =elephone dialling code what co ntry An heraldry an animal reg ardant is doing what What is the more common name for the B ddleia What does the boys name Pa l mean

B tterflies Oa( Breast !ed ction Weser <ate 9 ns re if it wo ld contin e =a(e a bath 4o rning > een 4ary 'cotland Pygg 9 type of clay their made from Head #ing Cobra 'howboat =he Fo3 ?apoleon s rrendered Helen 4enc(en Beatni( =oads 'itting on front seat ;lvis Presley %ndrew Coors 'ea of :apan 'am el =aylor Coleridge Blanchette Pl m /ife /ace !oc(y and B llwin(le Basil Br ce Willis 'hoot mo nted Andians Oedip s Chic(en *eorge Pac 4an *hosts *rilled Fish Pate !achel !achel *reat ;3pectations Betty !oss Births 'herloc( Holmes :ohannes 'pyri H ngary ?ene Bathe : li s = rtles 'am el Bec(ett = r(ey /oo(ing bac(wards B tterfly B sh 'mall 9 from /atin

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

/ycopersic m esc lent m is what common food Anternational %irline !egistrations ? is what co ntry 28s !obert &8s !obert .8s 4ichael what 0' top boys name 68s What is =op #anal in Poland !ice9#ellogg invented what in 162" Brea(fast at =iffanies 9 famo s film 9 who wrote the boo( Cecil B <e 4ille the film director had what middle name Af m sic was played leggiero how sho ld it be done Who sc lpted !imaD *enisis and ;cco Homo =he Fool in French and the ! nner in *erman what in ;nglish An what gameFsport is the 4c!obinson shield played for &3 is the international dialling code for what co ntry ? t 9 ?e th 9 ? it alterative names ;gyptian goddess of what An heraldry animals addorsed are in what position =he locals call it %l94agrib what do we call this co ntry =raditionally what sho ld be given on an 11th anniversary BarbaraD CarignanD Cinsa tD and ?ebbilo are verities of what Af yo landed at Balice airport where wo ld yo be *alt 4ac<ermot wrote what 16+. m sical stage show What planet in o r system is not named after a god By 0' Congress law 1232 citi1ens sho ld do what ann ally What boo( was banned in Areland in 1632 An Breton %labama there is a law against riding what down street Who wo ld se a claC e 12J of 0'% coins .J of notes have what on them Ory1a sativa is what staple food item Catherine the *reat (ept who in an iron cage in her bedroom =he 'elenas 5alley was the re@ected title what 'teinbec( boo( %1ote was the original name of what element What animals cannot swim An !iverside Cal its illegal to (iss nless both wipe lips with what What 0'% city is also a slang name for a pineapple What was banned in 0' movie theatres in the 1628s Af yo were performing a fillip what are yo doing What n s al flavo r did the :ell9O company try in 16"2 =he interior of what is called the paste What was !obin Williams paid for <isney)s %laddin in 1622 4ore than "8J of 0'% women were once what What ses 22 calories if done for one min te An 1228 what was ta3ed in 4isso ri What is the official drin( of the state of Ohio =he ! ssian composer %le3ander Borodin had what other @ob 12J of animal owners do what with their pets =he 0A= govern what sport 68J of %mericans consider themselves what An 4innesota it is illegal to tease what animal 'he is the Chinese name of what year ,animalWho wrote =he <eceiver 1661 and =he Fist of *od 1663 What does the name 'tephen mean 9 from the *ree( Anternational %irline !egistrations 'I is what co ntry

=omato %merica 4ichael Commercial =5 station /o dspea(ers =r man Capote Blo nt /ightly :acob ;pstein Chess Bishop 9 Fo G /a fer CroC et C ba '(y Bac( to Bac( 4orocco 'teel Atalian wine grapes Cracow Poland Hair ;arth Fasting and prayer Brave ?ew World G %ld s H 3ley 4otorboat %ctor 9 Paid a dience clappers <angero s Bacteria !ice Wigma(er ;ast of ;den ?itrogen *orillas !ose Water Chicago Popcorn 9 too noisy 'napping Fingers Cola Cheese ro nd 'cale N"2& day M Picasso Painting *irl 'co ts #iss Bachelors =omato : ice Chemistry Professor 't Petersb rg 'hare beds Anternational shooting nion 'hy '( n( 'erpent Frederic( Forsyth Crown *reece

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

'port variable gro nd si1e 12831&8yd min 1.83288 ma3 &8J of < tch men have never done what Af yo %bsterse something what do yo do 4 sa ac minata is what favo rite food item An a year the average person wal(s fo r miles doing what What was the first film to se stereophonic so nd =he letter B comes from ;gyptian hieroglyphics meaning what in 166& 13 boo(s every min te sold in 0' were on what s b@ect =here are more telephones than people in what city An the middle ages yo co ld be fined fo r pence m rdering who What food 'cots once ref se to eat cos it was not in the Bible 33J of what are fa(e in the 0'% What holiday islands have no rivers or la(es 9 rain water only Af yo s ffered from Chirospasm what have yo got What lin(s Bob Hope :ohn H ston !yon O)?eil Bo <iddley /ittle : mping Flea literal trans of what Hawaiian instr ment An %las(a it is illegal to loo( at a moose from where 4ore that AF3 ad lts do what average 3 time each morning % f rfy is % stralian slang for what Who said China is a big co ntry inhabited by many Chinese An a recent s rvey women disli(ed what part of male body most =he 0' had &J world pop lation and .8J of worlds what An 1682 What did 4ary %nderson invent Af yo landed at %rlanda airport where wo ld yo be =he F;A govern what sport =raditionally what sho ld be given on a 28th anniversary An 'omalia its illegal to carry old chewing g m where What food did the !omans call Pointed 'tic( ?ame the pet alligator in 4iami 5ice An California 22 K is the minim m legal length of saleable what On any given day half of %mericans are on what *ondolas in 5enice are traditionally what colo r Ben@amin who was the first /ord 4ayor of < blin What co ntry declared itself first atheist state in 16+. Where was Bacardi originally made What is si3 inches in height and no bigger by the r les 0ntil 12+2 there was a ta3 in ;ngland for those who sed what a Paralian always lives near what =he 0' ses p .888 tons of what ann ally %lli m cepa 9 one of the lilicaea 9 world most sed food item Anternational %irline !egistrations OO is what co ntry What vegetable was considered a c re for se3 problems in old ;gypt An 4ilan citi1ens can be fined N188 if they donBt always do what What does the name Barbara mean 9 from *ree( =he locals call it 4isi what do we call this co ntry 'port is played on a variable gro nd &83188yd min 1883138 ma3 Cavalier in French 'pringer in *erman what in ;nglish Woodwind Anstr ment si1e between Clarinet and Bassoon Who wrote Of H man Bondage and =he 4oon and 'i3pence What is the !oman n merals for 3888

% ssie r les football Flown in a plane 22J fear it Clean it Banana 4a(ing their bed <isney)s Fantasia Ho se 'tar =re( Washington 0'% =ravelling 4 sician Potato Blondes Berm da Writers Cramp Bo3ers early in life 0( lele Window of any aircraft Hit 'noo1e b tton on alarm cloc( False story or r mo r Charles de *a lle Feet /awyers Windscreen Wipers 'toc(holm 'weden ;C estrian China 't c( on yo r nose Broccoli 9 from Brocca ;lvis Halib t % special <iet Blac( * inness %lbania G banned religion C ba =able =ennis ?et 'oap =he 'ea C rrency 9 it is shredded Onion Belgi m !adish 'mile 9 ?ot Hospital and F nerals 'trange or Foreign ;gypt %ssociation Football ,soccerChess #night Cor9anglais 'omerset 4a gham 444

?o > estions > i1 31

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 =he lac( of calci m in the diet ca ses what condition Where wo ld yo find / nate =riC etral and Hamate What are :ean BernardD Pierre 't94artin and Berger in France <allol ;thiopia has what claim to fame Where are Bay of Heats and Bay of <ew 'in s %est m 9 !oris =he star constellation /ep s has what ;nglish name /a ris ?obilis is the /atin name of what common herb Af yo s ffered from varicella what have yo got Chi is the Chinese year of what % Comte France /andgraf *ermany Conde Ataly what ;ngland An heraldry what is a vertical line dividing a shield called =he =empleton pri1e is awarded ann ally for progress in what Anternational car registration letters what co ntry is $% An ;ngland what is the most pop lar girls name of the 68s !osencrant1 and * ilderstern are dead 9 name playwright / cy :ohnson became famo s nder what name What is a =am =am FA=% are the governing body of what sport <en1il Washington)s first film as director was what What is Canada)s oldest city fo nded in 1+82 An the :ewish religion what)s banned d ring =he three wee(s Who wrote the hymn Hear my Prayer 32 million %mericans one in five donBt li(e what %lan *insberg is credited with inventing what +8s phrase Where wo ld yo find a pintle Who created Woody Woodpec(er Winston Ch rchill had a dog 9 what type Who was born in Chicago &th <ecember 1681 died 16++ What is the name of Pa l 4cCartney)s official fan cl b By 0' government fig res people have tried 22888 ways of what Af yo s ffer from =inea Pedis what have yo got What colo r is /lamas mil( An %lberta its illegal to play craps if yo are sing what ?arcotics comes from the *ree( 9 what it literally mean What did Pope :ohn II1 se as effective eyewash !hodopsis original ;gyptian Cinderella had what @ob Whose attendance comp lsory at priests banC ets in ;gypt 'iddhartha *a tama became better (nown as who An ancient *reece yo ng brides had to sacrifice what Caer9/ d was the former name of what capitol city "J of women never do what according to s rvey An s perstition if yo marry on 'at rday yo will have what What was the first million dollar seller paperbac( Who fo nded 4ethodism in 1.32 What was the ancient ;gyptian c re for haemorrhoids 4iddle ages 4on(s denied meat on fast days ate what Where was Ace Cream invented Brittany 'pears 9 what is her favo rite drin( What @ob does Charlie Browns father do Anternational direct dialling codes what co ntry has 3&3

!ic(ets Bones in Wrist Worlds deep caves Worlds hottest average place 6" ?ear side of 4oon =he Hare Bay Chic(enpo3 Coc( ;arl Pale !eligion 'o th %frica !ebecca =om 'toppard %va *ardner Orchestral *ong %rchery Finding Fish > ebec 4arriage or Hairc t 4endlesson 'e3 Flower Power Hinge 9 itBs the pin holding it Walter /ant1 4iniat re Poodle Walt <isney Cl b 'andwich /osing Weight %thletes foot 7ellow <ice ;lectric eels 9 p t on foreheads Babies 0rine Prostit te 9 bird stole her shoe 4 mmies G dead reminded short life B ddha =heir <olls G show they were grown p /ondon Wear 0nderwear ?o l c( at all A the : ry G 4ic(ey 'pillane :ohn Wesley Beer 9 lots of beer !abbit Foet ses G 'aid were eggs China 'prite Barber !ep blic of Areland

?o > estions > i1 31

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What is the main food of walr ses Clams 38J of people C it this @ob in 0'% each year 9 what @ob ?apoleons life was saved by a dog what breed G and he hated dogs An 1221 :acob F sel worlds fist commercial factory ma(ing what =he star constellation *r s has what ;nglish name Anternational aircraft registration letters what co ntry is PP or P= What was the first 38 min te animated <isney show % renaissance doctor 9 what treatment e3cl ding bleeding 7o co ld be e3ec ted for drin(ing what in ancient = r(ey Where did the ancient ;gyptians paint pict res of their enemies What is fo nd in one third of %merican homes Bowling for li1ards was whose favo rite =5 program =he name :esse means what in Hebrew %ccording to strain theory crime is mainly committed by who An what co ntry was the longbow invented Who ma(es Pringles What airline started 2"th 'eptember 16"+ single <C3 9 Betsy What are a swallowtail and a b rgee What is the most common se3 ally transmitted disease in 0'% Who was the %ngel in 4ilton)s Paradise /ost 388888 %merican teenagers get what every year Francesco 'eraglio invented what in % stralia in early 16+8s What was 'ocrates wife)s name Who K/oved not to wisely b t too wellK 'ha(espeare play What did %nna 'age K=he lady in !ed doK Who ma(es #leene3 tiss es Poon /im holds the record of 133 days doing what Holden Ca lfield 9 Catcher in the !ye 9 where :< 'al get name 4arc s *arvey fo nded what %ncient !oman brides wore a wedding dress 9 what colo r +"J of %merican teenagers have what in their bedrooms Charles 'tratton became famo s as what circ s act What is the most common se3 al complaint of females over &8 Who ma(es 4iller /ite beer =he name Calvin has what nfort nate /atin meaning What a thor was the first p blished by Bantam paperbac(s An ancient Andia what was c t off ad lterers An British Col mbia is illegal to (ill what =he 'pear /ee( was the original name of what food item What was the name of the first Wings alb m Who started /a gh O *ram prod ctions 'igm nd Fre d sed a dog to help his psychoanalysis what breed An a 1622 s rvey 12 million %mericans donBt (now what /obster ?ewberg was invented at what famo s resta rant An 12th cent ry ;ngland what wo ld yo do with whim wham =he FAC govern what sport An ;ngland what is the most pop lar boys name of the 68s Anternational car registration letters what co ntry is A' An heraldry what is a hori1ontal line dividing a shield called =he star constellation %ra has what ;nglish name

'chool B s <river ?ewfo ndland G saved from drowning Ace Cream =he Crane Bra1il < c( =ales ;nemas Coffee Foot of 'andals 'crabble Fred Flintstone Wealth =he lower classes Wales Proctor and *amble Cathay Pacific Flags Herpes Beel1eb b 5enereal disease =he Woolmar( logo Ianthippe Othello Betray :ohn <illinger #imberly Clar( ' rviving on a raft 4ovie marC ee W Holden : Ca lfield !astafarians 7ellow =elevision =om =h mb 5aginal <ryness Philip 4orris Bald 4ar( =wain /ife on the 4ississippi ?oses 9 and they tried to hide it 'asC atch *arlic Wild /ife Walt <isney :o9Fi a Chow Washington <C was capitol <elmonicos ;at it Cream sponge Canoeing <aniel Aceland Fess =he %lter

?o > estions > i1 32

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Which !oman ;mperors name means little boats An ;ngland what can yo not hang o t of yo r window =he constellation ?orma has what ;nglish name Ch is the Chinese year of what animal 5or was the ?orse *oddess of what OB is the international aircraft registration letters what co ntry Who composed the classical piece Peter and the Wolf An what sport do women compete for the 0ber c p What was the last seC el to win best pict re award How did 'tonewall :ac(son die What are =he Chi ha han ? bian and %las(an Anternational dialling codes what co ntry is 2+ =hieves /iars 4agicians and who were in <antes 2th circle Hell %lphabetically what is the first element in the periodic table What order of insects contains the most species What famo s battle was fo ght at Pancenoit What colo r is nat ral cheddar cheese Where was the first Pony ;3press set p What animal originated *ro ndhog <ay %braham $apr der made the most scr tinised film all time what %esc l s is the /atin name of what type of tree Where were bagpipes invented What is !ice Paper made from :orn 0t1on of <enmar( designed what landmar( What is the most pop lar pi11a topping in 'o th #orea Which people sed to settle legal disp tes by head b tting Hitihita is a character in what boo( and film How does a male (oala attract a mate Bohemian !hapsody was on what > een alb m What is a Boodie What character on =5 and film m st have se3 every . years What was the name of Hamlets father B gs B nny was a caricat re of what actor 'herloc( Holmes lived in Ba(er 't 9 What other <etective did 'p mador was whose horse An what %merican state do most fail to grad ate ?ames from :obs 9 what in the middle ages did a wal(er do %lfred B tta invented what in 16"1 9 mar(eted 16"2 Phobos and <eimos are moons of 4ars 9 what do names mean What colo r is a giraffes tong e ;rica is the /atin name for what shr b What is the capitol of Fi@i <isney)s 'leeping Bea ty what is the name of the > een witch What is the name of 'ha(espeare)s first play !egnat Pop l s 9 =he people r le 9 motto of what 0' state % Cow 4oos 9 % Coc( Crows 9 What does an %pe do =he AHF govern what sport /evi 't bbs !enaldo Benson %bd l Fa(ir /a rence Payton Who =he constellation /acerta has what ;nglish name Collective no ns 9 %n %rmy of what

Calig la % Bed /evel Boar =r th Per 'ergei Pro(ofiev Badminton 'ilence of the /ambs to 4anh nter 'hot by own troops G by mista(e <eserts China Politicians %ctini m Beetles Waterloo 9 ,fo r miles awayWhite G itBs dyed red O ter 4ongolia Badgers 9 in *ermany #ennedy %ssassination Horse Chestn t Aran G then Persia % =ree 9 =he !ice Paper =ree pith 'ydney Opera Ho se = na An it 9 ;s(imo 4 tiny on the Bo nty 9 =ahiti chief Belching % ?ight at the Opera % 4ars pial related (angaroo rat 4r 'poc( Hamlet Clar( *able 'e3ton Bla(e 1263 #ing %rth r *eorgia Clean Cloth 'crabble Fear and =error Blac( Heather ' va 4aleficent =it s %ndronic s %r(ansas :ibber Anternational Handball Federation =he Fo r =ops /i1ard Frogs

?o > estions > i1 32

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What 0' state has no motto Babs *orden is better (now as what heroine :im =horpe won Olympic pentathlon 1612 who was fifth First Ampressions was the original title of what classic novel What co ntry spends the most per capita in casinos An Andia in 166" who were finally allowed to vote An what lang age was the first complete bible in 0' printed :ohn Wayne called what film K=he most n9%merican thing everK What co ntry prod ces the most tobacco in the world Collective no ns 9 % B siness of what Af yo were eating Olea ; ropea what wo ld it be What is :ane Fonda)s middle name Who is the !oman *oddess of floc(s and herds Where were the first winter Olympics held in 162" Which alb m is on the Billboard top 288 the longest since 16.3 <avid :ohn 4oore Cornwell became famo s as who An =he Hobbit what colo r is Bilbo)s door An what game might yo se a flat stic( called a (ip Where was Holmes pal <r Watson wo nded d ring the war Collective no ns 9 % H s( of what Blac( and Bl e play !ed and 7ellow at what game What ran( was *eorge %rmstrong C ster when he was (illed Old s perstitions 9 it is bad l c( to do what in the morning Who said KBigamy is one h sband too many li(e 4onogamyK What colo r were ;=s eyes What is the smallest species of peng in What do Fromologists collect An the original Wi1ard of O1 what colo r were the slippers =he Beverley Hillbillies came from what O1ar(s town Collective no ns 9 % leap of what Anternational dialling codes what co nty is 28 What 0' states name means long river in Andian What co ntry has the most elephants An WW2 the *raf 'pee was forced into what harbo r Who were the first % stralian gro p to sell a million records What was :ames <eans middle name Collective no ns 9 % Float of what An !omeo and : liet what day is : liet)s Birthday *eorge C 'cott 9 what does the C stand for An Ataly a man can be arrested if fo nd wearing what =he %rcocarp s altilis was involved in a m tiny 9 what is it An what ; ropean co ntry have most land battles been fo ght *wi1ador in Poland is who in ;nglish An what sport is =he / gano =rophy awarded every 2 years Who composed the ballets 9 =he Firebird and =he !ite of 'pring O< international aircraft registration letters of what co ntry Bragi was the ?orse *od of what 4yrastica fragrens is what common spice =he constellation 4ensa has what ;nglish name Collective no ns 9 % family of what

%las(a Batgirl *eneral *eorge ' Patton Pride and Pre@ dice % stralia ; n chs %lgonC in Andian High ?oon China Flies and Ferrets Olive 'eymo r Pales Charmoni3 France Pin( Floyd <ar( side of the 4oon :ohn /e Carre *reen =wo 0p 'ho lder :ac(rabbits CroC et /ie tenant Colonel 'ing ;rica :ong 9 Fear of Flying 16.3 Bl e =he Fairy Peng in Cheese labels 'ilver Hooterville /eopards ;gypt Connectic t =an1ania 4ontevideo =he 'ee(ers All never find another yo Byron Crocodiles 31st : ne Campbell % '(irt Breadfr it Belgi m 'anta Cla s 4en)s ?ational =eam Wal(ing Agor 'travins(y /ebanon Poetry ? tmeg =able 'ardines

?o > estions > i1 33

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Who was the first woman to receive =he Order of 4erit 168. An terms of hair what does F'H stand for On a prescription the /atin e3pression =er in <ie means what What was 'herpa =ensing s rname #old ns pop lar in ! ssia as analysts in %merica what are they What month was named after /atin for to open What is the more common name for %l(ane How long can a bedb g live witho t food What is a Caryatid An Port gal if yo bo ght sem ch mbo what is it What :apanese name means fried food often at the table What is ?elson 4andela)s middle name What thin net of sil( or !ayon named after French place it made What French word literally means little s(ip Bib9label /ithiated /emon9/ime 'oda better (nown as what An 'lovenian if yo heard ?a 4esta Po1or $da@ what sport What co ntry has the most Post Offices Who said abo t his songs Ksome are 18 min tes long some are +K Who wo ld se a p nty in their @ob Who wo ld se an an( s in their @ob What is the correct name for the honey bear or potto =he 4arino sheep originated in what co ntry What was the first battleship powered by steam t rbines 168+ <ic( =racy the comic strip started life as what name Carson City in ?evada 9 d bio s distinction first what 162" What maga1ine started in %merica 4arch 1623 =en1in *yatso became what in 163. An what co ntry was 4other =heresa born An 1612 what were :elly Babies renamed Who was Prime 4inister of China 16"6 to 16.+ =he ;gg and A was whose first film What British 4otor vehicle displayed at 16"2 %msterdam show Who first appeared in %ll 'tar Comics in 16"1 What fashion designer was responsible for K=he ?ew /oo(K =he British Patent Office since 16"6 banned patents for what What colo r was Aan Flemming)s typewriter Which Canadian won the 16&. ?obel Peace Pri1e for ' e1 Who was the first commoner to appear !oyal 4ail pac( 16+" What did Canada)s *rand Falls change their name to 16+" Which comic character was dynamited to death in iss e "22 What happened to Charles Broo(s in 1622 What artist was nic(named K:ac( the <ripperK action painting An what *eorge Bi1et opera do $ gra and ?badir appear Charles %drian Wettach became famo s as what clown 4artin Fallon H gh 4arlow :ames *raham Harry Patterson who Who created Popeye =he film =he 4adness of #ing *eorge AAA <ropped AAA 9 why Who had the part of <irty Harry 9 h rt hand 9 dropped o t What are <emyD 4edi mD !oyalD <o ble Crown Collective no ns 9 % Chatter of what

Florence ?ightingale Follicle 'tim lating Hormone =hree times daily ?orgay Witches %pril Paraffin or #erosene One 7ear B ilding s pport woman shaped 0nleaded Petrol =emp ra !olihlahla = lle Cabriolet 'even 0p %thletics 9 4ar(s set *o Andia Bob <ylan *lass blowers rod 4aho t to goad an elephant #in(a@o 'pain H4' <readno ght Plainclothes =racy *as Chamber sed =ime <ali /ama %lbania Peace Babies Cho ;n9/ai 4arilyn 4 nroe /and !over Wonder Woman Christian <ior Perpet al 4otion 4achine *old /ester Pearson William 'ha(espeare Ch rchill !obin First legal death by lethal An@ection :ac(son Polloc( =he Pearl Fishers *roc( :ac( Higgins ;l1ie 'eger 'o %mericans donBt thin( itBs a seC el Fran( 'inatra Paper 'i1es B dgerigars

?o > estions > i1 33

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What word from the Persian means perf med What is a collection of peng ins (nown as % place name incl ding worth eEgE =amworth what)s worth mean C m *ranlo 'alis is /atin for what phrase What does a crap lent person s ffer from We have sed a cassette b t what does it literally mean !ey(@avi( translates into what Chambre means what when referring to wine What is a '! ?" What is Christmas <isease Who wrote the 166" biography KPrincess in /oveK Clemantine Campbell became famo s nder what name %n Ortaline is a cross between what two items What 0' state is the magnolia state =he *lis *lis was fattened and eaten by the !omans what is it .2J of what co ntry is covered by forest What was Woody %llen)s first film as writerFactor On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted What city sed to be (nown as Bytown 4are ?ostr m was the !oman name for what #ong $i is better (nown as who =he !omans called it Cambria 9 what do we call it =he !ed !ose City has what more common name in :ordan =he Pirate #hair9ed9<in had what Atalian name meaning redbeard Chopin played what instr ment as a child An what 'ha(espeare play does the character Caliban appear Cer men is the technical name for what body part Af a dish is served Florentine what will it contain Fran( *orshin played what role in a +8s series films Which P ccini opera feat red ?ess n <orma British 'tandard B'2.2" might protect what body part Af yo saw Cave Canem written what wo ld yo (now Who was the minstrel that fo nd !ichard A imprisoned What is a neg s 9 named after inventor 'tingray Bay named by Coo( is now (nown as what 'e3tilis was the original name for what What does a copoclephist collect Who is the Patron 'aint of florists and gardeners :obs from names 9 what did a Wayne do What co ntries highest award is =he Order of the ;lephant What is =halassophobia a fear of Who does a Filicide (ill From the *ree( meaning apple what do we call this fr it What creat re gets its name for the 'panish for slowly ?ame <ef /eopards one armed dr mmer 4r 4yb g was only interested in se3 with Flora in what boo( Where wo ld yo find yo r Co3a Bad before a *erman town name means what What name from the French to C ibble means a no tr mp hand Collective no ns 9 what is a gro p of swans

%ttar !oo(ery Homestead With a grain of salt <r n(enness 'mall Bo3 'mo(y Bay 'erve at room temperat re Hovercraft 4ild Haemophilia %nna Pasterna( Cleo /ane =angerine 9 Orange 4ississippi ;dible <ormo se Finland What)s ?ew P ssycat Pin Heads Ottawa 4editerranean 'ea ,O r 'eaConf ci s Wales Petra Barberossa Piano =he =empest ;arwa3 'pinach =he !iddler = rendot ;yes 9 ' nglasses Beware of the <og Blondel ,<e ?eslePort /emon hot sweet spiced Botany Bay % g st #ey !ings 'aint <orothy Wagon 4a(er <enmar( =he 'ea 'on or <a ghter 4elon !emora !ic( %llen Cold Comfort Farm Hip :oint AtBs a 'pa =own Chicane Herd or Bevy

?o > estions > i1 3"

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Who had a no 1 %lb m +8s .8s 28s 68s What was 'pencer =racy)s last film Who was the third and favo rite son of <avid in Old =estament Who had a hit with K'on of my FatherK in 16.2 What fish was the s b@ect of disp te 'pain Canada in 166& !atatos( was what animal in ?orse mythology 9 relayed ins lts What ship was blown p at the end of =he %frican > een !ichard Carlisle invented an early vending machine selling what ?evada means what when translated from Andian Where is the oldest (nown resta rant in the world Who is the !oman *oddess of orchards and gardens An a recent s rvey what J of 0' wives tho ght h sband cheating What was the first co ntry to recognise the 0' as independent What soft drin( was developed as a hangover remedy ;dinb rgh Castle stands on %rth r)s 'eat what was %rth r)s seat Who sho ld have played Andiana :ones and dropped o t =he 'an %ndreas is what type of geological fa lt ?ame any of the demonstration sports at the 'ydney Olympics Where was the first 4iss World contest held in 16&1 %nd what co ntry won it :apanese hi tec toilets a to wipe b ts sing what An *ree( legend who t rned men into swine %fter California what 0' state prod ces the most wine What series was voted the best fiction of the 28th cent ry What 0' state was the last to ratify abolition slavery 1668s HippopotomonstrosesC ippedaliophobia is the fear of what ;very day in the 0' people steal N28888 from where C1. H21 ?8" is the chemical form la for what Who fired the first shots in the 16.8 film 4%'H What is the worlds most widely eaten fish Beveley Hills Cop was ;ddie 4 rphy b t who was it intended for What is the literal meaning of #angaroo % digitab list collects what Who said KABve watched a lot of baseball 9 on the radioK Collective no ns 9 a gro p of police officers An ?orse mythology =yr is the god of what Brave Belt was the original name of what gro p =he H la Hoop was illegal in what co ntry /eonato is the main character in what 'ha(espeare play Who wrote the boo( Forest * mp What prod ct ses the most silver What was the former name of the Chrysler Corporation An the Bible who was the father of %braham What was the name of the shepherd that got =remponina Pallidi m What sport was called Harpast m by the ancient *ree(s Who was the male star when =he 4o setrap first played Who was the first actress to endorse a prod ct commercially What is a Caldera Who wrote the opera $aide What was 1663s biggest selling single

Barbara 'trisand * ess whose coming to dinner %bsolom Chicory =ip = rbot 'C irrel =he /o isa Boo(s 'now 4adrid Pomonia ?inety J 4orocco Pepsi Cola 5olcano =om 'ellec( Conservative Ballroom <ancing G 'noo(er /ondon 'weden /asers Circe ?ew 7or( /ord of the !ings 4ississippi Big words 5ending machines Cocaine =he Football game =ime(eeper Herring 'ylvester 'tallone A donBt nderstand =himbles *erald Ford % 4ess War Bachman = rner Overdrive Finland 4 ch ado abo t ?othing Winston *room Camera Film 4a3well 4otors =erah 'yphil s Football !ichard %ttenbo ro gh /illy /angtree <epression left by volcano 4o1art All do anything for love

?o > estions > i1 3"

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What is a dhoti An Heraldry what is a m llet FA?% is the governing body of what amate r sport "8J of %mericans have never been where What is 'wit1erland)s official name Which drin( was designed as a malaria c re What are lop cheong Who wo ld se a barny to red ce noise An %F=s top 188 movies only 2 seC els 9 *odfather and what #ing =hibaw 9 imprisoned by the British 9 last (ing of where An 1626 the first what happened on an aircraft What is the name of the second highest mo ntain in %frica Who wo ld se a 'yllabary What was <avid /eans first film =he oldest written plan of government in effect is in what co ntry Who wrote the poem K=he Pied Piper of HamlinK An what film did =ommy /ee :ones ma(e his deb t An ancient :apan what was sed to clean teeth What can yo shag in *eorgia b t its illegal in Florida : lian <ic( *eorge %nne and who ma(e the famo s five Who was =he /ittle Playf l One Where was Freddie 4erc ry born What was the name of =homas :efferson)s home Cra1y Horse and C ster shared what childhood name Bridge !iver #wai 9 Bridges =o(i !io 9 what actor lin(s films Who r ns the 'pirit Fo ndation 9 %ged %b sed Orphaned =halia is one of the m ses 9 what)s her s b@ect An the /ittle 4ermaid fairy tale what happens to her Why was Clar( #ent re@ected military service d ring WW2 Who wrote the title song for /ive and let <ie :ohn > incy %dams was the only 0' president to do what Who c t off 'amson)s Hair ,#ing :ames ;ditionWho was the first woman to win an Oscar best actress 1622 What 'ans(rit word means great (ing ?ovel gave Hemmingway nic( spea(er of the lost generation What is the name on fa(e credit cards What did Ben@amin Fran(lin claim as his trade Which 0' state gets the most overseas visitors What is a wood p ssy Who wrote the epic poem 'amson %gonites What is the state tree of Adaho Who is the adopted son of 5ito Corleone What was the name of the first presidential aircraft Bill 4edly was part of what gro p Who is < mbella What flower is the symbol of c lt re What co ntry cons mes the most co(e per capita An Heraldry there are +8 varieties of what What does pp on a m sic score mean /O= is the national airline of what co ntry

%n Andian male loincloth % 'tar 'wimming =o a <entist 'wiss Confederation Benedictine Chinese 'a sages Film Cameraman cosy over cam French Connection AA B rma Birth 4o nt #enya %rabs 9 their alphabet Oliver =wist 0nited 'tates of %merica !obert Browning /ove 'tory 9 %s Han( 'tale 0rine % Porc pine =immy the <og Pocahontas $an1ibar 4ontecello C rly William Holden 7o(o Ono Comedy 'he <ies Failed eye test Pa l 4cCartney 4arry a non %merican woman %n 0nnamed 4an :anet *aynor 4ahara@a =he ' n %lso !ises : / Webb Printer California G Florida second 'lang for s( n( :ohn 4ilton White Pine =om Hagan 'acred Cow =he !ighteo s Brothers <onald < c(s sister =he /ot s Aceland Cross 5ery C ietly Poland

?o > estions > i1 3&

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 An ancient Andia how were dead parents traditionally disposed of Phalacrophobia is the fear of what H mans lose 2. what a day Who wo ld se a brannoc( or what for What is the smallest boo( in the /ibrary of Congress / cille /anghan(e born 168+ won an Oscar as who in 16"1 Harrison Ford played CA% agent :ac( !yan 9 who else has =he song A (now him so well comes from what stage m sical /ewis ;rnest Watts became famo s nder what name Who had a hit with First C t is the <eepest in 16.. %nd who wrote the song What is the thing that wives do that annoy most h sbands %nd what)s the top annoyance among wives ?ame the a thor who created Brer !abbit and Brer Fo3 $ane *rey the western writer had what initial profession 5ivaldi composed =he Fo r 'easons 9 what)s his first name An which Arish co nty is Bantry Bay B rning potassi m has what colo r flame <e)cappo means what in m sic ?ame first animated film to be nominated for best pict re Oscar :a11 =r mpeter :ohn Bir(s was better (nown as who :acinth or Hyacinth are alternative names of what mineral ?anoo( is a Canadian word for what animal An what prison did ?elson 4andela spend 16 of 2. years in @ail What sho ld yo give on a 3&th wedding anniversary =he P n@ab is an area of Andia meaning what An 4orse code one dash fo r dots what n mber What co ntry has the worlds largest merchant navy 0ntil comp ters replaced it who wo ld se a Bloggoscope Where did 4athias ! st land his Cessna in 162. What does %4'=!%< stand for 't 'ithney is the Patron 'aint of what What was ' per 4ario)s original name Pitcairn %irlines were the first to provide what in 1622 'otheby)s sold a 288 year old bit of =ibetan what N1&88 in 1663 What ca sed the first !ednec(s to be !ednec( What is 5irga % P llicologist is an e3pert in what < ring their lifetime the average person eats fo r what 'mith most common ;nglish s rname what)s the :apanese %nn ally 2&88 left handed people die doing what %ll windmills t rn co nter cloc(wise e3cept where =he word melee comes from what sport On the PH scale what does PH stand for An 4ichigan it is illegal to chain what to a fire hydrant 4agnifera Andica is the /atin name of what fr it What 'earchers hit was written by 'ony Bono What was !obert Browning)s pet name for his wife ;li1abeth 31J of people said what was the most disg sting personal habit What song lin(s /ittle ;va and #ylie 4inog e

;aten by offspring as a sign of respect *oing Bald 4o lted P bic Hairs 4eas re foot shoes Old #ing Cole G th mbnail si1e 4ary %stor %lec Baldwin Chess :ohn 4ills !od 't art Cat 'tephens ?ag 0ntidiness :oel Chandler Harris <entist %ntonio Cor( P rple !epeat from start <isney Bea ty and the Beast <i11y *illespie $ircon Polar Bear !obben Asland Coral Five !ivers 'i3 /iberia O' 4ap 4a(ers from %erial photos !ed 'C are 4oscow %lan 4ichael ' gar =rading 4ad <ogs : mperman %ir 'ic( Bags Cheese 5itamin < <eficiency 9 poor diet !ain the donBt reach gro nd Fleas 'piders in their sleep ' 1 (i 0sing right handed prod cts Areland Football village play Potential Hydrogen %n %lligator 4ango ?eedles and Pins Port g ese 'pitting =he /ocomotion

?o > estions > i1 3&

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What colo r = esday did the !olling 'tones sing abo t 16.. What is the e3tinct animal 4egantheron better (nown as Harvey /ee 7eary AA became famo s nder what name Oi(ophobia is the fear of what An 1662 there were &82 hospital ca sing in@ ries what sport Af someone Anpissates a so p what have they done An =he /ion the Witch and the Wardrobe whets the /ions name / titia is what the !omans called where Where wo ld yo b y a 'teinlager beer Who sang the theme song for !awhide *@etost is the national cheese of what co ntry Philippe Pages is the real name of what pianist Who rode a horse called %ethenoth Af yo s ffered from o1ostomia what have yo got What colo r are French letter bo3es =he !oman %pian Way went from !ome to where What was the code name for 0'% landings 4orocco in 16"2 What was the name of Haile 'alassie before he was crowned :ayne % stin had five brothers and one sister name her What happened in Britain 'ept 3rd 1.&2 Complete the > ote K%lasS Poor 7oric(S A (new himD HK What colo r is caffeine Who wrote the first song KCome OnK !olling 'tones recorded +3 What was the name of Feli3 the Cats girlfriend 5erdi)s opera %ida is set in what co ntry :erome 'iberman became famo s as who What battle does the French /egion Celebrate %nn ally What is Fala(a Hrvatas(a is what the natives call what co ntry What @ob 4ichael Cane 0ma =h rman 'idney Poitier common Who sang for /a ren Bacall in =o Have and Have ?ot What animal has the worlds shortest sperm 4agn m PA wore a baseball cap s pporting what team =he 'wathling C p is played for in what sport !obert !edfordD 'teve 4c> een Pa l ?ewman re@ect N"m role 'aint /ydwina is the Patron 'aint of what sport Where was the worlds first televised baseball game Atamae have what @ob in :apan Ch c( Berry %rt *arf n(le !obert !edford had what @ob An =he 4 ppet 4ovie who sang for 4iss Piggy What co ntry cons mes the most tea per capita An % stralia what is a Willy9Willy =able =ennis competitions only two colo red balls allowed what ;ye for ;ye 9 =ooth For =ooth what comes ne3t <emetria *ene * ynes became famo s as who What colo r was =weety Bird originally An what co ntry wo ld yo b y #ingfisher lager % > idn nc is a what 9 from the /atin > idn nc what now What was 'heena ;aston)s original name =he French m sical instr ment =he 5iola has what other name

! by 'abre =oothed =iger /ee 4a@ors Ho ses 'noo(er Pool =hic(ened it %ssan Paris ?ew $ealand Fran(ie /ane ?orway !ichard Clayderman /ady *odiva Bad Breath 9 Halitosis 7ellow Brindisi 9 Brindisi m Operation =orch !as =afarri Cassandra ?othing 9 day never e3isted Horatio White powder Ch c( Berry Phyllis ;gypt *ene Wilder Camerone 9 % <efeat = r(ish feet beating Croatia <ish washers %ndy Williams Hippopotam s <etroit =igers =able =ennis ' perman 9 C !eeve paid 288# Ace '(ating =o(yo Chef 9 An Front of c tting board Carpenters :ohnny 4athis Areland Whirlwind White and 7ellow Hand " Hand 9 Foot " Foot ;3 21 2" <emi 4oore Pin( Andia *ossip 9 sed to be all politicians 'henne Ore =he %lto

?o > estions > i1 3+

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Female bathing caps were invented to prevent what Clinton O(lahoma see two having se3 in car what)s illegal yo do ?ame % stralia)s highest mo ntain What colo r is malachite Who won the first Oscar for a m sical in 16"3 An =he film !eservoir <ogs what song was disc ssed at the start Who was the Beatles original Bass Player Which native Andian tribe never signed a peace treaty 0' govern !alph Wonderone became better (nown nder what name 'hovelheadD #n c(leheadD Panhead types of what 4 rphy)s Oil soap is most often sed to clean what An 'ingapore yo can be p blicly caned for failing to do what Cathy !igby was the first woman to do what What flavo r sweet was created for !onald !egan /emniscate is the correct name for what symbol Cord roy literally translated means what What is the only 0'% state witho t a nat ral la(e /a ds Prime =ierce 'e3t ?ones what comes ne3t What colo r was 4rs Bates dress in Psycho What was ?apoleons mothers name =erry Bollea became famo s nder what name An Wisconsin its illegal to do what d ring yo r wife)s orgasm What is the only breed of dog that gets go t What co ntry has the worlds oldest ?ational %nthem William Bla(e Winston Ch rchill :ohn /ennon what lin(s What domesticated pet is never mentioned in the Bible #ellogg)s Corn Fla(es were invented to do what An =e3as its illegal to swear in front of what What was %lfred Hitchcoc()s first so nd film What was (nown as %rabian Wine What does the blac( and white B4W logo represent An %ri1ona yo m st register with state before becoming what Where are the / 3emb rg gardens What was 4a3well 'marts cover What is the state insect of =e3as P< :ames wrote thrillers what does P< stand for An what Bible boo( is K=he love of money is the root of all evilK An the Beverley Hillbillies what was a potpasser :ac( Haley played the =in 4an what was the =in 4ans name <isney C estion 9 who are <aisy < c(s three nieces Brassiere comes from an old French word meaning what =rimontaine was the original name of where An 12+1 <ows *inger %le was the first to be what An /o isiana what personal act is illegal in p blic What breed of dog bites the most h mans Only h mans and what primate can have bl e eyes What creat re is the symbol of Bacardi An which co ntry are condoms most commonly sed What was the name of the saloon in * nsmo(e % 5ig le or 'olid s is what character

Clogged p <rains Af yo 4ast rbate 4o nt #osci s(o Brown :ames Cagney /i(e a 5irgin G 4adonna 't art ' tcliffe 'eminoles 4innesota Fats Harley <avidson ;lephants Fl sh =oilet after se Pose ? de sports ill strated Bl eberry :elly Babies Anfinity Cloth of the #ing West 5irginia 5espers Periwin(le Bl e /aticia H l( Hogan Fire a * n <almatian ?etherlands Ordained <r ids Cats !ed ce 4ast rbation % Corpse Blac(mail Coffee 'pinning Propeller G B4W made planes Allegal <r g <ealer Paris *reetings Card salesman 4onarch B tterfly Phyllis <orothy =imothy +T18 Pool C e at fancy eating table Hic(ory =wic(er %pril 4ay : ne %rm Protector Boston 4assach setts 'old in a Bottle *argling *erman 'hepherd G %lsatian Blac( /em rs Bat :apan /ongbranch 'lash F 9 not bac(slash

?o > estions > i1 3+

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 'o r@ is %rmenian for what Who wrote Heart of <ar(ness An the movie what is 'hafts first name An Pennsylvania legally a man needs written permit from wife do what *rilled on a Plo ghshare literal meaning what :apanese dish Fran( Heyes 1623 on 'weet #iss only @oc(ey ever to do what


Coffee :oseph Conrad :ohn P rchase %lcohol ' (iya(i Win a race after death 9 heart failed d ring An an a thentic Chinese meal what is served last 'o p 9 to swim the d c( digestion =opolino in Ataly is who here 4ic(ey 4o se Holland 1+3" 1888lb cheese " o3 2 pigs 12 sheep bed 1 what 5iceroy = lip B lb Where in the body is the labrynth ;ar An 'ha(espeare)s Hamlet what herb is said to be for remembrance !osemary What is Papins <igester 9 Anvented <enis Papin 1+.6 Press re Coo(er % web site with sa in the name is in what co ntry 'a di %rabia : li s Caesar Hamlet 4acbeth !ichard AAA lin(s not Obvio s %ll plays contain ghosts An <enver Colorado it is illegal to lend what to yo r neighbo r 5ac m Cleaner Where were Chinese Chec(ers invented ;ngland What was the first film given the title Bloc(b ster :aws What was the third leading ca se of death in 1688 <iarrhoea Where wo ld yo find yo r *labella 'pace between yo r eyes 0ntil 1668 what was still legal tender in ;ast *ermany 'a sages On what hobby is most money spent *ardening What city has the worlds biggest ta3i fleet 4e3ico 9 over +8888 "888 people each year are in@ red by what ho sehold item =ea Pots What is the c rrent no 1 aphrodisiac ,rep tedly%sparag s An <elaware it is illegal to pawn what Wooden /eg What animal is mentioned most in the Bible 'heep What lin(s 'ocrates %ristotle :anis :oplin Bise3 als What is the most common fear people have P blic 'pea(ing %fter the 0' what co ntry imports the most scotch France An #ansas City its illegal for children to b y what Cap * ns G b t shotg ns are O# What is officially the poorest 0' state 4ississippi %nd what is officially the richest <istrict of Col mbia 'mith :ohnson Williams Brown :ones ne3t 0' common s rnames 4iller =he 0' eat most ice cream per capita what co ntry second ?ew $ealand An Andiana what is illegal in winter Bathing An what co ntry did the r mba originate C ba #itty the most common cats name in 0' what)s the second 'mo(ey %ccording to Homer 'impson what is a feline %n ;lephant Who sang 'hattered <reams in 162. :ohnny Hates :a11 An = cson %ri1ona it is illegal for a woman to wear what Pants 'cottish clan were traitors and ca sed the *lencoe massacre Campbells Who played 'arah Conner in 162"s =erminator /inda Hamilton What co ntry cons mes the most calories per capita Areland What species of fish is ca ght most %nchovetta 9 %nchovy At is illegal to se what to plo gh cotton fields in ?orth Carolina ;lephants What is the top ?ew 7ears !esol tion /ose weight What 0' state has the most m rders California What crime ca ses the second most n mber arrests in 0'% <rin( <riving Where did do ghn ts originate Holland ; W Horn ng created which fictional character !affles

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An Baltimore it is illegal to ta(e what to the movies =he word 4atri3 in the Bible means what What lin(s Herbert Hoover and !ichard ?i3on 9 not the obvio s Who is Homer 'impson)s brother An <allas =e3as it is illegal to possess a realistic what What co ntry drin(s the most beer What is the most common breeding bird in the 0' P blic 'pea(ing is the most common fear what)s the second Over 22 million %mericans are what An O(lahoma it is illegal to bite some else)s what An Asrael what ne3pected item is certified #osher What was shown over parliament on a Canadian 2 dollar bill What lin(s the Cassowary #a(apo and the #ag On the =5 show Fra1ier what was the dads dogs name Between October and 4arch what is illegal in Andiana 'ylvester and =weety Pie 9 Cat Bird started o t as what Potatoes were fist sold as what What is <ennis the 4enace)s last name %ncient China =reason !obbery %d ltery what p nishment At is illegal to sell what in /ehigh ?ew ;ngland What does the % stralian slang word Hooroo mean 'even million of these are thrown away each day 9 what 5ampire bats prefer to bite what part of a sleeping person An what lang age was =he Comm nist 4anifesto written An ?atche1 4isso ri it is illegal to provide beer to what % Parthenophobe has a fear of what Who received 288888 fan letters in 1633 Who recorded their first song nder the names =om and :erry 4onology is the st dy of what An 0tah where is it illegal to fish What is the penalty for dr n( driving in ' matra 'tag Party was the original name of what What is the name of Fred Flintstones paperboy =he word 'ahara is %rabic for what 4ontana its illegal to have what in yo r cab witho t chaperone An coo(ing si3 drops eC al one what What was the name of the s( n( in Bambi What do toads do before mating What co ntry is the worlds oldest f nctioning democracy An 4iami it is illegal for men to be seen in p blic wearing what What President appears on the 0' N188888 bill 28J of the worlds pop lation wears shoes made in what co ntry % st dy in shades of grey in the name of what pict re What is the worlds oldest snac( food 9 +18 %< An Fargo ?orth <a(ota yo can be @ailed for dancing with what An 1236 what innovation was added to bicycles Who was =ime 4aga1ines first man of the year ,162.Who lived at 1"31 ?orth Beachwood What is the most eaten food in the 0' 0ntil 1662 by law =he >; hotel m st do what if yo rent a room

% /ion Womb Both > a(ers Herb Powell <ildo *ermany !ed Winged Blac(bird Heights Hearing Ampaired Hamb rger Postage 'tamps %n %merican Flag Flightless Birds ;ddie =a(ing Baths Clown and Baby Ornamental Plants 4itchell Castration <o ghn t Holes *ood bye Pennies =oe *erman %n ;lephant 7o ng *irls 9 5irgins 4ic(ey 4o se 'imon and *arf n(le 't pidity From Horsebac( /oss of a hand Playboy 4aga1ine %rnold <esert % 'heep <ash Flower 'ing Aceland %ny strapless gown Woodrow Wilson China Whistlers 4other =he Pret1el 7o r Hat on Pedals Charles /indbergh =he 4on(eys 4il( and Cream Feed yo r horse freely

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

By law every fifth song on Canadian !adio m st be what An =he 'impson)s what was the name of the Barbie type doll What co ntry cons mes the most fish per capita 4ac<onald farm 'heep Cows Pigs Chic(s < c(s <on(eys and what Hamida <@ando bi in 16.. was the last one 9 what An Cheyenne Wyoming what is illegal on Wednesday What was the first prod ct sold in aerosol sprays What was the first maga1ine to p blish a hologram on its cover What food was regarded as an aphrodisiac in the 4iddle %ges An %ri1ona yo can have no more than two what in a ho se ?onpariel 4ission Caramel ?epl s Peerless types of what What is a B nt a part of Who had a hit with ?ovember !ain What is the provincial bird of 7 (on An Col mb s Ohio it is illegal to sell what on ' nday What was the first toy advertised on =5 in 0'% :ohn Benyon Harris became famo s as what ' F writer ' ((ot is a festival in which religion Af yo s ffered from pyre3ia what have yo got An 4orrisville Penn a woman m st have a permit to do what An *ermany what are the ?e ba strec(e Where co ld yo see a li(eness of Pharaoh #hafres head F<% regard & Fr it fly maggots 3o1 per can acceptable 9 what What are P li 'loghi and # vas1o( An O(lahoma it is illegal to wear what in bed What are 4isty !ain ' nshine Bl e Honey !ose *in =riple 'ec ,C antrea - and pineapple @ ice what coc(tail 'ilent night the Christmas carol was first played on what < ring 0' recessions which gro p have the most nemployment An Florida what is banned in p blic places after +pm =h rsdays Where wo ld yo find the phrase %nn it Coeptis ?ine inches in na tical meas re is called what Bibend m is whose real name What is a logogram 9 a N sign is one An =ennessee it is illegal to drive if yo are what We (now what lasagne is 9 what is a lassagn m its named from What colo r 4P4 is most prevalent in each pac(et Who is Woodie Woodpec(ers girlfriend What prod ct sells best in 0' s permar(ets 62E2J of shoppers An %c(worth *eorgia all citi1ens m st own what by law What are $ap 'pirit Cra1ylegs and Ch c(les What is the name of =oys ! 0s *iraffe 'anta Cla se wor(s in 0'% b t who delivers gifts in 'yria What are a :alpa :arama 'hamal and 4era( What famo s reference wor( is illegal in =e3as !heoboam is a bottle si1e b t also the last (ing of where What is the state bird of Wisconsin =he Primes and =he <istants merged to form what gro p What co ntry drin( the most mil( per capita An Boise Adaho where by law are yo not allowed to fish

By a Canadian 4alib 'tacey :apan = r(eys Person * illotined in France =a(ing a 'hower Ansecticides ?ational *eographic Chic(en 'o p <ildos 9 any more and itBs a brothel %lmonds 'ection of sail * ns n !oses !aven Cornfla(es 4r Potato Head :ohn Wyndham :ewish Fever Wear Cosmetics High 'peed !ailways On the 'phin3 Canned 4 shrooms ;3otic dog breeds 7o r Boots Porn 'tars %loha * itar % tomobile assembly wor(ers Farting <ollar Bill *od favo red o r nderta(ings % 'pan 4ichelin =yre 4an 'ign representing a complete word %sleep % Coo(ing Pot Brown 9 38J Winnie Woodpec(er =oilet paper % !a(e * A :oe fig res *eoffrey % Wise mans Camel Atalian 'ports Cars Britannica 9 At shows beer ma(ing Asrael =he !obin =he =emptations Aceland From a *iraffes bac(

?o > estions > i1 32

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Who is 7ogi Bears girlfriend What fashion designers symbol is a swan +2J of %mericans do what ,=rying to be p nct alWhat animal is the mascot of the 0' ?aval %cademy Who drives a car licensed +7$+"3 Where was volleyball invented 4iso a traditional :apanese coo(ing ingredient is what What is mosC itoes main food An the Winnie the Pooh boo(s what name is over Poohs door What is the name of ' perman)s ' percat What is the most common name in the Bible Anternational dialling codes 9 where is +.2 ?ewspea( 9 Portable Handheld Comm nications =ranscribers Who is <ic( =racey)s girlfriend What was first man made ob@ect to e3ceed so nd barrier What seven letter word do all %mericans prono nce wrongly What is the main ingredient of moc( t rtle so p What wo ld a *erman do with a *ravenstein How many pints will the 2. inch %mericas c p hold Where wo ld yo find yo r p rlic e Who was Barbara 'treisands first h sband What is the name of Por(y Pigs father ?athan B rnba m became famo s nder what name An :apan what is 'hogi Who (illed his grandfather with a C oit at the /arrisan games 'haddoc( is another name for what What was b ilt by the inmates of Changi Prison Camp An *ree( legend what was eaten on the Asland of :erba Who was <r $hivagoBs love An the 4odern 126+ Olympics what was the first event decided What was the name of % stralia)s first girlie maga1ine in 163+ Where did the British Brown Bess m s(et get its name / (e wrote two Bible boo(s / (e and what What was the only rema(e to win the best pict re Oscar 'oylent *reen the band too( name from film and boo( by who Prescribed as c re Beri Beri it c red scrotal dermatitis 9 what Colonel =om Par(er ;lvis)s manager had what earlier act What large animal has a less than two inch erect penis %ccording to 3+J of %mericans they have done what By Andonesian law what is the penalty for mast rbation By law in * am who are not allowed to marry /orne *reen has only one what ,an alligator ate the other21J %mericans donBt do it every day &J never do it 9 what ?ame the co ntry that starts with % b t does not end with % Collective no ns 9 a gro p of what is a charm Who ref sed the leading male role in *one With the Wind An Florida its illegal for a ho sewife to do what more 3 times daily An %merica its noise is B flat in ;ngland its * what is An what 0' City is most blond hair dye sold How many sheep are sed to prod ce one angora sweater

Cindy Bear *loria 5anderbilt 'et their watches ahead *oat Fred Flintstone France 'oybean Paste ?ectar from flowers 4r 'anders 'trea(y $achariah %ntarctica % Pencil =ess =r eheart =ip of a whip Wrongly Calf)s Head ;at it 9 a yellow apple ?one 9 its bottomless 'pace between th mb and finger ;lliot *o ld Phineas Pig *eorge B rns :apanese Chess Perse s *rapefr it B rma !ailroad /ot ses /ara =riple : mp 4en =hin line of niform brown r st %cts Ben H r Harry Harrison 4armite <ancing Chic(ens G on hot plate *orilla 'po(en with *od <ecapitation Which headH To5irgins 9 =hey pay men to pop em ?ipple 4a(e their bed %fghanistan *oldfinches *ary Cooper Brea( a dish B 11 of ;lectric !a1or <allas =e3as ?one %ngora comes from rabbits

?o > estions > i1 32

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What is f met 2&J of %merican people will eat what this year 4an ?ational Par( Per has 1388 different species of what Who is Olive Oyls brother 4onte1 ma)s nephew C itlahac name means what What ma(e was the first car with air conditioning An Bristol ;ngland an old law says dogs can do what =he name of what prod ct 9 *erman water *ree( olive Oil What (illed half the 0' soldiers in WW1 An <enmar( what is a 'vangers(absforebyggendemiddel What was the first =5 show in colo r 33J of %merican women lie abo t what What does the word *ri11ly mean 9 as in *ri11ly bear Collective no ns 9 a =rip of what Wilhelm 'teinit1 was the world)s first what in 122+ =elesphobia is a fear of what Arish Proverb 9 Af yo want to be critici1ed do what Cher %mi a homing pigeon won the <'C and had what item Who are the <iasc ri ?ichole < nsdon was the last what in October 1662 ;mperor Cla di s passed a law legalising what at banC ets President %ndrew :ac(son)s f neral 12"& who removed swearing =here are more the 32888 types of what What co ntry has the most boo(shops per head pop lation Chase and 'andborn first sold what in tins in the 0' What is the opposite of Plen m 'tronti m 68 was the original name of which band An 4assach setts it is illegal to d el with what Charles : ng invented what in %merica Whose last p blished novel was 4 rder from the Past % > eef is the name for what Af an % stralian had a Bingle what wo ld it be Who declined a P lit1er Pri1e for his boo( %rrowsmith /otta and 5assar were the first two brands of what =he :elb (( is a 'wedish Imas decoration 9 what is it Where is <avid /ivingstone B ried ,=wo Places F co ntries' nglasses were invented in China to do what =he Atalian <ate is a common name of what fr it *raham #err became famo s nder what nic(name What was the name of the last silent movie made 1626 What 0' President said A Promise instead of A swear ina g rate What is banned by law in :apanese resta rants What is meas red in 'croville 0nits Af an % stralian had tro ble with his don( who wo ld he call on An #ent c(y a man cannot p rchase what witho t his wife What co ntry iss ed a banana shaped stamp Who was the first male to appear on the cover of playboy What colo r are an %merican porc pines teeth 2J of people in the world have an e3tra what /eader of the AroC ois Andians same name as what car

Concentrated stoc( 'pam B tterfly Castor Oyl Plenty of ;3crement Pac(ard Watch se3 in yo r bed 5aseline Wasser ;laion 1612 Fl ;pidemic % Condom =he Cisco #id =heir Weight *rey 9 b t they are yellow brown *oats Chess Champion Being /ast 4arry % Wooden /eg Castor and Poll 3 4iss Canada Farting 9 for p blic health His Pet Parrot 4 shrooms ?ew $ealand Coffee 5ac m =he Police Water Pistols Fort ne Coo(ies %gatha Christie Fanny Fart Car %ccident 'inclair /ewis Wrigley)s * m 'traw *oat Westminster %bby F =an1ania Hide a : dges eyes =amarind *alloping *o rmet =he Fo r Feathers !ichard 4 ?i3on =ipping Heat of Chillies 4echanic 9 <on(s an engine % Hat =onga Peter 'ellers Orange !ib Chief Pontiac

?o > estions > i1 36

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Af yo were drin(ing castle beer in what co ntry wo ld yo be President Hayes 12.2 started which ann al White ho se event Assac and Willian F ld invented and patented what in 1262 What prod ct only sold 1288 bottles in its first year *erman (ids wear what ro nd nec( for good l c( on ?ew 7ear Af an % ssie called yo a Bananabender what wo ld he mean What is the closest living relative to the = !e3 Who was the !oman *oddess of the land 4ao 4 (a ?e(o Pisica are what Chinese *ypsy :apan ! man ia Bonnie Booth ,32- sed what to remove a corn from her foot An 4ichigan it is illegal to p t what on yo r bosses des( 16"6 Pop lar 4echanics said that f t re ones less 1E& tonsH Who said KAv)e never had an accident worth tal(ing abo tK What is :oeys favo rite food in Friends Where was the worlds first oil well drilled An any given + month period "8J of %mericans are what Who said K% 'ingle death is a tragedy a million a statisticK % Weaner is a baby what Collective no ns a rh mba of what What prod ct sold 338 in the 0' in its first year An Bi(er 'lang what is a Belly 'hover What do h mans get from the Cassava Af yo are on the Cho(e mo ntains what co ntry are yo in An the lang age of flowers what does the c c mber flower mean Who is the Patron 'aint of desperation How often m st one perform a C otidian tas( Brave ?ew World 9 %ld s H 3ley 9 where name from *ail Borden invented what food item Where do men play each year for the Challenge C p Fried fish lett ce spinach is a traditional Imas eve meal where %n average %merican eats 22 what in their lifetime Who live at ."2 ;vergreen =errace An Baltimore it is illegal to scr b or wash what 0' 1688 cens s people with 2 or less what were lower mid class Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash What is the scent of an artificial hare at greyho nd trac(s ?ame two sports where the winner moves bac(wards =here is one gallon of water in every c bic mile of what An % stralian slang what are apricots What prod ct only sold 2 in its first year in the 0'% 'cottish Hebrides island is defined a big eno gh s stain what Who said K=he internet is a good way to get on the netK What ma(es a noise middle octave (ey of F /yssophobia is the fear of what What capital city translates as Capital City in the native tong e What flavo r is framboise liC e r Collective no ns a rag of what =wo o t of 3 visits to an %merican doctor are for what problems An Bi(er 'lang what is a Co pon Af yo were drin(ing =iger beer in what co ntry wo ld yo be

'o th %frica ;aster ;gg !oll Oi @a Board French *erman O i 7a /iC id Paper 9 =ippe3 Pret1els 7o were from > eensland state =he Chic(en =erra Cats " lang ages "18 shotg n G after ra1or h rt % '( n( Comp ters Captain ; : 'mith of the =itanic 'andwiches Pennsylvania %ffected by mental Allness :oseph 'talin ;lephant 'eal !attlesna(es 5W Beetle % !acing bi(e =apioca ;thiopia Criticism 't : de <aily 'ha(espeare)s =he =empest Condensed 4il( Wimbledon %rmenia Pigs =he 'impson)s % 'in( 'ervants Orville Wright %nise !owing 9 = g of War Fog =esticles !emmington =ypewriters One 'heep !ep blican candidate Bob <ole Ho sefly b 11 *oing 4ad 'eo l 9 'o th #orea !aspberry Colts 'tress !elated =raffic =ic(et 'ingapore

?o > estions > i1 36

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 Who said KPeople only see what they are prepared to seeK An 0tah yo can get a licence to h nt what ;pistemophobia is the fear of what Which maga1ine declared ban(r ptcy in the early 1668s What food are astrona ts prohibited before a mission What prod ct sold 2& bottles in its first year for N&8 cost N.& =o what Patron 'aint wo ld yo pray if yo had a headache :F# was act ally baptised :FF# what was the other F for What is the p nishment for dr n( driving in ?orway 6+J of all what are p rchased by women What did Oliver Polloc( invent in 1..2 What are Waist Overalls An the lang age of flowers giving a m shroom meant what O!< are the identification letters of what airport What woman has the most stat es of her Choo #i(o Wapi 9 what have A as(ed in 'wahili An Helsin(i Finland what)s the police alternative to par(ing tic(ets What word did non9;nglish spea(ers say so nded prettiest Af yo were drin(ing Cobra beer in what co ntry wo ld yo be An % ssie slang what are B m ? ts An Palding Ohio police officers can legally do what to dogs ?ew :ersey has a m se m with &"88 e3hibits of what What does a myrmecologist st dy ;C ator)s favo rite dish is 'eco de Chivo 9 what is it What is a Pygmy Bl e ;melio 4arco Palma was the first to do what in 16.2 %fter homes and @obs where do %mericans spend most time Which 0' place name translates Andian as place of dr n(enness / chiano Paverotti has what in his poc(et for l c( when singing All ?ever Forget Whatshisname 16+2 film first said f c( G who Philematology is the science of what What is the most pop lar name for a boat Collective no ns 9 % /abo r of what Af 7o were drin(ing !olling !oc( lager what 0' state are yo in An Bi(er 'lang what are *iblets An 4innesota its illegal for a woman dressed as what on street What word comes from the /atin phrase to crowd together An 1666 <allas =e3as passed a law banning what from city On 'cooby <oo what was 'haggys real name Who failed his m sic class at school Who or what was Blac( Betsy 28J of :apanese p blications are what What was the first m sic C< b rned in %merica An ancient :apan p blic contests were held to find what What are sc tes Af a *hanian says %fishapa what have yo been told 't *erard is the Patron 'aint of who An the lang age of flowers giving mint meant what Collective no ns 9 % clo d of what =here is a m se m in Philadelphia 211 ?orth 3rd 'treet to what

!alph W ;mmerson <inosa rs #nowledge ' ccess Beans 9 Farts damage spaces its Coca Cola a &8J loss 'aint <ennis Francis =hree months of *overnment lect res Candles =he dollar sign N :eans 9 /evi 'tr ss ' spicion O)Hare Chicago :oan of %rc "8888 Where is the toilet <eflate cars tyres <iarrhoea Andia ;ggs Bite them to C iet 'poons %nts *oat stew on rice 'mallest b tterfly Born in %ntarctica 'hopping 4alls 4anhattan Bent ?ail 4arianne Faithf l #issing Obsession 4oles Pennsylvania Chrome add ons 'anta Cla se Constipation Con 'ta Pay 'h n !oosters noise poll te ?orville ;lvis Presley Babe ! th)s ""o1 Baseball Bat Comic Boo(s 'pringsteen)s Born in the 0'% Best Farter lo d and long 'na(es belly scales 4erry Christmas Pregnant Women 5irt e *nats Pret1els

?o > estions > i1 "8

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 What is the most freC ently accessed article World ;ncyclopaedia Where wo ld yo find a coiffe or m selet 4en average 12 a year women 12 a year 9 what What classic novel sold only &8 copies a thors lifetime =he average h man has seven what each day Af an % stralian called yo a cadb ry what wo ld he mean An the lang age of flowers what does straw mean % yo ng what is called a Cheeper Who is the Patron 'aint of a thors What does a Caligynephobe fear Collective no ns 9 % gro p of beavers is what &2J of people li(e what d ring se3 What is a braC ette =he Walibri tribe central % stralia greet each other how An =remonton 0tah illegal for a woman not man what in amb lance An Aslamic law after having se3 with a lamb mortal sin to do what 0' Fed laws specify what colo r nderwear for Crash < mmies Where is yo r Popliteal Fossa What is the national dish of the Faeroe Aslands What is # miss made from in %sia % 4ai =ai is a coc(tail literally meaning what in =ahitian What is chiengora Only 38J of women do what =he ch pacabra is a legendary 4e3ican animal what in ;nglish An Fran1 #af(as 4etamorphosis *regor 'amsa wa(es p asH <anny $ (o was a main character in what film Af yo ordered =ori 0don in a :apanese resta rant yo get what Who said KCanadaH A don)t even (now what street Canada is onK What lin(s :erry *arcia B ster #eaton Boris 7eltsin What is the literal translation of ha te co t re =he Coloss s of !hodes was a stat e of who 4ar(et research says what colo r ma(es people spend more Hac( 9 Hog /ine 9 Ho se are terms in what sport What do %l *ore and =ommy /ee :ones have in common Collective no ns 9 % tiding of what 7o can get & years in #ent c(y for sending a friend what Hipopota %gravis or g asano is what in 4e3ican =eC ila What is the name for a special vibrator worn with straps What is a toC e What movie had the line KWe)re on a mission from *odK What is the fo rth most common lang age in the 0'% +8J of women e3perience what What is /in s last name in the Pean ts cartoons An what movie did Whoopee *oldberg ma(e her deb t Who t rned down the Bogart role in Casablanca What to(en was added to 4onopoly in 1666 %lcohol comes from the %rabic word %l #ohl meaning what An Washington state it is specifically illegal to have se3 with who Who is the Patron 'aint of brewers Af an % stralian called yo a * ms c(er what wo ld he mean

'na(e Anformation Bottle wire cor( hold !ead Boo(s 4oby <ic( 'e3 Fantasies Cheap <r n( %greement *ro se Partridge > ail 'aint Pa l Bea tif l Women Colony <irty =al( Fa(e <ic( e3tension 1"th cent ry 'ha(ing Penises Have se3 ;at its flesh =ea !ose Bac( of #nee P ffin st ffed with !h barb Fermented Cows 4il( O t of the World <og Hair sp n into yarn 'wallow *oat ' c(er %n Ansect *rease =hic( ?oodles broth with Chic(en %l Capone 4issing a bit of finger High 'ewing Helios the s n god /ight P rple C rling %t Harvard =ogether 4agpies Bottle beer or boo1e ?ot Worm G B tterfly Caterpillar % B tterfly % Canadian winter hat =he Bl es Brothers %'/ %merican 'ign /ang age 4enstr al Cramps 5an Pelt =he Colo r P rple !onald !eagan 'ac( of 4oney =he ;ssence 5irgins 'aint ?icholas 7o were from 5ictoria state

?o > estions > i1 "8

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 An the lang age of flowers what does oa( leaves mean What does a Coprophobe fear Collective no ns 9 a leash of what An /ebanon it is legal to have se3 with who F what #an Pei 9 =erveyde(si 9 Op :e ga1onheid 3 ways saying what 2&J of women reg larly do what Who tell of the mythical B nyips that eat people Who wrote One flew over the C c(oos ?est :apanese 'oya noodles are made from what What word in ;nglish has the most synonyms What ;nglish word comes from /atin for 'heath for a 'word %t the end of =5s 4%'H what character stayed in #orea %pril 28 126+ was the first time people paid to do what =here are 33 words on the bac( of a bottle of what beer Brigham 7o ng 0niversity offers what n s al 4a@or What prod ct was originally called Baby *ays Women do it twice as often as men 9 what What is the only flavo r :ell9o containing any real fr it ;instein never wore what if he co ld avoid it What is a t c(et Beethoven)s 6th was his interpretation of what wor( by 'chiller % standard what contains eight holes What city was chosen b t ref sed the 16.+ Winter Olympics Where in ; rope can yo find wild mon(eys .8J of %mericans have done what What is the name of the Flintstones cat 4 scatel literally means what in Atalian % average male will have 2888 what d ring his lifetime What is polenta ;gg F is the enemy of what s per hero Who was the first honorary 0' citi1en What lin(s Bill Clinton Fidel Castro %lb ;instein :immy Hendri3 %ccording to a s rvey what is the 0' top family food 0rea is only fo nd in h mans and what other animal What gro p were once called =he Warloc(s What colo r is a s nb rned t rnip On %verage a West *erman goes . days witho t doing what What prod ct p t its logo on <over cliffs 9 %ct Parliament get off %ppro3imately 3 million women in the 0'% have what Harold 'a(ata was badly b rned playing what character An the Flintstones in what co nty is Bedroc( %ri1tid Olt was what early name sed by a famed actor Who said KOnce yo are dead yo are made for lifeK What does 5od(a literally mean An #ingsville =e3as its illegal for whoFwhat to shag on airport land Collective no ns 9 a hedge of what What does a ;rotophobe fear Who is the Patron 'aint of *o t An the lang age of flowers what does yellow lily mean What is the !oman ? merals for "888

Bravery Crap 9 'hit 9 Faeces *reyho nds Female animals G males death *ood Health 9 Cheers 'have off p bic hair % stralian %boriginal #en #esey B c(wheat <r n( 5agina Corp 4a3well #linger 'ee a movie in ?7 !olling !oc( Ballroom <ancing > =ips Blin( Cranberry 'oc(s Baseball organ m sic Ode to :oy Horseshoe <enver *ibraltar 5isited <isneyland F world Baby9P ss With Flies on it 4ast rbated ;@ac lations Cornmeal and water Wonder Woman Winston Ch rchill /eft Handed 'paghetti G then Chic(en <almatian <ogs =he *ratef l <ead *reen Washing his nderwear > a(er Oats 4an =attoos Odd :ob in *oldfinger Cobblestone Co nty Bela / gosi :immy Hendri3 /ittle Water Pigs Herons 'e3 al /ove 'aint %ndrew Falsehood 4444

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

P t the worlds most common forename and s rname together #ing :ames the A5 practiced what ,and charged- on s b@ects %t the Festival of the Cleaver 'partans nailed what to the wall "3J of %mericans reg larly do what Chachi was a character in Happy days whats it mean in #orean Fran( 'inatra :ohn Wayne Pa l ?ewman re@ected what role Who was the first man to set foot on all five continents What idea began in /ondon in 1.+" Only h mans and what have hymens An Connectic t by law resta rants m st provide separate what <;/%* was the worlds first what Oct 1+ 1686 <o ahashya da is ?avaho for what Here comes the @ dge is from what =5 show What is a Hindi in = r(ey ;ach day 3888 %mericans do what for the first time %part from 'tar =re( #ir( 'cott 'poc( ' l ,actors- what prog ;li1abeth A had anthrophobia what was she afraid of What did Beethoven do before composing What gives onions their distinctive smell Where was the first police force established in 1++. Who is the largest toy distrib tor in the world =he average chocolate bar has eight what in it $orro the heroes name means what in 'panish An Chicago its illegal to fish wearing what 5egetarians do what more than carnivore F omnivores What co nty has a national dog ,only one co ntry has oneWhat is the leading ca se of death in China What prod ct is cons med most in California What flavo r is (irshwasser liC e r Farina is Atalian for what 4oons of the faithf l is the Chinese translation of what fr it What science ficton a thor wrote abo t =he Cities in Flight series What literary character was born on 'eptember 22 1268 Patsy 4clenny became famo s as who What fr its do ;lephants eat to get pissed , ferment inside 38J of women have done it b t only 18J do it reg larly 9 what Ats illegal to do what in the French vineyards What word come from the /atin phrase Kto be ashamed ofK =he =ravelmate was designed to allow women to do what What =5 program first sed the word hell =ermites eat wood twice as fast if what is happening What disting ished the 6th and 18th Cavalry Choroti women are e3pected to do what d ring se3 What lin(s horses rabbits and rats %n average %merican does it 2E2 times a wee( G what How did > een 5ictoria ease her menstr al cramp pain *eorge Washington carried a portable what What ma(e and model of car was Christine in the boo( and film What liC e r is prepared from c min and caraway seeds An #ansas its illegal to eat cherry pie with what

4ohammed Chen <entistry 'a sages for older men to gnaw %ttend ch rch Penis <irty Harry Callahan Captain Coo( Ho se ? mbers Horses ?ose blowing G not blowing tables %irline 9 by $eppelin A am 't pid !owan and 4artins /a gh An % = r(ey 'tart 'mo(ing =he =wilight $one !oses P t head in cold water ' lph r 9 ta(en in when growing Paris 4c<onalds Ansects legs =he Fo3 7o r Py@amas Fart ?etherlands !espiratory <isease Bottled Water Cherry Flo r %pricot :ames Blish Hobbit Bilbo Baggins 4organ Fairchild 4ar la 4 ltiple Orgasms /and a Flying 'a cer P denda Pee 'tanding 0p 'tar =re( lets get the hell o ta here Heavy 4etal 4 sic Playing %ll Blac( !egiments 'pit in their partners face Cannot 5omit 5isit a ' permar(et 0sed 4ari@ ana ' ndial Plymo th F ry # mmel Ace Cream

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=amarac( Adaho can)t b y what after dar( witho t sheriff permit .3J of what is prod ced and cons med in the 0'% 6.J of all paper money in the 0'% has traces of what on it Catch 22 had what original name 9 p blisher changed it Half the pop lation of China is what What animals name comes from the 'ans(rit to steal =elephone poles are mostly made from what wood =he 'panish word ;sposa means both wife and what What boo( was given to all officers in the Confederate army What Canadian city has the most bars per capita ?in(asi was the ancient ;gyptian goddess of what Who was the voice of 'cooby <oo An *lendale %ri1ona it is illegal for a car to do what Who said K'ometimes too m ch drin( is barely eno ghK :oan Peters became famo s as who Hawaiian Pia Polish Piwo H ngarian 'or 9 what is it %ll commercially bred t r(eys are what Wimpy was the wor(ing title of what classic movie =he longest section %merican slang dictionary what s b@ect Climbing boys were banned what did sweeps drop down chimneys What was the Bi(ini originally called An H ston =e3as they do it most "E+ times per wee( 9 what What maga1ine has the largest npaid circ lation in the 0' 4ore than 188 women ma(e a living from impersonating who An Omaha ?ebras(a its illegal for a barber to shave what %ncient Chinese tho ght what fr it a symbol long life immortality Fried Chic(en 'trawberry 'hortca(e trad Imas eve meal where Calgary 0niversity offers a two day co rse in what Cleopatra sometimes wore a fa(e what in 1628 the 7ellow Pages listed a F neral Home nder what 4ost :ell9o contains cr shed what What colo r are the %ma1on river dolphins What pop gro p said KWere only in it for the vol meK Phonetically spelled o t what does ;sso mean in :apan Af yo had aprose3ia what wo ld be impaired or red ced 68J of ?ew 7or( cabbies are what An 4assach setts it is illegal to deliver what on ' ndays ?ame the first mailman in Philadelphia 0' school b ses are Chrome 7ellow b t they sed to be what Harold ;dgerton has ta(en all the worlds photos of what 1&J of %merican males are what 9 so are b lls 'eattle !ome ;dinb rgh 'heffield what lin(s them =here are over 288 brands of what for sale in the 0'% An what co ntry do they answer the phone by saying A)m listening Who capt red the first confederate flag in the 0' civil war Bo rbon 4iss resta rant by law what m st be served with water 4ary /eta <orothy 'laton became famo s as who Who said K4ore people wo ld be alive if we had a death penaltyK =he Chinese apple is another name for what fr it 4assach setts in %pril the law states that dogs will have what

Onions Anternet Pornography Cocaine Catch 12 'hort 'ighted 4o se 9 4 sha Chestn t Handc ffs /es 4iserables Halifa3 ?ova 'cotia Beer 4ic(ey <olen1 !everse 9 Bac( p 4ar( =wain Carol /ombard Beer %rtificially Anseminated G males oversi1ed Psycho 5omit /ive Chic(ens =he %tom ;at O t <isney Channel 4aga1ine 4arilyn 4onroe % mans chest Peach :apan Agloo B ilding Beard G for Official < ties Fro1en Food Hooves Pin( Blac( 'abbath 'talled Car %bility to st dy ?ew immigrants <iapers 9 ?appies Ben@amin Fran(lin Omaha Orange 0' n clear bomb e3plosions Colo r Blind B ilt on seven hills Bottled Water ! ssia *eorge %rmstrong C ster One 'mall onion per glass <orothy /amo r ?ancy !eagan Pomegranate !ear /egs =ied

?o > estions > i1 "2

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 What is <affy < c(s middle name An downtown /ima Per there is a brass stat e of who "3J of women want to try sadomasochism after smelling what 2+J of 4c<onalds Ontario employees admit doing what What is the name of the elephant headed god in Andia =he foghorn of the >;2 plays in what note 4c<onalds and B rger #ing p t what on their fries Where is a horses poll Who re@ected the role of !iddler in Batman Forever =he 5ictorians began circ mcision of male babies to stop what What concE prod ct carried in tan(ers has a ha1ardo s sign An *eorgia its illegal for a barber to do what 2&J of se3 ally active people have tried what Who said K/osing my virginity was a career moveK Hemeroticism is what <epeche 4ode the 28s gro ps name translates as what 4arathon r nners have on average 1" a wee( 9 what "1J of %merican women believe what nationality best h sbands On %verage ?orth %merican women do what 23 times a year "+J of women say this is better than se3 9 what Where is the fo rth most pop lar place on a ship to have se3 %nd what is the first 18J of men claim to do this reg larly G what =he word negligee is French and s ggests wearer does what An =ennessee it is illegal to sell what on a ' nday 5olney was in h ndreds of films where can yo see him %lces %lces is the /atin name for what animal Where do C c(oo cloc(s come from What sed to be meas red in *illettes O)'hey :ac(son became better (nown as who % tal s is what geographical feat re What is a *odeminche An 5irginia its against the law for people to bribe e3cept who An ancient *reece aristocratic women were deflowered with what :!! =ol(ein wrote =he /ord of the !ings what the :!! stand for % Hop /ow is the world smallest 9 what What has 121 holes What was the first video played on 4=5 ; rope =h rl !avenscroft is the voice of who What was *hengis #hans first @ob An film ma(ing what is a martini shot What flavo rs root beer 38 million people in the 0'% have diasima 9 what is it An Cha cer)s ;ngland a m ssel was slang for what An ?ew :ersey what can)t be sold on a ' nday What is the name for a male ferret Woodpec(er 'calps 9 Porpoise =eeth 9 *iraffe =ails what lin(s What was the city symbol of Pompeii % Winged Penis An Old ;nglish what is a frieosan Who was s pposed to play Betelge se in the movie

< mas Winnie the Pooh 5anilla e3tract P tting bodily fl ids in food *anish % Flat ' gar to brown colo r Between its ears !obin Williams 4ast rbation Coca Cola %dvertise Prices %nal 'e3 4adonna 'e3 al fantasy Fast Fashion %lcoholic drin(s Canadian Have 'e3 % good nights sleep =he lifeboat =he Whirlpool 'have their p bic hair %voids refrains from ho sewor( Bologna 4*4 films he was the lion 4oose Blac( Forest *ermany /aser 'trength G no blades drilled Ace C be Bo lders fallen from mo ntain Penis dildo with balls Political Candidates 'tone Penis :ohn !obert !e el 4 shroom Chinese Chec(erboard 4oney for ?othing G <ire 'traits =ony the =iger *oatherd /ast of day before p b 'arsaparilla *ap in front teeth 5 lva Cabbage :ac( %ll been sed as money % 'nee1e 'ammy <avis : nior

?o > estions > i1 "2

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 Psychologist say when a woman wears red she wants what +.J of dog owners do what at holiday time in 166" 31" %mericans had what type of s rgery ;nglish ships carried limes protect sc rvy what 0' ships carry How many tail feathers has a #iwi What gem was Cleopatra)s signet Cagney shoves grapefr it 4ae Clar(e face was going to be what An ?orth Carolina its against the law for who F what to fight Who said K'ometimes a cigar is @ st a cigarK =he word stymie originated in what sport What is silvic lt re !osalind : lia Portia 5iola Cymbeline what lin(s not obvio s What medal shows 3 na(ed men hands on each others sho lders : Worthington Fo lfeather was the name of what <isney character What was the only film abo t 5ietnam made d ring the war What did archers at the ancient Olympics se as targets What national flag has the largest animal emblem 9 a lion Af not a bird magician or a spitfire engine What is a 4erlin What is the Badger state An 4ichigan married co ples can be imprisoned nless they what %rt ro =oscanini played what instr ment before cond cting %fter the Bible what boo( did %mericans rate as their favo rite What are the names of the two cats in <isney)s /ady M =ramp What is the oldest registered trade mar( still sed in 0'% Whose legs were banned from metro posters too distracting Where wo ld a soldier wear a Haveloc( Where are the glassho se mo ntains What was ?apoleon Bonaparte)s official emblem =he 0'% call her the 4aid of Hono r what do the British call her What airport has the code 44; An 4isso ri a man m st have a permit to do what Clomipramine an anti depressant had what n s al side effect What is the name of 4adonna)s Chi ha ha Alich !amire1 'anche1 became notorio s as who =o a golfer what)s a frosty What is Iylography What is Fon1ies f ll name on Happy <ays :acC e Co stea )s ship Calypso sed to be what before he got it What boo(s original title was 4 rder in the Calais Coach What in reality was <r 4cCoy)s medical scanner in 'tar =re( An Phoeni3 %ri1ona yo cant wal( thro gh a hotel wearing what What is tripsophillia ?ame first monochrome film converted electronically to colo r What does the name 4esopotamia mean What was the name of the baby in =hree 4en and a Baby What is a Winter Banana An what movie did !ichard <ref s ma(e his one line deb t What is the meaning of the 'io 3 word =on(a 9 sed for toys What are or were Wi3 Fibs and Fa3 By law An Washington 'tate a concealed weapon m st be what

%nother Woman B y a present for dog B ttoc( /ift Cranberries ?one =he %methyst %n Omelette Cats and <ogs 'igm nd Fre d *olf ball bloc(ing yo Forestry Heroines dress as men ?obel Peace Pri1e =he Fo3 in Pinocchio =he *reen Berets =ethered <oves 'ri /an(a %rtificial vagina Wisconsin /ive =ogether =he Cello 'ears !oeb c( Catalog e 'i and %m !ed <evil 0ndewoods devilled ham 4arlene <ietrich Head in <esert > eensland % stralia B mblebee =he Chief Bridesmaid 4arseilles 'have Orgasm when yawn ChiC ita Carlos the :ac(al 'core of 2 on a hole Wood ;ngraving %rth r Herbert Fon1erelli 4inesweeper 4 rder on the Orient ;3press % 'alt 'ha(er 'p rs %ro sal from massage 7an(ee <oodle <andy Between two !ivers 4ary % variety of %pple =he *rad ate *reat Brands of =ampons 0nder + foot long G bigger is illegal

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An /o isiana by law who can)t be charged more than 2&c hairc t What is Corv s another name for What lin(s fire escapes windshield wipers b llet proof vests *rowing 0p '(ipper 4attel doll 16.8 what happened arm t rned 'pain Port gal and %lgeria are three top prod ces of what What b ilding in ?ew 7or( has "3+88 windows Where is the worlds largest b llfighting ring % #la1omaniac cant stop doing what % sheep d c( and rooster were worlds the first what What %merican state has the most o tho ses What to gh g y actor has a real first name of Walter What toy is man fact red to a tolerance of & tho of a millimetre What @ob is most li(ely to ma(e the practitioner an alcoholic %ll hospitals in 'ingapore se what brand name prod ct Colgate ,the toothpaste- translates to what in 'panish An the ne3t . days 288 %mericans will be in@ red by what British politician :ohn 4ontig e is credited with inventing what How did Bobby Beach 9 bro(e all bones over ?iagara in barrel die Who)s Christian names inc :ohannes Chrysostom s =heophil s An O(lahoma by law baseball teams cannot do what What is Ord ne Why were 4others called mama or mommy in many lang ages What is 'e(( s in :apan Half the worlds pop lation has seen at least one what With what song did 'tat s > o opened the Band %id concert %n accolade is something of praise what was original meaning Where wo ld yo find yo r shan( 'eptember 22 is ?ational what appreciation day =he is no (nown lang age witho t a word for this creat re 9 what =here are b tterflies that smell li(e what What does a tsiologist st dy Who was the first %merican to ma(e N188 million a year 66J of %merican ho seholds have at least one what An <enver Colorado it is illegal to mistreat who F what %ny s fficiently advanced technology indisting ishable from magic .8J people wo ld stamp barefoot bro(en glass that watch what &+J of %mericans believe there is what in heaven An %ncient 4esopotamia people worshiped what /achanophobia is the fear of what An #ansas by law yo cannot drive what down the street What is ipsism another name for An any one month 3+J of %mericans eat what for brea(fast What @ob has the longest lifespan in the 0'% average age .. ?yse in 'wedish = ss1ents in H ngarian #ychat in C1ec( what Faith Hope Charity Fortit de : stice Pr dence what)s missing 4orris Fran( bro ght B ddy from 'wiss in 1622 what was B ddy 'tephanie Powers was *irl from 0?C/; characters name An what city was %mericas first stoc( e3change b ilt We (now what a fe1 is b t what does fe1 mean in = r(ish What prod ct can be fo nd in fo r o t of five %merican homes

Bald 4en Fellatio ,Blow@obAnvented by women Breasts *rew Cor( World =rade Centre 4e3ico City 'ho ting Passengers in hot air balloon %las(a Br ce Willis /ego Barbers Pampers *o hang yo rself =heir :ewellery "th ;arl of 'andwich 'lipped Banana s(in Wolfgang s 4o1art Hit ball over fence o t of gro nd %ro sal by n de pics From mammary or tits 'e3 :ames Bond Film !oc(ing all over the World 'ho lder sword to ched (nighting 'ole of foot ;lephants B tterfly Chocolate =ea %l Capone =5 !ats %rth r C Clar( G !eport planet 3 !iverdance for 2" ho rs Baseball Pigeons 5egetables B ffalo 4ast rbation Cold left over pi11a ? ns 'nee1e =emperance First 'eeing eye dog in 0'% %pril <ancer Philadelphia Hat W<"8

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

"&J of %mericans se what each day 0'% favo rite comp ter passwords are love and se3 what 0# William 4o lton 4arston /ie <etector and what comic character On the 4 nsters what was /illie)s maiden name What did < H /a rence do with his horse %aron when it died What in :apan is a 4awashi What lin(s *eorge Patton :ayne 4ansfield 4argaret 4itchell % Badger gets its name from badge meaning what Collective no ns 9 a descent of what An Florida its against the law to p t what on the school b s What is /ygeristia ,a limiting thingWho appeared on the first cover of =5 g ide 3 %pril 16&3 Who said K=o many of o r imports are from abroadK =he !amb nctio s and Clever Ones what films name in =aiwan What ingredient ca ses the shine in e3pensive eye shadow What do yo call the cap on a fire hydrant Who is the !oman *oddess of sorcery ho nds and crossroads Only three %ngels are named in Bible *abriel 4ichael and who What is the name of <ata)s cat in 'tar =re( ?e3t *eneration What word starts and ends with nd An what sport wo ld yo find a Hosel What was banned by law 1+th cent ry 5enice =he ? llarbor desert is in Western % stralia what)s it mean Collective no ns 9 a m stering of what Caterpillar comes from the old French what)s it literally mean What lin(s Cary *rant 4ohammed %li Prince Charles An 1623 what new optional accessory was offered on cars What is Andiana :ones first name What first appeared on the 0'% domestic mar(et in 16+8 An ?orth Carolina it is illegal for what to race down the street What @ob has a p dentac rist =wo wee(s after hatching what is 3888 times its birth weight An 1616 in the 0'% yo co ld be @ailed for doing what in P blic =he 4erry *o !o nd is Bro(en <own 9 whose melody is that 4ar( Chapman was carrying what boo( when he (illed /enon Paramo nt Pict res logo has 22 what Why did %ncient ;gyptians shave their eyebrows Other than fr it what is the only nat ral food made witho t (illing Who is (nown as = h(imo in Finland =he first %pple 4ac hard dis( was how big Who was the first 4arvel Comics s perhero =he word rodent comes from the /atin rodere meaning what What was the first video played on 4=5 =he Chinese pictogram for tro ble also means what %n Antente is a players manager in what sport Collective no ns 9 % gang of what Peladophobia is the fear of what %fter water what is the most cons med beverage What is pompoir An West 5irginia its illegal to coo( what 9 beca se of smell

4o thwash Fred Wonderwoman /illy <rac la Had the s(in made a < ffel Bag ' mo wrestlers belt <ied in car crashes White mar( on face Woodpec(ers /ivestoc( %ro sal in dar(ness <esi %rna1 :r *eorge B sh Wayne)s World Fish 'cales % Bonnet =rivia / cifer 'pot 0ndergro nd *olf 9 Hole in cl b shaft fits into High heels G Prostit tes drowned ?o =rees ? ll %rbor 'tor(s Hairy Cat %ll amate r 4agicians % !adio Henry Canned Coca Cola !abbits 'hapes p ssy hair 4onarch B tterfly 'nee1ing /ooney = nes Catcher in the !ye 'tars 4o rning death cat Honey Cinderella & 4egabytes H man =orch =o *naw 5ideo (illed the !adio 'tar =wo women nder same roof :ai %lai ;l(s Bald People =ea 5aginal m scle control Cabbage 9 Can go to Prison for it

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An ?orse mythology Odin traded an eye for what Who wrote the poem At was the night before Christmas What is a pismire An %rth r C Clar(s Childhoods end the aliens loo( li(e what What animals name translate from %rabic as He who wal(s fast =he worlds what m se m is at 16 *reen belt ?orth 7or( Ontario %t her beheading 4arie %ntoinette wore what colo r shoes What co ntry has the worst roads averaging 18 deaths per mile 4agn s H ss ,a 'wede- coined which word An 5anco ver a city law says all cars m st carry what Who made his screen deb t in 4ad <og Col 16+1 as a cop ;rnest Brea 3 a chemist created which prod ct in 1621 What flowers name derives from the *ree( word for testicle who told the evil (ing 'chahriah stories 'pana(opia is a *ree( pie filled with what What is in a Ballini coc(tail :ohn Pierpoint wrote what seasonal ditty Where is the world)s oldest belltower %< 18+6 What is in the !ed <ata Boo( %pril is the cr ellest month 9 which poet wrote that line =yrian P rple is a strong dye made from what What co ntries women most li(ely to have se3 on a first date An 16th cent ry ;ngland what was a 'nic(erdoddle :oan 'andra 4olins(y became famo s as who Af yo were acomoclitic what wo ld t rn yo on Who wrote the boo( 9 Call of the Wild What was the name of Fran( $appas first band Who was nic(named K> een of the 'washb c(lersK What Atalian stew literally translates as Bone with a Hole Af yo had Cynophillia what type of se3 t rns yo on Who directed the movie Wall 'treet 162. An what 0' state is area &1 What is Bellee( What +th cent ry *ree( poet is the father of drama Who was the main plotter in the * npowder Plot 1+8& An !ed <warf what did the H stand for on !immers head Allinois 'tate law its illegal to spea( what lang age What 0' president spent between 11 and 1& ho rs asleep daily :anette 4ac<onald was nic(named the Aron what Where is the 'tar Fleet %cademy located What co ntries women are most li(ely to have se3 daily What is the main ingredient of tahini sed in the 4iddle ;ast What is the name of the scale meas ring depth of coma ,*C'Which 16th cent ry battle 0# F 0'% fo ght after peace signed What place is nic(named K=he City of /iliesK An 'an :ose California where is it illegal to sleep witho t permit What is a =amb ra An what literary wor( wo ld yo find the yahoos An Chinese mythology what is =aim t % Hodophile gets se3 ally aro sed by what

Wisdom Clement 4oore %n %nt <evils *iraffe G from Iirapha Contraceptive P rple Port gal %lcoholism %n %nchor G ;mergency bra(e *ene Hac(man Channel ?o & Orchid 'hehera1ade 'a tLed 'pinach Peaches and Br t Champagne :ingle Bells 't Benedict)s Ch rch !ome ;ndangered 'pecies = ' ;lliot it refers to income ta3 4 ssels and Whel(s % stralia 13J Coo(ie :oan !ivers 'haven P bes :ac( /ondon =he !amblers 4a reen O) Hara Osso B cco 'e3 with dogs Oliver 'tone Colorado =ype of Pottery =hespis !obert Catesby Hologram ;nglish G only %merican is legal Calvin Coolidge B tterfly 'an Francisco ! ssia 28J ."J satisfactory 'esame seed ,paste*lasgow Coma 'cale Battle of ?ew Orleans Florence ?eighbo r)s O tho se %n Andian long nec(ed l te * lliver)s =ravels % <ragon =ravelling

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

*ree( mythology what ndergro nd river so ls drin( and forget :ane Peters became famo s as who 9 , Clar( *ables wife An the Canterb ry =ales why were the pilgrims travelling =he locals call it 4etoh(angmi what do we call it What translates as =he fist foot way =he f rc la is what part of a bird What is an O(lahoma F %ri1ona F Harlem credit card / ci s =arC ini s ' perb s was the last (ing of where What is meas red with a 'nodgrass grathodynamometer An /% by law yo can)t h nt what at night in streetlight An *ree( mythology who gave the KeyesK to the peacoc( % co ple dogging are having se3 with others watching where Harry %lan !obert 'tewart made red ndant Britain 16+8s :ob Orbis non ' fficit 9 World is not eno gh 9 whose family motto An =e@o a ' %merican game players throw stones at b ried what What come in varieties ?orway Oriental 'it(a White 'iberian Wilhelm Beer and :ohan von 4adler first good map where 1238 % m sical instr ment and the French word for paper clip what What lin(s 7 l Bryner B rt /ancaster WC Fields :oe ; Brown O tfitFcost me first seen 161" film #id % to !aces at 5enice ;vening 'tar no 62228 was the last what Who was fo nd dead in Hollywood)s /andmar( Hotel " Oct 16.8 : ne 1+11 what ;nglish navigator was cast adrift by m tineers !ams Horn Wandering Bladder Pric(ly Herald types of what Who sent 'tanley to %frica to loo( for /ivingstone Who was K=he father of maga1ine science fictionK 'an Francisco by law nleashed what can)t wal( down mar(et street % phalophilliac has a fetish abo t what Who first appeared in the film % =ale of two #itties in 16"2 Word for slight of hand comes from the French for nimble finger What lin(s 'teve 4c> een Aan Botham 'pi(e 4illigan % Primagravida is what Baron de Co bertin won *old at the Olympics 1612 for what An ?orse mythology what was % d lma 9 wet n rse of giants An na tical terms what five letter word means d ty at the helm 'an Francisco by law yo can)t clean yo r car with what An the <ictionary of 5 lgar =ong e 1211 what is a wasp What was the first film m sical based on a 'ha(espeare play $erelda was the first name of what o tlaws wife and mother !obert !ecord in the mid 1+th cent ry invented what sign ?athan Bedford Forest a confederate general was the first what ?ame the first British actress to appear on a British stamp 162& Patricia Holm is the girlfriend of what famo s fictional character Comic strip character 1628s name means mee( person in 0'% 'ylvester 'tallone film shares name with Paris art movement What fictitio s m rderer first appeared in 'tring of Pearls 12"8s An what film were %ldeberan %ntares %tair !igel seen What place was nic(named K=he Pearl of the OrientK % !etifist has a fetish abo t what An P eblo Colorado its illegal for what to grow in city limits

/ethe Carol /ombard =o visit =homas a) Bec(etts =omb %bominable 'nowman or 7eti =ae(wondo Wishbone Petrol 'iphon hose !ome 'trength 'har( Bites 4oths %rg s An their car Official Hangman :ames Bond * npowder 9 try to e3plode it 'pr ce =rees =he 4oon =rombone Circ s Performers Chaplin)s =ramp o tfit 'team /oco b ilt by British !ailways :anis :oplin Henry H dson Freshwater 'nails ?ew 7or( Herald H go *ernsbac( ;lephants /arge Penises =weety Pie Prestidigitation %ll called =erence First Pregnancy /iterat re Cow =ric( 0sed 0nderware %n infected prostit te sting in tail =he boys from 'yrac se C of ;rror :esse :ames ;C als Q *rand Wi1ard ### 5ivien /eigh 'imon =emplar =he 'aint Casper 4ilC etoast Cobra 'weeny =odd Ben H r 9 horses on his chariot 4anilla 9 Philippines 'hoes % <andelion

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An /ebanon 5irginia its illegal to do what to yo r wife All strator Florence # 0pton created what ,now not PC?ame the first %lsatian dog film star 1621 An what play do we follow %aron a 4oor beloved of =amora Boreas ; r s ?ot s $ephyr s were what What space craft mapping 5en s named 1&F1+ cent ry e3plorer Where wo ld yo find % Wall =he white line and Bars ?ame the aboriginal detective in the novels of %rth r W 0pfield Who was the first British 'F a thor to win a H go award Af yo s ffered Harpa3ophillia what t rns yo on What foods name comes from the =amil words for Pepper Water Operation <rac la in WWAA freed what city What are yo doing if yo performed %pple@ac( Chaos !ev p What islands name is % stralian slang for a football shirt An H ston its illegal to sell what on ' nday An what %gatha Christi boo( does Poriot <ie What :apanese dish consists of =of Beef and vegetables 4arengo was ?apoleons horse b t he rode who at Waterloo What boo( of the old testament has the least chapters ,1:ohan 'chober the first president of what organisation in 1623 What is singer ;laine Paige)s nic(name What was the name of 'ancho Pan1a)s don(ey Who spent 12 months in 16"8s as no 3122 home wayward boys Who was the last ;nglish #ing to die on the battlefield What co ntries name translates as lion mo ntains Where co ld yo hear the C c(oo 'ong What !oman soldier defeated and destroyed 'partac s Between 161+ and 23 Clarence 'a nders opened 2288 what Harold /ee( became famo s as who Af yo s ffered Hierophillia what t rns yo on An 16&" *eorge Cowling was the first British =5 what An <yersberg =ennessee its illegal for a woman to what to a man What does a croC e 4adame have that a croC e monsie r donBt What =5 series had a signat re t ne called /iberty Bell ?ame of the !oman hippodrome sed for chariot races What)s the triang lar Andian pasty containing spiced meat Candlema(er soapma(er merged in Cincinnati 123. ma(ing what Whis(y and <ramb ie mi3 to form what sic(ly coc(tail what are Wa Cha We@ 5agh H t 'och and chorgh =he British call it 'hrove = esday ,panca(e day- what in France An ?icholas ?ic(leby name the headmaster of <otheboys Hall Ali m is the /atin name for what ancient city Af yo had hemicrania what wo ld yo be s ffering from What was a Pi(elha be sed in WW A How is the c c rbita pepo better (nown =he roadr nner belongs to what family of birds Cyesolagnia is a fetish abo t what What)s was the nic(name of ?ew 7or()s 22th street in 1628s What started in 163& when a doctor and a stoc(bro(er met An ?ewport !hode Asland its illegal to do what after dar(

#ic( her o t of bed *olliwog 'trongheart 9 !in =in =in 1622 =it s %ndronic s Classic Winds ?;'W 4agellan Horses foot ?apoleon Bonaparte ;ric Fran( ! ssell %llamagoosa Being !obbed 4 lligatawny !angoon B rma /ine <ancing * ernsey /imb rger Cheese C rtain ' (iya(i <isiree white %rabian Obadiah Anterpol /eather / ngs <apple 'teve 4c> een !ichard AAA 'ierra /eone /a rel Hardy film theme song Crass s 9 not Pompey Piggly Wiggly G self service stores Howard #eel 'acred Ob@ects Weatherman Call for a date ;gg on top G Cheese Ham =oast 4onty Pythons Flying Circ s Circ s 4a3im s 'amosa Procter and *amble ! sty ?ail ? mbers 9 An #lingon 4ardi *ras Wac(ford 'C eers =roy 4igraine 'pi(ed *erman Helmet 4arrow C c(oo Pregnant women =in Pan %lley %lcoholics %nonymo s 'mo(e a pipe

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Who started his film career as %nglo 'a3ton type 2882 in 1638s What mythological animal was the insignia of 0# %irborne WW AA What)s the word for the l mino s mist that s rro nds a saint Who created the character Walter 4itty What Wimbledon single champ had a part in a :ohn Wayne film Where wo ld yo find a 4ihrab Who wo ld write a decratal or rescript 4other Carey)s Chic(ens sailors slang for what bird,sWhat wondro s creation was b ilt by 'ostrat s of Cnidos Af yo have Aantron dia what t rns yo on What WW AA British medal carries the words For *allantry An what film did 'ean Connery sing Pretty Arish *irl An 'alem Oregon its illegal for women to do what What symbols name derives from *ree( for star Chocolate crisp introd ced in 163& was renamed what 163. An the novel *oldfinger name the boss of =he Cement 4i3ers What drin( was named after &th child Henry 2 Catherine of %ragon What 'ha(espeare play is set in 4assina and has Cla dio in it Who co ld win a P%='7 Fei@oada is the national dish of what co ntry ?i(ioli Polia(off became famo s nder what name ?ame the term for the length of a haw(s legs from thigh to foot What in %rth rian legend was the 'iege Perilo s Who starred in 16&8s Circ s Boy then moved on to pop m sic Af yo have <orophillia what t rns yo on Where wo ld yo find a =aoiseach An 'trongville Ohio what boo( is banned by law What was the eighth month in the ancient !oman Calendar What ;gyptian word means life force was on title Wheatly novel What fictional character was K=he ?apoleon of CrimeK What > een of Ogygia detained Odysse s for seven years Blit1 Boondoc( Bristol 'cr nge 'C op terms in what game An what sport are ten pieces of wood separated by a chain Who)s aliases :ohn Willard ;ric *a lt *eorge !amom 'neyd 'tanley *ibbons started as a chemist b t changed to what What is the 0' slang term for formal male evening dress What co ntries monetary nit is also the bird on its flag What word the highest string on an instr ment and a m shroom An %shville ?orth Carolina its illegal to do what on the streets Who wrote the s rreal novel =arant la Who wrote the novel Anvisible 4an in 16&2 Af a woman maritates what is she doing What does a :ingling :ohnny do in % stralia What can be 5 lgar Common 'imple Amproper or proper /ili Hayden played a character ,not seen- in a spin off from what <avid Harold 4ayer became famo s as who *regory Pec( played /t :oe Clements in what 16&8s film =he Chronic %rgona ts was the original title of what 'F boo( What word can mean a !C prayer Blood Clot e3tra calendar day An !aton ?ew 4e3ico its illegal for a woman to ride wearing what

<avid ?iven Pegas s G carrying Beleraphon ?imb s :ames =h rber %nthea *ibson / (ey Horse 'oldiers 4osC e ?iche show 4ecca direction =he Pope 'torm Petrels Pharos of %le3andria Flashing a physician *eorge Cross <arby O *ill and the /ittle People Wrestle %steris( #it #at P ssy *alore Bloody 4ary 4 ch ado abo t ?othing Pict re %nimal =op 'tar of 7ear Bra1il Coco the clown An Falconry its an %rm ;mpty Chair for grail finder 4ic(ey <olen1 %nimal '(ins or f rs ;ire 9 Head of 'tate Catch 22 October #a Professor 4oriaty Calypso =iddlywin(s Cric(et :ames ;arl !ay G (illed 4 / #ing 'tamp <ealers 4on(ey ' it * atemalan > et1al Chanterelle 'nee1e Bob <ylan !alph Waldo ;merson Female 4ast rbating 4an ally shear sheep Fractions Colombo ,4rs<avid :anssen Por( Chop Hill =he =ime 4achine ;mbolism % #imono

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An 't Croi3 Wisconsin its illegal for women to wear what p blicly Harmatophobia is the fear of what An *reece who were the Hetaerae French revol tion what did the prisoners travel to the g illotine in An 1228 'miths Patent *erm Bread changed its name to what Who won Oscars for :aws ;= 'tar Wars 'chindlers /ist What is a *ambrel 9 One of two answers 'ha(espeare play set in ;phes s has two pairs identical twins 'hingle was the codename for what WW AA %llied landing What sport introd ced the term so thpaw 'indonology is a debate concerning the origins of what Who appeared as the infant 4oses 16&+ film 18 commandments B tterfly Chisel /ead Pipe 4allet Occ lt Willow all types of what ?ame the dance that means new voice in Port g ese An West 5irginia ?icholas Co nty its illegal to do what in p lpit Af yo had Psygophillia what wo ld aro se yo ;lmo /incoln was the screens first what 1612 Who wo ld se or what are =itt ms * s Wic(ie Pinto Colvig William Pennell :ac(son Bec( 9 /in( Af yo were drin(ing !ed 'tripe lager what co ntry are yo in What mas(ed hero first appeared 1616 =he C rse of Capistrano Who had a hit no & in 0' 16.1 with Bridge over =ro bled Water 4argaret Hoo(ham changed her name famed as who !e ben :ames was the first what 31 Oct 16"1 What minty confection is a boys name 9 in reverse An =he Atalian :ob ?oel Coward played what character in prison Where is :ohn Frost bridge shown on % Bridge too Far B tterfly Falcon F n *len /ar( Peng in Af =opper types of what What)s the % stralian slang name female man trainee sheep farm An 'o th <a(ota its illegal to show movies that pict re what What area of /ondon did :ac( the !ipper freC ent 4ichael Henchard better (nown as what eponymo s literary hero What word can go before Wor( 7ard /aying Bat to ma(e others What was the name of !oy !ogers dog ,now st ffedWhat a thors , n sed- final two names are Bower 7in %lbanian money and a gro se)s mating display same word what An what 1662 did film <avid Bowie play Ponti s Pilot What is the A( rrina *erman mapma(er 4artin Waldseem ller named what What word for a cigar type is also Atalian for a small loaf What is the name of the % stralian Film Anstit te %ward What co ntries presidents 7 sof Bin Asha( and Wee #im Wee What city in the 0'% means First People in Andian =he first cartoon character on the Beano was ;ggo what was he An ?ewar( its illegal to sell what after +pm nless <rs note shown #lysmophillia is aro sal from what What independent states name has 18 letters only one vowel Florence ?ightingale *raham better (nown as who Crown 9 !ing 9 'han( 9 'toc( 9 Fl (e parts of what %ndrew :ohn Woodho se in fiction was who 9 Ara /evin novel

%nything !ed 'e3 al Ancompetence High class Prostit tes = mbrels Hovis :ohn Williams ,m sic'loping !oof or B tchers Hoo( Comedy of ;rrors %n1io Baseball = rin 'hro d Fra1er Heston G Charlton)s son Bone Fract re Bossa ?ova =ell :o(es Contact with b ttoc(s =ar1an Bellringers changes Bl to in Popeye :amaica $orro %retha Fran(lin <ame 4argot Fonteyn 0' warship s n( by s bmarine in WW2 =rebor mints 9 !obert 4r Bridger %rnham 9 it was renamed after him 7acht <ingy Classes :illaroo Police getting beaten Whitechaple =he 4ayor of Castorbridge = Hardy Bric( B llet /eslie Charteris /ec /ast =emptation of Christ BasC e Flag %merica G after %merigo 5esp cci Panatela /ongford G ,!aymond'ingapore Bilo3i Ostrich Ace Cream ;nemas #yrgystan ;li1abeth %rden %nchor !osemary)s Baby

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6

'teve 4c> een played Hilt1 *reat ;scape what)s first name Whose members get KPromoted to *loryK on their death What is the common name of ; calypt s microtheca William 'ydney Porter is better (nown as who ,literat reAn =renton ?: its specifically illegal to throw what in street / (e Halpin 'andy =ommy ?orden B d what 16+8s =5 show Who wrote =he Caine 4 tiny Where can yo drive yo r car on the ?ippon Clip On /ampy is the worlds oldest 12"8s ins red 1 million oldest what %lbert Harry :ac( and 'am el ;ichelba m (nown as who What is a 4er(in 9 =here are two possible correct answers What a thors only detective wor( was =he !ed Ho se 4ystery Agnoring 0'% whose motto is ; Pl rib s 0n m What % stralian slang for a simpleton is also a coc(atoo What 16th cent ry e3plorer translated the #ama ' tra !eal names ' san %le3andria 'tage name from *reat *atsby What was the =itanic)s last port of call An ; re(a ?evada its illegal for mo stached men to do what :anine <ec(ers s icided 162& had top 18 hit 16+2 as who

.8 'eawise 0niversity b rned 6 :an 16.2 sed to be called what .1 What are Berner Florin Parisian frill types of .2 % /ady Paramo nt @ dges at what sport .3 What 'ha(espeare play is K=he *reen ;yed 4onsterK mentioned ." Fatty %rb c(le was the first filmed recipient of what in 1613 .& An 'candinavian mythology what bridge lin(ed heaven and ;arth .+ What was ' pergirl)s secret identity <anvers .. An the 0# =he ;lder Brethren of =rinity Ho se manage what .2 Who danced with *ene #elly in %nchors %weigh in 16"& .6 What do 7oni worshipers worship 28 An the streets of ;l(o ?evada wal(ers are meant to wear what 21 Bob Fit1simmons world bo3ing champion had what middle name 22 Who was the only nidentified person awarded the 5ictoria Cross 23 An what sport wo ld yo perform an %dolf 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 =he French call it K/a =rain 'ifflera =rois FoisK what film is it =own % stralia is named after the wife 'ir C H =odd postmaster An Ataly what is a K$ ppa AngleseK What is the tail fin of a fish called Francis Octavia 'mith rode B tterc p in 16&8s =5 who was she An *ermany who were (nown as K<ic( nd <oofK An Omaha Parents can be arrested if child does what in ch rch What desert wine is a normal ingredient of 1abaglione An his profession who)s entitled to wear the Ktra@e de l cesK %frican French B r Fig 4arsh Pot types of what plant What was (nown as the O3 Bo3 :ames / Herlihy wrote what novel 9 Oscar winning film %n area of /ondon got its name from a h nting call what /eslie 'ebastian Charles is better (nown as who What ship meaning new land carried 'cott to the %ntarctic 1618 Af yo had ?aphephillia what t rns yo on An 4innesota woman can get 38 days for impersonating who

5irgil 'alvation %rmy Coolabah tree ,walt1ing mathildaO)Henry Bad Pic(le Flipper Herman Wo ( % c(land Harbo r Bridge *arden *nome Warner Brothers %rtificial 5agina G P bic Wig % % 4ilne Benfica Football Cl b *alah 'ir !ichard B rton 'igo rney Weaver > eenstown Cobh ,1622- Cor( #iss Women =he 'inging ? n 'ister / c *abrielle > een ;li1abeth Canaries %rchery Othello C stard Pie Bifrost /inda /ee %ll /ightho ses :erry 4o se Female *enitals 4as(s Promethe s 0' n(nown soldier =rampolining forward 3E& twists High ?oon %lice 'prings <esert Ca dal Fin <ale ;vans 4rs !oy !ogers /a rel and Hardy B rps 4arsala B llfighter 4arigold Iero3 Photocopier 4idnight Cowboy 'oho Billy Ocean =erra ?ova Being =o ched 'anta Cla s

?o > estions > i1 ".

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 What actor dropped o t niversity to be a dishwasher What lin(s a 'ylvester 'tallone character and Panama An ?evada it is illegal to drive what on the highway %cmegenesis is a fancy name for what Who was the leader of the wolves in #ipling)s : ngle Boo( :ill Oppenheimer changed her name to become famo s as who 4anya '(lodows(a became famo s nder what name What vegetable gets its name from old French F /atin for mil( CrUme de 4enthe CrUme de Cacao an light cream what drin( Cry Freedom was !ichard %ttenboro gh)s film abo t who An WW2 what was the *erman codename for invasion of ! ssia An =he %frican > een what was the name of the steam la nch FA<; govern what game *irls name can mean big fr it bas(et or a meeting whaling captains Who did Fess Par(er play in on =5 16+" An 4ississippi it is still legal to (ill who Who was dropped by 28th cent Fo3 for being too gly %crotomphillia is having se3 with who or what ;verest climb 16&3 p t flags 0# 0? ?epal and where on top Who won the form la 1 championship after death at 4on1a Where wo ld yo find a =erret He was ! C !obinson in 16"2 what name famo s as now What was invented by Henry < Per(y 1263 <enver Colorado 4argin * aging %ngle Corner Flooring types of what tool Who was the last British (ing born o tside the 0# What 0' ports name means in Choctaw long haired people Caractac s Potts drove what car What comes in types !oc( Ball *reentree Andian !etic lated An 7 goslavia if yo as(ed for Pl@es(avice what do yo get An 4inneapolis what is the ma3im m penalty for do ble par(ing % C rofact is a se3 al fetish abo t what !oman orator 4arc s =illi s nic(named what for wart on nose Who failed an a dition for Fame beca se was not pretty eno gh What character in the : ngle Boo(s name means frog What is a 0mia( What)s the more common name for prepatellar b rsitis Who wrote Whip Hand Proof and Flying Finish Who served nder ?elson commanding the *latton 1281 What sport in Belgi m people compete in the Fleche Walloons What !oc( gro p are named for a split paper match splif holder 4 sical instr ment is named from the *ree( wooden so nd What Hollywood star was the inspiration for B gs B nny %matripsis is what se3 al practice Who developed the method school of acting An France Pate <e *rives a la Provencal is made from what 0nder 4ichigan 'tate law who are officially classed mechanics Brother Benedict translated name of what port and food prod ct Aceland *lima Aran # shti = r(ey 7agli ! ssia 'ambo what is it :oseph Hobson :agger bro(e it in 122+ bro(e what

Warren Beaty Balboa Panama cash !oc(y name % Camel Orgasm %(ala :ill 't :ohn G =iffany Case in Bond film 4adam C rie /ett ce *rasshopper 'teve Bi(o Barberossa =he %frican > een Chess 4olly <aniel Boone Ones 'ervant 4arilyn 4 nroe by <arryl $an c( %mp tees Andia :ochen !indt 9 16.8 <ogs Collar G ring lead fits on !ay Charles 'hredded Wheat =rowel *eorge AA 9 Hanover Pensacola in Florida Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Pythons Hamb rger =he Chain *ang /egs Cicero =om Cr ise 4o gli ;s(imos large open s(in boat Ho semaids #nee <ic( Francis William Bligh Cycling :efferson %irplane Iylophone Clar( *able Female mast rbation r bbing labia #onstanstin 'tanislavs(y =hr shes <entists Fray Bentos Wrestling Ban( at 4onte Carlo


What gro ps demo re@ected by ;4A in 16+& cos not own songs

=he Who

?o > estions > i1 ".

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 What sporting trophy is named after the 0' sec of war 1628s


<avis C p G <wight Filley <avis =he density of what is meas red on the !ngelmann scale 'mo(e What ;nglish word meaning disaster comes from Atalian for flas( Fiasco What was % g ste Bartholdis most famo s wor( 122+ 'tat e of /iberty An literat re who ta ght at the 4arcia Blain school for *irls 4iss :ean Brodie What was the f ll name of the b tler in soap 9 later spin off Benson < bois What girls name is also a pass made by a b llfighters cape 5eronica %moma3ia is having se3 where Par(ed Car An Fort 4adison Aowa Firemen m st do what before attending fire Practice for 1& min tes Who wo ld be scored on the %pgar scale ?ewborn Babies :oel Chandler Harris born <ecember 12"2 better (nown as who 0ncle !em s What was the name of the regimental t ne of the .th cavalry *arryowen 4intonette was the original name of what sport in 1261 5olleyball An traditional pantomime who is the sweetheart of HarleC in Col mbine 'hellac dissolved in alcohol ma(es what type of varnish French Polish What actressFsinger once wor(ed in a do ghn t shop 4adonna %rth r Flegenheimer died Oct 163& was better (nown as who < tch 'ch lt1 What is the maga1ine of the :ehovah)s Witnesses called =he Watchtower !ichard !o ndtree played what detective in three .8s films :ohn 'haft <efecolagnia is se3 al aro sal from what act Crapping Writer who created Hannah 4assay 4aggie !owan =illie =rotter Catherine Coo(son What %frican co ntries capitol is named after a 0' president /iberia 9 4onrovia G :ames 4onroe An ?ew :ersey it is illegal to frown at who Police Officers Herbert Charles %ngelo # chacevich 1e 'chl derpacheri 9 who Herbert /om What is a =allith Fringed prayer shawl :ewish =he French call it /a 4ort a 3 =ro sses what Hitchcoc( film is it ?orth by ?orthwest What did alchemists see( to t rn base metals into gold Philosophers 'tone %ccording to the poem who d g the grave for coc( robin =he Owl /ily Ca choin became famo s as who Cla dette Colbert Who dropped o t of Harvard in 16.& Bill *ates %ccording to ;nglish Ch rch what)s legal only tween 2 am + pm *etting 4arried Canonical /aw Apsisism is what common se3 al practice 4ast rbation =he 'oldiers 'ong is the ?ational %nthem of what Co ntry !ep blic of Areland Who created =he 'carlet Pimpernel Baroness Orc1y Who was meant to play %nnie O(ley b t was replaced in 16&8 : die *arland %nnie get 7o r * n What WW2 resistance movements name is Atalian for thic(et 4aC is Programming lang age named after cent French mathematician Pascal 9 Blaise Pascal Ancitic s was a horse ,and 'enator- owned by whom Calig la Who wo ld wear a Hachima(i 9 or headband #ami(a1e pilots An ?orth <a(ota it is illegal to sleep with what on 7o r 'hoes ;dm nd <ante is what eponymo s hero =he Co nt of 4onte Christo =h mb /oc( 4ongolian !elease 4editerranean <raw what sport %rchery What was the name of Papa <oc < valiers secret police Haiti =onton 4aco te Old =estament two non h mans can spea( the serpent and who Balsam)s %ss ? mbers 22 =he 'ea Coo( was the original title of what famo s novel =reas re Asland Bearbrass fo nded by :ohn Batman the original name of where 4elbo rne What branch of mathematics is named for the /atin for pebble Calc l s =he Asland of 'heep was the last novel of what B chan Hero !ichard Hannay ;onism is what se3 al practice Cross <ressing


Who)s first film ,=HI1132- flopped in 16.1

*eorge / cas

?o > estions > i1 "2

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Who wrote the novel Ben H r 4ario first appeared in which video game *ynecomania is what comp lsion What food item literally translates as little don(ey Who directed the film =he %frican > een An 7 ma %ri1ona what is the p nishment for citr s fr it thieves What light operas name literally means Hono rable *ate =he Paramo rs changed their name to what gaining fame %ction Comics .28 after &2 years who ret rned engage ring Who born 0' ;d 0# ;3pelled West Point <ied Baltimore "8 What is a Paradiddle What ; ropean co ntries national anthem has no official words ?ame of 'ha(espeare)s simple constable in 4eas re for 4eas re What line on a map connects places of eC al rainfall Corson and 'to ghton are the inventors of what !odrigo <ia1 de 5ivar famo s nder what nic(name Cyprie nia is se3 with who or what 5ladimir ?abo(ov wrote /olita in what lang age An > itman *eorgia its illegal for a chic(en to do what %t what farm does % nt %da <oom go on abo t nasty woodshed What palindromic grass grows at the seashore What biblical towns name means Ho se of Bread in Hebrew Where wo ld yo find yo r pollers 23 26 31 first 3 impossible n mbers in what p b game For what sport is the Camanachd c p contested Who wrote the novel =he %frican > een An !oman times what were Falerian 'etine %lban 'orrentine Whose motto is K ?ation shall spea( peace nto ?ation K What was #FCs Colonel 'anders first name What o tlaws last words were s pposed to be K s ch is life K Ondinism is aro sal from what An $ion city Allinois its illegal to do what <anes Overst 'enap 'panish 4arC es de 4arina what in 0# What p ppet was based on the creators former wife 'ylvia =he word amnesia ,forgetf lness- derives from what lang age What is 4e3ico)s largest seaside resort What playwright wrote =he =hree 'isters and =he Cherry Orchard Who composed and played the score for the film *enevieve What Cent ry pirate ended p a governor of :amaica %vron Hirsch *oldbogen changed his name to what October 1636 what 0# battleship s n( torpedo loss 288 lives An the bible who slew a C arter of the worlds pop lation What indoor football game is named after the /atin Hobby Falcon An Britain what is =he %ndrew Parascopisim is what se3 al behavio r ' sannah 7olanda Fletcher became famo s as who Blanco *a cho ;3celsior ? tcrac(er Cassette types of what What :apanese word ironically means K 4ay yo live forever K An Aowa state laws prohibits charging admission to see what ?ame the triang lar cotton headscarf or ! ssian grandmother

/ew Wallace <on(ey #ong Female se3 partners B rrito :ohn H ston /ots of Castor Oil =he 4i(ado !ighteo s Brothers /ois /ane to ' perman ;dgar %len Poe <r m !oll 'pain ;lbow Asohyat C' *as ;l Cid % Prostit te ;nglish Cross the !oad Cold Comfort Farm 4arram Bethlehem Hands its yo r th mbs <arts 9 cant score 1 dart 'hinty C ' Forester Wine !egions BBC Harland ?ed #elly 0rine 4a(e gly faces at anyone Colonel 4 stard Cl edo /ady Penelope *ree( Canc n %nton Che(ov /arry %ddler 'ir Henry 4organ 4i(e =odd 4arried /i1 =aylor !oyal Oa( Cain (illing %bel ' bb teo =he !oyal ?avy 5oye rism thro gh bedroom windows ' sannah 7or( World Cheeses Ban1ai One armed piano players Bab sh(a

?o > estions > i1 "2

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 Who wrote the novel =he Piranhas What co ntry calls itself !ep bli(a 'hCiperise ?ame <ennis the 4enace dog Han( #etch m comics 16&8s What species of mammal can come in fairy or giant si1e Who was the last Andian chief to die in battle at Wo nded #nee What is the name of the = r(ish aniseed liC e r trans lions mil( What car man fact rers slogan is forward thro gh technology What does a 't pprator prefer se3 ally What are Blac( B lger /awyers Wig Penny B n types of What ;ast Andian herb of the family Pedaliaceae lin(ed %li Baba What girls name is a type of % stralian throwing stic( An /awrence #ansas its illegal to carry what in yo r hat 0# what si1ed by *rains Peas 'ingles <o bles =rebles Cobbles What sport has Cr mb *atherers Followers !overs and Wings ?ame the word an anti mine device towed from bows of a ship What is a 4a@or 4itchell What French actors catch phrase Come with me to the Casbah What boys name means !ich * ard What is the 0#s best selling chocolate snac( bar Who first appeared in =he 4ysterio s %ffair at 'tyles What is a 'ybian What)s the term for the geographical dividing line ?F' #orea What ?ew 7or( edifice is named after an Atalian navigator Whose epitaph says KAf yo see( his mon ment loo( aro nd yo K Who wrote a series of novels abo t the Ballentines of %frica 4ary Asobel Catherine O)Brian born 1636 better (nown as who An 4aryland it is illegal to ta(e what to the movies An 0'% early last cent ry what were Comet 'tar ' n 4oon Who was the only horse ever to beat the legendary 4an O War What 'o th %merican cities inhabitants are called portenos Ch rchill AtBs a !iddle wrapped in a 4ystery in an ;nigma what What event s pposedly occ rred in the Coenac l m or Cenacle 4iss ;llen Ch rch was the worlds first what in 1638 What !oman ;mperor was the first to convert to Christianity What sort of se3 al practice is /ectamia %rmy *reatcoat Horn of Plenty <iamond #imono types of what What were H". and /12 that collided ca sing deaths in 1628s What 0' film was based on =homas <i3ons =he Clansman An Woodstoc( ?7 it)s illegal to wal( what witho t a leash What capitol city means Bay of 'mo(e in the local lang age What area in ?7 is named after a barrier b ilt to (eep o t Andians Bahina de los Cochinos is better (nown as what Family lived small farm Waln t *rove Pl mb Cree( 4innesota /a rence '(i(ne changed his name to what and fo nd fame What)s the more common name of the Cr 3 *ammata 'ha(espeare character in =he =empest is the son of 'ycora3 %gnes *on3ha Bo@a3hi born '(op@e 1618 other name What was banned in Horneytown ?orth Carolina Af yo were s ffering from Preblysis what have yo got Who wrote =he Hitchhi(ers * ide to the *ala3y

Harold !obbins %lbania ! ff Banded %rmadillo Big Foot !a(i % di G 5orspr ng < rch =echni( 5irgins F ngi 'esame #ylie Bees Coal % ssie ! les Football Paravane % stralian Coc(atoo Charles Boyer G in %lgiers ;dward or ;dm nd #it #at Herc le Poirot 5ibrating saddle dildo 32th Parallel 5erra1ano ?arrows Bridge 'ir Christopher Wren Wilber 'mith < sty 'pringfield % /ion 4otor Car 4an fact rers 0pset 12 % g st 1616 B enos %ires ! ssia =he /ast ' pper %ir 'tewardess Constantine 9 the great Caressing in bed no coit s ?ap(in Folds ' bmarines Birth of a ?ation % Bear !ey(@avi( Wall 'treet Bay of Pigs Angles 9 /ittle Ho se on Prairie /a rence Harvey 'wasti(a Caliban 4other =heresa 4assage Parlo rs Premat re ;@ac lation <o glas %dams

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An =he Caine 4 tiny Bogart played Cap > eeg who first choice *ynelophilo s people get aro sed from what An /os %ngeles its illegal to do what on the witness stand Asrael Beer :osaphat fo nded what famo s service in 12&1 What is the main ore of al mini m What sport is played 11 a side on ice with a ball 9 variable pitch Famo s 28th cent ry novel is set mainly on fictional Pianosa What 0' city is named after vice president of the mid 12"8s Capitol city 9 Cathedrale ?otra9<ame 9 stat e 4arron Anconn Who too( over as F hrer after Hitler)s death till his arrest 16"& !e3 'to t created what corp lent orchid loving private eye C)est manifiC e mais ce n)est pas la g erre 12&" abo t what What planet did * stav Holst omit from the planets s ite Born :an ary 21st to Febr ary 16th what star sign are yo 'tanley # bric(s F ll 4etal :ac(et was filmed in what /ocation An what fictional vessel are characters 'tarb c( 't bb Fedallah What weapon is named from m sical instr ment inv Bob B rns What does a hyperphiliac s ffer from 5ent ra co nty California whoFwhat cant have se3 witho t permit What in 0' are %mbassador Ben Fran(lin *eorge Washington What is an ;ntr)acte in France An what gameFsport terms Bobble Boom <rop *iraffe PiC e =wist /in( <anny Fisher Charlie !ogers 5ince ;verett Chad *ates %lice <ormo se 4ad Hatter who is missing from the =ea Party =he Harlem *lobetrotters had what signat re t ne What co ntries dialects has varieties called =wi and Fanti 'abastian 4elmoth died in Paris 1688 better (nown as who What was designed and b ilt in Aowa 1638s by *eorge ?issan /in( %cht ng %dagio Bravo B tterfly *ong Polo !ondo $ebra #i(i Haa(enson a policeman)s da ghter was the worlds first what Who wrote /ast =ango in Broo(lyn his third novel Arr mation is what se3 al practice %le3andria 4? if wife as(s man m st do what before se3 by law An what H* Wells novel does <r *riffin sometimes appear Who said abo t criticism K A cry all the way to the ban( K What (ind of animal is Beatri3 Potters 4rs =iggy Win(le What % stralian Prime 4inister drowned near 4elbo rne Odysse s capt red by Cyclops Polyphem s what false name Old Arish law what boys name give to fine m rderer paid compo What confection named for a French field marshal chef made it Who got best actor award for the character Charlie %lln t Who was the !oman god of field bo ndaries What is =he %di *ranth What was the first %merican state to enter the nion . <ec 1.2. #nismolagnia is se3 al aro sal from what 4isso ri has an n s al inalienable right 9 what What famo s religio s hymn by % g st s 4ontag e =oplady 'port control amate r level Federation Anternational de > ille rs What %frican co ntry and its c rrency have the same name F neral 4arch of a 4arionette theme t ne to what old =5 show

!ichard Widmar( P bic Hair Cry !e ters Ba 3ite Bandy Catch 22 <allas Port a Prince Haiti %dmiral #arl <onit1 ?ero Wolfe Charge /ight Brigade ;arth %C ari s /ondon)s <oc(land PeC od in 4oby <ic( Ba1oo(a *reat desire for se3 Cats <ogs ' spension Bridges Anterval in =heatre !eal =ennis types of service ;lvis Presley character names 4arch Hare 'weet *eorgia Brown *hana Oscar Wilde =rampoline =ypefaces or Fonts 4iss World #ir( <o glas Fellatio 9 Blow@ob Br sh =eeth =he Anvisible 4an /iberace Hedgehog Harold Holt 1. <ecember 16+. ?obody ;ric Praline Bogart 9 =he %frican > een 16&1 =ermin s 'acred 'cript res 'i(hs <elaware Pennsylvania second =ic(ling <r n(enness !oc( of %ges =en Pin Bowling $aire %lfred Hitchcoc( Presents

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

; nectes 4 rin s largest of its (ind in 'o th %merica 9 what Whose nic(names incl ded K =he Adol of the %merican Boy K Film based P# <ic( story We can remember it for yo wholesale Asobella 4ary 4ayson born 123+ remembered as who Who sang 4ove em o t head em p head em p move em on $ym rgy is a branch of chemistry concerning what process Famo s fictional character first appeared in 4eet the =iger 1622 What was the name of the old man in =he Old 4an and the 'ea An 4erryville 4isso ri woman cannot by law wear what What se3 al practice is maritate What fictional doctor employed a b tler named Poole :ean Francois *ravelet is better remembered as who What pop lar bird derives its name from %bo for *ood to ;at What screen cowboy rode =ony the Wonder Horse %ndy Fletcher <ave *ahan 4artin *ore %lan Wilder what gro p Who was the ;nglish man of religion fo nded 'ociety of Friends What was the second colo r film to win best pict re Oscar 16&1 What animal in =he : ngle boo( is also a type of nc t velvet Who was the 0' eC ivalent of %lf *arnet C rtis 'liwa fo nded what in 16.6 %n %ria from a Handel opera is Ombra mai f 9 what other name An ;l(o ?evada se3 witho t what is illegal 4aschalophilo s people get se3 ally aro sed by what What does a Pangram contain !agdoll #orat 'phin3 =iffany 9 types of what Who wo ld wear a $ cchetto France named it Chapea 4elon et Bottes de C ir what 0# With whom is / dwig !itter 5on #ochel best associated What was the first 0# =5 series filmed in colo r 16+"F& What island gro p is named after a type of crocodile An the man from 0?C/; who were their enemies What does a *eophage do :oyce Fran(enberg born 16&1 changed her name to what ?adsat was a made p lang age in what boo( and film What planet is nearest in si1e to ;arth An 'ch lter O(lahoma n de women cannot do what An se3 al terms what is a masti3 ?orman 4aine is a character in what remade twice film %lhambra is a strong lager brewed in what co ntry Pro(ofievs opera War and Peace has what first to its credit 16.3 What eponymo s <ic(ens character born with a ca l over head Where wo ld yo find a F merole or 'olfatara Halcyon is a poetic name sed for what bird Whose designer leis re wear carry the symbol of a crocodile Paddie)s Wigwam nic(name of the !C cathedral what 0# city =he French call it Pas de Calais what do the ;nglish call it Who wal(ed the 5ia <olorosa 9 literally <oloro s Way What is the common two word name for 7 ca Brevifolia An Willowdale Oregon a man cant do what while shagging wife What se3 al practice does a ma1ophallate en@oy

%nnoconda Babe ! th =otal !ecall 4rs Beeton Fran(ie /ane !awhide Brewing fermentation 'imon =emplar 'aint 'antiago Corsets 9 men have right to admire Female mast rbation <r :e(yll Blondin =ightrope wal(er B dgerigar =om 4i3 <epeche 4ode *eorge Fo3 %n %merican in Paris *one with the wind 1 Bagheera %rchie B n(er * ardian %ngels /argo Condoms %rmpits %ll letters in alphabet Cat Breeds Catholic Clergy G hat li(e Biretta =he %vengers 4o1art 9 catalog ed # n mbers 'tingray 9 a p ppet series Cayman =H!0'H ;ats earth :ane 'eymo r % Cloc(wor( Orange 5en s 9 &J smaller *amble Female 'adist % 'tar is Born 'pain First one done 'ydney Opera Ho se <avid Copperfield Hole side 5olcano #ingfisher !ene /acoste /iverpool 'traits of <over :es s from co rt to Cr cifi3ion :osh a =ree C rse swearing illegal =it Wan(

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Hyena > eens ' e =ownsend %le3ander *raham Bell 9 <ecibel What gro p of people meet at #ingdom Halls :ehovah)s Witnesses What international r gby team perform =he Ha((a before match %ll Blac(s #olpe ryntomania is what se3 al activity 'tretching the vagina P n( <r mmer Chris 4iller what name when he <amned in .8s !at 'cabies Wayne Bra1el shot and (illed what Western fig re in 28th cent Pat *arret ?orth %ndover 4assach setts its illegal to have what weapon 'pace * n 4ic(ey 4o se)s Pl to had what name when he first appeared !over Hebrew and what are the official lang ages in Asrael %rabic !ita # ti #is represented H ngary in what sport =ennis :ac(son Whipps 'howalter was a 0' champion at what Chess Who wrote =he H nchbac( of ?otre <ame 5ictor H go =saritsyn in ! ssia sed to be (nown as what 5olgagrad 'talingrad 5ioletta 5alery is better (now as who in the world of opera /a =raviata 9 by 5erdi 'arah :ane F l(s 9 %nne Francis Bobbins both married who !onald !eagan : Wyman ? <avis What % stralian town sed to be called 't art ntil 162& %lice 'prings /agnoperissia is a fancy name for what se3 al condition ?ymphomania An /ittle !oc( %r(ansas menFwomen can get 38 days @ail what P blic Flirting %lfred Bailey started what ann al p blication in mid 16th cent ry Whos Who What pop star served a football apprenticeship with Brentford !od 't art Aron stat e of 5 lcan loo(s down !ed 4o ntain what 0' city Birmingham %labama Whose a tobiography was entitled =he 'port of > eens <ic( Francis Who made his name with :immy :ames and the Bl e Flames :immy Hendri3 An =he %rabian ?ights what was %li Babas @ob Woodc tter Coco Channel a fashion star had what real first name *abrielle %n %ficionado originally followed what sport B llfighting 'ir Henry Cole got :ohn Callcot Horsley design H to save time Christmas card 12"3 Who was m rdered in Bohemia in 626 *ood #ing Wenceslas An /ong Beach California where is specifically illegal to c rse 4iniat re *olf Co rse =he Andestr ctible Aron man fights against the ;lectronic *ang Hong #ong translation of what film % 5iew to a #ill ?ame the ;ditor in Chief ?ew 7or( Herald sent 'tanley to %frica *ordon Bennett if yo 4an 3orate what are yo doing 4ale mast rbating with hand =he br tal treatment of Billy Hayes was the inspiration what film 4idnight ;3press An *ree( mythology %tlas was a member of what gro p =he =itans Frit1 5on Werra was the only *erman pilot WW2 to do what ;scape 9 =he one that got away What word 9 last arrow in archery contest or the final o tcome 0pshot ?ic(y Chinn 4i(e Chapman wrote ' 1i > atro ?o 1 0# song Can the Can 16.3 Oscar winner was re@ected as Honey !ider <r ?o too small tits : lie Christie G by C bby Broccoli What nationality was first person in space not 0' or ! ssian C1ech G 5ladimir !eme( 'oy 1 22 : # !owling wrote the Harry Potter series what do the :# mean :oanne #athleen An Connectic t it is specifically illegal to dispose of what 0sed !a1or Blades 4ary Cathleen Collins changed her name to what Bo <ere( Wesley 'nipes and who starred in the film 4oney =rain 166& Woody Harrelson An what ;lvis film does he play a hillbilly garage hand /oving 7o Where did :ohn /enon marry 7o(o Ono ,place name*ibraltar 9 Flew from Paris 9 bac( What 0' president was born in Corsica William Harding Corsica Ohio 4astigothymia is se3 al aro sal from what Flagellation whipping

What animal comes in types spotted striped and brown An 0# tennis where is the 'tella %rtois to rnament held What a thor wrote abo t %drian 4ole Who is the nit of so nd named after

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What pop gro p saw their first & singles enter 0# charts at ?o 1 An 16"6 the =ho ght Police first appeared in what novel Photographic inventor s icided 1632 said my wor( is done why wait Who was born at <aisy Hill P ppy Farm An Portacello Adaho concealed weapons are illegal nless what Operation 4ar(et *arden WW2 involved the invasion of where What 16+6 film last line Clint ;astwood KA fall off em everywhereK What game :ohnny %rcher Chang Feng9Pang been world champs Who was the first ;nglishman to die in an aircrash 4oriaphillia is se3 al aro sal from what =he Wadomo tribe in $imbabwe have what physical oddity /ong /egged Hannah and 4arty)s ;3press what pastime involved An WW2 what came between 'word and *old Ben@amin Briggs captained what mystery ship :ohn /owe Oct 162" got O182888 first to do what on =5 What was invented 16.8 0' <r B ddy /apid s mar(eted 16.& 4arilyn /o is born 1622 changed her name to what star of "8s An * ernee Allinois women over 288lb are banned from what % menial wor(ing class in Old :apan and *ree( letter what word Phil Collins played what character on the /ondon stage 16+8s On the Omen series <amien was the devil 9 what second name What was !: 4itchell)s contrib tion to WW2 An what sport are bacon hamb rgers chips pr nes sp ds terms What characters first appeared in ;ntertaining 7o ng * ssie Omolagnia is se3 al aro sal from what Fabled creat re Head 4an Body /ion =ail 'corpion Por( C ills Anspecting *alvaynes *roove tells yo what French *erman Atalian 3 official lang ages 'wit1erland what "th *raham 4cPherson changed his name to what 1618 act illegal to transport woman state line immoral p rposes Paris born Philippe Pages changed his name to what An Brainard 4innesota every man m st do what by law !ichard %ttenbo ro gh what character in =he *reat ;scape What was s perhero *reen /antern v lnerable to What was =he /iberty Bell man fact red 1688s Charles Fey Who played <r 4cCoy in the original 'tar =re( series *erman film of the 1628s starred 4a3 'chrec( as a vampire % !enifle r gets aro sed from doing what What song gave a 6 year old 0' a 0# ?o 1 lots wee(s 16.2F.3 Who was the first %merican to receive the ?obel /iterat re pri1e Herc les had to clean the stables in one night 9 whose What 0' state named in 1++" in hono r of 'ir *eorge Cateret ?ame of the Kcow townK :oseph 4cCoy developed in the 12+8s An *handi who played the *eneral ca sed massacre %mritsar 'ting 5og e 4oschino %didas Police Wires Ace types of what Film =he <ead Heat 4erry go !o nd +8s what stars first 1 line ;dgar C thwellis was option b t the a thor chose another what Operation Chastise d ring WW2 better (nown as what An Col mb s Ohio its illegal for shops to sell what on ' ndays % 'itophilliac gets se3 ally aro sed from what

Westlife 162" *eorge Orwell *eorge ;astman #oda( Brownie 'noopy G Pean ts =hey are openly displayed %rnham Where ;agles <are ?ine Ball Pool Charles !olls =elling dirty @o(es =wo toes each foot /ine <ancing : no 9 < <ay Beaches 4arie Celeste ?ine dart &81 game Odo r ;aters !honda Fleming !iding Horses wearing shorts ;ta %rtf l <odger =horne <esigned the 'pitfire 4o ntain Bi(ing in@ ry F damage :eeves and Wooster ? dity 4anticore %ge of horse G itBs on its teeth !omansch ' ggs from 4adness 4ann %ct !ichard Clayderman *row a Beard Bartlett %nything 7ellow Fr it 4achine <eforest #elly ?osferat 'niffing nderwear /ong haired lover from /iverpool 'inclair /ewis %egean 'tables ?ew :ersey Cateret defended :ersey %baline ;dward Fo3 *eneral !eginald <yer 'pectacles 9 *lasses Harrison Ford /ewis Carrol <amb sters !aid Cornfla(es Food in se3 play

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

'acrofricosis is what sort of se3 al behavio r %ccording to law what m st all /ondon =a3is always carry Am Westen ?icht ?e es what famo s novel 28s later film %nreas Cornelis van # @i( was whoBs manager What was niC e abo t all the mens foil winners 16&2 Olympics 4aryland ?o1 4ontana ?o 1 4innesota ?o 3 types of what What aria from 4adam B tterfly is a 4ichelle Pfeiffer 166+ film ;i9Ha@@ 4ali( ;i9'haba11 better (nown as who What opera premiered in Paignton <evon 38th <ecember 12.6 ?ame the first space probe to land on the moon 13 'ept 16&6 An what film did Pa l !obeson sing Old 4an !iver An ;l 4onte California its illegal for whoFwhat to sleep in batht b Who compete in the 4accabiah *ames What =5 family lived at 112" 4orning *lory Circle Westport Con Poland has a coastline along which sea Colonel Pa l W =ibbets did it first 9 what What fish has its head at right angles to its body #ate 4 lgrew plays who in a *ene !oddenbery based series What is the oldest bridge over the 'eine in Paris %n Ochlophilliac gets se3 ally aro sed from what An O3ford niversity what can yo not ta(e into the library by r le %n %sian gec(o and a sweet ; ropean wine what word fits both What common word comes from the French for p rse or wallet <aimants ' r Canape French translation of what film =racy 4arrow a former convict born 16&2 changed name to what 4armolada nearly 11888 feet highest pea( what mo ntain range <r *eorge Wander invented what drin( in 'wit1erland 12+8s Broadway &6 m sic Ordinary Co pleD Prel di mD Processional !h s !adicans shr b green flowers white berries common name F lton :ohn 'hort 9 /ater :ohn F lton first 0' to do what An 4alib California its illegal to do what in a theatre An fiction who)s mother 4oniC e <elacroi3 died when he was 11 Charles Henry 't ard *melin was the first 0# what + %pr 126+ 'alvatore % /ombino sed ;wan H nter what famo s pen name What song on the ! bber 'o l alb m became ?o 1 Overlanders Palindromic word means raise to the gro nd or a mine passage =he 4e3ican bearded and what are the only venomo s li1ards An WW2 *ermans sed a 'chl sselmaschine ; what do we call it %way we *o was the original 16"2 title what m sical showFfilm *emell s is a fancy name for what Where wo ld yo find the Ponte de 'ospiri An !osemead California its illegal to eat what with a for( in p blic Hierosolymitan is of *ree( origin and pertains to what city ?ot Andians what lin(s Chero(ee %pache %rapaho Comanche Brilliant B mper B bbles Bigheart Boof ls Baby Bonny are who ; : %llen led spy team to 'o th Civil war what name better (nown *ene #elly 4ichael 7or( :oss %c(land all played who Who wrote =he /ast Frontier first p blished in 16&6 An what =5 series did we see <el Floria tailors shop #enneth Wee(es nic( Ban Ban born Boston only 0' do what

Poc(et holes p blic mast rbation Bale of hay for horse %ll > iet on the Western Front ;lvis Col =om Par(er %ll /eft Handed Pigs %merican Breeds One fine <ay 4alcolm I Pirates of Pen1ance / na 2 'howboat Horse 9 nless ridden :ewish world athletes 'tevens in Bewitched %driatic <ropped %tom Bomb 'ea Horse Capt #atherine :aneway 5oyager Pont ?e f Being in crowds 'heep =o(ay B dget Brea(fast at =iffanys Ace9= <olomites Ovaltine =he 'o nd of 4 sic Poison Avy > alify as 4atador /a gh o t lo d :ames Bond Olympic competitor "th 3rd heat 188 m ;d 4cBain 4ichelle 9 16++ /evel *ila 4onster ;nigma coding machine Oa(lahoma =esticles 5enice 9 Bridge of 'ighs Ace Cream :ers alem Piper %ircraft :elly Babies %lan Pin(erton <)%rtagan %listair 4aclean =he man from 0?C/; Play =est match cric(et West Andies

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

*len 4orris was the last Olympic gold medallist to do what 1632 An 4e3ico it is illegal for the police to sell what Hydrated 4agnesi m 'ilicate is better (nown as what 'een on ;gyptian rivers what is a 'hadoof sed for Old %rabic word for palm of the hand is what in modern sport What *eneral 4otors plastic bodied car was b ilt in =ennessee *eorge W =rendle and Fran 'tri(er created what Western hero Biblical city was the code for !%F bombings of Hamb rg WW2 What m sical was prod ced on /ondon stage 38 years after film What was 5ivian /eighBs character won Oscar in her 38s An what Atalian town can yo find the Pia11a del ;rbe What a thor married /eon =rots(yBs secretary in 162" An <elaware by law a newlywed m st do what if wife as(s Where wo ld yo find an Orcadian =he 5enice C p is for women only playing what What is ' pergirls #ryptonian name ?ame the hero /en <eightons Apcress File and F neral in Berlin Who commanded Bill : (es Cecco ?oodler '(ylights 'tar(ey %nna 4 :arvis of Philadelphia instit ted what she never C alified !obert Brown 4 Caroline Bliss 4oneypenny who was Bond What co ntries head of state has been dead for years Af yo were sing Highroller 'noo(er . / ((i what are yo doing Can yo see /enny Br ce ; % Poe #arl 4ar3 H * Wells etc An #ey West Florida what are barred from racing in city limits What began 2" :an 12"2 than(s to :ohn 4arshall at ' tters mill Who played by / ther %dler !oy *oldman Peter 'ellers etc What is the 'A nit of power eC al to 1E3"1 horsepower %nna 4aria /o isa Ataliano changed her name to what An 'candinavian mythology what is the day of final doom called His campaign slogan was vote for % H28 whats his name Organisation in the 0' was co9fo nded by Ballington Booth Pa l French *eorge ; <ale pse donyms for what 'F a thor An what co ntry is the worlds largest pyramid What wasFis the giant 4 sashi b ilt in :apan in 16." An sporting terms loose on left =ight on the right who is in centre An Fran(fort #ent c(y its illegal to shot what off a policeman <ybows(i)s Formosa and :apanese are types of what An what area of Washington does the 'tate <ept hang o t Who made his deb t in a 16&& Warner Brothers cartoon What is the ;nglish title of 5oyna i 4ir =he st ff that dreams are made off 9 last words in what film ?essiteras !homboptery3 /atinised name of what 9 as a Hoa3 An the game of Bridge what are the first si3 tric(s won called Batrachophobia is a fear of what What was the name of %listair 4acleans first best selling novel ?ame the s perspy man from $EOEWEAE;E played :ames Cob rn An what sport wo ld yo see a Chistera An Washington its illegal to b y what on ' nday Who wrote the m sical =he <esert 'ong ;ddie 'lova( only %merican to do what 31F81F16"&

%ct =ar1an in =ar1ans !evenge 1632 =heir * ns 4eerscha m or 'epiolite Water b c(et on pole !ac(et 'at rn =he /one !anger *omorrah 'inging in the !ain =ommy 'teel 1623 Blanche < bois 5erona %rth r !ansom =a(e her 'hopping Or(ney Aslands Bridge #ara ?ot named in boo(s Harry Palmer in films Captain Hoo( 4others <ay 4ay 1682 Childless =imothy <alton ?orth #orea 9 4r #im Fishing artificial flies 'ergeant Peppers = rtles =he *old ! sh in California %dolf Hitler #ilowatt %nne Bancroft !agnero( Barry *oldwater 5ol nteers of %merica Asaac %simov 4e3ico 9 > et1alcoatl % Crane Hoo(er in ! gby His =ie 'i(a or 'a(i <eer Foggy Bottom 'peedy *on1ales War and Peace =he 4altese Falcon /och ?ess 4onster =he Boo( Frogs and =oads H4' 0lysses O r 4an Flint Pelota % 4attress 'igm nd !omberg ;3ec ted desertion WW2

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An Wyoming it is illegal to wear what in a theatre An ?ew $ealand what is a P nga An Feng 'h i what colo r inspires passion An ;nglish s perstition what bird sho ld yo wish good day What city was (nown as Christiana ntil 162& William Hartnell was the first to play what =5 character Who wrote the play K What the B tler saw K An 1662 the space probe / na Perfecta fo nd what on the moon What sea is directly north of Poland What was the original filling of the savaloy sa sage Carlos 4enim was elected president of what co ntry in 1626 An ?atoma #ansas illegal to throw (nives at people wearing what What is the =ibetan 7ab 7 m Crossair originated in what ; ropean co ntry What does a $amboni do What is the name of the cranial bone @ st above yo r ear Who led the 'oviets when they invaded H ngary in 16&+ What tennis player made it to finals 0' open 2 times in 28s What m sical direction comes from the Atalian meaning cheerf l What nationality was Fredric( Chopin Which ?obel Pri1e is not awarded ann ally in 'toc(holm What boo( translates as 4y 'tr ggle When a satellite is closest to ;arth its position is called what An 1+&6 4assach setts o tlawed what What can (eep for p to " years if stored in a cool dar( place What French relish so nds li(e a machine g n firing F ndador is a potent brandy made in what co ntry Who directed 'erpico =ype of precio s stone has a name literally means bl e roc( 4iddle ages it was believed birds pic(ed mates what 'aints day % ! ssian space programs name meant ;ast what was it Which *ree( hero finally tamed Pegas s What is the Western , cowboy - name for a motherless calf =he PH scale meas res acid or al(ali what)s PH stand for What character =amed the 'hrew in the 'ha(espeare play An 't /o is 4isso ri its illegal for a fireman to resc e who Casanova ate fifty each morning to increase potency &8 what An sport what stands fo r feet by si3 feet What name is given to the smallest type of liC or glass What was Heindrich Himler)s @ob before lead *estapo in WW2 What a thor criticised evangelism in his novel ;lmer *antry What was the first man made ob@ect to leave the solar system What holiday is called Head of the World in the :ewish faith What gemstone has a name literally meaning not into3icated Who starred in Ceiling $ero as a pilot Atalians often eat a whole what to cover garlic(y breath What is the longest river in western ; rope An O3ford Ohio its illegal for a woman to disrobe where Celibate ;gyptian priests were forbidden to eat what aphrodisiac What co ntries native name is /and of the long white clo d

% Hat if others canBt see over it % Fern Pin( 4agpie else bad l c( Oslo 9 'weden <r Who :oe Orton Ace Baltic sea Pigs Brains %rgentina 'tripped 'hirts % se3 al position 'wit1erland 4achine cleans ice hoc(ey games =emporal ?i(ita #hr schcev Avan /endl %llegro Polish Peace 4ein #ampf Perigee Christmas 9 it was illegal 'tandard Condoms !atato ille 'pain 'idney / met /apis /a1 li 1"th Febr ary G 'aint 5alentine 5osto( Bellerophon <ogie Potential of Hydrogen Petr cchio 0ndressed women f ll dress only Oysters %n Ace Hoc(ey ?et Cordial Chic(en Farmer 'inclair /ewis Pioneer 18 !osh Hashanah %methyst :ames Cagney Coffee Bean =he 5olga Before a mans pict re Onions %oteraroa G ?ew $ealand 4aori

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Who wo ld yo e3pect to see in the /eftori m =he Atalian for tail what comes at the end of a m sical score Caesar 'alad originated in which co ntry An 'ch lter O(alahoma illegal for towel wearing women do what Bacardi and Carioca r ms come from what co ntry An !#O movies what does !#O stand for What golden yellow gem so nds li(e a fr it related to lemons What co ntry finally adopted the *regorian calendar in 1.&2 What was the name of :ohn *lens first orbiting craft =he m rder of *on1ago was performed in what 'ha(espeare play What)s the collective no n for a gro p of g lls An astronomy what are rapidly rotating ne tron stars called ?ic(named =he =iger who lead France at the end of WW1 What microscopic animals name comes from *ree( little 'taff *oddess sprang f ll grown from the forehead of her father $e s An 4orrisville Pennsylvania women need permit to wear what What are p t into an omelette in a Hangtown Fry What ;nglish brand of sherry is considered the #ing desert wine 4ic(ey !ooney made a series of films based on what family What gemstone was rep ted to heal eye ailments What ! ssian revol tionary fo nded Pravda What co ntry is r led by #ing Hans %dam AA An 12&+ :ohn C Freeman was the first what What are ratite birds the only ones not to do An 16&6 %ble Ba(er first p t o t in space by 0'% what were %FB %ccording to Christian religion what happened at ;piphany An 'o th Carolina what)s barred Fo ntain Ann witho t wear pants Who wrote =he Poseidon %dvent re 5EOE and Pedigree whis(eys made by what Canadian company ?oel Coward gave what director his start on An Which we 'erve How many spices are mi3ed in allspice What was !ichard Wagner)s second Opera 9 idea d ring sea trip %ccording to its name what ma@or Atalian city is the new city What is the only flag permitted to be flown over the 0' flag Where was 4ar( =wain born What is the name of the r ling ho se of 4onaco =he word %tom comes from the *ree( meaning what From 4emphis resta rants its illegal to ta(e what away What gems name means sea water in /atin <anish variety caraway flavo red liC or driest and most famo s What 'oviet leader sei1ed control from #hr shchev in 16+" % primate called a *alago has what more common name What 'ha(espeare #ing was (illed at Pontefract Castle ?ame the /ie tenant Colonel who was first blac( 0' in space What is a 'hofar Who directed 'partac s and /olita %n O nce whis(y glass and a small (eg what same name California 5alley and a Chinese cabbage what word means both An the 'impsons who is the godfather of the 'pringfield mafia An 4esC ite =e3as its illegal for children to have what

?ed Flanders shop =he 'impson)s Coda 4e3ico *amble Costa !ico !adio #eith Orphi m Citrine ;ngland Friendship . Hamlet Colony P lsars *eorge Clemencea Bacteria %thena Cosmetics Oysters Harvey)s Bristol Cream Hardy family ;merald /eon =rots(y /iechtenstein !ep blican candidate 0' president Fly 'pider 4on(eys Wise men visited Horses Pa l *allico 'eagrams <avid /ean ?one itBs single spice =he Flying < tchman ?aples 9 short for ?eopolis 0nited ?ations Flag Florida 9 4isso ri *rimaldi Andestr ctible %ny Pie %C amarine %C avit /eonid Bre1hnev 162" till died 62 B sh Baby #ing !ichard AAA Bl ford Carved !ams Horn :ewish faith 'tanley # bric( Pony ?apa <on 5ittorio 0n s al Hairc ts

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Who rode a horse called Phantom Who sang the theme song in the Bond film For 7o r ;yes Only What actor died d ring the filming of *ladiator Who wo ld perform the 4aha 4antra 4o ld board <isc and !otary are types of what An the 0' flamingos are only o tn mbered by what similar thing What)s n s al abo t ;rnest 5incent Wrights &8888 word novel What film star role was played by over "2 different animals Collective no ns a Blessing of what animal gro p An ?ew 7or( where is it illegal to tal( to a stranger =he average one has 2"2 m scles in its head 9 what An WW2 what lin(ed members of the Caterpillar cl b What cartoon character was & foot + inches tall What part of the body is most bitten by insects An sport what is e3actly & foot 2 inches off he gro nd %n average person does it si3 times a day 9 what What is the oldest (nown c ltivated vegetable ?ame ;lvis Presley)s twin brother What ca ses an Aatrogenic illness An Florida it is illegal for a single woman to do what on ' nday What French cheese is ripened in caves =erm literally @ointed foot applies to insects spiders and crabs An what ; ropean city was the first boo( in ;nglish p blished An what 0' state is the town of 4aggie)s ?ipples =he 4 see de Orsay in Paris was originally what 4eridian is a shade of what colo r An what co ntry was :ohn 4c;nroe born Who was offered and re@ected the role of Andiana :ones : liet *ordon /ow fo nded what in 'avannah *eorgia 1612 California illegal to shoot game from moving vehicle e3cept what Where is yo r P ricle What ; ropean co ntry has no head of state %lmonds 9 the n ts 9 are members of what general family ?ame the first 0' president to serve ice cream at a state dinner What was pirate Captain #idd)s first name =he cob n t is the fr it of what tree =he !i((esm se m is in what ; ropean city % shar( is the only fish that can do it 9 do what An Ataly what is Provolone An Hartford Connectic t its illegal to do what to wife on ' nday ?ot obvio s colo rs 9 what lin(s orange silver p rple =he are 33+ on a standard one 33+ what on what 68J of bird species are what An 7or(shire in 12.2 what too( 3 days to pass by An 162& William Bec(man paid no ta3 on O188888 profit why &8J of the 0' ann al rainfall falls in what month An what co ntry wo ld yo dance =he 'irta(i What is the common name for a birds 5entric l s Where on yo r body wo ld yo find yo r !asceta An Oregon it is illegal to wear what on clothing in p blic

$orro 'hena ;aston Oliver !eed Hari #rishnas Plo gh Plastic flamingos ?o letter ; Babe the Pig 0nicorn %n ;levator Caterpillar /ife saved parach te Popeye =he Foot B llseye on <artboard *oes to bathroom =he Pea %aron <octors or treatment '(ydive !oC efort ewes mil( %rthropods Br ges 9 Belgi m Wyoming !ailway 'tation *reen *ermany =om 'ellec( too b sy *irl * ides Whale 'pace th mb e3tended forefinger 'wit1erland Peach =homas :efferson William Ha1el %msterdam Blin( with both eyes same time 'mo(ed hard cheese #iss her Can)t rhyme in ;nglish <imples on a *olf Ball 4onogamo s 'warm of /adybirds William was a dog G cant pay ta3 %pril *reece *i11ard Creases on inside of wrist =he ? mber +6

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." film .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What animal is in the hassen in hassenpfeffer What city in the 0'% has the fewest J of native born residents An some parts of China what is the /ong ?osed *eneral What creat re in nat re is most sensitive to heat An /ondon in 162& a man was convicted of stealing two what Who wrote =he /ast Pict re 'how Who was nic(named =he Bron3 B ll What male name comes from *ree( meaning defender of men 3 chemical elements most J h man body O +&J C 12J and H An Charleston by law carriage horses m st have what % Polyorchid has at least three what An 16+3 what finally ended in %las(a Who played the role of 4iss Hannigan in the film %nnie 3 co ntries on 2 continents ! ssia = r(ey ,%sia ; rope- and H What (ind of car was #itt in #night !ider An the first voyager program who were the 4aC is fighting Who are Patience and Fortit de at ?ew 7or(s P blic /ibrary What happened to /ai(a first dog in space =art ffo in 'pain #artoffel in *ermany and ! ssia what is An 5irginia its illegal for a man to do what to his wife What are male crabs (nown as What female name comes from the *ree( for foreign woman What is the oldest soft drin( in the 0'% Who or what co ld win a *olden Clio award Af yo were ind lging in 'ciomanchy what are yo doing What co ld an % stralian win a 'tanley for ?ame Hopalong Cassidy)s horse What food st ffs name come from the Atalian for Pic( me 0p % /ibroc ric larist does what in bed An 'eattle women can get si3 months for doing what to men =wo villains first appear in Batman Comics 1 9 :o(er and who An %strology what is the r ling planet of comm nication What singer sang the song 'pan( 4e An what state did the 12+2 'io 3 prising start An 1622 there was a shortage of what e3otic food fish What male name comes from *ree( meaning lover of horses Af yo s ffered from a l 3ating patella what wrong with yo 4 sashi was the first :apanese to se two what sim ltaneo sly White ribbed red cabbage is named from Atalian for Chicory An Wyoming its illegal for women to stand within & feet of what 'omeone who dibbles is drin(ing li(e what *eorge %rmstrong C ster was co rt martialed in 12+. for what ?ame the % stralian film abo t the pianist Halstadt What is a Characin What actor began his career doing <octor Pepper commercials An coo(ery a ganache is made from cream and what What (ind of car was the *eneral /ee in < (es of Ha1ard What male name comes from the *erman meaning army r le What spice is essential in a ?ew ;ngland Clam Chowder An West 5irginia its illegal to snoo1e where

Hare or !abbit H ston 9 =e3as Pigs 9 nl c(y to mention pig !attlesna(e organs between eyes Crime Prevention Posters /arry 4c4 rty :a(e /a4otta %le3ander Hydrogen 18J <iapers on =esticles 4ail by dog sled Carol B rnett ;gypt 9 %frica and %sia Pontiac =rans %m =he Cardassians 'tone /ions O tside ' ffocated no air b rned re9entry Potato Pat her <errieres :immies Barbara <octor Pepper %dvertising Amaginary Combat Cartooning =opper =iramis !ead 'it on lap b sFtrain witho t pillow Cat 9 /ater called Catwoman 4erc ry 4adonna 4innesota 'wordfish Phillip 4oving #neecap 'words 9 famo s for it !adicchio Bar when drin(ing % < c( Hit a fellow officer 'hine 'mall Fish Br ce Willis Chocolate <odge Charger Harold =hyme On a train

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An 'F California by law what is g aranteed to the masses An 'tar =re( what is the name of 'poc()s father What company prod ces Olympia beer What vegetable is fo nd in the dish chic(en divan An what co ntry is the car model the =re(a prod ced Whose slogan was plop plop fi11 fi11 What actor is the spo(esman for the ?ational !ifle %ssociation What wo ld yo find on Pin( 'heets ?ame the first web browser p blicly available An #ansas the law prohibits shooting rabbits from where An 4%'H who planted the vegetable garden <ragon 'to t is brewed in what city F co ntry What company introd ced the first commercial minicomp ter +& What was 4ae West sent to the wor(ho se for in 162+ % rore < pin b 128" changed her name what 16th cent a thor What was the name of : liet)s co sin (illed by Benvolio in !M: :oc(ey F % thor <ic( Francis what in@ ry on his wedding day 4ary #elly was the last (nown who ?ame the person who ca sed Chicago (ids to get school mil( An ?ew 7or( by law the death penalty is reC ired for what act An the ' perman comics name the shr n(en city in a bottle What beer is represented by a goat What fish is (nown as poor mans lobster What movie actor was ,among other @obs- a bridge painter What was the most commonly occ rring name on the internet What astrological star sign covers : ly 2" 9 % g st 23 What song is abo t a sheep stealing s icide Who wrote =he 'crewtape /etters ?ame the first car model with transverse engine front wheel drive An =e3as its illegal to shoot a b ffalo from where An the Flintstones <ino was Fred)s pet who was Barnie)s O agodo go is the capitol of what co ntry !oy !ogers girlfriend <ale ;vans rode what named horse *oyanthlay ,one who yawns- famed nder what 4e3ican name What does the initials ?4= on a prescription mean What is the world tallest horse An WW2 the *ermans la nched operation Bernhard 9 what What is the r ling planet of the astrological sign =a r s What bird lays the largest cl tch of eggs An =e3as by law criminals m st give their victims what On ;! what is the character name of 4ar( *reens da ghter What $imbabwe beer is named after a river An what part of ?ew 7or( did the *reat *atsby live ?ame 4erlin)s owl in <isney)s 'word in the 'tone :erry 7ang and <avid Filo created what Who was the leader of the notorio s *ambino 4afia family ?ame William 'ha(espeare son What is Barbara 'treisands middle name What is Carambola An =hailand its illegal to step on what

' nshine 'are( 4iller in 0'% Broccoli ?ew $ealand %l(a 'elt1er Charlton Heston Bid %s(ed prices O=C stoc(s ?C'% 4osaic % 4otorboat Father 4 lcahy #ingston :amaica <;C Writing starring in play called se3 *eorge 'and =ynbalt Bro(en collar bone 5ictim :ac( !ipper %l Capone : mping off a b ilding #andor Boc(s Beer 4on( Fish Pa l Hogan Bill Clinton /eo Walt1ing 4atilda C ' /ewis % stin 4ini Hotel second story Hoppy Ba(ina Faso B ttermil( *eronimo ?ot 4ore =han G s ally narcotics 'hire Horse Co nterfeit British notes 5en s =he *rey Partridge G p to 1+ 2" ho rs advance written notice !achel $ambe1i West ;gg %rchimedes 7ahoo :ohn *otti Hamnet :oan 'tarfr it ?ation)s C rrency

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An /ynch Heights <elaware its illegal to do what in an airplane 5ictor B ono played what Batman villain in the original series What Ferrari model was named after the ma(ers son %ctor was (nown as 'inging 'andy ,d bbed- early in career % 'tag with 12 point antlers is (nown as a what An what state was the largest cavalry battle in the civil war An the Bible :es s wal(ed on water who else did this What was 4otowns biggest hit in 16+2 =he # ng 'an people live in what area of %frica What is the most pop lar 4e3ican beer in the 0'% An #ansas its illegal to eat what on ' nday An the Beverly Hillbillies what did :ethro get :ed for his birthday Whose c sine wo ld offer yo /eber(as Where did Hamlet send his girlfriend Ophelia What was the police chiefs name in the first two :aws films What gro p sang abo t a ' icide Blonde What %frican co ntry gained independence in 1628 Where were the 16+" winter Olympics held An 'io 3 lang age the Paha9sapa is what place What Wimbledon finalist ,loser 12.6- m rdered his wife An =ope(a #ansas its illegal to install what in yo r ho se 'impson)s what was Homers nic(name as baseball team mascot What companies cars are nic(named mopars !hett B tler of *one With the Wind was born where =he #ing Cobra is the only sna(e that does what What does a hotwal(er do An what co nty did the %ryan race originate What 28s band had a hit with =ainted /ove What is a =e3as ! by !ed What is sed to flavo r #rie( Belgian beer An Halstead #ansas doing what is illegal at the airport An /ife of Brian what name does 'tan want to be (nown as now KAts all *ree( to meK comes from what 'ha(espeare play What was the name of the high school in the movie *rease An what city was the first playboy cl b opened in 16+8 An the Bible in what city did :es s perform his first miracle What was the 4ar( =wain in WW2 Charcarodon Carcharias is the /atin name for what creat re Af a prescription said bEiEdE what wo ld it mean What Andian tribe did the army most often se as sco ts An Broc(ton 4ass yo m st have a licence to enter where Happy <ays was a spin off from what 0' =5 show What river in %frica carries the most water H* Wells invisible man had what physical oddity Who was (nown as =he #ing of Pop 4eas re for 4eas re deals with what contemporary theme Where is the base city for Porsche cars What is *ohan What does 4it Hefe on a *erman beer bottle mean An <etroit wilf lly destroying yo r old what is illegal

'nee1e #ing = t Ferrari <ino :ohn Wayne !oyal 5irginia Brandy 'tation 28888 men 't Peter 9 to :es s from boat Heard it thro gh the *rapevine #alahari <esert in Botswana Corona 'na(es ;lectric Pencil sharpener *erman itBs liver % ? nnery 4artin Brody A?I' $imbabwe Annsbr c( % stria Blac( Hills 9 <a(ota 't /eger *o ld Batht bs <ancing Homer Chrysler Charleston B ilds a ?est Wal(s a hot racehorse Andia 'oft9Cell *rapefr it Cherries Wal(ing and lo d b rping /oretta : li s Caesar !ydell Chicago Cana 9 :ohn 2T1E11 Water into wine % Bombsight *reat White 'har( =wice <aily Crow =owns 'ewers /ove %merican 'tyle Congo 9 $aire %lbino 4ichael :ac(son %ngelo harasses Asabella se3 ally 't ttgart *ermany :apanese !ice With 7east !adio

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An 4ontreal yo cannot par( a car bloc(ing what What 0' city hosted the final of the 166" football world c p <r <avid Hessian 2nd Catherine Coo(son what type his boo(s An Andian coo(ery what dish literally translates as !ed : ice 'ol 'acs created what classic 0' =5 show of the +8s .8s Who was the first president to be televised What)s the more common name of the thyroid cartilage %dolph Hitler had a phobia 9 what How did #arm ala 'earlel 9 an early =ar1an die An * elph Ontario a by9law ma(es what illegal in the city What lin(s Pa l and !ingo in the Beatles % Chinese e n ch invented what in the second cent ry Hannibal had only one what % mat re :apanese sea sC irt eats what Collective no ns 9 what)s a gro p of don(eys What bird can see the colo r bl e Constr ction hard hats were first sed on what pro@ect in 1633 An 5ictoria % stralia by law only electricians may do what ! dolf !asendil is the hero of what novel and film Bei@ing drivers fined "8 7 an doing what at pedestrian crossing %ll 0' presidents have worn what Holiday resort of 4armaris is in what co ntry =he White Ho se has 13862 of them 9 what /il)fol(es was the original name of what comic strip Where on yo r body are the most sweat glands What)s the most pop lar name for a female pet cat #angaroos and ;m s can)t do what <an ;mmett a northerner wrote which song What)s the correct name for a male t r(ey An <enmar( there is a 28 #roner fine for not reporting what Pennsylvania was the first colony to legalise what Agnoring obvio s what lin(s : piter ?ept ne 0ran s and 'at rn =wo most commonly sold items in stores are sodas and what 7o r eyeballs are 3E&J what !afflesia flowers smell li(e what to attract pollinators Where wo ld yo find an ideo locator Why did *hengis #hans soldier ride female horses * !oddenbery 'tar =re( 2 radical ideas 'poc()s ;ars and what What co ntry had three presidents 9 in the same day An ;ngland it is specifically illegal to be dr n( where What mammal has hair 9 on the soles of its feet Harvard 0niversity was originally called what =here are 388 distinct different types of what food =he are 1+ of these on a dollar bill 9 1+ what What is the coldest capital city in the world :anette !an(in in 161. first to do what =he average person in a lifetime grows . foot of what Hotfoot =eddy was the original name of what icon 5ictoria % stralia law illegal wear pin( what after noon ' nday Collective no ns 9 a tribe or trip of what

7o r own driveway Pasadena *ardening !ogan :osh Bewitched F < !oosevelt Worlds Fair 1636 %dams %pple Cla strophobia 4a led by ;lephant Peeing % no Pee 1one /eft Handed Paper ;ye after !ome attac( AtBs own Brain % Herd %n Owl Hoover <am Change a lightb lb =he Prisoner of $enda 'topping its illegal *lasses 9 not in p blic = r(ey #nives for(s and spoons Pean ts Feet 'amantha Wal( bac(wards <i3ie =om 7o r own or anyone else)s death Witchcraft %ll have !ings Brea(fast Cereals 'alt !otting 4eat 4ap 9 7o are here arrow =o drin( their mil( Woman second in Command 4e3ico An a p b Polar Bear Cambridge Harvard gave "88 boo(s Honey ? mber One 0lan Bator 4ongolia Woman elected to Congress ?ose Hair 'mo(ey the Bear Pin( Hot Pants *oats

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

;ngland its illegal for a lady to do what on a p blic conveyance What co ntry has three capital cities %dmin /egislate : dicial =he h man bodies got "& miles of them 9 what =he Best or ?othing is the motto of what company :ohnny <epp is afraid of what 'am el 4orse the inventor was originally what till he was "+ What dog has the best eyesight Who c t the 0' flag to pieces and was hono red for it % 5e3illiologist is an e3pert in what ;ngland its illegal for a boy nder 18 to see a na(ed what What is banned by p blic schools in 'an <iego 0n s al words 9 What)s the only word " do ble letters in a row An =o(yo there is a resta rant restricted to who =he average person does it 1. times a day 9 what What is the most common se3 al fantasy act =he ;ggplant is part of what family of plants What Canadian province has been virt ally rat free since 168& What ancient lang ages writing has no spaces between words Collective no ns 9 a gro p of swans are called what An ;ngland placing what pside down is considered treason < ffel bags were made in < ffel 9 what co ntry What happened French President Fronsois Fa re on dying 1266 Born % g 2" to 'ept 23 what star sign An 'tar =re( who wo ld go to 'ha #a !ee What ma(es #irmins(i ch rch in Finland niC e :an ary in the 0'% is ?ational what month ?ame the 4on(eys only film made in 16+6 What was French frigate Asere)s most famo s cargo &+J of men have had se3 where An 'cotland its illegal to be dr n( in possession of what Where does the dollar sign come from =hey are only fo nd in /a(e ?icarag a 9 what are =he Chinese only do it every 18 years G what !oschfort was a baddie in what boo( and ,many- film versions :ames <oohan became famo s playing what character ?ame Popeye)s h ngry friend Co ntries name means Place where one str ggles with *od ?ovember 12th is who)s birthday 1+th cent ry where the most fashionable place to wear a ribbon An 'ingapore yo can be fined 18J of income for not doing what What co ntry is the world leader in Cobalt 4ining What is the national religion of 'cotland =he average West *erman does it every seven days 9 what How did /avan in 0tah get its name What sho ld be done with a sed worn o t flag 'mall co ntry has more 1888 dialects and two official lang ages What was the first daily comic strip in the 0'% !eview =his show s spends all belief it will never wor( what H What)s the most pop lar name for a male pet cat An 'o th #orea traffic police m st report what

;at Chocolates 'o th %frica ?erves 4ercedes9Bent1 Clowns Portrait Painter *reyho nd !obert Peary left bits at ?orth Pole =he history of flags 4anneC in Hypnotism Boo((eeppers <ogs /a gh Oral 'e3 =histle %lberta %ncient *ree( % Bevy % Postage stamp 4onarchs head Belgi m Whore contracted so had to c t off penis 5irgo 5 lcans itBs heaven World biggest wooden ch rch 'o p Head 'tat e of /iberty %t Wor( % Cow 0 on ' bottom 0 dropped o t N Fresh water shar(s Celebrate Birthdays =he =hree 4 s(eteers 4ontgomery 'cott : Wellington Wimpy Asrael 4ic(ey 4o se Pomaded grown female p bic hair Fl shing p blic toilet $aire Presbyterianism Changes washes nderwear Ats ?aval bac(wards middle of 0tah B rned Philippines 4 tt and :eff Original 'tar =re( =iger =o rists bribes ta(en

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An ;l(hart Andiana it)s illegal for a barber to threaten to do what *eorge B sh removed what from the White Ho se men s in 168. who was the first ;nglish writer win ?obel pri1e literat re ?ame the science fiction writer who lives in 'ri /an(a What pop gro p were dedicated followers of fashion CaCo3 is the chemical form la of what common item ?ame ;lvis Presley)s father An what novel does <r Hannibal /ecter first appear =he Aonian islands are nearest what co ntry An Portsmo th Ohio who does the law ran( with vagrants thieves An WWW terms what does iEeE mean on a domain name 'eawood)s Folly is better (nown as what today What is a !oastchaffer What Pope started the AnC isition ;c ador was named after who F what /i1a 4inelli played what character in Cabaret Who wrote the scripts for Hill street Bl es What ; ropean lang age is nrelated to any other lang age An the .8s =he Bahamas gained independence from who An #ent c(y people wearing what on streets get police protection An what co ntry did bongo dr ms originate 'tewart *oddard changed his name to become what pop hit What)s the main feat re of a Chong 'ang s(irt =he <avis 'trait lies between Canada and where Henri Charrier is better (nown by what nic(name What fashion designer is credited with the Bob hairstyle 4elba sa ce is made from what fr it Who was with 4acbeth when he met the witches Children ta(e '%=s what does '%= stand for An Winston9'alem ? Carolina its illegal nder . year olds do what % lion and a sword appear on what co ntries flag % carbonade is a dish that m st contain what What company owns !olls !oyce motors What was Oscar Wilde)s only novel What writer lived at hilltop near Haw(shead now m se m to her French artist ;dward <egas noted for what partic lar s b@ect Who is the *ree( *od of the s(y and the niverse Collective no ns 9 a < le of what =he pharaoh ho nd is the only dog that does what An Bl e ;arth 4innesota illegal nder 12s do what witho t parent Fallstaff first appears in what 'ha(espeare play What is a ro(er % vestiphobe is afraid of what An what film wo ld yo find =he Orgasmitron !acing driver :ames H nts nic(name was H nt the what An 168+ the :ohn *able ;ntertainer was the first what An the food ind stry what is =5P 9 iEeE what)s it stand for Who wrote the boo( Coma What co ntry designed and developed the bayonet An 4assach setts its illegal to p t what in clam chowder

C t off yo ngsters ears Broccoli ! dyard #ipling %rth r C Clar( =he #in(s Calci m Carbonate G Chal( 5ernon Presley !ed <ragon *reece Baseball Players s spicio s chars Areland %las(a % Beetle *regory 6th =he ;C ator 'ally Bowles 'teven Bochco BasC e *reat Britain Bathing ' its C ba %dam %nt 'plit p side *reenland Papillion G =he B tterfly 4ary > ant !aspberries BanC o 'tandard assessment tas(s *o to College 'ri /an(a Beer 5ol(swagen =he pict re of <orian *rey Beartri3 Potter Ballet <ancers 0ran s <oves Bl shes 9 ?ose and ears redden =al( on =elephone Henry A5 part 1 % foot long r ler Wearing Clothes Woody %lan)s 'leeper 'h nt : (e Bo3 =e3t red 5egetable Protein !obin Coo( France =omatoes

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Collective no ns 9 % <escent of what creat res What)s the words most pop lar brand of malt whis(y Prospective Atalian grave diggers have to ta(e what test Who was the lead singer in Herman)s Hermits %ccording to ;lvis Presley who F what was /ittle ;lvis An 0' ;mergency rooms what toy is often fo nd in rect ms What is Calvados Who first appeared on =5 <ecember 1626 = rf 'tone and Hedge are all types of what % 'eattle ordinance says goldfish in bowls m st do what in b ses What animals are li(ely to die first from global warming An the film =ommy who played =he %cid > een What is a goat s c(er Where wo ld yo find the 'panish steps Five named Beatles on %bbey !oad cover : P * ! and who Bennie Hills ;rnie fastest mil(man in the west 9 name his horse How did 5an *ogh dispose of his ear %ccording to s rvey what ; ropean co ntry has the vainest men Who wo ld spin a *ob on their nose end An %lbany ?ew 7or( what)s it illegal to do in the streets Collective no ns 9 What are a gro p of greyho nds called Who first played Flash *ordon on film What basic s(ill is lac(ing in most !oyal ?avy entrants What common word comes from #nights after the Cr sades What was the most val able thing ever stolen =he Antelligent whale was the nic(name of an early what What welsh singer sed to wor( as a condom tester What speed record has remained nbro(en since 1632 =he ann al Hac(ademy awards are given for what Adaho Falls Adaho its illegal for over 22 year olds to do what Old times mid eastern women swallowed what as contraceptive Who narrated :eff Wayne)s War of the Worlds What was invented 16+3 1&8 billion made since What sed to be ca ght in a fanny trap What toy was first la nched as =he 4agic 'creen Originally a =oss Pot did a lot of what %manda by the 'ea was a 0' version of what 0# comedy show % is %lpha is the international alphabet b t % sed to be what %ccording to psychologists the happiest people watch what =5 An =ampa Bay Florida its illegal who whoFwhat to leave ships 4en women compete 3 Olympic sports ;C estrian 'hooting H Af yo were Coc( =hroppling what yo be doing What animal has the best hearing An what film did 4ary Poppins 9 : lie %ndrews bare her nipples % 'catologist st dies what ;3crement How was =ristram 'handy ,fictional character- circ mcised 4en m st toss what at least 3 times d ring Olneys *reat !ace What have men played with for longer than anything else Collective no ns 9 % <own or H s( of what animals An 0rbana Allinois its illegal for whoFwhat to enter the city limits

Woodpec(ers *lenfiddich ;3h me 9 dig p a body Peter ?oone His <ic( or Penis Barbie G most common doll p ass %pple Brandy =he 'impsons G ;pisode 1 in 0'% 4a1es 'tay still 9 not move Polar Bears =ina = rner % Bird !ome 5ol(swagen =rigger *ave it to prostit te Britain *lassblower Play *olf % /eash B ster Crabbe =hey cannot swim Freelance =he 4ona /isa ' bmarine 'hirley Bassey 'team =rain 9 4allard 'mo(ing in films !ide a motorcycle Foam from camels mo th !ichard B rton !ing P lls on cans not cans Fo3es 4id ages fem fo3 nic( fanny ;tch 9 % 9 '(etch <rin(ing 9 %lcohol Fa lty =owers %ble 'oap Operas !ats 7achting Bending a horses windpipe Bats 'EOEBE Crap 9 'hit % 'ash window fell on it % Panca(e <ice Hares % 4onster

?o > estions > i1 &.

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 An ! ssia by law the homeless m st be where after 18pm ?ame the racehorse decapitated in the *odfather An the opera =osca what was =osca)s profession Where will the 2882 Winter Olympics be held What is the 0' eC ivalent of the 0# %nglican ch rch Paper Porter <resser 4 d <a ber types of what An the theatre what do the initials FOH stand for ?ame Arelands oldest licensed whis(ey distillery ?ame the capitol of /ibya An ?ew :ersey 12.6 stopping a constable doing what N2& fine What lin(s 4o1art)s <on *iovanni and Bi1et)s Carmen location West ;nd *irls was the deb t hit for what pop d o in the 28s Who sc lpted the fo r lions in =rafalgar 'C are An what modern co ntry is mo nt %rarat Walter *ropi s fo nded what art F design movement ;li1abeth Bennett is the central character in what novel What are Angrid 4arie and Bl shing *olden ;dward !icardo Braithwait wrote what novel Who was the co rt portrait painter of Henry the ;ighth An 4assach setts by law bars cannot offer what An 122. who solved his first case An the 16th cent ry what was (nown as inheritance powder What did model man fact rers %irfi3 first ma(e An what =5 series did we meet %dmiral ?elson How wo ld yo feel if yo were forswan(ed What (ind of wood is sed on !olls !oyce dashboards An the rhyme who married =he Owl and the P ssycat Which 0' actor wo(e p when a elephant crapped on his head An Cornwall where wo ld yo find two legged (noc(ers An ?orth Carolina N&8 fine for having what f rnit re on front porch What wo ld yo do with a bl e willie 0''! saying ?o gly women in world @ st shortage of what What two things are sed to st ff a welshman An Old ;ngland what wo ld yo do with yo r titties What creat re has seven penises assorted shapes si1es What ;nglish (ing was (illed with a red hot po(er p his arse Parach tes were invented for what se What colo r is p (e What is the most commonly prosec ted illegal act An Florida it)s illegal to molest what An Old ;nglish what (ind of person often had a )shite) Af the vestal virgins were ca ght having se3 what p nishment What act do the French call =he ;nglish Perversion What cartoon characters first name is > incy An 0'% by law only 2 paid services limited to one se3 9 what An the olden days what wo ld yo p t in a large Bosom What activity is feat red in the maga1ine Win(ers World An the =erminator film who was the boy who wo ld be the leader /eather %pron was an alternative name for what famo s fig re An Wisconsin by law yo m st carry fire ins rance on what

%t Home #harto m Opera 'inger 'alt /a(e 9 0'% ;piscopalian Wasp Front of Ho se B shmills =ripoli Catching a r naway goat 'et in 'eville in 'pain Pet shop boys 'ir ;dwin /andseer = r(ey Ba erh s in *ermany Pride and Pre@ dice 5arieties of %pple =o 'ir with /ove Hans Holbein Happy ho rs 'herloc( Holmes %rsenic G as poison Plastic Combs 5oyage to the bottom of the sea At means very tired Waln t =he = r(ey William 'hatner =in 4ines goblins 0pholstered !aise it 9 itBs a flag 5od(a Cheese /ee( pastie Ats an old word for 'isters Coc(roach ;dward 2nd Fire escapes G people @ mp <ar( *reen 'peeding % =rash Can *ossip 9 phrase Chit Chat from it B rried %live Whipping Flagellation 4r 4agoo 'perm <oner Wet ? rse Clothes 9 itBs a chest =iddlywin(s :ohn Conner G mother 'arah :ac( the !ipper % :et '(i

?o > estions > i1 &.

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 ;nglish law males sho ld do it 2 ho rs wee( watched by vicar 123+ 4r *ray a gasfitter 18 years penal servit de stealing what What does a Belly 4an do for a living An parts of 'iberia wives threw what at men to show wanted se3 What animal has the most taste b ds over 2.888 What is sometimes nic(named %dams Profession 0ntil 16&& in ;ngland yo needed a licence to ta(e what on road Who is (nown in %rgentina as =he Filthy 'atanic Whore An what ; ropean co ntry are the villages 5omitville and F ((ing % Allinois law prohibit men from doing what in p blic %ccording to a s rvey what people have the most hated @ob 0# Adi %min of 0ganda e3celled at what sport An a poll newlyweds spend most time on honeymoon doing what What profession ma(es reg lar se of vibrators What was sed at Wimbledon for the first time in 16.1 What part of the body ages the fastest 4r <oberman developed the breed protection at wor( 9 what @ob ;lvis Presley %dolf Hitler ;rrol Flynn all had what (in(y habit %part from drin(s what sed to be stored in p b cellars An 4emphis =ennessee beggars m st have what before begging How do yo catch a Phart What can be rigidD semi9rigidD or non9rigid % Capriphiliac has se3 with who or what What was =he #ing of =rains and =he =rain of #ings Who sed to do na(ed cartwheels to am se the ;nglish settlers An brewing what do the initials O* stand for What sport can ta(e place on sand ice or water Florence ?ightingale too( what cos she was aro nd yo ng men =he sweetener saccharin is made from what An 4aryland its illegal to frighten who or what What is the word =a3i short for &+J of men cannot tell yo the colo r of what in their ho se 'portsman are most li(ely to get diseased an ses F rect m %fter his death what bit Walter !aleigh did his wife carry aro nd What (ind of person wo ld have had a twat on =he character 4arion Crane died in what film 1+th cent ry h sband had to stop doing what to wives after 18pm What company was the first to mass prod ce watches in 1263 "2 e3tras from what Oscar win film died within a year ma(ing it An =ennessee age of consent is at 1+ nless the girl is what :ames ;dgar in 1268 was the worlds first store what What is the correct name for a male red deer An what co ntry were =rabant cars made P / =ravers created which famo s character For which Olympic athletic event is there no official world record !C% and what other company la nched the first vinyl records ;3cl ding cars what the most commonly sed " wheel devices Where on a woman is her : spot An cent ry if yo got Imas clap what have yo been given Andiana smo(ing banned in the legislat re b ilding e3cept when

%rchery Practice One !abbit % Piano = ner Worms or sl gs Catfish *ardener /awn 4ower 4adonna % stria Having an erection <o ble *la1ing 'alesmen ! gby %rg ing or Fighting Potters 9 remove air from clay =ie Brea( 'ystem =he Hands =a3 Collector Peeping =oms Corpses 9 cold place % N18 begging licence 166+ law With a net itBs a fish %irships *oats =he Orient ;3press Pocahontas Original *ravity Wind ' rfing Bromide Coal =ar % Pigeon =a3imeter 5ac m Cleaner Water '(iers His Head % ? n part of habit Psycho in the shower Beating =hem Angersoll 9 sold N1 each then Babe 9 all pigs % 5irgin then its 12H 'anta Cla se Hart ;ast *ermany 4ary Poppins 4arathon same distance diff co rses Col mbia ' permar(et =rolleys ?ape of the nec( % #iss nder 4istletoe B ilding is being sed

?o > estions > i1 &2


1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An Be3ley Ohio its illegal to p t what in an o tho se Well (nown phrase 4ad as a Hatter 9 b t what made them mad Pl to *ree( god of the nderworld 9 what was Pl t s god of 5ictoria was not > een 5ictoria)s first name 9 what was Andoors + players a side o tdoors n mbers vary what sport 'capegoat meaning blame ta(er comes from what religion What is the correct name for a dandelion seed ball <ianne Fossy the nat ralist is famed wor(ing with what animals An m sical notation there are five lines in a what 'ilverwood 4ichigan its illegal to (ill what sing yo r hands What is the correct name for the flower the 4ichaelmass <aisy !o ndD flatD filbert or sword types F shapes of what tool Who wrote the novel =he 'eventh 'croll =he song 4ac( the #nife comes from what stage show :ohnny !otten describe se3 as five min tes of what %n %ri1ona prostit tes organisation is called =W%=' meaning %n elephants penis is shaped li(e what Where was the worlds first air raid in 12"6 from hot air balloons What is a !oc(y mo ntain canary An Haifa Asrael its illegal to ta(e what to the beach An medicine what is nic(named a bl e pipe What did Farters collect Psychologists say men who prefer small breasts what mentally What co ntry had the first ban(notes % Bl e =its breast is what colo r What sport was called =he !oyal 'port What British a thor was offered O2&8888 to write boo( of ;= Af yo were given a French *obelin what wo ld yo have had What cities ndergro nd has the most stations An /ang #ansas illegal ride a don(ey in p blic nless it has what What creat re ma(e the lo dest noise 9 122 decibels What gets nine inches longer when its p What was /ady Chatterlys first name ;nid Blyton character name changed to white beard for PC 0'% 4ans formal dress coat called tails is named after what bird Christine :orgensen in 16&2 was the worlds first what ?ame the first chocolate bar created by Forest 4ars in 1623 An the poem who d g coc( robins grave An what athletic event is it illegal to carry weights An %r(ansas a man can only do what legally once a month =he fish eating b lldog is what type of creat re What has been called =he most nnat ral of all perversions What are the most commonly ordered item from se3 catalog es What creat re will only mate if the females mo th is f ll #nic(erboc(ers sed to be the residents of where What is the name for a chic(en less than one year old British playwright wrote the screenplay for =he French /t Woman What e3plorer wrote the history of the word in prison in 1+88s British (ing was (nown to family friends as <avid his last name %t the %lamo its illegal to drop what n t shells on the gro nd

'lot 4achines 4erc ry Poisoning Wealth %le3andrina 5olleyball :ewish 7om #ipp r % Cloc( *orillas 'tave % Bear to impress a girl %ster Paintbr sh Wilber 'mith =hreepenny Opera 'C elching = cson Whores and =ric(s /etter ' 5enice % <on(ey % Bear % 5ein Pigs 9 its an old ;nglish word <epressed 'weden China paper not ban(notes 7ellow Coc( Fighting :effrey %rcher % =apestry ?ew 7or( % 'traw hat on Bl e Whale Concord G heat e3pansion Constance Big ;ars 'wallow 'e3 Change Operation 4il(y Way Owl with his trowel /ong : mp Beat his wife % Bat Celibacy ?ovelty Condoms 'piders ?ew 7or( % P llet Harold Pinter 'ir Walter !aleigh #ing ;dward the 2th Pecan

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An Broo(ings 'o th <a(ota its illegal for a cat to live where What police reso rce was first sed in the :ac( the !ipper case =he %lgarve is in what co ntry =he term red herring comes from what activity =he ;gyptian god Hor s had the head of what creat re An 16+" who was the first non royal to appear on a 0# stamp ?ame the Hong #ong stoc( e3change An what city was 4o1art born 4argaret =hatcher day is 18th :an ary in what area B c(roe Beach 5irginia illegal p t what in someone)s swims it What is a bandy bandy What did Brian ;pstein manage before the Beatles What was Bogart)s f ll characters name in Casablanca What fr it is sed to flavo r 'o thern Comfort What .8s pop gro p was originally called =he ;ngaged Co ples 't 'nithney is the patron saint of what What wo ld yo do with a soft coc( What is Warren Beatty)s first name What is the fastest creat re raced for sport An :ones Chapel %labama illegal g y ta(e gal where till "th date What is a Cattalo 0' Pres mom said /oo(ing at my children wish A)d stayed virgin ?ame /ancashire town first test t be baby born =he ?ew =estament originally written in what lang age What wo ld yo do with a !omeo)s !o ser Where did Ca@ n m sic originate 1.2. Helen 4orris p t in asyl m for p tting what in a newspaper *rolsch lager comes from what co ntry Who wrote the 'avoy Operas An O(alahoma City its illegal for a prisoner to wear what 'teven the 1st fo nded what co ntry in 1888 ad What was originally called ;s(imo Pie Cab is a shortened version of what word Af silence is golden what is silver What C een banned mirrors as she got older 'tarts with F ends with # if yo cant get one yo se yo r hand What is the main ingredient of an edible faggot What is the only Christian co ntry in %sia An Christian myth man was created from d st what in Aslam An Bristol !hode Asland its illegal to smo(e d ring what event 13th cent ry Paris brothels were the first to have what An what co ntry did Bridge originate % sna(e has two penises b t only one what other organ Canaan Banana was the first president of where What hairs are the last to lose their colo r with age Agnoring obvio s what lin(s 5en s and 4erc ry An golf what is the penalty for playing with yo r opponents ball What insect in 'pain is (nown as /a C caracha An what co ntry was Che * evara born An #ansas City its illegal to what with more than 12 potatoes

An a dogs ho se G if dogs there Bloodho nds Port gal Fo3h nting Falcon William 'ha(espeare Hang 'eng 'alt1berg Fal(lands Aslands % <ead Fish % 'na(e % !ecord 'hop !ic( Blain Peach %bba 4ad <ogs Wear it 9 itBs a wig Henry Pigeon Horsebac( !iding B ffalo and cow cross :immy Carter Oldham *ree( <rin( it 9 its a real ale /o isiana /onely Hearts %dvert Holland *ilbert and ' llivan Pin( Bi(ini 0nderwear H ngary Chocolate Aces Cabriolet 'peech ;li1abeth 1st For( /iver =he Philippines Clots of Blood P blic Hanging in town sC are !ed /ights = r(ey / ng $imbabwe ;yelashes ?o 4oons =wo stro(es added on =he Coc(roach %rgentina : ggle with them

?o > estions > i1 &6

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 1 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 An =e3as it)s illegal for what profession to be comm nists =he Blac( <eath came to ;ngland from what port Which coin weighs e3actly one =roy o nce =he Perils of Penelope and <astardly and 4 tley spin offs what =he 4ant and Heath tests chec( for what infectio s disease Which 0' state has a b ffalo or bison on its flag What wo ld yo do with a nan pric( in =hailand An 126& the world)s first disposable item made 9 what was it An Odessa =e3as 'tar of <avid and Peace symbol are what Porn star Candida !oyale was named after what =he Brownies , @ nior *irl * ides- sed to be named what Brass is an alloy of copper and what ! < Blac(more wrote which classic novel An what co ntry was *reenpeace fo nded in 16.1 An sC ash what colo r dot indicates the slowest ball sed % stat e of /ady *odiva stands in the centre which ;nglish city ;ddie Arvine is contracted to drive for which car company in 2881 =he Ba1 (i is a traditional m sical instr ment of what co ntry =he word athletics comes from the *ree( athlos meaning what %phallatosis is a mental disorder ca sed by the lac( of what :eri !yan plays what character in the 'tar =re( series An 162& the worlds first what opened / is Obispo California ?orma =almage in 162. made the first 9 the first what %ccording 1268s doctors women eat m stard vinegar do what What co ntries lang age is 4agyar Where is yo r 1ygomatic bone What item sed in offices was voted the prod ct of the cent ry What is named after <r ;rnest *rafenberg =he horned dinosa r =orosa r s had the biggest what on land =he 0' A!' man al gives the plan for collecting ta3es after what Where was the worlds first s permar(et b ilt ,co ntryB bba is 7iddish for what An the 0'% where wo ld yo see a crossb c( /os Pedernales is a 'panish translation what =5 show Palas is the correct name for what playing card %ccording to Hite report mast rbating women li(e to se what Collective no ns 9 a spring of what Co s9co s is Aranian for what Brings yo r ancestors bac( to life 9 translated advert for what % doromaniac had a comp lsion to do what <etroitD '(o(ie Allinois 't Pa l 4innesota what official instr ment % temple in 'ri9/an(a is dedicated to what Ch rch law once mandated death for believing in what =he Phoenician symbol for mo th is now what letter of alphabet What 0' city b ys the most blond hair dye ?ame two self cleaning organs What cities gothic cathedral started 132+ was completed 128& Who wrote the series of Palisair novels %lcoholics get the <=s what does it stand for Flying fish is the national dish of which co ntry

Pharmacists Calais #r gerrand Wac(y !aces = berc losis Wyoming ;at it 9 AtBs a hot sa ce !a1or Blade G #ing Camp *illette Banned satanic symbols % vaginal yeast infection =he !oseb ds $inc /orna <oone Canada 7ellow Coventry :ag ar *reece Contest 'e3 life 'even of nine in 5oyager 4otel 9 Called 4otel Ann Footprints concrete *r mman theatre 4ast rbate too m ch H ngary Chee( =he Paperclip =he * spot Head 9 '( ll nine feet long ? clear War France *randma I on railroad crossing =he Flintstones > een of spades Candles Pheasants 5agina Come alive with Pepsi 9 in China *ive gifts %ccordion B ddha)s tooth % vac m P theirs was Pe <allas =e3as ;ye 5agina 4ilan %nthony =rollop <eliri m =remens Barbados

?o > estions > i1 &6

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 <r ' san /ar( recommend what c re for menstr al cramps B nc was the first name for what prod ct 288 years ago all white people (new what were deadly poison An ;ast %nglia ;ngland what p t in ho se walls to ward off evil =he *ree( word meaning =he writings of prostit tes now what %ccording to the ancient Chinese what c res headaches An 168" 4ay ' tton Brandy was the first 0' woman to do what %ll %merican mpires wear what =e3ans cons me "8J of farm grown what in the 0'% 4ost of these animals are bise3 al 9 what animal People answered the first telephones by saying what 't Boniface is the 'aint of what Frass is the correct word for what What is the fastest growing religion in Areland One person in =e3as is (illed ann ally doing what Bob <ylan said yo sho ld never tr st anyone whatH !oc(et 0'% is going to prod ce a wind p doll what fig re 2882 What body of water separates % stralia and Pap a ?ew * inea *eorge Washington =homas :efferson 'am %dams all did what An California more what are raised than in any other state Hebrew comes from a Babylonian word meaning what ;@ac lation comes from the /atin meaning what % cat is feline b t what)s leporine An some religions mistletoe represents *od)s what Patricia 4cCormic( became 0'% first what :an ary 28th 16&. 126" Orville *ibson started worlds oldest company ma(e what What co ntry has the lowest teen pregnancy rate Western world What shop o tn mbers 4ac<onald)s 3 to 1 in the 0'% Corie =en Boom was the first licensed female what in Holland =he first what was installed in %ntarctica in 166. An 126. who were the first baseball team introd ce a ladies day =he President of *abon banned the se of what word in co ntry Which domesticated pet animal is never mentioned in the Bible &8 years ago =e3as giving advice on what was prison sentence What activity b rns p 1"8 calories per ho r =here are over 32888 (nown species of what in the world 4ay 21st 1221 Clara Barton fo nded what Af a dog is canine what is cirvine Pliny the philosopher believed dead so ls went into what %n arenaceo s plant grown in what type of soil Who wrote the boo( =he Complete %ngler in 1+&3 Bac( Blan(et and B tton Hole types of what =here are over 1888 recognised slang words for what What 0'% state drin(s the most beer Who or what was Kstrong to the finishK For N1&8 yo can become a licensed what in =e3as An 161. / cy 'lowe was the first 0' what =he %etheri s 'ociety believes who is alive and living on 5en s China ' n9Fin9ChinD ! ssia bayanD ?orway tre(spill what is it What animal)s penis is fo r feet long when erect

Orgasm G increased blood flow helps Coffee =omatoes 4 mmified Cats Pornography 'winging yo r arms Win Wimbledon singles Blac( nderwear Catfish *iraffe %hoy there 'odomy Ansect faces 9 b g shit B ddhism Painting road lines Over 38 Homer 'impson =orres 'trait Brewed own beer = r(eys 5agrant =hrowing O t !abbit =esticles 9 balls to yo B llfighter Ci dad : are1 4e3ico ;lectric * itars ?etherlands %d lt Boo(shops Watchma(er %=4 cash point machine Washington 'enators Pygmy Cats Birth Control 'tanding 'piders %merican !ed Cross <eer Beans 'andy Asaac Walton 'titches 5agina California Popeye 9 cos he eats his spinach <ead animal h nter Blac( tennis champion :es s Christ %ccordion *iraffe

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

B lls Blood wine comes from which co ntry H ngary =he ?orth and 'o th Aslands of ?ew $ealand separated by what An what <ic(ens novel is there a case of spontaneo s comb stion An the game =omb !aider what)s /ara Crofts profession An 16.6 who sang abo t Wal(ing on the 4oon What lin(s t lip balloon and fl te What is the c rrency of ;gypt 4artina ?avratilova won most do bles with which partner ?ames Coo( Ba(er obvio s what did a Chandler do !od =aylor starred in a 16+8 version of which H* Wells story /iam <evlin often appears in novels by which a thor ?ame the < (e of Wellingtons horse at Waterloo =here are .2 scenes on what famo s article Chinese bean spro ts are s ally the spro ts of which bean /ocomotive "".2 is better (nown by what name %t Prince Charles)s wedding who was the best man Which famo s ship had a total crew n mbering "38 What ta(es place in Happy 5alley Hong #ong Amperial %irways in 162& was the first to do what %nd what was that movie Where is the grave of Oscar 'chindler Which maga1ine ses the winged horse Pegas s as it)s logo Which ;nglish #ing was crowned on Christmas day An traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the eighth Collective no ns 9 a snea( of what animals Which co ntry grows the most s gar Who wo ld se a techniC e called pleaching *lycyrrhi1a *labra is better (nown as what % (ami(a1e shooter contains 5od(a =riple sec and what Af yo saw a h mmoc( off yo r port bow what are yo loo(ing at ?ame %lfred Hitchcoc()s first so nd film as director Chernoble is in which ! ssian province Who does %drian 4ole l st after Where did the philosopher Plato teach =he 4ol ccas are better (nown as where What sed to be called ,in ; rope- %rabian wine Who was (illed in =he /ittle Bastard What character did <isney add to Winnie the Pooh not in boo(s Heinrich the lion fo nded what city : H !obertson invented what ?ame bar :ohn Wil(es Booth got pissed in before (illing /incoln An Pro(oviev)s Peter and the Wolf what instr ment is the wolf *arlic and Chives belong to which plant family =here are two general types of s(iing %lpine and what %dolf <asler created which company Cents in a <ollar Pennies in a Po nd what in a French Franc What is e3tracted from the ore cinnabar H gh /ofting created which fictional character An what city is the 0ffi1i art gallery Orient ;3press restarted in 1622 going from /ondon to where

Coo( 'trait Blea( Ho se %rchaeologist Police =ypes of glasses =he Po nd Pam 'hriver 4a(e Candles =he =ime 4achine :ac( Higgins Copenhagen Bayea 3 =apestry 4 ng bean Flying 'cotsman ?obody G brothers were s pporters 'tar ship ;nterprise G Captain #ir(s Horse racing 'how an in flight movie Conan <oyle)s G =he /ost World :er salem !eaders <igest William the ConC eror in 18++ Bron1e Weasels Bra1il *ardener twine branches to hedge /iC orice /ime @ ice Ace bro(en from berg Blac(mail 0(raine Pandora %cademia 'pice Aslands Coffee :ames <ean 9 his cars nic(name *opher 4 nich % tomatic *earbo3 'tar 'aloon Horn /illy ?ordic %didas Centimes 4erc ry <r <olittle Florence 5enice

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Collective no ns 9 a romp of what animals Which #ing was the intended target of the * npowder plot BB #ing gave his g itar what nic(name =he town of Banana in > eensland is named after what An traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the seventh An what co ntry was the espresso machine invented in 1222 Who wrote Candide What type of wine was ?apoleons favo rite =he average person has 1"+8 what each year Who won the ?obel Peace Pri1e in 16.2 ?ame 'anta Cla ses ,'t ?icholas- French brother ?ame the largest 4editerranean island Bambi was the first <isney film witho t what Highway 6 is the official name of what thoro ghfare Film character played by " people head body voice breathing 4i1ar 4i(a1ar and 4a1ar are better (nown as who % weavers (not is (nown by seamen as a common what By law every 'wiss citi1en m st have access to what Who played the alien in Predator @ mping and climbing scenes Clar( *able sed to do it " or more times each day 9 do what Who in 0' was given Hitler)s ' preme Order of *erman ;agle At)s illegal in the 0'% for any citi1ens to have contact with who An 4adagascar its illegal for pregnant women to do what %fter ;nglish what)s the most widely sed lang age on the net =wo thirds of the worlds geysers are fo nd where What town and stream in West % stralia same name pop gro p Which ; ropean airport has the international code /A' %4'=!%< companies name comes from what iEeE what mean Where were the worlds first paved streets What (ills 188888 %mericans each year =he word %ngel derives from the *ree( meaning what What profession has fo r times the average aids in 0'% 5en s is the only planet that does what On average what weight nine po nds ?ame the first film to have its seC el released in the same year =here is appro3imately one what for each person in the world What is ; rope)s largest port Craven Wal(er invented what +8s fashionable icon An 4isso ri it)s illegal for anyone to do what on ' nday An 16.3 !oland Ohisson was b ried in a coffin made of what Where in the world can yo see the s n rise Pacific set %tlantic ?ame the first cartoon character made into a parade balloon What)s n s al abo t the moons of 0ran s What common word comes from two *ree( artFcraft area st dy An 162& two men first drove ro nd % stralia in what ma(e of car = H White wrote the boo( for which <isney animated feat re ;gypt 4asbo t 9 %rmenia 'o rg 9 :apan #oohii what is it 4arie = ssa d was born in what co ntry An traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the 1"th Collective no ns 9 a giggle of what animals

Otters :ames 1st / cile % h ge b lloc( Wool France 5oltaire B rg ndy Chambertin <reams ?obody Bells ?ichols 'icily H man characters Broadway ?ew 7or( <arth 5ader =hree 4on(eys 'heet Bend Personal bomb shelter :ean9Cla de 5an <amme 'hower Henry Ford ;3traterrestrials or their vehicles Wear Hats or ;at eels *erman 7ellowstone Par( %bba !iver /isbon %lan 4ichael ' gar =rading !ome 1.8 bc !eactions to meds 4essenger Catholic Priests !otates Cloc(wise Cremated %shes #ing #ong 9 'on of #ong Chic(en !otterdam /ava lamp Play Hopscotch Chocolate Panama on Asthm s Feli3 the Cat ?amed 'ha(espeare characters =echnology te(hne logia Citroen 2 seater 'word in the 'tone Coffee 'wit1erland Avory Hyenas

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

=he Windmills of yo r 4ind was a theme song in what film %strona ts cannot do what in space %dmiral Horatio ?elson s ffered from what common condition On common ailments Charles Osborne had what for +6 years Febr ary 12+& only month ever not to have what What was the sho lder patch 0' %rmy "&th in WW2 What was first sed at the 168" 't /o is Olympic games Where is =he Popliteal Fossa =e3as prisons have banned death row prisoners last what Ward *reen wrote the story for which famo s film #inpa( 9iri sa(e contains what n s al ingredient <ownD h s(D traceD trip all collective no ns what creat re & %frican 4editerranean co ntries share what lang age Which of #ing %rth r)s (nights s rvived his last battle What can be 'afetyD =ablea 3 or 'wag ?ame 12th Cent ry playwrite of =he !ivalsD 'chool for 'candal Of what are !a co sD 'padefoot or Bo nties <warf types What lin(s =he FriendD =he =ablet and =he 0niverse Wool sorters disease is act ally what What <isney animated feat re was the first with end credits An 1636 which co ntries invaded Poland ?ame 'tanley # bric()s last film as director before his death =aal is an alternative name for what lang age What is the French phrase that means already seen = r(s headD *ranny and Bowline are types of what What character first appeared in the film =he Wise /ittle Hen %nd who was his original voice 4artina Hinges represents what co ntry at tennis An food labelling what does *4 mean <erived from *ree( what does alias literally mean ! ssian bl e and = r(ish brown are types of what What impressionist painted different views !o en cathedral An what Andian city is the =a@ 4ahal located Horses are ;C ine from the *ree( ;C s what)s it mean 'ince 1661 Cr fts /ondon dog show has been held where 16.6 at Clifton s spension bridge Britain)s first what happened :odie Foster and Barbara Harris appeared in which <isney film = dor ;ngland mans apron shows @ob white coo( what chec(ed :ane =aylor 1.23 122" wrote what famo s verse An %strology %C arians are r led by what planet Parathesia is a medical condition with what common term What wo ld yo be watching if yo saw a ro nd or waggledance : < 'allenger wrote Catcher in the !ye what)s the : < stand for Collective no ns a gro p of geldings is called what %part from a compass what is always fo nd in a ships binnacle $ipporah was the wife of who in the Bible ;li1abethan women had three what modestD rascal and secret 4arcellite *arner was the first voice for what <isney character %ncient %1tecs of 4e3ico sed a rabbit scale to meas re what =he highest 0'% ran( (illed WW2 /t *eneral who (illed him

=he =homas Crown %ffair Cry 9 no gravity for tears to flow 'easic(ness Hicc ps F ll 4oon 'wasti(a *old medals silver was first before Bac( of #nee Cigarette 9 bad for their health /ady and the =ramp Fla(es of gold Hares %rabic 'ir Bedavere C rtains in theatre !ichard Brindsley 'heridan =oads !eligio s p blications %nthra3 %lice in Wonderland *ermany 9 ! ssia ;yes Wide 'h t %fri(aans <L@V v #not <onald < c( Clarence ?ash 'wit1erland *enetically 4odified Otherwise Cats Cla de 4onet %gra > ic(ness Birmingham ?;C B ngee : mp Frea(y Friday Barber =win(le9=win(le /ittle 'tar 0ran s Pins and ?eedles Honey Bees :erome <avid % Brace 4agnets 4oses Petticoats worn modest o tside 4innie 4o se <r n(enness few to "88 0' %rmy %ir Corps

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An Andiana it)s illegal for liC or stores to sell what Camille Pi1arro the impressionist was born in which co ntry William #emmlar in 1268 was the worlds first what 4ando ra *reece $ampogna Ataly Corenm se France what is it What co ntry awards the ?obel peace pri1e Who is Harry Potters main enemy Prod ct name from the words < rability !eliability ;3cellence What sport appears in the phonetic alphabet What colo r is the n mber 18 on 18 <owning street Where in yo r body is the labyrinth =raditional French blend Kfines herbesK parsley chives chervil H =he dinosa r apatosa r s sed to be called what =he rover the last is red the rest are white in what sport What <isney film was released on <ecember 21st 16+8 4ythological beasts name comes from the *ree( chimney man %llergic !hinitis has what more common term Who plays %li 4cBeal What sort of ship was the 4arie Celeste What philosopher stated KHell is other peopleK ;cophobia is a fear of what What was the first Bond film not to be titled from a Bond boo( Collective no ns a bas( of what creat res What Olympic event was dropped in 1628 Where is the =5 space alien %/F from ++J of %mericans reading on the toilet read what Women do it " times more often than men 9 do what /o is Wash(ans(y was the first to do what in 16+. What is a gharial What did 'cott find at the ?orth Pole =he flowers of the c rry plant are what colo r What did Paceard and Balmat conC er in 1.2+ An #iplings : ngle Boo( 4ang was what type of creat re Collective no ns an erst of what creat res What Bond film was entitled =he <ead 'lave in :apan ?o 0' president has ever been what %l Bora( was a flying horse owned by whom What lin(s Pacer B rtonD Chad *atesD Walter * li( What <isney character was voiced by Pinto Colvig What bo3er was nic(named =he %mbling %lp =he Witches C rse alternative name which *P' operetta Where was the original Crystal Palace b ilt What is a spoodle An #iplings : ngle Boo( A((i was what type of creat re What animal is responsible for most deaths in the 0'% ann ally What was Hitchcoc()s last film made in 16.+ An the sport of archery what are the arrows s ally made from *ree(s !omans regarded what herb as symbol immortality Who was the first male to appear on the cover of Playboy An Welsh Cwrw prono nced (oo roo is what What san( *erman s bmarine 0128 in WW2

Cold mil(Fsoft drin(s warm o( West Andies ;3ec ted by electric chair Bagpipes ?orway /ord 5oldemort < re3 condoms *olf White ;ar =arragon Brontosa r s CroC et hoops 'wiss Family !obinson 'alamander Hay Fever Callista Floc(hart Brigantine :ean Pa l 'arte Home /icence to #ill Crocodiles = g of War 91688 to 1628 4elmac !eaders <igest 'hoplift *et a heart transplant lived 12 days Fish eating ?ile Crocodile ?othing 9 he never went there 7ellow 4ont Blanc Bat Bees /ive and let <ie %n only child 4ohammed ;lvis film characters 'leepy Primo Carnera ! ddigore Hyde Par( in /ondon #itchen instr ment spoon ladle cross Porc pine <ogs =he Family Plot %l mini m t bes =ansy Peter 'ellers Beer Bro(en toilet

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An *lobe %ri1ona it)s illegal to play cards in the street with who What is the most common mammal in the 0# ?ame the second most commonly spo(en lang age in % stralia Which athletic event reC ires five @ dges 5ictoria is the only % stralian state witho t what What =5 show was set in Wentworth <etention Centre An the rhyme abo t magpies what do & represent Who voiced 4r 'poc( in the cartoon version of 'tar =re( ; rophobia is the fear of what An 4aryland it)s illegal play what !andy ?ewman song on radio An *ree( mythology who was the first woman Which timepiece has the most moving parts What is the official lang age of ;gypt Which literary character lives at " Privet !oad !io)s 4aracarria stadi m has what n s al feat re What nat ral phenomenon can never be seen at noon An ;li1abethan ;ngland rich people carried their own folding what An ancient China what was h ng o tside a bad doctors ho se An the Balanta tribe women stayed married ntil what happened An 4assach setts it)s illegal to wear what witho t a licence ' 1y was a star of a +8s =5 show what character did she play =he average child wears o t .38 by age ten .38 what An a s rvey what food did %mericans say they hated most What vegetable was ;mperor ?ero)s favo rite What nation invented the toilet seat 5irginia Woolf always did it standing p 9 did what 4o nt =eide is the highest mo ntain in which co ntry An what film did the character !egan 4c?eil appear Who re@ected the 16+" ?obel pri1e for literat re An %las(a it)s legal to shoot bears b t illegal to do what *eorge : ng of /os %ngeles in 161+ invented what :ohn Pa l *ettyD world)s richest man had what in his ho se What was n s al abo t the drawings of artist Cesar < cornet Who was the only ;nglish #ing crowned on the battlefield An 1681 <r <a sand demonstrated what that never ca ght on An some areas of Paris what is provided for dogs What co ntries brides get the most diamond engagement rings What area in the 0' translates from the < tch as Bro(en 5alley An ancient ;gypt men and women did what opposite to today An 7o ngstown Ohio it)s illegal to r n o t of what Who lin(s a western gambler and a private eye How did B nito 4 ssolini ward off the evil eye Both se3es get them b t men more often 9 get what Who wo ld se an orange stic( :acob *erman in 1266 got the worlds first what in ?ew 7or( 4ary 'omerville said KAt wont lastD a flash in the panK what China 388 bc yo co ld not spea( to the ;mperor witho t what An what 0' city do they watch the most =5 evangelists per cap ;gyptian embalmers replaced the bodies eyes with what %ccording to a 166. s rvey what nation are the best (issers

%merican Andian Brown !at Atalian =riple : mp /etter ' in name Prisoner Cell Bloc( H 'ilver /eonard ?imoy Female *enitals 'hort People Pandora ;gg timer %rabic Harry Potter % 4oat !ainbow 9 s n m st be "8 deg or less 'poons to BanC ets /antern for each dead patient Wedding dress wore o t *oatee Flipper the dolphin Crayons =of =he /ee( ;gyptian Wrote her boo(s 'pain it)s on =enerife =he ;3orcist :ean Pa l 'arte Wa(e p for photo Fort ne Coo(ies % Payphone <rawn with feet G he had no arms Henry 5AA 'ilent Cinema G for the blind Private fl sh toilets Canada Broo(lyn Peeing 9 men sat women stood *as or petrol :ames *arner 4averic( !oc(fort =o ch his testicles Hicc ps 4anic rist 'peeding =ic(et G 12 mph =elevision Clove in yo r mo th Washington <C Onions Atalian

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An 'o th <a(ota it)s illegal to fall down and sleep where Who was the last living person on a 0' postal stamp What is the main ingredient in a ?avarin stew What elements name comes from the *ree( word for violet 5H is the international aircraft registration for which co ntry Phyllophobia is the fear of what What is a cachalot What wo ld the ancient *ree(s do with an %podesm What is an onychophagist An % b rn Washington men can get five years for doing what Where in Canada is its <ildo =opo in Atalian Fare in = r(ish what in ;nglish Who did Babe the pig wor( for What se3 ally aro ses a :actitator ?eb(heper ra was his first name what do we call him today What creat re gets its name from the *ree( word for womb An 122& Canada sold what to 0' for N1&8888 By what more common name do we (now 4a@or Boothroyd Woman)s are faster than men)sD they s ally have more 9 what An Allinois yo can get three years for eavesdropping on who What modern word comes from the /atin <ilatare 9 open wide West Andian cric(eter /a rence !owe gave p 16.+ mid test why What do the ;PP7 awards hono r =he electric light first available prod ct what)s second What)s the only city today split in two by a wall What)s the only movie %lfred Hitchcoc( ma(e twice What is the /atin word for poison Orienteering began in which co ntry What wo ld yo e3pect in a :apanese ?o Pan #issa resta rant An 4assach setts what)s illegal nless bedroom window loc(ed =he ;mperors c p is awarded in what sport What famo s film ma(er was first to se the close p Chinese coo(ing what)s special abo t Wolfs hearts <ogs l ngs =he 16+1 4ercedes 388s3 had two firsts name either Who wrote the official biography of /ester Piggott What hotel has been the target of the most ta(e over bids An ! ssia the national prod ct is called 'oldats(y what is it An airline slang what is a 3+& An what case did Perry 4ason ma(e his first appearance By law who reC ire a certE of health before entering #ent c(y !omans sed a sharp pointed stic( to drive cattle 4odern word Cho(an 4oyogi 'ha(an Han #engai and #engai styles of what %lbert 'a vy coined what term in the 16&8s What trio were originally called =he !attlesna(es =he Fields 4edal is eC al to a ?obel pri1e in what area ?ovices are called t mblers e3perienced shiners what @ob What is the Hebrew word for adversary What is the capitol of 5ene1 ela What was n s al abo t :oe <avis the World 'noo(er Champ What)s ro nd in /ondon and Paris b t 'C are in ?ew 7or(

Cheese Factory ?obody it)s illegal 4 tton or /amb Aodine % stralia /eaves % 'perm Whale Wear it type of bra % nail biter <eflowering 5irgins ?ewfo ndland =own 4o se Farmer Hoggett Bragging abo t se3 = tan(amen <olphin from <elphis ?iagara Falls > in the Bond films Heartbeats 7o r conversation <ildo %llergic to *rass ;lectronic editions of newspapers ;lectric Oven ?icosia Cypr s =he man who (new too m ch 5ir s 'weden 4irror floor (nic(erless women 'noring ' mo wrestling <avid War( *riffith Birth of a ?ation Only things not sed * ll Wing doors G f el in@ection <ic( Francis =he !it1 9 Paris Bread ;ggs Bacon served any day or time =he case of the 5elvet Claws Bees m st have one 'tim l s Bonsai 9 styles =he =hird World =he Bee *ees 4athematics Window Cleaners 'atan Caracas Blind in one eye 0ndergro nd F metro F t be t nnels

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An WW2 what was niC e abo t the 0' 222 Anfantry battalion An which 16&+ film did ;lvis Presley ma(e his deb t /epcha people =ibet consider it proper to pay teachers in what An medicine what is an %nomaloscope sed for An the r les of golf what type of bad weather can stop play ?ame the Andian version of Barbie ?ame the ;gyptian *od of f nerals 'cr tinise 'wirl 'niff 'ip 9 what are yo doing What is the worlds oldest desert 9 co ntry named after it What maga1ine says We are ? mber one in a field of One =he band 'teely <an are named after what Famo s boo( divided into three parts 4osC es Caves =emples What term was coined : ly 16"2 iss e of 7an( maga1ine An 16". it began at Callao Per ended = amot Asland what did Polyhe3amethyleneadipamide is better (nown as what An *ree( mythology who b ilt the labyrinth ?ame <isney)s first film to win an %cademy %ward An what sport wo ld yo find a =ell =ale What is the most redesigned appliance in the world What started in early 1688s to improve sales sports newspaper What come in types =ransverse 'cimitar and Barchan What is the only co nties national flag different both sides What is located on Boothia)s penins la in Canada 4orbi in * @arat is where most of the worlds what are made :ohn 4c/a ghlin made sold 4c/a ghlin)s Belfast style G what Christian Commercial =ravellers) %ssociation of %merica are who An what sport wo ld yo find a Bagel Who t rned down the =5 role of <octor #ildare ?ame only sports team to play professionally seven continents What is the traditional c rse of %dam that affects most of s K=here and bac( %gainK is an alternative title of which novel AB4 is Big Bl e Coca Cola Big !ed who is Big Blac( %ccording to the ad %t Benneton the smallest garment is a what An the Bible who came from *ath An =ennis where is the % stralian Open played Hemmingway said there)s only 3 sports B llfighting Car !acing H What traditional 4aori ins lt was seen in the film Braveheart What lin(s ;scalatorD #eroseneD 7o7oD $ipper and =hermos Cosmetic brand gets it)s name from /atin for as white as snow What was the first sport to be filmed An the =om and :erry cartoons name the other mo se What was the first /P record to sell over 1 million copies FactsD BriefsD <estiny and Chance were early names for what Af yo ta(e a before meal aperitif what)s an after meal one called 4ethyphobia is the fear of what =ribology is the st dy of what ?ame /eonard ?imoy)s a tobiography =he 'toner Case was a 'herloc( Holmes play 9 later what story An Aowa po ring what down a p b drain with cop there is illegal Christobal Colon is better (nown as who

%ll :apanese or Hawaiian immigrants /ove me =ender %lcohol is acceptable =est for colo r blindness Only /ightning 4onica %n bis Wine =asting ?amib 4ad 'lang for Penis Passage to Andia * A :oe #on =i(i ;3pedition ?ylon #ing <aedal s Flowers and =rees 'C ash 9 =in strip ball can)t hit =elephone Handset =o r de France /e Petite :o rnal ill stre 'and < nes Parag ay ?orth 4agnetic Pole Wall Cloc(s Canada <ry *inger *ideons =ennis 9 'et won +98 William 'hatner Harlem *lobetrotters Wor(ing for a living =he Hobbit 0nited Parcel 'ervice 0P' Condom *oliath Flinders Par( 4o ntaineering 4ooning ?ames into lang age ?ivea Bo3ing by =homas ;dison 126" ?ibbles or = ffy Calypso by Harry Belafonte =ime 4aga1ine <igestif %lcohol Friction A am not 'poc( =he 'pec(led Band Water it becomes an illegal alcohol Christopher Col mb s

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is meas red on the =orro scale Where wo ld yo find the Forte and the Foible strong 9 wea( President Woodrow Wilson 4ay +th 1616 first to do what An % stralian slang what is a Co ghie 'atan is / cifer b t what does / cifer mean Chapman !oot designed it based on a Hoople s(irt 9 what What does a *rabatologist collect BlindD CombD Fine /ine and Harrow are types of what =he 4illennial <awnists changed their name to what =he name of this animal translates as ghost what is it What co ntry has two %#". assa lt rifles on it)s flag An film who is the alter ego of <aniel Hillard Who was the female star of Basic Anstinct An comp ting there are 2 bits to a byte what are " bits called =he %rabs call it %l94aghrib what do we call it =he 5ietnamese call it =he Brother the Chinese =he Friend what What is a male camel called <o glas %dams said what is the best spacecraft propellant William =ell was the best crossbow archer and what else An what co ntry did t lips originate What is specifically defined as 1F"2th of an inch Ch rch bells of 4aralnello !ing ' ndays P blic Hols and when B rea of %lcohol =obacco and Firearms bans what word in adds ?ame the first British film st dio set p in the 1638s An Hill 'treet Bl es which character sed to bite people Where wo ld yo find a <ry Bible > idn nc means an eager gossip b t in /atin literally means An the proverb Heaven protects children sailors and who Poenosis is what medical condition Who in 16&2 was the first British Form la one champion Carom is a form of what sport F game What <isney film feat res the song K*ive a little WhistleK What was on the B side of the Beatles 16+2 KHey : deK What co ntry invented cheeseca(e *one to =e3as by Forest Carter is the basis for what film Which mammal has the fewest teeth An WW2 %ir corps non flying members given what nic(name Collective no ns 9 what)s a gro p of photographers called What event in the Bible occ rred at Bethany On a prescription what does >O< stand for =homas and 4artha were the parents of which hero An *ree( mythology Clio was the m se of what %n A5P is sed to detect what medical condition <on > i3ote was the man of /a 4ancha what)s it in ;nglish Who was the first woman to win an %cademy %ward Where do they spea( 4alagasy What is a m d p ppy 7o can s(i on the piste b t what other sport ses the term ?ame Clint ;astwoods first film made in 16&& What is the main flavo ring in a *ree( =1ataili sa ce

=ornados 'word blade G near hilt and tip =a(e o t %ir accident Ans rance Bad 0mpiring =he /ight Bearer Coca Cola bottle =ies 'tamp Perforation :ehovah)s Witnesses =he /em r 4o1ambiC e 4rs <o btfire 'haron 'tone ?ibble 4orocco Bamboo B ll Bad ?ews 9 it travels the fastest Boatman Persia % Hairsbreadth Ferrari team win !efreshing Pinewood 't dios %nimal 9 4ic( Heart chamber of a r minant What ?ow <r n(en men Chilblains 4i(e Hawthorne Billiards Pinocchio !evol tion *reece =he O tlaw :osey Wales %rmadillo 9 none #iwis 9 ?on Flying % Clic( !aising of /a1ar s =a(e every other day Batman History #idney 'tones Antraven spylorigram =he 'tain :anet *aynor 1626 4adagascar %merican 'alamander Fencing where the fight happens Francis in the ?avy ,16&&*arlic

?o > estions > i1 +"

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 What lin(s <r 'poc( ;rrol Flynn and ;mperor ?ero An what series of boo(s did =he ;mpress of Blandings appear What colo r is iridi m Who fo nded %'H , %ction on 'mo(ing and Health - in 16.1 What organisation opposes %'H Who was the 16&2 Cha9Cha champion of Hong #ong Who directed the 16+2 film /awrence of %rabia An mythology !om l s !em s s c(led by a shewolf fed by what An * stav Holsts Planets s ite what planet is missing Af yo went on the road to 4andalay what co ntry are yo in Which cathedral has """8 stat es =arom %irlines is the national carrier of which co ntry What does an armadillo taste li(e An what French district do most of the best clarets come from What was the first complete symphony to be recorded =homas 4inton at 'to(e on =rent created what in 1.26 What ; ropean nation was the first to drin( tea What)s the worlds longest rail @o rney made no train change What was first b ilt in the Place de *reve in 1.62 An what boo( does H mpty < mpty first appear Who was called =he 4an of <estiny 16916916 who)s vital statistics ?ame both families in 'oap Where wo ld yo find a gemshorn =he flower convallaria is better (nown as what An what stage show does Fran( ? F rter appear Who invented the roc(ing chair *erald =homas directed what series of films What did composer Berlio1 originally st dy Ocean is ?O= recognised Anternational Hydrographic B rea An the 'aint series of boo(s what is Anspector =eal)s f ll name What is the most common 'panish s rname =he 'lave of < ty is alternate title what *P' operetta %conite the poison is obtained from what plant What c lt re introd ced hats and crac(ers at Imas season Chang 1st Wang 2nd what third most common Chinese name What word is derived from the %rabic mawsim meaning season What)s the other name for the stat e of ;gyptian god Harmachis =he French call it nat re morte the 'panish bodegon what is it Oporto in Port gal stands on what river What bo3er was nic(named =he Boston 'trong Boy 'tage roleD written for a manD too( 28 years to be played by one 'icily is the traditional so rce of which element ?ame the main horse in %nimal Farm 'trabism s is the correct name for what condition What lang ages appear on the !osetta stone Who sed the pse donym ;llis Bell Where were the first glass mirrors made in ; rope circa 1388 Who went to school at Hogwarts Harry Potter What was Pierce Brosnan)s first :ames Bond film in 166&

Olympics !owing Bo3ing Chariot :eeves and Wooster a pig 'teel *rey !oyal College of Physicians FO!;'= Br ce /ee <avid /ean Woodpec(er Pl to not (nown then 4iramar or B rma 4ilan !omania Por( 4edoc Beethoven)s fifth =he Willow Pattern =he < tch 4oscow Pe(ing =he * illotine =hro gh the loo(ing *lass ?apoleon Bonaparte Olive Oyl =ates Campbells On an Organ /ily of the 5alley =he !oc(y Horror Pict re 'how Ben@amin Fran(lin Carry on Films 4edicine %ntarctic Ocean Cla de ; stace =eal *arcia Pirates of Pen1ance Wolf)s9bane %ncient !ome /i 4onsoon =he 'phin3 'till /ife painting =he < oro :ohn / ' llivan Peter Pan !'C 1622 ' lph r Bo3er % 'C int ;gyptian *ree( ;mily Bronte 5enice *oldeneye

?o > estions > i1 +"

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 Who won the best actor award for 4arty in 16&& ?ame Helen of =roys h sband Who hired the 4ormon 4afia to prevent contamination Captain W ; :ohns invented which hero =he Passion Play is performed every 18 years where What was the theme m sic to =he ;3orcist Who directed F ll 4etal :ac(et An : do if the referee calls 'ono9mama what does it mean What mo ntain overloo(s !io de :aneiro harbo r What is !omaic An what WW1 battle were tan(s first sed in 161+ Who are Britain)s oldest p blisher dating from 1"+6 Who was called =he 'co rge of *od 5ictor Barna was world champion five times at what sport What sort of wood was ?oah)s %r( made from An 7 goslavian Belgrade is called Beograd what does it mean Collective no ns 9 which creat res are a clamo r or b ilding First p blic s pply in Britain from river Wey in 1221 what An what city was Handel)s 4essiah first performed Who was the first person to wear a wristwatch What colo r is the wa3 covering *o da cheese An ?orse mythology who was Odin)s wife 'i3 verified copies of his signat re s rvive 9 who is he What city is at the mo th of the 4enam river An what sport is the Palma 4atch contested Which m sical stage show , and film - ses t nes by Borodin Areland and ?ew $ealand are the only co ntries that lac( what An cric(et how many times does a f ll toss bo nce Ampressionism comes from painting Ampression ' nrise 9 %rtist ?ame the first self contained home comp ter 9 What e3ploded in 1.28 Who named a city after his horse B cephal s Beethoven)s ninth symphony is nic(named what An 'pain 't :ohn Bosco is the Patron 'aint of what An 1622 'imon Bolivar was president 3 co ntries Bolivia and H Who lit the flame 16&+ Olympics and then bro(e 2 world records Ball point pen in( is made from dye and what Hans /ippershey made the worlds first practical what An Hind philosophy what does 7oga literally mean Which writer rode <evon /och in the 16&+ *rand ?ational *eorge /a1enby played :ames Bond once in which film Who was the fo nder of : daism =here m st be 1& ban(ed t rns on what sporting co rse What is a /ampyris ?octil ca better (nown as *ree( 4yth Clotho sp n /achesis meas red %tropos c t what Who b ilt =he Flamingo hotel in /as 5egas What is the main lang age of /iechtenstein 5ivaldi)s concertos Op s 2 ? mbers 19" better (nown as what An =ar(a the Otter what was Old ?og Which sea is sometimes called the ; 3ine 'ea

;rnest Borgnine 4enela s Howard H ghs Biggles Oberammerga = b lar Bells G 4i(e Oldfield 'tanley # bric( Players m st free1e in position ' gar /oaf =he modern *ree( lang age 'omme O3ford 0niversity Press %ttila the H n =able =ennis *opher wood White City !oo(s in a roo(ery ;lectricity < blin > een ;li1abeth 1st 7ellow Frigga William 'ha(espeare Bang(o( 'hooting #ismet ?ative 'na(es ?one Cla de 4onet % Commodore Pet =he 'o th 'ea B bble %le3ander the *reat =he Choral Cinema Col mbia Per !on Clar( Castor Oil 4icroscope 0nion <ic( Francis On Her 4a@esty)s 'ecret 'ervice %braham Championship Bobsleigh % *low9Worm , ; ropean =hread of a mans life B gsy 'iegel *erman =he fo r 'easons % Heron Blac( 'ea

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

!oger Bannister ran the first s b " min te mile who ran 2nd What can be types called chordateD needle and cr ciform 4 sca <omestica can ca se disease in man 9 what is it ?ame the ;nglish chemist who first isolated sodi m Who wrote 4oon !iver sed in Brea(fast at =iffanies ?ame 'tephen #ing)s first p blished novel =he locals call it #aapstad what do we call it Anterpol was fo nded in 1623 in what city 4 sophobia is a fear of what =he opera %ida was commissioned in 12+6 to mar( what event An ancient *reece what was a hoplite An the Harry Potter boo(s what is %ragog Who wrote *oodbye 4r Chips Only 1&J of French wines have what on the label What are blombergsD oa( and fire bellied types of 'herloc( Holmes paid && shillings for what What is an arras 'teven *eorgi is now 7 ssef Aslam what other name had he What literary pri1e , worth O38888 - is for women a thors only =he m sical Ch Chin Chow is based on what fable Where wo ld yo find a parlo rD scriptori mD dorter and cellari m 0' tennis open held at Fl shing 4eadows sed to be where Where wo ld yo find 5olans =he <e Bea mont centre in /ondon specialises in what sport 'ir Francis <ra(e named it ?ew %lbion what is it today Which artist painted si3ty two self portraits What elements name comes from the *ree( meaning la1y Who directed 'tar =re( films 3 and " Cretinism is ca sed by a fail re of what An 'ha(espeare)s 4erchant of 5enice name 'hyloc(s wife *old <iscs Platin m <iscs b t who won first !hodi m <isc What is a Fata 4organa 7o can do a degree in brewing at Heriot9Watt 0niversity where $imbabwe won its first ever Olympic gold in 1628 in what event What is or was the capitol of Hong #ong An Britain in 1."+ what type of clothing was made illegal What creat re can live p to one year witho t eating , yo H =he worlds first was +6E& feet long and too( a year to ma(e H What film began K4ost of what follows is tr eK =he thic(ness of sil( is meas red in what Charcoal ' lph r 'altpetre ma(e what =he word 'ofa comes from the %rabic meaning what What are %rran Pilot Homeg ard and 0lster Chieftain An 16+1 %nton *eesin( was the first non :apanese to do what What colo r is the most pop lar eye shadow of all time Where is the worlds oldest niversity Who was (nown in *ermany as <er Bingle %ncient Carthage is in what modern co ntry Who)s first play was =he !oom What type of creat re was 'alar 9 that =ar(a wo ld li(e to eat

:ohn /andie of ?ew $ealand =ree /eaves Common Ho sefly 'ir H mphry <avie Henry 4ancini Carrie Capetown 5ienna 4ice Opening ' e1 canal 'oldier Chief 'pider :ames Hilton %ppellation Controlee =oads His 'tradivari s violin % wall hanging eEgE tapestry Cat 'tevens Orange %ward %li Baba and the forty thieves % 4onastery Forest Hills 'o thern '(y G Const Flying Fish Fencing Oregon 0'% !embrandt 5an !inn %rgon /eonard ?imoy =hyroid gland /eah Pa l 4cCartney =ype of 4irage ;dinb rgh Women)s Hoc(ey 5ictoria Highland <ress G (ilt plaid etc Bedb g Oil Well B tch Cassidy and the ' ndance #id <enier * npowder Bench ;arly types of Potato Win a : do title 4a3 Factor)s Powder Bl e Fe1 4orocco G fo nded 2&6 Bing Crosby = nisia Harold Pinter 'almon

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=he capitol of ?igeria was /agos what is it now Who composed =he <ream of *eronti s Captain 4acmorris only ever Arishman in what 'ha(espeare play =intoretto did most of his painting in what city What Olympic event only ta(es place at .8 and 68 meters =o whom are the :ews *entiles Which plant gets its name from the Persian for t rban What does *P mean on a m sic score when all players silent What celestial body gets its name from the *ree( long haired % petrologist st dies what 'ir Wilfred is the real name of which eponymo s character What are the !oman n merals for &8& =he <ale(s come from what planet '(aro Who was voted most pop lar film performer in the 0'% in 162+ ?ame the river that flows thro gh Baghdad Handel)s /argo comes from which opera What happened to Catherine ;ddowes on 38th 'eptember 1222 4adam Hooch teaches what at Hogwarts school 68J of all thoro ghbreds are descended from what horse Who)s first boo( was K<own and O t in Paris and /ondonK What (illed 23 people in !ostov ! ssia in : ly 1623 What does a librettist do How did <r Watson)s first wife die Beethoven)s third symphony is nic(named what =o whom was the ;roica dedicated An medieval France a persons ran( was shown by the length of H Women)s international gymnastics Beam Bo3 Floor and what What song did !ic( as( 'am to play in Casablanca Pali is the sacred lang age of who An WW1 what were / cifer)s An legend who (illed the mobster *rendel Who stole the ;nglish Crown :ewels was pardoned Charles AA 'he died at 22 b t her boo( on ho sehold management famo s =he Hind trinity are 'hiva 5ishn and who ?ame Herc le Poirot)s valet Charles ' 'tratton became famo s as who An mythology who slew the nine headed hydra What co ntry holds the Olympic polo championship An * lliver)s =ravels name the flying island Who wrote ?ever /ove a 'tranger What city has the most canals Where was Ocean s Hop(ins born in 1+28 An China big wigs have fo r b t lesser men only two what What is the world)s warmest sea Who played Bea *este in the 1636 film Who composed the Christmas Oratorio An %nimal Farm what was the name of the farm Who owned a chimp called Chee9Chee Who)s directorial deb t was with !eservoir <ogs Where was pi11a first invented 4ilan

%bo ga ;dward ;lgar Henry 5 5enice '(i : mping G official ramps =he 4ormons = lip *eneral Pa se Comet !oc(s history formation etc Avanhoe <5 !in =in9=in =igris Ier3es 4et :ac( the !ipper > idditch ;clipse *eorge Orwell *iant Hailstones Write words to opera <iphtheria =he ;roica ?apoleon Bonaparte 'hoe points biggerQhigher %symmetric bars %s =ime *oes By B ddhists in Andia 4atches Beow lf Colonel Blood 4rs Beeton Brahma *eorge *eneral =om =h mb with Barn m Herc les %rgentina last contested 1632 /ap ta Harold !obbins Birmingham On the 4ayflower O tside Poc(ets =he !ed 'ea *ary Cooper : ' Bach 4anor Farm <r <olittle > entin =arantino

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

'wan /a(e ! ssia 0nderage one or both 4aori '(iing % mars pials po ch Food or !esta rants < st 'tar shaped 4< 388891&88Q1&88 !aft 'aint 4atthew Ataly 'herloc( Holmes < ng Beetle Big Ben ?ec(erchief <avid Balfo r % Batmitsva Berne 'wit1erland =he Old C riosity 'hop ?ame Harry Potters non magical co sin < dley < rsley Which real person too( name meaning 4an of 'teel :oseph 'talin What are woolly and spider types of 4on(ey Where do boy sco t leaders get their names from =he : ngle Boo( G ! dyard #ipling Where wo ld yo find a 4ott Bailey and #eep % Castle An what co ntry was fashion designer 7ves 't /a rent born %lgeria What common British river name come from Celtic for river %von :ayne % stin is famo s b t who reigned Britain when she wrote *eorge AAA What composer was the there of the 16". film 'ong of /ove :ohannes Brahms Who is (nown as =he father of Poetry Homer Who was the first 0' president to be sworn in by a woman /yndon B :ohnson G when :F# (illed Who sometimes sed the pse donym %l Brown %lphonse Capone What does 4onaco get most of its income from *ambling Casinos etc Professor #elp transformed into who B ddy /ove G :erry /ewis ? tty Professor What is the commonest item traded internationally Petrole m and its by prod cts /a(e =itti(a(a is in Per and what other co ntry Bolivia Who was the first British monarch to visit %merica *eorge 5A in 1636 Collective no ns 9 % nye of what Pheasants Where was the Hesper s wrec(ed 4assach setts ?ormans Woe *losE Britain)s oldest e3isting =rade 0nion was fo nded in 1.". what trade Br shma(ers and *eneral Wor(ers An the creation myth on the fo rth day *od made what ' n 4oon 'tars %ll PCs have a BAO' what does bios stand for Basic Anp t O tp t 'ystem British soldiers mentioned in despatches get which bron1e award =he Oa( /eaf An 16+. an % stralian had one 11lb in weight 9 what Carrot 'issy : pe adopted by =homas *radgrind which <ic(ens novel Hard =imes Operation =h nderbolt was the nic(name given to which raid Asraeli raid on ;ntebbe An :apan what is !a( Bisc it fired Pottery '(imbleshan(s was a = ' ;lliot cat what was his area =he !ailway Cat What is the largest Asland in =he *reater %ntilles C ba

Odele and Odette appear in what =chai(ovs(y ballet An what co ntry is =he < ma part of parliament ?onage is what reason to stop a marriage #ier % ro is good morning in what lang age An what sport does herringboning ta(e place What is a marc pi m %t epiC arianEcom yo wo ld find information abo t what What does a (onimeter meas re % stellate ob@ect is shaped li(e what What is 444 min s 4< Balsa wood gets its name from 'panish what)s literal meaning Who is the Patron 'aint of %cco ntants An what co ntry did the 'abines live Who often solved a three pipe problem =he t mbleb g is an alternative name for which insect 't 'tevens =ower is s ally misnamed what What type of clothing article is a Belcher Who was (idnapped in !obert /o is 'tevenson)s #idnapped :ewish boys have a Barmitsva at 13 what do girls get at 12 What ; ropean capitol stands on the river %are An which <ic(ens novel does /ittle ?ell appear

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What co ntry sed the first aircraft eC ipped bomber in war An what sport wo ld yo find a coffin :ohn H 3ham in 1.&8 invented which word =%B'O is the national airline of which co ntry Who wrote the comic opera !obinson Cr soe What was <id s Anept s better (nown as What sport feat red in the 1628 film Brea(ing %way %mbig was an early form of what card game =he cast iron plant is another name for which pot plant What does the name =o(yo mean 'ir Walter !aleigh fo nd what odd la(e in =rinidad Worlds oldest e3isting treaty of 13.3 between ;ngland and who Bargasse is what type of vegetable matter Who was Hiawatha)s father #ittyD fireD draw and t c( in are terms in what sport Ordinary seaman %ble 'eaman what comes ne3t What was =hin /i11ies first hit in 16.3 =he sprat belongs to what fish family =he Horned Planet is better (nown as what Who did the painting on the cover of =he Bands first alb m Carrant al is the highest pea( in which co ntry Who wrote =he 'ymphony of a =ho sand What is *reece)s second city after %thens What was Pa l the %postles real name When is ' perman)s birthday :ohn 7o ngD *emini 3D 16+2 first to do what in space What is the C ria =he locals call it Firen1e what do we call it What common sign derived from the 4edici family crest What is a so nd below 28 cycles a second called *oldaming in ' rrey was the first ;nglish town to have what :im Ba( s s pplied the voice of which cartoon character Who spea(s > ech a *enerally cornflowers are what colo r 'tarting highest write the !oman ? merals in descending order 7oiD 7ameD 'eremade and Hantai terms in what sport %frica)s fo r great rivers ?ileD Congo $ambe1i and what Catriona was a seC el to which famo s novel Who sang the original version of Bl e ' ede 'hoes What (ind of material is g ip re ?ame a C adr ped beginning with the letter ? 0n s al ,for him- role Bogart play in =he !et rn of <octor I 1636 An ?orway what is a brisling Who composed the 'ymphonies FantastiC e 4ediolan m was the !oman name for what Atalian city Which British city had the first pavements ,sidewal(s- in 1+22 What is considered to be the worlds fastest team game What song did 4arilyn 4 nroe sing in the film B s 'top Which #ing was the first to se the !oyal We =he locals call it 'hCiperia what do we call this co ntry

Ataly Atalian = r(ish war 1612 Cross co ntry riding itBs a fence Anfl en1a B lgaria Offenbach =he <odo Cycling Po(er %spidistra ;astern City /a(e of =ar or %sphalt Port gal ' gar Cane P lp 4 d@e(eewis G =he West Wind *reen Bowls /eading 'eaman Whis(ey in the :ar Herring 5en s Bob <ylan Areland 4ahler his eighth 'eloni(a 'a l 26th Febr ary ;at a hamb rger %dministration of the Catholic Ch rch Florence Ataly Pawnbro(ers balls % Woof ;lectric street lighting 4r 4agoo Per vian Andians Bl e 4<C/I5A or 16++ #arate ?iger #idnapped ! / 'tevenson Carl Per(ins /ace ?ewt 9 ? tria G ?agli % 5ampire % 'prat Hector Berlio1 4ilan ;dinb rgh in High 't and Cowgate Ace Hoc(ey =hat Old Blac( 4agic !ichard the /ionheart %lbania

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What star sign is Harry Potter =he word 4ongol means what in 4ongolian An the 0'% itBs the Oscars what is it in France What is the correct name for a virgin , ncalfed- cow An the 0'% what is 4arine One An the Bible who climbed 4o nt ?ebo Where co ld yo spend yo r *o rde What sa sage gets it)s name from the Atalian for Onion What does a cadastral map show An what area of France is champagne made =he longest recorded one lasted &1E& min tes 9 what Who was the first British !oyal to become a motorist Ford Prefect came from a star in which constellation What ma(es %rgonD ?eon and Heli m niC e in chemistry An the Bible who p t <aniel in the lions den Cheval9vape r in France is eC al to what in ;nglish =he a thor of 4oll Flanders wrote which more famo s wor( On the Bea fort scale what is defined as force 11 =he 'pin( standard catalog e lists information abo t what Af yo s ffer from diplopia what have yo got What 'ha(espeare play Co rse tr e love never did r n smooth %ll my 7esterdays is which actors a tobiography Which type of f ll moon follows a harvest moon Which pop singer was *lad to be *ay =he Wheel 'pins ;thel /ina White basis for what Hitchcoc( film On average it ta(es 1E& ho rs to do what An #iplings poem * nga <in what @ob had * nga <in What began in 12.. b t banned women ntil 122" Who is the boss of 0?C/; Which cities p blic transport lost property office is the b siest ?ame only bo3er to win a world title who never had a manager =he opera =he =sar ' ltan contains what famo s m sical piece Five tons are mined ann ally 9 five tons of what An 5ene1 ela lovers se pin( what What co ntry in distance is f rthest from ?ew $ealand Whose girlfriend had a pet sna(e called ;nid What word is in 1288 different lang ages witho t changing Whose horse was Blac( ?ell Old Honiton *enoese and 4echlin all types of what ?ame the first teddy bear in space An France who are nic(named the #epis blancs ?ame ;rnest Hemmingway)s boo( dealing with b llfighting Which animal pron(s An the Wi1ard of O1 name the *ood Witch of the ?orth Britain France and who fo ght the battle of =rafalgar Who)s first boo( was Pebble in the '(y Whose original bac( p gro p were =he Bl e 4oon Boys Britannia female embodiment of Britain who is the French Who wrote the line ;ast is ;ast and West is West Which %merican city sed to be called 7erba B ena

/eo Brave Caesars Heifer Presidents Helicopter 4oses to see promised land Haiti Chipolata /arge scale individ al properties !eims =ennis rally1826 stro(es Prince of Wales ;dward 5AA Orion ,Betelge se?o compo nds #ing <ari s Horse power !obinson Cr soe % 'torm Coins <o ble vision 4ids mmer ?ights <ream ;dward * !obinson H nters 4oon =om !obinson =he /ady 5anishes F lly cremate a corpse Water Carrier Wimbledon =ennis 4r Waverley =o(yo :a(e /a 4otta =he Flight of the B mblebee <iamonds ;nvelopes 9 post half price 'pain %dolf Hitler %men Wild Bill Hic(o(s /ace 4ish(a 1628 Olympic mascot Foreign /egion Fiesta 'pringbo( *linda 'pain Asaac %simov ;lvis Presley 4arianne ! dyard #ipling 'an Francisco

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What)s capital of =he Peoples <emocratic !ep blic of 7emen Who played /o is %rmstrong in 16&" film =he *len 4iller 'tory =he Old %1tecs played ollamalit1i what game does it resemble An literat re who lived at . 'avile !ow What is the only 'ha(espeare play that mentions %merica :an /odvi( Hoc( changed his name to what What is the longest golf co rse to stage the British Open %tlanta b rned in *one With the Wind was what old film set What are 0naoneD 'o3isi3 and ?ovenine Af something is caseo s what is it li(e William Herschel astronomer was a m sician what instr ment 0# snoo(er players call it do bling what do 0' pool players say An 4%'H what was the character !adars f ll name Whose only novel was =he Cardinals 4istress :immy <oyle died d ring a title fight in 16". who was opponent An 1688 Persian soldiers were paid with what An Aslington in /ondon itBs a O&8 fine for sleeping where <r <eidrich #nic(erboc(er invented which famo s character What occ pation wo ld se a dibber Which gro p of people first sed gold fillings 4iss /emon is what detectives confidential secretary ?ame %lice)s pet cat An the siege of 4afe(ing who led the defenders Beethoven)s fifth piano concerto is nic(named what What did %ristotle claim as the most delicate of table meats Which ann al world championship is held at Co3heath #ent An which film did Cliff !ichard sing /iving <oll in 16&6 Which /ombardy town is famed for its cheese Which acid dissolves glass Who wrote =he female of the species more deadly than the male 4 sical terms 9 what does <e Capo mean on a score What is a half of a half of a half of a half Who recorded as <ib Cochran and the ;arwigs An what co ntry is =iah anaco What e3actly are chitterlings What was Winston Ch rchill)s codename d ring WW2 =here are "E& gallons of ale in what container Of what did the poet :ohn 4ilton die =he m sical instr ment piccolo means what in Atalian An what co ntry co ld yo spend a t gri( %ll the pict res of which (ing are always shown in profile Pernell !oberts played which character in a =5 western series 163. saw the first BBC =5 broadcast of which event Which orchestral instr ment can play the highest note Who was the r nner p in the 16.6 /e 4ans 2" ho r race %irman = ; 'haw in WW2 was better (nown as who Atalian painter :acopo !ob sti is better (nown as who What were volitos first demonstrated in 'oho /ondon in 1223 Which 4o1art opera is s btitled 'chool for /overs An literat re who married 4ary 4orstan

%den He played himself Bas(etball Phileas Fogg =he Comedy of ;rrors ,%ct AAA 'cene ii!obert 4a3well Carno stie .8++ yards #ing #ong it needed clearing Anternational phonetic n mbers 1+6 Cheese Organ Ban(ing Walter O)!eilly Benito 4 ssolini ' gar !ay !obinson <on(eys =he P blic /ibrary !ip 5an Win(le *ardener 9 to ma(e planting holes Ancas of Per Herc le Poirot <inah !obert Baden Powell =he ;mperor Camel C stard Pie throwing 'erio s Charge *orgon1ola Hydrofl oric %cid ! dyard #ipling From the beginning % 'i3teenth 4arc Bolan and <avid Bowie Bolivia Fried animals birds small intestines %gent Pin *o t 'mall 4ongolia #ing of <iamonds %dam Cartwright Wimbledon =ennis =he 5iolin Pa l ?ewman = ; /a rence of %rabia =intoretto !oller '(ates Cosi fan = ti <r :ohn Watson

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Which game begins when the referee sho ts draw What is litm s derived from Hydrosis is the medical term for what 4isogamy is a disli(e or hatred of what What car has been voted ; ropean car of the Cent ry An Andia what is a (hidm tgar Who sang abo t 'at rday ?ight at the 4ovies Who owned the sword :oye se At was finally abolished in Britain in 16"2 9 what was Beethoven)s si3th symphony is (nown as what Which ;nglish #ing had the most legitimate children ,12=he windhover is an alternative name for which bird Where is the 0' masters golf to rnament always played 'anta Cr 1 airport serves which city 'ilver hallmar(s 9 what ob@ect is stamped on Birmingham items *raham Hill won 16+2 world championship in which ma(e of car OpaC e 2 is a modern variety of which cereal crop Who was the first tennis player to achieve the grand slam What are padmasana sirsasana and savasana What is strange abo t the *olden > een holly What is the last boo( of the Old =estament > een 4ary AA died at age 32 what (illed her What metal is sed in galvani1ing % 2& to 31 mph wind on the Bea fort scale is called what =he false plane tree is better (nown as what Baptista is #atherine)s father in which 'ha(espeare play /epidoptera ,from the *ree(- literally means what An what sport might yo see a stem9christie Why a camel haired br shes ,made from sC irrel- called camel What common item has 32 points An 1223 the British army soldiers were first iss ed with what Who was the first %merican to win a ?obel pri1e An 'ha(espeare Hamlet who is Ophelia)s brother What is the worlds largest airline What is the brightest star always in the ?orthern s(y 2"J of British men have no what 4ost people associate the colo r green with which flavo r 4endelssohn)s Wedding 4arch comes from which wor( Whose a tobiography was KCan yo tell what it is yetK What did :oseph *ayetty invent in 12&. =he %ndaman Aslands are in which bay What colo r are lobsters What does per capita literally mean : * *alle discovered it in 12"+ 9 discovered what 'ilent movie star Ben = rpin ins red his what for N&88888 What does a potometer meas re What was Winston Ch rchill)s favo rite participation sport =he average person eats 288 in their lifetime 288 what What is the central part of a bac(gammon board called #ing Henry 5AAA trained as what % Priest

/acrosse /ichens 'weating 4arriage 4ini % Waiter =he <rifters Charlemagne Flogging =he Pastoral ;dward A #estrel % g sta *eorgia Bombay %nchor /ot s 4ai1e <onald B dge 7oga Positions At is male *olden #ing is female 4alachi 'mallpo3 $inc 'trong Bree1e =he 'ycamore =he =aming of the 'hrew 'caly Winged '(iing Anvented by 4r Camel =he compass =ro sers =heodore !oosevelt /aertes %eroflot 5ega !eal teeth 4int % 4ids mmer ?ights <ream !olf Harris =oilet !olls =he Bay of Bengal <ar( Bl eFgreen pin( when coo(ed Per Head =he planet ?ept ne His 'C int Water inta(e Polo Chic(ens =he Bar

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What sports name translates as /ittle *ame of War What are ClaymoreD =histle and Piper What colo r tranC illisers wor( best An what city did 2 year old 4o1art compose his first symphony An 7iddish what is yo r P pi( Who was Ben H rs rival in the great chariot race Britain)s Fran(ie Wainman was world champion 16.6 what sport :ohn 4c;nroe won Wimbledon do bles with what partner PrideD %variceD ;nvyD *l ttonyD 'lothD / st what)s missing On average it rains " days a wee( in what ; ropean capital What co ntry sed the ringgit as c rrency What)s the name of the Bar !esta rant in the =5 show > incy An what <ic(ens novel does %lfred :ingle appear %@a3 was the trade mar( of the worlds first what What brass instr ment is tho ght to be the most diffic lt to play 'F are the international car registration letters for which co ntry :acC es *arnerin made the first in 1.6. the first what =he British army sed to wear p ttees 9 what)s it literally mean =he orchestra s ally t nes p to what instr ment What is the most freC ent ca se of b siness errors Which magical city is located in the 5alley of the Bl e 4oon An which ; ropean city is the %rch of =it s Fran( O1 was the voice of who On a standard rainbow what colo r is on the inside of the c rve What m sical term means playing with each note detached What animal stands for the longest period An what co ntry did the word plon( meaning wine originate %lfred Pac(er in the 0'% was convicted of what strange crime Captain Flint b ried his treas re where , Ben * nn d g it p Who composed a symphony nic(named =he Hen An the 'olar system there are 2 4o nt Olymp s)s *reece and where 'aint /idwina is the Patron 'aint of who Who wo ld se a caret Who was the first woman to win " consec tive 0' tennis open What is the lowest title handed down from father to son What is Britain)s largest carnivoro s animal How many women (now the form la of Coca Cola 'ch bert)s fo rth symphony is nic(named the what What are Portland 5ases made from Where co ld yo have a (ip 9 then spend it What is a cord roy road made from An 12th cent ry ;ngland what was (nown as Old =om An *oldfinger name the actress painted gold An 16"6 what was introd ced to cars for the first time Who was the father of %le3ander the *reat =he Atalian Chianina is recognises as being the oldest what Which co ntry ma(es the most films per year An what P ccini opera does 'carpia appear Who wrote =ravels with a <on(ey on his honeymoon =he ara caria has what more common name

/acrosse ?orth 'ea Oil Fields 7ellow /ondon Belly B tton 4essala 'toc( Car !acing Peter Fleming Wrath %msterdam or Br ssels wettest 4alaysia <anny)s =he Pic(wic( Papers Fl sh lavatory =he French Horn Finland Parach te : mp Bandages from Hind Oboe Allegible handwriting 'hangri9/a :ames Hilton /ost Hori1on !ome 4iss Piggy in the 4 ppets 5iolet 'taccato %frican ;lephant over &8 years % stralia Cannibalism '(eleton Asland :oseph Hayden 4ars '(aters Printer itBs an insertion mar( Chris ;vert /loyd Baronet Badger ?one 9 not allowed =ragic *lass /aos its c rrency /ogs laid down on swampy gro nd *in 'hirley ;aton =he Agnition (ey Philip AA of 4acedon Breed of Cattle Andia =osca !obert /o is 'tevenson =he 4on(ey P 11le tree

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Who was <o glas ;lton 0llman better (nown as An what does a steganographer write messages Charles < ff wrote the macabre Handboo( of what An =he < (es of Ha1ard who was the sheriff What wo ld yo do with a hec(lephone An the famo s song my tr e love sent me nine what !ichard %r(wright invented the 'pinning :enny what @ob had he What is or was a Port g ese moidore % h sband and wife won gold medals 16&2 Olympics who Collective no ns 9 % <esert of what Which writer created the detective /ord Peter Wimsey On the same s b@ect who event ally married /ord Peter Wimsey What is rayon made from 7oric( in 'ha(espeare)s Hamlet had what @ob ,when alive'ir ;yre 4assey 'haw hold what Olympic record from 1688 What is the worlds third largest island Corporals Henshaw and Barbella report to which sergeant =he word electricity comes from the *ree( word for what ?ame the 4otown star shot and (illed by his father in 162" Collective no ns 9 % Fall of what /eslie Hornby became more famo s as who 'eptember sho ld be seventh month by name why is it ninth When introd ced they were poc(ets for men only 9 what were What are or were =he %denaD Cay gaD Haida and ?oot(a An traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the twelfth What are *renadierD Adared and ;llison)s Orange types of Who fo ght at the battles of BastiaD Calvi and =o lon % n mismatist collects coins and what else Where co ld yo spend a #yat An what series of stories did Anspector /estrade appear ?ame the home city of the 0' football team nic(named Falcons What *ilbert P ' llivan operetta s btitled =he Peer and the Peri Hymen in *ree( *eni s in !oman *ods of what What can come in types Bl eD 'pearD Co ch and %rrow Bees live in a hive what do seals live in Herc les performed twelve labo rs what was n mber seven % philomath has a love of what % yo ng what can be called a BoyetD ;yas or ?yas What trade did BonitoD Calico :ac(D and <ic( Hatteraic( follow What ta(es place at 4ontlhery France and $andvoort Holland What is the literal meaning of the 'panish word tapas ,snac(s=he martial art tai C on do translates literally as what Wings of <esire a foreign film remade as what with ?icolas Cage 'cooby <o is what breed of dog Which boo( of =he Bible is also a title of a Bob 4arley alb m =he !omans called it ;borac m name this ;nglish city Who wrote K=o err is h man to forgive divineK An ;ngland what can be privateD p blic or approved An what traditional entertainment does the dog =oby appear Where co ld yo spend a 'ol

<o glas Fairban(s 'enior Anvisible in( Hanging !oscoe P Coltrane Play it 9 type of woodwind <r mmers dr mming Barber % *old Coin ;mile <ana $atope( marathon @avelin /apwings <orethy / 'ayers Harriot 5ane Wood p lp :ester Oldest gold yachting he was .8 Borneo 'ergeant Bil(o %mber 4arvin *aye Woodcoc(s =wiggy Ats .th year sed to start in 4arch Handbags ?orth %merican native Andian tribes 'il( %pples Horatio ?elson 4edals B rma 'herloc( Holmes %tlanta Aolanthe Fertility and 4arriage *rass % !oo(ery Capt re of the Cretan B ll /earning Haw( Pirates 4otor car racing Cover or covers #ic( %rt Way City of %ngels *reat <ane ;3od s 7or( %le3ander Pope essay on criticism 'chools P nch and : dy Per

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What 0# football team nic( =he *la1iers play at 'elh rst Par( =hanatos in *ree( 4ors in !oman *ods of what !obinD ! gby and 'imple appear in which 'ha(espeare play Where wo ld yo find % Pope ;mpress Hermit and : ggler An traditional anniversaries what is given for the thirtieth %part from a brand name what is a !eebo( :ason sailed in the %rgo b t who steered the ship What are pin(D pramD snowD (offD b ssD bar( and dory types of What was Bo can that gave B ccaneers their name <acca is the capital of which co ntry What lin(s a *igD 'pider and Phaeton What)s parts incl de barbicanD oilette and don@on An /ondon what are =he CavalryD 4arlboro gh and 'avile What does a phill menist collect ;lectricD Perse and smalt shades of which colo r What lin(s 'wordD 'C areD Floral and Barn What is a #erry Bl e An Heraldry what is a canton What lin(s the trees BodhiD Peep l and %ilento Which fictional character lived at 4ontag e street before moving Chronos in *ree( 'at rn s in !oman *ods of what % *rice is a yo ng what Anternational registration letters what co ntry is $! =here are only two three letter herbs ! e is one what)s the other An mythology who rode an eight legged horse called 'leipner ParrD 'molt and *rilse different names same thing what ?ame the raven in *eorge Orwell)s %nimal Farm %ll 0' Presidents were Federalists !ep blicans <emocrats or what ;1e(ielD :eremiahD ;li and Asaiah were all what in =he Bible What family were the last r ling ho se of Ataly Where wo ld yo find a BonnetD Co rseD <abbler and <river Who said =is better to have loved and lost etc What *ilbert P ' llivan operetta was s btitled B nthorns Bride Which poet wrote % thing of bea ty is a @oy forever in ;ndymion CopelandD 4asonD < 3 and Bow all types of what An *ree( mythology who was > een of the nderworld Which writer created =abitha =witchetD Babbity B mbleD 4r =od What lin(s BassD 4essinaD Horm 1 and =orres What does a philologist st dy Which a thors first , ns ccessf l- boo( was Anland 5oyage <etails of what can be fo nd in =he Bl e Boo( Bac(fallD diapasonD palletD gambaD stic(er all parts of what Oedip s married his mother 9 who was she An Heraldry if things are accosted what position are they in PintadoD PochardD 'ca pD 'coter and 'mee types of what ?ame 'ha(espeare play %rielD 4iranda and Prospero appear IanthicD Fallow and % reate shades of which colo r Bric(batD PecorinoD 4ycella and =ilsiter all types of what What is the capital of Panama ?ame both the *ree( and !oman *od of Prophecy and Plag es

Crystal Palace <eath =he 4erry Wives of Windsor =hey are =arot Cards Pearl %n %ntelope %rg s Boats or other water craft <ried meat Bangladesh Horse drawn carriages % Castle Private 4embers Cl bs 4atchbo3 labels Bl e =ypes of <ance <og type of =errier % Corner =hey are all sacred to someone 'herloc( Holmes =he Harvest Wild Boar $aire Bay Odin 'almon 9 life stages 4oses Whigs 12"1 9 "& 12&8 9 &3 Prophets 'avoy 'hip they are sails %lfred /ord =ennyson An 4emoriam Patience #eats Pottery Persephone Beatri3 Potter 'traits of water /ang ages !obert /o is 'tevenson 0' %ristocracy Pipe Organ :ocasta 'ide by 'ide < c(s =he =empest 7ellow Cheese Panama %pollo

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What pop lar party drin( gets its name from 'ans(rit meaning & /ondon lin( Prince ;dward)sD Prince of WalesD Her 4a@esty)s Which co ntry borders ! ssia 'weden and ?orway What type of creat re is an Orb Weaver Whose a tobiography was called =all <ar( and *r esome An p blishing what is the verso =he British !a@ in Andia lasted 68 years what)s it literally mean What ancient !oman b ildings name means Place for a *iant What lin(s CiampinoD /od and Waalhaven :ohn =enniel drew the ill strations for what famo s boo( Only two north %merican Andian tribes with 3 letters Wea and what Collective no ns 9 % Congregation of what %dmiral Horatio ?elson lost his arm at which battle An WW2 what was the British eC ivalent of the *erman ;9Boat Anternational car registration letters what co ntry is !% Of what are BristolD !oc(inghamD ChelseaD and 4inton types Who is (nown as =he father of ;nglish poetry 9 13"8 9 1"88 %ccording to the traditional rhyme what)s the fate of WedE child What are or were =esterD !oyalD 4ar( and ?oble BistreD 'orrel and 5andy(e are shades of which colo r Af yo were watching cric(et at =he O ter in which city are yo 7o have a fo rsome and a shag what have yo done What peoples name literally translates as ordinary What are the %natolianD %tacamaD ?af d and $irreh 'am Weller was whose servant in a <ic(ens boo( <andy <inmontD BedlingtonD 'ealyham are what types of dog What is e3tracted from the ore caserite :ohn Palmer is b ried in 7or( what better (nown name =he Carmelite mon(s have what more common name An what sport does a player win when they get 1& points %merican Football 9 where do the /ions play at home An ;ngland what lin(s %rdenD <eanD #ielder and ?ew An what co ntry wo ld yo be rich in /e 4essidorD =hermidor and Fr ctidor were what in 1.26 ,::%What fr it can be !ed Blac( or White An fashion correspondent and bar are types of what item %rtemis is *ree( *oddess of what 9 only one among all *ods 2&J of the ad lt male pop lation of the 0# are what Ch rchillD AroC oisD Owen and 'miths are all what % company called 'ymbol owns patent to what common item What can yo find on California)s 4o nt Coo( Fesc eD Fo3tailD ! ppia and > itch are types of what An the twelve labo rs of Herc les what did he do third An Heraldry what symbol is a lymphad What @ob lin(s Pa l CliffordD Cla de < valD CaptE 4acheath Whose cases were ;mpty Ho se Copper Beeches Blac( Peter Which #ing is (nown as =he ' icide #ing An Costa !ica and ;l 'alvador yo spend what An the Christmas song yo r tr e love gave yo give eight what ?ame the Capital of the 0(raine

P nch 9 originally & ingredients =heatres Finland 'pider Christopher /ee /eft page 9 !ecto right page ! le Colise m %irports !ome =el %viv !otterdam %lice in Wonderland Fo3 Plovers =enerife 4=B or 4otor =orpedo Boat %rgentina Pottery Porcelain China *eoffrey Cha cer F ll of Woe Old ;nglish coins Brown 4elbo rne % stralia <ance they are types of dance 4aori <eserts 'am el Pic(wic( =erriers =in <ic( = rpin Whitefriers Badminton <etroit Forests ! manian c rrency French revol tionary calendar months C rrants 'hoe 5irginity and Chastity Over + feet tall Waterfalls Bar Code Hollywood sign *rass Capt re %rcadian 'tag 'hip with oars Highwayman 'herloc( Holmes #ing of Hearts 'word thro gh head Colons 4aids a 4il(ing #iev

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What was the name of the dog in Peter Pan 0# football <erby Co nty home the Baseball *ro nd nic(name ;very 12 seconds in 0'% someone does what in a Holiday Ann Who rode a horse called /amri Which stringed instr ment is blown to prod ce so nd BearD BirdD *oatD ;agleD 'wan and !abbit what lin(s in Areland Hera in *reece : no in !ome *oddesses of what An :apan what is an obi Honi soit C i mal y pence is the motto of what organisation What is n s al abo t =he la(e of 4onteith in 'cotland Which tree is sacred to %pollo ,<aphne changed into oneWho wrote =he <ong with the / mino s ?ose and =he : mblies What are Bl r CrowD BrimstoneD Owl and !inglet types of =he liC or C racao is flavo red with what An French legend who is the lover of %belard Af a male ass is a :ac(ass what is a female called What are / sterD 4oreenD 4 ngo and ?an(een types of An *eorge Orwell)s %nimal Farm what type of animal was 4 riel An /ondon what lin(s /ambethD 't :ames and Westminster What does an icthyophage do Oswestry fo nded in 1"8. is Britain)s oldest what An mythology who married the bea tif l maid *alatea An Bradshaws yo wo ld find information abo t what =he !omans called it 4amc ni m what is this ;nglish city 'ha(espeare wrote Cr el only to be (ind in what play =raditional . 'eas ? ' %tlantic ? ' Pacific %rctic %ntarctic H /a nfalD Pelleas and =ristram were part of what gro p Who wrote the h moro s boo(s on One 0pmanship *ree( !oman %pollo Babylonian 4ard ( Andian 5ishn gods H Which ;nglish #ing rode a horse called White ' rrey Billycoc(D Wideawa(eD *ib s and 4itre all types of what > ilp ,% <warf- is a character in which <ic(ens novel What word can be added to FaeD FenD BilD *oose to ma(e fr it Carac lD <orsetD 0rialD 4 fflon and :acobs are types of what What are 'trengthD Chariot and Hermit BellyD Bloc(D Blo tD ? tD !ib and waist are all parts of what 4a na /oaD Paric tinD ' rtsey and ' sya are all what Which co ntries leader was an e3tra in Hollywood BO$ was the penname if which writer What bird is sometimes called the 7affle What organisation is (nown as the 'ociety of Friends BaleinD BoopsD FinD *ramp s and Pothead are types of what =he =en Commandments what was n mber fo r Who wrote the play %ndrocles and the /ion What co ntry was r led by the 'chleswig9Holstein dynasty An France what ta(e place at % te ilD 'aint9Clo d and Chantilly % =iercel is the correct name for a male what %n algophile loves what Who is the !oman *oddess of invention and wisdom What wo ld yo do with a celesta

?ana !ams 'teals a towel #ing %rth r %eolian Harp %ll Aslands Childbirth % wide 'ash worn li(e a belt Order of the *arter Only one the rest are /ochs /a rel ;dward /ear B tterflies Orange Heloise :enny 4aterial or fabric =he *oat %ll Palaces ;ats Fish P blic 'chool ;ton 1""8 ne3t #ing Pygmalion %phrodite life !ailways 4anchester Hamlet Andian #nights of the !o nd =able 'teven Potter Healing !ichard AAA Hat =he Old C riosity 'hop Berry 'heep =arot Cards % 5iolin 5olcanoes Fidel Castro Charles <ic(ens Woodpec(er > a(ers Whale #eep the 'abbath holy *eorge Bernard 'haw *reece Horse !acing G they are co rses Haw( or Falcon Pain 4inerva Play it G perc ssion instr ment

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What wo ld yo do if someone gave yo a =wan( What is the s b@ect of the reference boo( :anes Which spice comes in hands What wo ld yo e3pect to see at 'anta Pod What does a hypodermic literally mean What was Peter Bla(e a pop art designers most famo s wor( An which 16+8 film did ;lvis Presley play a mi3ed race character What profession had /em al * lliver when he was shipwrec(ed Who is s pposed to be b ried nder #ings Cross station An the Bible what was an adamant =homas Caneery writer 'chlinders %r( comes from what co ntry Which !oman ;mperor made ' nday a religio s holiday Af yo have polythelia what have yo got Orthoepy is the st dy of what Which 'aints day is the 23rd %pril Which modern artist created the 4other and Child <ivided What 'ha(espeare character ends saying =he rest is 'ilence ?ame :ohn H ston)s last film Who was the father of Acar s An the Old =estament what is the first boo( of 4oses / cy Hobbs =aylor 12+. first woman in the 0' to do what What is the correct name for a castrated pig What is the literal meaning of the title 5iceroy <over is the 'tate Capitol of which 0' state Where wo ld yo find *iacomo 4arconi airport An the ?orthern hemisphere its :an 1st 'o th % g 1st what is What word describes one tenth of a na tical mile What does the /atin phrase ;3 4ores mean What does a sacerdotal person st dy for An the Bible :ohn the Baptist lived on wild honey and what Who wrote the Paris and Prag e symphonies 4en are ten times more li(ely than women to have what BondD Cotton Fabric and =ablet are types of what What mythical beast is a cross between a lion and an eagle 4elita in the Bible where Pa l was shipwrec(ed is where today =he $oastrian religion began in what co ntry Hydra *yr m was the /atin name for which element Crystallite is sed in what sport =he half wit 'mi(e appears in which <ic(ens novel Contralto and 'oprano are female voices what comes between An ?orth %frica a mo flon is a wild what What name)s given to a n mber that e3actly divides into another Who wrote the boo( =he %ma1ing 4r !ipley Who dictated the #oran to 4ohamed %ncient !ome F *reece what =emple was dedicated to all *ods What 0' 'tate flag has a 0# 0nion Flag on it An the Old =estament whose name means *ods with s What does an anthrophage practice Who is the *ree( *oddess of witchcraft and blac( magic *rande and Chico are versions of what 'panish activity

<rin( it 9 it)s tea 4ilitaria G 'hips Planes * ns etc *inger <rag !acing 0nder s(in Beatles 'ergeant Peppers cover Flaming 'tar 'hips s rgeon Boadicea <iamond % stralia Constantine =hree nipples Word pron nciation 'aint *eorge of ;ngland <amien H rst Hamlet =he <ead <aedal s *enesis 9 first & all 4oses boo(s Become a registered dentist Barrow An place of the #ing <elaware Bologna !acehorse official birthdays Cable %ccording to C stom =he priesthood /oc sts 4o1art Colo r Blindness Paper *riffin 4alta Persia or Aran 4erc ry 9 Hg 'noo(er 9 Pool balls made from it ?icholas ?ic(leby 4e11o 9 soprano 'heep Factor or <ivisor Patricia Highsmith =he %ngel *abriel Pantheon Hawaii ;man el Cannibalism Hecate Flamenco dancing

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is a Bodhran sed in Areland Petilent wine is what What did =revor Baylis invent An 4edieval China children p to . years old wo ld do what An 1&88 BC ;gyptian women had to be what to be bea tif l =he average %merican does what for &2 min tes a day Who was the Christian missionary portrayed in Chariots of Fire What are silver coins made from What 'tate was fo nded in 16"2 WhereD apart from the wildD wo ld yo find b lls bears and stags What is the 'A base nit of electrical c rrent Bell 5iew in 4anchester b ilt in 1622 was Britain)s first what %nthesis means what in relation to plants What children)s character lived at 'catterbroo( farm An Christian tradition what 'aint is the 5irgin 4ary)s mother =he filbert is an alternative name for which n t ' perstition if a woman sees a robin 5alentines day marry who %nn Fran(lin in 1.62 was the first woman to do what An dry meas re 2 C arts are a what 4arch %pril and 4ay are the only months that have what What has 32 panels and +"2 stitches =homas ' llivan in ?ew 7or( in 1682 introd ced what =he ! ssians sed what to c re piles Af yo have %c te hasopharyngitis what)s wrong An 162. what ceased to be a weapon in the British %rmy Who was the only %postle to die a nat ral death What was banned in China in 1611 as a sign of fe dalism %n 12th cent ry law in Britain banned the poor from having what Oil is the most traded prod ct in the world what is the second At is illegal to ta(e pict re of who in $ambia What is the active ingredient in Chinese birds nest so p What animals evidence is admissible in 0' co rts What is the most pop lar participation sport in Britain An Britain what are 'ing =ao and Weng Wei Po Which *rand Pri3 driver was also a champion claw pigeon shot %mbrosia the food of the *ods from the *ree( %mbroata means Psyscrophillia is se3 al aro sal by what What company developed the dot matri3 printer for +" Olympics What is meas red with an ombrometer Who set a world water speed record over .8 mph at age .2 ;idology is the search for what What star only began singing when she bro(e her leg What is Foghorn /eghorn)s favo rite song !odin)s =he =hin(er is really a portrait of what Atalian poet *race !obin was the first model 9 to model what in 1638 What game has only . possible opening moves Who owned the dog called Perit s An coo(ery what happens to food served farci %n orchidectomy involves what proced re > een 5ictoria in 123. was the first ;nglish monarch to do what

Arish <r m over a frame 'lightly spar(ling Cloc(wor( !adio Breastfeed Bald !ead a ?ewspaper ;ric /iddle Copper ?ic(el Asrael 'toc( ;3changes %mperes *reyho nd 'tadi m An Flower 9 blooming Wor1el * mmage 'aint %nn Ha1eln t 'ailor ?ewspaper ;ditor in ?ewport 0'% Pec( %nagrams Charm !ipal 7am % football ,soccer=he =ea Bag Potato s ppositories 7o got a cold =he /ance 'aint :ohn =he Pigtail *in 9 they were too pissed Coffee Pygmies Bird 'pit % Bloodho nd <arts Chinese ?ewspapers :ac(ie 'tewart 0# clay & times Ammortal Cold 'ei(o !ainfall %le3ander *raham Bell ;3istence of *hosts <oris <ay was a dancer Camptown !aces <ante Contact /enses <ra ghts 9 Chec(ers %le3ander the *reat At)s st ffed !emoval of testicle /ive in B c(ingham Palace

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Who was the science advisor on the first 'tar =re( film Why does a cynophobe fear An a French resta rant what)s plate de @ re translate as ?ame of the road system lin(s 1. capitals in 'o th %merica Capital cities name translates as City of Aslam An Britain since 1388 gold and silver hallmar(ed what in 16.& Where wo ld yo find a planchette 7o ordered nagi in a :apanese resta rant what wo ld yo get Af yo have dysmorphia what do yo hate An =he 4an with the *olden * n name 'caramangas assistant ?ame Pl to)s moon Which gro p of hobbyists spend the most money on it 4ore than 1" million are sold daily in 1&8 co ntries 9 what What is the only insect that can t rn its head An %nimal Farm what (ind of creat re was Bl ebell *eneva stands on what river Which actor was born in Chi ha ha 4e3ico +1 is the international telephone dialling code for what co ntry What %merican Andian tribe c rrently has over 388888 members An the 0' civil war what were graybac(s Casey #asem was the original voice of what cartoon character Who was Bette 4idlers piano player before going solo =he artist 'e rat employed which techniC e Where wo ld yo find yo r $ygomatic %rch What is meas red in ohms 4en(es #in(y Hair 'yndrome ca sed by deficiency of what Which heroine comes from %mphipolis Where were Belgian waffles invented Where wo ld yo find a gambrel On a prescription what does PO mean /agomorphs refer to which animal What is the 'A nit of force Proverbially a man is as old as he feels a woman as old as sheH What nationality was the first man to die in a plane crash An scrabble what two letters are worth ten points ?ame of the 4a@or *eneral who invented the e3ploding shell Which two vegetables are sed in vichyssoise %merican fol(lore %bner <o bleday invented what at West Point =here are five stars on the flag of which co ntry What is the worlds longest race Who wrote Brea(fast at =iffany)s What first crossed the ;nglish Channel in 16&6 Which actorFwriter born 1636 has the first names :ohn 4arwood Who fo nded the Ballet ! sse Who designed the mini s(irt 4ary Pic(ford Charlie Chaplin and who fo nded 0nited %rtists What company did actor Brad Pitt model for :ames Bond flew /ittle ?ellie in which film An coo(ing something made 5eroniC e m st contain what Which island was the site of the % stralian *rand Pri3

Asaac %simov <ogs <ish of the <ay Pan %merican Highway Aslamabad Platin m Oi @a board indicator ;el % body part ?ic( ?ac( Charon *ardeners Bic pens =he praying mantis % <og !hone %nthony > inn % stralia Chero(ee Body lice 'haggy on 'cooby <oo Barry 4anilow Pointillism Chee(bone ;lectrical resistance Copper Iena warrior princess / 3embo rg On a horse itBs a horses leg By mo th !abbits ?ewton /oo(s French G Orville Wrights passenger >$ Henry 'hrapnel /ee( Potato Baseball Peoples rep blic of China =he Whitbread ro nd the world =r man Capote Prototype hovercraft :ohn Cleese 'ergei Pavlovich <iaghilev 4ary > ant < W *riffith /evis 7o Only /ive =wice *rapes Philip Asland

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Hanoi stands on the 'ong9#oi 9 what)s it mean 0' civil war Confederate #ingston hospital *eorgia specialised Where is the 'alvador <ali m se m located Who wo ld se an opisometer Af a doctor said yo had cla dication what have yo got Which co ntry in the world prod ces the most mangos Who ta ght *eorge Harrison to play the sitar :osef 5issarionovich <1h gashvili became famo s as who Who was the leader of the Polish trade nion 'olidarity An Hind Castes Brahmins were priests what were 5arsyas !obin *oodfellow alternative name which 'ha(espeare character What is lat(e Cindy Crawford ;lle 4acpherson and 4adonna all done what =he C o((a is a member of which animal family Proverbially it was a bold man who first ate what 2E".18& acres is eC al to what 'A nit %n ecostate animal lac(s what Which co ntry had the first state victims compensation scheme 'perrylite is the ore what is e3tracted =he game pailemalle played on grass evolved into what On what common ob@ect co ld yo find a gate and a claw Pavarti or 0ma is the wife of who in Hind religion ' sseration is what =here are over "88 recognised breeds of what What lin(s 'ivan %v =evat and %dar =he word philosophy comes from *ree( literally meaning what An the classical format there are strictly only five positions 9 what Where was !obinson Cr soe)s homeD according to the boo( #alli m is the old name for which element An the Philippines what is l mpia What actress said KAt)s better to be n de than nemployedK What is a percoid 4a@orca belongs to which island gro p Who was he last = dor monarch of ;ngland Which 16&" film won eight Oscars What)s the worlds largest selling designer clothing range 'ymbolicsEcom was the worlds first what What is the worlds most poll ted ma@or city People with hypertrichosis have lots of what Corinthian Aonic and what are the orders of *ree( architect re Cassiterite is the ore what is e3tracted %thens 126+ Paris 1688 't /o is 168" /ondon 1682 what ne3t What are sca p Where wo ld yo find yo r corr gator Which artist painted =he 'cream An the 0' civil war what pet did !obert ; /ee have 166" what)s the most registered dog by %merican #ennel Cl b What actress declared KA)ll get na(ed at the drop of a hatK What g n does :ames Bond traditionally se An /atin mala means bad it)s also a favo rite !oman food what

!ed !iver 'oldiers with 5enereal <isease 't Petersb rg Florida % cartographer to meas re % limp or lameness Andia !avi 'han(ar :oseph 'talin /ech Walesa Farmers P c( % potato panca(e %ppeared in Playboy Wallaby %n Oyster Hectare !ibs ?ew $ealand in 16+8 Platin m Billiards Camera 'hiva Whispering <og :ewish months /ove of wisdom Ballet 7or( Potassi m 'pring !olls %ngie <ic(inson % bony fish Balearic Aslands ;li1abeth A On the Waterfront !alph /a ren !egistered domain name 4e3ico City Hair <oric =in 'toc(holm 1612 G Olympic ven es Wild d c(s 7o r Forehead ;dvard 4 nch % Hen /abrador retriever 'haron 'tone % Walther PP# %pple

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What film won the best vis al effects Oscar in 162& Where co ld yo spend a ! fiyya 9 Capital 4ale =omatillo is a feat re in what co ntries c sine =he golden lion is awarded at which film festival An comp ting what does ;PO' stand for An ;nglish its worth 18 points b t in Polish only one what is Who bro(e Bearings ban( and inspired the film !og e =rader Who created the animated characters Wallace and *rommet 5anilla is part of which plant family Which ;nglish monarch was first to ma(e Imas day broadcast =he 5atican is the worlds smallest co ntry what)s second What does anti pasta literally mean Fire bellied 'padefoot and 4idwife are all types of what An the man from 0?C/; what does 0?C/; stand for What is also (nown as liberty cabbage Who wrote =o #ill a 4oc(ingbird What 16.6 film won the Oscar for best vis al effects Which element is e3tracted from the ore 'cheelite Where co ld yo spend a 4etical 9 capital 4ap to Which co ntry cons mes the most wine per capita 1+E. gal per %nd what the least 9 two tablespoons per person An Oct 1662 Bernard /avery of Wales grew an 12lb 3o1 what ?ame the most downloaded cyberpet over 1" million How may Oscars did !ichard B rton win An the 4ohs scale of hardness what comes in at n mber eight % Pascal is the 'A nit of what Herman $apf designed what AnderanD <elgadoD /e4ond and Fignon names in what sport % cappella is naccompanied singing b t what it literally mean William :oyce 0' born of Arish descent famo s as who in WW2 %rtist 9 =he 4onarch of the *len in 12&8 9 /ions =rafalgar sC are ?ame woman set p free birth control clinic in Holloway in 1628 What was the last blac( and white film to win Oscar best film Who wrote the opera <er !osen(avalier Who designed the first @et engine 9 flew in 16"1 =he Wright brothers made aircraft b t what was their other @ob Who was the first Plantagenet monarch of ;ngland 11&" to 26 Where co ld yo spend a <ram 9 Capital 7erevan An ancient !ome what was the triclini m Which 'F a thor created the character /a1ar s /ong 'omaliD Balinese and %byssinian breeds of what Which city is the capital of = scany What type of adornment is a Postiche Only one world team horseracing event at %scot what trophy 0rs s %rt s Horribil s 9 the /atin name of what creat re Which *raham *reen boo( and film had Pin(y as the star What film won the best so nd effects Oscar in 162& Af yo dial 123 in the 0# what service do yo get What is the opposite of noct rnal Who wrote the boo( Anterview with a 5ampire

Cocoon 4aldives 4e3ico 5enice ;lectronic Point of 'ale /etter $ in scrabble ?ic( /eason ?ic( Par(s Orchids *eorge 5 4onaco Before the meal =oads 0tdE ?etE ComE /aw ;nforcement 'a er(ra t Harper /ee %lien = ngsten 4o1ambiC e / 3emb rg ;gypt Br ssels 'pro t 4OPy fish screensaver ?one G 'even ?omination =opa1 Press re <ingbats font Cycling An the style of the chapel /ord Haw9Haw G e3ec ted 16"+ 'ir ;dwin Henry /andseer 4arie 'topes =he %partment 16+8 :ac( /emon !ichard 'tra ss 'ir Fran( Whittle Bicycle man fact rers Henry AA %rmenia <ining !oom !obert Heinlein Cat Florence 'mall Hairpiece 'hergar C p *ri11ly Bear Brighton !oc( Bac( to the F t re =he spea(ing cloc( <i rnal %nn !ice

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Which element is e3tracted from the ore 'phalerite What co ntry cons mes the most meat per capita 12" lb 4ens world championships started 1683 b t 163" women what Where co ld yo spend yo r =ala 9 Capital %pia %ccording to the 2888 cens s in the 0# what is now a religion What is sed to ma(e a classic wiener schnit1el What can be AnlineD flat or v =raditionally there are 188 pleats in what item =he %ma1on river rises in which co ntry What is the most commonly sed condiment in the world What film won the best ma(e p Oscar in 1622 What fr it does not ripen after pic(ing Which gangster escaped from @ail sing a wooden g n Who wrote fo r consec tive n mber one songs in 16.2 What is the characters name of %gent 2+ What was the seC el to =he !oc(y Horror Pict re 'how =he oldest one in %merica still wor(ing opened in 1226 what =he 'pinet is another name for what old m sical instr ment Harold the Fairhead was the first s preme r ler of where An astrology which heavenly body r les the sign of Cancer Who said A)ve have ta(e more o t of alcohol that it has o t of me Af yo sailed d e West from :apan what co ntry wo ld yo hit What are the seeds of the herb cilantro called sed as a spice ;stelle Parsons best s pporting actress Oscar what 16+. film Which French artist designed ballet sets for <iaghilev Where might yo spend a Ceti 9 Capital %ccra What family sed to live in B g = ssel An 162" the worlds first boo( of what was p blished % flocc lent thing resembles what What ; ropean city is nic(named % ld !ee(ie 'elma /agerlof of 'weden in 1686 first woman to get what What is a C ahog Which 'aints day is 1st 4arch Who does the voiceover at the end of 4ichael :ac(son)s =hriller Af yo climbed the <olomites what co ntry are yo in =he earliest recorded one held 122. 'heen Ho se !ichmond H Which film won the best story and best song Oscars in 16+6 %d /ib is short for the /atin %d libit m what)s it literally mean Which comedian and actors real first name were /eslie =ownes An 16.+ what show appeared on =5 for the first time ?ame the %merican pilot shot down over ! ssia in 16+8 =he film 18 !illington Place is based on which British serial (iller An *erman c sine what are (artofflen 4embrenaphone m sical instr ments commonly called what Where might yo spend a Won Who wrote the novel =he 4oney Changers Who was the first ;nglish Poet /a reate in 1+1+ Helsin(i &2D 4elbo rne &+ D !ome +8 what comes ne3t What co ntry cons mes the most coffee per capita 2& /b /ee 4arvin won the best actor Oscar for what 16+& film

$inc %rgentina *ymnastics 'amoa :edi #night 5eal Car cylinders % Chefs hat Per 4 stard Beetle@ ice Pineapple :ohn <illinger Barry *ibb 4a3well 'mart 'hoc( =reatment Brewery =he 5irginal ?orway =he 4oon 'ir Winston Ch rchill #orea Coriander Bonnie and Clyde Henri 4atisse *hana =he Clampets Crosswords Wool ;dinb rgh ?obel Pri1e for /iterat re =ype of clam <avid 5incent Price Ataly 4otorcycle !ace B tch Cassidy and ' ndance #id %t Pleas re Bob Hope Charlie %ngels Francis *arry Powers !eginald Christie Potato d mplings <r ms ?orth or 'o th #orea %rth r Hailey Ben@amin :onson =o(yo +" 9 ven es Olympics Finland Cat Ballo

?o > estions > i1 ."

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Which film won the best special effects Oscar in 16+1 =he *reat *a1oo was an alien in which cartoon series Peach pear and pl m all members of which family of plants What is the final event in the modern pentathlon An 'pain what are Paradors What are %cheronD Cocyt s and Phlegethon Classical seven ages of man Anfant 'choolboy /over what)s ne3t An wac(y races who drove the converter car % !obert Heinlein boo( won 16+8 H go award name it What happened to yo if yo get a nosicomial condition %rchbishop 4a(arios of Cypr s was e3iled in 16&+ to where An which novel wo ld yo find reference to K=he Crac(s of <oomK Af yo were performing Christies or edging what are yo doing Where wo ld yo find a cross@ac( and a span(er An bo3ing what comes between bantam and light weight An <isney)s Bed(nobs and Broomstic(s what magic words sed First comic boo( character to ret rn from death by demand isH *reenmantleD =hree HostagesD Asland of 'heep which character Which film won the best so nd effects Oscar in 1668 What was voted the best monopoly piece in 1662 An what city wo ld yo find =he :acC es Cartier bridge =he %1 is the longest tr n( road in the 0# between what 2 cities An the animal (ingdom what creat res are in the order Chiroptera *ree( mythology #ing 4inos of Crete got what ann al payment An medieval times what was a mangonel sed for *eanD ?orthern bird and <warf all types of what Who met at 0@i@i in 12.1 Pilgrims visit 4ecca where is 4ecca What wo ld yo do with a wandering sailor *ermans call a WW1 sea fight Battle of '(agerra( what in 0# Port ,left- was called what before %dmiralty named it port in 12"" Which 'panish town is noted for high C ality steel swords =he ?gorogoro crater is in what =an1anian ?ational Par( HamletD 4acbeth Othello which 'ha(espeare tragedy is missing 'andD 'oda and what are the main ingredients of glass What colo r are the seats in the Ho se of /ords What are Cats tailD Coc(s foot and 'heep)s fesc e An what city wo ld yo find the 'panish !iding 'chool What is the most commonly sed oil in Chinese coo(ery Which film won the best screenplay Oscar in 16.8 =he word gospel from %nglo 'a3on literally means what =hor Heyerdahl vessels were #on =i(iD !a and what %nd what happened to =igris 3rd %pril 16.2 Af a doctor gave yo an Ashihara test what is he testing for Only one miracle is mentioned in all fo r gospels what is it What is the worlds longest mo ntain range :ason and the %rgona ts sailed to where loo(ing for the fleece ' e1 is at one end of the ' e1 canal what is at the other What are h ntingD dressD old and Price Charles ;dward types of <owsD *rahams and Warres famo s prod cers of what wine

=he * ns of ?averone =he Flintstones !oses Horse riding 'tate owned to rist hotels !ivers of Hell 'oldier Professor Pat Pending 'tarship =roopers Anfection ca ght in hospital =he 'eychelles /ord of the !ings '(iing 'ailing ship there sails Feather weight Bibbity Bobbity Boo :o(er in Batman !ichard Hannay H nt for !ed October =he Car 4ontreal /ondon 9 ;dinb rgh Bats . men M Women to feed to 4inator At was a siege catap lt Cherry =ree H 4 'tanley and <rE /ivingstone 'a di %rabia Plant it itBs a plant Battle of : tland /arboard =oledo 'erengeti #ing /ear /imestone !ed 9 Commons green =ypes of grass 5ienna *ro ndn t or Pean t 4%'H *ood =idings =igris He b rned it anti war protest Colo r blindness Feeding of &888 =he %ndes Colchis Port 'aid =artans Port

?o > estions > i1 ."

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 What is the official lang age of C ba What new invention was shown to > een 5ictoria 1" :an 12.2 An 16&+ 1+ tons topped the 0# charts who was the singer He died 22th : ly 1.&8 and had 28 children + s rvived name him Who gave 7ves 'aint /a rent his start in fashion What is the first name of %gatha Christies 4iss 4arple ;vangeline Booth became the first woman general in what army 7o are a sa cy boy comes from what 'ha(espeare play Which film won the best so nd effects Oscar in 162. ?ap(a c rrency Asmara official capital which %frican co ntry Where wo ld yo find pedals a resonator and a piller Agnoring > een name the only woman to appear on 0# c rrency An area what is the largest 'o th %merican co ntry Pierre % g stine Caron de Ba marchais play what Opera based on it An wac(y races who drove the Creepy Coop Whose catchphrase was K'top messing %bo tK :ohn <ic( %nn =immy who is missing from this famo s five <awson City was replaced by Whitehorse as the capital where Carara in = scany is famo s for prod cing what =here are 1&8 what in =he Bible % thor of *ood as *old and Closing =ime b t famed for another =he Owen Ford <am one of worlds largest is in which co ntry Which wine grape variety is nic(named =he #ing of *rapes C shatD !oc( and 'toc( all types of which creat re What do ensignD cadetD osprey and &8& have in common An coo(ery what does ricotta literally mean What lin(s 4artha Corey Brigit Bishop 4ary ;asty in cent An 'ha(espeare #ing /ear was (ing of where %rtist 4arc Chegal died in 162& in what co ntry was he born Which film won the best song Oscar in 16.1 Who wrote 4an are from 4ars Women are from 5en s #l #l 3 ClamD 0ncle %nt <isgr ntled goat characters fromH Which artist painted =he Fighting =emeraire Why co ld yo find a hoist and a fly Where wo ld yo see a stoop or what creat re is doing it <r =eeth was the leader of the band ;lectric 4ayhem 9 where <ammen in < tch is what game % horses height is meas red from the gro nd to what part What was the first <isney animated film released on video An ' perman what was the original name of =he <aily Planet /o isa %dams was the only first lady to be what An Atalian pasta c sine what does al dente literally mean Af a wine is described as alcoole 3 what has it got Which of the %postles is traditionally pict red with a p rse Which peoples name translates as eaters of raw flesh * iseppe 5erdi wrote %ida 9 in what city was it premiered <ance with a 'tranger was the film of who)s life story What nationality was 'aint Pa l of =ars s Where did yo see FancyD 'poo( and Choo9Choo An which film was the best s pporting actor Oscar won in 16.&

'panish =he telephone =ennessee ;rnie Ford :ohan 'ebastian Bach Christian <ior :ane 'alvation %rmy !omeo and : liet !obocop ;ritrea On a Harp Florence ?ightingale Bra1il Barber of 'eville *r esome =wosome #enneth Williams : lian 7 (on 4arble Psalms :oseph Heller Catch 22 0ganda Cabernet 'a vignon <oves 'ailing <inghy)s =wice coo(ed 'alem Witchcraft trial Britain ! ssia 'haft 9 =he theme from 'haft :ohn *rey Atchy P 'cratchy in =he 'impsons :oseph 4allard William = rner On a flag % falcons diving =he 4 ppet 'how <ra ghts or Chec(ers Withers 9 base of nec( crest line < mbo =he <aily 'tar Born o tside 0'% =o the teeth Overwhelming alcohol 4atthew ta3man ;s(imo Cairo ! th ;llis = r(ish An =op Cat =he ' nshine Boys *eorge B rns

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

#evin #line won best s pporting actor Oscar which 1622 film #ipros in *ree( #ibris in = r(ish what is it in ;nglish What is the main ingredient of the Andian dish dahl %n anti9t ssed is sed to treat what Ball is 32 millimetres in diameter weighs 2E& grams what sport An the 0# the Cler( of the Closet is the > eens official what % b rning oil lamp is the symbol of which organisation =he Comstoc( load is a silver deposit in what 0' state What =5 show ta(es place in ' nnydale An 2881 one active 0# warship named after an ;nglishman who Walloons spea( what lang age An * stav Holsts planets s ite which planet is the magician What 0# gentleman)s cl b first in 1261 to admit lady members %b Ovo /atin for the very beginning b t what)s it literally mean Who was the last ;mperor of France %ndy *reen first bro(e the so nd barrier on land in what car ?ames from @obs 9 Ba(er Coo( obvio s what was a Pallistair =he 'even Pillars of Wisdom comes from where ?ame *len 4illers signat re t ne :osephine H ll best s pporting actress Oscar which 16&8 film Which word lin(s a type of bread and a c t of precio s stone What co ntry does China have its longest land border with %stronomer Fred Hoyle coined which phrase =he first 0' copyrighted film showed what in 126" What do the fo r C arters of a hot cross b n symbolise PalmD OliveD Cypr s and Cedar what is the biblical lin( Antelligents !eport a C arterly maga1ine in 0' which s b@ect Pal dism is an old name for which disease What was the worlds first patented synthetic food in 12+6 Polish sprinter ;wa #lob (ows(a first do what at #iev in 16+. Who owns =he Oval cric(et gro nd Who might se r ddle or what is it What organisation recently banned in ! ssia as paramilitary Whose song did the Beatles sing on first =5 appearance 16+2 What)s n s al abo t portrait < (e of 4onmo th in ?at *allery Harry ' =r man and *erald Ford what)s the non obvio s lin( Which is the only 'ha(espeare play not to contain a song % fimetario s organism grows where What lasted & ho rs and twelve min tes in 16+6 longest ever Which film won the best vis al effects Oscar in 162" 4o nt /ogan is the highest mo ntain in which co ntry =he ?apstar logo shows headphones on what What sporting contest Peter Christian win in :an .. with 1F1+ o1 Af a dog is canineD cat feline what creat re is accipitrine !ene !aymond is better (nown as which a thor What got named by novelist *ilbert Fran(a at a party in 162+ An 16th cent ry 0'% what was =he 4ongolian C rse Af yo s ffered from script rience what are yo compelled to do /in( % rora =e3asD 'pitsbergen ?orway and 0bat ba Bra1il What)s the 0' eC ivalent to the <epartment of Health in the 0#

% Fish Called Wanda Cypr s /entils Co ghs =able =ennis Chaplin *ideons ?evada B ffy the 5ampire 'layer 'ir Winston Ch rchill French in Belgi m 0ran s !eform cl b From the egg ?apoleon AAA =hr st ''C Fence ma(er Proverbs in Bible 4oonlight 'erenade Harvey Bag ette 4ongolia =he Big Bang % man snee1ing 4oon phases Woods cross made 0FO organisation 4alaria 4argarine Fail se3 test was disC alified Prince Charles 'hepherds dye mar(ing sheep 'alvation %rmy !oy Orbison <ream Baby Ats not him /eft handed =he Comedy of ;rrors An faeces or shit Wimbledon =5 match no tie brea( Andiana :ones =emple of <oom Canada % cat %ngling 9 total ,onlycatch % haw( !aymond Chandler $ip he said $ip its open $ip its sh t Opi m Write things down 0FO crash sites ' rgeon *eneral

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66

:ean 4ontgolfier in 11&. b ilt the worlds first what /in( the sports Cric(etD !ac(etsD CroC et and 4otorboat racing Which =5 gangster owns the nightcl b called =he Ba <a Bing Where wo ld yo find or what are g ntlines How many one legged popes have there been Asrael Baline became more famo s nder what name Which 0' state was (nown as K=he mother of PresidentsK Why did certain b sses in 'taffordshire ref se to pic( p people =he three toed sloth only does it every 18 days 9 what Who is the only director to win 3 Oscars within five years in 38s Whose first single released : ly 16+1 was B ttered Popcorn Where are a whales nipples What theologian claimed he co ld drive away the devil with a fart Who devised the idea of a flat rate postal charge How to yo t rn a woman into a c c(C ean Where wo ld yo find a !oc(erD ;ightD /oop and =hree 'am el Pepys wife always slept with what in her hand =he medical @o rnal Practitioner 1623 said it will never happenH Br ce Philip in 162& recorded what sporting first What is meas red in nits called @nd An the 0# which school choir had a ?o 1 with a song grandma An the pasa doble what is the female dancer s pposed to be % napiform thing is shaped li(e what What was the first co ntry in 122" to legalise =rade 0nions What is the worlds longest insect =he angel shar( has what other name Which m mmified tendon was a ctioned at Christies in 16+6 4arie 'topes discovered what in British 4 se m after marriage What does a callipygian person have Which 16.. film won seven Oscars b t none for acting At came into football in 1623 men say women donBt nderstandH What is a nidologist interested in ?ame ;leanor !oosevelt)s @ob 1632 h sband became president %rth r 'arsfield Ward the creator of F 4an Ch is which a thor Who wrote 'ervants of the Wan(h in 16+6 What song was on the B side of =he Beatles We can wor( it o t *eorges Cla de invented what in 1611 An which co ntry did the first Christmas stamp appear in 1262 How does paella get its name %lfred Hitchcoc()s da ghter appeared in Psycho 9 name her Who lived in Honalee What is the largest wild animal in the 0# An the song who told /a ra he loved her in 16+8 Who owns <artmoor prison ?ame the s b@ect Harry Harrison)s 16.. boo( *reat Balls of Fire Asaiah 'ellers did it before 'am el Clements 9 did what Which ;nglish #ing holds the official record of bastards 21 Where wo ld yo find a corbic la An 16&1 the shortest ever lasted 2E& min tes 9 shortest what

Paper factory Only appeared once in Olympics =ony 'oprano !ope 9 groves ?one Arving Berlin 5irginia " o t of 1st & #eeping to sched le <efecate 9 or crap Fran( Capra 163" 163+ 1632 =he ' premes On its bac( 4artin / ther Charles Babbage 'hag her h sband female c c(old Fig res in Ace '(ating His <ic( =eaching of contraception !owed for O3ford and Cambridge 'ensitivity : st noticeable difference 'aint Winifred)s % b llfighters cloa( % t rnip Britain Borneo stic( insect =he mon(fish ?apoleons Penis 'ho ld not be virgin Pretty shaped b ttoc(s 'tar Wars =he offside r le Birds nests ;ditor of maga1ine Babies 'a3 !ohmer :ac( 5ance 'F <ay =ripper ?eon lights Canada From coo(ing pan Patricia Hitchcoc( P ff the magic dragon =he 'cottish red deer !ic(y 5alance Prince Charles 'e3 in 'cience Fiction 0sed 4ar( =wain Henry A Honey bee G sac(s carry pollen Boat race O3ford san(

188 Ones

Which film won the best story Oscar in 16&2

=he <efiant

?o > estions > i1 .+

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 Who wrote the lyrics for Oscar winning song Whole ?ew World %n empelomaniac has a desire to do what Who described =5 as KChewing g m for the massesK How did Billie Holiday get the nic(name /ady Which creat res comm nicate by to chD smell and dance What do the initials Bt mean after a s rname What was the worlds highest str ct re ntil 1638 What is a 4e3ican Blac( Howler An which co ntry did the st dy of geometry originate % normal h man body has "+ what What is % stralia)s Barossa valley (nown for What is the worlds fastest moving insect How is something coo(ed if done en papillote Which detective lived in Cabot Cove 4aine What wo ld yo do with a na(ed lady What became legal in 1681 in the 0# Harry /ongba gh became better (nown nder what name Which co ntry has the worlds first greyho nd racing trac( What was 4arie Osmonds only solo hit Ben H r won most Oscars 11 what film comes second with 18 % myomancer predict the f t re by st dying what Which actress said KBeing a se3 symbol is li(e being a convictK =he *olden Bear is awarded at which film festival What financial item was introd ced to 0# in 'eptember 16+3 Where did Andian in( originally come from Where is : dge <read a @ dge What was the capitol of ! ssia before 4oscow % crap lo s person is f ll of it 9 what Af yo have cherophobia what are yo afraid of :ohn /ennon named =he > arrymen after what How many best director Oscars did %lfred Hitchcoc( win An France what is ea de vie =he 'avannah was the worlds first commercial what Which co nty has the most 4;Ps 66 'hips (nown as =he First Fleet transported what in 1.22 *eotropism affects what 4arie *resholt1 is better (nown as who ;C estrianD 7achting and what Olympic sport are se3es eC al Af yo saw Fringilla Coelebs what bird have yo noticed Which film won the best ma(e p Oscar in 1662 Af yo had crabites what have yo got =his =5 series ran for .2 episodes before it was scrapped 9 what Which Beatles song did =he Overlanders ta(e to n mber one % mirliton is another name for what m sical instr ment Where is the largest ch rch in the world %nd who designed it What sort of meat is sed in the dish * ard of Hono r What sport was banned in ;ngland in 12"6

=im !ice Hold p blic office %rchitect Fran( /loyd Wright !ef sed to pic( p tips with vagina Bees Baronet ;iffel =ower % 4on(ey ;gypt Chromosomes Wine prod ction =ropical Coc(roach An Paper :essica Fletcher Plant it G its Colchini m Bo3ing =he ' ndance #id 0'% Paper !oses West 'ide 'tory =he shape of mice !aC el Welch in 16.6 Berlin %merican ;3press card China 4ega City 'aint Petersb rg %lcohol 9 it means dr n( :oy 9 happiness His old school ?one Brandy %tomic powered ship *ermany Convicts to % stralia Plants its gravity growth response 4adam = ssa d 'hooting =he Chaffinch Bram 'to(ers <rac la Collection of fossil crabs 'tar =re( 4ichelle % #a1oo 5atican in !ome 4ichelangelo ?ec( of /amb Coc(fighting

"6 &8

!onald Wycherley became more famo s as who ?ostology is the st dy of what

Billy F ry 'enility

?o > estions > i1 .+

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 Brian *amlin of B ry is credited with what sporting invention Which co ntries wine might be labelled <OC* Avan 4a gher won si3 world titles at what sport Who is the Patron 'aint of *ermany and sodomy From which alphabet do all western alphabets originate :ohn Boo(s was the final role of which actor *erry <awsy became more famo s as who %nd he was born in which co ntry Who did the walr s and the carpenter as( to wal( with them :ac( Palance won best s pporting actor Oscar in what 1661 film What)s n s al abo t a bobho se What was :ohn <envers only solo 0# n mber one Which dancing represents fertility thro gh death and rebirth =he 0'% declared war on which co ntry in 1262 Polite society man does it 2 legs woman sitting dog 3 legs what What does the <A? n mber mean on photographic film Which spice is sed in a whis(y sling What (ey is m sic written in if it has five flats Which sea area is immediately so th of Areland Chimpan1eesD gorillas and orang9 tans what is missing What b ilding lin(s 'tacy #each and Oscar Wilde Ch c( 4c#inley was the only %merican to do what in the +8s An the body what do the Aslets of /angerhans do At is the ;nglish Channel b t what do the French call it Bob van Win(le changed his name to what ?ame Fran( 'inatra)s 7acht What is the main ingredient of bo3ty bread By what other name is the do ble alb m =he Beatles (nown What does an %le3andra taste of ?ame the first actor to get best actor Oscar for repeating a role What was ;lvis Presley)s first 0# n mber one %nd what was his first 0' n mber one Hippogloss s9hippogloss s is which common sea fish /ong @ mpD High : mpD =riple : mp what missing What capitol is on the slopes of the volcano Pichincha Which ;nglish composer wrote a 'ea symphony What)s the name of the techniC e for meas ring at a distance ;ight bells on board a ship means what Where were the first ; ropean coffee ho ses opened =he %cademie Francaise ens res the p rity of what 7von Petra was the last man to do what at Wimbledon What is embolia What sort of drin( is barbanco rt Who drove the 4c/aren to its first grand pri3 victory in 16+2 An which co ntry is the secretariat of the ; ropean Parliament What is the main ingredient of a mo ssa(a What was the Beatles first 0# top ten single Which character lived at 3 stable mews City of /ondon

? mbers on <artboard Ataly 'peedway 'aint Boniface Phoenician :ohn Wayne in =he 'hootist ;nglebert H mperdinc( Andia =he Oysters City 'lic(ers Ats on s(is %nnies 'ong 4orris dancing 'pain 'ha(e hands 'peed of film ? tmeg < flat Fastnet *ibbons !eading :ail Win Wimbledon 'ecrete Ans lin /a 4anche 5anilla Ace 4y Way %gain Potatoes =he White alb m Chocolate Pa l ?ewman G Colo r of 4oney %ll shoo( p Heartbrea( Hotel Halib t Pole 5a lt Olympic @ mping events > ito ;c ador !alph 5a ghan Williams =elemetry ;nd of a watch 5ienna =he French lang age Wear flannels Hesitations in speech ! m Br ce 4c/aren himself / 3emb rg % bergines Please9please me :ohn 'teed in the

66 188

What do homodonts have that hetrodonts donBt What was the only horror film nominated best film Oscar

%vengers 'ame shaped teeth =he ;3orcist in 16.3

?o > estions > i1 ..

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". 4argaret Herric( named it in 1631 what Where wo ld yo see a pilcrow 'hooting !abbits =al(ing *erman C tting Finger old terms what Whose last word were KA have not told half of what A sawK =he Fo drinier machine is sed to man fact re what What is the largest species of flatfish Which is the earliest 0' military award for service beyond d ty An the 0# sport of #ings what is significant abo t the n mber 12 Hemmingway)s Old 4an and the 'ea is set in which co ntry ?%OH is the chemical form la for what 7o can have a troop of actors and what gro p of animals What movie memorabilia sold at Christies in 162. for O22&88 An literat re and films whose father was the ;arl of <orinco rt What do lentic fish li(e that lotic fish donBt Cliff !ichards 'he)s so Bea tif l who played every instr ment Which golfer was nic(named ' perme3 ?ossa 'enhora da %parecida is Patron 'aint of which co ntry %cinony3 : bat s is what big p ssy Portrait of a 4an is the real title of which artistic wor( 5itamin B2 has what other name !iboflavin Who was given a honorary Oscar in 162& after &8 years acting Where were the 16&2 Olympic games held % flageolet is another name for what m sical instr ment %merican Hamilton 'mith invented what in 12&2 Whose symphony n mber seven is called the /eningrad What is the biggest to rist attraction in $ambia An WW2 what (ind of aircraft was a horsa An 16+. what new safety meas re was introd ced to the 0# Pat ' llivan created which cartoon character % newborn bactrian camel has how many h mps /eonid #ravch ( became president of where in 1661 %merican Pa l =hero 3 wrote novels and abo t what else An contract bridge a hand called chicane has what =he /adies 4erc ry in 1+63 was the worlds first what William /e Baron :enny is credited with inventing what in the 0' Whose final opera was called <eath in 5enice Which *ree( mo ntain is consecrated to the m ses 4ar1ipan comes from 4arci Panis literally meaning what %ntanananarivo is the capitol of where 4aidenD 4other of %llD Footman all parts of what =he women)s world c p in tennis is played for what trophy What sort of creat re is a bariro ssa An <allas what was the name of the bar Handel)s Harmonio s Blac(smith is played on what instr ment What organisation was fo nded Canada by 4rs Hoodless 126. What is the name of the ! ssian triang lar g itar =he first what was called =he Original

=he Oscar G loo(ed li(e her ncle ?ew paragraph symbol Farting G 5ictorian e phemism 4arco Polo Paper Halib t P rple Heart 4a3 letters in a racehorses name C ba 'odi m Hydro3ide 4on(eys Chaplains Hat Cane /ittle /ord Fa ntleroy /entic still waters lotic flowing 'tevie Wonder /ee =ravino Bra1il Cheetah =he /a ghing Cavalier Fran1 Halls :ames 'tewart Helsin(i % penny whistle % washing machine 'hosta(ovich 5ictoria falls % glider Breathalyser Feli3 the cat ?one 0(raine =ravel ?o tr mp cards Women)s maga1ine '(yscraper Ben@amin Britain Helicon 4ar(s bread 't 4ar(s day 2& %pril 4adagascar % 'pinning wheel =he Fed c p % pig Cattleman)s Cl b Harpsichord =he Women)s Anstit te Balalai(a P rpose b ilt lifeboat

"2 "6 &8

0'% 0# and Arish women golfers play for which trophy Who began his career as one of the =ennessee =wo % man who commits Pse dogyny is doing what

C rtis c p :ohnny Cash 0ses woman)s name to deceive

?o > estions > i1 ..

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 Af a doctor gives yo a clyster what have yo @ st got Where is the worlds largest mine 5ivaldiD P rcell and Handel)s m sic is what type We (now what a veto is b t what does it literally mean %tah alpa was the last r ler of who An the body l teini1ing hormone is prod ced by what gland What is sed in a tempera painting An the 'i(h religion what is (esh What was 5ivaldi)s profession apart from composing C = ! ssell fo nded what organisation Which spice gives c rry its colo r Pidgin ;nglish started beca se of trade between 0# and where An the international code of signals what does Oscar signify Af yo had canitis what have yo got ?ame the Beatles first /P released in 16+3 An which co ntry is Penina golf co rse Which artery s pplies the (idneys with blood Which two colo rs are on a semaphore flag Who was the first %merican in space 9 twice What was classical composer 4 ssorgs(y)s first name What is the largest BB' in the world An standard cine film how many frames are shown each second What was on B side of =he !olling 'tones ! by = esday !olf Harris was % stralian @ nior champion at what What does a lachrymose person do 9 a lot Where co ld yo spend a g arani =he %ttoc( is a forbidden river that no p re who can pass =he marimba is a %frican form of what m sical instr ment =he *l c(a f was the worlds first what Otalgia is what condition Port g ese West %frica is now (nown as what Co ntry singer Han( Wangford has what profession What is smoc(ing What *erman word is printed on the labels of high C ality wine What type of so p is a d barry =he ;pstein9Barr vir s ca ses what illness Who was nic(named Ampeesa ,no sleep wolf- by 4atabele tribe =he ;aster lily is a native plant of which co ntry %aron Copeland wrote a ballet abo t which %merican fol( hero Which Flemish painter prod ced %doration of the #ings Which C i1 program never had contestants only contenders From the b ll what colo r is fo rth on an archery target Whose only line in his first play was =ennis %nyone Which film is the first of the spaghetti westerns Who wrote Cliff !ichards hit song /iving <oll Which ind stry ses the grav re method What pollinates malacophilo s plants ?ame the !olling 'tones second alb m An what co ntry are the Painted /a(es :ac( ?ic(la s named his co rse after his 0# favo rite what

An@ected into rect m by t be Carletonville 'o th %frica BaroC e A forbid Ancas Pit itary ;gg yo(e and water 0nc t hair or beard Priest :ehovah)s Witnesses = rmeric China 4an overboard *rey hair Please9please me Port gal =he renal !ed 7ellow * s *rissom 4odest Comp 'erve =wenty fo r /ets 'pend the ?ight =ogether 'wimming G Bac(stro(e Cry Parag ay Hind Iylophone Oil =an(er ;arache %ngola *ynaecologist ?eedlewor( #abinett Cream of ca liflower *land lar fever Baden Powell :apan Billy the #id Br eghel 4astermind Blac( H mphry Bogart % fistf l of <ollars /ionel Bart Printing 'nails !olling 'tones ?o 2 Andonesia 4 irfield

?o > estions > i1 .2

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Which gro p wished it co ld be Christmas every day =he asteroidea are which order of creat res What is the main ingredient of 'cotch Woodcoc( %stra(han comes from which animal 'omewhere 4y /ove was the theme song of which movie Whose first boo( was called Child Whispers 'aint 'tephens day is better (nown as what =he Bronte sisters had a brother name him *olden and %rg s are varieties of what bird What is the maga1ine of the 'alvation %rmy called =he < tch !oyal family are Orange where is Orange Who first noticed that the s n had spots What nationality was tennis player 4ichael Chang 'ali3 %lba prod ces which dr g Philip *lass wrote an opera abo t which famo s person ?ame 4ary > ant)s shop that led the +8s fashion revol tion :anet :ac(son had a starring role in which =5 series An m sic what is meant by pianissimo Whose a tobiography was entitled Past Amperfect Who played bass g itar in ' 1i > arto)s gro p %part from eggs what is in an %rnold Bennett omelette An Peter Pan what were the names of Wendy)s brothers Who wrote the series of novels with the hero 'harp What is the richest nat ral vegetable food Which wine has varieties called malmsey and sercial Picardy is in the north east of which co ntry ;laine Boo(binder became more famo s as who An which sport is the /ance B =odd memorial award won %nn $iegler was the singing partner of which film star What are the two official lang ages of Finland Who did the original th gs worship %t Waterloo who commanded the Pr ssian troops Who was the first male tennis player to win 188 to rnaments What (ind of dancer was 4ister Bo@angles At)s now the Birmingham !oyal Ballet b t it sed to be what Harry Patterson is the real name of which a thor Which grand pri3 circ it is only 1E6& miles long Which co ntry has the largest orthodo3 ch rch Which bird is the symbol of the !oyal 'ociety Protection Birds Who was born 4ar( Feld =osca is the heroine of the opera b t what is her first name Cavatina what the theme m sic to which film Which microbe prod ces alcohol An the Bible the good 'amaritan was travelling to where Which character first appeared in the boo( Call for the <ead =he temple at ;phes s was sacred to who An WW2 in what French city did the *ermans s rrender An the Bible which boo( follows :ohn 'ean Connery has what real first name :effery %rcher wrote #ane and %bel what was the seC el called

Wi1ard 'tarfish %nchovies 'heep <octor $hivago ;nid Blyton Bo3ing day Branwell Pheasant =he Warcry 5illage in France *alileo %merican %spirin 9 from the willow %lbert ;instein Ba1aar Fame 5ery softly :oan Collins ' 1i > atro 'mo(ed Haddoc( 4ichael :ohn Bernard Cornwell 'oya bean 4aderia France ;l(ie Broo(s 4an of the 4atch ! gby /eag e Webster Booth Finnish and 'wedish =he *oddess #ali 4arshal Bl cher :immy Connors % =ap <ancer 'addlers Wells Opera :ac( Higgins 4onaco ! ssia %vocet 4arc Bolan Floria =he <eer H nter 7east 9 alcohol is yeast piss :ericho *eorge 'miley by :ohn /eCarre <iana !eims %cts of the %postles =homas =he Prodigal <a ghter

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

% race is won by fo r laps of the trac( 9 which sport !etsina is a wine from which co ntry Hedera Heli3 is better (nown by what name What are Hamilton Ho se and Petronella What was the s btitle of Police %cademy 'i3 What is a per (e What does the reference boo( Croc(fords list Which Atalian city is at the heart of its fashion ind stry Which food was rationed after WW2 ended b t not d ring it Which gro p had a 16.8s 0# n mber one hit with Oh Boy 'hamanism is the religion of which people Blac(D whooper and Berwic( all varieties of what =he linden tree is also called what What does it mean in the 0# if a telephone n mber starts 8288 :5C la nched 5H' in 16.+ what does 5H' stand for =he penny red was the first postage stamp to have what C lt red pearls were first grown in which co ntry What was first sold as a cold c re 9 not what we se it for now /o is 4a3well became well (now for playing which role Who said KA)ve no problem with dr gs 9 only policemenK Who was the last !oman Catholic #ing of ;ngland Which beer was advertised as good for yo Concetta Franconeri became more famo s as who On the =hames they go swan pping ann ally what is it %ccording to the proverb which fr it tastes sweetest Who designed clothes nder the emporio label What is a 1infandel *reyho nd racing in 0# what colo r does the ?o one dog wear An which b ilding do they elect a new Pope Brian Connolly was the lead singer of which .8s gro p Whose a tobiography is called K=a(e it li(e a 4anK =he earth pig is what animal What is the title of the wife of a 4arC is What colo r is angelica What is a lac na What was B ddy Hollies real first name Who was the Bad in the spaghetti westerns What was *handi)s profession What co ntries official name is Bharat ;drado r is the smallest one in 'cotland 9 what Citr s *randis is the /atin name of which fr it What lager reached the parts other beers co ld not reach Collective no ns 9 what profession gather in a bench =he Atalians call it pesce what is it in ;nglish An WW2 what was operation dynamo Which sport is played at !oland *arros % French wine described as do 3 is what What is =erry Wogans real first name =he grand pri3 d);nd rance is r n on which circ it /es *ray was the lead singer of which gro p

'peedway *reece Avy 'cottish co ntry dances City 0nder 'iege % wig Ch rch of ;ngland clergy 4ilan Bread 4 d An it or ;s(imos 'wan /ime tree AtBs a free call 9 toll free 5ideo Home 'ystem Perforations :apan %l(a9'elt1er 4oneypenny in early Bond films #eith !ichard :ames AA * inness Connie Francis Co nting swan pop lation Forbidden *eorgio %rmani White grape variety !ed 'istine Chapel =he 'weet Boy *eorge 9 or *eorge O)<o d %ardvar( 4archioness *reen % 'pace Charles /ee van Cleef /awyer Andia 9 in Hindi <istillery *rapefr it Heine(en Bishops Fish ;vac ation of < n(ir( =ennis in Paris on clay co rts 4edi m 'weet 4ichael /e 4ans 2" ho r race 4 d

?o > estions > i1 .6

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 What was :ames 'halto <o glas claim to sporting fame What is philography What symbol did 2. year old %rth r ;isenmenger design An which boo( of the Bible did 4oses die Who died in 1221 from arsenic poisoning from the wallpaper P7 are the international car registration letters of which co ntry An old ;nglish what is a Bellibone 9 From French Belle Bonne What is a male g inea pig called % Bl e Amperial or a ?ew $ealand white types of what An science it can be p down strange top or bottom what can What was the s rname of the family in =he *rapes of Wrath ?ame vegetable banned different times ca sing leprosy ric(ets What sport do yo compete for C rrie c p and !anf rly 'hield % belemnoid is what sort of shape in 1oological terms Who does the Beatles song =he fool on the Hill refer too Where co ld yo find =he ro nd window and =he oval window =he !oman province 4a3ima Ceasariensis was in what co ntry Which British poet was also a :es it priest =he mandylion is another name for which contentio s ob@ect What is the more common name for serigraphy An the 0# what was the first prod ct advertised on =5 in colo r What wo ld yo do with a dr pe What was #ing *eorge 5A first name What colo r is the p rple finch Which is the oldest walled city in the world What spice comes from the c rc ma plant Which film star was described as K% vac m with nipplesK Harrods was the first 0# store to install what % golfer can only do it for five min tes 9 what What is sed to thic(en ga1pacho What was the first co ntry to have a p blic monorail system 'lipD sC are and s rgeon all types of what What wo ld yo do with or what is a millers th mb Who first wrote abo t the myth of %tlantis Which cartoon character has a girlfriend named Pet nia Who was the Phoenician *oddess of love / c s <ominit s %henobarb s was better (nown as who =he ? er people come from which co ntry Which is 'ha(espeare)s shortest play 4an ti s)s 5irgil printed 1&81 was the first time what was sed P lC e is a beer based on what =iede Pea( is a volcano on which island What is the 'A nit of capacitance Who owned the yacht /ady *hislane What colo rs are on a poll tion free beach flag On a pencil what do the initials HB stand for Where is a s mo wrestling to rnament held ?ame Hong #ong Phooey)s cat On an ordinance s rvey map which symbol shows a battlefield On which circ it is the Port g ese grand pri3 held

4arC is of > eensb ry 9 Bo3ing % tograph collecting =he ; ro note graphic <e teronomy ?apoleon Bonaparte Parag ay Fair 4aiden Boar !abbits > ar( :oad Potato ! gby 0nion <art shaped *alileo An the h man ear ;ngland *erald 4anley Hop(ins =he = rin 'hro d 'il( screen printing Birds ;ye Peas ;at it 9 itBs a fr it %lbert 9 b t 5ictoria said no (ing %lbert Crimson :ericho = rmeric 4arilyn 4 nroe %n escalator /oo( for his lost balls Breadcr mbs :apan #not ;at it 9 type of fish Plato Por(y Pig %starte ?ero ' dan =he Comedy of ;rrors Atalic letters Cact s =enerife Farad !obert 4a3well Bl e 9 gold stars Hard Blac( % Basho 'pot Crossed swords ;storil

?o > estions > i1 .6


&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

HarpD ;lephant and /eopard all types of what ?ame the prod cer of 'tars(y P H tch and Beverly Hills 61218 ?ame the *ree( national airline Bilr bin is prod ced by what part of the body We (now what 4ardi *ras is b t what)s its literal translation =o nearest 1888 in 1288 how many wild t r(eys were in = r(ey What is B rgoo An =he 'impsons name the cat What can be dipoleD loop or helical What do yo do with a hassoc( What was the capitol of ;ngland before /ondon also a 0' g n %n elephant is called a pachyderm what does it literally mean BC* vaccine is sed against which infectio s disease %part from a caber by r le what is comp lsory in caber tossing /ittle ;va introd ced which dance in 16+2 Who composed %ppalachian 'pring First <efenceD An Home or 'econd %ttac( positions what sport Af yo were given some marlite what wo ld yo do with it BrandyD decoy and landscape all come from which lang age Chi ha ha dogs were originally bred for what % lophobia is a fear of what What is a w mph An 4orse code what letter is represented by E9 <ot <ash Which British car was the first to sell over 1 million models Af yo were given a pot of vermicide what wo ld yo se it for What creat reD when dr n(D always falls on its right side What co ntries flag has two bars white top red bottom % giraffes long tong e is what colo r 4ary %nn ?ichols was the first 9 the first what %lberto =omba is a name associated with which sport What is a moab What is Belgi m)s national %irline What creat re can be AndianD white or broad lipped What is the technical difference between rowing and sc lling =he %1tecs rec(oned it was the food of the gods what was Which gas is sed in a refrigerator What is !onald !eagan)s middle name Oil can Henry is the enemy of which cartoon character Fragrant Harbo r is the translation of which cities name *eniophobia is the fear of what 'emiotics is the st dy of what Which city was b ilt in the design of a nion flag =he Ban( of Ataly changed its name to what =he 'affir9'impson scale meas res the intensity of what What is the state fish of Hawaii 9 in Hawaiian What was the first co ntry to se =5 as a mass info media ;ric Cla din is better (nown by which eponymo s title %frican %merican *arrett % 4organ invented what What ingredient is always fo nd in a carciofo sa ce Af yo were given a sitooterie what wo ld yo do with it

'eal %aron 'perling Olympic %irways /iver Fat = esday ?one itBs a native 0' bird 4eat stew 'nowball %erials #neel on it in ch rch Winchester =hic( '(inned = berc losis Wearing a (ilt =he /ocomotion %aron Copeland /acrosse <ig into soil itBs a clay lime m lch < tch =asty meat Fl tes <eep th d or noise /etter % 4orris 4inor #illing worms %n %nt Poland Bl eD bl e blac( really 5ictim of :ac( the !ipper '(iing =ype of hat 'abina !hinoceros !owing means sing a single oar Chocolate Freon Wilson 4ighty 4o se Hong #ong Chins 'igns or symbols #harto m =he Ban( of %merica H rricanes H m n ( %p a)a *ermany =he Phantom of the Opera =he =raffic 'ignal %rticho(es 'it o t in it ga1eboFs mmerho se

?o > estions > i1 28

1 What was fo nded in the 0# 1+6" beca se of war with France

Ban( of ;ngland

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Where wo ld yo find an Oc l s Which %merican state drin(s the most alcohol per person Who created *ome1D 4ortia and 0ncle Fester as a cartoon What does 4agna Carta literally mean Horseradish sa ce originated in which co ntry What is a dwile An the 0'% a police 18931 is the code for what /ongacre sC are is now better (nown as what An animal terms what is a d de An which 0' state is its highest mo ntain Which ; ropean city has the tomb of the three wise men What cartoon characters catchphrase was K;3it stage leftK Who owned and lived in the castle :oyo s * ard An *ree( mythology who was the son of Hypnos *od of sleep <eacon is ch rch official from *ree( what)s it literally mean ?ame the brand of the first so r mash whis(ey made in 123& An *eorgia its illegal to do what with a for( =hames water removes a ton of it monthly from sewage G what What sport ta(es place over a distance of ""8 yards 4ageiricophobia is the fear of what Who b ilt the worlds first film st dio =he word nylon is made p from what What was patented in 16&" 9 the best thingH 28J of women first loo( at a mans what What is the top selling candy bar from vending machines % healthy person does it 1+ times a day 9 what ?ame 1st <isney cartoon film based on the life of a real person 0nder 4ississippi law there cannot be a female what An Poland if yo as(ed for a piwo what wo ld yo get An :apan =rade 0nions collect d es from what n s al so rce % female pigeon cannot lay an egg nless she sees what An the 12th cent ry offensive what were whipped %mericans se 1+888 tons of what each year An Holland it sed to ta(e fo r years to train as what %s foreplay what does a Ponapean male p t in a woman)s v lva An a Horney 4on(ey there is banana crUme de menthe and what What (ind of bird is a bo rbon What boo( of the Bible does not mention the name of *od On average what one action ma(es a man live 13 years longer Which %merican state has the longest borders with Canada An the 0'% the government says its a crime to give false what An ?ew 7or( its illegal to teach yo r parrot to do what Which co ntry invented the (ilt Worlds first paperbac( boo( written in 12+. by *oethe what title Which chemical element is named from the *ree( for violent What a thor wrote the boo(s !age and =he ' nbird <isg sting C estion 9 longest verified %merican one 12) 2K what +888 %merican teenagers do it daily 9 what By royal decree in :idda 16.6 women banned from sing what

<ome central opening ?evada Charles %dams *reat Charter :apan % <ishcloth Crime in progress =imes 'C are 9 ?7 % camels penis %las(a 9 4o nt 4c#inley Cologne 'nagglep ss /ancelot 4orphio s 9 *od of dreams 'ervant Old Crow ;at fried chic(en P bic Hair G system cant handle it <rag !acing Coo(ing =homas %lva ;dison ?ew 7or( 9 /ondon 'liced bread B tt not face 'nic(ers Farts Pocahontas Peeping =om % Beer !obots in factories pay d es %nother pigeon G or reflection Boo(s %spirin Hat ma(er G s rgeon only 3 years % Fish 9 then he lic(s it Baileys = r(ey ;sther Castration 4ontana Weather !eports 'C aw( France Fa st A Aodine Wilber 'mith = rd 9 over 2hrs 12 min tes /ose their virginity Hotel swimming pools

?o > estions > i1 28

&1 Orange @ ice and what ma(e an ambassador

=eC ila

&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

4aoni 5i of Capetown has the world longest what at 22 inches An ancient !ome what was the tab lari m "8J of 4ac<onald)s profits come from selling what :ohn Wayne was nic(named d (e 9 b t after what What was 4ichelangelo)s only signed sc lpt re What is the more common name for triatomic o3ygen 4errylegs was a performing circ s dog in which <ic(ens novel Who is the mother of H eyD < ey and /o ie 'olomon b ilt his temple on a hill name it ! th ;isemann9'chier was the first woman to get on what Which 'cience Fiction a thor created =he =riffids What food was sent to ;ngland in WW2 as part of lease lend An the Bible what is the first mentioned colo r What weapon is (nown as the g n that won the west What is Andiana)s state bird What (ind of @ ice goes in a salty dog =he %fghani tribesmen drin( #hoona on wedding night what is it An the 0'% what was the first prime time cartoon show What was the last film where 'ergio /eone directed ;astwood What co ntry is coffee originally from What is a yo ng beaver called An the .8s who played =he Bionic Woman An astrology what was the age before %C ari s 0' civil war which states b ttons had a Palmetto tree on them What was the first Hanna9Barbera cartoon Who painted =he *leaners =he name ; rope comes from where ;nvoid was the first what in the 0'% Which Beatles song is associated with the 4anson family What was the top film of 1668 An 16&1 these were invented what were Which biblical prophet was sawn in half inside a hollow log Caipirina means someone)s drin( 9 whose drin( =he word coyote comes from which lang age An mythology Odysse s blinded which Cyclops Confederate *eneral William 'mith carried what into battle What well (nown ! ssian a thor was also a doctor An 1622 'an Francisco became the first 0' city to do what 4orrissey was the lead singer of which band Which team won five 'tanley c ps d ring the +8s =he rivers /ahn and 4osel are trib taries of what river What do 1oologists call the leader of a wolf pac( =he ponderosa pine is the state tree of which 0' state An WW2 what sort of weapon was a (aiten An the Bible name Asaacs wife Who or what (illed %l Capone 'peedy *on1ales was fastest mo se in 4e3ico who slowest =o which gro p of artists does 5incent 5an *o gh belong What flavo rs the liC or chambord

P bic Hair Hall of P blic !ecords Happy 4eals His favo rite dog =he Pieta O1one Hard =imes < mbella < c( $ion FBA ten most wanted list :ohn Wyndom 'pam *reen Winchester rifle Cardinal *rapefr it Watered down warm b lls semen =he Flintstones =he *ood the Bad and the 0gly ;thiopia #it /indsey Wagner %ge of Pisces 'o th Carolina ! ff and !eddy :ean Francis 4illet *ree( 4ythology Birth control pill available Helter '(elter Home %lone <isposable diapers G nappies Asaiah Peasants %1tec Polyphem s % Bl e Parasol %nton Che(ov Ban sale possession of handg ns =he 'miths 4ontreal =he !hine =he alpha male 4ontana :apanese manned torpedo !ebe(ah 'yphilis 'lowpo(e !odriC e1 Post Ampressionists !aspberries

?o > estions > i1 21

1 An the cartoon 'cooby <o what is 'crappy <o)s battle cry

P ppy Power

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What was innovative abo t Co9op winter warmer ale An the 0# they are b tter beans what in the 0'% Who said A have had a talent for irritating women since A was 1" Peter 'ellers played Clo sea b t who dropped the role Parore3ia is the desire for what What @ob lin(s #ris #ristoffensen and *ene !oddenbery /egend says tortellini was created to hono r what part of 5en s Who invented the d mb waiter What was the top grossing film of the +8s An 2888 what word was written on 'ydney bridge in firewor(s '=<s are the most costly health problem in the 0'% what)s 2nd 'carlet O)Hara had what original first name Who wrote the post n clear war novel On the Beach An ancient !ome what co ld be candidaD pictaD p lla or virilis ?ame the one person who has won a ?obel and an Oscar First sed in 'alt /a(e 1628s what was a @arvi( ;3cl ding the what word appears most in Bond film titles Which character did not appear in the cartoon 'tar =re( What is a casaba % screwdriver becomes a f 11y screw when yo add what H ngarian doctor #arolyn 4aria Bee(ert coined what word 12+6 PineD BeachD 'toneD 'able or %merican types of what creat re ?ame !oman soldier who is s pposed to have stabbed :es s What can be a fontD architect ral style or novel type What is Colombo)s first name Boothby blondeD China longD straight 2 varieties of what 'antiago is the capitol of Chile what does it mean =he ancient ;gyptians worshiped a s(y *oddess name her %prose3ia is the abnormal inability to do what Peter *eorge wrote =wo Ho rs to <oom filmed as what H gh Hefner and #atherine Hepb rn both had degrees in what What is a hen of the woods Which film of the .8s received the most Oscars An Hind mythology 4er is eC al to what *ree( site 3&. 0# roads are specially mar(ed to protect what An China its 16 grams b t in <enmar( "2 grams average what ?ame the sm rf spin off characters that live nderwater One C arter of people who lose sense of small also lose what Which vegetable has the highest s gar content > arter o1 whis(ey half o nce sloe gin ma(es a blac( what Which to gh g y actor was once a drop hammer operator Which gro p govern in a pl tocracy An western palmistry the inde3 finger is lin(ed to which planet =he Central Per( CafL appears in which =5 series What does sp tni( literally mean =he 5olga is ; rope longest river what is the second longest %n archangel cat has what colo r coat What instr ment did *len 4iller play <ebby Boone sang the ?o 1 song of the .8s name it

/abelled in Braille /ima Beans 4arilyn 4 nroe Peter 0stinov 'trange Foods Both wor(ed as pilots Her belly b tton =homas :efferson =he 'o nd of 4 sic ;ternity <og Bites Patsy ?eville 'ch te =ypes of =oga styles * B 'haw /it 162& Pygmalion 1632 %rtificial heart ?ever Che(ov % 4elon Peach 'chnapps Homose3 al 4artins /ongini s *othic Phillip C c mber 'aint Aago 9 or 'aint :ames ? t Concentrate <r 'trangelove Psychology % m shroom Cabaret 16.2 Olymp s =oads d ring mating season Weight of mans testicles 'nor(s <esire for se3 Onion Haw( !obert 4itch m =he most wealthy : piter Friends Fellow =raveller <an be Bl e =rombone 7o light p my life

?o > estions > i1 21

&1 An ;c ador if yo were served tronC ito what have yo eaten

B ll penis so p

&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

From Here to ;ternity gets its name from a poem by who Where wo ld yo find a coffin @oint What phenomenon do cereologists st dy An 166& what was the most common name given to girls in 0'% %nd again in 166& what was the one given to boys in 0'% Which 'ha(espeare play ends in marriage of Benedict Beatrice /ord /ovat was the last in ;ngland to do what ?ame the cowardly member of <ic( <astardly)s sC adron What is the correct topping for a pastitsio 4o@o is a Filipino what An 16"8s California it was illegal to serve alcohol to who ?ame actor fired as no star C ality beca se of big %dams apple What was B ddy Hollies c rrent single when he died Who wrote %pril is the cr ellest month in poem =he Wasteland What is "8 in !oman n merals What is a sh b n(in What was the first company formed to man fact re motor cars Which brother sister won Wimbledon mi3ed do bles in 1628 %licanteD 4oney9ma(er and %ilsa Craig varieties of what Be prepared is the boy sco t motto what)s the girl g ides motto %gain in ;c ador if yo were served c y what have yo eaten An military terms what is a '/! /ondon and which 0# city are @oined by the *rand 0nion canal Who wrote the children)s story =he Old man of /ochnagar What are the devils bones ?ame =ina = rners solo comebac( alb m of 162" What was the first nationally released film with a P* 13 rating On a poll &8J men said se3 in bed favo rite 28J fem what fem What is the main ingredient of a booyah What does the 5O on a bottle of 'eagrams stand for What actor was once fr it pic(er iceman tr c( driver propman 0'% s preme co rt 16+2 said who cant be imprisoned 9 illegal How did 'crooge 4c< c( earn his first dime What is the c rrency of = r(ey =he word planet comes from *ree( what)s it literally mean 'ailors ro nd the horn 9 off which co ntry are they doing it %merican comes from 0'% what someone from 4onaco called On an ordinance s rvey map what does a H in circle represent Which fashion designer said 9 % woman is as old as her (nee % professional bo3er is limited to 3+ feet 9 feet of what On the Bea fort scale 2 represents what What is the capitol of Belar s 'oy 1 was a soviet spacecraft b t what)s it literally mean Which %merican a thor wrote =he t rn of the 'crew Who sang abo t %ngel in a Centrefold Who first starred in the film =he Boy in the Plastic B bble ' rveyed .8J of 0' females said they preferred this to se3 what Which ;nglish spea(ing co ntry cons mes most table wine per What are garban1o beans also (nown as

=ennyson Horses foot Crop circles %shley 4ichael 4 ch ado %bo t ?othing Be @ dicially beheaded $illy BLchamel sa ce %lcoholic fr it p nch Homose3 als Clint ;astwood At doesn)t matter any more = ' ;lliot I/ % goldfish <aimler :ohn =racy % stin =omatoes Be prepared * inea pig 'elf /oading !ifle Birmingham Prince Charles <ice Private <ancer !ed <awn !eading 23J Chic(en 5ery Old :ohn Wayne <r g %ddicts 'hining shoes /ira Wanderers Chile 4onagasC e Hospital 4ary > ant Bandages on hands % *ale 4ins( 0nion Henry :ames : *eils Band :ohn =ravolta Chocolate % stralia Chic( peas

?o > estions > i1 22

1 =he 0ndiscovered Co ntry a 'tar =re( title ta(en from where

'ha(espeare)s Hamlet

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

<avid Cornwell is better (nown as which a thor P ccini)s = rendot is set in which co ntry Af yo have a viral infection of the parotid glands what is it Ophidiophobia is the fear of what Collective no ns 9 % glint of what Pal Hewson became more famo s as who Which island is also (nown as the apple isle Who was nic(named =he *reat Comm nicator =iramis is a coffee desert b t what does it literally mean An what game wo ld yo n rdle scr nge or carnovs(y Where wo ld yo find racettes Why did <isney recall his first cell loid <onald < c( toys Which 'o th %merican co ntry does not border the Pacific What is the largest moon in o r solar system What is the characteristic of an aphyll s plant Plantalgia is pain where An which film did we meet Baron ? mpsi as the villain What religion was %dolf Hitler Poison oa( and ivy belong to which general family Bognor :ava gets is on average 322 days ann ally what ;piphany Christian feast +th :an translates from *ree( as what Progress thro gh Pain was whose motto Which %merican city is nic(named =he Birthplace of %viation 4astigophobia is the fear of what % woman has Hisdoy syndrome what has she got Who had a hit in the 0# singing abo t the 'treets of /ondon What does C4O' stand for in a comp ter Prova from provolone means what 'aint % g stine first arg ed for what What original story begins %laddin was a little Chinese boy An the 5ietnam war what was the signal 0' to evac ate 'aigon *ames 'later invented what =he gro p 'imply !ed were named after what 5irginia Patterson Hensley became more famo s as who Which worlds city is (nown as =he *olden City =he earliest paper written in /atin is a woman)s writing what is it ;very year there)s a ton of it for every person in the world 9 what =homas :efferson)s home has a hidden whatH illegal in his time Which co ntry contains every type of climate in the world %ll soldiers of every co ntry do it 9 do what =he 'oviet ' (hoi93" fighter was the worlds first with what =he are si3 sides on a standard one 9 a standard what Westminster %bbey is dedicated to who Ho( sai and Hiroshige were famo s :apanese what !everend 4arc s 4orris fo nded which 0# comic in the &8s Where wo ld yo find > een 4a d /and Who played the doctor in the roc( opera =ommy #ing *eorge AAA is remembered in which children)s n rsery rhyme /ygophobia is the fear of what

:ohn /e Carr China 4 mps 'na(es *oldfish Bono 9 singer in 02 =asmania !onald !egan Pic( me p =iddlywin(s /ines on wrist in palmistry =hey e3ploded into flames Beli1e *anymede of : piter ?o leaves 'oles of feet ;ddie 4 rphy)s =he *olden Child !oman Catholic Cashew /ightning stri(es 4anifestation %rnold 'wart1enager <ayton Ohio Flogging % 4o stache !alph 4c=ell Complimentary metal O3ide semi9cond ctor Ball shaped 4issionary position only in se3 1881 %rabian ?ights Bing Crosby White Imas on !adio Fibreglass 4an 0td football cl b Patsy Cline Prag e C1ech Anvitation to a party Cement po red Billiard =able in 5irginia ?ew $ealand 'al te with right hand % =oilet in it Pencil 'aint Peter %rtists ;agle %ntarctica :ac( ?icholson =he *rand old < (e of 7or( <ar(ness

?o > estions > i1 22

&1 An what co ntry was the paperclip invented


&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is the flavo r of a piri9piri sa ce Which organisation has been selling racehorses since 11.+ Which early roc( singer was nic(named (iller ?ames from @obs 9 Ba(er Coo( obvio s what did a 4ercer do What title has the wife of an earl /a Celestina was the first one in 'pain the first what %ccording to * inness boo( what)s meas red in 4illi9Helens What word originally meant a dar( cosmetic eye powder An ancient 'parta what was the penalty for bachelorhood An <isney)s : ngle boo( name fo r v lt res 166" Christies sold what piece of ;lvis memorabilia for N"1"88 What is the highest waterfall in the %lps Woodp sherD fish and pat1er derogatory words for a bad what Which 0' state drin(s the least beer per capita Collective no ns 9 % wiggle of what Faro( Pl to B lsara became more famo s as who Which actor made his deb t in the 16&2 film Cry Baby #iller % comp ter does a PO'= what is a post What French word means liC or is half fro1en An 'pain what is manchego Who was (nown as the > een of Fol( 4 sic Collective no ns 9 % shiver of what /inda H nt won an Oscar 7ear of /iving <angero sly what 1st ?orwegian 'igersonD 'py %ltamontD 'ea Captain Basil all who Where is the only digital role3 watch in the world An #iplings How the /eopard got its 'pots name the /eopard What do the Chinese regard as the highest form of vis al art 5estiophobia is the fear of what An the 0# marmite is a spread b t what is a marmite in France ?ame <onald < c(s father =he film Cleopatra was banned in ;gypt in 16+3 why What wo ld an antipyrhettic dr g be sed for An m sic who decided that an octave sho ld have eight notes What is the /atin word for to roll Which garment traditionally contains eight sections of material What international airport is identified by the letters CC0 Which part of the body will e3pand three times when e3cited An comp ting what is the smallest movement of a mo se called What item wo ld yo see on the flag of 4alta 'ameer Bhatia from Bangalore began what service Who was (nown as the Father of 'cience Fiction Winnie the Pooh lived where ' fferers from lambdacism cannot do what Pierce Brosnens contract stops him doing what in any other film 'pielberg named the shar( in :aws Br ce why Bara@as is the main airport 9 where 'terlet is the rarest most e3pensive what !obert /angford 4odini became more famo s as who Collective no ns 9 % congress or flange of what

C rry =attersalls :erry /ee /ewis =e3tile dealer Co ntess =heatre play Bea ty from Helen of =roy %lcohol from %l # h l antimony Can)t watch women)s gymnastics :ohn Pa l *eorge !ingo %me3 credit card =he !ichenbach Falls Chess player 0tah =adpoles Freddie 4erc ry :ac( ?icholson Power on self test Frappe 'heep)s cheese :oan Bae1 'har(s First Oscar playing opposite se3 'herloc( Holmes disg ises Wimbledon centre co rt Best Beloved Calligraphy Clothing =all straight coo( pot > ac(emore /i1 =aylor :ewish convert !ed ce temperat re Pythagoras 5olvo #imono Calc tta Aris 4ic(ey *eorge Cross Hotmail : les 5erne H ndred %cre Wood Prono nce letter ! Wearing a = 3edo %fter his /awyer 4adrid Caviar 9 tiny eggs !obert 'tac( Baboons

?o > estions > i1 23

1 %nthony Pratt invented what in the 16"8s

Cl edo

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

=he 'tirling pri1e is awarded ann ally for which field of design Parcheesi is the national game of which co ntry What shape is a saggitated leaf What is the Oscar stat ette holding 'word 7et %nother Hierarchical Officio s Oracle better (nown as what Who wo ld get an award (nown as the p rple cross What sport was described as KChess with m sclesK =he Bah nia a five petal wild orchid is the symbol of where 12&2 > een 5ictoria sent the first transatlantic telegram to who Af yo have a Barr test what was tested We)ve sed Iero3 b t from *ree( what does it literally mean How was Boris #arloff listed in the credits 1631 Fran(enstein Who is the father of the ! ssian alphabet What did the ancient *ree(s call the fear of woods and forests Whose family name is $imprsC 11ntwlfb Where did the gro p 18cc get their name Who said K%ll A can say is that A)m not a 4ar3istK Who is b ried in a chapel near la(e 'troganoff in !omania What area gets its name from the *ree( word for bear =he head of which organisation is (nown as =he Blac( Pope What sport still reC ires competitors to wear formal clothing =he name Hilary comes from /atin meaning what #aty 4ir1a was the first Andian woman to do what !ichard %ttenbo ro gh and wife were the first leads in what play =he !hine rises in which co ntry An ;nglish pac(s it)s the :ac( or #nave what in French pac(s Which cartoon character was originally called egghead What is meas red in <arwin)s 'acred carvings is the literal translation of what word /a(e =iberi s is better (nown by what name What is a c rragh Pa3 was the !oman god of peace who)s the *ree( eC ivalent Who was the last prisoner in the =ower of /ondon :oseph *ayette invented it in 12&. to prevent piles 9 what Whose epitaph reads /ived a philosopher died a Christian Who was the first newspaper owner to give staff a paid holiday !onald 4ac<onald is worldwide e3cept :apan what)s he there Where can yo see %da Byron What is the most tattooed prod ct in the world Which 'omerset 4a ghn novel is considered a tobiographical =he ' reto are the secret service of which co ntry Who created the character Par(er Pyne %rchimedes lived in which city Who is the first person a newly elected Pope meets Who)s only person have <ewey <ecimal class named after him =aliban women reC ired by law to wear what on left arms Which co ntry is named after its highest point What wo ld yo do at a table in *reece Feli3 Hoffman discovered the worlds first synthetic dr g 126.H

%rchitect re Andia %rrow shaped 7%HOO %nimal bravery by !'PC% Fencing Hong #ong President :ames B chanan 7o r 'e3 9 in athletics <ry %s H 'aint Cyril Panic from god Pan 4r 'poc( in 'tar =re( %verage sperm in e@ac lation #arl 4ar3 Co nt <rac la %rctic beca se great bear over it =he :es its 'noo(er or Billiards Cheerf lness Feat re in Playboy =he 4o setrap 'wit1erland 5alet ;lmer : F dd !ate of evol tionary change Hieroglyphics 'ea of *alilee Boat Arene ! dolf Hess =oilet Paper Casanova :oseph P lit1er <onald 4ac<onald Woman on 4icrosoft watermar( Harley <avidson Of H man Bondage France %gatha Christie 'yrac se His tailor to meas re him William 'ha(espeare =attoo of h sbands name #enya Ban(ing itBs a ban( %spirin

?o > estions > i1 23

&1 Where do the natives spea( tagalog


&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Which composer was nic(name the !ed Priest WolvesD C rlewsD B lls and !avens the first gro ps of what Which instr ment does a cymbalist play What is made by the cr sh tear c rl process Bovine is cow li(e b t what does hircine refer to % speed stic( meas re the speed of what President #ennedy was shot in <allas in what type of car An mythology what is the offspring of a *od and mortal called Where wo ld yo find an intrados =he yo ng are called widgetsD females fifinellas what are they Which part of a boar is called a wreath Pooler :onesD /a1y PlateD :ayne Hill and B c(thorn types of what An :apan what is @igai Which company had slogan 7o donBt win silver yo lose gold An what is the 'hannon trophy competed for Which island gets its name from the Port g ese for bearded :ohn /e Carr invented what common term sed in espionage Crystal City in =e3as p t p a stat e to what cartoon character Which international companies logo is e3actly "2 dots =he 'ydney Olympic torch showed a boomerang and what else *ree(s longestD :apans shortest and 'a di %rabia none whatH KBroomK Bromden an Andian narrates which famo s boo( What was B tch Cassidy)s original profession Chinese call it little mo seD <anes 'wedes elephants tr n(H Whose b siness was ran from 2222 'o th Wabash Which literary character ta(es his name from /atin for nobody Which companies first prod ct was an electric rice coo(er What was the /atin word for wheel 9 now a common transport Panchag ni is the Andian *od of what art What are 4anhattanD %polloD HedwigD CartmanD * inness <on Hoeffler coined what phrase in ;lectronic ?ews in 16.1 What beverage named after the 0# Prime 4inister of the 1238s 7o have head of ebayEcom what)s ebay translate to in ! ssian =raditionally /amborghini 4i ra and <iablo are named for what ?arton is a mi3t re of ba(ing soda and salt what was it sed for %ll the !ichard Hannay boo(s got their titles from where Whose film deb t was :ennings in !evenge of the Creat re 16&& What are st died by hymenopterists What gift is given on behalf 'a di %rabia #ing to 4ecca pilgrims What co nties national drin( is called ai1ag prono nced A shag Which cowboys middle names were Berry 'tapp What did 'ir H mphry <avy say was his best discovery Which organisation began in a converted toilet in central /ondon What gets its name from the *ree( meaning large catap lt Where is the Asle of Pelicans Where wo ld yo find the titm s test What is the Chinese word for wind What or where was original deadline Where is /andino spo(en

5ivaldi Boy 'co ts Piano =ea *oat Cric(et balls /incoln Hero Anside c rve of arch *remlins Ats tail Barbed Wire Female s icide ?i(e 9 166+ Olympics World Chess =rophy Barbados 4ole Popeye 9 they are spinach growers 'ony =he Opera ho se ?ational %nthem One Flew over the C c(oos ?est B tcher hence B tch =he W sign %l Capone Captain ?emo 'ony At shoc(ed fired =r c( Palmistry /in 3 versions 'ilicon 5alley ;arl *rey =ea F c( off G imperative of word f c( Fighting B lls 4 mmification B nyon)s =he Pilgrims Progress Clint ;astwood Bees 'mall Bottle ;3tra 5irgin Olive Oil 4ongolian mares mil( Wyatt ;arp His st dent 4ichael Faraday /ords cric(et Howit1er %lcatra1 ACC cric(et test for bowling action Feng 9 'h i is water 0'% Civil war prison 'pain by 'panish Hebrew mi3

?o > estions > i1 2"

1 What was the first doctor film made in 16&"

<octor in the Ho se

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Anformation abo t what s b@ect is recorded in Wisden *erald *ardner in the &8s fo nded which pagan organisation On a 0# ordinance s rvey map what is shown by a bl e star An the middle of the land is the literal translation of where 5en s and %donis was whose first p blished wor( What is the highest French civil decoration awarded An the %rchie comics what is : ghead)s first name Which meteorological phenomena means Ka c rl of hairK in /atin Which racing circ it is nic(named the bric(yard Who or what are =ai(ona ts =he profits from the 1626 edition of 4ein #ampf went to where Where wo ld yo find the original 4r Plod Which companies logo is based on the legend of cats nine lives Which PC game shares it name with a Bond film character What is the Welsh name for Wales What is a virg le ' mo cant be Olympic beca se it bans women 9 why An *ree( what does ; n ch literally translate as When Harrison Ford was =he F gitive who was the lawman Where were the original loopholes !oman soldiers were given slaves 9 what were they called Which creat res name translates as the li1ard in 'panish West 'ide 'tory tells abo t the West side of what or where What was the worlds first televised m rder What company sed to be called =he Haloid Company =he Chinese year cycle starts with 1st to as( B ddha which Character in a movie series named 'ans(rit word warrior what What is the defa lt e3tension given to paintbr sh files An the 0# today 1+888 people die ann ally from what An which =5 program did 'ergeant Bosco appear An ancient %thens every third man wor(ed with what ;very day 2.88 %mericans find o t what Where wo ld yo find yo col mella 9 or what is it What was sed at Wimbledon for the first time in 162+ Which novel has the longest sentence in literat re 223 words What is the most stolen item in 0' dr gstores Crab is the only named one in any 'ha(espeare play 9 what What was the first Olympic sport to incl de women Which of the fo r Horsemen of the %pocalypse rode a red horse 5en s Observa is the technical term for what Which male mammals have the highest rate of homose3 ality 'e3 shop s rvey what)s most pop lar flavo r eatable (nic(ers %nd what is the least Which co ntry has no p blic toilets Which cartoon character was originally pin( and called Orsen What prod ct changed its original name from the so ndabo t =here are more in /os %ngeles than in all France 9 what 'yngenesophobia is the fear of what What fictional ;nglishman belongs to the *anymede cl b

Cric(et Wic(er 4a@or shopping centre 4editerranean sea William 'ha(espeare /egion de Hono r Forsyth Cirr s 9 clo ds Andianapolis Chinese astrona ts Anternational !ed Cross ?oddy boo(s ;ver !eady 'olitaire Cymr =he F slash 4enstr al cycle offends *ods Bed Watcher =ommy /ee :ones Castle walls G arrow firing slits %ddicts addicted means enslaved %lligator Fifth %ven e ! by (illing Oswald Iero3 !at 7oda from 7oddha At)s Ebmp Allness ca ght in hospital % =eam 4arble =hey have gonorrhoea 'pace between nostrils 7ellow tennis balls /es 4iserables G 5ictor H go Batteries cosmetics <og 9 =wo *entlemen of 5erona =ennis 9 Paris 1688 'la ghter 4issionary position Bats Cherry Chocolate Per =weety Pie =he wal(man : dges 7o r relatives :eeves

?o > estions > i1 2"

&1 From which modern co ntry did the Fran(s come


&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=he origin of the word penis is /atin meaning what %nd which animals penis is prehensile On a 0# ordinance s rvey map what is shown by a red flag Who was the first roc( star arrested on stage Which a thors personal p blishing vent re is Philtr m Press Which animal sleeps on its bac( What is the most ordered item in %merican resta rants What does a go11ard have or own !ecords show fo r Popes died doing what An the Beatles White %lb m who was 4artha my <ear 4yosotis 'ylvestris is the /atin name of which common plant Who owned a cat called %pollinaris Whose last words were KAt)s nbelievableK Who read the original writing on the wall ? is the civil aircraft mar(ing for which co ntry =haslophobia is the fear of what Beagles were a h nting dog bred to h nt what Peggy is a dimin tive for which girls name Boreas is the *ree( *od of what Where are the Canarie Aslands sit ated Where co ld yo spend a /empira What type of creat re was an %rchelon 'h was an ;gyptian *od of what An :apan what is a #issaten Which of the fo r Horsemen of %pocalypse is (nown as Christ An which religion are the holy writings called the %di *ranth What is a dogrib =he petawatt is the worlds largest what Which writer invented the word drab An the body where wo ld yo find yo r divertic la ;/ is the international aircraft letters of which co ntry Which creat re appears on the 'amoan flag Who owns the % di car company An the Bible what was the si3th plag e of ;gypt What is the scientific name for the gorilla ?ame 'teve 4c> een)s #arate teacher 9 later an actor On what common item wo ld yo find a (eeper Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what What is the most common plastic s rgery done on 0' men Who owned a cat called Bismarc( An the Batman comics what is the f ll real identity of the !iddler Where was the worlds first water cloc( invented What religio s leaders name means 'ign of *od An 16+& *ambia achieved independence from which co ntry On what common item wo ld yo find a harp An Bali they observe noebi a day of what =he worlds first opened in /os %ngles %pril 2nd 1682 9 what Who was the first non head of state to appear on a stamp Af the doctor gave yo salversan he wo ld be treating yo r what

=ail <olphins 4otor !acing Circ it :im 4orrison of the <oors 'teven #ing Only man or women French Fries *eese Having 'e3 Pa l 4cCartney)s 'heepdog Forget me ?ot 4ar( =wain 4ata Hari <aniel 9 in the Bible 0'% 'itting Adle G doing nothing Hares 4argaret ?orth Wind %tlantic Ocean Hond ras % = rtle =he %ir Coffee 'hop War 'i(h % Boat /aser C ' /ewis /arge Antestine /iberia ;agle Ford motor company Water into Blood K*orilla gorilla9 gorillaK Ch c( ?orris Belt its loop that holds end Constipation Breast !ed ction Florence ?ightingale ;dward ;nigma ; ;nigma Pe(ing %yatollah 0nited #ingdom /amp metal part s pporting shade 'ilence 4otion pict re theatre Ben@amin Fran(lin 'yphilis

?o > estions > i1 2&

1 =he yellow food colo ring tartra1ine comes from what

Petrol 9 *as in 0'%

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What does a (ayser meas re An the body where wo ld yo find yo r vill s =he fennec is the smallest of its species 9 the smallest what What was the original meaning of the word harlot ;nnisophobia is fear of what An the Bible : dah was in which province ?ame Canada)s oldest incorporated city An which co ntry is the ?o(ia company based What is the common name for an integrated circ it What did :ohn 4ontag e invent *oose Flats changed its name to what 0' city From which co ntry did the original vandals come *abbro is which type of roc( What is the correct name for a baby min( Ontology is the st dy of what What is the state song of California =he m se m of what can be fo nd at Pontedassio in Ataly %r ba is an island nder which (ingdom Who is the Patron 'aint of grocers Chysoprase is a shade of what primary colo r =he paraclete is another name for which Christian religio s item What is niC e abo t the pistol star 5enation is sed to describe what item An Braille which letter ses the least n mber of raised dots =he state tree of %ri1ona is really a leg me 9 name it What are shaggy mane and pigs ear Who were 0P' original c stomers 'tr thio Came s is the /atin name of which creat re Hind religion Batavia is an incarnation of 5ishn in what form Co ntry celebrates % g 11 as independence day from France =he first one was delivered in 1633 9 the first what Beside the long winding river is the translation of which 0' state What type of creat re was Pylor s :ac( =he French call it creame anglaise what do we call it =ell s was the *ree( god of what 'cotophobia is the fear of what %ccording CA% what lang age is most common in %fghanistan What co ntry did the 0'% defend in the 'panish %merican war Which animal ses white ear spots as identification mar(s Pa( man was called Pa(a in :apan what does pa(a mean An comp ting what was the first ironbed 4 mbai is the modern name of which city Which gro p p blishes the most monthly maga1ines =he word mattress what ta(en from which lang age Af yo have a rhytidectomy what proced re has occ rred /ewis Wilson was the first actor to play which character What is the technical name for a @igger of grain alcohol =os( is a dialect of which co ntry =he fle r de lis is a representation of which flower

Waves 'mall Antestine Fo3 =ramp Criticism Palestine 'aint :ohn Finland % Chip =he sandwich G He was "th ;arl =ombstone %ri1ona *ermany Agneo s #it or #itten Being A love yo California 'paghetti ?etherlands 'aint 4ichael !ed =he Holy 'pirit Brightest in s(y /eaves ' Palo %lto 4 shrooms or f ngi <epartment stores =he Ostrich % Fish Chad 'inging =elegram Connectic t % <olphin G saved sailors C stard ;arth Being seen by others Persian C ba =iger ;ating % 'canner Bombay Hearst %rabic % Face /ift Batman % Pony %lbania Aris

?o > estions > i1 2&

&1 =he %fghan =aliban se which colo r of flag


&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An which co ntry are the Philips company based Af yo have otophobia what are yo afraid of Which 0' sportsman is mentioned in =he Old 4an and the 'ea =he average person does it thirteen times a day 9 what An 'cottish *aelic what is a clarsach ?ame s rveyors symbol that loo(s li(e a broad arrow with a bar Boo( of 'hadows is the alternative title for which horror film An Portrait *allery there)s a pict re of /ivingstone sitting on what An 1""6 =homas Brightfield b ilt /ondon)s first what Which animals (ill 2.& million creat re in 0# ann ally B nny % stin first British male to do what at Wimbledon in 1633 Cary *rant and ?oel Coward both re@ected which famo s role An Winnipeg there is a stat e to which bear ;3od s and which Bible boo( list the ten commandments An which Bond novel did he first want 4artinis sha(en not stirred Which playing card is (nown as =he <evils Bedpost Ats s al diameter is "E& inches what is it % planes blac( bo3 is s ally named after what #ing What are banonD mimolette and samosoe types of ?ame the 'ha(espeare character son of the witch 'ycora3 'aint %ndrew is the Patron 'aint of 'cotland and where else Which animals /atin name is Cricet s9cric t s What was > een 5ictoria)s first name An 'ans(rit it means Ho se of 'now 9 what does Af yo had some gentlesD @igD gag and coop what are yo doing What are the stars in traditional Cornish 'tar *a1ey pie Who was born in /imbini ?epal Flower of the blessed night is the local name of which plant Which disease was once (nown as white plag e What are spraints Where wo ld yo be if yo landed at 'anta Cr 1 airport What was the name of the p b in =he < (es of Ha1ard ?ame Pin( Floyds only single <oha is the capital of which g lf state =he word volar refers to what partFs of the body Where is the worlds largest Chinese settlement o tside %sia Where is #loster beer brewed An the Fantastic Fo r what is 4r Fantastic name !C Cola were the first company to do what An which sport are the trainees traditionally bric(layers Who has won the soccer world c p as a player and a coach What was the White Ho se formerly (nown as =he last line of which =5 show was K*ood bye 4argaretK An 'tar Wars what is the ;mperors last name What animal comes in both spotted and striped varieties 'omething navic lar is shaped li(e what <ari is a dialect of which lang age Which co ntry is d e so th of 'erbia % giraffes eyelashes are what colo r

Holland Opening ones eyes :oe <e 4aggio /a ghs % Harp Benchmar( Blair Witch 2 % !hinoceros /avatory <omestic cats Wear 'horts :ames Bond Winnie the Pooh <e teronomy <iamonds are Forever Fo r of Cl bs *olf Hole 4idas Cheese Caliban in =he =empest ! ssia =he Hamster %le3andria Himalayas Fishing Pilchards eyes B ddha Poinsettia = berc losis Otter droppings ,shitBombay Boars ?est Oranges and /emons >atar Palms of hands and soles of feet 'an Francisco G Chinatown =hailand !eed !ichards 'ell cola in cans B llfighting Fran1 Bec(enba er ;3ec tive 4ansion 4%'H Palpatine '( n( % Boat Persian 9 farsi %lbania Blac(

?o > estions > i1 2+

1 An which sport wo ld yo hear the term bedposts

=en Pin Bowling a . G

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

WhatD specificallyD wonBt 4eatloaf do for love An % stralia what is the second ' nday in 4ay What)s the only crime that the ch rch wo ld not grant sanct ary $ero on a ro lette wheel is what colo r ?ame Homer 'impsons bowling team An =roy meas rement a pennyweight contains 2" what Orthography is the st dy of what Pentlandite is the main ore providing which metal An the Hind pantheon Han man is the #ing of which creat res Which gas discovered in 1262 has a name meaning new ?ame the national r gby team of %rgentina How many eC al angles has a scalene triangle 4andarin and Peter Pan are which parts of a garment Who is the ;gyptian *od of the dead Who played <omino in ?ever say ?ever %gain =he %dvent re *allery was whose ship %lls Well =hat ;nds Well the original title of which classic novel %mahl and the ?ight 5isitors was the first opera written for what An which sport wo ld yo hear the term clee( Frosties =ony the =iger had a 'on =ony :r and a da ghter name Who was the last amate r to win 0' tennis open 16+2 ?ame the first British show to air on 0' a t mn prime time Who were the first pop stars to appear in 4adam = ssa d)s What gets its name from the %1tec meaning bitter water Which company la nched the first clone of an AB4 pc in 1622 Which song won first Oscar when the category was intro 163" An 4%'H name !adars pet mo se <isting ished Anformation Cross is whose highest bravery award Wiley ; Coyote chases roadr nner what does the ; stand for Which religions name means =he way of the *ods Where can %mericans always see the time as "E18 By Olympic r les what m st have 1" feathers Febr ary 2&th 1668 what was banned in the 0' :ohannes Ostermeir invented which photographic aid An the 0' what lin(s Fort 4cHenry with the moon An <isney)s 16.3 animated !obin Hood what creat re was !obin 'aint /o is police department first sed it in 168" 9 what Who wrote the novel the Cyborg 9 Basis of the N+ million man An which sport wo ld yo hear the term shilling What does ro lette literally mean Where did yo play with BenD Pa line and 4ichele Who was the first baseball player to have his n mber ,"- retired *obo was the male co sin of which <isney character Ops was the wife of which !oman *od =he Beatles film Help was dedicated to the inventor of what %ndrea Hollen was the first woman in 0' to do what What was %mericas first organised sport What was :ohn Fit1gerald #ennedy)s campaign song in 16+8 ?ame Andian chief who rode in !oosevelt)s ina g ral procession

18 split 'crew %ro nd 4others day 'acrilege *reen Pin Pals *rains 4o ntains ?ic(el 4on(eys ?eon P mas ?one Collars %n bis #im Bassinger Captain #idd War and Peace =elevision *olf itBs a wood %ntoinette %rth r %she =he %vengers =he Beatles Chocolate 9 3ocatl Compac =he Continental <aisy =he CA% ;thelbert 'hinto N188 bill Andependence hall cloc( Badminton Bird 'mo(ing on all domestic flights Flashb lbs Flag flies 2"F. president decree % Fo3 li(e 4arion Fingerprinting 4artin Caidin %rchery meas re of arrows weight /ittle Wheel 4icrosoft Windows Hearts game /o *ehrig Bambi 'at rn 'ewing 4achine G ;lias Howe *rad ate West Point Horse !acing in 1++" High Hopes *eronimo

?o > estions > i1 2+

&1 ?ame ,in the 0'- <enis the 4enaces cat

Hot <og

&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Where co ld yo find a 162& h mpmobile car Which is the only middle eastern co nty witho t a desert /iC id ' nshine was the original slogan of which prod ct Who nic(named his g n / crettia Borgia cos it (illed everything What was the first %BC =5 series rated ?o 1 for f ll season ?ame the companion of the cartoon character 'ecret 'C irrel Who was codenamed ?apoleon by the secret service What is sometimes (nown as *oober *rease An which sport wo ld they se the term straight handle What was the first creat re p t on the endangered species list An what =5 series did we meet Perry 4asonry ;llen 4arrenner became more famo s as who What was Hitchcoc()s first film in colo r Whose favo rite poodle was called ! f s What scene is incl ded for good l c( in most of 'pielberg films Beatles were 1st 0# gro p on ;d ' llivan who was second Who were originally =he 'ons of <aniel Boone Who was the first golfer to officially earn over N1 million a year 4ary ' rratt what the first woman to do what in 0' Whose normal heartbeat is 2"2 per min te An 16+6 who formed tangerine records Febr ary 21st 12.2 the first what was p blished in ?ew Haven 7oon94i #im Olympic gold aged 13 years 23 days what sport =he cl sec is the nit meas ring the power of what =hree what appear on the Connectic t state flag What do the *ermans now celebrate on October 3rd When are yo most li(ely to see a pen mbra 'torm Warning the only film in which this %ctress (illed who An which sport wo ld they se the term crotch ball What was <isney)s first non animated live action film $aire diverted roads to avoid dist rbing comm nities of what Who invented the word pandemoni m Who is the *ree( eC ivalent of the !oman : piter Who or what was introd ced to the 0'% in 16+" % g sto Pinochet was the r ler of which co ntry *iovidi is what day in Atalian Han( Ballard and the 4idnights first released what in 16+8 An ch rch terms what are sa cers Where were Panama hats first made What does a (ymograph meas re ?ame the dar( lord in /ord of the !ings What is the ninth letter of the *ree( alphabet 'chschpiel is what game in *ermany =he *ree( *oddess ;phes s is the *oddess of what =heophil s 5an #annal invented what in 1222 in Philadelphia Which actor appeared in drag in two 4arlene <ietrich films Who was the first roc( band to perform at ?7 Opera ho se What was the name of the cab company in =a3i An which sport wo ld yo hear the term Antente

Bac( of a 0' N18 bill /ebanon <octor Peppers B ffalo Bill 4arc s Welby 4E<E 4orocco 4ole Fran( 'inatra Pean t B tter C rling 9 stone sent no c rve Peregrine Falcon Flintstones lawyer never lost case ' san Hayward !ope Winston Ch rchill % 'hooting star =he 'earchers =he Boy 'co ts of %merica C rtis 'trange Be Hanged 4r 'poc( in 'tar =re( !ay Charles =elephone <irectory 'hort trac( speeds(ating 5ac m p mps *rape 5ines 0nity day < ring an ;clipse <oris <ay Handball 9 ball hitting floor ceiling =reas re Asland ;lves :ohn 4ilton G capitol of hell $e s 9 chief *od * A :oe Chile =h rsday =he =wist <omes Per Oscillations 'a ron Aota Chess Chastity !evolving <oor :ohn Wayne =he Who ' nshine cabs :ai %lai G Players 4anager

?o > estions > i1 2.

1 An which co nty wo ld yo find F Cing

% port in =aiwan

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Who wrote the three act opera =he !a(es Progress An the Bible :ael m rdered 'isera sing what weapon %nna 4aria /o isa Ataliano became famo s as who =he 'tanley c p was not awarded in 1616 what stopped it An the 0' 28J of all lightning stri(e deaths occ r where Who first appeared in the cartoon strip =himble =heatre What was the most pop lar Imas gift in 1613 An Watership <own rabbit lang age what is a hr d d An which co nty wo ld yo find %rs What do Beavis and B tt9head have on their = shirts What is the most pop lar 'o th %merican aphrodisiac An the Phantom of the Opera how does the Phantom sign notes What lin(s %le3D BenD Chrissie and > int Whose biography is over 2E& million words long An : daism there are 3 cardinal sins AdolatryD %d ltery and what Which singer was (nown as /ittle 4iss <ynamite Henry Harley %rnold was the first 0' pilot to do what ?ame :ennifer %nniston)s *odfather An which %merican state is Wan(ers Corner An the 1628s what was a Chicago Overcoat ;nglish festival word from French literally Farewell to Flesh Where did yo find cherry strawberry orange apple grape bird Which actor ref sed the leading role in /a rence of %rabia On <onavan)s 4ellow 7ellow who did the whispering vocal :ohn Chapman was the real name of someone famo s in OhioH What starD most pop lar of 162& was born in a trench in France % stralians call someone from where a coc(roach What did Peter 'ellers se as an in( blotter in the Pin( Panther What co ntry wo ld yo go to find Pervy 'hag What is or who carries a flabell m Pentagon do blespea( what is combat emplacement evac ator Who was a (night of the order of the inverted dragon in H ngary An which city is the worlds longest s(ating rin( 9 ridea canal =he blac( and white episode of Chicago Hope is a trib te to who An legend what did Cleopatra have her mattress st ffed with ?ame first female top 0' single F alb m charts sim ltaneo sly What actor Howard H ghs call pay toilet didn)t give shit nothing What bird ses its tong e to spear food CoC Bang can be fo nd in which co ntry An the 'noopy cartoons what does / cy offer in her booth %nd what does she charge Who are the largest candy cons mers per capita An the 5ietnam war Comic Boo(s was 0' military slang for what Which tennis winner also won a Winter Olympics silver medal ?ame the h mmingbird in <isney)s Pocahontas 166+ 3 highest earning sportsman 4ichael)s :ordanD =yson and who What type of shoes does the Pope s ally wear What was the theme song of the film =he *rapes of Wrath Where in the world wo ld yo find C mb m

Agor 'travins(y =ent Peg %nn Bancroft Anfl en1a epidemic *olf Co rse Olive Oyl ;rector sets G 4eccano % motor car ?orway 4etallica 9 %CF<C Piranha head so p O* 9 Opera *host ;aten by :aws Winston Ch rchill 4 rder Brenda /ee Carry 4ail =elly 'avalas Oregon % coffin Carnival Pac 4an speed p things 4arlon Brando ,> ite right slic(Pa l 4cCartney :ohnny %ppleseed !in =in9=in d ring WW1 ?ew 'o th Wales % Cat ! ssia =he Popes fan at ceremonies % shovel Co nt <rac la following his father Ottawa Canada %lfred Hitchcoc( Fresh rose petals nightly =he 'inging ? n 'is / c *abrielle !obert 4itch m Woodpec(er 5ietnam Psychiatric help Five cents <anes then Arish 4aps :araslav <robny Flit 'ch macher 4occasin !ed !iver 5alley Andia

?o > estions > i1 2.

&1 An which % stralian state is =ittybong


&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Boo(s original title "E& years str ggle against lies st pidity P co ?ame Chewbacca)s son 9 seen 'tar wars holiday special 16.2 ?ipper is the !C% dog in the 0' what)s he (nown as in the 0# What is the most pop lo s domesticated creat re in the 0' HaresD catsD toadsD newtsD owlsD ferrets all acc sed of what 16.8 who anno nced he was entering a clinic for a se3 change Which 0' president twice served as an e3ec tioner 4 c(le :ohn was the last official royal one in ;ngland 9 what 'hagaganda so nds li(e molesting a goose 9 b t where is it Portland !oseb ds were the first 0' team to do what #la s 5oormann designed the cover for which Beatles alb m %ccording to ;arth 4edicine what)s the birth totem for march Which co ntry has no national monetary nit of it)s own ?ame the first storm 16 : ne 16.2 called after a man How did 4iss Piggy tell the difference between love and l st Christopher Pro dfoot owns the worlds largest collection of what Af yo sho t =s (i what sport are yo practicing An the film Bambi what is Bambi)s first word =wo possible answers 9 in which co ntry wo ld yo find 'hit % stralians call someone from where a croweater Old /yme Connectic t has a m se m dedicated to what Which artist is s pposed to have sed 1888 greens in painting An the 0'% domestic violence pea(s on what day of the year An song who is the man who made ;astwood s ch a star What first happened on :an ary "th 122& <avenport Aowa Pooh loves honey b t which creat re loves watercress Who has a tattoo saying 'tarland 5ocal Band =he %frican > een Bogart Hepb rn b t who sho ld it have been !im B tte so nds li(e something se3 al 9 in which 0' state <ecember .3 'wit1erland has +E+ million people 21 were what An the 0' its 611 in the 0# 666 what in % stralia An the 1628s cars b ilt in Bennington had what safety device /ife /ove Cows French translation of which film Which lang age never have spelling contests 9 spell as so nded Which 28s song is still the most reC ested at 0' weddings 16.2 a 188 yard long C e e o tside Pee(ing boo(store sellingH An heraldry a lybbard is a lion panther cross symbolising what What did =eddy !oosevelt ban from the White Ho se ?at rally we got to find a place called F (a 9 Where Which a thor whose name means flowering tree got OB; ?ame actor called =he voice of Canada 9 had 16+" hit !ingo Only HawaiiD 0tah and =ennessee dont have some form of what 0ntil 16+& what was illegal for Connectic t married co ples % can of orange cr sh appears on every episode what =5 series What town has the highest post office in the 0' What is the most varied species on the planet Police %cademy got its theme song from which other film Which 0' states constit tion was the first to prohibit slavery Finally a good old body so nd where is Farta

4ein #ampf / mpy H45 dog Honey Bees Being witches familiars :ohn /ennon ,%pril fool @o(e*rover Cleveland G d ty as sheriff Fool or :ester Per Compete 'tanley c p !evolver =he Falcon %ndorra B d By spelling /awnmowers #endo Bird Aran or ;thiopia 'o th % stralia ? ts :ohn Constable ' perbowl ' nday =he fall g y G n(nown st ntman %ppendectomy !oo Homer 'impson <avid ?iven Bette <avis %las(a 0nemployed 888 % 'aint Christopher medal City 'lic(ers ! ssian ;ndless love Wor(s of 'ha(espeare 2& cents Wildness Christmas trees $aire ?gaio 4arsh G mystery writer /orne *reen /egal gambling Contraception ;! Clima3 Colorado <omesticated dog Patton 5ermont ?igeria

?o > estions > i1 22

1 What actor was born #rishna Bhan@i

Ben #ingsley

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Which Br ce made the cover of =ime in 16.& An Peter and the Wolf what instr ment represents the cat Where wo ld yo find bead wires wrapping and sipes Brian ;no created which so nd What is prod ced sing the #roll process Who first said K=he *ames %footK An France what (ind of n ts are noisette % yo ng what is called a sC ea(er : ne 1622 who)s on covers =imeD /ifeD PeopleD and 'ports All strated Which companies name translates as rising s n What)s n s al abo t the in( sed to print money ;li1abethan ;ngland what was /ift leg <ragons 4il( %ngel food =he ?ecromancer in =he Hobbit became who in later wor(s %ccording to Playboy what is their Playmates greatest t rn on %nd what)s their greatest t rn off Canberra in % stralia has 2 meanings meeting place and what 'terling Holloway was original voice of which <isney character ?ame the (not sed to shorten a rope witho t c tting it Fanny Crosby wrote over 2888 of these 9 what What was the first co ntry to se postcards What ma(es the holes in 'wiss cheese Before 1223 who were called (ran(s What did ;d Peterson invent What is the most cons med fr it in the 0' 'eth Wheeler patented it in 12.1 9 what Which actor wore an old trenchcoat in one scene in all his films What did : ;dgar Hoover call home of disease bribery rape Which prop item did 4*4 ban from film sets in the early &8s = What is the more common name for bl e cor nd m =he "2 string g itar is correctly called what What is made in shapes called fingerD petticoat and thistle What were the first tennis balls st ffed with What did the 0' government call predawn vertical insertion For what wo ld yo se 1ener cards An 1682 %);c d)Or became the worlds first what An 'tar =re( what is Che(ov)s first name An ?orse mythology =hor)s chariot is p lled by two what What were the old hec(lers in the 4 ppet show named after %ccording to Billboard what was the top single of the +8s 'teely <an is a band b t what was the original steely dan An the 4iddle %ges people threw what at the Bride and *room What does the s n in '0? 4icrosystems stand for An Fran( Herbert)s < ne what are the 4a(ers Which co ntry prod ces the most f ll length feat re films What is the most pop lar dogs name in the 0' What is the common name for a five wood in golf An !ebel Witho t a Ca se name the High 'chool % yo ng what is called a blin(er An Peter and the Wolf what instr ment represents the d c(

:aws 9 Br ce was the shar( =he Clarinet On =yres Windows 6& start9 p =itani m William 'ha(espeare Ha1eln ts Pigeon 4i(e =yson Hitachi At)s magnetic ?ames for Beer 'a ron 4 sic ;goists and liars Female breasts Winnie the Pooh 'heepshan( Hymns % stria *as given off by bacteria Baseball fans G fan invented then ;gg 4c4 ffin Coffee Bean Wrapping Paper <avid ?iven 4otels 5 sets 'apphire Pi(asso g itar 'cottish 'hortbread H man Hair Anvasion of *ranada =o test for ;'P Pornographic film Pavel *oats name =anngrisni =anngnost ?ew 7or( Hotels Waldorf 'tadler Hey : de Chrome dildo ;ggs 'tanford 0niversity ?etwor( 'andworms 9 'hai9 ha l d Andia 4a3 Baffy <awson 4ac(erel =he Oboe

?o > estions > i1 22

&1 %ccording to *ene #elly who was his favo rite dancing partner

Fred %stair

&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What word appears in more film titles than any other %nd which word comes second 'ocrates was trained into what profession Who starred in cartoon where the =asmanian <evil 1st appeared What is the oldest ship commissioned in the !oyal ?avy =o the %pache Andians what were *od <ogs %n onomastician st dies what =he filaments for the first electric lamp were made from what Which companies first prod ct was an a dio oscillator What was the first bo3ed cereal Which animals name comes from %rabic he who wal(s swiftly What was Blondies name before she married <agwood =he sleeve of which alb m was the first to feat re lyrics An liC id meas re a pipe is made p of two what Which companies name translates as ab ndant fields Which gro p of professionals se comp ter dating the most 4ost people bob for apples what do %dams family bob for Which department ses +&J of all paper bo ght by 0' gov Bowl of red is the %1tec translation of which food item Who wanted to play Brody in :aws b t 'pielberg re@ected him What are yo doing if yo pandic late What ailment (ills the most fr it flies =he Finnish (now her as = na what do we call her 2&J of %mericans believe which fictional character is real <r 'e ss created the first animated =5 ad for which company Where wo ld yo find %rgine ;sther : dith and Pallas What is the hole in a pencil sharpener called 16+8 Orange bowl was first appearance of which sporting giant An 'tar Wars *eorge / cas modelled the ;mperor on who What did Popeye eat for strength before spinach What is the meaning of *handi An 1662 2"21 0' people were in@ red at home by what What is *erber)s most pop lar flavo r of baby food What was Billboards hit single of the 16.8s An *ree( what ,bad for yo r diet item- translates into solid bile What lin(s 'corpion 'eawolf and =hresher Who coined the term gossip col mn Which singers first band was called =he 'piders What is the first line on 4el Blanc)s tombstone What was ;mperor ?apoleon Bonaparte)s official emblem =he locals call it <r ( 7 l 9 /and of the <ragon what co ntry What was the first 0' =5 series broadcast in the 0''! An Belgi m if yo are eating water1ooi what is it What is the part of a horse between fetloc( and hoof called % Hobbits will reC ires seven signat res in what Which classic film was called prod ction 6"81 d ring filming Where did we meet ?ew(ir(D CarterD /eBea and #inchlow 'herrinford was hero Ormond 'ac(er assistant names changed =o What did %lfred Hormel invent

/ove Paris 'tonec tter B gs B nny G <evil may Hare H4' 5ictory from &F.F1..& Horses ?ames Bamboo Hewlett Pac(ard 'hredded wheat *iraffe Boopadoop Beatles 'ergeant Peppers Hogsheads =oyota =eachers Crabs <efence department Chilli Charlton Heston 7awn Constipation Cinderella 'herloc( Holmes Ford Pac( of cards G > eens names Ch c( *oodyear Blimp !ichard ?i3on *arlic *rocer =heir Ho seplants 4ashed Bananas 7o light p my life Cholesterol /ost 0' n clear reactors at sea 4ar( =wain %lice Cooper =hatBs %ll Fol(s B mblebee Bh tan <a(tari Creamy fish stew Pastern !ed An( Psycho Hogan)s Heroes Holmes and Watson 'pam

?o > estions > i1 26

1 Col 4eriweather /ewis Clar( :r developed r les for what in 0'


2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

WhatD according the 4ar( =wainD is a stomach 'teinway =he worlds first what opened in Brighton ;ngland in 126. Where was the canning process for fish first developed Where or what is a birds lore Which three word catchphrase is most niversally recognised 0' civil war what disease incorrectly treated by in( in@ections Preparing to invade :apan in WW2 the 0' ordered "88888 what What are Bl e ProfessorD Bottle Amp and !at Faced 4c<o gal Chrometrophobia is the fear of what ?ame Bilbo Baggins mother !oc(y and B llwin(le enemies are Boris Badenov and who An Baseball slang who wo ld se =he tools of Agnorance Which %merican poet was also a s rgeon What do yo do to see phosphenes An ;C atorial * inea its illegal to name yo r child what What in /ondon are the WhitechapleD Co rtald and Heywood Which word meaning crop growing comes from /atin to plo gh What is n s al abo t the crab eating seal Basc le cantilever s spension all types of what Af a dish is served pomontier what does it contain Which seven letter word in ;nglish contains all five vowels Which co ntry has the most daily newspapers What profession receives the Prit1(er pri1e 'aint Bibiana is the Patron 'aint of what An the 0# +8J of pets have what How is the Olympic torch lit What shape is cansonsei pasta <ead mans hand was %ces and ;ights pl s which other card Charles %tlas promised to ma(e yo a new man 9 what system ?ame 0' mo ntain range comes from French %t the Bows !ed headed men are more li(ely than others to do what Which 'ans(rit phrase means love story What is Pennsylvania)s main agric lt ral e3port Persia became Aran in 163& what was it before it was Persia *rand = r( is the name of the ship 9 where wo ld yo see it =he French call it =he Casserole what do we call it Where wo ld yo see C<;F/OP<$ F rrit s /atin for little thieves is the name for which creat re Which film begins Friday <ecember 11th 2E"3pm What is the most common food allergen What)s the biggest so rce of poll tion in /a(e Ontario What phrase did > ant m /eap)s 'am Bec(ett se in every show ;very year 38888 0' people are serio sly in@ red by what Who coined the term sec rity blan(et Andia has the largest Hind pop lation what co ntry has second Where did we see a snor(asa r s 7o r s ffering from circadian dysrhythmia what have yo got ?ame most performed opera at /ondon opera Ho se since 1233 Which garment gets it)s name from the /atin to cover

%ccordion Petrol ,gas- station 'ardinia 'pace between eye and bea( Bond :ames Bond *onorrhoea P rple Hearts Fishing Flies 4oney Belladonna =oo( ?atasha Fatale Catchers ;C ipment Oliver Wendell Holmes 'h t eyes flashing lights seen 4onica %rt *alleries %rable At don)t eat crabs Bridge Potatoes 'eC oia Andia %rchitects Hangovers Health Ans rance By the s n in *reece /ittle Britches > een of Hearts <ynamic =ension O1ar(s 9 % 3 %rcs *o Bald #arma ' tra 4 shrooms Aran Old 'pice cologne bottle =he Big <ipper 0' ;ye test chart Ferrets Psycho ? ts /a(e ;rie Oh Boy ;3ercise eC ipment Charles 'ch l1 ?epal Flintstones it was <ino :et /ag /a Boheme =oga

?o > estions > i1 26

&1 Which co ntry has the highest J of women in their legislat re

C ba

&2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=he Pentagon accidentally ordered 22 year s pply of which food What did Barbie do in 16.. What first appeared at the 1622 Winter Olympics /a rence = rea d became more famo s as who What is the most chemically comple3 food 9 over 388 chemicals What)s the word for the front of a dogs chest and @oint of beef Which comic character is both a princess and a prince Which recreational activity ca ses the most bone fract res Which creat re has a carapace and a plastron 0nfort nate names 9 Pansy was a brand of what sold in China 0' what was the last brand of cigarettes to be advertised on =5 Ataly 'chiaffetoniD !osetti and Cr setti in 'icily what pasta type An a m se m /a Crosse #ansas is Crandals Champion what 4y Word were the final words of which famo s =5 character ?ame the pet peacoc( on =he Walton)s Which b ilding material gets its name from %rabic for the bric( An which city is the oldest $oo in the world still in se <inner =ime by Pa l =erry was which cartoon first Which co ntry has the highest per capita divorce rate % s fferer from boanthropy believes he is what An 1636 in the 0' what was the first patented plant Collective no ns 9 a pace of what creat res Who was the first 0# solo artist to have a 0' n mber 1 hit What shape is canestrelli pasta 7von Petra 16"+ was the last Wimbledon champion to do what % nervo s (angaroo lic(s its where :es s was born in Bethlehem what does Bethlehem mean An the =e3as version 12 <ays Imas what is given on the "th day Borborygm s is the medical name for what When <ino was Fred)s pet what was Barney)s called What is the leading ca se of death in Pap a ?ew * inea An which co ntry did a foot deodorant get elected into office Proportionately which creat re has the largest brain Where is the worlds largest gay festival held ann ally Who was the first athlete to have an animated cartoon series BobD WallyD %lice and %so( can be fo nd in which strip cartoon Which gro p were derided as =he poor mans !olling 'tones %fter the 0' civil war what was (nown as the soldiers disease Who was the first character to spea( in 'tar Wars ;lwood ;dwards voice is heard by %O/ sers 9 where /in( %polloD *hengis #han and %braham /incoln on =5 What do the " of top 18 children)s a thors have in common Palmolive promised to help women (eep what Who was shown on the most pop lar 0' postal stamp of 1662 Which (ind of flower has the most species An the 0' what)s the most common reason for a visit to ;! Which co ntry has the most cell lar phones per capita On =5 who wor(ed at Otto)s % to Orphanage =heir technical name are hydrometeors what)s common name

Free1e dried = na salad mi3 'mile Five Olympic !ings 4r = Chocolate Bris(et Wonder Woman G <iana Prince %erobic <ancing = rtles shell p low 4ens 0nderwear 5irginia 'lims Cannelloni Barbed Wire m se m :ames =iberi s #ir( !over %dobe /ondon =al(ie 1 /atvia 9 2 ! ssia G 3 Belar s %n O3 ?ew <awn !ose <on(eys %c(er Bil( 'tranger on the 'hore /ittle Bas(ets Wear =ro sers Forearms Ho se of Bread Fo r Pric(ly Pears *as noises in g t Hoppy a Hoparoo Falling o t of =rees ;C ator =he %nt 'ydney gay 4ardi gras % stralia 4ohamed %li <ilbert %erosmith 4orphine addiction C3PO Welcome and 7o *ot 4ail %ll met :ames = #ir( British 9 Blyton <ahl Potter etc 'choolgirl comple3ion 'ylvester and =weety Orchid 'tomach Cramps 'weden =he Fon1 Hailstones

?o > estions > i1 68

1 An the :ewish religion where are shellfish and por( (osher

Chinese !esta rants

2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What is the most pop lar last name in France What was the first shoe brand name to go into O3ford dictionary Fred Waller patented what sporting eC ipment Who began his career as =he Worlds Worst : ggler Which cities name means ;nd of the elephants tr n( Who was the first woman to win an acting ;mmy in a sf series What is the most assigned boo( F play in ;nglish classes ?ame the 'ha(espeare play with a city in *reece in name An the Bible Cain b ilt a city named after his son what %mor 5incit Omnia a /atin phrase meaning what =heatre at the stairway is the translation of which place Where is Bonnie Prince Charlie b ried Where are yo if yo land at ?orman 4anley airport An the h man body what is prod ced by the parotid glands What was the first maga1ine to p blish a hologram on it)s cover What is Britain)s most commonly planted tree Who was nic(named =he %dmiral of the 4osC itoes 33J of worlds pop lation can)t do what apparently simple thing What type of large vehicle is named after a Hind *od Who spo(e for the first time in a B gs B nny cartoon in 16&1 /ord HarryD Old BillyD > eedD '(ipperD =oast nic(names for who =he Chinese scattered firecrac(ers aro nd the ho se 9 why Who was shot and (illed in saloon n mber ten What is the most pop lar @ (ebo3 song of all time Which spies name translates as ;ye of the <awn What wo ld a rhinotille3omaniac be doing CornbreadD = r(ey and 'weet potatoes made p the first what Which Clint ;astwood film has the most (illings ,+&! ssia has one b t the 0' has at least si3 9 what %CAAD 'toc(lessD 4 shroom and Plo gh types of what Febr ary 1666 what was the fastest growing religion in the 0' An Pac 4an eating what was worth &888 points What common item has a coilD pointD sheath and two shafts An which co ntry are the most flowers bo ght per capita What is the moons astronomical name Agnoring cats what large animals p rr when they are happy Carnegie 4elon 0niversity only one offers a degree in what Where in the 0' by law do yo not have to pay ta3es Where are *ene !oddenberrys ashes %dvertising slogan 9 ?o one ever got fired for b ying what Where is the original 'pa What 3 inventions do %mericans say they cant live witho t Where in the world can yo find Friday before =h rsday Where wo ld yo find a breastD foreD spring and after spring What sport originally meant in FrenchD loo( here An < (es of Ha1ard boys drove *eneral /ee name <aisies @eep ;vidence of the first recorded brothel was fo nd in which city Which two letter word is the most sacred in Hind ism What is the most chosen name for 0' schools sports teams

4artin <r 4artins Water '(is Fred %stair #harto m /indsay Wagner G Bionic Woman !omeo and : liet =imon of %thens ;noch /ove conC ers all /a 'cala 4ilan !ome #ingston :amaica 'aliva ?ational *eographic 'it(a 'pr ce Christopher Col mb s 'nap their fingers : ggerna t !oadr nner =he <evil or 'atan Fire %larms Wild Bill Hic(oc( Cra1y 9 Patsy Cline 4ata Hari Pic(ing their nose =5 <inner Where ;agles <are Places called 4oscow %nchors 'i(h Banana 'afety Pin ?etherlands 4oon Brahma B lls Bagpiping %n Andian !eservation 'ent into 'pace AB4 /iege Belgi m Car 9 /ightb lb G =elephone An a <ictionary " of + mooring lines tying p ship =ennis <i3ie %thens *reece Om ;agles or =igers

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

Who was the first choice to play Beverley Hills Cop What occ pation had the most fatal wor( in@ ries in 0' in 166" What did sailors often have tattooed on bac(s to stop flogging Where wo ld yo find lagan How did #ing %rth r acC ire the ro nd table What is the only Bible boo( referred to in a 'ha(espeare play Harry !osoll created which famo s bear What did : ;dgar Hoover bar people from wal(ing on Car racing and what sport were banned in the 0'% d ring WW2 %l %lcorn wrote which famo s comp ter program F game An what co ntry is Peter AA of 7 goslavia b ried %sian moon rat is the only animal smells li(e a veg which one An Winnie the Pooh what)s the name over the door Pooh)s ho se Which old time =5 cop had a middle name of %loysi s An the comic Fantastic Fo r what was =hings character name Which co ntries name comes from the %rawa( word for central ?orman Bean became famo s as which a thor Francis *alton first classified what Brent blend is a widely traded commodity 9 what is it %t !oman feasts which birds tong es were delicacies =essen@ ts is a martial art based on the se of what item Which common item was banned by law in Berm da ntil 16"2 Who sells more cars than Ford Chrysler Chevrolet and B ic( We (now what a mo ssa(a is b t what does it literally mean French in tennis love means 1ero b t what did it originally mean ?ame was !ichard #imble)s favo rite alias in the =5 series An %labama its illegal to have more than 3 what in yo r ho se =wos company threes a crowd what do fo r and five ma(e On a carving in Coventry Cathedral what did /ady *odiva ride Bengal <imension + Falcon 3 possible names what was chosen Which 0' states name means meadowland What creat re is nic(named the old man of the sea What did the word h ssy originally mean =he %lley Cats was the wor(ing title of which =5 show Which city had the world first p blic b s service An the 0# 6 o t of 18 people live within wal(ing distance of what .&J ind strial accidents happen to people who ain)t done what 'wine is a Chinese brand name of which food What (eeps growing ntil yo are 3& then starts to shrin( Which is the only bird that drops it)s pper eyelid to blin( What company created the gif image file format What was 5incent Price)s first horror film Which s(ill ses things called chain singles and do bles ?ame the profession most often late for doctors appointments =he average %merican cons mes 6lbs of what every year Which cartoon company is based in Walla Walla Washington An #orea what is ssir m An the h man body what is replaced every three months What is the top holiday in the 0' for candy F sweet sales Which 0' state flag is triang lar in shape

'ylvester 'tallone =r c( <rivers % Cross An sea overboard attached to float % Wedding gift ? mbers in Henry 5 'mo(ey the Bear His 'hadow Horse !acing Pong %merica only e ro monarch there Onion 4r 'anders 'teve 4c*arret G Hawaii & 8 Ben@amin *rimm C ba ;dgar !ice B rro ghs Fingerprints Oil Flamingos % Fan 4otor Cars 4atchbo3 toys 4oistened ;ggs :im %nimals Fo r and five ma(e nine % *oat ?i(e 9 b t others were considered options #ent c(y 'ea Otter 9 it)s white whis(ers Ho se(eeper Charlie)s %ngels Paris % B s 'top ;aten Brea(fast Chocolate 7o r '(eleton Owl Comp 'erve Ho se of Wa3 Crocheting <octors Food %dditives %cme in !oadr nner ' mo Wrestling ;yelashes Halloween Ohio

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An a s rvey "J of 0' employees never do what at wor( Which sitcom was set in < nns !iver Connectic t Fred 'ilverman invented the name 'cooby <o named after who What does Antel stand for Which game was called Beano till ;dwin /owe renamed it An the 0' what was free before 12+3 What was Helen #eller)s first word 4iddle %ges having what creat res in the ho se was good l c( What is the f ll name of the creator of Peter Pan On a piano the left pedal is the soft what)s the right called One anger =wo mirth =hree wedding Fo r birth what are they 'pecifically to what does ;piscopal refer Which sort of co rt case ca ses the most per@ ry Which co ntry cons mes the most chic(en per capita %nd which co ntry comes second 'aint Homobon s is the Patron 'aint of who Which item first appeared in ' perior Hotel 4ontana in 1682 What became a f ll Olympic sport in 1662 Which actor sed to sweep o t lions cages for a living =he average %merican does it 1211 times in their life 9 what Who was the first comp ter millionaire =asseomancy is fort ne telling sing what An 0# whose private ho se has its own co rt and 11 prison cells =he b ffalo weaver is the only bird to develop a false what An what famo s 0' b ilding wo ld yo find Broadway Whose memoirs were called =here and bac( again Which dish gets its name from the French meaning to stir Where wo ld yo find the st ffing bo3 and s c(ing rod Pidge appeared in which <isney film =he average si1e of what is a grain of sand =here are 28 days in the wee( in whose calendar % yo ng dogs a p p what)s the correct name for a yo ng s( n( O(amoto in :apan is the worlds largest ma(er of what %pis 4nevis On phis 3 names for the sacred what of ;gypt At costs N38 a day in % stria to do this n de in winter 9 what On =5 what team wor(ed o t of Aolani Palace ;scaping convicts sed to drop what to throw dogs off the scent What first name has been sed by most presidents =he word cr ise comes from which lang age An a s rvey 0' ;!s what is the most commonly bro(en bone An comp ting who are floppy and mootilda An the 0' money is still top marital arg ment what is second An :apan they sell a last clima3 9 what is it An 0' only 2 J of women do it 9 b t it changes their lives 9 what =he 'wiss spend the worlds most money per capita on what %rth r Pa l designed which icon 9 appears on a maga1ine =he :ewish prayer for the dead #addish is in what lang age What is the name of <octor Claws pet in Anspector *adget Which maga1ine is most often stolen from 0' libraries Which actress had a @ob p tting cosmetics on corpses

/a gh 'oap Fran( 'inatra Antegrated ;lectronics Bingo 4ail service Water %nts :ames 4athew Barrie ' staining Crows Bishops Contested <ivorce 'a di %rabia Asrael B siness People *ideon Bible Badminton 'ylvester 'tallone ;at at 4ac<onald)s Herman Hollerith =ea /eaves /ord 4ayor /ondon 4ansion Ho se Penis to flash for mates %lcatra1 9 main prison bloc( Bilbo Baggins =he Hobbit !atato ille Oil Well P mp /ady and =ramp pet name /ady 4eteor %1tec % (it or (itten Condoms B ll Cross co ntry s(iing Hawaii & 8 !ed Herrings :ames < tch #r isen Clavicle or Collar Bone *ateways cows What to watch on =5 Brand of tiss es Propose marriage to boyfriend Ans rance Playboy b nny Written Hebrew b t in %ramaic 4adcat 'ports All strated Whoopee *oldberg

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

'o far 11 0' presidents have been what +388 was the biggest cast in a commercial for what company #noc(9#noc( was the first cartoon starring what character 16"8 =he 'weater 'hop Anternational was a competition which sport *ree( mythology women of /emnos did what to their h sbands *oodfellow)s / mholt1)s and Bennett)s type of what animal =5s Ben Casey started with 4an Woman Birth <eath and what What was banned in Andonesia for stim lating passion Af a = r(ish @ dge brea(s a pencil what does it mean An the film : mping :ac( Flash what is :ac()s code (ey Washington police officers get a half ho r class in how to what What is the worlds largest food company What is a cremnophobe afraid of What is the most common name for Playboy centrefolds Who is the tallest tellet bbie Boston !ed 'o3 are =he Pilgrims b t what were they before An the % =eam name 4 rdochBs invisible dog An 1688 %mericans did it for 6ho r 28 min now its .ho r 28 what =he first one was & 3 28 the first what 1 in 28 children born in 0' today will do what Where in the world are the most roses grown An the 0'% on :an ary 1 yo have the greatest ris( of what /e3ico was invented in 1632 what did it change its name to =en 1888 virgins bo ght ins rance against what in 2888 Which profession drin(s the most coffee Which d o has won seven Oscars What is tattooed on the 4arlboro mans hand =he classical m sic term f g e comes from /atin meaning what What Bond thing did !oger 4oore not do in . films =he term warts and all comes from a portrait of who ?evada and Canberra are varieties of which vegetable For which game wo ld yo win the Plimpton C p What was the distress call before 'O' Where wo ld yo see sprites bl r @ets and elves ?ame Casper the friendly ghosts horse What is the most common s rname for 4otel owners in the 0' %ncient !omans dyed their hair with what waste prod ct What in history were the BeaverD <artmo th and ;leanor ?ame /ois /anes stewardess sister Who is on the most pop lar s commemorative stamp *abriel Fallopi s is credited with inventing what What does Honol l mean in Hawaiian Food served nivernaise has what ingredient What is a hoblet 286 Popes have been Atalian which co ntry has the 2nd highest % Cr civerbalist is interested in what ?ame Andiana :oneses dog =he Andian name 'ingh translates as what What is the only patented niform F cost me in the 0'% What was the first 68 min te =5 series in 16+2

*enerals British %irways Woody Woodpec(er 'noo(er 4 rder =ree #angaroo Anfinity H la Hoops 7o r death sentence B Flat 'it <own ?estle Falling down stairs ' san =in(y Win(y =he 'omerset)s Billy 'leep 'preadsheet 'erve time in prison =e3as Being 4 rdered 'crabble Ammac late conception Health care =om and :erry %n ;agle Flight <rin( 4artinis 9 and smo(e Oliver Cromwell Ca liflower Bac(gammon C>< 9 come C ic( danger =h nderstorm electrical discharge ?ightmare Patel Bird 'hit 'hips Boston =ea Party / cy /ane ;lvis Condoms 'heltered Harbo r Carrots % 5asectomised ferret France Crossword P 11les Andiana /ion Playboy B nny *irls =he 5irginian

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

=rism s is a m sc lar spasm where in the body An films who co ld win the *olden Boot award What do the initials AO0 stand for on an AO0 % fagotist is a person who does what What are popcornD moss and seed Which food item contains the most resid al pesticides An the 0' what @ob has an average A> of 18" *reat Brother is the Chinese translation of which dr g Which ;nglish name prod ces the most nic(names Which fr it is the symbol of hospitality Which city is b ilt on 112 islands Before it meant tall b ilding what did s(yscraper mean ! dolf the red nosed reindeer had a girlfriend 9 name her Which a thor sold most boo(s in the first half of 28th cent ry An which sport is the / gano trophy awarded Which song is performed at start Andiana :ones =emple of <oom %mnesicD <iarrhetic and Paralytic main types of what poisoning <onald Ba3ter 4c4illan compiled the first what dictionary An 16&8 what character was on first metal l nchbo3 in the 0' %nd in 162& who was on the last one prod ced Which 0' state has the highest divorce rate What was the first p blicly televised sporting event in :apan Af yo have a b cc la what have yo got Which insect is the symbol of female potency OptiphoneD / streer and 4irascope early names for which item =he name of which fabric comes from the Persian word for sp n What @ob does an Oi(ologiost do An 16+6 'port was the first maga1ine to r n an ad for what P rple green and gold are the official colo rs which ann al event What is Homer 'impsons greatest fear Cassi s 4arcell s Coolidge painted which famo s paintings Why was 4c<onalds fillet of fish invented / sophone describes co ntries whose main lang age is what Where wo ld yo see analog watches showing 18E18 An WW1 what warning device was on the top of ;iffel =ower %ccording to doctors people with what pets fall asleep easiest What is sometimes referred to as $ l time What was originally called olive oil water %verage 0' male does it in 11E" mins b t female ta(es 13 what ?ylon was invented in 163" what prod ct first sed it Who was the original choice to play the terminator What rivers name translates as river of hate =he average what is designed to last for 128 wearings What is the f ll name of Batman)s b tler On which ann al day do most heart attac(s occ r What is the name for the n mber 1 followed by 188 1eros Who invented wa3 paper What is the name of Por(y Pigs nephew %ncel #eys developed which 0' soldiers item Af yo s ffered from acrony3 what have yo got

:aw 9 li(e loc(@aw %ctors in cowboy films A Owe 0nto Plays the Bassoon #nitting 'titches Peaches Policeman 5iagra ;li1abeth Pineapple 5enice =all sailing ships masts Clarissa ;dgar !ice B rro ghs !oad Wal(ing %nything *oes 'hellfish ;s(imo 9 ;nglish Hopalong Cassidy !ambo %r(ansas % Baseball 4atch <o ble Chin =he Honey Bee =elevision =affeta Ho se(eeper Condoms 4ardi *ras 'oc( P ppets <ogs playing pool cards etc 4eatless /ent Port g ese On most watch advertisements Parrots Fish *reenwich mean time 5aseline 'hower =oothbr sh O : 'impson 'ty3 in Hades Bra %lbert Pennyworth ?ew years day *oogle =homas ;dison Cicero # rations Angrown =oenail

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What was the first =5 theme song to hit n mber one 0' charts Brownie Wise first cover woman on B siness wee( developedH What was the first food designed for the microwave An the 0' what was the first =5 test symbol Which painters wor( is the most stolen ?ame award shaped li(e a teapot with a s( ll and crossbones

<avy Croc(et = pperware Party Popcorn <ollar sign Pablo Picasso %gatha 9 for crime mystery writers What does %braham /incoln never do in any photographs 'mile Pif Paf Pof is the < tch eC ivalent of which ;nglish phrase 'nap Crac(le Pop Before 1+2. cloc(s never had what 4in te hands What is the most profitable section in s permar(ets 1 4eat 9 2 Fresh veg G 3 Pet Food =he average %merican eats &+++ what in their lifetime Fried ;ggs Who is the spo se of the < (e of ?ormandy Philip < (e of ;dinb rgh Which old ;nglish time nit is 1E& min tes long % 4oment An /as 5egas which gambling thing generates the most profit 'lot 4achines What colo r is > een ;li1abeth)s blotting paper Blac( Where can yo find Clippit ;3cel help assistant paperclip An the 13th cent ry ; ropean children were baptised with what Beer Which pop lar cartoon strip has never incl ded an ad lt Pean ts What is the most common street name in the 0'% Par( 'treet %ccording to one estimate Ben@amin Fran(lin had 2" what Bastards G Allegitimate children Before tennis what drew spectators to Wimbledon CroC et Which famo s ship and whis(eys name means short nders(irt C tty 'ar( Beethoven gave p what while writing his ninth symphony Bathing An 1..+ the first nion went on stri(e in the 0' what @ob :o rneyman Printers ?ame the first foreign company to open a factory in the 0'% 5ol(swagen Whose secretary was /oelia Ponsonby :ames Bond Who was 4 ssolini)s favo rite cartoon character <onald < c( %ccording to tr c( drivers which 0' state has the worst drivers California ?ame Frosty the 'nowman)s son Chilly G 4illie <a ghter Crystal wife What)s most commonly sed password on comp ter systems Password Who was the first trape1e artist to perform witho t a net : les /eotard Af yo s ffer from protanopia yo cannot see what Colo r red What occ rs in 'eptember and <ecember more than any other month /etter ; %lectryomanchy is another name for what banned 0# 12"6 Coc(fighting An Bewitched % nt Clara had a collection of what <oor(nobs For what was :oan of %rc made a 'aint Her 5irginity What was the most bombed place in WW2 4alta %s a performer what one thing wo ld ;lvis never do %n ;ncore =he word 0topia from *ree( means what ?owhere Wife Beware in 1633 was the first film shown where % <rive in theatre What did ;instein call Kthe most diffic lt thing to nderstandK Ancome =a3es FireflyD /onghornD HarleC in and =ortoise types of what Beetles ;l <ago was the name of whose first private plane Fran( 'inatra 4ent ;gyptian =yr ?orse *ods of what War <isney)s Pl to ,nee !over- was originally whose pet dog 4innie 4o se Who is only artist that to red with ;lvisD Beatles and ;agles !oy Orbison What is the most sed e3pression in any lang age on earth O( An 0' what sporting good o tsells Base Bas(et and Footballs Frisbees sales beat all combined On what common item wo ld yo find a worm Cor(screw itBs the spiral part What is the only creat re born with horns *iraffe

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An CHAP' what ma(e of motorcycles did they ride Where is the b siest highway in the 0'% 9 AtBs a bridge Which screenwriter has received the most Oscar nominations What @ob wo ld reg larly se (erfs An the ?ew =estament p blicans had what @ob Which 0' city was once named Por(opolis % p ggle is a baby what 4en witho t chest hair are more li(ely to get what disease What common item were once called moth patches What is written at the bottom of a Oi @a board = cson %ri1ona what)s officially (nown as pavement deficiencies What wo ld yo find in a vivari m What does 7o7o mean in ;nglish What word do %las(an sled drivers sho t to move their teams CardinalD Barlin(a and ?apoleon are varieties of what Which word literally meaning sweet paste is a brea(fast item What is the only edible orchid %verage woman)s 1E& times bigger than average mans 9 what What plants name means wild growing by the 5olga Writing with light is the literal meaning of what word from *ree( 16+" Aowa City had one =o(yo the other only ones in world what =he British cons me twice as m ch per capita as the 0' 9 what On > a(er Oats what word is written on the scroll on the bo3 %nhedonia is the inability to feel what What is "2J carbohydrates &J protein and &3J fat /iteral translation what Persian word is leg garment What was originally called flowmatic Who was born in Wattenscheid *ermany ?ovember 11th 1628 What was the first item made from al mini m An Happy <ays name Fon1ies dog An 1".. the first advert in ;nglish offered what for sale Only dead people can be on 0' postage stamps e3cept who An 1..2 name the first co ntry to send an ambassador to 0' What did the ancient !omans throw at weddings ;isenhower trophy is given ann ally to what best amate r team ?ame the dogs in 4agn m PA =he name for which body organ translates as all flesh %ccording to historians what is the oldest device still sed Women do it wee(ly to sleep better men every two wee(s what Who re@ected the Olivia ?ewton :ohn role in *rease 28J of resta rant diners donBt do what %nthropologists say what is the worlds oldest profession =he hop9low is the worlds smallest what %t the borders of reality is French translation what =5 show What does a hygrometer meas re Cross garnetD 'trapD B tt and Bac( flap types of what %rchaeologists fo nd 1"& what in #ing = ts tomb +3J of %mericans spend five min tes a day loo(ing for what Which vegetable is 61J water % melcryptovestimentaphiliac comp lsively steals what

#awasa(i ?ew 7or()s *eorge Washington Woody %llen Carpenter 9 first c t to g ide saw =a3 Collectors Cincinnati ;chidna Cirrhosis of the liver Frec(les *ood bye Potholes in the road 'na(es Come9Come Hi(e not 4 sh Blac( *rapes 4armalade 5anilla Circ mference of =highs !h barb 9 !ha G 5olga Barb 9 Wild Photography 'perm Ban(s Ba(ed Beans P re Pleas re Chocolate Panamas Cobol :ames Bond !attle for ?apoleon AAA 'p n(y Prayer Boo( %strona ts France Wheat *olf $e s %pollo Pancreas =oothpic(s Change sheets 4arie Osmond ;at dessert Witch <octor 4 shroom =he I Files H midity Hinges /oincloths =5 remote control Cabbage #nic(ers

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

?ame the 3 headed dog in Harry Potter and Philosophers stone What prod ct ran(s n mber one in cons mer brand loyalty %nd which one comes second 6J of divorced people say they still do what CommonD ;nglishD FlemishD ! nning and 'tac( types of what Which ;nglish word comes from the French for candle On ;arth what wo ld yo find in an orbit An which ; ropean capitol city is a cannon fired at 1E88 pm daily % shroff is an e3pert in what > i1D bandloreD coblent1D dis( all different names for what item ?ame the first person to hit a golf ball over "88 yards with + iron Which co ntries name translates as place with a great river !ose O)?eil created the #ewpie doll where is it signed Worldwide most capitol cities begin with which letter Who)s first person to win Wimbledon singles on a tie brea(er An 1.26 Britain legally adopted what officially What Frenchman was the (ing of chefs and chef of #ings What has the chemical form la H2O2 4edieval wine meas rement there are two b ts to a what Which materials name comes from the French for rag What is the state fr it of /o isiana An Ataly their A P ffiD An H ngary =orpo(D 'amaf in :apan 9 what What m sical instr ment has go rdD sho lderD n t and leaves 4o ntain ranges li(e 'ierra ?evada what does ?evada mean How often does a C otidian thing occ r 1232 /os %ngeles man needed a licence to do what to a woman An B rma illegal possession of what item can mean prison %t a > a(er wedding it is forbidden to do what Which variety of apple is on the Beatles apple label Which 'ha(espeare play was originally entitled What 7o Will ?ame was the first city to mint its own gold coins in 12&2 An the 0' 28D888 what are made for children each year What was added to Band %ids in 16"8 /ittle /arry P ny Pete 'mall 'am considered names of who What did Barbie first get in 16+2 Which member of lily family is named from *ree( for spro t Whose alphabet was called the F thar( %1ote is the old name for what element British sailors got lime @ ice 0' cranberry what <anish get Af yo ain)t done it by age "8 chances are yo never will 9 what < ring menstr ation the sensitivity of woman)s what is red ced What prod ct was originally called dryba( % pogonip is what type of weather condition Why is rice grown in flooded paddy)s What is the most easy thing to recycle What is roasted in 'o th %frica and eaten li(e popcorn Which cartoon character lives in 'weetwater =he Adeal toy company was the first to mass prod ce what item Which ; ropean city spends the most on the arts each year Af yo had =ritonopia what wo ld yo not see

Fl ffy Cigarettes 4ayonnaise Have se3 together Bric( wall bonds G how laid Chandelier ;yeball 9 orbits eye soc(et s( ll ;dinb rgh =esting coins 7oyo 9 from =agalog %lan 'hepherd on the moon Parag ay 'ole of Foot B ;vonne Cawley Hanging 9 before it was b rning % g st ;scoffier Hydrogen Pero3ide = n Chiffon 'trawberry 'm rfs % 'itar 'now =opped <aily 'erenade her % 4odem =a(e photographs *ranny 'mith =welfth ?ight Florence G florin =5 ads .888 cereals !ed opening string <ic(ens =iny =im Her car made by Arwin for 4attel %sparag s 5i(ings ?itrogen 'a er(ra t to stop sc rvy *o to Prison 4iddle Finger < ct =ape Heavy winter fog with ice crystals <rown weeds 1 %l mini m 2 *lass 3 Paper =ermites Popeye)s home port =eddy Bears Fran(f rt Colo r Bl e

?o > estions > i1 6"

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8 Whose advert slogan was 7o press the b tton we do the rest =h nder m sic is the literal translation of which m sical term 0' actor William *illette invented which characters phrase What is the sacred animal of =hailand Collective no ns 9 a strea( of which creat res An 162+ :apan deleted 288888 feet from 0' films showing what What co ld 5ictorian advertisements not show : mping Badger was the original name of which Andian leader 12.2 Wanama(er)s of Philadelphia first 0' store to install what 4ansardD *ambrel and Hip all types of what 0tah the states name comes from ?avaho meaning what What is the fastest rac(et sport 9 over 288 mph Which (ey word was removed from the Olympic charter in 16.1 What is ta ght at the Californian %cademy of =a romaC ia An their lifetime the average h man grows 2 feet of what What)s n s al abo t phone directory in Aceland We (now who <arth 5ader is b t what)s 5ader mean in < tch % mo se)s is bigger than an elephants 9 what "8888 %mericans are in@ red each year where /ahnaphophobia is the fear of what One third of =aiwanese f neral processions incl de what An Holland what wo ld yo do with bare b ttoc(s in the grass What)s name translates from Chinese as white vegetable An #orea which animal is the symbol of long life What on average is two inches wide b t 2 miles long What do dieters say is the most diffic lt food to give p What was the p nishment in %ncient !ome for water poll tion An the 0' women own 3&J of what An the 16&8s which film star was paid N&888 a wee( An 166+ what was the most common se for a comp ter "+J What does the energiser b nny wear on his feet ;pistemology is the st dy of what An 1666 28J of all 0' to rists came from which co ntry Which 0' =5 show was the top rated in the 1622 26 season An 'ha(espeare what is !ichard AAA title before he becomes (ing HermesD 'ymphony and %ni( are all what Wine brandy sherry almonds raisins orange glogg what co ntry !ed Connors played by ;dgar B chanan which cowboys partner Agnoring obvio s what lin(s 4inota r Harpy Centa r and 'phin3 What comes in varieties freestone and clingstone What lin(s PythagorasD HitlerD *B 'haw and Henry =horea =he Westminster is the oldest and biggest what in the 0'% 4en play it at "8 feet women 38 feet what game Which city has the most homeless cats per sC are mile %bbot 9 Costello ro tine who)s on first name the pitcher What lin(s Wade 9 'pode 9 4isen 9 <elft What creat re is the symbol of medicine % male racehorse can do it in 1" seconds 9 what What body part gets bigger as the day progresses An 166& the average 0' p blic school had .& what

#oda( Philharmonic ;lementary my dear Watson =he white elephant =igers #issing 9 it was nclean Beds 9 hidden behind c rtains Chief 'itting B ll ;lectric /ights B ilding roof 0pper Badminton %mate r B llfighting ?ose Hair %lphabetical by forename Father 'perm An the toilet 5egetables % stripper ;at them mi3 of string navy beans Bo( choy =he deer % lightning bolt Cheese 188 lashes %ll b sinesses /assie Boo((eeping invoicing WP "&J Flip flops #nowledge :apan !oseanne < (e of *lo cester Com satellites 'weden a Christmas p nch drin( Hopalong Cassidy %ll part h man Peaches 5egetarians <og 'how Horseshoes !ome =omorrow Pottery 'na(e Cop late as can any male horse Feet & to 18J Comp ters installed

?o > estions > i1 6"

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188 +8J of women say they have eleven a day 9 11 what /imnology is the st dy of what All strator 'ydney Paget created the trademar(s of who =he dybb ( is a creat re in which peoples mythology Wyatt ;arpD Fran( :amesD %braham /incoln what actor lin(s 'omething that is fist lar is what shape What bro ght Frosty the 'nowman to life =he most common hat in the world is made o t of what An a ch rch who wo ld se the chancel Which male name means *od will @ dge What is the oldest co ntry in ; rope Who wo ld wear motley An the film ind stry what is a flipper , sed by child actorsCommon non domestic animal is not mentioned in the Bible Which co ntries name translates as land of the free =he sliothar is a leather covered cor( ball sed in which sport Af something is co(ed en brochette how is it done What physical feat re gives the platyp s it)s name Who wo ld se a plessor An 'ha(espeare who is !omeos love 9 before : liet Which co ntry did the French (now as =erra ?apoleon An *ree( mythology what type of creat re was Chiron An British nobility which title is the highest Waving a yellow flag is the international signal for what Who wo ld wear a diadem An an orchestra which instr ment has the greatest n mber 'hoot the moon is a term sed in which card game $apateodo is a rhythmic device sed in what m sic style What is always served early in a formal :apanese meal What is the correct name for a two handed timber saw Which animals ma(e a so nd called n 11ing What was the wor(ing title of the =5 series <allas An yo r body where is the mac la With what wo ld yo roc( the baby or wal( the dog Who was (nown as =he man in Blac( An <ic( <astardly)s 5 lt re sC adron name the mechanic An 16&+ Arme ?agy lead a revolt in which co ntry What river flows from 4o nt Hermon into the <ead 'ea =he liC e r crUme de cassis is made from what What agency began as a gro p of mercenary g ards An Bewitched name 'amantha)s identical co sin =he 'tasi were an intelligence organisation in what co ntry Who got a gold single for the song <aniel in 16.3 =he Flavian %mphitheatre is better (nown as what 4iso a basic ingredient in :apanese coo(ing is made of what =he m sical word scher1o comes from Atalian meaning what % villanelle is a type of what Which cities name comes from %lgonC in meaning traders Five o t of si3 of the 5illage people have got what What)s the correct name for a yo ng n9bred male f r seal

;mails 4arshes from *ree( 'herloc( Holmes <eerstal(er :ewish migrating so l enters body Henry Fonda Pipe shaped %n old sil( hat Bamboo Choir they sit there <aniel 'an 4arino 381 ad :ester clothing False teeth !ats =hailand H rling On a s(ewer Webbed feet <octor refle3 hammer !osaline % stralia Wise Centa r < (e Anfectio s disease #ings headband 5iolins Hearts 9 win all Flamenco 'ashimi 9 raw fish Whipsaw Camels Ho ston ;ye centre of the retina % 7oyo :ohnny Cash Cl n( he did not tal( b t whistled H ngary against ! ssia 9 'talin :ordan via 'ea of *alilee Blac(c rrants =e3as !angers 'erena ;ast *ermany ;lton :ohn Colosse m in !ome 'oybean paste :o(e Poem Ottawa 4o staches Batchelor

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

'trine is the vernac lar lang age spo(en in which co ntry Cardinal and Ordinal are types of what What)s the name of <isney)s /ittle 4ermaid Where does the abbreviation for po nd lb come from What was <isney)s <onald < c( originally called What was the longest r nning primetime =5 drama 28 seasons What is generally tho ght to be the oldest breed of dog An which ; ropean city is Charles niversity Which girls name comes from *erman meaning battle 1288 in !oman n merals gives what sporting body !ed white bl e yellow green what)s missing from ! bi()s c be Where wo ld yo find a cantonD halyard and field =his sport is called camogie women play what)s it when men do % =res(illing 7ellow sold for over N2 million in 166+ what is it ?ame of which ho sehold ob@ect comes from /atin to wonder at Which vegetable is also a flower What does a necrographer do ?ame bald head character that peers over walls saying wot no =hose born on %pril Fools day are what star sign An British army what ran(s between 4a@or *eneral and Colonel An beer meas rement .2 pints ma(e a what An the Chinese horoscope what animal comes last alphabetically What is a leprecha n)s s al @ob What did !obert Ballard discover in 162& Af yo are sing Prime =ierce and Octave what are yo doing What is meas red in nits called phon An : ne 168+ where was the worlds first grand pri3 held Af silver is stamped with a leopard in which city was it assayed 1266 what first was installed Palace !oyal hotel 'an Francisco An which city is the #ent c(y <erby r n What is the only silent film to win best pict re Oscar An 1623 the BBC first broadcast what on the radio Which of 'anta)s reindeer comes first alphabetically ?ovember 22th 16"2 what was the first =5 western in the 0'% Which dance means in Port g ese snapping of a whip An 16+& who became co ntry m sic)s first millionairess Which co ntry began the tradition of e3changing Imas gifts What is the ;nglish name for the constellation 4ensa Who ordered the b ilding of the =ower of /ondon An the 'impsons name ?ed Flanders wife What was the first food cons med on the moon in %pollo 11 France and which co ntry contested first ever world c p match An the song 4y <arling Clemantine how did Clemantine die =errence ?e1man became more famo s as who What was introd ced to the 0# 1.66 as a temporary meas re What was the f ll name of <r Henry :e(yll)s alter ego An C rse of the Pin( Panther who plays Clo sea after s rgery An Wac(y !aces who drove the = rbo =errific Beel1eb b is Hebrew for which phrase 9 also a novels title Fado is a m sical style pop lar in which co ntry

% stralia ? mbers 9 1 2 3 9 1st 2nd 3rd %erial /ibra the scales <onald <ra(e * nsmo(e Chow9Chow Prag e Hilda 4CC Orange On a Flag H rling % 'tamp 4irror Broccoli Writes Obit aries Chad %ires Brigadier Fir(in =iger Cobbler or shoema(er =he =itanic Fencing 'o nd /e 4ans in France /ondon : (ebo3 /o isville Wings Opera Comet Hopalong Cassidy /ambada /oretta /ynn Ataly =able William the ConC eror 4a de = r(ey 4e3ico <rowning 'tanley # bric( Ancome =a3 ;dward Hyde !oger 4oore Peter Perfect /ord of the Flies Port gal

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

16+1 who was first actress to win Oscar for a non ;nglish film Which ; ropean city)s name means home of the mon(s Which pop gro p had the most 0' ?o 1 singles in the .8s W* *race captained ;ngland at cric(et and what else How did 'cotland)s !obert the Br ce die Caneletto is famo s for landscapes of 5enice and where ?ame the first Bond film not based on an Aan Fleming boo( An which sport wo ld yo compete for the ?ino Bibia c p What is the most common name for 0' cities ++ of them An what game wo ld yo se a bag ette An astronomy what are Pallas 5esta and <avida An Friends where does :oey (eep his favo rite boo( One of the band steps is nic(named H what)s it stand for Which silent films stars contract forbade him smiling on screen Who drove a !olls !oyce with a n mber plate F%B 1 !apa ? i is better (nown as what %n %ntarctic island was named after which cartoon character Which western entertainments name literally means go ro nd An which city is the worlds b siest 4ac<onald)s Who was the first golfer to get hole in one on British =5 Baron 'ilas *reenbac( was the enemy of which character Which 'ha(espeare character had a da ghter called :essica An which sport do yo need to score five to win An the original 'tar =re( who has nreC ited love for 4r 'poc( =he pop gro p 'atan)s :esters fo nd fame nder what name 'cientists too( the word C ar( from which a thors wor( % female fo3 is a vi3en what is the male fo3 called What is myrmecology the st dy of =he cha(o war 1632 163& was between which two co ntries An the original 'tar =re( series name 'poc()s mother What is the ;nglish name for the constellation Hydra Brian Warner is better (nown as who An the Chinese horoscope what animal comes first alphabetically What are yo doing if yo se the egg position 1&.6 the ?etherlands achieved independence from what co ntry Which =5 detective (ept his g n in a bisc it @ar An 4onty Pythons Flying Circ s <insdale was a giant what An 1631 what was the first live televised sporting event in the 0# An dry meas re 1+ pints ma(e p a what An =5 series =he Prisoner what)s the name of the giant balloon 4rs H gh 4cCorC odale was famo s as what literary fig re An the !oc(y films what was the name of !oc(y)s wife An which co ntry is the worlds longest road t nnel Who was the first 0# royal interviewed on television An !en and 'timpy what sort of dog is !en =h rle 'andstorm first world champion in 1623 at what sport What was the name of :ames Bonds ho se(eeper !eleased in 1682 what was the first ever horror film =he word opera is a pl ral of op s meaning what Fatima is a Christian shrine pilgrimage place in which co ntry

'ophia /oren 4 nich or 4 nchen %bba Bowls From /eprosy /ondon *oldeneye Bobsleighing Fairview Bo le 9 meas ring F mar(ing %steroids An the Free1er Hyperactive B ster #eaton Par(er in =h nderbirds ;aster Asland H c(leberry Ho nd !odeo 4oscow =ony :ac(lin <angermo se 'hyloc( Fencing 9 five hits ? rse Chapel =he !olling 'tones :ames :oyce <og %nts Bolivia and Parag ay %manda Water 'na(e 4arilyn 4anson Boar '(iing 'pain :im !oc(ford Hedgehog =he <erby Pec( !over Barbara Cartland %drian 'wit1erland Prince Philip Chi ha ha =en Pin Bowling 4ay <r :ec(yll and 4r Hyde *rand Wor( Port gal

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An which co ntry wo ld yo find /a(e <isappointment What is meas red in grains 9 fo r grains to a carat An %lgeria what is rai 'wansons introd ced them in 16&3 9 what Which city was s perman born in Which actress was the Connectic t state golf champ at age 1+ 4anticore was a mythical beast head of a man body of what Charles Bronson got acting @ob beca se he did what on demand What herb gets its name from /atin for @ewel of the sea Which @ob was so dangero s staff adverts wanted orphans only Which painter spent last " years of his life on the r n for m rder Where wo ld yo find bowD bay and traytime parts of what What nationality was Cleopatra 'ergey B b(a bro(e world record over 38 times in which event An which /ondon street is the 0' embassy Who is the alter ego of Henry the mild mannered @anitor Which *erman city was the setting of % f Wierdersehn Pet %ilsa CraigD Bedford Champion and !i@nsb rger varieties of what What interested a nomologist Which car company was fo nded by 'ir William /yons in 1622 Post bo3es in the 0# are red what colo r are they in France What wo ld an Arishman do with his shone An mythology who are sometimes called the diosc ri Which gro p had hits with Fernando and %ngelo 5ad 1 is the capitol of where =he 'impsons are the longest r nning cartoon who is second 1... *eorge 4acintosh created a red dye c dbear what is it An which form of :apanese theatre are all roles played by men Which spirit was once (nown as (ill devil 12J of %mericans mention who in their will An *ree( mythology Cronos and !hea were the parents of who !ichard %dams wrote the novel 'hardi( what was 'hardi( What was the last ; ropean nation to accept the potato Which comic strip hero shares his name with a town in = r(ey An Bewitched name the witch doctor who treats 'amantha =he %rchie 4oore c p is competed for in which sport An *one With the Wind name %shley Wil(es plantation An %ncient !ome what creat re was the symbol of liberty =he <ove awards are presented ann ally for what Cape Comorin is the most so therly point of where Imas 0# children hang stoc(ings what do < tch children se An a s rvey 32J of wives wo ld change their h sbands what =he French newspaper /a 4onde translates as what Where is the dirtiest s(in on yo r body %ccording to 0'% today what is the favo rite l 3 ry car =he <emologos was the first steam powered what An which city is the distinctive b ilding of the saddledome % niversity has a camp s what does it literally mean What is the name of 'noopy)s sister Which co ntry invented the clothing b tton in the 13th cent ry

% stralia Pearls % form of m sic =5 <inners #ryptonopolis #atherine Hepb rn % /ion Belch or B rp !osemary G !os 4arinas Pony ;3press Carravagio for m rder in !ome 4ale deer)s antlers *ree( Pole 5a lt *rosvener 'C are Hong #ong Phooey < sseldorf Onions 'cientific /aws :ag ar 7ellow C t Peat Castor Poll 3 $e s twin sons Brotherhood of 4an /iechtenstein =he Flintstones /itm s G %mmonia and lichens #ab (i ! m =heir pet $e s % Bear France Batman <octor Bombay Polo =welve Oa(s =he Cat *ospel m sic Andia 'hoes Weight =he World =he face 1 /e3 s 2 4ercedes 3 B4W Warship Calgary % Field Belle France

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

!ichard Bachman is a pse donym of which a thor What was invented in the 1288s and sold as a diarrhoea c re Who was once billed as =he %tomic Powered 'inger Where wo ld yo find P c( 4iranda and %riel Fangio the greatest ever F1 driver once had what @ob Calamine is the ore what is the prod ct %ccording to 'am el :ohnson what is the drin( for heroes Which =5 characters blood press re was min s 3 What is the opposite of wet 9 if its not wet An mythology which giant made of brass g arded Crete An the Bible <avid played the #innor what is a #innor An which film did Woody %llen direct 'ylvester 'tallone =he %ma1on river dolphins are what colo r ;lvis Presley said big what on a woman t rned him off Which French philosopher hid in alleys mooning passers by What is tho ght to be the oldest ;nglish Cheese ?ear %yres !oc( is a la(e named after which composer An 163. the BBC first televised which sporting event =he l tra9l tra is which semi aC atic animal What are B llaceD #ir(e)s Bl eD and Opal varieties of Harold H Hilton only ;nglishman to do what in golf in 1611 What is a g rdwara =he aardvar( is the first animal in the dictionary what)s second Frodo Baggins was the first to enter Britain sing what =he !oman festival of Hilaria is eC al to what modern day An Only Fools and Horses what is !odney)s middle name What was voted toy of the 28th cent ry Before 1632 toothbr shes were made sing hairs from what What does the name <rac la mean in !omanian =hanatology is the st dy of what Who wrote the boo( *remlins in 16"3 9 later filmed Whose name translates as ;mperor of all What gro p had a .8s hit with !ide a White 'wan <antes Anferno what crime was done by those in the lowest level Who sang the theme to =he 'py who /oved 4e Which placeD now an airportD once staged the *rand ?ational "&J of wives say h sbands do it &J h sbands admit it 9 what What ; ropean co ntry has no rail lines What bird is depicted on the Canadian N1 coin Who wrote the children)s boo( Bed(nobs and Broomstic(s Which co ntry was the first to iss e par(ing tic(ets 4arfonaD !omano and Pentland :avelin varieties of what An a s rvey what is the most pop lar 0# (ids =5 programme =eC ila Cointrea ,triple sec- and lime ma(e which coc(tail What wo ld yo b y in a 4anitee length '(op@e is the capitol of where An Finland who rides a goat named 0((o Who directed the film of !ay Bradb ry)s Fahrenheit "&1 Which mythological monster had nine heads What does <orethy have to steal from the wic(ed witch in o1

'teven #ing =omato #etch p ;lvis Presley Circling 0ran s B s <river $inc Brandy Herman 4 nster 'weet =al s /yre Bananas 9 16.1 G 'tallone a p n( Pin( Feet !o ssea Cheshire 4o1art Wimbledon Otter Pl m Won 0# and 0' open same year % 'i(h temple %ardwolf Pet Passport he was a dog %pril Fools <ay Charlton /ego Beaver 'on of the <evil <eath !oald <ahl *enghis #han = !e3 Betrayal Carly 'imon *atwic( 'noring 'an 4arino =he loon G coin nic(name is loonie 4ary ?orton France Potatoes =he 'impsons 4argarita Pearls 9 a 2" inch cho(er 4acedonia 'anta Cla se Francois =r fea Hydra Her Broomstic(

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Where wo ld yo see ropeD hoopD ball and ribbon sed %mnesiac and =he Bends alb ms of which 0# gro p An 1.&2 4r Bla(e and Callahan raced and began which sport =he 'emites are a gro p descended from whom What items name translates as distant voice What is the capitol of the 0nited %rab ;mirates An :apan a trainee geisha m st leave what ncovered Who wrote the novel =he Betsy =he Parthenon is named after %thena Parthenon what)s it mean ?igel ?eil created which famo s 0# Professor in the &8s Where was Bonnie Prince Charlie born An * stav Holsts Planets s ite which planet represents old age An which Arish co nty can yo (iss the Blaney stone An the bible 9 /evitic s 9 what was lapidation Who is the Patron 'aint of sailors Babba /o ey was the side(ic( of which cartoon character Af not 'ha(espeare what lin(s : liet Cleopatra 4ar( %ntony What flavo ring is in frangelico liC e r Which comic boo( hero rode a horse called storm Which Arish writer appeared on the Arish O18 note in a famo s <isney film who are Flora Fa na and 4erryweather :ohn de /ancie played which character in the 'tar =re( series From which plant do we get linseed oil =he Hart memorial trophy is awarded in which professional sport 'tamps are the most collected thing in the 0'% what is second 'tar which =5 show really a programmer written 28 boo(s on it An a 4O!A pole what does 4O!A stand for % mo ntain is the symbol of which film company %rtistic movement shared name with French for hobby horse What does a phlebotomist do 4endelssohn)s symphony n mber " is nic(named what What is 'noopy)s mothers name Who first appeared in the 'tar =re( episode 'pace 'eed Ats branches are 'oto !en1ai members ponder #oans what is it Which sport awards the 4a rice Podoloff trophy What is the first word s ng in > eens Bohemian !hapsody Credits on all Bond films finish with " words :ames Bond what An 16&8 the 4innesota valley canning company became what What A did for /ove came from which Broadway m sical show Which actor st died as a priest then an architect before acting Calvin Broad s is better (nown nder what name : li s 't rgis in 12+1 b ilt the first 0' factory ma(ing what What is n s al abo t the 16+& horror film Anc b s Af a bird nidifies what has it @ st done Antrod ced in 16+" name Barbie)s sister %ccording to the cowboy encyclopaedia what is an ore@ano An 16+.D which airline became the first all9@et airline Which characters are described as being three apples high An the comic strip *arfield what is the teddy bearBs name What liC e r means c pid in Atalian and love in /atin

4odern rhythmic gymnastics !adiohead 'teeplechase 'hem 9 ?oah)s son =elephone %b <habi 0pper lip npainted Harold !obbins 5irgin or 4aiden Professor > atermass !ome 'at rn Cor( <eath by stoning 'aint ;lmo > ic( <raw 4c*raw Commit ' icide Ha1eln ts %C aman storm was a seahorse :ames :oyce Fairy *odmothers 'leeping Bea ty > Fla3 Ace Hoc(ey <olls B ffy 5ampire 'layer 'arah 4ichelle *eller 4ar(et opinion research international Paramo nt <ada th s <adaism <raws blood samples =he Atalian 4issy #han $en B ddhism Bas(etball ?B% 45P As , As this the real life:ames Bond will ret rn :olly *reen *iant Chor s /ine %nthony > inn 'noop <oggy <ogg Pret1els Only one in ;speranto B ilt a nest '(ipper 0nbranded calf =W% =he 'm rfs Poo(y %maretto

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

=he film 4idnight ;3press is set in which co ntry <i( Browne is the a thor of which cartoon strip On a racing form what does the letter indicate :ohn <ownland was 1+th cent ry composer for which instr ment <omingo is 'panish for what An the 0# at least which prod cts selling feat re is a magic inch An 1."1 !obert #eeler first to commercially man fact red what Wadi al 4 li is better (nown as where ?ame origins Ba(er obvio s b t what had a Palmer done An 1688 caterer Harry 'tevens introd ce what words to lang age *arnet is the birthstone of :an ary 9 what does it symbolise An which <ic(ens novel does the character Fe11iwig appear Who wrote the song :ohnny be *ood An Hawaii what is the ann al #ona festival 4imi is the first name of which Warner Bros cartoon character What was 4arilyn 4 nroes original last name 5alentine 4ichael 'mith is the central character in which boo( !oc(etb ster ma(e the worlds largest a thentic what ?ame the first %frican %merican doll prod ced by 4attel 0rchin is an old ;nglish name for which British native mammal Whose deb t alb m was <efinitely 4aybe Between 16&+ and 16+8 which song made top "8 seven times 4ichael Bond created which children)s character Commandaria is a desert wine made for over 288 years 9 where 'omeone with initials << after their name has what C alification An the 16"" film ?ational 5elvet name ;li1abeth =aylor)s horse What singer was nic(named by his fans =he /i1ard #ing X What breed of dog advertises h sh p ppies Which sports trophy was named after Fredric( %rth r 'tanley C p 'yncope is the medical name for what condition Which character was invented in a comic for 4ontgomery Ward % !omana CafL feat res what liC e r On K'esame 'treetDK what is the name of Big Bird)s teddy bear Which character was born in !iverside Aowa =he dog breed bor1oi gets it name from the ! ssian for what An 'tar =re( who r les the Ferengi We (now what a bronco is b t what does it mean in 'panish :ohn Hetherington in /ondon introd ced what in 1.6. =he French call it * lf de *ascoine what)s its ;nglish name An 4ac<onald)s what is served in a bl e wrapper An Happy <ays what was Potsies f ll name Which 0' vehicle company has a b lldog as its symbol C ffs and B ttons was a coc(tail in the 16th cent ry what it now What is a cathedra Which characters were invented in 16&. in Belgi m Which playwrite was nic(named doc An which co ntry was Chopin born 7o ordered nem in 5ietnamese resta rant what wo ld yo get ' nrise ' nset came from which Broadway m sical show What was the name of Barbie)s first horse

= r(ey Hagar the Horrible 0nseated rider =he / te ' nday ; % Careys Pipes 4armalade in < ndee 'cotland 5alley of the #ings Pilgrimage ret rned with palm leaf Hot <ogs =r th 9 consistency Christmas Carol G 'crooges Boss Ch c( Berry Coffee pic(ing contest !oadr nner 4ortenson Heinlein stranger in a strange land Cowboy boots Francie Hedgehog Oasis 4ac( the #nife Bobby <arin best Paddington Bear Cypr s <octor of <ivinity Pie :im 4orrison % basset ho nd Fred is /ord 'tanley Fainting ! dolf the red nosed reindeer 'amb ca !adar :ames =iberi s #ir( Fleet or swift *rand ?ag s !o gh =op Hats Bay of Biscay Filet9O9Fish Warren Webber 4ac( tr c(s 'o thern Comfort Bishops throne or chair =he 'm rfs ?eil 'imon Poland 'pring !oll Fiddler on the !oof <ancer

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

What drin( began in 4orison)s dr g store Waco =e3as in 122& An yo called :l&2828 or &&& 2828 in film who wo ld answer An ?orse mythology women were made from a tree 9 which tree Which western writer created Hopalong Cassidy Which gro p were originally (nown as the ! ssellites What flavo rs cavatappi al nero pasta What does a th rifer do Operation Olympic was a WW2 invasion plan not sed where Which dog breed gets its name from *erman meaning to splash William Per(s became more famo s as who An religio s artD which 'aint is associated with an o3 Where wo ld yo find yo r natal cleft Af yo landed at 4CO airfield where are yo =he 'icilianD French and %le(hines are all sed in which game Which %merican Andians modern name in 'panish means village #aleidoscopeE <addyD Palomino and Changes name the a thor Astanb l and Constantinople what else was it called Olof 'onderblom conceived and patented what technology %merican /iterary %ssociation gives Caldicott medal for what What is the name for the sacred circle in =antric B ddhism =efn t was the ;gyptian goddess of what An a state of readiness is the literal meaning of which @ob title ?ame gro p originally called the golliwogs had hit Pro d 4ary Bo3ingD Wrestling and which Olympic event still e3cl de women Which *ree( Philosopher ta ght at the lyce m An 'esame street name the detective who often said egad What is the more common name of 'ildenafil Citrate Which poet wrote KFools r sh in where angels fear to treadK An the Bible where was :es s when he ascended into heaven %ldeberan is the brightest star in which constellation 'i3 copies of what are stored nder bell @ars in 'erves France What was Br ce /ees first Hollywood prod ced film Who owned a sword called crocea mors or yellow death Common liC or in %lien 0rine 'ampleD ?apoleonD Bl e Hawaiian %ll inhabitants of Pitcairn island belong to what 0' religion <almatian dogs originated in which co ntry ?elisD 'ec(elD Forelle and Bosc all varieties of what 4ao had the red boo( who did the green boo( on %frican nity Which co ntries name come from the wood its first ma@or e3port <ionea 4 scip la is the /atin name for which flesh eater 0nima( is the largest island in which gro p Paronite and caronite are the ores what is e3tracted % web designer might se C*A scripts what does C*A stand for Which French *eneral left ?apoleon to become #ing of 'weden What is the worlds fifth largest religion O tside the wor( is the literal meaning of which snac( food Who is the *ree( *oddess of the moon Python film 7o r mother was a hamster father smelt of what Who wrote =he :oy of 'e3%le3 Which breed of dog gets its name from the French for earth

<r Peppers *hostb sters ;lm /o is /)%mo r :ehovah)s Witnesses 'C id An( 'wing censor %nglican high mass :apan s rrendered =he Poodle Bill Wyman 'aint / (e %rse itBs the crac( Orlando Florida Chess P eblo <anielle 'teele By1anti m =o(en !ing ?etwor(ing All stration 4andala !ain Waiter Credence Clearwater !evival Weight /ifting %ristotle 'herloc( Hemloc( 5iagra %le3ander Pope essay on criticism Bethany =a r s =he #ilogram in platin m iridi m ;nter the <ragon : li s Caesar C racao 'eventh <ay %dventists 7 goslavia 9 <almatia Pears 4oammar >addhaffi Bra1il 5en s Fly =rap %le tians =itani m Common *ateway Anterface :ean9Baptiste : les Bernadotte 'i(hism Hors <erves 'elene ;lderberries Comfort =errier

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An the boo( /ittle Women what is the sisters s rname Which war was ended by =he Congress of Westphalia An *ree( mythology who invented the lyre =he continental title baron is eC al to which 0# title ?ame the boat on which yo can see ?iagara Falls What creat re called reem in Hebrew mentioned in <e teronomy What sin have inhabitants of <antes first circle of hell committed #enneth <aignea won N188 for naming which prod ct =he !omans called it ? midia what do we call it today ?orse mythology %sgard was home of the *ods what)s 4idgard =he 'o nd and the F ry too( its title from what other wor( #r sty the Clown and Chandler in Friends have an e3tra what Heinrich 'chliemann archaeologist famo s for e3cavating where An the strip cartoon <ilbert name <ilbert)s girlfriend An what sport wo ld yo find the terms hac(D tee and hog line ?ame the British *eneral in charge of the 161+ offensive WW1 Which 'aint is associated with an eagle in religio s art Which girls name means farseeing =he *ree(s sed he3agonal or triang lar ones of b rnt clay what Bean settingD /eap frogD /a dn m b nches types of what dance What plant is sometimes called the poor mans weatherglass Which mo ntain is called *oddess of the Harvest by the locals =he French call it pomplamo se what do we call it =he 'e@m are the legislative body in which co ntry Which theatre styles name translates as s(ills or talents Hathor ;gyptianD Branwen CelticD Frigga ?orse *oddess of what What was the name of the changeling on <eep 'pace ?ine An the Flintstones what order did Fred and Barney belong to Who was ; ropean correspondent ?ew 7or( =rib ne 12&1F+2 =he name of which lang age means off the coast in %rabic What was originally made of bamboo then a plastic called gre3 ?ame the son F da ghter of ;liot F ! th Handler CanchaD CestaD Cinta terms in which sport Britain)s live cable =5 sed to show what game topless An the original trivial p rs it brown was what category Hal :ordan was the original alter ego of which comic s per hero Which company brewed harp lager Wired <igital Ancorporated created which search engine What fictional planet orbited the red star ?eg s 12 Who wrote the boo( =he P ppet 4asters later a film Iavier !oberts was the original creator of which toy An the 4 ppet band $oot plays which instr ment What was invented by *arnet Carter of Chattanooga in 162+ What is classified on the F @ita scale Pope :ohn Pa l AA played for the Polish national team what sport An the Bible what in Hebrew means Place of a '( ll What did =antal s serve to the *ods that ca sed his p nishment Wilma ! dolf first blac( 0' woman to win Olympic gold where An 'esame street name the two headed friendly monster French word meaning growth is applied to top C ality wines

4arch =hirty 7ears War Hermes ;arl 4aid of the 4ist 0nicorn 9 b t reem has 2 horns Pride 9 they are cr shed by stones 'pam %lgeria ;arth 4acbeth ?ipple =roy /i1 C rling 'ir <o glas Haig 'aint :ohn Pr dence Coffins 4orris dances 'carlet Pimpernel %nnap rna in ?epal *rapefr it Poland ?oh /ove Odo Water B ffalos #arl 4ar3 'wahili H la Hoops by %rth r 4elin 16&2 Barbie F #en yes those dolls :ai %lai 9 Co rt *love =ape <arts 9 filmed in % stralia *eography *reen /antern now #yle !ayner * inness Hotbot ' perman)s #rypton !obert Heinlein Cabbage Patch <olls 'a3ophone 4iniat re *olf =ornados 1 to & ! gby *olgotha His dismembered son Pelops !ome in 16+8 ,3Fran( and 'tein Cr

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

Walter Wagers novel &2 min tes was the basis for which film An the <r <olittle stories what type of creat re was <ab9<ab An Ataly where are 4onterosa %ve Par( of 5ictory Constantine %ve <o ble diamondD CroC et and !over terms in which sportFgame What was the recently closed Wembley 'tadi m called in 1623 ?ame the lion in the /ion the Witch and the Wardrobe Which co ntries translated name means /and of the ;agle Which classical composer wrote Har( the Herald %ngels 'ing 2 *entleman 5eronaD 12th ?ightD 4erchant 5enice name lin(s Which decorative art means in %rabic stripped cloth On what date *ree( ! ssian orthodo3 ch rches celebrate Imas An which sport is the Wingate trophy awarded what are ?issanD %vD %dar and =ishrei What was niC e abo t Pope %drian A5 =he <ogs of War too( its title from which other wor( Which ?orse *od inv lnerable to all else was (illed by mistletoe Hy ndai and which other car man fact rer are located in #orea An 'tar =re( 5oyager what is the sh ttlecrafts name Where is #ing %rth r s pposed to be resting Who was =H; woman to 'herloc( Holmes <avid (ills *oliath in which boo( of the Bible Which operas last lines are 4imiE 4imi Which company operates the Central 'elling Organisation Cognac m st be at least & years old before it)s labelled what Which religio s festival begins with the sighting of the new moon 'cott :oplin)s m sic sed for the film =he 'ting name the t ne Catholic calendar what is the &8 days following ;aster called Who comes on stage before cond ctor and t nes orchestra ?ame the first war s bmarine invented by <avid B shnell it san( =he ?ewbery 4edal is given ann ally for what Peter Par(er is the alter ego of which s perhero Who wrote the 'cience Fiction novel =he /eft Hand of <ar(ness Which company prod ces Page4a(erD Photoshop and %crobat *ree( mythology which character was raised by centa r Chiron On which badge are 4inervaD Clipper shipD *ri11ly bearD ; re(a Who was nic(named =he First /ady of 'ong An which game wo ld yo se the royal for( Which variety of cheese was invented by :ohn :ossi An Hebrew what does %m rot1e min mean ,ah9(nee ro9tsayAn form la one grand pri3 what does a blac( flag waving mean An 162. 02 won *rammy for best alb m of year name it ;nglishman :ohn Woodho se created which fortified Atalian wine An which 16+8s (ids show is =he Hood the s pervillian An which city was *alileo born Which toilet fittings name comes from baggage laden pony Pat snaya and mallasol types of what Who wrote the !oyal Firewor( 4 sic Where are the grapes for the wine /acrima Christi grown An the <r <olittle stories what type of creat re was * b9* b O)Henry created which western character in a short story

<ie Hard 2 < c( On a 4onopoly board CroC et =he ;mpire 'tadi m %slan %lbania Feli3 4endelssohn Characters called %ntonio 4acramL :an ary +th /acrosse :ewish months ;nglishman ?icholas Brea(spear 'ha(espeare)s : li s Caesar Bald r #ia =he <elta Flyer %valon Arene %dler 'am el /a Boheme <eBeers 9 diamonds ?apoleon !amadan =he ;ntertainer Pentecost Concert 4aster F 4istress 1st violin = rtle Best Children)s boo( 'piderman 0rs la /e* in %dobe :ason 9 of %rgona ts California Highway Patrol 9 Chips ;lla Fit1gerald Chess (night threaten (ing C een Bric( 9 rhymes with dic( A want se3 Car go into pits =he :osh a =ree 4arsala =h nderbirds Pisa Bidet Caviar *eorge Friedric Handel 4o nt 5es vio s Pig =he Cisco #id

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

An 'tar =re( the Ferengi 18th r le of %cC isition what is eternal Which dog is named for the *erman word for m 11le What is grandpa 'impsons first name Prosopography is the st dy of what ?2O is more commonly (nown as what Which area of water separates Andia from 'ri /an(a Where did yo find 'hadow 'peedy Bashf l Po(ey =he star Castor is in which constellation Which m sical instr ment was originally called a b sine Which organisation is officially (nown as Holy 'pirit %ssociation 'panish resta rant if yo as( for /a > enta what do yo get Charles Portis wrote the novel of the film :ohn Wayne)s Oscar 4emonites are what Christian sect fo nded 1&2& Conrad *rebel Which 0# artist painted =he !a(es Progress in the 1.88s Which gro p had a hit with 4r =ambo rine 4an Which ;nglish brewery has the oldest patent on beer What is the second largest city in Areland Hitchcoc( appears in a newspaper in /ifeboat who wrote boo( Which detective dies in =he Final Problem An *ree( mythology Penthesilea was the C een of which people Which 0# city is the home of the Halle Orchestra ?ame the I man who shoots laser beams from his eyes =itanic m sic score sales are greatest which film did it beat An which novel did we meet :ac(D !alph and asthmatic Piggy What)s in & gro ps =oday %rts People Well being O tdoors An 'tar =re( *eneration what does Captain Picard drin( An Christian tradition what day is (nown as the festival of lights 5od(aD Orange @ ice and Cranberry @ ice ma(e which coc(tail An Aslam what is the fo rth piller of wisdom 9 there)s & in total ?ame 0# =5 show with :im Hac(er and 'ir H mphry %ppleby Which car company man fact red the legan1a What name in Hebrew means to add Which search engine gets its name from /atin for wolf spider Pomona was the !oman *oddess of what Boa1 appears in which boo( of the Bible =he song =here is nothing li(e a dame appears in which m sical > eeC egD <aggooD =ashteego had what @ob on the PeaC od Which composers third symphony is nic(named the Polish ?ame the detective in 4y g n is > ic(D 4 rder is my B siness Which dr g company man fact re 5iagra Which food item gets its name from the French for melted ?arita is the main airport of which city Which pop gro p were named after the inventor of the seed drill 1628 Pac 4an was released arcade version by which company %nni(a Hansen is which characters name in 'tar =re( 5oyager =raditional %dvent candles are two colo rs pin( and what <aniel #eys wrote which 16&6 H go award winning 'F novel An the <r <olittle stories what type of creat re was =oo9=oo Bondi *rape Bl eberry /ime =angerine 'trawberry colo rs what =he Character 4ary *oodnight was the Bond girl in which film

*reed 'chna 1er %braham Careers /a ghing gas Pal( 'trait Pac man Blin(y Pin(y An(y Clyde *emini 13th cent ry tr mpet 0nification Ch rch G 4oonies =he Bill =r e *rit %nabaptists li(e %mish William Hogarth =he Byrds Bass %le Cor( :ohn 'teinbec( 'herloc( Holmes %ma1ons 4anchester Cyclops Chariots of Fire G 5angelis /ord of the Flies Classifications *irl 'co t Badges ;arl *rey Hot Candlemas 2 Feb 4adras Fasting in !amadan 7es 4inister <aewoo :oseph /ycos Fr it =rees ! th 'o th Pacific Harpooners Pytor Allyich =chai(ovs(y 4i(e Hammer G 4ic(ey 'pillane Pfi1er Fond e =o(yo :ethro = ll 4idway 'even of ?ine P rple Flowers for %lgernon Owl %pple Amac =he man with the golden g n

1 2 3 " & + . 2 6 18 11 12 13 1" 1& 1+ 1. 12 16 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 38 31 32 33 3" 3& 3+ 3. 32 36 "8 "1 "2 "3 "" "& "+ ". "2 "6 &8

An 'tar =re( *eneration who was the chief of sec rity (illed off =he star %ntares is in which constellation An Aslam what is the third piller of wisdom 9 there)s & in total %ndrew Patterson wrote which definitive % stralian song Who was vice president 0' when % bomb dropped on Hiroshima %t the reC est of ;4A who was painted o t 'arge Peppers cover What is divided into 11" s rahs Af a doctor says yo have sing lt s what have yo got Which female name means bright or ill strio s !ichard Hannay hero of the 36 steps is which nationality '(adi is the ?orse *oddess of what =he religio s te3t 4ishna comes from which religion %merigo 5esp cci airport is in which city What type of food is a sacatorta Which places name means many islands What was advertised as anytime anyplace anywhere =he seC el to which famo s novel was called 28 years after An 1.22 in France what was lo ison or lo isette An which co ntry do the ' mi people live Who captained the sloop =he Witch of ;ndor Cross co ntryD !idingD 'wimmingD Fencing what)s missing =he star 'pica is in which constellation Which psychologist invented the terms introvert and e3trovert %ccording to : # !owling what are m ggles An the Bible who was %dam and ;ves yo ngest child An food what does 0H= mean on the carton Who released the alb m Anvincible Which order of mon(s are famo s for their silence An which co ntry co ld yo spend a ta(a Who composed the opera = rendot Which gro p of 4arvel s perheroes fo ght <octor <oom Which chemical was introd ced to 0' as a co gh s ppressant 4eaning person who overcomes name the ancient Andian religion K=he c rfew tolls the (nell of parting dayEK which poems start /ovely !ita meter maid appeared on which Beatles alb m What is the name for the gro p of men who elect a Pope 2 categories of ballroom dance are sed in competition /atin and %bel 4agwitch and Biddy appear in which <ic(ens boo( An the 'impsons name the Police Chief An the original 'tar =re( the Horta was a life form based on what =he $agros mo ntain range is in which co ntry =he =reaty of Paris in 12&+ ended which war ?ame *ree( *oat %maltheas horns that good things flowed from Which mythical 0# creat re becomes an evil boggart if annoyed =he second piller of Aslam 'alah involves what Which battle was fo ght at 'enlac hill Which Biblical heroes name meant splendid s n Who wrote =he 7o ng Persons * ide to the Orchestra AnsertionD HeapD =opological and B bble types of which A= thing Operation 0rgent F ry was the 0' invasion of where

=asha 7ar 'corpi s Charity 9 2E& J of income Walt1ing 4atilda ?o One 9 was not one 4ahatma *andhi =he #oran 9 ' rah Q chapter Hicc ps Clare or Clara Canadian Winter and the H nt : daism Florence Chocolate ca(e or gatea Polynesia 4artini =he =hree 4 s(eteers =he * illotine before renaming it /apland Horatio Hornblower Pistol 'hoot 4odern Pentathlon 5irgo Carl : ng Ordinary people no magic 'eth or 'het 0ltra Heat =reatment 4ichael :ac(son =rappist Bangladesh *iacomo P ccini Fantastic Fo r Heroin :ainism ;legy written in a co ntry ch rchyard 'ergeant Peppers College of Cardinals 'mooth *reat ;3pectations Chester Wigg m 'ilicon Aran =he Crimean war Corn copia Brownie <aily prayers Battle of Hastings 'amson Ben@amin Britain 'orting methods in programming *ranada

&1 &2 &3 &" && &+ &. &2 &6 +8 +1 +2 +3 +" +& ++ +. +2 +6 .8 .1 .2 .3 ." .& .+ .. .2 .6 28 21 22 23 2" 2& 2+ 2. 22 26 68 61 62 63 6" 6& 6+ 6. 62 66 188

What is the staple food of the 4aori people of ?ew $ealand =he A%%F finally recognised women in which sport in 166& Hashimoto)s disease is the malf nctioning of which gland Which 0# p n( gro p had hits White !iot and /ondon Calling Petroselin m crisp m is the /atin name of which herb <obby 'elvages and Filling are terms sed in which process An m sic if F ma@or is the (ey what is the relative minor Who prod ced and directed the <eath Wish series of films 4o1art wrote %hD 5o s <irai9:eD 4aman what)s its ;nglish title %fter =he !ed Baron was shot down who too( over his sC adron An *ree( mythology which woman)s name means all gifts % lido is open air swimming pool where was the original lido ?ame the test applied to comp ters to see if they can thin( Where wo ld yo find a bema narthe3 and apse Which company man fact res Calvin #line)s Obsession ?ame 0# *eneral who defeated 4ontcalm on Plains %braham :im !hodes is the alter ego of which 4arvel comic boo( hero Old <ominion was a nic(name of which 0' state Bor and Bestla his parents 5ili and 5e his brothers name him =he comp ter lang age /A'P means what =he 'hining Path is a revol tionary movement in which co ntry ?ame ; ropean Cathedral (nown as the coronation cathedral Which stars name means chained maiden Which novel opens and closes with the letters of !obert Walton An 'tar =re( <eep 'pace ?ine which character had a simbiant Af yo landed at 4irabel international airport where are yo Which pop singer was nic(named =he *roover from 5anco ver %gniD face covered in b tterD is the Hind god of what =he religio s te3t =ripita(a comes from which religion Who had the gift of prophecy and the c rse of not being believed Which boo(s chief rival is the ;ncyclopaedia *alactica Harold H /ipman received a patent in 12&2 for what invention =he opening lines of which classic ! ssian novel are in French From the ;arth to the s n is one %0 what does %0 stand for Captain Hans /angsdorff captained which *erman Battleship Af a doctor says yo have ecchymosis what have yo got An =' ;lliot)s boo( of practical cats name the mystery cat Copper gets its name from which 4editerranean co ntry An his will who left his wife his second best bed Who is the Patron 'aint of boy sco ts Who designed the difference engine finally b ilt in 1661 What is the largest environmental organisation in the world ;nterprise %labama they erected a mon ment to which insect Odin owned *eri and Fre(i what were they Which female name means worth of love An *ree( mythology <eianeira was the wife of who Who composed the opera All =ravatore =roy 4cCl re appears in which cartoon series Allinois second largest city and a =5 detective share what name An 'tar Fleet Will !i(er plays which m sical instr ment

'weet Potato Pole 5a lt =hyroid =he Clash Parsley Weaving < minor 4ichael Winner =win(le G =win(le little star Herman *oering Pandora 5enice = ring test An a Basilica 0nilever :ames Wolfe Aron 4an 5irginia Odin chief ?orse *od /ist Processing Per !heims %ndromeda Fran(enstein :ad1ea <a3 4ontreal Brian %dams Fire B ddhism Cassandra <a ghter of Priam of =roy Hitchhi(ers * ide to the *ala3y *l ing a r bber on a pencil War and Peace eh bien mon prince %stronomical 0nit *raf 'pee % Br ise 4acavity Cypr s where it was first fo nd William 'ha(espeare 'aint *eorge Charles Babbage)s comp ter 1.6+ *reenpeace Boll weevil no cotton better cash crops Wolves %manda Herc les * iseppe 5erdi =he 'impsons !oc(ford =rombone

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