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Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for your password when assist ing you.

[6:41] pjcc: yo deep rank? [6:41] k1ss m3 im h0t: yoyo i can play in like 30 min [6:41] pjcc: ok ill play a game to warm up then [6:41] k1ss m3 im h0t: mmk [7:10] : 3 min yo [7:10] pjcc: ok [7:13] k1ss m3 im h0t: tammy asked me to get her to gold lol you should just get on her account after you get gold and ill duo with you [7:14] PJcc: lol eh idk if she wants me on ehr account but ill ask ha [7:15] k1ss m3 im h0t: it would feel weird for me and theres that pressure i fuck around and have fun on my own account lol [7:15] PJcc: lol the fuck... [7:17] k1ss m3 im h0t: lol dude when i play on my main account i see some random shit that works so crazy top blitz [7:17] PJcc: lol wtf [7:18] k1ss m3 im h0t: those guys are fucking good dude [7:18] PJcc: damn i wanna play some plat niggas haha [7:18] k1ss m3 im h0t: playing on that account is stressful as fuck [7:18] PJcc: haha damn [7:18] k1ss m3 im h0t: if you make one mistake the other team just carries it aw ay [7:18] PJcc: shit thats pretty intense lol [7:19] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah man which build are you going with ez? [7:20] PJcc: my usual not blue haha not comfortable with it [7:20] k1ss m3 im h0t: ah kk [7:56] PJcc: good shit haha [7:57] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah man lol those pro plays we make a good team haha [7:58] PJcc: hahaha [7:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: your ult finished shit off [7:58] PJcc: lol i didnt mean to ks though that one time you had him haha [7:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: nah man its cool lol [7:58] PJcc: lol [7:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: another? [7:58] PJcc: yeah [7:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: you want any role? [7:59] PJcc: mm ill take adc again haha [7:59] k1ss m3 im h0t: ok

if you want mid lemme know [7:59] PJcc: ok do you have kass on that account? [8:00] k1ss m3 im h0t: nah [8:00] PJcc: ah damn kk [8:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: yo dude i actually have to leave for like 30 min fuck [8:01] PJcc: ah shit aight dude its cool [8:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: how long do you have tonight [8:02] PJcc: damn idk tbh cause i was out all day tired as f might pass out in an hour or two [8:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: ahh yeah i just got back from work like a hour before last gam [8:02] PJcc: oh damn yeah me too around that time just so drained too much walking around n shit [8:03] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah i know the feeling well if you play good luck yo [8:03] PJcc: aight thx dude i might stay up tonight just depends if im not too tired [8:04] k1ss m3 im h0t: oh sweet that would be cool [8:04] PJcc: ill try haha i really wanna rank i might only just play with you cant trust anyone else lol [8:04] k1ss m3 im h0t: lmao yeah we make a good team [8:04] PJcc: yeah we do ha lets look into some tourneys n shit for s4 we gotta get good niggas though [8:05] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah for sure mid and adc is set [8:05] PJcc: you should get vincent back yeah [8:05] k1ss m3 im h0t: hes in singapore [8:05] PJcc: vin can top haha ohh wait [8:05] k1ss m3 im h0t: and his comp is slow [8:05] PJcc: is he coming back? [8:05] k1ss m3 im h0t: not for a while [8:05] PJcc: ahh shit [8:05] k1ss m3 im h0t: he lives there [8:05] PJcc: damn ah well well find someone one way or another [8:06] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah for sure

alright yo afk for a bit [8:07] PJcc: aight dude kk [8:42] : yo you there? [8:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: yo yeah sorry shower then food [8:58] PJcc: all good aight dude [8:59] k1ss m3 im h0t: yo after this one imma drink... when i drink i have one g ame where i play better than normal right after i drink then after that first ga me i suck dick so imma stop [8:59] PJcc: lol damn aight [9:00] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah i really suck after that first game [9:00] PJcc: lol you smokin spice too? [9:00] k1ss m3 im h0t: i have some [9:00] PJcc: ah wait where do you buy yours? [9:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: smoke shop but dude ive had it for a while and i smoke it after i drink probly like 2-3 times a week only one hit per night [9:01] PJcc: oh damn ha thats what i do with weed usually just smoke once at night before is leep [9:39] : so gay dude this support fucked me over and no jungle ganks either [9:39] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah dude thats where im at on my other account they had two plats [9:40] PJcc: ah shit [9:40] k1ss m3 im h0t: stressful hah haha [9:40] PJcc: yeah dude lol [9:40] k1ss m3 im h0t: i want this mmr to go down hopefully that game will make us not have anymore plasts plats but yeah the only reason we lost that game is because of kha only reason [9:40] PJcc: yeah if he gankd bot we woulda been fine but not 1 gank [9:41] k1ss m3 im h0t: he ganked top 5 times before 5 min [9:41] PJcc: oh wow [9:41] k1ss m3 im h0t: they didnt even get passive [9:41] PJcc: damn only if he made those ganks count woulda had a chance [9:42] k1ss m3 im h0t: brb yo imma drink

[9:42] PJcc: kk [9:42] k1ss m3 im h0t: the first game i play better so dw [9:42] PJcc: aight haha [9:42] k1ss m3 im h0t: its the second one that i suck [9:48] : kk back but you saw that right dude its not like they got lucky we got legit outplayed [9:48] PJcc: yeah lol [9:48] k1ss m3 im h0t: and paid for mistakes [9:48] PJcc: ^^ small mistakes costed us like annie not warding 2 deaths was because of annie didnt ward she was decent just needed to know when to ward thats all [9:50] k1ss m3 im h0t: do you feel confident in your mid skills? [9:50] PJcc: yeah [9:50] k1ss m3 im h0t: take mid ill support [9:50] PJcc: ok sec [9:54] k1ss m3 im h0t: fuck times wasting yo i have that one drink game where i do good before booze gets all crazy [9:55] PJcc: aight haha [9:56] k1ss m3 im h0t: fuck [9:56] PJcc: sup [9:56] k1ss m3 im h0t: i can only support zil [9:56] PJcc: oh shit [9:56] k1ss m3 im h0t: its fine [9:56] PJcc: dude you can mid [9:56] k1ss m3 im h0t: im good zil [9:56] PJcc: lol you sure? aight [9:56] k1ss m3 im h0t: yeah [9:56] PJcc: sick [9:56] k1ss m3 im h0t: who you want? ill buy fast [9:56] PJcc: mm fizz [9:57] k1ss m3 im h0t: hmm i only have 13736 hes most likely gonna get banned [9:57] PJcc: oh sec [9:57] k1ss m3 im h0t: just pick one that wont be banned idc the price [9:58] PJcc: damn im not sure cause [9:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: fck it ill get fizz [9:58] PJcc: i like to do unorthodox mids [9:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: he wont be banned in plat and you got zil?

[9:59] PJcc: yeah [10:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: lol dude me too you have seen people hate on mid eve [10:01] PJcc: lol [10:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: but fizz is not unorthodox [10:02] PJcc: ah yeah i meant others haha like trist, ez, malph [10:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: i tried mid zil for a while [10:02] PJcc: ill fuck shit up with them [10:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: im 50% win loss but some of those losses are me supporting with zil so my mid is higher win [10:03] PJcc: damn haha [10:07] k1ss m3 im h0t: get w/e [10:58] : tomorrow ill make it up to you [10:58] PJcc: damn haha wasnt your fault [10:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: i owe you [10:58] PJcc: nah dude haha [10:58] k1ss m3 im h0t: 2 games ill give you that when you wake up [10:59] PJcc: ok sounds fair enough [10:59] k1ss m3 im h0t: sober as fuck [10:59] PJcc: lol ahaha im down i aint doin shit tomorrow [10:59] k1ss m3 im h0t: ok [10:59] PJcc: so ill be on most of the day [10:59] k1ss m3 im h0t: ok dude i have a lot of overlaping friends between my two accounts [10:59] PJcc: lol nice [11:00] k1ss m3 im h0t: and they are asking me to help them its not nice [11:00] PJcc: oh hahahaha i thought you meant like plat friends ha [11:00] k1ss m3 im h0t: they are like, " THAT FAST" [11:00] PJcc: lol damn [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: OK [11:01] PJcc: yeah dude the way you carry [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: let me get you to gold [11:01] PJcc: i bet they would want you [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: tomorrow [11:01] PJcc: oh shit [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: then we are done [11:01] PJcc: im down dude aight [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: i need to help others esp this one girl not tammy dw [11:01] PJcc: lol

haha idc shes not even an interest to me anymore [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: another girl [11:01] PJcc: ah [11:01] k1ss m3 im h0t: why not? [11:02] PJcc: well idk [11:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for y our password when assisting you.[9:51] xRAWRtammy: im backkk[9:51] k1ss m3 im h0 t: hey welcome back xD[9:51] xRAWRtammy: thankss [11:02] PJcc: i kinda feel like she was playing me this whole time [11:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: thats all we talked but she wanted me to boost her [11:02] PJcc: oh lol [11:03] k1ss m3 im h0t: i dont have her account or password but i was on my phone and she was gonna give me it but i asked her to wait [11:05] : jt you there? [11:05] PJcc: yeah its cool haha [11:06] k1ss m3 im h0t: play with me tomorrow morning [11:06] PJcc: im down yo [11:06] k1ss m3 im h0t: [11:03] : im about to go to sleeepi tireddo you want my pw[11:04] k1ss m3 im h0t: i dont even know your username loli never got on your account[11:05] xRAWRtammy: xrawrtammyBeauty&Beast i consider this a job lets do this tomorrow you are my duo low ass mmr [11:10] PJcc: FUCK FUCK OMFG [11:10] k1ss m3 im h0t: what? [11:10] PJcc: FUCK TAMMY UGHHHHHHHH fucking shit [11:10] k1ss m3 im h0t: what? [11:10] PJcc: GOD FUCK LIFE ugh [11:10] k1ss m3 im h0t: what dude [11:11] PJcc: so mad right now i cant type [11:11] k1ss m3 im h0t: why [11:11] PJcc: give me a few to cool off ill tell you [11:11] k1ss m3 im h0t: talk to me [11:11] PJcc: 2 mins hold on [11:11] k1ss m3 im h0t: if i smoke ill be like not talkable to haha [11:11] PJcc: i think i need a drink right now brb [11:12] k1ss m3 im h0t: nigga you are my nigga tell me wtf

if tammy is bothering you i will ignore that bitch and never talk to her again. never. [11:12] PJcc: fuck dude [11:12] k1ss m3 im h0t: again. [11:12] PJcc: thats respect right there ty but nah ugh idk where to begin ok so ill start from the very beggining so [11:13] k1ss m3 im h0t: wait [11:13] PJcc: you know how we had that shit going on together? [11:13] k1ss m3 im h0t: you know im drunk now right [11:13] PJcc: oh wait can i tell you still? [11:13] k1ss m3 im h0t: yes. [11:13] PJcc: or might not be a good idea [11:13] k1ss m3 im h0t: you can. [11:13] PJcc: ok [11:13] k1ss m3 im h0t: and i do know [11:14] PJcc: so first of all ive never had a girlfriend before tammy so i was really attached to her like i was crazy about her up until the point where i started to notice she isnt really into me she might be talking to me so she can feel good about herself or shes talking to me so she can make her ex jealous whihc is my step bro anyway i decided to stop all this fake shit and make it serious so i spilled my heart out for her one day and asked her out told her i wanted to spend every moment with you blah blah blah* she replied with "i dont want a relationship at all" [11:16] : so right at that moment i was like wtf why flirt with me for months and not get serious? i was pissed deleted her from league and fb didnt talk for 2 weeks i play a game of league and there she was

on the other team so we became friends again after that i noticed i still had feelings for her still crazy about her so then to fix it i decided to take a month long break from tammy didnt tell her i was going to but i just did we didnt talk at all she tried calling me and i didnt answer that whole month i was smoking weed \24/7 to help me forget about tammy it worked [11:18] : i also rolled 2 times that month and did acid all those drugs made me think about all the horrible shit she has put me through and then all my feelings for her went away not completely im just not crazy about her anymore just want to be friends so today she was asking jsut now* why was i gone for that month i told her i couldnt tell her said i was busy she got mad cause she thought that i would rather be "busy" than talk to her so she was like i hate you [11:20] : i hate you dont talk to me that was ebfore she logged off so i decided fuck shes mad i need to tell her why i took that break i was going to then shes like dont say anything from now and logs off dude im kinda drunk right now sorry for typing like this but yeah thats what im so mad about she wouldnt let me tell her and now she thinks im an asshole [11:21] k1ss m3 im h0t: 11:02] k1ss m3 im h0t: Please remember that Riot employe es will never ask for your password when assisting you.[9:51] xRAWRtammy: im bac kkk[9:51] k1ss m3 im h0t: hey welcome back xD[9:51] xRAWRtammy:

[11:22] PJcc: ? i didnt want to tell her because she thinks i dont do drugs i mean were just friends n shit but i hate how she gets mad at me and its by habit that i get really mad when she does idk dude maybe im just crazy maybe she is but ugh why is she like this? always messing with my head fucking girls. thats the reason why i wanted to stop talking with her she makes me feel like shit depressed everytime she does this to me and its not healthy man i just wanna be happy fuck. [11:26] : you still there? you dont have to say anything i just needed to get that off my chest

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