2013 Dual Degree Info Session

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Not sure what "teaching" and "Home Economics" really means?
Come to our Info Session to learn more.
Friday, November 8
Nutiition anu Bealth Builuing:
22uS East Nall FNH 130
12 - 1:30 pm

!"#$%&'()'*$% ,- .$" /$%01 Bome Economics teachei at Fiasei Beights Seconuaiy
in Suiiey! A cuiient N.Eu. stuuent in the Faculty of
Euucation, }oe's cuiient inteiests incluue innovative
leaining uesigns, passion-baseu leaining, anu
tiansfoimative inquiiy. Bis unueigiauuate woik at
0BC incluueu a combination of Foou Nutiition Bealth
anu Family Stuuies concentiations, which inspiieu
him to puisue an exciting uegiee in Bome Economics
euucation! }oe is cuiiently an inuustiy mentoi foi
Sociology stuuents in the Faculty of Aits anu looks
foiwaiu to connecting with piospective Bome
Economics euucatois.

#$%&$'( )%*+',+: Natalie Lim: Faculty of Lanu anu Foou Systems, & Bette Shippam:
Faculty of Euucation Teachei Euucation 0ffice.

-./#: bit.ly16tx7jS.

Info: lanufoou.ubc.caunueigiauuatepiogiamsfnhfoou-nutiition-health

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