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Enunciation, intonation and voice projection are some of the basic elements in the crafts of story-telling. 1.

Explain the basic elements in the above statement and the benefits of mastering the elements. Provide examples to justify your answer. - Basic elements of enunciation Verbal enunciation- act of speaking clearly Good enunciation- act of speaking clearly and concisely and pronouncing words clearly Bad enunciation- when people dont pronounce each syllable of each word properly and words get slurred together. - The benefits of mastering the elements Strengthening and stretching the muscles involved in speech Focusing on habitual speech patterns which may be problematic Clarity making sure what you say can be heard - Basic elements of intonation
Rising Intonation - means the pitch of the voice rises over time Falling Intonation - means that the pitch falls with time Dipping Intonation -means the intonation falls and then rises Peaking Intonation - means the intonation rises and then falls

- The benefits of mastering the elements Gives clues about the attitude of the storyteller Signal attitudes towards a situation make the storytelling more interesting to listen to to stress the important parts (e.g. Moral values). Basic elements of voice projection Pronunciation cleared Sounds relaxed Speed controlled The benefits of mastering the elements It makes ones pronunciation clear so that everybody can understand him. It enables the speaker to have complete control on the rate of speech. It helps in bringing variance in tone while singinor during a speech. It helps in providing relaxed sound which is pleasing to hear.

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