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Subject : English Date : Theme Topic 10 JUNE 2013 : World of Knowledge : Unit 10 Getting around Time : _____________ Class:

: ___2_________


: 1.2 Listen and Respond appropriately in formal informal situations for a veriety of
purposes. Vocabulary : car, bicycle,ferry,motorcycle

Teaching points : Listening and Speaking

Learning Objectives : By the end of lesson pupils will be :able to listen and respond to the vehicles names. Do now starter activity to engage students 1. Teacher shows school map via laptop. 2. Eg : helicopter,motorcycle,car,ferry 3. Pupils name the vehicles shown by teacher. 4. Teacher draws pupils attention to the topic for today. Connection to previous lesson/prior learning 1. Transportation Learning Episode 1: (Remember to challenge & motivate and ensure all can be successful) 1. Teacher tells about how do she come to school. 2. Pupils listen carefully to the information given by teacher. Learning Episode 2: 1. Then teacher asks pupils how does they come to school. 2. Pupils (one by one) tell how they come to school. Learning Episode 3: 1. Pupils in pair tell their partner about their favourite vehicles. Eg: My favourite car is Proton Saga. I like white colour car. 2. Then their partner asks some wh question to their partner. Check your partner can do the 3 things on our feet today? I CAN name the vehicles shown by teacher. I CAN listen carefully to the information given by teacher. I CAN tell my partner about my favourite car/vehicle. Moral Value Teaching Aids


politeness Laptop.


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