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Liceo Politécnico Name:

A- 23
Inglés 1° Medio B Date:

Guía: What are you doing? (Present Progressive)

Aprendizajes Esperados: A través de esta guía de trabajo los alumnos

aplicarán el contenido visto en clases sobre el Present Continuous, realizando
diferentes ejercicios los cuales ayudarán al desarrollo de la habilidad escrita del
Idioma Extranjero, Ingles.

Instrucciones: A partir de todo lo visto en clases, individualmente realiza

las siguientes actividades. En la primera parte, deben elegir la alternativa
correcta para cada oración y escribirla en el espacio dado. En la actividad
número dos, deben mirar la foto y elegir un deporte y escribir la acción que
ocurre en el momento, utilizando correctamente el Present Continuous. La
última actividad consiste en observar las imágenes y completar los espacios
otorgados con el present continuos, modificando el verbo que aparece en

Reading a brief explanation…

Present Continuous or Present Progressive refers to actions that are in
progress. Present Progressive talks about what is happening at the
moment. Examples: I am explaining my students something new to
learn. They are listening to me.

Let´s put in practice our knowledge.

I. - Look at the pictures and choose the correct alternative about what they are

1. - The Simpsons are __________________

a) jumping b) dancing c) sleeping

2. - Lisa and Bart are ____________________

a) running b) smiling c) screaming

3. - The boy is ___________________

a) riding his bicycle b) drinking water c) laughing

4. - Hello Kitty is ________________ a flowered kimono.

a) sewing her kimono b) reading about kimonos c)


5. - James Hetfield is _____________________ the guitar.

a) talking to the fans b) playing c) singing

6. - Lucas Barrios is ___________________ soccer.

a) playing chess b) running c) playing soccer.

II. – Write sentences about the actions that are occurring. Use present
progressive. You can also write on your notebooks. ( write at least 6 sentences).

Example: They are playing basketball.

III. - Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct use of
present progressive.

1) Family Guy members ______ ______________ (watch T.


2) Wisin & Yandel ______ _________________ (sing)

3) Goku and Majinboo ______ _________________ (fight)

4) Paris Hilton ________ _______________ (shop)

Try to do
your best!!

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