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</div></div></div> </div> </div> </div></div><div id="most-helpful-reviews-1" data-bn-widget-name="most-helpf ul-reviews" class="wide box most-helpful-reviews"><div class="shadow"></div> <div class="most-helpful-left" data-bn-track="Most Helpful Favorable"> <div class="most-helpful-review"> <h2>Most Helpful Favorable Review</h2> <div class="review_content"> <p class="review_count"><span>467</span> out of <span>472</span> people found this review helpful.</p> <h3 class="review_title"><span class="stars-small r5" title="Average rat ing of 5 out of 5 stars"></span>I absolutely adore my Nook HD+! The Nook HD+ is an e-reader on </h3> <div class="review_summary collapser "> <div class="trimmed_copy">I absolutely adore my Nook H D+!<br/><br/>The Nook HD+ is an e-reader on steroids, packed with features like a stellar HD screen (beats out the Google Nexus, iPad Mini, Kindle Fire HD, etc) , apps (10000 and counting!), expandable memory, HDMI compatible, 10 hour batter y life, an...<span class="trimmed-label"><button class="a collapser-toggle">Read More<span class="right-arrow"></span></button></span></div> <div class="full_copy">I absolutely adore my Nook HD+! <br/><br/>The Nook HD+ is an e-reader on steroids, packed with features like a s tellar HD screen (beats out the Google Nexus, iPad Mini, Kindle Fire HD, etc), a pps (10000 and counting!), expandable memory, HDMI compatible, 10 hour battery l ife, and it's one of the lightest 'tablets' on the market. But one thing needs t o be clear, the Nook HD+ is an e-reader FIRST, tablet second, and it behaves tha t way. If you are purchasing this device expecting a full-featured Android OS, l ook elsewhere.<br/><br/>Lack of apps seems to be a major concern with some buyer s, which isn't something that I've been bothered with since I'm not a huge app u ser. Angry Birds, Evernote, Hulu Plus and Open Explorer are my apps of choice, b ut it all depends on what YOU plan on using this device for. I can access my e-m ail easily and the stock web browser does its job. Don't like the browser? No pr oblem, hit up the app store and get the Dolphin browser or any of the countless other options available.<br/><br/>The Nook HD+ really shines for a few reasons. It's one of the only devices in its class with expandable memory, and due to its 'Retina-like' display, the screen is really super-sharp and the colors pop, per fect for, well, reading. Another reason is customer service. Because Barnes &amp ; Noble has actual brick and mortar stores, if you are having problems with your Nook, you don't have to call a customer service number, you can bring your devi ce to your local Barnes &amp; Noble and a Nook specialist is always on staff to help. Also, since it's one of the lightest devices in its class, it's easy and c omfortable to hold with one hand. And while some people may say the build (speci fically the back of the device) is 'plastic-ey', I find it stylish, plus it keep s it light and separates it from the endless black rectangles that now flood the tablet market.<br/><br/>I'm very happy with my Nook HD+, and those little extra features like being able to take it into a B&amp;N store and be able to read AN Y book for free on the device (even items that they don't actually have in stock ) is a cool plus. I recommend it for any avid reader who wants a bit of color!<s pan class="trimmed-label-showless"><button class="a collapser-toggle"><span clas s="left-arrow"></span>Show Less</button></span></div> </div>

<p class="review_poster">posted by KrissyD on November 18, 2012</p>

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<h2>Most Helpful Critical Review</h2> <div class="review_content"> <p class="review_count"><span>164</span> out of <span>219</span> people found this review helpful.</p> <h3 class="review_title"><span class="stars-small r2" title="Average rat ing of 2 out of 5 stars"></span>I bought a Nook HD+ today and might end up retur ning it tomorrow</h3> <div class="review_summary collapser "> <div class="trimmed_copy">I bought a Nook HD+ today an d might end up returning it tomorrow. The screen is great. No doubt about it. But everything else is not so hot. It's not user-friendly and there aren't many apps available. For me, the worst thing is that you can't create folders to org an...<span class="trimmed-label"><button class="a collapser-toggle">Read More<sp an class="right-arrow"></span></button></span></div> <div class="full_copy">I bought a Nook HD+ today and m ight end up returning it tomorrow. The screen is great. No doubt about it. But everything else is not so hot. It's not user-friendly and there aren't many ap ps available. For me, the worst thing is that you can't create folders to organi ze your stuff. Well, you can CREATE them, but the Nook doesn't DISPLAY them. Th is has been problem for a while and they still haven't fixed it. ?!?!?!?!?<br/>< br/>They also advertise the HD+ as being GREAT FOR FAMILIES because you can set up different users. So your spouse or kids can have their own accounts and thei r own books. I thought this would help because of the no-folders thing. Well, my daughter wanted an original Nancy Drew book (#8 in the series). Fine. But it di dn't appear search results when we searched in her account. But it DID show up w hen we searched on my account. ?? Someone flagged most of the older Nancy Drew b ooks as being adult content. Okay, fine. I removed the &quot;kids only&quot; res triction in her account. It STILL didn't appear in the search results. I called the store. They told me to just make an adult account for her. Err. This kind of defeats the purpose of setting up an account that will suggest the kinds of boo ks she likes to read. Not to mention if she's an &quot;adult&quot; they can coll ect all her information aggressively. <br/><br/>And when I read the ten-page pr ivacy policy, it said that they collect information on kids under 13, &quot;so y ou should tell your kids not to write anything personally identifiable if they'r e using our online apps.&quot; Eek!<br/><br/>And don't even get me started on so me ebooks being more expensive than actual books.<span class="trimmed-label-show less"><button class="a collapser-toggle"><span class="left-arrow"></span>Show Le ss</button></span></div> </div> <p class="review_poster">posted by 16676992 on November 17, 2012</p>

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<meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">Device is very nice, pics and vide o look great. Music app is an </span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Devi ce is very nice, pics and video look great. Music app is an improvement. The iss ues I have is that flash does not work with the web browser and many of the apps I bought for my tablet and color do not work on the HD+. Which is very poor bus iness if you ask me, keep your customers happy, not make them frustrated cause t hey can't play their favorite games anymore. Considered returning it, but am goi ng to wait it out for a bit to see if B&amp;amp;N wakes up.</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">9</ span> out of <span class="strong">12</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-519085534" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4069056 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4069056" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4069056" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1082886978" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 69056"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4069056" data-bntrack="Rep

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</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">peddler1000</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-12-04 ">December 4, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r2" title="Average rating of 2 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">I bought my Nook Table HD+ about 3 weeks ago. The graphics and </span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I bo ught my Nook Table HD+ about 3 weeks ago. &nbsp;The graphics and color are impre ssive. &nbsp;Reading on it is better than the Simple Touch . &nbsp; The problem I have is there is basically no support for the Tablet. &nbsp;Customer Support a nd Technical support don't really know much about this product. &nbsp;There are also very few apps available for it. &nbsp;The manual included with it doesn't a gree with reality. &nbsp;It states there are widgets available and there are non e. &nbsp;I have run into several other issues as well. &nbsp;I'm sure it will be a wonderful product in 3-6 months, but for now I would wait for them to work ou t the glitches and for their employees to be trained so there is support availab le if you need it. &nbsp;</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">8</ span> out of <span class="strong">12</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-16271748" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4116982" ><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="" alt="4116982" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class="h elpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><spa n class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" popup" alt="4116982" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn-c srfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-354186875" class="report-this-review reviewId-411 6982"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" rtreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4116982" data-bntrack="Repo rt" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">R eport this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this rev iew has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-27 ">November 27, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong">

<span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r5" title="Average rating of 5 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="5" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">I have to admit that I am an Amazo n customer - I buy all my hard</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I ha ve to admit that I am an Amazon customer - I buy all my hardcover books from the m. But when it comes to tablets, Barnes and Noble excels. I upgraded from the Nook Color to the Nook HD+ and absolutely love it. The screen is incredible. W atching TV shows and Movies (which I use it a lot for) is amazing and reading bo oks on it is a joy. The resolution is superior than the Kindle fire that I have . The weight is lighter then the Kindle fire so holding it feels great in your hands. <br/><br/>My only recommendation is that I wish it had 4G cellular rath er then just Wi-fi. Maybe next time. </p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">8</ span> out of <span class="strong">8</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1701438755" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-409102 9"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4091029" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4091029" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1027843290" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 91029"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4091029" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">Scott-Michael</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-26 ">November 26, 2012</p> <p><a href="#" data-bn-rel=" m/reviews-Scott-Michael/" rel="nofollow">more from this reviewer</a></p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r2" title="Average rating of 2 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">B&amp;N went the other way on memo ry on the new Nooks. Out of 32</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">B&am p;amp;N went the other way on memory on the new Nooks. Out of 32GB total memory, only 4GB is available for B&amp;amp;N content, which defeats the purpose of hav ing a microSD card slot.</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">8</ span> out of <span class="strong">17</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-903463668" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4087376 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4087376" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4087376" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1263397969" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 87376"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4087376" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-20 ">November 20, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong">

<span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r5" title="Average rating of 5 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="5" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">I have been in love with NOOK sinc e I bought the Nook Color, the</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I ha ve been in love with NOOK since I bought the Nook Color, then the Nook Tablet. A nd now I am CRAZY for the Nook HD+! I use it for everything. It is always with m e; the sleek design makes it easy to slip in my bag or purse. The calendar app i s an amazing addition! It's great not to have to load a 3rd party app to sync my calendars for my business and personal appointments. And once I was able to get Flash Player installed, I can view my own websites as well as any other on my N ook. Of course reading books and magazines are heightened with the fantastic HD screen. I can't say enough great things about this tablet. Don't hesitate, get o ne! You will love it! </p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">8</ span> out of <span class="strong">9</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1781788968" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-406552 2"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4065522" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4065522" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1273868304" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 65522"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4065522" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">Brooklyn1</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-19 ">November 19, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r3" title="Average rating of 3 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="3" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">In brief. Flaws galore 1. No flash . 2. No way to organize books </span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">In b rief. Flaws galore 1. No flash. 2. No way to organize books for your preference. 3. Browser closes intermittently. 4. No pandora. 5. Other profiles are not easy to manage.6. No running clock in reading mode. 7. Touch response is sluggish. 8 . Expand contract stinks. 9. Three tries to submit this reviews.<br/><br/>Nook c olor touch was fine...considering returning HD+</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">8</ span> out of <span class="strong">11</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-698125010" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4061728 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4061728" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4061728" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-618530385" class="report-this-review reviewId-406 1728"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" rtreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4061728" data-bntrack="Repo rt" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">R eport this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this rev iew has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">LaurieMae</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-19 ">November 19, 2012</p>

</div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r2" title="Average rating of 2 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">I'm very disappointed in the Nook HD+. The touch screen is slugg</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I'm very disappointed in the Nook HD+. The touch screen is sluggish. Sometimes requi ring 3 or 4 tries. I have the nook 7&amp;quot; tablet, and the touch screen is v ery responsive. I'm returning the HD+ and keeping my 7&amp;quot;tablet until th e HD+ has been updated a little. I do like the size of the screen, and the color s are beautiful, particularly with the HD. But, for my money, I'm sticking with the 7&amp;quot;.</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">8</ span> out of <span class="strong">9</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1200440547" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-405867 5"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4058675" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4058675" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1941574525" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 58675"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4058675" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-12-10 ">December 10, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r5" title="Average rating of 5 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="5" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">You can find the HDMI Adapter Kit at Target stores or through B</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">You can find the HDMI Adapter Kit at Target stores or through BN online</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</ span> out of <span class="strong">7</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1679104262" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-413391 4"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4133914" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4133914" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-2028545202" class="report-this-review reviewId-41 33914"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4133914" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-12-09 ">December 9, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r1" title="Average rating of 1 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="1" />

</span> <span itemprop="name">Haven't purchased one yet and they already have one strike again</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Have n't purchased one yet and they already have one strike against them, just spent over 5 minutes waitinmg for an answer to a question for online support from the Chat now experts that are supposed to be available and no one repsonded.<br/><b r/><br/></p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</ span> out of <span class="strong">24</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1523356685" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-413158 0"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4131580" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4131580" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1725893777" class="report-this-review reviewId-41 31580"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4131580" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-12-02 ">December 2, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r2" title="Average rating of 2 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">The Words with Friends App cost $2 .99....(very few of the entert</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">The Words with Friends App cost $2.99....(very few of the entertaining games are fre e)....the latest version features ads after every word play. Very disappointing as they cause the screen to freeze. Load a live wallpaper app and it doesn't n ot work....they nickel and dime you for everything and it doesn't even WORK prop erly.<br/>I've had this tablet a week and am considering returning it, as the ap ps have a lot of problems and the battery life is much lower than I was told at the store. it goes about 4 hours... nice screen graphics though.<br/><br/></p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</ span> out of <span class="strong">13</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-725434380" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4109174 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4109174" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4109174" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1389572463" class="report-this-review reviewId-41 09174"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4109174" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-25 ">November 25, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r3" title="Average rating of 3 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="3" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">Great product with an outstanding

screen but be warned - B&amp;B</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Grea t product with an outstanding screen but be warned - B&amp;amp;B have taken the shortsighted decision to prevent you buying apps from elsewhere, so when they do n't have the app you need, your out of luck.</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</ span> out of <span class="strong">11</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-422763241" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4082926 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4082926" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4082926" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1198280878" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 82926"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4082926" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">LEChakan</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-23 ">November 23, 2012</p> <p><a href="#" data-bn-rel=" m/reviews-LEChakan/" rel="nofollow">more from this reviewer</a></p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r5" title="Average rating of 5 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="5" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">Outstanding! So much so that afte r spending a week with the HD+</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Outs tanding! So much so that after spending a week with the HD+ that my hubby gifte d me for my birthday, I reciprocated by gifting him with the smaller HD (his pre ferred size). We started out with the Classic Nook, moved up to the Simple Touch , and now are enjoying the pants off of these HD devices! From display quality to email, apps, and even watching streaming vids off of our Netflix account. Wi thout a doubt, the best and most comprehensive e-reader device for the money, b ar none!</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</ span> out of <span class="strong">8</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1778542516" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-407493 3"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4074933" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4074933" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1693656553" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 74933"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4074933" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">AShoe</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-19 ">November 19, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r3" title="Average rating of 3 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="3" /> </span>

<span itemprop="name">Poorly constructed. One week after I bought this I noticed tha</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Poor ly constructed. <br/>One week after I bought this I noticed that the plastic co rners were peeling up even though it's been in BN's &amp;quot;Groovy Stand&amp;q uot; since the moment it came out of it's package and I barely used it. I took i t back to the store and they exchanged it for a new one but now, two days later the new one shows signs of doing the same thing though it's not as far as long. I'm not sure if it's the cover that's causing the problem or a flaw in the Nook itself but either way it's unacceptable. I'm getting a different cover today and hopefully that will solve the problem.<br/><br/>Otherwise, the graphics are gre at and I enjoyed a watching a TV show on it. The app selection is decent but cou ld certainly be better. My web browsing experience so far has been good but it d oes seem to freeze on occasion. At this point I'm not sure if I'd recommend it as I'm not sure whether I just got a couple of duds or if its the case that caus ing the problem.</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</ span> out of <span class="strong">8</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-1747161789" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-405944 5"><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www." alt="4059445" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class= "helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><s pan class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" n/popup" alt="4059445" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn -csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitte d" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1525589922" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 59445"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4059445" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-19 ">November 19, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r3" title="Average rating of 3 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="3" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">I recently received my Nook HD+. I love the light weight and th</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I re cently received my Nook HD+. I love the light weight and the screen is wonderfu l. Plus I love the bigger screen for reading - haven't tried viewing a movie ye t. I'm rating it a 3 due to issues I've encountered which I hope B&amp;amp;N fi xes VERY SOON! The Nook Cloud appears to not be working properly. I placed som e books in Cloud to see how it worked but, when I tried to retrieve them I was u nable to retrieve some of them. Plus they did not show in Archive like the guid e book said they would when stored in Cloud. There's supposedly a fix in the wo rks for this but, as for the time frame to be fixed, they couldn't provide one. I was told to order movies you had to go through the Shop option on the Nook HD +. Why can't you buy them through the B&amp;amp;N website? The user guides are not very helpful and with this being my first tablet, trying to get things to w ork is getting a little frustrating. They need to have trouble shooting tips. Starting to wonder if I should have kept my Nook Color instead of giving it to m y son and his family. I had loved my Nook Color so, a little disappointed at th e moment with how things are going with my new Nook HD+. Hopfully once B&amp;am p;N gets the issues fixed and the updates are installed, this rating will change for the better for me. </p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">7</

span> out of <span class="strong">7</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1771422796" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 58683"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4058683" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

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<p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-20 ">November 20, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r2" title="Average rating of 2 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">My nook hd + keeps turning itself off. Im about to return it im </span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">My n ook hd + keeps turning itself off. Im about to return it im so frustrated</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">6</ span> out of <span class="strong">8</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-32145124" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4063904" ><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="" alt="4063904" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class="h elpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><spa n class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" popup" alt="4063904" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bn-c srfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1275476124" class="report-this-review reviewId-40 63904"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4063904" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-17 ">November 17, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r5" title="Average rating of 5 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="5" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">The Nook HD+ is perfect! I am so i mpressed! It's everything I've</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">The Nook HD+ is perfect! I am so impressed! It's everything I've been wanting in an e-reader. Reading on it such a pleasing experience. I have owned the first gen n ook, the tablet and now this one. I really loved the tablet as well and my husba nd now owns one and he loves it. But I am seriously in LOVE with the HD+. The s creen size is perfect and comics look amazing on it as well!</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">6</ span> out of <span class="strong">7</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-352305988" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4052482 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4052482" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4052482" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-402797469" class="report-this-review reviewId-405 2482"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" rtreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4052482" data-bntrack="Repo rt" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">R eport this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this rev iew has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">C_Hall</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-11-15 ">November 15, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong">

<span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r3" title="Average rating of 3 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="3" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">I'm Having problems watching the v ideos on how it works. It NEVE</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I'm Having problems watching the videos on how it works. It NEVER loads! :( I just w anted to see it in action I gave it 3 star just because I have not used it. I wa nt too see the videos or try one Can we go to Barns and noble and try one and se e?</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">6</ span> out of <span class="strong">24</span> people found this review helpful.</p >

<span id="WasThisHelpful-rnd-230648371" class="was-this-helpful reviewId-4048248 "><span class="default" style="">Was this review helpful? <a href="https://www.b" alt="4048248" data-bntrack="HelpfulYes" class=" helpful-trigger" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">Yes</a><sp an class="vert-sep">&nbsp;</span> <a href=" /popup" alt="4048248" data-bntrack="HelpfulNo" class="helpful-trigger" data-bncsrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">No</a></span><span class="submitted " style="">Thank you for your feedback.</span></span>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1040822308" class="report-this-review reviewId-40

48248"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4048248" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2013-02-28 ">February 28, 2013</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r1" title="Average rating of 1 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="1" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">Let me begin by saying that I JUST UPGRADED MY NOOK to an HD PLU</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Let me begin by saying that I JUST UPGRADED MY NOOK to an HD PLUS and the very next day, they started offering GIFT CARDS for a purchase.<br/><br/>Now I just GOT AN OTHER EMAIL and the gift card INCREASED TO 50 BUCKS. &nbsp;<br/><br/>NOT FAIR. & nbsp;NOT FAIR. &nbsp;NOT FAIR. &nbsp;Where's my gift card??? &nbsp;280 dollars l ater. &nbsp;<br/><br/>Secondly, I have gone through HELL to sync up UltraViolet to play on there... the device doesn't have permissions apparently with UV to pl ay items. &nbsp;<br/><br/>I had to install VuDu and Flixter and spend nearly a W EEK contacting each of THEM to get my dvd to play that I &amp;quot;UPLOADED&amp; quot; yet it says it was UNSUPPORTED. &nbsp;(The image of my movie shows up on m y nook though!!!!)<br/><br/>I love Nook. &nbsp;I do. &nbsp;But following the new s recently and seeing that B/N is stopping production on the device and most of the stores are closing, I am seriously ANGRY at this company.<br/><br/>No wonder customers are switching to Amazon. &nbsp;I am furious. &nbsp; The &amp;quot;tec hnical support&amp;quot; at B/N is terrible. &nbsp;They have no idea how to use the device and said &amp;quot;Well, no one's buying them. &nbsp;I usually work i n books...&amp;quot;<br/><br/>And did I tell you how angry I am that you are giv ing discounts and gift cards now???<br/>NOT FAIR. &nbsp;NOT FAIR NOT FAIR.<br/>I have my device INFO too if you don't believe me. &nbsp;Box and all. &nbsp;I may return it though and get a Kindle if I don't get a response from you guys. &nbs p;<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Seriously angry and disappointed.</p>

<p class="review_count"><span class="strong">5</ span> out of <span class="strong">6</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-1576173696" class="report-this-review reviewId-44 98012"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" ortreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4498012" data-bntrack="Rep ort" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g"> Report this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this re view has been flagged.</span></span>

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<div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p>Anonymous</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2013-02-10 ">February 10, 2013</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r4" title="Average rating of 4 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="4" /> </span> <span itemprop="name">Upgraded to the Nook HD+ last week when my Nook Tablet finally g</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">Upgr aded to the Nook HD+ last week when my Nook Tablet finally gave out. I have had the Nook Simple Touch and the Nook Tablet. B&amp;amp;N was very helpful, they ga ve me a full credit for my Tablet because it was still under warranty. Applied t he credit to the Nook HD+. <br/>I picked the HD+ because of the huge screen. The screen is large and really high quality. So far the screen is great when watchi ng videos and playing games. The touch screen responds much faster than my Nook Tablet. It also charges much faster, and retains the charge much longer. I only have to charge it every other night, rather than every night. Although I pretty much only use my Nook to read, the other features were as expected. Overall an i mprovement over my Nook Tablet. <br/>The Nook HD+ took some getting used to. Som e sections are not very user friendly, but after playing around on it for a few hours, I quickly got the hang of it.<br/>A little disappointed by the selection of Apps in the App Store, but having already had a Nook Tablet, I was already us ed to that. I use my Nook for reading mostly, so the smaller selection of apps i sn't that big of a deal to me. <br/>I was also disappointed with the variety of cases out there for the Nook HD+. I had a sleeve for my Nook Tablet, but there a ren't any for the Nook HD+. I wanted a light weight case that would just protect the Nook from scratches while in my purse or backpack. Ended up buying a generi c tablet case from Vera Bradley. <br/>Overall, I am very satisfied with my Nook HD+. </p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">5</ span> out of <span class="strong">5</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

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<span id="ReportThisReview-rnd-236241206" class="report-this-review reviewId-441 8148"><span class="default" style=""><a href=" rtreview/nook-hd-plus-barnes-noble/1110060512" alt="4418148" data-bntrack="Repo rt" class="report_review" data-bn-csrfToken="mD2bZVAb5x4zunZfaDUOtUiSx51nZG6g">R eport this review</a></span><span class="submitted" style="">Thank you, this rev iew has been flagged.</span></span>

</div> </li> <li class="review-body box" itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="h ttp://"> <div class="horiz_rule"> <div class="fade-in"></div> <div class="fade-out"></div> </div> <div class="customer_info c15-3col"> <p itemprop="author">Ron-O</p> <p>Posted <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2012-12-03 ">December 3, 2012</p> </div> <div class="review_content c15-11col c17-13col"> <h4 class="review_title strong"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=" ng"> <span class="stars-small r4" title="Average rating of 4 out of 5 sta rs"></span> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="4" /> </span>

<span itemprop="name">I got the NOOK HD+ 2 weeks ago, an d it is my first tablet/e-read</span> </h4> <p class="review_summary" itemprop="reviewBody">I go t the NOOK HD+ 2 weeks ago, and it is my first tablet/e-reader. I am very impres sed overall. The display is amazing, my BIKE magazine looks better than the prin t version. It does have its limitations, one, it would be great to have a camera . two, it doesn't have the widest selection of apps and movies, but i expect tha t will improve over time. three, i wish i could buy music on the nook store. In All other respects, the nook HD+ is a solid performer. Lightweight, good speed. The screen keyboard is easy to type with, which was a big concern for me.</p> <p class="review_count"><span class="strong">5</ span> out of <span class="strong">5</span> people found this review helpful.</p>

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