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LCPS Career and Technical Education Work Group Agenda/Minutes

EPSS CTE Attendance Record Date Location Time October 16, 2013 PDC Organ Mountain Room 4:00 pm Members Present: Christina Mullins, Jeff Waugh, Josh Silver, Wendi

Miller-Tomlinson, Joanie Anderson, Taryn Fogle, Gabriela Alaniz, Elisa Cundiff, Rachel Knight, Lisa McVann, Victoria Ortiz, Lauren Curry, Larry Evans, John Ray Tapia, Carrie Hernandez and Joy Walkey
Members Absent: Representatives from MHS and RGPI

Agenda items discussed (Main ideas both unfinished and new) Introductions (5 min) Housekeeping (5 min) Mission and Goals for CTE (10 min)

Idea, Discussion, or Actions

Establish the point of contact (lead) for each school

Priorities -Establish Pathways based on current classes -Evaluate vertical alignment -Determine action steps Meeting was called to discuss consistency and alignment of CTE programs across LCPS. We want to work towards common outcomes on the other end (graduation pathways). It would be good to look at dual credit and articulation so that we can eventually use the Synergy CTE graduation plan. We should look at calibrating the programs across all schools so when students move around, they can still stay on their graduation pathway. This team will also look at the Carl Perkins grant and begin to plan and assist with the funding to help grow and start new programs as needed. Down the road, the group with bring in the Middle School magnet programs and guide magnets to help their students towards the high school programs and develop possible foundation courses/programs that could be implemented in the middle school settings.


LCPS Career and Technical Education Work Group Agenda/Minutes

CTE Priorities Project Lead the Way- Engineering and BioMed need some vertical alignment Collaboration time Clarify Language used across district (Pre-requisites, etc) Increase STEM base knowledge Increase tech skills being taught in Mid School or more exposure in Mid School Stronger Computer Science pathways district wide since this is a high need field in New Mexico and nationwide Stronger explanations of breadth of the pathways and informing students more of what the pathways actually mean for them in regards to their future.

CTE/Course Worksheets (35 minutes)

Gather information about what LCPS currently has in place -Using the provided worksheets, document what classes are offered and how they may fit into proposed pathways -If time allows, determine which pathways are not needed at this time and which pathways need to be added (see NM Occupational Shortages and Surpluses)

Charts to be attached with data collected during meeting and to be disseminated to schools to continue working on with their CTE departments.

Next Steps: Actions to take & responsibilities (Who? What? When?), Outcomes, Next meeting items? Share with all the CTE staff at each high school the charts and add to and revise for your schools. We want to move quickly to make sure we get all schools onto the same page before planning for next year gets into full swing. Next Meeting Date and Location: Tentative date set for Wednesday November 20, 2013 (due to schools accreditation schedulesthis will be reviewed and changed)


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