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After reading through References To Theme Attributes I am trying to reference th e value of an attribute in the my custom theme that I have

set. I am applying a user-defined style to a CheckedTextView <CheckedTextView android:id="@+id/contactInfo" style="@style/ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle" > </CheckedTextView> The user-defined style is defined as , <style name="ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle" parent="@style/ListViewRowStyle"> <item name="android:checkMark">?android:listChoiceIndicatorMultiple</item> </style> My theme I created is defined as: <style name="YellowGreen" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar"> <item name="android:listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@drawable/btn_check_holo_li ght</item> </style> However, the checkMark styling that gets displayed is the device's default theme 's drawable and not my user defined drawable. The only way I can have my drawable displayed is with : <style name="ListViewCheckedTextViewRowStyle" parent="@style/ListViewRowStyle"> <item name="android:checkMark">@drawable/btn_check_holo_light</item> </style> But that defeats the whole purpose of overriding this attribute, especially sinc e I would like to override this attribute in multiple themes. Why is this not working?

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