Personal Details: Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae

Ade Ilham Personal !etails

"ame #ddress Ade Ilham (l. Pam)lan* Permai &lo! A+, -o..+ /0' 12/ /W' +1 3ecamatan Pam)lan* 4 #ip)tat +52+6 78.,56+9,2+81, 78..+92%%.65, Ilhamade5.:; Pan*!alan &randan, .6th ()l; +9,6 Male $in*le M)slim Minan*/ Indonesia /eadin*, listen the m)sic, pla;in* "as!et "all, swimmin*

$elephone %&mail Place ' !ate of Birth ender (arital Status )eligion $ribe ' "ationality Blood roup *obbies

+ormal %ducation
,--./ $M< M.A Ali;ah =epo! ,--0/ $MP 0sanawi;ah 0an**eran* 1222/ $= -e*eri Pam)lan*

"on 3 +ormal %ducation

,--4 3 ,--5/ >anesha peration, &e!asi tim)r ,--2/ &&P03?- =epna!er 0ena*a 3er@a ?)ar -e*eri 3e@)r)an 0e!nolo*i Informati!a AI0B ,--./ &&P03?- =epna!er 0ena*a 3er@a ?)ar -e*eri 3e@)r)an 0e!ni! ?istri!

Computer & Language Literacy

Computer Software : Operating System Microsoft Windows XP / Vista Word Processor Ms. Word Spread Sheet Ms. Excel Presentation Ms. Power Point Web Browser Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, raphic !esign Ado"e Photoshop #$ % Language : &ahasa Indonesia' Excellent

pera, Floc!

Curriculum Vitae
Ade Ilham Seminar and $raining
Seminar ' $raining 0e!ni! =asar Pemeliharaan Air #onditioner AA#B Promoter =epna!er 9ear .11,

6ob %7perience
Profession Mar!etin* $P? 8nstitution P0. #;"er F)t)res P0. $ec)rindo Pac!atama Indonesia P0. $ec)rindo Pac!atama Indonesia Periods .119 .1+1



I, the )ndersi*ned, certif; that to the "est of m; !nowled*e and "elief, the information proCided a"oCe correctl; descri"es m; D)alifications, m; experience, and me. I )nderstand that an; willf)l misstatement descri"ed herein ma; lead to m; disD)alification or dismissal, if en*a*ed. 0his #V is made "; m; *ood intention to "e )sed "; an; parties that mi*ht need it.


Ade Ilham

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