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[October 23rd, 2013 Wednesday 05:30 AM. IST]

soriT mhlw 5 ] puqR klqR lok igRh binqw mwieAw snbMDyhI ] AMq kI bwr ko Krw n hosI sB imiQAw AsnyhI ]1] ry nr kwhy pporhu dyhI ] !i" #wiego D!mu bwdro ieku Bw#hu rwmu snyhI ] rhw u ] qIin sMi$Aw kir dyhI kInI #l k!kr BsmyhI ] hoie Awmro igRh mih b%Tw kr& kwr& ibsrohI ]'] Aink Bwiq kir m&Iey sw#y kw(% qwig prohI ] q!i) #wiego s!qu bwpury i*ir pw+% p+uqohI ],] i#in qum isr#y isri# s-wry iqsu iDAw-hu idnu r%nyhI ] #n nwnk pRB ikrpw DwrI m% siqgur .) ghyhI ]/]/] bu0D-wr1 2 k0qk 3sMmq 5/5 nwnk4whI5 ', Akq!br1 '61, 3AMg7 8695 pM#wbI i-AwiKAw 7 soriT mhlw 5 ] hy BweI: pRq;1 iesq;I1 <r dy hor bMdy qy =nwnIA> 3swry5 mwieAw dy hI swk hn ? A@Ir -yly 3iehn> i-(oA5 koeI BI qyrw mddgwr nhIA b&ygw1 swry B!Tw hI ipAwr krn -wly hn ?1? hy mnu0K: 3inrw ies5 srIr C hI ik uA lw"> nwl pwldw rihMdw h%AD 3i#-yA5 D!A>1 3i#-yA5 b0dl 3 uE" #>dw h%1 iq-yA ieh srIr5 nws ho #wiegw ? isrF prmwqmw dw B#n kirAw kr1 uhI Asl ipAwr krn -wlw h% ?rhw u? hy BweI: 3prmwqmw ny5 mwieAw dy iqMn gu&> dy Asr hyT rih& -wlw qyrw srIr b&w id0qw1 3ieh AMq C5 pw&I dy1 ku0iqA> dy1 #>1 im0)I dy h-wly ho #>dw h% ? q!G ies srIrH<r i-( 3Awp&y Awp C5 Amr smB ky b%Tw rihMdw h%A1 qy #gq dy m!l prmwqmw C Bulw irhw h%A ?'? hy BweI: Anyk> qrIikA> nwl 3prmwqmw ny qyry swry AMg5 m&ky b&wey hnI 3pr suAws> dy5 k0(y Dwgy i-( proey hoey hn ? hy inmw&y #I-: ieh Dwgw 3Aw@r5 )u0) #wiegw1 3hu& ies srIr dy moh i-( pRB! C i-swrI b%Tw h%A5 i*r smw i-hw #w& qy h0Q mlyAgw ?,? hy BweI: i#s prmwqmw ny q%C p%dw kIqw h%1 p%dw kr ky q%C soh&w b&wieAw h% us C idn rwq 3hr -yly5 ismrdw irhw kr ? hy dws nwnk: 3Ardws kr qy AwKJ5 hy pRB!: 3myry uqy5 myhr kr1 m%A gur! dw Awsrw *KI r0K> ?/?/? English Translation: SORATH, FIFTH MEHL:
Children, s !"ses, men and #!men in !ne$s h!"seh!ld, are all %!"nd %& Ma&a. At the 'er& last m!ment, n!ne !( them shall stand %& &!") their l!'e is t!tall& (alse. ** + ** 0a"se ** O man, #h& d! &!" am er &!"r %!d& s!, It shall dis erse li-e a .l!"d !( sm!-e) 'i%rate " !n the One, the Bel!'ed /!rd. ** There are three #a&s in #hi.h the %!d& .an %e .!ns"med 1 it .an %e thr!#n int! #ater, 2i'en t! the d!2s, !r .remated t! ashes. He .!nsiders himsel( t! %e imm!rtal) he sits in his h!me, and (!r2ets the /!rd, the Ca"se !( .a"ses. ** 3 ** In 'ari!"s #a&s, the /!rd has (ashi!ned the ** 4 ** He .reated %eads, and str"n2 them !n a slender thread. The thread shall %rea-, O #ret.hed man, and then, &!" shall re ent and re2ret. &!", and a(ter .reatin2 &!", He ad!rned &!" 1 meditate !n Him da& and ni2ht. 5!d has sh!#ered His Mer.& " !n ser'ant Nana-) I h!ld ti2ht t! the


!rt !( the Tr"e 5"r". ** 6 ** 6**

Wednesday, 7th Katak (Samvat 545 Nanakshahi) 23rd October, 20 3

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