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Psychoanalysis Lens

Ego: What is visible? Behaviour observed by others? In the story the narrator is viewed as someone thats different from the societys view. She doesnt fit in to the gender role at the time. My grandmother came to stay with us for a few weeksI kept myself free. (52) Her grandma views her as rebel, someone that doesnt do stuff that shes suppose to, and do stuff that she is not suppose to.

Superego: What is conflicted? Whats conflicted is that although her parents wants her to stay inside the house and help out in the kitchen, but the narrator doesnt want to stay inside. And at almost the end of the story, although the right thing that she is supposed to do is shutting the gate so that Flora wouldnt escape. But instead, she kept the gate open so that Flora can runoff. I think this is the point where she changes; she starts to act more like a girl, she couldnt bear to see Flora killed so she didnt do anything. Instead of shutting the gate, I opened it as wide as I could. (56)

Id: What is desired? The narrator, who is also the main character in this short story, had different desire in the beginning and elf of the story. In the beginning of the story, she dreamed about being a super hero, saving everyone I rescued people from a bombed building (47) At the end of the story, after many things have happened, the narrator had a change in opinion. Her character moves more towards being a woman, doing what the society think what a woman is suppose to be like. She starts acting more like a girl, the stories that she tells herself changes from saving people to someone thats being saved. Then things would change around, and instead, somebody would be rescuing me.(58)

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