Pathophysiology of Peptic Ulcer Disease Definition

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PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE Definition: Peptic ulcer disease is an excavation (hollowed-out area) that forms in the mucosal

wall of the stomach. Erosion of a circumscribed area of mucous membrane is the cause.

Predisposing Factors Age (40- 0) #ender &ifest%le (Alcohol ingestion) (amilial tendenc%

Precipitating Factors ! "alignant tumors ! #astric $%peracidit% ! 'tress ! )rritating (oods

*amage to mucosa with alcohol abuse+ smo,ing+ use of aspirin - .'A)*/s

Acid - pepsinogen release with chronic vagal response to increased stress

)nfection with $elicobacter P%lori

*amaged mucosal barrier

)mbalance of aggressive defensive factor

&ow function of mucosal cells0 low 1ualit% of mucous0 less of tight 2unction between cells )nfection gives increased gastrin decreased somatostatin production

Erosive gastritis3 inflammation !! decreased acid and intrinsic factor "ucosal ulcerations+ possible bleeding and scarring

A damage mucosa could not secrete enough mucus to act as a barrier against gastric acid. 'evere ulcerations3 Signs and symptoms: Epigastric pain $ematemesis *%spepsia p%rosis

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