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Industrial and Welding Grade Nitrogen gas for typical industrial and welding use is at least 99.

5 percent pure. It is the least expensive and most commonly available grade of nitrogen gas. This type of nitrogen is often used along with another gas such as argon or acetylene for welding purity is not as great a concern as it is with nitrogen that is used for other purposes. !ead more" What #re the Nitrogen $urity %pecifications & Grades' ( e) http"***info+,-59.,.+nitrogen/purity/specifications/ grades.html0ix112#3yN4u%a Nitrogen $urity 5evels These are typical purity levels. We are able to supply many other grades6 certified gases6 mixes and pressures to fit your re7uirements. Nitrogen Industrial Grade minimum purity 99.986 )29 : ;< ppm6 =2 : ;9 ppm 3ra1ing 3ra1ing is a process that is well matched for $%# generated N2. Nitrogen provides a blan>et over the product that prevents decolori1ation and oxidation during bra1ing process. #t 99.58 purity6 some decolori1ation occurs6 but there is still very little oxidation and no structural impact on the bra1e itself. ?our choice of purity is really dependent only on the importance of the finished loo> of your product.

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