Portfolio Language Arts

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Writing Portfolio Evaluation Language Arts 10H Ms.

Lavin Name: Period: Date:

All answers should e !om"leted thoughtfull# and !om"letel# in well$written "aragra"hs.

Listed below are the titles of pieces Ive written this school year in Language Arts, ranked in order of their importance to me, followed by a reflection (history of the piece) on each one: #1 Most effective piece of writing and why %enre: &itle:

#2 Most effective piece of writing and why %enre: &itle:

#3 Most effective piece of writing and why %enre: &itle:

#4 Most effective piece of writing and why %enre: &itle:

'hoose a "a"er for ea!h of the following !ategories and e("lain #our !hoi!e.

Most difficult to write and why %enre:


Most enjoyable to write and why %enre:


y pieces of writing in polished, final drafts, are numbered consecutively from most important to least important! "n each paper, I have labeled in the margin and have highlighted some e#amples of what Ive learned or can do (which are checked off below)! $rom the papers, there are at least %& areas indicating my skills'growth! An effe!tive title An effe!tive lead that egins inside A strong transitional senten!e )trong ver s M# est senten!e Eviden!e of a !omma rule learned Eviden!e of effe!tive use of a semi$ !olon A !on!lusion that resonates and satisfies Eviden!e of "rewriting Effe!tive use of ri!h* sensor# detail Effe!tive use of dialogue )imile or meta"hor Eviden!e of voi!e Eviden!e of "eer hel" 'lear eviden!e to su""ort an argument Language that is +'ut to the ,oneAn effe!tive +)o What.Effe!tive use of the +Power of /Effe!tive use of re"etition Meaningful line rea0s in "oetr# Effe!tive use of +&houghts and 1eelingsA !lear* well$written thesis An e(am"le of +Wa#s to Develo" 'hara!ter2se of a +Most 'onfused- word 2se of a word from a thesaurus

Where do #ou need to still grow as a writer. E("lain in a rief "aragra"h.

(otal number of novels Ive read this school year: Listed below are my top ten novels (titles and authors) that I liked the most (ranked in order with )% being the best)! Ive also included one to two sentences about why I liked each novel! 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. :. 10. E("lain how #ou;ve grown as a reader <minimum of two "aragra"hs=.

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